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Constitution of Alabama 1901

1. The Constitutional Standards follow the United Nations global governance system, which in a voluntary manner and at different speeds can be applied at the supranational level (international public legal person), the national level (national public legal person), and the sub-national level (state legal persons or localities), including individual subjects at any level.

2. If any clause is deemed invalid , or a clause applied to any organization or individual or any situation is invalid, other parts of the Constitutional Standards and the application of such clauses to other levels, organizations or individuals, or circumstances will not be affected.
(1) Supranational level: according to the organization's charter, but in accordance with the law that does not violate the constitutional standards of permanent peace and does not endanger any individual or group.
(2) National level: The Constitution Standard is applicated directly, effectively and comprehensively, and can amend itself indefinitely, or a part of it may not be implemented for the time being, but the criterion is not to detract from the perfection of the Constitution Standards.
(3) Except for the Ad Hoc Committees of § 15, National Legislation of § 18, National Administration of § 22 (Central Government/Federal Government), and items subordinate to the Central Committee in the articles, the sub-national level (state, province, city, district, etc.) Autonomous bodies are directly effective and fully applicable.

3. All laws or rules involving the scope of the Constitutional Standards are bound by the Constitutional Standards clauses.

4. The various rights enumerated in the Constitutional Standards shall not be interpreted as denying or canceling other rights held by the people.

5. The Constitutional Standards are one of part of the basic great law for all supranational organizations (United Nations, etc.), national organizations, and subnational organizations (state, region, province, city, etc.). The following basic clauses bind legislation, administration, procuratorial, and trial operations and are directly effective supreme laws.

1. Humanity will enjoy Permanent Peace . Take natural law and international law as parent law, promote the Constitutional Standards in the ISO to consolidate a world under the rule of law and create the highest life value..

2. Sustainable development of the earth . Take the solar system and the United Nations as the system, promote government standards (ISO), enhance global governance and create the highest values on earth.


National sovereignty rests with the people. Constitutional power belongs to the people unconditionally . The constitution can freely determine whether a nation is a republic or monarchy, a unitary state, or a federation . The government is formed through votes by the people. The oath of allegiance to the Constitution produces public offices.


Radio waves are owned by the whole people . Political candidates will gain one-hour free access to television broadcast and one item is published for free daily on the internet . The country’s nine major political parties can use the nation’s proprietary radio channels for free . Local governments shall handle the above matters in accordance with regulations.


Elections (and voting) are the most important element in education, allocation, dialogue , solidarity, consensus forming and elements of governance . Candidates should complete registration six months before elections Registration . Voting frequency and number of times are based on Switzerland or the US state of California, the two areas with the world’s highest per capita income.


The people are obliged to perform military service, voting service and peacekeeping service. Severe punishment for disturbing the peace or arrest of whoever disturbs the peace and abuses the right of freedom , using violence or lavishing money to achieve their goals or preaching on behalf of dictatorships and spreading false information, attacking freedom and democracy, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.


Innovate global democracy—advocate Permanent Peace, belief in value sharing and constitutional commonality, and take the lead in global republicanism. Vote frequently to resolve and reconcile contradictions, disagreements and antagonisms that continually arise.


All government officials, military personnel and civil servants must pass the constitutional and international law graded examinations, with question banks published a year in advance . Each legislature should ensure that the power of the three parties is balanced and establish a global network to submit questions or proposals to the committee.


Registration is completed six months prior to elections to facilitate dialogue between voters and talented candidates with ability . Political parties with seats in the national legislature of a fully democratic country can set up party headquarters in our country and field candidates in elections for leaders at all levels in accordance with the Constitutional Standards and the law, thereby enhancing international competitiveness.


Strictly control the flow of payment, movement of people, goods, and information from foreign countries. On referendum proposals, if 60% of eligible voters agree, the proposal is adopted . The elected president serves a term of five years, and together with his/her relatives is banned from running again in accordance with the law within six years of leaving the office . Attempts to modify the term of office shall be deemed acts of rebellion.


Creating the highest values in life, advocating the global basic Constitutional Standards, constructing Permanent Peace for humanity, and safeguarding sustainable development of the earth are the most sacred rights of the people and the most urgent obligations of the nation.


Innate human rights are superior to sovereignty . Any innocent victim harmed or dying from injury due to human factors and ergonomics should be compensated by the state . All victims have unlimited right to private prosecution . All citizens are good citizens, and criminal records of those who have not committed another crime within ten years should be completely expunged.


A community with a shared future for humanity and human rights issues is a global internal affair , and any human rights victim is seen as suffering for all humanity. Half of the members of the National Human Rights Action and Citizenship Exercise Committee are appointed by authoritative international human rights organization.


Constitution guarantors guarantee: human rights, environmental rights, peace rights and development rights for all will never lag those of other countries . Power leaders in government are elected in alternating years. Amendments to human rights or peace clauses are not permitted.


These Constitutional Standards are hereby established, to be promulgated throughout the country for faithful and perpetual observance by all. International law is deemed to be Customary International Law, as that is also the great fundamental law of the world , so international law is also deemed to be the parent law of the national constitution and the jus cogens of peace, directly imposing rights and duties on the people and central and local governments.


The eternal weapon for safeguarding peaceful development: implementing the Constitutional Standards is a fundamental law to promote what is beneficial and abolish what is harmful/to eradicate internal disturbances and treason. It gathers all laws of all local governments and nations in the whole world as a part of national laws , and people can choose the ones best suited for them and use them in accordance with the law.


Create a great civilization under rule of law . Candidates for the President and the leaders of prosecution and justice shall nominate members for ad hoc committees to develop legislation, international law, and all laws of all nations. These ad hoc committees’ members are distributed among various standing committees..


All legislative, administrative, procuratorial and adjudication acts shall be subject to International Law first. Anyone who is disloyal to the Constitutional Standards shall forfeit all basic rights. No country may invoke provisions of its National Laws or conditions, history, and cultural conflict to justify violation of International Law.


Global Concurrent Legislative Powers : In order to create a global legal community , the legislatures have to open up global legislation and national or sub-national levels have the right to enact legislation so long as and to the extent that the supra-national level has not exercised its legislative power by enacting a law.


Create a matrix committee-centric quasi-cabinet system with none of the disadvantages of contemporary systems . Hold at-large parliamentary elections in a single-district one-vote system to ensure candidates of three main political parties can be elected and part of representatives get re-elected each year . All bicameral parliaments shall proceed as described above. Parliament elections are handled separately and mandatory voting.


The Sub-national level (state/province/city) councils set up nine committees and 1/3 of all members face election each year . Local councils elect a Speaker from among their members for a one-session term with no right to run for Speaker again during the appointed dates . The local legislation should strive to enhance the value of globalization and localization.


The legislature shall create a human political community with the Constitutional Standards for international organizations and rule of international law as jus cogens. The legislature shall advise other countries or states, provinces, and cities to establish constitutional standards. Such actions shall be supported by special funds at least five ten thousandths (0.05%) of the total budget.


Global Concurrent Administrative Powers: Implement the Constitutional Standards and practice a community with a shared future for mankind; when performing tasks on behalf of supranational organizations (the UN, etc.), national and local governments shall be considered executive agencies empowered by supranational organizations.


Adopt a modified semi-presidential system . The President is elected by the people ; the President appoints or nominate the Prime Minister in accordance with the law , the Prime Minister must be born locally. The Prime Minister shall direct the actions of the Government. He/she shall be responsible for national defense. The various Minister of ministries and committees shall release their global performance rankings at the beginning of every year . All military forces shall be nationalized and globalized.


The sub-national level of the Constitutional Standards is comparable to the state, province, and district autonomous entities . Powers that are more beneficial to the locality belong to the local government, including the rights of local legislation, administration, justice, external trade, language, culture, and environmental development in accordance with the constitution.


The President, representatives of public opinion, military personnel, civil servants, teachers, and clergy shall act as constitutional guarantors . Leaders at all levels shall be responsible for the country’s centennial plans. The President and Armed forces shall be neutral in elections and are banned from voting . The country shall continue pursuing and perfecting all standards .


The Prosecutor-General is directly elected . The District Prosecutor-General are chosen in a single-district one-vote system, according to the number of votes, one district attorney general and two deputy district attorneys are elected, to form a collegial system of prosecution . Both parties may submit videos instead of appearing in court and have the right to replace the presiding judge before conclusion of the investigation/final statements.


The constitution represents the general will of the people, and the people can prosecute anyone who violates the constitution . Military or police personnel assuming office take an oath administered by a prosecutor . The nation shall set up a global legal comparison database to enhance audit, prevention, discovery and prosecution, and a trial ruling prediction system.


Ensure justice is responsive . The head of the Judicial Department is elected by the people . The rulings of Constitutional Court Justices are regarded as exercise of the people's constitutional power, and half of all Constitutional Court Justices shall come from different countries on the five continents, with life-long tenure and full national benefits.


Constitutional global agreement , unconstitutional global review, and priority reviews of violations of international law . Except in cases involving unconstitutionality, if no remedy is at hand, everyone in the democratic world has the right not to cooperate, to resist non-violently or to protest.

