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Draft of Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards (ISO)

Guide—Dialogue (Permanent Peace in Three Minutes)

Country—In the UN Global Governance this is a collective term for the three levels of super-country, country and sub-country.
In reading, please remember—the Articles take up the mission of Permanent Peace and inviolable and inalienable human rights.
Question: What contribution does the Constitutional Standards of Permanent Peace (abbreviated as Constitutional Standard) make to the world?
Answer: These Constitutional Standards precede action like lightning comes before thunder, removing the root causes of war and advancing peace—such as:
When there was a charter: The 1215 Magna Carta, the Petition of Rights, the Bill of Rights and other glorious revolutions were all successful.
When there was no charter: The Revolutions of 1848 (the Springtime of the Peoples or the Springtime of Nations), the Vietnam War, Arab Spring and Afghanistan War—all were failures.

Question: How the Constitutional Standards provide new solutions to global challenges? Can these Constitutional Standards dialogue with the world in one sentence?
Answer: “One Earth, One Set of common laws" is the prerequisite for human family, security and prosperous and a necessary and sufficient condition for reducing global defense budgets by forging swords into plowshares to eliminate war, plagues, pollution and poverty.

Question: Are the Constitutional Standards merely a utopian dream, or a panacea?
Answer: In the end, there are only two ways forward for humanity: peace or destruction. These Constitutional Standards bear a historic and a priori mission, and each article is grounded in the reality of common sense and rationality as well as the ideals of peace and truth.

Question: In the global village, what are the primary beliefs in values of the Constitutional Standards?
Answer: Belief in liberal sharing-ism, constitutional communalism and world republicanism[1]. History shows that totalitarianism, expansionism, and extreme nationalism are all sources of chaos caused by dictators.

Question: Are the Constitutional Standards applicable to all systems around the world, including nations and states, provinces and municipal and autonomous entities?
Answer: The Constitutional Standards are based on the three government levels of supranational, national and subnational in the UN Global Governance and are implemented on a voluntary basis as an essential tool for all governments and for-profit and non-profit organizations.

Question: Who is the enemy of the Constitutional Standards?
Answer: There are no enemies and no enemy nations, there are only institutional and voluntary choices. The basis of the constitutional standard of reconciliation and symbiosis is a system that transcends parties, sects, ethnic groups, nationalities, blood relations, languages, cultures and time and space.

Question: Have you heard this argument? People have the right to refuse to abide by the law, yet they also have the right to formulate laws?
Answer: The right to draw up a constitution is not subject to the law, but is rather derived from the power of the people, who determine whether the state is a republic or monarchy, a single state or a federal state; and whether the government is democracy or dictatorship, and whether human rights are inherent or bestowed by human actions.

Question: The Constitutional Standards advocates "building a nation founded on freedom". Can you explain the core issue of reform and opening of freedom in one sentence?
Answer: The radio waves are owned by all people. One hour a week on TV and one item of information on the internet shall be free for political candidates to use. The nine major parties all have exclusive national radio channels, and smaller parties should have the same.

Question: The Constitutional Standards advocates "building a nation founded on democracy". Can you explain the core issue of reform and opening up of democracy in one sentence?
Answer: Military officers, civil servants and education officials must pass the graded exams on constitutional and international law. Use frequent voting to reconcile contradictions, disagreements and objections that arise constantly, training people to go to the polls rather than taking to the streets.

Question: The Constitutional Standards advocates "building a nation founded on human rights". Can you explain the core issues of reform and opening up of human rights in one sentence?
Answer: Spending money on campaigns is forbidden to ensure the integrity of elections and guarantee that human rights, environmental rights, peace rights and development rights will never lag behind those of other countries. The heads of executive, prosecutorial and judicial branches are elected annually, and a portion of legislative members must face election each year.

Question: The Constitutional Standards advocates "building a nation founded on rule of law". Can you explain the core issues of reform and opening up of rule of law in one sentence?
Answer: The real weapon to safeguard the permanent peace: Recognizes International law as the global constitution, the parent law of national constitutions, and jus cogens of peace. It directly creates rights and duties for all residents or individuals and both central and local governments.

Question: The Constitutional Standards advocates "building a nation founded on national legislation”. Can you explain the core issues of reform and opening up of national legislation in one sentence?
Answer: Install a matrix committee-centric system with none of the shortcomings of contemporary systems and infinite advantages for future generations, creating a state with three lines and a balanced three-party election system that allows grassroots public opinion to reach the legislature and the world arena.

Question: The Constitutional Standards advocates "building a nation founded on national administration". Can you explain the core issues of reform and opening up of national administration in one sentence?
Answer: The modified semi-presidential system features an elected president who nominates a locally-born prime minister with a wide base of public support to lead daily government operations, and all ministries and committees make public their global performance rankings every year.

Question: The Constitutional Standards advocates "building a nation founded on judicial and prosecutorial operations". Can you explain the core issues of reform and opening up of judicial and prosecutoribr>rations in one sentence?

Answer: District attorneys are elected in a one-vote/one-ballot system with two deputies according to votes received, and the nation will set up a database to compare global laws and regulations for deeper prevention, discovery and prosecution as well as an AI trial ruling prediction system.

Question: The Constitutional Standards advocates "building a nation founded on court and justice". Can you explain the core issues of reform and opening up of court and justice in one sentence?
Answer: Justice is responsive: the Chief Justice is elected by the people; half of all judges come from different nations on the five continents and there is constitutional global agreement and global review of constitutional violations; if no remedy is at hand for unconstitutional actions, everyone has the right to non-cooperation, non-violent resistance, and resistance.

Question: Will everyone benefit and no one be harmed by these Constitutional Standards? How to exclude the victims of constitutional reforms?
Answer: All current public officials shall stay in place. Any incomplete regulations among these principles and articles shall be regarded as intentional or negligent gaps in the constitution, and due process of law shall be stipulated by the constitution or by law. Any incidental damages shall be generously compensated.

Question: “One person is of more value than an entire world” (Good Shepherd Social Welfare Foundation -The Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd)—so what about my value?
Answer: You are the master of your country and you determine your own destiny. Integration with the Constitution and the sub-national, national and super-national levels of government means that your values are naturally the same as those of the world.

Question: What hope can I have for the future?
Answer: "People are like a virus" in the face of the Wuhan pandemic. With this constitution to protect oneself, and your nation and the world as an amulet, you can stride into the world and it will be with you and never betray you—how great you will be!

Question: Who should I believe?
Answer: "Don't believe the political and media circles, but rather use the Constitution to restrain them from doing bad things." Believe in the Constitutional Standards, using your mobile phone to compare the advantages and disadvantages of all legal systems, then choose the ones best suited to your needs. In so doing you will become a great politician and strategist in mere seconds.

Question: What should I do now?
Answer: Before the death knell of democracy tolls, and with no need to invoke the names or territory of nations or understandings among the international community, when the constitutional winds start to pick up, set aside two days to take up the initiative; you will find that the benefits are endless. (See Part Three—Contributions).

Question: How can I read the Constitutional Art of War and its set of political strategies and tactics in just 5 minutes?
Answer: Check the Table of Contents + Contributions=5 minutes. Then read the Preamble, Principles and Provisions again. After this you will fully understand and feel the comforts of Permanent Peace.

Draft of the Constitution of Permanent Peace (ISO)[2]


In view of the ubiquity of destructive weapons and battlefields from deep sea to outer space, these days the world is a very dangerous place. Once war breaks out, all will be completely destroyed. Hundreds of millions of people have already been victimized by the COVID-19 virus. Thus there is an urgent need for a set of ultimate standards for Permanent Peace to remove the root causes of war and maintain “human order and life on earth.” This is a development of natural law, a real system that is at your disposal and not an abstract concept or an unattainable ideal.

Those who understand successful reform first write up a constitutional version that conforms to the laws of nature. For example, the British Magna Carta of 1215, the Rights Petition of 1628, the Bill of Rights of 1689 and other glorious revolutions all succeeded, while on the contrary, movements that had no constitutional version—such as the Revolutions of 1848, the 20 years of the Vietnam War and 20 years of the Afghanistan War, and from 2010 to the present, the Arab Spring —have all failed miserably. With no model system to lead the way, corruption and even evil will sour the hearts and minds of the people. This shows that there must be a universally applicable strategic constitution that is applicable to the world to precede action, just like lightning precedes thunder, to be successful.

Therefore, the Permanent Peace Partnership (PPP) has integrated the wisdom and organization[3] of the laws of humanity over thousands of years, including natural law, international law[4], all laws of all nations, religious texts, principles of nationhood[5], authoritative doctrines and peace proclamations[6] affecting more than 20,000 NGOs[7], and condensed them into 2 General Outlines and 28 Articles that cannot be changed. They are natural laws[8] that cannot be exempted that make up the Constitutional Standards of Permanent Peace[9] (abbreviated: Constitutional Standards), which are presented to the world as an eternal "constitution of constitutions, a morality of moralities, a faith for all faiths, and a brotherhood for all brotherhoods[10]," to weed out the root causes of war.

Before it is too late, and without involving territorial disputes or country name disputes, and under the aegis of international understanding, we start with the subjectivity of people and land, using voluntary cooperation[11], at different speeds. These Constitutional Standards serve as a template, and using votes, peaceful petitions and non-violent means[12]—God helps those who help themselves—we will formulate new constitutions or special provisions that are applicable to all humanity, whether in a single nation or a single state, province, district, city or autonomous body as well as for-profit and non-profit organizations (including NGOs) as a tool for peace, security and sustainable development[13]:

Part One. Principium

1. [Natural Law, Truth, Jurisprudence and the Principles of Constitutional Standards]

In view of the fact that a solar system has maintained order for 5 billion years, this is thus natural law; when astronauts look down on earth from outer space, their perceptions of humanity change because of the spatial changes in the environment. People appear to exist both on the earth and in the sky. Therefore, heaven and earth are one: this is a truth[14] of natural law. In view of the fact that humanity has only two choices in the end: the unity of all laws—Permanent Peace; or the nuclear arms race—permanent destruction. Once war erupts unexpectedly, humanity will become ashes, proving that peace is the eternal truth[15], the life and the way, and that one earth with one set of laws is essential to maintain human order; also, the jurisprudence of natural law. Peace must be permanent, otherwise it is no more than a ceasefire. Peace cannot rely on force alone. No matter how powerful an empire may be, all wars eventually return to the domestic battlefield of "system performance" to verify the quality of the system. This is the principle behind the rise and fall of empires;

2. [Rule of Law Priorities under these Constitutional Standards]

The Constitution: is the incarnation of the people[16], and a code for the nation; it is the general will of the people[17] as well as a personal protection order. It is the greatest belief of all people and the greatest consensus of mankind. The right to make a constitution[18] unconditionally belongs to the people alone. If you give up the autonomy of making the constitution and have it made by others, you will be a scarecrow with a body but no soul. The constitution stipulates the principles of the legal hierarchy: when mandatory law[19] conflicts with international law, international law should be adjusted; when international law conflicts with domestic law, domestic law[20] (including the constitution) should be adjusted. When legal truth of Permanent Peace (multiple/common) law conflicts with national conditions and culture[21], what should be adjusted is national conditions and culture, not the legal truth (Figure 1)

3. [Constitutional Standards Are an Essential Part of Constitutional Codification]

These Constitutional Standards, like the UN charter, take "people" as the main subject[22] with a "Supranational level" (international organizations) ↹ "national level" ↹ "sub-national level" (state, province, region, city, autonomous republic) and other multi-level links in a system: the constitution to which this multi-level principle is applicable is called the "super-constitution[23]": the basic principles of this Constitution apply to any supranational, confederation or federal state and sub-national autonomous bodies (such as the US, Germany and Argentina’s state and provincial constitutions where each administrative region can develop their own characteristic provincial or regional autonomous charter). All of these adhere to the basic tenets of the Constitution of natural law, truth, jurisprudence and principle including: (1) Schutzklausen (Safeguard clauses) ~ protection of basic rights of the people, (2) Bindungsklausen (Binding clauses) ~ Keep the government from infringing on the rights and interests of the people, (3) Verfassungsauftrag (Empowerment clauses) / Constitutional mandates ~ stipulate that legislators are empowered by the Constitution and international law to formulate laws, (4) Programmsätze (Program sentences) / Staatszielbestimmung (Determination of national goals) ~ these clearly state that policies should be consistent with Permanent Peace for humanity and sustainable development[24]on the earth; the same as the kingdom’s realms of truth, goodness, beauty, and sanctity; it contains the basic clauses for natural human rights, environmental rights, peace rights, and the right to development. In the boundless human system of law, it will be an irreplaceable and everlasting Great Law, universally adopted and effectively followed in the process of world civilization;

4. [Operation of Conditional Standards]

(1) Operational procedures: Compare these with the design of the International Organization for Standardization’s (ISO) management and control program. It is used in the legislative, administrative, procuratorial, and judicial constitutional systems to achieve systemic interaction using the loop method and continuous rolling re-election and transformation, plus continuous integration into international standards (Figure 2)[25]; (2) Feasibility: For example, the Magna Carta in 1215, the Petition for Rights in 1628, and the Bill of Rights in 1689 were all successful non-violent glorious revolutions. For the same reason, nothing is necessary—simply activate this charter[26]; (3) Integrity: Integrate the thousands of years of laws and peaceful wisdom of humanity, compare the advantages and disadvantages using mobile phones, and use the best according to law (see our database). Promote integration of all laws, and you and I will naturally become model peacemakers and perfect citizens of the world. This will eliminate human pandemics, wars and nuclear crises in one fell swoop, and all will become eternal members of the world; (4) Eternity: sustainable operation will repair any defects, and the great will of the people will create a great system and a great nation. It will have none of the shortcomings of present systems, and it will create endless advantages for generations to come. This shows that these Constitutional Standards are the only way worth defending with people's lives for thousands of years in the future.

Figure 1: Priorities with the Constitutional Standards in Rule of Law system

Figure 2: Constitutional Standards and procedures for constitutional operations

Part Two. Articles


1. The Permanent Peace Constitution can be applied at the supranational level (public international legal entities), the national level (national public legal entities), and the sub-national level (regional public legal entities) in a voluntary manner and at different speeds. If any clause is deemed invalid, or a clause applied to any organization or individual or any situation is invalid, other parts of the constitution and the application of such clauses to other organizations or individuals or circumstances will not be affected[27].

2. The following clauses are directly effective basic laws that apply to legislation, administration, prosecution, and trial procedures.

Two Natural Concepts

1. Humanity will enjoy Permanent Peace[28], advanced constitutional standards in the International Standard Organization and building the world in long-lasting rule of law[29].

2. Sustainable development of the earth[30], promotion of government’s standards in the International Standard Organization and creation of enhanced global governance[31].

Twenty-Eight Laws of Nature

Section I. Permanent Peace —People’s Rights and Duties
Chapter 1. Permanent Peace Standards for Greater Freedom [32]

Article 1. Building a Nation Founded on Freedom[33]
The right to frame a constitution is the most sacred right[34] of the people. The constitution determines whether a nation is a republic or monarchy, a single state or a federal state[35], a democracy or a dictatorship. Respecting and protecting human dignity is a country’s most urgent obligation[36].

Article 2. Freedom to Reform[37]
Provide one hour of TV time a week[38], and one item a day on the internet, free for effective use by political candidates. At least nine political groups all have exclusive radio channels[39]. Political subsidies are limited to political groups and local governments shall handle them accordingly.[40].

Article 3. Freedom and Opening Up[41]
Elections are the most important element in education, distribution[42], reform, dialogue, unity and governance[43]. Registra

tion should be completed six months[44] before election day. Voting frequency and contents[45] are capped by the nation of Switzerland and the US state California, the two areas with the world’s highest per capita income[46].

Article 4. Safeguarding Freedom[47]
Anyone who abuses the rights of association or freedom of speech[48], preaching on behalf of dictatorships and spreading false information[49], attacking freedom, democracy[50], permanent peace, in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort[51]or committing crimes involving international law shall be prosecuted for anti-peace crimes[52].

Chapter II. Permanent Peace Standards for Great Democracy

Article 5. Building a Nation Founded on Democracy[53]
All for One, One for All[54] is the principle for building a nation and a world. Vote often to resolve contradictions or disagreements that continually arise, and educate the people to rationally choose to go to the polls[55] instead of fighting in the streets.

Article 6. Democracy and Reform[56]
All public officials (including popularly-elected leaders and representatives and military officers) must pass the constitutional and international law graded examinations, with question banks published a year in advance. Withdrawal from international security organizations or any amendment to the constitution that deprives humanity of peace must be passed by a 2/3 vote in a mandatory referendum[57].

Article 7. Democracy and Openness[58]
Foreign citizens[59] who have lived in a fully-democratic country for more than 30 years can run in elections for the Constitutional Standards country's leaders at all levels in accordance with the law. This will stimulate the international competitiveness of the leaders, stimulate the dynamics of the economy and trade, society, science and cultural, and help the people to globalize and integrate with international standards.

Article 8. Safeguarding Democracy[60]
Strictly control the flow of money, people, logistics, and information[61] from foreign countries. Referendum topics must be approved by 60% of voters[62]. The elected chief serves a term of five years, and together with his/her relatives is banned from running again in accordance with the law within six years of leaving the office[63]. Attempts to modify the term of office shall be deemed acts of rebellion[64].

Chapter III. Permanent Peace and Great Human Rights Standards

Article 9. Building a Nation Founded on Human Rights[65]
Creating the highest values in life[66], advocating basic constitutional standards, reforming all allocation of resources and creating permanent and peaceful development[67] are the most sacred rights of the people and the most urgent obligations of the country[68].

Article 10. Human Rights Reform[69]
Innate human rights[70] are superior to sovereignty[71]. Global human rights law takes precedence over domestic law[72]. Constitutional rights are a priori rights of human rights and unconditionally belong to all residents in the region[73]. Any victim has unlimited rights to private prosecution[74].

Article 11. Opening Up Human Rights[75]
Human rights issues are global internal affairs[76], and any human rights victim shall be regarded as a victim of all humanity. Half of the members of the National Human Rights Action and Citizenship Exercise Committee [77]are appointed by authoritative international human rights organizations[78].

Article 12. Safeguarding Human Rights[79]
Candidates are forbidden to spend money in elections. The winners shall swear that human rights, environmental rights, peace rights and development rights will never lag behind those of other countries[80]. The heads of the administrative, prosecutorial and justice departments are all elected annually. A portion of members of the legislature must face election each year[81], all eligible citizens are required to register and vote in elections.

Chapter IV. Permanent Peace Standards and Rule of Law

Article 13. Rule of Law as the Foundation of Nation Building[82]
The real weapon to safeguarding the permanent peace[83]: Recognizes International law as the fundamental law of the world, the parent law of national constitutions, and the jus cogens of peace. It directly creates rights and obligations for all residents and individuals as well as national and local governments[84].

Article 14. Reform of Rule of Law[85]
The constitution is the fundamental law of the nation. The laws of other nations shall form a part of domestic law, and the people can compare the merits and disadvantages of each, or propose legislation or make decisions through elections and voting on submitted unconstitutional reviews.

Article 15. Openness and Rule of Law[86]
Create a great civilization under rule of law[87]. Congress will set up ad hoc Generational Justice, International Law Development, and Universal Law Development Committees; members are distributed among various standing committees, nominated by the president, and like prosecutors and judicial chiefs must stand for election on a regular basis[88].

Article 16. Safeguarding Rule of Law[89]
Violations of the legal tenet that everyone is equal,[90] or disloyalty to the Constitution,[91] may lead to cancelling of fundamental rights. Draconian laws are illegal. No country is allowed to violate international law on the basis of conflicts with national conditions, the people's conditions or culture, or for any other invalid reason[92].

Section II. Permanent Peace - Basic Organization
Chapter V. Permanent Peace—Key Legislative Standards

Article 17. Global Legislation[93]
Global Concurrent Legislative Powers[94]: Integrate global order and the world’s myriad laws to create a unified system of human law. Lawmakers at the national or sub-national levels shall have legislative jurisdiction only where laws have not been enacted at the supra-national level[95].

Article 18. National Legislation[96]
Create a matrix committee-centric quasi-cabinet system[97] with none of the shortcomings of present systems[98] and endless advantages for future generations. The legislators are elected nationwide at-large nationwide, and three committees are listed on the same ballot each time they face election. Each voter selects only one of the three committees. The party with the highest vote in each committee is elected, ensuring that new forces enter Congress each time[99]. Bills can be put forward after discussion by the quasi-cabinet.

Article 19. Regional Legislation[100]
Localities must formulate a constitution[101] in accordance with these Constitutional Standards. Local councilors shall be elected in accordance with national legislature election rules, serving a single term of two years[102] with full election every two years. Grassroots public opinion must be heard in the legislature in accordance with the law[103].

Article 20. Advocating Legislation[104]
The legislature should create international organizations and make mandatory rules in international law take precedence over domestic laws; and they should provide guidance to nations or states, provinces and cities in establishing their own constitutional standards. Such actions shall be supported by special funds at least five ten thousandths (0.05%) of the total budget[105].

Chapter VI. Permanent Peace—Key Administrative Standards

Article 21. Global Administration [106]
Develop global governance for Permanent Peace, with global executive rights for competition and cooperation. When performing tasks on behalf of supranational organizations (the UN, etc.), national and local governments shall be considered executive agencies empowered by supranational organizations.

Article 22. National Administration[107]
Adopt a modified semi-presidential system[108]. The president is elected by the people; the prime minister must be born locally and have a solid foundation in public opinion[109]. Duties of the prime minister include day-to-day government leadership and responsibility for national defense. The various ministries and committees shall release their global performance rankings at the beginning of every year[110].

Article 23. Local Administration[111]
These Constitutional Standards are a prerequisite for peaceful development both internally and externally[112]. The rights of those who are more favorable in the place belong to the place, and enjoy the development rights of local legislation, administration, judicial, diplomacy, language, culture and environment[113].

Article 24. Constitutional Guarantees[114]
Ensure that the Constitution will serve as a tool for peaceful development. The President, civil officials, the armed forces, the church and its clergy[115] are all act as constitutional guarantors. Encourage integrity by offering high salaries. The President, armed forces commanders and judges shall remain neutral in elections and are banned from voting[116].

Chapter VII. Permanent Peace—Key Procuratorial Standards

Article 25. Judicial Prosecution[117]
The procuratorate exercises constitutional judicial and prosecutorial power[118] and has universal jurisdiction on behalf of the people. The Chief Prosecutor[119] is directly elected, as are district prosecutors and their deputies, ranked according to the number of votes received. Anyone accused of insulting constitutional guarantors shall be prosecuted[120].

Article 26. Justice and Development[121]
The constitution represents the general will of the people, and the signatures of five out of ten thousand citizens is enough to directly prosecute anyone who violates the constitution[122]. The state shall set up a database to compare global laws and regulations in order to enhance, prevent, discover and prosecute such actions, as well as implementing an AI trial ruling prediction system[123].

Chapter VIII. Permanent Peace—Key Judicial Standards

Article 27. Judicial Opening Up[124]
Justice shall be responsive: the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is elected by the people; international law applies first; the nation is bound by international judicial decisions; and half of all judges shall come from different countries on the five continents, enjoying tenure for life and national treatment[125].

Article 28. Liberalization of the Constitution[126]
Constitutional global agreement. Unconstitutional global review, priority reviews of violations of international law[127]. Except in cases involving unconstitutionality, if no remedy is at hand, everyone in the democratic world has the right not to cooperate, to resist non-violently or to protest[128].

Part Three. Contributions

Definition: The symbol "§1" represents Article 1 of the Constitution; "NGO" represents non-governmental organizations.

1. These Constitutional Standards are our contribution as a tool for Permanent Peace and sustainable development of "international law" (Attachment II):
The Constitutional Standards are the flower of international law, the fruit of international law, and the constitutional standards for international legalization. The constitutional standards in turn enhance the effect of international law. Thus the Constitutional Standards will naturally become the incarnation of "international law," which is a fundamental law of the world and the parent law of all constitutions (the fundamental law of the nation)." It is the mother law of all constitutions (the fundamental law of the country)" and will naturally become an absolute necessary condition for world peace and systemic unity. For this reason, the constitution states that: whether internationally recognized or not, the constitution guarantees the legal rank and effectiveness of international law, unconditionally overrides domestic law, and creates rights and obligations for all residents and individuals, as well as national and local governments (§13). In contrast, the constitution is based on the reputation of all residents, assuring international supervision of the nation’s constitution, obeying international law and ensuring peaceful order among humanity. For this reason, these Constitutional Standards clearly state the following: Freedom and defense—for those involved in violations of international law, crimes against humanity and peace (§4); public officials or military officers must pass constitutional and international law graded examinations. Any withdrawal from international security organizations or acts harmful to the peace of mankind and amendments to the constitution must pass by a 2/3 vote in a mandatory referendum (§6). Everyone is equal before the laws of the global village. No state can violate international law (§16) due to conflicts with national conditions, people’s conditions, and culture or for any similar reason; (It) creates a unified legal system for humanity , Lawmakers at the national or sub-national levels have legislative power only where laws have not been enacted at the supranational level (§17); In the judicial arena, international law applies first; international judicial judgments restrict the country; half of all justices shall come from different countries on the five continents (§27); unconstitutional global review and priority review of violations of international law, exclusive of violations of international law or the constitution. If no remedy is at hand, everyone in the world under the rule of democracy has the right to non-cooperation, non-violent resistance, and protest (§28). Only when people master the constitutional standards can they restrain the government from doing bad things and protect the people from want, fear, slavery, plague, civil strife, and foreign troubles. This is the first set of peace systems in 3,500 years that can be operated independently and permanently (similar to using the Bible to pray for peace). It is also available to autonomous entities among the 190 member states of the UN (not including the US, China or Russia) and countless states, provinces, cities and republics. It is a sacred constitution that people have never dared to dream of. The democratic world and all for-profit and non-profit organizations must promote this set of constitutional standards (ISO) offering the lowest cost, the lowest risk, the longest timeliness, and the greatest benefit.

2. These Constitutional Standards are a general rule for reform and opening-up, peaceful development of "National Constitutions", making a significant contribution to the world:
State power resides in the people, and authority resides in the constitution. The constitution is the general will of the people, a personal protection order, and a peaceful action order. That is, all government officials have a mission to protect the people and maintaining peace which is as urgent as constitutional law. The constitution states that: creating the highest value of life, advocating the universal standards of the constitution, reforming allocation and utilization of resources, and opening up laws and the government to seek peace forever—is the people's most sacred right and the nation's most urgent obligation (§9). Looking at human history, whether in the East or West, for thousands of years and from court battles to civil wars and external troubles, every page is covered with blood, and there is no system that is universal and easily applied. On the other hand, these constitutional standards not only enhance and reinforce the principles of peaceful development, they also establish a great cause for the people, a great love for mankind, a great law for the world, and a great unity for all nations. Time and space are boundless and the mysteries are boundless. The constitutional standards present evidence in the form of comparisons of the world’s top 20 countries, with 69% of the world’s population. Both China and Russia have a score of 0 on the constitutional scale of 100 (Attachment III). Comparing the 28 constitutional principles with the "28 US nation-building principles" shows them to be tools that will allow it to continue to shine (Attachment VI). Comparing various political systems (Attachment XIV) and various legislative systems (Attachment XV) reveals an innovative system with no shortcomings of the present systems and endless advantages for future generations (§18). For more than 80% of the world’s unfree, threatened or oppressed people, there are only two ways forward: courageously formulating a constitution to change out totalitarianism vs. maintaining their status quo as eternally-futile untouchables and cannon fodder. Don’t listen to so-called expert media and political and business celebrities who listen to the voice of the dictator to "compose" music. Do not swallow their claims that the oppressed are victims of "destiny," they only want to give your soul to him to control your physical accomplices, no one, organization, or government is more intelligent than the global millennium laws and regulations that are in your hands for you to choose the best. Freedom and human rights are always earned by the people. As long as their mobile phones can be used to download the 2,000 words of these constitutional standard, everyone can recite it once every Sunday, and within 5 years, the god of democracy will be with you. This is natural law, not superstition. All humanity is long overdue to be liberated from the fear of being ruled by totalitarianism. This is a cruel situation, not a presumption. (For details, please refer to Attachment III: Comparison of "Constitutional Standards")

3. These Constitutional Standards are a general rule for reform and opening-up, and peaceful development of "Sub-Constitutions", making a significant contribution to the world:
Regardless of whether a unitary or federal system is involved, the central government or federal government has an equal relationship with state, provincial and municipal governments, and all rights and obligations are based on the Constitution. The right of local self-determination and/or the right to make constitutions is protected by Article 1 of the two UN human rights conventions. The new wave of democratization among humanity is inevitably a civilized process of local democratization. Only when local democracy is ruled by law can the global wave of democracy and rule of law remain strong. In other words, the rights and obligations of the world's citizens[129] as “masters of the country (with the right to make a constitution) ↹ sub-national constitution (legal power of states, provinces and cities) ↹ national constitution (national legal powers) ↹ super-national constitution (international legal powers)'' With joint protection (§1~§16), is included in order to ensure that changes are made from the bottom up, working in one fell swoop to eliminate wars, plagues, pollution, poverty, civil strife and foreign aggression (§17 ~ §28). Looking further, the constitution clearly states: opening up law and politics in exchange for Permanent Peace is the people’s most sacred right and the state’s most urgent obligation (§9); local councils are an integral part of the legislature…(§19). The state should guide countries and/or states, provinces and cities to build constitutional-standards systems, supported by funding that is at least five ten thousandths of the total annual budget (§20 ); local levels of government serve as executive agents for supranational and state-level governments, enjoying development rights for local legislation, administration, justice, diplomacy, language, culture, environment, etc. (§23). Local Attorney Generals are chosen in single-vote single-ballot election systems, and first and second deputies are chosen according to the number of votes to form a multi-disciplined collegiate panel of prosecutors (§25). Considering the world situation, the government will not be bothered to give you my future promises: only you and I will can offer future assurances to national governments in the face of super totalitarianism. The comparative database of local constitutions ~ annex 4 is the section most likely to attract states, districts, provinces, cities and republics under the two totalitarian-power rule of Europe and Asia within 5 years to bravely follow, and the ideas and systems of Permanent Peace will take root.

4. These Constitutional Standards as a tool for the United Nations and more than 20,000 NGOs to continue and take advantage, make a significant contribution to the world (For details see Attachment V):
These Constitutional Standards are a charter with the fewest written constitutional provisions and the longest and widest scope in time and space ever seen. These are absolute necessary conditions for developing global Permanent Peace. This includes: global co-opetition in legislative power ~ to create a unified system of human law, the national or sub-national level have legislative jurisdiction only where laws have not been enacted at the national level (§17); global competition in executive power: when performing tasks on behalf of supranational organizations (the UN, etc.), state and local governments are deemed executive agencies empowered by supranational organizations (§21). In other words, the UN Sustainable Development Goals include 17 Goals and 169 Targets, which are all constitutional tasks; the UN Charter §2.4 (Prohibition of the Use of Force) has been recognized as customary law by the International Court of Justice and has become jus cogens, and the UN Charter is basic law signed by 193 countries, making it the mother law of each nation’s constitution. The constitution clearly stipulates. Excluding violations of international law or the constitution, if no remedy is at hand, everyone in the world has the right of non-cooperation and non-violent resistance (§28). Thus the more than 24,000 NGOs in 209 categories (see the official website of this Association) approved by the UN Economic and Social Council are all connected with the concepts and missions of these Constitutional Standards, and they are all auxiliary tools for NGOs to continue to develop, shine, and implement new concepts.

5. These Constitutional Standards serve as a tool to continued development and take advantage of religion in human rights, human dignity, rule of law, and peace (For details see Attachment VII):
The Constitutional Standards address the ideals and missions pursued by the world’s religions for 3,500 years, including 2.5 billion Christians (32.3%); 1.9 billion Muslims (24.4%); non-religious, including secularists, agnostics and atheists, 1.75 billion people (22 %); Hinduism, 1 billion people (13.6%); Buddhism, 560 million (6.9%); folk religions, 410 million (5.9%); and other religions, 370 million (4.8%). These standards provide a comprehensive set of peace systems that can be operated separately and permanently, offering the world a basically true and perfect "constitution for all constitutions, morality for all moralities, a faith for all faiths and fraternity for all fraternities." It can be used as a tool for all religious or non-religious believers to continue to develop their ideals and thrive. For this reason, the Constitutional Standards integrate the scriptures and teachings of many religions for thousands of years. Religious keywords comparable to keywords in the constitution are as follows: natural law, international law, save, peace, right, freedom, justice, truth, faith, life, hope, mission, angel, road, poverty, fear, righteous, heaven, task, cooperation, reconciliation, devotion, happiness, disease, weapon, love and care, violence, constitution, dialogue, science, divergence, human dignity, protection, unity, revelation, Almighty, war, pray, democracy, dictatorship and other ideological beliefs. See the Appendix 7~12, 17 for details. This shows that the Constitutional Standards are both branches of religion and the leaves of religion. It is the Constitutional Standards regarding religions that allow them to flourish. The Constitutional Standards in turn enhance religion, as tools for religion to continue exercising rule of human rights, rule of law, and peace and happiness—Proof: Human rights issues are global internal affairs, and everyone is equal in rights under international law (§10). People participating in government affairs and candidates in elections must ensure that basic human rights, environmental rights, peace rights and development rights will never lag behind those of other nations (§12). The President, civilian officials, military officers and public educators and religious clergy all act as guarantors of the Constitution. All of this is intended to ensure that the Constitution will be a development tool for the people and all for-profit or non-profit organizations (§24). Today, severe evolution in the world situation is as noted in the Preface above. There are only two ways forward for humanity: "peace or destruction". The age calls for the Almighty God to teach the truth of the path to Permanent Peace and development. Each leader will become a savior of Permanent Peace, and believers will be angels of Permanent Peace. This is an inevitable mission for saving humanity: "When there is division, wherever it may be, it promotes unity; where there is doubt, it inspires confidence; and where there is darkness, it sheds light.” (from US President Joe Biden's “Remember to Pray for Peace”, December 14, 2020).

6. These Constitutional Standards are a tool for "all to increase everyone wisdom, discover new truths, fulfil greater values and achieve the great harmony"
"People can stand on the shoulders of the giants of global laws and regulations (see our database), and use their mobile phones to compare the advantages and disadvantages of the laws of the world, choosing the systems best suited to their needs according to the law (§14), human nature and anti-righteous laws will reorganize the political order of mankind, and you become a great politician, a great strategist, a great educator, a great philanthropist, a great moralist...how great you will be. With these standards to protect yourself, protect you nation and protect the world as your tool, they will never betray you, only protect you, and protect your basic human rights and environmental rights and ensure that they will never lag those of other nations (§12). The President, elected representatives, military officers and public officials and religious clergy are your guarantors of the Constitution (§24). From now on, these Constitutional Standards will become an "eternal beacon, peaceful compass, invincible weapon, and nuclear nemesis". When the Constitutional Standards are widely adopted, nuclear and chemical weapons will be useless and will eventually be scrapped. Global defense budgets will be cut as swords are forged into plowshares and wars, plagues, pollution and poverty are all brought to an end. Only by adhering to the establishment of a constitution, saving oneself, saving the nation, and saving the world, can your values be realized in the states, provinces, cities and countries of the world. The universal world of freedom, democracy, human rights, rule of law, and legislation, administration, procuratorial, and judiciary will then be born.

7. The Constitutional Standards are the "ultimate system of mankind, the final destination of life", making a significant contribution to the world:
"Humans" are citizens of the earth. In the all-round competition among human beings, the outcome will be determined by the system. For the 50.6% of the world’s people under nondemocratic regimes (2020 Democracy Index), they will lose the iron curtains and chains, and the violence and lies[130] that confine them, and nothing else. But everyone will gain self-realization, their families living and working in peace and prosperity for generations. In the torrent of history, these Constitutional Standards will reveal the secret of heaven and become the "ultimate system for humanity and the final destination in life" worthy of universal trust and pursuit.


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Comparing global constitutions

Part Four. Attachments

I. Footnotes

1. These Constitutional Standards are not intended to maliciously criticize any nation or ruler, other than quoting facts for system comparisons.
2. For the benefit of all humanity, if there are any infringements on copyrights herein, please contact us so we can correct any abuses.

  1. "Republicanism" is based on autonomy, civil virtue, political liberty, equality, citizenship, self-government, and mixed government (mixed constitutions) as well as political action and other concepts constituting a theoretical political community.

  2. "ISO" definition: International Organization for Standardization (International Organization for Standardization: ISO). The output standards need to be prefixed with Arabic numerals after ISO to distinguish standard attributes. For example, the ISO 37001 Anti-Bribery Management System (ABMS) issued by the international standard on 2016-10-15 is aimed at International standards issued by the anti-bribery management system. The organization has issued more than 23,923 international standards by 2021, and they have all become national standards in various countries.

  3. See this association's global regulatory database: International Law, Global Constitution, State Constitutions, Criminal Law, Civil Law, etc.

  4. "The Practice and Source of International Law": In view of the fact that one earth and a set of common laws of the world are an absolute requirement for permanent peace. The constitution belongs to the people unconditionally. In order to break through the wicked laws and bad governance, the people’s constitution unconditionally practiced the Peace of Westphalia (1648) derived from natural law. All international laws are equivalent to international customs, higher than the national constitution, and directly affect their own country. The government and the people have rights and obligations. According to §38 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice, international custom can take effect without being signed, and §2.4 of the Charter of the United Nations has also been recognized as customary law by the International Court of Justice and has become jus cogens; Article 38 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice—(1) Main source of law: (a) International treaties/agreements (meaning that the legislative type is not a contract type); (b) International custom (that is accepted as a law as a proof of general practice, may take effect without being signed); (c) General legal principles are recognized by civilized countries (2) Sources of subsidies: (d) Judicial precedents; (e) The doctrine of the most authoritative public jurists in various countries; (f) Principles of fairness and kindness. Foreword of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties: It is confirmed that the rules of international customary law will still prevail for all issues not stipulated in the articles of this Convention. "International Customary Law": It is one of the main sources of international law, and its constituent elements include consistent acts of states and legal beliefs. The main rules are seven basic principles: sovereignty, recognition, consent, fidelity, freedom of the high seas, international responsibility and self-defense.

  5. "The 28 US principles of nation-building" are detailed in annex 6. This constitution serves as a tool for the "28 US nation-building principles" to continue to shine, extending the 2 basic concepts of this constitution and 28 laws of nature (commonly known as the 228 Charter).

  6. "Authoritative World Peace Proclamation": The Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards (abbreviation: Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards/Peace Constitutional Standards/Constitutional Standards). An exhaustive list of authoritative world peace proclamations: including UN world peace proclamations, peace concepts of various religions over thousands of years, world peace proclamations issued by the Pope every Peace Day for more than half a century, etc. For example, the Bible has prayed for peace, justice and happiness for more than 3,000 years. This sacred constitution for Permanent Peace based on natural law will yield concrete achievements. For details, please refer to Comparative Verification Overview " annex 7. This Constitution can be used as a tool for "Christianity" (2.5 billion Christians) to implement and shine.

  7. "More than 20,000 NGOs" refers to the 209 categories of NGOs with a total of more than 24,000 NGOs approved by the UN Economic and Social Council in 2021.

  8. "Connotations of the Constitution": This association uses the innovative "Eternal Law School" to target various schools: (1) Natural Law School, (2) Historical Law School, (3) Religious Law School, (4) Social Law School, (5) Comparative Law School, (6) Liberal Law School, (7) Interest Law School, (8) Historical Materialism Law School, (9) New Natural Law School, (10) Analytical Law School, through comprehensive research methods: Including (1) analytical research method, (2) historical research method, (3) comparative research method, (4) philosophical research method, (5) social research method to propose the ISO draft of the permanent peace charter standard; procedurally apply scientific methods to obtain humanity Consensus, such as: Delphi Law, the Management Cycle Method (PDCA), the Situational Analysis Method (SWOT), Organizational Structure, Grand Strategy Matrix/Strategic Matrix Analysis: A Primer, analysis and other comparisons, analysis, statistics, induction methods, etc., with no elaboration here.

  9. "Constitutional Standards of Permanent Peace" Whether you agree or not, permanent peace is an unstoppable historical process of mankind and a historical common cause that must be defended. Constitutional standards are the prerequisite for human rights standards and an essential element for permanent peace. The constitution is the fundamental law of the country. Also known as the charter or constitutional document, the basic law, it is the most basic law of a sovereign country, political entity or state, state, province, city, district, autonomous entity or international organization and its members.

  10. "The definition of " constitution for all constitutions …, and brotherhood for all brotherhoods": The 28 natural laws of permanent peace in this constitution are "absolute ethics." There are also the "Absolute Belief Code" and the "Absolute Fraternity Code". "Peace is the ultimate truth": Regardless of (1) the constitution of any country or regional government, (2) ethics and cultural customs, (3) political beliefs or religious beliefs, (4) loving all people and lands without distinction. The fraternity of things must take the principle of permanent peace as its core value. (5) Peace is the only "truth" of mankind. "All thoughts and beliefs": Includes any doctrine (see Wikipedia list), any kind of religion (see Wikipedia list); beliefs—must accept the idea of one solar system, one legal system for human permanent peace and order.

  11. "Voluntary cooperation, at different speeds, to advance Permanent Peace": This constitution is an unprecedented initiative for Permanent Peace. It should not be based on the blindness to realism of leaders of various countries. Democracies may also be in danger of falling; nor should it present any problems for the United Nations to examine it not from top to bottom, but rather from the bottom to the top, from inside out, and seeking voluntary compliance. It shall not involve other countries or places (state, province, district or autonomous republic). It is a system for specific purposes. Western saying "An egg is broken from the outside, only the end of a life, if it is broken by the power conceived inside, it is the birth of a life." For any country or autonomous body, there is only one opportunity, such as the French Revolution in 1789, the Spring of the European People in 1848, the May Fourth Movement in China in 1919, the Tiananmen Square in 1989, the Arab Spring in 2010 and the battle of Afghanistan in 2021 is the same. Looking at history and looking at the world, and promoting this constitution to change the world, may be an opportunity that is gone forever.

  12. "Non-violent glorious petition to draw up a constitution": This is a process of institutional competition between world peace and war, human civilization and barbarism. Human freedom, democracy, human rights, and the rule of law have never been given by those in power, but the people have tried all means to fight for it. Such as the "Glorious Revolution" such as the Magna Carta, which was forced to approve by the nobles in 1215, the "Petition of Rights" in 1628, and the "Bill of Rights" in 1689, which created a perfect political design. As for non-violent resistance, "may be the greatest invention of mankind in the 20th century, covering a global scale of the anti-climate change movement, allowing us to build a better 21st century. The author believes that the less peaceful the non-violent means, the better, and the rejection of violence but conflict is welcome. He thinks this is the ideal way to fight, and it may even be the best way to repair this fragmented world." See We Are Power: How Nonviolent Activism Changes the World. How terrible future wars will be. The world is developing devastating secret weapons. From nuclear weapons, photo-electricity, viruses, networks to information, there are weapons everywhere and battlefields from deep sea to outer space. Once unexpected factors cause war, everything will become ashes. Civilization will be completely destroyed, and hundreds of millions of people have been victimized already by the COVID-19 virus, which shows that humanity urgently needs a set of beneficial and harmless multiple common laws-a permanent peace charter, in order to draw money from the bottom and achieve peace (see the Preamble).

  13. "Continue to reform the "Charter/Constitutional Law" "Charter/Constitutional Law": The "Charter" stipulates the fundamental principles and spirit of the Constitution, such as the state system, government system, national sovereignty, separation of powers, and protection of fundamental rights, etc., which belong to the unchangeable part of the Constitution; "Constitutional Law" is based on the Charter. The premise is that, in accordance with the fundamental principles of the Charter, operations of various systems can be modified through the constitutional amendment agency, including the general outline, implementation rules, supplementary clauses, final clauses, transitional clauses, or time limit clauses for completion of the conversion. Each local government exercises its own rules.

  14. "Six Characteristics of Truth": 1. Conform to the facts; 2. Have consistency; 3. Have eternity; 4. Have comprehensiveness; 5. Have practicality; 6. Can only be known in faith (Christian scientist Huang Xiaoshi "Christian Daily")

  15. "The power of truth": super-constitution uses Galileo's Heliocentrism statement to explain the power of truth - “The truth has such power, the more you try to retort it, the more powerfully it will be proved by your attack.”

  16. "The constitution is the soul of the people and the soul of the country", the constitution is the general will of the people. The people as holders of sovereignty are the incarnation of God on earth, and the appearance of constitutional power is like a miracle. The political wisdom of the written constitution is actually a technique for resurrecting the soul; that is, returning the soul to the people through the body of the constitution. It can also be said that the Constitution is a "Sutra" left by the God of Democracy. This "Sutra" clearly sets out the people's authorization and commandments and spells out the government structure. People must recite this sutra frequently in order to ask the God of Democracy for protection. Therefore, believe in the constitution and at the same time, believe in sovereignty of the people; belief in the constitution is belief in the full sovereignty of the people. (Constitutional Power and Fundamental Law, p.35) Chen Ruihong. Einstein said: Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds.

  17. Carl Schmitt, a famous constitutional scholar, Constitutional Theory, (Jeffrey Seitzer ed. & trans., Duke Univ. Press 2008) (1928), p. 125: “the constitution must be a decision and every act of the constitution-making power must necessarily be command.”

  18. See the Constitution of Ukraine §5. Ukraine is a republic. In Ukraine people are the transmitter of sovereignty and unique source of power. People carry out power directly and through public authorities and organs of local self-government. Right to determine and changing a constitutional line-up in Ukraine is required exceptionally to the people and cannot be usurped by the state, its organs or public servants. Nobody can usurp state authority.

  19. "Jus cogens /peremptory norm": Translated as jus cogens: It is by no means changeable by any regime or generation of people, and any law that contradicts it is invalid. According to Article 53 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (VCLT): A treaty is void if, at the time of its conclusion, it conflicts with a peremptory norm of general international law. The following articles are generally recognized by the scope of enforcement covering jus cogens: norms include prohibitions against crimes against humanity, genocide, and human trafficking, also including 1) The prohibition of the use of threats or force in Article 2 of the UN Charter; 2) Conventions on the Prevention and Punishment of Crime of Genocide; 3) Conventions on Crimes Against Humanity; 4) Conventions on Human Trafficking; 5) Conventions on the prohibition of racial discrimination; 6) Self-determination; 7) The preamble of the UN Charter; 8) The relevant parts of the UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment - the Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness; 9) Enforced disappearance; 10) The crime of apartheid; 11) Forced religious belief or disbelief;; 12) Other inhumane acts of the same nature that deliberately cause serious suffering or cause serious harm to the human body or physical and mental health. Coercive law is the highest standard, which cannot be preserved and exempted from restraint. The country that violates the coercive law shall bear the responsibility of the state, and shall not excuse the violation of domestic law or force majeure to escape crime; and 13) Crimes within the jurisdiction of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Jus cogens is the highest standard, which cannot be preserved and exempted from restraint. The country or individual who violates the jus cogens shall bear the responsibility of the state and individual, and shall not be exonerated by violating domestic law or force majeure.

  20. "Take Taiwan as an example": see the Taiwan Constitutional Court (TCC), Interpretation No. 443. The principle of hierarchical legal reservations. Items that have a major impact on the basic rights of the people and public interests should be clearly stipulated by law, including constitutional reservations, absolute legal reservations (the Congress reserves exclusive parliamentary authority), and relative legal reservations (which may be transferred to the power of Congress), as shown in appendix figure 1.

  21. "When national conditions and conditions and culture of the people conflict with the principles of natural law, truth and jurisprudence", it is the conditions of the nations and the people that must be adjusted rather than the principles of natural law and truth. This association has accumulated 50 years of global constitution comparisons, looking at: legal constitutions such as that of the United States, political constitutions such as the United Kingdom’s, strategic constitutions such as Switzerland’s, and semantic constitutions such as those of China and North Korea, etc. There are no set standards to follow, there are only excuses used by dictators for thousands of years: "Oriental values", "national characteristics" and even the autocratic cycles of internal strife and external troubles and never-ending killings. Humanity urgently needs a global constitution and a set of universal constitutional standards (ISO) to end these pointless cycles.

  22. "Preamble of the UN Charter": We, the people of the United Nations, (not referring to specific countries) to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind, and to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small, and to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, and to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom, and for these ends to practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbors, and to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security, and to ensure, by the acceptance of principles and the institution of methods, that armed force shall not be used, save in the public interest, and to employ International organization for the promotion of the economic and social advancement of all peoples. "Authoritative Doctrine": Kelsen, General Theory of Law and State, pp. 343-348. Kelsen argued for “Direct obligating and authorizing of individuals by international law, 1. Individuals as direct subjects of International duties; 2. Individuals as direct subjects of International rights".

  23. "Super Constitution": The abbreviation of a permanent peace constitution that transcends parties, ethnic groups, and transnational boundaries. It is based on belief in one solar system and one legal system, and faith that creating legal systems can bring "Permanent Peace for humanity and sustainable development of the earth" as the core. Given that capitalism exploits people through capital to form an L-shaped rich and poor society, while communism or socialism with any characteristics whatever exploits people through the state, this is like Animal Farm claiming that all animals are equal. The two cannot give up their private interests in different systems. And if we are willing to do well in the world, if we choose any of these systems, we will not be able to eternally bring the highest happiness to our people and all humanity. Therefore we must create a system and doctrine that goes beyond all known systems and doctrines. The goal is to realize a truly human society with eternal happiness for human beings, and the way to achieve this is with the 2 basic ideas and 28 basic propositions of this charter.

  24. "Take Germany as an example": Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany § 24.2~3: With a view to maintaining peace, the Federation may enter into a system of mutual collective security; in doing so it shall consent to such limitations upon its sovereign powers as will bring about and secure a lasting peace in Europe and among the nations of the world. Article 24.3: For the settlement of disputes between states, the Federation shall accede to agreements providing for general, comprehensive and compulsory international arbitration.

  25. "…to change the things which should be changed"from Serenity Prayer- Reinhold Neibuhr, in these Constitutional Standards of Permanent Peace feedback, introduces the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) loop method of constitutional system management international procedures and standards, which combines legislative, executive, procuratorial and judicial systems to promote system interaction as well as continuous rolling selection, standardization and integration, an approach conducive to operations of constitutional systems and improvements in quality and efficiency regarding relevant laws and regulations, the needs of society, expectations of human beings and other series of common goals. All agencies and units should introduce this method mutatis mutandis.

  26. "Authoritative Doctrine": The constitution needs to be completed in one step, and government positions shall be occupied by the people. In contrast to military occupation, the laws of occupation of political institutions and other institutions that exist on the occupied land must be respected and maintained.

    Carl Schmitt and Abbé Sieyès's (Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès) "constitutional power" of direct will is to gather together and express approval or disapproval by verbal applause. "The modern approach offers only referendums".

  27. Changes in the Constitutional Standards of Permanent Peace must not violate the principles of permanent peace for humanity and sustainable development of the earth, or changes in the core connotations of the rules regarding freedom, democracy, human rights and rule of law, reform, openness and defense, or the principles of democratic republics and national sovereignty, and they do not involve international law or violations of the principle of separation of powers and checks and balances. In short, they do not violate the democratic constitutional order of the Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards.

  28. "Permanent Peace as one of mankind" includes Frédéric Laupie, Leçon sur le Projet de paix perpétuelle de Kant: (Paris: Belin Education, 2002), Frédéric Laupie summary of Kant's Thoughts of Permanent Peace, this idea is derived from three important statements in “On Permanent Peace”: (a). Peace can only be established through legal power; (b).The objective of rule of law is peace; (c). Peace must therefore raise questions about the political foundations of rule of law. The above three requirements set high standards which are summarized as (a). The peace-making system must be formulated with a constitution exerting maximum legal power; (b). The right to draft and amend constitutions belongs directly, unconditionally and completely to the people; (c): Resistance must conform to peaceful mechanisms; and (d): Democracy and human rights are the starting and ending points of state and legal rights; (e) The country has set up a comparative database of all nations, all laws and all systems: for the government and the people to compare and repair and develop, it is natural to give birth to the global (multiple/common) law.

  29. "A world under rule of law": This derives from the promotion of "a world under the rule of law" from "a nation under the rule of law". That is, a nation under rule of law is vertically incorporated into international law and horizontally incorporated into the laws of all nations, constructing a set of common laws of the world to maintain world order.

  30. "Sustainable development of the earth as one": The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and in the future. At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 Targets, which are an urgent call for action by all countries in a global partnership. The goal of sustainable development after 2030 will be set separately.

  31. "Global Governance": This "theory guides practice, practice revises theory", the concept of "global governance" still lacks a widely accepted definition. This constitution quotes the "UN Commission on Global Governance" definition of a country: "Supranational level, national level, subnational level". Again quoting the definition of international institutional scholar Stephen Krasner: "The international institutional system can be defined as a set of implicit or explicit principles, norms, and rules and decision-making procedures” integrated into the national constitution, creating a peaceful system in which a country (that is, its various levels) can operate independently and permanently: See "Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards" (Draft.). Ultimately this will mean unity of politics and the economy, as well as unity of law, unity of the military, unity of currency, unity of human rights and unity of development.

  32. "Great Freedom, Great Democracy, Great Human Rights, Great Rule of Law, Great Legislation, Great Administration, Great Prosecution, Great Justice": UN Secretary General Annan issued "Great Freedom: Realizing Development, Security and Security for All" in accordance with the UN Charter in 2005. Human Rights begins with the task of reforming the UN. This constitution continues to give full play to the brilliant UN Charter and develops great freedom into the aforementioned eight "global laws" that transcend time and space.

  33. The connotation and denotation of "freedom to build a country" are the spirit of "fighting for freedom," and the people and the nation will become one of the dominant liberal international orders. The value of people fighting for freedom lies in the freedom of a constitutional state. Only constitutions formulated by the people themselves are worthy of people's lives to defend them. Fighting for freedom is a part of the American spirit. The first sentence of Article 1 of the US Constitution is based on the Declaration of Independence: "We believe that the following truths are self-evident: All human beings are created equal, and the Creator has granted them certain inalienable rights, including the right to life and freedom and the right to pursue happiness. In order to protect these rights, human beings establish a government between them, and the legitimate power of the government is generated with the consent of the governed. When any form of government has a destructive effect on these goals the people have the power to change or abolish it in order to establish a new government; the principles on which it rests, and the way it organizes power, to make sure that the people think that only in this way can they obtain their safety and happiness.” In accordance with §1.1 of the German Basic Law: "Human dignity is inviolable, and it is the duty of all state powers to respect and protect this dignity." It can be seen from this that the protection of human dignity and freedom is at the forefront of the entire constitution, extending the development of fundamental rights and constituting the core purpose of the entire constitution: "protecting human rights." Respect for human dignity basically means that people should not be regarded as mere tools or means, but should rather be regarded as the ultimate goal of the country and society. Human dignity cannot be abandoned, traded, occupied or transferred. From this point of view, such a nation or region is a land promised by heaven, and it is also a continuation and development of the European and American spirit of nationhood and the US Constitution.

  34. "The right of constitution-making is the foundation of all reform, opening up and peaceful development": The freedom of constitution-making shows a country's spirit and attitude in "saving the world." If you cannot "change the world"/"save the world", just maintain the status quo and wait for "the world to change you"/"power to rule you". The fundamental strategy and tactics of competition between democratic and autocratic systems is to win—"the people have the right to make constitutions." If the people do not have the right to make a constitution, there will be no freedom, no democracy and no human rights justice at all. History has proven time and again that any freedom granted by others or other countries may be taken away at any time. If people give up their autonomy to formulate the constitution and let others do it, they will be a scarecrow with a body but no soul. "Constitution Makers": Five constitutions have been formulated in modern France. The French scholar Joseph Sieyès distinguished the power of the state as the right to formulate the constitution and the power conferred by the constitution. The power of the former belongs to all the people, and the power of the latter refers to the executive, legislative, and judicial powers, which can be delegated by the National Assembly and other agencies. The right to formulate a constitution is based on political power and is a political act that determines the fundamental organization of the country without any restriction. On the contrary, the power conferred by the constitution is a legal act, and the right to amend the constitution is a limited right in law, so it has its limits (New Theory on the Constitution-Yuanzhao Publishing). "The power to formulate the constitution is not subject to "law", but from "power." Power determines whether the state is republic or monarchy, and power determines whether the government is democracy or dictatorship." (Lin Jidong-Justice of the Republic of China (Taiwan)).

  35. "Federalism": As humanity enters the era of the global village, competition between cities and cities or between places and places is becoming a trend of the times. When people who love freedom are willing to live together under a recognized constitutional system, they expect to enjoy a certain degree of Local autonomy and equal opportunities for economic and social development. In a federal government system where local, regional, and national powers are decentralized, elected officials are responsible for formulating and implementing policies that address local and regional needs. Local and regional governments cooperate with national governments to jointly solve many problems faced by regions, countries or mankind. For example: The Swiss Confederation has a population of 8 million people and is a landlocked country with 41,285 square kilometers, divided into 26 cantons. The most populous canton of Zurich has 1,253,500 people, and the least populated canton of Appenzell Innerrhoden has only 15,000 people. Per capita income in China is the highest in a century and is a model for Permanent Peace for the federation. The following is a federal system: 1. Overview: What is democracy? 2. Majority rule, minority rights 3. Civil-military relations 4. Political parties 5. Citizen responsibility 6. A free Press 7. Federalism 8. Rule of law 9. Human rights 10 Executive power 11. Legislative power 12. An Independent Judiciaay 13. Constitutionalism 14. Freedom of speech 15. Government accountability 16. Free and fair elections 17. Freedom of religion 18. The Rights of women and girls 19. Governing by coalitions and compromise 20. The Role of Nongovernmental Organizations 21. Education and democracy (Source: InfoUSA is maintained by the Bureau of International Information Programs (IIP), U.S. Department of State).

  36. "International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights", in accordance with the principles proclaimed in the Charter of the United Nations, recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world, Recognizing that these rights derive from the inherent dignity of the human person, Recognizing that, in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the ideal of free human beings enjoying civil and political freedom and freedom from fear and want can only be achieved if conditions are created whereby everyone may enjoy his civil and political rights, as well as his economic, social and cultural rights, Considering the obligation of States under the Charter of the United Nations to promote universal respect for, and observance of, human rights and freedoms, Realizing that the individual, having duties to other individuals and to the community to which he belongs, is under a responsibility to strive for the promotion and observance of the rights recognized in the present Covenant, Agree upon the following articles: Article 1. All peoples have the right of self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.

  37. "Freedom to reform" is defined as the "freedom to never lag behind other nations by one day" as a guiding principle. Xi Jinping said on July 28, 2020: Reform and opening up are the keys to determining a country's destiny. The slogan of the French Revolution in 1789, "Freedom, Equality, and Fraternity" quickly became a creed for all humanity. Liberal reform is the general basis of political reform, and must include "freedom of speech" and "freedom of the media." Democracies need to protect human dignity and consolidate peace and security, while authoritarian regimes act to suppress human dignity and consolidate their dictatorship and totalitarianism. Freedom to reform necessitates that political participants, regardless of their academic qualifications, whether they are elected or passed an examination, should pass the general exams on the Constitution, international law, and general knowledge at each level, with a question bank published at least one year ago in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish as is the case with the United Nations. As for general education; the lowest level exam should be taken on the fly. It is strictly forbidden to spend money on elections. All radio channels in the country are the property of the people. According to the principle of ‘government of the people, by the people and for the people, it is only natural to take back a small amount of media time and space for use by candidates in elections and other public operations. Any high election expenses inevitably become a source of black gold politics. Take Taiwan as an example: On January 24, 2018, in the DPP primary election for mayor of Tainan, former DPP deputy secretary-general Li Junyi accused two opponents, Huang Weizhe and Chen Tingfei, of squandering hundreds of millions of NT dollars on the primary election. Central News Agency, March 25, 2016, KMT chair candidate Chen Xuesheng pointed out that former chair Lien Chan spent NT$12 billion (US$400 million) in the 2000 presidential election and said that the number quoted should be accurate. On August 1, 2020, 6 legislators on both sides of the aisle were implicated in a collective bribery scheme to amend the law. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Elections cost a lot of money—how then can politics ever be clean?

  38. "Media freedom": Ensuring "human dignity, universal values, media freedom, and truthful information" is the country's basic obligation in maintaining peace, security, stability, development, truth, justice, ideas and beliefs. Freedom of the media includes freedom of content, speech and publication, and freedom for everyone to have equal access to the media. As stated in §19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression. This right includes freedom from interference, and freedom to seek, receive and transmit information and ideas through any media and regardless of national borders, but only as long as it does not harm the freedom of others or the public.

  39. "Reform Political Candidates Exposure on Television Networks": to keep the media from ruling the country and silencing the opposition. The mainstream media decide early on who is going to be the winner in an election. Regardless of the factors in play, they always stage "king-making" dramas. The radio frequency spectrum is also owned by the whole people. For any electronic or online media, at least one hour a week or one internet message should be free for political candidates. In modern pluralistic democratic countries, there are an average of eight political parties in a country, which means there are eight non-profit parties. Exclusive national radio stations assign themselves to political groups, and local TV and radio stations/channels should follow the same procedures. When illegal abuse occurs, the government should promptly terminate all broadcasts and transfer the case it to the courts within 24 hours. For example: §55.11 of the Constitution of Ghana serves to provide all political parties with fair opportunities to present their agendas to the public by ensuring equal access to state-owned media. §55.12. On state-owned media, they should give all presidential candidates the same time and space to show their programs to the people.

  40. "Ensuring Human Rights and Democracy" (1) National and sub-national elections must entail compulsory voting (the cost of freedom and democracy). (2) The number of members and number of committee meetings are in accordance with the size of the country/region; (3) Members with a two-year term of office will face election within two years; 1/3 of those with three-year terms will face election each year; 1/4 of those with four-year terms will face election each year; and 1/5 of those with five-year terms will face election each year. Similarly, the annual committee election ratio is determined according to the length of the term of the councilors; (4) This selection system is designed according to a modified committee-centric system, with three committees elected at a time, and a single-vote system adopted to ensure checks and balances by third forces. This effectively repairs the ills of one-party monopoly and two-party oligopoly in the democratic system, ensuring the spirit of the republic, and averting collapse of the democratic system. "Illustration of Democracy": As far back as 431 BC, Athens and Sparta went through the Peloponnesian War for 20 years. Economically-rich Athens was a "democratic system", while economically weak Sparta was "autocratic." The splintered democratic parties in the Athens city-state fought inwardly, electing the grandstanding politician Kleon according to the democratic system and finally led Athens to destruction. Similarly Hitler, who massacred millions of Jews, relied on election by the whole people as the head of state, which was 100% legitimate, and brutal, and bloody. The shortcomings of democracy are numerous. This constitutional legislature adopts the "matrix committee-centric system" and the "modified semi-presidential cabinet committee system" to eliminate all contemporary shortcomings. As for the cost of elections, politics will never be incorruptible, and it is self-evident that the exchange of "money" for "power" causes corrupt politics, so we will not elaborate on this here.

  41. "Freedom and Opening up": this means being open to domestic and foreign countries; "Freedom is boundless, unless it hinders the freedom of others." Freedom is like air, one will suffocate if it is insufficient. The government controls freedom as if it were controlling people’s breathing. People are not gods, so they need government rule; and rulers are not gods, so they need people's restraint (US President James Madison). The most effective way to respect and protect the dignity and freedom of people is to vote and vote repeatedly, so that politicians will be humbled in front of the ballot box. Therefore open elections are the basis for all openness, so that state agencies and public officials will be humble in front of the ballot box. Only by fulfilling one's obligations to the ballot can freedom be guaranteed.

  42. "Authoritative Theory": The people indirectly exercise the power of state governance through elections, recalls, and taking examinations to serve in public office. The rights of citizen creation, referendum, and self-determination allow them to directly exercise the power of state governance. “Democracy is about spreading the pain of poverty to those in power through elections and removal votes.” (Nobel Laureate in Economics Amartya Sen). Voting is not only the maximization of universal education, but also a redistribution of resources. It is also the cost of freedom and democracy. Freedom and democracy must be earned by human beings. "This world will not be destroyed by those who do a lot of evil, but by those who watch in cold blood and choose to remain silent" (Einstein).In the information revolution in the new century, artificial intelligence will replace labor in large numbers. In addition to inevitable globalization, unemployment will increase greatly, the middle class will disappear in large quantities, and after a social L-shaped division takes form, there will only be 1% at the top level, with the remaining 99% at the bottom. From individual to society to nation to the globe, whether it is vertical or horizontal distribution, the problems and desires will be endless, and resources are always limited. Congress must have implement a matrix organization with partial re-election of its membership each year to force it to be responsive.

  43. The legitimacy of the "ruling requirements" must be achieved through elections. As the rule time increases, the legitimacy decreases. In the information age, the environment is changing rapidly, and the economy is cycled every five years, and the five-year rule is the most appropriate.

  44. "Complete registration six months before the election": The right to choose and competence are core issues in the defense of democracy. In any normal elections, registration for elections should be completed at least six months ahead of time. During this period, voters have the right to ask questions on public issues, and candidates have the obligation to answer. This allows candidates sufficient time to explain their policies and allows voters sufficient time to select talents and abilities. Dialogue on this public issue is regarded as part of the constitutional examination by the sovereign (the voters) on the candidates. The answer is "Constitutional Contract for the Service of Mankind." Candidates have the right to determine the number of co-signatures of questioners, and one person is not allowed to ask hundreds of thousands of questions a day to disturb the democratic order.

  45. "Frequent elections": “Humans are not gods, so they need government to rule; and rulers are not gods, so they need people to restrain them. (James Madison). The most effective way to respect and protect the dignity and freedom of people is through voting and more voting; next, let state organs and public officials perform their duties under the rule of democracy and the law. "Take Switzerland as an example": the number of elections and polls is the highest in the world and Swiss per capita income is the world’s highest in the past century. This proves that the number of votes is directly proportional to human rights, justice, peace, security, prosperity and stability. For details, please refer to the voting frequency of Switzerland: "Take Zurich as an example", from 2003 to 2019, citizens went to the polls 5.29 times a year, and the average number of votes was 5.95. "Take California as an example": this is the US state with the highest per capita income. Voting frequency: The number of votes from 1996 to 2015, after deducting the number of overlapping days, is an average of 6 times a year. For details, please refer to the Law-Love database. "Take Taiwan as an example": Central-level elections are held every four years, and once candidates are elected they can skate for four years. After the people vote, they spend four years regretting their choices. Most of those elected "grab what they can get, and if they can get involved, they get involved." Lawmaking often becomes a matter of interests and a cemetery fur justice. Only frequent elections to absorb public grievances and implementing civil rights will allow anyone the chance to curb evils plaguing the government, political parties and politicians.

  46. "In a world under the rule of law, there are no rights without obligations, and no obligations without rights." Voting is the most sacred right of the owner of a country, and it is also the most basic duty to defend freedom. For details, see annex 16. "Absolute Requirements for Permanent Peace: Frequent Citizen Participation in Politics and Voting" vs. "This Constitution" (1) Large and medium-sized countries (over 8 million people) with the highest per capita income in the world over the past century, "Switzerland" as an example. "Voted 5.29 times" (2) Local government in a very large country, take "California" (population 40 million), with the highest per capita income in the US as an example, "go to the polling place "6 times a year" on average. "Free Voting": The French existentialist philosopher Jean Paul Sartre once said, "Freedom is a choice." Our past choices result in today's results; and our future is derived from today's and tomorrow's free voting choices. §17 of the Civil Law of the Republic of China stipulates: "Freedom shall not be abandoned".

  47. " Safeguarding Freedom (I.e. Safeguarding of Democracy One)": Defines "the election of the elected chief must span two terms after the expiration of the election; the amendment of the 28 Natural Laws of the Permanent Peace Constitution shall not be established" is the basic principle of the defense of freedom, freedom is the foundation of national peace and security. For example, media warfare is the precedent/first battle of all wars. Its financial resources should be completely open and transparent. Crimes of unidentified financial resources should be prosecuted and tried in accordance with the Constitution. Another example: Liu Xiaobo's Discussion on Taiwan, Hong Kong and Tibet," Taiwan: Mainstream Publishing. "Take Germany as an example". Article 5.2 of the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany: Freedom of teaching shall not exempt anyone from loyalty to the Constitution; Article 9.2: The purpose of an association or its activities that violate the law or violate the constitutional order or international understandings shall be prohibited; Article 18: Anyone who abuses freedom of speech, especially freedom of press, freedom of lecture, freedom of assembly, freedom of association, correspondence, privacy in mail and telecommunications, property rights, or asylum rights to attack the basic order of freedom, democracy, human rights, and the rule of law shall be deprived of these basic rights; Article 21.2: It is unconstitutional for a political party to damage or abolish the basic order of freedom and democracy or to endanger the existence of the Republic in accordance with its purpose and the behavior of its members.

  48. "Freedom of speech": Principle (1) If all mankind has a common public opinion, and only one person holds an objection, this counter-argument should still be allowed to exist; there are four reasons: (a) This objection may be the truth Where; (b) Even if this counter-argument is wrong, it may lead us to seek the whole truth; (c) General public opinion, even if it is completely correct, must go through opposite debates before it can become a reasonable argument; (d) Generally correct public opinion must be accepted at any time Only by opposing the challenge can it not lose its vitality and function. Principle (2) There are prerequisites for freedom of speech, and there are four reasons: (a) Do not hinder the freedom of others; (b) Do not harm human dignity; (c) As required by law, it is “respect for the rights and reputation of others”, “protect national security or public order, "Or public health or weathering" necessary restrictions (International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights §19.3); (d) The constitution stipulates that the necessary restrictions for "eternal peace of mankind" and "sustainable development of the earth" must not be violated.

  49. "The message is truthful": Power forms arrogance and absolute power produces absolute arrogance, and this applies equally well to the media. The media and messages are already weapons of unrestricted warfare with no restrictions on time or space. In particular, the false messages "showing what can be done without being able to use it, or showing no need for use" fall under the strategy of unlimited warfare. If we believe false news, we lose our true future. Thus the media must be responsible for the truth; it must verify and restrains reports; it must be independent of the reported object; it must be an independent monitor of power; it must report in a comprehensive and balanced manner; and it must act according to personal conscience, which is the responsibility and obligation of the media itself. Thus the disseminator should bear civil and criminal liability for truthfulness of the message, otherwise it should carry the caveat that "this message has not been verified as to whether it is true or not." Take the CCP’s World Human Rights Day in 2019 as an example. More than 80 countries attended the China Human Rights Commission to reaffirm the "Beijing Declaration": "Restrictions on the exercise of human rights must be determined by law, … meet the legitimate needs of national security, public order, public health, public safety, public morals and the general welfare of the people… " Authorities can deprive all human rights-for any of these reasons—what a deception. Take the US as an example. On July 23, 2020, U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo said in a message to China: "The Communist Party is always lying, but the biggest lie is that the CCP represents 1.4 billion people who are monitored, oppressed, and afraid to speak out."

  50. "Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany § 21.2": It is unconstitutional for a political party to damage or abolish the basic order of freedom and democracy or to endanger the existence of the Federal Republic of Germany in accordance with its purpose and the behavior of its members. According to jurisprudence of the German Federal Constitutional Court (BVerfGE 2, 1; BVerfGE 5, 85, 112, 140 ff)-the definition of the fundamental order of freedom and democracy is: an order bound by values excludes any violence and arbitrary rule, and is established on the basis of the people The rule of law is a rule of law based on majority decision, freedom and equality.

  51. It is impossible to legislate to defend freedom, so who is expected to "fight for freedom"? Who will defend the "freedom of the country"? "Abuse of freedom of speech...attack the liberal democratic order" see §18 of the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany. "Attachment-help and comfort the enemy" see "United States Constitution" §3.3. Take Denmark again as an example: "Anyone who attacks its safety or freedom, or issues or obeys any order against its safety or freedom, shall be regarded as treason." See §34 of the Danish Constitution.

  52. "International law crimes": crimes against humanity, crimes against peace, apartheid, genocide, piracy, slave trade, war crimes, crimes of aggression... It is difficult to build a liberal democracy, but it is very easy to destroy one. Ensuring "human dignity, universal values, truthfulness of information, and freedom of the media" is the nation's basic obligation to maintain peace, security, stability, development, truth, justice, ideas, and beliefs. The state must not offer the enemy freedom of speech to persecute freedom. Violation of peace crimes, war crimes, crimes against humanity, or other international law crimes and punishments shall be prevented and prohibited from occurring and spreading. Now that unlimited warfare is raging around the world, can we not defend against it? According to international law,: "Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties" §52: A treaty that violates the principles of international law contained in the Charter of the United Nations is invalid if it is concluded under threat or use of force, §53: A treaty that violates the mandatory rules of general international law at the time of its conclusion is invalid. According to jus cogens, crimes against peace or humanity are not protected by domestic law or international law. According to Article 5 of the "Tokyo Trials", the three crimes committed by the leader of the Japanese Empire, Hideki Tojo, etc. during World War II were: Class A (crimes against peace), Class B (war crimes) and Class C (endangering humanity.) (See the preceding footnote on "jus cogens"). Then act in accordance with§5 to §8 of the Rome Statutes of the International Criminal Court.

  53. The connotation and extension of the principle of "democracy build a country" is the spirit of "fighting for the survival value of democracy", which has become one of the dominant democratic international orders. Many people also believe that democracy is the worst system, but there is nothing better. Democracy is government "of, by and for the people" (US President Abraham Lincoln). It is not a government with party ownership, party governance, and party sharing (such as North Korea).

  54. "One for All, All for One." (1) This is the collective defense principle of NATO. (2) It is the Swiss constitutional motto. (3) It is the idea behind the founding of the European Union.

  55. The right to choose rationally—including the right to pick a system and the right to transfer models:
    (1) Choose a way of life: Let the people go to the polls instead of fighting in the streets.
    (2) Choose a referendum system: Switzerland has a population of 8 million, and 26 sovereign cantons. Each canton has its own constitution as a model.
    (3) Choose the degree of legislative governance: use the cabinet system and committee system as a blueprint to improve and innovate.
    (4) Choose an administrative system: use various semi-presidential systems and California as a model to improve and innovate.
    (5) Choose a procuratorial system: Take election of the attorney generals of 43 US states as a model.
    (6) Choose a supervisory system: based on the Nordic countries' supervisory envoys, improve and innovate
    (7) Choose the degree of trial and governance, based on the 50 states of the US, then improve and innovate.
    (8) Selective voting system: Take mandatory voting in Australia and Brazil as a model. Voting serves to resolve social contradictions, reconcile the irreconcilable, forge combinations of contradictions and synthesize opposites. The length of voting intervals determines the ultimate strength of contradictions.

  56. "Democratic Reform" is defined as "Democracy will never lag behind the situation in other countries" and "The only cure for democratic ills is more democracy/true democracy" as the basic principles of democratic reform (per philosopher John Dewey). Democracy must have four basic elements: "free and fair elections to replace the government; people actively participating in politics and civil affairs as citizens; the protection of human rights for all citizens; and a legal system where everyone is equal" (American political scientist Larry Diamond). There are two masters of true democracy, the "people" and the "law" (Aristotle). Democratic reform of party politics, black gold politics, media politics, dictatorships, or other political ills with various ethnic characteristics requires constant re-election, reforms, and continuous standardized integration and integrated operations (See Figure 2).

  57. "Mandatory voting": This serves to make up for one of the weaknesses of democracy. But (1) Some are not compelled to vote according to law: illiterate; over 70 years old; over 16 years old but under 18 years old... etc., but their votes are equally valid. (2) Areas where mandatory voting is needed: (a) The election of members of the legislature and local councils; (b) Referendums to change national territory; (c) Referendums to confirm the ownership of sovereignty; (d) Referendums on the right of self-determination guaranteed by universal human rights standards; (e) Withdrawal from world peace alliance and resolution of international disputes through referendums on universality, generality, and mandatory international umpire agreements; (f) A mandatory referendum announced by the President in accordance with the law; ⑦ A referendum proposed by a 1/4 minority party or group in the legislature against a majority party.

  58. "Democratic opening up" is based on the Western concept of "One principality in the world (such as the UN), one family of mankind (from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)", the East’s "One World (India), the world is a public place/world unity, reform/opening, peace/development (China) Such political thinking is an axis which can be directly implemented in a constitution that can be superseded. To implement the culture of democracy for the world, citizens can spread it to the world in accordance with the law to teach a permanent and peaceful democratic system to replace military service, democratic service, and be listed as military, public, and educational personnel for performance assessment. Authoritarian political science giant Robert Alan Dahl once said: “The core value of any new democratic system should be to maximize competition and participation.”

  59. "Fully-democratic Country": People who hold foreign residency rights are not allowed to be ‘candidates’ (general provisions of current national election and recall laws.) This constitutional standard is based on the concept of Permanent Peace and universal harmony in the global village and humanity. Anyone who has lived in a fully-democratic nation for 30 years and does not hold the nationality of a non-fully democratic nation can come to our country to run in elections for leaders at all levels in accordance with the law and at the same level as the world’s fully-democratic nations. They will have international competitiveness and comprehensively enhance the national power so that people’s theories of Permanent Peace can be solidly advanced in practice. Let those who will only fan populism or waste public funds building mosquito houses, and other uncompetitive chefs, all be eliminated. According to the "Democracy Index" compiled by the British magazine The Economist, a total of 32 countries met the minimums from 2006 to 2021, as follows: "Norway, Iceland, Sweden, New Zealand, Canada, Finland, Denmark, Ireland, Australia, Netherlands, Taiwan, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Germany, Uruguay, the United Kingdom, Chile, Austria, Costa Rica, Mauritius, Japan, Spain, South Korea, Belgium, Greece, France, the United States, Malta, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Italy, Portugal". The fairness and objectivity of the index can be publicly evaluated.

  60. " Safeguarding of Democracy" is based on the principle of defense that "annual voting frequency reaches 1/2 as in Switzerland or California; Congress approves joining democratic world security organizations, and withdrawal from such organizations must be approved by 2/3 of voters in a citizens' referendum." Of course, any defense including amendment of the 28 laws of nature cannot be accepted. We should learn from advanced democratic countries, especially regarding mandatory voting in legislative elections, to reflect public opinion, resolve public grievances, and implement civil rights. "Take Australia as an example": All elections entail compulsory voting. "Democratic service and military service" are also core obligations in defending democracy. Maintaining democracy is the most important aim of national defense, and citizens have an obligation to perform democratic service, military service, social service, and human service. One of the core methods to defend and develop democracy is to re-elect a portion of the legislature each year in separate elections. It is strictly forbidden to hold current elections at the central level, including presidential elections, in order to prevent voters from losing the policy focus of various ministries. “Take France as an example": French Electoral Law L45: "If there is no reasonable proof that the law has fulfilled the obligations of conscription, no one can be elected." Take "Israel, Switzerland and Sweden" as an example: all people serve as soldiers. Do the same to save your own country.

  61. "Safeguarding Democracy": For example, in Hong Kong, last year the National People's Congress of the Communist Party of China forcibly passed the "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law" that washed away all human rights in Hong Kong. Hong Kong lawyer Sang Pu said that Hong Kong’s journey to this point did not happen overnight. The Communist China started penetrating in HK since few decades. After overtaking the economic base, Hong Kong were shocked to realize the seriousness of the problem.

  62. "Reforming defects in direct democracy": Those who have special provisions in the law or referendum should follow their provisions. Generally human rationality, lifelong education and academic performance requires at least 60 points to pass the promotion. Referendums are like elections, where one vote determines victory or defeat. This kind of direct democracy will repeat the lessons of the subjugation of the country 2.500 years ago, direct democracy and rich Athens. Destroyed by the tyrannical and weak Sparta. The current war has progressed to "heart warfare", "ideological warfare", "media fraud war", "Internet information warfare", "economic warfare", "diplomatic warfare", "space war", "germ warfare", "Overall warfare" and other pervasive "unlimited warfare". Therefore, the 60% minimum defense is absolutely justified. In the Brexit referendum, the United Kingdom agreed with 51% of the votes. The EU, which has been manipulated and divided, does not even know it, and it should be taken as a warning. In countries with severely divided ideologies, the opposition parties use democracy to oppose democracy every day. Although the number of signatories is not large, this has a vigilant effect. If the referendum fails, they must give up the right to sign for five years.

  63. "Limited terms of one term—Defense of Democracy": "Uruguay" has long been an internationally recognized fully democratic country. Uruguay’s Constitution §152: the President and Vice President serve for 5 years and cannot be re-elected. If you want to hold these positions again, your only option is to wait 5 years after leaving office. This has led to 2016 GDP per capita of US$21,944". On the other hand, consider Belarus: After 3 years of independence, the constitution was changed to a presidential system and term of office for president was 5 years. In 1994, a presidential election was held. Lukashenko was elected. (2020) and he has been re-elected for 26 years now, yielding a 2016 GDP per capita of $4,855. Look at India, which has been hit hard by the COVID-19 epidemic: Modi and his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) created an election machine that frightened their opponents to win the election, but their continued aggressive thinking sacrifices governance capabilities. Now Modi is great, but the image of the leader "has been shattered" (political scholar Vinay Sitapati). The current President of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte, announced his candidacy for vice president in the last year of his term in 2021. His daughter Sara Duterte-Carpio is running in the presidential election and continues to control politics and refuse to give in. "UN Regulations", the Secretary-General has a term of 5 years. The "Chinese Constitution" stipulates that the president of the country will serve for five years, and the CCP has established its 14th "five-year plan." Montesquieu said, "Those who are in power must gain power." Absolute power means absolute corruption; the longer the term of office, the deeper the corruption. In short, there are too many people in power holding on to tenure to destroy peace. Also, "Ensure the political integrity of the tenure": All elected public officials who have less than 3/4 of their tenure are not allowed to participate in other public positions, nor can they abandon their posts without authorization. A constitutional amendment that limits the term of office to defend democracy cannot be established, including the 28 natural laws. During the limited re-election period, if you do not engage in politics or business, the original salary shall remain unchanged in accordance with the law, and the principle of morality and fraternity is the principle of generous remuneration to maintain integrity. An independent pandemic investigation team composed of international experts believes that the world has not taken the threat of the pandemic seriously and called for the reform of the World Health Organization. On May 12, 2021, it recommended that the post of Secretary-General be limited to one term without reappointment to reduce political influence.

  64. "Attempts to modify tenure are regarded as rebellion": History has repeatedly shown that those in power are working to consolidate power, changing the constitution to extend their power. But everything is kidnapping the people, unless the power of the people is far greater than the power of the ruler. There are few exceptions. They are the starting point of international turmoil of the social state. Conspirators are punished with rebellion and aggravated crimes. The constitution states that "the right to formulate and amend the constitution belongs only to the people. The state, its organs, and civil servants shall not be deprived of this right. No one can trespass the power of the state (Ukraine Constitution §5.3)". But regardless of the means, current elected public officials and civil servants shall not be eligible after their people amend the constitution.

  65. The connotation and denotation of "building a country founded on human rights" are based on the spirit of "fighting for human rights", a phrase which has become one of the dominant international orders of human rights. This constitution advocates that "human rights talent is not endowed by other humans" and that "human beings" are the "subjects" of sovereignty at the supranational level↹national level↹subnational level. For example, the UN also takes "people" as its main focus rather than the country. The first sentence of the preamble of the UN charter: "We, the people of the United Nations, are determined to save future generations from the tragic scourge of war of this generation, and reiterate ‘Basic human rights, human dignity and values.’" This also calls for belief in equal rights for men and women and for nations of all sizes, the creation of an appropriate environment, maintaining justice, respecting obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law, working overtime to promote social progress and better people's livelihood through greater freedom." Note: Every sentence here pivots on "people".

  66. "Life...Value": Based on the life of natural people, including all animals and plants and the life on earth in the preface.

  67. "Create the highest values in life (§1~§28), advocate basic constitutional standards (§1~§28), reform all resource allocations (§1~§28), create Permanent Peace for humanity and provide a new compass for sustainable development (§1~§28)." Xi Jinping, a superpower leader, said July 28, 2020: "Reform and opening up are the keys to determining a nation's destiny." Can ordinary countries not take this as a warning? The Constitutional Standards take "freedom, democracy, human rights, and the rule of law" as basic standards for "building the country, reform, opening up, and defense". For example, it is open to "citizens of a fully democratic country to be able to vote for the head of our country at all levels in accordance with the law" (§7), " Half of all judges come from five continents and different nations" (§27), etc., and governments are organized based on the "super-national level↹national level↹sub-national level" as defined by the UN Global Governance Council. This is a development of natural law, which is naturally the most sacred right of the people (subject) and the most urgent obligation of the state (object).

  68. "National Positioning": A nation's most urgent obligation is to advocate and defend the political entity of the "Constitutional Standards" to replace the traditional state theory of a sovereign state and take the place of the country's important functions such as peace, security, stability and prosperity.

  69. "Human rights reform" defines the principle that "human rights reform should not lag behind other countries by one day". Constitution-making is the people's most sacred political right and the country's most urgent guarantee obligation. Make sure that you start with the constitutional reforms, and other reforms will be effective. The constitution is your own talisman. The sovereign must personally make the constitution and make the constitution yourself. Only the things that count and believe: (2) In terms of political power, don't hear the trust in people anymore, but use the chains of the constitution to restrain him from doing bad things (founding father of the US-President Thomas Jefferson). (3) The constitution is the general order of the people, and the right to make the constitution is always with you. It cannot be transferred or dominated (Schmidt, the master of constitutional studies). (4) Any value that comes from others will be taken away by others, and only oneself can take it away. (5) Letting others decide your constitution is tantamount to surrendering your soul to others to dominate your body. (6) You are the master of your destiny, and you are the commander of your soul. To dominate the constitution and amend the constitution, you must decide for yourself.

  70. "Innate human rights": Democracy VS. In the long-term system competition of autocracy, natural law is the ultimate strategic tactic: as far as political philosophy is concerned, it is the root of civilization; as far as jurisprudence is concerned, it refers to the inherent law of justice in nature; as far as international law is concerned It is also based on natural law: "Assuming that God does not exist, it still exists" (Glautius); as far as the constitution is concerned, it is the principle of customary law; as far as national legislation is concerned, it is formed by agreeing to achieve a balance of interests. Law is also natural law. Democracy and autocracy correspond to "innate human rights" and "human rights to humans" respectively.

  71. "Human rights take precedence over sovereignty": "Human rights are always higher than sovereignty. The purpose of fighting for sovereignty is to protect human rights. If human rights are gone, what is the use of sovereignty"(Hu Shih) Modern international law inherits and absorbs the ideological achievements of Locke and others. It is recognized that sovereignty is no longer the sovereignty of the monarch, and of course it is not the sovereignty of tyrants and dictators who oppress the people, but rather sovereignty of the people. What international law protects is sovereignty of the people, not the sovereignty of all kinds of autocrats. Liberalism also provides academic support for the theory of "human rights over sovereignty." Liberal common sense tells us: the state is the means, the individual is the end, and the value of the individual is always higher than the state. From this common sense, we can logically deduce: Sovereignty is a means, human rights are an end, and the value of human rights is always higher than sovereignty. The concept of absolute sovereignty means that the international community is in a barbaric "jungle state", and the principle of "human rights supremacy" will lead us to a more democratic, free, just and benevolent civilized world. (This is the jurisprudence basis for the theory of "human rights over sovereignty").

  72. "Global human rights law takes precedence over domestic law": For all laws of the world, including international law, national constitutions, etc., the core purpose is to protect human rights, and the same applies to all other laws, including national security laws, etc. Refer to the Constitutional Standards of Permanent Peace §14: Universal law forms part of domestic law, and the people can to compare the merits and disadvantages and choose the best—or propose legislation, or make decisions through elections, or submit unconstitutional reviews. "Everyone is equal in rights under international law" The previous century included the US Declaration of Independence: "These truths are self-evident: All men are created equal, and the Creator has given them certain inalienable rights, including the right to life and the right to freedom. And the right to pursue happiness." The French Revolution: "Freedom, Equality, and Fraternity" has become the representative of the French spirit and national motto. Our time sequence has come to the era of the global village, where all nations large and small are free and equal. History has shown that nationalism is the last refuge of dictators, the last fig leaf of dictatorships, the shackles of vested interests to kidnap the people and their development, and a source of evil for ethnic minorities or aboriginal nations. The state should educate the people to stop emulating nationalism. Nationalism and patriotism are the last refuge of dictators. The ability of human beings to do evil is far beyond people's imagination. Hitler's barbaric regime is an example. He deprived human rights on the grounds of carrying forward a great national rebirth, eventually endangering the whole world. Other examples are too numerous to mention and continue to unfold. According to "International Country Code": Currently 249 countries and regions are included in the "ISO 3166-1" code. 249-193=56 countries or regions (excluding reserved codes) which are not recognized as sovereign entities. Weak countries need to demand "human rights over "sovereignty"", which is also a requirement of the UN human rights standards. "Human dignity is inviolable and inalienable". Therefore, the German people recognize the inviolability and inalienability of human rights as the foundation of all human society and world peace and justice. (German Basic Law § 1). In the era of the global village, international law has entered the protection of individuals, and of course everyone is equal in terms of rights in international law.

  73. "The people's right to self-determination" People decide the fate of the land they live in, the land does not determine the fate of residents. The right of people to self-determination is a basic element of global human rights standards. For details, see: §1 of the two human rights conventions, both of which have clear provisions.

  74. "Any victim has unlimited rights to pursue private prosecution": The term "any" refers to any perpetrator including any matter of executive or judicial power, and any individual or group that is directly or indirectly victimized. The term "unlimited" covers both "time” and “space." Before, during and after litigation, complaints can be lodged with domestic courts or international organizations (currently citizens of UN member states are eligible), and relevant state agencies are obliged to assist. This is the ultimate clause of human rights protection and judicial remedy, as well as part of transitional justice. It is also forward-looking human rights norms, bad prosecutions and bad rulings, wrong cases, false cases, enforced disappearance cases, and the high-ranking party and government officials behind them. The crimes of the underworld are endless and all over the world, and they are specified in the constitution. See the two human rights conventions: the obligations of the state and the rights of the people.

  75. "The definition of "human rights openness": "National Human Rights Action and Citizenship Exercise Committee members, half of whom are appointed by international authoritative human rights organizations", "Constitutional standards protect human rights standards". Human rights need to be upheld by the rule of law. The basic principle of the rule of law is: "Things that are not clearly restricted by the law-the people can do anything; things that are not clearly authorized by the law-the government can do nothing." Take China as an example: In 2015, after the 45 words in Xinhua News Agency’s "Prohibited Words in News Reports (First Batch)", another 57 banned words were added to reach 102 vocabulary. In addition to the banned words in Chinese news, there are also the "Notice on the Current Situation in the Field of Ideology” (Document No. 9/No. 7) printed by the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.〉, and all kinds of censorship are not due legal procedures.

  76. "Human rights issues are global internal affairs": Recall that one of the main drafters of the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" was the Chinese scholar Zhang Pengchun (1892-1957). The chairman of the UN Security Council meeting on May 07, 2021 was China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi. In a meeting with US Secretary of State Blinken, the American warned: “The actions of some powerful countries (implying China and Russia) have set an example of impunity for evil for other countries." He also said: "Insisting on internal jurisdiction does not mean you can do whatever you want, enslaving and torturing people, making them disappear, imposing ethnic cleansing, or violating human rights in other ways." That is to say, everyone is equal before unified global human rights laws. When the truth of jurisprudence conflicts with the conditions of the country and the conditions of the people, what should be adjusted is the conditions of the country and the people; when jus cogens conflicts with international law, adjustments are made in international law; when international law conflicts with domestic law it is domestic law that yields.. As for the right to peace, the right to a safe environment and the right to develop, the new generation of human rights standards is being recognized internationally. The legislature can approve joining international organizations related to major development, but withdrawal must be okayed by a 2/3 majority in a referendum.

  77. "National Human Rights Commission": This is a provision of the Paris Principles. The purpose of the constitution is to protect "human rights." "Human rights as one" has been signed by 193 countries as a universal human rights standard (Declaration of Human Rights) and included in the United Nations Charter. Those who actually persecute human rights are also countries. The time sequence has entered the era of the global village, opposing the persecution of ethnic minorities with nationalism, in order to implement the United Nations community of human destiny and promote the "Paris Principles": the national institution for the promotion and protection of human rights-the "National Human Rights Action and Citizenship Exercise Committee" (referred to as the Commission for Human Rights) Half of them should be assigned by international authoritative human rights organizations. Also, based on the rights of speech, media, and communication as the prior rights of human rights, the Human Rights Commission must also have the personnel rights of the National Communications Commission in accordance with the law, so as not to become toothless tigers.

  78. "Election fairness to serve the public": This is the source of most election disputes. For example, on February 1, 2021/ the military that has controlled the Burmese regime since ancient times, launched a coup against the democratically elected government of the ruling "National League for Democracy" on the grounds of "election fraud", deposing President Win Myint and actual leader Aung San Suu Kyi. They and many senior leaders of the ruling party were arrested. Another example is Belarus' "election fraud". The August 14, 2020 Foreign Ministers' Meeting of the EU considered the election results corrupt and initiated sanctions procedures. Those who violate human rights or civil rights always those in power who hold public powers, especially in authoritarian countries. Generally speaking, there are internationally recognized and authoritative human rights institutions in the private sector, such as the Red Cross, Amnesty International, International Human Rights Watch, International Transparency Organization, etc., all of which have their own nationalities. If they are appointed by their headquarters, they can also serve on the Human Rights Action and Citizenship Exercise Committee.

  79. The "Safeguarding Human Rights” Theory states that "human rights issues are global internal affairs" that begin with decentralization of powers of the country, and come into effect through the people's vote". Safeguarding Human Rights is a two-way concept. On the one hand, it prevents the state from abusing the power of punishment and violating human rights; on the other hand, it prevents criminals or potential criminals from committing crimes and violating human rights. It protects criminals and potential offenders, as well as victims and potential victims, and at the same time maintains the two ends of the rule of law, rather than just constructing a "victim-centered" judicial litigation system. More broadly speaking: the ability of human beings to do evil is far beyond people's imagination. Hitler's barbaric regime is an example. He deprived human rights on the grounds of carrying forward the great national rejuvenation, and eventually endangered the whole world (as mentioned above). See also: How did the rise of Nazi Germany and the creation of an economic miracle become a disaster?

  80. "Guarantors for participation in elections": The elected president, executive heads at all levels, and representatives of public opinion at all levels are originally the guarantors of constitutional enactment (§24), and they must ensure the promotion of basic human rights, environmental rights, peace rights, and development rights (the third generation). Human rights will never lag behind those of other countries. This is not an obligation to be better than others. If the basic duty to participate in elections is not to protect "human rights," it is to prevent the devil from coming to rule us. Elections are a basic condition for defense of human rights: "The inherent dignity of all members of the human family and their equal and inalienable rights" are described in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Charter, the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights, The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. These international laws have long been in place and are higher than constitutions, and they should not be degraded by being written into constitutions.

  81. The "mandatory voting" voting obligation is one price of freedom. Why compulsory voting? (1) Voting is an obligation, just like paying taxes and receiving education; (2) Studies of political participation encourage it; (3) A more accurate profile of public opinion emerges; (4) Government should consider all public opinions; (5) Candidates can concentrate on policy debates (6) In fact, voting is not mandatory: because it is a secret ballot, voters still have the option of "not electing anyone"; (7) Candidates do not need to give out bribes left and right; (8) It improves the allocation and utilization of resources; (9) It eliminates elections as a game for the rich and offsets the influence of money; (10) It helps prevent corruption; (11) It breaks the monopoly of big parties and sharing the spoils; (12) It cripples ideological kidnapping, when everyone votes it will completely change the political destiny of this country; (13) The only condition for the prevalence of evil is the silence of the good, and the silence of any one will produce the next victim. At present, more than 32 countries worldwide require citizens to participate in voting. Australia is one of them. Since 1912 mandatory voting has been a part of national elections. §245.1 of the Federal Election Act of 1918 stipulates: Every candidate in an election is obligated to vote. Force majeure must be involved, otherwise it is illegal not to vote.

  82. The connotation and denotation of "building a country under the rule of law" and the spirit of "fighting for the rule of law"; this has become one of the dominant constitutional international orders. "International law is higher than domestic law" is a prerequisite for perpetual peace and the basis of a broad common law of one earth and one world to maintain present and future common order. "Authoritative Doctrine": As for the role of international law, it determines and limits the scope of time, space, and personal aspects of domestic legal order, including issues such as national recognition, territory and nationality. The contrast between international law and domestic law and the scope of validity of matters—that is, the scope of jurisdiction of domestic law to adjust matters—is also related. Norms created by international agreements limit the power of the state to decide matters arbitrarily. In order to prove that domestic law and international law are two equally effective norms, pluralists put forward the theory that domestic law "recognizes" international law; that is, international law is only valid for a country after it is recognized by a country's domestic law. However, this theory unconsciously denies the claim that domestic law and international law are mutually independent, and reaches the conclusion that "domestic law overrides international law." As a result, pluralism essentially becomes monism, although it also advocates domestic law and international law. International law is unified, but this unification means that domestic law is superior to international law. The latter obtains its effect from the former, and international law constitutes a part of domestic law. We maintain that international law is superior to domestic law. The latter is "empowered" by international law and therefore is a relatively low-level legal order. For details, see—Kelsen, "General Theory of Law and the State".

  83. "Safeguarding Peace calls for real weapons": From the Pope’s Messages World Day of Peace 1976: It is necessary before all else to provide Peace with other weapons, - weapons different from those destined to kill and exterminate mankind. What is needed above all are moral weapons, those which give strength and prestige to international law…

  84. "The Constitution determines direct implementation of international law": The Pope’s World Peace Proclamation in 2011-"Religious freedom is the road to peace: International law recognizes that the status of individual life and freedom is a law that can never be denied." Although the authority doctrine requires the state to perform its obligations in international law, it does not ask how the state performs this task: (1) the state can choose to directly apply the international law; (2) international law can also be transformed into domestic law through legislation; 3) Take administrative measures; (4) Take judicial measures; (5) The country decides based on its constitution (Modern International Law, Qiu Hongda, Revised Third Edition, P121). In addition, contemporary people can also formulate a constitution to confirm that all international laws since the Treaty of Westphalia (1648) are equivalent to international customs, guarantee to be superior to the national constitution and directly take effect on the government and the people. The Statute of the International Court of Justice §38 international custom can take effect without being signed; the UN Charter §2.4 the International Court of Justice confirms that customary law has become the jus cogens; mankind should strive to construct a constitutional jus cogens for permanent peace. The obsolete and outdated authoritarian poisoners argued that "international law must be recognized by a country’s domestic law before it is valid for that country." This theory has led to the conclusion that "domestic law overrides international law" (see the previous note-a country under the rule of law). Therefore international law overrides domestic law and directly imposes rights and obligations on all people and individuals, as well as governments or non-governmental organizations, including for-profit or non-profit organizations (such as NGOs, temples and shrines, etc.).

  85. "Reform of Rule of Law ": Definition of "all laws in one, one for you and me, comprehensive reform, and return of power to the people". Promote the constitutions of Asian countries and the standards of local self-government constitutions (ISO), establish a "One World, One World (Common) Law" that everyone can share for permanent peace. Specifically require that the laws of all nations constitute a part of domestic laws, and ensure human rights, etc. Universal values shall never lag behind those of other countries. For those who need better universal values, this constitution recognizes/confirms/guarantees that human rights are superior to sovereignty, and the people have to withdraw this entrusted parliamentary legislation to exercise sovereignty agency rights, and choose their own merits in accordance with the constitution and law, and no longer allow the government and political parties to treat citizens any way they deem appropriate. Such citizens are qualified world citizens. Only great citizens can create great countries. "The basic propositions of this constitution are: globalization and localization of constitutionalization, modernization of constitutional interpretation, and accountability of constitutional violations." All legislative, administrative, procuratorial, and judicial organs have the right to decide whether the parties to invoke the constitution or laws of other countries in accordance with the constitution and law, but they must be accompanied by fair and open and complete reasons. The general goal of implementing the rule of law and advancing the rule of law in the world: all good should be encouraged and developed, and all evil should be prohibited and punished. If the government refuses the people to invoke the better constitution or laws of other countries, causing harm to the parties or the public, the state should compensate.

  86. "Open up rule of law": Combine ten thousand laws into one set of laws on the earth—the first step toward maintaining peace and order for humanity. In the past, the law is the inevitable product of civilization; now, the law is a necessary means to maintain civilization; in the future, the law will be an absolute requirement for the advancement of civilization. To advance from a "country under the rule of law" to a "world under the rule of law," a world (multiple/ common) law must be constructed, and the rule of law must be created for permanent peace. This is the basis for the illegality of draconian laws, the prevention of legal loopholes, and a set of multiple common laws on the planet. As for the "constitutional interpretation principle": these principles are rooted in the concept of judicial self-restraint or judges' self-restraint. Law is a reasonable two-sided inference. The real responsibility is to explore the meaning of the law as much as possible and save it from its weak constitutional basis.” Another example is the German Constitutional Court: When the degree of unconstitutionality of the law is obvious, it is declared unconstitutional. If the law can be interpreted in multiple ways, one of which is unconstitutional and the others are constitutional, the Constitutional Court must declare the law constitutional on the basis of each of the constitutional interpretations.” (This was written by Eunice Yi-Ju Chen, a constitutional researcher of the Law-Love and Social Ethics Association, a predecessor of this Association).

  87. "Create a civilization under rule of law": According to Roscoe Pound, law is connected with civilization in a certain time and space. In the past, the law was the product of civilization; in the present, the law is a means to maintain civilization; in the future, the law will be a means to promote civilization. Taking a closer look, this is a clause that gave birth to "all laws in one, a common law for the world." More broadly, when this constitution is popularized, human civilization will be ensured and dictatorships cannot exist; there will be no battlefields for unlimited warfare, nuclear weapons will be useless and will eventually be scrapped, and the world will be able to reduce global defense spending. Swords will be forged into plowshares, human wars will end, and plagues, pollution and poverty will disappear.

  88. This Constitution requires supreme leaders to assume responsibility as guarantors of the final constitution (§24), and also requires them to maintain a distance from political parties, becoming credible and fair people and uniting the nation, consolidating the power of the country, and being given operational powers, including: : (1) The presidential candidate nominates an ad hoc human development commissioner, and each standing committee of the Congress allocates one person to be responsible for the supervision of the exercise of state power and the implementation of the concept of the general ruling country; (2) the procuratorate candidate nominates the universal development of the universal law Committee members, each standing committee of the National Assembly assigns one person to be responsible for the supervision and implementation of the integration of all nations and all laws; (3) The president of the Judiciary nominates an ad hoc committee for the development of international law, and each standing committee of the National Assembly assigns one person to supervise that international law is superior to domestic law. , Implementation and domestic legalization; this Congressional ad hoc committee, if configured according to the total number of Congresses, is 12 standing committees × 3 ad hoc committees = 36 ad hoc committees. The term of the amnesty committee is the same as that of the nominator. For details, please refer to the note: "Congressional Organization". See Footnote on "Legislature Organization" for details.

  89. "Safeguarding Rule of Law ": Of course, no defense of amendments of the Constitutional Standards and 28 natural laws can be established. Observing international law and creating laws needed for Permanent Peace are the basic obligations of a country. If it violates international law, the constitutional guarantors must of course bear responsibility on behalf of the state and will not be exonerated due to force majeure or other reasons. See the previous footnotes on jus cogens.

  90. “Violation of the sacred institutional standard that all people are equal before the laws of the global village" The Universal Declaration of Human Rights declares that all people are born free, equal in dignity and rights, and everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms contained in the declaration, regardless of race. Abusers of any differences such as color, color, gender, language, religion, political or other opinions, national origin or social origin, property, ancestry or other status, shall be punished by law.

  91. With reference to §87 of the German Basic Law", the "Federal Constitutional Protection Agency" is set up to monitor the activities of radical forces and collect evidence of violations of the constitution. The defensive measures are clearly defined in the constitutional hierarchy. In addition, the German Criminal Law §80-91, the provisions on crimes against democracy and the rule of law.

  92. "Bad laws and illegal laws": All unjust laws and regulations formulated by abusing legislative, administrative, and judicial powers are covered in general, of course including transitional justice. If a civil servant simply abuses his power, he may be subject to administrative penalties such as demerits, poor performance appraisals, etc. Thus abuses of power must be serious to enter the criminal law structure. Take the legislature of Taiwan as an example: lawmakers passed a bank loan in which 75% of the loan amount was subscribed for 25% of the cost of the shares. After raising 100 billion yuan in funds the loan was revised to drop share subscriptions. Similarly, a giant of the telecommunications and banking industry, licensed by the state, fled to the US. How many people lost their livelihoods as a result? Whether it is the East or the West, regardless of whether it is a democracy or an autocracy, there are too many abuses of public power in the legislative, executive and judicial branches. Hitler was also an abuser. Abuse of power certainly has limits on time or protection. "Any reason for violating international law" includes reasons such as failure to sign international law, withdrawal, or violation of domestic law.

  93. "Global Legislation": The prerequisite for perpetual peace is "multiple/ common law of the world" on a single earth; that is, international law overrides domestic law and directly imposes rights and obligations on the people and governments. Therefore global competition in legislative power will inevitably arise. This shows that in a "super-national level-such as the UN" its charter and passed laws must be obeyed by 193 member states; conversely, 193 member states cannot enact laws that violate those of the UN. "Doctrine of Authority": According to Kelsen's "General Theory of Law and the State", it is argued that "domestic law is entrusted by international law" can be used to establish a better and more effective UN that is permanently peaceful and supra-national. In a word, legislative power at the national level: "When a country considers national laws and regulations to be necessary for the establishment of equivalent life relations, or considering the interests of the people as a whole, to maintain legal order and economic unity, the Congress has the legislative power."

  94. "The UN, the EU and other concurrent legislative powers": This is the natural order of legal power, except for the "Supranational Level, United Nations" as an example in the preceding paragraph. Once its charter and laws were passed, 193 member states were not allowed to enact laws that violate those adopted by the UN. Take the "Supranational Level, European Union" as an example: Germany, France and the other 25 member states cannot enact laws that violate or violate the laws of the EU. Other examples include the US, Germany, Switzerland, Argentina, etc. The legislative powers of states, provinces, regions, etc. must not conflict with national legislative powers. Take Germany as an example: the concept of §72 of the Basic Law (Concurrent Legislative Powers) is extended into global governance concurrent legislative powers.

  95. "Supranational level": Global international organizations: 17 UN specialized agencies (including the World Health Organization / WHO, International Civil Aviation Organization / ICAO, the International Fisheries Organization, the International Criminal Police Organization, the International Monetary Organization, etc.; regional international organizations such as: the EU, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the African Union, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the Pan American Health Service, Mercosur, the Pacific Alliance, etc.

  96. "National Legislation": Given that legislation is the core of a constitutional state, in order to avoid current global legislative ailments an electoral system is created that will satisfy the values of voting, eliminate stalemates, and dissolve one-party monopolies, dictatorships and corruption as well as two-party oligopoly, One party rule creates chaos, and national security is at risk. This is as urgent and close as the civil war between the CCP and the Kuomintang. For this reason, the "legislature will establish a one-vote, single-ballot, third-party election system of checks and balances to achieve equal powers" and ensure that the operation of the country will not be skewed or destructive. That is, one person represents 12 other people. Members of the 12 committees participate in elections, forming a matrix of 12 shadow cabinets with "division of labor" and "same demand" in social, state and international relationships to adapt to complex global environmental changes, abandon outdated ways of thinking in the legislature, and make the legislative body the core of permanent peaceful development and maintenance. Regarding the meaning of "Tongqiu", please refer to Zhang Xunjia (2011), "Duguit, the French Master of Social Positivism and Law", Yuedan Law Journal. On the third-party mechanism of checks and balances, refer to Lin Shuibo, "Political Paradox and its Management-Taking the Development of the Third Force as an Example", for background of the third force in the Journal of Policy Research: (1) Selection flexibility is too small; (2) It catalyzes policy changes; (3) Expanded interest representation; (4) Expression of political dissatisfaction; (5) Minimize generation of political corruption, (6) Mobilize political participation. However, the third-party checks and balances mechanism to complete the public pursuit of the objectives must include: (1) The rotation of political parties in power; (2) Sound direct democracy (public voices are allowed freedom of expression, special interests are suppressed, and legislative deadlocks are solved); (3) Internal forces are integrated; and (4) A fire protection mechanism is installed. Under political governance of polarization or dominance by two parties, or one-party dominance, voters may be disappointed in the exercise of power and lose interest. It is hoped that politicians will call on a group of people to form a third force, focus selectivity and increase political participation to display people-oriented political operations. The above is the application of the matrix analysis method for national organizational structures. As far as the "matrix" design is concerned, the science is progressing rapidly. One of the reasons for this is that information AI engineers can use the matrix-to-matrix method to convert 2D into 3D results in seconds. However, the 12 committees, namely the 12D matrix base axis, must produce infinite N D, which will be sufficient to adapt to infinite global changes. This concept is modeled on the matrix organizational structure of Igor Ansoff, the “originator of strategic management" Secondly, the legislative procedures of parliaments in democratic countries are roughly divided into two types: "council-centric" and "committee-centric." For details, please refer to "committee-centrism." Then again, there is the modified parliamentary cabinet system, referred to as the "cabinet system." After all, this Constitutional Congress has set up a single-vote three-member (party) check-and-balance mechanism for the matrix committee-centric shadow cabinet system. With systemic interaction, a committee emerges as a shadow cabinet. This is Chandler's “Structure follows strategy.” The performance is wonderful, and the mysteries are endless. Specific constitutional law/constitutional law standards cam be summarized as follows: The Congressional Standing Committees depend on population: 6 committees for those with a population of less than one million; 2 year terms and annual re-election of 1/2. 9 committees for nations with a population of up to 10 million–3-year term, 1/3 face election each year. 12 committees for nations with population up to 200 million—4- year terms, 1/4 face election each year. For 200 million to 600 million people, 15 committees serving 5-year terms, 1/5 face election each year. For 600 million to 1 billion people, 18 committees with 6-year terms, 1/6 face election each year. 21 committees for population of 1 billion or more, with 7-year terms and 1/7 face election each year. This schema serves to ensure effective existence of third powers. Also, see for comparison: Election Reform Society (ERS) is an independent action organization headquartered in the UK to promote electoral reform. It is the oldest operating organization in the world dedicated to political and electoral reforms.

  97. "Matrix Committee Centralism": Establish a new era of party system for multi-party cooperation and political consultation. Repair the defects and blind spots of democratic or autocratic legislatures, and re-elect a portion of the members each year. For example, if the four-year term of office is adopted, there are 12 quasi-cabinets of permanent members in the legislature, with system interaction, continuous rolling reform, strategic matrix analysis, continuous standardization and integration into universal constitution (ISO) standards. Therefore, the many disadvantages of single-constituency two-vote systems are avoided, including localization, vulgarization, grandstanding, polarization, internal friction, division of society, and endangerment of national security. If the head of state is allowed to repeatedly extend the term of office, it may take 30 years to elect a new leader, as is the case in Belarus. Nor will cabinet-system countries fail to produce a cabinet government, which happened in Spain after more than 400 days. In short, there is again no model.

  98. "None of the modern-day shortcomings, endless advantages for generations to come": This creation to change the chaos of the world has absolutely no shortcomings of contemporary democracy or dictatorship or any system, but it has infinite advantages. The basic political philosophy and legal philosophy is "Central, federal and sub-national (states, provinces, and municipalities) legislatures must maintain a balance of power among the three powers, and each year according to this principle, partial re-elections and mandatory voting are required. The above is based on time and space as the main axis, including handling and adapting to all things (see the Chinese Encyclopedia for the philosophical definition of "things").This shows that no two national systems are exactly the same, and even the 50 states in the United States have 51 systems (including DC), and there is no model for transfers. The world is changing rapidly. In the global village, if you don't change it, it will definitely change you. You will be a scarecrow with a body but no soul. In constitutionally regulated congresses, large and medium-sized countries—take Taiwan or the Republic of China as an example—the congress has 12 committees, and three committee chairpersons are re-elected every year. The one-vote single-election system can achieve zero defects. For example, in a country with a smaller population, the National Assembly sets up 9 quasi-cabinet committees, and 3 committees are re-elected every year. The term of office of the committee members is 3 years; according to the size of the country, it can be deduced by analogy. The US, China, India, Russia and other states, provinces, and cities are handled similarly, and the federal legislatures remain unchanged, and effectiveness is improved in an all-round way.

  99. "Organization of the legislature" follows the standards according to size of the population; consider the example of a population of less than 200 million and more than 5 million. There should be 12 committees, and constitutional law determines the number of committee members as 12×12= 144 people. Rule of law is in effect, all laws in one, and three special committees are set up." Based on actual need to listen to public opinion and have it heard in the international community, the chairman of each committee can also serve as a cabinet minister or minister. In order to fill vacuums, an additional convener may be added to assist the chair in performing duties. Therefore, 12 standing committees + 3 ad hoc committee + 15 conveners, "the total number of members is 195". The efficiency will be unparalleled. Part of the legislature faces election each year, which meets the test of public opinion. Bills cam be proposed in the quasi-cabinet (committees). Individual politicians cannot write blank checks to please certain voters, building mosquito houses and airports that are never used. The advantage of annual partial re-election of the membership lies in direct elimination of one-party dictatorship, division of spoils between the two parties and divisions in society, and the direct entry of new public opinion into the legislature every year, allowing laws and policies to keep pace with the times. Voters can only choose one of three groups at a time, and it will be very difficult for one party to align with another group (for a 2/3 majority). This shows the value of pluralism, a three-way struggle for political consciousness that does not focus on the left and the right, or liberalism or socialist disputes, or Taiwan reunification or independence, or maintenance of the status quo. History has repeatedly shown that one-party dictatorships are inevitably corrupt; two parties are oligopolistic, and one-party rebellions simply destroy the country and divvy up the spoils. Moreover, pluralism is the main driving force of European civilization. The Organic Law of the Legislature shall be prescribed by the Constitution and by constitutional law or other laws.

  100. "Local legislative power (sub-national level legislative power)": As for provinces, states, special zones and municipalities, only where international organizations and legislatures have not already enacted laws, or do not act on the laws in place, do they have legislative authority. The laws and regulations at the micro-country level can be deduced by analogy. Take "Hessen, Germany”, as an example: The Constitution of Hessen, Germany, §67: International law rules are a binding part of state law and do not need to be specifically converted into state law. Laws that violate these rules or international treaties are invalid. The legislature is a representative body of local councils, "taking Switzerland as an example": the "Swiss Constitution" §55: Participation of cantons in foreign policy decisions: (1) Consultation with the cantons on foreign policy shall be carried out for decisions that affect their power or fundamental interests; (2) The Federation shall inform all states in a timely manner and conduct consultations with them; (3) If the power of the states is affected, their opinions are particularly important. In such cases the states should participate in international negotiations in an appropriate manner. §56: The relationship between states and foreign countries: (1) A state can conclude treaties with foreign countries on matters within its scope of authority. (2) Such treaties must not conflict with the law or federal interests or the laws of any other state. Before concluding such a treaty, the states must notify the Federation. (3) The states can directly interact with lower-level foreign authorities; in other cases, the Federation should develop relations with foreign countries on behalf of the states. "Local legislation": Voting and elections are the cornerstones for resolving social conflicts and differences. Voting and the length of term of office determine the strength of contradictions. The local level is one of the three main levels in the UN global governance system. Local politics can best fully reflect the quality of the people. Take Taiwan as an example: During a local council's general questioning, an underworld spokesman slapped the chief of police in front of councilors. The fifth column of the underworld and other external forces have already entered the central system through local participation in politics, and they are everywhere you look. Take Taiwan as an example: During a local council's general questioning, an underworld spokesman slapped the chief of police in front of councilors. The underworld and other external forces have already entered the central system through local participation in politics.

  101. "Local Constitutions": The fourth wave of democratization will inevitably come at the "subnational level." All politics are local politics (the late Speaker of the US House of Representatives Tip O'Neil) amid local and world democratization. Seeing that today’s most compelling cases are Ukraine, Belarus, the Middle East and Europe, and in Asia, Taiwan, Burma, Tibet, South Korea, etc., success in any place can lead to a new wave of democratization elsewhere in the world. This is the millennium for humanity to achieve peace. When local "sub-national constitutions, national constitutions and supranational constitutions (international laws/charter of the UN) are integrated, there will be no place for authoritarian totalitarianism, and permanent peace will shine brighter than ever.” "Take Switzerland as an example": ibid. "Take Germany as an example": Basic Law §32 (Charter of Local Autonomy—State Foreign Relations)

    ─§32.2 A state should be consulted on a treaty involving special circumstances as early as possible before the treaty is concluded.

    ─§32.3 Within their legislative authority, states may conclude treaties with foreign countries with the approval of the federal government.

  102. "Take the US as an example": The success of American democracy. President Jefferson, the founding father of the constitution, once said: "Don't listen to politicians. Use the chains of the constitution to restrain them from doing bad things." The constitution stipulates that bills dealing with "money" will be handled first by members—whether in the national or state level—serving two-year terms. The Senate is the first to work on "power" related bills; 1/3 of its members face election every two years. This arrangement has remained unchanged for more than two hundred years. This parliamentary system in a democratic country is a model of power, because it nurtures the people's "illusion" of running the country themselves, even if their votes happen to select bad eggs to enslave themselves. To emancipate themselves, then, it is necessary to limit the length of time of authority for others. The term of office of the chief executive is five years, and the term of legislative members is four years, and one quarter of each year is re-elected. The overall election scheme and term limits are both sensible and reasonable.

  103. "Take Australia as an example": The most basic-level public opinion response is that local "voters" directly participate in local councils and can then directly participate in the legislature; they are thus reflected in the international community through the legislature. For example, the Sydney City Council allows local residents to participate in meetings, council committees, local planning groups, Sydney Central Planning Committee discussions and community forums, allowing people to speak in meetings and allowing public opinions directly into the halls of Parliament, reflecting public opinions and implementing civil rights. From the official website of the Sydney City Council.

  104. "Advocate for legislation": The legislature should take the lead in advocating an international legislative organization that will promote the basic standards of a Permanent Peace Constitution such as giving international law precedence over domestic law. Regardless of friend or foe status, all parliaments or local governments with legislative authority can participate in deliberations. This is similar to the "Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)"; in implementing international peace legislative tasks, including assistance to foreign countries to implement the basic standards of a Permanent Peace Constitution, the funding should not be less than five ten thousandths of the country’s total annual budget, as a contribution to global and national peace and security. The organization and rules for such operations shall be prescribed by law.

  105. "Voluntary systems promote absolute systems": The Constitutional Standards are to be achieved in a voluntary manner and at different speeds. Based on the absolute necessity of Permanent Peace, the Constitutional Standards stipulate that international law is higher than domestic law, hoping to move from voluntary to mandatory universal law and become international law. This means that, human beings as a whole abide by the orders of international law. As for funding for this project, at least five ten-thousandths of the country’s total annual budget shall be used to contribute to world and national peace and security.

  106. "Supranational Organizations": Legislation is global, and the central and local agencies of the country should administer according to the law. The current supranational organization United Nations-World Bank-International Civil Aviation Organization-International Health Organization. In order to seek permanent peace, it should develop global competing administrative powers, promote government standards (ISO), and eventually the birth of the Federal Republic of the World.

  107. "Take Argentina as an example": for a presidential system. Argentina was the seventh richest country in the world in the early 20th century. In 1908 its per capita income surpassed Germany, Canada and the Netherlands to rank seventh in the world. The leader of the Radical Party, Ippolito, was elected president in 1916 to honor his political views. The administration significantly increased wages, tariffs and benefits during a period of heightened xenophobia, and by 2016, per capita income had dropped to 59th in the world.

  108. "Take France as an example": The political system changes very frequently. It has changed 7 times in 81 years. It finally stabilized with the "semi-presidential and dual head system,” which historians have simplified to the "French Fifth Republic."

  109. "Election of the Prime Minister": The legislature selects three committees each year. The chairs are elected by the people, and the president may directly appoint a chairperson to serve as Prime Minister. If the president nominates a non-elected chair as Prime Minister, it must be approved by the legislature. The President must appoint a new prime minister or re-nominate the current PM after legislative elections. There will be no issues of overcoming cabinet favorites; no issues of dissolving the legislature; and no issues of inability to produce a Prime Minister. If one party boycotts, it will not lead to crisis. Human rights defense calls for 1/3 of the representatives to face election each year. History is constantly adjusting, the nation is always advancing, the world moves toward integration, and adversity will eventually be eliminated. Refer to the French Constitution § 21: The Prime Minister directs the government, is responsible for national defense, and ensures compliance with laws.

  110. "Peaceful Development/Global Co-opetition" In reality, most parliaments are rubber stamps of the ruling party, or even colluding accomplices and accomplices in corruption. Thus local elections should be held every year, and at least 60 days before the election, the performance of relevant ministries and committees should be announced globally. Subjects for dialogue between candidates and voters include: global peace index, human development index, freedom index, democracy index, rule of law index, poverty index, globalization index, social progress index, corruption index, bribery index, administrative index, global talent competitiveness index, environmental sustainability index, global competitiveness report, per capita income ranking and all other related sustainability indexes", making Congress the center of social, state and human development.

  111. "Global localized grassroots-ism" implements substantive co-management through "rights sharing and responsibility sharing". The functions of local governments are no longer limited to management of local affairs or commissioning of central policies. Instead, they must reposition their roles and functions under the thinking of globalization and good governance, and gradually transform towards city governance, or new modes of operation such as local governance. "All government affairs should be managed at the government level and full-time institutions closest to the people." Refer to "The 21st principle of the founding of the United States: strong local self-government is the cornerstone for protecting human freedom."

  112. "These Constitutional Standards are a prerequisite for resolving all domestic and/or international disputes": for the larger ones, take the first sentence of the introductory dialogue as an example. The Constitutional Standards precede actions just as lightning strikes before thunder, providing the future that we humans want—for example: when there was a constitution, the 1215 Magna Carta, the Petition of Rights, and Bill of Rights and other glorious revolutions succeeded; with no charter, the 1848 European Revolution, the Beijing Spring and 6/4 Incident, and the Arab Spring were all failures. Disputes between states, provinces and cities and states, should all be resolved based on constitutional standards.

  113. For "local autonomy," take "Germany as an example:" Basic Law §24: All states may entrust their sovereignty to neighboring international organizations with the consent of the federal government within the scope of their authority to exercise national powers and perform national tasks; "Hessen, Germany", Constitution §67: The rules of international law are a binding part of state law and do not need to be specifically converted into state law. Laws that violate these rules or international treaties are invalid. "Every province in Canada and every state in the US" has its own Supreme Court, and its autonomy need not be elaborated on here. "Take Belgium as an example": Constitution §35, §41: Federal authorities have powers only in matters officially allocated by the Constitution and laws passed under the Constitution itself. Under the conditions and terms stipulated by the law, communities and regions all have the authority to handle other matters in their respective areas of concern. Therefore Belgium has separate institutions: the central, regional, and community have separate administrative and legislative bodies. Equal legal status: the level of effectiveness of laws passed by the district and community councils is equal to that of centrally-enacted laws. Exclusive powers (exclusive competencies): The powers held by the central government, regions, and communities are divided and exclusive to avoid unnecessary disputes or conflicts due to overlapping powers. The authority of the regional community government, including employment policy, industrial planning, environmental protection, nature conservation, rural development, housing, land use, urban renewal, water resources, sewage treatment, energy policy (except national infrastructure and nuclear energy), road construction , waterways, regional airports, local public transportation, local government, agriculture, foreign trade, urban diplomacy (for example, friendly or sister cities: Taipei has 51 international sister cities), culture, language policy, education, health policy, social welfare and many more aspects of life. The federal government has the remaining competencies (residual competencies), including: national defense, justice, public security, social security, and fiscal and financial policies.

  114. "The first principle of constitutionalism" is "do good, pursue good, and avoid evil." Including the exercise of the eternal "constitution for all constitutions, morality for all moralities, a faith for all faiths, and a brotherhood for all brotherhoods." The "constitutional guarantor" enhances the constitutional reach, attitude and pattern for military, public and educational personnel. Law are sufficient in themselves. Anyone who is responsible for public services, whether paid or not, is a constitutional guarantor within the scope of their duties. If they violate statutory duties, they must bear civil and criminal liabilities. "Take France as an example": Article 5 of the French Constitution stipulates that the President shall bear the responsibility of constitutional guarantees. "Take Luxembourg as an example": "Luxembourg Constitution" §33, "Take Burundi as an example": "Burundi Constitution" §95, §209~221, "Take Benin as an example": "Benin Constitution" §41, §127, "Take Ivory Coast as an example": "Ivory Coast Constitution" §54, "Take Cameroon as an example": "Cameroon Constitution" §5. And so it goes, these all have the same or similar provisions; that is, the constitutional guarantee is a guarantee to the people that the constitution will be implemented. Only China acts contrary to the world and requires people to bear constitutional guarantee responsibility for the four major adherences of the Communist Party and the one-party dictatorship (see the Preface). This is a general source of exploitation of the people. On the other hand, "Consider the US": security and freedom depend on upholding the US Constitution, because their predecessors made it an infringement. The American people are the lawful masters of Congress and the courts, not overthrowing the constitution, but overthrowing people who distort the constitution (Abraham Lincoln). The chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mark Milley, delivered a speech on November 12, 2020, stating that the US military is loyal to the Constitution, not tyrants or dictators. He said, "We are unique among armies. We do not swear allegiance to kings or queens, tyrants or dictators. We do not swear to anyone. We do not swear to a country, a tribe, or a religion. Each of us is sure to ignore such a demand. Our personal costs go to protect and defend the constitution. Milley upholds this view, and the best comment is: the army has the responsibility to protect and defend the constitution. The army exists to defend democracy, not to be treated as a political pawn." As for "religious leadership", the right of freedom of religion is guaranteed by the Constitution. In the world of the rule of law: "There are no rights without duties, and no duties without rights." The freedom of preaching or lectures cannot be exempted from loyalty to the Constitution. The reasoning and logic here refers to §5.3 of the "German Basic Law".

  115. "Religious clergy": The definition of the position of a religious clergyman: serving as religious worship or presiding over religious activities, and providing spiritual and moral counseling to believers. The work content of religious clergy: (1) People who work for the religion and gods, and often serve in temples, shrines or churches as their profession; (2) Promotional activities, preaching and contact with people, caring and counseling the souls of the needy; (3) To help believers get care and comfort, help believers solve their difficulties, respond to changes, and to serve people in need. Good qualities and talents are required. Includes: priests, monks, bishops, missionaries, Taoists, contractors, temple attendants, caretakers, temple priests, abbots, nuns, monks... all should pass the constitutional elementary examination for Permanent Peace The constitution is: "a constitution for all constitutions, a morality for all moralities, a faith for all faiths, and a brotherhood for all brotherhoods," and it is the continuation and development of the classics of countless religions in heaven and on earth. The right to religious belief is protected by the Constitution. In a society ruled by law and justice, "there are no rights without obligations, and no obligations without rights."

  116. "Administrative neutrality and judicial justice" are the cornerstones of permanent peace. In the face of national ideological opposition, which seriously affects administrative neutrality, openness and judicial objectivity and impartiality. Such military interventions and officer mutinies are everywhere, and if a former president with a different ideology is convicted, the prosecutor is sent abroad and others are pressured to give false testimony, judges with the same ideology are reassigned to win convictions, and so on. To this end, the constitution should stipulate that the President, active duty generals, judges, and prosecutors should be completely separated from party affiliation, and none should be allowed to vote in elections. With one exception in the case of tie votes, the President has the right to vote. This all serves to ensure that the constitution is fair and reliable. Refer to §14 of the previous "Brazilian Constitution": "Anyone who is active military personnel shall not vote." §14.8 of the Brazilian Constitution: "A member of the armed forces can register to vote under the following conditions: (1) If he has served for less than ten years, he shall take a leave. (2) If he has served for more than ten years, his superior will be relieved of his military duties; if elected, he will retire automatically after he takes office."

  117. "Constitutional Judicial Prosecution": Focusing on Permanent Peace requires global (multiple/common) laws to maintain the common order of the world. Based on the fact that the Constitution is the general will of the people, the power of prosecution—whether it is unconstitutional or illegal—falls on all people and the procuratorial agencies in accordance with the law. For this reason, a certain number of procuratorial officials or people’s joint signatures can file a petition for an unconstitutional review with the Constitutional Court. For example, if the constitution has express provisions but no law can be enforced, it will cause the constitution to be hollowed out and make the law higher than the constitution, a step toward the destruction of the constitution. As for the independence of prosecutors, take the US as an example: There are 51 procuratorial systems in the 50 US states. Among them, the attorney general of Washington, DC, was appointed by the president for two hundred years, and only recently has election by the people been followed. Take China as an example again: The People's Procuratorate and the People's Court are independent of each other.

  118. "Universal Jurisdiction": International customary law, mandatory norms (international law), the Hague and Geneva Conventions, the Nuremberg Charter and Principles, the UN Charter, the Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide, the Anti-torture Convention, the Rome Statute… The principle here is: regardless of where the defendant committed the act, this principle allows the courts of various countries to try the crime of violating "jus cogens /mandatory law". It is generally recognized that the enforcement scope of jus cogens is covered by the above ruling on jus cogens. In practice, for example: the ninth court ruling of the Argentine Federal Court in 2009. Another example: the 2009 Spanish National Court ruling. Another example: Belgium passed the "Serious Violation of International Humanitarian Crimes Regulations" in 1993, stipulating that Belgium enjoys "universal criminal jurisdiction over war crimes, crimes against humanity, and acts of crippling people. Due to the extensive jurisdiction of the crippling human rights law and its sovereignty, the exclusion of immunity made many well-known international politicians such as Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon (involving Palestinian refugees suspected of the massacre of Lebanese refugees in 1982) to be prosecuted under the law. In 2000, the Brussels court issued international criminal arrests under the Mass Mutilation Act. The pursuit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, who was not in the country at the time, brought charges for the crime of serious violation of personal and property in violation of the Geneva Convention enacted in 1949, and a crime of violation of humanity in the Act on the Mutilation of People, which was revised in 1999. This was a key bill in defending human rights.

  119. "Take America as an example": There are currently 43 state attorneys general and/or publicly elected prosecutors (Law-Love Public Ethics Association database).

  120. "Insult and slander of "constitutional guarantors" should warrant public prosecution": The use of the adjective "insult" and the unclear conviction is due to the large scope of the indictment. For example, President Lee Teng-hui of Taiwan was splashed with red paint, President Chen was kicked on his backside, and a court judge had two ribs broken in front of a police officer. Other public officials, no matter how hard and hard they work, cooperate with specific media and the Internet. Meals and supper walk around the edge of the law, humiliation and slander. Because these are all crimes of telling, petty officials endure the humiliations to earn a living, while big officials fear there may be strong powers outside the country. This is a country that can never be transformed into justice. To build a country into its greatness, all public officials (constitutional guarantors) must be made great, glorified and respected. Only then will there be great people.

  121. Committee on All Laws of All Nations. The Procuratorate is a universal representative of justice that governs officials first, then the people. Whether or not the people and the government abide by the law, public officials carry out crime prevention, legislative, administrative and judicial duties. Reference: "UN Standards and Norms on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice", and internationally recognized normative principles and standards for crime prevention and criminal justice formulated by the international community over the past few decades. The people are the ultimate prosecutors: "When the government and/or political parties monopolize politics and the economy, the media, corruption and abuse of power all overpower the constitution, and civilians cannot be protected by international law or human rights standards. It is then the duty of the people to make a constitution." It is the duty of the state to ensure that no one is above the law and that no one is denied protection under the law. The state should establish a universal scientific AI court ruling prediction system with an accuracy of at least two-thirds to consolidate the human justice project.

  122. "The people have the right to directly sue for violations of the constitution": The power of the state rests with the people, and the authority of the state rests with the constitution. In order to prevent evil parties, evil laws, and political affairs such as Hitler from harming humanity, it is legally recognized that "the Constitution is the general order of the people." At the constitutional level, the constitution maker has the right to directly prosecute unconstitutional agencies or public officials and prosecutors should assist them. Otherwise, if you have to wait until the constitution is drawn up or there is a law before prosecution and trial, it is tantamount that the law is constraining the constitution.

  123. "Trial prediction": We must rely on a complete database of comparisons of world laws and regulations. Technological advancements are advancing rapidly. With the help of AI artificial intelligence, the integration of the "world (multiple common) law" is just around the corner. Prediction is not equivalent to a court decision. Take the United States as an example: AI prejudgment examples in courts, judges are now guided by computer algorithms in Cleveland, Arizona, Kentucky, and Alaska, and more and more other district and state courts. The output of these algorithms can determine bail, sentencing, and parole. Instead of relying on the subjective decision of a single judge. The artificial intelligence "judge" developed by UCL computer scientists. Computer scientists at University College London have developed software that can weigh legal evidence and ethical issues. The software can accurately predict the results of hundreds of real cases. Among the five cases involving torture, degrading treatment and privacy, the AI "judges" made three-quarters of the verdicts that were the same as the judges of the European Court of Human Rights.

  124. "Ensure universal justice and responsiveness". The judiciary is independent, with a chief elected by the people, and judicial reforms and political views shall directly reflect responsibility to the people. The Constitutional Court should be compared with the International Court of Justice, where judges come from the five continents of the world and have different nationalities. The biggest drawback of justice in general is the ruling party. If it puts forward a candidate for president, it will be able to downplay it as re-election is not allowed. This is in line with the true essence of democracy and can be used for countless generations. As for election of the Chief Justice, it is necessary to nominate 12 professional members for localization of international law and distribute them among 12 committees. This is a necessary and sufficient condition for the development of a world and a set of laws for permanent peace. "Take the US as an example": Judges are elected in 43 of the 50 US states (Law Love Database).

  125. " For example, the International Court of Justice": International Court of Justice Treaty §3: The Court is composed of 15 members from all continents, and no two of them are nationals of the same country. "Olympics": The five-ring logo symbolizes only the five continents "inhabited by humans." Regarding the "Lifelong Tenure System for Foreign Judges": The global constitution guarantees justice and legal justice, and generally guarantees that judges serve for life. (§81 of the Constitution of the Republic of China: judges have lifelong tenure and are not subject to criminal or disciplinary sanctions or imprisonment of property management, no dismissal, no suspension, transfer or salary reduction except in accordance with the law). In addition to the elected president, judges should still be comparable to general judicial officers for life, especially judges of foreign nationality. It is a big challenge to be familiar with the language of a nation. More importantly, they should be familiar with the laws and constitutions of the nation and the laws of all nations, as well as international law. The relationship is very laborious, and the learning experience curve is very lengthy. It should be comparable to lifetime tenure for US federal judges.

  126. "Constitutional Global Agreement, Unconstitutional Global Review. This excludes violations of international law or the Constitution. If there no remedy is at hand, there is a right of non-cooperation/non-violence/resistance worldwide" (§28). Only with great people can there be a solemn and noble constitution, which guarantees that everyone will hold their heads high and march around the world, and all nations and peoples are eagerly welcomed. The constitution clearly states that the unity of heaven, earth, the many nations and countless laws, equal to 99%, has been completed with the global agreement. A law without penalties is not a law, and a constitution without the right to resist is not a constitution. Of course, violations of the constitution are subject to global scrutiny or resistance. "A country that has nurtured such a lofty idea and has unswervingly pursued it will live forever in the world" (US –Abraham Lincoln)

  127. The ultimate goal of international law or the law of heaven and earth is to protect everyone. This constitution is no exception, ensuring that no one is above the law and that no one is denied protection under the law (§26): To ensure that justice is responsive, half of all judges come from different countries on five continents (§27). In the historical torrent, this constitution reveals the secrets of heaven as the "ultimate system for mankind and the final destination in life" worthy of universal trust and pursuit (Contributions 7).

  128. See Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany, §20.4: All Germans shall have the right to resist any person seeking to abolish this constitutional order if no other remedy is available. Also see John Locke, Two Treatises of Government/Book II: The Second Treatise of Government, An Essay Concerning the True Origin, Extent, and End of Civil Government, Chap. XIX. On Dissolution of the Government §222.

  129. "Global Citizens" must possess three abilities: "Independent thinking, the ability to think from the standpoint of each other, and the ability to think globally and locally." That is, cosmopolitanism is a concept of starting from the concept of justice, advocating to tolerate the differences between the nations of the world, and to establish a human community. Ancient Greece advocated the theory of world unity dominated by world reason, and believed that since human beings are a whole, there should be a world country. Modern Kant also believed that the alliance of cosmopolitanism would inevitably form eventually. The "United Nations" was born as a result. "The Doctrine of Authority"-Thomas Aquinas listed four rational characteristics: immutability, eternity, universal and inevitable. To put this in a rational way: Permanent Peace is the constitutional inevitable principle of heaven, truth, philosophy, and jurisprudence.

  130. The famous realist master John Mearsheimer's book, Why Do Leaders Lie?: "I have put forward seven kinds of political lies often said by the government, including: lies between countries, spreading fear, strategic cover-ups, making nationalist myths, liberal lies, social imperialism, and despicable cover-ups. In an era when the government and the media both indulge in evil, the government and the media cannot be trusted! Only a well-founded set of constitutional standards can be trusted.”

II. These Constitutional Standards are the basis of International law for sustainable development and brilliance (See: Contributions I)
III. These Constitutional Standards are general principles for reform and opening-up, and peaceful development of a "Global Constitution and Constitutionalism"

The "Constitutional Standards of Permanent Peace" (hereinafter referred to as the Constitution) exhaust the wisdom of the millennium law of mankind, based on justice, morality, fraternity and faith, and compare the global constitution, international law, the law of all nations, and the establishment of a nation with brand-new political ideas, political structures and political systems. Principles, authoritative peace proclamations, and authoritative peace awards are the main source of law for these standards constitution (ISO draft). Due to space limitations, we only list the 23 countries with the largest populations, more than 70% of the world’s population. Let’s take a look at ten comparisons. (The Unique Global Law and Regulations Comparisons Database: compare global laws and regulations, national constitutions, states, provinces and regions, global criminal law and civil law, global administrative laws, etc.).

*Symbol §1. Represents Item 1 of the 28 Principles of the Constitutional Standards, and scores: 0 points-30 points-60 points -90 points-full marks.

** The Constitutional Standards of Permanent Peace are abbreviated in the table as “CSPP”.

1. International Law in each constitution comparison with these "Constitutional Standards"

(Absolute requirements for Permanent Peace §13: International law is the fundamental law of the world, the parent law of national constitutions, and the absolute law of the nation. It directly creates rights and obligations for all residents and individuals as well as national and local governments.)

Nation Score Reason CSPP Score
China 0 China Constitution §5.2: All laws must not contravene the Constitution. Domestic law is higher than international law. §13 Full marks
India 0 India Constitution §51, §249-253: Domestic law is higher than international law. Ditto Full marks
US 70 US Constitution §1.8: Punishment of crimes that violate international law. Respect international law but refuse to sign the law of the sea Ditto Full marks
Indonesia 0 Indonesia Constitution §11: Domestic law is higher than international law. Ditto Full marks
Pakistan 0 Pakistan Constitution §70: Domestic law is higher than international law. Ditto Full marks
Brazil 50 Brazil Constitution §5: Domestic law is higher than international law. Brazil Constitution §5.88: Subject to the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court Ditto Full marks
Nigeria 0 Nigeria Constitution §19.4: Domestic law is higher than international law. Ditto Full marks
Bangladesh 50 Bangladesh Constitution §7.2: Domestic law is higher than international law. Ditto Full marks
Russia 0 Russia Constitution §15: Domestic law is higher than international law. Ditto Full marks
Mexico 0 Mexico Constitution §1: Domestic law is higher than international law. Ditto Full marks
Japan 0 Japan Constitution §98: Domestic law is higher than international law. Ditto Full marks
Philippines 0 Philippines Constitution §2.2, §7.21: Domestic law is higher than international law. Ditto Full marks
Egypt 0 Egypt Constitution §93: Domestic law is higher than international law. Ditto Full marks
Ethiopia 0 Ethiopia Constitution §9.4: Domestic law is higher than international law. Ditto Full marks
Vietnam 0 Vietnam Constitution §88.6, §70.4: Domestic law is higher than international law. Ditto Full marks
DRCongo 0 DRCongo Constitution §153.4: Domestic law is higher than international law. Ditto Full marks
Iran 0 Iran Constitution §77: Domestic law is higher than international law. Ditto Full marks
Germany 0 Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany §25: Domestic law is higher than international law. Ditto Full marks
Turkey 0 Turkey Constitution §90: Domestic law is higher than international law. Ditto Full marks
France 0 France Constitution §55: Domestic law is higher than international law. Ditto Full marks
South Korea 30 South Korea Constitution §6: Domestic law is higher than international law. Ditto Full marks
Australia 0 Australia Constitution §51: Domestic law is higher than international law. Ditto Full marks
Taiwan 0 Taiwan Constitution §170: Domestic law is higher than international law. Ditto Full marks

Conclusions: 1. The above scores are all preliminary evaluation statistics, which will be corrected by actuarial calculations. 2. In the case of jus cogens, no matter whether there are provisions in the national constitution or not, they are all invalid. 3. Absolute requirements for permanent peace in the world §13 is that international law constitutes the mother law of the national constitution. These effects are above the constitution and directly impose rights and obligations on domestic residents and the government.

2.Countries constitutions in the constitutional guarantors of human dignity should not behind another country comparison with these "Constitutional Standards"

(Subsidiary condition for the Constitutional Standards of Permanent Peace §14: All laws of all nations form part of domestic law: people can compare universal values and choose the best according to law)

Nation Score Reason CSPP Score
China 0 China Constitution §1.2: Citizens do not have the right to choose universal law §14 Full marks
India 0 India Constitution §260: Citizens do not have the right to choose universal law Ditto Full marks
US 90 US Constitution §1: The Congress has independent legislative power to enact laws in its own country and other countries that are conducive to the universal value of peace and equality Ditto Full marks
Indonesia 0 Indonesia Constitution §11: Citizens do not have the right to choose universal law Ditto Full marks
Pakistan 0 Pakistan Constitution §70: Proposal and adoption of bills (including international treaties, conventions and agreements, and international arbitration), and submit them to the President for approval Ditto Full marks
Brazil 0 Brazil Constitution §102.h: Citizens do not have the right to choose universal law Ditto Full marks
Nigeria 0 Nigeria Constitution §253C.2:: National Industrial Court has the right deal with International convention related to labor Ditto Full marks
Bangladesh 0 Bangladesh Constitution §26.1: Citizens do not have the right to choose universal law Ditto Full marks
Russia 0 Russia Constitution 79 §125: Citizens do not have the right to choose universal law Ditto Full marks
Mexico 0 Mexico Constitution §1: Citizens do not have the right to choose universal law Ditto Full marks
Japan 0 Japan Constitution §98: Citizens do not have the right to choose universal law Ditto Full marks
Philippines 0 Philippines Constitution §8,4,2: Citizens do not have the right to choose universal law Ditto Full marks
Egypt 0 Egypt Constitution §84: Citizens do not have the right to choose universal law Ditto Full marks
Ethiopia 0 Ethiopia Constitution §9: Citizens do not have the right to choose universal law Ditto Full marks
Vietnam 0 Vietnam Constitution §70.14: Citizens do not have the right to choose universal law Ditto Full marks
DRCongo 0 DRCongo Constitution §153.4: Citizens do not have the right to choose universal law Ditto Full marks
Iran 0 Iran Constitution §77: Citizens do not have the right to choose universal law Ditto Full marks
Germany 60 Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany §25: Citizens do not have the right to choose universal law Ditto Full marks
Turkey 0 Turkey Constitution §67: Citizens do not have the right to choose universal law Ditto Full marks
France 0 France Constitution §16: Citizens do not have the right to choose universal law Ditto Full marks
South Korea 30 South Korea Constitution §11: Citizens do not have the right to choose universal law Ditto Full marks
Australia 0 Australia Constitution §60: Citizens do not have the right to choose universal law Ditto Full marks
Taiwan 0 Taiwan Constitution §5: Citizens do not have the right to choose universal law Ditto Full marks

Conclusions: 1. The above scores are all preliminary evaluation statistics, which will be corrected by actuarial calculations. 2. One of the primary conditions for the establishment of permanent peace is to the unity of all laws: all nations and all laws can constitute as one universal law (multiple common) law. People can compare universal values of all nations and all laws and choose the best and use them in accordance with the law. It is also a necessary condition for the liberation of the last 56 countries that are still under the rule of dictators.

3. Comparison of Countries Anti-corruption, Free Use of Media for Honest and Clean Government Participation in Government" with the "Constitutional Standards"

(Absolute requirements for Permanent Peace: §2 TV channels should allot one hour a week for free for political participation; at least six major political parties have exclusive radio channels for the entire region; local political participation shall be handled similarly.

Nation Score Reason CSPP Score
China 0 There are no democratic elections. Elected by the Party §2 Full marks
India 0 Lack of freedom for media and radio channel Ditto Full marks
US 60 Election spending is a lot of money-but there is a complete control system Ditto Full marks
Indonesia 0 Lack of freedom for media and radio channels Ditto Full marks
Pakistan 0 Lack of freedom for media and radio channels Ditto Full marks
Brazil 0 Same as above but with complete control system Ditto Full marks
Nigeria 0 Lack of freedom for media and radio channels Ditto Full marks
Bangladesh 0 Same as above Ditto Full marks
Russia 0 Same as above Ditto Full marks
Mexico 0 Same as above Ditto Full marks
Japan 60 Japan Election Law §150: Public welfare provides free radio time Full marks Ditto
Philippines 0 Lack of freedom for media and radio channel but with complete control system Ditto Full marks
Egypt 0 Lack of freedom for media and radio channel Ditto Full marks
Ethiopia 0 Same as above Ditto Full marks
Vietnam 0 Same as above Ditto Full marks
DRCongo 0 Same as above Ditto Full marks
Iran 0 Same as above Ditto Full marks
Germany 60 Same as above but with complete control system Ditto Full marks
Turkey 0 Lack of freedom for media and radio channels Ditto Full marks
France 60 Same as above but the election law §L48-1 and §L52-1 strictly control propaganda Ditto Full marks
South Korea 60 §73 of the Public Election Law: Professional broadcasting expenses are borne by Korea Broadcasting Corporation Ditto Full marks
Australia 0 Lack of freedom for media and radio channel but The 1918 Federal Election Law has a complete control system Ditto Full marks
Taiwan 0 Same as above but §46 of the Law on Election and Removal of Public Officials, there are public political meetings Ditto Full marks
Taiwan 0 Same as above but §46 of the Law on Election and Removal of Public Officials, there are public political meetings Ditto Full marks

Conclusions: 1. The above scores are all preliminary evaluation statistics and will be corrected by actuarial calculations. 2: Those who participate in politics spend huge amounts of money to win elections. Politics has become a game of exchanging money for ‘public power’. Therefore, whether in a democratic system or in an authoritarian state, corruption remains an indispensable part of election and politics. Anti-corruption is essential to liberate the 56 countries under authoritarian rule.

4. Comparison of Countries ''Safeguarding Freedom, Compulsory Voting Regulations'' with the "Constitutional Standards"

(Absolute essentials for Permanent Peace: §4. Abuse of freedom of speech, with the intent to damage freedom, attack the democratic order or offer aid to the enemy, or crimes involving international law should be strictly regulated. §12. Candidates should ensure that basic human rights, environmental rights, and peaceful development rights should never lag behind those of other countries. The administrative, procuratorial and trial heads are elected annually; a portion of lawmakers are forced to face election each year.)

Nation Score Reason PPCS Score
China 0 No Freedom to defend democracy §4 Full marks
India 30 Constitution §104, mandatory voting by members of Congress Ditto Full marks
US 90 No Regulations Ditto Full marks
Indonesia 0 No Regulations Ditto Full marks
Pakistan 0 No Regulations Ditto Full marks
Brazil 0 Brazil Constitution §14.1.1 Ditto Full marks
Nigeria 0 No Regulations Ditto Full marks
Bangladesh 0 No Regulations Ditto Full marks
Russia 0 No Regulations Ditto Full marks
Mexico 60 Mexico Constitution § 36 Ditto Full marks
Japan 60 No Regulations Ditto Full marks
Philippines 60 Philippines Constitution §5.1 Ditto Full marks
Egypt 0 No Regulations Ditto Full marks
Ethiopia 0 No Regulations Ditto Full marks
Vietnam 0 No Regulations Ditto Full marks
DRCongo 60 No Regulations Ditto Full marks
Iran 0 No Regulations Ditto Full marks
Germany 90 There is no provision in the Basic Law, and some states require mandatory voting Ditto Full marks
Turkey 60 Turkey Constitution: 67 Ditto Full marks
France 60 No Regulations Ditto Full marks
South Korea 0 No Regulations Ditto Full marks
Australia 100 All mandatory voting Ditto Full marks
Taiwan 0 No Regulations Ditto Full marks

Conclusion: According to the World Democracy Index, even countries that are "partially democratic" cannot be counted as a defense against freedom and democracy.