Article I Declaration of Rights.
SECTION That the great, general, and essential principles of liberty and free government may be recognized and established, we declare:
SECTION 1 Equality and rights of men. That all men are equally free and independent; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
SECTION 2 People source of power. That all political power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their benefit; and that, therefore, they have at all times an inalienable and indefeasible right to change their form of government in such manner as they may deem expedient.
SECTION 3 Religious freedom. That no religion shall be established by law; that no preference shall be given by law to any religious sect, society, denomination, or mode of worship; that no one shall be compelled by law to attend any place of worship; nor to pay any tithes, taxes, or other rate for building or repairing any place of worship, or for maintaining any minister or ministry; that no religious test shall be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under this state; and that the civil rights, privileges, and capacities of any citizen shall not be in any manner affected by his religious principles.
SECTION 4 Freedom of speech and press. That no law shall ever be passed to curtail or restrain the liberty of speech or of the press; and any person may speak, write, and publish his sentiments on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of that liberty.
SECTION 5 Unreasonable search and seizure; search warrants. That the people shall be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and possessions from unreasonable seizure or searches, and that no warrants shall issue to search any place or to seize any person or thing without probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation.
SECTION 6 Rights of persons in criminal prosecutions generally; self-incrimination; due process of law; right to speedy, public trial; change of venue. That in all criminal prosecutions, the accused has a right to be heard by himself and counsel, or either; to demand the nature and cause of the accusation; and to have a copy thereof; to be confronted by the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor; to testify in all cases, in his own behalf, if he elects so to do; and, in all prosecutions by indictment, a speedy, public trial, by an impartial jury of the county or district in which the offense was committed; and he shall not be compelled to give evidence against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, except by due process of law; but the legislature may, by a general law, provide for a change of venue at the instance of the defendant in all prosecutions by indictment, and such change of venue, on application of the defendant, may be heard and determined without the personal presence of the defendant so applying therefor; provided, that at the time of the application for the change of venue, the defendant is imprisoned in jail or some legal place of confinement.
SECTION 7 Accusation, arrest and detention; punishment limited to laws established prior to offense. That no person shall be accused or arrested, or detained, except in cases ascertained by law, and according to the form which the same has prescribed; and no person shall be punished but by virtue of a law established and promulgated prior to the offense and legally applied.
SECTION 8 Proceeding against person by information; grand jury not required in misdemeanor cases. That no person shall, for any indictable offense, be proceeded against criminally, by information, except in cases arising in the militia and volunteer forces when in actual service, or when assembled under arms as a military organization, or, by leave of the court, for misfeasance, misdemeanor, extortion, and oppression in office, otherwise than is provided in the Constitution; provided, that in cases of misdemeanor, the legislature may by law dispense with a grand jury and authorize such prosecutions and proceedings before justices of the peace or such other inferior courts as may be by law established.
SECTION 9 Double jeopardy; discharge of juries from cases. That no person shall, for the same offense, be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; but courts may, for reasons fixed by law, discharge juries from the consideration of any case, and no person shall gain an advantage by reason of such discharge of the jury.
SECTION 10 Right to prosecute civil cause. That no person shall be barred from prosecuting or defending before any tribunal in this state, by himself or counsel, any civil cause to which he is a party.
SECTION 11 Right to trial by jury. That the right of trial by jury shall remain inviolate.
SECTION 12 Prosecutions for libel or for publication of papers investigating official conduct of public officers. That in all prosecutions for libel or for the publication of papers investigating the official conduct of officers or men in public capacity, or when the matter published is proper for public information, the truth thereof may be given in evidence; and that in all indictments for libel, the jury shall have the right to determine the law and the facts under the direction of the court.
SECTION 13 Courts to be open; remedies for all injuries; impartiality of justice. That all courts shall be open; and that every person, for any injury done him, in his lands, goods, person, or reputation, shall have a remedy by due process of law; and right and justice shall be administered without sale, denial, or delay.
SECTION 14 State not to be made defendant. That the State of Alabama shall never be made a defendant in any court of law or equity.
SECTION 15 Excessive fines; cruel or unusual punishment. That excessive fines shall not be imposed, nor cruel or unusual punishment inflicted.
SECTION 16 Right to bail; excessive bail. That all persons shall, before conviction, be bailable by sufficient sureties, except for capital offenses, when the proof is evident or the presumption great; and that excessive bail shall not in any case be required.
SECTION 17 Suspension of habeas corpus. That the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended by the authorities of this state.
SECTION 18 Treason against the state. That treason against the state shall consist only in levying war against it, or adhering to its enemies, giving them aid and comfort; and that no person shall be convicted of treason, except on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or his own confession in open court.
SECTION 19 Bills of attainder of treason by legislature prohibited; conviction not to work corruption of blood or forfeiture of estate. That no person shall be attainted of treason by the legislature; and no conviction shall work corruption of blood or forfeiture of estate.
SECTION 20 Imprisonment for debts. That no person shall be imprisoned for debt.
SECTION 21 Suspension of laws. That no power of suspending laws shall be exercised except by the legislature.
SECTION 22 Ex post facto laws; impairment of obligations of contracts; irrevocable or exclusive grants of special privileges or immunities. That no ex post facto law, nor any law, impairing the obligations of contracts, or making any irrevocable or exclusive grants of special privileges or immunities, shall be passed by the legislature; and every grant or franchise, privilege, or immunity shall forever remain subject to revocation, alteration, or amendment.
SECTION 23 Eminent domain. That the exercise of the right of eminent domain shall never be abridged nor so construed as to prevent the legislature from taking the property and franchises of incorporated companies, and subjecting them to public use in the same manner in which the property and franchises of individuals are taken and subjected; but private property shall not be taken for, or applied to public use, unless just compensation be first made therefor; nor shall private property be taken for private use, or for the use of corporations, other than municipal, without the consent of the owner; provided, however, the legislature may by law secure to persons or corporations the right of way over the lands of other persons or corporations, and by general laws provide for and regulate the exercise by persons and corporations of the rights herein reserved; but just compensation shall, in all cases, be first made to the owner; and, provided, that the right of eminent domain shall not be so construed as to allow taxation or forced subscription for the benefit of railroads or any other kind of corporations, other than municipal, or for the benefit of any individual or association.
SECTION 24 Navigable waters declared free public highways; taxes, tolls, etc., for use of shores or wharves. That all navigable waters shall remain forever public highways, free to the citizens of the state and the United States, without tax, impost, or toll; and that no tax, toll, impost, or wharfage shall be demanded or received from the owner of any merchandise or commodity for the use of the shores or any wharf erected on the shores, or in or over the waters of any navigable streams, unless the same be expressly authorized by law.
SECTION 25 Right to peaceably assemble and petition for redress of grievances, etc. That the citizens have a right, in a peaceable manner, to assemble together for the common good, and to apply to those invested with the power of government for redress of grievances or other purposes, by petition, address, or remonstrance.
SECTION 26 Right to bear arms. That every citizen has a right to bear arms in defense of himself and the state.
SECTION 27 Standing army; military subordinate to civil power. That no standing army shall be kept up without the consent of the legislature, and, in that case, no appropriation for its support shall be made for a longer term than one year; and the military shall, in all cases, and at all times, be in strict subordination to the civil power.
SECTION 28 Quartering of soldiers in houses. That no soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house without the consent of the owner; nor, in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.
SECTION 29 Titles of nobility, hereditary distinction, etc.; restriction on appointments to office. That no title of nobility or hereditary distinction, privilege, honor, or emolument shall ever be granted or conferred in this state; and that no office shall be created, the appointment to which shall be for a longer time than during good behavior.
SECTION 30 Immigration, emigration and exile. That immigration shall be encouraged; emigration shall not be prohibited, and no citizen shall be exiled.
SECTION 31 Residence not forfeited by temporary absence from state. That temporary absence from the state shall not cause a forfeiture of residence once obtained.
SECTION 32 Slavery prohibited; involuntary servitude. That no form of slavery shall exist in this state; and there shall not be any involuntary servitude, otherwise than for the punishment of crime, of which the party shall have been duly convicted.
SECTION 33 Protection of suffrage. The privilege of suffrage shall be protected by laws regulating elections, and prohibiting, under adequate penalties, all undue influences from power, bribery, tumult, or other improper conduct.
SECTION 34 Property rights of aliens. Foreigners who are, or may hereafter become, bona fide residents of this state, shall enjoy the same rights in respect to the possession, enjoyment, and inheritance of property, as native born citizens.
SECTION 35 Objective of government. That the sole object and only legitimate end of government is to protect the citizen in the enjoyment of life, liberty, and property, and when the government assumes other functions it is usurpation and oppression.
SECTION 36 Construction of Declaration of Rights. That this enumeration of certain rights shall not impair or deny others retained by the people; and, to guard against any encroachments on the rights herein retained, we declare that everything in this Declaration of Rights is excepted out of the general powers of government, and shall forever remain inviolate.
Article II State and County Boundaries.
SECTION 37 State boundaries defined. The boundaries of this state are established and declared to be as follows, that is to say: Beginning at the point where the thirty-first degree of north latitude crosses the Perdido river; thence east, to the western boundary line of the State of Georgia; thence along said line to the southern boundary line of the State of Tennessee; thence west, along the southern boundary line of the State of Tennessee, crossing the Tennessee river, and on to the second intersection of said river by said line; thence up said river to the mouth of Big Bear creek; thence by a direct line to the northwest corner of Washington county, in this state, as originally formed; thence southwardly, along the line of the State of Mississippi, to the Gulf of Mexico; thence eastwardly, including all islands within six leagues of the shore, to the Perdido river; thence up the said river to the beginning; provided, that the limits and jurisdiction of this state shall extend to and include any other land and territory hereafter acquired, by contract or agreement with other states or otherwise, although such land and territory are not included within the boundaries hereinbefore designated.
SECTION 38 County boundaries ratified and confirmed. The boundaries of the several counties of this state, as they now exist, are hereby ratified and confirmed.
SECTION 39 Arrangement and designation of county boundaries; new counties. The legislature may, by a vote of two-thirds of each house thereof, arrange and designate boundaries for the several counties of this state, which boundaries shall not be altered, except by a like vote; but no new county shall be formed hereafter of less extent than six hundred square miles, and no existing county shall be reduced to less than six hundred square miles; and no new county shall be formed unless it shall contain a sufficient number of inhabitants to entitle it to one representative under the ratio of representation existing at the time of its formation, and leave the county or counties from which it is taken with the required number of inhabitants to entitle such county or counties, each, to separate representation; provided, that out of the counties of Henry, Dale, and Geneva a new county of less than six hundred square miles may be formed under the provisions of this article, so as to leave said counties of Henry, Dale, and Geneva with not less than five hundred square miles each.
SECTION 40 Minimum distance of county boundaries from courthouse. No county line shall be altered or changed, or in the event of the creation of new counties shall be established, so as to run within seven miles of the county courthouse of any old county.
SECTION 41 Removal of courthouse or county site. No courthouse or county site shall be removed except by a majority vote of the qualified electors of said county, voting at an election held for such purpose, and when an election has once been held no other election shall be held for such purpose until the expiration of four years; provided, that the county site of Shelby county shall remain at Columbiana, unless removed by a vote of the people, as provided for in an act entitled, "An act to provide for the permanent location of the county site of Shelby county, Alabama, by a vote of the qualified electors of said county," approved the 9th day of February, 1899, and the act amendatory thereof, approved the 20th day of February, 1899, or by an election held under the provisions of this article.
Article III Distribution of Powers of Government.
SECTION 42 Legislative, executive and judicial departments established. The powers of the government of the State of Alabama shall be divided into three distinct departments, each of which shall be confided to a separate body of magistracy, to wit: Those which are legislative, to one; those which are executive, to another; and those which are judicial, to another.
SECTION 43 Separation of powers. In the government of this state, except in the instances in this Constitution hereinafter expressly directed or permitted, the legislative department shall never exercise the executive and judicial powers, or either of them; the executive shall never exercise the legislative and judicial powers, or either of them; the judicial shall never exercise the legislative and executive powers, or either of them; to the end that it may be a government of laws and not of men.
Article IV Legislative Department.
SECTION 44 Composition of legislature. The legislative power of this state shall be vested in a legislature, which shall consist of a senate and a house of representatives.
SECTION 45 Style of laws; division of laws; laws restricted to one subject; amendment or revival of laws by title only. The style of the laws of this state shall be: "Be it enacted by the legislature of Alabama," which need not be repeated, but the act shall be divided into sections for convenience, according to substance, and the sections designated merely by figures. Each law shall contain but one subject, which shall be clearly expressed in its title, except general appropriation bills, general revenue bills, and bills adopting a code, digest, or revision of statutes; and no law shall be revived, amended, or the provisions thereof extended or conferred, by reference to its title only; but so much thereof as is revived, amended, extended, or conferred, shall be re-enacted and published at length.
SECTION 46 Election and terms of office of senators and representatives; vacancies in office. Senators and representatives shall be elected by the qualified electors on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November unless the legislature shall change the time of holding elections and in every fourth year thereafter. The terms of office of the senators and representatives shall commence on the day after the general election at which they are elected, and expire on the day after the general election held in the fourth year after their election, except as otherwise provided in this Constitution. At the general election in the year nineteen hundred and two all the representatives, together with the senators for the even numbered districts and for the thirty-fifth district, shall be elected. The terms of those senators who represent the odd numbered districts under the law in force prior to the ratification of this Constitution, are hereby extended until the day after the general election in the year nineteen hundred and six; and until the expiration of his term as hereinbefore extended, each such senator shall represent the district established by this Constitution, bearing the number corresponding with that for which he was elected. In the year nineteen hundred and six, and in every fourth year thereafter, all the senators and representatives shall be elected. Whenever a vacancy shall occur in either house, the governor shall issue a writ of election to fill such vacancy for the remainder of the term.
SECTION 47 Qualifications of senators and representatives. Senators shall be at least twenty-five years of age, and representatives twenty-one years of age at the time of their election. They shall have been citizens and residents of this state for three years and residents of their respective counties or districts for one year next before their election, if such county or district shall have been so long established; but if not, then of the county or district from which the same shall have been taken; and they shall reside in their respective counties or districts during their terms of office.
SECTION 48 Time and place of meetings of legislature; maximum length of sessions. The legislature shall meet quadrennially at the capitol in the senate chamber, and in the hall of the house of representatives, on the second Tuesday in January next succeeding their election, or on such other day as may be prescribed by law; and shall not remain in session longer than sixty days at the first session held under the Constitution, nor longer than fifty days at any subsequent session. If at any time it should from any cause become impossible or dangerous for the legislature to meet or remain at the capitol or for the senate to meet or remain in the senate chamber, or for the representatives to meet or remain in the hall of the house of representatives, the governor may convene the legislature, or remove it after it has convened, to some other place, or may designate some other place for the sitting of the respective houses, or either of them, as necessity may require.
SECTION 49 Compensation of members of legislature. The pay of the members of the legislature shall be four dollars per day, and ten cents per mile in going to and returning from the seat of government, to be computed by the nearest usual route traveled.
SECTION 50 Number of senators and representatives; apportionment of legislators. The legislature shall consist of not more than thirty-five senators, and not more than one hundred and five members of the house of representatives, to be apportioned among the several districts and counties, as prescribed in this Constitution; provided that in addition to the above number of representatives, each new county hereafter created shall be entitled to one representative.
SECTION 51 Election of president pro tem. of senate and speaker of house of representatives; temporary president and speaker; officers of each house; each house judge of election, returns and qualifications of members. The senate, at the beginning of each regular session, and at such other times as may be necessary, shall elect one of its members president pro tem. thereof, to preside over its deliberations in the absence of the lieutenant-governor; and the house of representatives, at the beginning of each regular session, and at such other times as may be necessary, shall elect one of its members as speaker; and the president of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives shall hold their offices respectively, until their successors are elected and qualified. In case of the temporary disability of either of said presiding officers, the house to which he belongs may elect one of its members to preside over that house and to perform all the duties of such officer during the continuance of his disability; and such temporary officer, while performing duty as such, shall receive the same compensation to which the permanent officer is entitled by law, and no other. Each house shall choose its own officers and shall judge of the election, returns, and qualifications of its members.
SECTION 52 Quorum in each house. A majority of each house shall constitute a quorum to do business; but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day and compel the attendance of absent members, in such manner and under such penalties as each house may provide.
SECTION 53 Rules of proceedings of both houses; punishment for contempt or disorderly behavior; enforcement of process; protection of members from violence, bribes, etc.; expulsion of members. Each house shall have power to determine the rules of its proceedings and to punish its members and other persons, for contempt or disorderly behavior in its presence; to enforce obedience to its processes; to protect its members against violence, or offers of bribes or corrupt solicitation; and with the concurrence of two-thirds of the house, to expel a member, but not a second time for the same offense; and the two houses shall have all the powers necessary for the legislature of a free state.
SECTION 54 Expulsion for corruption bar to further service in legislature; punishment for contempt or disorderly behavior not bar to indictment for same offense. A member of the legislature, expelled for corruption, shall not thereafter be eligible to either house, and punishment for contempt or disorderly behavior shall not bar an indictment for the same offense.
SECTION 55 Journal of proceedings of each house. Each house shall keep a journal of its proceedings and cause the same to be published immediately after its adjournment, excepting such parts as, in its judgment, may require secrecy; and the yeas and nays of the members of either house on any question shall, at the request of one-tenth of the members present, be entered on the journal. Any member of either house shall have liberty to dissent from or protest against any act or resolution which he may think injurious to the public, or to an individual, and have the reason for his dissent entered on the journal.
SECTION 56 Immunity of legislators. Members of the legislature shall, in all cases, except treason, felony, violation of their oath of office, and breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest during their attendance at the session of their respective houses, and in going to and returning from the same; and for any speech or debate in either house shall not be questioned in any other place.
SECTION 57 Doors of each house to be open; exceptions; restrictions on admittance to floor. The doors of each house shall be opened except on such occasions as, in the opinion of the house, may require secrecy, but no person shall be admitted to the floor of either house while the same is in session, except members of the legislature, the officers and employes of the two houses, the governor and his secretary, representatives of the press, and other persons to whom either house, by unanimous vote, may extend the privileges of its floor.
SECTION 58 Adjournment or change of place of sitting by one house without consent of other house. Neither house shall, without consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other place than that in which they may be sitting except as otherwise provided in this Constitution.
SECTION 59 Appointment of legislators to other offices during terms for which elected. No senator or representative shall, during the term for which he shall have been elected, be appointed to any office of profit under this state, which shall have been created, or the emoluments of which shall have been increased during such term, except such offices as may be filled by election by the people.
SECTION 60 Conviction of certain crimes bar to eligibility for legislature and to holding state office of trust or profit. No person convicted of embezzlement of the public money, bribery, perjury, or other infamous crime, shall be eligible to the legislature, or capable of holding any office of trust or profit in this state.
SECTION 61 Laws to be passed by bills; restrictions on amendments to bills. No law shall be passed except by bill, and no bill shall be so altered or amended on its passage through either house as to change its original purpose.
SECTION 62 Referral of bills to standing committees. No bill shall become a law until it shall have been referred to a standing committee of each house, acted upon by such committee in session, and returned therefrom, which facts shall affirmatively appear upon the journal of each house.
SECTION 63 Number of readings for bills; recordation of votes on bills; majority vote required for passage of bills. Every bill shall be read on three different days in each house, and no bill shall become a law, unless on its final passage it be read at length, and the vote be taken by yeas and nays, the names of the members voting for and against the same be entered upon the journals, and a majority of each house be recorded thereon as voting in its favor, except as otherwise provided in this Constitution.
SECTION 64 Procedure for amendment of bills; adoption of reports of committees of conference. No amendment to bills shall be adopted except by a majority of the house wherein the same is offered, nor unless the amendment with the names of those voting for and against the same shall be entered at length on the journal of the house in which the same is adopted, and no amendment to bills by one house shall be concurred in by the other, unless a vote be taken by yeas and nays, and the names of the members voting for and against the same be recorded at length on the journal; and no report of a committee of conference shall be adopted in either house, except upon a vote taken by yeas and nays, and entered on the journal, as herein provided for the adoption of amendments.
SECTION 65 Lotteries and gift enterprises prohibited. The legislature shall have no power to authorize lotteries or gift enterprises for any purposes, and shall pass laws to prohibit the sale in this state of lottery or gift enterprise tickets, or tickets in any scheme in the nature of a lottery; and all acts, or parts of acts heretofore passed by the legislature of this state, authorizing a lottery or lotteries, and all acts amendatory thereof, or supplemental thereto, are hereby avoided.
SECTION 66 Signature of bills by presiding officer of each house; reading of bills at length may be dispensed with. The presiding officer of each house shall, in the presence of the house over which he presides, sign all bills and joint resolutions passed by the legislature, after the same shall have been publicly read at length immediately before signing, and the fact of reading and signing shall be entered upon the journal; but the reading at length may be dispensed with by a two-thirds vote of a quorum present, which fact shall also be entered on the journal.
SECTION 67 Number, duties and compensation of officers and employees of each house. The legislature shall prescribe by law the number, duties, and compensation of the officers and employes of each house, and no payment shall be made from the state treasury or be in any way authorized to any person except to an acting officer or employe elected or appointed in pursuance of law.
SECTION 68 Extra compensation not to be granted public officer, employee, contractor, etc., after service rendered or contract made; increase or decrease of compensation of officers during term of office. The legislature shall have no power to grant or to authorize or require any county or municipal authority to grant, nor shall any county or municipal authority have power to grant any extra compensation, fee, or allowance to any public officer, servant, or employe, agent or contractor, after service shall have been rendered or contract made, nor to increase or decrease the fees and compensation of such officers during their terms of office; nor shall any officer of the state bind the state to the payment of any sum of money but by authority of law; provided this section shall not apply to allowances made by commissioners' courts or boards of revenue to county officers for ex officio services, nor prevent the legislature from increasing or diminishing at any time the allowance to sheriffs or other officers for feeding, transferring, or guarding prisoners.
SECTION 69 Stationery, printing, fuel, etc., to be furnished by lowest responsible bidder; conflicts of interest. All stationery, printing, paper, and fuel used in the legislative and other departments of government shall be furnished and the printing, binding, and distribution of laws, journals, department reports, and all other printing, binding, and repairing and furnishing the halls and rooms used for the meeting of the legislature and its committees, shall be performed under contract, to be given to the lowest responsible bidder below a maximum price, and under such regulations as shall be prescribed by law; no member or officer of any department of the government shall be in any way interested in such contract, and all such contracts shall be subject to the approval of the governor, auditor, and treasurer.
SECTION 70 Revenue bills to originate in House of Representatives; preparation of general revenue bill; amendments to revenue bills by Senate; time limit for passage of revenue bills. All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the house of representatives. The governor, auditor, and attorney-general shall, before each regular session of the legislature, prepare a general revenue bill to be submitted to the legislature, for its information, and the secretary of state shall have printed for the use of the legislature a sufficient number of copies of the bill so prepared, which the governor shall transmit to the house of representatives as soon as organized, to be used or dealt with as that house may elect. The senate may propose amendments to revenue bills. No revenue bill shall be passed during the last five days of the session.
SECTION 71 Restrictions on general appropriation bill. The general appropriation bill shall embrace nothing but appropriations for the ordinary expenses of the executive, legislative, and judicial departments of the state, for interest on the public debt, and for the public schools. The salary of no officer or employe shall be increased in such bill, nor shall any appropriation be made therein for any officer or employe unless his employment and the amount of his salary have already been provided for by law. All other appropriations shall be made by separate bills, each embracing but one subject.
SECTION 72 Payment of money out of state treasury; publication of annual statement of receipts and expenditures. No money shall be paid out of the treasury except upon appropriations made by law, and on warrant drawn by the proper officer in pursuance thereof; and a regular statement and account of receipts and expenditures of all public moneys shall be published annually, in such manner as may be by law directed.
SECTION 73 Appropriations to charitable or educational institutions not under absolute control of state. No appropriation shall be made to any charitable or educational institution not under the absolute control of the state, other than normal schools established by law for the professional training of teachers for the public schools of the state, except by a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house.
SECTION 74 Authorization of investment of trust funds by executors, trustees, etc., in bonds or stock of private corporations prohibited. No act of the legislature shall authorize the investment of any trust fund by executors, administrators, guardians, or other trustees in the bonds or stock of any private corporation; and any such acts now existing are avoided, saving investments heretofore made.
SECTION 75 Change of venue in civil and criminal cases. The power to change the venue in civil and criminal causes is vested in the courts, to be exercised in such manner as shall be provided by law.
SECTION 76 Restrictions on legislation at special sessions; duration of special sessions. When the legislature shall be convened in special session, there shall be no legislation upon subjects other than those designated in the proclamation of the governor calling such session, except by a vote of two-thirds of each house. Special sessions shall be limited to thirty days.
SECTION 77 State office for inspection or measuring of merchandise, commodities, etc., prohibited. No state office shall be continued or created for the inspection or measuring of any merchandise, manufacture, or commodity, but any county or municipality may appoint such officers when authorized by law.
SECTION 78 Legislation to change seat of government of state. No act of the legislature changing the seat of government of the state shall become a law until the same shall have been submitted to the qualified electors of the state at a general election, and approved by a majority of such electors voting on the same; and such act shall specify the proposed new location.
SECTION 79 Bribery — Solicitation, acceptance, etc., of bribes by legislators. A member of the legislature who shall solicit, demand, or receive, or consent to receive, directly or indirectly, for himself or for another, from any company, corporation, association, or person, any money, office, appointment, employment, reward, thing of value, or enjoyment, or of personal advantage or promise thereof, for his vote or official influence, or for withholding the same; or with an understanding, expressed or implied, that his vote or official action shall be in any way influenced thereby; or who shall solicit or demand any such money or other advantage, matter, or thing aforesaid, for another as the consideration for his vote, or influence, or for withholding the same; or shall give or withhold his vote or influence in consideration of the payment or promise of such money, advantage, matter, or thing to another, shall be guilty of bribery within the meaning of this Constitution; and shall incur the disabilities and penalties provided thereby for such offense, and such additional punishment as is or shall be provided by law.
SECTION 80 Same — Offer, gift, etc., of money, etc., to executive or judicial officers or members of legislature to influence official acts. Any person who shall, directly or indirectly, offer, give, or promise any money, or thing of value, testimonial, privilege, or personal advantage, to any executive or judicial officer or member of the legislature to influence him in the performance of any of his public or official duties, shall be guilty of bribery, and be punished in such manner as may be provided by law.
SECTION 81 Offense of corrupt solicitation to be defined by law. The offense of corrupt solicitation of members of the legislature or of public officers of this state or of any municipal division thereof, and any occupation or practice of solicitation of such members or officers, to influence their official action, shall be defined by law, and shall be punished by fine and imprisonment in the penitentiary; and the legislature shall provide for the trial and punishment of the offenses enumerated in the two preceding sections, and shall require the judges to give the same specially in charge to the grand juries in all the counties of this state.
SECTION 82 Disclosure of personal or private interest in bills, etc., by legislators. A member of the legislature who has a personal or private interest in any measure or bill proposed or pending before the legislature, shall disclose the fact to the house of which he is a member, and shall not vote thereon.
SECTION 83 Voting in elections by legislature. In all elections by the legislature the members shall vote viva voce, and the votes shall be entered on the journal.
SECTION 84 Adoption of laws to provide for arbitration between parties. It shall be the duty of the legislature to pass such laws as may be necessary and proper to decide differences by arbitrators to be appointed by the parties who may choose that mode of adjustment.
SECTION 85 Periodic revision and promulgation of laws. It shall be the duty of the legislature, at its first session after the ratification of this Constitution, and within every subsequent period of twelve years, to make provision by law for revising, digesting, and promulgating the public statutes of this state, of a general nature, both civil and criminal.
SECTION 86 Suppression of dueling. The legislature shall pass such penal laws as it may deem expedient to suppress the evil practice of dueling.
SECTION 87 Deductions from salaries or compensation of public officers for neglect of duty. It shall be the duty of the legislature to regulate by law the cases in which deduction shall be made from the salaries or compensation of public officers for neglect of duty in their official capacities, and the amount of such deduction.
SECTION 88 Counties to provide for maintenance of the poor. It shall be the duty of the legislature to require the several counties of this state to make adequate provision for the maintenance of the poor.
SECTION 89 Municipalities not to pass laws in conflict with general laws of state. The legislature shall not have power to authorize any municipal corporation to pass any laws inconsistent with the general laws of this state.
SECTION 90 Acquisition of foreign territory; rights and privileges of inhabitants of acquired territory. In the event of the annexation of any foreign territory to this state, the legislature shall enact laws extending to the inhabitants of the acquired territory all the rights and privileges which may be required by the terms of acquisition not inconsistent with this Constitution. Should the state purchase such foreign territory, the legislature, with the approval of the governor, shall be authorized to expend any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, and, if necessary, to provide also for the issuance of state bonds, to pay for the purchase of such foreign territory.
SECTION 91 Exemption from taxation of state, county, municipal, cemetery and certain religious, educational and charitable property. The legislature shall not tax the property, real or personal, of the state, counties, or other municipal corporations, or cemeteries; nor lots in incorporated cities and towns, or within one mile of any city or town to the extent of one acre, nor lots one mile or more distant from such cities or towns to the extent of five acres, with the buildings thereon, when same are used exclusively for religious worship, for schools, or for purposes purely charitable.
SECTION 92 Rules and regulations to ascertain value of property exempted from sale under legal process. The legislature shall by law prescribe such rules and regulations as may be necessary to ascertain the value of real and personal property exempted from sale under legal process by this Constitution, and to secure the same to the claimant thereof as selected.
SECTION 93 State not to engage in internal improvements or lend money or credit for same; state interest in private or corporate enterprises prohibited. The state shall not engage in works of internal improvement, nor lend money or its credit in aid of such; nor shall the state be interested in any private or corporate enterprise, or lend money or its credit to any individual, association, or corporation.
SECTION 94 Municipalities not to grant public money or lend credit to private persons or corporations. The legislature shall not have power to authorize any county, city, town, or other subdivision of this state to lend its credit, or to grant public money or thing of value in aid of, or to any individual, association, or corporation whatsoever, or to become a stockholder in any such corporation, association, or company, by issuing bonds or otherwise.
SECTION 95 Impairing obligation of contracts; revival of barred rights or remedies; removal of cause of action or defense to suit after commencement of suit. There can be no law of this state impairing the obligation of contracts by destroying or impairing the remedy for their enforcement; and the legislature shall have no power to revive any right or remedy which may have become barred by lapse of time, or by any statute of this state. After suit has been commenced on any cause of action, the legislature shall have no power to take away such cause of action, or destroy any existing defense to such suit.
SECTION 96 Uniformity of laws regulating court costs and charges and fees, commissions and allowances of public officers. The legislature shall not enact any law not applicable to all the counties in the state, regulating costs and charges of courts, or fees, commissions or allowances of public officers.
SECTION 97 Payment of salary of deceased officer after date of death. The legislature shall not authorize payment to any person of the salary of a deceased officer beyond the date of his death.
SECTION 98 Payments or grants to retiring officers. The legislature shall not retire any officer on pay, or part pay, or make any grant to such retiring officer.
SECTION 99 Restrictions on donation or sale of state lands to private corporations or individuals; grant of easements to railroad, telephone and telegraph companies. Lands belonging to or under the control of the state shall never be donated, directly or indirectly, to private corporations, associations, or individuals, or railroad companies; nor shall such lands be sold to corporations or associations for a less price than that for which they are subject to sale to individuals; provided, that nothing contained in this section shall prevent the legislature from granting a right of way, not exceeding one hundred and twenty-five feet in width, as a mere easement, for railroads or telegraph or telephone lines across state land, and the legislature shall never dispose of the land covered by such right of way except subject to such easement.
SECTION 100 Obligations and liabilities of corporations, etc., held or owned by state, counties or municipalities. No obligation or liability of any person, association, or corporation held or owned by this state, or by any county or other municipality thereof, shall ever be remitted, released, or postponed, or in any way diminished, by the legislature; nor shall such liability or obligation be extinguished except by payment thereof; nor shall such liability or obligation be exchanged or transferred except upon payment of its face value; provided, that this section shall not prevent the legislature from providing by general law for the compromise of doubtful claims.
SECTION 101 Lobbying in legislature by state or county officials. No state or county official shall, at any time during his term of office, accept, either directly or indirectly, any fee, money, office, appointment, employment, reward, or thing of value, or of personal advantage, or the promise thereof, to lobby for or against any measure pending before the legislature, or to give or withhold his influence to secure the passage or defeat of any such measure.
SECTION 102 Miscegenation laws. The legislature shall never pass any law to authorize or legalize any marriage between any white person and a negro, or descendant of a negro. This section has been annulled by Amendment 667.
SECTION 103 Regulation, etc., of common carriers, partnerships, associations, trusts, monopolies and combinations of capital. The legislature shall provide by law for the regulation, prohibition, or reasonable restraint of common carriers, partnerships, associations, trusts, monopolies, and combinations of capital, so as to prevent them or any of them from making scarce articles of necessity, trade, or commerce, or from increasing unreasonably the cost thereof to the consumer, or preventing reasonable competition in any calling, trade, or business.
SECTION 104 Special, private or local laws — Prohibited in certain cases. The legislature shall not pass a special, private, or local law in any of the following cases: (1) Granting a divorce; (2) Relieving any minor of the disabilities of nonage; (3) Changing the name of any corporation, association, or individual; (4) Providing for the adoption or legitimizing of any child; (5) Incorporating a city, town, or village; (6) Granting a charter to any corporation, association, or individual; (7) Establishing rules of descent or distribution; (8) Regulating the time within which a civil or criminal action may be begun; (9) Exempting any individual, private corporation, or association from the operation of any general law; (10) Providing for the sale of the property of any individual or estate; (11) Changing or locating a county seat; (12) Providing for a change of venue in any case; (13) Regulating the rate of interest; (14) Fixing the punishment of crime; (15) Regulating either the assessment or collection of taxes, except in connection with the readjustment, renewal, or extension of existing municipal indebtedness created prior to the ratification of the Constitution of eighteen hundred and seventy-five; (16) Giving effect to an invalid will, deed, or other instrument; (17) Authorizing any county, city, town, village, district, or other political subdivision of a county, to issue bonds or other securities unless the issuance of said bonds or other securities shall have been authorized before the enactment of such local or special law, by a vote of the duly qualified electors of such county, township, city, town, village, district, or other political subdivision of a county, at an election held for such purpose, in the manner that may be prescribed by law; provided, the legislature may, without such election, pass special laws to refund bonds issued before the date of the ratification of this Constitution; (18) Amending, confirming, or extending the charter of any private or municipal corporation, or remitting the forfeiture thereof; provided, this shall not prohibit the legislature from altering or rearranging the boundaries of the city, town, or village; (19) Creating, extending, or impairing any lien; (20) Chartering or licensing any ferry, road, or bridge; (21) Increasing the jurisdiction and fees of justices of the peace or the fees of constables; (22) Establishing separate school districts; (23) Establishing separate stock districts; (24) Creating, increasing, or decreasing fees, percentages, or allowances of public officers; (25) Exempting property from taxation or from levy or sale; (26) Exempting any person from jury, road, or other civil duty; (27) Donating any lands owned by or under control of the state to any person or corporation; (28) Remitting fines, penalties, or forfeitures; (29) Providing for the conduct of elections or designating places of voting, or changing the boundaries of wards, precincts, or districts, except in the event of the organization of new counties, or the changing of the lines of old counties; (30) Restoring the right to vote to persons convicted of infamous crimes, or crimes involving moral turpitude; (31) Declaring who shall be liners between precincts or between counties. The legislature shall pass general laws for the cases enumerated in this section, provided that nothing in this section or article shall affect the right of the legislature to enact local laws regulating or prohibiting the liquor traffic; but no such local law shall be enacted unless notice shall have been given as required in section 106 of this Constitution.