5. Comparison of "Political openness in all countries to lawfully participate in elections for leaders at all levels" with these "Constitutional Standards"

(Absolute requirements for Permanent Peace:§7. Global democracy is essential for world peace. It is recognized that citizens of a fully democratic country can participate in the election of my country's leaders at all levels in accordance with the law to enhance the competitiveness of leaders and protect the momentum of national power.)

Nation Score Reason CSPP Score
China 0 No such design in the country §7 Full marks
India 0 No such design in the country Ditto Full marks
US 0 No such design in the country Ditto Full marks
Indonesia 0 No such design in the country Ditto Full marks
Pakistan 0 No such design in the country Ditto Full marks
Brazil 0 No such design in the country Ditto Full marks
Nigeria 0 No such design in the country Ditto Full marks
Bangladesh 0 No such design in the country Ditto Full marks
Russia 0 No such design in the country Ditto Full marks
Mexico 0 No such design in the country Ditto Full marks
Japan 0 No such design in the country Ditto Full marks
Philippines 60 No such design in the country Ditto Full marks
Egypt 0 No such design in the country Ditto Full marks
Ethiopia 0 No such design in the country Ditto Full marks
Vietnam 0 No such design in the country Ditto Full marks
DRCongo 60 No such design in the country Ditto Full marks
Iran 0 No such design in the country Ditto Full marks
Germany 60 Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany §28.1 Ditto Full marks
Turkey 60 No such design in the country Ditto Full marks
France 60 France Constitution §88-3 Ditto Full marks
South Korea 0 No such design in the country Ditto Full marks
Australia 0 No such design in the country Ditto Full marks
Taiwan 0 No such design in the country Ditto Full marks

Conclusions: 1: The above scores are preliminary evaluation statistics, and will be corrected by actuarial calculations. 2. Political openness has at least the following benefits: 1 to avoid monopoly by one party; 2 to weaken fixed party oligopoly; 3. to play the catfish effect to stimulate the international level of leaders at all levels; 4. to attract global talent, money and technology; 5. to benefit global diplomacy and economy Trade; 6. is conducive to international and inter-city competition; 7. one century ahead of entering the global village, the ideal is human harmony.

6. Comparison of Countries Specifying "National ‘Human Rights Issues are Global Internal Affairs’ with these "Constitutional Standards"

(Absolute requirements for human peace §11: Human rights issues are global internal affairs, and any human rights victimization is regarded as victimization of all humanity.)

Nation Score Reason CSPP Score
China 0 Ban on Human Rights, Democracy and Freedom §10 Full marks
India 60 Concern about some aspects of human rights Ditto Full marks
US 90 Concern about some aspects of human rights Ditto Full marks
Indonesia 30 Indonesia Constitution §28.J Ditto Full marks
Pakistan 30 Pakistan Constitution §9 Ditto Full marks
Brazil 60 Brazil Constitution §5 Ditto Full marks
Nigeria 0 Nigeria Constitution §33 Ditto Full marks
Bangladesh 30 Concern about some aspects of human rights Ditto Full marks
Russia 0 Concern about some aspects of human rights Ditto Full marks
Mexico 30 Concern about some aspects of human rights Ditto Full marks
Japan 60 Concern about some aspects of human rights Ditto Full marks
Philippines 60 Concern about some aspects of human rights Ditto Full marks
Egypt 0 Concern about some aspects of human rights Ditto Full marks
Ethiopia 0 Concern about some aspects of human rights Ditto Full marks
Vietnam 60 Concern about some aspects of human rights Ditto Full marks
DRCongo 0 Concern about some aspects of human rights Ditto Full marks
Iran 0 Concern about some aspects of human rights Ditto Full marks
Germany 90 Concern about some aspects of human rights Ditto Full marks
Turkey 60 Concern about some aspects of human rights Ditto Full marks
France 90 Concern about some aspects of human rights Ditto Full marks
South Korea 60 Concern about some aspects of human rights Ditto Full marks
Australia 60 Concern about some aspects of human rights Ditto Full marks
Taiwan 60 Concern about some aspects of human rights but Amendments to the Constitution (Taiwan) § 10 Ditto Full marks

Conclusions: 1: The above scores are preliminary evaluation statistics, and will be corrected by actuarial calculations. 2: One of the primary conditions for permanent peace is that human rights should take precedence over sovereignty. Human rights issues are global internal affairs and one of the absolute requirements for liberating the last 56 autocratic regimes shackling humanity.

7. Comparison of countries’ norms for global rule of law and integration of legislative power with these "Constitutional Standards"

§17: The state and sub-national levels have legislative powers only when laws have not been enacted at the supranational level.)

Nation Score Reason CSPP Score
China 0 China Constitution §1 Autocratic leadership of the CCP §17 Full marks
India 0 India Constitution §200 State and Federal Legislation Ditto Full marks
US 30 US Constitution §10.1 Ditto Full marks
Indonesia 0 Indonesia Constitution §18.5 Ditto Full marks
Pakistan 30 Pakistan Constitution §140A All provinces shall decentralize power to the elected representative of the local government Ditto Full marks
Brazil 60 Brazil Constitution §State and Federal Legislation Ditto Full marks
Nigeria 0 Nigeria Constitution §60 The parliament empowers local governments to levy taxes and other powers in accordance with the law Ditto Full marks
Bangladesh 0 Bangladesh Constitution §11.5 Ditto Full marks
Russia 0 Russia Constitution §15 local self-governments abide by the federal constitution and laws Ditto Full marks
Mexico 0 Mexico Constitution §27.6 local public bodies//congresses shall not formulate laws Ditto Full marks
Japan 60 Japan Constitution §95 Ditto Full marks
Philippines 0 Philippines Constitution §17 Constitution does not provide complete independence to autonomous regions Ditto Full marks
Egypt 60 Egypt Constitution §181 local council disputes can be solved by provincial government Ditto Full marks
Ethiopia 0 Ethiopia Constitution §52 Ditto Full marks
Vietnam 0 Vietnam Constitution §112 handling local issues is subject to supervision by higher level state agencies Ditto Full marks
DRCongo 30 DRCongo Constitution §3 provincial power can be decentralized to the local government Ditto Full marks
Iran 0 Iran Constitution §100 Ditto Full marks
Germany 60 Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany §72 Cooperation and Competition between state and federal government Ditto Full marks
Turkey 6 Turkey Constitution §7:Legislative power belongs to the Grand National Assembly, and this power must not be delegated Ditto Full marks
France 90 France Constitution §73 Ditto Full marks
South Korea 60 South Korea Constitution §117: Formulate regulations related to local autonomy within the scope of the law Ditto Full marks
Australia 60 Australia Constitution §106-109 Ditto Full marks
Taiwan 60 Taiwan Constitution §112-122 Ditto Full marks

Conclusion: 1: The above scores are preliminary evaluation statistics, and will be corrected by actuarial calculations. 2: A primary condition for the world to develop peacefully forever is: one earth, one set of common laws for the world. This is also one of the absolute requirements to liberate the last 56 autocratic countries.

8. Comparison of countries’ norms for constitutional guarantors with those of these "Constitutional Standards"

(Absolute conditions for Permanent Peace- "The law is not enough to be self-sufficient": The Constitutional of Permanent Peace §24. The president, civil society, the military, the public and the clergy are all guarantors of the constitution. This ensures that the constitution is a development tool for the people/organizations (for-profit/non-profit). The president, generals and judges are elected and must remain neutral with no right to vote.)

Nation Score Reason CSPP Score
China 0 China Constitution §1: One Party dictatorship rule and implementation of constitution : ( The Constitution should restrain the military and public propaganda and education and guarantee the people’s welfare §24 Full marks
India 100 India Constitution 200 Specify legislative, administrative and judicial officials to swear allegiance to the Constitution Ditto Full marks
US 100 US Constitution §2.§6 All officials swear to support the constitution. Ditto Full marks
Indonesia 100 Indonesia Constitution §9 The President and Vice President should be sworn to guarantee the constitution Ditto Full marks
Pakistan 100 Pakistan Constitution §42 President, §91.5 vice president§92.-§53.-§61-§65-§102-§130. Wait for all public officials to be clearly stipulated. Ditto Full marks
Brazil 100 Brazil Transitional Constitution Act of 1988 §1: Presidential Oath to Observe the Constitution Ditto Full marks
Nigeria 100 Nigeria Constitution §52: §89: §149: §151: §152 All administrative and judicial officials shall swear to uphold this Constitution. Ditto Full marks
Bangladesh 100 Bangladesh Constitution §148. All officials are sworn in: I will uphold, protect and defend the Constitution Ditto Full marks
Russia 0 Russia Constitution §82: In the exercise of the powers of the President of the Russian Federation... Selective observance Ditto Full marks
Mexico 100 Mexico Constitution §87 § 97 § 108 The President, the People's Congress, the Judges, the Civil Servants and the government swear to abide by and uphold the laws of the Political Constitution Ditto Full marks
Japan 100 Japan Constitution §99: The emperor, ministers, parliamentarians and civil servants all have constitutional obligations Ditto Full marks
Philippines 100 Philippines Constitution §5: The duty of the President (or Vice President or Acting President) of the Philippines to preserve and defend the Constitution of the Philippines. Ditto Full marks
Egypt 100 Egypt Constitution §104-§ 144-§ 165: President/Prime Minister upholds the Constitution Ditto Full marks
Ethiopia 100 Ethiopia Constitution §70.5: 5. The President shall take the oath of office at the Conference and shall declare his loyalty to (the Constitution) and to the Ethiopian people. Ditto Full marks
Vietnam 100 Vietnam Constitution §70 The President, Speaker, government must be loyal to the people and the Constitution Ditto Full marks
DRCongo 100 DRCongo Constitution Section 45 Public Power is responsible for ensuring Constitutional Section 69: The President of the Republic respects the Constitution and ensures the guarantor of public power. (Note: The President should abidethe Constitution, not respect it without legal responsibility) Ditto Full marks
Iran 0 Iran Constitution §4: All laws must be based on Islamic standards. (Islamic standards are higher than constitutional standards) Ditto Full marks
Germany 100 Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany §56 The President of the Federation upholds the Basic Law and federal laws Ditto Full marks
Turkey 100 Turkey Constitution §81: Turkish parliamentarians swear to be loyal to the Constitution. §103: Oath of the President of the Republic: Abide by the Constitution, rule of law and democracy. Ditto Full marks
France 100 France Constitution §5.1: The President oversees compliance with the Constitution Ditto Full marks
South Korea 100 South Korea Constitution §66.2 The President has the responsibility and obligation to safeguard the independence of the state and the Constitution Ditto Full marks
Australia 100 Australia Constitution §61 The Governor may act as a representative of the Queen and oversee enforcement and maintenance of this Constitution and Commonwealth laws. Ditto Full marks
Taiwan 30 Taiwan Constitution §48 The president shall, on taking office, swear: "... The rest shall abide by the Constitution." Ditto Full marks

Conclusion: Declaration of Independence-All human beings are created equal and inalienable, including the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. In order to protect these rights, human beings establish a government among them, and the legitimate power of the government is produced by the consent of the governed. When government officials cannot protect human rights with the Constitution, people have the right to change or abolish it.

9. Comparison of the sources of judges for universal justice and responsiveness in all countries with these "Constitutional Standards"

(Required for consolidation of Permanent Peace: in § 27 of these Constitutional Standards: half of all judges shall come from different countries on the five continents)

Nation Score Reason CSPP Score
China 0 There is no constitutional justice §27 Full marks
India 0 India Constitution § 124.1: Judges may not be of foreign nationality. Ditto Full marks
US 0 US Constitution § 2.2. 1 Judges may not be of foreign nationality. Ditto Full marks
Indonesia 0 Indonesia Constitution § 24C. 3: Judges must not be of foreign nationality.. Ditto Full marks
Pakistan 0 Pakistan Constitution § 176, § 177, 175 Judges shall not be of foreign nationality Ditto Full marks
Brazil 0 Brazil Constitution 104: Judges may not be of foreign nationality.. Ditto Full marks
Nigeria 0 Nigeria Constitution 230: Judges may not be of foreign nationality Ditto Full marks
Bangladesh 0 Bangladesh Constitution § 94: Judges may not be of foreign nationality. Ditto Full marks
Russia 0 Russia Constitution § 83, § 125, § 128. Judges may not be of foreign nationality Ditto Full marks
Mexico 0 Mexico Constitution § 89.18: Judges may not be of foreign nationality. Ditto Full marks
Japan 0 Japan Section 6 of the Constitution: Judges may not be of foreign nationality. Ditto Full marks
Philippines 0 Philippines Constitution Section 8.9: Judges may not be of foreign nationality. Ditto Full marks
Egypt 0 Egypt Constitution § 193: Judges may not be of foreign nationality. Ditto Full marks
Ethiopia 0 Ethiopia Constitution § 82, § 83: Judges may not be of foreign nationality. Ditto Full marks
Vietnam 0 Vietnam Constitution §70.2: Judges shall not be of foreign nationality. Ditto Full marks
DRCongo 0 DRCongo Constitution § 158: Judges may not be of foreign nationality. Ditto Full marks
Iran 0 Iran Constitution §67: Judges may not be of foreign nationality. Ditto Full marks
Germany 0 Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany § 94.1: Judges may not be of foreign nationality. Ditto Full marks
Turkey 0 Turkey Constitution § 146: Judges may not be of foreign nationality. Ditto Full marks
France 0 France Constitution §56: Judges may not be of foreign nationality. Ditto Full marks
South Korea 30 South Korea Constitution §101.2: The qualifications of judges shall be determined by law Ditto Full marks
Australia 100 Australia Constitution §72: does not restrict dual nationality Ditto Full marks
Taiwan 0 Taiwan Citizenship Law § 10 No public officials of foreign nationality Ditto Full marks

Conclusion: One of the elements of permanent peace is the source of justices: by reference to the International Court of Justice Treaty § 3, it consists of fifteen members, of whom no two may be nationals of the same State. The only criterion for justice to persuade domestic and international parties to safeguard universal justice and human order is comparison with international courts, which is also a necessary condition for liberating the last 56 autocratic shackles of mankind.

10. Comparison of relief for right of resistance and non-cooperation in the constitutions of various nations with these "Constitutional Standards"

(Absolute essentials for Permanent Peace § 28: Global Review of Unconstitutionality—excluding unconstitutionality or violation of international law, if no remedy is at hand, anyone in the world can resist it.)

Nation Score Reason CSPP Score
China 0 There is no constitutional review and no constitutional relief §28 Full marks
India 0 India Constitution § 131 There is no right to make a constitution and no right to resist Ditto Full marks
US 100 US Constitution § 3.2 No constitutional power and no right to resist Ditto Full marks
Indonesia 0 Indonesia Constitution § 24C has no right to make a constitution and no right to resist Ditto Full marks
Pakistan 0 Pakistan Constitution § 188 has no right to make a constitution and no right to resist Ditto Full marks
Brazil 60 Brazil Constitution § 103 There are declarations and actions of unconstitutionality, and there is no right to make a constitution and no right to resist Ditto Full marks
Nigeria 0 Nigeria Constitution § 233 No constitutional power and no right to resist Ditto Full marks
Bangladesh 0 Bangladesh Constitution § 102. There is no right to make a constitution and no right to resist Ditto Full marks
Russia 0 Russia Constitution § 125. There is no right to make a constitution and no right to resist Ditto Full marks
Mexico 0 Mexico Constitution § 29: No Constitution and No Resistance Ditto Full marks
Japan 90 Japan Constitution § 81: There is no right to make a constitution and no right to resist Ditto Full marks
Philippines 0 Philippines Constitution § 8.4 No constitutional power and no right to resist Ditto Full marks
Egypt 0 Egypt Constitution § 192 There is no right to make a constitution and no right to resist Ditto Full marks
Ethiopia 0 Ethiopia Constitution § 83: There is no right to make a constitution and no right to resist Ditto Full marks
Vietnam 0 Vietnam Constitution § 70. No constitutional power and no right to resist Ditto Full marks
DRCongo 0 DRCongo Constitution § 160 There is no right to make a constitution and no right to resist Ditto Full marks
Iran 0 Iran Constitution § 174 has no right to make a constitution and no right to resist Ditto Full marks
Germany 100 Germany The preamble of the Basic Law has the right to make a constitution, and § 20.4 has the right to resist Ditto Full marks
Turkey 0 Turkey Constitution § 148 has no right to make a constitution and no right to resist Ditto Full marks
France 90 France Constitution § 2: There is no right to make a constitution, but there is a right to resist Ditto Full marks
South Korea 0 South Korea Constitution § 52 There is no right to make a constitution and no right to resist Ditto Full marks
Australia 0 Australia Constitution § 52 There is no right to make a constitution and no right to resist Ditto Full marks
Taiwan 0 Taiwan Constitution § 114 No constitutional power and no right to resist Ditto Full marks

Conclusions: 1.The lessons of the Weimar Constitution: "A law without penalty is not a law-a constitution without resistance is not a constitution". One of the absolute essentials of permanent peace is that the people have the right to vote on constitutions; 2. The right of resistance and non-cooperation with constitutional relief, including strikes and tax strikes, is also one of the absolute elements for liberating the last 56 autocratic shackles of mankind.

IV. These Constitutional Standards serve as general rules for reform, opening up and peaceful development of state, provincial and city charters" ( See: Contributions III)
V. These Constitutional Standards serve as a tool for continued development and insights of the United Nations and more than 20,000 NGOs

Comparisons of UN peace-related declarations, conventions, and resolutions with these Constitutional Standards: "Call on the powers of war to be united, discard prejudices, break the boundaries, and establish permanent peace

1. UN Charter vs. Constitutional Standards

Main article CSPP
Article 1.1. To maintain international peace and security, and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breacof the peace, and to bring about by peaceful means, and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law, adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations which might lead to a breach of the peace;

Article 1.2 To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace; §6,§7,§17,§24
Article 1.3 To achieve international co-operation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian character, and in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion;


2. Comparison of United Nations "Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Constitution" with the "Constitutional Standards"

Main article CSPP
That since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defense of peace must be constructed; §4
Article I.1. The purpose of the Organization is to contribute to peace and security by promoting collaboration among the nations through education, science and culture in order to further universal respect for justice, for the rulelaw and for the human rights and fundamental freedoms which are affirmed for the peoples of the world, without distinction of race, sex, language or religion, by the Charter of the United Nations.

Article I.2. Collaborate in the work of advancing the mutual knowledge and understanding of peoples, through all means of mass communication §3,§4

3. Comparison of the resolutions of the United Nations "Appeal to the great powers to renew their efforts to compose their differences and establish a lasting peace"

Main article CSPP
Only with continuing and growing co-operation and understanding among our three countries, and among all the peace-loving nations, can highest aspiration of humanity be realized—a secure and lasting peace §1~§28

4. Comparison of the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which is regulated by the United Nations for peace, with the constitutional standards

The Universal Declaration of Human Right CSPP
Art. 1: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. §13
Art. 2: Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, properbirth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.

Art. 3: Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person. §1
Art. 4: No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms. §13
Art. 5: No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. §13
Art. 6: Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law. §2
Art. 7: All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against incitement to such discrimination.

Art. 8: Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law. §25
Art. 9: No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile. §14
Art. 10: Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him. §12
Art. 11: No one shall be held guilty of any penal offense on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offense, under national or international law, at the time when it was committed. Nor shall a heavier penabe imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the penal offence was committed.

Art. 12: No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honor and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interfereor attacks.

Art. 13: Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state and to return to his country. §14
Art. 14: Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution. §1
Art. 15: Everyone has the right to a nationality. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality. §1
Art. 16: Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolutiMarriage shall be entered into only with free and full consent of the intended spouses.

Art. 17: Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property. §1
Art. 18: Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifhis religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

Art. 19: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of fronti

Art. 20: Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association. No one may be compelled to belong to an association. §4
Art. 21: Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives. Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in his country. The will of the people shallthe basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures.

Art. 22: Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, through national effort and international co-operation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each State,the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality.

Art. 23: Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favorable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment. §1~2
Art. 24: Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay. §5
Art. 25: Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to securitythe event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.

Art. 26: Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free of charge, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. §1
Art. 27: Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits. Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and materinterests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author.

Art. 28: Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized. §1
Art. 29: Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible. §2
Art. 30: Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein> §1~28

5. Comparison of other UN peace-related declarations with these "Constitutional Standards"

Year Title CSPP
2016 Declaration on the Right to Peace §1~§28
2015 Declaration on the occasion of the seventieth anniversary of the United Nations §1~§28
2011 The future we want §1~§28
2000 We the Peoples Millennium Forum Declaration and Agenda for Action: Strengthening the United Nations for the twenty-first century §1~§28
2000 Millennium declaration §1~§28
1999 Declaration and Program of Action on a Culture of Peace §1~§28
1998 Declaration on the Occasion of the Fiftieth Anniversary of United Nations Peacekeeping §1~§28
1996 United Nations Declaration on Crime and Public Security §1~§28
1996 Rome Declaration on World Food Security §1~§28
1995 Commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the end of the Second World War §1~§28
1995 Declaration on the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations §1~§28
1995 Manila Declaration on the Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes §1~§28
1994 Declaration on the Enhancement of Cooperation between the United Nations and Regional Arrangements or Agencies in the Maintenance of International Peace and Security §1~§28
1993 Letter dated 23 November 1993 from the Permanent Representatives of Argentina, Belgium, Canada, China, Costa Rica, Egypt, Hungary, the Russian Federation, Senegal, Sweden and Thailand to the United Nations addressed to Secretary-General

1991 Model Agreement between the United Nations and Member States Contributing Personnel and Equipment to United Nations Peace-keeping Operations: Report of the Secretary-General §1~§28
1991 Declaration on Fact-finding by the United Nations in the Field of the Maintenance of International Peace and Security §1~§28
1990 Model status-of-forces agreement for peace-keeping operations §1~§28
1988 Declaration on the Prevention and Removal of Disputes and Situations Which May Threaten International Peace and Security and on the Role of the United Nations in This Field §1~§28
1987 Declaration on the Enhancement of the Effectiveness of the Principle of Refraining from the Threat or Use of Force in International Relations §1~§28
1984 Declaration on the Right of Peoples to Peace §1~§28
1982 Manila Declaration on the Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes §1~§28
1981 Declaration on the Prevention of Nuclear Catastrophe §1~§28
1978 Declaration on the Preparation of Societies for Life in Peace §1~§28
1977 Declaration on the Deepening and Consolidation of International Detente §1~§28
1975 Declaration on the Use of Scientific and Technological Progress in the Interests of Peace and for the Benefit of Mankind §1~§28
1974 Definition of Aggression §1~§28
1974 Declaration on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order §1~§28
1971 Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a zone of peace §1~§28
1970 Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations §1~§28
1970 Declaration on the Occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the United Nations §1~§28
1970 Declaration on the strengthening of international security §1~§28
1965 Declaration on the Promotion Among youth of the Ideals of Peace, Mutual Respect and Understanding between Peoples §1~§28
1962 Declaration on the conversion to peaceful needs of the resources released by disarmament §1~§28
VI. These Constitutional Standards are a continuation of the 28 principles for founding the US, a brilliant tool for nation building
The principles followed in establishing the United States CSPP
1st Principle-The only reliable basis for sound government and just human relations is Natural Law Preamble, §١٠
2nd Principle-A free people cannot survive under a republic §١,§٢
3rd Principle-The most promising method of securing a virtuous and morally stable people is to elect virtuous leaders §3,§8
4th Principle-Without religion the government of a free people cannot be maintained §17
5th Principle-All things were created by God, therefore upon Him all mankind are equally dependent, and to Him they are equally responsible §17
6th Principle-All men are created equal §10~§12
7th Principle-The proper role of government is to protect equal rights, not provide equal things §19~§28
8th Principle-Men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights §٩~§١٤
9th Principle-To protect man's rights, God has revealed certain principles of divine law §10~§12
10th Principle-The God-given right to govern is vested in the sovereign authority of the whole people §10~§13
11th Principle-The majority of the people may alter or abolish a government which becomes tyrannical §15
12th Principle-The United States of America shall be a republic a democracy and a republic combined §4,§12
13th Principle-A constitution should be structured to permanently protect the people from the human frailties of their rulers §11
14th Principle-Life and liberty are secure only so long as the right to property is secure §5~§10
15th Principle-The highest level of prosperity occurs when there is a free-market economy and a minimum of government regulations §9,§17
16th Principle-The government should be separated into three branches-legislative, executive, and judicial §23,§25,§27
17th Principle-A system of checks and balances should be adopted to prevent the abuse of power §19~§24
18th Principle-The unalienable rights of the people are most likely to be preserved if the principles of government are set forth in a written constitution §13,§16,§27
19th Principle-Only limited and carefully defined powers should be delegated to government, all others being retained in the people §12,§19~§27
20th Principle-Efficiency and dispatch require government to operate according to the will of the majority, but constitutional provisions must be made to protect the rights of the minority §11,§14,§16
21st Principle-Strong local self-government is the keystone to preserving human freedom §21,§24
22nd Principle-A free people should be governed by law and not by the whims of men §14,§26
23rd Principle-A free society cannot survive as a republic without a broad program of general education §1~§4
24th Principle-A free people will not survive unless they stay strong §1~28
25th Principle-"Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations-entangling alliances with none" §19,§22
26th Principle-The core unit which determines the strength of any society is the family; therefore, the government should foster and protect its integrity §9~§15,§18
27th Principle-The burden of debt is as destructive to freedom as subjugation by conquest §22~§24
28th Principle-The United States has a manifest destiny to be an example and a blessing to the entire human race §1~28
VII. These Constitutional Standards are a tool for continued development and brilliance of the "Christian religion" (2.5 billion believers)

1. Major propositions of the Old Testament of the Bible over the past 3,500 years compared with these Constitutional Standards

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of “Old Testament”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Peace”.

Lv 26:6_I will establish peace in the land, that you may lie down to rest without anxiety.
Dt 23:7_Never promote their peace and prosperity as long as you live.
Jos 10:4_ it had concluded peace with Joshua and the Israelites.
1Ch 22:9_He will be a peaceful man, and I will give him rest from all his enemies
1Mc 14:11_He brought peace to the land, and Israel was filled with happiness.
2Mc 3:1_While the holy city lived in perfect peace and the laws were strictly observed
Ps 85:11_Love and truth will meet; justice and peace will kiss.
Pr 12:20_Deceit is in the hands of those who plot evil, but those who counsel peace
Qo 3:8_A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.
Si 13:17_Or between the rich and the poor can there be peace?
Is 27:5_He must make peace with me; peace shall he make with me!
Jr 14:13_Indeed, I will give you lasting peace in this place.”
Ba 5:4_you will be named by God forever the peace of justice,
Ezk 38:11_”I will attack the peaceful people who are living in security,
Zc 9:10_ The warrior’s shall be banished, and he shall proclaim peace to the nations.
Want to see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=10A_1

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of the “Old Testament”, and they are also an essential element in realizing the concept of “Love and Care”.

Ex 20:6_ on the children of those who love me and keep my commandments.
Lv 19:18_You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
Dt 6:5_Therefore, you shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart,
Jos 22:5_ enjoined upon you: love the Lord, your God; follow him faithfully
1K 3:3_Solomon loved the Lord,
2Ch 2:10_ “Because the Lord loves his people, he has placed you over them as king.”
Ne 1:5_I prayed: Lord preserve your covenant of mercy toward those who love you
Tb 13:14_Happy are those who love you, rejoice in your prosperity.
1Mc 4:33_Strike them down by the sword of those who love you,
2Mc 6:20_ it is unlawful to taste even for love of life.
Jb 19:19_ those whom I loved have turned against me!
Ps 5:8_But I can enter your house because of your great love.
Pr 3:12_For whom the Lord loves he reproves, and he chastises the son he favors.
Ws 6:18_love means the keeping of her laws; laws is the basis for incorruptibility;
Si 2:16_ who fear the Lord seek to please him, those who love him filled with his law.
To see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=10A_2

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of “Old Testament”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Truth”.

2S 7:28_ your words are truth; you have made this generous promise to your servant.
Tb 1:3_I have walked all the days of my life on the paths of truth and righteousness.
Tb 3:5_For we failed kept your commandments, failed the paths of truth before you.
1Mc 7:18_ “There is no truth or justice; they violated the agreement and the oath
2Mc 6:17_Let these words suffice for recalling this truth.
Ps 45:5_In the cause of truth and justice may your right hand show you deeds.
Ps 85:11_Love and truth will meet; justice and peace will kiss.
Ps 85:12_Truth will spring from the earth; justice will look down from heaven.
Pr 23:23_Get the truth, and sell it not - wisdom, instruction and understanding.
Ws 3:9_Those who trust in him shall understand truth
Ws 5:6_ have strayed from the way of truth, and the light of justice did not shine for us
Si 4:28_Even to the death fight for truth, and the Lord your God will battle for you.
Si 37:15_Most important of all, pray to God to set your feet in the path of truth.
Is 59:14_Right is repelled, and justice stands far off; For truth stumbles
Want to see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=10A_11

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of “Old Testament”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Freedom”.

Gn 34:10_The land is open; you can settle and move about freely in it,
Ex 21:26_he shall let the slave go free in compensation for the eye.
Lv 25:10_ shall make sacred by proclaiming liberty in the land for all its inhabitants.
Dt 15:8 you shall open your hand to him and freely lend him enough to meet his needs.
Jg 5:11_ his just deeds that brought freedom to Israel.
1Mc 4:18_Afterward you can freely take the plunder.”
2Mc 10:21_ by setting their enemies free to fight against them.
Ps 18:20_He set me free in the open; he rescued me because he loves me.
Sg 5:1_Drink freely of love!
Si 10:24_When free men serve a prudent slave, the wise man does not complain.
Is 45:13_He shall rebuild my city and let my exiles go free without price or ransom,
Jr 34:14_Every seventh year each of you shall set free him who has sold himself to you
Jr 37:4_ he still came and went freely among the people.
Ezk 17:7_ That he might water it more freely than the bed where it was planted.
Zc 4:12”What are the two olive tufts which freely pour out fresh oil
To see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=10A_12

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of “Old Testament”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Rights”

Gn 25:32_What good will any birth rights do me?”
Ex 23:6_”You shall not deny one of your needy fellow men his rights in his lawsuit.
Lv 27:29_All human beings that are doomed lose the rights to be redeemed; they must be put to death.
Dt 27:19_’Cursed be he who violates the rights of the alien, the orphan or the widow!’
1S 8:9_ warn them solemnly and inform them of the rights of the king who will rule them.”
1Ch 5:2_, so that the ruler came from him, though the birthrights had been Joseph’s.)
Tb 2:13_Give it back to its owners; we have no rights to eat stolen food!”
1Mc 14:46_”’All the people approved of granting Simon the right to act in accord with these decisions,
2Mc 13:23_, submitted to their terms, and swore to observe their rights.
Jb 23:7_There the upright man might reason with him, and I should once and for all preserve my rights.
Ps 9:5_You upheld my rights and my cause, seated on your throne, judging justly.
Pr 31:8_Open your mouth in behalf of the dumb, and for the rights of the destitute;
Qo 5:7 oppression of the poor, and violation of rights and justice in the realm - .
Ws 19:16_ oppressed with awful toils those who now shared with them the same rights.
Si 47:11_ He conferred on him the rights of royalty and established his throne in Israel.
To see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=10A_13

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “Old Testament”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Righteousness”.

Dt 6:25_and our justice before the Lord our God, is to consist in carefully observing all …
Dt 33:21_He carried out the justice of the Lord and his decrees respecting Israel.”
1S 26:23_The Lord will reward each man for his justice and faithfulness.
2S 22:21_”The Lord rewarded me according to my justice; according to the cleanness …
1K 3:6_... because he behaved faithfully toward you, with justice and an upright heart; …
Tb 12:8_A little with righteousness is better than abundance with wickedness.
1Mc 2:29_Many who sought to live according to righteousness and religious custom went out…
2Mc 8:13_the cowardly and those who lacked faith in God’s justice deserted and got away.
Jb 8:3_Does God pervert judgment, and does the Almighty distort justice?
Ps 7:18_I praise the justice of the Lord; I celebrate the name of the Lord Most High.
Ps 9:9_It is God who governs the world with justice, who judges the peoples with fairness.
Ps 71:2_In your justice rescue and deliver me; listen to me and save me!
Ps 96:13_...To govern the world with justice and the peoples with faithfulness.
Pr 29:4_By justice a king gives stability to the land; but he who imposes heavy taxes ruins it.
To see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=10A_14

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of the “Old Testament” and they are also an essential element for eliminating the concept of “War”.

Lv 26:6_I will keep the sword of war from sweeping across your land.
Jg 5:8_ New gods were their choice; then the war was at their gates.
2S 22:40_”You girded me with strength for war; you subdued my adversaries beneath me.
1K 2:5_You yourself know when he slew the two generals of Israel’s armies,
2K 18:20_Do you think mere words substitute for strategy and might in war?
1Ch 12:34_From Zebulun, men fit for military service, set in battle array with every kind of weapon for war: fifty thousand men rallying with a single purpose.
Jdt 9:8_” ‘You, the Lord, crush warfare; Lord is your name.
Est A:6_and at their cry every nation prepared for war, to fight against the race of the just.
1Mc 3:3_He spread abroad the glory of his people, and put on his breastplate like a giant.
Jb 20:23_God shall rain down his missiles of war upon him.
Ps 55:22_Softer than butter is their speech, but war is in their hearts.
Pr 28:4_Those who keep the law war against him.
Qo 3:8_A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.
Ws 8:15_terrible princes, in the assembly I should appear noble, and in war courageous.
Si 4:28_Even to the death fight for truth, and the Lord your God will battle for you.
To see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=10A_15

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and of the “Old Testament” and they are also an essential element for eliminating the concept of “Disease”.

Ex 15:26_ I will not afflict you with any of the diseases
Ex 23:25 I will remove all sickness from your midst;
Dt 7:15_The LORD will remove all sickness and malignant diseases
Dt 28:60_He will again afflict you with all the diseases of you dread,
1K 8:37_whatever plague or sickness there may be,
2K 8:9_ he will recover from his sickness.”
2Ch 6:28_ whenever there is a plague or sickness of any kind;
Jdt 8:3_ he suffered sunstroke; and he died of this illness in Bethulia, his native city.
2Mc 9:21With illness; so I thought it necessary to plans for the general welfare of all.
Ps 41:9_I have a deadly disease, they say; I will never rise from my sickbed.
Ps 106:15_So he gave them what they asked and sent among them a wasting disease.
Qo 5:16_All the days of his life are passed under great vexation, sickness and wrath.
Si 10:10_A slight illness - the doctor jests, a king today - tomorrow he is dead.
Si 37:29_For sickness comes with overeating, and gluttony brings on biliousness.
Jr 16:4_Of deadly disease they shall die.
To see more comparisons:https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=10A_17

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and of the “Old Testament” and they are also an essential element for eliminating the concept of “Happiness”.

Gn 27:29_Cursed be those who curse you, and blessed be those who bless you.”
Nb 24:9_Blessed is he who blesses you, and cursed is he who curses you!
Dt 6:24_ we may always have as prosperous and happy a life as we have today;
2Ch 9:7_Happy are your men, happy these servants of yours,
Tb 13:14_Happy are those who love you, and happy those who rejoice in your prosperity.
Jdt 13:18_: “Blessed are you, daughter, and blessed be the Lord God,
Jb 36:11_If they obey and serve him, they spend their days in happiness.
Ps 1:1_Happy those who do not follow the counsel of the wicked,
Ps 144:15_Happy the people so blessed; happy the people whose God is the Lord.
Pr 14:21_He sins who despises the hungry; but happy is he who is kind to the poor!
Si 8:19_Open your heart to no man, and banish not your happiness.
Si 14:20_Happy the man who meditates on wisdom, and reflects on knowledge;
Si 30:16_No treasure greater than a healthy body; no happiness, than a joyful heart!
Is 65:18_Instead, there shall always be rejoicing and happiness in what I create;
Lm 3:17_My soul is deprived of peace, I have forgotten what happiness is;
To see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=10A_20

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and of the “Old Testament” and they are also an essential element for eliminating the concept of “Fear”.

Ezr 9:4_Around me gathered all who were in dread of the sentence of the God
Est 8:17_And they were seized with a fear of the Jews.
2Mc 8:16_, nor to fear the attacking them unjustly, but to fight courageously,
Jb 5:22_At destruction; the beasts of the earth you need not dread.
Ps 64:2_O God, hear my anguished voice; from the foes I dread protect my life.
Ws 18:25_To these names the destroyer yielded, and these he feared; for the mere trial of anger was enough.
Si 41:3_Fear not death’s it embraces those before you, and those after.
Is 51:13_All the day you are in constant dread of the fury of the oppressor;
Jr 42:16_the sword you fear shall reach you in the land the hunger you dread shall cling
Ba 4:21_”Fear not, my children; God, will deliver you from oppression at enemy hands.
Dn 10:7_ but great fear seized the men who were with me; they fled and hid themselves
Jon 1:5_Then the mariners became frightened and each one cried to his god.
Zp 3:7_I said, “Surely now you will fear me, you will accept correction”
Zc 8:13_ do not fear, but let your hands be strong.
Ml 2:5_; fear I put in him, and he feared me, and stood in awe of my name.
To see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=10A_21

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of the “Old Testament” and they are also an essential element for eliminating the concept of “Saved”.

Ex 14:30_Thus the Lord saved Israel on that day from the power of the Egyptians.
Nb 10:9_When you go to war: GOD remember you and save you from your foes.
Jg 6:14_ “Go with the strength you have and save Israel from the power of Midian.
1S 10:1_You are to save them from the grasp of their enemies round about.
2Ch 32:13_Were the gods able to save their lands from my hand?
Jdt 6:2_Their God will not save them;
1Mc 9:9_Let us save our lives now, and then fight against them.
Ps 71:2_In your justice rescue and deliver me; listen to me and save me!
Is 33:6_ the riches that save her, are wisdom and knowledge;
Jr 42:11_ I am with you to save you, to rescue you from his power.
Ba 6:36_To blind man do they restore his sight, nor do they save any man
Ezk 14:20_ they could save neither son nor daughter; they would save only themselves
Dn 6:17_To Daniel he said, “May your God, whom you serve so constantly, save you.”
Hab 3:13_You come forth to save your people, to save your anointed one.
Zp 3:19_ I will save the lame, and assemble the outcasts; I will give them praise
To see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=10A_22

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of the “Old Testament” and they are also an essential element for eliminating the concept of “Offering”.

Ex 22:28_”You shall not delay the offering of your harvest and your press.
Lv 22:18_” brings a holocaust as a votive offering or as a free-will offering
Nb 6:21_” this is the offering to the Lord which is included in his vow of dedication
Dt 12:11_ you shall bring all the offerings, contributions, and every special offering
Dt 12:17_ of any offering, freewill offerings, or of your personal contributions.
1S 1:28_ as long as he lives, he shall be dedicated to the Lord.”
1Ch 29:9_The people rejoiced over these free-will offerings,
1Ch 29:14_” that we should have the means to contribute so freely?
Jdt 16:18_ when they were purified, they offered freewill offerings, and gifts.
Est B:3_ who is outstanding for constant devotion and steadfast loyalty
2Mc 4:20_So the contribution destined by the sender
Ps 20:4_May God remember your every offering, graciously accept you
Si 35:8_With each contribution show a cheerful countenance, and pay your tithes in a spirit of joy.
Ezk 20:40_ I will claim your tributes and the first fruits of your offerings,
Am 4:5_, proclaim publicly your freewill offerings,
To see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=10A_24

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of the “Old Testament” and they are also an essential element for eliminating the concept of “The Way”.

Gn 18:19_ keep the way of the Lord by doing what is right and just,
Dt 5:33_but following exactly the way: you may live and prosper
Jg 2:17_They were quick to stray from the way their fathers had taken
1S 9:8_If I give that to the man of God, he will tell us our way.”
2S 22:31_God’s way is unerring; he is a shield to all who take refuge in him.”
1K 2:2_”I am going the way of all mankind.
2K 21:2_He did evil: the Lord had cleared out of the way of the Israelites.
Tb 1:3_I, walked all the days of my life on the paths of truth and righteousness.
Jdt 13:16_As the Lord lives, who has protected me in the path I have followed,
Jb 3:23_Men whose path is hidden from them, and whom God has hemmed in!
Ps 1:1_ Nor go the way of sinners, nor sit in company with scoffers.
Pr 18:16_A man’s gift clears the way for him, and gains him access to great men.
Ws 5:6_We, then, have strayed from the way of truth, and the light of justice did not shine
Si 37:15_Most important of all, pray to God to set your feet in the path of truth.
Is 26:8_Yes, for your way and your judgments, O Lord, we look to you;
To see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=10A_25

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of the “Old Testament” and they are also an essential element for eliminating the concept of “Heaven”.

Gn 28:17_This is nothing else but an abode of God, and that is the gateway to heaven!”
Dt 32:40_”To the heavens I raise my hand and swear: As surely as I live forever,
1S 20:2_Jonathan answered him: “Heaven forbid that you should die!
1K 8:32_listen in heaven; take action and pass judgment on your servants.
2K 2:11_As they walked on conversing, Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind.
Ezr 9:6_ for our wicked deeds are heaped up and our guilt reaches up to heaven.
1Mc 2:58_Elijah, for his burning zeal for the law, was taken up to heaven.
2Mc 7:11It was from Heaven: for the sake of his laws I disdain them
Jb 15:15_ if the heavens are not clean in his sight,
Ps 71:19_and justice, God, to the highest heaven.
Pr 8:27_”When he established the heavens I was there,
Jr 51:15_ and stretched out the heavens by his skill.
Dn 4:23_ once you have learned it is heaven that rules.
Dn 13:35_Through her tears she looked up to heaven, for she trusted wholeheartedly.
Am 9:6_I have built heaven, and established my vault over the earth;
To see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=10A_26

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of the “Old Testament” and they are also an essential element for eliminating the concept of “Angel”.

Gn 19:1_The two angel s reached Sodom in the evening,
Ex 23:20_”See, I am sending an angel before you, to guard you on the way
Nb 20:16_ he heard our cry and sent an angel who led us out of Egypt.
Dt 32:43_, glorify him, all you angel s of God;
1S 29:10_ you are as acceptable to me as an angel of God.
1Ch 21:12_ with the Lord destroying angel in every part of Israel?
Tb 5:17_May God his angel accompany you for safety, my son.”
Est D:13_She replied: “I saw you, my Lord, as an angel of God,
2Mc 15:23_, send a good angel now to spread fear and dread before us.
Ps 103:20_, all you angel s, mighty in strength and attentive,
Ws 16:20_ you nourished your people with food of angel s
Ba 6:6_for my angel is with you, and he is the custodian of your lives.
Dn 6:23_My God: his angel closed the lions’ mouths so that they have not hurt me.
Dn 14:34_when an angel of the Lord told him,
Zc 1:14_ the angel who spoke to me, I am moved for the sake of Jerusalem and Zion,
To see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=10A_27

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of the “Old Testament” and they are also an essential element for eliminating the concept of “Revelation”.

Gn 35:7_ Bethel, it was there that God had revealed himself
1S 3:1_ a revelation of the Lord was uncommon and vision infrequent.
1S 3:7_ because the Lord had not revealed anything to him as yet.
1S 9:15_The day before Saul’s arrival, the Lord had given Samuel the revelation:
2S 7:11_The Lord also reveals to you that he will establish a house for you.
2S 7:21_you have brought about this entire magnificent disclosure to your servant.
2S 7:27_It is you, who said in a revelation to your servant, ‘I will build a house for you.’
2S 16:23_ Ahithophel was as though one had sought divine revelation.
2Mc 2:4_ following a divine revelation, he went off to the mountain to see God
Ps 9:17_The Lord is revealed in this divine rule:
Ps 119:130_The revelation of your words sheds light, gives understanding to the simple.
Si 17:10_ his commandments he has revealed to them.
Is 29:11_For you the revelation of all this has become like the words of a sealed scroll.
Dn 10:1_In the third year of Cyrus, king of Persia, a revelation was given to Daniel,
Dn 10:1_The revelation was certain: a great war; he understood it from the vision.
To see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=10A_30

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of the “Old Testament” and they are also an essential element for eliminating the concept of “Prayer”.

Ex 8:24_” provided that you do not go too far away and that you pray for me.”
1K 8:44_” if they pray to you, O Lord, toward the city you have chosen
1K 8:54_When Solomon finished offering this entire prayer of petition to the Lord,
1Ch 17:25_”Because you, your servant has made bold to pray before you.
2Ch 6:24_When and they pray to you and entreat you in this temple,
Tb 8:4_Let us pray and beg our Lord to have mercy on us and to grant us deliverance.”
Jdt 8:31_ pray for us that the Lord may send rain to fill up our cisterns,
1Mc 3:44_The assembly gathered to pray and implore mercy and compassion.
Jb 33:26_He shall pray and God will favor him; he shall see God’s face with rejoicing.
Ws 13:17_But when he prays about his goods or marriage or children
Si 17:20_Return to the Lord and give up sin, pray to him and make your offenses few.
Si 37:15_Most important of all, pray to God to set your feet in the path of truth.
Is 45:20_They are without knowledge pray to gods that cannot save.
Jr 29:12_When you call me, when you go to pray to me, I will listen to you.
Dn 3:41_And now we follow you with our whole heart, we fear you and we pray to you.
To see more comparisons:https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=10A_32

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of the “Old Testament” and they are also an essential element for eliminating the concept of “Life”.

Gn 6:17_ all creatures there is the breath of life; everything on earth shall perish.
Ex 21:23_But if injury ensues, you shall give life for life,
Lv 17:14_Since the life of body is its blood: You shall not partake of the blood
Nb 14:21_Yet, by my life and the Lord’s glory that fills the whole earth,
Dt 12:23_for blood is life, and you shall not consume this seat of life with the flesh.
2Mc 6:20_ it is unlawful to taste even for love of life.
Jb 12:10_In his hand is the soul of every living thing, and the life breath of all mankind.
Ps 64:2_O God, hear my anguished voice; from the foes I dread protect my life.
Pr 3:18_She is a tree of life to those who grasp her, and he is happy who holds her fast.
Qo 5:19_For he will hardly dwell on the shortness of his life
Ws 15:10_more worthless than earth is his hope, and more ignoble than clay his life;
Is 53:10_If he gives his life as an offering for sin, he sees his descendants in a long life,
Lm 1:11_All people They give their treasures for food, to retain the breath of life.
Ba 3:9_Hear, O Israel, the commandments of life: listen, and know prudence!
Ml 2:5_My covenant with him was one of life and peace;
To see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=10A_33

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of the “Old Testament” and they are also an essential element for eliminating the concept of “Hope”.

Est E:14_For by such measures he hoped to catch us defenseless
2Mc 7:11_ from him I hope to receive them again.”
Jb 14:7_For a tree there is hope, if it be cut down, that it tender shoots will not cease.
Ps 9:19_The needy will never be forgotten, nor will the hope of the afflicted ever fade.
Pr 11:7_When a wicked man dies his hope perishes,
Qo 9:4_Indeed, for any among the living there is hope;
Ws 3:4_ yet is their hope full of immortality;
Si 14:2_Happy the man who has not lost hope.
Is 57:10_ you never said, “It is hopeless”; New strength you found, you did not weaken.
Lm 3:29_Let him put his mouth to the dust; there may yet be hope.
Ezk 37:11_, “Our bones are dried up, our hope is lost, and we are cut off.”
Dn 13:60_ blessing God who saves those that hope in him.
Ho 12:7_ if you remain loyal and do right and always hope in your God.
Mi 1:12_How can the inhabitants of Maroth hope for good?
Zc 9:5_Ashkelon shall see it and be afraid; …great anguish; Ekron, too, for her hope shall come to nought.
To see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=10A_34

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of the “Old Testament” and they are also an essential element for eliminating the concept of “Protection”.

Gn 28:15_ I will protect you wherever you go, and bring you back to this land.
Ex 26:13_Likewise, the tent—an extra cubit’s length to be left to protect it.
Dt 32:36_When their strength fails: their protected and unprotected alike disappearing,
Jos 8:17_Since they were drawn away from the city, and the city was open and unprotected.
Ezr 8:31_and he protected us from enemies and bandits along the way.
Jdt 13:16_As the Lord lives, who has protected me in the path I have followed
Jb 31:24_Had I put my trust in gold or called fine gold my security;
Ps 64:2_O God, hear my anguished voice; from the foes I dread protect my life.
Pr 22:5_ he who would safeguard his life will shun them.
Ws 5:16_ For he shall shelter them with his right hand, and protect them with his arm.
Ws 14:24_They no longer safeguard either lives or pure wedlock;
Ba 1:12_, that we may live under the protective shadow of Nebuchadnezzar,
Ho 12:14_ by a prophet they were protected.
Zc 8:10_ those who came and went had no security from the enemy,
Ml 2:15_You must then safeguard life that is your own,
Jn 17:12_When I was with them I protected them in your name that you gave me
Ph 3:1_Writing the same things to you is no burden for me but is a safeguard for you.
1P 1:5_who by the power of God are safeguarded through faith
2P 2:5_, even though he preserved, a herald of righteousness…..
1Jn 5:18_ but the one begotten by God he protects, and the evil one cannot touch him.
To see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=10A_28

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of the “Old Testament” and they are also an essential element for elevating the concept of “Task”.

Ex 18:18_The task is too heavy for you; you cannot do it alone.
Nb 4:3_these are to undertake obligatory tasks in the meeting tent.
Nb 4:19_ shall go in and assign to each of them his task and what he must carry;
Jos 14:11_I am still strong with no less vigor whether for war or for ordinary tasks.
1S 23:20_It will be our task to deliver him into the king’s grasp.”
2Ch 29:34_ assisted them until the task was completed themselves.
Ezr 10:13_ this is not a task that can be performed in a single day or even two
Ne 3:1_Eliashib took up the task of rebuilding the Sheep Gate.
2Mc 2:26the task, far from being easy, is one of sweat and of sleepless nights,
Jb 37:12_ according to his plans, in their task upon the surface of the earth,
Ps 148:6_Assigned them duties forever, gave them tasks that will never change.
Pr 24:27_Complete your outdoor tasks, and; afterward you can establish your house.
Qo 4:8_This also is vanity and a worthless task.
Si 7:25_Giving your daughter in marriage ends a great task; but with a worthy man.
Si 16:24_When at the first God created his works and, he assigned their tasks,
To see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=10A_37

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of the “Old Testament” and they are also an essential element for eliminating the concept of “Propitiatory”.

Ex 25:20_ covering the propitiatory with them; they shall faces looking toward the propitiatory.
Ex 37:9_ but with their faces looking toward the propitiatory.
Dt 20:12_But if it refuses to make peace with you and instead offers you battle
2S 13:39_The king reconciled to the death of Amnon.
2K 18:31_ for the king of Assyria says: Make peace with me and surrender!
Jdt 7:24_You have done us grave injustice in not making peace with the Assyrians.
1Mc 6:58_Therefore let us now come to terms with these men, and make peace
1Mc 10:4_ “Let us be the first to make peace with him,
2Mc 5:20_ once the great Sovereign became reconciled.
2Mc 7:33_ he will again be reconciled with his servants.
2Mc 8:29_When this was done, to be completely reconciled with his servants.
2Mc 12:12_, Judas agreed to make peace with them.
Si 22:22_Should you speak sharply to a friend, fear not, you can be reconciled.
Is 27:5_He must make peace with me; peace shall he make with me!
Is 36:16_ ‘Make peace with me and surrender!
To see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=10A_39

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of the “Old Testament” and they are also an essential element for eliminating the concept of “Poverty “.

Ex 22:24_”If you lend money to the poor, you shall not demand interest from him.
Lv 14:21_”If a man is poor cannot afford so much, he shall take one male lamb…
Lv 25:25_When one of your countrymen is in poverty……
Dt 15:11_ I command you to open your hand to your poor and needy in your country.
Dt 24:14_”You shall not defraud a poor and needy hired servant,
1S 2:7_The Lord makes poor and makes rich, he humbles, he also exalts.
Tb 4:21_Do not be discouraged, my child, because of our poverty.
Ps 34:11_The powerful grow poor and hungry……
Ps 37:14_ they bow to the poor and oppressed, to slaughter those whose way is honest.
Ps 37:16_Better the poverty of the just than the great wealth of the wicked.
Pr 6:11_Then will poverty come upon you like a highway man, and want like an armed man.
Qo 4:13_Better is a poor but foolish king who no longer knows caution;
Si 13:23_Wealth is good; but poverty is evil by the standards of the proud.
Is 29:19_The lowly will ever find joy in the Lord, and the poor rejoice
Lm 3:5_He has beset me round about with poverty and weariness;
To see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=10A_16

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of the “Old Testament” and they are also an essential element for eliminating the concept of “Weapon”.

1K 10:25_Each one brought his yearly tribute: silver weapons, spices, horses and mules.
2K 11:11_And the guards, with drawn weapons,,,,
1Ch 12:34_ set in battle array with every kind of weapon for war:
2Ch 9:24_ each one would bring his tribute-silver and gold articles, garments, weapons,
Ne 4:17 everyone kept his weapon at his right hand.
Jdt 6:12_ they seized their weapons and ran out of the city to the crest of the ridge.
1Mc 1:35_storing up weapons and provisions, ,,,,,
2Mc 8:31_They collected the enemies’ weapons and carefully stored them
Jb 39:21_He jubilantly paws the plain and rushes in his might against the weapons.
Ps 76:4_There the flashing arrows were shattered, shield, sword, and weapons of war.
Si 43:10_A weapon against the flood waters stored on high,
Is 54:17_No weapon fashioned against you shall prevail;
Jr 50:25_The Lord opens his armory and brings forth the weapons of his wrath;
Ezk 32:27_ who went down to the nether world with their weapons of war,
Ezk 39:10_ for they shall make fires with the weapons.
To see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=10A_18

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of the “Old Testament” and they are also an essential element for eliminating the concept of “Violence “.

Ne 5:5_, we have had to reduce our sons and daughters to slavery, and violence has
Ps 7:17_Their mischief comes back upon themselves; their violence falls on their own
Pr 11:30_The fruit of virtue is a tree of life, but violence takes lives away.
Qo 4:1_From the hand of their oppressors comes violence, and there is none to comfort
Ws 19:13_ only after forewarnings from the violence of the thunderbolts.
Si 10:8_ one people to another because of the violence of the arrogant.
Jr 6:7_Violence and destruction resound in her; ever before me are wounds and blows.
Ezk 7:11_violence has risen to support wickedness.
Dn 14:30_When he saw himself threatened with violence,
Am 6:3_You would put off the evil day, yet you hasten the reign of violence!
Ob 1:10_Because of violence to your brother you shall be destroyed forever.
Jon 2:8_ every man shall turn from his evil way and from the violence he has in hand.
Mi 6:12_You whose rich men are full of violence, whose inhabitants speak falsehood
Hab 1:2_I cry out to you, “Violence!”
Zp 1:9_, Who fill the house of their master with violence and deceit.
To see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=10A_19

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of the “Old Testament” and they are also an essential element for eliminating the concept of “Almighty “.

Gn 28:3_May God Almighty bless you and make you fertile, multiply you that you may become an assembly of peoples.
Ex 6:3_As God the Almighty I appeared to Abraham,
Nb 24:10_ Of one who sees what the Almighty sees, enraptured and with eyes unveiled.
Rt 1:20_Call me Mara, for the Almighty has made it very bitter for me.
Tb 3:16_At that very time, td in the glorious presence of Almighty God.
Jdt 8:13_It is the Lord Almighty for whom you are laying down conditions;
Est C:2_and said: “O Lord God, Almighty King, all things are in your power,
2Mc 1:25_who alone are gracious, just, Almighty, and eternal, Israel’s savior from all
Jb 8:3_Does God pervert judgment, and does the Almighty distort justice?
Ws 7:25_ a pure effusion of the glory of the Almighty; therefore nought that is sullied
Ws 11:17_For not without means was your Almighty hand,
Si 42:21_Perennial is his Almighty wisdom; he is from all eternity one and the same,
Is 13:6_ as destruction from the Almighty it comes.
Ezk 1:24_Then I heard the sound of their wings, the voice of the Almighty.
Jl 1:15_for near is the day of the Lord, and it comes as ruin from the Almighty.
To see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=10A_31

2. Major propositions of the New Testament of the Bible over the past 2,000 years compared with these Constitutional Standards

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of the “New Testament” and they are also an essential element for enhancing the concept of “Peace”.

Mt 5:9_Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
Lk 1:79_ to guide our feet into the path of peace.”
Ac 24:2_, “Since we have attained much peace through you,
Rm 14:19_Let us then pursue what leads to peace and to building up one another.
Ga 1:3_grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ,
Ep 6:15_and your feet shod in readiness for the gospel of peace.
Col 1:20_ through him to reconcile all things for him, making peace by the blood
2Th 3:16_May the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way.
1Tm 1:2_to Timothy, my true child in faith: grace, mercy, and peace from God the
Tt 3:2_They are to slander no one, to be peaceable, considerate,
Heb 12:11_, yet later it brings the peaceful fruit of righteousness
Jm 3:18_And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace for those who cultivate peace.
1P 3:11_must turn from evil and do good, seek peace and follow after it.
2Jn 1:3_Grace, mercy, and peace
Rv 6:4_Its rider was given power to take peace away from the earth,
To see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=10B_1

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of the “New Testament” and they are also an essential element in enhancing the concept of “Love & Care”.

Mt 5:44_But I say to you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you,
Mk 12:30_You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, w
Lk 6:27_”But to you who hear I say, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,
Jn 3:16_For God so loved the world that he gave his only son
Rm 13:10_Love does no evil to the neighbor; hence, love is the fulfillment of the law.
2Co 13:11_, live in peace, and the God of love and peace will be with you.
Ga 5:14_ “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
Ep 2:4_But God, who is rich in mercy, because of the great love he had for us,
Ph 2:1_If there is any encouragement in Christ, any solace in love,
Col 1:4_ the love that you have for all the holy ones
2Th 3:5_May the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God and to t
Heb 10:24_We must consider how to rouse one another to love and good works.
1P 2:17_Give honor to all, love the community, fear God, honor the king.
2Jn 1:3_ Christ the Father’s Son in truth and love.
Ude 1:2_may mercy, peace, and love be yours in abundance.
To see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=10B_2

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of the “New Testament” and they are also an essential element for enhancing the concept of “Truth “.

Jn 14:6_Jesus said to him, “I am the way and the truth and the life.
Rm 2:20_ because in the law you have the formulation of knowledge and truth -
2Co 11:10_By the truth, this boast of mine shall not be silenced
Ga 2:5_ so that the truth of the gospel might remain intact for you.
Ep 1:13_ who have heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation
Ep 5:9_for light produces every kind of goodness and righteousness and truth.
Ep 6:14_So stand fast with your loins girded in truth,
1Tm 2:7_ (I am speaking the truth, I am not lying), teacher of the in faith and truth.
2Tm 2:15_ imparting the word of truth without deviation.
Tt 1:1_ chosen ones and the recognition of religious truth,
Jm 1:18_He willed to give us birth by the word of truth
1P 1:22_ you have purified yourselves by obedience to the truth for sincere mutual love
2P 1:12_ are established in the truth you have.
1Jn 3:18_Children, let us love not in word or speech but in deed and truth.
1Jn 4:6_This is how we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of deceit.
2Jn 1:3_Grace, mercy, and peace and from Jesus Christ the Father’s Son in truth
To see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=10B_11

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of the “New Testament” and they are also an essential element for enhancing the concept of “Freedom”.

Mt 20:15_(Or) am I not free to do as I wish with my own money?
Lk 4:18_He has sent me to proclaim liberty to captives and to let the oppressed go free,
Ac 9:28_He moved about freely with them in Jerusalem
Ac 24:23_He gave orders to that he should be kept in custody but have some liberty
Rm 8:21_ would be set free from slavery and share in the glorious freedom
1Co 7:5_ to be free for prayer, but then return to one another,
1Co 9:19_Although I am free in regard to all, I have made myself a slave to all
1Co 10:29_For why should my freedom be determined by someone else’s conscience?
Ga 2:4_ who slipped in to spy on our freedom that we have in Christ Jesus
Ga 3:28_ there is neither slave nor free person, there is not male and female;
Ga 4:31_Therefore, brothers, we are free born woman.
Jm 1:25_But the one who peers into the perfect law of freedom and perseveres,
1P 2:16_Be free, yet without using freedom as a pretext for evil, but as slaves of God.
Rv 6:15_ every slave and free person hid themselves in caves and among mountain
Rv 13:16_It forced all the people, free and slave, to be stamped h their foreheads,
To see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=10B_12

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of the “New Testament” and they are also an essential element for enhancing the concept of “Rights “.

Lk 18:7_Will not God then secure the rights of his chosen ones
Jn 18:31_The Jews answered him, “We do not have the rights to execute anyone,”
Ac 25:11_ then no one has the rights to hand me over to them.
Rm 9:21_Or does not the potter have a rights v
1Co 9:4_Do we not have the right to eat and drink?
1Co 9:5_Do we not have the right to take along a Christian wife
1Co 9:6_Or is it only myself and Barnabas who do not have the rights not to work?
1Co 9:12_If others share this rightful claim on you, do not we still more?
1Co 9:15_I have not used any of these rights,
1Co 9:18_ l free of charge so as not to make full use of my rights in the gospel.
2Th 3:9_Not that we do not have the right.
Phm 1:8_ I have full rights in Christ to order you to do what is proper,
Heb 1:8_ stands forever and ever; and a righteous scepter is the scepter of your kingdom.
Rv 3:21_I will give the victor the right to sit with me on my throne
Rv 22:14_ who wash their robes so as to have the right to the tree of life and
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of the “New Testament” and they are also an essential element for enhancing the concept of “Righteousness “.

Jn 16:8_ he will convict the world in regard to sin and righteousness and condemnation:
Rm 6:19_ so now present them as slaves to righteousness for sanctification.
Rm 7:12_So then the law is holy, and the commandment is holy and righteous and good.
Rm 10:3_For, in their unawareness of the righteousness ;
2Co 3:9_ the ministry of righteousness will abound much more in glory.
2Co 9:9_As it is written: “He scatters abroad, he gives to the poor; his righteousness
Ep 5:9_for light produces every kind of goodness and righteousness and truth.
Ep 6:14_ clothed with righteousness as a breastplate,
Ph 1:11_filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus
2Tm 4:8_From now on the crown of righteousness awaits me,
Heb 1:8_ stands forever and ever; and a righteous scepter is the scepter of your kingdom.
Jm 3:18_And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace for those who cultivate peace.
2P 1:1 to those who have received a faith of equal value to ours through the righteousness
2P 2:21_ to have known the way of righteousness than after knowing it to turn back.
1Jn 2:29_If you consider that he is righteous, you also know
To see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=10B_14

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of “New Testament”, and they are also an essential element for eliminating the concept of “War”

Mt 24:6_You will hear of wars and reports of wars;
Mk 13:7_When you hear of wars and reports of wars do not be alarmed;
Lk 21:9_When you hear of wars and insurrections, do not be terrified;
1Co 14:8_And if the bugle gives an indistinct sound, who will get ready for battle?
2Co 10:4_for the weapons of our battle are not of flesh but are enormously powerful
Heb 11:34 out of weakness they were made powerful, became strong in battle,
Jm 4:1_Where do the wars and where do the conflicts among you come from?
Jm 4:2_You kill and envy but you cannot obtain; you fight and wage war.
1P 2:11_Beloved, to keep away from worldly desires that wage war against the soul.
Rv 12:7_Then war broke out in heaven; and his angels battled against the dragon.
Rv 12:17_Then the dragon became angry with the woman and went off to wage war
Rv 16:14_They went out to the kings for the battle on the great day of God
Rv 17:14_They will fight with the Lamb, but the Lamb will conquer them
Rv 19:11_He judges and wages war in righteousness.
Rv 20:8_ to gather them for battle; their number is like the sand of the sea.
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of “New Testament”, and they are also an essential element for eliminating the concept of “Diseases”

Mt 4:23_He went around all curing every disease and illness among the people.
Mt 4:24_ they brought to him all who were sick with various diseases and
Mt 8:17_ “He took away our infirmities and bore our diseases.”
Mt 9:35proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and curing every disease and illness.
Mt 10:1_ gave them authority over unclean spirits and to cure every disease
Mk 1:34_He cured many who were sick with various diseases, and
Mk 3:10_He had cured many those who had diseases.
Lk 4:40_At sunset, all who had people sick with various diseases brought them to him.
Lk 6:18_came to hear him and to be healed of their diseases;
Lk 7:21_At that time he cured many of their diseases, sufferings, and
Lk 9:1_ and authority over all demons and to cure diseases,
Lk 9:6_ and curing diseases everywhere.
Jn 11:4_When Jesus heard this he said, “This illness is not to end in death,
Ac 19:12_, their diseases left them and the evil spirits came out of them.
Ga 4:13_you know that it was because of a physical illness
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of “New Testament”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Happiness”

Mt 5:3_”Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Mt 5:6_Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
Mt 5:9_Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
Mt 5:10_Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness,
Lk 6:20_ “Blessed are you who are poor, for the kingdom of God is yours.
Lk 6:21_Blessed are you who are now hungry, for you will be satisfied.
Jn 13:17_If you understand this, Blessed are you if you do it.
Ac 20:35_ ‘It is more Blessed to give than to receive.’”
Rm 4:6_So the Blessed of the person to whom God credits righteousness
Rm 14:22_Keep the faith (that) you have to yourself in the presence of God; Blessed is the one..
1Co 7:40_She is more Blessed, though, in my opinion,
Tt 2:13_as we await the Blessed hope, the appearance
Jm 1:12_Blessed is the man who perseveres in temptation,
1P 4:14_ Blessed are you, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you.
Rv 22:14_Blessed are they who wash their robes so as to have the right to the tree of
To see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=10B_20

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of “New Testament”, and they are also an essential element for eliminating the concept of “Fear”

Mt 21:26_ we fear the crowd, for they all regard John as a prophet.”
Mt 25:25_so out of fear I went off and buried your talent in the ground.
Mk 6:20_Herod feared John, knowing him to be a righteous
Lk 2:9_ the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were struck with great fear.
Lk 7:16_Fear seized them all, and they glorified God, exclaiming,
Jn 12:15_”Fear no more, see, your king comes, seated upon an ass’s colt.”
Ac 19:17_ fear fell upon them all, and the name of the Lord Jesus
2Co 7:15_ when you received him with fear and trembling.
2Co 12:20_For I fear that when I come I may find you not such as I wish,
Ph 2:12_ I am absent, work out your salvation with fear and trembling.
Heb 2:15_ through fear of death had been subject to slavery all their life.
1P 3:14_Do not be afraid or terrified with fear of them,
1Jn 4:18_There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear
Rv 18:15_ will keep their distance for fear of the torment inflicted on her.
Ude 1:23_ on others have mercy with fear, abhorring even the outer garment stained
To see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=10B_21

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of “New Testament”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Saved”

Mt 1:21_She will bear a son and you are to name him Jesus, because he will save his
Mt 9:22_Your faith has saved you.”
Mk 15:30_save yourself by coming down from the cross.”
Lk 19:10_For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save what was lost.”
Jn 12:47_ I did not come to condemn the world but to save the world.
Ac 4:12_ heaven given to the human race by which we are to be saved.”
Rm 5:10_ how much more, once reconciled, will we be saved by his life.
1Tm 4:16_ for by doing so you will save both yourself and those who listen to you.
2Tm 1:9_He saved us and called us to a holy life, not according to our works but
Tt 2:11_For the grace of God has appeared, saving all
Heb 7:25_Therefore, he is always able to save those who approach
Jm 5:15_and the prayer of faith will save the sick person, and
1P 3:21_This prefigured baptism, which saves you now.
Ude 1:5_ Lord who once saved a people from the land of Egypt later destroyed
Ude 1:23_save others by snatching them out of the fire
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of “New Testament”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Offering”

Mt 15:5_, “Any support you might have had from me is dedicated to God,”
Mk 12:44_For they have all contributed from their surplus wealth,
Lk 1:10_ whole assembly of the people was praying with the incense offering,
Lk 21:5_ how the temple was adorned with costly stones and votive offerings, he said,
Ac 15:26_who have dedicated their lives to the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Rm 12:8_if one exhorts, in exhortation; if one contributes, in generosity;
Rm 15:26_ have decided to make some contribution for the poor
1Co 15:58_ always fully devoted to the work of the Lord,
2Co 9:13_ and the generosity of your contribution to them and to all others,
Ep 5:2_ handed himself over for us as a sacrificial offering to God for a fragrant aroma.
1Tm 3:16_ Who was manifested in the flesh, proclaimed to the….
Tt 3:8_ who have believed in God be careful to devote themselves to good works;
Heb 10:10_By this “will,” we have been consecrated through the offering of the body
2P 1:3_ everything that makes for life and devotion,
2P 1:6_knowledge with self-control, endurance with devotion,
To see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=10B_24

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “New Testament”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “The Way”

Mt 3:3_ “’Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths.’”
Mt 11:10_ he will prepare your way before you.’
Mk 1:3_ Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths.’”
Mk 2:23_ his disciples began to make a path while picking the heads of grain.
Mk 4:15_These are the ones on the path where the word is sown.
Lk 3:4_ ‘Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths.
Lk 7:27_ he will prepare your way before you.’
Jn 1:23_ “Make straight the way of the Lord,”’ as Isaiah the prophet said.”
Jn 14:6_”I am the way and the truth and the life.
Ac 18:26_ they took him aside and explained to him the Way (of God)……
Rm 1:10_always asking in my prayers find my way clear to come to you.
Jm 5:20_ from the error of his way will save his soul from death and
2P 2:2_Many will follow their licentious ways, and the way of truth will be reviled.
Rv 15:3_Just and true are your ways, O king of the nations.
Ude 1:11_They followed the way of Cain,
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of “New Testament”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Heaven”

Mt 11:23_And as for you, Capernaum: ‘Will you be exalted to heaven?
Mt 18:10_ for I say to you that their angels in heaven always look upon the face of me
Mk 10:21_sell what you have, and give to poor and you will have treasure in heaven;
Lk 2:15_When the angels went away from them to heaven,
Lk 15:18_ “Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you.
Jn 3:31_But the one who comes from heaven (is above all).
Ac 3:21_whom heaven must receive until the times of universal restoration
1Co 15:47_The first man was from the earth, earthly; the second man, from heaven.
2Co 12:4_was caught up into Paradise and heard ineffable things,
Ga 1:8_But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach (to you) a gospel
Col 1:5_because of the hope reserved for you in heaven.
Col 4:1_treat your slaves justly and realizing that you too have a Master in heaven.
Heb 9:24_, but heaven itself, that he might now appear before God on our behalf.
Heb 11:16_But now they desire a better homeland, a heavenly one.
Rv 10:5_Then the angel I saw standing on the sea raised his right hand to heaven
To see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=10B_26

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of “New Testament”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Angel”

Mt 13:39_The harvest is the end of the age, and the harvesters are angels.
Mk 8:38_ will be ashamed of when he comes in his Father’s glory with the holy angels.”
Lk 1:26_In the sixth month, the angel Gabriel was sent from God
Jn 12:29_; but others said, “An angel has spoken to him.”
Ac 7:30_”Forty years later, an angel appeared to him in the desert
Rm 8:38_For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities,
1Co 4:9_since we have become a spectacle to the world, to angels and human beings
2Co 11:14_And no wonder, for even Satan masquerades as an angel of light.
Ga 1:8_But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach (to you)
1Tm 3:16_Undeniably great is the mystery of devotion, seen by angels,
Heb 1:5_For to which of the angels did God ever say: “
1P 3:22_who has gone into heaven and is at the right hand of God, with angels,
Rv 1:1_He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John,
Rv 14:19_So the angel swung his sickle over the earth and cut the earth’s vintage.
Ude 1:6_The angels too, who did not keep to their own domain
To see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=10B_27

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of “New Testament”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Revelation”

Dn 10:1_The revelation was certain: a great war; he understood it from the vision.
Mt 11:27_ anyone to whom the Son wishes to reveal him.
Lk 2:26_It had been revealed to him by the holy Spirit
Lk 2:32_a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and glory for your people Israel.”
Jn 1:18_The only Son, God, who is at the Father’s side, has revealed him.
Rm 8:19_ with eager expectation the revelation of the children of God;
Rm 16:25_ according to the revelation of the mystery kept secret for long ages
1Co 1:7_ not lacking in any spiritual gift as you wait for the revelation of our Lord
2Co 12:1_I will go on to visions and revelations of the Lord.
Ga 1:12_ nor was I taught it, but it came through a revelation of Jesus Christ.
Ep 1:17 may give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation resulting in knowledge of him.
Ph 3:15_And if you have a different attitude, this too God will reveal to you.
2Th 1:0_ who are undergoing afflictions, at the revelation of the Lord Jesus
1P 1:7_ may prove to be for praise, glory, and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
1Jn 3:2_We do know that when it is revealed we shall be like him,
To see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=10B_3

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of “New Testament”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Prayer”

Mt 5:44_But I say to you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you,
Lk 6:28_bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.
Jn 17:9_I do not pray for the world but for the ones you have given me,
Ac 10:31_’Cornelius, your prayer has been heard and your almsgiving remembered
Rm 1:10_always asking in my prayers: at last find my way clear to come to you.
2Co 9:14_while in prayer on your behalf they long for you,
Ep 1:16_do not cease giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers,
Ph 4:6_Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition,
Col 4:3_at the same time, pray for us, too,
1Th 3:10_Night and day we pray beyond measure to see you in person….
2Th 1:0_To this end, we always pray for you, that our……
2Tm 1:3_ as I remember you constantly in my prayers, night and day.
Phm 1:4_I give thanks to my God always, remembering you in my prayers,
Jm 5:18_Then he prayed again, and the sky gave rain and the earth produced its fruit.
1Jn 5:16_ if the sin is not deadly, he should pray to God and he will give him life.
To see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=10B_32

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of “New Testament”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Life”

Mt 6:25_Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?
Mk 3:4_ “Is it lawful to do good, to save life rather than to destroy it?”
Lk 17:33_Whoever seeks to save life will lose it, but whoever loses it will save it.
Jn 14:6_Jesus said to him, “I am the way and the truth and the life.
Ac 20:24_Yet I consider life of no importance to me,
Rm 5:10_ how much more, once reconciled, will we be saved by his life.
Ga 3:21_For if a law had been given that could bring life,
1Tm 4:8_ since it holds a promise of life both for the present and for the future.
2Tm 1:10_ who destroyed death and brought life and immortality to light
Heb 10:39_ and perish, but among those who have faith and will possess life.
Jm 1:12_ for when he has been proved he will receive the crown of life that he promised
1P 4:2_so as not to spend what remains of one’s life in the flesh on human desires
2P 1:3_His divine power has bestowed on us everything that makes for life.
1Jn 5:16_ he should pray to God and he will give him life.
Rv 22:14_ to have the right to the tree of life and enter the city through its gates.
To see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=10B_33

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of “New Testament”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Hope”

Ac 2:26_Therefore…..dwell in hope,
Rm 4:18_He believed, hoping against hope, that he would become “
1Co 9:10 because he should plow in hope, and the thresher in hope of receiving a share.
2Co 1:7_Our hope for you is firm, for we know that as you share in the sufferings
Ep 1:18_ that you may know what is the hope that belongs to his call,
Ph 1:20_My eager expectation and hope is that I shall not be put to shame in any way,
Col 1:5_because of the hope reserved for you in heaven.
1Th 2:19_For what is our hope or joy or crown to boast of in the presence of our Lord
1Tm 3:14_I am writing you about these matters, although I hope to visit you soon.
Tt 2:13_as we await the blessed hope, the appearance of the glory of the great God a
Phm 1:22_At the same time prepare a guest room for me, for I hope to be granted to
1P 1:3_ who in his great mercy gave us a new birth to a living hope through
1Jn 3:3_Everyone who has this hope based on him makes himself pure, as he is pure.
2Jn 1:12_Instead, I hope to visit you and to speak face to face so that our joy
3Jn 1:2_Beloved, I hope you are prospering in every respect and
To see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=10B_34

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of “New Testament”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Faith”

Mt 9:22_Your faith has saved you.”
Mk 9:23_Everything is possible to one who has faith.”
Lk 8:48_He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has saved you; go in peace.”
Jn 20:31_ and that through this belief you may have life in his name.
2Co 8:7_Now as you excel in every respect, in faith, discourse,
Ga 1:23_ “the one who once persecuted is now preaching the faith
Ep 1:15_Therefore, I, too, hearing of your faith in the Lord Jesus
Ph 2:17_ upon the sacrificial service of your faith, I rejoice and share my joy
Col 1:4_for we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and
2Tm 2:18_ resurrection has already taken place and are upsetting the faith of some.
Tt 3:15_Greet those who love us in the faith.
Phm 1:6_so that your partnership in the faith may become effective in recognizing
Heb 6:1_: repentance from dead works and faith in God,
Jm 2:1_ as you adhere to the faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ.
Ude 1:3_ I now feel a need to write to encourage you to contend for the faith
To see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=10B_35

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of “New Testament”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Gospel”

Mt 4:23_ proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and curing every disease and illness
Mt 9:35_, proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and curing every disease and illness.
Mk 8:35_ but whoever loses his life for my sake and that of the gospel will save it.
Ac 20:24_ I received from the Lord Jesus, to bear witness to the gospel of God’s grace.
Rm 1:1_ called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel of God,
1Co 9:18_ offer the gospel free of charge, to make full use of my right in the gospel.
2Co 9:13_ God for your obedient confession of the gospel of Christ
Ga 4:13_ that I originally preached the gospel to you,
Ep 1:13_In him you also, who have heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation,
Col 1:5_Of this you have already heard through the word of truth, the gospel,
1Th 2:2_ God to speak to you the gospel of God with much struggle.
1Tm 1:11_according to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, with which….
2Tm 1:10_ brought life and immortality to light through the gospel,
Phm 1:13_ me on your behalf in my imprisonment for the gospel,
1P 4:6_For this is why the gospel was preached even to the dead
To see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=10B_23

3. Comparison of important propositions by successive popes in the "World Day of Peace Messages" over the past 100 years with these "Constitutional Standards"

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “WORLD DAY OF PEACE: MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPES”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Peace”.