SECTION 105 Same Prohibited in cases provided for by general law; exception as to time of holding courts; partial repeal of general laws. No special, private, or local law, except a law fixing the time of holding courts, shall be enacted in any case which is provided for by a general law, or when the relief sought can be given by any court of this state; and the courts, and not the legislature, shall judge as to whether the matter of said law is provided for by a general law, and as to whether the relief sought can be given by any court; nor shall the legislature indirectly enact any such special, private, or local law by the partial repeal of a general law.
SECTION 106 Same Publication or posting of notice of intent to apply therefor within county or counties affected prior to introduction of bill. No special, private, or local law shall be passed on any subject not enumerated in section 104 of this Constitution, except in reference to fixing the time of holding courts, unless notice of the intention to apply therefor shall have been published, without cost to the state, in the county or counties where the matter or thing to be affected may be situated, which notice shall state the substance of the proposed law and be published at least once a week for four consecutive weeks in some newspaper published in such county or counties, or if there is no newspaper published therein, then by posting the said notice for four consecutive weeks at five different places in the county or counties prior to the introduction of the bill; and proof by affidavit that said notice has been given shall be exhibited to each house of the legislature, and said proof spread upon the journal. The courts shall pronounce void every special, private, or local law which the journals do not affirmatively show was passed in accordance with the provisions of this section.
SECTION 107 Same Notice required by section 106 prerequisite to repeal or amendment. The legislature shall not, by a special, private, or local law, repeal or modify any special, private, or local law except upon notice being given and shown as provided in the last preceding section.
SECTION 108 Suspension of general laws for benefit of individuals or private corporations; exemption of individuals or private corporations from operation of general laws. The operation of a general law shall not be suspended for the benefit of any individual, private corporation, or association; nor shall any individual, private corporation or association be exempted from the operation of any general law except as in this article otherwise provided.
SECTION 109 General laws for protection of local and private interests. The legislature shall pass general laws under which local and private interests shall be provided for and protected.
SECTION 110 "General law," "local law" and "special or private law" defined. A general law within the meaning of this article is a law which applies to the whole state; a local law is a law which applies to any political subdivision or subdivisions of the state less than the whole; a special or private law within the meaning of this article is one which applies to an individual, association, or corporation.
SECTION 111 Amendment of bill introduced as general law so as to become special, private or local law on passage. No bill introduced as a general law in either house of the legislature shall be so amended on its passage as to become a special, private or local law.
Article V Executive Department.
SECTION 112 Composition; officers enumerated. The executive department shall consist of a governor, lieutenant governor, attorney-general, state auditor, secretary of state, state treasurer, superintendent of education, commissioner of agriculture and industries, and a sheriff for each county.
SECTION 113 Supreme executive power vested in Governor. The supreme executive power of this state shall be vested in a chief magistrate, who shall be styled "The Governor of the State of Alabama."
SECTION 114 Governor, lieutenant governor, attorney-general, state auditor, secretary of state, state treasurer, superintendent of education and commissioner of agriculture and industries—How elected; when election held. The governor, lieutenant governor, attorney-general, state auditor, secretary of state, state treasurer, superintendent of education, and commissioner of agriculture and industries shall be elected by the qualified electors of the state at the same time and places appointed for the election of members of the legislature in the year nineteen hundred and two, and in every fourth year thereafter.
SECTION 115 Same Returns of election transmitted to speaker of house of representatives; opening and publication of election returns; duties of speaker and legislature ministerial in opening and publication of votes; person having highest number Same Returns of election transmitted to speaker of house of representatives; opening and publication of election returns; duties of speaker and legislature ministerial in opening and publication of votes; person having highest number of votes elected; tie votes; contested elections. The returns of every election for governor, lieutenant governor, attorney-general, state auditor, secretary of state, state treasurer, superintendent of education, commissioner of agriculture and industries shall be sealed up and transmitted by the returning officers to the seat of government, directed to the speaker of the house of representatives, who shall, during the first week of the session to which such returns shall be made, open and publish them in the presence of both houses of the legislature in joint convention; but the speaker's duty and the duty of the joint convention shall be purely ministerial. The result of the election shall be ascertained and declared by the speaker from the face of the returns without delay. The person having the highest number of votes for any one of said offices shall be declared duly elected; but if two or more persons shall have an equal and the highest number of votes for the same office, the legislature by joint vote, without delay, shall choose one of said persons for said office. Contested elections for governor, lieutenant governor, attorney-general, state auditor, secretary of state, state treasurer, superintendent of education, and commissioner of agriculture and industries, shall be determined by both houses of the legislature in such manner as may be prescribed by law.
SECTION 116 Same Term of office; officers not eligible to succeed selves; governor not eligible for other state office or senate of United States during term or within one year thereafter. The governor, lieutenant governor, attorney-general, state auditor, secretary of state, state treasurer, superintendent of education, commissioner of agriculture and industries, elected after the ratification of this Constitution, shall hold their respective offices for the term of four years from the first Monday after the second Tuesday in January next succeeding their election, and until their successors shall be elected and qualified. After the first election under this Constitution, no one of said officers shall be eligible as his own successor; and the governor shall not be eligible to election or appointment to any office under this state, or to the senate of the United States, during his term, and within one year after the expiration thereof.
SECTION 117 Qualifications of governor and lieutenant governor; lieutenant governor ex officio president of senate. The governor and lieutenant governor shall each be at least thirty years of age when elected, and shall have been citizens of the United States ten years and resident citizens of this state at least seven years next before the date of their election. The lieutenant governor shall be ex officio president of the senate, but shall have no right to vote except in the event of a tie.
SECTION 118 Compensation and residency requirements for governor, lieutenant governor, attorney-general, state auditor, secretary of state, state treasurer, superintendent of education and commissioner of agriculture and industries. The governor, lieutenant governor, attorney-general, state auditor, secretary of state, state treasurer, superintendent of education, and commissioner of agriculture and industries, shall receive compensation to be fixed by law, which shall not be increased or diminished during the term for which they shall have been elected, and shall, except the lieutenant governor, reside at the state capital during the time they continue in office, except during epidemics. The compensation of the lieutenant governor shall be the same as that received by the speaker of the house, except while serving as governor, during which time his compensation shall be the same as that allowed the governor.
SECTION 119 Increase in salary of governor at session of legislature following ratification of Constitution. If the legislature, at the session next after the ratification of this Constitution, shall enact a law increasing the salary of the governor, such increase shall become effective and apply to the first governor elected after the ratification of this Constitution, if the legislature shall so determine.
SECTION 120 Governor to faithfully execute laws. The governor shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed.
SECTION 121 Governor may require reports from officers of executive department and officers and managers of state institutions; false reports or failure to file reports constitutes impeachable offense. The governor may require information in writing, under oath, from the officers of the executive department, named in this article, or created by statute, on any subject, relating to the duties of their respective offices, and he may at any time require information in writing, under oath, from all officers and managers of state institutions, upon any subject relating to the condition, management and expenses of their respective offices and institutions. Any such officer or manager who makes a willfully false report or fails without sufficient excuse to make the required report on demand, is guilty of an impeachable offense.
SECTION 122 Governor authorized to convene legislature on extraordinary occasions; proclamation of governor to state matters on which action necessary. The governor may, by proclamation, on extraordinary occasions, convene the legislature at the seat of government, or at a different place if, since their last adjournment, that shall have become dangerous from an enemy, insurrection, or other lawless outbreak, or from any infectious or contagious disease; and he shall state specifically in such proclamation each matter concerning which the action of that body is deemed necessary.
SECTION 123 Reports and information to be given legislature by governor; presentation of budget to legislature. The governor shall, from time to time, give to the legislature information of the state of the government, and recommend for its consideration such measures as he may deem expedient; and at the commencement of each regular session of the legislature, and at the close of his term of office, he shall give information by written message of the condition of the state; and he shall account to the legislature, as may be prescribed by law, for all moneys received and paid out by him or by his order; and at the commencement of each regular session he shall present to the legislature estimates of the amount of money required to be raised by taxation for all purposes.
SECTION 124 Authority of governor to remit fines and forfeitures and grant reprieves, paroles, commutations of sentence and pardons; board of pardons; report by governor to legislature; pardons in cases of felonies and offenses involving moral turpitud Authority of governor to remit fines and forfeitures and grant reprieves, paroles, commutations of sentence and pardons; board of pardons; report by governor to legislature; pardons in cases of felonies and offenses involving moral turpitude. The governor shall have power to remit fines and forfeitures, under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by law; and, after conviction, to grant reprieves, paroles, commutations of sentence, and pardons, except in cases of impeachment. The attorney-general, secretary of state, and state auditor shall constitute a board of pardons, who shall meet on the call of the governor, and before whom shall be laid all recommendations or petitions, for pardon, commutation, or parole, in cases of felony; and the board shall hear them in open session, and give their opinion thereon in writing to the governor, after which or on the failure of the board to advise for more than sixty days, the governor may grant or refuse the commutation, parole, or pardon, as to him seems best for the public interest. He shall communicate to the legislature at each session every remission of fines and forfeitures, and every reprieve, commutation, parole, or pardon, with his reasons therefor, and the opinion of the board of pardons in each case required to be referred, stating the name and crime of the convict, the sentence, its date, and the date of reprieve, commutation, parole, or pardon. Pardons in cases of felony and other offenses involving moral turpitude shall not relieve from civil and political disabilities, unless approved by the board of pardons and specifically expressed in the pardon.
SECTION 125 Presentation of bills to governor for signature; veto power of governor; procedure for passage of bill after veto by governor; effect of failure of governor to sign bill. Every bill which shall have passed both houses of the legislature, except as otherwise provided in this Constitution, shall be presented to the governor; if he approve, he shall sign it; but if not, he shall return it with his objections to the house in which it originated, which shall enter the objections at large upon the journal and proceed to reconsider it. If the governor's message proposes no amendment which would remove his objections to the bill, the house in which the bill originated may proceed to reconsider it, and if a majority of the whole number elected to that house vote for the passage of the bill, it shall be sent to the other house, which shall in like manner reconsider, and if a majority of the whole number elected to that house vote for the passage of the bill, the same shall become a law, notwithstanding the governor's veto. If the governor's message proposes amendment, which would remove his objections, the house to which it is sent may so amend the bill and send it with the governor's message to the other house, which may adopt, but can not amend, said amendment; and both houses concurring in the amendment, the bill shall again be sent to the governor and acted on by him as other bills. If the house to which the bill is returned refuses to make such amendment, it shall proceed to reconsider it; and if a majority of the whole number elected to that house shall vote for the passage of the bill, it shall be sent with the objections to the other house, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if approved by a majority of the whole number elected to that house, it shall become a law. If the house to which the bill is returned makes the amendment, and the other house declines to pass the same, that house shall proceed to reconsider it, as though the bill had originated therein, and such proceedings shall be taken thereon as above provided. In every such case the vote of both houses shall be determined by yeas and nays, and the names of the members voting for or against the bill shall be entered upon the journals of each house, respectively. If any bill shall not be returned by the governor within six days, Sunday excepted, after it shall have been presented, the same shall become a law in like manner as if he had signed it, unless the legislature, by its adjournment, prevent the return, in which case it shall not be a law; but when return is prevented by recess, such bill must be returned to the house in which it originated within two days after the reassembling, otherwise it shall become a law, but bills presented to the governor within five days before the final adjournment of the legislature may be approved by the governor at any time within ten days after such adjournment, and if approved and deposited with the secretary of state within that time shall become law. Every vote, order, or resolution to which concurrence of both houses may be necessary, except on questions of adjournment and the bringing on of elections by the two houses, and amending this Constitution, shall be presented to the governor; and, before the same shall take effect, be approved by him; or, being disapproved, shall be repassed by both houses according to the rules and limitations prescribed in the case of a bill.
SECTION 126 Authority of governor to veto items in appropriation bills. The governor shall have power to approve or disapprove any item or items of any appropriation bill embracing distinct items, and the part or the parts of the bill approved shall be the law, and the item or items disapproved shall be void, unless repassed according to the rules and limitations prescribed for the passage of bills over the executive veto; and he shall in writing state specifically the item or items he disapproves, setting the same out in full in his message, but in such case the enrolled bill shall not be returned with the governor's objection.
SECTION 127 Succession to office of governor; filling of vacancy when offices of governor and lieutenant governor both vacant; procedure when governor or successor impeached, absent from state, disabled, etc.; failure of governor-elect, lieutenant gove Succession to office of governor; filling of vacancy when offices of governor and lieutenant governor both vacant; procedure when governor or successor impeached, absent from state, disabled, etc.; failure of governor-elect, lieutenant governor-elect, etc., to qualify. In case of the governor's removal from office, death or resignation, the lieutenant governor shall become governor. If both the governor and lieutenant governor be removed from office, die or resign more than sixty days prior to the next general election, at which any state officers are to be elected, a governor and lieutenant governor shall be elected at such election for the unexpired term, and in the event of a vacancy in the office, caused by the removal from office, death or resignation of the governor and lieutenant governor, pending such vacancy and until their successors shall be elected and qualified, the office of governor shall be held and administered by either the president pro tem. of the senate, speaker of the house of representatives, attorney-general, state auditor, secretary of state, or state treasurer in the order herein named. In case of the impeachment of the governor, his absence from the state for more than twenty days, unsoundness of mind, or other disability, the power and authority of the office shall, until the governor is acquitted, returns to the state, or is restored to his mind, or relieved from other disability, devolve in the order herein named, upon the lieutenant governor, president pro tem. of the senate, speaker of the house of representatives, attorney-general, state auditor, secretary of state, and state treasurer. If any of these officers be under any of the disabilities herein specified, the office of the governor shall be administered in the order named by such of these officers as may be free from such disability. If the governor shall be absent from the state over twenty days, the secretary of state shall notify the lieutenant governor, who shall enter upon the duties of governor; if both the governor and lieutenant governor shall be absent from the state over twenty days, the secretary of state shall notify the president pro tem. of the senate, who shall enter upon the duties of governor, and so on, in case of such absence, he shall notify each of the other officers named in their order, who shall discharge the duties of the office until the governor or other officer entitled to administer the office in succession to the governor returns. If the governor-elect fail or refuse from any cause to qualify, the lieutenant governor-elect shall qualify and exercise the duties of governor until the governor-elect qualifies; and in the event both the governor-elect and the lieutenant governor-elect from any cause fail to qualify, the president pro tem. of the senate, the speaker of the house of representatives, the attorney-general, state auditor, secretary of state, and state treasurer, shall, in like manner, in the order named, administer the office until the governor-elect or lieutenant governor-elect qualifies.
SECTION 128 Procedure when governor or acting governor appears to be of unsound mind. If the governor or other officer administering the office shall appear to be of unsound mind, it shall be the duty of the supreme court of Alabama, at any regular term, or at any special term, which it is hereby authorized to call for that purpose, upon request in writing, verified by their affidavits, of any two of the officers named in section 127 of this Constitution, not next in succession to the office of governor, to ascertain the mental condition of the governor or other officer administering the office, and if he is adjudged to be of unsound mind, to so decree, a copy of which decree, duly certified, shall be filed in the office of the secretary of state; and in the event of such adjudication, it shall be the duty of the officer next in succession to perform the duties of the office until the governor or other officer administering the office is restored to his mind. If the incumbent denies that the governor or other person entitled to administer the office has been restored to his mind, the supreme court, at the instance of any officer named in section 127 of this Constitution, shall ascertain the truth concerning the same, and if the officer has been restored to his mind, shall so adjudge and file a duly certified copy of its decree with the secretary of state; and in the event of such adjudication, the office shall be restored to him. The supreme court shall prescribe the method of taking testimony and the rules of practice in such proceedings, which rules shall include a provision for the service of notice of such proceedings on the governor or person acting as governor.
SECTION 129 Compensation of acting governor. The lieutenant governor, president pro tem. of the senate, speaker of the house, attorney-general, state auditor, secretary of state, or state treasurer, while administering the office of governor, shall receive like compensation as that prescribed by law for the governor, and no other.
SECTION 130 Holding office in addition to that of governor. No person shall, at the same time, hold the office of governor and any other office, civil or military, under this state, or the United States, or any other state or government, except as otherwise provided in this Constitution.
SECTION 131 Military powers of governor. The governor shall be commander-in-chief of the militia and volunteer forces of this state, except when they shall be called into the service of the United States, and he may call out the same to execute the laws, suppress insurrection, and repel invasion, but need not command in person unless directed to do so by resolution of the legislature; and when acting in the service of the United States, he shall appoint his staff, and the legislature shall fix his rank.
SECTION 132 Qualifications of attorney-general, state auditor, secretary of state, state treasurer, superintendent of education and commissioner of agriculture and industries. No person shall be eligible to the office of attorney-general, state auditor, secretary of state, state treasurer, superintendent of education, or commissioner of agriculture and industries unless he shall have been a citizen of the United States at least seven years, and shall have resided in this state at least five years next preceding his election, and shall be at least twenty-five years old when elected.
SECTION 133 Great seal of state. There shall be a seal of the state, which shall be used officially by the governor, and the seal now in use shall continue to be used until another shall have been adopted by the legislature. The seal shall be called "The Great Seal of the State of Alabama."
SECTION 134 Duties of secretary of state generally. The secretary of state shall be the custodian of the great seal of the state, and shall authenticate therewith all official acts of the governor, except his approval of laws, resolutions, appointments to office, and administrative orders. He shall keep a register of the official acts of the governor, and when necessary, shall attest them, and lay copies of same together with copies of all papers relative thereto, before either house of the legislature, when required to do so, and shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by law.
SECTION 135 Issuance and execution of grants and commissions. All grants and commissions shall be issued in the name and by the authority of the state of Alabama, sealed with the great seal of the state, signed by the governor and countersigned by the secretary of state.
SECTION 136 Vacancy in office or unsoundness of mind of attorney-general, state auditor, secretary of state, state treasurer, superintendent of education or commissioner of agriculture and industries. Should the office of attorney-general, state auditor, secretary of state, state treasurer, superintendent of education, or commissioner of agriculture and industries become vacant from any cause, the governor shall fill such vacancy until the disability is removed or a successor elected and qualified. In case any of said officers shall become of unsound mind, such unsoundness shall be ascertained by the supreme court upon the suggestion of the governor.
SECTION 137 Duties generally and restrictions on receipt of fees, etc., by attorney-general, state auditor, secretary of state, state treasurer, superintendent of education and commissioner of agriculture and industries; annual report by state treasure Duties generally and restrictions on receipt of fees, etc., by attorney general, state auditor, secretary of state, state treasurer, superintendent of education and commissioner of agriculture and industries; annual reports by state treasurer and state auditor; attorney general may be required to defend suits against state, political subdivisions, officers, etc. The attorney-general, state auditor, secretary of state, state treasurer, superintendent of education, and commissioner of agriculture and industries shall perform such duties as may be prescribed by law. The state treasurer and state auditor shall, every year, at a time fixed by the legislature, make a full and complete report to the governor, showing the receipts and disbursements of every character, all claims audited and paid out, by items, and all taxes and revenues collected and paid into the treasury, and the sources thereof. They shall make reports oftener upon any matters pertaining to their offices, if required by the governor or the legislature. The attorney-general, state auditor, secretary of state, state treasurer, and commissioner of agriculture and industries shall not receive to their use any fees, costs, perquisites of office or other compensation than the salaries prescribed by law, and all fees that may be payable for any services performed by such officers shall be at once paid into the state treasury.
SECTION 138 Election and term of office of sheriffs; sheriff not eligible to succeed self; impeachment of sheriff; effect of impeachment of sheriff. A sheriff shall be elected in each county by the qualified electors thereof, who shall hold office for a term of four years, unless sooner removed, and he shall be ineligible to such office as his own successor; provided, that the terms of all sheriffs expiring in the year nineteen hundred and four are hereby extended until the time of the expiration of the terms of the other executive officers of this state in the year nineteen hundred and seven, unless sooner removed. Whenever any prisoner is taken from jail, or from the custody of any sheriff or his deputy, and put to death, or suffers grievous bodily harm, owing to the neglect, connivance, cowardice, or other grave fault of the sheriff, such sheriff may be impeached under section 174 of this Constitution. If the sheriff be impeached, and thereupon convicted, he shall not be eligible to hold any office in this state during the time for which he had been elected or appointed to serve as sheriff.
Article VI Judicial Department.
SECTION 139 Vesting of judicial power; minimum standards for establishment of courts of general jurisdiction in counties. The judicial power of the state shall be vested in the senate sitting as a court of impeachment, a supreme court, circuit courts, chancery courts, courts of probate, such courts of law and equity inferior to the supreme court, and to consist of not more than five members, as the legislature from time to time may establish, and such persons as may be by law invested with powers of a judicial nature; but no court of general jurisdiction, at law or in equity, or both, shall hereafter be established in and for any one county having a population of less than twenty thousand, according to the next preceding federal census, and property assessed for taxation at a less valuation than three million five hundred thousand dollars.
SECTION 140 Jurisdiction of supreme court generally; power of supreme court to issue certain remedial and original writs. Except in cases otherwise directed in this Constitution, the supreme court shall have appellate jurisdiction only, which shall be coextensive with the state, under such restrictions and regulations, not repugnant to this Constitution, as may from time to time be prescribed by law, except where jurisdiction over appeals is vested in some inferior court, and made final therein; provided, that the supreme court shall have power to issue writs of injunction, habeas corpus, quo warranto, and such other remedial and original writs as may be necessary to give it a general superintendence and control of inferior jurisdictions.
SECTION 141 Place of holding supreme court. The supreme court shall be held at the seat of government, but if that shall become dangerous from any cause, it may convene at or adjourn to another place.
SECTION 142 Division of state into circuits; residency requirements for circuit judges. Except as otherwise authorized in this article, the state shall be divided into convenient circuits. For each circuit there shall be chosen a judge, who shall for one year next preceding his election and during his continuance in office, reside in the circuit for which he is elected.
SECTION 143 Jurisdiction of circuit courts. The circuit court shall have original jurisdiction in all matters civil and criminal within the state not otherwise excepted in this Constitution; but in civil cases, other than suits for libel, slander, assault and battery, and ejectment, it shall have no original jurisdiction except where the matter or sum in controversy exceeds fifty dollars.
SECTION 144 When and where circuit courts to be held; circuit judges may hold court for each other; power of circuit judges to issue writs of injunction returnable to courts of chancery. A circuit court, or a court having the jurisdiction of the circuit court, shall be held in each county in the state at least twice in every year, and judges of the several courts mentioned in this section may hold court for each other when they deem it expedient, and shall do so when directed by law. The judges of the several courts mentioned in this section shall have power to issue writs of injunction, returnable to the courts of chancery, or courts having the jurisdiction of courts of chancery.
SECTION 145 Authority to establish courts of chancery; division of state into chancery divisions; districts within chancery divisions; residency requirements for chancellor. The legislature shall have power to establish a court or courts of chancery, with original and appellate jurisdiction, except as otherwise authorized in this article. The state shall be divided by the legislature into convenient chancery divisions; each division shall be divided into districts, and for each division there shall be a chancellor, who shall have resided in the division for which he shall be elected or appointed, for one year next preceding his election or appointment, and shall reside therein during his continuance in office.
SECTION 146 When and where chancery courts to be held; chancellors may hold court for each other. A chancery court, or a court having the jurisdiction of the chancery court, shall be held in each district, at a place to be fixed by law, at least twice in each year, and the chancellors may hold court for each other when they deem it necessary, and shall do so when directed by law.
SECTION 147 Certain counties need not be included in circuit or chancery divisions; minimum number of counties in circuit or chancery divisions. Any county having a population of twenty thousand or more, according to the next preceding federal census, and also taxable property of three million five hundred thousand dollars or more in value, according to the next preceding assessment of property for state and county taxation, need not be included in any circuit or chancery division; but if the value of its taxable property shall be reduced below that limit, or if its population shall be reduced below that number, the legislature shall include such county in a circuit and chancery division, or either, embracing more than one county. No circuit or chancery division shall contain less than three counties, unless there be embraced therein a county having a population of twenty thousand or more, and taxable property of three million five hundred thousand dollars or more in value.
SECTION 148 Legislature may confer jurisdiction of circuit and chancery court on either court; consolidation of courts in counties having two or more courts of record. The legislature may confer upon the circuit court or the chancery court the jurisdiction of both of said courts. In counties having two or more courts of record, the legislature may provide for the consolidation of all or any such courts of record, except the probate court, with or without separate divisions, and a sufficient number of judges for the transaction of the business of such consolidated court.
SECTION 149 Legislature may establish court of probate in each county; powers generally of probate courts. The legislature shall have power to establish in each county a court of probate, with general jurisdiction of orphans' business and with power to grant letters testamentary and of administration; provided, that whenever any court having equity powers has taken jurisdiction of the settlement of any estate, it shall have power to do all things necessary for the settlement of such estate, including the appointment and removal of administrators, executors, guardians, and trustees and including action upon the resignation of either of them.
SECTION 150 Compensation and restrictions on holding other offices for supreme court justices, chancellors and judges of circuit and other courts of record, except probate judges. The justices of the supreme court, chancellors, and the judges of the circuit courts and other courts of record, except probate courts, shall, at stated times, receive for their services a compensation which shall not be diminished during their official terms; they shall receive no fees or perquisites, nor hold any office, except judicial offices, of profit or trust under this state or the United States, or any other government, during the term for which they have been elected or appointed.
SECTION 151 Composition of supreme court. The supreme court shall consist of one chief justice and such number of associate justices as may be prescribed by law.
SECTION 152 Election of supreme court justices, judges of circuit courts, judges of probate courts and chancellors. The chief justice and associate justices of the supreme court, judges of the circuit courts, judges of probate courts, and chancellors shall be elected by the qualified electors of the state, circuits, counties, and chancery divisions, for which such courts may be established, at such times as may be prescribed by law, except as herein otherwise provided.
SECTION 153 Election or appointment of judges of inferior courts. The judges of such inferior courts of law and equity as may be by law established, shall be elected or appointed in such mode as the legislature may prescribe.
SECTION 154 Qualifications of chancellors and judges of courts of record. Chancellors and judges of all courts of record shall have been citizens of the United States and of this state for five years next preceding their election or appointment, and shall be not less than twenty-five years of age, and, except judges of probate courts, shall be learned in the law.
SECTION 155 Terms of office of supreme court justices, chancellors and judges of circuit and probate courts. Except as otherwise provided in this article, the chief justice and associate justices of the supreme court, circuit judges, chancellors, and judges of probate, shall hold office for the term of six years, and until their successors are elected or appointed, and qualified; and the right of such judges and chancellors to hold their offices for the full term hereby prescribed shall not be affected by any change hereafter made by law in any circuit, division, or county, or in the mode or time of election.
SECTION 156 Time of holding election for supreme court justices; staggered terms of office for supreme court justices. The chief justice and associate justices of the supreme court shall be chosen at an election to be held at the time and places fixed by law for the election of members of the house of representatives of the congress of the United States, until the legislature shall by law change the time of holding such election. The term of office of the chief justice, who shall be elected in the year nineteen hundred and four, shall be as provided in the last preceding section. The successors of two of the associate justices elected in the year nineteen hundred and four shall be elected in the year nineteen hundred and six, and the successors of the other two associate justices elected in nineteen hundred and four shall be elected in the year nineteen hundred and eight. The associate justices of said court elected in the year nineteen hundred and four shall draw or cast lots among themselves to determine which of them shall hold office for the terms ending, respectively, in the years nineteen hundred and six and nineteen hundred and eight, and until their respective successors are elected or appointed and qualified. The result of such determination shall be certified to the governor, by such associate justices, or a majority of them, prior to the first day of January, nineteen hundred and five, and such certificate shall be entered upon the minutes of the court. In the event of the failure of said associate justices to make and certify such determination, the governor shall designate the terms for which they shall respectively hold office, as above provided, and shall issue his proclamation accordingly. In the event of an increase or reduction by law of the number of associate justices of the supreme court, the legislature shall, as nearly as may be, provide for the election, each second year, of one-third of the members of said court.
SECTION 157 Judicial officers conservators of the peace. All judicial officers within their respective jurisdictions shall, by virtue of their offices, be conservators of the peace.
SECTION 158 Vacancies in office of supreme court justices, elected judges and chancellors. Vacancies in the office of any of the justices of the supreme court or judges who hold office by election, or chancellors of this state, shall be filled by appointment by the governor. The appointee shall hold his office until the next general election for any state officer held at least six months after the vacancy occurs, and until his successor is elected and qualified; the successor chosen at such election shall hold office for the unexpired term and until his successor is elected and qualified.
SECTION 159 Initial appointment or election of judges or chancellors for newly created circuits or chancery divisions. Whenever any new circuit or chancery division is created the judge or chancellor therefor shall be elected at the next general election for any state officer for a term to expire at the next general election for circuit judge and chancellors; provided, that if said new circuit or chancery division is created more than six months before such general election for any state officer, the governor shall appoint some one as judge or chancellor, as the case may be, to hold the office until such election.
SECTION 160 Procedure when judge or chancellor incompetent to try, hear or render judgment in case. If in any case, civil or criminal, pending in any circuit court, chancery court, or in any court of general jurisdiction having any part of the jurisdiction of a circuit and a chancery court, or either of them in this state, the presiding judge or chancellor shall, for any legal cause, be incompetent to try, hear, or render judgment in such case, the parties, or their attorneys of record, if it be a civil case, or the solicitor or prosecuting officer, and the defendant or defendants, if it be a criminal case, may agree upon some disinterested person practicing in the court and learned in the law, to act as a special judge or chancellor to sit as a court, and to hear, decide, and render judgment in the same manner and to the same effect as such incompetent chancellor or judge could have rendered but for such incompetency. If the case be a civil one, and the parties or their attorneys of record do not agree; or if it be a criminal one, and the prosecuting officer and the defendant or defendants do not agree upon a special judge or chancellor, or if either party in a civil cause is not represented in court, the register in chancery or the clerk of such circuit or other court in which said cause is pending, shall appoint a special judge or chancellor, who shall preside, try, and render judgment as in this section provided. The legislature may prescribe other methods for supplying special judges in such cases.
SECTION 161 Failure of judges or chancellors to attend regular terms of court. The legislature shall have power to provide for the holding of chancery and circuit courts, and for the holding of courts having the jurisdiction of circuit and chancery courts, or either of them, when the chancellors or judges thereof fail to attend regular terms.
SECTION 162 Judges of courts of record not to practice law. No judge of any court of record in this state shall practice law in any of the courts of this state or of the United States.
SECTION 163 Appointment, qualifications, terms of office and compensation of registers in chancery; fees of registers of chancery to be uniform throughout state. Registers in chancery shall be appointed by the chancellors of the respective divisions, and shall have been at least twelve months before their appointment, and shall be at the time of their appointment and during their continuance in office, resident citizens of the district for which they are appointed. They shall hold office for the term for which the chancellor making such appointment was elected or appointed. Such registers shall receive as compensation for their services only such fees and commissions as may be specifically prescribed by law, which fees shall be uniform throughout the state.
SECTION 164 Appointment and term of office of clerk of supreme court; selection of clerks of inferior courts. The clerk of the supreme court shall be appointed by the judges thereof, and shall hold office for the term of six years; and the clerks of such inferior courts as may be established by law shall be selected in such manner as the legislature may provide.
SECTION 165 Election and term of office of clerks of circuit courts; clerk may serve as register in chancery; filling of vacancies in office of clerk. Clerks of the circuit court shall be elected by the qualified electors in each county for the term of six years, and may, when appointed by the chancellor, also fill the office of register in chancery. Vacancies in such office of clerk shall be filled by the judge of the circuit court for the unexpired term.
SECTION 166 Removal of clerk of supreme court and registers in chancery. The clerk of the supreme court and registers in chancery may be removed from office by the justices of the supreme court, and by the chancellors, respectively, for cause, to be entered at length upon the minutes of the court.
SECTION 167 Election, qualifications, terms of office and compensation of circuit solicitors; appointment or election of county solicitors. A solicitor for each judicial circuit or other territorial subdivision prescribed by the legislature, shall be elected by the qualified electors of those counties in such circuit or other territorial subdivision in which such solicitor prosecutes criminal cases, and such solicitor shall be learned in the law, and shall at the time of his election and during his continuance in office, reside in a county (in the circuit) in which he prosecutes criminal cases, or other territorial subdivision for which he is elected, and his term of office shall be for four years, and he shall receive no other compensation than a salary, to be prescribed by law, which shall not be increased during the term for which he was elected; provided, that this article shall not operate to abridge the term of any solicitor now in office; and, provided further, that the solicitors elected in the year nineteen hundred and four shall hold office for six years, and until their successors are elected and qualified; and, provided further, that the legislature may provide by law for the appointment by the governor or the election by the qualified electors of a county of a solicitor for any county.
SECTION 168 Election of justices of the peace and constables; jurisdiction of justices of the peace; fees of justices of the peace and constables; appeals from justices of the peace; terms of office of justices of the peace and notaries public; appoint Election of justices of the peace and constables; jurisdiction of justices of the peace; fees of justices of the peace and constables; appeals from justices of the peace; terms of office of justices of the peace and notaries public; appointment of notaries public. In each precinct not lying within, or partly within, any city or incorporated town of more than fifteen hundred inhabitants, there shall be elected by the qualified electors of such precinct not exceeding two justices of the peace, and one constable. Where one or more precincts lie within, or partly within, a city or incorporated town having more than fifteen hundred inhabitants, the legislature may provide by law for the election of not more than two justices of the peace and one constable, for each of such precincts, or an inferior court for such precinct or precincts, in lieu of all justices of the peace therein. Justices of the peace, and the inferior courts in this section provided for, shall have jurisdiction in all civil cases where the amount in controversy does not exceed one hundred dollars, except in cases of libel, slander, assault and battery, and ejectment. The legislature may provide by law what fees may be charged by justices of the peace and constables, which fees shall be uniform throughout the state. The right of appeal from any judgment of a justice of the peace, or from any inferior court authorized by this section, without the prepayment of costs, and also the term of office of such justices, and of the judges of such inferior courts, and of notaries public, shall be provided for by law. The governor may appoint notaries public without the powers of a justice of the peace, and may, except where otherwise provided by an act of the legislature, appoint not more than one notary public with all of the powers and jurisdiction of a justice of the peace for each precinct in which the election of justices of the peace shall be authorized.