1968 FOR THE OBSERVANCE OF A DAY OF PEACE: the necessity of defending Peace in the face of dangers.
1969 THE PROMOTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS, THE WAY TO PEACE. To the dignity of citizens, Peace of Christ adds: natural equality, its inexhaustible optimism; charity; to justice,
1970 TO BE RECONCILED WITH EACH OTHER, TO EDUCATE THEMSELVES FOR PEACE_ Peace as a method, as an international institution, as sincere negotiation, as self-discipline
1973 PEACE IS POSSIBLE!_Yes, justice and right may be expressed and become a strict and peaceful law governing international relations.
1974 PEACE DEPENDS ON YOU TOO_: Peace will help establish accept just law and legitimate authority..
1975 RECONCILIATION - THE WAY TO PEACE_These laws must remain, and they will guide history, will educate in the discipline of order for the common good and in the ideal of Peace.
1977 IF YOU WANT PEACE, DEFEND LIFE: let us at least recognize the arms race between Life and Peace is a fallacious in itself and which must be corrected and superseded.
1979 « TO REACH PEACE, TEACH PEACE »It will be regulated by the desire for peace that comes deep within man, and by the aspirations and the legislation of peoples.
1980 TRUTH, THE POWER OF PEACE: Promoting the truth that gives strength to peace in politics means to reexamine at suitable moments problems that have been temporarily defused by laws
2002 NO PEACE WITHOUT JUSTICE NO JUSTICE WITHOUT FORGIVENESS: True peace is the fruit of justice, ensures full respect for rights and responsibilities, just distribution of benefits and burdens.
2004 AN EVER TIMELY COMMITMENT: TEACHING PEACE: Peace and international law are closely linked to each another: law favors peace.
2006 IN TRUTH, PEACE: International humanitarian law ought to be considered as one of the finest and most effective expressions of the intrinsic demands of the truth of peace.
2014 FRATERNITY, THE FOUNDATION AND PATHWAY TO PEACE: international law of the right to peace, as a fundamental human right and a necessary prerequisite for every other right.
2017 Nonviolence: a Style of Politics for Peace: Peaceful political style _...that is, through the feeling and love of peace based on the law...freedom and love
2020 PEACE AS A JOURNEY OF HOPE: DIALOGUE, RECONCILIATION AND ECOLOGICAL CONVERSION_Peace: must be constantly established...respect for the law...
Want to see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=102_1

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “WORLD DAY OF PEACE: MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPES”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Love and Care”.

1968 FOR THE OBSERVANCE OF A DAY OF PEACE: In mutual relations, sincerity, justice and love... Otherwise, there will be no peace...
1969 THE PROMOTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS, THE WAY TO PEACE: _ Peace is not only a juridical order. Peace is above all the result of the implementation of that design of wisdom and love
1970 TO BE RECONCILED WITH EACH OTHER, TO EDUCATE THEMSELVES FOR PEACE: for man is made for love, for peace; it is very hard, for how can one love?
1984 “ FROM A NEW HEART, PEACE IS BORN “_If Christ’s law of love is our law, shall we remain silent and asorld looks to us to join the front ranks of those who are building peace?
1988 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM: Education through brotherly unity and love promotes understanding and reconciliation, and can help solve today’s humanity...
1991 IF YOU WANT PEACE, RESPECT THE CONSCIENCE OF EVERY PERSON: Here we find the call, or rather the command, to love God and to observe his law.
1992 BELIEVERS UNITED IN BUILDING PEACE_ we must feel the commitment to values of justice, which are crowned by the supreme law of love: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself" (Mt 22:39).
1997 OFFER FORGIVENESS AND RECEIVE PEACE: Another essential requisite for forgiveness and reconciliation is justice, which finds its ultimate foundation n of love and mercy for humanity.
2005 DO NOT BE OVERCOME BY EVIL BUT OVERCOME EVIL WITH GOOD:: “the fundamental law of human perfection, of the transformation of the world, is the new commandment of love”.
2006 IN TRUTH, PEACE_(3) As the result of an order planned and willed by the love of God, peace has an intrinsic and invincible truth of its own
2012 EDUCATING YOUNG PEOPLE IN JUSTICE AND PEACE: Peace cannot be attained on earth without, free communication, respect for the dignity of peoples,
2013 BLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERS: Evil is in fact overcome by good, and justice is to be sought in imitating God the Father who loves all his children (cf.
2014 FRATERNITY, THE FOUNDATION AND PATHWAY TO PEACE: to recognize more clearly the obstacles standing in the way of its realization and to identify ways of overcoming them
2017 Nonviolence: a Style of Politics for Peace: Peaceful political style _... through a law-based... based on truth, justice, freedom and love for peace
2021 A CULTURE OF CARE AS A PATH TO PEACE: essential for the growth of a culture of care, also relationships between nations be inspired by mutual respect, solidarity and the abide by international law
Want to see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=102_2

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “WORLD DAY OF PEACE: MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPES”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Truth”.

1968 FOR THE OBSERVANCE OF A DAY OF PEACE: Peace is not pacifism; but it proclaims the highest and most universal values of life: truth, justice, freedom, love.
1973 PEACE IS POSSIBLE!_:establish and build up in truth, in justice, in love and in freedom peace for the coming centuries; beginning with the year 1973, vindicate its possibility by accepting its reality.
1987 DEVELOPMENT AND SOLIDARITY: The theme I have chosen for this year’s Message takes its inspiration from that deep truth about humanity: we are one human family.
1991 IF YOU WANT PEACE, RESPECT THE CONSCIENCE OF EVERY PERSON: we seek the truth together, with respect for the conscience of others, the paths of freedom which lead to peace,
1999 RESPECT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS: THE SECRET OF TRUE PEACE: All the international documents on human rights declare this truth anew, human rights stem from the inherent dignity
2006 IN TRUTH, PEACE: international humanitarian law ought to be considered as one of the finest and most effective expressions of the intrinsic demands of the truth of peace.
2009 FIGHTING POVERTY TO BUILD PEACE: The truth of the axiom cannot be refuted: to fight poverty is to build peace
2010 IF YOU WANT TO CULTIVATE PEACE, PROTECT CREATION_ Please create a plan to protect _... the “nature” in the cosmic sense originates from love and truth
2011 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM, THE PATH TO PEACE: The road to peace_...truth and human dignity...based on the principles of natural law.
2013 BLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERS: These principles are not truths of faith, nor are they simply a corollary of the right to religious freedom.
2015 NO LONGER SLAVES, BUT BROTHERS AND SISTERS_ the truth of Christ’s love in society... the church is constantly engaged in being inspired by the truth of humanity...
2016 Overcome Indifference and Win Peace: The Church first truth is the love of Christ.
2017 Nonviolence: a Style of Politics for Peace Peaceful political style_...through a sense of peace based on the law...above truth, justice, freedom and love
2018 Migrants and refugees: Men and women who seek peace_...promote unity, fraternity and goodness, truth...realize the promise of peace
2020 PEACE AS A JOURNEY OF HOPE: DIALOGUE, RECONCILIATION AND ECOLOGICAL CONVERSION Reconciliation and Ecological Transformation_... on law...the process of seeking truth
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “WORLD DAY OF PEACE: MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPES”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Freedom”.

1968 FOR THE OBSERVANCE OF A DAY OF PEACE: the freedom of individuals and nations... including all manifestations of citizenship, culture, morality, and religion
1969 THE PROMOTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS, THE WAY TO PEACE: the mutual respect of individual and social freedom,...is the basic law of mankind...free circulation...
1974 PEACE DEPENDS ON YOU TOO: Peace will indeed accept fair laws and legal authority...will not go against the consideration of freedom...
1978 NO TO VIOLENCE, YES TO PEACE: is not based on the structural violence of certain political systems, but on the free method of.
1981 TO SERVE PEACE, RESPECT FREEDOM_Gen 1:27) people and freedom are inseparable...freedom is not deprived of any external force or restriction...basic rights
1987 DEVELOPMENT AND SOLIDARITY: _Whatever impedes true freedom militates against the development of society and of social institutions.
1988 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM: the judicial structure of the society clearly guarantees the freedom of individuals to seek the truth and express their religious beliefs accordingly...
1991 IF YOU WANT PEACE, RESPECT THE CONSCIENCE OF EVERY PERSON: if you want peace, please respect everyone’s heart.. Fully respect the freedom of conscience in law and interpersonal relations
2003 PACEM IN TERRIS: A PERMANENT COMMITMENT: refutes the argument that international politics must be a free zone beyond the control of moral laws.
2007 THE HUMAN PERSON, THE HEART OF PEACE: From this standpoint, the norms of the natural law should not be viewed as externally imposed decrees, as restraints upon human freedom.
2008 THE HUMAN FAMILY, A COMMUNITY OF PEACE: For peace, a common law is needed, which will promote true freedom...protect the weak...
2011 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM, THE PATH TO PEACE: the legal order that recognizes and respects fundamental rights and freedom...
2013 BLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERS: introduced false rights or freedoms secretly in legislation,...basic rights that threaten lives.
2015 NO LONGER SLAVES, BUT BROTHERS AND SISTERS:This legislation dictated who was born free and people born free may lose or regain freedom
2017 Nonviolence: a Style of Politics for Peace: a peaceful political style_...based on law, justice and fair negotiation...a feeling of peace above freedom and love
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “WORLD DAY OF PEACE: MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPES”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Rights”.

1973 PEACE IS POSSIBLE!: Establish a new system in which discussion, justice, and rights...strict and peaceful laws.
1988 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM: freedom of belief...it must be recognized and recognized by the civil law as a personal and inalienable right..
1989 TO BUILD PEACE, RESPECT MINORITIES: In some cases, these rights have been codified and minorities enjoy specific legal protection.
1991 IF YOU WANT PEACE, RESPECT THE CONSCIENCE OF EVERY PERSON: the way of God’s law... and respect the right of others to do so.
1994 THE FAMILY CREATES THE PEACE OF THE HUMAN FAMILY: .in the law... Protect the real family system... the inalienable rights.
1995 WOMEN: TEACHERS OF PEACE: Women have full rights to actively participate in public life... Legislation affirms and guarantees this right.
1999 RESPECT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS: THE SECRET OF TRUE PEACE_A body of international, regional and national norms on the environment is gradually giving juridic form to this right.
2002 NO PEACE WITHOUT JUSTICE NO JUSTICE WITHOUT FORGIVENESS: . when exercising this rights.. moral and legal restrictions.
2004 AN EVER TIMELY COMMITMENT: TEACHING PEACE: e first confirms the natural right to legitimate defence, to be exercised in specific ways and in the context of the United Nations: and consequently also within the traditional limitsnecessity and proportionality.

2008 THE HUMAN FAMILY, A COMMUNITY OF PEACE: The first natural right to confirm legal defense, within the scope of the United Nations in a specific way
2011 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM, THE PATH TO PEACE: he road to peace_.. Religious rights...natural rights...the human law can never deny.
2013 BLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERS: laws or government measures that violated human dignity...the right to invoke the principle of conscientious objection.
2014 FRATERNITY, THE FOUNDATION AND PATHWAY TO PEACE: the right to peace will be effectively applied in international law...the necessary prerequisites for the right.
2015 NO LONGER SLAVES, BUT BROTHERS AND SISTERS: International law recognizes that everyone’s right not to be in a state of slavery or servitude is inviolable.
2020 PEACE AS A JOURNEY OF HOPE: DIALOGUE, RECONCILIATION AND ECOLOGICAL CONVERSION: based on law, democracy, justice and a commitment to protect the rights of every person
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “WORLD DAY OF PEACE: MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPES”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “ Righteousness”.

1973 PEACE IS POSSIBLE!_ establish a new system in which discussion, justice, and rights...strict and peaceful laws..
1979 « TO REACH PEACE, TEACH PEACE »_get justice and peace, how can they truly promote international peace? …
1981 TO SERVE PEACE, RESPECT FREEDOM: When the increasingly insatiable pursuit of goods was not restricted by the laws of justice and social love.
1985 PEACE AND YOUTH GO FORWARD TOGETHER: the same values must be applied in the entire field of progress of peace and justice...
1987 DEVELOPMENT AND SOLIDARITY: The way of violence cannot obtain true justice for you or for anyone else.
1989 TO BUILD PEACE, RESPECT MINORITIES: reconciliation according to justice and with respect for the legitimate aspirations of all sectors of the community must be the rule.
1992 BELIEVERS UNITED IN BUILDING PEACE: practice these values of justice... crowned by the highest law of love: “You must love your neighbor as yourself”...
1997 OFFER FORGIVENESS AND RECEIVE PEACE_Another essential requisite for forgiveness and reconciliation is justice, the ultimate foundation in the law of God
1998 FROM THE JUSTICE OF EACH COMES PEACE FOR ALL_Justice is, at one and the same time, a moral virtue and a legal concept.
2002 NO PEACE WITHOUT JUSTICE NO JUSTICE WITHOUT FORGIVENESS: True peace is the fruit of justice, guarantee respect for rights and responsibilities, just distribution of benefits and burdens.
2004 AN EVER TIMELY COMMITMENT: TEACHING PEACE_I believe that it is called more and more to become exclusively a law of peace, conceived in justice and solidarity.
2011 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM, THE PATH TO PEACE: the road to peace_...or the majority decides by themselves...justice is not just the act of generating and applying the law.
2017 Nonviolence: a Style of Politics for Peace: a peaceful political style _...by being based on law, justice... based on truth, justice, freedom and love...
2019 Good politics is at the service of peace_ Every election and re-election, and every stage of public life, is an opportunity to return to the original points of reference that inspire justice and law.
2020 PEACE AS A JOURNEY OF HOPE: DIALOGUE, RECONCILIATION AND ECOLOGICAL CONVERSION: ... and ecological transformation in a country based on law...based on justice...
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “WORLD DAY OF PEACE: MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPES”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Human Dignity”.

1968 FOR THE OBSERVANCE OF A DAY OF PEACE: the right to life and human dignity are not recognized and respected...Law, justice and fair negotiation...
1974 PEACE DEPENDS ON YOU TOO: betraying the dignity of people, and never defending selfish individuals at the expense of the legitimate interests of others...
1985 PEACE AND YOUTH GO FORWARD TOGETHER_Men and women today suffer insupportable insults to their human dignity through racial discrimination, forced exile and torture.
1986 PEACE IS A VALUE WITH NO FRONTIERS NORTH-SOUTH, EAST-WEST_one’s own basic equality, human dignity and inalienable rights.
1994 THE FAMILY CREATES THE PEACE OF THE HUMAN FAMILY: The state is creating conditions so that the family can meet the needs of...
1999 RESPECT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS: THE SECRET OF TRUE PEACE: The Secret of True Peace_ Universal Declaration of Human Rights... These rights are inherent in the dignity of people.
2000 PEACE ON EARTH TO THOSE WHOM GOD LOVES: Only in peace and through peace can respect for human dignity and its inalienable rights be guaranteed.
2003 PACEM IN TERRIS: A PERMANENT COMMITMENT: The world has a higher vision for public life and public authority...Thinking and human dignity...
2004 AN EVER TIMELY COMMITMENT: TEACHING PEACE: violations of human dignity have led to a profound renewal of the international legal order.
2007 THE HUMAN PERSON, THE HEART OF PEA: we can find firm defenders of human dignity and brave builders of peace
2011 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM, THE PATH TO PEACE: the road to peace respect for the basic elements of human dignity... the conditions for the moral legitimacy of legal norms.
2013 BLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERS: The legal system and the judiciary recognize that they are facing laws or government measures that violate human dignity...
2014 FRATERNITY, THE FOUNDATION AND PATHWAY TO PEACE: friendship, the basis and way of peace _... infringed on their human dignity and developmental delay. …
2018 Migrants and refugees: men and women in search of peace_. Risks posed by national security...the dignity of people as children of God.
2021 A CULTURE OF CARE AS A PATH TO PEACE: the helmsman of human dignity and the compass of basic social principles can... determine the direction.
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “WORLD DAY OF PEACE: MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPES”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “War”.

1969 THE PROMOTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS, THE WAY TO PEACE: The necessity of can only be justified by the exception of facts and laws...
1971 EVERY MAN IS MY BROTHER_ Peace benefited from the increasing popularity of public opinion... is ridiculous...Solving between people
1973 PEACE IS POSSIBLE!_ The hidden trap of the great cause of and oppression and enslavement of weaker countries... Is it possible for peace between people?
1974 PEACE DEPENDS ON YOU TOO_Today the potential of and struggle is far greater - not less - than that which was at mankind’s disposal before the World s.
1978 NO TO VIOLENCE, YES TO PEACE .legitimate national interest...consistent with general legal reasons, but it cannot be resolved by ...
1982 PEACE: A GIFT OF GOD ENTRUSTED TO US !_ clarified the relationship between and politics... Negotiation is more promising than force...
1994 THE FAMILY CREATES THE PEACE OF THE HUMAN FAMILY_ and violence not only constitute a division that weakens and destroys the family structure... harmful effects
1997 OFFER FORGIVENESS AND RECEIVE PEACE_ .the most abominable form, that is, the power to wage is used as...
1998 FROM THE JUSTICE OF EACH COMES PEACE FOR ALL_ a characterized by the deprivation of the right to survival of certain nations...world human rights
1999 RESPECT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS: THE SECRET OF TRUE PEACE_ the secret of true peace...the Statute of the International Criminal Court...and those responsible for the crimes of and aggression.
2003 PACEM IN TERRIS: A PERMANENT COMMITMENT_ Available atomic arsenal means that such a will endanger the future of mankind.
2006 IN TRUTH, PEACE_ .to limit the destructive consequences of ...For civilians, the international community enacted international humanitarian law.
2007 THE HUMAN PERSON, THE HEART OF PEACE_ when does break out... Establish a code of conduct... limit the damage and help alleviate... the suffering of the victims.
2011 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM, THE PATH TO PEACE_ A society reconciled with God is closer to peace...no or military or economic hegemony
2017 Nonviolence: a Style of Politics for Peace_ the Pope promises Paul... to give up class struggles and international s in internal disputes. “
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “WORLD DAY OF PEACE: MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPES”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Diseases”.

1978 NO TO VIOLENCE, YES TO PEACE: the cure of disease... depends on the wisdom and care of these protectors, defenders and friends. Human.
1982 PEACE: A GIFT OF GOD ENTRUSTED TO US !_ They fight against hunger, poverty and disease; they worry about immigration,...
1984 “ FROM A NEW HEART, PEACE IS BORN “_a painful struggle to overcome hunger, disease and underdevelopment... an arms race...
1985 PEACE AND YOUTH GO FORWARD TOGETHER_They are victims of hunger and disease.
1987 DEVELOPMENT AND SOLIDARITY: The disintegration of the family structure...Illnesses—drugs, alcoholism...the exploitation of others...all a symptom of overall development
1993 IF YOU WANT PEACE, REACH OUT TO THE POOR: please contact the poor_Women, children, the elderly, the sick and the wounded were forced to flee and become refugees...
1997 OFFER FORGIVENESS AND RECEIVE PEACE_”It is he who forgives all your guilt, who heals every one of your ills; who redeems your life from the grave, who crowns you with love and compassion.
1999 RESPECT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS: THE SECRET OF TRUE PEACE: the secret of true peace_...unemployment, sickness or personal uncontrollable...enable the poor to take on their livelihoods
2000 PEACE ON EARTH TO THOSE WHOM GOD LOVES: fight against political and economic corruption
2005 DO NOT BE OVERCOME BY EVIL BUT OVERCOME EVIL WITH GOOD: promote peace and security, pay attention to climate change and disease control.
2008 THE HUMAN FAMILY, A COMMUNITY OF PEACE some basic elements of peace... the care for the members who are weak due to young, sick or old
2009 FIGHTING POVERTY TO BUILD PEACE_Efforts to rein in the consequences of these diseases on the population do not always achieve significant results.
2016 Overcome Indifference and Win Peace_ effective measures to improve the living conditions of patients and ensure that everyone can get the medical...
2017 Nonviolence: a Style of Politics for Peace peaceful political style_...promote justice, peace...for immigrants, people in need, patients, exclusion...
2021 A CULTURE OF CARE AS A PATH TO PEACE: .respect the value and dignity of everyone...suffer from poverty, disease...provide relief.
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “WORLD DAY OF PEACE: MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPES”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Happiness”.

1971 EVERY MAN IS MY BROTHER: is based on the recognition of the lasting and happy equality between people...
1974 PEACE DEPENDS ON YOU TOO: Peace is courage, it is wisdom, it is duty; and in the end it is, even more, concern and happiness.
1975 RECONCILIATION - THE WAY TO PEACE: Happy reconciliation: Christ is our peace; He is the principle of reconciliation in the unity of his mysterious body
1977 IF YOU WANT PEACE, DEFEND LIFE: According to these imperatives, in order to have authentic and happy Peace, it is necessary “to defend life, to heal life, to promote life”.
1978 NO TO VIOLENCE, YES TO PEACE: the most beautiful and happiest thing in people’s hearts: love-true, noble, and loyal love.
1979 « TO REACH PEACE, TEACH PEACE »_realize that the happiness and even survival of human beings are at stake... Blessed are those who make peace...
1982 PEACE: A GIFT OF GOD ENTRUSTED TO US !_ The word “peace” is associated with happiness, harmony... again and again,...
1984 “ FROM A NEW HEART, PEACE IS BORN “_Christians, disciples of Jesus, caught up in the tensions of our age, we must recall that there is no happiness except for the “peacemakers” (cf.
1985 PEACE AND YOUTH GO FORWARD TOGETHER: Do not be afraid of your own youth, and of those deep desires you have for happiness, for truth, for beauty and for lasting love!
1994 THE FAMILY CREATES THE PEACE OF THE HUMAN FAMILY: _...family members seek personal satisfaction rather than a happy and productive life.
1996 LET US GIVE CHILDREN A FUTURE OF PEACE _the efforts of individuals and organizations to make children in difficulties grow up in peace and happiness
2001 DIALOGUE BETWEEN CULTURES FOR A CIVILIZATION OF LOVE AND PEACE_. accept the gospel of forgiveness, accept the promise of eternal happiness.
2013 BLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERS: In every person the desire for peace is an essential aspiration which coincides in a certain way with the desire for a full, happy and successful human life.
2014 FRATERNITY, THE FOUNDATION AND PATHWAY TO PEACE: seek satisfaction, happiness and safety, which are out of proportion to the principles of a healthy economy.
2019 Good politics is at the service of peace: _more needs “peace craftsmen”... a true witness, he hopes for the happiness of human families... More comparisons:
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “WORLD DAY OF PEACE: MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPES”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Fear”.

1968 FOR THE OBSERVANCE OF A DAY OF PEACE: the lofty ideal of peace will not encourage the cowardice of those who are afraid of... for their own country...
1969 THE PROMOTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS, THE WAY TO PEACE: the fear of revenge and retaliation...none can guarantee a veritable peace.
1974 PEACE DEPENDS ON YOU TOO_A settlement which is purely external and imposed by fear is not Peace.
1975 RECONCILIATION - THE WAY TO PEACE: Peace must stem from mutual trust between nations...not imposed by fear of each other’s weapons...
1976 THE REAL WEAPONS OF PEACE: the disproportionate increase in the possession of various weapons in the country... caused a tremor of fear.
1979 « TO REACH PEACE, TEACH PEACE »_to unstable peace...the fear of creating a stockpile of weapons or selling them is surprisingly devastating...
1980 TRUTH, THE POWER OF PEACE: Truth is not afraid of glorious agreements, because truth brings light so that it can be without sacrifice..
1984 “ FROM A NEW HEART, PEACE IS BORN “_and passion and fear risk leading to all kinds of extremism.
1996 LET US GIVE CHILDREN A FUTURE OF PEACE _The children’s faces...full of sadness and fear...how much pain and pain!
1997 OFFER FORGIVENESS AND RECEIVE PEACE: facilitated fear, suspicion, hatred and division between families and ethnic groups...
2011 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM, THE PATH TO PEACE: Many Christians have suffered insults for pursuing the truth...and often live in fear.
2017 Nonviolence: a Style of Politics for Peace: a peaceful political style_...fraternity and the ethics of peaceful coexistence among people cannot be based on fear, violence...
2020 PEACE AS A JOURNEY OF HOPE: DIALOGUE, RECONCILIATION AND ECOLOGICAL CONVERSION: .overcoming our human fears...like the father of the prodigal son...
2021 A CULTURE OF CARE AS A PATH TO PEACE: don’t be afraid of the church;...seeking freedom, social justice and peace that promote health
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “WORLD DAY OF PEACE: MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPES”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Saved”.

1974 PEACE DEPENDS ON YOU TOO._If the idea of Peace effectively wins men's hearts, Peace will be safe; indeed it will save mankind
1979 « TO REACH PEACE, TEACH PEACE »_All mankind, and the desire to save the soul and freedom of a nation.
1982 PEACE: A GIFT OF GOD ENTRUSTED TO US:Salvation is connected with the idea of justice... Now I send her a flowing peace...
1987 DEVELOPMENT AND SOLIDARITY: From oppression and violence he redeems their life ...” (vv.
1992 BELIEVERS UNITED IN BUILDING PEACE: their own doctrine and mission to save all mankind... the precepts and doctrines of the light of human truth”
1995 WOMEN: TEACHERS OF PEACE _Mary lived with a deep sense of responsibility the plan which God willed to carry out in her for the salvation of all humanity.
1997 OFFER FORGIVENESS AND RECEIVE PEACE_”It is he who forgives all your guilt, who heals every one of your ills; who redeems your life from the grave, who crowns you with love and compassion.
2001 DIALOGUE BETWEEN CULTURES FOR A CIVILIZATION OF LOVE AND PEACE:... the wonderful reality of the church, it is Christ’s saving the world and the unity of mankind...
2005 DO NOT BE OVERCOME BY EVIL BUT OVERCOME EVIL WITH GOOD_ we are save d from evil and enabled to do good.
2006 IN TRUTH, PEACE: God is the love of salvation...Use their various talents to serve the common good of the human family.
2007 THE HUMAN PERSON, THE HEART OF PEACE: Save us without our help... everyone is responsible for cultivating gifts and tasks...
2008 THE HUMAN FAMILY, A COMMUNITY OF PEACE_ As the mother of the Son of God, Mary became flesh to save all mankind...
2010 IF YOU WANT TO CULTIVATE PEACE, PROTECT CREATION: God’s gift given to everyone by the Creator, and the most important thing is to save people
2012 EDUCATING YOUNG PEOPLE IN JUSTICE AND PEACE: Besides love, what else can save us... Believe in everything, hope in everything...
2014 FRATERNITY, THE FOUNDATION AND PATHWAY TO PEACE: because God sent his son to the world...in order to save the world through him...).
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “WORLD DAY OF PEACE: MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPES”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Offering”.

1968 FOR THE OBSERVANCE OF A DAY OF PEACE: The proposal to dedicate to Peace the first day of the new year is not intended, therefore, as exclusively ours, religious, that is, Catholic.
1970 TO BE RECONCILED WITH EACH OTHER, TO EDUCATE THEMSELVES FOR PEACE_ We see a contribution to Peace in the now universal deportation of terrorism, of torture of prisoners
1979 « TO REACH PEACE, TEACH PEACE »_Today you will contribute to education for peace by highlighting as much as possible the great peacemaking tasks that fall to the human family.
1983 DIALOGUE FOR PEACE, A CHALLENGE FOR OUR TIME_It is to accept its contribution, it is to share with it responsibility before truth and justice.
1985 PEACE AND YOUTH GO FORWARD TOGETHER_A just and peaceful world cannot be achieved by words alone...through the contributions of all people.
1987 DEVELOPMENT AND SOLIDARITY: The relationship between disarmament and development... Contributions show that... North-South inequality poses a serious threat to world peace.
1989 TO BUILD PEACE, RESPECT MINORITIES: respecting ethnic minorities... actively and creatively contribute to the establishment of peace based on the acceptance of legal differences.
1996 LET US GIVE CHILDREN A FUTURE OF PEACE : let us give our children a peaceful future_...international organizations to local associations...people are required to contribute to peace...
1999 RESPECT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS: THE SECRET OF TRUE PEACE: the secret of true peace _...if the new institution is built on a sound legal basis...to contribute to the protection of human rights.
2004 AN EVER TIMELY COMMITMENT: TEACHING PEACE_: Teaching Peace _... the doctrine of the Church... Leading international law to the common interests of the entire human family... Contribution.
2005 DO NOT BE OVERCOME BY EVIL BUT OVERCOME EVIL WITH GOOD: make your own effective contribution to a world of free and peaceful values.
2009 FIGHTING POVERTY TO BUILD PEACE_Does not every one of us sense deep within his or her conscience a call to make a personal contribution to the common good and to peace in society?
2017 Nonviolence: a Style of Politics for Peace_.active non-violent peacebuilding...make appropriate contributions to the drafting of legislation at all levels...
2019 Good politics is at the service of peace_ Everyone can contribute his or her stone to help build the common home.
2021 A CULTURE OF CARE AS A PATH TO PEACE: In order to feed the poor and bury the dead... Voluntary giving has become a habit.
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “WORLD DAY OF PEACE: MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPES”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “The Way”.

1968 FOR THE OBSERVANCE OF A DAY OF PEACE_the insight of young people into the new path of civilization, and their due diligence towards peaceful development...
1978 NO TO VIOLENCE, YES TO PEACE: This is the final result of the wrong path and the cause is sad
1984 “ FROM A NEW HEART, PEACE IS BORN “_The message of the Synod Fathers shows us on which road we must go forward in order to be true peacemakers: “The Word calls us to repent.
1994 THE FAMILY CREATES THE PEACE OF THE HUMAN FAMILY_ giving up violence and taking the road of peace,...people who sincerely believe in peace give patient education.
1998 FROM THE JUSTICE OF EACH COMES PEACE FOR ALL_ In order to build a fairer society on the road of globalization...
1999 RESPECT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS: THE SECRET OF TRUE PEACE_This is the path worthy of the human person, this is the path of peace!
2003 PACEM IN TERRIS: A PERMANENT COMMITMENT:A Perpetual Commitment_Counter...the real picture of mankind, and pointed out the path to a better future for all.
2004 AN EVER TIMELY COMMITMENT: TEACHING PEACE_Certainly law is the first road leading to peace, and people need to be taught to respect that law.
2006 IN TRUTH, PEACE_ a step forward on the road to peace...to maintain a more tranquil future...a positive result of the peace and reconciliation process.
2008 THE HUMAN FAMILY, A COMMUNITY OF PEACE_ the earth is our common home...choose the path of dialogue...not the path that is unilaterally decided
2010 IF YOU WANT TO CULTIVATE PEACE, PROTECT CREATION_ .new pantheism opened the way...to see the source of human salvation in nature
2011 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM, THE PATH TO PEACE_ Christ, he is the way, truth and life...God reconciles everything to himself...
2013 BLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERS: Precisely for this reason it can be said that the paths which lead to the attainment of the common good are also the paths that must be followed in the pursuit of peace.
2020 PEACE AS A JOURNEY OF HOPE: DIALOGUE, RECONCILIATION AND ECOLOGICAL CONVERSION_ Only choosing the path of respect... embarking on a journey of hope
2021 A CULTURE OF CARE AS A PATH TO PEACE_By the sacrificial gift of his life, he opened for us the path of love.
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “WORLD DAY OF PEACE: MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPES”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Heaven”.

1969THE PROMOTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS, THE WAY TO PEACE_earthly and present peace is a reflection and prelude to heaven and eternal peace.
1990 PEACE WITH GOD THE CREATOR, PEACE WITH ALL OF CREATION: After creating the heavens, the sea, the earth and all it contains, God created man and woman.
1990PEACE WITH GOD THE CREATOR, PEACE WITH ALL OF CREATION: on earth or in heaven, using blood to make peace his cross...
1990PEACE WITH GOD THE CREATOR, PEACE WITH ALL OF CREATION: It must not be based on a rejection of the modern world or a vague desire to return to some “paradise lost” .
1993IF YOU WANT PEACE, REACH OUT TO THE POOR: Don’t accumulate the treasures of this life and this world... You must accumulate treasures for yourself in the sky
1994THE FAMILY CREATES THE PEACE OF THE HUMAN FAMILY: mother Maria’s intercession, offering him “the name of all families in heaven and on earth”...
2000PEACE ON EARTH TO THOSE WHOM GOD LOVES: Listening again to the proclamation of the Angels in the heavens above Bethlehem (cf.
2006IN TRUTH, PEACE: peace seems to be a gift from heaven...in truth, justice, freedom and love...to the sacred order.
2006IN TRUTH, PEACE: one of the sins, it prohibits liars from entering Jerusalem in heaven: outside is... all those who like lies
2010IF YOU WANT TO CULTIVATE PEACE, PROTECT CREATION: the day when the Savior returns gloriously, there will be new heavens and a new earth...justice and peace
2010IF YOU WANT TO CULTIVATE PEACE, PROTECT CREATION: the profound value of human dignity: when I look at your heaven, the work of your fingers...
2011RELIGIOUS FREEDOM, THE PATH TO PEACE: the road to peace_ should be joyful, because your reward in heaven is great
2011RELIGIOUS FREEDOM, THE PATH TO PEACE: Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven
2012EDUCATING YOUNG PEOPLE IN JUSTICE AND PEACE: when I see the heavens...you should remember what his people are...remember his mortals
2020PEACE AS A JOURNEY OF HOPE: DIALOGUE, RECONCILIATION AND ECOLOGICAL CONVERSION: the blood achieves peace...still in the sky, reconciled
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “WORLD DAY OF PEACE: MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPES”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Revelation”.

1973 PEACE IS POSSIBLE!_ reveals to us why peace is always an unresolved issue... subject to happiness solutions
1979 « TO REACH PEACE, TEACH PEACE »_the treasure of peace...was revealed and presented to...people in all forms of peace that can be achieved.
1980 TRUTH, THE POWER OF PEACE: Jesus revealed the whole truth about man to man in 1980; he reconciled man with God... the truth.
1982 PEACE: A GIFT OF GOD ENTRUSTED TO US !_Lk 2: 14), and this not only by revealing to them the Father’s love but above all by reconciling them with God through his sacrifice.
1990 PEACE WITH GOD THE CREATOR, PEACE WITH ALL OF CREATION: In the Book of Genesis, where we find God’s first self-Revelation to humanity (Gen 1-3)
1991 IF YOU WANT PEACE, RESPECT THE CONSCIENCE OF EVERY PERSON: Revelation enlightens their consciences and enables them to know that freedom
1999 RESPECT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS: THE SECRET OF TRUE PEACE: Jesus taught us to call God thus revealing to us the depth of our relationship with him.
2002 NO PEACE WITHOUT JUSTICE NO JUSTICE WITHOUT FORGIVENESS: My reasoned conviction, confirmed in turn by biblical Revelation,
2006 IN TRUTH, PEACE: When speaking to the foresight of the Apocalypse... He totally disliked “everyone who loves lies and practices lies”
2007 THE HUMAN PERSON, THE HEART OF PEACE_Jesus has revealed to us t that the highest vocation of every person is love.
2010 IF YOU WANT TO CULTIVATE PEACE, PROTECT CREATION: In the light of divine Revelation
2011 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM, THE PATH TO PEACE: The Bible is consistent with our own experience and reveals the profound value of human dignity
2013 BLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERS: _Jesus, the Revelation of the Fatherâs love, does not hesitate to offer himself in self-sacrifice.
2015 NO LONGER SLAVES, BUT BROTHERS AND SISTERS_Mt 3:17), came to reveal the father’s love for mankind.
2021 A CULTURE OF CARE AS A PATH TO PEACE_Jesusâ life and ministry represent the supreme Revelation of the Father love for humanity (cf.
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “WORLD DAY OF PEACE: MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPES”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “ Prayer “.

1968 FOR THE OBSERVANCE OF A DAY OF PEACE: the only weapon we can have for peace is prayer... to raise the moral tone...
1974 PEACE DEPENDS ON YOU TOO: support the cause of peace, in the cause of peace...ready to be invoked by our prayers?
1979 « TO REACH PEACE, TEACH PEACE »_But it is inseparably and above all a gift of God: it requires our prayer.
1982 PEACE: A GIFT OF GOD ENTRUSTED TO US !_This conviction is certainly seen to have animated people of all civilizations who have given peace the first place in their prayers.
1983 DIALOGUE FOR PEACE, A CHALLENGE FOR OUR TIME: _the challenge we faced You also know the necessity of transformation and prayer, because the establishment of justice and peace...
1987 DEVELOPMENT AND SOLIDARITY_May their prayers sustain them in their commitment to the cause of peace through the development of peoples in the spirit of social solidarity.
1989 TO BUILD PEACE, RESPECT MINORITIES_I in turn ask for prayers, that the peace we seek may be an ever more genuine peace, built on the “cornerstone” which is Christ himself (cf.
1992 BELIEVERS UNITED IN BUILDING PEACE_Prayer is par excellence the power needed to implore that peace and obtain it.
1997 OFFER FORGIVENESS AND RECEIVE PEACE: and pray with him to Heavenly Father, so that all will become one
2006 IN TRUTH, PEACE_At the same time I ask for an increase of prayers, since peace is above all a gift of God, a gift to be implored incessantly.
2010 IF YOU WANT TO CULTIVATE PEACE, PROTECT CREATION. Send fervent prayers...if you want to cultivate peace, please protect the creation.
2013 BLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERS: With this prayer I express my hope that all will be true peacemakers, so that the city of man may grow in fraternal harmony, prosperity and peace.
2014 FRATERNITY, THE FOUNDATION AND PATHWAY TO PEACE: Pray for peace, she serves the wounded, the hungry...the people living in fear; overcoming indifference and winning peace in
2016 Overcome Indifference and Win Peace_to give us prayers and blessings... a world of brotherly unity
2017 Nonviolence: a Style of Politics for Peace: The Christian communities made their own contribution by their insistent prayer and courageous action.
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “WORLD DAY OF PEACE: MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPES”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Life”.

1969 THE PROMOTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS, THE WAY TO PEACE: the protection of human rights to life, freedom, and equality... Without peace, rights lose their humanity
1977 IF YOU WANT PEACE, DEFEND LIFE_The formula is: “ If you want Peace, defend Life”.
1979 « TO REACH PEACE, TEACH PEACE »_But we believe that Jesus Christ, by giving his life on the Cross, became our Peace: he broke down the wall of hate that divided the hostile brothers (cf.
1982 PEACE: A GIFT OF GOD ENTRUSTED TO US !_ The law is engraved in the human conscience...Respect the lives of our compatriots and the whole person...
1985 PEACE AND YOUTH GO FORWARD TOGETHER_So do not be afraid to commit your lives to peace and justice, for you know that the Lord is with you in all your ways.
1989 TO BUILD PEACE, RESPECT MINORITIES_ The right to life itself is inalienable... The state violated the basic law that regulates social order.
1990 PEACE WITH GOD THE CREATOR, PEACE WITH ALL OF CREATION_Rom 8:21 ), _...gained a new life...waiting for a new heaven and a new earth where justice can live
1991 IF YOU WANT PEACE, RESPECT THE CONSCIENCE OF EVERY PERSON means the length of life and days...
1997 OFFER FORGIVENESS AND RECEIVE PEACE_ He saved your life from the grave, and he crowned you with love and compassion..
2011 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM, THE PATH TO PEACE_ The right to life and religious freedom are the morality and legality of every society and legal norms
2013 BLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERS_ the false rights or freedoms that were secretly introduced in the legislation... pose a threat to mankind.
2016 Overcome Indifference and Win Peace_ I hope that effective measures will be taken to improve the living conditions of patients and ensure that all people can live..
2019 Good politics is at the service of peace_ If human life is basically respected...Political life can indeed become an outstanding charity
2020 PEACE AS A JOURNEY OF HOPE: DIALOGUE, RECONCILIATION AND ECOLOGICAL CONVERSION_: multiple life forms and the earth itself have been entrusted to us
2021 A CULTURE OF CARE AS A PATH TO PEACE_By the sacrificial gift of his life, he opened for us the path of love.
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “WORLD DAY OF PEACE: MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPES”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Hope”.

1968 FOR THE OBSERVANCE OF A DAY OF PEACE: it hopes to get all true friends of peace...to promote this main good, which is peace
1969 THE PROMOTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS, THE WAY TO PEACE: This is a wish, a hope and an engagement; the first sun of the new year must shed upon the earth the light of Peace.
1970 TO BE RECONCILED WITH EACH OTHER, TO EDUCATE THEMSELVES FOR PEACE_I hope to spend a certain percentage of military expenditures on assisting developing countries.
1973 PEACE IS POSSIBLE!_ Servants of servants, we claim to be servants of truth, freedom, justice, development and hope.
2002 NO PEACE WITHOUT JUSTICE NO JUSTICE WITHOUT FORGIVENESS: hope to show a kind of politics in social attitudes and laws
2003 PACEM IN TERRIS: A PERMANENT COMMITMENT: The accumulated wisdom and experience of peace gestures has always been hopeful in history without succumbing...
2011 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM, THE PATH TO PEACE_May our cries of pain always be accompanied by faith, by hope and by the witness of our love of God.
2012 EDUCATING YOUNG PEOPLE IN JUSTICE AND PEACE:. Educating young people in a justice and peaceful way...bringing new hope to the world.
2013 BLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERS: With this prayer I express my hope that all will be true peacemakers, so that the city of man may grow in fraternal harmony, prosperity and peace.
2014 FRATERNITY, THE FOUNDATION AND PATHWAY TO PEACE: I hope that everyone’s daily commitment...The right to peace will be
2014 FRATERNITY, THE FOUNDATION AND PATHWAY TO PEACE: _the basis and way of peace _... violated their human dignity... in their hope and desire for recovery.
2016 Overcome Indifference and Win Peace: the joy and hope of the suffering people...conversation on the world’s problems...
2018 Migrants and refugees: men and women in search of peace: hope that this spirit...will lead the United Nations to draft...
2020 PEACE AS A JOURNEY OF HOPE: DIALOGUE, RECONCILIATION AND ECOLOGICAL CONVERSION: Peace will not be obtained unless it is hoped for.
2021 A CULTURE OF CARE AS A PATH TO PEACE_As Christians, we should always look to Our Lady, Star of the Sea and Mother of Hope.
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “WORLD DAY OF PEACE: MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPES”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Protection “.

1969 THE PROMOTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS, THE WAY TO PEACE:In order to protect the right to life and freedom of people... the right to social dignity, peace is necessary...
1977 IF YOU WANT PEACE, DEFEND LIFE: the text of the International Commitment to Protect Human Rights, Protect Children and Guarantee Basic Human Freedoms...
1979 « TO REACH PEACE, TEACH PEACE »_The inalienable human rights must be safeguarded in every circumstance.
1981 TO SERVE PEACE, RESPECT FREEDOM: _freedom and the best guarantee for its real realization depend on individual... specific international efforts.
1983 DIALOGUE FOR PEACE, A CHALLENGE FOR OUR TIME_As for the International Organizations, they were created to promote and guarantee peace,
1988 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM: Individuals must be clearly protected in the judicial structure of society...it must be recognized by civil law...inalienable rights
1989 TO BUILD PEACE, RESPECT MINORITIES: Another right which must be safeguarded is the right of minorities to preserve and develop their own culture.
1991 IF YOU WANT PEACE, RESPECT THE CONSCIENCE OF EVERY PERSON: international norms and Declarations, must guarantee their rights and make it possible for them to exercise those rights.
1992 BELIEVERS UNITED IN BUILDING PEACE: Respect and legal protection for various religions to ensure their contribution to peace...
1995 WOMEN: TEACHERS OF PEACE: Women have full rights to actively participate in public life... Legislation affirms and guarantees this right.
1999 RESPECT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS: THE SECRET OF TRUE PEACE: Both categories, although to different degrees, are guaranteed by international agreements.
2000 PEACE ON EARTH TO THOSE WHOM GOD LOVES: the obligation and refugees to protect the rights of victims of civilians to receive humanitarian assistance.
2002 NO PEACE WITHOUT JUSTICE NO JUSTICE WITHOUT FORGIVENESS. The moral virtues and legal guarantees for distributing benefits and burdens.
2009 FIGHTING POVERTY TO BUILD PEACE: apply to international rules for the protection of intellectual property rights to protect everyone...
2013 BLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERS: The rights of parents and their primary role in the education of their children in the area of morality and religion must be safeguarded.
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “WORLD DAY OF PEACE: MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPES”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Task”.

1975 RECONCILIATION - THE WAY TO PEACE: An institution that has the task and credit for the promotion and maintenance of peace in the judicial order and the international community...
1979 « TO REACH PEACE, TEACH PEACE »_The arms race has defeated the great task of peace, and the task of peace should unite all nations...
1982 PEACE: A GIFT OF GOD ENTRUSTED TO US !_While peace should be everyone’s concern, the building of peace is a task that falls directly and principally to political leaders.
1987 DEVELOPMENT AND SOLIDARITY: reconciliation to become a peacemaker.. The just cause of the country...cooperate with him in the mission of bringing peace to the earth
1998 FROM THE JUSTICE OF EACH COMES PEACE FOR ALL_ to ensure the balance between rights and duties... the proper task of justice.
1999 RESPECT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS: THE SECRET OF TRUE PEACE_.The Statute of the International Criminal Court, whose mission is to punish and respond to the crime of genocide...
2003 PACEM IN TERRIS: A PERMANENT COMMITMENT:”Bringing true peace in accordance with the sacred order” is the “most noble task”...
2004 AN EVER TIMELY COMMITMENT: TEACHING PEACE: The task of teaching peace...respect the international order and respect the promise of legally representing them...
2007 THE HUMAN PERSON, THE HEART OF PEACE: the United Nations constantly mentioned the protection of human rights...
2012 EDUCATING YOUNG PEOPLE IN JUSTICE AND PEACE_ Peace for all is the fruit of justice for all...the basic task of justice
2013 BLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERS_Religious communities are involved in a special way in this immense task of education for peace.
2014 FRATERNITY, THE FOUNDATION AND PATHWAY TO PEACE_Gen 4:1-16) brings out the difficult task to which all men and women are called, to live as one, each taking care of the other.
2015 NO LONGER SLAVES, BUT BROTHERS AND SISTERS_ the mission is...promote the adoption of all necessary measures to combat and eradicate the culture of slavery
2016 Overcome Indifference and Win Peace_ .Teachers who train children and young people for the difficult task...The responsibility also extends to the morals of life...
2021 A CULTURE OF CARE AS A PATH TO PEACE: Yetsfamilies need to be empowered to carry out this vital and indispensable task.
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “WORLD DAY OF PEACE: MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPES”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Reconciliation”.

1968 FOR THE OBSERVANCE OF A DAY OF PEACE: Through His Sacrifice on the Cross, He brought about universal reconciliation, and we, as His followers, are called to be “peacemakers” (Mt.
1974 PEACE DEPENDS ON YOU TOO_ it will even lead to generosity of forgiveness and reconciliation... never at the expense of the legitimate interests of others...
1986 PEACE IS A VALUE WITH NO FRONTIERS NORTH-SOUTH, EAST-WEST_Eph 2:14), and to reconcile the peoples in fraternity and peace.
1987 DEVELOPMENT AND SOLIDARITY_ We are also called to be like Christ, through reconciliation to become peacemakers...bring peace to the earth...
1989 TO BUILD PEACE, RESPECT MINORITIES_Reconciliation according to justice and with respect for the legitimate aspirations of all sectors of the community must be the rule.
1991 IF YOU WANT PEACE, RESPECT THE CONSCIENCE OF EVERY PERSON_The very truth that we profess calls us to promote unity rather than division; reconciliation rather than hatred and intolerance.
1997 OFFER FORGIVENESS AND RECEIVE PEACE: After reconciling with God and brothers, he was called to use the power of truth and justice to establish peace
1998 FROM THE JUSTICE OF EACH COMES PEACE FOR ALL_Justice makes whole, it does not destroy; it leads to reconciliation, not to revenge.
2001 DIALOGUE BETWEEN CULTURES FOR A CIVILIZATION OF LOVE AND PEACE_ forgiveness and reconciliation can become daily...building human peace and future...
2010 IF YOU WANT TO CULTIVATE PEACE, PROTECT CREATION_ Christ reconciles with God through his death and resurrection... Whether on earth...
2011 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM, THE PATH TO PEACE_A society reconciled with God is closer to peace, which is not the mere absence of war or the result of military or economic supremacy
2012 EDUCATING YOUNG PEOPLE IN JUSTICE AND PEACE_Eph 2:14-18); in him, there is but one family, reconciled in love.
2014 FRATERNITY, THE FOUNDATION AND PATHWAY TO PEACE_Give up the way of arms and go out to meet the other in dialogue, pardon and reconciliation, in order to rebuild justice, trust, and hope
2020 PEACE AS A JOURNEY OF HOPE: DIALOGUE, RECONCILIATION AND ECOLOGICAL CONVERSION_. the blood on his cross achieves peace... all reconciled
2021 A CULTURE OF CARE AS A PATH TO PEACE_ dialogue, reconciliation and ecological transformation_... the blood on his cross achieves peace... all reconciled
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “WORLD DAY OF PEACE: MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPES”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Poverty “.

1975 RECONCILIATION -the new form of jealous nationalism is being affirmed...the tragic situation of poverty and hunger still exists.
1981 TO SERVE PEACE, RESPECT FREEDOM: The existence of absolute poverty in the world and the existence of hunger and malnutrition...sacrifice yourself
1984 “ FROM A NEW HEART, PEACE IS BORN “_”From a new heart, peace was born “_In our poverty and chaos...come to preach peace to you in the distance, to the near...
1987 DEVELOPMENT AND SOLIDARITY: All countries are inevitably affected by the poverty of other countries... inevitably subject to disarmament negotiations
1990 PEACE WITH GOD THE CREATOR, PEACE WITH ALL OF CREATION: Rural poverty and unjust land distribution in many countries, have led to subsistence farming and to the exhaustion of the soil.
1993 IF YOU WANT PEACE, REACH OUT TO THE POOR_A spirit of poverty as a source of peace
1998 FROM THE JUSTICE OF EACH COMES PEACE FOR ALL: poverty persists, sometimes even extreme poverty...new inequality.
1999 RESPECT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS: THE SECRET OF TRUE PEACE_Reject all forms of violence: the violence of poverty and hunger, it tortured so...
2005 DO NOT BE OVERCOME BY EVIL BUT OVERCOME EVIL WITH GOOD_: consider fighting poverty, promoting peace and security, and paying attention to the climate
2007 THE HUMAN PERSON, THE HEART OF PEACE: generous dedication and proud of the cause of peace... to provide help, especially those who suffer from poverty and need
2009 FIGHTING POVERTY TO BUILD PEACE_ The truth of axiom is irrefutable: fighting poverty is building peace.
2013 BLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERS_ for the currency, finance and business markets...so as not to cause harm to the very poor.
2014 FRATERNITY, THE FOUNDATION AND PATHWAY TO PEACE_:the form of promoting fraternity...thereby defeating poverty...is the foundation of all other forms.
2016 Overcome Indifference and Win Peace_ the joy of the poor or suffering...conversations on the world’s problems...
2021 A CULTURE OF CARE AS A PATH TO PEACE: establish a global fund...permanently eradicate hunger...the poorest country!
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “WORLD DAY OF PEACE: MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPES”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Weapon”.

1968 FOR THE OBSERVANCE OF A DAY OF PEACE: resort to the terrible danger of extermination... namely through negotiations based on law, justice and fairness
1969 THE PROMOTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS, THE WAY TO PEACE: return to the ruins caused by the weapons and the psychology of the power of conflict, even the death of citizens
1970 TO BE RECONCILED WITH EACH OTHER, TO EDUCATE THEMSELVES FOR PEACE: replace weapons with the greatness of reason, speech, and morality
1976 THE REAL WEAPONS OF PEACE: It is necessary before all else to provide Peace with other Weapons - Weapons different from those destined to kill and exterminate mankind.
1977 IF YOU WANT PEACE, DEFEND LIFE: increasingly efficient weapons, this damages the school’s resources... health and civic welfare
1979 « TO REACH PEACE, TEACH PEACE »_ unstable peace...build a stockpile of weapons or sell weapons that are surprisingly destructive
1980 TRUTH, THE POWER OF PEACE: the challenge we faced _... the truth is the power of peace...continuous efforts not to use the weapons of lies...for a good purpose
1983 DIALOGUE FOR PEACE, A CHALLENGE FOR OUR TIME: the challenge we faced _... We must not resort to force to set aside the dialogue in order to resolve the conflict.
2007 THE HUMAN PERSON, THE HEART OF PEACE_ .the way for everyone to enjoy a peaceful future is not only in the international agreement on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons...
2011 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM, THE PATH TO PEACE_ weapons that endow international law with power and prestige...first of all, the weapons of compliance with treaties.
2014 FRATERNITY, THE FOUNDATION AND PATHWAY TO PEACE: Non-proliferation of weapons and appeals for disarmament by all parties...is the disarmament of nuclear and chemical weapons
2016 Overcome Indifference and Win Peace: When people witness the denial of their elementary rights, such as the right to food, water, health care or employment, they are tempted to obtain them by force.
2017 Nonviolence: a Style of Politics for Peace: Non-violent peace building is the use of ethics to restrict the use of force to the church...
2019 Good politics is at the service of peace: corruption takes many forms...using force to justify power or arbitrarily resorting to existence...
2021 A CULTURE OF CARE AS A PATH TO PEACE: The United Nations negotiates a legally binding ban on nuclear weapons and leads to...
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “WORLD DAY OF PEACE: MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPES”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Violence “.

1968 FOR THE OBSERVANCE OF A DAY OF PEACE: because the right to life and human dignity were not recognized and respected, they were desperately involved in the danger of violence
1973 PEACE IS POSSIBLE!”. Blind violence that attacks innocents,...Our painful question: Is peace possible between people?
1978 NO TO VIOLENCE, YES TO PEACE: Peace is not based on the power of weapons...not on structural violence based on certain political systems
1979 « TO REACH PEACE, TEACH PEACE :the desire for order beyond violence...the dignity shared by people is recognized
1984 “ FROM A NEW HEART, PEACE IS BORN “_violent and fanatical terrorism did not spare other countries... all kinds of extremism
1987 DEVELOPMENT AND SOLIDARITY: From oppression and violence he redeems their life ...”
1988 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM: by eliminating the resort to violence to resolve conflicts...promoting understanding and reconciliation...providing new moral resources
1994 THE FAMILY CREATES THE PEACE OF THE HUMAN FAMILY: War and violence not only constitute a divisive force that weakens and destroys the family structure...
2006 IN TRUTH, PEACE_As he wrote: ‘Attempting to impose what we believe to be truth on others through violent means... In the end it was an offense to God
2007 THE HUMAN PERSON, THE HEART OF PEACE: After the new form of violence, the international community was asked to reaffirm international humanitarian law
2015 NO LONGER SLAVES, BUT BROTHERS AND SISTERS_ Further causes of slavery include armed conflicts, violence, criminal activity and terrorism.
2017 Nonviolence: a Style of Politics for Peace: An integral ecology is also made up of simple daily gestures that break with the logic of violence, exploitation and selfishness
2019 Good politics is at the service of peace: One out of every six children in our world is affected by the violence of war or its effects
2020 PEACE AS A JOURNEY OF HOPE: DIALOGUE, RECONCILIATION AND ECOLOGICAL CONVERSION: Mistrust and fear increase the risk of violence that can never lead to a relationship of peace.
2021 A CULTURE OF CARE AS A PATH TO PEACE: God...harmonious plan...because of “peace and peace” violence cannot coexist
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “WORLD DAY OF PEACE: MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPES”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Gospel “.

1968 FOR THE OBSERVANCE OF A DAY OF PEACE_14) and His good news is “the Gospel of peace” (Eph.
1970 TO BE RECONCILED WITH EACH OTHER, TO EDUCATE THEMSELVES FOR PEACE: the gospel of forgiveness seems absurd to human politics...
1971 EVERY MAN IS MY BROTHER: the sacred words of the Lord Christ, as written in his gospel: “You are all brothers”
1974 PEACE DEPENDS ON YOU TOO: the people who promote peace will cooperate... so that Christ can call them and our sons of God in accordance with the heat of the gospel
1975 RECONCILIATION - THE WAY TO PEACE: May they be so complete that the world will realize that you sent me...
1984 “ FROM A NEW HEART, PEACE IS BORN “_The Synod of Bishops on Reconciliation and Penance recently recalled the first words of Christ: “Repent, and believe in the Gospel” (Mk 1, 15).
1996 LET US GIVE CHILDREN A FUTURE OF PEACE : to trust our Heavenly Father completely, and to follow the gentleness taught by the gospel...a reason for hope
1998 FROM THE JUSTICE OF EACH COMES PEACE FOR ALL_The heart of the Gospel message is Christ, who is everyone’s peace and reconciliation.
2000 PEACE ON EARTH TO THOSE WHOM GOD LOVES:.the church, as the only flock of God...to spread the gospel of peace to all mankind on the pilgrimage road
2001 DIALOGUE BETWEEN CULTURES FOR A CIVILIZATION OF LOVE AND PEACE: open your heart, accept the gospel of forgiveness, and accept the promise of eternal happiness
2004 AN EVER TIMELY COMMITMENT: TEACHING PEACE_.is to declare his gospel, which is a gospel of peace
2005 DO NOT BE OVERCOME BY EVIL BUT OVERCOME EVIL WITH GOOD: Gospel Doctrine: The Basic Principles of Human Perfection, and the Change of the World
2011 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM, THE PATH TO PEACE: _May followers of Christ not be discouraged, because they bear witness to the gospel...
2015 NO LONGER SLAVES, BUT BROTHERS AND SISTERS: those who hear the gospel and respond to the call to convert become brothers, sisters and mothers of Jesus
2020 PEACE AS A JOURNEY OF HOPE: DIALOGUE, RECONCILIATION AND ECOLOGICAL CONVERSION: We are guided by gospel passages... Am I forgiving him?
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “WORLD DAY OF PEACE: MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPES”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Faith”.

1968 FOR THE OBSERVANCE OF A DAY OF PEACE: to observe the obligation of “Peace Day” with the religious and moral expression of the Christian faith...
1970 TO BE RECONCILED WITH EACH OTHER, TO EDUCATE THEMSELVES FOR PEACE. brothers and sons who believe in Christianity... love and reconcile each other.
1973 PEACE IS POSSIBLE!_All those who are united with us in the faith...think about the possibility of peace.
1975 RECONCILIATION - Meditate on the theological and ecclesiological significance of these basic truths of our faith and Christian life.
1980 TRUTH, THE POWER OF PEACE: “Violence is a lie, because it violates the truth of our belief...Don’t believe in violence...
1982 PEACE: A GIFT OF GOD ENTRUSTED TO US ! .Driven by faith and hope...promoting a more just society...
1988 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM: The Belief of Brothers and Sisters: The promise of peace is what makes us today in the eyes of the world, especially when young...
2005 DO NOT BE OVERCOME BY EVIL BUT OVERCOME EVIL WITH GOOD_”Violence is a lie, for it goes against the truth of our faith, the truth of our humanity.
2007 THE HUMAN PERSON, THE HEART OF PEACE: Church of Faith, Letter to the Bishop of the Catholic Church concerning the cooperation between the church and men and women in the world...
2011 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM, THE PATH TO PEACE: May our cries of pain always be accompanied by faith, by hope and by the witness of our love of God.
2013 BLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERS: .God made us his tools of peace...Where there is doubt, it brings true faith
2015 NO LONGER SLAVES, BUT BROTHERS AND SISTERS: she became the free daughter of God, thanking her for her faith, living in religious devotion
2016 Overcome Indifference and Win Peace: They are also the privileged milieu for transmitting the faith, beginning with those first simple gestures of devotion which mothers teach their children.
2018 Migrants and refugees: men and women in search of peace: The Wisdom of Belief...Everyone has the right to enjoy the wealth on earth...
2021 A CULTURE OF CARE AS A PATH TO PEACE: the reflection and enrichment of the godfather...the active charity of many glorious witnesses to the faith
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “WORLD DAY OF PEACE: MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPES”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Solidarity”.

1968 FOR THE OBSERVANCE OF A DAY OF PEACE: we who believe in the gospel... in the Holy Spirit, call for the unity of mankind... in deeds and ultimate destiny
1970 TO BE RECONCILED WITH EACH OTHER, TO EDUCATE THEMSELVES FOR PEACE: unity...not by violence...but by brotherly love and harmony?
1973 PEACE IS POSSIBLE!_ The world hopes to regard them as international order, unity and brotherhood among peoples...
1975 RECONCILIATION - THE WAY TO PEACE: .recovered the unity of some brother groups that were very close to a singular turn but were still hesitant to cross the threshold.
1980 TRUTH, THE POWER OF PEACE: recovered the unity of some brother groups that were very close to a singular turn but were still hesitant to cross the threshold.
1987 DEVELOPMENT AND SOLIDARITY: the exploitation of others-is a symptom of overall development. Through the social solidarity of the human family..
1988 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM_. . through the elimination of resorting to violence to resolve conflicts, education through brotherly unity and love...
2001 DIALOGUE BETWEEN CULTURES FOR A CIVILIZATION OF LOVE AND PEACE_ it is the symbol and tool of Christ’s salvation of the world and the unity of mankind.
2004 AN EVER TIMELY COMMITMENT: TEACHING PEACE_ the basis and way of peace_ Fraternity produces social peace, because it is in freedom and justice, personal responsibility and unity...
2014 FRATERNITY, THE FOUNDATION AND PATHWAY TO PEACE_ blessings we have done to build a brotherly united world...
2016 Overcome Indifference and Win Peace_ blessings we have done to build a brotherly united world...
2017 Nonviolence: a Style of Politics for Peace: Active nonviolence is a way of showing that unity is truly more powerful and more fruitful than conflict.
2018 Migrants and refugees: men and women in search of peace_ ..promote unity, fraternity, and a desire for goodness, truth and justice...
2020 PEACE AS A JOURNEY OF HOPE: DIALOGUE, RECONCILIATION AND ECOLOGICAL CONVERSION_ .the power of truth...the capacity for compassion and creative unity.
2021 A CULTURE OF CARE AS A PATH TO PEACE_ .towards a new vision of love and peace, fraternity and unity, mutual support and acceptance.
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “WORLD DAY OF PEACE: MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPES”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Mission”.

1968 FOR THE OBSERVANCE OF A DAY OF PEACE. International organizations must be supported by everyone...to gain authority appropriate to their great mission
1970 TO BE RECONCILED WITH EACH OTHER, TO EDUCATE THEMSELVES FOR PEACE: It is Our mission is to teach people... to reconcile with each other and educate themselves for peace.
1983 DIALOGUE FOR PEACE, A CHALLENGE FOR OUR TIME: their mission; to be an excellent place and tool for realizing a truly peaceful dialogue
1989 TO BUILD PEACE, RESPECT MINORITIES: When the Father sent his Son into the world he entrusted him with a mission of universal salvation.
1991 IF YOU WANT PEACE, RESPECT THE CONSCIENCE OF EVERY PERSON: Christ has entrusted the mission of proclaiming this truth to the church
1992 BELIEVERS UNITED IN BUILDING PEACE: the mission of saving all mankind at the same time...the precepts and doctrines that inspire the light of truth for everyone
1993 IF YOU WANT PEACE, REACH OUT TO THE POOR: please contact the poor_...the great mission of uniting all people to work together: to defend human dignity...
1999 RESPECT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS: THE SECRET OF TRUE PEACE: Let us raise our voices on their behalf, by living in its fullness the mission which Christ entrusted to his disciples!
2000 PEACE ON EARTH TO THOSE WHOM GOD LOVES: For the Church, to carry out her evangelizing mission means to work for peace.
2006 IN TRUTH, PEACE_For her part, the Church, in fidelity to the mission she has received from her Founder, is committed to proclaiming everywhere ‘’the Gospel of peace’’.
2010 IF YOU WANT TO CULTIVATE PEACE, PROTECT CREATION: please create a unique mission to protect _... the dignity of human beings and the family, where a person loves his neighbors
2011 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM, THE PATH TO PEACE_[18] Religious freedom is an authentic weapon of peace, with an historical and prophetic mission.
2014 FRATERNITY, THE FOUNDATION AND PATHWAY TO PEACE: .the mission is to bring the love of Christ to the victims of the forgotten war
2016 Overcome Indifference and Win Peace_ I think first of families, which are called to a primary and vital mission of education.
2021 A CULTURE OF CARE AS A PATH TO PEACE: At the culmination of his mission, Jesus sacrificed himself on the cross...
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “WORLD DAY OF PEACE: MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPES”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “ Cooperation “.

1972 IF YOU WANT PEACE, WORK FOR JUSTICE: promote your own development within the framework of cooperation for economic or political purposes...
1973 PEACE IS POSSIBLE! For developing countries...no longer want to provide friendship, cooperation and common well-being...offensive and war...
1975 RECONCILIATION - THE WAY TO PEACE: Sincere believers prayed... They started a friendly dialogue, so as to work together for world peace.
1981 TO SERVE PEACE, RESPECT FREEDOM: European security and cooperation...Freedom of conscience and religion...is the inalienable right of man...
1987 DEVELOPMENT AND SOLIDARITY_: Catholics and other groups... the spirit of cooperation and collaboration demonstrated by the needs of the homeless.
1991 IF YOU WANT PEACE, RESPECT THE CONSCIENCE OF EVERY PERSON: the law of conscience and the precepts of your own religion... cooperation in solutions
1998 FROM THE JUSTICE OF EACH COMES PEACE FOR ALL: building peace in justice requires the cooperation of all sectors of society...
2005 DO NOT BE OVERCOME BY EVIL BUT OVERCOME EVIL WITH GOOD: the well-being of mankind requires true international cooperation, and the country...makes its contribution
2006 IN TRUTH, PEACE: followers of religion and all well-meaning men and women cooperated extensively in the service of peace.
2008 THE HUMAN FAMILY, A COMMUNITY OF PEACE: The active cooperation of people... When properly managed, the family will experience true peace.
2009 FIGHTING POVERTY TO BUILD PEACE: her cooperation will never be lacking, whether it is time or occasion...
2012 EDUCATING YOUNG PEOPLE IN JUSTICE AND PEACE: true peacemakers...promoting growth, cooperating for development and resolving conflicts.
2015 NO LONGER SLAVES, BUT BROTHERS AND SISTERS_[8]:pay attention to the phenomenon of human trafficking and promote cooperation between agencies... work with the victims
2018 Migrants and refugees: men and women seeking peace_...allowing refugees and immigrants...a mutually beneficial and fruitful cooperation process
2020 PEACE AS A JOURNEY OF HOPE: DIALOGUE, RECONCILIATION AND ECOLOGICAL CONVERSION: Only on the global moral foundation of unity and cooperation...
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “WORLD DAY OF PEACE: MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPES”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Constitution”.

1975 RECONCILIATION - THE WAY TO PEACE: look at the whole world...a task that can be carried out unanimously for the improvement of our race.. (Pastoral Constitution Gaudium et Spes, 82).
1977 IF YOU WANT PEACE, DEFEND LIFE: the constitutional challenge established by the arms race between life and peace... is a mistake
1981 TO SERVE PEACE, RESPECT FREEDOM: “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”...international conventions... Most national constitutions require this kind of freedom.
1988 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM: In various countries, laws and administrative practices limit or in fact annul the rights formally recognized by the Constitution for individual believers and religious groups.
1990 PEACE WITH GOD THE CREATOR, PEACE WITH ALL OF CREATION_The right to a safe environment, Charter of Human Rights.
1991 IF YOU WANT PEACE, RESPECT THE CONSCIENCE OF EVERY PERSON_It also explains why the systematic denial of God and the establishment of a regime which incorporates this denial in its very Constitution are diametrically opposedboth freedom of conscience and freedom of religion.

1993 IF YOU WANT PEACE, REACH OUT TO THE POOR; deny the power and freedom of conscience and religious freedom incorporated into their constitution... (Pastoral Constitution Gaudium et spes, n. 69).
2000 PEACE ON EARTH TO THOSE WHOM GOD LOVES: Use all the provisions of the UN Charter to further define the framework of international law...
2001 DIALOGUE BETWEEN CULTURES FOR A CIVILIZATION OF LOVE AND PEACE: The great “charter of human rights” proclaimed the importance of fraternity... the process of globalization
2002 NO PEACE WITHOUT JUSTICE NO JUSTICE WITHOUT FORGIVENESS: Peace is endowed to mankind by the sacred founder... (Pastoral Constitution Gaudium et Spes, 78).
2003 PACEM IN TERRIS: A PERMANENT COMMITMENT. The new constitutional organization that establishes the human family...ensure peace among people...
2004 AN EVER TIMELY COMMITMENT: TEACHING PEACE: The system established under the Charter of the United Nations aims to save future generations from the scourge of war...
2006 IN TRUTH, PEACE_The Pastoral Constitution Gaudium et Spes, A more humane world... Converted to the truth of peace...
2008 THE HUMAN FAMILY, A COMMUNITY OF PEACE: Charter were written in the heart of a person and passed the natural law known to him by reason...
2016 Overcome Indifference and Win Peace_In the Pastoral Constitution: the human family has a dialogue on the issues of our world...of our world, as a sign of solidarity, respect and affection.
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “WORLD DAY OF PEACE: MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPES”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Dialogue “.

1973 PEACE IS POSSIBLE!_ .Documents and instruments list rights and justice...the dialogue between people is continuous and sincere...
1975 RECONCILIATION - THE WAY TO PEACE: Develop the friendly dialogue that we started with them, so as to work together for world peace.
1980 TRUTH, THE POWER OF PEACE: Truth too requires dialogue, and therefore reinforces this indispensable means for attaining peace.
1986 PEACE IS A VALUE WITH NO FRONTIERS NORTH-SOUTH, EAST-WEST: justice and the right path of a peaceful international society was unity and dialogue...
1989 TO BUILD PEACE, RESPECT MINORITIES_I wish to restate that, in such delicate circumstances, dialogue and negotiation are the obligatory path to peace.
1991 IF YOU WANT PEACE, RESPECT THE CONSCIENCE OF EVERY PERSON: inter-religious cooperation and dialogue will make a real contribution to peace.
1999 RESPECT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS: THE SECRET OF TRUE PEACE: the secret of true peace...to eliminate arms trafficking to war countries...leaders seek a path to dialogue.
2000 PEACE ON EARTH TO THOSE WHOM GOD LOVES_The basis of such a dialogue is the universal moral law written upon the human heart.
2001 DIALOGUE BETWEEN CULTURES FOR A CIVILIZATION OF LOVE AND PEACE: Dialogue between cultures is a privileged means of establishing a civilization of love...
2003 PACEM IN TERRIS: A PERMANENT COMMITMENT: to resolve disputes in a peaceful manner, and desire for genuine and constructive dialogue...lasting peace
2008 THE HUMAN FAMILY, A COMMUNITY OF PEACE: insist on dialogue on these issues... the legislation of various countries tends to recognize basic human rights
2011 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM, THE PATH TO PEACE_[14] : dialogue between different areas of life...what Aquinas said: every truth...from the Holy Spirit...
2013 BLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERS: Continuous dialogue with God, the Father of Mercy...Realize salvation.
2016 Overcome Indifference and Win Peace_In the Pastoral Constitution: Dialogue on world issues as a sign of unity, respect and care
2020 PEACE AS A JOURNEY OF HOPE: DIALOGUE, RECONCILIATION AND ECOLOGICAL CONVERSION ..manipulated dialogue peacemakers with an open attitude.
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “WORLD DAY OF PEACE: MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPES”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Science”.

1970 TO BE RECONCILED WITH EACH OTHER, TO EDUCATE THEMSELVES FOR PEACE: Humanity is advancing...Science is leading mankind to conquer...become a reality...
1973 PEACE IS POSSIBLE!_...To shoulder the responsibility of guiding the vital interests of mankind...scientists and writers...knowing to find and hope...
1978 NO TO VIOLENCE, YES TO PEACE_:. Brave and kind people who take medical science and art as their profession...
1982 PEACE: A GIFT OF GOD ENTRUSTED TO US !: The operating mode of economic life, the application of science and technology, and the mass media...
1982 PEACE: A GIFT OF GOD ENTRUSTED TO US !_:A gift from God! _Scientific research...Science is like art... brings together a universal society... loves the truth...
1982 PEACE: A GIFT OF GOD ENTRUSTED TO US !_Thus science and art are, each at its own level, an anticipation of the emergence of a universal peaceful society.
1983 DIALOGUE FOR PEACE, A CHALLENGE FOR OUR TIME:. The goal of the international dialogue...the arms race...the representatives of the members of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences...
1987 DEVELOPMENT AND SOLIDARITY_With reference to science and technology, new and powerful divisions are appearing between the technological haves and have-nots.
1988 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM: The modern development of social sciences has enriched mankind’s consciousness of this order, despite the ideological distortion...
1990 PEACE WITH GOD THE CREATOR, PEACE WITH ALL OF CREATION: created all things and coexisted Theology, philosophy, and science were all talking about a harmonious universe...
1990 PEACE WITH GOD THE CREATOR, PEACE WITH ALL OF CREATION_Unfortunately, modern science already has the capacity to change the environment for hostile purposes.
2000 PEACE ON EARTH TO THOSE WHOM GOD LOVES:Great progress has been made in various fields of science and technology
2000 PEACE ON EARTH TO THOSE WHOM GOD LOVES: These are values which, far from being foreign to economics and business, help to make them a fully “human” science and activity.
2004 AN EVER TIMELY COMMITMENT: TEACHING PEACE: Slowly but surely the great Pontiff set forth the various chapters of a true science of peace
2009 FIGHTING POVERTY TO BUILD PEACE: The social sciences that measure phenomena mainly based on quantitative data are sufficient to illustrate their main characteristics
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “WORLD DAY OF PEACE: MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPES”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Disagreement”.

1983 DIALOGUE FOR PEACE, A CHALLENGE FOR OUR TIME: seek to make dialogue the most suitable means to overcome differences...The Holy See attaches more importance to it
1983 DIALOGUE FOR PEACE, A CHALLENGE FOR OUR TIME: the challenge we face_Jesus teaches us how to listen...how to resolve differences while traveling together
1984 “ FROM A NEW HEART, PEACE IS BORN: cannot succumb to the differences that make us confront each other...undermining the unity of mankind...
1985 PEACE AND YOUTH GO FORWARD TOGETHER: Profound disagreements pit different social groups, peoples and nations one against the other.
1986 PEACE IS A VALUE WITH NO FRONTIERS NORTH-SOUTH, EAST-WEST: It is lost by the social divisions that pit rich against poor between States or within States.
1986 PEACE IS A VALUE WITH NO FRONTIERS NORTH-SOUTH, EAST-WEST: “peace” could not resolve... the vision of the differences represented by the north and south poles...
1987 DEVELOPMENT AND SOLIDARITY: With reference to science and technology, new and powerful divisions are appearing between the technological haves and have-nots.
1989 TO BUILD PEACE, RESPECT MINORITIES: respecting ethnic minorities... actively and creatively contribute to the establishment of peace based on the acceptance of legal differences.
1992 BELIEVERS UNITED IN BUILDING PEACE: promote peace among people...the differences between the “region” and the “world” that exist...
1997 OFFER FORGIVENESS AND RECEIVE PEACE: the suppression of differences can result in apparent peace, but it creates a volatile situation which is in fact the prelude to fresh outbreaks of violence.
2001 DIALOGUE BETWEEN CULTURES FOR A CIVILIZATION OF LOVE AND PEACE: We all know how difficult it is to resolve differences between political parties.
2009 FIGHTING POVERTY TO BUILD PEACE: Globalization on its own is incapable of building peace, and in many cases, it actually creates divisions and conflicts.
2014 FRATERNITY, THE FOUNDATION AND PATHWAY TO PEACE: teach yourself not to treat our neighbors as enemies or be eliminated...
2014 FRATERNITY, THE FOUNDATION AND PATHWAY TO PEACE: teach yourself not to treat our neighbors as enemies or be eliminated...
2014 FRATERNITY, THE FOUNDATION AND PATHWAY TO PEACE: it is partisan interests that create differences between citizens and institutions...an atmosphere of protracted conflict.
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “WORLD DAY OF PEACE: MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPES”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Natural Law or International Law”.

1976 THE REAL WEAPONS OF PEACE: What is needed above all are moral weapons, those which give strength and prestige to international law - the weapon, in the first place, of the observance of pacts.
1982 PEACE: A GIFT OF GOD ENTRUSTED TO US !_ Lay the foundation for permanent peace, such as laying a solid theoretical foundation for international law
2000 PEACE ON EARTH TO THOSE WHOM GOD LOVES: All the provisions of the UN Charter further define effective intervention within the framework of international law
2004 AN EVER TIMELY COMMITMENT: TEACHING PEACE: Peace and international law are closely linked to each another: law favours peace.
2004 AN EVER TIMELY COMMITMENT: TEACHING PEACE: Teaching Peace _... Speech by the Holy See’s Diplomatic Mission... International law is the main means of pursuing peace: Peace
2004 AN EVER TIMELY COMMITMENT: TEACHING PEACE: The Pope did not hesitate to emphasize the importance of international law as a guarantee of peace... Peacemaking... (Jas 3:18).
2007 THE HUMAN PERSON, THE HEART OF PEACE: From this standpoint, the norms of the natural law should not be viewed as externally imposed decrees, as restraints upon human freedom.
2007 THE HUMAN PERSON, THE HEART OF PEACE: Request the international community to reaffirm international humanitarian law...
2008 THE HUMAN FAMILY, A COMMUNITY OF PEACE_:Charter are... through the expression and clarity of natural law known to him by reason.
2009 FIGHTING POVERTY TO BUILD PEACE_ the norms of consensus, but rooted in the natural laws of the Creator engraved on everyone’s conscience
2011 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM, THE PATH TO PEACE: the path to peace_... cultivate an unwavering commitment to base positive law on the principles of natural law
2011 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM, THE PATH TO PEACE: comply with the justice requirements of public order, international law will not detract from religious freedom....
2011 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM, THE PATH TO PEACE: What are needed above all are moral weapons, those which give strength and prestige to international law
2014 FRATERNITY, THE FOUNDATION AND PATHWAY TO PEACE:I the right to peace will be effectively applied in international law...necessary prerequisites for other rights
2015 NO LONGER SLAVES, BUT BROTHERS AND SISTERS: The right of each person not to be kept in a state of slavery or servitude has been recognized in international law as inviolable.
2021 A CULTURE OF CARE AS A PATH TO PEACE: .the relationship between nations needs to be inspired by...unity and compliance with international law.
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4. Comparison of Acta Francisci PP’s nearly 4,000 major propositions on peace with these Constitutional Standards

The "Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards" are a tool for continuation of the “Acta Francisci PP”, and they are also an essential element in realizing the concept of "Peace".

Angelus, 30 August 2020_I appeal, for constructive dialogue and respect for international law in order to resolve the conflicts that threaten the peace of the peoples of that region.
Angelus, 20 September 2015, respect institutions and national and international laws to achieve lasting peace.
XLVII World Day of Peace 2014 -The right to peace will be effectively applied in international law
To the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Holy See for the traditional exchange of New Year Greetings (9 January 2020)_
To the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Holy See for the traditional exchange of New Year Greetings (7 January 2019)_
To the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Holy See for the traditional exchange of New Year Greetings (8 January 2018) negotiating a legally binding instrument to ban nuclear arms, the desire for peace continues
Apostolic Journey to Myanmar: (Nay Pyi Taw, 28 November 2017)_ respect for the rule of law and respect for the peace of the democratic order...group
Apostolic Journey to Colombia: Meeting with authorities and representatives of civil society¡ - 7 September 2017)_ Regulation of peaceful coexistence.. It is the power of the law recognized by all.
Apostolic Journey to Georgia and Azerbaijan: In-Flight Press Conference from Azerbaijan to Rome (Papal Flight, 2 October 2016)_ pray for peace,... negotiate or approach the International Court of Justice...
Apostolic Journey to Georgia and Azerbaijan: 30 September 2016):I hope for peace and development...justice and respect for the rule of law...
Apostolic Journey -.The codification and development of international law...The resolution of countless conflicts and the maintenance of peace
Address to the Bishops of Ukraine on their “ad Limina” V) (20 February 2015)_ please grant peace as soon as possible...respect for international law
Apostolic Journey to Turkey: (Istanbul, 30 November 2014) _ All parties concerned follow the path of dialogue and respect for international law...
The Tongue can also kill (13 June 2013)_ Pray for God’s grace to make our lives conform to..., the law of peace.
Peace is priceless (4 April 2013)_Peace cannot be bought or sold: it is a gift from God – and we must ask for it.
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“Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “Acta Francisci PP”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Love and Care”.

Angelus, 11 September 2016_I encourage everyone, Catholics in particular, to be builders of peace with respect for the law, in dialogue and fraternity.
Angelus, 20 September 2015, Cuba: .a never-ending day of fraternity and love, respect for
Angelus, 9 November 2014_The institutional elements, the structures and the pastoral entities must also be directed toward this goal, this essential goal of bearing witness to the faith in love.
General Audience of 1 October 2014:love the church, love her so much,...the love of the mother church of the system embraces all these charities.
Visit to Bari: Holy Mass - Meeting of reflection and spirituality: (23 February 2020)_ the law... “But I say to you: love your enemy”.
Apostolic Journey to Bulgaria: (6 May 2019)_ We are all brothers and sisters, and our law is love. Letter from the Holy Father to the Italian
Letter of the Holy Father to the Italian journalist Dr Eugenio Scalfari (11 September 2013)_ God’s love and... Law and Peace
Message of the Holy Father to mark the centenary of the foundation of the Pontifical Oriental Institute and the Congregation for Oriental Churches (12 October 2017)_ .profound love...hierarchy...assistance.
LIV World Day of Peace 2021 - The relationship between nations needs to be inspired by fraternity, mutual respect, solidarity and compliance with international law.
Apostolic Letter issued (8 September 2017)_ inspired by the great care of the family, through the Apostolic Constitution...given a stable legal form
To Participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts (21 February 2020)_Law is the condition of love (5).
To Members of the National State Police Association (29 September 2018)_ Accepting pain and humiliation out of love, subverting the hierarchy of values
To participants in the International Conference of the Christian Union of the Business Executives (UNIAPAC) (17 November 2016)_ all laws and economics...an atmosphere of respect and fraternity.
Pharisees of today (19 October 2017)_ the law is a response to God’s gratuitous love: He took the initiative to save us.
Ode to joy (26 March 2015)_Because the centre of law is love, love for God and for neighbour†.
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “Acta Francisci PP”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Truth”.

Apostolic Constitution Veritatis gaudium on Ecclesiastical Universities and Faculties (8 December 2017)_b):tactical approach, but as the joy of experiencing truth in the community
General Audience of 21 November 2018_The task of the law is to lead a person to his truth, or his poverty,...
Fratelli tutti (3 October 2020:Truth and universally valid principles are no longer maintained... The law can only be regarded as arbitrary
Laudato si’ (24 May 2015): truth and universally valid principles are no longer maintained... The law can only be regarded as arbitrary
Lumen fidei (29 June 2013)_A common truth intimidates us, for we identify it with the intransigent demands of totalitarian systems.
Letter of His Holiness Pope Francis to Brother Gerard Francisco Timoner, (24 May 2021):Truth and Charity...an international legal framework based on universal human rights
Letter of His Holiness to the People of God (20 August 2018)_A fasting that can make us hunger and thirst for justice and impel us to walk in the truth, supporting all the judicial measures that may be necessary.
LIII World Day of Peace 2020 - a country based on law...based on justice...protecting the rights of everyone in the search for truth
LIII World Day of Peace 2020 - the danger that international disputes cannot be resolved in a rational way, that is, by being based on the law... based on truth,...
To teachers and students of the Alphonsian Academy Higher Institute of Theology (9 February 2019)_ a tactical method, but as a way to experience truth in the community
Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy: .two rules...absolute truth be open
Inauguration of the Judicial Year of the Tribunal of the Roman Rota (23 January 2015)_ he function of law is to aim at animal life... to establish truth...
To the Pontifical Gregorian University community (10 April 2014)_ The rule of truth opens the law of.
At the judicial annual inauguration ceremony (January 24, 2014) he also guided by his intention to defend the truth, respecting the law and not ignoring
Clinging to the written word (11 April 2016)_ God’s closed heart of truth only depends on the truth of the law, the truth of words—...
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “Acta Francisci PP”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Freedom”.

Angelus (August 30, 2015)_...the blessing of the martyred bishop...inspires legislators and governments to ensure that religious freedom is everywhere.
The Apostolic Constitution Veritatis (December 8, 2017) _... must be stipulated by law, and at the same time must be left with appropriate freedom,...
Post-Synodal Exhortation to the People of God and to All Persons of Good Will (2 February 2020)_ .to ensure the legal framework for the protection of the ecosystem... will also overwhelm freedom and justice.
Evangelii Gaudium (November 24, 2013) _... words and deeds must be like those who are judged under the law of freedom
Fratelli Tutti (October 3, 2020) _...clear legal restrictions...or restrictions on the fundamental freedoms of weaker countries.
Laudato si’ (May 24, 2015) _... the legal framework for ecosystem protection has become indispensable... overwhelming freedom and justice
Jubilee of Mercy: Jubilee for prisoners (6 November 2016)_Certainly, breaking the law involves paying the price, and losing one’s freedom is the worst part of serving time, because it affects us so deeply.
Apostolic Journey to Mexico: (San Cristóbal de Las Casas, 15 February 2016)_ his laws, therefore became a symbol of freedom, happiness, wisdom and light
Holy Mass for the Day of “Evangelium Vitae” (16 June 2013)_Dear brothers and sisters, let us look to God as the God of Life, let us look to his law, to the Gospel message, as the way to freedom and life.
XLVIII World Day of Peace 2015 -..The legislation stipulates who is born free, who is born as a slave,...the conditions under which people may lose or regain their freedom
Greeting to His Holiness Mar Gewargis III: Law is supreme, including respect for religious freedom and equality before the law,...
Apostolic Journey to Chile: Santiago, January 16, 2018)_.the destiny of a nation based on freedom and law...
Visit to the European Parliament (Strasbourg, 25 November 2014)_ Europe with sovereign and free systems will one day reach geography and even history...
Visit to FAO on the occasion of the 2nd International Conference on Nutrition (20 November 2014)_ ruth, freedom, justice and solidarity... The right to be protected by law...
New wine, new wineskins (5 September 2014)_ The freedom we bring, he used the new law, he used his blood to approve the law.
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “Acta Francisci PP”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Rights”.

Motu Proprio’s Apostolic letter (May 7, 2019) _... The application does not affect the rights and obligations of the state law in each place
Apostolic Letter on the Protection of Minors and Vulnerable Groups (March 26, 2019) _... the defendant’s right to a fair and just trial
The general audience on May 25, 2016 _ The rights granted by the law can easily be overlooked because they are in isolation...
Participants of the International Forum on Modern Slavery (May 7, 2018) _... the legislative framework... does not work... fails to guarantee... basic rights
Message of the Holy Father to the participants in the 32nd International Conference on the theme: “Solving Global Health Inequality” (November 18, 2017) _... the law to comply with... the full integration of rights, especially...
LIII World Day of Peace 2020 - in a country based on the law, protecting everyone’s rights in the constant search for truth,...
XLVIII World Day of Peace 2015 - No longer slaves, but brothers and sisters_The right of each person not to be kept in a state of slavery or servitude has been recognized in international law as inviolable.
XLVII World Day of Peace 2014 - .the right to peace will be effectively applied in international law...a basic human right and all other rights necessary
To the Delegation of the International Commission against the Death Penalty (17 December 2018)_ Rights must not contradict the obligations under international law...
Apostolic Journey to Myanmar: (Nay Pyi Taw, 28 November 2017)_ Dignity and rights,...respect for the rule of law and respect for the peace of democratic order
Apostolic Journey to Georgia and Azerbaijan: (30 September 2016)_ cannot give up...respect for sovereign rights within the framework of international law
Apostolic Journey of the Holy Father to Cuba, to the U S America and the U N Headquarters: (, 27 September 2015)_ Every legal system should provide for conscientious objection to military service, because this is a right,...
on “Religious Freedom and the Global Clash of Values” (20 June 2014)_ ..the international legal system is required...inherent rights,...
Visit to the “Astalli Center” (September 10, 2013) _... Providing legal aid services... The right to work is recognized....
Press Conference of the Holy Father during the flight back (28 July 2013)_In Brazil a law has been approved which widens the right to abortion and permits marriage between people of the same sex.
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “Acta Francisci PP”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Righteousness “.

Angelus (December 2, 2018)_I will make David grow righteous branches; he will practice justice and righteousness on the earth. (Jer 33:14-15).
Gaudete (March 19, 2018) _... because “the peacemaker peacefully sows the crops of righteousness” (Jas 3:18).
Apostolic Letter issued: Modification of the jurisdiction of the Judiciary of the Vatican City State (April 30, (30 April 2021)_ According to the Constitution of the Sanhedrin... God’s justice is equal (32).
The general audience on March 11, 2020 _...the hunger for justice is deeper than the legitimate need for human justice in every man and woman
Pilgrimage to Fatima:, 13 May 2017)_ .the gifted person of justice...Jesus Christ, exercise the right to rule in his life” (Rom 5:17).
Apostolic Journey to Sarajevo: Holy Mass at Koševo Stadium (6 June 2015)_The prophet Isaiah reminds us succinctly: The effect of righteousness will be peace (32:17).
29 September 2013: Holy Mass on the occasion of the Anniversary of the Catechism _... Signpost: Pursue justice, godliness, faith, love, patience...
Apostolic Journey to Japan: (Hiroshima, 24 November 2019)_ Compassion and faithfulness meet, justice and peace are embraced...Justice descends from the sky (Ps 84:11-12).
Apostolic Journey to the United Arab Emirates: Interreligious meeting at the Founderâ Memorial (Abu Dhabi, 4 February 2019)_ The Prophet Isaiah said: “The effect of righteousness must be peace” (32:17).
To the community of the Pontifical Seminary of the Campania region (6 May 2017)_ _...transformed into the benevolent and righteous love of God, he listened
Visit to Lesvos (Greece): A remembering of the victims of migration (16 April 2016)_ .because only you are innocent: your righteousness and your law are the truth.
The grace of shame (9 March 2020)_ The same goes for God: “Shame belongs to us, justice belongs to you”.
The holiness of negotiation (9 June 2016)_ This is beyond the law, what he said is higher than the justice of the scribes and Pharisees.
A beautiful struggle (30 October 2014)_ .people must wear the “breastplate of righteousness”...strive to be justice...
Mercy and judgment (17 March 2014)_ “In front of the repentant people, God’s justice has become mercy and forgiveness.”
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “Acta Francisci PP”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Human Dignity “.

Angelus, 21 February 2016_the abolition of the death penalty... prison conditions, respect for human dignity and those deprived of their liberty.
Apostolic Letter Issued Motu Proprio On the Jurisdiction of Judicial Authorities of Vatican City State in Criminal Matters (11 July 2013)_ to prevent threats to human dignity, common...
Letter of the Holy Father to the President of the International Commission against the Death Penalty (20 March 2015)_ respect for the human dignity of persons deprived of their liberty.
Letter to the Secretary General of the United Nations Organization concerning the situation in Northern Iraq (9 August 2014)_ the most basic understanding of human dignity... the norms of international law...
Holy Father’s message to participants at the International Conference on Human Rights in the Contemporary World (December 10, 2018).international legal instruments... defend human dignity...
The 32nd International Conference (November 18, 2017)_...Human dignity is the foundation of justice...The power to work to overcome all differences.
104th World Migration and Refugee Day (August 15, 2017)...Repatriation cannot guarantee respect for human dignity and fundamental rights...
91 Judicial Annual Inauguration Ceremony (February 15, 2020)_Focus on the most disadvantaged and excluded... the dignity of people is considered intangible
Moroccan Apostle Tour (March 30, 2019)_...freedom of conscience and freedom of religion...freedom of worship...inseparable from human dignity
International Committee Against the Death Penalty (December 17, 2018)_...Sovereignty cannot contradict its obligations under international law...Human dignity
Judges’ Summit on Human Trafficking and Organized Crime (June 3, 2016) _...promoting human dignity, freedom...and justice.
The Fourth International Humanitarian Law Military Chaplain Formation Course (October 26, 2015)_...Protecting human dignity during armed conflict
Apostolic Journey - Apostle Journey-United Nations (September 25, 2015) _... the most basic understanding of human dignity... through the norms and mechanisms of international law
To the World Congress of Accountants (November 14, 2014) _...In the face of bureaucratic rigidity, citing the reason of human dignity.
To the delegation of the Human Ethnographic Society (December 7, 2013)_...Welcome all initiatives...Rediscover the ethics of the principle of human dignity
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “Acta Francisci PP”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “War”.

Angelus (November 11, 2018)_...Reject the culture of war...Legal means to end bloody wars in many parts of the world.
Angelus (September 8, 2013)_...The war against evil requires saying “no” to the fratricidal hatred and lies used;...
24 March 2013: Palm Sunday - 28th World Youth Day_Wars, violence, economic conflicts that hit the weakest, greed for money that you can’t take with you and have to leave.
Projects promoted by the Global Education Compact (December 16, 2020) _...War begins with people’s thoughts... Defend peace in people’s thoughts.
joint Commission for International Theological Dialogue (February 1, 2019)_May war, power and poverty... give way to peace, law and justice
To the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Holy See for the traditional exchange of New Year Greetings (7 January 2019)_ Relationships between countries must be passed...laws...not passed...wars, let alone
Pastoral Visit to Alessano (Lecce): Meeting with the faithful (Square in front of the Cemetery, 20 April 2018)_ The best way to prevent violence and wars of all kinds is... to promote justice
To Participants in the International Symposium “Prospects for a World Free of Nuclear Weapons and for Integral Disarmament” (10 November 2017)_ ..Nuclear weapons are not only immoral...illegal war
Apostolic Journey to Colombia: Meeting with authorities and representatives of civil society ( 7 September 2017) endless wars cannot suppress the tenacious advantage of life over death.
Address to the members of the Diplomatic Corps for the traditional exchange of New Year greetings (11 January 2016)_ thousands of people are fleeing from terrible wars, persecutions and human rights violations
At Fourth Course for the Formation of Military Chaplains on International Humanitarian Law –Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace (26 October 2015)_ .prevent violations of humanitarian law...reduce wars
To the Eucharistic Youth Movement (MEG) (7 August 2015) (Video)_ .If a solution to the conflict is not found, there will be war.
Apostolic Journey to Turkey: Meeting with the President, Prime Minister and Civil Authorities in Ankara (28 November 2014)_ Peace process, abandon war and violence, seek dialogue, and uphold legal justice
To the delegates of the International Association of Penal Law (23 October 2014) War crimes are recognized as crimes against humanity by international law and many national laws
The holiness of negotiation (9 June 2016)_ at least let us not insult each other, don’t start war, let us live together in peace.
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “Acta Francisci PP”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Disease “.

Angelus, 9 September 2018_Cure diseases and physical pain to restore physical health; despite science and medicine...
Angelus, 24 March 2013, Palm Sunday_My thoughts turn to the people afflicted with tuberculosis, as today is the World Day against this disease.
Eucharistic celebration presided at by Pope Francis on the anniversary of his visit to Lampedusa (8 July 2019)_ Both of them got close to Jesus... and were liberated from illness and death.
Addressing the 32nd International Conference on the theme: Addressing Global Health Inequalities (18 November 2017)_ the law to comply with... the situation of rare and neglected diseases...
Address by the participants of the International Conference on Rare Diseases (November 12, 2016)_Neglected diseases...from economics to legal ethics.
The 28th World Illness Day in 2020_...uncurable chronic diseases, mental illnesses...children or elderly diseases...the warmth of mankind is
XXIV World Day of the Sick, 2016_ It is not because faith makes illness, pain or the problems that they cause disappear, but because it provides the key to...
Apostolic Letter in the form of Motu Proprio, on amendments in matters of justice (8 February 2021)_ if due to mental illness it is impossible to contribute to his or her defense,
To Participants at the Conference promoted by the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life on the theme (25 May 2019)_ when there is no cure for the disease, you can...
To Huntington’s disease patients and their families (May 18, 2017) _...people are always precious...gives a kind of dignity...the disease cannot be wiped away
Cuba, United States of America’s Apostolic Journey (September 27, 2015) _... the legal process of the sacrament... or mental illness
Inauguration Ceremony of the Judicial Year of the Rotary Court of Rome (January 23, 2015)_...the disease of modern people,...trying to accuse the majesty of the law..
To the Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Malawi on their “ad Limina” visit (6 November 2014)_ Orphans who have lost their love and support due to illness...
Christ in the face of the outcast (17 November 2014)_ he was begging because his eyesight was invisible due to illness.
A disciple of the Lord, not an ideological disciple (October 17, 2013) _... Illness is caused by “lack of prayer”... the door of the heart will be closed
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “Acta Francisci PP”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Happiness”.

Angelus, 17 January 2021_They were unable to forget this encounter that had changed their lives and was so happy and so complete.
Angelus, 3 September 2017_This paradox contains the golden rule that God inscribed in the human nature created in Christ: the rule that only love gives meaning and happiness to life.
Gaudete et exsultate: Apostolic Exhortation on the call to holiness in today’s world (19 March 2018)_ the light of truth illuminates it...believe in my happiness.
General Audience of 1 August 2018_. the idea of that location seems to be a wonderful road to happiness, a tower to heaven
Apostolic Journey to Mexico: 15 February 2016_ his laws, therefore became a symbol of freedom, happiness, wisdom and light
“Urbi et Orbi” - a moment of prayer and turning point (March 27, 2020) _... an inalienable (happy) sense of belonging
XXIX World Youth Day, 2014_.you have an irrepressible desire for happiness...reject the “low-cost” proposals and methods around you.
To the participants in the course promoted by the Tribunal of the Roman Rota (30 November 2019)_ besides justice and longing for happiness, she has nothing else
Apostolic Journey to Madagascar: (Antananarivo, 7 September 2019)_ is looking for the happiness that we have been created, the happiness that has been taken away...
Opening of the Pastoral Conference of the Diocese of Rome (Basilica of Saint John Lateran, 19 June 2017)_ new steps can help couples find new ways to achieve happiness (n. 232).
Summit of Judges on Human Trafficking and Organized Crime” (June 3, 2016) _...human dignity, freedom, responsibility, happiness...
To Rome Guria (December 21, 2015) _Without these two wings... you can’t even enjoy the happiness of a “loyal servant”. (Mt 25:14-30).
Apostolic Journey - United Nations: Meeting with the members of the General Assembly of the United Nations Organization (New York, 25 September 2015) .the praiseworthy international judicial framework...has a safe and happy future..>
To a group of pilgrims from the Diocese of Brescia (22 June 2013)_ ..become our judges...forever fullness, our happiness (Address, 29 November 1970: ore , 10 December 1970, p. 3).
The fear of surprise (20 November 2014)_ The Pope emphasized that what we are afraid of is not “happiness” but “the joy brought by the Lord...
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “Acta Francisci PP”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Fear”.

Evangelii Gaudium : Apostolic Exhortation on the Proclamation of the Gospel in Today’s World (24 November 2013)_ fear of going astray... fear of being locked up... “give them something to eat” (Mk 6:37).
Holy Mass on the Solemnity of Pentecost (23 May 2021)_Before, they were fearful; now their only fear was that of not testifying to the love they had received.
Holy Mass on the Second Sunday of Easter, liturgical feast of Divine Mercy (19 April 2020)_ .They are still scared, cowering behind the “closed door”...
Celebration of Vespers and Te Deum in Thanksgiving for the past year (31 December 2016)_ ..the injured, discouraged, uncomfortable and scared.
Holy Mass on the Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord (24 December 2015)_There is no room for the indifference which reigns in the hearts of those unable to love for fear of losing something.
Holy Mass for the opening of the 14th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops (4 October 2015)_ In the hearts of those who cannot love because of fear of losing something
19 May 2013: The Holy Spirit and the Pentecost Movement_New things always make us a little scared... to build by our own preferences...
Letter of the Holy Father to the participants in the 36th General Assembly of the Latin American Episcopal Council (CELAM) (8 May 2017)_ fear of going astray, I hope we will be afraid of... (Mk 6:37).
33rd World Youth Day, 2018: ..Faced with the uncertainty of work, I am afraid that I cannot find a satisfactory professional position, or I cannot realize my dream
Apostolic Journey to Estonia: meeting with young people in the Lutheran Saint Charlesâ Church (Tallinn, 25 September 2018)_ A person who is not afraid of his weaknesses and can create wealth...
Our God is close and asks us to be close to each other (18 March 2020) Maybe we cannot get close because of the fear of infection
The Church is not for the lukewarm (23 May 2017)_ the jailer was afraid that the prisoner would run away and prepared to commit suicide, because according to the law at the time, the prisoner
New wineskins (18 January 2016)_Thus, the king, who had to change this notion of ˜this is how it’s always been done...’ says to Samuel: â €˜I feared the people’ .
Appearance and truth (14 October 2014)_ very dependent on the law, and afraid of belief, and has returned to the law
New wine, new wineskins (5 September 2014)_ don’t be afraid to make changes in accordance with the laws of the gospel: – The church requires all of us to do
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “Acta Francisci PP”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Saved”.

Angelus (January 10, 2021) _It is not through sovereign decisions or mandatory actions, ordinances, not to save us from heights... to save me
The Apostle’s Letter “Aperuit illis” (September 30, 2019)_The Constitution of the Church...emphasizes the salvation purpose and spiritual dimension of the Bible...
Apostolic journey to Madagascar (September 7, 2019)_...think about the little acts of love: these are things that save the world.
Holy Mass on Pentecost (May 24, 2015) _... The Holy Spirit will give them a new understanding of the truth and beauty of that salvation event
LaudatosiÙ International Symposium (November 30, 2017)_...Without real change, technical solutions will not be saved
An internal forum organized by the Apostolic Prison Court (March 12, 2021) _...It is not the law that saves us...the precepts but the change....
The 91st Judicial Annual Inauguration Ceremony of the Vatican City State Court (February 15, 2020)_...no legal system can save us
Mercedarians Medal (December 6, 2018) _... to save Christians who are in extreme danger of losing their faith (Constitution...
The opening of the 15th Anniversary General Assembly of the Bishops Conference (October 3, 2018)_...people are immoral and cannot save their people...
International Conference of the Christian Alliance of Business Executives (November 17, 2016) _...the idea of saving the company and its worker communities defends itself
Families of victims of the Italian police force (May 21, 2015)_Do good deeds, save as many people as possible, and make this promise
The gentleness of the good shepherd (May 3, 2020)_Jesus is the shepherd...He comes to save and save the lost sheep: they are us
The Pharisees today (October 19, 2017) _... the law is a response to God’s gratuitous love: He took the initiative to save us.
Contemplation, intimacy, and abundance (October 22, 2013) _... God not only saves us through decrees or laws; He saves us with tenderness
Francis’s Redemption (April 10, 2013) _... The Lord did not use a letter or a decree to save us... with His love
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “Acta Francisci PP”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Offering”.

Fratelli Tutti (October 3, 2020)_...the road to social solidarity...at least part of it is a legitimate point of view and worthy of contribution
The 20th Anniversary of Ut Unum Sint’s issuance (May 24, 2020)_...Legal diversity never opposes the great contribution of church unity
World Peace Day 2017_ To achieve this goal through active non-violent construction...make appropriate contributions to the drafting of legislation at all levels.
Motu Proprio’s Apostle Letter (February 8, 2021) _...Mentally ill and unable to appear in court... The sole judge makes contributions,...
International Criminal Law Association World Congress (November 15, 2019) _... Criminal law has been included-mainly contributions from other disciplines
“Protection of Minors in the Church” (February 24, 2019)_The Committee for the Protection of Minors...contribution, the church is making legislation
The Most Precious Lineage Family Conference (June 30, 2018)_...founding saints...this dedication...placed on the basis of your constitution...
To the members of the Santa Marta Group (February 9, 2018) _As law enforcement, research and public policy... has made important contributions...
Apostle Tour in Myanmar (November 28, 2017)_The future of Myanmar must be peace...respect for the rule of law...and make legitimate contributions to interests.
“Summit of Judges on Human Trafficking and Organized Crime” (June 3, 2016) _... judges and prosecutors... work and contribute yourself
The diplomatic mission of traditional New Year greetings and exchanges (January 11, 2016) _... the recipient... the law. Useful contributions made.
Participants of the Gypsy pilgrimage meet (October 26, 2015)_...make contributions, respect the law, perform duties, and integrate into society
Member of the Judiciary Senior Council (June 13, 2015) _...people in the judicial function have all contributed to this construction work...
The 2nd International Nutrition Conference (November 20, 2014)_...not only in the legal sense, but also in terms of contribution and distribution.
International Criminal Law Association (October 23, 2014) _... the valuable contribution made by legal procedures that respect human dignity and rights
Fratelli Tutti (October 3, 2020)_...the road to social solidarity...at least part of it is a legitimate point of view and worthy of contribution
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “Acta Francisci PP”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “The Way”.

Misericordiae Vultus (April 11, 2015)_Compassion: On the road of life..., the fundamental law in the heart.
The general audience on October 30, 2019 _... to advise all Iraqis... to follow the path of dialogue and reconciliation for the country’s challenges and problems
Apostle Journey (September 8, 2019) _... Dialogue is the road; mutual cooperation is the code of conduct; mutual...
Inauguration of Cardinal Donatis (November 12, 2018)_ Means of reconciliation, forms of transitional justice...Open the way
International online event (November 21, 2020)_...social rights...must be the beacon and compass of the road...the system has consequences
The 91st Judicial Year Inauguration Ceremony (February 15, 2020) _...The Holy See...The path taken continues to advance, not only in legislative reforms
The General Assembly of the Passion of Jesus Christ (October 22, 2018) _...the government of the Electoral Institute...the new path of continuous formation...
Pastoral tour of Cesena and Bologna (October 1, 2017)_...be ready to walk the path indicated by the laws of this country
Apostle’s journey to Georgia and Azerbaijan (October 2, 2016) _...turn to this dialogue... approach the road to the International Court of Justice
Apostolic Journey (September 30, 2016)_...the path of peace and development...creating conditions for stability, justice and respect for the rule of law...
Member of the diplomatic envoy recognized by the Holy See (January 12, 2015) _...respect for international law...the path of mutual trust and brotherhood.
Apostle Tour Turkey (November 30, 2014) _...All parties take the path of dialogue and respect for international law to end the conflict...
Don’t delay the conversion (February 23, 2017) _...don’t stand in the way of sinners,...love the law of Jehovah, meditate on his law day and night
The Law and the Flesh (October 31, 2014) _... the path of hypocrites, who closed their doors by insisting on “legal provisions”.
Youth Progressivism (June 12, 2013) _...There is a path that can lead to “growth”, “full maturity of the law”.
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “Acta Francisci PP”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Heaven”.

Angelus (January 1, 2021) _... “Son of Peace”... for us to obtain a precious gift from heaven, peace, relying solely on mankind
Regina Caeli (May 10, 2020)_Jesus is the way to heaven: build a lively relationship with him, imitate him in love
“Christopher Vivit” (March 25, 2019) _... Simply copy others, and you will deprive this earth and heaven...
General audience on August 1, 2018_ I look for it, I talk about it,... a wonderful road to happiness, a tower to heaven
The general audience on October 4, 2017 _... We are humans, with an extra piece of paradise on our heads, along with some that we can’t even perceive...
The general audience on April 26, 2017 _ Our God is not an absent God, confined to a distant paradise;...
The general audience on September 28, 2016 _...Seeing that Jesus is so kind and compassionate, he managed to steal heaven: He is a thief, this man!
End of the Pan-Amazon Conference of Bishops Closing (October 27, 2019)_...the gatekeeper of heaven sees...a sense of faith
“Villa of Nazareth” (June 18, 2016) _...you can see your good deeds of life and give glory to heaven
Apostolic Journey-Ecuador (July 5, 2015) _... the people and the strange beauty of your country... It is simply paradise.
Visit the Virginia community (July 25, 2013) _... the church... the defender of the poor-shout to heaven..., hope for
The darkness of the soul (December 15, 2014) _... John’s baptism did not come from heaven! …Has the kind of faith that comes from heaven.
Angels and Demons (September 29, 2014) _... talk to us about glory: the glory of heaven, the court of heaven, the worship of heaven
Not afraid of joy (April 24, 2014)_He is in heaven, that’s great, he is resurrected, I hope he never comes back...can’t handle it
Youth Progressivism (June 12, 2013)_The law is more or less...from the promise that afternoon in the earthly paradise...the law
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “Acta Francisci PP”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Angels”.

Regina Coeli (April 2, 2018)_The angel who told us: He has been resurrected...novelty and focus on common interests
Angelus (December 21, 2014)_...the gift of peace: just like the angel’s... there is peace on earth between people who like
Angelus (December 8, 2013)_Angel calls her “full of grace”... She humblely feels that she has nothing in front of God
Apostolic Constitution Veritatis (December 8, 2017)_May the Holy Mary, with unspeakable joy in the angel’s message
Evangelii Gaudium (November 24, 2013) _... what the angel said to the shepherds in Bethlehem: “Don’t be afraid;
Saint Joseph’s 150th Anniversary (December 8, 2020) _...angel-revelated name...save his people from sin
The general audience on December 21, 2016_Angel’s choir... enjoy peace on the ground with the people he pleases”
The Holy Mass of the Birth of Jehovah (December 24, 2020)_...Angels proclaimed in the gospel: Because today a savior was born for you
The Holy Mass of the Birth of the Lord (December 24, 2018)_...they are full of fear...the angels said to them “don’t be afraid”
Holy See Mass of the new Metropolitan Archbishop (June 29, 2015) _... Give us an angel, his messenger to show his closeness
World Peace Day 2017_When her son was born, the angels gave glory to God and wished peace for the well-meaning men and women in the world
Evangelii Gaudium (November 30, 2019)_The evangelist is like an angel, like a guardian angel, a benevolent messenger...
The spiritual retreat of the leader of South Sudan (April 11, 2019) _...angel choir...having peace among the people he pleases”...
Anniversary of Mercy (May 5, 2016) _... Whether it is death, life, angel, or ruler, we cannot connect us to the world..
The 36th Annual Hiking Pilgrim (June 7, 2014)_...let the angel’s...paradise glory to God and peace to man
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “Acta Francisci PP”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Revelation “.

Angelus (March 1, 2015)_He is the fulfillment of revelation... They represent the law and the prophets to show that everything is in Jesus...
Angelus (December 1, 2013)_Because from there, what came from Jerusalem was the face of God and the revelation of his law.
The Apostolic Constitution Verities (December 8, 2017)_The Constitution further encourages and perfects the efforts of the church...Focus on Christian revelation...
Xenodar’s exhortation to God’s people and all well-meaning people (February 2, 2020) _...revelation words...all laws of evangelization.
Saint Joseph’s 150th Anniversary (December 8, 2020) _... stands ready to carry out the decree that God revealed to him in the law
The general audience on December 13, 2019 _... Faith is trusting oneself to a God... Love given through revelation and freedom...
Lumen fidei (June 29, 2013)_The Second Vatican Council, the doctrinal constitution on divine revelation
Madagascar’s Apostolic Journey (September 8, 2019)_...our happiness is found in his revelation, that is, those simple
Participated by the Pontifical Council (October 11, 2017)... The doctrinal constitution of divine revelation expresses the dynamic nature of this process
The Fourteenth Regular Session of the Bishops Conference (October 5, 2015)_...God, reveal himself to children... Created the law for mankind...
International Conference on “Religious Freedom and Global Value Conflict” (June 20, 2014)_In view of the acquisition of reason, through enlightenment and people
Our God is very close and requires us to be close to each other (March 18, 2020)_We know through revelation... the gift of the law.
Abandoned people (December 13, 2016) _...the law they enacted cancels the law enacted by the Lord: it lacks the revelation of today
The loneliness of the shepherd (October 18, 2016) _... if the seed does not die, it will not bear fruit... The law that Jesus personally revealed to us
Only humble people understand (December 2, 2014) _...beyond the world Jesus brought into accept this revelation: humble yourself
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “Acta Francisci PP”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Prayer”.

Angelus (November 11, 2018) _... long prayers... to win respect, because they are the defenders of God’s law.
The general audience on October 14, 2020... the hearts of King David and other prayers inspired them... the miracle of his law.
Holy Mass, the blessing and majesty of the ashes (February 18, 2015)_...as required by the Law of Moses...giving, prayer and fasting.
Letter from the Bishops of the American Catholic Bishops Conference (January 1, 2019)_...a new management method is needed...our way of praying
Celebrating the World Creation Day of Prayer (September 1, 2018) _...people who formulate and implement international maritime regulations... pray...
Urbi et Orbi-Christmas 2017_ Let us pray that the willingness of both sides to resume dialogue will prevail... Peaceful coexistence within the border
The Inauguration Ceremony of the Judicial Year of the Rotary Court of Rome (January 29, 2021)_May I pray-”The judge must pray often!
Apostolic Trip to Morocco (March 31, 2019) _...the necessary man-made regulations are laid down...prayer, confession and self-accusation do.
Apostolic Journey to Georgia and Azerbaijan (October 2, 2016)_.. Prayer: Pray for Peace... Approaching the International Court of Justice
The “ad Limina” visit of the Bishop of Ukraine (February 20, 2015) _...the violent attackers pray,...respect the international law
Apostle Tour Turkey (November 30, 2014)_...Ukraine prays for peace...takes the path of dialogue and respect for international law...
Rigid but honest (May 5, 2017) _ and-because he knows the law, he knows that the road is prayer and fasting,...
Flour and Yeast (October 25, 2016) _... “Yesterday we repeated and prayed:” Blessed are those who obey the Lord’s Law
A disciple of the Lord, not an ideological disciple (October 17, 2013)_...because “without prayer, the door of the heart will be closed”.
Renew without worrying (July 6, 2013)_...Jesus said: “The law allows us to hate our enemies...the enemies pray
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “Acta Francisci PP”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Life”.

Angelus (February 9, 2020)_...International Humanitarian Law, safeguarding the lives of civilians through diplomatic means, dialogue and negotiation
Angelus (September 2, 2018) _...The parties involved use diplomacy in the area of international humanitarian law... to protect civilian lives.
Letter of the Apostles (July 11, 2017) _... inquiring about the proposal of life, virtue, life or martyrdom and the divine reputation, life or martyrdom
Letter of the Apostles (November 20, 2016) _... was called to experience the newness of the gospel, the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus
The general audience on March 25, 2020 _...a form of slavery, and the law does not always protect the most vulnerable and vulnerable human life.
General audience on June 20, 2018_The whole of Christianity is the passage from the words of the law to the life-giving spirit
Laudato si’ (May 24, 2015) _... not recognized by international conventions... loss of life, but without any legal protection
Sacred Remembrance Day (June 16, 2013)_...God as the God of Life...Looking up to His Law...The Way of Freedom and Life
Letter from International Conference Participants (November 23, 2017) _...lifestyle and law to life......a market without fair rules
The Pope’s Academy of Life Conference (February 19, 2014) _...The specific task is to study and provide laws related to the promotion and protection of life...
Apostolic journey to Panama (January 27, 2019) _...resolutely defend life and ensure that the law that kills innocent lives is wiped out forever
Apostle Tour-Kenya (November 26, 2015) _...without any legal protection...the loss of their lives
The 2nd International Nutrition Conference (November 20, 2014) _...Legal field...The right to nutrition and the right to life and the right to live with dignity...
Flour and Yeast (October 25, 2016)_ In fact, the law is for life. It helps to build a kingdom and create life.
Contemplation, intimacy, and abundance (October 22, 2013) _... God not only saves us through decree or law... Life saves
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “Acta Francisci PP”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Protection”

The inauguration of Cardinal Donatis (November 12, 2018)_...the guarantee and protection of sustainable development...a form of peaceful conflict resolution
Letter from the participants of the International Conference (November 23, 2017) _... The legal provisions to guarantee access to land are of special relevance.
The 108th Session of the International Labour Conference (June 10, 2019) _...Land ownership and legal procedures to guarantee access to land...
The Vienna Conference on the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons (December 7, 2014)_...Security depends on ensuring the peace and security of others
“Urbi et Orbi”-Easter 2020_...Thanks to all those who work hard to ensure the basic services required by civil society...
Pan-American Judges at the Social Rights and Franciscanism Summit (June 4, 2019)_Constitutional guarantees and ratification of international treaties...
Conference of Bishops of Puerto Rico (June 8, 2015) _...The church is not associated with any political system...a sign and guarantee of a transcendent character...
Member of the Italian Federation of Primary Care Pediatricians (March 21, 2019)_...Professional knowledge and supporting laws in the field of protection
Participate in the Prayer for the World Anti-Human Trafficking Campaign (February 12, 2018) _... to ensure the safety of them and their families and prevent corruption and crime
The members of the diplomatic corps give traditional New Year greetings (January 9, 2017) _... consider international humanitarian law to guarantee the protection of civilians
Mexico’s Apostle Tour (February 15, 2016)_...legislation to protect and guarantee basic necessities...education and dignified employment
National Institute of Social Security (November 7, 2015) _... from being trapped by underemployment and the instability of the security it manages to provide
International Conference on Religious Freedom and the Conflict of Global Values (June 20, 2014)_...Legal systems are required to be recognized, guaranteed and protected
Members of the Supreme Magistrate (June 17, 2014) _...Legal rules aim to protect the freedom and independence of judges... under the guarantee...
“Acknowledgement” (December 12, 2013) _... protect their rights, protect their safety and their families... have the final decision
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “Acta Francisci PP”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Task”

Angelus (August 5, 2018) _... simplifying religion to only obey its laws... Their task is to enjoy his kindness.
The regulations on invalid cases of remarriage have been reformed (August 15, 2015) _... the bishop approves the execution of this task in law or humanities
General Audience on November 21, 2018 _ The task of the law is to lead man to his truth... the true openness of God’s mercy...
The general audience on May 3, 2017_...stable and lasting peace...unusual mission...is the law of force based on force.
Reference Committee for the Organization of the Economic Management Structure of the Holy See (July 18, 2013)_...Legal regulations...Perform the tasks entrusted to it
The 33rd United Nations General Assembly (June 7, 2017) _...an imperceptible task, but it is essential for the formulation of agreements and regulations.
New Laity, Family and Life Dicastery Regulations (June 4, 2016) _... mission of evangelism while appropriate
Plenary Session of the Pope’s Legislative Council (February 21, 2020)_The task of revising the sixth volume of the Latin Code... the right tool to promote
Member of Rosario Livatino Learning Center (November 29, 2019) _ The special task given to the law is his institution...
International Criminal Law Association World Congress (November 15, 2019) _... the fundamental purpose of criminal law... the mission... to have an impact on the community.
National Association of Judges (February 9, 2019) _... the important task of democratic rules and the promotion of constitutional values serves the common good.
National Conference of the Italian Diocese of Caritas (April 21, 2016) _...The task is to stimulate private institutions and appropriate legislation...The task becomes
Numerous family associations across the country (December 28, 2014) _The task of family associations......to cultivate the value of the family in society and national laws
Members of the Supreme Magistrate (June 17, 2014) _...The protection of rights and the balance of power... The task of the judge is to uphold this principle
The Archbishop of Canterbury and the Anglican Archbishop (June 14, 2013)_...One of the tasks is to speak out for the voice of the poor...
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “Acta Francisci PP”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Reconciliation”

The general audience on October 30, 2019 _... the path of dialogue and reconciliation, seeking just solutions to the country’s challenges and problems.
General audience on April 9, 2014_May humanitarian law be respected...and achieve the desired peace through dialogue and reconciliation.
Apostolic Journey in Turkey (November 30, 2014)_The decree went on to state...to achieve reconciliation between Eastern and Western Christians,...protect and support
Inauguration of Cardinal Donatis (November 12, 2018)_Means of reconciliation...open the way for the peaceful resolution of conflicts,...
“Urbi et Orbi”-Easter 2018_... Pray for the fruits of reconciliation... Dialogue and mutual respect can overcome division and violence.
Delegation of the European Institute of International Studies (February 12, 2021) _... the responsibility of political and religious leaders... a world of unity and reconciliation
An internal forum course organized by the Apostolic Prison Court (March 29, 2019)_Reconciliation itself is a benefit... moral and legal power
Delegation of the Church Relations Committee of the United Nations Bible Association (October 5, 2017) _...is the settlement at the expense of the truth legal?
Colombian Apostle Tour (September 7, 2017)_...The first step in peace and reconciliation, to abandon violent methods and overcome the cause of this...
Apostolic journey to Georgia and Azerbaijan (October 2, 2016)_...building a peaceful future...the urgency of patient reconciliation
Mexico Apostle Tour (February 17, 2016)_...May she continue to help you become a missionary and reconcile with mercy and witness.
Apostolic Journey-United Nations (September 25, 2015)_... the codification and development of international law... peacekeeping and reconciliation operations and...
Diplomatic Envoys (January 12, 2015) _...in the new spirit of respect for international law...reconciliation to end the current crisis.
The Archbishop of Canterbury and the Anglican Church (June 14, 2013)_...promote reconciliation and resolve conflicts between nations.
The Republic of Italy (June 8, 2013)_These relationships developed especially after the settlement and the Lateran Treaty were incorporated into the Italian Constitution
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “Acta Francisci PP”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Poverty”

General audience on January 29, 2020_Jesus begins to teach the new law: poverty, gentleness, compassion...
General audience on November 21, 2018 _ The task of the law is to lead a man to his truth, or his poverty... God has mercy...
The solemnity of the repentance of St. Paul-Commemoration of the Second Gala (January 25, 2021)_...Poverty and suffering in our time
Mexico’s Apostle Tour (February 17, 2016)_Faced with so many legal vacuums...traps and always destroys the network of the poorest
October 4, 2013: Holy Mass of St. Francis of Assisi Square_Francis...Love for the poor and imitating Christ in poverty
The 800th Anniversary of the Franciscan Order (October 17, 2017)_...the poorest and weakest brother...welcome the elderly and take care of the sick
World Conference on Movement for All (February 10, 2017)_...Poorer people are accused of violence...no equality...xenophobia
The Year of Sacrifice Life (November 30, 2014) _... the gospel law of mutual love, and then with everyone, especially the poorest
National Catholic Youth Day (June 28, 2014)_...in his own poverty...meditating on Jesus...giving us the grace to imitate
World Peace Day 2021_...promote everyone’s dignity, unity, poverty and fragility, pursue common interests and focus on protecting and creating
Certificate letter submitted by the ambassador (May 23, 2019)_...Follow the poorest of our compatriots...Respect legal diversity and unity
The Conference of Bishops of Italy (May 21, 2018) _... as a Jesuit learned in the Constitution “Poverty is “mother” and...
Apostle Journey-Kenya (November 26, 2015) _... Let poorer countries... comply with trade laws in an orderly and relatively stable manner
Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice Foundation (May 25, 2013) _...for the poorest people...reform
Anonymous (March 5, 2015) _... Abraham; Lazarus... a poor and struggling man... Moses, the man who gave us the law.
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “Acta Francisci PP”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Weapon”

Angelus (September 8, 2013) _...said “no” to forms of violence; said “no” to arms proliferation and illegal arms trade
The general audience on January 20, 2021 _... a legally binding international instrument that explicitly prohibits these weapons.
Japan’s Apostle Tour (November 24, 2019)_...The main international legal instrument for non-proliferation...”Nuclear Nuclear Weapons Prohibition Treaty”
Address by the United Nations General Assembly for the Complete Elimination of Nuclear Weapons (March 23, 2017)_...A legally binding instrument to prohibit nuclear weapons
The Vienna Conference on the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons (December 7, 2014)_...Nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction
World Peace Day 2021_...the United Nations negotiates a legally binding ban on nuclear weapons and leads to their complete elimination...
Approval of the new regulations of the Financial Intelligence Agency (November 15, 2013) _... the fight against the financing of terrorism and weapons of mass destruction...
Apostolic Journey to Japan (November 25, 2019) _... Dialogue is the only weapon worthy of mankind and able to ensure lasting peace.
Apostle tour in Mozambique (September 5, 2019)_...unity will increase and become the best weapon to change the course of history.
Rongting “Pitachi della Pace” Association (December 3, 2018) _...Transfer the cost of weapons from the defense budget to the education budget
Ponty Academy Plenary Meeting (November 12, 2018) _...convince government leaders to believe that this weapon is...unacceptable....
Traditional New Year’s Greetings from the Diplomatic Corps (January 8, 2018) _... the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons... How active the desire for peace continues
Apostolic journey in Myanmar and Bangladesh (December 2, 2017)_For this, back to weapons, that is, weapons that win through destruction,...
The prospect of a world without nuclear weapons and overall disarmament (November 10, 2017)_...Nuclear weapons are not only immoral...illegal war
The 4th International Humanitarian Law Military Chaplain Formation Course (October 26, 2015)_...the law attempts to prohibit...weapons of destruction
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “Acta Francisci PP”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Violence”

Angelus (January 1, 2021) The recent escalation of violence in Yemen expresses grief and concern... to restore peace to the tortured people
Angelus (August 16, 2020) _... The post-election situation, I call for dialogue, rejection of violence, and respect for justice and the law
Angelus (September 20, 2015) _...a long night of violence can become harmony...respect for institutions and national and international laws...
Angelus (September 8, 2013) _...said “no” to forms of violence; said “no” to arms proliferation and illegal arms trade
The 28th World Youth Day (March 24, 2013)_War, violence, economic conflict against the weakest, greed for money
International Forum on Modern Slavery (May 7, 2018)_...violence and corruption...the legislative framework and basic infrastructure do not work
International Criminal Law Association World Congress (November 15, 2019)_For the legal profession...prevent punitive incitement to violence...
Protection of minors in churches (February 24, 2019)_...implementation and enforcement of laws (for example, avoiding violence and discipline...
A trip to the countryside of Alexandru (April 20, 2018) _... The best way to prevent violence and wars of all kinds is to take care of the needs
Apostolic journey in Colombia (September 7, 2017)_The need for fair laws...to solve the poverty structure that leads to exclusion and violence
The letter of credit submitted by the ambassador (December 15, 2016) _... refused to use violence as a conflict resolution... resolved through dialogue and negotiation
Apostolic Journey in Georgia and Azerbaijan (October 2, 2016) _... a peaceful future; now is not to resort to violence or suddenly...
The visit of the bishop of Ukraine (February 20, 2015) _...all those who have been violently attacked pray,...respect the principles of international law...
Apostle’s trip to Turkey (November 28, 2014)_...Peace process, abandon war and violence, seek dialogue, uphold law, justice
Meeting at the Latin Church in Bethany outside Jordan (May 24, 2014)_May the violence stop and the humanitarian law be respected...
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “Acta Francisci PP”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Gospel”

Angelus (January 20, 2019)_He transformed the Law of Moses into the gospel and brought joy.
General audience on January 8, 2020_ This is a rule of the gospel: when believers experience salvation...should spread it out.
General audience on June 13, 2018 _ In the gospel...don’t think that I came to abolish the law and the prophets...but to fulfill them...
The 23rd World Consecrated Life Day (February 2, 2019)_The gospel tells us...according to the law...it happens together when we grow old...
Visit the Basilica of Our Lady of San Michele Arcangelo in the Parish of Rome (February 8, 2015) _...teach the law and teach the gospel.
Relics of Remembrance Day (June 16, 2013)_...Looking up to God...Looking up to his law and gospel message as a way to freedom...
Implementation and compliance of the new law of marriage annulment procedures (December 7, 2015) _...According to the gospel...Provide the morality of legal obligations...
150th Anniversary of the Mission of Dr. San Alfonso Liguri (March 23, 2021) _... the legal basis... the evangelism that attracts action
The Year of Sacrifice Life (November 30, 2014) _... the gospel law of mutual love, and then with everyone, especially the poorest
The 22nd World Consecrated Life Day (February 2, 2018)_...obeying the law-the gospel tells us this four times...
New Leonards, Family and Life Dicastery Regulations (June 4, 2016) _... the spirit of the pastoralist constitution... evangelism
The sign of the cross (April 4, 2017) _...in the gospel passage, Jesus told teachers that the law...you will die in your sins
Justice and Mercy (February 24, 2017)_In the Gospels,...they knew Moses’ permission, Moses’ law. .
The loneliness of the shepherd (October 18, 2016) _... the law of the gospel: if the seed does not die, it will not bear fruit... the law of revelation
New wine, new skin (September 5, 2014)_Don’t be afraid to make changes according to the laws of the gospel...all of us make some changes.
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “Acta Francisci PP”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Faith”

Angelus (September 2, 2018) _...Through purifying legalism and ritualism...recognizing the true core of faith experience...
Letter to the Bishop of India (October 9, 2017)_The current law does not require believers to calmly practice their faith...
“Politics rooted in the people” (April 15, 2021) _... Faith groups must get together... Standard mutual understanding
Members of the “Rosario Livatino” Learning Center (November 29, 2019) _... express faith... respect and apply the law...
The Inauguration Ceremony of the Judicial Year of the Rotary Court of Rome (January 29, 2019)_...Law is for the salvation of souls and the faith of spouses
The Most Precious Blood Family Conference (June 30, 2018) _... on the basis of the Constitution, because they understand the blood of Christ according to faith
Visit to the Pastoral Area of Turin (June 21, 2015)_I encourage you to continue this path and imitate the beliefs of the predecessors.
“Religious Freedom and the Conflict of Global Values” (June 20, 2014) _In view of the acquisition of reason... expresses unwavering belief.
The Road of the Cross on the Seashore of Copacabana (July 26, 2013) _...belief or persecuted just because of skin color...the political system is lost
São Paulo’s savvy (June 1, 2017) _... the guardian of the law... the guardian of the doctrine of the people of God, the guardian of the faith
Name or adjective (February 25, 2016) _... The rich man is a person of faith. He has studied the law and understood the commandments...
Heart of Stone (March 12, 2015)_Legalists believe that life of faith can only be regulated by the laws they make.
The Darkness of the Mind (December 15, 2014) _... The Doctor of Law knows... People know that they have a sense of faith that comes from heaven.
Appearance and Truth (October 14, 2014) _ Attached to the law, and afraid of faith, and has returned to the law about circumcision
Without Jesus, there would be no Christians (September 7, 2013) _... their religious beliefs, their Christianity turned into law...
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “Acta Francisci PP”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Solidarity”

General audience on June 17, 2020_ God entrusted him to teach the law to his people...the people maintain close unity...
Christian unity and unity prayer (January 18, 2019)_Unity and sharing of responsibilities must become the law governing the Christian family.
Apostolic Journey-Cuba (September 20, 2015)_Unity is a gift, not something imposed by force or decree.
The World Bank and IMF organize the 2021 spring meeting (April 4, 2021) _...the healthy law of vaccines with reasonable funding and unity...
From the Progressive Party to Laudato Siarnold (November 23, 2017) _...The law lives by... unites the thriving social virtues...
Letter from the Italian journalist Dr. Eugenio Scalfari (September 11, 2013) _...justice, unity, law and peace are expressed
World Peace Day 2021_...The relationship between nations needs to be inspired by fraternity, mutual respect, unity and compliance with international law.
2016 World Peace Day_In the pastoral constitution... Dialogue on world issues as a sign of unity, respect and care.
Member of the Movement of the Blind Apostles (MAC) (November 17, 2018)_You are united... as envisaged by the regulations... Christian friendship
The diplomatic mission for New Year greetings and exchanges (January 11, 2016)_...equality before the law...unity with our fellow men and women.
Apostolic Journey-United Nations (September 25, 2015)_Ethics and laws based on the threat of mutual destruction...untrust and unite...
The Apostolic Journey in the United States of America (September 24, 2015) _... It is necessary to pass fair legislation to maintain their sense of unity.
Apostle’s trip to Turkey (November 28, 2014)_...Need this kind of unity...Seek dialogue, uphold law, justice...
The 2nd International Nutrition Conference (November 20, 2014) _... the pillars of justice and solidarity... the right to be protected by law...
To Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice Foundation (May 25, 2013) _...unity... the basic human rights of mankind.
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “Acta Francisci PP”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Almighty”

Congratulations to the 46th President of the United States, Joseph R. Biden (January 20, 2021) _... Almighty God will give you wisdom and strength
Address to St. Andrew’s Feast (November 25, 2013)_...Pray to the Almighty and Merciful God...Justice in the rights of the people...
Message on World Mission Day 2021_... “Jesus Christ has conquered sin and death, and is now almighty.
The 25th World Illness Day 2017_ Marvel at what God has accomplished: The Almighty has done great things for me
The Apostolic Journey in the Republic of Iraq (March 5, 2021)_The Almighty supports you in your responsibilities... and guides you on the path of truth
To the delegation of the Archbishop of Constantinople (June 28, 2019) _May the Almighty and Compassionate God...the effort on the road.
The spiritual retreat of the leaders of South Sudan (April 11, 2019)_I pray to the Almighty God, may peace come to your land...
The Delegation of the World Alpine Jewish Congress (November 5, 2018)_Bless the Almighty... can all be craftsmen and builders of peace.
Introducing Jerusalem and Rome to the Rabis delegation (August 31, 2017)_...May the Almighty bestow... his peace in the whole world
The Apostle’s Trip to Armenia (June 26, 2016)_...Thank the Almighty Armenian Apostle... for witnessing the gospel message of salvation.
Harvard World Model United Nations (March 17, 2016)_May Almighty God bless those who desire justice and work for peace
Seminar held by the Vatican Observatory (September 18, 2015)_Almighty God who may sustain the existence of the entire universe...please fill you with peace
Italian Tennis Federation (May 8, 2015)_May the Almighty God bless and protect you forever, please don’t forget to pray for me
The Palestinian Authority held a meeting (May 25, 2014) _... Almighty God bless... Turn the sword into a plough... Prosperity and harmony
Pilgrims of the Greek-Melkite community (November 30, 2013) _...Pray for the Almighty Lord to grant world peace and our souls...
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “Acta Francisci PP”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Mission”

Letter on World Missionary Activities (October 22, 2017)_...The mission of the Redeemer entrusted to the church by Christ...mission...
Establishment of the Reference Committee of the Institute of Religious Work (June 24, 2013) _...Legal status of the Institute... Better coordination of universal missions
Congratulations on the 50th Anniversary of the Acts of the Acts (October 22, 2015) _...for the profession and mission of the lay believers, the Fifty Decree was issued
Message from the 54th World Career Day of Prayer_The mission of Christianity may seem like a utopian fantasy, or at least we can’t
The Inauguration Ceremony of the Judicial Year of the Rotary Court of Rome (January 29, 2021)_...the mission of a judge...the service full of pastoral consciousness
International Humanitarian Law Training Course for Catholic Pastors (October 31, 2019)_...on mission...the norms of international humanitarian law are being entrusted
The Catholic Bishop of Eastern Europe (September 14, 2019) _...The canon reminds... that you are given a specific mission.
Conference sponsored by Caritas International (May 27, 2019) _...regular public legal personality...the mission of the church in charitable services
Rongting “Pitachi de la Pace” Association (December 3, 2018)_This mission includes upholding the law and encouraging social actors
Judges’ Summit on Human Trafficking and Organized Crime (June 3, 2016)_...specific mission...respect for national and international legislation...
National Conference of the Italian Diocese of Caritas (April 21, 2016)_The family is constitutionally “Caritas”... The core of its mission is love.
The Plenary Meeting of the People’s Evangelism Association (December 3, 2015) _...The Minister’s Special Council Decree and the Redemptive Mission Encyclical pointed out... the mission of the Son
International Criminal Law Association (October 23, 2014)_In this case, the mission of jurists is to limit and curb these tendencies.
Conference of Czech Bishops (February 14, 2014)_In terms of finances, it is necessary to establish a system...to serve the spiritual mission of the church,
The Shame of Peter (May 17, 2013) _...This is the beginning of a mission... Even if Peter knows nothing, the mission is there
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “Acta Francisci PP”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Cooperation”

Jurisdiction over criminal affairs (July 11, 2013)...International judicial cooperation, the adoption of appropriate legal instruments...
The Apostle’s Journey to Madagascar (September 8, 2019)_...take dialogue as the path; mutual cooperation as the code of conduct; standard...
Regarding the cultural appreciation of the Lateran Palace (February 20, 2021)_...cooperation of management agencies...specific laws in extraterritorial areas...come into force...
Regulations of the Authority for Supervision and Financial Information (ASIF) (December 5, 2020)_According to the current law...analysis and international cooperation...
The 13th Inter-Christian Symposium (August 19, 2013) _...Civil power is limited before God’s law...and cooperation.
Inauguration Ceremony of the Judicial Year of the Tribunal (March 27, 2021)_...further reform of the criminal law...enhancement of other activities of international cooperation...
The 91st Judicial Year Inauguration Ceremony (February 15, 2020)_...Legislative reform...Judicial cooperation...As required by international norms and practices
Member of the National Notary Public Foundation (December 6, 2019) _...in order to cooperate to achieve social order...God’s law and its emergence
Ponty Academy Plenary Meeting (November 12, 2018) _... legally binding prohibition of nuclear weapons... actively cooperate to persuade the government
Children’s Dignity in the Digital World (October 6, 2017)_...wider cooperation between governments and law enforcement agencies on a global scale
Conference of the International Catholic Village Association (December 10, 2016) _...National and international organizations cooperate...Provide technology from a humane perspective
Conference of Italian Bishops (May 16, 2016) _...not instrumental cooperation...support and mutual benefit...legal exchange
The 50th Anniversary of the Founding of the Episcopal Church (October 17, 2015) _... The interests of the church community cooperate with the bishop, the canon code...
To the President of Italy, Mr. Mattarella (April 18, 2015)_...The Constitution and Charter of the Republic...Sovereignty and Independence...Effective Cooperation
Press conference when returning from the Holy Land (May 26, 2014) _...cooperating with local civil authorities... is usually a legal obligation.
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “Acta Francisci PP”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Constitution”

Modification of the jurisdiction of the Judicial Organization of the Vatican City State (April 30, 2021)_...The Constitution of the Sanhedrin...God’s justice is equal
Aperuit illis (September 30, 2019) _... the teaching of the church constitution is very important. It emphasizes the salvation purpose of the Bible, spirituality...
The general audience on October 7, 2015 _... “Family spirit” is the constitutional charter of the church: This is the way that Christianity must appear...
General audience on December 3, 2014 _... Greetings, Muslims constitute an overwhelming majority, but its constitution confirms the country’s lay people.
January 3, 2014: Holy Mass in Geisa Church_The Constitution says:...God expresses our desire to help our neighbors...
To Tomasi was appointed as the Special Representative for the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (November 1, 2020)_...Update the Constitution and Charter...
To the National Association of Judges (February 9, 2019) _... the important task of overseeing democratic rules and promoting constitutional values for the common good
The Blessed Virgin Mary Medal (December 6, 2018) _... as the life Christ gave us... (Constitution, 14).
To the General Assembly of the Passion of Jesus Christ (October 22, 2018)_Your Constitution calls on you to dedicate yourself to “evangelism”...
To the most precious descent family meeting (June 30, 2018) _... on the basis of the Constitution, because they understand Christ according to their faith...
To the Conference of Bishops in Italy (May 21, 2018)_...The Jesuits learned in the Constitution that poverty is the wall life of mothers and apostles
Apostle Trip to Bangladesh (November 30, 2017)_...President Rahman understands and tries to reflect this principle in the national constitution
The Apostolic Journey of Armenia (June 25, 2016)_...The spiritual constitution of the Armenian people...I and they plant good deeds
Apostle’s Journey-United Nations (September 25, 2015)_The Charter of the United Nations...prescribes the foundation of the international judicial framework: peace...
To the Plenary Session of the Eastern Church (November 21, 2013)_Christ is the light of mankind... The doctrinal constitution of the Ecumenical Council warns so
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “Acta Francisci PP”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Dialogue”

Angelus (August 30, 2020)_Call for constructive dialogue and respect for international law to resolve conflicts that threaten the region...
Angelus (February 9, 2020) _...in accordance with international humanitarian law, through diplomatic means, dialogue and negotiation, to safeguard civilians...
Angelus (September 2, 2018) _...The parties concerned use diplomacy, dialogue and negotiation methods in international humanitarian law...
Angelus (September 11, 2016) _...be a peace builder while respecting the law, dialogue and friendship.
The general audience on April 9, 2014_May humanitarian law be respected...take care of, and achieve the desired peace through dialogue and reconciliation.
Apostolic Journey in Iraq (March 5, 2021)_Brothers’ coexistence requires patience and honest dialogue...respect for the protection of the law.
To the National Association of Judges (February 9, 2019) _...Various forms of extrajudicial knowledge dialogue... Interpretation of the law under the constitutional provisions.
Rongting “Pitachi della Pace” Association (December 3, 2018) _...maintain the law...a dialogue between generations and cultures.
Apostle’s journey to Georgia and Azerbaijan (October 2, 2016)_...turn to this dialogue, negotiation or approach to the International Court of Justice...
Encounter event promoted by La Fabbrica della Pace (May 11, 2015)_...knowledge and dialogue...obey national laws
Diplomatic Envoys (January 12, 2015) _...Through dialogue,...All parties respect international law... to end the current crisis.
Apostle Tour Turkey (November 30, 2014)_...call on all parties concerned to engage in dialogue and respect international law...to live in harmony.
Apostle’s trip to Turkey (November 28, 2014)_...The peace process abandons war and violence, seeks dialogue, and upholds legal justice
To Barrios Matoma Polose II (September 5, 2013) _...together in brotherly love and theological dialogue...
As a disciple of Emmaus (May 2, 2017) _...we enter this dialogue...within the law and condemn everything outside the law
Want to see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=103_40

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “Acta Francisci PP”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Science”

Angelus (September 9, 2018) _... to restore physical health; despite the many efforts made by science and medicine... it cannot be fully realized
Letter of the Apostles (August 15, 2015) _... a legal or human science expert approved by the bishop to perform this task... the judge is capable of handling
2016 Lent_...The ideology of monopolizing thought and technology and science.. Makes God irrelevant and reduces people to raw materials
Letter of the Apostles (May 19, 2020) _...by certain scientific and sovereign authorities, approve the regulations mentioned in the text attached to this Act...
Letter of the Apostles (September 8, 2017)_...Pontifical John Paul II Institute of Theology of Marriage and Family Science...by the Apostle Constitution Magnum
To a group of ordinary people in the field of ecology from France (September 3, 2020) _...I am convinced that science and faith propose to reality...
Protecting Minors in the Church (February 24, 2019)_...all practical measures provided to us by common sense, science and society
To the delegation of the Archbishop of Constantinople (June 28, 2018) _...comprehensive views on science and technology, views on natural resources...
Gravissimum Educationis Foundation (June 25, 2018) _... networking also means connecting all branches of knowledge, science...
Pro Pontifice Foundation (May 26, 2018)_...the ethics of religious traditions...similar to the artificial rift between science and faith
Meeting organized to the Vatican Observatory (May 12, 2017)_...knowing the creation between faith and science...defending science...
To participate in the World Mass Sports Conference (November 5th, 2016) _...Social science and faith have all come into play...
To the Plenary Session of the Pope’s School of Life (March 5, 2015) _...Medical knowledge is the real science,...human life and dignity.
To participate in the International Herdsmen Conference of the World’s Major Cities (November 27, 2014) _...Do not reject the contributions of various sciences...Hunger for God.
Visit the European Parliament (November 25, 2014)_...Leadership Europe, a science, art, music, human values...
Want to see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=103_42

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “Acta Francisci PP”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Disagreement”

Angelus (November 8, 2020)_...I invite everyone to pray and resolve their differences with brotherly respect, dialogue and peace.
The general audience on April 7, 2021... At a time of conflict, a way to resolve and ease differences... Pray for people in conflict.
Apostle Tour Colombia (September 10, 2017) _...help to untie the knot of violence, so that we can untie the complex clues of disagreement.
Apostolic Trip to Sweden (October 31, 2016)_...the common faith of Jesus Christ...to get rid of the historical differences that hinder the work of reconciliation...
Apostolic Journey in Turkey (November 30, 2014)_...We continue to have competition and differences...The gospel of peace from Christ
The Holy Mass of the Marriage Ceremony (September 14, 2014)_The road is not always smooth, there are no differences, otherwise it is not human.
Letter to Europe (October 22, 2020)... succumbing to greater misunderstandings, disagreements and conflicts... The road to fraternity comes from Schumann
Letter to the Archbishop of Constantinople (August 30, 2019)_In this ongoing journey, our differences will no longer hinder...
“Urbi et Orbi”-Easter 2013_Peace in Asia, especially on the Korean Peninsula: May differences be overcome and reconciled
Madagascar’s Apostolic Journey (September 7, 2019) _..., but their love allowed them to overcome their hardships and differences.
Universal Pilgrimage in Geneva (June 21, 2018)_ Out of their heartfelt love for Jesus, they did not allow themselves to fall into differences,...
Chilean Apostle Tour (January 17, 2018) _...a space for meeting instead of division, a path of friendly and disagreement, allowing people to...
The Bulletin of the World Reformed Church (June 10, 2016) _... A theological dialogue aimed at resolving the traditional doctrine differences between Christians...
Apostolic Journey-Cuba (September 22, 2015) _... There is a trace of selfishness... Lack of unity, fraternity, cooperation, love and brotherly differences
Sri Lanka-Philippines (January 13, 2015)_Failed to reconcile old and new differences, leading to racial and religious tensions...violence
More comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/tw/bible?v=103&keyword=divergence
Want to see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=103_43

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “Acta Francisci PP”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Natural Law/International Law”

Angelus (August 30, 2020)_...constructive dialogue and respect for international law to resolve conflicts that threaten the peace of the people in the region
Angelus (September 20, 2015) _ With the support of all Colombians...respect for institutions and national and international laws...peace.
To the eight hundredth anniversary of the death of Gorelle Saint Dominique (May 24, 2021) _...an international legal framework based on universal human rights.
Letter to the Secretary-General of the United Nations Organization (August 9, 2014) _... the international community, especially through the norms and mechanisms of international law
World Peace Day 2021_...The relationship between nations needs to be inspired by fraternity, mutual respect, unity and compliance with international law.
World Peace Day 2015_International law recognizes the inviolability of everyone’s right not to be in a state of slavery or slavery.
World Peace Day 2014_...the right to peace will be effectively applied in international law...a necessary prerequisite for human rights and all other rights.
Member of Rosario Livatino Learning Center (November 29, 2019) _...Life is protected by natural law... Rights cannot be violated
International Humanitarian Law Training Course for Catholic Pastors (October 31, 2019)_...Determine the common heritage of mankind according to the laws of nature...
Plenary Session of the Pope’s School of Life (February 25, 2019) _... many issues addressed by borrowing from the heritage of natural law.
Delegation of the International Anti-Death Penalty Committee (December 17, 2018) _...Law...cannot contradict its obligations under international law...
Visit to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (October 16, 2017)_International law provides us with a means to prevent...destroying the structure of society.
Apostolic journey to Georgia and Azerbaijan (September 30, 2016) _...cannot give up sovereignty over each country within the framework of international law
Apostle’s Journey-United Nations (September 25, 2015) _... Mentioning the codification and development of international law... Progress in humanitarian law...
Address at the “ad Limina” visit of the Bishop of Ukraine (February 20, 2015)_...respect for the principles of international law...ceasefire agreement
Diplomatic Envoys (January 12, 2015)_...I hope that all parties concerned will embark on mutual trust as soon as possible in the new spirit of respecting international law...
Apostle Tour Turkey (November 30, 2014)_.. Call on all parties concerned to follow the path of dialogue and respect for international law...conflict
The 2nd International Nutrition Conference (November 20, 2014)_...the laws of nature...love, justice, peace, and inseparable from each other
Representative of the International Criminal Law Association (October 23, 2014) _...war crimes are recognized as crimes against humanity by international law...national law
Want to see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=103_4
VIII. These Constitutional Standards as a tool for continued development and brilliance of Islam (1.9 billion believers)

1. Comparison of major propositions of the Koran since AD 609 to the present with these Constitutional Standards

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “the Quran”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Peace”.