SECTION 169 Exclusion of persons from courtroom in cases of rape and assault with intent to ravish. In all prosecutions for rape and assault with intent to ravish, the court may, in its discretion, exclude from the courtroom all persons, except such as may be necessary in the conduct of the trial.
SECTION 170 Style of all processes. The style of all processes shall be "The State of Alabama," and all prosecutions shall be carried on in the name and by the authority of the same, and shall conclude "against the peace and dignity of the state."
SECTION 171 Authority of legislature to abolish courts when function conferred upon some other court. The legislature shall have the power to abolish any court, except the supreme court and the probate courts, whenever its jurisdiction and functions have been conferred upon some other court.
SECTION 172 Terms of office of incumbents not abridged. Nothing in this article shall be so construed as to abridge the term of office of any officer now in office.
Article VII Impeachments.
SECTION 173 Governor, lieutenant-governor, attorney-general, state auditor, secretary of state, state treasurer, superintendent of education, commissioner of agriculture and industries and justices of supreme court. The governor, lieutenant-governor, attorney-general, state auditor, secretary of state, state treasurer, superintendent of education, commissioner of agriculture and industries, and justices of the supreme court may be removed from office for willful neglect of duty, corruption in office, incompetency, or intemperance in the use of intoxicating liquors or narcotics to such an extent, in view of the dignity of the office and importance of its duties, as unfits the officer for the discharge of such duties, or for any offense involving moral turpitude while in office, or committed under color thereof, or connected therewith, by the senate sitting as a court of impeachment, under oath or affirmation, on articles or charges preferred by the house of representatives. When the governor or lieutenant-governor is impeached, the chief justice, or if he be absent or disqualified, then one of the associate justices of the supreme court, to be selected by it, shall preside over the senate when sitting as a court of impeachment. If at any time when the legislature is not in session, a majority of all the members elected to the house of representatives shall certify in writing to the secretary of state their desire to meet to consider the impeachment of the governor, lieutenant-governor, or other officer administering the office of governor, it shall be the duty of the secretary of state immediately to notify the speaker of the house, who shall, within ten days after receipt of such notice, summon the members of the house, by publication in some newspaper published at the capitol, to assemble at the capitol on a day to be fixed by the speaker, not later than fifteen days after the receipt of the notice to him from the secretary of state, to consider the impeachment of the governor, lieutenant-governor, or other officer administering the office of governor. If the house of representatives prefer articles of impeachment, the speaker of the house shall forthwith notify the lieutenant-governor, unless he be the officer impeached, in which event he shall notify the secretary of state, who shall summon, in the manner herein above provided for, the members of the senate to assemble at the capitol on a day to be named in said summons, not later than ten days after receipt of the notice from the speaker of the house, for the purpose of organizing as a court of impeachment. The senate, when thus organized, shall hear and try such articles of impeachment against the governor, lieutenant-governor, or other officer administering the office of governor, as may be preferred by the house of representatives.
SECTION 174 Chancellors, judges of circuit and probate courts, judges of courts from which appeal may be taken directly to supreme court, solicitors and sheriffs. The chancellors, judges of the circuit courts, judges of the probate courts, and judges of other courts from which an appeal may be taken directly to the supreme court, and solicitors and sheriffs, may be removed from office for any of the causes specified in the preceding section or elsewhere in this Constitution, by the supreme court, under such regulations as may be prescribed by law. The legislature may provide for the impeachment or removal of other officers than those named in this article.
SECTION 175 Clerks of circuit courts, courts of like jurisdiction and criminal courts, tax collectors, tax assessors, judges of inferior courts, coroners, justices of the peace, notaries public, constables and county and municipal officers. The clerks of the circuit courts, or courts of like jurisdiction, and of criminal courts, tax collectors, tax assessors, county treasurers, county superintendents of education, judges of inferior courts created under authority of section 168 of this Constitution, coroners, justices of the peace, notaries public, constables, and all other county officers, mayors, intendants, and all other officers of incorporated cities and towns in this state, may be removed from office for any of the causes specified in section 173 of this Constitution, by the circuit or other courts of like jurisdiction or a criminal court of the county in which such officers hold their office, under such regulations as may be prescribed by law; provided, that the right of trial by jury and appeal in such cases shall be secured.
SECTION 176 Limitation on impeachment penalties; accused person liable to indictment and punishment. The penalties in cases arising under the three preceding sections shall not extend beyond removal from office, and disqualifications from holding office, under the authority of this state, for the term for which the officer was elected or appointed; but the accused shall be liable to indictment and punishment as prescribed by law.
Article VIII Suffrage and Elections.
SECTION 177 Age and citizenship qualifications of electors. Every male citizen of this state who is a citizen of the United States, and every male resident of foreign birth, who, before the ratification of this Constitution, shall have legally declared his intention to become a citizen of the United States, twenty-one years old or upwards, not laboring under any of the disabilities named in this article, and possessing the qualifications required by it, shall be an elector, and shall be entitled to vote at any election by the people; provided, that all foreigners who have legally declared their intention to become citizens of the United States, shall, if they fail to become citizens thereof at the time they are entitled to become such, cease to have the right to vote until they become such citizens.
SECTION 178 Residency, registration and poll tax requirements for electors. To entitle a person to vote at any election by the people, he shall have resided in the state at least two years, in the county one year, and in the precinct or ward three months, immediately preceding the election at which he offers to vote, and he shall have been duly registered as an elector, and shall have paid on or before the first day of February next preceding the date of the election at which he offers to vote, all poll taxes due from him for the year nineteen hundred and one, and for each subsequent year; provided, that any elector who, within three months next preceding the date of the election at which he offers to vote, has removed from one precinct or ward to another precinct or ward in the same county, incorporated town, or city, shall have the right to vote in the precinct or ward from which he has so removed, if he would have been entitled to vote in such precinct or ward but for such removal.
SECTION 179 Method of voting. All elections by the people shall be by ballot, and all elections by persons in a representative capacity shall be viva voce.
SECTION 180 Persons qualified to register as electors Prior to December 20, 1902. The following male citizens of this state, who are citizens of the United States, and every male resident of foreign birth who, before the ratification of this Constitution, shall have legally declared his intention to become a citizen of the United States, and who shall not have had an opportunity to perfect his citizenship prior to the twentieth day of December, nineteen hundred and two, twenty-one years old or upwards, who, if their place of residence shall remain unchanged, will have, at the date of the next general election the qualifications as to residence prescribed in section 178 of this Constitution, and who are not disqualified under section 182 of this Constitution, shall, upon application, be entitled to register as electors prior to the twentieth day of December, nineteen hundred and two, namely: First. - All who have honorably served in the land or naval forces of the United States in the war of 1812, or in the war with Mexico, or in any war with the Indians, or in the war between the states, or in the war with Spain, or who honorably served in the land or naval forces of the Confederate States, or of the State of Alabama in the war between the states; or, Second. - The lawful descendants of persons who honorably served in the land or naval forces of the United States in the war of the American Revolution, or in the war of 1812, or in the war with Mexico, or in any war with the Indians, or in the war between the states, or in the land or naval forces of the Confederate States, or of the State of Alabama in the war between the states; or, Third. - All persons who are of good character and who understand the duties and obligations of citizenship under a republican form of government.
SECTION 181 Same After January 1, 1903. After the first day of January, nineteen hundred and three, the following persons, and no others, who, if their place of residence shall remain unchanged, will have, at the date of the next general election, the qualifications as to residence prescribed in section 178 of this article, shall be qualified to register as electors; provided, they shall not be disqualified under section 182 of this Constitution. First. - Those who can read and write any article of the Constitution of the United States in the English language, and who are physically unable to work; and those who can read and write any article of the Constitution of the United States in the English language, and who have worked or been regularly engaged in some lawful employment, business, or occupation, trade or calling, for the greater part of the twelve months next preceding the time they offer to register; and those who are unable to read and write, if such inability is due solely to physical disability; or, Second. - The owner in good faith in his own right, or the husband of a woman who is the owner in good faith, in her own right, of forty acres of land situate in this state, upon which they reside; or the owner in good faith in his own right, or the husband of any woman who is the owner in good faith, in her own right, of real estate situate in this state, assessed for taxation at the value of three hundred dollars or more, or the owner in good faith, in his own right, or the husband of a woman who is the owner in good faith, in her own right, of personal property in this state assessed for taxation at three hundred dollars or more; provided, that the taxes due upon such real or personal property for the year next preceding the year in which he offers to register shall have been paid, unless the assessment shall have been legally contested and is undetermined.
SECTION 182 Certain persons disqualified from registering and voting. The following persons shall be disqualified both from registering, and from voting, namely: All idiots and insane persons; those who shall by reason of conviction of crime be disqualified from voting at the time of the ratification of this Constitution; those who shall be convicted of treason, murder, arson, embezzlement, malfeasance in office, larceny, receiving stolen property, obtaining property or money under false pretenses, perjury, subornation of perjury, robbery, assault with intent to rob, burglary, forgery, bribery, assault and battery on the wife, bigamy, living in adultery, sodomy, incest, rape, miscegenation, crime against nature, or any crime punishable by imprisonment in the penitentiary, or of any infamous crime or crime involving moral turpitude; also, any person who shall be convicted as a vagrant or tramp, or of selling or offering to sell his vote or the vote of another, or of buying or offering to buy the vote of another, or of making or offering to make a false return in any election by the people or in any primary election to procure the nomination or election of any person to any office, or of suborning any witness or registrar to secure the registration of any person as an elector.
SECTION 183 Qualifications as elector required to participate in primary elections, party conventions, mass meetings or other methods of political party action. No person shall be qualified to vote, or participate in any primary election, party convention, mass meeting, or other method of party action of any political party or faction, who shall not possess the qualifications prescribed in this article for an elector, or who shall be disqualified from voting under the provisions of this article.
SECTION 184 Applicability of article as to elections held after 1902 general election. No person, not registered and qualified as an elector under the provisions of this article, shall vote at the general election in nineteen hundred and two, or at any subsequent state, county, or municipal election, general, local, or special; but the provisions of this article shall not apply to any election held prior to the general election in the year nineteen hundred and two.
SECTION 185 Oath or affirmation when vote challenged; false oath or affirmation constitutes perjury. Any elector whose right to vote shall be challenged for any legal cause before an election officer, shall be required to swear or affirm that the matter of the challenge is untrue before his vote shall be received, and anyone who willfully swears or affirms falsely thereto, shall be guilty of perjury, and upon conviction thereof shall be imprisoned in the penitentiary for not less than one nor more than five years.
SECTION 186 Legislature to provide for registration procedure after January 1, 1903; procedure for registration prior to January 1, 1903. The legislature shall provide by law for the registration, after the first day of January, nineteen hundred and three, of all qualified electors. Until the first day of January, nineteen hundred and three, all electors shall be registered under and in accordance with the requirements of this section, as follows: First - Registration shall be conducted in each county by a board of three reputable and suitable persons resident in the county, who shall not hold any elective office during their term, to be appointed, within sixty days after the ratification of this Constitution, by the governor, auditor, and commissioner of agriculture and industries, or by a majority of them acting as a board of appointment. If one or more of the persons appointed on such a board of registration shall refuse, neglect, or be unable to qualify or serve, or if a vacancy or vacancies occur in the membership of the board of registrars from any cause, the governor, auditor, and commissioner of agriculture and industries, or a majority of them, acting as a board of appointment, shall make other appointments to fill such board. Each registrar shall receive two dollars per day, to be paid by the state, and disbursed by the several judges of probate, for each entire day's attendance upon the session of the board. Before entering upon the performance of the duties of his office, each registrar shall take the same oath required of the judicial officers of the state, which oath may be administered by any person authorized by law to administer oaths. The oath shall be in writing and subscribed by the registrar, and filed in the office of the judge of probate of the county. Second - Prior to the first day of August, nineteen hundred and two, the board of registrars in each county shall visit each precinct at least once, and oftener if necessary, to make a complete registration of all persons entitled to register, and shall remain there at least one day from eight o'clock in the morning until sunset. They shall give at least twenty days' notice of the time when, and the place in the precinct where, they will attend to register applicants for registration, by bills posted at five or more public places in each election precinct, and by advertisement once a week for three successive weeks in a newspaper, if there be one published in the county. Upon failure to give such notice, or to attend any appointment made by them in any precinct, they shall, after like notice, fill new appointments therein; but the time consumed by the board in completing such registration shall not exceed sixty working days in any county, except that in counties of more than nine hundred square miles in area, such board may consume seventy-five working days in completing the registration, and except that in counties in which there is any city of eight thousand or more inhabitants, the board may remain in session, in addition to the time hereinbefore prescribed, for not more than three successive weeks in each of such cities; and thereafter the board may sit from time to time in each of such cities not more than one week in each month, and except that in the county of Jefferson the board may hold an additional session of not exceeding five consecutive days' duration for each session, in each town or city of more than one thousand and less than eight thousand inhabitants. No person shall be registered except at the county site or in the precinct in which he resides. The registrars shall issue to each person registered a certificate of registration. Third - The board of registrars shall not register any person between the first day of August, nineteen hundred and two, and the Friday next preceding the day of election in November, nineteen hundred and two. On Friday and Saturday next preceding the day of election in November, nineteen hundred and two, they sha
SECTION 187 County board of registrars to furnish list of registered voters to judges of probate by February 1, 1903; judges of probate to file list with secretary of state by March 1, 1903; term for which registration valid; certificate of registratio County board of registrars to furnish list of registered voters to judges of probate by February 1, 1903; judges of probate to file list with secretary of state by March 1, 1903; term for which registration valid; certificate of registration to be furnished elector when place of residence changed. The board of registrars in each county shall, on or before the first day of February, nineteen hundred and three, or as soon thereafter as practicable, file in the office of the judge of probate in their county, a complete list sworn to by them of all persons registered in their county, showing the age of such persons so registered, with the precinct or ward in which each of such persons resides set opposite the name of such persons, and shall also file a like list in the office of the secretary of state. The judge of probate shall, on or before the first day of March, nineteen hundred and three, or as soon thereafter as practicable, cause to be made from such list in duplicate, in the books furnished by the secretary of state, an alphabetical list by precincts of the persons shown by the list of the registrars to have been registered in the county, and shall file one of such alphabetical lists in the office of the secretary of state; for which services by the judges of probate compensation shall be provided by the legislature. The judges of probate shall keep both the original list filed by the registrars and the alphabetical list made therefrom as records in the office of the judge of probate of the county. Unless he shall become disqualified under the provisions of this article, any one who shall register prior to the first day of January, nineteen hundred and three, shall remain an elector during life, and shall not be required to register again unless he changes his residence, in which event he may register again on production of his certificate. The certificate of the registrars or of the judge of probate or of the secretary of state shall be sufficient evidence to establish the fact of such life registration. Such certificate shall be issued free of charge to the elector, and the legislature shall provide by law for the renewal of such certificate when lost, mutilated, or destroyed.
SECTION 188 Certain information to be furnished prior to registration. From and after the first day of January, nineteen hundred and three, any applicant for registration may be required to state under oath, to be administered by the registrar or by any person authorized by law to administer oaths, where he lived during the five years next preceding the time at which he applies to register, and the name or names by which he was known during that period, and the name of his employer or employers, if any, during such period. Any applicant for registration who refuses to state such facts, or any of them, shall not be entitled to register, and any person so offering to register, who willfully makes a false statement in regard to such matters or any of them, shall be guilty of perjury, and upon conviction thereof shall be imprisoned in the penitentiary for not less than one nor more than five years.
SECTION 189 Testimony may be required of any person other than defendant in trials of contested elections, proceedings to investigate elections and criminal prosecutions under election laws; immunity from prosecution due to testimony given. In the trial of any contested election, and in proceedings to investigate any election and in criminal prosecutions for violations of the election laws, no person other than a defendant in such criminal prosecutions shall be allowed to withhold his testimony on the ground that he may criminate himself or subject himself to public infamy; but such person shall not be prosecuted for any offense arising out of the transactions concerning which he testified, but may be prosecuted for perjury committed on such examination.
SECTION 190 Duty of Legislature to pass laws regulating elections, primary elections and purging of registration lists. The legislature shall pass laws not inconsistent with this Constitution to regulate and govern elections and all such laws shall be uniform throughout the state; and shall provide by law for the manner of holding elections and of ascertaining the result of the same, and shall provide general registration laws not inconsistent with the provisions of this article for the registration of all qualified electors from and after the first day of January, nineteen hundred and three. The legislature shall also make provision by law, not inconsistent with this article, for the regulation of primary elections, and for punishing frauds at the same, but shall not make primary elections compulsory. The legislature shall by law provide for purging the registration list of the names of those who die, become insane, or convicted of crime, or otherwise disqualified as electors under the provisions of this Constitution, and of any names which may have been fraudulently entered on such list by the registrars; provided, that a trial by jury may be had on the demand of any person whose name is proposed to be stricken from the list.
SECTION 191 Protection against evils of intoxicating liquors at elections. It shall be the duty of the legislature to pass adequate laws giving protection against the evils arising from the use of intoxicating liquors at all elections.
SECTION 192 Electors immune from arrest going to, attending and returning from elections. Electors shall in all cases, except treason, felony, or breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest during their attendance at elections, or while going to or returning therefrom.
SECTION 193 Returns of elections for certain officials to be made to secretary of state. Returns of elections for members of the legislature and for all civil officers who are to be commissioned by the governor, except the attorney-general, state auditor, secretary of state, state treasurer, superintendent of education, and commissioner of agriculture and industries, shall be made to the secretary of state.
SECTION 194 Poll tax Amount; maximum age for payment; when due and payable; when delinquent; returns of collections to be separate from other collections. The poll tax mentioned in this article shall be one dollar and fifty cents upon each male inhabitant of the state, over the age of twenty-one years, and under the age of forty-five years, who would not now be exempt by law; but the legislature is authorized to increase the maximum age fixed in this section to not more than sixty years. Such poll tax shall become due and payable on the first day of October in each year, and become delinquent on the first day of the next succeeding February, but no legal process, nor any fee or commission shall be allowed for the collection thereof. The tax collector shall make returns of poll tax collections separate from other collections.
SECTION 195 Same Payment of tax of another; advance of money for payment in order to influence vote. Any person who shall pay the poll tax of another, or advance him money for that purpose in order to influence his vote, shall be guilty of bribery, and upon conviction therefor shall be imprisoned in the penitentiary for not less than one nor more than five years.
SECTION 196 Severability of article. If any section or subdivision of this article shall, for any reason, be or be held by any court of competent jurisdiction and of final resort to be invalid, inoperative, or void, the residue of this article shall not be thereby invalidated or affected.
Article IX Representation.
SECTION 197 Ratio of senators to representatives. The whole number of senators shall be not less than one-fourth or more than one-third of the whole number of representatives.
SECTION 198 Maximum number of members of House of Representatives; apportionment of house based on decennial census of United States. The house of representatives shall consist of not more than one hundred and five members, unless new counties shall be created, in which event each new county shall be entitled to one representative. The members of the house of representatives shall be apportioned by the legislature among the several counties of the state, according to the number of inhabitants in them, respectively, as ascertained by the decennial census of the United States, which apportionment, when made, shall not be subject to alteration until the next session of the legislature after the next decennial census of the United States shall have been taken.
SECTION 199 Duty of Legislature to fix number of representatives and apportion them among counties following each decennial census; each county entitled to at least one representative. It shall be the duty of the legislature at its first session after the taking of the decennial census of the United States in the year nineteen hundred and ten, and after each subsequent decennial census, to fix by law the number of representatives and apportion them among the several counties of the state, according to the number of inhabitants in them, respectively; provided, that each county shall be entitled to at least one representative.
SECTION 200 Duty of Legislature to fix number of senators and divide state into senatorial districts; equality of senatorial districts; senatorial districts not to be changed until next apportioning session; division of counties between senatorial dist Duty of legislature to fix number of senators and divide state into senatorial districts; equality of senatorial districts; senatorial districts not to be changed until next apportioning session; division of counties between senatorial districts prohibited; counties within senatorial districts to be contiguous. It shall be the duty of the legislature at its first session after taking of the decennial census of the United States in the year nineteen hundred and ten, and after each subsequent decennial census, to fix by law the number of senators, and to divide the state into as many senatorial districts as there are senators, which districts shall be as nearly equal to each other in the number of inhabitants as may be, and each shall be entitled to one senator, and no more; and such districts, when formed, shall not be changed until the next apportioning session of the legislature, after the next decennial census of the United States shall have been taken; provided, that counties created after the next preceding apportioning session of the legislature may be attached to senatorial districts. No county shall be divided between two districts, and no district shall be made up of two or more counties not contiguous to each other.
SECTION 201 State may provide for enumeration of inhabitants for purpose of apportionment of representatives and senators. Should any decennial census of the United States not be taken, or if when taken, the same, as to this state, be not full and satisfactory, the legislature shall have the power at its first session after the time shall have elapsed for the taking of said census, to provide for an enumeration of all the inhabitants of this state, upon which it shall be the duty of the legislature to make the apportionment of representatives and senators as provided for in this article.
SECTION 202 Initial apportionment of house of representatives. Until the legislature shall make an apportionment of representatives among the several counties, as provided in the preceding section, the counties of Autauga, Baldwin, Bibb, Blount, Cherokee, Chilton, Choctaw, Clay, Cleburne, Coffee, Colbert, Conecuh, Coosa, Covington, Crenshaw, Cullman, Dale, DeKalb, Escambia, Fayette, Franklin, Geneva, Greene, Lamar, Lawrence, Limestone, Macon, Marion, Marshall, Monroe, Pickens, Randolph, St. Clair, Shelby, Washington, and Winston, shall each have one representative; the counties of Barbour, Bullock, Butler, Calhoun, Chambers, Clarke, Elmore, Etowah, Hale, Henry, Jackson, Lauderdale, Lee, Lowndes, Madison, Marengo, Morgan, Perry, Pike, Russell, Sumter, Talladega, Tallapoosa, Tuscaloosa, Walker, and Wilcox, shall each have two representatives; the counties of Dallas and Mobile shall each have three representatives; the county of Montgomery shall have four representatives; and the county of Jefferson shall have seven representatives.
SECTION 203 Initial apportionment of senatorial districts. Until the legislature shall divide the state into senatorial districts, as herein provided, the senatorial districts shall be as follows: First district, Lauderdale and Limestone; second district, Lawrence and Morgan; third district, Blount, Cullman, and Winston; fourth district, Madison; fifth district, Jackson and Marshall; sixth district, Etowah and St. Clair; seventh district, Calhoun; eighth district, Talladega; ninth district, Chambers and Randolph; tenth district, Tallapoosa and Elmore; eleventh district, Tuscaloosa; twelfth district, Fayette, Lamar and Walker; thirteenth district, Jefferson; fourteenth district, Pickens and Sumter; fifteenth district, Autauga, Chilton, and Shelby; sixteenth district, Lowndes; seventeenth district, Butler, Conecuh, and Covington; eighteenth district, Bibb and Perry; nineteenth district, Choctaw, Clarke, and Washington; twentieth district, Marengo; twenty-first district, Baldwin, Escambia, and Monroe; twenty-second district, Wilcox; twenty-third district, Dale and Geneva; twenty-fourth district, Barbour; twenty-fifth district, Coffee, Crenshaw, and Pike; twenty-sixth district, Bullock and Macon; twenty-seventh district, Lee and Russell; twenty-eighth district, Montgomery; twenty-ninth district, Cherokee and DeKalb; thirtieth district, Dallas; thirty-first district, Colbert, Franklin, and Marion; thirty-second district, Greene and Hale; thirty-third district, Mobile; thirty-fourth district, Cleburne, Clay, and Coosa; thirty-fifth district, Henry.
Article X Exemptions.
SECTION 204 Personal property of value of one thousand dollars exempt from sale, execution or other process of court issued for collection of debt. The personal property of any resident of this state to the value of one thousand dollars, to be selected by such resident, shall be exempt from sale or execution, or other process of any court, issued for the collection of any debt contracted since the thirteenth day of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight or after the ratification of this Constitution.
SECTION 205 Homestead not exceeding eighty acres or city, town or village lot not exceeding two thousand dollars in value exempt from sale, execution or other process of court issued for collection of debt; exception as to mortgages. Every homestead not exceeding eighty acres, and the dwelling and appurtenances thereon, to be selected by the owner thereof, and not in any city, town, or village, or in lieu thereof, at the option of the owner, any lot in a city, town, or village, with the dwelling and appurtenances thereon owned and occupied by any resident of this state, and not exceeding the value of two thousand dollars, shall be exempt from sale on execution or any other process from a court; for any debt contracted since the thirteenth day of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, or after the ratification of this Constitution. Such exemption, however, shall not extend to any mortgage lawfully obtained, but such mortgage or other alienation of said homestead by the owner thereof, if a married man, shall not be valid without the voluntary signature and assent of the wife to the same.
SECTION 206 Homestead of family exempt from payments of debt after death of owner during minority of children. The homestead of a family, after the death of the owner thereof, shall be exempt from the payment of any debts contracted since the thirteenth day of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, or after the ratification of this Constitution, in all cases, during the minority of the children.
SECTION 207 Laborers' liens and mechanics' liens not barred by sections 204 and 205. The provisions of sections 204 and 205 of this Constitution shall not be so construed as to prevent a laborers' lien for work done and performed for the person claiming such exemption, or a mechanics' lien for work done on the premises.
SECTION 208 Homestead exempt upon death of owner, leaving widow, but no children. If the owner of a homestead die, leaving a widow, but no children, such homestead shall be exempt, and the rents and profits thereof shall inure to her benefit.
SECTION 209 Property rights of females; property of wife not liable for debts, etc., of husband. The real and personal property of any female in this state, acquired before marriage, and all property, real and personal, to which she may afterwards be entitled by gift, grant, inheritance, or devise, shall be and remain the separate estate and property of such female, and shall not be liable for any debts, obligations, or engagements of her husband, and may be devised or bequeathed by her, the same as if she were a femme sole.
Article XI Taxation.
SECTION 210 Waiver of right of exemption. The right of exemption hereinbefore secured may be waived by an instrument in writing, and when such waiver relates to realty, the instrument must be signed by both the husband and the wife, and attested by one witness.
SECTION 211 Property taxes to be assessed in exact proportion to value of property. All taxes levied on property in this state shall be assessed in exact proportion to the value of such property, but no tax shall be assessed upon any debt for rent or hire of real or personal property, while owned by the landlord or hirer during the current year of such rental or hire, if such real or personal property be assessed at its full value.
SECTION 212 Power to levy taxes not to be delegated. The power to levy taxes shall not be delegated to individuals or private corporations or associations.
SECTION 213 Creation of state debt after ratification of Constitution; temporary loans; refunding bonds for existing indebtedness. After the ratification of this Constitution, no new debt shall be created against, or incurred by this state, or its authority, except to repel invasion or suppress insurrection, and then only by a concurrence of two-thirds of the members of each house of the legislature, and the vote shall be taken by yeas and nays and entered on the journals; and any act creating or incurring any new debt against this state, except as herein provided for, shall be absolutely void; provided, the governor may be authorized to negotiate temporary loans, never to exceed three hundred thousand dollars, to meet the deficiencies in the treasury, and until the same is paid no new loan shall be negotiated; provided, further, that this section shall not be so construed as to prevent the issuance of bonds for the purpose of refunding the existing bonded indebtedness of the state.
SECTION 214 Limitation on state property tax rate. The legislature shall not have the power to levy in any one year a greater rate of taxation than sixty-five one-hundredths of one per centum on the value of the taxable property within this state.
SECTION 215 Limitation on county property tax rates; special county taxes for public buildings, bridges and roads. No county in this state shall be authorized to levy a greater rate of taxation in any one year on the value of the taxable property therein than one-half of one per centum; provided, that to pay debts existing on the sixth day of December, eighteen hundred and seventy-five, an additional rate of one-fourth of one per centum may be levied and collected which shall be appropriated exclusively to the payment of such debts and the interest thereon; provided, further, that to pay any debt or liability now existing against any county, incurred for the erection, construction, or maintenance of the necessary public buildings or bridges or that may hereafter be created for the erection of necessary public buildings, bridges, or roads, any county may levy and collect such special taxes, not to exceed one-fourth of one per centum, as may have been or may hereafter be authorized by law, which taxes so levied and collected shall be applied exclusively to the purposes for which the same were so levied and collected.
SECTION 216 Limitation on property tax rates of municipal corporations. No city, town, village, or other municipal corporation, other than as provided in this article, shall levy or collect a higher rate of taxation in any one year on the property situated therein than one-half of one per centum of the value of such property as assessed for state taxation during the preceding year; provided, that for the purpose of paying debts existing on the sixth day of December, eighteen hundred and seventy-five, and the interest thereon, a tax of one per centum may be levied and collected, to be appropriated exclusively to the payment of such indebtedness; and provided further, that this section shall not apply to the city of Mobile, which city may from and after the ratification of this Constitution, levy a tax not to exceed the rate of three-fourths of one per centum to pay the expenses of the city government, and may also levy a tax not to exceed three-fourths of one per centum to pay the debt existing on the sixth day of December, eighteen hundred and seventy-five, with interest thereon, or any renewal of such debt; and, provided further, that this section shall not apply to the cities of Birmingham, Huntsville, and Bessemer, and the town of Andalusia, which cities and town may levy and collect a tax not to exceed one-half of one per centum in addition to the tax of one-half of one per centum as hereinbefore allowed to be levied and collected, such special tax to be applied exclusively to the payment of interest on bonds of said cities of Birmingham, Huntsville, and Bessemer, and town of Andalusia, respectively, heretofore issued in pursuance of law, or now authorized by law to be issued and for a sinking fund to pay off said bonds at the maturity thereof; and, provided further, that this section shall not apply to the city of Montgomery, which city shall have the right to levy and collect a tax of not exceeding one-half of one per centum per annum upon the value of the taxable property therein, as fixed for state taxation, for general purposes, and an additional tax of not exceeding three-fourths of one per centum per annum upon the value of the property therein, as fixed for state taxation, to be devoted exclusively to the payment of its public debt, interest thereon, and renewals thereof, and to the maintenance of its public schools, and public conveniences; and, provided further, that this section shall not apply to Troy, Attalla, Gadsden, Woodlawn, Brewton, Pratt City, Ensley, Wylam, and Avondale, which cities and towns may from and after the ratification of this Constitution, levy and collect an additional tax of not exceeding one-half of one per centum; and, provided further, that this section shall not apply to the cities of Decatur, New Decatur, and Cullman, which cities may from and after the ratification of this Constitution, levy and collect an additional tax of not exceeding three-tenths of one per centum per annum; such special tax of said city of Decatur to be applied exclusively for the public schools, public school buildings, and public improvements; and such special tax of New Decatur and Cullman to be applied exclusively for educational purposes, and to be expended under their respective boards of public school trustees; but this additional tax shall not be levied by Troy, Attalla, Gadsden, Woodlawn, Brewton, Pratt City, Ensley, Wylam, Avondale, Decatur, New Decatur, or Cullman unless authorized by a majority vote of the qualified electors voting at a special election held for the purpose of ascertaining whether or not said tax shall be levied; and, provided further, that the purposes for which such special tax is sought to be levied shall be stated in such election call, and, if authorized, the revenue derived from such special tax shall be used for no other purpose than that stated; and, provided further, that the additional tax authorized to be levied by the city of Troy, when so levied and collected, shall be us
SECTION 217 Property of private corporations, associations and individuals to be taxed at same rate; exception as to religious, educational and charitable property. The property of private corporations, associations, and individuals of this state shall forever be taxed at the same rate; provided, this section shall not apply to institutions devoted exclusively to religious, educational, or charitable purposes.
SECTION 218 Counties and municipal corporations exempt from payment of charges payable from state treasury. The legislature shall not have the power to require counties or other municipal corporations to pay any charges which are now payable out of the state treasury.
SECTION 219 Estate taxes. The legislature may levy a tax of not more than two and one-half per centum of the value of all estates, real and personal, money, public and private securities of every kind in this state, passing from any person who may die seized and possessed thereof, or of any part of such estate, money, or securities, or interest therein, transferred by the intestate laws of this state, or by will, deed, grant, bargain, sale, or gift, made or intended to take effect in possession after death of the grantor, devisor, or donor, to any person or persons, bodies politic, or corporate, in trust or otherwise, other than to or for the use of the father, mother, husband, wife, brothers, sisters, children, or lineal descendants of the grantor, devisor, donor, or intestate.
Article XII Corporations.
Article Municipal Corporations.
SECTION 220 Consent of municipal corporation prerequisite to use of public property for public utility or private enterprise purposes. No person, firm, association, or corporation shall be authorized or permitted to use the streets, avenues, alleys, or public places of any city, town, or village for the construction or operation of any public utility or private enterprise, without first obtaining the consent of the proper authorities of such city, town, or village.
SECTION 221 Payment of state license tax, etc., not to excuse payment of other privilege and license taxes. The legislature shall not enact any law which will permit any person, firm, corporation, or association to pay a privilege, license, or other tax to the State of Alabama, and relieve him or it from the payment of all other privilege and license taxes in the state.
SECTION 222 Issuance of bonds by counties, municipal corporations, districts and other political subdivisions of counties. The legislature, after the ratification of this Constitution, shall have authority to pass general laws authorizing the counties, cities, towns, villages, districts, or other political subdivisions of counties to issue bonds, but no bonds shall be issued under authority of a general law unless such issue of bonds be first authorized by a majority vote by ballot of the qualified voters of such county, city, town, village, district, or other political subdivision of a county, voting upon such proposition. The ballot used at such election shall contain the words: "For …bond issue," and "Against … bond issue" (the character of the bond to be shown in the blank space), and the voter shall indicate his choice by placing a cross mark before or after the one or the other. This section shall not apply to the renewal, refunding, or reissue of bonds lawfully issued, nor to the issuance of bonds in cases where the same have been authorized by laws enacted prior to the ratification of this Constitution, nor shall this section apply to obligations incurred or bonds to be issued to procure means to pay for street and sidewalk improvements or sanitary or storm water sewers, the cost of which is to be assessed, in whole or in part, against the property abutting said improvements or drained by such sanitary or storm water sewers.
SECTION 223 Limitation on assessments for public improvements by municipal corporations. No city, town, or other municipality shall make any assessment for the cost of sidewalks or street paving, or for the cost of the construction of any sewers against property abutting on such street or sidewalk so paved, or drained by such sewers, in excess of the increased value of such property by reason of the special benefits derived from such improvements.
SECTION 224 Limitation on county indebtedness. No county shall become indebted in an amount including present indebtedness, greater than three and one-half per centum of the assessed value of the property therein; provided, this limitation shall not affect any existing indebtedness in excess of such three and one-half per centum, which has already been created or authorized by existing law to be created; provided, that any county which has already incurred a debt exceeding three and one-half per centum of the assessed value of the property therein, shall be authorized to incur an indebtedness of one and a half per centum of the assessed value of such property in addition to the debt already existing. Nothing herein contained shall prevent any county from issuing bonds, or other obligations, to fund or refund any indebtedness now existing or authorized by existing laws to be created.
SECTION 225 Indebtedness of municipal corporations Limitation; exception as to Sheffield and Tuscumbia. No city, town, or other municipal corporation having a population of less than six thousand, except as hereafter provided, shall become indebted in an amount including present indebtedness, exceeding five per centum of the assessed value of the property therein, except for the construction of or purchase of water works, gas, or electric lighting plants, or sewerage, or for the improvement of streets, for which purposes an additional indebtedness not exceeding three per centum may be created; provided, this limitation shall not affect any debt now authorized by law to be created, nor any temporary loans to be paid within one year, made in anticipation of the collection of taxes, not exceeding one-fourth of the annual revenues of such city or town. All towns and cities having a population of six thousand or more, also Gadsden, Ensley, Decatur, and New Decatur, are hereby authorized to become indebted in an amount including present indebtedness, not exceeding seven per centum of the assessed valuation of the property therein, provided that there shall not be included in the limitation of the indebtedness of such last described cities and towns the following classes of indebtedness, to wit: Temporary loans, to be paid within one year, made in anticipation of the collection of taxes, and not exceeding one-fourth of the general revenues, bonds, or other obligations already issued, or which may hereafter be issued for the purpose of acquiring, providing, or constructing school houses, water works, and sewers; and obligations incurred and bonds issued for street or sidewalk improvements, where the cost of the same, in whole or in part, is to be assessed against the property abutting said improvements; provided, that the proceeds of all obligations issued as herein provided, in excess of said seven per centum shall not be used for any purpose other than that for which said obligations were issued. Nothing contained in this article shall prevent the funding or refunding of existing indebtedness. This section shall not apply to the cities of Sheffield and Tuscumbia.
SECTION 226 Same Municipal corporations whose present indebtedness exceeds constitutional limitation; exception as to Sheffield and Tuscumbia. No city, town, or village, whose present indebtedness exceeds the limitation imposed by this Constitution, shall be allowed to become indebted in any further amount, except as otherwise provided in this Constitution, until such indebtedness shall be reduced within such limit; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall prevent any municipality, except the city of Gadsden, from issuing bonds already authorized by law; provided, further, that this section shall not apply to the cities of Sheffield and Tuscumbia.
SECTION 227 Liability of public utilities in municipal corporations for damages to abutting property owners. Any person, firm, association, or corporation, who may construct or operate any public utility along or across the public streets of any city, town, or village, under any privilege or franchise permitting such construction or operation, shall be liable to abutting proprietors for the actual damage done to the abutting property on account of such construction or operation.
SECTION 228 Maximum term of public utility franchises in cities and towns having population of six thousand or more. No city or town having a population of more than six thousand shall have authority to grant to any person, firm, corporation, or association the right to use its streets, avenues, alleys, or public places for the construction or operation of water works, gas works, telephone or telegraph line, electric light or power plants, steam or other heating plants, street railroads, or any other public utility, except railroads other than street railroads, for a longer period than thirty years.
Article Private Corporations.
SECTION 229 Special laws conferring corporate powers prohibited; general law as to grant or amendment of corporate charters; corporation franchise taxes to be paid; exemption of benevolent, educational or religious corporations from franchise taxes. The legislature shall pass no special act conferring corporate powers, but it shall pass general laws under which corporations may be organized and corporate powers obtained, subject, nevertheless, to repeal at the will of the legislature; and shall pass general laws under which charters may be altered or amended. The legislature shall, by general law, provide for the payment to the State of Alabama of a franchise tax by corporations organized under the laws of this state, which shall be in proportion to the amount of capital stock; but strictly benevolent, educational, or religious corporations shall not be required to pay such a tax. The charter of any corporation shall be subject to amendment, alteration, or repeal under general laws.
SECTION 230 Cancellation of certain corporate charters. All existing charters, under which a bona fide organization shall not have taken place and business commenced in good faith within twelve months from the time of the ratification of this Constitution, shall thereafter have no validity.
SECTION 231 Limitation on remitting forfeiture of corporate charters. The legislature shall not remit the forfeiture of the charter of any corporation now existing or alter or amend the same, nor pass any general or special law for the benefit of such corporation, other than in execution of a trust created by law or by contract, except upon condition that such corporation shall thereafter hold its charter subject to the provisions of this Constitution.
SECTION 232 Foreign corporations doing business in state. No foreign corporation shall do any business in this state without having at least one known place of business and an authorized agent or agents therein, and without filing with the secretary of state a certified copy of its articles of incorporation or association. Such corporation may be sued in any county where it does business, by service of process upon an agent anywhere in the state. The legislature shall, by general law, provide for the payment to the state of Alabama of a franchise tax by such corporation, but such franchise tax shall be based on the actual amount of capital employed in this state. Strictly benevolent, educational, or religious corporations shall not be required to pay such a tax.
SECTION 233 Corporations restricted to business authorized by charter. No corporation shall engage in any business other than that expressly authorized in its charter or articles of incorporation.
SECTION 234 Restrictions on issuance of corporate stock and bonds. No corporation shall issue stocks or bonds except for money, labor done, or property actually received; and all fictitious increase of stock or indebtedness shall be void. The stock and bonded indebtedness of corporations shall not be increased except in pursuance of general laws, nor without the consent of the persons holding the larger amount in value of stock, first obtained at a meeting to be held after thirty days' notice, given in pursuance of law.
SECTION 235 Taking of property for public use by municipal and other corporations. Municipal and other corporations and individuals invested with the privilege of taking property for public use, shall make just compensation, to be ascertained as may be provided by law, for the property taken, injured, or destroyed by the construction or enlargement of its works, highways, or improvements, which compensation shall be paid before such taking, injury, or destruction. The legislature is hereby prohibited from denying the right of appeal from any preliminary assessment of damages against any such corporations or individuals made by viewers or otherwise, but such appeal shall not deprive those who have obtained the judgment of condemnation from a right of entry, provided the amount of damages assessed shall have been paid into court in money, and a bond shall have been given in not less than double the amount of the damages assessed, with good and sufficient sureties, to pay such damages as the property owner may sustain; and the amount of damages in all cases of appeals shall on demand of either party, be determined by a jury according to law.
SECTION 236 Security for dues from private corporations; liability of stockholders. Dues from private corporations shall be secured by such means as may be prescribed by law; but in no case shall any stockholder be individually liable otherwise than for the unpaid stock owned by him or her.
SECTION 237 Issuance of preferred stock by corporations. No corporation shall issue preferred stock without the consent of the owners of two-thirds of the stock of said corporation.
SECTION 238 Authority of legislature to revoke charters of incorporation. The legislature shall have the power to alter, amend, or revoke any charter of incorporation now existing and revocable at the ratification of this Constitution, or any that may be hereafter created, whenever, in its opinion, such charter may be injurious to the citizens of this state, in such manner, however, that no injustice shall be done to the stockholders.
SECTION 239 Telegraph and telephone companies. Any association or corporation organized for the purpose, or any individual, shall have the right to construct and maintain lines of telegraph and telephone within this state, and connect the same with other lines; and the legislature shall, by general law of uniform operation, provide reasonable regulations to give full effect to this section. No telegraph or telephone company shall consolidate with or hold a controlling interest in the stock or bonds of any other telegraph or telephone company owning a complete line, or acquire, by purchase or otherwise, any other competing line of telegraph or telephone.
SECTION 240 Corporations may sue and be sued like natural persons. All corporations shall have the right to sue, and shall be subject to be sued, in all courts in like cases as natural persons.
SECTION 241 "Corporation" defined. The term "corporation," as used in this article shall be construed to include all joint stock companies, and all associations having any of the powers or privileges of corporations, not possessed by individuals or partnerships.
Article Railroads and Canals.
SECTION 242 When railroads and canals deemed public highways; railroad and canal companies; common carriers; rights of railroad companies generally. All railroads and canals not constructed and used exclusively for private purposes, shall be public highways, and all railroad and canal companies shall be common carriers. Any association or corporation organized for the purpose shall have the right to construct and operate a railway between any points in this state, and connect at the state line, with railroads of other states. Every railroad company shall have the right with its road to intersect, connect with, or cross any other railroad, and each shall receive and transport the freight, passengers, and cars, loaded or empty, of the others, without delay or discrimination.
SECTION 243 Regulation of railroad companies vested in legislature. The power and authority of regulating railroad freight and passenger tariffs, the locating and building of passenger and freight depots, correcting abuses, preventing unjust discrimination and extortion and requiring reasonable and just rates of freight and passenger tariffs, are hereby conferred upon the legislature, whose duty it shall be to pass laws from time to time regulating freight and passenger tariffs, to prohibit unjust discrimination on the various railroads, canals, and rivers of the state, and to prohibit the charging of other than just and reasonable rates and enforce the same by adequate penalties.
SECTION 244 Giving free passes or discount tickets to members of Legislature or officers exercising judicial functions. No railroad or other transportation company or corporation shall grant free passes or sell tickets or passes at a discount, other than as sold to the public generally, to any member of the legislature or to any officer exercising judicial functions under the laws of this state; and any such member or officer receiving such a pass or ticket for himself, or procuring the same for another, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction, shall be fined not exceeding five hundred dollars, and at the discretion of the court trying the case, in addition to such fine, may be imprisoned for a term not exceeding six months, and upon conviction, shall be subject to impeachment and removal from office. The courts having jurisdiction shall give this law specially in charge to the grand juries, and when the evidence is sufficient to authorize an indictment, the grand jury must present a true bill. The circuit court or any other court of like jurisdiction in any county into or through which such member or officer is transported by the use of such prohibited pass or ticket, shall have jurisdiction of the case, provided only one prosecution shall be had for the same offense; and, provided further, that the trial and judgment for one offense shall not bar a prosecution for another offense when the same pass or ticket is used; and, provided further, that nothing herein shall prevent a member of the legislature who is a bona fide employe of a railroad or other transportation company or corporation at the time of his election, from accepting or procuring for himself or another, not a member of the legislature, or officer exercising judicial functions, a free pass over the railroads or other transportation company or corporation by which he is employed.
SECTION 245 Railroad companies not to give rebates or bonuses in nature thereof; deceiving or misleading public as to rates. No railroad company shall give or pay any rebate, or a bonus in the nature thereof, directly or indirectly, or do any act to mislead or deceive the public as to the real rates charged or received for freights or passage; and any such payments shall be illegal and void, and these prohibitions shall be enforced by suitable penalties.
SECTION 246 Acceptance of article prerequisite to benefits of future legislation. No railroad, canal, or transportation company in existence at the time of the ratification of this Constitution, shall have the benefit of any future legislation by general or special laws other than in execution of a trust created by law or by contract, except on the condition of complete acceptance of all the provisions of this article.
Article XIII Banks and Banking.
SECTION 247 Authority of Legislature restricted. The legislature shall not have the power to establish or incorporate any bank or banking company or moneyed institution for the purpose of issuing bills of credit or bills payable to order or bearer, except under the conditions prescribed in this Constitution.
SECTION 248 Banking laws to be general; specie basis; authority of banks to issue bills to circulate as money. No bank shall be established otherwise than under a general banking law, nor other than upon a specie basis; provided, that any bank may be established with authority to issue bills to circulate as money in an amount equal to the face value of bonds of the United States, or of this state, convertible into specie at their face value, which shall, before such bank is authorized to issue its bills for circulation, be deposited with the state treasurer or other depository prescribed by law, in an amount equal to the aggregate of such proposed issue, with power in such treasurer or depository to dispose of any or all of such bonds for a sufficient amount of specie to redeem the circulating notes of such bank at any time and without delay, should such bank suspend specie payment or fail to redeem its notes on demand.
SECTION 249 Bills or notes issued as money redeemable in gold or silver; laws not to sanction suspension of specie payments. All bills or notes issued as money shall be at all times redeemable in gold or silver, and no law shall be passed sanctioning directly or indirectly the suspension by any bank or banking company of specie payment.
SECTION 250 Preference of certain creditors in case of insolvency of bank. Holders of bank notes, and depositors who have not stipulated for interest, shall, for such notes and deposits, be entitled in case of insolvency, to preference of payment over all other creditors; provided, this section shall apply to all banks, whether incorporated or not.
SECTION 251 Termination of business. Every bank or banking company shall be required to cease all banking operations within twenty years from the time of its organization, unless the time be extended by law, and promptly thereafter close its business; but after it has closed its business it shall have corporate capacity to sue and shall be liable to suits until its affairs and liabilities are fully closed.
SECTION 252 Maximum rate of interest. No bank shall receive, directly or indirectly, a greater rate of interest than shall be allowed by law to individuals for lending money.
SECTION 253 State and political subdivisions thereof not to be stockholders in banks or lend credit thereto. Neither the state nor any political subdivision thereof, shall be a stockholder in any bank, nor shall the credit of the state or any political subdivision thereof be given or lent to any banking company, association, or corporation.
SECTION 254 Examination of banks by public officers; semiannual reports by banks. The legislature shall by appropriate laws provide for the examination, by some public officer, of all banks and banking institutions and trust companies engaged in banking business in this state; and each of such banks and banking companies or institutions shall, through its president, or such other officer as the legislature may designate, make a report under oath of its resources and liabilities at least twice a year.
SECTION 255 Applicability of article. The provisions of this article shall apply to all banks except national banks, and to all trust companies and individuals doing a banking business, whether incorporated or not.
Article XIV Education.
SECTION 256 Duty of legislature to establish and maintain public school system; apportionment of public school fund; separate schools for white and colored children. The legislature shall establish, organize, and maintain a liberal system of public schools throughout the state for the benefit of the children thereof between the ages of seven and twenty-one years. The public school fund shall be apportioned to the several counties in proportion to the number of school children of school age therein, and shall be so apportioned to the schools in the districts or townships in the counties as to provide, as nearly as practicable, school terms of equal duration in such school districts or townships. Separate schools shall be provided for white and colored children, and no child of either race shall be permitted to attend a school of the other race.
SECTION 257 Principal from sale, etc., of school property to be preserved; disposition of income therefrom. The principal of all funds arising from the sale or other disposition of lands or other property, which has been or may hereafter be granted or entrusted to this state or given by the United States for educational purposes shall be preserved inviolate and undiminished; and the income arising therefrom shall be faithfully applied to the specific object of the original grants or appropriations.
SECTION 258 Property donated or appropriated for educational purposes and estates of persons dying without will or heirs to be applied to maintenance of public schools. All lands or other property given by individuals, or appropriated by the state for educational purposes, and all estates of deceased persons who die without leaving a will or heir, shall be faithfully applied to the maintenance of the public schools.
SECTION 259 Use of poll taxes for support of public schools. All poll taxes collected in this state shall be applied to the support of of the public schools in the respective counties where collected.
SECTION 260 Certain income to be applied to support and maintenance of public schools; special annual tax for schools; maximum annual levy on taxable property; priority for payment of bonded indebtedness of state. The income arising from the sixteenth section trust fund, the surplus revenue fund, until it is called for by the United States government, and the funds enumerated in sections 257 and 258 of this Constitution, together with a special annual tax of thirty cents on each one hundred dollars of taxable property in this state, which the legislature shall levy, shall be applied to the support and maintenance of the public schools, and it shall be the duty of the legislature to increase the public school fund from time to time as the necessity therefor and the condition of the treasury and the resources of the state may justify; provided, that nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to authorize the legislature to levy in any one year a greater rate of state taxation for all purposes, including schools, than sixty-five cents on each one hundred dollars' worth of taxable property; and provided further, that nothing herein contained shall prevent the legislature from first providing for the payment of the bonded indebtedness of the state and interest thereon out of all the revenue of the state.
SECTION 261 Percentage of school funds for teachers' salaries. Not more than four per cent. of all moneys raised or which may hereafter be appropriated for the support of public schools, shall be used or expended otherwise than for the payment of teachers employed in such schools; provided, that the legislature may, by a vote of two-thirds of each house, suspend the operation of this section.
SECTION 262 Supervision of public schools vested in superintendent of education. The supervision of the public schools shall be vested in a superintendent of education, whose powers, duties, and compensation shall be fixed by law.
SECTION 263 School funds not to be used for support of sectarian or denominational schools. No money raised for the support of the public schools shall be appropriated to or used for the support of any sectarian or denominational school.
SECTION 264 Board of trustees of state university. The state university shall be under the management and control of a board of trustees, which shall consist of two members from the congressional district in which the university is located, one from each of the other congressional districts in the state, the superintendent of education, and the governor, who shall be ex officio president of the board. The members of the board of trustees as now constituted shall hold office until their respective terms expire under existing law, and until their successors shall be elected and confirmed as hereinafter required. Successors to those trustees whose terms expire in nineteen hundred and two shall hold office until nineteen hundred and seven; successors to those trustees whose terms expire in nineteen hundred and four shall hold office until nineteen hundred and eleven; successors to those trustees whose terms expire in nineteen hundred and six shall hold office until nineteen hundred and fifteen; and thereafter their successors shall hold office for a term of twelve years. When the term of any member of such board shall expire, the remaining members of the board shall, by secret ballot, elect his successor; provided, that any trustee so elected shall hold office from the date of his election until his confirmation or rejection by the senate, and, if confirmed, until the expiration of the term for which he was elected, and until his successor is elected. At every meeting of the legislature the superintendent of education shall certify to the senate the names of all who shall have been so elected since the last session of the legislature, and the senate shall confirm or reject them, as it shall determine is for the best interest of the university. If it reject the names of any members, it shall thereupon elect trustees in the stead of those rejected. In case of a vacancy on said board by death or resignation of a member, or from any cause other than the expiration of his term of office, the board shall elect his successor, who shall hold office until the next session of the legislature. No trustee shall receive any pay or emolument other than his actual expenses incurred in the discharge of his duties as such.
SECTION 265 Annual payment of interest on funds of University of Alabama; authority to abolish military system at university. After the ratification of this Constitution there shall be paid out of the treasury of this state at the time and in the manner provided by law, the sum of not less than thirty-six thousand dollars per annum as interest on the funds of the University of Alabama, heretofore covered into the treasury, for the maintenance and support of said institution; provided, that the legislature shall have the power at any time they deem proper for the best interest of said university to abolish the military system at said institution or reduce the said system to a department of instruction, and that such action on the part of the legislature shall not cause any diminution of the amount of the annual interest payable out of the treasury for the support and maintenance of said university.
SECTION 266 Board of trustees of Alabama Polytechnic Institute. The Alabama Polytechnic Institute, formerly called the Agricultural and Mechanical College, shall be under the management and control of a board of trustees, which shall consist of two members from the congressional district in which the institute is located, and one from each of the other congressional districts in the state, the state superintendent of education, and the governor, who shall be ex officio president of the board. The trustees shall be appointed by the governor, by and with the advice and consent of the senate, and shall hold office for a term of twelve years, and until their successors shall be appointed and qualified. The board shall be divided into three classes, as nearly equal as may be, so that one-third may be chosen quadrennially. Vacancies occurring in the office of trustees from death or resignation, and the vacancies regularly occurring in the year nineteen hundred and five shall be filled by the governor, and such appointee shall hold office until the next meeting of the legislature. Successors to those trustees whose terms expire in nineteen hundred and three shall hold office until nineteen hundred and eleven; successors to those whose terms expire in nineteen hundred and five shall hold office until nineteen hundred and fifteen; and successors to those whose terms expire in nineteen hundred and seven shall hold office until nineteen hundred and nineteen. No trustee shall receive any pay or emolument other than his actual expenses incurred in the discharge of his duties as such.
SECTION 267 Change of location of Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Alabama Schools for the Deaf and Blind or Alabama Girls Industrial School. The legislature shall not have power to change the location of the state university, or the Alabama Polytechnic Institute, or the Alabama Schools for the Deaf and Blind, or the Alabama Girls' Industrial School, as now established by law, except upon a vote of two-thirds of the legislature taken by yeas and nays and entered upon the journals.
SECTION 268 Provision for taking school census. The legislature shall provide for taking a school census by townships and districts throughout the state not oftener than once in two years, and shall provide for the punishment of all persons or officers making false or fraudulent enumerations and returns; provided, the state superintendent of education may order and supervise the taking of a new census in any township, district, or county, whenever he may have reasonable cause to believe that false or fraudulent returns have been made.
SECTION 269 Special county school taxes. The several counties in this state shall have power to levy and collect a special tax not exceeding ten cents on each one hundred dollars of taxable property in such counties, for the support of public schools; provided, that the rate of such tax, the time it is to continue, and the purpose thereof, shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the county, and voted for by three-fifths of those voting at such election; but the rate of such special tax shall not increase the rate of taxation, state and county combined, in any one year, to more than one dollar and twenty-five cents on each one hundred dollars of taxable property; excluding, however, all special county taxes for public buildings, roads, bridges, and the payment of debts existing at the ratification of the Constitution of eighteen hundred and seventy-five. The funds arising from such special school tax shall be so apportioned and paid through the proper school officials to the several schools in the townships and districts in the county that the school terms of the respective schools shall be extended by such supplement as nearly the same length of time as practicable; provided, that this section shall not apply to the cities of Decatur, New Decatur, and Cullman.
SECTION 270 Applicability of article to Mobile county. The provisions of this article and of any act of the legislature passed in pursuance thereof to establish, organize, and maintain a system of public schools throughout the state, shall apply to Mobile county only so far as to authorize and require the authorities designated by law to draw the portions of the funds to which said county shall be entitled for school purposes and to make reports to the superintendent of education as may be prescribed by law; and all special incomes and powers of taxation as now authorized by law for the benefit of public schools in said county shall remain undisturbed until otherwise provided by the legislature; provided, that separate schools for each race shall always be maintained by said school authorities.
Article XV Militia.
SECTION 271 Composition of militia; organizing, arming and disciplining militia; naval militia may be organized. The legislature shall have power to declare who shall constitute the militia of the state, and to provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining the same; and the legislature may provide for the organization of a state and naval militia.
SECTION 272 Conformance with regulations governing armies of United States. The legislature, in providing for the organization, equipment, and discipline of the militia, shall conform as nearly as practicable to the regulations for the government of the armies of the United States.
SECTION 273 Election or appointment of company and regimental officers. Each company and regiment shall elect its own company and regimental officers; but if any company or regiment shall neglect to elect such officers within the time prescribed by law, they may be appointed by the governor.
SECTION 274 Volunteer organizations. Volunteer organizations of infantry, cavalry, and artillery and naval militia may be formed in such manner and under such restrictions and with such privileges as may be provided by law.
SECTION 275 Immunity of members from arrest while attending, going to or returning from musters, parades and elections. The militia and volunteer forces shall, in all cases, except treason, felony, and breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest during their attendance at musters, parades, and elections, and in going to and returning from the same.
SECTION 276 Appointment and terms of office of general officers; staffs of governor, generals and regimental and battalion commanders. The governor shall, with the advice and consent of the senate, appoint all general officers, whose terms of office shall be four years. The governor, the generals and regimental and battalion commanders shall appoint their own staffs, as may be provided by law.
SECTION 277 Safe keeping of arms, ammunition, military records, etc. The legislature shall provide for the safe keeping of the arms, ammunition, and accoutrements, and military records, banners, and relics of the state.
SECTION 278 Officers and men not entitled to compensation when not in active service. The officers and men of the militia and volunteer forces shall not be entitled to or receive any pay, rations, or emoluments when not in active service.
Article XVI Oath of Office.
SECTION 279 Required of members of legislature and executive and judicial officers; form; administration. All members of the legislature, and all officers, executive and judicial, before they enter upon the execution of the duties of their respective offices, shall take the following oath or affirmation: "I, …, solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be) that I will support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the State of Alabama, so long as I continue a citizen thereof; and that I will faithfully and honestly discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter, to the best of my ability. So help me God." The oath may be administered by the presiding officer of either house of the legislature, or by any officer authorized by law to administer an oath.
Article XVII Miscellaneous Provisions.
SECTION 280 Holding state and federal office at same time; holding two state offices at same time. No person holding an office of profit under the United States, except postmasters, whose annual salaries do not exceed two hundred dollars, shall, during his continuance in such office, hold any office of profit under this state; nor, unless otherwise provided in this Constitution, shall any person hold two offices of profit at one and the same time under this state, except justices of the peace, constables, notaries public, and commissioner of deeds.
SECTION 281 Compensation of civil officers not to be increased or diminished during term for which elected or appointed. The salary, fees, or compensation of any officer holding any civil office of profit under this state or any county or municipality thereof, shall not be increased or diminished during the term for which he shall have been elected or appointed.
SECTION 282 Duty of legislature to enact laws to effectuate Constitution. It is made the duty of the legislature to enact all laws necessary to give effect to the provisions of this Constitution.
SECTION 283 Validation of certain acts relating to bonded debt of state; governor authorized to act thereunder. The act of the general assembly of Alabama entitled "An act to consolidate and adjust the bonded debt of the State of Alabama," approved February 18th, 1895, and an act amendatory thereof entitled "An act to amend section 6 of an act to consolidate and adjust the bonded debt of the State of Alabama, approved February 18th, 1895," which said last named act was approved February 16th, 1899, are hereby made valid, and both of said acts shall have the full force and effect of law, except in so far as they authorize the redemption before maturity of the bonds authorized by said acts to be issued. The governor is authorized and empowered to act under the same and to carry out all the provisions thereof; provided, that the bonds authorized to be issued by said acts and issued thereunder may be made payable at any time, not exceeding fifty years from the date thereof, and shall not be redeemable until their maturity.
Article XVIII Mode of Amending the Constitution.
SECTION 284 Manner of proposing amendments; submission of amendments to electors; election on amendments; proclamation of result of election; basis of representation in legislature not to be changed by amendment. Amendments may be proposed to this Constitution by the legislature in the manner following: The proposed amendments shall be read in the house in which they originate on three several days, and, if upon the third reading three-fifths of all the members elected to that house shall vote in favor thereof, the proposed amendments shall be sent to the other house, in which they shall likewise be read on three several days, and if upon the third reading three-fifths of all the members elected to that house shall vote in favor of the proposed amendments, the legislature shall order an election by the qualified electors of the state upon such proposed amendments, to be held either at the general election next succeeding the session of the legislature at which the amendments are proposed or upon another day appointed by the legislature, not less than three months after the final adjournment of the session of the legislature at which the amendments were proposed. Notice of such election, together with the proposed amendments, shall be given by proclamation of the governor, which shall be published in every county in such manner as the legislature shall direct, for at least eight successive weeks next preceding the day appointed for such election. On the day so appointed an election shall be held for the vote of the qualified electors of the state upon the proposed amendments. If such election be held on the day of the general election, the officers of such general election shall open a poll for the vote of the qualified electors upon the proposed amendments; if it be held on a day other than that of a general election, officers for such election shall be appointed; and the election shall be held in all things in accordance with the law governing general elections. In all elections upon such proposed amendments, the votes cast thereat shall be canvassed, tabulated, and returns thereof be made to the secretary of state, and counted, in the same manner as in elections for representatives to the legislature; and if it shall thereupon appear that a majority of the qualified electors who voted at such election upon the proposed amendments voted in favor of the same, such amendments shall be valid to all intents and purposes as parts of this Constitution. The result of such election shall be made known by proclamation of the governor. Representation in the legislature shall be based upon population, and such basis of representation shall not be changed by constitutional amendments.
SECTION 284.01 Determination of local constitutional amendment application. (a) The Legislature shall determine whether a proposed constitutional amendment affects or applies to only one county or a political subdivision within one or more counties under the procedures set out herein. If the Legislature determines that a proposed constitutional amendment affects or applies to only one county or a political subdivision within one or more counties, the amendment may be adopted as a valid part of the constitution only by a favorable vote of a majority of the qualified electors of the affected county or, if applicable, the political subdivision and the county or counties in which the political subdivision is located, who vote on the amendment as provided in subsections (b) and (c). If the Legislature fails to determine that a proposed constitutional amendment affects or applies to only one county or a political subdivision within one or more counties pursuant to the procedures set out in subsection (b), the amendment may be adopted as a valid part of the constitution only by a favorable vote of a majority of the qualified electors who vote on the amendment in a statewide referendum, as provided in subsection (d), and a majority of the qualified voters of the affected county or counties voting on the amendments, as provided in subsection (d). (b) To determine whether a proposed amendment shall be placed on the ballot in only one county or a political subdivision within one or more counties and the affected county or counties, as provided in subsection (a), the proposed amendment shall be approved by each house of the Legislature under the following process: (1) The proposed amendment must first be approved, if at all, by at least three-fifths of all the members elected to the house in which it originates. (2) Immediately following approval under subdivision (1), the house shall consider a resolution of local application declaring that the proposed amendment affects or applies to only one county or a political subdivision within one or more counties specifying by proper name the county or the political subdivision and the county or counties within which the political subdivision is located. (3) The proposed amendment shall then be sent to the other house for consideration and, if at least three-fifths of all the members elected to that house vote in favor of the proposed amendment, that house shall likewise immediately proceed to consider a resolution of local application as provided in subdivision (2). In the event that both houses of the Legislature approve the amendment by at least a three-fifths vote of their elected members and also determine by vote without dissent that the proposed amendment affects or applies to only one county or a political subdivision within one or more counties, the proposed amendment shall be placed on the ballot only in the county or political subdivision and county or counties affected. (c) If after having been approved by at least a three-fifths vote of the elected members of either house of the Legislature, there is at least one dissenting vote cast on the resolution in either house on the question of whether the proposed amendment affects or applies to only one county or only to a political subdivision within one or more counties, the proposed amendment shall automatically be submitted in a statewide referendum in accordance with the procedures for proposed statewide constitutional amendments under Sections 284 and 285 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901. If the proposed amendment is submitted in a statewide referendum, it shall not become effective unless approved by a majority of the qualified voters voting on the amendment statewide and a majority of the voters of any county or political subdivision named in the resolution voting on the amendment. (d) Notice of the election, together with the proposed amendment, shall be given by proclamation of the Governor, which proclamation shall be publi
SECTION 285 Election ballots; affirmative vote of majority of electors voting required for passage. Upon the ballots used at all elections provided for in section 284 of this Constitution the substance or subject matter of each proposed amendment shall be so printed that the nature thereof shall be clearly indicated. Following each proposed amendment on the ballot shall be printed the word "Yes" and immediately under that shall be printed the word "No." The choice of the elector shall be indicated by a cross mark made by him or under his direction, opposite the word expressing his desire, and no amendment shall be adopted unless it receives the affirmative vote of a majority of all the qualified electors who vote at such election.
SECTION 286 Manner of calling convention for purpose of altering or amending Constitution; repeal of act or resolution calling convention; jurisdiction and power of convention not restricted. No convention shall hereafter be held for the purpose of altering or amending the Constitution of this state, unless after the legislature by a vote of a majority of all the members elected to each house has passed an act or resolution calling a convention for such purpose the question of convention or no convention shall be first submitted to a vote of all the qualified electors of the state, and approved by a majority of those voting at such election. No act or resolution of the legislature calling a convention for the purpose of altering or amending the Constitution of this state, shall be repealed except upon the vote of a majority of all the members elected to each house at the same session at which such act or resolution was passed; provided, nothing herein contained shall be construed as restricting the jurisdiction and power of the convention, when duly assembled in pursuance of this section, to establish such ordinances and to do and perform such things as to the convention may seem necessary or proper for the purpose of altering, revising, or amending the existing Constitution.
SECTION 287 Votes by legislature on proposed amendments or bills or resolutions calling conventions; acts or resolutions proposing amendments or calling conventions not to be submitted to governor for approval. All votes of the legislature upon proposed amendments to this Constitution, and upon bills or resolutions calling a convention for the purpose of altering or amending the Constitution of this state, shall be taken by yeas and nays and entered on the journals. No act or resolution of the legislature passed in accordance with the provisions of this article, proposing amendments to this Constitution, or calling a convention for the purpose of altering or amending the Constitution of this state, shall be submitted for the approval of the governor, but shall be valid without his approval.
RATIFICATION In order that no injury or inconvenience may arise from the alterations and amendments made by this Constitution to the existing Constitution of this state, and to carry this Constitution into effect, it is hereby ordained and declared: 1. That all laws in force at the ratification of this Constitution and not inconsistent therewith, shall remain in full force until altered or repealed by the legislature; and all rights, actions, prosecutions, claims, and contracts of the state, counties, municipal corporations, individuals, or bodies corporate, not inconsistent with this Constitution, shall continue to be valid as if this Constitution had not been ratified. 2. That all bonds executed by or to any officer of this state, all recognizances, obligations and all other instruments executed to this state or to any subdivision or municipality thereof before the ratification of this Constitution, and all fines, taxes, penalties, and forfeitures due and owing to the state, or any subdivision or municipality thereof; and all writs, suits, prosecutions, claims, and causes of action, except as herein otherwise provided, shall continue and remain unaffected by the ratification of this Constitution. All indictments which have been found, or which may hereafter be found, for any crime or offense committed before the ratification of this Constitution, shall be proceeded upon in the same manner as if this Constitution had not been ratified. 3. That all the executive and judicial officers, and all other officers in this state, who were elected at the elections held in this state on the first Monday in August, in the years eighteen hundred and ninety-eight and nineteen hundred, or who have been appointed since that time, and all members of the present general assembly, and all who may be hereafter elected members of the present general assembly, and all other officers holding office at the time of the ratification of this Constitution, shall, except as otherwise provided in this Constitution, continue in office and exercise the duties thereof until their respective terms shall expire, as provided by the Constitution of eighteen hundred and seventy-five, or the laws of this state. 4. This Constitution shall be submitted to the qualified electors of this state for ratification or rejection, as authorized and required by an act of the general assembly of this state, entitled "An act to provide for holding a convention to revise and amend the Constitution of this state," approved the eleventh day of December, nineteen hundred; and no elector shall be deprived of his right to vote at the election to be held for such purpose by reason of his not being registered. 5. That instead of the publication as required by the act to provide for holding a convention to revise and amend the Constitution, approved the eleventh day of December, nineteen hundred, the governor of this state is hereby authorized to take such steps as will give general publicity and circulation to this Constitution in a manner as economical as practicable. 6. The salaries of the executive and judicial and all other officers of this state, who may be holding office at the time of the ratification of this Constitution, and the payment of the present members of the general assembly, shall not be affected by the provisions of this Constitution. Done by the people of Alabama, through their delegates in convention assembled in the hall of the house of representatives, at Montgomery, Alabama, this, the third day of September, anno domini nineteen hundred and one.John B. Knox, President Attest: Frank N. Julian, Secy David C. Almon, W. A. Altman, John T. Ashcraft, W. H. Banks, J. H. Barefield, W. H. Bartlett, J. Robert Beavers, C. P. Beddow, D. S. Bethune, Samuel Blackwell, Burwell Boykin Boone, Leslie E. Brooks, Cecil Browne, Thomas L. Bulger, JohnD. Burnett, John F. Burns (1875- 1901), John A. Byars, H. W. Cardon, A. H. Carmichael, M. S. Carmichael, G. H. Carnathan, Davy Crockett
AMENDMENT 1 RATIFIED Amendment of Section 93. SECTION 93 State not to engage in internal improvements or lend money or creditfor same; interest in private enterprises prohibited; exception as to public roads, highways and bridges. The state shall not engage in work of internal improvement nor lend money or its credit in aid of such; nor shall the state be interested in any private or corporate enterprises or lend money or its credit to any individual, association, or corporation, provided that the state may under appropriate laws cause the net proceeds from the state convict fund to be applied to the construction, repair and maintenance of public roads in the state and the legislature may also make additional appropriations for that purpose.