Women 4:94_O believers, when you go out on a journey in the way of God, be discreet and do not say to anyone who greets you in peace:
The Table 5:16_Through which God will lead those who follow His pleasure to the path of peace, and guide them out of darkness into light by His will, and to the path that is straight.
Livestock 6:54_When those who believe in Our revelations come to you, say to them: “Peace on you.” then feels repentant and reforms, He may be forgiving and kind.
The Elevations 7:46_ “Peace on you,” without having entered it themselves though hoping to do so.
The Spoils 8:61_But if they are inclined to peace, make peace with them, and have trust in God, for He hears all and knows everything.
Jonah 10:25_God invites you to mansions of peace, and guides whosoever He will to the path that is straight
Hud 11:48_(And the Lord) said: “O Noah, disembark with peace and safety from Us and blessings on you and the people with you. As for some (of them),
Joseph 12:99_When they went back to Joseph he gave his father and mother a place of honour, and said: “Enter Egypt in peace by the will of God.”
Thunder 13:24_Saying: “(Welcome,) peace on you, for you persevered.” How excellent the recompense of Paradise!
Abraham 14:23_Those who believed and did the right, will be admitted to gardens with rivers flowing by, where they will abide by the leave of their Lord, with ‘Peace’ as their salutation.
The Rock 15:52_When they came to him and said: “Peace,” he answered: “Truly we are afraid of you.”
The Bee 16:32_When the angels receive the souls of those who are blameless they will say: “Peace on you. Enter Paradise as recompense for what you did.”
Mary 19:15_So peace on him the day he was born, the day he will die, and the day that he will be raised from the dead.
Ta-Ha 20:47_ We have come to you with a token from your Lord. Peace on him who follows the way of guidance.
The Criterion 25:63_Devotees of Ar-Rahman are those who walk with humility on the earth, and when they are addressed by the ignorant, say: ‘Peace;”
Want to see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=105_1

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “the Quran”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Truth”.

The Heifer 2:119_And We have sent you with the truth to give glad tidings and to warn. You will not be questioned about those and who are inmates of Hell.
Thunder 13:19_Can a man who knows what has been revealed to you from your Lord is the truth, and one who cannot see, be the same? They alone take warning who are wise,
The Prophets 21:18_In fact We strike the truth against the false, which shatters it, and it disappears. Woe to you for what you attribute (to Him)!
The Pilgrimage 22:54_At the same time those who have been given knowledge may know that this is the truth from your Lord, and come to believe in it, and their hearts become submissive to Him.
History 28:48_But when the truth came to them from Us, they said: “Why is he not given the like of what was given to Moses?”
Prostration 32:3_Or do they say he has fabricated it? In fact, it is the truth from your Lord so that you may warn the people to whom no admonisher was sent before you. They may haply come to guidance.
The Confederates 33:53but God is not embarrassed in (saying) the truth. And when you ask his wife for something of utility, ask for it from behind the screen.
Sheba 34:43_ And those who do not believe say of the truth when it has reached them: “This is nothing but pure sorcery.”
Originator 35:31_What We have revealed to you of the Book is the truth, and proves (what has been sent) before it to be true.
Consultation 42:17_It is God who has sent down the Book with the truth, and the Balance. How do you know the Hour is not near?
Decorations 43:86_Those they invoke apart from Him have no power of intercession, except those who testify to the truth and have knowledge.
The Dunes 46:30_”O our people:” they said: “we have listened to a Book which has come down after Moses, confirming what was (sent down) before it, showing the way to the truth and a path that is straight.
Muhammad 47:3_That is because those who refuse to believe only follow what is false; but those who believe follow the truth from their Lord. That is how God gives men precepts of wisdom.
Iron 57:16_Has the moment not yet come when the hearts of believers should be moved by the thought of God and the truth that has been sent down,
Time 103:3_Except those who believe, and do good and enjoin truth on one another, and enjoin one another to bear with fortitude (the trials that befall).
Want to see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=105_11

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “the Quran”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “All-mighty “.

The Heifer 2:20_ When darkness returns they stand still. And if the Lord wills so He could take away their hearing and sight; surely God is all-powerful.
Women 4:149_Whether you do some good openly or in secret, or forgive an ill done to you, (know) that God is forgiving and all-powerful.
The Spoils 8:67_ and God is all-mighty and all-wise.
The Bee 16:60_The semblance of those who believe not in the life to come is that of the meanest; but the semblance of God is the most sublime, for He is all-mighty and all-wise.
The Bee 16:70_It is God who creates you, then makes you die; and some reach the age of dotage when they forget what they had known before. God is indeed all-knowing and all-powerful.
The Ant 27:78_Surely your Lord in His wisdom will decide between them. He is all-mighty and all-knowing.
The Romans 30:54_It is God who created you of weakness, then after weakness gave you strength, then after strength will give you weakness and grey hair. He is all-knowing and all-powerful.
Luqman 31:9_They will abide in them forever. The promise of God is true; and He is all-mighty and all-wise.
Sheba 34:27_Say: “Just show me those you associate with Him as compeers.” No, (you cannot), for He is God, the all-mighty and all-wise.”
Originator 35:44_ There is nothing in the heavens and the earth that can defeat (the law of) God. He is all-knowing and all-powerful.
Consultation 42:50_On some He bestows both sons and daughters, and some He leaves issueless. He is all-knowing and all-powerful.
Victory 48:19_And the many spoils that they were to take. God is all-mighty and all-wise.
The Moon 54:55_At the still centre in the proximity of the King all-powerful.
She who is Tested 60:7_It maybe that God will create love between you and your enemies. God is all-powerful, and God is forgiving, ever-merciful.
Sovereignty 67:2_Who created death and life in order to try you to see who of you are best of deed. He is all-mighty and forgiving,
Want to see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=105_31

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “the Quran”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Faith”.

The Heifer 2:217_They will always seek war against you till they turn you away from your faith, if they can. But those of you who turn back on their faith and die disbelieving will have wasted their deeds
Family of Imran 3:106_ “Having come to the faith you denied it; now taste therefore the penalty for you disbelieved.”
Women 4:25_ God is aware of your faith: The one of you is of the other; so marry them with the consent of their people, and give them an appropriate dowry.
The Table 5:82_ and the closest in love to the faithful are the people who say: “We are the followers of Christ,” because there are priests and monks among them, and they are not arrogant.
Livestock 6:158_ The day when certain signs appear from your Lord, the embracing of faith shall not be of any avail to one who did not come to belief at first, or who did not perform s by virtue of his faith.
The Spoils 8:75_Those who accepted the faith and left their homes and fought by your side, are your brothers; yet those who are related by blood are closer to one another according to the decree of God.
Repentance 9:20_Those who accepted the faith and left their homes and fought in the way of God, wealth and soul, have a greater reward with God, and will be successful.
Jonah 10:9_But those who believe and act for a beneficial end will be guided by their Lord for their good faith. At their feet shall flow streams of running water in gardens of delight.
Abraham 14:27_With immutuble words God makes the faithful dauntless in the life of the world and the life to come, but leads the unjust into error, for God does as He pleases.
The Bee 16:106_Whosoever denies having once believed -- unless he is forced to do so while his heart enjoys the peace of faith -- and opens his mind to disbelief will suffer the wrath of God. …
The Light 24:55_God has promised to make those of you who believe and do the right, , and will establish their faith which He has chosen for them and change their fear into security.
The Confederates 33:73_So that God punishes men and women hypocrites, the idolaters and idolatrous women, but He turns to faithful men and women in forgiveness, for God is forgiving and kind.
The Mount 52:21_And those who believed, and whose progeny also followed them in their faith, will be united with their offspring.
The Argument 58:4_ This (is enjoined) so that you may be faithful to God and His Apostle. These are the limits set by God. As for the unbelievers, there is painful punishment for them.
The Mobilization 59:10_: “O Lord, forgive us and our brothers who came to faith before us, and do not put a grudge in our hearts against those who believe O Lord, You are compassionate and kind.”
Want to see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=105_35

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “the Quran”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “the way”.

The Table 5:16_Through which God will lead those who follow His pleasure to the path of peace, and guide them out of darkness into light by His will, and to the path that is straight.
Jonah 10:25_God invites you to mansions of peace, and guides whosoever He will to the path that is straight
The Bee 16:9_To God leads the right path, though some deviate. If He willed He could guide you all to the right way.
Night Journey 17:15_”He who finds the right path does so for himself; and he who goes astray does so to his own loss; and no one who carries a burden bears another’s load. We never punish till We have sent.
Mary 19:43_O my father, to me has come such knowledge as never came to you. So follow me that I may show you the right path.
Ta-Ha 20:47_So go to him and say: ‘The two of us have indeed been sent by your Lord. So let the children of Israel come with us, and do not oppress them.. Peace on him who follows the way of guidance.
The Pilgrimage 22:67_We have determined for each community a way of worship which they follow.. You are surely on the right path.
The Light 24:46_We have surely sent down clear signs. It is God who guides whom He will to the path that is straight.
The Criterion 25:27_The sinner will then bite his hand and say: “Would that I had taken the road with the Prophet.
The Dunes 46:30_”O our people:” they said: “we have listened to a Book which has come down after Moses, confirming what was (sent down) before it, showing the way to the truth and a path that is straight.
Muhammad 47:25_Those who turn their backs after the way of guidance has been opened to them, have been surely tempted by Satan and beguiled by illusory hopes.
The Star 53:30_This is the farthest limit of their knowledge. Surely your Lord alone knows best who has strayed away from the path and who has come to guidance.
Column 61:9_It is He who sent His Apostle with the guidance and the true way to raise it above all faiths, however the idolaters may dislike it.
Sovereignty 67:22_Will he find the way who grovels flat on his face, or he who walks straight on the right path?
Man 76:29_This surely is a reminder: Therefore whosoever desires may take the way to his Lord.
Want to see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=105_25

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “the Quran”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Saved”.

The Heifer 2:50_Remember, We parted the sea and saved you, and drowned the men of Pharaoh before your very eyes.
The Elevations 7:64_But they called him a liar, and We saved him and those with him in the Ark, and drowned the others who rejected Our signs, for they were a people purblind.
Jonah 10:103_Thus do We deliver our apostles and those who believe. As a matter of duty We save the believers.
Hud 11:58_So, when Our command was issued We rescued Hud by Our grace, and those who believed, with him, and saved them from a dreadful doom.
The Cave 18:43_He had no body to help him other than God, nor was he able to save himself.
The Prophets 21:68_They said: “Burn him, and save your gods, if you are men of action.”
The Poets 26:169_(And prayed:) “O Lord, save me and my family from what they do.”
The Spider 29:33_ We will certainly save you and your family except your wife, for she is one of those who will stay behind.
Ya-Seen 36:23_Should I take other gods apart from Him, who would neither be able to intercede for me nor save me if Ar-Rahman brings me harm?
The Crowds 39:19_Can he against whom the sentence of punishment has been justified (be rescued)? Can you save him who is in the Fire?
Detailed 41:18_But We saved those who believed and took heed for themselves.
The Moon 54:34_We sent a stone-hurtling storm against them, except the family of Lot whom We saved in the early hours of the morning
Column 61:10_O you who believe, may I offer you a bargain which will save you from a painful punishment?
Prohibition 66:11_ “O Lord, build me a house in Paradise, and save me from Pharaoh and his deeds, and save me from a wicked people;”
Ways of Ascent 70:14_And all those who are on the earth, to save himself.
Want to see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=105_22

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “the Quran”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “War”.

The Heifer 2:217_They ask you of war in the holy month. Tell them: “To fight in that month is a great sin. They will always seek war against you till they turn you away from your faith
The Heifer 2:244_Fight in the way of God, and remember that God hears all and knows everything.
Family of Imran 3:13_There was a token for you in the two armies which clashed (in the battle of Badr), one fighting for God, the other of unbelievers
Family of Imran 3:167_And may distinguish the hypocrites who were told: “Fight in the way of God, who had replied: “If we knew of the fight we would have followed you.”
Women 4:76_Those who believe fight in the way of God; and those who do not, only fight for the powers of evil; so you should fight the allies of Satan. Surely the stratagem of Satan is ineffective.
The Table 5:24_They said: “O Moses, we shall never, never enter so long as they are there. Go you and your Lord to fight them; we stay here.”
The Spoils 8:43_God showed (the Makkans) to be few in your dream, for if He had shown them to be many you would surely have lost courage and disagreed about the (wisdom) of the battle. But God spared you this, for He surely knows wis in the hearts of men.

The Spoils 8:57_If you meet them in battle, inflict on them such a defeat as would be a lesson for those who come after them, and that they may be warned.
Repentance 9:83_If you come back to them by (the grace of) God, and they seek your permission to go (to fight), you should tell them: “You will never go out nor fight the enemy with me anymore.
Repentance 9:111_ They fight in the cause of God, and kill and are killed. This is a promise incumbent on Him, as in the Torah, so the Gospel and the Qur’an.
Muhammad 47:4_ Then either free them graciously or after taking a ransom, until war shall have come to end.
Muhammad 47:20_ But when a categorical Surah is revealed that mentions war, you should see those who are skeptical staring at you like a man in the swoon of death. Alas the woe for them!
The Mobilization 59:14_They will not fight you in a body except in fortified cities, or from behind the walls. Their enmity among themselves is great. You think they are united, but divided are their hearts.
She who is Tested 60:8_God does not forbid you from being kind and acting justly towards those who did not fight over faith with you, nor expelled you from your homes. God indeed loves those who are just.
Column 61:4_Surely God loves those who fight in His cause in full formations as though they were a compact wall.
Want to see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=105_15

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “the Quran”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Love and Care”.

The Heifer 2:177_...Piety lies in believing in God, the Last Day and the angels, the Scriptures and the prophets, and disbursing your wealth out of love for God among your kin and the orphans, …
Family of Imran 3:31_Say: “If you love God then follow me that God may love you and forgive your faults; for God is forgiving and kind.”
Women 4:36_... God does not surely love those who are arrogant and boastful,
Repentance 9:108_...There you will find men who wish to be purified; and God loves those who are pure.
The Bee 16:107_For they loved the life of this world more than the life to come; and God does not guide those who do not believe.
Mary 19:96_Surely Ar-Rahman will show love for those who believe and do the right.
Ta-Ha 20:39_’Put him in a wooden box and cast it in the river. The river will cast it on the bank. An enemy of Ours, and his, will retrieve it.’ We bestowed Our love on you that you may be reared under …
The Romans 30:21_Another of His signs is that He created mates of your own kind of yourselves so that you may get peace of mind from them, and has put love and compassion between you. …
The Chambers 49:9_... fight against the aggressive party till it returns to God’s authority. If it does so, make peace among them equitably and be impartial. Verily God loves those who are just.
The Mobilization 59:9_Those who came to the city and to faith before them, love those who take refuge with them, and do not feel for themselves any need for what is given them, and give them preference …
She who is Tested 60:8_God does not forbid you from being kind and acting justly towards those who did not fight over faith with you, nor expelled you from your homes. God indeed loves those who are just.
Column 61:4_Surely God loves those who fight in His cause in full formations as though they were a compact wall.
Resurrection 75:20_But no. You love this transient life,
Man 76:27_Surely men love what hastes away and forget the grievous day (ahead).
The Dawn 89:20_And love wealth with all your heart.
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “the Quran”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Pray”.

Jonah 10:89_Said (the Lord): “Your prayer is answered. Therefore persist and do not follow the path of those who are ignorant.”
Thunder 13:14_ t. Not more than error are the prayers of infidels.
Night Journey 17:11_Man prays for evil as he prays for good, for man is hasty.
Mary 19:48_I will leave you and those you invoke apart from God, and pray to my Lord. Haply in praying to my Lord I will not be deprived.”
The Pilgrimage 22:13_They pray to him whose bane is more imminent than his boon: How bad the protector and how bad the associate!
The Criterion 25:77_Say: “My Lord is not concerned on your account if you do not pray to Him. You have surely done with denying; soon will come the inevitable judgement.
Luqman 31:32_When the waves overshadow them like a canopy, they pray to God with all-exclusive faith in Him.
Prostration 32:16_Their backs do not rest on their beds, and they pray to their Lord in fear and hope, and spend of what We have given them (in charity).
Originator 35:14_You pray to them, but they do not hear your call; and even if they heard you, they could not answer your prayer; and
The Crowds 39:49_When a man is in trouble, he prays to God; but when We bestow a favour on him he says: “It has come to me through my acumen.” In fact, this is an illusion, but most men do not know.
Forgiver 40:65_He is the living. There is no god but He. Therefore pray to Him with obedience all-exclusive. Praise be to God, the Lord of all the worlds.
Detailed 41:51_When We show Our favours to man he moves away and turns aside; but when in trouble he prays a great deal.
Consultation 42:26_He answers (the prayers) of those who believe and do good, and gives them more of His bounty. But for the unbelievers there is severe punishment.
The Mount 52:28_We used to pray to Him erstwhile; He is the just and merciful.
The Moon 54:10_So he prayed to his Lord: “I am helpless, deliver me.”
Want to see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=105_32

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “the Quran”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Protection”.

The Heifer 2:107_Do you not know that God’s is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and that there is none to save and protect you apart from God?
Family of Imran 3:191_ “Not in vain have You made them. All praise be to You, O Lord, preserve us from the torment of Hell.
Livestock 6:51_Warn those who fear, through this (Qur’an), that they will be gathered before their Lord, and they will have none to protect or intercede for them apart from Him.
Repentance 9:6_If an idolater seeks protection, then give him asylum that he may hear the word of God. Then escort him to a place of safety, for they are people who do not know.
Hud 11:20_They shall not weaken (the power of) God on earth, nor find any other protector but God. Their punishment will be doubled, for they could neither hear nor see.
The Prophets 21:43_Or do they have lords of their own besides Us who can defend them? But they are not able to help themselves, nor can they find protection against Us.
The Believers 23:88_Say: “Whose is the sovereignty over all things, who protects, and against whom there is no protection? {Answer) if you have knowledge.”
The Spider 29:33_So, when Our messengers came to Lot, he was worried on their account as he was unable to protect them. They said: “Have no fear or regret. We will certainly save you and your family except your wife, for she is onethose who will stay behind.

Forgiver 40:7_ “O our Lord, Your mercy and knowledge embrace everything; so forgive those who turn to You in repentance and follow Your path; and preserve them from the torment of Hell.
Consultation 42:44_He whom God leads astray has no one except God to protect him. You should see the sinners when they face the punishment. They will say: “Isn’t there a way of going back?”
The Dunes 46:32_He who does not listen to the summoner of God cannot weaken (the power of) God on earth, nor will he have protectors other than Him. They are clearly in the wrong.”
Victory 48:22_Had the unbelievers fought you they would have turned their backs and not found a protector or helper.
Qaf 50:4_We know what the earth consumes of them, for We have the Book that preserves everything.
The Constellations 85:22_(Preserved) on the guarded tablet.
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “the Quran”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Life”.

The Heifer 2:28_ Then how can you disbelieve in God? He gave you life when you were dead. He will make you die again then bring you back to life: To Him then you will return.
The Heifer 2:155_Be sure We shall try you with something of fear and hunger and loss of wealth and life and the fruits (of your labour); but give tidings of happiness to those who have patience,
The Heifer 2:179_In retribution there is life (and preservation). O men of sense, you may haply take heed for yourselves.
Women 4:95_The faithful who sit idle, other than those who are disabled, are not equal to those who fight in the way of God with their wealth and lives. God has exalted those in rank who fight for the faith with their wealth and soover those who sit idle.

The Spoils 8:24_O believers, respond to the call of God and His Prophet when he calls you to what will give you life (and preservation).
The Spoils 8:72_Those who accepted the faith and set out of their homes, and fought in the way of God wealth and soul, and those who gave them shelter and helped them, are friends of one another.
Repentance 9:20_Those who accepted the faith and left their homes and fought in the way of God, wealth and soul, have a greater reward with God, and will be successful.
Repentance 9:41_O believers, go out in the cause of God, (whether) light or heavy, and strive in the service of God, wealth and soul. This is better for you if you understand.
Repentance 9:44_Those who believe in God and the Last Day, do not ask your leave to be excused from fighting wealth and soul (in the cause of God), for God knows the pious and devout.
Repentance 9:81_Those who were left behind rejoiced that they stayed at home against the wishes of God’s Apostle, being averse to fighting in the way of God with their wealth and lives, and said:
Repentance 9:88_But the Prophet and those who have embraced the faith with him, and have fought wealth and soul (in the way of God), are blessed and will be successful.
Repentance 9:111_God has verily bought the souls and possessions of the faithful in exchange for a promise of Paradise.
Prostration 32:11_Say: “The angel of death appointed over you will take away your soul, then you will be sent back to your Lord.”
The Chambers 49:15_They alone are believers who come to believe in God and His Apostle, then never doubt again, and struggle wealth and soul in the way of God. They are the truthful and sincere.
Column 61:11_Come to believe in God and His Apostle, and struggle in the cause of God, wealth and soul. This will be good for you, if you can understand.
Want to see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=105_33

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “the Quran”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Hope”.

The Heifer 2:218_Surely those who believe, and those who leave their homes and fight in the way of God, may hope for His benevolence, for God is forgiving and kind.
Women4:104_And do not be chary of pursuing them. If you suffer, they shall also suffer like you. But while you have hope (of success) from God, they have none. Surely God is all-knowing and all-wise.
Jonah10:7_As for those who do not hope to meet Us (after death), and are content with the life of this world, who are oblivious of Our signs,
Jonah10:15_When Our clear messages are recited to them, those who do not hope to meet Us, say: “Bring a different Qur’an, or make amendments to this one.”
Thunder 13:12_It is He who makes the lightning flash for fear and hope, and raises massive clouds.
The Rock15:3_Leave them to feast and revel, beguiled by hope; they will come to know soon.
Night Journey17:28_If you neglect (your parents) while seeking the bounty of your Lord, of which you are hopeful, speak to them softly.
Night Journey17:57_Those they invoke themselves seek the way to their Lord, (striving) which one of them shall be nearest (to Him); and hope for His grace, and dread His punishment.
The Cave18:110_Say: “I am only a man like you, but it has been communicated to me that your Lord is one and single God, and that whosoever hopes to meet his Lord should do what is right,
The Light 24:60_As for your women past the age of bearing children, who have no hope of marriage, there is no harm if they take off their outer garments, but in such a way that they do not display their charms;
The Criterion25:21_Those who do not hope to meet Us say: “Why are no angels sent down to us, or why do we not see our Lord?” They are full of self-conceit and behave with intense arrogance.
The Poets26:82_And who, I hope, will condone my faults on the Day of Judgement.
The Spider29:5_He who hopes to meet God (should know) that God’s appointed time will surely come. He is all-hearing and all-knowing.
Prostration32:16_Their backs do not rest on their beds, and they pray to their Lord in fear and hope, and spend of what We have given them (in charity).
Originator 35:29_Surely those who read the Book of God, are firm in devotion, and spend of what We have given them in secret or openly, can hope for a commerce that will not decline,
She who is Tested60:6_Those of you who have hope in God and the Last Day have certainly a good example in them. But whosoever turns away, then surely God is above concern, worthy of praise.
Want to see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=105_34

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “the Quran”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Poverty “.

The Heifer 2:61_.. So they were disgraced and became indigent, earning the anger of God, for they disbelieved the word of God, and slayed the prophets unjustly, for they transgressed and rebelled.
The Heifer 2:177_ being patient in hardship, adversity, and times of peril. These are the men who affirm the truth, and they are those who follow the straight path.
The Heifer 2:236_There is no sin in divorcing your wives before the consummation of marriage or settling the dowry; but then provide according to their means, the poor in accordance with theirs as is befitting.
Women 4:6_A and he who is poor should use only as much as is fair. And when you give back their possessions have this witnessed, (and remember) that God is sufficient to take all account.
Women 4:135_ Whether a man be rich or poor, God is his greater well-wisher than you. So follow not the behests of lust lest you swerve from justice;
Livestock 6:42_We have indeed sent (apostles) to many a people before you, and inflicted upon them hardships and afflictions so that they might submit.
Livestock 6:151_ and be good to your parents, and do not abandon your children out of poverty, for We give you food and We shall provide for them; and avoid what is shameful, whether open or hidden
The Elevations 7:94_There is not a region to which We sent a prophet and did not inflict upon its people adversity and hardship so that they may submit.
The Spoils 8:41_ and for relatives and orphans, the poor and wayfarers, if you truly believe in God and what We revealed to Our votary on the day of victory over the infidels when the two armies clashed
Repentance 9:28_ In case you fear indigence (from the stoppage of business with them), then God will enrich you of His bounty if He will, for God is all-knowing and all-wise.
Repentance 9:60_Charities are meant for the indigent and needy,. God is all-knowing and all-wise.
Night Journey 17:31_Do not abandon your children out of fear of poverty. We will provide for them and for you. Killing them is certainly a great wrong.
The Pilgrimage 22:28_ He has given them for food; then eat of the meat and feed the needy and the poor.
The Light 24:32_ If they are poor, God will enrich them of His grace, for God is bounteous and all-knowing.
The Land 90:16_Or the poor in distress;
Want to see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=105_16

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “the Quran”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Disease”.

The Heifer 2:196_ But if you are sick or have ailment of the scalp (preventing the shaving of hair), then offer expiation by fasting or else giving alms or a sacrificial offering.
Family of Imran 3:144_ But he who turns back and goes away in haste will do no harm to God. But God will reward those who give thanks (and are grateful).
Women 4:102_ It will not be a sin if you put aside your arms when you are troubled by rain, or you are ill; but take full precautions. God has reserved for infidels a despicable punishment
The Table 5:52_You will notice that those whose hearts are afflicted with sickness (of doubt) only hasten to join them and say: “We fear lest misfortune should surround us.”
The Spoils 8:49_The hypocrites, and those who had doubts in their hearts, said: “Their faith has misled them.” But whoever places his trust in God will find God mighty and wise.
Repentance 9:91_No blame will attach to the old and the sick, or those without means to spend on good acts, if they stay behind provided they are sincere to God and His Apostle;
Mary 19:10_He said: “O Lord, give me a token.” “Though sound,” He answered, “you will not talk to any one for three nights running.”
Ta-Ha 20:22_And face what is to come with patience, your hand will not be tarnished with blame: Another sign
The Poets 26:80_And heals me when I am sick,
The Confederates 33:12_When the hypocrites and those who were filled with doubt, said: “The promise of God and His Apostle was nothing but deceit.”
The Aligners 37:145_So We cast him, sick, on a barren shore,
Muhammad 47:29_Do they whose minds are filled with doubt, think that God will not expose their malice?
Victory 48:17_It is not binding on the blind, the lame or the sick (to follow this command); but those who obey God and His Apostle will be admitted by God to gardens with running streams;
The Inevitable 56:55_Lapping it up like female camels raging of thirst with disease.”
The Enwrapped 73:20_ He knows some among you will be sick, and some will be travelling over the earth in search of the bounty of God, and some fighting in the way of God.
Want to see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=105_17

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “the Quran”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Blessed”.

Repentance 9:88_But the Prophet and those who have embraced the faith with him, and have fought wealth and soul (in the way of God), are blessed and will be successful.
Hud 11:48_(And the Lord) said: “O Noah, disembark with peace and safety from Us and blessings on you and the people with you. As for some (of them), We shall bestow advantages for a time, then send a grievous punishment on them.”
Hud 11:73_”Why are you surprised at the command of God? God’s mercy and blessings be upon you, O members of this household,” they said. “Verily He is worthy of praise and glory.”
Hud 11:105_The day it comes no soul will dare say a word but by His leave; and some will be wretched, some will be blessed.
Hud 11:108_Those who are blessed will be in Paradise, where they will dwell so long as heaven and earth survive, unless your Lord wills otherwise: This will be a gift uninterrupted.
Thunder 13:29_Those who believe and do the right, have happiness, and an excellent resting place.
The Bee 16:122_And gave him what is good in the world, and in the Hereafter he will be among the righteous and the good.
Mary 19:31_And blessed me wherever I may be, and enjoined on me worship and zakat for as long as I live,
The Inevitable 56:8_Those of the right hand -- how (happy) will be those of the right hand!
The Inevitable 56:27_As for those of the right hand -- how (happy) those of the right hand --
The Inevitable 56:38_For those of the right hand.
The Inevitable 56:90_If he is of those of the right hand,
The Inevitable 56:91_There will be the salutation by those of the right hand: “Peace on you.
The Enrobed 74:39_Except those of the right hand
The Land 90:18_They are the people of the right hand (and will succeed).
Want to see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=105_20

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “the Quran”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Fear”.

Livestock 6:48_We do not send apostles but to give good tidings and to warn. Then those who believe or reform will have neither fear nor regret.
The Elevations 7:35_O sons of Adam, when apostles come to you from among you, who convey My messages, then those who take heed and amend will have neither fear nor regret.
Jonah 10:62_Remember, there is neither fear nor regret for the friends of God.
Thunder 13:12_It is He who makes the lightning flash for fear and hope, and raises massive clouds.
The Prophets 21:49_Who are fearful of their Lord inwardly and dread the Hour.
The Poets 26:135_I fear the punishment of a terrible day for you.
The Spider 29:33_So, when Our messengers came to Lot, he was worried on their account as he was unable to protect them. They said: “Have no fear or regret.
The Romans 30:24_Another of His signs is the lightning He shows to fill you both with dread and hope, and the water He sends down from the sky which reawakens the earth that was dead.
Prostration 32:16_Their backs do not rest on their beds, and they pray to their Lord in fear and hope, and spend of what We have given them (in charity).
Sheba 34:23_No intercession avails with Him except his He allows, so that when their hearts are freed of fear, they ask (one another): “What did your Lord say?” They will answer:
Detailed 41:30_Surely the angels will come down to those who say, ‘Our Lord is God’ and then remain steadfast, saying: “You should have neither fear nor regret, but rejoice in the happy news of Paradise
Consultation 42:22_You will see the evil-doers full of fear of what they deserve, yet it will come to pass. But those who believe and do the right will be in gardens of Paradise.
Decorations 43:68_O My creatures, there will be no fear or regret
The Dunes 46:13_Surely for those who say, “God is our Lord,” and then remain firm, there is no fear or regret.
The Spreaders 51:28_He felt afraid of them; but they said: “Have no fear,” and gave him the good news of a wise son.
Want to see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=105_21

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “the Quran”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Gospel “.

Family of Imran 3:3_He has verily revealed to you this Book, in truth and confirmation of the Books revealed before, as indeed He had revealed the Torah and the Gospel
The Table 5:46_ confirming the Torah which had been (Sent down) before him, and gave him the Gospel containing, a guidance and warning for those who preserve themselves from evil and follow the straight …
The Table 5:47_Let the people of the Gospel judge by what has been revealed in it by God. And those who do not judge in accordance with what God has revealed are transgressors.
The Table 5:68_Say to them: “ you have no ground (for argument) until you follow the Torah and the Gospel and what has been revealed to you by your Lord.”
Repentance 9:111_ They fight in the cause of God, and kill and are killed. This is a promise incumbent on Him, as in the Torah, so the Gospel and the Qur’an.
The Rock 15:55_”We have given you the happy tidings of a truth,” they replied. “So do not be one of those who despair.”
The Cave 18:56_We never send apostles but to convey happy tidings, and to warn. But those who disbelieve contend with false arguments to nullify the truth.
The Criterion 25:22_The day they see the angels there will be no happy tidings for the sinners; and they will say: “There is an insurmountable barrier!”
The Romans 30:46_Among His signs are the breezes He sends as harbingers of happy news, so that He may allow you to taste of His mercy, and
The Confederates 33:45_O Prophet, We have sent you as a witness and a bearer of happy tidings and an admonisher,
The Crowds 39:17_There are happy tidings for those who keep away from the worship of false gods and turn to God in repentance. Give glad tidings to My creatures.
Detailed 41:4_Announcing happy news and warnings. And yet most of them are averse and do not listen,
The Dunes 46:12_There was the Book of Moses before this, a guide and a mercy; and here is this Book confirming it in lucid language, warning those who are wicked, and giving happy tidings to the righteous.
Victory 48:29_ Their mark is on their foreheads from the effect of prostrations. Their likeness in the Torah, and their likeness in the Gospel, is like a seed that sends out a stalk,
Iron 57:27_Then in their train We sent Our apostles, and succeeding them Jesus, son of Mary, and gave him the Gospel, and put into the hearts of his followers compassion and kindness.
Want to see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=105_23

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “the Quran”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Paradise”.

The Heifer 2:82_But those who believe and do good deeds are people of Paradise, and shall live there forever.
The Elevations 7:46_...by their distinguishing marks, and will call to the inmates of Paradise: “Peace on you,” without having entered it themselves though hoping to do so.
Repentance 9:111_God has verily bought the souls and possessions of the faithful in exchange for a promise of Paradise. They fight in the cause of God, and kill and are killed. …
The Bee 16:32_When the angels receive the souls of those who are blameless they will say: “Peace on you. Enter Paradise as recompense for what you did.”
The Cave 18:107_But surely those who believe and do the right will have gardens of Paradise as gift,
The Criterion 25:24_The inmates of Paradise will have a better abode that day, and a better resting place.
Forgiver 40:40_Whoever does evil will be requited in accordance with it; but whoever does right, whether man or woman, and is a believer, will enter Paradise, where they will have provision in abundance.
Detailed 41:30_... ‘Our Lord is God’ and then remain steadfast, saying: “You should have neither fear nor regret, but rejoice in the happy news of Paradise that has been promised you.
Muhammad 47:15_The semblance of Paradise promised the pious and devout (is that of a garden) with streams of water that will not go rank, and rivers of milk whose taste will not undergo a change, a…
Qaf 50:31_And Paradise will be brought near, not far from those who took heed for themselves and feared God.
Iron 57:21_Hasten for the forgiveness of your Lord and Paradise whose expanse is as wide as that of the heavens and the earth, which has been prepared for those who believe in God and His apostles. …
The Mobilization 59:20_Alike are not the inmates of Hell and the residents of Paradise. The men of Paradise will be felicitous.
Prohibition 66:11_And God presents the example of Pharaoh’s wife for those who believe, when she said: “O Lord, build me a house in Paradise, and save me from Pharaoh and his deeds,…
Man 76:12_And reward them for their perseverence Paradise and silken robes,
The Snatchers 79:41_Will surely have Paradise for abode.
Want to see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=105_26

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “the Quran”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Angel”.

The Heifer 2:177 and the angels, and disbursing your wealth out of love for God among your kin and the orphans, These are the men who affirm the truth, and they are those who follow the straight path.
Livestock 6:158_What are the people waiting for? For the angels to come down, or your Lord to appear, or some signs from your Lord?
The Spoils 8:50_If you could only see the infidels as the angels draw away their souls and strike their faces and their backs, (saying): “Taste the torment of burning
Hud 11:12_ “Why was no treasure sent down to him, or an angel accompanied him?” Yet you have been sent to warn alone, for God takes care of everything.
The Bee 16:2_He sends the angels with revelation by His command, to any of His creatures as He please, (saying): “Warn that there is no god but I, so fear Me.”
The Bee 16:32_When the angels receive the souls of those who are blameless they will say: “Peace on you. Enter Paradise as recompense for what you did.”
Night Journey 17:95_Say: “If angels had peopled the earth and walked about in peace and quiet, We would surely have sent to them an angel as messenger.
The Criterion 25:7_But they say: “What sort of prophet is this who eats food and walks the market places? Why was no angel sent to him to act as admonisher with him?
The Criterion 25:21_Those who do not hope to meet Us say: “Why are no angels sent down to us, or why do we not see our Lord?” They are full of self-conceit and behave with intense arrogance.
The Confederates 33:43_It is He who sends His blessings on you, as (do) His angels, that He may lead you out of darkness into light, for He is benevolent to the believers.
The Aligners 37:150_Or did We make the angels females, and they witnessed it?
Detailed 41:30_Surely the angels will come down to those who say, “You should have neither fear nor regret, but rejoice in the happy news of Paradise that has been promised you.
Prohibition 66:4_ Your hearts have been impaired; and if you assist one another against him, then surely his helper is God, and Gabriel and the righteous believers, and, besides them, the angels are his helpers.
The Dawn 89:22_And comes your Lord, and angels row on row,
Destiny 97:4_On (this night) the angels and grace descend by the dispensation of their Lord, for settling all affairs.
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “the Quran”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Revelation”.

The Elevations 7:203_ “Why don’t you make one up?” Say: “I follow only what my Lord reveals to me.” These (revelations) are an evident proof from your Lord, and a guidance and grace for those who believe.
Jonah 10:15_ “Bring a different Qur’an, or make amendments to this one.” Say: “It is not for me to change it of my will. I follow (only) what is revealed to me.
Hud 11:12_You may haply omit some of what has been revealed to you, and may be disheartened because they say: “Why was no treasure sent down to him, or an angel accompanied him?”
Joseph 12:3_Through the revelation of this Qur’an We narrate the best of histories of which you were unaware before.
Joseph 12:109_All the apostles We had sent before you were men of those regions, to whom We sent Our revelations.
Thunder 13:30_That is how We have sent you to a people before whom many a people have come and gone, so that you may announce to them whatever We have revealed to you. But they do not believe
The Bee 16:43_We sent before you none (as apostles) but men, to whom We sent revelations. In case you are unaware, enquire of those who are keepers of the Oracles of God.
Night Journey 17:39_This is some of the wisdom your Lord has revealed to you. So do not take another god apart from God, or you will be cast into Hell, reproved, ostracised.
The Cave 18:27_Recite what has been revealed to you of the Book of your Lord. There is no one who can change the word of God; and you will not find refuge except in Him.
Mary 19:58_Te We guided and We chose, for they bowed weeping in adoration when the revelations of Ar-Rahman were recited to them.
Ta-Ha 20:13_I have chosen you, so listen to what is revealed to you.
The Prophets 21:108_Say: “This is what has been revealed to me: ‘Your God is one and only God.’ So will you bow in homage to Him?”
Originator 35:31_What We have revealed to you of the Book is the truth, and proves (what has been sent) before it to be true. Verily God is informed of His creatures and sees everything.
Consultation 42:3_So has God, all-mighty and all-wise, been revealing to you and to others before you.
The Star 53:10_When He revealed to His votary what He revealed.
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2. Major propositions of the Hadith from AD 800 to the present, compared with these Constitutional Standards

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “the Hadith”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Peace”.

Sahih Al Bukharithe book of peacemaking(2691)_ .If two groups of believers get into battle, then establish peace between them.
Sahih Al Bukharithe book of conditions(2731)_Then he dictated, “”This is the peace treaty which Muhammad, Allah’s Apostle has concluded.””
Sahih Al Bukharithe book of virtues(3614)_Recite, for this (mist or cloud) was a sign of peace descending for the recitation of Qur’an.
Sahih Al Muslim introduction(1)_ I am interested in checking all rumors about the authority, peace and blessings of the Messenger of Allah...
Sahih Al Muslimthe book of mosques and places of prayer(1336)_ Allah: You are peace, peace comes from you, you are blessed, glory...
Sahih Al Muslimthe book of zuhd and softening of hearts(7445)_ A’isha reported: Never could the family of Muhammad (may peace.
Sunan Abu Dawoodprayer (kitab al-salat)(968)_“The Messenger of Allah صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم said: Do not say “Peace be to Allah, ”for Allah Himself is peace.
Sunan Abu Dawoodtribute, spoils, and rulership (kitab al-kharaj, wal-fai’ wal-imarah)(3006) So they concluded a peace treaty...
Sunan Abu Dawoodbattles (kitab al-malahim)(4292)_ you will establish a safe peace with the Byzantines...get the spoils and be safe
Sunan Ibn E Majahthe book of the sunnah(145)_ .I am peace for those who reconcile with you, and I fight for those who are at war with you. “
Sunan Ibn E Majahetiquette(3692)_Spread (the greeting of) peace among yourselves.’
Sunan Ibn E Majahtribulations(4077)_The earth will be filled with peace just as a vessel is filled with water.
Jami Al Tirmizichapters on righteousness and maintaining good relations with relatives(1938)_ The person who makes peace between people is not a liar, he said good things,...
Jami Al Tirmizichapters on the description of the day of judgement, ar-riqaq, and al-wara’(2509)_He said: Making peace between each other.
Jami Al Tirmizichapters on virtues(3939)_Their mouths are (full of) peace, their hands are (generous with) food, and they are the people of trust and faith.’
Want to see more comparisons:https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=107_1

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “the Hadith”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Truth”.

Sahih Al Bukharithe book of peacemaking(2703)_No, by Him Who has sent you with the Truth, her tooth will not be broken.
Sahih Al Bukharithe book of jihad (fighting for allah’s cause)(2805)_By Him Who has sent you with the Truth, my sister’s tooth shall not be broken.
Sahih Al Bukharithe book of the obligations of khumus(3143)_By Him Who has sent you with the Truth.
Sahih Al Bukharithe book of the stories of the prophets(3465)_Nothing can save you except the truth, so each of you should ask Allah’s Help by referring to such a deed as he thinks he did sincerely (i.e.
Sahih Al Muslimthe book of faith(103)_ “Relying on him who sent you the truth, I will neither add anything to them...
Sahih Al Muslimthe book of prayers(886)_Upon this the person said: By Him Who hast sent you with Truth, whatever better I can do than this, please teach me.
Sahih Al Muslimthe book of pilgrimage(2998)_If you say the Truth, is it more rightful to follow the saying of the Prophet ( صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم ) or the words of Ibn Abbas?
Sahih Al Muslimthe book of tribulations and protents of the last hour(7371)_adhere (to the path of Truth).
Sunan Abu Dawoodpurification (kitab al-taharah)(237)_Allah is not ashamed of truth what do you think, if a woman sees what a man sees in dream, should she take a bath or not?
Sunan Abu Dawoodprayer (kitab al-salat)(771)_ .You are the truth, your statement is the truth; your promise is the truth...
Sunan Abu Dawoodtypes of blood-wit (kitab al-diyat)(4532)_Saad: Why not, by Him who has honoured you with truth ?
Sunan Ibn E Majahsupplication(3849)_Then Abu Bakr wept, then he said: You must adhere to the truth, for with it comes righteousness and they both lead to Paradise.
Sunan Ibn E Majahtribulations(3952)_ ‘But a group in my nation will continue to uphold the truth and achieve victory,...
Sunan Ibn E Majahzuhd(4133)_ .your truth...let him cherish the meeting with you
Jami Al Tirmizichapters on dreams(2293)_As for the rope extending from the sky to the earth, it is the truth which you are upon, you clug to it and Allah exalted you.
Jami Al Tirmizichapters on the description of the day of judgement, ar-riqaq, and al-wara’(2518)_The truth brings tranquility while falsehood sows doubt.’
Jami Al Tirmizichapters on virtues(3774)_Then he said: ‘Allah spoke the Truth: Indeed, your wealth and your children are a trial (64:15).
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “the Hadith”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Task”.

Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-jummah (friday) (901)_No doubt, the Jumua prayer is compulsory but I dislike to put you to task by bringing you out walking in mud and slush.
Sahih Al Bukhari the book of jihad (fighting for allah’s cause) (3031)_the Prophet) has put us to task and asked us for charity.
Sahih Al Bukhari the book of commentary (4652)_Then there was revealed: ‘But now Allah has lightened your (task)..’ (8.66) So it became obligatory that one-hundred (Muslims) should not flee …
Sahih Al Bukhari the book of holding fast to the qur’an and the sunna (7293)_ Narrated Anas: We were with `Umar and he said, We have been forbidden to undertake a difficult task beyond our capability (i.e.
Sahih Al Muslim introduction (1)_I thought at the time you asked me to undertake that [task]- if it was determined for me to do so, and preordained for me to complete it- that the first to benefit from…
Sahih Al Muslim the book of purification (554)_’Amir reported: We were entrusted with the task of tending the camels.
Sahih Al Muslim the book of zakat (2409)_He assigned me the task of a collector and I said as you say, and the Messenger of Allah ( صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم ) said to me: When you are given anything without …
Sahih Al Muslim the book of manners and etiquette (5626)_Umar said: Bring a witness to support that you say, otherwise I shall take you to task.
Sahih Al Muslim the book of manners and etiquette (5633)_Do not prove to be a hard (task-master) for the Companions of Allah’s Messenger ( صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم ), whereupon he Hadrat ‘Umar said: …
Sahih Al Muslim the book of greetings (5784)_Some of them said: You (‘Umar) have set forth for a task, and, therefore, we would not advise you to go back, whereas some of them said: …
Sunan Abu Dawood jihad (kitab al-jihad) (2646)_Then a light commandment was revealed saying “For the present Allaah hath lightened your (task).
Sunan Abu Dawood model behavior of the prophet (kitab al-sunnah) (4695)_So I and my companion surrounded him, and I thought that my companion would entrust me the task of speaking to him.
Sunan Abu Dawood general behavior (kitab al-adab) (5024)_If anyone pretends to have had a dream which he did not see, he will gives the task of joining barley-seed.
Sunan Ibn E Majah chapters regarding funerals (1573)_...’The Bedouin later became Muslim, and he said: ‘The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) gave me a difficult task.
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “the Hadith”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Life”.

Sahih Al Bukhari the book of belief (faith) (25)_ … then they save their lives and property from me except for Islamic laws and then their reckoning (accounts) will be done by Allah.
Sahih Al Bukhari the book of jihad (fighting for allah’s cause) (2831)_and those who strive hard and fight in the Way of Allah with their wealth and lives).
Sahih Al Bukhari the book of holding fast to the qur’an and the sunna (7294)_Then Allah’s Apostle said, By Him in Whose Hand my life is, Paradise and Hell were displayed before me across this …
Sahih Al Muslim the book pertaining to the remembrance of Allah, supplication, repentance and seeking forgiveness (6888)_And its death and life is due to Thee, and if Thou givest it life, safeguard it; …
Sahih Al Muslim the book of tribulations and protents of the last hour (7256)_A…by an enemy who is not amongst them to take their lives and destroy them root and branch, and my Lord said…
Sahih Al Muslim the book of zuhd and softening of hearts (7436)_Thereupon he said: By Allah Who is One in Whose Hand is my life.
Sunan Abu Dawood fasting (kitab al-siyam) (2439)_He said: (Yes), not even the struggle in the path of Allah, except a man who goes out (in the path of Allah) with his life and property, …
Sunan Abu Dawood jihad (kitab al-jihad) (2485)_He replied “A man who strives in the path of Allaah with his life and property and a man who worships …
Sunan Abu Dawood tribute, spoils, and rulership (kitab al-kharaj, wal-fai’ wal-imarah) (3016)_They asked the Messenger of Allah صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم to protect their lives and let them go.
Sunan Ibn E Majah the chapters on business transactions (2151)_ It was narrated from ‘Aishah that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: ….of Resurrection and will be told: ‘Give life to that which have created.’

Sunan Ibn E Majah the chapters on rulings (2321)_…Ibn ‘Abbas that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “If the people were given what they claimed, some would have claimed the lives and property of

Sunan Ibn E Majah chapters on hajj rituals (3074)_... His is the dominion, all praise is due to Him, He gives life and causes death and He is able to do all things.
Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on the description of the day of judgement, ar-riqaq, and al-wara’ (2454)_Then he said: ‘This is the son of Adam, and this is his life-span encircling him, and this one in the middle…
Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on supplication (3429)…, He gives life and causes death, and He is Living and does not die, in His Hand is the good, and He has power over all things…
Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on virtues (3861)If one of you were to spend gold the life of Uhud, it would not equal a Mudd - nor half of it - of one of them.
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “the Hadith”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Reconciliation”.

Sahih Al Bukharithe book of as-sahw (forgetting)(1234)_ .companions go to them to achieve reconciliation between them.
Sahih Al Bukharithe book of peacemaking(2693)_When Allah’s Apostle was informed about it, he said, Let us go to bring about a reconciliation between them.
Sahih Al Bukharithe book of peacemaking(2694)_(4.128) There is no blame on them if they reconcile on such basis.
Sahih Al Bukharithe book of virtues(3629)_chief) and I hope that Allah will help him bring about reconciliation between two Muslim groups.
Sahih Al Bukharithe book of al- maghazi(4240)_So `Ali sought reconciliation with Abu Bakr and gave him an oath of allegiance.
Sahih Al Bukharithe book of al- maghazi(4241)_So `Ali sought reconciliation with Abu Bakr and gave him an oath of allegiance.
Sahih Al Muslimthe book of prayers(950)_ In order to reconcile (its members), this is a time of prayer. ‘
Sahih Al Muslimthe book of prayer - travellers(1740): .Divorce and let (people) witness his reconciliation. ‘
Sahih Al Muslimthe book of virtue, enjoining good manners, and joining of the ties of kinshio(6544)_ .until reconciliation; watch them two until reconciliation;...until reconciliation.
Sunan Abu Dawoodprayer (kitab al-salat)(941)_He came to them for their reconciliation after the noon prayer.
Sunan Abu Dawoodmodel behavior of the prophet (kitab al-sunnah)(4764)_He said: I am giving them for reconciliation of their hearts.
Sunan Ibn E Majahfasting(1740)_He says: ‘Leave these two until they reconcile.’”
Sunan Ibn E Majahthe chapters on rulings(2353)_ Reconciliation between Muslims is permitted, unless the reconciliation prohibits certain permitted...
Sunan Ibn E Majahthe chapters on blood money(2626)_Whatever is settled by reconciliation belongs to them, and that is a binding covenant.”
Jami Al Tirmizithe chapters on judgements from the messenger of allah(1352)_ .reconciliation between Muslims is allowed, unless the reconciliation is legal...
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “the Hadith”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Love and Care”.

Sahih Al Bukhari the book of belief (faith) (16)_2. Who loves a person and he loves him only for Allah’s sake.
Sahih Al Bukhari the book of zakat (1461)_Anas added, When these verses were revealed:--’By no means shall you Attain righteousness unless You spend (in charity) of that Which you love. ‘
Sahih Al Bukhari the book of representation (2318)_Allah says in His Book, ‘You will not attain righteousness unless you spend (in charity) that which you love,’ and verily, the most beloved to me…
Sahih Al Muslim the book of faith (167)_ …There are three qualities for which any one who is characterised by them will relish the savour of faith: that he loves man and he does not love him …
Sahih Al Muslim the book of tribulations and protents of the last hour (7384)_And it had been conveyed to me that Allah’s Messenger had said (about Usama): He who loves me should also love Usama.
Sahih Al Muslim the book of zuhd and softening of hearts (7430)_I heard Allah’s Messenger as saying: Allah loves the servant who is God-conscious and is free from want and is hidden …
Sunan Abu Dawood the rites of hajj (kitab al-manasik wa’l-hajj) (1940)_He began to pat our thighs (out of love) and said: O young!
Sunan Abu Dawood jihad (kitab al-jihad) (2614)_..., or a child, or a woman; do not be dishonest about booty, but collect your spoils, do right and act well, for Allah loves those who do well.
Sunan Abu Dawood medicine (kitab al-tibb) (3883)_ … I heard the Messenger of Allah صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم saying: spells, charms and love-potions are polytheism.
Sunan Ibn E Majah the book of the sunnah (68)_Shall I not tell you of something which, if you do it, you will love one another?
Sunan Ibn E Majah supplication (3859)_I ask You by Your pure, good and blessed Name which is most beloved by You, which if You are called thereby You answer, and if You as asked thereby You give,…
Sunan Ibn E Majah zuhd (4126)_ It was narrated that Abu Sa’eed Al-Khudri said: “Love the poor, for I heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say in his supplication: ‘O Allah, …
Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on medicine (2036)_ …Allah (s.a.w) said: When Allah loves a slave, He prevents him from the world, just as one of you prevents his sick from water.
Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on the virtues of the qur’an (2901)_So the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: Your love for it shall have you admitted into Paradise.
Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on virtues (3659)_But rather love and the brotherhood of faith’ - saying that two or three times - ‘Indeed your companion is the Khalil of Allah.’
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “the Hadith”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Hope”.

Sahih Al Bukhari the book of jihad (fighting for allah’s cause)(3075)_ We hope (or are afraid) that we may meet the enemy tomorrow and we have no knives.
Sahih Al Bukhari the book of virtues(3629)_chief) and I hope that Allah will help him bring about reconciliation between two Muslim groups.
Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-qadar (divine preordainment)(6619)_He said, Allah used to torture what he hoped... But he has patience and hope for Allah’s reward...
Sahih Al Muslim the book of faith(530)_ .We are glorified (our Lord)...I hope you can become a resident of heaven...
Sahih Al Muslim the book of paradise, its description, its bounties and its inhabitants(7133)_ Call to their Lord in fear and hope, and spend what I gave them.
Sahih Al Muslim the book of zuhd and softening of hearts(7423)_Thereupon he said: Be happy and be hopeful of that which gives you delight.
Sunan Abu Dawood prayer (kitab al-salat)(523)_ only suitable for a servant of Allah, I hope I can be that. ‘
Sunan Abu Dawood prayer (kitab al-salat): voluntary prayers(1321)_ with fear and hope, cry to their Lord, and spend... (32: 16).
Sunan Abu Dawood model behavior of the prophet (kitab al-sunnah)(4768)_ .I hope these are the same group of people, because they bleed illegally and attack the people’s livestock
Sunan Ibn E Majah the chapters on business transactions(2201)_He said: I hope that when I leave you, none of you will ask for compensation for what I did to him
Sunan Ibn E Majah tribulations(4017)_ ..being a slave of Allah to him...I hope for your mercy, but I am afraid of the people. “
Sunan Ibn E Majah zuhd(4281)_ If Allah is willing, I hope that those...Hudaibian people will not go to hell
Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on al-fitan(2263)_And the worst of you is he whose goodness is not hoped for, and people are not safe from his evil.’
Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on the description of the day of judgement, ar-riqaq, and al-wara’(2454)_ Then he said: ...this thread trapped him...Outside was his hope.
Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on virtues(3614)_ This is a place in heaven... Doesn’t belong to anyone, I hope I am him.
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “the Hadith”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Freedom”.

Sahih Al Bukharithe book of hajj(1711)_ Among them are free men and slaves until it is taken to Manhar (slaughterhouse) Prophet.
Sahih Al Bukharithe book of commentary(4498)_ stipulates: the free is the free, the slave is the slave, and the woman is the woman.
Sahih Al Bukharithe book of al-farad (the laws of inheritance)(6751)_Al-Hakam said, Barira’s husband was a free man.
Sahih Al Muslimthe book of greetings(5855)_She had neither provided her with food nor drink, nor set her free so that she might eat the insects of the earth.
Sahih Al Muslimthe book of tribulations and protents of the last hour(7313)_ There will be a caliph, who will freely give the people some wealth without care.
Sahih Al Muslimthe book of zuhd and softening of hearts(7437)_Then the mouth would be made free to talk, he would say (to the hands and feet): Be away, let there be curse of Allah upon you.
Sunan Abu Dawoodprayer (kitab al-salat)(930)_He said: Set her free, for she is believer.
Sunan Abu Dawoodprescribed punishments (kitab al-hudud)(4460)_ If he forces her, she will be free...a female slave similar to her. ‘
Sunan Abu Dawoodmodel behavior of the prophet (kitab al-sunnah)(4622)_ .people who believe in free will, they intend to use free will to promote...
Sunan Ibn E Majahthe chapters regarding zakat(1826)_ The Messenger of Allah commands every Muslim, whether free or slave..
Sunan Ibn E Majahthe chapters on marriage(1862)_ ’It is rumored that...if you want to see the pure God, let him marry free...
Sunan Ibn E Majahthe chapters on rulings(2332)_ It was narrated from Ibn Shihab that :
Ibn Muhayyisah Al-Ansari told him that a she-camel belonging to Bara used to wander free.
Jami Al Tirmizithe book on suckling(1155) _Husband is a free man, so the messenger of Allah let her choose. “’
Jami Al Tirmizichapters on righteousness and maintaining good relations with relatives(1906)_ Sufficient thing unless he finds out that he is a slave and buys him to set him free.
Jami Al Tirmizichapters on inheritance(2113)_ Any man who commits adultery with a free woman or a slave woman,...
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “the Hadith”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Almighty”.

Sahih Al Bukhari book of the stories of the Prophets(3349)_They are Your slaves And if You forgive them, Verily you, only You are the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.
Sahih Al Bukhari the book of commentary(4802)_And that is the decree of All-Mighty, the All-Knowing....’ (36.38)
Sahih Al Bukhari the book of tauhid (islamic monotheism)(7439)_The Prophet said, the believers interceding with Almighty for their (Muslim) , when they see themselves safe.
Sahih Al Muslim the book of faith(259)_And the Almighty and Exalted Lord testified it.. except in the cause of justice, and he who does this shall meet a requital of sin (xxv.
Sahih Al Muslim the book of jihad and expeditions(4684)_ (after praising the Almighty and invoking blessings on the Prophet):
Sahih Al Muslimcharacteristics of the hypocrites and rulings convering them(7055)_ says the Almighty would turn it in His hand as one of you turns a loaf while on a journey.
Sunan Abu Dawoodprayer (kitab al-salat)(555)_ Pray for the Almighty to be more urgent... They think they are safe
Sunan Abu Dawoodprayer (kitab al-salat): detailed injunctions about witr(1477)_He then said: ..good for health...”All Hearing All Knowing” or “Almighty All Wisdom”.
Sunan Abu Dawoodcombing the hair (kitab al-tarajjul)(4174)_He said: O maid-servant of the Almighty, are you coming from the mosque?
Sunan Ibn E Majahthe chapters on divorce(2050)_the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said : You have sought refuge in the Almighty go to your family.
Sunan Ibn E Majahchapters on medicine(3526)_ ..In the great name of Allah, I seek refuge from Allah Almighty...
Sunan Ibn E Majahetiquette(3806) Glory and praise are Allah, and glory belongs to Almighty Allah’
Jami Al Tirmizichapters on the description of the day of judgement, ar-riqaq, and al-wara’(2423)_ ..If you forgive them, in fact you, only you are the Almighty, the All-wise.
Jami Al Tirmizichapters on tafsir(3194)_He helps whom He wills, and He is the Almighty, the Most Merciful (30:4 & 5).
Jami Al Tirmizichapters on tafsir(3309)_And He is Almighty, the All-Wise.
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “the Hadith”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Faith”.

Sahih Al Bukhari the book of revelation(7)_Your reply was in the negative, and in fact this is (the sign of) true faith, when its delight enters the hearts and mixes with them completely.
Sahih Al Bukhari the book of belief (faith)(17)_ Narrated Anas: The Prophet said, Love for the Ansar is a sign of faith and hatred for the Ansar is a sign of hypocrisy.
Sahih Al Bukharithe book of tarawih prayers(2008)_ Pray for the night of Ramadan out of sincere faith and hope to be rewarded by Allah
Sahih Al Muslimintroduction(27)_ .Knowledge is faith, so please carefully consider from whom your faith is obtained”.
Sahih Al Muslimthe book of tribulations and protents of the last hour(7297)_ Allah will send out sweet and fragrant air...Even a little believer will die...
Sahih Al Muslimthe book of zuhd and softening of hearts(7436)_ I confirm my faith in you, your book and your messenger, I observe prayer and fast.
Sunan Abu Dawoodprayer (kitab al-salat)(429)_: There are five thing, if anyone observe them with faith, he will enter Paradise.
Sunan Abu Dawoodmarriage (kitab al-nikah)(2061)_And if ye know not their fathers, then (they are) your brethren in the faith and your clients.
Sunan Abu Dawoodjihad (kitab al-jihad)(2485)_ was asked “Which believers are the most perfect in faith?”
Sunan Ibn E Majahthe book of the sunnah(60)_ Some rights are more intense than the dispute between believers and their Lord... Believing brothers who have entered hell
Sunan Ibn E Majahthe book of purification and its sunnah(280)_ The Messenger of Allah said: Properly baptizing is half of faith... Prayer is bright...
Sunan Ibn E Majahzuhd(4268)_It is said to him: You have a certain belief...If Allah wants, you will be resurrected in that state
Jami Al Tirmizithe book on suckling(1162)_ The believer with the most complete faith is the one with the best character among them.
Jami Al Tirmizichapters on virtues(3659)_But rather love and the brotherhood of faith’ - saying that two or three times - ‘Indeed your companion is the Khalil of Allah.’
Jami Al Tirmizichapters on virtues(3939)_Their mouths are (full of) peace, their hands are (generous with) food, and they are the people of trust and faith.’
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “the Hadith”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “The Way”.

Sahih Al Bukharithe book of jihad (fighting for allah’s cause)(2831)_and those who strive hard and fight in the Way of Allah with their wealth and lives).
Sahih Al Bukharithe book of asking permission(6260)_ From Allah’s slave and his messenger...May those who are on the right path be safe (guidance)!
Sahih Al Bukharithe book of holding fast to the qur’an and the sunna(7269)_ The Quran... is guided on the right path, just as Allah uses it to guide..
Sahih Al Muslimthe book of greetings(5648)_ ‘So the Messenger of Allah... If you insist on meeting, then give the right way. ‘
Sahih Al Muslimthe book of tribulations and protents of the last hour(7371)_adhere (to the path of Truth).
Sahih Al Muslimthe book of zuhd and softening of hearts(7509)_He (the king) commanded ditches to be dug at important points in the path.
Sunan Abu Dawoodfasting (kitab al-siyam)(2439) The struggle on the way of Allah...Life and property
Sunan Abu Dawoodjihad (kitab al-jihad)(2485) ...Use his life and property to fight on the way of Allah...He protects the people...
Sunan Abu Dawoodtribute, spoils, and rulership (kitab al-kharaj, wal-fai’ wal-imarah)(2965)_ .Apply the remaining horses on the way of Allah...
Sunan Ibn E Majahthe book of the sunnah(225)_Whoever follows a path in pursuit of knowledge, Allah will make easy fro him a path to paradise.
Sunan Ibn E Majahthe chapters on marriage(1892)_ The Messenger of Allah was granted all kinds of goodness...Opening (to) all good roads...
Sunan Ibn E Majahtribulations(4088)_ People will come from the east to pave the way for Mahdi, which means his rule.
Jami Al Tirmizichapters on knowledge(2682) embarked on the path of seeking knowledge... Allah will open the way to heaven for him
Jami Al Tirmizichapters on parables(2859)_And Allah invites to the abode of peace and guides whomever He wills to the straight path.
Jami Al Tirmizichapters on virtues(3674)_ Narrated by Abu Hurairah: Abu Hulaila narrated:...who spends on the way of Allah...he will be called heaven...
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “the Hadith”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Save”.

Sahih Al Bukhari the book of belief (faith)(25)_ Narrated Ibn ‘Umar: Allah’s Apostle said: In addition to Islamic law, they will save their lives and property from me...
Sahih Al Bukhari the book of the stories of the prophets(3465)_ Except for the truth, nothing can save you...the acts done sincerely to ask Allah
Sahih Al Bukhari the book of the expiation of unfulfilled oaths(6715)_ Narrated Abu Huraira: ..Allah will save every part of his body from the fire...save...
Sahih Al Muslim the book pertaining to the remembrance of Allah, and seeking forgiveness(6841): Our Lord... the beauty of the afterlife, save us from the torment of hell fire.
Sahih Al Muslim the book of tribulations and protents of the last hour(7270)_ Ninety-nine out of every hundred people will die... Maybe he will be saved (and therefore have
Sahih Al Muslim the book of zuhd and softening of hearts(7509)_So they took him and he said: O Allah, save me from them and what they want to do.
Sunan Abu Dawood marriage (kitab al-nikah)(2155)_ no one shall live with you, save what you have in your right hand (captive)
Sunan Abu Dawood jihad (kitab al-jihad)(2765)_You returned me to them, but Allah saved me from them.
Sunan Abu Dawood the office of the judge (kitab al-aqdiyah)(3626)_ ..Allah will save you from the hands of Pharaoh’s people and let you cover the sea...
Sunan Ibn E Majah the book of the sunnah(60)_ When Allah saves believers from hell...their faithful brothers who entered hell
Sunan Ibn E Majah supplication(3836)_ .forgive us and have mercy...enter heaven and save us from hell...
Sunan Ibn E Majah zuhd(4281)_ Is this a decree that must be fulfilled with your Lord? ...Will save those...
Jami Al Tirmizi the book on al-witr(464) ..Allah guides me among the people you lead... and saves me from the evil that you have ordered. ‘
Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on zuhd(2308)_And if one is not saved from it, then what comes after it is worse than it.
Jami Al Tirmizi the book on faith(2624)… After Allah rescued him from it and whoever hates to return to disbelief after Allah has saved him from it, just as he hates to be thrown into fire.
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “the Hadith”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “War”.

Sahih Al Bukhari the book of conditions(2731)_ There is no doubt that the war weakened Gulas, they suffered a huge loss... a truce with them
Sahih Al Bukhari the book of jihad (fighting for allah’s cause)(3039)_Abu Sufyan said, In war (victory) is always up in the air, and the belligerents take turns...
Sahih Al Bukhari the book of virtues(3608)_ Narrated (or religion) there is a war between the same groups, otherwise the (judgment) day will not be established.
Sahih Al Muslim the book of zakat(2449)_ Abdullah reported:
The Messenger of Allah ( صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم ) distributed spoils (of war).
Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(2993)_It was said to him:
There is a state of war between people, and we are worried that they will detain you...
Sahih Al Muslim the book of jihad and expeditions(4684)_ .Will you get a share of the spoils...Killing (enemy) children (in the war
Sunan Abu Dawood the rites of hajj (kitab al-manasik wa’l-hajj)(1799)_ ‘Brother, I am eager to start a war for Allah (i.e. holy war), I found Hajj and Umrah...
Sunan Abu Dawood jihad (kitab al-jihad)(2520)_ a paradise for food, lest they are not interested in jihad and retreat in the war? ‘
Sunan Abu Dawood prescribed punishments (kitab al-hudud)(4370)_ The Revelation of the Honorable Allah: Launch a war against Allah and His Messenger and use a powerful force
Sunan Ibn E Majah the chapters on jihad(2793)_ I participated in a war,... my soul! ‘
Sunan Ibn E Majah chapters on dress(3626)_ “I saw you dye your beard yellow with war.... I used war to make me...
Sunan Ibn E Majah tribulations(4075)_ clothes dyed with war and saffron], put your hands on the wings of two angels.’
Jami Al Tirmizi the book on purification(139)_We used to cover our faces with reddish-brown Wars.
Jami Al Tirmizi on righteousness and maintaining good relations with relatives(1939)_ Except for the following three cases, lying is illegal... lying in war... lying peacefully. ‘
Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on virtues(3706)_ The messenger said... The reward for those who participated in (battle) Badr... The spoils of war
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “the Hadith”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Protection”.

Sahih Al Bukhari the book of knowledge(104)_Mecca does not give protection to one who disobeys (Allah) or runs after committing murder, or theft (and takes refuge in Mecca).
Sahih Al Bukhari the book of asking permission(6302)_built a house so that it can protect me from rain and sunlight...
Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-qadar (divine preordainment)(6611)_ he adopted it; the protected person is the one protected by Allah.
Sahih Al Muslim the book of faith(125)_ .A person who believes in Allah has received full protection of his property...Life represents me..
Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(3305)_ The Holy Territory will not protect disobedient people, people who run away after bleeding, or escape after crime
Sahih Al Muslim the book of tribulations and protents of the last hour(7241)_ There is nothing that can protect one’s own people with weapons or the power of the people.
Sunan Abu Dawood prayer (kitab al-salat)(637)_ Almighty Allah has nothing to do with forgiving him and protecting him from hell. ‘
Sunan Abu Dawood jihad (kitab al-jihad)(2485)_ .the one who worships Allah in the valley, where he protects the people from evil
Sunan Abu Dawood types of blood-wit (kitab al-diyat)(4530)_ Muslims’ lives are equal...The people at the bottom can be guaranteed protection
Sunan Ibn E Majah chapters regarding funerals(1553)_ Allah, protect him from Satan and the tomb... Keep the earth away from his sides’
Sunan Ibn E Majah supplication(3874)_ .If you return my soul, then protect it, just like you protect your justice...
Sunan Ibn E Majah zuhd(4166)_And whoever relies upon Allah, Allah will protect him from the pain of scattered inclinations.”
Jami Al Tirmizi the book on salat (prayer)(222) is protected by Allah’s Covenant, so don’t betray Allah in his Covenant
Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on righteousness and maintaining good relations with relatives(1931)_ Whoever protects his brother’s honor, Allah will protect his face from flames on the Day of Resurrection
Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on virtues(3756)_Sa’d said: ‘Fear for the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) came upon me, so I came to protect him.’
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “the Hadith”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Poverty”.

Sahih Al Bukhari the book of the two eid (prayers and festivals)(984)_ .neighbors...very poor or poor, I was slaughtered before I prayed.
Sahih Al Bukhari the book of commentary(4575)_ Guardian...If he is poor, let him have something just and reasonable...
Sahih Al Bukhari the book of invocations(6368)_ .I seek refuge from you, from the pain of poverty, and I seek refuge from you, from...
Sahih Al Muslim the book of zakat(2384)_(The Prophet said): ..your father, beware, you should give alms...singly, trapped by the fear of poverty
Sahih Al Muslim the book of drink(5365)_ Abd al-Rabman b. Abu Bakr reported that the people of Suffa were very poor.
Sahih Al Muslim the book of zuhd and softening of hearts(7423)_ Your poverty is not poverty, but I am worried that in your case... each other fights for them...
Sunan Abu Dawood fasting (kitab al-siyam)(2316)_ a person hopes to pay the ransom by providing food to a poor person
Sunan Abu Dawood wills (kitab al-wasaya)(2864)_To leave your heirs rich is better than to leave them poor begging from people.
Sunan Abu Dawood general behavior (kitab al-adab)(5090)_I seek refuge in Thee from infidelity and poverty.
Sunan Ibn E Majah the chapters regarding zakat(1822)_ on the rope between the two pillars of the mosque, and poor immigrants will eat it. “
Sunan Ibn E Majah tribulations(4024)_ ‘Then the righteous, some of them have withstood the test of poverty,...
Sunan Ibn E Majah zuhd(4126)_ Allah, make me live in poverty, make me die in poverty,...
Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on zuhd(2354)_ ..Poor Muslims entered heaven half a day earlier than their rich.
Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on the description of the day of judgement, ar-riqaq, and al-wara’(2462)_ _’I am not worried about poverty for you...it will destroy you just as it will destroy them.
Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on virtues(3837)_He said: ‘. He is poor and possesses nothing. He is the guest of the Messenger of Allah, and his hands are in the hands of the Messenger of Allah
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IX. These Constitutional Standards as a tool for continued development of the Hindu Vedas (1 billion believers)

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “the Vedas”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Peace”

Rig-Veda, Book 5 HYMN XXXVII. Indra._5 May he support in peace and win in battle...provide gifts to India.
Rig-Veda, Book 6 HYMN L. Viśvedevas._7 ..Waters, give our children and grandchildren full protection in peace and trouble.
Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN LXIX. Aśvins._5When the dawn breaks, our sacrifice brings peace and blessing to this
Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN LXXXIT. Indra-Varuṇa_5 Mitra is waiting for Varuna in peace and tranquility, the other, terrible’
Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN I. Indra._2 He is both hostile and peaceful, and he is the most generous to both parties. ‘
Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN XXXV. Viśvedevas._3 May the great Twain...free from sin and obtain peace and happiness. …
Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN LIX. Nirrti and Others._7 May the earth restore our spirit of life...show the way of peace and comfort. ‘
Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN CX. Āprīs._4 The holy grass is scattered eastward...just to the gods and bring peace and freedom.
Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN CLII. Indra._2 The lord of the clan who brings us happiness... the bull who gives us peace. ‘
Yajur Veda Book1:XIV_21 Chief art thou, bright, supporting, firm, thou art the great sustainer, Earth. Thee for life, thee for lustre, thee for tillage, thee for peace and rest.
Yajur Veda Book1:XIX_48 May my sacrifice bring a large number of children... to win our world and peace and security. …
Yajur Veda Book1:XXIX_29 : The sacred grass is scattered eastward... It spreads everywhere, spreads widely, fair to the gods, and brings peace and freedom. ‘
Yajur Veda Book1:XXXVIII_19 Thee for the sure protection of the Nobles. Guard thou from injury the Brahman’s body. We follow thee in interest of the People, for the renewal of our peace and comfort.
Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK VI6:V Indra_2. He is both a hostile and peaceful cause, for both sides’
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “the Vedas”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Truth”

Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 11 HYMN I. Agni._6 Whatever blessing, Agni, thou wilt grant unto thy worshipper, That, Aṅgiras, is indeed thy truth.
Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 33 HYMN IV Āprīs._7. I crave the grace of heaven’s two chief Invokers: the seven swift steeds joy in their wonted manner. These speak of truth, praising the truth eternal, t…
Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 55 HYMN LVIII. Maruts._8 Ho! Maruts, Heroes, skilled in Law, immortal, be gracious unto us, ye rich in treasures, Ye hearers of the truth, ye sage and youthful, grown mighty…
Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 77 HYMN XXXV. Viśvedevas._12 May the great Lords of Truth protect and aid us: blest to us be our horses and our cattle. Kind be the pious skilful-handed Ṛbhus, kind …
Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 88 HYMN L. Indra._4 Changeless in truth, O Maghavan Indra, let it be as thou in wisdom willest it. May we, O fair of check, win booty with thine aid, O Thunderer, swiftly seeking it.
Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 99 HYMN LXXIII. Soma Pavamana._1. THEY from the spouting drop have sounded….The ships of truth have borne the pious man across.
Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 1010 HYMN XII. Agni_1. HEAVEN and Earth, first by everlasting Order, speakers of truth, are near enough to hear us, When the God, urging men to worship. sitteth as Priest,…
Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 1010 HYMN CXC. Creation._1. FROM Fervour kindled to its height Eternal Law and Truth were born: Thence was the Night produced, and thence the billowy flood of sea arose.
Yajur Veda Book1:XI_47 The Law the Truth, the Law the Truth. As Angiras was wont to do, we bear Purîshya Agni on. Ye Plants, with joyous welcome greet this Agni, auspicious One who cometh …
Yajur Veda Book1:XVIII_5 May my truth and my faith, and my cattle and my wealth, and my goods and my pleasure, and my play and my enjoyment, and my children and my future children, and my hymn…
Yajur Veda Book1:XV_6 With the ray for truth quicken thou truth. With advance by duty quicken duty. With following by heaven quicken heaven. With union by middle air quicken middle air. With Pratidhi…
Yajur Veda Book1:XIX_30 He gains by vow of fasting Consecration, by Consecration gains the priestly guerdon. He gains by priestly guerdon faith: by faith comes knowledge of the truth.
Hymns of Sama Veda FIRST PART BOOK II2:DECADE III Indra_4. Praise, even as he is known, with song Indra the guardian of the kine, The Son of Truth, Lord of the brave.
Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK VI6:V Surya_2. Radiant, as high Truth, cherished, best at winning strength, Truth based upon the statute that supports the heavens, He rose, a light that kills Vritras and enemies, best slayer of Dasyus, Asuras, and foes.