AMENDMENT 2 RATIFIED Fees of Officers of Jefferson County. The legislature of Alabama may hereafter, from time to time, by general or local laws, fix, regulate and alter the costs, charges of courts, fees, commissions, allowances or salaries to be charged or received by any county officer of Jefferson county, including the method and basis of their compensation.
AMENDMENT 3 RATIFIED Special School Tax Amendment. Article XIX, Section 1. The several counties in the state shall have power to levy and collect a special county tax not exceeding thirty cents on each one hundred dollars worth of taxable property in such counties in addition to that now authorized or that may hereafter be authorized for public school purposes, and in addition to that now authorized under section 260 of article XIV of the Constitution; provided, that the rate of such tax, the time it is to continue and the purpose thereof shall have been first submitted to the vote of the qualified electors of the county, and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election. Section 2. The several school districts of any county in the state shall have power to levy and collect a special district tax not exceeding thirty cents on each one hundred dollars worth of taxable property in such district for public school purposes; provided, that a school district under the meaning of this section shall include incorporated cities or towns, or any school district of which an incorporated city or town is a part, or such other school districts now existing or hereafter formed as may be approved by the county board of education; provided further, that the rate of such tax, the time it is to continue and the purpose thereof shall have been first submitted to the vote of the qualified electors of the district and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election; provided further, that no district tax shall be voted or collected except in such counties as are levying and collecting not less than a three-mill special county school tax. Section 3. The funds arising from the special county school tax levied and collected by any county shall be apportioned and expended as the law may direct, and the funds arising from the special school tax levied in any district which votes the same independently of the county shall be expended for the exclusive benefit of the district, as the law may direct.
AMENDMENT 4 RATIFIED Montgomery County Salary Amendment. Commencing at the beginning of their next term of office, subsequent to the general election to be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday of November, 1916, the compensation and allowance of the following named county officers of Montgomery county shall be as follows: Salary of judge of probate of Montgomery county, $5,000.00 per year net; allowance of $5,500.00 per annum for office expenses, as follows: One clerk at $1,500.00 per annum; two clerks at $1,000.00 per annum each; one clerk at $800.00 per annum, and $1,200.00 per annum for all other expenses, including extra clerks. The said $1,200.00 to be paid to the judge of probate in monthly installments and disbursed by him. The tax collector of Montgomery county shall receive a salary of $4,000.00 per year net; allowance of $1,500.00 per year for his clerk in said office, and $1,000.00 for extra help. The tax assessor of Montgomery county shall receive a salary of $4,000.00 per year net; allowance of $1,500.00 per year for a chief clerk in said office; $900.00 for an assistant clerk in said office and $600.00 per year for extra help. The sheriff of Montgomery county shall receive a salary of $4,000.00 per year net; allowance of $1,200.00 per year for a chief clerk in said office; $1,380.00 per year for a chief deputy; $2,200.00 per year for two deputies in said office, and $1,000.00 for extra assistance. These amounts to be paid out of the county treasury of Montgomery county. This shall not interfere with the amounts now or hereafter allowed the sheriff for guards at the county jail or bailiffs for courts, nor with the provisions for feeding prisoners. The sheriff shall receive amounts now provided by law, and shall cover the same into the county treasury of Montgomery county, and the board of revenue of Montgomery county shall pay out of the county treasury of Montgomery county the expenses incurred by the sheriff in feeding said prisoners. The above named amounts shall be in lieu of all compensations and allowances to the respective named officers. These amounts shall be paid out of the county treasury of Montgomery county as the salaries of other county officers are paid. The above named officers shall collect the fees heretofore collected by them and shall cover such fees into the county treasury on the first Monday of each month. The board of revenue of Montgomery county shall provide said officers with necessary quarters, books, stationery and other conveniences. The legislature of Alabama may hereafter from time to time by local or general laws, fix, regulate and alter the amount of the above named salaries and allowances, including the method and basis of their compensation, also fix, regulate and alter amount of compensation received by all other county officers of said county.
AMENDMENT 5 RATIFIED Repeal of Section 250. That the Constitution of Alabama be and the same is hereby amended by repealing and striking out of the Constitution section 250 of article 13 of the Constitution which section is as follows: "Holders of bank notes, and depositors, who have not stipulated for interest, shall, for such notes and deposits, be entitled in case of insolvency, to preference of payment over all other creditors, provided this section shall apply to all banks, whether incorporated or not."
AMENDMENT 6 RATIFIED Additional School Tax in City of Selma. The city of Selma, in addition to the taxes it is now authorized and empowered to levy and collect, shall levy and collect annually an additional tax of two-tenths of one per centum upon the value of the property therein as fixed for state taxation, to be applied exclusively to the maintenance of public schools therein, and shall levy and collect annually a further additional tax of one-tenth of one per centum upon the value of the property therein as fixed for state taxation, to be applied exclusively to public school buildings therein and improvements and repairs thereon, or to the payment of indebtedness contracted for the same by the city of Selma, or to the maintenance of public schools therein or to any one or more of these purposes; provided that these taxes shall be in lieu of all other city taxes now required to be levied or appropriated by the city of Selma for the support of schools or for school purposes.
AMENDMENT 7 REPEALED Exempting Sailors and Soldiers From The Payment of Poll Tax.
AMENDMENT 8 RATIFIED Municipal Tax Amendment. The municipalities of Tuscumbia, Sheffield, Hurtsboro, Russellville, Lanett, Demopolis, Pell City, Heflin, Columbiana, Carrollton, Opelika, Fairhope, Pine Hill, Scottsboro, Stevenson, Ashland, Brewton, Pollard, Flomaton, Atmore, Inglenook, Tuskegee, Aliceville, Gordo, Reform, Livingston, Camden, Monroeville, Phoenix and Girard, Birmingham, Bessemer, Florence, Huntsville, Selma, Fairfield, Anniston, Athens, Jacksonville, Auburn, Carbon Hill, and Lafayette in the state of Alabama, shall have the power and right to levy and collect a tax of one-half of one per centum in any one year on property situated therein, based on the valuation of such property as assessed for state taxation for the tax year ending on the 30th day of September next, succeeding the levy; provided, that for the purpose of paying bonds issued and outstanding at the time of the adoption of this amendment and the interest thereon, and for the purpose of paying bonds which may be issued after the adoption of this amendment and the interest thereon, an additional tax of one-half of one per centum may be levied and collected by said corporations; provided further, that a majority of the qualified electors of any of said municipal corporations voting at an election called for that purpose may vote a special tax not to exceed one-half of one per centum in any one year for any special purpose or purposes, which tax shall be used only for the purpose or purposes for which same is levied and collected; provided, however, that the total tax to be levied by any of said municipal corporations shall not exceed one and one-half (1 1/2) per centum in any one year. Provided, further, that the adoption of this amendment, shall in no wise affect, limit, modify, abridge, or impair the power, authority or right of either of said municipal corporations to levy and collect the special school taxes, now or hereafter vested in or conferred upon them, or any of them, under the Constitution or any amendment thereto; including the power of said city of Selma to levy and collect the taxes for schools and school purposes vested in and conferred upon said city of Selma by the amendment to the Constitution of Alabama adopted thereto, at the general election held in November, 1916, and which was submitted under Law Number 315, General Laws, 1915, page 337 [Amendment No. 6]. Each election held under the provisions hereof shall be ordered, held, canvassed and may be contested in the same manner as is or may be provided by the law applicable to the municipal corporations for elections to authorize the issuance of municipal bonds. The ballots used at such election shall contain the words: "For ... excess rate of taxation for the year (or years) ..."and "Against... excess rate of taxation for the year (or years) ..." The rate of taxation proposed in excess of the rate of one (1) per centum to be shown in the blank space provided therefor and the year or years in which the proposed rate is to apply to be shown in the blank space provided therefor; and in the event different excess rates are proposed for different years the words mentioned shall be repeated as often as may be necessary to show separately the different rates proposed to be applied to the respective years. And the voter shall record his choice, whether for or against the excess rate or rates, shown by placing a cross mark before or after the words expressing his choice. Nothing herein contained shall in any wise change or affect the rights of any holder of bonds of said municipal corporations heretofore issued. Elections to authorize the levy of such special tax may be held as often as ordered by the governing body of the municipality but when a proposition is submitted to the electors to levy a special tax for a specific purpose, and such proposition is defeated no second election for the same purpose shall be held in one year thereafter.
AMENDMENT 9 REPEALED Art. XX. To Provide for Bonds for the Construction of Roads and Highways.
AMENDMENT 10 RATIFIED Poll Tax Exemption Amendment. SECTION 194^½^ Exemption of World War I veterans from payment of poll tax prior to October 1, 1923. No person who honorably served in the military or naval service of the United States between January 1, 1917, and November 11, 1918, shall be required to pay the poll tax mentioned in the Constitution of Alabama prior to October 1, 1923; such persons shall be exempt from the payment of all poll taxes which have or may hereafter accrue prior to October 1, 1923. This section shall be self-executing and retroactive. The judges of probate shall issue certificates of exemption from the payment of such poll taxes to the persons entitled thereto under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the governor.
AMENDMENT 11 RATIFIED Road Bond Issue Amendment. Section 1. The state is authorized to engage in the construction, improvement, repair and maintenance of public roads, highways, and bridges in the state of Alabama. To this end, and for this purpose, the state is authorized to appropriate funds; and also to issue and sell interest-bearing negotiable state bonds, in an amount not to exceed the sum of twenty-five million dollars ($25,000,000.00) to be issued in such denominations, numbers, and series, and maturing at such time, as may be provided by law; but such bonds shall bear a rate of interest not greater than six per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, and shall be sold at a price not less than the par value thereof. Provided, that no bonds shall be issued or sold under this provision to such an amount that the interest thereon will exceed the net amount of vehicle license tax collected for the year preceding the issuance of same, and which is set apart for the payment of interest on said bonds. The state highway commission or highway department shall locate, construct, and maintain highways and state trunk roads so as to connect each county seat with the county seat of the adjoining county by the most direct or most feasible route, or by a permanent road, having due regard to the public welfare, and to connect the county seats of the several border counties at or near the state line with a public road in the border states. Provided, that in counties which are divided into two or more judicial divisions in each of which regular terms of circuit court are held; the places where said terms of court are held shall likewise be connected with each other. It shall be the duty of said highway commission or highway department to equitably apportion among the several counties the expenditure of both money and labor and the time or times of making such investments. Not less than one-quarter of a million dollars of the proceeds of these bonds shall be set aside and expended by the state highway commission in each county in the state. To create a sinking fund for the prompt and faithful payment of the principal and interest on these bonds and for the construction, maintenance, and improvement of such public highways, roads, and bridges, the legislature shall levy a special annual license or privilege tax on all automobiles, and on all motor driven vehicles which may be used on the public roads and highways of this state. Such bonds when issued shall be a direct obligation of the state, and for the prompt and faithful payment of the principal and interest thereon the full faith and credit of the state is hereby irrevocably pledged, and such bonds shall be exempt forever from all taxes of every kind.
AMENDMENT 12 RATIFIED Amendment of Section 93. SECTION 93 State engaging in internal improvements or lending money or credit for same; state interest in private or corporate enterprises; construction, maintenance, etc., of public roads, highways and bridges and harbors and seaports. The state shall not engage in works of internal improvement, nor lend money or its credit in aid of such, except as may be authorized by the Constitution of Alabama or amendments thereto; nor shall the state be interested in any private or corporate enterprise, or lend money or its credit to any individual, association, or corporation, except as may be expressly authorized by the Constitution of Alabama, or amendments thereto; but when authorized by laws passed by the legislature the state may appropriate funds to be applied to the construction, repair, and maintenance of public roads, highways and bridges in the state; and when authorized by appropriate laws passed by the legislature the state may at a cost of not exceeding ten million dollars engage in the work of internal improvement, or promoting, developing, constructing, maintaining, and operating all harbors and seaports within the state or its jurisdiction, provided, that such work or improvement shall always be and remain under the management and control of the state, through its state harbor commission, or other governing agency. The adoption of this amendment shall not affect in any manner any other amendment to the Constitution of Alabama which may be adopted pursuant to any act or resolution of this session of the legislature.
AMENDMENT 13 RATIFIED Tax Rates in Jasper, Cordova, Dora, Oxford, Talladega, Citronelle, Girard, Albany and Tuscaloosa. The following municipal corporations, Jasper, Cordova, Dora, Oxford, Talladega, Citronelle, Girard, Albany, and Tuscaloosa, through their respective constituted governing authorities may levy and collect a rate of taxation on the property situated therein, not exceeding in the total in any one year one per centum of the value of such property as assessed as provided by the Constitution and the statutes now or hereafter enacted pursuant to the Constitution; provided that the adoption of this amendment, shall in no wise affect, limit, modify, abridge or impair the power, authority, or right of any of said municipal corporations to levy and collect the special school taxes, now or hereafter vested in or conferred upon them under the Constitution or any amendment thereto, which said special school taxes shall be in excess of said one per centum herein provided for.
AMENDMENT 14 RATIFIED Poll Tax Exemption Amendment. Poll Tax Exemption Amendment Section 194 1/2 Exemption of World War I veterans from payment of poll tax. No person who honorably served in the military or naval service of the United States between January 1, 1917, and November 11, 1918, shall be required to pay the poll tax mentioned in the Constitution of Alabama; such persons shall be exempt from the payment of all poll taxes which have accrued or may hereafter accrue. This section shall be self-executing and retroactive. The judge of probate shall issue certificates of exemption from the payment of such poll taxes to the persons entitled thereto under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the governor.
AMENDMENT 15 RATIFIED Drainage Systems, Public Roads and Seawalls. The legislature may form or provide for the formation of districts for establishing and maintaining a drainage system; for the building and maintaining of public roads, and for building and maintaining a seawall or other protection against waves, storm or flood therein; and provide for the assessment of the whole or part of the cost of such improvements against the land in such districts to the extent of the increased value of such land by reason of the special benefits derived from such improvements, and may provide for issuance of bonds by such district with or without an election. Provided the provisions as to road and seawall shall apply only to Mobile and Baldwin counties.
AMENDMENT 16 RATIFIED Mobile County School Tax. The county of Mobile, through its constituted governing authorities, may levy and collect for public school purposes, a rate of taxation, on the property situated therein, not exceeding in the total of any one year, one-fifth ( 1/5) of one (1) per centum of the value of such property as assessed as provided by the Constitution of Alabama and the statutes now or hereafter enacted pursuant to the said Constitution of Alabama, which said one-fifth ( 1/5) of one (1) per centum shall be in addition to taxes levied and collected under and pursuant to the authority of section 215 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, and taxes levied and collected under and pursuant to article XIX of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, which article XIX was added to said Constitution by amendment; and existing laws attempting or purporting to authorize, empower and direct the said constituted authorities of the county of Mobile to levy and assess such a special tax in addition to the taxes levied and collected under and pursuant to section 215 of the Constitution as aforesaid and taxes levied and collected under and pursuant to article XIX of the Constitution as aforesaid are hereby validated and confirmed.
AMENDMENT 17 RATIFIED Tax Rates in Certain Municipalities. The municipalities of Thorsby, Piedmont, and Greenville, and Roanoke, and Greensboro and Calera, Florala and Opp, Evergreen and Fayette, and Clayton and Clio in the state of Alabama, shall have the power and right to levy and collect a tax of one-half of one per centum in any one year on property situated therein, based on the valuation of such property as assessed for state taxation for the tax year ending on the thirtieth day of September next succeeding the levy; provided that for the purpose of paying bonds or indebtedness issued and outstanding at the time of the adoption of this amendment and the interest thereon, for the purpose of paying bonds or indebtedness which may be issued or incurred after the adoption of this amendment and the interest thereon, and an additional tax of one-half of one per centum may be levied and collected by said corporations; provided further, that a majority of the qualified electors of any of said municipal corporations voting at an election called for that purpose may vote a special tax not to exceed one-half of one per centum in any one year for any special purpose or purposes, which tax shall be used only for the purpose or purposes for which same is levied and collected; provided, however, that the total tax to be levied by any of said municipal corporations shall not exceed one and one-half (1 1/2) per centum in any one year. Alabama City shall have the power and right to levy and collect a tax of three-quarters of one per centum in any one year on property situated therein, based on the valuation of such property as assessed for state taxation. Provided, further, that the adoption of this amendment shall in no wise affect, limit, modify, abridge or impair the power, or authority or right of either of said municipal corporations to levy and collect the special school taxes, now or hereafter vested in or conferred upon them, or any of them, under the Constitution or any amendment thereto; including the power of the city of Selma to levy and collect the taxes for schools and school purposes vested in and conferred upon said city of Selma by the amendment to the Constitution of Alabama adopted thereto at the general election held in November, 1916, and which was submitted under Law Number 315, General Laws 1915, page 337 [Amendment No. 6], each election held under the provisions hereof shall be ordered, held, canvassed and may be contested in the same manner as is or may be provided by the law applicable to the municipal corporations for elections to authorize the issuance of municipal bonds. The ballots used at such election shall contain the words: "For .... excess rate of taxation for the year (or years) ....;" and "Against .... excess rate of taxation for the year (or years) ....." The rate of taxation proposed in excess of the rate of one (1) per centum to be shown in the blank space provided therefor and the year or years in which the proposed rate is to apply to be shown in the blank spaces provided therefor; and in the event different excess rates are proposed for different years the words mentioned shall be repeated as often as may be necessary to show separately the different rates proposed to be applied to the respective years. And the voter shall record his choice, whether for or against the excess rate or rates shown by placing a cross mark before or after the words expressing his choice. Nothing herein contained shall in any wise change or affect the rights of any holder of bonds of municipal corporations heretofore issued. Elections to authorize the levy of such special tax may be held as often as ordered by the governing body of the municipality but when a proposition is submitted to the electors to levy a special tax for a specific purpose, and such proposition is defeated no second election for the same shall be held in one year thereafter.
AMENDMENT 18 RATIFIED Mobile County Road Bonds. Mobile county may become indebted and may issue bonds for the construction or improvement of concrete or better than concrete surfaced public roads, and concrete or better than concrete public bridges in said county, and for the construction of bridges and roadway necessary to provide a public road for vehicular travel between the highlands of Mobile and Baldwin counties, in an amount not to exceed six and one-half per centum of the assessed value of the property situated in Mobile county. To pay said indebtedness and interest thereon, Mobile county may levy and collect an annual tax on said property not to exceed one-half of one per centum of said value. The indebtedness, the bonds and the tax authorized hereby shall be in addition to those authorized by the Constitution of Alabama prior to the adoption of this amendment. But no such additional indebtedness shall be created, and no such additional bonds shall be issued, and no such additional tax shall be levied, until each improvement or construction proposed to be built thereby, its approximate location, estimated cost and time of completion, and the amount of the proposed increase, shall have been determined upon and made public by the board of revenue and road commissioners of Mobile county, and the proposed increase of indebtedness or issue of bonds or tax therefor shall have been first authorized by a majority vote by ballot of the qualified voters of Mobile county voting upon such proposition.
AMENDMENT 19 RATIFIED Walker County Special Road Tax. Section 1. The county of Walker, state of Alabama, shall have power to levy and collect a special road tax not exceeding fifty cents on each hundred dollars worth of taxable property in said county in addition to that now authorized or that may hereafter be authorized for the erection, construction or maintenance of the necessary public roads, bridges or ferries and in addition to that now authorized under section 215 of article XI of the Constitution, which special county tax so levied and collected shall be applied exclusively to the purpose for which the same was so levied and collected, provided, that the rate of such tax, the time it is to continue and the purpose thereof shall have first been submitted to the vote of the qualified electors of the county, and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election. Section 2. Twenty-five per centum of all moneys derived from property lying within the municipalities and arising from the tax proposed herein shall be paid to such municipality and shall, by it, be expended for upkeep of its streets. Section 3. The court of county commissioners, boards of revenue, or other governing body of said county may, or upon written petition of ten per centum of the qualified voters of Walker county, shall call and submit said election provided for and authorized by section 1 hereof to the qualified electors of Walker county either at the time of the general election or at a special election called for that purpose; provided, that said election shall be called and held in accordance with the law now or that may be enacted governing county bond elections, and in conformity with the general election laws of the state.
AMENDMENT 20 RATIFIED Tax Elections in Certain School Districts in Lawrence County. Town Creek school district No. 59, Landersville school district No. 23, and Moulton school district No. 28, in Lawrence county, Alabama, shall each have the right and power by vote of a majority of the qualified electors of such district at an election held for that purpose to levy and collect for the purpose of acquiring, constructing or repairing of school buildings in such districts or paying for school buildings already built, a tax of not over five mills in any one year, in addition to all other taxes now authorized by law. The election in such district to determine whether or not such tax shall be levied shall be called, held and conducted as now provided by law for calling, holding and conducting of elections to determine whether or not a three-mill district school tax shall be levied and collected.
AMENDMENT 21 RATIFIED Art. XXA. State Roads, Highways and Bridges—Bond Issue. The state is authorized to engage in the construction, improvement, repair and maintenance of public roads, highways and bridges in the state of Alabama. To this end and for this purpose the state is authorized to appropriate funds, and also to issue and sell interest-bearing negotiable state bonds in addition to those already authorized and sold under article XX, as an amendment to the Constitution of 1901, in an amount not to exceed the sum of twenty-five million dollars ($25,000,000.00); to be issued in such denominations, numbers and series, and maturing at such times as may be provided by law; all such bonds shall bear a rate of interest not greater than six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, and shall be sold at a price not less than the par value thereof. The state highway commission or highway department shall locate, construct and maintain highways and state trunk roads so as to connect each county seat with the county seat of the adjoining county by the most direct or feasible route or by a permanent road, having due regard to the public welfare; and to connect the county seats of the several border counties at or near the state line with a public road in the border state. Provided that in counties which are divided into two or more judicial divisions in each of which regular terms of the circuit court are held, the places where said terms of court are held, shall likewise be connected with each other. It shall be the duty of the highway commission or highway department to equitably apportion among the several counties of the state the expenditure of both money and labor and the time or times of making such investment. Not less than one-quarter of a million dollars of the proceeds of these bonds shall be set aside and expended by the state highway commission in each county in the state. To create a sinking fund for the prompt and faithful payment of the principal and interest on these bonds and for the construction, maintenance and improvement of such public highways, roads and bridges, the legislature shall levy an excise tax, in addition to the levy made February 10, 1923, of two cents per gallon upon gasoline or any substitute therefor, or an adequate license or excise tax on any other motive power used to propel auto vehicles. Such bonds when issued shall be a direct obligation of the state and for the prompt and faithful payment of the principal and the interest thereon the full faith and credit of the state is hereby irrevocably pledged and such bonds shall be exempt forever from taxes of every kind.
AMENDMENT 22 RATIFIED Drainage Districts. Section 1. The legislature may form or provide for the formation of drainage districts for establishing and maintaining drainage systems; and provide for the assessment of the whole or part of the cost of such improvements against the lands and property in such district to the extent of the increased value thereof by reason of special benefits derived from such improvements and may provide for the issuance of bonds for such districts with or without an election. Section 2. This amendment shall be retroactive and retrospective and shall operate to ratify, confirm and validate the act of the legislature of Alabama, which act provided for the drainage of farm, wet, swamp and overflow lands in the state of Alabama and authorized the organization of drainage districts, conferred the right of eminent domain to the extent necessary to carry out the purpose of said act and provided for raising of revenues by bond issue or otherwise to pay the cost and expense of installing and maintaining drainage systems so as to promote the public health and general welfare and, which act was approved March 4, 1915; and this amendment shall operate to confirm and validate all corporate organizations under authority of such law, all procedure had, all acts done, all bonds issued, contracts entered into and assessments made by such corporations under authority of such law.
AMENDMENT 23 RATIFIED Repeal of Section 219; Inheritance and Estate Taxes. Article XXI. Section 219 of the present Constitution is hereby annulled and set aside and hereafter the legislature of Alabama may provide for the assessment, levy and collection of a tax upon inheritances and for the levying of estate taxes not to exceed in the aggregate the amounts which may by any law of the United States be allowed to be credited against or deducted from any similar tax upon inheritances or taxes on estates assessed or levied by the United States on the same subject. The legislature shall have the power to levy such inheritance or estate taxes in the state of Alabama only so long as and during the time an inheritance or estate tax is enforced by the United States against Alabama inheritances or estate, and shall only be exercised or enforced to the extent of absorbing the amount of any deduction or credit which may be permitted by the laws of the United States now existing or hereafter enacted to be claimed by reason thereof as deduction or credit against such similar tax of the United States applicable to Alabama inheritances or estates.
AMENDMENT 24 RATIFIED Amendment of Section 284. SECTION 284 Manner of proposing amendments; submission of amendments to electors; election on amendments; proclamation of result of election; basis of representation in legislature not to be changed by amendment. Amendments may be proposed to this Constitution by the legislature in the manner following: The proposed amendments shall be read in the house in which they originate on three several days, and, if upon the third reading three-fifths of all the members elected to that house shall vote in favor thereof, the proposed amendments shall be sent to the other house, in which they shall likewise be read on three several days, and if upon the third reading three-fifths of all of the members elected to that house shall vote in favor of the proposed amendments, the legislature shall order an election by the qualified electors of the state upon such proposed amendments, to be held either at the general election next succeeding the session of the legislature at which the amendments are proposed or upon another day appointed by the legislature, not less than three months after the final adjournment of the session of the legislature at which the amendments were proposed. Notice of such election, together with the proposed amendments, shall be given by proclamation of the governor, which shall be published in every county in such manner as the legislature shall direct, for at least four successive weeks next preceding the day appointed for such election. On the day so appointed an election shall be held for the vote of the qualified electors of the state upon the proposed amendments. If such election be held on the day of the general election, the officers of such general election shall open a poll for the vote of the qualified electors upon the proposed amendments; if it be held on a day other than that of the general election, officers for such election shall be appointed; and the election shall be held in all things in accordance with the law governing general elections. In all elections upon such proposed amendments, the votes cast thereat shall be canvassed, tabulated and returns thereof be made to the secretary of state, and counted, in the same manner as in elections for representatives in the legislature; and if it shall thereupon appear that a majority of the qualified electors who voted at such election upon the proposed amendments voted in favor of the same, such amendments shall be valid to all intents and purposes as parts of this Constitution. The result of such election shall be made known by proclamation of the governor. Representation in the legislature shall be based upon population, and such basis of representation shall not be changed by constitutional amendments.
AMENDMENT 25 RATIFIED Income Taxes. Article XXII. The legislature shall have the power to levy and collect taxes for state purposes on net incomes from whatever source derived within this state, including the incomes derived from salaries, fees and compensation paid from the state, county, municipality, and any agency or creature thereof, for the calendar year, 1933, and thereafter and to designate and define the incomes to be taxed and to fix the rates of taxes, provided that the rate shall not exceed 5 percent nor 3 percent on corporations. Income shall not be deemed property for purposes of ad valorem taxes. From net income an exemption of not less than fifteen hundred dollars ($1,500.00) shall be allowed to unmarried persons and an exemption of not less than three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) shall be allowed to the head of a family, provided that only one exemption shall be allowed to husband and wife where they are living together and make separate returns for income tax. An exemption of not less than three hundred dollars ($300.00) shall be allowed for each dependent member of the family of an income tax payer under the age of 18 years. The legislature shall reduce the ad valorem tax from time to time when and to such an amount as the revenue derived from the income tax will justify. In the event the legislature levies an income tax, such tax must be levied upon the salaries, income, fees, or other compensation of state, county and municipal officers and employees, on the same basis as such income taxes are levied upon other persons. All income derived from such tax shall be held in trust for the payment of the floating debt of Alabama until all debts due on Oct. 1st, 1932, are paid and thereafter used exclusively for the reduction of state ad valorem taxes.
AMENDMENT 26 RATIFIED Amendment of Section 213. Amendment of Section 213. Creation of state debt after ratification of Constitution; temporary loans; refunding bonds for existing indebtedness; payment of interest on certain outstanding and unpaid state warrants; sinking fund for payment of floating indebtedness; warrants not to be drawn on state treasury unless money available for payment; unpaid appropriations for which money unavailable at end of fiscal year. After the ratification of this Constitution, no new debt shall be created against, or incurred by the state, or its authority except to repel invasion or suppress insurrection, and then only by a concurrence of two-thirds of the members of each house of the legislature, and the vote shall be taken by yeas and nays and entered on the journals; provided, the governor may be authorized to negotiate temporary loans, never to exceed three hundred thousand dollars, to meet the deficiencies in the treasury, and until the same is paid no new loan shall be negotiated; (provided, further, that this section shall not be so construed as to prevent the issuance of bonds for the purpose of refunding the existing bonded indebtedness of the state. Provided, further, that this section shall not be construed as to prevent the governor from paying interest at the rate of not exceeding 5% per annum payable semi-annually from July 1, 1933, on the floating indebtedness of the state at the close of business on September 30, 1932, as shown by outstanding and unpaid warrants drawn on the treasury, as provided by law, amounting in the aggregate to $16,943,357.12 and items enumerated in an act of the legislature number 294, being senate bill 272, approved November 9, 1932 [Acts 1932, Ex. Sess., p. 298], all of which are hereby ratified and confirmed.) All warrants and/or instruments issued or to be issued representing such indebtedness shall be a direct obligation of the state, and for the prompt and faithful payment of the principal and interest thereon, the full faith and credit of the state is hereby irrevocably pledged, and such warrants and/or instruments shall be exempt forever from all taxes of every kind. Any act creating or incurring any new debt against the state, except as herein provided for, shall be absolutely void. To create a sinking fund for the prompt and faithful payment of the floating indebtedness of the state, and interest thereon, the net proceeds of any income tax which may be levied by the legislature pursuant to law is hereby pledged. To prevent further deficits in the state treasury, it shall be unlawful from and after the adoption of this amendment for the state comptroller of the state of Alabama to draw any warrant or other order for the payment of money belonging to, or administered by, the state of Alabama upon the state treasurer, unless there is in the hand of such treasurer money appropriated and available for the full payment of the same. In case there is, at the end of any fiscal year, insufficient money in the state treasury for the payment of all proper claims presented to the state comptroller for the issuance of warrants, the comptroller shall issue warrants for that proportion of each such claim which the money available for the payment of all said claims bears to the whole, and such warrants for such prorated sums shall thereupon be paid by the state treasurer. At the end of each fiscal year all unpaid appropriations which exceed the amount of money in the state treasury subject to the payment of the same after the proration above provided for, shall thereupon become null and void to the extent of such excess. Any person violating any of the provisions of this amendment shall, on conviction, be punished by a fine of not exceeding five thousand dollars, or by imprisonment in the penitentiary for not more than two years, one or both, at the discretion of the jury trying the same, and the violation of any provisions of this amendment shall also be ground fo
AMENDMENT 26A RATIFIED Suspension of Restriction on Diminishing Public Salaries, etc. Article XXIV. All provisions of the Constitution which prohibit or restrict the legislature from decreasing or diminishing the salary, fees or compensations of any executive, legislative or judicial officer or of any public officer or of any officer holding any civil office of profit under this state or any county or municipality thereof, whether elected or appointed, during the term for which he shall have been elected or appointed are hereby suspended until October 1, 1935. Provided that from and after the first day of the month next succeeding the date of the ratification and adoption of this amendment no salary, compensation, fees or commissions paid to any officer under the state or any county or municipality thereof, shall exceed the sum of six thousand dollars per annum. Said limitation of $6,000.00 to be inoperative after October 1, 1935. Any act of the legislature heretofore adopted decreasing or diminishing the salary, fees or compensation of any such officer or officers, and which by its terms is to become effective after the expiration of the present term of any such officer or officers, shall, by virtue hereof, become effective from and after the first day of the month next succeeding the date of the ratification and adoption of this amendment; provided, however, that should the legislature adopt any other act or acts decreasing or diminishing the salary, fees or compensation of any such officer or officers during the term for which such officer or officers may have been elected or appointed in a larger amount, such subsequent act or acts shall control. Any other act of the legislature adopted prior to October 1, 1935, decreasing or diminishing the salary, fees or compensation of any such officer or officers, during the term for which such officer or officers may have been elected or appointed, shall be effective from and after the first day of the month next succeeding the date of the ratification and adoption of this amendment, or from and after the adoption by the legislature of any such act decreasing or diminishing the salary, fees or compensation of such officer or officers.
AMENDMENT 27 RATIFIED Amendment of Section 229. SECTION 229 Special laws conferring corporate powers prohibited; general law as to grant or amendment of corporate charters; corporation franchise taxes to be paid; exemption of benevolent, educational or religious corporations and federal building and loan associations from franchise taxes. The legislature shall pass no special act conferring corporate powers, but it shall pass general laws under which corporations may be organized and corporate powers obtained, subject, nevertheless, to repeal at the will of the legislature; and shall pass general laws under which charters may be altered or amended. The legislature shall, by general laws, provide for the payment to the state of Alabama of a franchise tax by corporations organized under the laws of this state which shall be in proportion to the amount of capital stock; but strictly benevolent, educational or religious corporations or federal building and loan associations organized pursuant to an act of congress known as the Home Owners' Loan Act of 1933, as amended, and as the same may hereafter be amended, or building and loan associations organized under or authorized to do business by the laws of Alabama shall not be required to pay such a tax on their withdrawable or repurchasable shares. The charter of any corporation shall be subject to amendment, alteration, or repeal under general laws. Exemption of the shares of building and loan associations from franchise taxes heretofore provided by statute is ratified.
AMENDMENT 28 RATIFIED Costs, Fees, Salaries, etc., of Certain Officers in Mobile County. The legislature of Alabama may hereafter from time to time by general or local laws, but subject to the provisions of section 281 of the Constitution of Alabama, fix, regulate and alter the costs, charges of court, fees, commissions, allowances or salaries to be charged or received by the following county officers of Mobile county, Alabama, being, the judge of probate, the tax assessor, the tax collector, the clerk of the circuit court, and the register of the circuit court, including the method and basis of the compensation of such officers.
AMENDMENT 29 RATIFIED Mobile County Bonds. The legislature of Alabama may authorize Mobile county to issue bonds from time to time, not exceeding in the aggregate $1,600,000.00, which bonds, or the proceeds thereof, shall be used exclusively for paying valid and enforceable unbonded obligations of Mobile county, and unbonded obligations of Mobile county which would be valid and enforceable but for the provision or provisions of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901 fixing the debt limit of said county, and all past due interest and principal on any valid and enforceable bonded obligations of said county, existing on September 30th, 1936. In September of each year after the adoption of this amendment to the Constitution, the governing body of Mobile county shall adopt a budget based on 95 percent of the gross receipts of the general fund of the preceding year for the succeeding fiscal year beginning October 1st, and the expenses of such county for any such fiscal year shall not exceed the revenues of the county for that year. All debts contracted or liabilities incurred by the said county in excess of such revenues shall be void. The governing body of Mobile county may, during any such fiscal year, borrow additional money to the extent of twenty-five (25%) percent of the general revenues of such county for the preceding fiscal year, and pledge to secure the payment thereof the general revenues of the county for such current fiscal year only, such loans to be paid within that fiscal year or from the pledged general revenues of the county subsequently collected for that year, and any loan so made and not paid out of the general revenues of the county pledged to secure the same shall be void as to any amount remaining unpaid. The legislature shall not, after the adoption of this amendment, pass any law making any claim a preferred claim against said county, and all laws, or parts of laws, now in force and effect, making a claim a preferred claim against said county, are hereby annulled as to any future claim. The words "governing body of Mobile county" as herein used shall include any board or officer which is now or which may hereafter be vested with the powers and duties now or formerly exercised by the board of revenue and road commissioners of Mobile county, Alabama. Any person violating any of the provisions of this amendment shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine not exceeding $5,000.00, or by imprisonment in the penitentiary for not more than two years, one or both, at the discretion of the jury trying the same, and the violation of any of the provisions of this amendment shall also be ground for impeachment.
AMENDMENT 30 RATIFIED Lawrence County Bonds. Lawrence county may become indebted and may issue bonds therefor in an amount not exceeding $130,000 in addition to that now authorized, for the construction of and equipping of a courthouse in said county. To pay said indebtedness, and interest thereon, Lawrence county may levy and collect an annual tax on all property situated therein at a rate not in excess of 3 mills. The indebtedness, the bonds and the tax authorized hereby shall be in addition to those authorized prior to the adoption of this amendment. But no such additional indebtedness shall be incurred, no such bonds shall be issued and no such tax shall be levied until the estimated cost of the construction and equipping of said courthouse hereby proposed to be built, its time of completion, and the amount of the increased indebtedness, the rate of interest to be paid thereon, and the period over which the bonds to be issued will be refunded, shall have been determined upon and made public by the county governing body of said county; and the proposed increase in indebtedness and the issuance of bonds and the increase in rate of taxation first shall have been authorized by a majority of the qualified electors of said county voting upon such proposal at an election to be called by said county governing body for said purposes to be held not less than sixty (60) nor more than (120) one hundred twenty days after the adoption of this amendment.
AMENDMENT 31 RATIFIED Taxation in Municipality of Attalla. (a) The municipality of Attalla, Alabama, through its governing body, may levy and collect from and after the date of this amendment the present rate of one percent ad valorem tax per annum, and said amount to be devoted to the payment of outstanding bonds, provide for schools, and such other purposes as may be designated by the governing body of said municipality, but before any additional tax now authorized by law can be levied, it must be voted by a majority of qualified electors of the municipality voting on such proposition at an election called by the governing body of said municipality for such purposes; providing that the total tax levied for all purposes by the said municipality of Attalla shall not exceed one per centum in any one year on the property situated therein, based on the valuation of such property as assessed for state taxation. (b) The adoption of this amendment shall in no wise effect, limit, modify, abridge or impair the power, authority or right of such municipality to levy and collect the special school taxes now or hereafter vested in or conferred upon it under the Constitution or any amendment thereto. (c) Each election held under the provisions of this amendment shall be ordered, held, canvassed and may be contested in the same manner as is or may be provided by the law applicable to municipal corporations, for elections to order the issuance of municipal bonds. The ballots used at such election shall contain the following words: "For authorization of a continuation of taxation at a rate not to exceed one percent per annum for the purpose of the payment of outstanding bonds, provide for schools, and such other purposes as may be designated by the governing body of said municipality." "Against authorization of a continuation of taxation at a rate not to exceed one percent per annum for the purpose of the payment of outstanding bonds, provide for schools, and such other purposes as may be designated by the governing body of said municipality." The rate of taxation proposed shall be printed upon the ballot in the space indicated therefor and for the year or years in which the proposed rate is to apply, and the purpose or purposes for which said tax is to be used shall likewise be placed in the respective places therefor. The voter shall record his choice either for or against authorization of the proposed rate for the proposed purpose or purposes by placing a cross mark before or after the words expressing his choice. Nothing herein contained shall in any wise change or effect the rights of any holder of bonds of said municipal corporations heretofore issued. Elections in said municipality to order the levy of such tax may be held as often as ordered by the governing body thereof, but when a proposition is submitted to the said municipality hereunder and such proposition is defeated, no second election shall be held in such municipality for one year thereafter. This amendment shall be self-operative without any additional legislation.
AMENDMENT 32 RATIFIED Tax Elections in Certain School Districts in Lawrence County. Enon school district, Hendon school district, Oakville school district, Cave Springs school district, Center school district, Piney Grove school district, Shiloh school district and Speake school district in Lawrence county, Alabama, shall each have the right and power by vote of a majority of the qualified electors of such district at an election held for that purpose to levy and collect for the purpose of, acquiring, constructing or repairing of school buildings in such districts or paying for school buildings already built, a tax of not over three mills in any one year, in addition to all other taxes now authorized by law. The election in such district to determine whether or not such tax shall be levied shall be called, held and, conducted as now provided by law for calling, holding and conducting of election to determine whether or not a three mill district school tax shall be levied and collected.
AMENDMENT 33 RATIFIED Regulation of Salaries, etc., of Certain Public Officers in Calhoun and Tuscaloosa Counties. The legislature of Alabama may hereafter, from time to time, by general or local laws, fix, regulate and alter the fees, commissions, allowances and salaries, including the method or basis of their compensation, to be charged or received by the tax assessors, tax collectors, probate judges, circuit clerks, sheriffs, and registers of the chancery courts, and including the right to place any one or all of said officers on a salary and provide for the fees charged and collected by said officers to be paid into the treasury from which their salaries are paid, and provide the method and basis of their compensation, or consolidate any of said offices in the following named counties: Calhoun and Tuscaloosa. All acts of the regular session of the legislature 1935 heretofore passed and applicable, or purporting to be applicable, to any or all of said counties, and fixing, or purporting to fix the compensation of said named county officers, on a salary basis, are hereby validated and confirmed.
AMENDMENT 34 RATIFIED Tax for Malaria Control in Limestone County. The governing body of Limestone county must levy and collect for use in the control of malaria, in addition to all other taxes now authorized by law, a tax not in excess of one mill on all property situated within the county, based upon the valuation of such property in said county, as assessed for state taxation, provided such tax is authorized by a majority of the qualified electors of said county voting upon such proposition at an election called and held for the purpose of authorizing such tax. Such an election may be called at any time by the governing body of said county and shall be held and conducted and the results canvassed as now provided by law for holding and conducting and canvassing the returns of an election. The proceeds of the tax hereby authorized shall be used exclusively for the control of malaria and shall be expended through the proper fiscal agencies of the county government under the direction of the governing body of Limestone county and the Limestone county department of public health.
AMENDMENT 35 RATIFIED Amendment of Section 138. Amendment of Section 138. Section 138 Election and term of office of sheriffs; sheriff eligible to succeed self; impeachment of sheriff; effect of impeachment of sheriff. A sheriff shall be elected in each county by the qualified electors thereof who shall hold office for a term of four years unless sooner removed, and he shall be eligible to such office as his own successor. Whenever any prisoner is taken from jail, or from the custody of any sheriff or his deputy, and put to death, or suffers grevious [grievous] bodily harm, owing to the neglect, connivance, cowardice, or other grave fault of the sheriff, such sheriff may be impeached, under section 174 of this Constitution. If the sheriff be impeached, and thereupon convicted, he shall not be eligible to hold any office in this state during the time for which he had been elected or appointed to serve as sheriff.
AMENDMENT 36 RATIFIED Bonds for Erection, etc., of Jail in Morgan County. Morgan county may become indebted and may issue bonds therefor in an amount not exceeding $115,000.00 in addition to that now authorized, for the acquiring and paying for additional real property adjoining that where the court house and jail now set and constructing and equipping a jail building in said county. To pay said indebtedness and interest thereon, Morgan county may levy and collect an annual tax on all property situated therein at a rate not in excess of one mill. The indebtedness, the bonds and the tax authorized hereby shall be in addition to those authorized prior to the adoption of this amendment. But no such additional indebtedness shall be incurred, no such bonds shall be issued and no such tax shall be levied until the estimated cost of acquiring and paying for additional real property adjoining that where the court house and jail now set and the cost of the construction and equipping of said jail building in said county hereby proposed to be built, its time of completion, the amount of the increased indebtedness, the rate of interest to be paid thereon and the period over which the bonds to be issued will be refunded, shall have been determined upon and made public by the county governing body of said county; and the proposed increase in indebtedness and the issuance of bonds and the increase in rate of taxation first shall have been authorized by a majority of the qualified electors of said county voting upon such proposal at an election to be called by said county governing body for said purpose to be held not less than sixty nor more than ninety days after the adoption of this amendment.
AMENDMENT 37 RATIFIED Amendment of Section 8. SECTION 8 Proceeding against person by information; grand jury not required in misdemeanor cases; plea of guilty prior to indictment. No person shall for any indictable offense be proceeded against criminally by information, except in cases arising in the militia and volunteer forces when in actual service, or when assembled under arms as a military organization, or, by leave of the court, for misfeasance, misdemeanor, extortion and oppression in office, otherwise than is provided in the Constitution; provided, that in cases of misdemeanor, the legislature may by law dispense with a grand jury and authorize such prosecutions and proceedings before justices of the peace or such other inferior courts as may be by law established. Provided further that in all felony cases, except those punishable by capital punishment, the legislature may by law dispense with a grand jury and authorize such prosecutions and proceedings in such manner as may be provided by law if the defendant, after having had the advice of counsel of his choice or in the event he is unable to employ counsel, the advice of counsel which must be appointed by the court, makes known in open court to a judge of a court having jurisdiction of the offense that he desires to plead guilty, provided, however, the defendant cannot plead guilty within fifteen days after his arrest.
AMENDMENT 38 RATIFIED Amendment of Section 124. SECTION 124 Authority of governor to grant reprieves and commutations to persons under sentence of death; legislature to regulate administration of pardons, paroles, remission of fines and forfeitures, suspension of sentences and probation; pardon not relief from civil and political disabilities unless specifically provided. The governor shall have power to grant reprieves and commutations to persons under sentence of death. The legislature shall have power to provide for and to regulate the administration of pardons, paroles, remission of fines and forfeitures, and may authorize the courts having criminal jurisdiction to suspend sentence and to order probation. No pardon shall relieve from civil and political disabilities unless specifically expressed in the pardon.
AMENDMENT 39 RATIFIED Time and Place of Meetings of Legislature; Biennial Sessions; Organizational Sessions; Election of President Pro Tempore of Senate and Speaker of House of Representatives; Maximum Length of Sessions; Compensation and Travel Allowances of Me Time and Place of Meetings of Legislature; Biennial Sessions; Organizational Sessions; Election of President Pro Tempore of Senate and Speaker of House of Representatives; Maximum Length of Sessions; Compensation and Travel Allowances of Members of Legislature. All sessions of the legislature shall be held at the capitol in the senate chamber and in the hall of the house of representatives; unless at any time it should from any cause become impossible or dangerous for the legislature to meet or remain at the capitol or for the senate to meet or remain in the senate chamber, or for the representatives to meet or remain in the hall of the house of representatives, in which case the governor may convene the legislature, or remove it after it has convened, to some other place, or may designate some other place for the sitting of the respective houses, or either of them, as necessity may require. The legislature shall convene on the second Tuesday in January next succeeding their election and shall remain in session for not longer than ten consecutive calendar days. No business can be transacted at such sessions except the organization of the legislature, the election of officers and the appointment of standing committees of the senate and the house of representatives for the ensuing four years, which election and appointment may, however, also be made at such other times as may be necessary, the opening and publication of the returns and the ascertainment and declaration of the results of the election for governor, lieutenant-governor, attorney-general, state auditor, secretary of state, state treasurer, superintendent of education and commissioner of agriculture and industries, the election of such officers in the event of a tie vote, the determination of contested elections for such offices, the judging of the election returns and qualification of the members of the legislature, and the inauguration of the governor and the other elected state officers whose terms of office are concurrent with that of the governor. At the beginning of each such organization session, and at such other times as may be necessary, the senate shall elect one of its members president pro tempore thereof, to preside over its deliberations in the absence of the lieutenant-governor, and the house of representatives shall elect one of its members as speaker, to preside over its deliberations. The president of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives shall each hold his respective office until his successor has been elected and qualified. The legislature shall convene in regular sessions on the first Tuesday in May of 1943 and on the first Tuesday in May in each second year thereafter, until the date of meeting shall have been changed by act of the legislature and approved by the governor. No such regular session shall continue for longer than sixty consecutive calendar days. No special session of the legislature convened in the manner provided by this Constitution shall continue for longer than thirty consecutive calendar days. The pay of members of the legislature shall be ten dollars for each day during the period in which the legislature is in session but not exceeding in any event the number of calendar days for which the legislature is authorized to be in session. Each member of the legislature shall be paid ten cents per mile in going from his residence to, and in returning to his residence from, the seat of government, to be computed by the nearest usual route traveled, and not more than one such travel allowance shall be paid for each session of the legislature. The provisions of this Constitution in conflict herewith are hereby modified to conform to the provisions of thi
AMENDMENT 40 RATIFIED Amendment of Section 74. SECTION 74 Restrictions on investment of trust funds by executors, trustees, etc., in private corporations. No act of the legislature shall authorize the investment of any trust fund by executors, administrators, guardians, or other trustees in the stock of any private corporation; any such acts now existing are avoided, saving investments heretofore made; provided, however, that, unless otherwise provided by the legislature, any of said mentioned trust funds may be invested in corporation or institutions, investments in which are guaranteed as to principal by the United States government or insured as to principal by any instrumentality or agency thereof, provided such investments shall not exceed the amount insured by any such instrumentality or agency.
AMENDMENT 41 RATIFIED Amendment of Section 190. SECTION 190 Duty of legislature to pass laws regulating elections, primary elections and purging of registration lists; provision for use of voting machines. The legislature shall pass laws not inconsistent with this Constitution to regulate and govern elections and all such laws shall be uniform throughout the state except that the legislature may, by general or local law, permit the use of voting machines or other mechanical devices, for registering, recording and computing the votes at all elections, including primary elections, in any county, municipality, or other political subdivision of the state, under such regulations provided by general law with reference thereto as the legislature may from time to time prescribe; and shall provide by law for the manner of holding elections and of ascertaining the result of the same, and shall provide general registration laws not inconsistent with the provisions of this article for the registration of all qualified electors from and after the first day of January, nineteen hundred and three. The legislature shall also make provision by law, not inconsistent with this article, for the regulation of primary elections and for punishing frauds at the same, but shall not make primary elections compulsory. The legislature shall by law provide for purging the registration list of the names of those who died, become insane, or convicted of crime, or otherwise disqualified as electors under the provisions of this Constitution, and of any names which may have been fraudulently entered on such list by the registrars; provided, that a trial by jury may be had on the demand of any person whose name is proposed to be stricken from the list.
AMENDMENT 42 RATIFIED Bonds to Pay or Retire Alabama Bridge Commission Bonds. The state of Alabama is hereby authorized to issue not exceeding $900,000 aggregate principal amount of bonds for the purpose of paying or retiring prior to maturity, the bonds of Alabama bridge commission (an agency of the state of Alabama) which were outstanding on July 1, 1939. Said bonds shall be general obligations of the state of Alabama, to the prompt payment of the principal of and interest on which the full faith and credit and taxing power of the state are hereby irrevocably pledged, and all of said bonds, together with any other bonds of the state providing for a pledge of said gasoline excise tax which may be authorized by constitutional amendment ratified on the same day as this amendment is ratified shall be additionally secured, without priority of one bond over another, by a pledge of the proceeds of the gasoline excise tax, authorized to be pledged to the highway bonds provided for in the amendment to the Constitution known as article XXA [Amendment No. 21], subject, however, to the prior pledge of said gasoline tax to said highway bonds. The bonds hereby authorized shall bear interest at not exceeding three per centum (3%) per annum, payable semi-annually, and shall be sold at not less than the par value thereof. Said bonds and the interest thereon shall be forever exempt from taxes of every kind. Said bonds shall be issued at such time or times, in such denominations and series and shall mature at such times, not later, however, than fifteen (15) years from the date of issuance, and shall have such other terms and conditions as may be provided by law.
AMENDMENT 43 RATIFIED Regulation of Salaries, etc., of Certain Public Officers in Etowah and Cherokee Counties. The legislature of Alabama may hereafter, from time to time by general or local laws, fix, regulate and alter the fees, commissions, allowances and salaries, including the method or basis of their compensation, to be charged or received by the tax assessors, tax collectors, probate judges, circuit clerks, sheriffs, and registers of the equity courts, and including the right to place any one or all of said officers on a salary and provide for the fees charged and collected by said officers to be paid into the treasury from which their salaries are paid, and provide the method and basis of their compensation, provided the salary, fees or compensation of any officer named herein shall not be increased or diminished during the term for which he shall have been elected or appointed, after his election or appointment, in the following named counties: Etowah and Cherokee.
AMENDMENT 44 RATIFIED Regulation of Salaries, etc., of Officers of Morgan County. The legislature of Alabama may hereafter, from time to time by general or local laws, fix, regulate and alter the costs and charges of courts, fees, commissions, allowances and salaries to be charged or received by any county officer of Morgan county, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the judge of probate, tax collector, tax assessor, sheriff, circuit clerk, and register, including the method and basis of compensation of such officer, and may provide for the placing of any such officer on a salary and that the fees, costs, and allowances collected by such officer be paid into the county treasury. All acts of the regular or adjourned session of the legislature of Alabama which convened in January, 1939, fixing or purporting to fix the compensation of any such officer on a salary basis are hereby validated and confirmed.
AMENDMENT 45 RATIFIED Drainage Districts in Colbert County. The court of county commissioners of Colbert county, Alabama, is authorized to divide said county into drainage districts for the control of malaria, and said county is authorized and empowered to levy and collect in the several districts so formed, for use in the control of malaria, in addition to all other taxes now authorized by law, a special tax of three mills on all taxable property situated in the several drainage districts so formed, based upon the valuation of such property as assessed for state taxation, and to be used exclusively for the control of malaria in the drainage district in which the said tax is levied and collected, provided such tax is authorized by a majority of the qualified electors residing in such drainage district voting upon such proposition at an election called and held for the purpose of authorizing such tax, and provided that said tax shall be levied and collected for a period of ten years from the time that it is authorized at the election held in such district. Such an election may be called at any time by the court of county commissioners of said county and shall be held and conducted and the results canvassed as now provided by law for holding and conducting and canvassing the returns of a regular election. The proceeds of the tax hereby authorized shall be used exclusively for the control of malaria in the drainage district in which it is levied and collected and shall be expended through the proper fiscal agencies of the county government under the direction of the governing body of Colbert county, and the Colbert county department of public health.
AMENDMENT 46 RATIFIED Salaries, etc., of Certain Public Officers of Dallas County. The salaries of the following named county officers of Dallas county, Alabama, but subject to the provisions of section 281 of the Constitution of Alabama, are fixed as follows: Judge of probate, $6,000.00 per annum net; tax assessor, $5,000.00 per annum net; tax collector, $5,000.00 per annum net; sheriff, $4,800.00 per annum net; circuit clerk, $2,400.00 per annum net; register in chancery, $1,200.00 per annum net; provided, that if the same person holds the offices of circuit clerk and register in chancery, the salary for both offices shall be $3,000.00 per annum net; members of the county governing body, exclusive of the judge of probate, $600.00 each per annum net. The above named officers are hereby required to collect all charges of court, fees, commissions, allowances, percentages, salaries or other compensation provided by law, other than the salaries herein fixed, and to cover the same into the county treasury. This shall include the allowances or amounts received by the sheriff for feeding prisoners from both the state and federal government, and the county governing body of Dallas county, Alabama, shall pay the expenses incurred in feeding such prisoners out of the county treasury, but nothing herein shall be construed as interfering with the allowances or amounts provided by law for guards at the county jail or bailiffs for courts, or preventing the county governing body of Dallas county, Alabama, from making such allowances to the sheriff and his deputies for transportation on official business, including the purchase of automobiles for such use, as it may deem necessary from time to time. The salaries of the above named county officers of Dallas county, Alabama, shall be paid out of the county treasury in equal monthly installments. The employees of said offices shall be selected by the respective officers, and allowances for their compensation shall be as follows: 1. Office of judge of probate - $6,500 per annum. 2. Office of tax assessor - $3,600.00 per annum. 3. Office of tax collector - $2,600.00 per annum. 4. Office of sheriff - $4,500.00 per annum. 5. Office of circuit clerk - $1,350.00 per annum. 6. Office of register in chancery - None. The county governing body shall have the same authority in regard to the employment of persons for the county, and the fixing of their compensation, other than the employees in the above named offices, as provided by law. The salaries of the employees in the above enumerated offices shall be paid out of the county treasury in equal monthly installments; provided, however, that no payment of compensation for any such employee shall be made until the employee has actually rendered the service for which the payment is to be made. The legislature of Alabama is hereby authorized and empowered, from time to time, by general or local laws, to fix, regulate and alter the employment and compensation of the employees in said offices, including the number and the method and basis of their compensation. The legislature of Alabama is hereby authorized and empowered, from time to time, by general or local laws, but subject to the provisions of section 281 of the Constitution of Alabama, to fix, regulate and alter the charges of court, fees, commissions, allowances, percentages, salaries or other compensation received by any officer of Dallas county, Alabama, other than the judge of probate, tax assessor, tax collector, sheriff, circuit clerk and register in chancery, including the method and basis of their compensation.
AMENDMENT 47 RATIFIED Fees, Commissions, Salaries, etc., of Sheriff of Mobile County. The legislature of Alabama may hereafter, from time to time, by general or local laws fix, alter and regulate the fees, commissions, allowances and salaries to be charged or received by the sheriff of Mobile county, and including the right to place said officer on a salary basis and provide that the fees, fines and forfeitures received or collected by said officer be paid into the treasury of Mobile county, Alabama, and to fix and provide the amount and method of compensation of such officer. All acts of the regular session of the legislature of 1939 and 1939-1940 heretofore passed and applicable, or purporting to be applicable to said Mobile county, and fixing, or purporting to fix the basis of compensation and compensation of said officer, or placing said officer on a salary basis, are hereby ratified and confirmed.
AMENDMENT 48 RATIFIED Fees, Salaries, etc., of Certain Public Officers in Houston County. The legislature of Alabama may hereafter, from time to time, by general or local laws, fix, regulate and alter the fees, commissions, allowances and salaries, including the method or basis of their compensation, to be charged or received by the tax assessors, tax collectors, probate judges, circuit clerks, sheriffs, and registers of the chancery courts, and including the right to place any one or all of said officers on a salary and provide for the fees charged and collected by said officers to be paid into the treasury from which their salaries are paid, and provide the method and basis of their compensation, or consolidate any of said offices in the following named county: Houston. All acts of the regular session of the legislature 1943 heretofore passed and applicable, or purporting to fix the compensation of said named county officers, on a salary basis, are hereby validated and confirmed.
AMENDMENT 49 RATIFIED Poll Tax Exemption Amendment. SECTION 194 1/2 Exemption of veterans of foreign wars from payment of poll tax. No person who honorably served in the military service of the United States between January 1, 1917 and November 11, 1918, or between September 16, 1940 and December 8, 1941, or at any time, past or present or future, when the United States was, is or shall be at war with any foreign state, shall be required after the beginning of such service to pay the poll tax specified in the Constitution of Alabama as a prerequisite to the privilege of voting in Alabama; but, on the contrary, every such person shall be exempt from the payment of all poll taxes which have theretofore accrued and have not been paid or which may thereafter accrue; provided, however, that if any such person is discharged dishonorably from said service the exemption herein provided is forfeited, and such dishonorably discharged person, as a prerequisite to the privilege of voting in Alabama thereafter, must pay the poll tax specified in the Constitution of Alabama as if such person had never been in such service. The term "military service" as used in this section includes service in the army of the United States, the United States navy, the marine corps, the coast guard, the women's army auxiliary corps, the women's appointed volunteer emergency service, and the women's reserve of the United States navy. The United States shall not be deemed at war with a foreign state within the meaning of this section at a time when an armistice exists between the United States and the foreign state. The judge of probate shall issue a certificate of exemption to a person exempt from the payment of poll tax by reason of this section under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the governor. This section shall be self-executing and retroactive; but the legislature is authorized to enact laws designed to carry out the purposes of this section.
AMENDMENT 50 RATIFIED Fees, Salaries, etc., of Certain Public Officers in Walker County. The legislature of Alabama may hereafter from time to time, by general or local laws, fix, regulate and alter the fees, commissions, allowances and salaries, including the method or basis of their compensation, to be charged or received by the tax assessor, tax collector, probate judge, circuit clerk, sheriff, and register of the circuit court, and including the right to place anyone or all of said officers on a salary and provide for the fees charged and collected by said officers to be paid into the treasury from which their salaries are paid, and provide for the method and basis of their compensation in Walker county, Alabama. No salary fixed under this amendment shall affect the compensation of any officer already elected to either of said offices during the term for which elected, and said salaries, except for the register, shall be fixed at not less than three hundred and not more than five hundred dollars per month. The balance of said fund or savings shall be used for old age pensions in said county.
AMENDMENT 51 RATIFIED Amendment of Section 251. SECTION 251 Duration of corporations not limited; renewal of existing charters not required. There shall be no limit of time for the duration of a corporation hereafter organized as a bank or banking company, and it shall not be necessary hereafter to renew or extend the life or charter of any such corporation now existing. And all extensions of the life or charter of any such corporations are hereby ratified and confirmed.
AMENDMENT 52 RATIFIED Special Tax for Educational Purposes in Cities of Decatur and Cullman and for Hospital Purposes in Morgan County. A. Notwithstanding the proviso to the contrary in section 269 of this Constitution, the special tax for educational purposes provided for by that section may be levied and collected upon taxable property situated in the city of Decatur (formerly the cities of Decatur and New Decatur). Upon the adoption of this amendment the governing body of Morgan county shall order an election at which the qualified electors of the city of Decatur shall determine whether or not such special tax shall be levied and collected on taxable property in said city. Said election shall be held and determined as now provided by law for determining whether or not the special one mill county school tax shall be levied, and if a majority of the electors participating in said election vote in favor of said levy, said special tax shall be levied upon the taxable property in the city of Decatur during the tax years commencing with the tax year beginning next after said election and ending with the tax year beginning on October 1, 1967, and thereafter said special tax may be levied and collected as is now or hereafter may be provided by law. B. Morgan county may levy and collect a tax upon all taxable property situated therein at a rate not in excess of ten cents on each one hundred dollars of taxable property, which tax shall be used exclusively for the construction, equipping, enlargement, acquisition, repair, or operation of public hospital properties situated in said county owned or proposed to be acquired in said county by the city of Decatur and Morgan county. Said tax shall be in addition to all other taxes now authorized by law, but shall not be levied until it shall have been authorized by a majority of the qualified electors of such county voting at an election called by the governing body of said county at which there shall be submitted to a vote the rate of such tax, the time it is to continue, and the purpose or purposes thereof. Such elections may be called and had from time to time, and shall be had, governed and determined under such rules and regulations as the governing body of said county may prescribe. Said tax may be pledged by the governing body of said county to secure payment of any debt incurred by said county or by any public corporation for hospital purposes in said county. C. Notwithstanding the proviso to the contrary in section 269 of this Constitution, the special tax for educational purposes provided for by that section may be levied upon taxable property situated in the city of Cullman.
AMENDMENT 53 RATIFIED Public Hospitals and Health Facilities. The state, notwithstanding section 93 of the Constitution as amended and section 94 of the Constitution, may acquire, build, establish, own, operate and maintain hospitals, health centers, sanatoria and other health facilities. The legislature for such purposes may appropriate public funds and may authorize counties, municipalities and other political subdivisions to appropriate their funds, and may designate or create an agency or agencies to accept and administer funds appropriated or donated for such purposes by the United States government to the state upon such terms and conditions as may be imposed by the United States government.
AMENDMENT 54 RATIFIED Taxation in Municipality of Haleyville. The municipal corporation of Haleyville, through its constituted governing authority may levy and collect a rate of taxation on the property situated therein, not exceeding in the total in any one year one per centum of the value of such property as assessed as provided by the Constitution and the statutes now or hereafter enacted pursuant to the Constitution; provided that the adoption of this amendment, shall in no wise affect, limit, modify, abridge or impair the power, authority, or right of said municipal corporation to levy and collect the special school taxes, now or hereafter vested in or conferred upon it under the Constitution or any amendment thereto, which said special school taxes shall be in excess of said one per centum herein provided for.
AMENDMENT 55 RATIFIED Amendment of Section 181. Amendment of Section 181. Persons qualified to register as electors - After January 1, 1903. After the first day of January, nineteen hundred and three, the following persons, and no others, who, if their place of residence shall remain unchanged, will have, at the date of the next general election, the qualifications as to residence, prescribed in section 178 of this article, shall be qualified to register as electors provided they shall not be disqualified under section 182 of this Constitution: those who can read and write, understand and explain any article of the Constitution of the United States in the English language and who are physically unable to work and those who can read and write, understand and explain any article of the Constitution of the United States in the English language and who have worked or been regularly engaged in some lawful employment, business, or occupation, trade, or calling for the greater part of the twelve months next preceding the time they offer to register, including those who are unable to read and write if such inability is due solely to physical disability; provided, however, no persons shall be entitled to register as electors except those who are of good character and who understand the duties and obligations of good citizenship under a republican form of government.
AMENDMENT 56 RATIFIED Additional Municipal Taxes. Each municipal corporation in this state whose annual ad valorem tax rate is otherwise limited by the Constitution or any amendment thereto less than one and one-fourth per centum (1 1/4 %) of the value of the property situated therein as assessed for state taxation during the preceding year shall have, in addition to the power to levy and collect such ad valorem tax each year at the rate authorized immediately prior to the adoption of this amendment, the further power to levy and collect each year an additional tax or taxes to such extent that the total ad valorem tax rate of such municipal corporation shall not exceed one and one-fourth per centum (1 1/4 %) in any one year on the property situated therein based on the valuation of such property as assessed for state taxation during the preceding year; provided, that before any such additional tax may be so levied and collected a majority of the qualified electors of any such municipal corporation voting at an election called for that purpose shall vote in favor of the levy thereof; provided further, that the total ad valorem tax or taxes to be levied and collected by any such municipal corporation shall not exceed one and one-fourth per centum (1 1/4 %) in any one year; and provided further, that the adoption of this amendment shall in no wise affect, limit, modify, abridge or impair the power, authority or right of any such municipal corporation to levy and collect the special school taxes now or hereafter vested or conferred upon them, or any of them, under the Constitution or any amendment thereto, which said special school taxes shall be in excess of said one and one-fourth per centum (1 1/4 %) herein provided for. Each election held under the provisions hereof shall be ordered, held, canvassed and may be contested in the same manner as is or may be provided by the law applicable to municipal corporations for elections to authorize the issuance of municipal bonds. The ballots used at such elections shall specify the purpose for which the proposed additional rate of taxation shall be authorized and shall contain the words "For ... % additional rate of taxation"; and "Against ... % additional rate of taxation"; the additional rate of taxation proposed to be shown in the blank space provided therefor. The voter shall record his choice, whether for or against the additional rate shown, by placing a cross mark before or after the words expressing his choice. The proceeds of any such additional tax so authorized at any such election shall be used only for the purpose for which the same shall be authorized at such election. Elections to authorize the levy of such additional tax may be held as often as ordered by the governing body of the municipality, but when a proposition is submitted to the electors to levy such additional tax for a specific purpose and such proposition is defeated then no second election for the same purpose shall be held in one year thereafter.
AMENDMENT 57 RATIFIED Time and Place of Meetings of Legislature; Biennial Sessions; Organizational Sessions; Election of President Pro Tempore of Senate and Speaker of House of Representatives; Maximum Length of Sessions; Compensation and Travel Allowances of Me Time and Place of Meetings of Legislature; Biennial Sessions; Organizational Sessions; Election of President Pro Tempore of Senate and Speaker of House of Representatives; Maximum Length of Sessions; Compensation and Travel Allowances of Members of Legislature. All sessions of the legislature shall be held at the capitol in the senate chamber and in the hall of the house of representatives, unless at any time it should from any cause become impossible or dangerous for the legislature to meet or remain at the capitol, or for the senate to meet or remain in the senate chamber, or for the representatives to meet or remain in the hall of the house of representatives, in which case the governor may convene the legislature, or remove it after it has convened, to some other place, or may designate some other place for the sitting of the respective houses, or either of them, as necessity may require. The legislature shall convene on the second Tuesday in January next succeeding their election and shall remain in session for not longer than ten consecutive calendar days. No business can be transacted at such sessions except the organization of the legislature, the election of officers, the appointment of standing committees of the senate and the house of representatives for the ensuing four years, which election and appointment may, however, also be made at such other times as may be necessary, the opening and publication of the returns and the ascertainment and declaration of the results of the election for governor, lieutenant-governor, attorney-general, state auditor, secretary of state, state treasurer, superintendent of education, and commissioner of agriculture and industries, the election of such officers in the event of a tie vote, the determination of contested elections for such offices, the judging of the election returns and qualification of the members of the legislature, and the inauguration of the governor and the other elected state officers whose terms of office are concurrent with that of the governor. At the beginning of each such organization session, and at such other times as may be necessary, the senate shall elect one of its members president pro tempore thereof, to preside over its deliberations in the absence of the lieutenant-governor, and the house of representatives shall elect one of its members as speaker, to preside over its deliberations. The president of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives shall each hold his respective office until his successor has been elected and qualified. The legislature shall convene in regular sessions on the first Tuesday in May of 1947 and on the first Tuesday in May in each second year thereafter, until the date of meeting shall have been changed by act of the legislature and approved by the governor. The legislature shall not remain in session longer than thirty-six days at any such regular session. Special sessions of the legislature convened in the manner provided by this Constitution also shall be limited to thirty-six days. The pay of members of the legislature shall be ten dollars per day. Each member of the legislature shall be paid ten cents per mile in going from his residence to, and in returning to his residence from, the seat of government, to be computed by the nearest usual route traveled; and not more than one such travel allowance shall be paid for each session of the legislature. In addition to his travel allowance, each member of the legislature also shall be allowed expenses, other than actual expenses of traveling, not exceeding an amount to be fixed by the legislature, incurred in the performance of his duties; but such expense allowance shall not be less than the smallest
AMENDMENT 58 RATIFIED Amendment of Section 93. SECTION 93 State engaging in internal improvements or lending money or credit for same; state interest in private or corporate enterprises; construction, maintenance, etc., of public roads, highways and bridges, harbors and seaports and public airports and air navigation facilities. The state shall not engage in works of internal improvement, nor lend money or its credit in aid as such, except as may be authorized by the Constitution of Alabama or amendments thereto; nor shall the state be interested in any private or corporate enterprise, or lend money or its credit to any individual, association, or corporation, except as may be expressly authorized by the Constitution of Alabama, or amendments thereto. When authorized by laws passed by the legislature the state may appropriate funds to be applied to the construction, repair, and maintenance of public roads, highways and bridges in the state. When authorized by appropriate laws passed by the legislature the state may at a cost not exceeding ten million dollars engage in the work of internal improvement, or promoting, developing, constructing, maintaining, and operating all harbors and seaports within the state or its jurisdiction, provided, that such work or improvement shall always be and remain under the management and control of the state, through its state harbor commission, or other governing agency. When authorized by laws passed by the legislature the state may engage in the construction, improvement, repairs and maintenance and operation of public airports, air landing fields and other air navigation facilities in the state of Alabama and may appropriate money or otherwise provide funds for this purpose. The adoption of this amendment shall not affect in any manner any other amendment to the Constitution of Alabama which may be adopted pursuant to any act or resolution of this session of legislature.
AMENDMENT 59 RATIFIED Additional County Taxes for County Hospitals. The governing body of any county in the state of Alabama except Mobile and Montgomery county must levy and collect or cause to be collected for use in the acquisition by purchase, lease or otherwise, or for the construction, operation, equipment and maintenance of a county hospital, in addition to all other taxes now authorized by law, a tax, not in excess of ten mills on each one hundred dollars, on all property situated within the county, based upon the valuation of such property in the county as assessed for state taxation, provided such tax is authorized by a majority of the qualified electors of the county voting upon such proposition at an election called and held for the purpose of authorizing such tax. Such an election may be called at any time by the governing body of any county in the state, and said governing body must call such election upon a petition being filed with the chairman or any member of said governing body requesting that such an election be called or held when said petition is signed by not less than one hundred qualified electors of the county in which said election is to be held. Said election shall be held and conducted and the results canvassed as now provided by law for holding and conducting and canvassing the returns of an election. The proceeds of the tax hereby authorized must be used exclusively for the purpose of acquiring by purchase, lease, or otherwise, or the construction, equipment, maintenance and operation of said county hospital and shall be expended for said purposes by and under the direction, supervision and control of the county governing body.