Hymns of Atharva Veda IX. Prayers and Imprecations in the Interest of the Brahmans9:XII, 3. The preparation of the brahmaudana, the porridge given as a fee to the Brahmans_46. For the sake of truth …
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “the Vedas”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Righteous “

Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN XXXIV. Aśvins._4 Thrice come ye to our home, thrice to the righteous folk, thrice triply aid the man who well deserves your help. Thrice, O ye Aśvins, bring us what shall make…
Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CXXXVI. Mitra-Varuṇa._4 This Soma be most sweet to Mitra, …Therefore do ye, O Kings, accomplish what we ask, ye Righteous Ones, whate’er we ask.
Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CLI. Mitra and Varuṇa_8 With sacrifices and with milk they deck you first, ye Righteous Ones, as if through stirrings of the mind. To you they bring their hymns with their collected…
Rig-Veda, Book 2 HYMN XXVII. Ādityas._9 Golden and splendid, pure like streams of water, t… Ne’er do they slumber, never close their eyelids, faithful, far-ruling for the righteous mortal.
Rig-Veda, Book 5 HYMN LXXXI. Savitar._4 To the three spheres of light thou goest, Savitar, … on both sides thou encompassest the night: yea, thou, O God, art Mitra through thy righteous laws.
Rig-Veda, Book 6 HYMN LXVIII. Indra-Varuṇa._5 Righteous is he, and liberal and helpful who, Indra-Varuṇa, brings you gifts with gladness. That bounteous man through food shall conquer faemen, a…
Rig-Veda, Book 6 HYMN LXX. Heaven and Earth._3 Whoso, for righteous life, pours offerings to you, O Heaven and Earth, ye Hemispheres, that man succeeds. He in his seed is born again and spreads …
Rig-Veda, Book 9 HYMN CVII. Soma Pavamana._24 Flow to the realm of earth, flow to the realm of heaven, O Soma, in thy righteous ways. Fair art thou whom the sages, O Far-seeing One, …
Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN LXV. Viśvedevas._11 They generated prayer, the cow, the horse, the plants, the forest trees, the earth, the waters, .. and spread the righteous laws of Āryas o’er the land.
Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN LXXI. Jnanam_6 No part in Vāk hath he who hath abandoned his own dear friend who knows the truth of friendship….naught knows he of the path of righteous action.
Yajur Veda Book 1: II_19 Rich in oil are ye. Guard the two yoke-fellows. Ye two are full of grace, to grace conduct me. Glory to thee, O Sacrifice, and increase! Stand firm in my auspicious, righteous worship.
Yajur Veda Book 1: VII_10 May we, possessing much, delight in riches, Gods in oblation, and the kine in pasture; And that Milch-cow who shrinks, …This is thy home. Thee for the righteous Twain.
Yajur Veda Book 1: XXV_15 May the auspicious favour of the Gods be ours, on us descend the bounty of the righteous Gods. The friendship of the Gods have we devoutly sought: so may the Gods …
Yajur Veda Book 1: XXVII_13 With mead to sacrifice thou comest, Agni, earnest as friendly- minded Narâsamsa, and Savitar righteous God who brings all blessings.
Hymns of Atharva Veda VII. Charms to Secure Prosperity in House, Field, Cattle, Business, Gambling, and Kindred Matters 7: III, 13. Charm for conducting a river into a new channel_7. … ye righteous ones! Come
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “the Vedas”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Freedom”

Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CLI. Mitra and Varuṇa_6 The flames with curling tresses serve your sacrifice, whereto ye sing the song, Mitra and Varuṇa. Send down of your free will, prosper our holy songs:…
Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN XXXIV. Indra._7 Lord of the brave, Indra who rules the people gave freedom to the Gods by might and battle. Wise singers glorify with chanted praises these his achievements …
Rig-Veda, Book 4 HYMN XXI. Indra._10 So Indra is the truthful Lord of treasure. Freedom he gave to man by slaying Vṛtra. Much-lauded! help us with thy power to riches: may I be sharer of t…
Rig-Veda, Book 5 HYMN XLIII. Viśvedevas._16 Gods, may we dwell in free untroubled bliss.
Rig-Veda, Book 6 HYMN XVIII. Indra._14 In thee, O God, the wisest of the Sages, all Gods were joyful when thou slewest Ahi. When lauded for thyself, thou gavest freedom to sore-afflicted Heaven …
Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN LVI. Maruts._17 So may the Maruts help us and be gracious, bringing free room to lovely Earth and Heaven. Far be your bolt that slayeth men and cattle. Ye Vasus, …
Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN C. Viśvedevas._4 May Indra evermore be gracious unto us, and may King Soma meditate our happiness, Even as men secure the comfort of a friend. We ask for freedom …
Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN CXXIX. Creation._5 Transversely was their severing line extended: what was above it then, and what below it? There were begetters, there were mighty forces, free action here …
Yajur Veda Book 1:VI_30 By impulse of God Savitar I take thee with arms of Asvins, with the hands of Pûshan. Free with thy gifts art thou. Perform for Indra this deep, most excellently ordered worship. …
Yajur Veda Book 1:XXXIII_16 The Freedom of all Gods who merit worship, freely received as Guest in all men’s houses, Agni who hath secured the Gods’ high favour, may he be gracious to us, Jâtavedas.
Yajur Veda Book 1:XXXIII_74 Transversely was the severing line extended: was it above, or was it, haply, under? There were begetters, there were mighty forces, free action here and energy up yonder.
Hymns of Sama Veda FIRST PART BOOK IV 4:DECADE III Indra and others_4. To Indra must a laud be said, a joy to him who freely gives, That Sakra may be joyful in our friendship and the juice we pour.
Hymns of Atharva Veda IX. Prayers and Imprecations in the Interest of the Brahmans 9:XIII, 1. Prayer for sovereign power addressed to the god Rohita and his female Rohinî_5. …freedom from danger has…
Hymns of Atharva Veda IX. Prayers and Imprecations in the Interest of the Brahmans 9:IX, 2. Prayer to Kâma (love), personified as a primordial power_7…. freedom from enmity! May the gods collectively…
Hymns of Atharva Veda IX. Prayers and Imprecations in the Interest of the Brahmans 9:IX, 2. Prayer to Kâma (love), personified as a primordial power_8. Taking pleasure in this (sacrificial) melted butter, and ghee do ye, (O gods),whom Kâma is the highest, be joyful in this place, procuring for me full freedom from enmity!

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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “the Vedas”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Happiness”

Rig-Veda, Book 2 HYMN XIX. Indra._8 Thus the Gṛtsamadas for thee, O Hero, have wrought their hymn and task as seeking favour. May they who worship thee afresh, O Indra, gain food and strength, bliss, …
Rig-Veda, Book 5 HYMN VI. Agni._8 To us who laud thee, Agni, bring fresh food and safe and happy homes. May we who have sung hymns to thee have thee for envoy in each house. Bring food to those…
Rig-Veda, Book 5 HYMN XXIV. Agni._4 To thee then, O Most Bright, O Radiant God, we come with prayer for happiness for our friends.
Rig-Veda, Book 6 HYMN LVI, Pūṣan._6 Prosperity we crave from thee, afar from sin and near to wealth, Tending to perfect happiness both for to. morrow and to-day.
Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN XVI. Agni._2 His two red horses, all-supporting, let him yoke: let him, well-worshipped, urge them fast. Then hath the sacrifice good prayers and happy end, and heavenly gift…
Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN XIX. Agni._19 -May Agni worshipped bring us bliss, may the gift, Blessed One, and sacrifice bring bliss; Yea, may our praises bring us bliss.
Rig-Veda, Book 9 HYMN CXIII. Soma Pavamana._11 Make me immortal in that realm where happiness and transports, where Joys and felicities combine, and longing wishes are fulfilled. Flow, Indu, flow…
Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN CLXIV. Dream-charm._2 A happy boon do men elect, a mighty blessing they obtain. Bliss with Vaivasvata they see. The live man’s mind seeks many a place.
Yajur Veda Book 1:XXVII_2 Kindle thee, Agni, rake this man to knowledge: rise up erect for great and happy fortune. Agni, be those uninjured who adore thee, thy priests be glorious and none beside them!
Yajur Veda Book 1:XXXIV_8 Do thou, in truth, Anumati, assent and grant us happiness. Urge us to strength and energy: prolong the days we have to live.
Yajur Veda Book 1:XXXIV_37 So may felicity be ours at present, and when the day approaches, and at noontide; And may we still, O Bounteous One, at sunset be happy in the Deities’ loving-kindness.
Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK IV 4:XXII Agni_3. To thee then, O most bright, O radiant God, we come with prayer for happiness for our friends.
Hymns of Atharva Veda IV. Charms Pertaining to Women (Strikaratâni) 4:II, 36. Charm to obtain a husband_1….agreeable to suitors, charming at festivals, promptly obtain happiness through a husband!
Hymns of Atharva Veda IX. Prayers and Imprecations in the Interest of the Brahmans 9:XI, 1. The preparation of the brahmaudana, the porridge given as a fee to the Brahmans_...May we in happiness be…
Hymns of Atharva Veda IX. Prayers and Imprecations in the Interest of the Brahmans 9:XI, 1. The preparation of the brahmaudana, the porridge given as a fee to the Brahmans_21. …May we in happiness…
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “the Vedas”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Faith”

Rig-Veda, Book 6 HYMN XXVI. Indra._6 Made glad with Soma-draughts and faith, thou sentest Cumuri to his sleep, to please Dabhīti. Thou, kindly giving Raji to Pithinas, slewest with might, at once, …
Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN VI. Agni._3 The foolish, faithless, rudely-speaking niggards, without belief or sacrifice or worship, Far far sway hath Agni chased those Dasytis, and, in the cast, …
Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN XXXII. Indra._14 Indra, what mortal will attack the man who hath his wealth in thee? The strong will win the spoil on the decisive day through faith in thee, O Maghavan.
Rig-Veda, Book 9 HYMN CXIII. Soma Pavamana._2 Lord of the Quarters, flow thou on, boon Soma, from Arjika land, Effused with ardour and with faith, and the true hymn of sacrifice. Flow, Indu, …
Rig-Veda, Book 9 HYMN CXIII. Soma Pavamana._4 Splendid by Law! declaring Law, truthspeaking, truthful in thy works, Enouncing faith, King Soma! thou, O Soma, whom thy maker decks. Flow, …
Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN CLI. Faith._2 Bless thou the man who gives, O Faith; Faith, bless the man who fain would give. Bless thou the liberal worshippers: bless thou the word that I have said.
Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN CLI. Faith._5 Faith in the early morning, Faith at noonday will we invocate, Faith at the setting of the Sun. O Faith, endow us with belief.
Yajur Veda Book 1:XVIII_5 May my truth and my faith, and my cattle and my wealth, and my goods and my pleasure, and my play and my enjoyment, and my children and my future children, …
Yajur Veda Book 1:XIX_30 He gains by vow of fasting Consecration, by Consecration gains the priestly guerdon. He gains by priestly guerdon faith: by faith comes knowledge of the truth.
Yajur Veda Book 1:XX_24 O Agni, Master of the Vow, on thee I lay the kindling- stick. To the fast-vow and faith I come. I, consecrated, kindle thee.
Hymns of Sama Veda FIRST PART BOOK I 1:DECADE IV Agni_10. Born as the loftiest Law commands, comrade of those who grew with him. Agni, the sire of Kasyapa by faith, the mother, …
Hymns of Sama Veda FIRST PART BOOK III 3:DECADE IV Indra_8. Indra whose wealth is in thyself, what mortal will attack this man? The strong will win the spoil on the decisive day through faith in thee…
Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK VIII 8:IX Indra_1. Indra whose wealth is in thyself, what mortal will attack this man? The strong will win the spoil on the decisive day through faith in thee, …
Hymns of Atharva Veda III. Imprecations Against Demons, Sorcerers, and Enemies 3:X, 6. Praise of the virtues of amulet of khadira-wood in the shape of a ploughshare_4. …bestows faith and sacrifice and …
Hymns of Atharva Veda IX. Prayers and Imprecations in the Interest of the Brahmans 9:V, 7. Prayer to appease Arâti, the demon of grudge and avarice_5. … the yoke-fellow of thought, faith shall find to-day,…
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “the Vedas”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Faith”

Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN XLII. Pūṣan._3 Who lurks about the path we take, the robber with a guileful heart: Far from the road chase him away.
Rig-Veda, Book 2 HYMN IV Agni._6 Like one athirst, he lighteth up the forests; like water down the chariot ways he roareth. On his black path he shines in burning beauty, marked as it were the heaven that smiles through vapour.
Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN XII. Indra-Agni._7 To Indra-Agni reverent thoughts go forward from the holy task Along the path of sacred Law.
Rig-Veda, Book 4 HYMN XVIII. Indra and Others._10 The Heifer hath brought forth the Strong, … Calf to wander, seeking himself, the path that he would follow.
Rig-Veda, Book 5 HYMN X. Agni._1. BRING us most mighty splendour thou, Agni, resistless on thy way. With overflowing store of wealth mark out for us a path to strength.
Rig-Veda, Book 6 HYMN XXXVII Indra._3 Bringing us hitherward all-potent Indra on well-wheeled chariot, may the Steeds who bear him Convey him on the road direct to glory, and ne’er may …
Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN XLVII. Waters._4 Whom Sūrya with his bright beams hath attracted, and Indra dug the path for them to travel, May these Streams give us ample room and freedom….
Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN XXXI. Various Deities._11 May Pūṣan come, and Bhaga, Lord of wealth, All-bounteous, for our weal Broad be the path that leads to bliss:
Rig-Veda, Book 9 HYMN LXXXV. Soma Pavamana._4 Wondrous, with hundred streams, hymned in a thousand songs,…Rainer of bounties, Soma, make broad way for us.
Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN XIV. Yama._15 Offer to Yama, to the King, oblation very rich in meath: Bow down before the Ṛṣis of the ancient times, who made this path in days of old.
Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN LXXI. Jnanam_6 No part in Vāk hath he who hath abandoned his own dear friend… Even if he hears her still in vain he listens: naught knows he of the path of righteous action.
Yajur Veda Book 1:IV_29 Now have we entered on the path that leads to bliss without a foe, The path whereon a man escapes all enemies and gathers wealth.
Yajur Veda Book 1:VIII_21 Do ye, O Gods, discoverers of the Pathway, go forward on the path when ye have found it. O God, thou Lord and Master of the Spirit, bestow— All-hail!—this sacrifice on Vâta.
Hymns of Atharva Veda II. Prayers for Long Life and Health (Âyushyâni) 2:V. 30. Prayer for exemption from disease and death_7. …of the path (death), the ascent, the advance, the road of every living man!
Hymns of Atharva Veda IX. Prayers and Imprecations in the Interest of the Brahmans 9:XII, 3. The preparation of the brahmaudana, the porridge given as a fee to the Brahmans_3…upon the road to…
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “the Vedas”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Faith”

Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN XXXI. Agni._6 Agni, thou savest in the synod when pursued e’en him, farseeing …the heroes fight for spoil which men rush, round, slayest in war the many by the hands of few.
Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN XLIX. Indra._3 Victor in fight, swift mover like a warhorse, pervading both worlds, rainer down of blessings, To he invoked in war like Bhaga, Father, as ’twere, of hymns, …
Rig-Veda, Book 4 HYMN XL. Dadhikrāvan._2 Brave, seeking war and booty, dwelling with the good and with the swift, may he hasten the food of Dawn. May he the true, the fleet, the lover of the course,…
Rig-Veda, Book 5 HYMN XXX. Indra._4 Indra, when born, thou madest firm thy spirit: alone thou seekest war to fight with many. With might thou clavest e’en the rock asunder, and foundest …
Rig-Veda, Book 6 HYMN LXXIII. Bṛhaspati._3 Bṛhaspati in war hath won rich treasures, hath won, this God, the great stalls filled with cattle. Striving to win waters and light, resistless, Bṛhaspati with …
Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN LXXXIII. Indra-Varuṇa._7 Ten Kings who worshipped not, O Indra-Varuṇa, confederate, in war prevailed not o’er Sudās. True was the boast of heroes sitting at the feast: so …
Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN XXXVIII. Indra-Agni._1. YE Twain are Priests of sacrifice, winners in war and holy works: Indra and Agni, mark this well.
Rig-Veda, Book 9 HYMN XXXVIII. Soma Pavamana._1. THIS Steer, this Chariot, rushes through the woollen filter, as he goes To war that wins a thousand spoils.
Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN XXXVIII. Indra._1. O INDRA, in this battle great and glorious, in this loud din of war help us to victory, Where in the strife for kine among bold ring-decked men arrows …
Yajur Veda Book 1:XV_39 Yea, may our praises bring us bliss. Show forth the mind that brings success in war with fiends, wherewith thou conquerest in fights: 40 Wherewith thou conquerest in fights. …
Yajur Veda Book 1:XXVII_37 That we may win us wealth and power, we poets call on only thee. In war men call on thee, Indra! the hero’s Lord, in the steed’s race-course call on thee.
Hymns of Sama Veda FIRST PART BOOK III 3:DECADE V Indra_2. That we may win us wealth and power we poets, verily, call on thee: In war men call on thee, Indra, the hero’s Lord, …
Hymns of Sama Veda FIRST PART BOOK V 5:DECADE III Indra_6. When war and battles are on foot, booty is offered to the bold. Yoke thou thy wildly-rushing bays. Whom wilt thou slay, …
Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK II 2:XII Indra_1. That we may win us wealth and power we poets verily, call on thee: In war men call on thee, Indra, the hero’s Lord, in the steed’s race…
Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK III 3:XIV Indra_3. When war and battles are on foot, booty is offered to the bold. Yoke thou thy wildly-rushing bays! Whom wilt thou slay,…
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “the Vedas”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Faith”

Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN LIV. Indra._11 So give us, Indra, bliss-increasing glory give us great sway and strength that conquers people. Preserve our wealthy patrons, save our princes; vouchsafe us wealth …
Rig-Veda, Book 2 HYMN XVI. Indra._7 I, bold by prayer, come near thee in thy sacred rites, thee like a saving ship, thee shouting in the war. Verily he will hear and mark this word of ours: we will pour …
Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN XV. Agni._4 Shine forth, a Bull invincible, O Agni, winning by conquest all the forts and treasures, Thou Jātavedas who art skilled in guiding, the chief high saving sacrifice’s Leader.
Rig-Veda, Book 4 HYMN XLIII. Aśvins._4 What is the prayer that we should bring you, …Whether of you confronts e’en great betrayal? Lovers of sweetness, Dasras, help and save us.
Rig-Veda, Book 5 HYMN IV. Agni._6 Drive thou away the Dasyu with thy weapon. As, gaining vital power for thine own body, O Son of Strength, the Gods thou satisfiest, so in fight save us, …
Rig-Veda, Book 6 HYMN XVIII. Indra._9 With saving might that must be praised and lauded, Indra, ascend thy car to smite down Vṛtra. In thy right hand hold fast thy bolt of thunder, and weaken,…
Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN LX. Mitra-Varuṇa._9 May he with ofierings purify the altar from any stains of Varuṇa’s reviler. Aryaman save us us all those who hate us: give room and freedom to Sudās, ye Mighty.
Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN XXIV. Indra._12 For, Dancer, verily I find none else for bounty, saving thee, For splendid wealth and power, thou Lover of the Song.
Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN XXVI. Aśvins._21 Wonderful Vāyu, Lord of Right, thou who art Tvaṣṭar’s son-in-law, Thy saving succour we elect.
Rig-Veda, Book 9 HYMN LXX. Soma Pavamana._10 Urged like a car-steed flow to strength, …bear us past, as in a boat o’er water: as battling Hero save us from the foeman.
Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN LXIII. Viśvedevas._8 Wise Deities, who have dominion o’er the world, ye thinkers over all that moves not and that moves, Save us from uncommitted and committed sin,…
Yajur Veda Book 1:VI_8 Joy, wealthy ones! Brihaspati, save our riches. I bind thee with the noose of holy Order, thou offering to the Gods. Bold be the Slayer.
Yajur Veda Book 1:XII_96 With Soma as their Sovran Lord the Plants hold colloquy and say: O King, we save from death the man whose cure a Brâhman undertakes.
Hymns of Sama Veda FIRST PART BOOK III 3:DECADE II Indra and others_1. Indra, with all thy saving helps assist us, Lord of power and might! For after thee we follow even as glorious bliss, thee, …
Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK III 3:VIII Mitra-Varuna_3. Guard us, ye Mitras, with your guards, save us, ye skilled to save: may we Subdue the Dasyus by ourselves!
Want to see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=106_22

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation of “the Vedas”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Protection”

Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN LIV. Indra._11 So give us, Indra, bliss-increasing glory give us great sway and strength that conquers people. Preserve our wealthy patrons, save our princes; vouchsafe us wealth …
Rig-Veda, Book 2 HYMN III. Āprīs._8 Sarasvatī who perfects our devotion, Iḷā divine, Bhāratī all surpassing,— Three Goddesses, with power inherent, seated, protect this holy Grass, our flawless refuge!
Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN I. Agni._15 I sacrificing serve thee with oblations and crave with longing thy good-will and friendship. Grant, with the Gods, thy grace to him who lauds thee, protect us …
Rig-Veda, Book 4 HYMN IV. Agni._12 Knowing no slumber, speedy and propitious, alert and ever friendly, most unwearied, May thy protect ing powers, unerring Agni, taking their places here, ..
Rig-Veda, Book 5 HYMN IV. Agni._8 Son of Strength, Agni, dweller in three regions, accept our sacrifice and our oblation. Among the Gods may we be counted pious: protect us with …
Rig-Veda, Book 6 HYMN II. Agni._7 For in men’s houses thou must be glorified as a well-loved guest, Gay like an elder in a fort, claiming protect ion like a son.
Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN I. Agni._25 Give strength and power to these my prayers... Ye Gods, protect us evermore with blessings.
Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN XLVIII. Ṛbhus._4 Now, Deities, give us ample room and freedom: be all of you, one-minded, our protect ion. So let the Vasus grant us strength and vigour. Preserve us evermore…
Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN IV. Agni._7 Homage and prayer are thine, O Jātavedas, and this my song shall evermore exalt thee. Agni, protect our children and descendants, and guard …
Yajur Veda Book 1:IV_11 Prepare ye vow-food. Agni is the Brahman, …Favour us Gods, mind-horn, endowed with mind and intellectual might! All-hail to them! May they be our protect ors.
Yajur Veda Book 1:XXII_10 For our protect ion I invoke the golden-handed Savitar: He knoweth, as a God, the place.
Yajur Veda Book 1:XXXVIII_19 Thee for the sure protect ion of the Nobles. Guard thou from injury the Brahman’s body. We follow thee in interest of the People, for the renewal of our peace and comfort.
Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK V 5:XVIII Agni_3. Do thou, most youthful God, protect the men who offer, hear their songs, And of thyself preserve their seed!
Hymns of Atharva Veda I. Charms to Cure Diseases and Possession by Demons of Disease 1:II, 4. Charm with an amulet derived from the gangida tree, against diseases and demons_2…the gangida shall protect
Hymns of Atharva Veda II. Prayers for Long Life and Health (Âyushyâni) 2:VIII, 1. Prayer for exemption from the dangers of death_7. …living, do not follow the Fathers! All the gods shall preserve thee here!
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X. These Constitutional Standards as a tool for continued development and brilliance of Buddhism and Tibetan Buddhism (500 million believers)

1. Comparison of the list of major propositions related to peace in the Tripitaka with "Constitution Standards" (Omitted)

2. The Dalai Lama and other Rinpoche's calls for world peace compared with the "Constitutional Standards"

Date Main article
2020/6/7 Dialogue with Young People from South-east Asia: “First among several of my commitments is to encourage other people to appreciate that it is part of our nature to be altruistic, to be concerned about others. “Secondly, I’m committo promoting inter-religious harmony. “Thirdly, I’m a Tibetan, someone in whom the Tibetan people place their hope and trust. With regard to Tibet, one of my main concerns is the preservation of the Tibetan language. “I’m also concerned about Tibet’s natural environment. He also took time to praise India’s ancient traditions of ahimsa and karuna. He stressed the crucial role non-violence can play in today’s world.

2019/11/13 5th Samdhong Rinpoche, Former Tibetan Parliament Speaker, Former Prime Minister, and Tibetan Constitution drafter) teaching PPP: “A Better Me, A Better We and A Better World”.
2017/6/17 Tenzin Gyatso, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama to Speak at UC San Diego Commencement: “Human beings are social animals and heavily interdependent. Climate change threatens us all. A more peaceful world and a more peaceful centrequire that we rely not on weapons but on developing a widespread inner peace.

2016/10/15 The Global Community: It is the best foundation for world peace, the equitable use of natural resources, and through concern for future generations, the proper care of the environment, One Human Family, Universal ResponsibiliNonviolence and International Order

2016/10/13 Disarmament for World Peace: the very process of dialogue, modernization and compromise involved in building a community of Asian states would. The critical point is that we find a peaceful, nonviolent way for the forces of freeddemocracy and moderation to emerge successfully from the current atmosphere of unjust repression.

2016/6/13 The Dalai Lama: Why I’m hopeful about the world’s future: common experience and common sense — a more universal approach to the promotion of our shared human values.
2015/12/5 The Reality of War: As long as adversaries do not trust each other, any number of factors can upset the balance of power. Lasting peace can assure secured only on the basis of genuine trust.
2014/5/15 The Medicine of Altruism: Whether a conflict lies in the field of politics, business or religion, an altruistic approach is frequently the sole means of resolving it.
2013/10/19 The Virtue of Non-violence: By improving education. We need a method, a set of ethics, to suit the whole of humanity, not just members of this faith or that.
2008/4/15 Human Rights, Democracy and Freedom: at resolves conflicts peaceably, employing dialogue and non-violence, that upholds human rights and human dignity as well as human responsibility... encourages peace, compassion, respect warm-heartedness.

2002/9/1 Relevant Comments by HH The Dalai Lama Subsequent to the Sept. 11, 2001 Terrorist Attack on the US: Mahatma Gandhi pointed out that because violence inevitably leads to more violence, if we are seriously interested in peace, we mseek to achieve it through peaceful and non-violent means.

2000/1/1 Message for the New Millennium: developing peace of mind and more altruism, gradually work up to total demilitarization throughout the world, need to address the issue of the gap between the rich and the poor, both globally nationally, take care of our earth and of our environment, greatest challenges today is the population explosion.

1998/12/7 Message on the 50th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: all human beings to yearn for freedom, equality and dignity and they have a right to achieve them. Whether we like it or not, we have all been born into tworld as part of one great human family. We all desire happiness and do not want suffering.

1984/7/1 A Human Approach to World Peace: Universal humanitarianism; Compassion is the pillar of world peace; All world religions are already for world peace in this way, as are all humanitarians of whatever ideology; Each individual hauniversal responsibility to shape institutions to serve human needs.

XI. These Constitutional Standards are a tool for continued development and brilliance of the Orthodox Church and its Bible

1. The "Constitutional Standards of Permanent Peace" are a tool for the continuation of "the Hebrew Scriptures of Orthodox Bible"

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of “ the Hebrew Scriptures of Orthodox Bible”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Peace”:

Exodus 32:6_... And they rose up early on the morrow, and offered burnt offerings, and brought peace offerings; and the people sat down to eat and to drink, and rose up to play.
Deuteronomy 20:10_ When thou come nigh unto a city to fight against it, then proclaim peace unto it.
I Kingdoms 7:14_...from Ekron even unto Gath; and the coasts thereof did Israel deliver out of the hands of the Philistines. And there was peace between Israel and the Amorites.
IV Kingdoms 20:19_... Then said Hezekiah unto Isaiah, Good is the word of the LORD which thou hast spoken. And he said, Is it not good, if peace and truth be in my days?
Tobit 14:4_...and that for a time peace shall rather be in Media; and that our brethren shall lie scattered in the earth from that good land: and Jerusalem shall be desolate, and the house of God in it shall be burned…
Esther 3:13_...I purposed to settle my subjects continually in a quiet life, and making my kingdom peaceable, and open for passage to the utmost coasts, to renew peace, which is desired of all men.
Psalm 27:3_...Draw me not away with the wicked, and with the workers of iniquity, which speak peace to their neighbours, but mischief is in their hearts.
Sirach 6:6_...Be in peace with many: nevertheless have but one counsellor of a thousand.
Isaiah 33:7_...Behold, their valiant ones shall cry without: the ambassadors of peace shall weep bitterly.
Jeremiah 33:6_...Behold, I will bring it health and cure, and I will cure them, and will reveal unto them the abundance of peace and truth.
Baruch 3:13_ For if thou had walked in the way of God, thou should have dwelled in peace forever.
Ezekiel 13:16_ To wit, the prophets of Israel which prophesy concerning Jerusalem, and which see visions of peace for her, and there is no peace, saith the Lord GOD.
Daniel 8:25_ And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of prince…
Zechariah 6:13_…and he shall bear the glory, and shall sit and rule upon his throne; and he shall be a priest upon his throne: and the counsel of peace shall be between them both.
I Maccabees 7:13_Now the Assideans were the first among the children of Israel that sought peace of them:
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of “ the Hebrew Scriptures of Orthodox Bible”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Truth”:

Genesis 32:10_I am not worthy of the least of all the mercies, and of all the truth, which thou hast shewed unto thy servant; for with my staff I passed over this Jordan; and now I am become two bands.
IV Kingdoms 20:19_Then said Hezekiah unto Isaiah, Good is the word of the LORD which thou hast spoken. And he said, Is it not good, if peace and truth be in my days?
II Esdra 3:12_The third wrote, Women are strongest: but above all things Truth beareth away the victory.
Tobit 1:3_I Tobit have walked all the days of my life in the ways of truth and justice, and I did many almsdeeds to my brethren, and my nation, who came with me to Nineve, into the land of the Assyrians.
Judith 10:13_And I am coming before Holofernes the chief captain of your army, to declare words of truth; and I will shew him a way, whereby he shall go, and win all the hill country, without losing the body …
Job 9:2_I know it is so of a truth: but how should man be just with God?
Psalm 84:10_Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other.
Proverbs 22:21_That I might make thee know the certainty of the words of truth; that thou mightest answer the words of truth to them that send unto thee?
Isaiah 26:2_Open ye the gates, that the righteous nation which keepeth the truth may enter in.
Jeremiah 33:6_Behold, I will bring it health and cure, and I will cure them, and will reveal unto them the abundance of peace and truth.
Daniel 3:28_In all the things that thou hast brought upon us, and upon the holy city of our fathers, even Jerusalem, thou hast executed true judgment: for according to truth and judgment didst thou …
Hosea 4:1_Hear the word of the LORD, ye children of Israel: for the LORD hath a controversy with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land.
Zechariah 8:16_These are the things that ye shall do; Speak ye every man the truth to his neighbor; execute the judgment of truth and peace in your gates:
Malachi 2:6_The law of truth was in his mouth, and iniquity was not found in his lips: he walked with me in peace and equity, and did turn many away from iniquity.
I Maccabees 7:18_Wherefore the fear and dread of them fell upon all the people, who said, There is neither truth nor righteousness in them; for they have broken the covenant and oath that they made.
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of “ the Hebrew Scriptures of Orthodox Bible”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Freedom”:

Exodus 21:27_And if he smite out his manservant’s tooth, or his maidservant’s tooth; he shall let him go free for his tooth’s sake.
Leviticus 25:10_And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof: it shall be a jubile unto you; and ye shall return every man unto his possession,…
Deuteronomy 24:5_When a man hath taken a new wife, he shall not go out to war, neither shall he be charged with any business: but he shall be free at home one year, and shall cheer up his wife which…
I Kingdoms 17:25_..., that the man who killeth him, the king will enrich him with great riches, and will give him his daughter, and make his father’s house free in Israel.
I Paralipomenon 9:33_And these are the singers, chief of the fathers of the Levites, who remaining in the chambers were free: for they were employed in that work day and night.
II Esdra 4:50_And that all the country which they hold should be free without tribute; and that the Edomites should give over the villages of the Jews which then they held:
Esther 8:12_...Therefore ye shall publish the copy of this letter in all places, that the Jews may freely live after their own laws. And ye shall aid them, that even the same day, being the thirteenth day…
Psalm 50:12_Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.
Sirach 7:21_Let thy soul love a good servant, and defraud him not of liberty.
Isaiah 61:1_The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prito them that are bound;

Jeremiah 34:8_This is the word that came unto Jeremiah from the LORD, after that the king Zedekiah had made a covenant with all the people which were at Jerusalem, to proclaim liberty unto them;
Ezekiel 46:17_But if he give a gift of his inheritance to one of his servants, then it shall be his to the year of liberty; after it shall return to the prince: but his inheritance shall be his sons’ for them.
I Maccabees 2:11_All her ornaments are taken away; of a free woman she is become a bondslave.
II Maccabees 9:15_That the holy city (to the which he was going in haste to lay it even with the ground, and to make it a common buryingplace,) he would set at liberty:
III Esdra 8:56_For when they had taken liberty, they despised the most High, thought scorn of his law, and forsook his ways.
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of “ the Hebrew Scriptures of Orthodox Bible”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Righteousness “:

Judges 5:11_They that are delivered from the noise of archers in the places of drawing water, there shall they rehearse the righteous acts of the LORD, even the righteous acts toward the inhabitants …
I Esdra 9:15_O LORD God of Israel, thou art righteous: for we remain yet escaped, as it is this day: behold, we are before thee in our trespasses: for we cannot stand before thee because of this.
Nehemiah 9:8_...the Hittites, the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Jebusites, and the Girgashites, to give it, I say, to his seed, and hast performed thy words; for thou art righteous:
Tobit 1:3_I Tobit have walked all the days of my life in the ways of truth and justice, and I did many almsdeeds to my brethren, and my nation, who came with me to Nineve, into the land of the Assyrians.
Esther 8:12_...that were never good, they think to escape the justice of God, that seeth all things and hateth evil. Oftentimes also fair speech of those, that are put in trust to manage their friends’ affairs, …
Ecclesiastes 5:8_If thou seest the oppression of the poor, and violent perverting of judgment and justice in a province, marvel not at the matter: for he that is higher than the highest regardeth; and t…
Wisdom of Solomon 5:6_Therefore have we erred from the way of truth, and the light of righteousness hath not shined unto us, and the sun of righteousness rose not upon us.
Isaiah 1:21_How is the faithful city become an harlot! it was full of judgment; righteousness lodged in it; but now murderers.
Jeremiah 12:1_ righteous art thou, O LORD, when I plead with thee: yet let me talk with thee of thy judgments: Wherefore doth the way of the wicked prosper? wherefore are all they happy …
Baruch 2:9_Wherefore the Lord watched over us for evil, and the Lord hath brought it upon us: for the Lord is righteous in all his works which he hath commanded us.
Ezekiel 16:52_Thou also, which hast judged thy sisters, bear thine own shame for thy sins that thou hast committed more abominable than they: they are more righteous than thou: yea, be thou confounded …
Daniel 9:7_O LORD, righteousness belongeth unto thee, but unto us confusion of faces, as at this day; to the men of Judah, and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and unto all Israel, that are near,…
Hosea 10:12_Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the LORD, till he come and rain righteousness upon you.
Habakuk 1:13_... on iniquity: wherefore lookest thou upon them that deal treacherously, and holdest thy tongue when the wicked devoureth the man that is more righteous than he?
Zephaniah 2:3_Seek ye the LORD, all ye meek of the earth, which have wrought his judgment; seek righteousness, seek meekness: it may be ye shall be hid in the day of the LORD’s anger.
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of “ the Hebrew Scriptures of Orthodox Bible”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “The Way”:

Deuteronomy 11:22_For if ye shall diligently keep all these commandments which I command you, to do them, to love the LORD your God, to walk in all his ways, and to cleave unto him;
Joshua 1:8_...therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.
I Esdra 8:21_Then I proclaimed a fast there, at the river of Ahava, that we might afflict ourselves before our God, to seek of him a right way for us, and for our little ones, and for all our substance.
Tobit 1:3_I Tobit have walked all the days of my life in the ways of truth and justice, and I did many almsdeeds to my brethren, and my nation, who came with me to Nineve, into the land of the Assyrians.
Job 3:23_Why is light given to a man whose way is hid, and whom God hath hedged in?
Psalm 1:1_** Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.
Proverbs 2:8_He keepeth the paths of judgment, and preserveth the way of his saints.
Ecclesiastes 11:5_As thou knowest not what is the way of the spirit, nor how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child: even so thou knowest not the works of God who maketh all.
Wisdom of Solomon 5:6_Therefore have we erred from the way of truth, and the light of righteousness hath not shined unto us, and the sun of righteousness rose not upon us.
Jeremiah 12:1_Righteous art thou, O LORD, when I plead with thee: yet let me talk with thee of thy judgments: Wherefore doth the way of the wicked prosper? wherefore are all they happy…
Baruch 3:13_For if thou hadst walked in the way of God, thou shouldest have dwelled in peace for ever.
Habakuk 3:6_He stood, and measured the earth: he beheld, and drove asunder the nations; and the everlasting mountains were scattered, the perpetual hills did bow: his ways are everlasting.
Malachi 2:9_Therefore have I also made you contemptible and base before all the people, according as ye have not kept my ways, but have been partial in the law.
I Maccabees 15:41_And when he had built up Cedrou, he set horsemen there, and an host of footmen, to the end that issuing out they might make outroads upon the ways of Judea, as the king …
III Esdra 8:56_For when they had taken liberty, they despised the most High, thought scorn of his law, and forsook his ways.
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of “ the Hebrew Scriptures of Orthodox Bible”,, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Love and Care”:

Deuteronomy 11:1_Therefore thou shalt love the LORD thy God, and keep his charge, and his statutes, and his judgments, and his commandments, alway.
Joshua 22:5_But take diligent heed to do the commandment and the law, which Moses the servant of the LORD charged you, to love the LORD your God, and to walk in all his ways, …
Judges 5:31_So let all thine enemies perish, O LORD: but let them that love him be as the sun when he goeth forth in his might. And the land had rest forty years.
II Esdra 3:22_And when they are in their cups, they forget their love both to friends and brethren, and a little after draw out swords:
Tobit 4:13_Now therefore, my son, love thy brethren, and despise not in thy heart thy brethren, the sons and daughters of thy people, in not taking a wife of them: for in pride is destruction and much trouble, …
Song of Songs 8:6_Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame.
Wisdom of Solomon 3:9_They that put their trust in him shall understand the truth: and such as be faithful in love shall abide with him: for grace and mercy is to his saints, and he hath care for his elect.
Sirach 7:21_Let thy soul love a good servant, and defraud him not of liberty.
Jeremiah 2:2_Go and cry in the ears of Jerusalem, saying, Thus saith the LORD; I remember thee, the kindness of thy youth, the love of thine espousals, when thou wentest after me in the wilderness, …
Daniel 1:9_Now God had brought Daniel into favour and tender love with the prince of the eunuchs.
Hosea 3:1_…yet an adulteress, according to the love of the LORD toward the children of Israel, who look to other gods, and love flagons of wine.
Amos 5:15 Hate the evil, and love the good, and establish judgment in the gate: it may be that the LORD God of hosts will be gracious unto the remnant of Joseph.
Micah 6:8_He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?
Zechariah 8:19_…and the fast of the seventh, and the fast of the tenth, shall be to the house of Judah joy and gladness, and cheerful feasts; therefore love the truth and peace.
III Esdra 3:7_And unto him thou gavest commandment to love thy way: which he transgressed, and immediately thou appointedst death in him and in his generations, of whom came nations,
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of “ the Hebrew Scriptures of Orthodox Bible”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Saved”:

Joshua 2:13_And that ye will save alive my father, and my mother, and my brethren, and my sisters, and all that they have, and deliver our lives from death.
Judges 6:15_And he said unto him, Oh my Lord, wherewith shall I save Israel? behold, my family is poor in Manasseh, and I am the least in my father’s house.
Tobit 6:17_...who will have pity on you, and save you: fear not, for she is appointed unto thee from the beginning; and thou shalt preserve her, and she shall go with thee. Moreover I suppose that she shall bear…
Esther 8:12_...who saved our life, and continually procured our good, as also of blameless Esther, partaker of our kingdom, with their whole nation. For by these means he thought, finding us destitute of friends…
Job 22:29_When men are cast down, then thou shalt say, There is lifting up; and he shall save the humble person.
Proverbs 20:22_Say not thou, I will recompense evil; but wait on the LORD, and he shall save thee.
Isaiah 63:9_In all their affliction he was afflicted, and the angel of his presence saved them: in his love and in his pity he redeemed them; and he bare them, and carried them all the days of old.
Jeremiah 30:10_Therefore fear thou not, O my servant Jacob, saith the LORD; neither be dismayed, O Israel: for, lo, I will save thee from afar, and thy seed from the land of their captivity; …
Baruch 4:22_For my hope is in the Everlasting, that he will save you; and joy is come unto me from the Holy One, because of the mercy which shall soon come unto you from the Everlasting our Saviour.
Ezekiel 3:18_When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die …
Hosea 1:7_But I will have mercy upon the house of Judah, and will save them by the LORD their God, and will not save them by bow, nor by sword, nor by battle, by horses, nor by horsemen.
Habakuk 1:2_O LORD, how long shall I cry, and thou wilt not hear! even cry out unto thee of violence, and thou wilt not save!
Zephaniah 3:17_The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing.
Zechariah 8:13_And it shall come to pass, that as ye were a curse among the heathen, O house of Judah, and house of Israel; so will I save you, and ye shall be a blessing: fear not, but let your hands be strong.
III Esdra 7:45_Then shall no man be able to save him that is destroyed, nor to oppress him that hath gotten the victory.
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of “ the Hebrew Scriptures of Orthodox Bible”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Angel”:

Genesis 19:1_And there came two angels to Sodom at even; and Lot sat in the gate of Sodom: and Lot seeing them rose up to meet them; and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground;
Numbers 20:16_And when we cried unto the LORD, he heard our voice, and sent an angel, and hath brought us forth out of Egypt: and, behold, we are in Kadesh, a city in the uttermost of thy border:
Judges 13:6_Then the woman came and told her husband, saying, A man of God came unto me, and his countenance was like the countenance of an angel of God, very terrible: but I asked him not whence…
II Kingdoms 24:16_And when the angel stretched out his hand upon Jerusalem to destroy it, the LORD repented him of the evil, and said to the angel that destroyed the people, It is enough: stay now …
I Paralipomenon 21:15_And God sent an angel unto Jerusalem to destroy it: and as he was destroying, the LORD beheld, and he repented him of the evil, and said to the angel that destroyed, It is enough, …
Tobit 5:4_Therefore when he went to seek a man, he found Raphael that was an angel.
Esther 5:2_And so be held up his golden sceptre, and laid it upon her neck, and embraced her, and said, Speak unto me. Then said she unto him, I saw thee, my lord, as an angel of God, and my heart was …
Job 4:18_Behold, he put no trust in his servants; and his angels he charged with folly:
Psalm 8:5_For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour.
Ecclesiastes 5:6_Suffer not thy mouth to cause thy flesh to sin; neither say thou before the angel, that it was an error: wherefore should God be angry at thy voice, and destroy the work of thine hands?
Wisdom of Solomon 16:20_Instead whereof thou feddest thine own people with angels’ food, and didst send them from heaven bread prepared without their labour, able to content every man’s delight, …
Isaiah 63:9_In all their affliction he was afflicted, and the angel of his presence saved them: in his love and in his pity he redeemed them; and he bare them, and carried them all the days of old.
Epistle of Jeremiah 1:7_For mine angel is with you, and I myself caring for your souls.
Daniel 3:59_O ye angels of the Lord, bless ye the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever.
Hosea 12:4_Yea, he had power over the angel, and prevailed: he wept, and made supplication unto him: he found him in Bethel, and there he spake with us;
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of “ the Hebrew Scriptures of Orthodox Bible”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “War”:

Judges 1:3_And Judah said unto Simeon his brother, Come up with me into my lot, that we may fight against the Canaanites; and I likewise will go with thee into thy lot. So Simeon went with him.
II Kingdoms 3:1_Now there was long war between the house of Saul and the house of David: but David waxed stronger and stronger, and the house of Saul waxed weaker and weaker.
IV Kingdoms 3:21_And when all the Moabites heard that the kings were come up to fight against them, they gathered all that were able to put on armour, and upward, and stood in the border.
Nehemiah 4:14_And I looked, and rose up, and said unto the nobles, and to the rulers, and to the rest of the people, Be not ye afraid of them: remember the LORD, which is great and terrible, and fight for your brethren, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your houses.

II Esdra 1:25_Now after all these acts of Josias it came to pass, that Pharaoh the king of Egypt came to raise war at Carchamis upon Euphrates: and Josias went out against him.
Job 5:20_In famine he shall redeem thee from death: and in war from the power of the sword.
Isaiah 2:4_And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people:…and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.
Jeremiah 21:4_Thus saith the LORD God of Israel; Behold, I will turn back the weapons of war that are in your hands, wherewith ye fight against the king of Babylon, and against the Chaldeans,…
Epistle of Jeremiah 1:15_He hath also in his right hand a dagger and an ax: but cannot deliver himself from war and thieves.
Baruch 3:26_There were the giants famous from the beginning, that were of so great stature, and so expert in war.
Ezekiel 26:9_And he shall set engines of war against thy walls, and with his axes he shall break down thy towers.
Daniel 7:21_I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them;
Joel 3:9_Proclaim ye this among the Gentiles; Prepare war, wake up the mighty men, let all the men of war draw near; let them come up:
Micah 3:5_Thus saith the LORD concerning the prophets that make my people err, that bite with their teeth, and cry, Peace; and he that putteth not into their mouths, they even prepare war against him.
Zechariah 14:3_Then shall the LORD go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle.
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of “ the Hebrew Scriptures of Orthodox Bible”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Fear”:

Ruth 3:11_And now, my daughter, fear not; I will do to thee all that thou requirest: for all the city of my people doth know that thou art a virtuous woman.
II Esdra 4:28_And now do ye not believe me? is not the king great in his power? do not all regions fear to touch him?
Tobit 4:21_And fear not, my son, that we are made poor: for thou hast much wealth, if thou fear God, and depart from all sin, and do that which is pleasing in his sight.
Judith 11:1_Then said Holofernes unto her, Woman, be of good comfort, fear not in thine heart: for I never hurt any that was willing to serve Nabuchodonosor, the king of all the earth.
Esther 5:2_... my heart was troubled for fear of thy majesty. For wonderful art thou, lord, and thy countenance is full of grace. And as she was speaking, she fell down for faintness. …
Job 9:34_Let him take his rod away from me, and let not his fear terrify me:
Wisdom of Solomon 12:11_For it was a cursed seed from the beginning; neither didst thou for fear of any man give them pardon for those things wherein they sinned.
Sirach 5:5_Concerning propitiation, be not without fear to add sin unto sin:
Isaiah 7:4_And say unto him, Take heed, and be quiet; fear not, neither be fainthearted for the two tails of these smoking firebrands, for the fierce anger of Rezin with Syria, and of the son of Remaliah.
Jeremiah 30:10_Therefore fear thou not, O my servant Jacob, saith the LORD; neither be dismayed, O Israel: for, lo, I will save thee from afar, and thy seed from the land of their captivity; …
Daniel 10:12_Then said he unto me, Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words.
Joel 2:21_Fear not, O land; be glad and rejoice: for the LORD will do great things.
Haggai 2:5_According to the word that I covenanted with you when ye came out of Egypt, so my spirit remaineth among you: fear ye not.
Zechariah 8:13_And it shall come to pass, that as ye were a curse among the heathen, O house of Judah, and house of Israel; so will I save you, and ye shall be a blessing: fear not, but let your hands be strong.
Malachi 2:5_My covenant was with him of life and peace; and I gave them to him for the fear wherewith he feared me, and was afraid before my name.
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2. The " Constitutional Standards of Permanent Peace " are a tool for the continuation of "the New Testament of Orthodox Bible"

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of “the New Testament of Orthodox Bible”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Peace”:

Matthew 5:9_Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
Matthew 10:34_Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
Mark 9:50_Salt is good: but if the salt have lost his saltness, wherewith will ye season it? Have salt in yourselves, and have peace one with another.
Luke 10:6_And if the son of peace be there, your peace shall rest upon it: if not, it shall turn to you again.
Luke 12:51_Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:
Acts 15:33_And after they had tarried there a space, they were let go in peace from the brethren unto the apostles.
James 3:18_And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace.
Jude 1:2_Mercy unto you, and peace, and love, be multiplied.
Romans 10:15_And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!
II Corinthians 13:11_Finally, brethren, farewell. Be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace; and the God of love and peace shall be with you.
Galatians 5:22_But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
Ephesians 2:17_And came and preached peace to you which were afar off, and to them that were nigh.
Colossians 1:20_And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.
I Thessalonians 5:13_And to esteem them very highly in love for their work’s sake. And be at peace among yourselves.
II Thessalonians 3:16_Now the Lord of peace himself give you peace always by all means. The Lord be with you all.
I Timothy 1:2_Unto Timothy, my own son in the faith: Grace, mercy, and peace, from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord.
Titus 1:4_To Titus, mine own son after the common faith: Grace, mercy, and peace, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour.
Hebrews 12:14_(332) ** Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of “the New Testament of Orthodox Bible”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Truth”:

Matthew 15:27_And she said, Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters’ table.
John 1:17_For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. (End for Pascha)
James 1:18_Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures.
I Peter 1:22_Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently:
II John 1:1_The elder unto the elect lady and her children, whom I love in the truth; and not I only, but also all they that have known the truth;
III John 1:1_The elder unto the wellbeloved Gaius, whom I love in the truth.
Romans 1:18_For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
I Corinthians 13:6_Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;
Galatians 2:5_To whom we gave place by subjection, no, not for an hour; that the truth of the gospel might continue with you.
Ephesians 4:21_If so be that ye have heard him, and have been taught by him, as the truth is in Jesus:
Colossians 1:5_For the hope which is laid up for you in heaven, whereof ye heard before in the word of the truth of the gospel;
II Thessalonians 2:10_And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
I Timothy 2:4_Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
Titus 1:1_Paul, a servant of God, and an apostle of Jesus Christ, according to the faith of God’s elect, and the acknowledging of the truth which is after godliness;
Hebrews 10:26_For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of “the New Testament of Orthodox Bible”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Freedom”:

Matthew 15:6_And honour not his father or his mother, he shall be free. Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition.
Mark 7:11_But ye say, If a man shall say to his father or mother, It is Corban, that is to say, a gift, by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me; he shall be free.
Luke 4:18_The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; … the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,
John 8:36_If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.
Acts 22:28_And the chief captain answered, With a great sum obtained I this freedom. And Paul said, But I was free born.
James 2:12_So speak ye, and so do, as they that shall be judged by the law of liberty.
I Peter 2:16_As free, and not using your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness, but as the servants of God.
II Peter 2:19_While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage.
Romans 8:21_Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.
I Corinthians 7:21_Art thou called being a servant? care not for it: but if thou mayest be made free, use it rather.
II Corinthians 3:17_Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
Galatians 2:4_And that because of false brethren unawares brought in, who came in privily to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage:
Ephesians 6:8_Knowing that whatsoever good thing any man doeth, the same shall he receive of the Lord, whether he be bond or free.
Colossians 3:11_Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all.
Apocalypse 6:15_And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens a…
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of “the New Testament of Orthodox Bible”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Righteousness “:

Matthew 21:32_For John came unto you in the way of righteousness, and ye believed him not: but the publicans and the harlots believed him: and ye, when ye had seen it, repented not afterward, …
Luke 1:75_In holiness and righteousness before him, all the days of our life.
John 7:24_Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.
James 3:18_And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace.
I Peter 3:14_But and if ye suffer for righteousness’ sake, happy are ye: and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled;
I John 1:9_If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Romans 2:5_But after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasurest up unto thyself wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God;
I Corinthians 1:30_But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption:
Galatians 3:21_Is the law then against the promises of God? God forbid: for if there had been a law given which could have given life, verily righteousness should have been by the law.
Ephesians 4:24_And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.
II Thessalonians 1:5_Which is a manifest token of the righteous judgment of God, that ye may be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which ye also suffer:
I Timothy 6:11_But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness.
Titus 2:12_Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world;
Hebrews 1:8_But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom.
Apocalypse 16:7_And I heard another out of the altar say, Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments.
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of “the New Testament of Orthodox Bible”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “The Way”:

Matthew 3:3_For this is he that was spoken of by the prophet Esaias, saying, The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.
Mark 1:2_As it is written in the prophets, Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee.
Luke 1:79_To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.
John 1:23_He said, I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Make straight the way of the Lord, as said the prophet Esaias.
John 14:6_Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Acts 2:28_Thou hast made known to me the ways of life; thou shalt make me full of joy with thy countenance.
Acts 16:17_The same followed Paul and us, and cried, saying, These men are the servants of the most high God, which shew unto us the way of salvation.
Acts 18:26_And he began to speak boldly in the synagogue: whom when Aquila and Priscilla had heard, they took him unto them, and expounded unto him the way of God more perfectly.
Acts 24:14_But this I confess unto thee, that after the way which they call heresy, so worship I the God of my fathers, believing all things which are written in the law and in the prophets:
James 5:20_Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.
Jude 1:11_(78) ** Woe unto them! for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Core.
Romans 3:16_Destruction and misery are in their ways:
I Corinthians 4:17_For this cause have I sent unto you Timotheus, who is my beloved son, and faithful in the Lord, who shall bring you into remembrance of my ways which be in Christ, as I teach every where in every church.
Hebrews 3:10_Wherefore I was grieved with that generation, and said, They do alway err in their heart; and they have not known my ways.
Apocalypse 15:3_And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints.
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of “the New Testament of Orthodox Bible”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Love and Care”:

Matthew 5:43 Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbor, and hate thine enemy.
Mark 12:30 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.
Luke 6:27 But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you,
John 8:42 Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.
James 1:12 Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.
I Peter 2:11 Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul;
Jude 1:21 Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.
Romans 5:5 And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.
I Corinthians 2:9 But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.
Galatians 5:13 For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another.
Ephesians 1:15 Wherefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus, and love unto all the saints,
Philippians 1:9 And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment;
Colossians 1:4 Since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus, and of the love which ye have to all the saints,
I Thessalonians 5:13 And to esteem them very highly in love for their work’s sake. And be at peace among yourselves.
I Timothy 1:14 And the grace of our Lord was exceeding abundant with faith and love which is in Christ Jesus.
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of “the New Testament of Orthodox Bible”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Saved”:

Matthew 1:21_And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.
Matthew 18:11_For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost.
Luke 6:9_Then said Jesus unto them, I will ask you one thing; Is it lawful on the sabbath days to do good, or to do evil? to save life, or to destroy it?
Luke 9:56_For the Son of man is not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them. And they went to another village.
John 12:47_And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world.
James 1:21_Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls.
James 4:12_There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy: who art thou that judgest another?
I Peter 3:21_The like figure whereunto even baptism doth also now save us (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God,) by the resurrection of Jesus Christ:
II Peter 2:5_And spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly;
Romans 11:14_If by any means I may provoke to emulation them which are my flesh, and might save some of them.
Romans 11:26_And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob:
I Corinthians 1:21_For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.
I Timothy 1:15_This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.
Titus 3:5_Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;
Hebrews 5:7_Who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death, and was heard in that he feared;
Want to see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=10D_22

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of “the New Testament of Orthodox Bible”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Angel”:

Matthew 28:5_And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified.
Mark 1:13_And he was there in the wilderness forty days, tempted of Satan; and was with the wild beasts; and the angels ministered unto him.
Luke 1:13_But the angel said unto him, Fear not, Zacharias: for thy prayer is heard; and thy wife Elisabeth shall bear thee a son, and thou shalt call his name John.
John 5:4_For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and troubled the water: whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had. (End for Blessing of Waters)
Acts 6:15_And all that sat in the council, looking stedfastly on him, saw his face as it had been the face of an angel.
I Peter 1:12_Unto whom it was revealed, that not unto themselves, but unto us they did minister the things, which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven; whthings the angels desire to look into.

II Peter 2:4_For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment;
Jude 1:6_And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.
Romans 8:38_For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,
I Corinthians 4:9_For I think that God hath set forth us the apostles last, as it were appointed to death: for we are made a spectacle unto the world, and to angels, and to men.
II Corinthians 11:14_And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
Galatians 1:8_But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
Colossians 2:18 Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels, intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind,
I Thessalonians 4:16_For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
I Timothy 3:16_And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received …
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of “the New Testament of Orthodox Bible”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “War”:

Matthew 24:6_And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
Mark 13:7_And when ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars, be ye not troubled: for such things must needs be; but the end shall not be yet.
Luke 21:9_But when ye shall hear of wars and commotions, be not terrified: for these things must first come to pass; but the end is not by and by.
John 18:36_Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.
Acts 5:39_But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God.
James 4:1_From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members?
I Peter 2:11_Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul;
Romans 7:23_But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members.
I Corinthians 9:26_I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beateth the air:
II Corinthians 7:5_For, when we were come into Macedonia, our flesh had no rest, but we were troubled on every side; without were fightings, within were fears.
II Corinthians 10:4_(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)
I Timothy 1:18_This charge I commit unto thee, son Timothy, according to the prophecies which went before on thee, that thou by them mightest war a good warfare;
Hebrews 11:34_Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens.
Apocalypse 19:11_And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.
Composite 2:2_[Isa 40:2] Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem, and cry unto her, that her warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned: for she hath received of the LORD’s hand double for all …
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of “the New Testament of Orthodox Bible”, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Fear”:

Matthew 28:5_And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified.
Mark 5:33_But the woman fearing and trembling, knowing what was done in her, came and fell down before him, and told him all the truth.
Luke 1:13_But the angel said unto him, Fear not, Zacharias: for thy prayer is heard; and thy wife Elisabeth shall bear thee a son, and thou shalt call his name John.
John 7:13_Howbeit no man spake openly of him for fear of the Jews.
Acts 23:10_And when there arose a great dissension, the chief captain, fearing lest Paul should have been pulled in pieces of them, commanded the soldiers to go down, and to take him by force from among them…
I Peter 1:17_And if ye call on the Father, who without respect of persons judgeth according to every man’s work, pass the time of your sojourning here in fear:
I John 4:18_There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.
Romans 8:15_For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.
I Corinthians 2:3_And I was with you in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling.
Galatians 2:12_For before that certain came from James, he did eat with the Gentiles: but when they were come, he withdrew and separated himself, fearing them which were of the circumcision.
Ephesians 6:5_Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ;
Philippians 1:14_And many of the brethren in the Lord, waxing confident by my bonds, are much more bold to speak the word without fear.
Colossians 3:22_Servants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh; not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but in singleness of heart, fearing God;
Hebrews 12:21_And so terrible was the sight, that Moses said, I exceedingly fear and quake:)
Apocalypse 2:10_Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, …
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XII. The Constitutional Standard as a tool for continued development and insights in “Judaism” and the “Torah”

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of “the Torah of the Hebrew Bible “, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Peace”

Torah_Genesis 33: 18_And Jacob came in peace to the city of Shechem, which is in the land of Canaan, when he came from Paddan-aram; and encamped before the city.
Torah_Leviticus 26: 6_And I will give peace in the land, and ye shall lie down, and none shall make you afraid; and I will cause evil beasts to cease out of the land, neither shall the sword go through your land.
Torah_Deuteronomy 20: 10_When thou drawest nigh unto a city to fight against it, then proclaim peace unto it.
Prophets_Judges 21: 13_And the whole congregation sent and spoke to the children of Benjamin that were in the rock of Rimmon, and proclaimed peace unto them.
Prophets_1 Samuel 7: 14_...and the border thereof did Israel deliver out of the hand of the Philistines. And there was peace between Israel and the Amorites.
Prophets_2 Kings 20: 19_Then said Hezekiah unto Isaiah: ‘Good is the word of the LORD which thou hast spoken.’ He said moreover: ‘Is it not so, if peace and truth shall be in my days?’
Prophets_Isaiah 9: 6_That the government may be increased, and of peace there be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to establish it, and to uphold it through justice…
Prophets_Isaiah 38: 17_Behold, for my peace I had great bitterness; but Thou hast in love to my soul delivered it from the pit of corruption; for Thou hast cast all my sins behind Thy back.
Prophets_Isaiah 39: 8_Then said Hezekiah unto Isaiah: ‘Good is the word of the LORD which thou hast spoken.’ He said moreover: ‘If but there shall be peace and truth in my days.’ {P}
Prophets_Jeremiah 12: 5_ ‘If thou hast run with the footmen, and they have wearied thee, then how canst thou contend with horses? And though in a land of peace thou art secure, yet how wilt thou do…
Prophets_Jeremiah 33: 9_…which shall hear all the good that I do unto them, and shall fear and tremble for all the good and for all the peace that I procure unto it. {S}
Prophets_Ezekiel 37: 26_ Moreover I will make a covenant of peace with them--it shall be an everlasting covenant with them; and I will establish them, and multiply them, and will set My sanctuary in the midst…
Prophets_Zechariah 8: 16_ These are the things that ye shall do: Speak ye every man the truth with his neighbor; execute the judgment of truth and peace in your gates;
Writings_1 Chronicles 12: 19_ Then the spirit clothed Amasai, who was chief of the captains: Thine are we, David, and on thy side, thou son of Jesse; peace, peace be unto thee, and peace be to thy helpers; …
Writings_Psalms 72: 3_ Let the mountains bear peace to the people, and the hills, through righteousness.
Writings_Psalms 85: 11_ Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other.
Writings_Job 25: 2_ Dominion and fear are with Him; He maketh peace in His high places.
Writings_Esther 10: 3_ For Mordecai the Jew was next unto king Ahasuerus, and great among the Jews, and accepted of the multitude of his brethren; seeking the good of his people and speaking peace to all his seed.
Writings_Daniel 3: 31_ ‘Nebuchadnezzar the king, unto all peoples, nations, and languages, that dwell in all the earth; peace be multiplied unto you.
Writings_Ezra  9: 12_ Now therefore give not your daughters unto their sons, neither take their daughters unto your sons, nor seek their peace or their prosperity for ever; that ye may be strong, …
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of “the Torah of the Hebrew Bible “, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Truth”

Torah_Genesis 32: 11_ I am not worthy of all the mercies, and of all the truth, which Thou hast shown unto Thy servant; for with my staff I passed over this Jordan; and now I am become two camps.
Prophets_2 Kings 20: 19_ Then said Hezekiah unto Isaiah: ‘Good is the word of the LORD which thou hast spoken.’ He said moreover: ‘Is it not so, if peace and truth shall be in my days?’
Prophets_Isaiah 25: 1_ O LORD, Thou art my God, I will exalt Thee, I will praise Thy name, for Thou hast done wonderful things; even counsels of old, in faithfulness and truth.
Prophets_Isaiah 39: 8_ Then said Hezekiah unto Isaiah: ‘Good is the word of the LORD which thou hast spoken.’ He said moreover: ‘If but there shall be peace and truth in my days.’ {P}
Prophets_Jeremiah 5: 1_ …and see now, and know, and seek in the broad places thereof, if ye can find a man, if there be any that doeth justly, that seeketh truth; and I will pardon her.
Prophets_Jeremiah 33: 6_ Behold, I will bring it healing and cure, and I will cure them; and I will reveal unto them the abundance of peace and truth.
Prophets_Hosea 4: 1_ Hear the word of the LORD, ye children of Israel! for the LORD hath a controversy with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land.
Prophets_Zechariah 8: 16_ These are the things that ye shall do: Speak ye every man the truth with his neighbor; execute the judgment of truth and peace in your gates;
Prophets_Malachi 2: 6_ The law of truth was in his mouth, and unrighteousness was not found in his lips; he walked with Me in peace and uprightness, and did turn many away from iniquity.
Writings_Psalms 45: 5_ And in thy majesty prosper, ride on, in behalf of truth and meekness and righteousness; {N}and let thy right hand teach thee tremendous things.
Writings_Psalms 85: 11_ Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other.
Writings_Psalms 85: 12_ Truth springeth out of the earth; and righteousness hath looked down from heaven.
Writings_Proverbs 12: 17_ He that breatheth forth truth uttereth righteousness; but a false witness deceit.
Writings_Daniel 9: 13_…all this evil is come upon us; yet have we not entreated the favour of the LORD our God, that we might turn from our iniquities, and have discernment in Thy truth.
Writings_Nehemiah  9: 13_ Thou camest down also upon mount Sinai, and spokest with them from heaven, and gavest them right ordinances and laws of truth, good statutes and commandments;
Want to see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=111_11

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of “the Torah of the Hebrew Bible “, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Rrighteousness “

Torah_Genesis 18: 19_ For I have known him, to the end that he may command his children and his household after him, that they may keep the way of the LORD, to do righteousness and justice; …
Torah_Leviticus 19: 15_ Ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgment; thou shalt not respect the person of the poor, nor favour the person of the mighty; but in righteousness shalt thou judge thy neighbor.
Torah_Deuteronomy 16: 18_ Judges and officers shalt thou make thee in all thy gates, which the LORD thy God giveth thee, tribe by tribe; and they shall judge the people with righteous judgment.
Prophets_Judges 5: 11_ Louder than the voice of archers, by the watering-troughs! there shall they rehearse the righteous acts of the LORD, even the righteous acts of His rulers in Israel. …
Prophets_1 Samuel 26: 23- And the LORD will render to every man his righteousness and his faithfulness; forasmuch as the LORD delivered thee into my hand to-day, and I would not put forth my hand ..
Prophets_Isaiah 9: 6_ That the government may be increased, and of peace there be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to establish it, and to uphold it through justice and through righteousness..
Prophets_Jeremiah 33: 15_ In those days, and at that time, will I cause a shoot of righteousness to grow up unto David; and he shall execute justice and righteousness in the land.
Prophets_Ezekiel 16: 52_ Thou also, bear thine own shame, in that thou hast given judgment for thy sisters; through thy sins that thou hast committed more abominable than they, they are more righteous than thou…
Prophets_Hosea 10: 12_Sow to yourselves according to righteousness, reap according to mercy, break up your fallow ground; for it is time to seek the LORD, till He come and cause righteousness to rain upon you.
Prophets_Amos 5: 24 But let justice well up as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream.
Prophets_Zephaniah 3: 5_The LORD who is righteous is in the midst of her, He will not do unrighteousness; every morning doth He bring His right to light, it faileth not; but the unrighteous k…
Writings_Psalms 9: 5_For Thou hast maintained my right and my cause; Thou sattest upon the throne as the righteous Judge.
Writings_Job 36: 3_I will fetch my knowledge from afar, and will ascribe righteousness to my Maker.
Writings_Proverbs 11: 5_The righteousness of the sincere shall make straight his way; but the wicked shall fall by his own wickedness.
Writings_Ecclesiastes 7: 16_Be not righteous overmuch; neither make thyself overwise; why shouldest thou destroy thyself?
Want to see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=111_14

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of “the Torah of the Hebrew Bible “, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Love and Care”

Torah_Genesis 29: 20_And Jacob served seven years for Rachel; and they seemed unto him but a few days, for the love he had to her.
Torah_Exodus 15: 13_Thou in Thy love hast led the people that Thou hast redeemed; Thou hast guided them in Thy strength to Thy holy habitation.
Torah_Leviticus 19: 18_Thou shalt not take vengeance, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself: I am the LORD.
Torah_Deuteronomy 7: 9_Know therefore that the LORD thy God, He is God; the faithful God, who keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love Him and keep His commandments…
Prophets_Joshua 22: 5_Only take diligent heed to do the commandment and the law, which Moses the servant of the LORD commanded you, to love the LORD your God, and to walk in all His ways, …
Prophets_Judges 5: 31_So perish all Thine enemies, O LORD; but they that love Him be as the sun when he goeth forth in his might. And the land had rest forty years. {P}
Prophets_Isaiah 38: 17_Behold, for my peace I had great bitterness; but Thou hast in love to my soul delivered it from the pit of corruption; for Thou hast cast all my sins behind Thy back.
Prophets_Jeremiah 2: 2_Go, and cry in the ears of Jerusalem, saying: Thus saith the LORD: I remember for thee the affection of thy youth, the love of thine espousals; how thou wentest after Me in the wilderness, …
Prophets_Hosea 3: 1_And the LORD said unto me: ‘Go yet, love a woman beloved of her friend and an adulteress, even as the LORD loveth the children of Israel, though they turn unto other gods, and love …
Prophets_Micah 6: 8_It hath been told thee, O man, what is good, and what the LORD doth require of thee: only to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God. {S}
Writings_2 Chronicles 19: 2_And Jehu the son of Hanani the seer went out to meet him, and said to king Jehoshaphat: ‘Shouldest thou help the wicked, and love them that hate the LORD? for this thing wrath is upon thee from before LORD.

Writings_Psalms 5: 12_So shall all those that take refuge in Thee rejoice, they shall ever shout for joy, and Thou shalt shelter them; {N}let them also that love Thy name exult in Thee.
Writings_Proverbs 4: 6_Forsake her not, and she will preserve thee; love her, and she will keep thee.
Writings_Song of Songs 8: 6_Set me as a seal upon thy heart, as a seal upon thine arm; for love is strong as death, jealousy is cruel as the grave; the flashes thereof are flashes of fire, a very flame of the LORD.
Writings_Ecclesiastes 9: 1_For all this I laid to my heart, even to make clear all this: that the righteous, and the wise, and their works, are in the hand of God; whether it be love or hatred, man knoweth it not;…
Writings_Daniel 9: 4_And I prayed unto the LORD my God, and made confession, and said: ‘O Lord, the great and awful God, who keepest covenant and mercy with them that love Thee and keep …
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The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of “the Torah of the Hebrew Bible “, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Saved”

Torah_Genesis 19: 19_behold now, thy servant hath found grace in thy sight, and thou hast magnified thy mercy, which thou hast shown unto me in saving my life; and I cannot escape to the mountain, …
Torah_Deuteronomy 28: 29_And thou shalt grope at noonday, as the blind gropeth in darkness, and thou shalt not make thy ways prosperous; and thou shalt be only oppressed and robbed alway, a…
Prophets_Judges 10: 14_Go and cry unto the gods which ye have chosen; let them save you in the time of your distress.’
Prophets_Samuel 14: 6_And Jonathan said to the young man that bore his armour: ‘Come and let us go over unto the garrison of these uncircumcised…for there is no restraint to the LORD to save by many or by few.’
Prophets_Kings 19: 34_For I will defend this city to save it, for Mine own sake, and for My servant David’s sake.’
Prophets_Isaiah 35: 4_Say to them that are of a fearful heart: ‘Be strong, fear not’; behold, your God will come with vengeance, with the recompense of God He will come and save you.
Prophets_Jeremiah 30: 10_Therefore fear thou not, O Jacob My servant, saith the LORD; neither be dismayed, O Israel; for, lo, I will save thee from afar, and thy seed from the land of their captivity; …
Prophets_Ezekiel 18: 27_Again, when the wicked man turneth away from his wickedness that he hath committed, and doeth that which is lawful and right, he shall save his soul alive.
Prophets_Hosea 13: 10_Ho, now, thy king, that he may save thee in all thy cities! and thy judges, of whom thou saidst: ‘Give me a king and princes!’
Prophets_Zephaniah 3: 19_Behold, at that time I will deal with all them that afflict thee; and I will save her that is lame, and gather her that was driven away; and I will make them to be a praise and a name, …
Prophets_Zechariah 10: 6_And I will strengthen the house of Judah, and I will save the house of Joseph, and I will bring them back, for I have compassion upon them, and they shall be as though I had not cast…
Writings_Psalms 71: 2_Deliver me in Thy righteousness, and rescue me; incline Thine ear unto me, and save me.
Writings_Job 40: 14_Then will I also confess unto thee that thine own right hand can save thee.
Writings_Proverbs 20: 22_Say not thou: ‘I will requite evil’; wait for the LORD, and He will save thee.
Writings_Ezra / Nehemiah 9: 27_Therefore Thou didst deliver them into the hand … and according to Thy manifold mercies Thou gavest them saviours who might save them out of the hand of their adversaries.

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of “the Torah of the Hebrew Bible “, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “The Way”

Torah_Genesis 24: 42_And I came this day unto the fountain, and said: O LORD, the God of my master Abraham, if now Thou do prosper my way which I go:
Torah_Exodus 18: 20_And thou shalt teach them the statutes and the laws, and shalt show them the way wherein they must walk, and the work that they must do.
Torah_Numbers 22: 32_And the angel of the LORD said unto him: ‘Wherefore hast thou smitten thine ass these three times? behold, I am come forth for an adversary, because thy way is contrary unto me;
Torah_Deuteronomy 8: 2_And thou shalt remember all the way which the LORD thy God hath led thee these forty years in the wilderness, that He might afflict thee, to prove thee, to know what was…
Prophets_Joshua 23: 14_And, behold, this day I am going the way of all the earth; consider ye therefore in all your heart and in all your soul, that not one thing hath failed of all the good things which…
Prophets_2 Samuel 22: 31_As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the LORD is tried; He is a shield unto all them that take refuge in Him.
Prophets_1 Kings 8: 32_then hear Thou in heaven, and do, and judge Thy servants, condemning the wicked, to bring his way upon his own head; and justifying the righteous, to give him according to…
Prophets_2 Kings 16: 3_But he walked in the way of the kings of Israel, yea, and made his son to pass through the fire, according to the abominations of the heathen, whom the LORD cast out…
Prophets_Isaiah 51: 10_Art thou not it that dried up the sea, the waters of the great deep; that made the depths of the sea a way for the redeemed to pass over?
Prophets_Jeremiah 21: 8_And unto this people thou shalt say: Thus saith the LORD: Behold, I set before you the way of life and the way of death.
Prophets_Ezekiel 33: 20_Yet ye say: The way of the Lord is not equal. O house of Israel, I will judge you every one after his ways.’ {P}
Writings_2 Chronicles 6: 23_then hear Thou from heaven, and do, and judge Thy servants, requiting the wicked, to bring his way upon his own head; and justifying the righteous, to give him according to…
Writings_Psalms 146: 9_The LORD preserveth the strangers; He upholdeth the fatherless and the widow; but the way of the wicked He maketh crooked.
Writings_Job 28: 26_When He made a decree for the rain, and a way for the storm of thunders;
Writings_Proverbs 16: 31_The hoary head is a crown of glory, it is found in the way of righteousness.
Want to see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=111_25

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of “the Torah of the Hebrew Bible “, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “War”

Torah_Exodus 1: 10_come, let us deal wisely with them, lest they multiply, and it come to pass, that, when there befalleth us any war, they also join themselves unto our enemies, and fight against us, …
Torah_Numbers 1: 32_Of the children of Joseph, namely, of the children of Ephraim, their generations, …, from twenty years old and upward, all that were able to go forth to war;
Torah_Deuteronomy 1: 41_… And ye girded on every man his weapons of war, and deemed it a light thing to go up into the hill-country.
Prophets_Joshua 10: 7_So Joshua went up from Gilgal, he, and all the people of war with him, and all the mighty men of valour. {P}
Prophets_Judges 3: 1_Now these are the nations which the LORD left, to prove Israel by them, even as many as had not known all the wars of Canaan;
Prophets_Isaiah 30: 32_And in every place where the appointed staff shall pass, which the LORD shall lay upon him, it shall be with tabrets and harps; and in battles of wielding will He fight with them.
Prophets_Jeremiah 49: 2_Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will cause an alarm of war to be heard against Rabbah of the children of Ammon; and it shall become a desolate mound…
Prophets_Ezekiel 32: 27_And they that are inferior to the uncircumcised shall not lie with the mighty that are gone down to the nether-world with their weapons of war, whose swords are laid under their heads,…
Prophets_Joel 4: 9_ Proclaim ye this among the nations, prepare war; stir up the mighty men; let all the men of war draw near, let them come up.
Writings_1 Chronicles 18: 10_he sent Hadoram his son to king David, to salute him, and to bless him--because he had fought against Hadarezer and smitten him; for Hadarezer had wars with Tou--and …
Writings_Psalms 120: 7_I am all peace; but when I speak, they are for war. {P}
Writings_Job 38: 23_ Which I have reserved against the time of trouble, against the day of battle and war?
Writings_Proverbs 24: 6_For with wise advice thou shalt make thy war; and in the multitude of counsellors there is safety.
Writings_Ecclesiastes 8: 8_There is no man that hath power over the wind to retain the wind; neither hath he power over the day of death; and there is no discharge in war; neither shall wickedness deliver him …
Writings_Daniel 9: 26_And after the threescore and two weeks shall an anointed one be cut off, …; but his end shall be with a flood; and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.
Want to see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=111_15

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of “the Torah of the Hebrew Bible “, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Fear”

Torah_Genesis 43: 23_And he said: ‘Peace be to you, fear not; your God, and the God of your father, hath given you treasure in your sacks; I had your money.’ And he brought Simeon out unto them.
Torah_Exodus 20: 16_And Moses said unto the people: ‘Fear not; for God is come to prove you, and that His fear may be before you, that ye sin not.’
Torah_Numbers 14: 9_Only rebel not against the LORD, neither fear ye the people of the land; for they are bread for us; their defence is removed from over them, and the LORD is with us; fear them not.’
Torah_Deuteronomy 1: 21_Behold, the LORD thy God hath set the land before thee; go up, take possession, as the LORD, the God of thy fathers, hath spoken unto thee; fear not, neither be dismayed.’
Prophets_Judges 7: 10_But if thou fear to go down, go thou with Purah thy servant down to the camp.
Prophets_1 Samuel 22: 23_Abide thou with me, fear not; for he that seeketh my life seeketh thy life; for with me thou shalt be in safeguard.’ {S}
Prophets_Isaiah 35: 4_ Say to them that are of a fearful heart: ‘Be strong, fear not’; behold, your God will come with vengeance, with the recompense of God He will come and save you.
Prophets_Isaiah 41: 10_Fear thou not, for I am with thee, be not dismayed, for I am thy God; I strengthen thee, yea, I help thee; yea, I uphold thee with My victorious right hand.
Prophets_Jeremiah 30: 10_Therefore fear thou not, O Jacob My servant, saith the LORD; … from the land of their captivity; and Jacob shall again be quiet and at ease, and none shall make him afraid.
Prophets_Jeremiah 33: 9_And this city shall be to Me for a name of joy, for a praise and for a glory, before all the nations of the earth, which shall hear all the good that I do unto them, and shall fear and tremble…
Prophets_Ezekiel 30: 13_... I will cause the things of nought to cease from Noph; and there shall be no more a prince out of the land of Egypt; and I will put a fear in the land of Egypt.
Prophets_Joel 2: 21_Fear not, O land, be glad and rejoice; for the LORD hath done great things.
Prophets_Zephaniah 3: 7_I said: ‘Surely thou wilt fear Me, thou wilt receive correction; so her dwelling shall not be cut off, despite all that I have visited upon her’; but they betimes corrupted all their doings.
Prophets_Haggai 2: 5_The word that I covenanted with you when ye came out of Egypt have I established, and My spirit abideth among you; fear ye not. {S}
Prophets_Zechariah 8: 13_And it shall come to pass that, as ye were a curse among the nations, O house of Judah and house of Israel, so will I save you, and ye shall be a blessing; fear not, …
Writings_1 Chronicles 22: 13_...if thou observe to do the statutes and the ordinances which the LORD charged Moses with concerning Israel; be strong, and of good courage; fear not, neither be dismayed.
Writings_Job 25: 2_Dominion and fear are with Him; He maketh peace in His high places.
Want to see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=111_21

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of “the Torah of the Hebrew Bible “, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Poverty “

Torah_Genesis 45: 11_and there will I sustain thee; for there are yet five years of famine; lest thou come to poverty, thou, and thy household, and all that thou hast.
Torah_Leviticus 14: 21_And if he be poor, and his means suffice not, then he shall take one he-lamb for a guilt-offering to be waved, to make atonement for him, and one tenth part of an ephah of fine flour …
Torah_Leviticus 25: 39_And if thy brother be waxen poor with thee, and sell himself unto thee, thou shalt not make him to serve as a bondservant.
Torah_Deuteronomy 15: 11_For the poor shall never cease out of the land; therefore I command thee, saying: ‘Thou shalt surely open thy hand unto thy poor and needy brother, in thy land.’ {S}
Prophets_Judges 14: 15_And it came to pass on the seventh day, that they said unto Samson’s wife: ‘Entice thy husband, …thy father’s house with fire; have ye called us hither to impoverish us?’
Prophets_2 Kings 25: 12_But the captain of the guard left of the poorest of the land to be vinedressers and husbandmen.
Prophets_Isaiah 66: 2_For all these things hath My hand made, and so all these things came to be, saith the LORD; but on this man will I look, even on him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth …
Prophets_Jeremiah 22: 16_He judged the cause of the poor and needy; then it was well. Is not this to know Me? saith the LORD.
Prophets_Ezekiel 18: 12_hath wronged the poor and needy, hath taken by robbery, hath not restored the pledge, and hath lifted up his eyes to the idols, hath committed abomination,
Prophets_Zephaniah 3: 12_And I will leave in the midst of thee an afflicted and poor people, and they shall take refuge in the name of the LORD.
Prophets_Zechariah 9: 4_Behold, the Lord will impoverish her, and He will smite her power into the sea; and she shall be devoured with fire.
Writings_Psalms 113: 7_Who raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the needy out of the dunghill;
Writings_Job 24: 14_The murderer riseth with the light, to kill the poor and needy; and in the night he is as a thief.
Writings_Proverbs 31: 9_Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy. {P}
Writings_Ecclesiastes 4: 13_Better is a poor and wise child than an old and foolish king, who knoweth not how to receive admonition any more.
Want to see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=111_16

The “Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards” are a tool for the continuation and development of “the Torah of the Hebrew Bible “, and they are also an essential element for realizing the concept of “Diseases “

Torah_Genesis 48: 1_And it came to pass after these things, that one said to Joseph: ‘Behold, thy father is sick.’ And he took with him his two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim.
Torah_Exodus 23: 25_And ye shall serve the LORD your God, and He will bless thy bread, and thy water; and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee. {S}
Torah_Leviticus 12: 2_Speak unto the children of Israel, saying: If a woman be delivered, and bear a man-child, then she shall be unclean seven days; as in the days of the impurity of her sickness shall she …
Torah_Deuteronomy 7: 15_And the LORD will take away from thee all sickness; and He will put none of the evil diseases of Egypt, which thou knowest, upon thee, but will lay them upon all them that hate thee.
Prophets_2 Samuel 12: 15_And Nathan departed unto his house. And the LORD struck the child that Uriah’s wife bore unto David, and it was very sick.
Prophets_Isaiah 53: 3_He was despised, and forsaken of men, a man of pains, and acquainted with disease, and as one from whom men hide their face: he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
Prophets_Jeremiah 6: 7_As a cistern welleth with her waters, so she welleth with her wickedness; violence and spoil is heard in her; before Me continually is sickness and wounds.
Prophets_Ezekiel 34: 4_The weak have ye not strengthened, neither have ye healed that which was sick, neither have ye bound up that which was broken, neither have ye brought back…
Prophets_Micah 6: 14_Thou shalt eat, but not be satisfied; and thy sickness shall be in thine inward parts; and thou shalt conceive, but shalt not bring forth; and whomsoever thou bringest forth …
Prophets_Malachi 1: 8_And when ye offer the blind for sacrifice, is it no evil! And when ye offer the lame and sick, is it no evil! Present it now unto thy governor; will he be pleased with thee? …
Writings_2 Chronicles 6: 28_If there be in the land famine, if there be pestilence, if there be blasting or mildew, locust or caterpillar;…; whatsoever plague or whatsoever sickness there be;
Writings_Psalms 103: 3_Who forgiveth all thine iniquity; who healeth all thy diseases;
Writings_Job 6: 7_My soul refuseth to touch them; they are as the sickness of my flesh.
Writings_Ecclesiastes 5: 16_All his days also he eateth in darkness, and he hath much vexation and sickness and wrath.
Writings_Nehemiah  2: 2_And the king said unto me: ‘Why is thy countenance sad, seeing thou art not sick? this is nothing else but sorrow of heart.’ Then I was very sore afraid.
Want to see more comparisons: https://www.lawlove.org/Top8/index/NTED_key.php?k=111_17
XIII. These Constitutional Standards are a tool for the "Nobel Peace Prize" to continue to shine and develop peace
year Nobel Laureates Rationale CSPP
2020 World Food Program “for its efforts to combat hunger, for its contribution to bettering conditions for peace in conflict-affected areas and for acting as a driving force in efforts to prevent the use of hunger as a weapon of war and conflict.” §9
2019 Abiy Ahmed “for his efforts to achieve peace and international cooperation, and in particular for his decisive initiative to resolve the border conflict with neighboring Eritrea.” §19
2018 Denis Mukwege and Nadia Murad “for their efforts to end the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war and armed conflict.” §22
2017 International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons “for its work to draw attention to the catastrophic humanitarian consequences of any use of nuclear weapons and for its ground-breaking efforts to achieve a treaty-based prohibition of such weapons.” §10
2016 Juan Manuel Santos “for his resolute efforts to bring the country’s more than 50-year-long civil war to an end, a war that has cost the lives of at least 220,000 Colombians and displaced close to six million people.” §5
2015 National Dialogue Quartet “for its decisive contribution to the building of a pluralistic democracy in Tunisia in the wake of the Jasmine Revolution of 2011.” §2
2014 Kailash Satyarthi and Malala Yousafzai “for their struggle against the suppression of children and young people and for the right of all children to education.” §11
2013 Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons “for its extensive efforts to eliminate chemical weapons.” §6
2012 European Union “for over six decades contributed to the advancement of peace and reconciliation, democracy and human rights in Europe.” §9
2011 Leymah Gbowee, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and Tawakkul Karmān for their non-violent struggle for the safety of women and for women’s rights to full participation in peace-building work. §5
2010 Liu Xiaobo for his long and non-violent struggle for fundamental human rights in China. §1
2009 Barack Obama for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples. §10
2008 Martti Ahtisaari for his efforts on several continents and over more than three decades, to resolve international conflicts. §10
2007 Al Gore and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change. §10
2006 Grameen Bank and Muhammad Yunus for advancing economic and social opportunities for the poor, especially women, through their pioneering microcredit work. §5
2005 Mohamed ElBaradei and International Atomic Energy Agency for their efforts to prevent nuclear energy from being used for military purposes and to ensure that nuclear energy for peaceful purposes is used in the safest possible way. §9
2004 Wangari Maathai for her contribution to sustainable development, democracy and peace. §5
2003 Shirin Ebadi for her efforts for democracy and human rights, focused especially on the rights of women and children. §5
2002 Jimmy Carter for his decades of untiring effort to find peaceful solutions to international conflicts, to advance democracy and human rights, and to promote economic and social development. §10
2001 United Nations and Kofi Annan for their work for a better organized and more peaceful world. §9
2000 Kim Dae-Jung for his work for democracy and human rights in South Korea and in East Asia in general, and for peace and reconciliation with North Korea in particular. §10
1999 Doctors Without Borders in recognition of the organization’s pioneering humanitarian work on several continents. §9
1998 John Hume and David Trimble for their efforts to find a peaceful solution to the conflict in Northern Ireland. §5
1997 International Campaign to Ban Landmines, and Jody Williams for their work for the banning and clearing of anti-personnel mines. §10
1996 Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo and José Ramos-Horta for their work towards a just and peaceful solution to the conflict in East Timor. §2
1995 Pugwash Conferences and Joseph Rotblat for their efforts to diminish the part played by nuclear arms in international politics and, in the longer run, to eliminate such arms. §10
1994 Yasser Arafat, Shimon Peres and Yitzhak Rabin to honor a political act which called for great courage on both sides, and which has opened up opportunities for a new development towards fraternity in the Middle East. §10
1993 F.W. de Klerk and Nelson Mandela “for their work for the peaceful termination of the apartheid regime, and for laying the foundations for a new democratic South Africa.” §5
1992 Rigoberta Menchú for her work for social justice and ethno-cultural reconciliation based on respect for the rights of indigenous peoples. §11
1991 Aung San Suu Kyi for her non-violent struggle for democracy and human rights. §5
1990 Mikhail Gorbachev for his leading role in the peace process which today characterizes important parts of the international community. §20
1989 Dalai Lama for his non-violent struggle for the liberation of Tibet and advocating peaceful solutions based upon tolerance and mutual respect in order to preserve the historical and cultural heritage of his people. §5
1988 United Nations Peacekeeping Forces for their efforts [that] have made important contributions towards the realization of one of the fundamental tenets of the United Nations. §10
1987 Oscar Arias Sánchez for his work for peace in Central America, efforts which led to the accord signed in Guatemala on August 7 this year. §10
1986 Elie Wiesel for his tireless efforts and speaking out against violence, repression and racism. §9
1985 International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War for their authoritative information and by creating an awareness of the catastrophic consequences of atomic warfare. §9
1984 Desmond Tutu for his role as a unifying leader-figure in the campaign to resolve the problem of apartheid in South Africa. §5
1983 Lech Wałęsa for his contribution and considerable personal sacrifice to ensure the worker’s right to establish their own organizations. §9
1982 Alfonso García Robles and Alva Myrdal for their magnificent work in the disarmament negotiations of the United Nations, where they have both played crucial roles and won international recognition. §5
1981 Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees for its effective and continuous work on refugees. §9
1980 Adolfo Pérez Esquivel for his efforts in the defense of human rights and for his opposition to Argentina’s last civil-military dictatorship. §10
1979 Mother Teresa for her work undertaken in the struggle to overcome poverty and distress, which also constitutes a threat to peace. §9
1978 Menachem Begin and Anwar el-Sadat for the Camp David Agreement, which brought about a negotiated peace between Egypt and Israel Sadat was assassinated in 1981.” §9
1977 Amnesty International for protecting the human rights of prisoners of conscience. §9
1976 Mairéad Corrigan and for their works as cofounders of Community of Peace People, an organization dedicated to promoting a peaceful resolution to the Troubles in Northern Ireland. §5
1976 Betty Williams for his struggle for human rights, for disarmament, and for cooperation between all nations. §5
1975 Andrey Dmitriyevich Sakharov for his renunciation of the nuclear option for Japan and his efforts to further regional reconciliation. §9
1974 Seán MacBride for his strong interest in human rights by piloting the European Convention on Human Rights through the Council of Europe, helping found and then lead Amnesty International and serving as secretary-generalthe International Commission of Jurists.

1974 Sato Eisaku for the 1973 Paris agreement intended to bring about a cease-fire in the Vietnam war and a withdrawal of the American forces. §10
1973 Henry Kissinger and Le Duc Tho (declined) for the 1973 Paris agreement intended to bring about a cease-fire in the Vietnam war and a withdrawal of the American forces. §9
1971 Willy Brandt for his efforts to strengthen cooperation in Western Europe through the European Economic Community and to achieve reconciliation between West Germany and the other countries of Eastern Europe. §10
1970 Norman Ernest Borlaug for his contributions to the ‘green revolution’ that was having such an impact on food production particularly in Asia and Latin America. §5
1969 International Labor Organization for improving fraternity and peace among nations, pursuing decent work and justice for workers, and providing technical assistance to other developing nations. §10
1968 René Cassin for creating the first full draft of the Universal Declaration and his work in the European Court for Human Rights. §10
1965 United Nations Children’s Fund for its effort to enhance solidarity between nations and reduce the difference between rich and poor states. §5
1964 Martin Luther King, Jr. for his non-violent struggle for civil rights for the Afro-American population §10
1963 International Committee of the Red Cross for promoting the principles of the Geneva Convention and cooperation with the UN §9
1963 League of Red Cross Societies “for their work in the protection of human rights in the ICRC’s 100 years of existence.” §9
1962 Linus Pauling for their work in the protection of human rights in the ICRC’s 100 years of existence. §5
1961 Dag Hammarskjöld for his campaign against nuclear weapons testing. §10
1960 Albert John Luthuli for strengthening the foundations of the United Nations Organization., §9
1959 Philip John Noel-Baker, Baron Noel-Baker for his role in the non-violent struggle against apartheid in South Africa. §10
1958 Dominique Pire for his lifelong work for international peace and cooperation. §10
1957 Lester B. Pearson for his work in helping refugees in the post-World War II Europe. §10
1954 Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees for his role in helping end the Suez conflict and trying to solve the Middle East question through the United Nations. §10
1953 George C. Marshall for protecting refugees, forcibly displaced communities and stateless people, and assisting in their voluntary repatriation, local integration or resettlement to a third country. §9
1952 Albert Schweitzer for his work on the post-war European recovery. §9
1951 Léon Jouhaux for his propagation for the reverence of life, the very foundations of a lasting peace between individuals, nations, and races. §9
1950 Ralph Bunche for his work on social equality and Franco-German reconciliation. §9
1949 John Boyd Orr, Baron Boyd-Orr of Brechin Mearns for his works in resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict in Palestine. §10
1947 American Friends Service Committee and Friends Service Council (FSC) for his scientific research into nutrition and his works as the first Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization and for their work in assisting and rescuing victims of the Nazis. §10
1946 Emily Greene Balch and John R. Mott for establishing and strengthening international Protestant Christian student organizations that worked to promote peace and for her work with the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom. §10
1945 Cordell Hull for his fight against isolationism at home, his efforts to create a peace bloc of states on the American continents, and his work for the United Nations Organization. §10
1944 International Committee of the Red Cross for the great work it has performed during the war in behalf of humanity. §10
1938 Nansen International Office for Refugees for its work in aiding refugees. §9
1937 Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, 1st Viscount Cecil for his work with the League of Nations. §1
1936 Carlos Saavedra Lamas for his mediation of an end to the Chaco War between Paraguay and Bolivia. §10
1935 Carl von Ossietzky for his struggle against Germany’s rearmament. §10
1934 Arthur Henderson for his work for the League, particularly its efforts in disarmament. §9
1933 Sir Norman Angell for authoring The Great Illusion and for being a supporter of the League of Nations as well as an influential publicist and educator for peace in general. §9
1931 Jane Addams and Nicholas Murray Butler for her social reform work and leading the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom and for his promotion of the Briand-Kellogg pact and for his work as the leader of the more establishment-oriented part of American peace movement.

1930 Nathan Söderblom for his efforts to involve the churches not only in work for ecumenical unity, but also for world peace. §10
1929 Frank B. Kellogg for the Kellogg-Briand pact, whose signatories agreed to settle all conflicts by peaceful means and renounced war as an instrument of national policy. §9
1927 Ferdinand-Édouard Buisson and Ludwig Quidde for their contributions to Franco-German popular reconciliation and for their contributions to Franco-German popular reconciliation. §9
1926 Aristide Briand and Gustav Stresemann for their work on the Locarno Treaties. §9
1925 Sir Austen Chamberlain and Charles G. Dawes for his work on the Dawes Plan for German reparations which was seen as having provided the economic underpinning of the Locarno Pact of 1925 and for his work on the Locarno Treaties. §10
1922 Fridtjof Nansen and Karl Hjalmar Branting for his work in aiding the millions in Russia struggling against famine and for the refugees in Asia Minor and Thrace and for his work as the first secretary of the Norwegian Nobel Committee and the secretary-generalthe Inter-Parliamentary Union.

1921 Christian Lous Lange for his work in the League of Nations. §10
1920 Léon Bourgeois for his participation in both the Hague Conferences of 1899 and 1907 and for his work towards what became the League to such an extent that he was frequently called its ‘spiritual father’. §10
1919 Woodrow Wilson for his crucial role in establishing the League of Nations §10
1917 International Committee of the Red Cross for undertaking the tremendous task of trying to protect the rights of the many prisoners of war on all sides of World War I, including their right to establish contacts with their families. §10
1913 Henri-Marie Lafontaine for his work as head of the International Peace Bureau. §9
1912 Elihu Root for his strong interest in international arbitration and for his plan for a world court. §10
1911 Tobias Michael Carel Asser and Alfred Hermann Fried for being a member of the Court of Arbitration as well as the initiator of the Conferences on International Private Law and for his work as founder of the German Peace Society. §9
1910 International Peace Bureau for acting as a link between the peace societies of the various countries. §10
1909 Auguste-Marie-François Beernaert and Paul-H.-B. d’Estournelles de Constant for being a representative to the two Hague conferences, and a leading figure in the Inter-Parliamentary Union and for combined diplomatic work for Franco-German and Franco-British understanding witdistinguished career in international arbitration.

1908 Klas Pontus Arnoldson and Fredrik Bajer for being the foremost peace advocate in Scandinavia, combining work in the Inter-Parliamentary Union with being the first president of the International Peace Bureau and for his work as founder of the Swedish Peand Arbitration League.

1907 Ernesto Teodoro Moneta and Louis Renault for his work as a key leader of the Italian peace movement and for his work as a leading French international jurist and a member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague. §10
1906 Theodore Roosevelt for his successful mediation to end the Russo-Japanese war and for his interest in arbitration, having provided the Hague arbitration court with its very first case. §9
1905 Bertha, baroness von Suttner for writing Lay Down Your Arms and contributing to the creation of the Prize. §10
1904 Institute of International Law for its efforts as an unofficial body to formulate the general principles of the science of international law. §9
1903 Sir Randal Cremer for his role as the first father” of the Inter-Parliamentary Union.” §10
1902 Élie Ducommun and Charles-Albert Gobat for his role as the first honorary secretary of the International Peace Bureau and for his role as the first Secretary General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union. §10
1901 Frédéric Passy for being one of the main founders of the Inter-Parliamentary Union and also the main organizer of the first Universal Peace Congress and for his role in founding the International Committee of the Red Cross. §9
XIV. These Constitutional Standards serve as a blueprint for reform, opening up and peaceful development of various political systems

1. Advantages of semi-presidential system-compared with Constitutional Standardss-semi-presidential system reasearch

  • A. Jurisprudence and the dissolution mechanism can resolve the deadlock between the executive and the legislature. /This Constitution §5.2, §5.7
  • B. The strengthening of the power of the president is relatively unaffected by the Congress, which contributes to the stability of the political situation. /This Constitution §6.4 (Source: Organized by the Association)

2. Shortcomings of semi-presidential system-compared with Constitutional Standardss-semi-presidential system reasearch

  • A.The President is in a transcendental position above both the executive and legislative branches and is not subject to legislative restrictions./ No such shortcomings exist. §5.2.6/§6.4.7/§6.4.10
  • B. In the dual power structure, limits on power of the president and the cabinet are not easy to distinguish. If the two power engines are launched at the same time and pushed in opposite directions they may fight for power and trigger a political struggle./ No such shortcomings exist. §6.4/§6.5
  • C. Separation of executive power and lack of unified leadership may hinder administrative efficiency./ No such shortcomings exist. §6.3.3
  • D. When the President and the Court are from the same political party, the President has rights but is not responsible to the Legislature. The Cabinet has no power but is responsible to the Legislature. The President has the right to take no responsibility, while the Cabinet has no responsibility and no political principles./ No such shortcomings exist. §6.4
  • E. If the President lacks democratic literacy, he may become more and more empowered. He will form a royal cabinet and a small number of governments after to his own will, which will lead to a rebound in Congress, an impasse in administrative and a legislative stalemate, yielding an incompetent government that has difficulty promoting its policies./ No such shortcomings exist. §5.7/§4.7/§6.4.8/§6.4.9
    (Source: Wikipedia)

3. Advantages of presidential system- compared with Constitutional Standardss-semi-presidential system reasearch

  • A. During his/her term of office the President does not face the risk of losing political support or losing the support of the majority of the legislature, allowing active implementation of policies. With administrative and legislative constraints, administrative power is highly concentrated, operational efficiency is fully utilized and adaptation to various situations is possible./ §6.4
  • B. When the opposition party has a majority in the parliament, the opposition party can reduce the possibility of a constitutional crisis while effectively balancing the president./ §5.3
  • C. When the ruling party has a majority in the parliament, the opposition party can also effectively balance the president, and the presidential opposition party will not be as marginalized as in the semi-presidential and legislative systems./ §5.3
  • D. A limited term can effectively prevent the president from gradually moving toward dictatorship./ §6.3
  • E. The administration can maximize the degree of specialization in its ranks./ §6.9
  • F. Technocrats are not be overly influenced by rotation among ruling parties and will be beneficial to coherence in policies./ §6.5
  • G. Clear separation of powers helps to avoid dictatorship to some extent./ National Decentralization Organizational Standards
  • (Source: Wikipedia)

4. Shortcomings of the presidential system- compared with Constitutional Standardss-semi-presidential system reasearch

  • A. The president has considerable administrative power, can override the executive power of the legislature and is free of legislative checks and balances, and can decide whether a bill will be passed, making it easy to form stalemates and political crises./ No such disadvantages exist. §6.4
  • B. The president wields executive powers, can affect legislation and justice and can control the legislature and appoint judges, dominating legislation and justice at the same time./ No such disadvantages exist. §6.4
  • C. In the legislature, even if the ruling party holds sway it may not be completely obedient to the president. Once the opposition party has a majority, the administrative and legislative branches can often fall into deadlock on individual issues./ No such disadvantages exist. §5.3
  • D. If the president implements wrong policies, voters and legislator are powerless to compel him/her to step down before the end of the term of office. The hurdles for impeachment and removal by the legislature are quite high, and such moves usually involve political struggle, thus they are rarely used. This is very different from no-confidence motions./ No such disadvantages exist. §3.4
  • E. Under limited terms, even a popular and able president can be re-elected only once and must step down, or cannot run for the office until the second round of elections./ 5. No such disadvantages exist. §6.3
  • F. In countries that have no re-election restrictions it is easy to fall into dictatorship. Many countries adopting the presidential system often devolve into presidential autocracy. The presidents are both powerful and long-term. / No such disadvantages exist. §6.3
  • G. The president’s power is very large, and a perfect impeachment mechanism and a strong and powerful legislature are needed to exert control over him/her. Otherwise, it is easy to form a dictatorship./ No such disadvantages exist. §6.3
  • H. The president relies on technocrats to rule the country and strengthen the bureaucracy./ No such disadvantages exist. §6.3
  • I. Legislators cannot hold concurrent executive positions. Some of them do not need or intend to join the government, thus they will step up supervision and criticism of the government. Even if they are members of the ruling party, administrative and legislative issues are susceptible to tension./ No such disadvantages exist. §6.5
  • J. Regular presidential elections consume huge sums of money, and the phenomenon of money politics is more serious than in legislative-style systems./ No such disadvantages exist. §6.4
  • K. The probability of failure for a nation implementing a presidential system of democracy for the first time is high./ No such disadvantages exist. §6.4
  • L. The president does not necessarily represent the majority of the public./ No such disadvantages exist. §6.4
  • M. Criticism of administrative power by members of the judiciary is reflected in judicial decisions./ No such disadvantages exist; National Decentralization Organizational Standards
    (Above sources: Wikipedia)

  • N. Presidential systems are strongly inclined toward majority democracy because of the lack of a consensus democracy mechanism. Many nations enjoy consensus rather than majority democracy./ No such disadvantages exist. §6.4
    (“The Presidential Systems of the Philippines and Indonesia: A Preliminary Study of the Formation and Evolution of Institutions” Chen Hongming, Wang Xingzhong)

5. Advantages of parliamentary system (cabinet system)- compared with Constitutional Standardss-semi-presidential system reasearch

  • A. All cabinet members are selected from among members of the legislature. Cabinet rulings can keep lawmakers from gradually losing touch with the actual society./ §5.2, §5.3
  • B. Administrative and legislative bodies are linked to improve government efficiency and avoid coups./ §5.7
  • C. Competent government heads may serve for an unlimited periods./ §5.3, §5.8
  • D. Although terms of office are not limited, legislators may at any time remove an incompetent government head, unlike the presidential system, where it is difficult to compel incompetents to step down before a term ends./§5.3
  • E. The cost of single elections is less than in presidential systems./ §5.3
  • F. Most countries that implement the legislative system do so successfully./ §5.3
  • G. This is one of the approaches used to resolve conflicts among government branches (under the legislative system, the leader of the administrative branch comes from the majority party in the legislature. Administration and legislation are not completely separated, and modern thinking generally considers this a factor in success and stability. Liberal democratic systems do not necessarily require a complete separation of powers. In fact, except for the US, where political parties do not have serious internal conflicts, all nations that have attempted to practice democracy under a presidential system failed in their first attempt. The success rate is higher for legislative systems./ §5.1, §5.2, §5.3
    (Sources: Wikipedia)

6. Shortcomings of parliamentary system (cabinet system)- compared with Constitutional Standardss-semi-presidential system reasearch

  • A. Prior to World War Two, the challenge that legislative democracy encountered on the European continent was political instability brought about by minority governments and the rise of extremist parties. Non-cooperation between political parties leads to democracy under a legislative minority.
  • The emergence of a minority government often leads to votes of no confidence in the legislature and touches off political crises. In post-World War I Europe, this type of legislative democracy failed for the first time. Extreme forces gained political power through democratic institutions, while avoiding the “no-confidence vote.” Typical examples include Europe’s dictators. Germany’s Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini of Italy, Francesco Franco of Spain and Antonio de Oliveira Salazar of Portugal were also elected in the legislative systems./ No such disadvantages exist. §5.3
  • B. When the opposition party holds a majority in the legislature it inevitably leads to reorganization of the government, following a no-confidence motion or dissolution of the legislature. This differs from the presidential system, where the term of office is fixed and he/she is not easily replaced. The prime minister may be able to finish out the term./ No such disadvantages exist. §5.3
  • C. In a country with a bicameral system, if the opposition party controls the majority in one of the houses (a split legislature), constitutional crises and political stalemates are common, as seen in Japan and Australia./ No such disadvantages exist. §5.3
  • D. When the ruling party has an absolute majority in the legislature it is difficult for the opposition party to check the ruling party, and the opposition party may be marginalized because it holds too few seats, witness the case of Singapore./ No such disadvantages exist. §5.3
  • E. The leader of the largest political party serves as prime minister. Under long-term rule it is easy to form a one-party political control. Examples are Malaysia and Japan./ No such disadvantages exist. §5.3
  • F. Multi-party formations of coalition governments can produce a prime minister from a smaller political party. Under multi-party coalitions, the prime minister’s power and influence are weak./ No such disadvantages exist. §5.3
  • G. It is difficult to develop professional administrations because lawmakers are less experienced in administration than technocrats. / No such disadvantages exist. §5.3
  • H. Internal political party conflicts are common. In multi-party coalition governments, if one of the main political parties withdraws, the government loses its majority in the legislature, resulting in forced early elections or the forming of a coalition government with other political parties. / No such disadvantages exist. §5.3
  • I. Political power is easily to concentrate, resulting in overlapping administrative and legislative powers. / No such disadvantages exist. §2.6
  • J. The cabinet is composed of members of the majority party in the legislature, which may cause the same party to feel sheltered and disabuse its supervisory role in the legislature. / No such disadvantages exist. §5.2
  • K. In a multi-party state, if no political party forms a coalition of political parties, it is highly likely that the legislature will be ineffective. / No such disadvantages exist. §5.3
    (Sources: Wikipedia)

7. Advantages of the committee system- compared with Constitutional Standardss-semi-presidential system reasearch

  • A. Brainstorming is possible, making it easy to reflect views of the community and win support of the community./ §5.3
  • B. In the Legislature, lawmakers act as checks on each other, and corruption does not develop readily./ §5.3, §1.6.5
  • C, Multi-person division of labor and cooperation reduce the burden on individuals./ §5.3
  • D. Small parties are divided, with more autonomy and freedom, in line with the spirit of democracy./§٥.٣.٤
    (Source: Huang Shang, “Administration”, Chihkuang Publishing.)

8. Shortcomings of the committee system- compared with Constitutional Standardss-semi-presidential system reasearch

  • A. Responsibilities are not clearly delineated, powers in certain matters are not specific, and the advantages are inconsistent./ No such disadvantages exist. §5.3
  • B. Status of various members is the same, the powers and responsibilities are similar, and it is easy for mutual support and exclusion to develop./ No such disadvantages exist. §5.3
  • C. Insufficient strength, slow action, reduced efficiency and delays./ No such disadvantages exist. §5.3, §5.8
  • D. In discussions and research, it is difficult for many people to maintain confidentiality./ No such disadvantages exist. §5.2.10
    (Source: Huang Shang, “Administration”, Chihkuang Publishing; Hsiao Fu-yuan, “In Direct Democracy, Consensus Can Be Slow”, The World Magazine.)
XV. These Constitutional Standards serve as a blueprint for reform, opening up and peaceful development of various congressional systems

1. Global Congressional Election Systems

70 countries adopt “List Proportional Representation”, 27 countries adopt “Parallel voting”, 7 countries adopt “Mixed-Member Proportional”, 46 countries adopt “First Past the Post”, 13 countries adopt “Two-round system”. The rest of the countries adopt other elections or are countries without parliamentary elections.

70 countries adopt “List Proportional Representation”, 27 countries adopt “Parallel voting”, 7 countries adopt “Mixed-Member Proportional”, 46 countries adopt “First Past the Post”, 13 countries adopt “Two-round system”, The restthe countries adopt other elections or countries without parliamentary elections.

Country Name Legislature Electoral system or voting system
Afghanistan Upper house Single non-transferable vote
Argentina Upper house List PR, midterm election
Australia Upper house Single transferable vote
Austria Upper house List Proportional Representation
Belgium Upper house Indirect Election
Bolivia Upper house List Proportional Representation
Brazil Upper house List Proportional Representation
Britain Upper house Life peer
Canada Upper house Political Assignment
Chile Upper house List Proportional Representation
Colombia Upper house Proportional Representation
France Upper house Indirect Election
Germany Upper house Mixed-Member Proportional
India Upper house Single transferable vote, midterm election
Ireland Upper house Political Assignment
Italy Upper house List Proportional Representation
Japan Upper house Parallel voting, Midterm election
Kenya Upper house Parallel voting
Lesotho Upper house Political Assignment
Malaysia Upper house Indirect Election
Mexico Upper house Parallel voting, Midterm election
Netherlands Upper house Indirect Election
Oman Upper house Bloc Vote
Pakistan Upper house Indirect Election
Philippines Upper house Bloc Vote, Midterm election
Poland Upper house First Past the Post
Romania Upper house Mixed-Member Proportional
Russia Upper house Political Assignment
Slovenia Upper house First Past the Post
South Africa Upper house Proportional Representation
Spain Upper house Political Assignment, Limited Vote
Switzerland Upper house List Proportional Representation
Thailand Upper house Political Assignment
the United States Upper house First Past The Post, Midterm election
Afghanistan Lower house Single non-transferable vote
Argentina Lower house List PR, midterm election
Australia Lower house Alternative Vote
Austria Lower house List Proportional Representation
Belarus Lower house First Past the Post
Belgium Lower house List Proportional Representation
Bolivia Lower house Additional Member System
Brazil Lower house List Proportional Representation
Britain Lower house First Past the Post
Canada Lower house First Past the Post
Chile Lower house List Proportional Representation
Colombia Lower house Proportional Representation
France Lower house the Two-Round System
Germany Lower house Mixed-Member Proportional
India Lower house First Past the Post
Ireland Lower house Single transferable vote
Italy Lower house List Proportional Representation
Japan Lower house Parallel voting
Kenya Lower house Parallel voting
Lesotho Lower house Mixed-Member Proportional
Malaysia Lower house First Past the Post
Mexico Lower house Parallel voting, Midterm election
Netherlands Lower house List Proportional Representation
Oman Lower house First Past the Post
Pakistan Lower house Parallel voting, Midterm election
Philippines Lower house Parallel voting, Midterm election
Poland Lower house List Proportional Representation
Romania Lower house Mixed-Member Proportional
Russia Lower house Parallel voting
Slovenia Lower house Proportional Representation, Borda Count
South Africa Lower house List Proportional Representation
Spain Lower house List Proportional Representation
Switzerland Lower house List Proportional Representation
Thailand Lower house Parallel voting
the United States Lower house First Past The Post, Midterm election
Albania Parliament List Proportional Representation
Algeria Parliament List Proportional Representation
Andorra Parliament Parallel voting
Angola Parliament Proportional Representation
Antigua and Barbuda Parliament First Past the Post
Armenia Parliament Parallel voting
Azerbaijan Parliament First Past the Post
Bahamas Parliament First Past the Post
Bahrain Parliament the Two-Round System
Bangladesh Parliament First Past the Post
Barbados Parliament First Past the Post
Belize Parliament First Past the Post
Benin Parliament List Proportional Representation
Bhutan Parliament List Proportional Representation
Bosnia and Herzegovina Parliament List Proportional Representation
Botswana Parliament First Past the Post
Brunei Parliament Political Assignment
Bulgaria Parliament List Proportional Representation
Burkina Faso Parliament List Proportional Representation
Burundi Parliament List Proportional Representation
Cambodia Parliament List Proportional Representation
Cameroon Parliament Proportional Representation
Cape Verde Parliament List Proportional Representation
Central African Republic Parliament the Two-Round System
Chad Parliament First Past The Post, PR,Party Bloc Vote
China Parliament Political Assignment
Comoros Parliament the Two-Round System
Congo Republic Parliament First Past the Post
Costa Rica Parliament List Proportional Representation
Croatia Parliament List Proportional Representation
Cuba Parliament the Two-Round System
Cyprus Parliament List Proportional Representation
Czech Republic Parliament List Proportional Representation
Denmark Parliament List Proportional Representation
Djibouti Parliament Mixed-Member Proportional
Dominica Parliament First Past the Post
Dominican Republic Parliament List Proportional Representation
DRC Parliament First Past the Post
East Timor Parliament List Proportional Representation
Ecuador Parliament Parallel voting
Egypt Parliament Party Bloc Vote, Two-Round System
El Salvador Parliament List Proportional Representation
Equatorial Guinea Parliament List Proportional Representation
Eritrea Parliament First Past the Post
Estonia Parliament List Proportional Representation
Ethiopia Parliament First Past the Post
European Union Parliament List PR ,Single transferable vote
Fiji Parliament List Proportional Representation
Finland Parliament List Proportional Representation
Gabon Parliament First Past the Post
Gambia Parliament First Past the Post
Georgia Parliament Parallel voting
Ghana Parliament First Past the Post
Greece Parliament List Proportional Representation
Grenada Parliament First Past the Post
Guatemala Parliament List Proportional Representation
Guinea Parliament Parallel voting
Guinea-Bissau Parliament List Proportional Representation
Guyana Parliament List Proportional Representation
Haiti Parliament Two-Round System
Honduras Parliament List Proportional Representation
Hungary Parliament Additional Member System
Iceland Parliament List Proportional Representation
Indonesia Parliament List Proportional Representation
Iran Parliament Two-Round System
Iraq Parliament List Proportional Representation
Israel Parliament List Proportional Representation
Ivory Coast Parliament First Past the Post, PBV
Jamaica Parliament First Past the Post
Jordan Parliament Parallel voting
Kazakhstan Parliament Parallel voting
Kiribati Parliament Two-Round System
Kuwait Parliament Bloc Vote
Kyrgyzstan Parliament List Proportional Representation
Laos Parliament Bloc Vote
Latvia Parliament List Proportional Representation
Lebanon Parliament Bloc Vote
Liberia Parliament First Past the Post
Libya Parliament Parallel voting, Midterm election
Liechtenstein Parliament List Proportional Representation
Liechtenstein Parliament List Proportional Representation
Lithuania Parliament Parallel voting
Luxembourg Parliament List Proportional Representation
Macedonia Parliament Proportional Representation
Madagascar Parliament Proportional Representation
Malawi Parliament First Past the Post
Maldives Parliament First Past the Post
Mali Parliament Two-Round System
Malta Parliament Single transferable vote
Marshall Islands Parliament Bloc Vote
Mauritania Parliament List Proportional Representation
Mauritius Parliament Bloc Vote
Micronesia Parliament First Past the Post
Moldova Parliament List Proportional Representation
Monaco Parliament Parallel voting
Mongolia Parliament List Proportional Representation
Montenegro Parliament List Proportional Representation
Morocco Parliament List Proportional Representation
Mozambique Parliament Proportional Representation
Myanmar Parliament First Past the Post
Namibia Parliament List Proportional Representation
Nauru Parliament Alternative Vote, Borda Count
Nepal Parliament MMP, Midterm election
New Zealand Parliament Mixed-Member Proportional
Nicaragua Parliament List Proportional Representation
Niger Parliament Parallel voting
Nigeria Parliament First Past the Post
North Korea Parliament Alternative Vote
Norway Parliament List Proportional Representation
Palau Parliament First Past the Post
Panama Parliament Parallel voting
Papua New Guinea Parliament Alternative Vote
Paraguay Parliament List Proportional Representation
Peru Parliament List Proportional Representation
Portugal Parliament List Proportional Representation
Qatar Parliament Political Assignment
Rwanda Parliament List Proportional Representation
Samoa Parliament Bloc Vote
San Marino Parliament List Proportional Representation
Sao Tome and Principe Parliament List Proportional Representation
Senegal Parliament Parallel voting
Serbia Parliament List Proportional Representation
Seychelles Parliament Parallel voting
Sierra Leone Parliament First Past the Post
Singapore Parliament Party Bloc Vote, PBV
Slovakia Parliament List Proportional Representation
Somalia Parliament Political Assignment
South Korea Parliament Parallel voting, Midterm election
South Sudan Parliament Single non-transferable vote
Sri Lanka Parliament List Proportional Representation
St Vincent and Grenadines Parliament First Past the Post
St Christopher and Nevis Parliament First Past the Post
St Lucia Parliament First Past the Post
Sudan Parliament Parallel voting
Suriname Parliament List Proportional Representation
Swaziland Parliament First Past the Post
Sweden Parliament List Proportional Representation
Syria Parliament Bloc Vote
Taiwan Parliament Parallel voting
Tajikistan Parliament Parallel voting
Tanzania Parliament First Past the Post
Togo Parliament List Proportional Representation
Tonga Parliament First Past the Post
Trinidad and Tobago Parliament First Past the Post
Tunisia Parliament List Proportional Representation
Turkey Parliament List Proportional Representation
Turkmenistan Parliament the Two-Round System
Tuvalu Parliament Bloc Vote
Uganda Parliament First Past the Post
Ukraine Parliament Parallel voting
United Arab Emirates Parliament Bloc Vote
Uruguay Parliament List Proportional Representation
Uzbekistan Parliament the Two-Round System
Vanuatu Parliament Single non-transferable vote
Vatican City Parliament Political Assignment
Venezuela Parliament Mixed-Member Proportional
Vietnam Parliament the Two-Round System
Yemen Parliament First Past the Post
Zambia Parliament First Past the Post
Zimbabwe Parliament Parallel voting
Saudi Arabia Consultative Assembly Not applicable
Scheduler: PPP, Source: https://www.lawlove.org/en

2. Comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of various major congressional election systems

A. Majority multiple voting system

1) Majority voting

  • (a) First past the Post (FPTP)
  • Advantages:
    • Allows voters to choose between candidates.
    • Strong geographical representation.
    • Easy to understand.
    • In the presidential system, more likely to provide strong legislative support for the president.
    • In a parliamentary system, easily produces a one-party majority government instead of a coalition cabinet.
    • Makes accountability (geographical responsibility) easier to implement.
    • Easier to lead to rotation of political parties.
    • The electoral process is relatively easy to control.
  • Disadvantages
    • Not conducive to the party members who are in charge of the political party.
    • Not conducive to rise of a third force.
    • Beneficial for one party to grow up alone.
    • No law to provide political and clear choices for the elected people.
    • Excludes a small number of groups (such as blacks and women) from being fairly represented.
    • Without mainstream public opinion, you can still get political support.
    • Formation of political party members is due more to people and interests than ethnic groups, ideas and values.
    • Easy to form local factional politics.
    • Easy to cause the opposition between the opposition and the establishment of a society.
    • Creates a lot of waves to select tickets.
  • (b) Single Non-Transferable Vote (SNTV)
  • Advantages:
    • Allows voters to choose between candidates.
    • Strong geographical representation.
    • Easy to understand.
  • Disadvantages:
    • To the detriment of extremist political parties.
    • Not conducive to the rise of a third force.
    • Conducive to one-party dominance.
    • Unable to provide voters with a clear choice of political parties.
    • Excludes minorities (such as blacks and women) from being fairly represented.
    • Ignores mainstream public opinion, we can still gain the ruling power by stabilizing the foundation.
    • Political parties are formed from interpersonal and interest relations rather than ethnic groups, ideas and values.
    • Easier to form local factional politics.
    • Easy to cause serious opposition from opposition parties and create social opposition.
    • Creates a large number of wasteful votes.
  • (c) The Limited Vote (LV)
  • Advantages:
    • Protection of minority interests being represented is more secure
    • Electoral system is easy for voters to understand and relatively easy to count.
    • Regional interests are valued, and the responsibility for this is clear.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Not conducive to rise of a third force.
    • Conducive to one-party dominance.
    • Unable to provide voters with a clear choice of political parties.
    • Produces a high distortion of ratio of votes to seats.
    • Problems with competition between the same party and the same constituency undermine the internal management of disciplined political parties.
    • Encourages the emergence of local factions and political parties.
    • Candidates or elected people try their best to vote for local voters, which is a breeding ground for client politics and bribery.
    • Contributes to the development of party politics, especially bipartisan politics.
  • (d) The Bloc Vote (BV)
  • Advantages:
    • Respects the will of voters to vote for individual candidates.
    • Allows candidates from all parties to mix together to promote minority representation.
    • Regional interests have been paid full attention to, and responsibility for this is clearer.
    • Political party coherence and organizational capacity have a high impact on election results
  • Disadvantages:
    • Distortion of ratio of votes and seats of political parties is conducive to one-party dominance.
    • The combination of political parties is mostly based on political manipulation, rather than on ethnic groups and ideas.
    • Beneficial to political parties with strong social resources and organizational ability.
    • Encourages members of the same political parties in the same constituency to compete with each other.
    • Easily replaced by factions and corruption within political parties
  • (e) Party Bloc Vote (PBV)
  • Advantages:
    • Respects the will of voters to vote for individual candidates.
    • Allows candidates from all parties to mix together to promote minority representation.
    • Regional interests are paid full attention, and responsibility for this is clearer.
    • Political party coherence and organizational capacity have a high impact on election results
  • Disadvantages:
    • Distortion of ratio of votes and seats of political parties is conducive to one-party dominance.
    • The combination of political parties is mostly based on political manipulation, rather than on ethnic groups and ideas.
    • Beneficial to political parties with strong social resources and organizational ability.
    • Encourages members of the same political parties in the same constituency to compete with each other.
    • Easily replaced by factions and corruption within political parties.
    • 2) Majority first

  • (a) Alternative Vote (AV)
  • Advantages:
    • Candidates pay more attention to the overall and comprehensive public interest.
    • Voters can use tactics to vote for the next most vocal party to take power.
    • Can contribute to the rise of the third force.
    • Easy to adopt a national policy of inclusiveness and compromise in the middle.
    • Can prevent the emergence of extreme political parties.
  • Disadvantages:
    • A candidate who is too compromising is likely to lose the election.
    • Transfer of votes may bring opposite results from voters’ original intention.
    • Candidate with the highest public opinion may still lose the election.
    • Easy to create a large number of wasteful votes.
  • (b) The Two-Round System (TRS)
  • Advantages:
    • Gives voters a second new choice.
    • Encourages trade-offs and compromises between political parties and candidates, and it is not easy to adopt radical ideology.
    • Voters don’t have to rank candidates, so TRS is easier to understand.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Scope of the selected area is appropriate.
    • Two rounds of competition usually require expensive and challenging management.
    • By-election is usually required.
    • There is a long time between the election and the announcement of the results.
    • To produce the most disproportionate results.
    • Severe political party infighting may lead to political party division.
    • On entering the second round candidates insist on their own opinions, which may undermine social stability and differentiation.
  • (c) Borda Count (BC)
  • Advantages:
    • Quality of election results depends to a great extent on whether constituencies are reasonably divided.
  • Disadvantages:
    • System design is complicated and requires higher understanding ability of voters

B: Proportional Representation System

1) List Proportional Representation with small districts (List PR)

  • (a). List proportional representation
  • Advantages:
    • Political parties can adjust the list of members of Congress at any time and the loyalty of party members.
    • Strengthens discipline within political parties.
    • Can surprise supporters’ eyes.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Principle of transparency in the nomination of political parties does not conform to the proportional representation system.
    • Destroys supporters’ trust in political parties.
    • Improper expansion of power at the top of political parties.
  • (b) List proportional representation-small constituencies
  • Advantages:
    • Regional interests can still be represented.
    • Guarantees the representation of ethnic minorities (race, sex) in Congress.
    • Tolerates existence of extremist political parties.
    • No need to hold by-elections.
    • Voter turnout is likely to be higher.
  • Disadvantages:
    • In the presidential system, legislative support for the president is weak.
    • Parliamentary system is more likely to be a coalition government or minority government.
    • Tolerates the existence of extremist political parties.
    • Regional interest linkages are sometimes too high.
  • (c) List proportional representation-large constituencies
  • Advantages:
    • Outcome of the election depends on the candidate’s personal characteristics rather than the party’s policies, especially when multiple candidates are put forward by the same political party and the same constituency.
    • Political parties do not need to endorse candidate policies, and their political responsibilities are unclear.
    • Candidates are highly dependent on geographical organizations, so they strive to operate constituency sites. After being elected, regional interests override the interests of political parties and countries.
    • Elections have become distributive politics induced by regional interests. The leader of sending valve increases his inner-party leadership strength, and the politics of sending valve within the political party comes into being.
    • Candidates only need to get a small proportion of votes to be elected. Political parties (factions) will not easily adjust relevant organizations and policies in order to ensure the existing seats. It is quite common for candidates to bli re-elected, which indirectly leads to the difficulty of regime alternation.

    • In such a political environment, even candidates with controversial images are easy to rely on faction forces to be elected.
    • Party politics is severely suppressed, and the elected people lack the sensitivity to major changes in the situation at home and abroad, and are incapable of proposing appropriate countermeasures (Zhou Yuren, 2001).
    • In the presidential system, legislative support for the president is weak.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Weak geographical representation.
    • Accountability issues.
    • In the presidential system, legislative support for the president is weak.

2) Proportional representation (PR)

  • Advantages
    • The incentive mechanism of proportional representation system is to maximize the national vote, and the Congress includes members of majority and minority groups.
    • The result of avoiding the distortion of the ratio between the total number of people elected and the number of votes obtained in the majority system promotes a more representative legislature.
    • Guarantees representation of ethnic minorities (race, sex) in Congress.
    • List proportional representation system encourages political parties to put forward a balanced list of candidates, which contributes to better representation and social stability.
    • Incidence of invalid votes is extremely low.
    • Promotes more efficient government with compromise of interests
    • Tolerates the existence of extremist political parties.
    • Party politics shows its importance and can contribute to sound developments.
  • Disadvantages
    • Voters are unable to determine whether their geographical interests are represented.
    • Mutual suspicion and mistrust in coalition governments will lead to incompetent governments.
    • Tolerates the existence of extremist political parties.
    • Independent candidates who do not form a party have little room for existence.
    • When democratization within political parties is insufficient, power in the hands of high-ranking cadres is excessively expanded and consolidated.
    • Flexibility in voting is low.

3) Single Transferable Vote (STV)

  • Advantages:
    • Under normal circumstances, STV elections tend to produce major political parties and form a relatively stable and legitimate government.
    • STV can make those who don’t get the most seats in the election win the ruling position.
    • It can promote the development of party politics when the size of constituencies is extremely reasonable.
  • Disadvantages:
    • STV needs to recalculate the residual transfer value, which is very complicated.
    • Votes under STV can only be counted at the counting center. Because votes are not counted directly at polling stations, the integrity of counting votes is a great test.
    • STV often has intra-party competition and bipartisan competition at the same time, and candidates bribe specific voter groups under excessive pressure.
    • Advantages of the original intrinsic proportional representation system have been distorted.
    • Under extreme pluralism, minority parties have greater blackmail capital.

C: Mixed systems

1) Mixed Member Proportional (MMP)

  • Advantages:
    • Includes the interests of both region and party politics.
    • You can create two types of representatives.
    • Higher accountability of political parties.
    • Proportion of invalid votes is very small.
    • Includes space for small parties (extreme parties).
    • May be easier to reach consensus than other alternatives.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Compared with the list proportional representation system, hinders development of sound party politics.
    • Complicated seat calculation system.
    • Difficult to divide the proper size of the constituency.
    • By-election is usually required.
    • Strategic voting distorts the proportion.
    • No guarantee of overall proportionality.
    • Encourages emergence of extremist political parties.
    • Formal by-election is usually required.

2) Parallel Systems (PS)

  • Advantages:
    • You can create two types of representatives.
    • Inclusive of regional and party politics.
    • Ensure minority representatives
    • Easier to reach consensus than other alternatives.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Complicated systems.
    • Boundaries of constituencies need to be properly divided.
    • By-election is usually required.
    • Not easy to arrange absentee voting compared with the proportional representation system of listed political parties.
    • Compared with the proportional representation system of listed political parties, political parties are more fragmented.

3) (AMS)

  • Advantages:
    • Fully shows the proportion of regional interests.
    • Facilitates flexibility in the total number of members of Congress from year to year.
    • Avoids formation of excessively rigid party proportional politics.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Destroys the original intention of giving priority to the proportional representation system of political parties.
    • Political unpredictability and stability result in varying numbers of members of Congress from year to year.
    • Causes unfair numbers of people passing functions and powers to Congress.
XVI. Absolute Requirements for Permanent Peace: “Frequency of People’s Participation in Politics and Voting” vs. these Constitutional Standards

1. For example, “Switzerland”, which has the highest per capita income in the world in a century and a large country (more than 8 million people), “votes 5.29 times” each year

Note 1. Excluding the overlapping days of referendum and election merger, referendums are averaged 3.82 times a year and election votes are 5.41 times, but not including: Swiss Metropolitan Autonomous Urban Area Association Election (Zurich and other 8 cantons), civil autonomy has been held since 2009 Participation in elections at all levels of assemblies and municipalities is not included in the election statistics.

Note 2. Swiss elections at all levels adopt two rounds of voting, and the number of votes in the second round is not included in the following statistical table.

A. The “referendum” uses Zurich as a statistical benchmark, and an average of 3.82 referendums are held every year

Year Voting dates No of Issues
2003 February 9, May 18, September 7, November 30 30
2004 February 8, May 16, September 26, November 28 23
2005 February 27, June 5, September 25, November 27 22
2006 May 21, September 24, November 26 14
2007 March 11, June 17, November 25 19
2008 February 24, June 1, September 28, November 30 35
2009 February 28, May 17, September 27, November 29 25
2010 March 7, June 13, September 26, November 28 30
2011 February 13, May 15, September 4, November 27 37
2012 March 11, June 17, September 23, November 25 38
2013 March 3, June 9, September 22, November 24 29
2014 February 9, May 18, September 28, November 30 24
2015 March 8, June 14, November 22 18
2016 February 28, June 5, September 25, November 27 31
2017 February 12, May 21, September 24, November 26 29
2018 June 10, September 23, November 25 31
2019 February 10, March 4, May 19, September 1, November 17 15

Source: PPP and Zurich Statistics Office: https://www.stadt-zuerich.ch/prd/de/index/statistik/publikationen-angebote/datenbanken-anwendungen/abstimmungsdatenbank.html

B. “Elections” use Zurich as the statistical benchmark, and an average of 5.41 elections are held every year

Zurich citizens voted in elections (federal elections, state elections, and municipal elections). There were more than 17 kinds of votes. A total of 92 elections (2003-2019) were held for 17 consecutive years (2003-2019), with an average of 5.41 elections per year.

Election items Voting date Nos
National House Election 2003.10.19, 2007.10.21, 2011.10.23, 2015.10.18, 2019.10.20 5
Federal House Election 2003.12.10, 2006.06.14, 2007.10.21, 2007.11.25, 2007.12.12, 2008.12.10, 2009.09.16, 2010.09.22, 2011.10.23, 2011.11.27, 2011.12.14, 2015.10.18, 2015.11.22, 2015.12.09, 2017.12.20, 2019.10.20, 2019.11.17 17
Zurich Cantonal Assembly 2003.04.06, 2007.04.15, 2011.04.03, 2015.04.12, 2019.03.24 5
Zurich cantonal government elections 2003.04.06, 2006.07.09, 2007.04.15,2009.11.29, 2011.04.03, 2015.04.12, 2019.03.24 7
Zurich City Council election 2006.02.12, 2010.03.07, 2014.02.09, 2018.03.04 4
Zurich City Council Election 2006.02.12, 2010.03.07, 2014.02.09, 2018.03.04 4
Election of city government officials and city administrators 2006.02.12, 2010.03.07, 2014.02.09, 2018.03.04 4
Election of Justice of Peace 2006.11.26, 2007.06.17, 2007.11.25, 2009.02.08, 2009.03.29, 2015.03.08, 2017.11.26, 2019.09.01 8
School authorities election 2004.05.16, 2004.09.26, 2005.02.27, 2005.06.05, 2006.05.21, 2007.06.17, 2007.11.25, 2008.02.24, 2008.06.01, 2008.09.28, 2009.05.17, 2010.06.13, 2010.09.26, 2013.06.09, 2014.05.18, 2014.07.06, 2015.11.22, 2017.02.12, 2017.05.2018.06.10, 2018.07.15, 2019.05.19, 2019.09.01

Zurich district council members by-election 2006.02.12 1
Zurich District Court by-election 2006.09.24, 2007.03.11 2
Zurich Regional Constituency By-election 2006.09.24 1
Roman Catholic Church elections 2007.03.11 1
Evangelical Reformed Church Election 2007.03.11 1
Parish/District council election 2006.02.12, 2010.03.07, 2014.02.09, 2018.03.04 4
Election of Governor of the Zurich Region 2009.02.08 1
Public testifier 2006.02.12, 2010.03.07, 2014.02.09, 2018.03.04 4

City of Zurich: https://www.stadt-zuerich.ch/portal/de/index/politik_u_recht/abstimmungen_u_wahlen/archiv_wahlen.html

C. The Swiss Federal “National Referendum” holds an average of 3.1 national referendums a year

Year Date Issues Date Issues Date Issues Date Issues
1991 March 3 2 June 2 2
1992 Feb 16 2 May 17 7 Sept 27 6 Dec 6 1
1993 March 7 3 June 6 2 Sept 26 5 Nov 28 6
1994 Feb 20 5 June 12 3 Sept 25 2 April 12 3
1995 March 12 4 June 25 3
1996 March 10 5 June 9 2 Dec 1 2
1997 June 8 3 Sept28 2
1998 June 7 3 Sept27 3 Nov29 4
1999 February 7 4 April 18 1 June 13 5
2000 March 12 5 May 21 1 Sept24 5 Nov 26 5
2001 April 3 3 June 10 3 Dec 2 5
2002 March 3 2 June 2 2 Sept 22 3 Nov24 2
2003 Feb 9 2 May 18 9
2004 Feb 8 3 May 16 3 Sept 26 4 Nov 28 3
2005 June 5 1 Sept 25 2 Nov 27 1
2006 May 21 1 Sept24 3 Nov 26 2
2007 March 11 1 June 17 1
2008 Feb 24 2 June 1 3 Nov 30 4
2009 Feb 8 1 May 17 2 Sept 27 2 Nov 29 3
2010 March 7 3 Sept 26 1 Nov 28 3
2011 Feb 13 1
2012 March 11 5 June 17 3 Sept23 3 Nov 25 1
2013 March 3 3 June 9 2 Sept 22 3 Nov24 3
2014 Feb 9 3 May 18 4 Sept 28 2 Nov30 3
2015 March 8 2 June 14 4 6
2016 Feb 28 4 May 6 5 Sept 25 3 Nov27 1
2017 Feb 12 3 May 21 1 Sept 24 3 7
2018 March 4 2 June 10 2 Sept 23 3 Nov 25 3
2019 Feb 10 1 May 19 2 Dec 6 3
2020 Feb 9 2 Sept 27 5 Nov 29 2 Nov28 9
Total 269

D. Statistics on “National Election” in the Swiss Confederation

Swiss Federal elections
Swiss Parliament Year Seats Source of Constitution
The Council of States 2019 46 §145,§150
The National Council 2019 200 §145,§149
The Council of States 2015 46 §145,§150
The National Council 2015 200 §145,§149
The Council of States 2011 46 §145,§150
The National Council 2011 200 §145,§149
The Council of States 2007 46 §145,§150
The National Council 2007 200 §145,§149
The Council of States 2003 46 §145,§150
The National Council 2003 200 §145,§149
The Council of States 1999 46 §145,§150
The National Council 1999 200 §145,§149
The Council of States 1995 46 §145,§150
The National Council 1995 200 §145,§149
The Council of States 1991 46 §145,§150
The National Council 1991 200 §145,§149

E. Swiss “state” referendum vote statistics, an average of 2.8 cantonal referendums are held a year

2003 February 9, May 18, November 30
2004 May 16, September 26
2005 February 27, June 5, September 25, November 27
2006 May 21, November 26
2007 June 17, November 25
2008 February 24, September 28, November 30
2009 February 28, May 17, September 27
2010 June 13, September 26, November 27
2011 February 13, May 15, September 4
2012 March 11, June 17, September 23, November 25
2013 March 3, June 9, September 22, November 30
2014 February 9, May 18, September 28
2015 June 14th, November 22nd
2016 February 28, June 5, September 25, November 27
2017 May 21, September 24
2018 March 4, June 10, September 23
2019 February 10, September 1

F. Voting in Swiss “Bundes’’ elections

Public Officer Year Seats Term Source of Law
State Council 2019 180 4 §40.1, §41.1
State Committee 2019 7 4 §40.1, §41.1, §60, §61
State Council 2015 180 4 §40.1, §41.1
State Committee 2015 7 4 §40.1, §41.1, §60, §61
Peace Judge 2015 1 6 §40.1,§41.2
State Council 2011 180 4 §40.1, §41.1
State Committee 2011 7 4 §40.1, §41.1, §60, §61
Judge 2009 1 6 §40.1,§41.2
State Council 2007 180 4 §40.1, §41.1
State Committee 2007 7 4 §40.1, §41.1, §60, §61
State Council 2003 180 4 §40.1, §41.1
State Committee 2003 7 4 §40.1, §41.1, §60, §61
Peace Judge 2003 1 6 §40.1,§41.2

G. Swiss “district”-level referendum vote statistics, an average of 2.8 district-level referendums are held a year

Zurich citizens’ district-level referendums for 17 consecutive years (2003-2019), with a total of 56 voting days, an average of 3.29 times per year, a total of 160 questions, an average of 9.41 questions per year, and an average of 2.86 questions.

2003 February 27, June 5, November 27
2004 May 21, September 24, November 26
2005 March 11, June 17, November 25
2006 February 24, June 1, September 28, November 30
2007 February 28, May 17, September 27, November 29
2008 June 13, September 26, November 28
2009 February 13, September 4, November 27
2010 March 11, June 17, September 23, November 25
2011 March 3, June 9, September 22, November 24
2012 May 18, September 28, November 30
2013 March 8, June 14, November 22
2014 June 5, September 25
2015 February 12, May 21, September 24, November 26
2016 June 10, September 23, November 25
2017 February 10, May 19, November 17
2018 February 27, June 5, November 27
2019 May 21, September 24, November 26

H. Swiss “district”-level elections

Public Officials Annual No. of People Term Municipal Code of Zurich
City Council 2018 125 4 §4.2
Municipal Party Committee member 2018 9 4 §4.1.3, §48
Debt enforcement team 2018 2 4 §4.1.3
Justices of the Peace 2015 1 6 §4.1.4, §9.2-9.3
Superintendent of the school district chairperson 2018 4 §9.2-9.3

※Note: Not all district-level election statistics and by-elections are included in statistics

2. For the local governments of very large countries, the highest per capita income in the United States is “California” (population 40 million), with an average of “6 visits to the polling station every year”.

A. At the state level──California state elections

For 20 consecutive years (from 1996 to 2015), there were 120 voting days in total. Voting items include federal elections, state elections and referendums, county elections and referendums, city elections and referendums, public school elections and referendums.

Year Voting dates
2015 March 03, March 10, March 17, May 19, November 03
2014 March 04, March 25, June 03, August 05, August 12, November 04, December 09
2013 March 03, March 05, March 12, May 14, May 21, June 23, July 23, September 17, September 24, November 05, November 19, December 03
2012 January 17, March 13, June 05, November 06, December 03
2011 February 15, March 08, May 17, July 12, November 08
2010 April 13, May 04, May 25, June, June 08, November 02
2009 March 03, March 24, April 21, May 05, May 19, June 23, June 30, July 14, September 01, September 22, November 03, December 08
2008 February 05, June 03, November 04, November 28, December 09
2007 March 06, May 15, June 05, June 12, June 26, August 21, September 25, November 06, December 11
2006 March 07, April 04, June 06, November 07
2005 March 08, May 17, November 08
2004 March 02, November 02
2003 January 28, March 04, April 15, May 20, June 03, September 23, October 07, November 04
2002 March 05, June 04, November 05, November 26
2001 March 06, April 10, April 20, May 15, June 05, September 11, October 23, November 06, December 11
2000 January 11, March 07, June 06, June 20, November 07
1999 March 03, April 13, April 20, June 08, November 02, December 14
1998 January 13, April 14, June 02, July 28, November 03
1997 April 01, June 01, June 03, November 04, November 18
1996 March 26, November 05, November 22

Source: PPP and

(1). https://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/voting-resources/voter-information-guides/;

(2). https://ballotpedia.org/Local_ballot_measures,_California;

(3). http://www.joincalifornia.com/page/10

B. Municipal ── Los Angeles City Citizens elections

Mayor, City Council, Council Committee, City Superintendent, City Attorney

Year Voting dates
2015 March 03, March 10, March 17, May 19, November 03
2014 March 04, March 25, June 03, August 05, August 12, November 04, December 09
2013 March 03, March 05, March 12, May 14, May 21, June 23, July 23, September 17, September 24, November 05, November 19, December 03
2012 January 17, March 13, June 05, November 06, December 03
2011 February 15, March 08, May 17, July 12, November 08
2010 April 13, May 04, May 25, June, June 08, November 02
2009 March 03, March 24, April 21, May 05, May 19, June 23, June 30, July 14, September 01, September 22, November 03, December 08
2008 February 05, June 03, November 04, November 28, December 09
2007 March 06, May 15, June 05, June 12, June 26, August 21, September 25, November 06, December 11
2006 March 07, April 04, June 06, November 07
2005 March 08, May 17, November 08
2004 March 02, November 02
2003 January 28, March 04, April 15, May 20, June 03, September 23, October 07, November 04
2002 March 05, June 04, November 05, November 26
2001 March 06, April 10, April 20, May 15, June 05, September 11, October 23, November 06, December 11
2000 January 11, March 07, June 06, June 20, November 07
1999 March 03, April 13, April 20, June 08, November 02, December 14
1998 January 13, April 14, June 02, July 28, November 03
1997 April 01, June 01, June 03, November 04, November 18
1996 March 26, November 05, November 22

C. Referendums and elections at the district level (counties, counties, cities...)【not included in these statistics】

XVII. Democracy index statistics for 32 nations, 2008-2020
2008 Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Netherlands, Denmark, Finland, New Zealand, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Australia, Canada, Ireland, Germany, Austria, Spain, Malta, Japan, United States, Czech Republic, Belgium, United Kingdom, Greece, UruguFrance , Portugal, Mauritius, Costa Rica, South Korea, Italy, Slovenia
2010 Norway, Iceland, Denmark, Sweden, New Zealand, Australia, Finland, Switzerland, Canada, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Ireland, Austria, Germany, Malta, Czech Republic, United States, Spain, United Kingdom, South Korea, Uruguay, JapBelgium, Mauritius, Costa Rica, Portugal
2111 Norway, Iceland, Denmark, Sweden, New Zealand, Australia, Switzerland, Canada, Finland, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Ireland, Austria, Germany, Malta, Czech Republic, Uruguay, United Kingdom, United States, Costa Rica, Japan, South KorBelgium, Mauritius, Spain
2012 Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Denmark, New Zealand, Australia, Switzerland, Canada, Finland, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Austria, Ireland, Germany, Malta, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Uruguay, Mauritius, South Korea, United States, CoRica, Japan, Belgium, Spain
2013 Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Denmark, New Zealand, Australia, Switzerland, Canada, Finland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Ireland, Austria, United Kingdom, Germany, Malta, Uruguay, Mauritius, United States, Japan, Czech Republic, South KorBelgium, Costa Rica, Spain
2014 Norway, Sweden, Iceland, New Zealand, Denmark, Switzerland, Canada, Finland, Australia, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Ireland, Germany, Austria, Malta, United Kingdom, Uruguay, Mauritius, United States, Japan, South Korea, Spain, FranCosta Rica
2015 Norway, Iceland, Sweden, New Zealand, Denmark, Switzerland, Canada, Finland, Australia, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Ireland, Germany, Austria, Malta, United Kingdom, Spain, Mauritius, Uruguay, United States
2016 Norway, Iceland, Sweden, New Zealand, Denmark, Canada, Ireland, Switzerland, Finland, Australia, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Malta, United Kingdom, Spain, Mauritius, Uruguay
2017 Norway, Iceland, Sweden, New Zealand, Denmark, Ireland, Canada, Australia, Finland, Switzerland, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany, United Kingdom, Austria, Mauritius, Malta, Uruguay, Spain
2018 Norway, Iceland, Sweden, New Zealand, Denmark, Canada, Ireland, Finland, Australia, Switzerland, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany, United Kingdom, Uruguay, Austria, Mauritius, Malta, Spain, Costa Rica
2019 Norway, Iceland, Sweden, New Zealand, Finland, Ireland, Denmark, Canada, Australia, Switzerland, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany, United Kingdom, Uruguay, Austria, Spain, Mauritius, Costa Rica, France, Chile, Portugal
2020 Norway, Iceland, Sweden, New Zealand, Canada, Finland, Denmark, Ireland, Australia, Netherlands, Republic of China (Taiwan), Switzerland, Luxembourg, Germany, Uruguay, United Kingdom, Chile, Austria, Costa Rica, Mauritius, JapSpain, South Korea