AMENDMENT 60 RATIFIED Debt Limit of Mobile County. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Constitution, Mobile county shall continue to have and possess all of the rights, powers and authority granted to it by amendment XVIII [18] of this Constitution and Act Number 246 of the Local Acts of 1927 [p. 151], as the same has been heretofore amended, and shall have and possess the power and authority to become indebted for the construction or erection of public buildings, bridges and roads within the limit prescribed by section 224 of this Constitution; provided, however, that all debts incurred or bonds issued by Mobile county under the provisions of amendment XXIX [29] shall be in addition to the limit fixed by said section 224, and shall not be taken into account or considered in determining or arriving at the debt limit of Mobile county under said section 224, and provided further that the six and one-half percent (6 1/2 %) limitation in amendment XVIII [18] aforesaid shall be construed to refer not to the total amount of bonds issued under authority of the amendment, but to the total amount of bonds so issued which may be outstanding at any one time.
AMENDMENT 61 RATIFIED Disposition of Income Tax; Exemption of Homesteads From State Ad Valorem Tax. Section A. The entire proceeds of the income tax in the treasury of the state of Alabama on September 30, 1947, including cash and investments and the interest thereon, shall be used for the following purposes and in the following manner: 1st. The sum of $12,249,860.00 shall be and is hereby set aside and shall be and is hereby constituted an irrevocable trust fund for the purpose of paying the principal of and interest on the bonds issued by the state of Alabama commonly known as "income tax bonds," being the warrant refunding bonds issued to fund the floating debt existing October 1, 1932, which bonds were issued under the authority of Act No. 14 approved February 5, 1935 [Acts 1935, p. 27], and Act No. 50 approved February 8, 1935 [Acts 1935, p. 118]. 2nd. An amount (approximately $6,700,000.00) which, when added to the sinking fund (approximately $1,857,000.00) heretofore created to pay the bonds issued by the state of Alabama, commonly known as the "old bonded debt" and as "carpet bag bonds" together with the interest on said sinking fund accrued on September 30, 1947, shall equal the principal of said bonds in the sum of $8,557,000.00, shall be and is hereby set aside, and together with said sinking fund and the interest thereon, shall be and is hereby constituted an irrevocable trust fund for the purpose of paying the principal of said bonds upon their maturity, said bonds being the class A renewal bonds, class C renewal bonds and funding renewal bonds. That both of the irrevocable trust funds herein created shall be invested in United States government securities by the treasurer of the state of Alabama with the approval of the governor. 3rd. The residue shall be paid over to the building commission created by Act 128 of 1945 General Acts [p. 116] to be expended by said building commission for capital outlay only for educational purposes, provided, however, that not more than twelve per centum of such amount shall be allocated to the institutions of higher learning including the state teachers colleges, and not less than eighty-eight per centum shall be allocated to county and city boards of education on an actual teacher unit basis in accordance with the minimum school program. Section B. Beginning October 1, 1947, and thereafter, all net proceeds of such tax, plus the earnings from investment of the trust funds, must be used only in the manner and in the order following: (1) To replace the revenue lost to the several funds of the state by reason of the exemption of homesteads from the state ad valorem tax. All homesteads in Alabama are hereby declared to be exempt from all state ad valorem tax to the extent of at least $2,000.00 in assessed value and a sufficient amount is hereby appropriated from the proceeds of the income tax in each fiscal year to replace the revenue lost to the several funds of the state by reason of the homestead exemption herein declared; (2) The residue shall be placed in the state treasury to the credit of the Alabama special education trust fund to be used for the payment of public school teachers salaries only. Section C. This amendment supersedes the provisions of amendment XXV [25] (article XXII) relating to the disposition of the income tax proceeds insofar as the same are in conflict herewith. All laws relating to the income tax, not in conflict herewith and valid on the date of the ratification of this amendment, are hereby validated and confirmed. The provisions hereof with respect to the creation of funds and the use thereof are declared to be self-executing.
AMENDMENT 62 RATIFIED Fees, Salaries, etc., of Certain Public Officers in Etowah County. The legislature of Alabama may hereafter, from time to time by general or local laws, fix, regulate and alter the fees, commissions, allowances and salaries, including the method or basis of their compensation, to be charged or received by tax assessors, tax collectors, probate judges, circuit clerks, sheriffs, and registers of the chancery courts, including the right to place any one or all said officers on a salary and provide for the fees, allowances or compensation collected by said officers to be paid into the treasury from which their salaries are paid, in the following named county: Etowah. All acts of the legislature, heretofore passed or which may be passed by the legislature in special or regular session at any time prior to the adoption of this amendment, and applicable or purporting to be applicable to said county, and fixing or purporting to fix the compensation to said named county officers on a salary basis, are hereby validated and confirmed.
AMENDMENT 63 RATIFIED Special Tax for Hospital and Public Health Purposes in Montgomery County. If the tax is authorized by vote of a majority of the qualified electors of the county in an election called for that purpose, Montgomery county shall have power to levy and collect a special county tax not exceeding four mills on each dollar of taxable property in the county to be used solely for acquiring, constructing, operating, equipping or maintaining county hospitals or other public hospitals, non-profit hospitals and public health facilities. The board of revenue of said county may within the limit of four mills on each dollar of taxable property propose a rate of taxation sufficient for acquiring, constructing and maintaining such hospitals and facilities and the number of years necessary for such tax to be levied for such purpose, and a rate of taxation to be levied thereafter sufficient to maintain such hospitals or facilities. A county wide election may be called at any time by the board of revenue of said county to be conducted in the manner prescribed by law for general elections, and at which election there shall be submitted to the vote of the qualified electors of the county the said tax as proposed by the board of revenue of said county. Such tax must be levied if authorized by vote of the majority of the qualified electors of the county who participate in the election called for that purpose.
AMENDMENT 64 RATIFIED Fees, Salaries, etc., of Certain Public Officers in Limestone County. The legislature of Alabama may hereafter from time to time by general or local laws, but subject to the provisions of section 281 of the Constitution of Alabama, fix, regulate and alter the costs, charges of court, fees, commissions, allowances or salaries to be charged or received by the judge of probate, sheriff, tax assessor, tax collector, clerk of the circuit court, and register in chancery of Limestone county, Alabama; may provide the method and basis of compensation of such officers; may fix the terms of office of such officers; and may consolidate any of the offices held by such officers.
AMENDMENT 65 RATIFIED Special Tax for Hospital and Public Health Purposes in DeKalb County. If the tax is authorized by vote of a majority of the qualified electors of the county who participate in any election called for that purpose, the governing body of DeKalb county must levy and collect, in addition to all other taxes authorized by law, a special county tax, not exceeding four mills on each dollar of taxable property in the county, to be used solely for acquiring, by purchase, lease, or otherwise, constructing, operating, equipping, or maintaining county hospitals, or other public hospitals, non-profit hospitals and public health facilities, or to pay any existing debt or liability incurred by the county for such purposes. An election may be called at any time by the governing body of the county, and must be called within three months of receipt of a petition signed by not less than five per cent of the qualified electors of the county requesting that the election be called. The election shall be conducted in the manner prescribed by the governing body of the county.
AMENDMENT 66 RATIFIED License Tax on Selling, etc., of Motor Fuel in Marshall County. The governing body of Marshall county, when authorized to do so by a majority of the qualified electors of the county voting in a referendum held in the manner prescribed by the county governing body, may levy and collect a county privilege license tax from any person engaged within the county in the business of selling or keeping in storage for sale gasoline, woco pep, or any other motor fuel used by self-propelled vehicles, which tax shall not be in excess of three cents per gallon on all gasoline, woco pep, or other motor fuel sold or stored, and the proceeds of which shall be used exclusively for construction and maintenance of hard surface farm-to-market roads in the county. The governing body of Marshall county shall hold such referendum not less than sixty nor more than ninety days after the ratification of this amendment; subsequent referenda may be held at intervals of not less than two years.
AMENDMENT 67 RATIFIED Special School Tax in Etowah County. In addition to any taxes now authorized or that may be hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, the several school districts of Etowah county, Alabama, shall have power to levy and collect a special district tax of fifty cents on each one hundred dollars worth of taxable property in such districts for public school purposes; provided, that a school district under the meaning of this section shall include Etowah county, exclusive of the municipalities of Gadsden and Attalla as one district, the city of Gadsden as one district, and the city of Attalla as one district; provided further, that the time such tax is to continue and the purpose thereof shall have been first submitted to the vote of the qualified electors in each such district and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election; and further provided that such election shall be held in the same manner as now provided for an election on the school district tax authorized in article XIX of the Constitution of Alabama; and be it further provided that the funds arising from the special school tax levied in any district which votes the same independently of the county shall be expended for the exclusive benefit of the district as the law may direct.
AMENDMENT 68 RATIFIED Calhoun County Special School Tax. In addition to any taxes now authorized, or that may be hereafter authorized, by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, there is hereby levied a special school tax of fifty cents on each one hundred dollars worth of taxable property in the cities of Jacksonville, Piedmont and Anniston and in the several school districts of Calhoun county to be used solely for public school purposes; provided such tax and the time it is to continue shall have been first submitted to the vote of the qualified electors of the school district in which such tax is to be collected and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election; otherwise said tax shall not be collected. A special separate election is hereby called on the first Tuesday after sixty days following the date this Constitutional provision becomes effective, in the cities of Jacksonville, Piedmont and Anniston and in the several school districts of Calhoun county, at which election the qualified voters in the cities of Jacksonville, Piedmont and Anniston and in the several school districts of Calhoun county may vote as to whether said special school tax herein levied shall be effective for a period of thirty years, and if the majority of those voting at said election vote in favor of said special school tax herein referred to, such school tax shall immediately be levied and collected annually thereafter on the first day of October by the tax collector of Calhoun county, and, if pledged, paid to the cities of Jacksonville, Piedmont and Anniston; otherwise by him immediately paid to the board of education of the cities of Jacksonville, Piedmont and Anniston, for a period of thirty years from the date of said election in the cities of Jacksonville, Piedmont and Anniston, and in the several school districts of Calhoun county and a special separate election is likewise hereby called in each other school district in Calhoun county on the first Tuesday after sixty days following the date this Constitutional provision becomes effective and the qualified electors of each such other school district in Calhoun county shall vote as to whether said special school tax herein levied shall be effective in their respective districts for a period of thirty years, and where a majority of those voting at said election in any such school district vote in favor of said special school tax such special school tax shall be immediately levied and collected annually thereafter on the first day of October by the tax collector of Calhoun county and if pledged, paid to county of Calhoun; otherwise by him immediately paid to the board of education of Calhoun county, for a period of thirty years in any such school district where the majority of such electors voting at said election vote therefor. This section shall be self-executing. The funds arising from the special school tax to be levied hereunder and to be collected therefrom shall be expended for public school purposes for the exclusive benefit of the school district in which collected with all such tax collected in the city of Jacksonville to be expended in the city of Jacksonville and with all such tax collected in the city of Piedmont to be expended in the city of Piedmont and all such tax collected within the Anniston school district to be expended in the Anniston school district. After said tax has been voted, and without further authorization or authority, as and when requested by the boards of education of the cities of Jacksonville, Piedmont and Anniston, the cities of Jacksonville, Piedmont and Anniston shall issue and sell interest bearing bonds with principal and interest to be paid from the funds to be derived from the special school tax hereby levied in the cities of Jacksonville, Piedmont and Anniston and in the school districts in which the cities of Jacksonville, Piedmont and Anniston are located, for the sole purpose of construction and improvement of school buildings and the acq
AMENDMENT 69 RATIFIED Special Tax for Hospital Purposes in Marion County. The governing body of Marion county shall have the power to levy and collect a special county tax not exceeding four mills on each dollar's worth of taxable property situated within the county, based upon the valuation of such property as assessed for state taxation, the proceeds of such tax to be used solely for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, enlarging, repairing, improving, equipping, furnishing, operating, or maintaining a county hospital or public hospital facilities in the county for which federal funds have been or may be provided.
AMENDMENT 70 RATIFIED Special Tax for Hospital and Public Health Purposes in Escambia County. If the tax is authorized by vote of a majority of the qualified electors of Escambia county who participate in any election called for that purpose, the governing body of said county must levy and collect, in addition to all other taxes authorized by law, a special county tax, not exceeding four mills on each dollar of taxable property in the county, to be used solely for acquiring, by purchase, lease, or otherwise, constructing, operating, equipping, or maintaining county hospitals, or other public hospitals, non-profit hospitals and public health facilities. An election may be called at any time by the governing body of the county, and must be called within three months of receipt of a petition, signed by not less than five percent of the qualified electors of the county, requesting that the election be called. The election shall be conducted in the manner which the governing body of the county prescribes.
AMENDMENT 71 RATIFIED Tuscaloosa County Special School Tax. In addition to any taxes now authorized, or that may be hereafter authorized, by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, there is hereby levied a special school tax of fifty cents on each one hundred dollars worth of taxable property in the city of Tuscaloosa and in the several school districts of Tuscaloosa county, to be used solely for public school purposes, provided such tax, and the time it is to continue, shall have been first submitted to the vote of the qualified electors of the school district in which such tax is to be collected and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election; otherwise said tax shall not be collected. A special separate election is hereby called on the first Tuesday after sixty days following the date this constitutional provision becomes effective, in the city of Tuscaloosa and in the school district in Tuscaloosa county of which the city of Tuscaloosa is a part at which election the qualified voters in the city of Tuscaloosa and in the school district in Tuscaloosa county of which the city of Tuscaloosa is a part may vote as to whether said special school tax herein levied shall be effective for a period of thirty years, and if the majority of those voting at said election vote in favor of said special school tax herein referred to, such school tax shall immediately be levied and collected annually thereafter on the first day of October by the tax collector of Tuscaloosa county and, if pledged, paid to the city of Tuscaloosa; otherwise by him immediately paid to the board of education of the city of Tuscaloosa, for a period of thirty years from the date of said election in the city of Tuscaloosa and in the school district of which the city of Tuscaloosa is a part, and a special separate election is likewise hereby called in each other school district in Tuscaloosa county on the first Tuesday after sixty days following the date this constitutional provision becomes effective and the qualified electors of each such other school district in Tuscaloosa county shall vote as to whether said special school tax herein levied shall be effective in their respective districts for a period of thirty years, and where a majority of those voting at said election in any such school district vote in favor of said special school tax such special school tax shall be immediately levied and collected annually thereafter on the first day of October by the tax collector of Tuscaloosa county and, if pledged, paid to the county of Tuscaloosa; otherwise by him immediately paid to the board of education of Tuscaloosa county, for a period of thirty years in any such school district where a majority of such electors voting at said election vote therefor. This section shall be self-executing. The funds arising from the special school tax to be levied hereunder and to be collected therefrom shall be expended for public school purposes for the exclusive benefit of the school district in which collected with all such tax collected in the city of Tuscaloosa to be expended in the city of Tuscaloosa. After said tax has been voted, and without further authorization or authority, as and when requested by the board of education of the city of Tuscaloosa, the city of Tuscaloosa shall issue and sell interest bearing bonds with principal and interest to be paid from the funds to be derived from the special school tax hereby levied in the city of Tuscaloosa and in the school district in which the city of Tuscaloosa is located, for the sole purpose of the construction and improvement of school buildings and the acquiring of sites therefor; provided, said net proceeds of said bonds shall immediately be paid to the board of education of the city of Tuscaloosa and said bonds shall not be issued for a longer period than thirty years, and said funds to be derived from said special school tax may be pledged by the city of Tuscaloosa for the payment of said bonds and the intere
AMENDMENT 72 RATIFIED Special Tax for Hospital and Public Health Purposes in Counties Except Mobile, Montgomery and Jefferson. If the tax is authorized by vote of a majority of the qualified electors of the county who participate in any election called for that purpose, the governing body of every county except Mobile, Montgomery and Jefferson counties must levy and collect, in addition to all other taxes authorized by law, a special county tax, not exceeding four mills on each dollar of taxable property in the county to be used solely for acquiring, by purchase, lease, or otherwise, constructing, operating, equipping, or maintaining county hospitals, or other public hospitals, non-profit hospitals and public health facilities. An election may be called at any time by the governing body of the county, and must be called within three months of receipt of a petition, signed by not less than five percent of the qualified electors of the county, requesting that the election be called. The election shall be conducted in the manner which the governing body of the county prescribes.
AMENDMENT 73 RATIFIED Jefferson County Sewer Bonds. In addition to any indebtedness now authorized, Jefferson county may become indebted and may issue bonds therefor in an amount not exceeding 3 percent of the assessed valuation of the taxable property in said county in order to pay the expenses of constructing, improving, extending and repairing sewers and sewerage treatment and disposal plants in said county. Said bonds shall be general obligations of Jefferson county but shall also be payable primarily from and secured by a lien upon the sewer rentals or service charges, which shall be levied and collected in an amount sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such bonds, replacements, extensions and improvements to, and the cost of operation and maintenance of, the sewers and sewerage treatment and disposal plants. Such sewer rentals or service charges shall be levied upon and collected from the persons and property whose sewerage is disposed of or treated by the sewers or the sewerage treatment or disposal plants and whether served by the part of the sewer system then being constructed, improved, or extended or by some other part of such system; and such charges or rentals shall be a personal obligation of the occupant of the property the sewerage from which is disposed of by such sewers or treated in such plants and shall also be a lien upon such property, enforceable by a sale thereof. Before issuing any bonds or levying or collecting any such sewer service charges or rentals, the proposal shall first be submitted to and approved by a majority of the voters of the county voting at an election to be called by the governing body thereof. Notice of such election shall be given by publication once a week for four successive weeks immediately prior to such election in a newspaper published and of general circulation in Jefferson county. Such notice and the ballot shall set forth the purpose for which the bonds are proposed to be issued, the estimated cost of the proposed undertaking, the amount of bonds to be issued, the serial maturities thereof, and the maximum rate of interest such bonds are to bear, and a recital that the proposal includes the levying of sewer service charges or rentals to be secured by liens upon the property served. Such elections shall in all respects not herein otherwise provided be conducted and the results thereof ascertained and declared in accordance with the law then in force relating to county bond elections. If at any such election a majority of the voters vote in favor of the proposed undertaking and the bonds, the bonds so voted may be issued at one time or from time to time as the governing body of the county shall deem advisable. With the prior approval of the governing body of any incorporated municipality therein, Jefferson county may take over, own, possess, control, expand, improve, maintain and operate any sewers or sewerage treatment or disposal plants of such incorporated municipality or, if such incorporated municipality has no sewers, Jefferson county may construct sewers therein. Such sewers and plants shall thereupon become a part of a combined and consolidated sewer system for Jefferson county. The governing body of Jefferson county shall have full power and authority to manage, operate, control and administer the sewers and plants herein provided for and, to that end, may make any reasonable and nondiscriminatory rules and regulations fixing rates and charges, providing for the payment, collection and enforcement thereof, and the protection of its property. Liens for sewer rentals or service charges shall be foreclosed in such manner as may be provided by law for foreclosing municipal assessments for public improvements. This amendment is self-executing. The authority to issue bonds shall cease December 31, 1958. The authority to levy and collect sewer charges and rentals shall be limited to such charges as will pay the principal of and interest on the bonds and the r
AMENDMENT 74 RATIFIED Bonds for State Board of Health Hospitals and District Tuberculosis Sanitoria. (a) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Constitution of the state of Alabama, or any amendment thereto heretofore adopted, the governor shall from time to time issue negotiable interest bearing bonds for the purposes and in the manner and subject to the limitations stated in this amendment. The bonds shall be the general obligation of the state of Alabama and the full faith and credit and taxing power of the state are hereby pledged to the punctual payment of the bonds and the interest thereon. The aggregate principal amount of all bonds issued hereunder shall not exceed two million dollars ($2,000,000) and they shall mature within ten years from the date of issuance. The proceeds from the sale of such bonds are hereby appropriated and shall be used solely for the construction of hospitals and hospital facilities pursuant to Act No. 211, S. 107, approved July 7, 1945 (General Acts of Alabama, 1945, page 330), or any act supplemental thereto or amendatory thereof; provided, that the funds appropriated hereby shall be used only for the construction of hospitals, clinics, or health centers under contracts which have been or are let on or after May 1, 1949, and that the funds shall be used to match federal funds available for hospital, clinic or health center purposes, and that the local governments in the area where each hospital, clinic or health center is to be built shall contribute at least as much money for the construction as does the state; and provided further that the state shall not contribute more than three hundred fifty thousand dollars ($350,000) to the construction of any one hospital, clinic or health center. In determining where a hospital, clinic or health center to be constructed with the funds appropriated herein shall be located, first consideration shall be given to communities which have no hospital, clinic or health center facilities. Each county having no hospital, clinic or health center facilities shall be entitled to an allotment of not less than sixty thousand dollars ($60,000) for such facilities if application is made therefore before January 1 of each year. Any funds available for hospital, clinic or health center facilities remaining on January 1 of each year after allotments have been made to those counties having no such facilities and having not already received an allotment and which have made application therefor may be allotted to those counties having such facilities which have made application therefor. However, counties receiving prior allotments hereunder shall not be precluded from receiving a larger allotment or an additional allotment at the discretion of the state board of health. District tuberculosis sanitoria in the districts set up in Act No. 287, S. 22, approved July 7, 1945 [Acts 1945, p. 474], shall be eligible for construction under the provisions of this amendment, and 25 percent of the proceeds from the sale of bonds authorized by this amendment shall be reserved for the construction of tuberculosis sanitoria; provided, at the end of each calendar year funds not obligated for either general or tuberculosis hospital construction may be used during the next year for either type construction; and provided further, that the local governments or authorities in the area where the sanitorium is to be built shall contribute at least as much money as does the state. A sum not to exceed forty thousand dollars ($40,000) may be used by the state board of health for hospital administration for each of the two (2) years ending in 1950, and 1951; this appropriation shall be cumulative. (b) All bonds issued hereunder and interest thereon shall be payable from any funds in the state treasury not otherwise appropriated. The bonds shall be payable in substantially equal installments of principal and interest beginning in the next fiscal year after their date; they shall bear interest at
AMENDMENT 75 RATIFIED Bonds, etc., for Hospital Purposes or Health Facilities in Marion County. The provisions of section 224 of the Constitution of Alabama notwithstanding, the governing body of Marion county, Alabama, is hereby authorized to issue bonds, warrants, or other evidences of indebtedness and to pledge in payment of the principal and interest due upon any such bonds, warrants, or other evidences of indebtedness, only the proceeds derived, or to be derived, from any special county privilege, license or excise taxes heretofore or hereafter levied and collected within Marion county, Alabama, for the sole and exclusive purpose of constructing, equipping, operating, maintaining or improving public hospitals or related hospital or health facilities, including clinics, nursing homes, public health centers and laboratory facilities, or for such other public purposes of any kind and description as in the judgment of the governing body of the county of Marion is meet and proper. The proceeds derived from the sale of such bonds, warrants, or other evidences of indebtedness, may be used by the governing body of Marion county for any or all of the purposes enumerated herein, and no other. The bonds, warrants, or other evidences of indebtedness issued and sold under the provisions of this amendment may be interest bearing bonds, warrants, or other evidences of indebtedness with maturity date fixed at any time within thirty years next succeeding the date of issuance of such securities. The tax levied and the method of collection provided therefor by Act No. 115 approved June 22, 1949 [Acts 1949, p. 139], levying in Marion county, Alabama, and additional special privilege or license taxes and excise taxes be and the same hereby is in all things validated and confirmed, any provision or provisions of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901 to the contrary notwithstanding.
AMENDMENT 76 RATIFIED Special County Tax for Public Hospital Purposes. This amendment shall apply in all counties except Mobile and Jefferson counties. The term "public hospital purposes" as used in this amendment shall be construed to include the acquisition by purchase, lease, or otherwise, and the construction, equipment, operation, and maintenance of public hospital facilities. The term "public hospital facilities" as used in this amendment shall be construed to include public hospitals, public clinics, public health centers, nurses' homes and training facilities, and related public health facilities of any kind. If a majority of the qualified electors of any county in the state, except Mobile and Jefferson counties, who participate in an election held therein pursuant to the provisions of any amendment to the Constitution heretofore adopted shall vote at such election in favor of the levy and collection of a special county tax, within the limitations provided in such amendment, for any one or more of the purposes included within the meaning of the term public hospital purposes, the proceeds derived from the tax authorized at such election may be applied for any one or more of the purposes for which said tax may be so voted. Whenever the tax shall be voted the governing body of the county may anticipate the proceeds therefrom for any one or more of the purposes for which the tax shall be voted by issuing, without further election, interest bearing tax anticipation bonds, warrants, or certificates of indebtedness of said county payable solely from and secured by a pledge of not exceeding 75% of the annual proceeds from said tax received by the county. The governing body of each county in which the said tax may be voted shall have the further power to designate as the agency of the county to acquire, construct, equip, operate and maintain public hospital facilities any public corporation heretofore or hereafter organized for hospital purposes in the county under any general law heretofore or hereafter enacted by the legislature. When a public corporation shall be so designated, the proceeds of said tax thereafter collected shall be paid over to it and shall be used by it for any one or more of the purposes for which the tax shall have been voted; provided, that payment of the proceeds of said tax to said public corporation shall be made only to such extent as will not result in the impairment of the obligation of any contract theretofore made with respect to said tax. Said public corporation may anticipate the proceeds from said tax so required to be paid to it by issuing, for any one or more of the purposes for which the tax shall have been voted, the bonds, warrants, or certificates of indebtedness of said public corporation, and may pledge for the payment of the principal thereof and interest thereon not exceeding 75% of the annual proceeds from said tax so paid to it. Each county in which the tax shall be voted, and in the event a public corporation shall have been designated as the agency of such county pursuant to the provisions hereof then said public corporation, shall have the power to contract with any other county or similar public corporation with respect to the acquisition by purchase, lease, or otherwise, and the construction, equipment, operation, and maintenance of public hospital facilities outside of the county and within any zone or region of which the county may be a part, and which may have heretofore been established or may hereafter be established for public hospital purposes by the legislature or by any agency designated by it, the obligations of such contract to be payable solely out of the proceeds of said tax; provided, that the proceeds of said tax shall not be used outside of the county for any purpose for which the proceeds could not be used in the county, and shall not be used with respect to public hospital facilities located outside of the county if the tax is voted specifically for public ho
AMENDMENT 77 RATIFIED Special School Tax in St. Clair County. In addition to all taxes now or hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, there is hereby levied and shall be collected a special school tax of fifty cents on each one hundred dollars worth of taxable property in St. Clair county, the proceeds of which shall be used exclusively for public school purposes; provided, the time the tax is to continue and the purpose thereof shall have been first submitted to the vote of the qualified electors of the county and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election. The election provided for herein shall be called, held, conducted, paid for, and governed otherwise in the manner provided for an election on the school district tax authorized in amendment III [3], article XIX of the Constitution of Alabama, by article 7, chapter 10, Title 52 of the Code of Alabama (1940). The collection of the tax and the use of the proceeds shall also be governed by the applicable provisions of article 7, chapter 10, Title 52 of the Code of Alabama (1940).
AMENDMENT 78 RATIFIED Cherokee County Special School District Tax. In addition to any taxes now authorized or that may be hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, the several school districts of Cherokee county, Alabama, shall have the power to levy and collect a special district tax of fifty cents on each one hundred dollars worth of taxable property in such districts for public school purposes; provided, that the time during which such tax is to continue and the purpose thereof shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors in each such district and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election, the election to be held in the same manner as now provided by law for an election on the school district tax authorized in article XIX of the Constitution of Alabama. The funds arising from such special tax levied in any district which votes the same independently of the county shall be expended for the exclusive benefit of the district as the law may direct.
AMENDMENT 79 RATIFIED Special School District in Lawrence County. The board of education of Lawrence county may designate and establish a special school district within the school district in which the municipality of Courtland is located, and it may become indebted and issue bonds in an amount not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) for the construction and equipment of a school building within said district. To pay said indebtedness, and the interest thereon, Lawrence county may levy and collect an annual tax on all property situated within said district, at a rate not in excess of five mills; provided, whenever enough has been collected to retire the bonds and pay the interest thereon the tax will cease and any surplus remaining will revert to the Courtland school district. The indebtedness, the bonds, and the tax herein authorized shall be in addition to those heretofore authorized; but no such additional indebtedness shall be incurred, no such bonds shall be issued, and no such tax shall be levied, until the estimated cost of constructing and equipping said school building hereby proposed to be built, its time of completion, and the amount of the increased indebtedness, the rate of interest to be paid thereon, and the period over which the bonds to be issued will be refunded, shall have been determined upon and made public by the board of education of said county, and the proposed increase in indebtedness and the issuance of bonds and the increase in the rate of taxation shall have been authorized by a majority of the qualified electors of said special school district voting upon such proposal at an election to be called by the county governing body for said purposes, said election to be held not less than sixty (60) nor more than one hundred twenty (120) days after the adoption of this amendment. The election provided for herein shall be called, held, and conducted as three-mill school tax elections are held pursuant to article 7, chapter 10, Title 52 of the Code of Alabama (1940).
AMENDMENT 80 RATIFIED Huntsville Special School Tax. (A) In addition to any taxes now authorized, or that may be hereafter authorized, by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, there is hereby levied a special school tax of fifty cents on each one hundred dollars worth of taxable property in the school tax district of the city of Huntsville in Madison county to be used solely for public school purposes; provided such tax and the time it is to continue shall have been first submitted to the vote of the qualified electors of the said school tax district in which such tax is to be collected and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election, otherwise said tax shall not be collected. A special separate election is hereby called on the first Tuesday after sixty days following the date this amendment becomes effective in the school tax district of the city of Huntsville in Madison county, at which election the qualified voters in the said school tax district of Madison county may vote as to whether said special school tax herein levied shall be effective; and if the majority of those voting at said election vote in favor of said special school tax such school tax shall immediately be levied and collected annually thereafter on the first day of October by the tax collector of Madison county and paid to the city of Huntsville. The proceeds of the tax are hereby pledged solely to the payment of the principal and interest of the bonds hereinafter provided for. This section shall be self-executing. (B) After said tax has been voted, and without further authorization the city of Huntsville shall issue and sell interest bearing bonds with principal and interest to be paid from the proceeds of the tax herein levied. The proceeds of the sale of the bonds shall be used for the sole purpose of constructing and improving school buildings and acquiring sites therefor; provided, the net proceeds of the bonds shall be paid immediately to the board of education of the city of Huntsville. The principal amount of the bonds shall in no event exceed the sum of five hundred seventy-five thousand dollars ($575,000). All bonds issued hereunder shall be payable in annual installments, the first of which shall be payable not more than two years after the date of the bonds, and the last within the period of usefulness of the improvements for which the bonds are issued. Such bonds shall be callable at any time upon the payment of the principal amount thereof plus a premium equal to one year's interest thereon. The bonds shall not be a general obligation of the city of Huntsville or of Madison county and shall not be charged to the constitutional debt limit of the city of Huntsville or Madison county. (C) If sufficient revenue has been produced by the tax levied in paragraph (A) of this amendment to pay the principal amount of the bonds issued hereunder with interest thereon prior to the expiration of the period for which the tax was levied, the tax shall immediately cease and shall no longer be collected or enforced, and the bonds shall be redeemed forthwith. (D) Except as herein otherwise provided the election hereinabove provided for shall be called, held and conducted as provided by law for calling, holding and conducting of district school tax elections. The governing body of the city of Huntsville shall appoint and designate the officers, managers, clerks and returning officers and shall call, canvass, tabulate, and declare the result of the election provided for in the city of Huntsville. The election shall otherwise be conducted, held, canvassed, tabulated and the results declared as general elections are conducted, held, canvassed, tabulated and the results declared in Alabama.
AMENDMENT 81 RATIFIED Establishing or Abolishing Branch Courthouse or Division or Branch of Court of Record. After the ratification of this amendment, the legislature shall not establish any branch courthouse or any division or branch of any court of record to be held at any place other than the county seat, nor shall the legislature abolish any branch courthouse now existing or abolish any division or branch of any court of record now existing, unless such proposal be first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the county or counties to be affected and is approved by a majority of those voting upon such proposition.
AMENDMENT 82 RATIFIED Jefferson County Consolidation School Tax Amendment. Jefferson county shall have power to levy and collect an additional tax of 50 cents on each $100 of taxable property therein for public school purposes in the same manner and subject to the same election requirements as are now provided in the third amendment to this Constitution with respect to county school taxes; provided that in any incorporated municipality where special or additional taxes are being levied and collected for public school purposes, including the servicing of debts incurred for public schools, the additional tax herein provided for shall be reduced by the amount of such special or additional municipal public school taxes in the corporate limits where such special or additional municipal public school taxes are being levied and collected and during the time such taxes are levied and collected; and provided further that only qualified electors residing within the area in which the additional tax herein authorized is proposed to be levied shall have the right to vote at any election held for the purpose of voting such additional tax, and qualified voters residing in incorporated municipalities which are levying and collecting a full tax of 50 cents on each $100 of taxable property for public school purposes shall not be entitled to vote at such election. So long as the public schools in any incorporated municipality are operated separately from those of Jefferson county, the funds arising from such additional tax on taxable property in such municipality shall be expended only by the board of education or other authority charged with the operation of the public schools in such municipality and only for the benefit of the public schools therein. The additional tax herein authorized shall be in addition to the county and the district school taxes authorized in section 269 of and the third amendment to this Constitution and in addition to the county taxes authorized in section 215 thereof. All statutes relating to the holding of elections and the levy and collection of taxes in counties under the third amendment to this Constitution, with the exception hereinabove provided, shall apply.
AMENDMENT 83 RATIFIED Vacancies in Office of Judge of Circuit Court Holding at Birmingham. All vacancies in the office of judge of the circuit court holding at Birmingham which shall occur subsequent to January 15, 1951 shall be filled in the manner and for the time as herein provided. The Jefferson county judicial commission is hereby created for the purpose of nominating to the governor persons for appointment to such a vacancy. The members of such commission shall be (a) two persons who are members of the Alabama state bar, and (b) two persons who are not members of the Alabama state bar, and (c) one judge of the circuit court holding at Birmingham. All members of such commission must reside in the territorial jurisdiction of the circuit court holding at Birmingham. The two members of such commission who are required to be members of the Alabama state bar shall be elected by the members of such bar who are regularly licensed and qualified to practice law in this state and who reside in the territorial jurisdiction of the circuit court holding at Birmingham. The executive committee of the Birmingham bar association or its successor body in such capacity, is authorized and directed to make rules, not inconsistent with this amendment, for the election of such members of such commission as are required to be members of the Alabama state bar. Such executive committee shall certify in writing to the probate judge of Jefferson county the names of the persons elected as members of such commission by such members of such bar. The senator and representatives in the Alabama legislature from Jefferson county shall elect the two members of such commission who are required not to be members of the Alabama state bar. Such senator and representatives shall certify in writing to such probate judge the names of the persons elected by them as such members. The judges of the circuit court holding at Birmingham shall elect the member of such commission who is required to be a judge of such circuit court. The judges of such circuit court shall certify in writing to such probate judge the name of the circuit judge elected by such circuit judges as such member. The terms of office of all members of such commission shall be six years, except that the terms of office of the two members of the state bar first elected shall be for one and two years respectively, and of the two members first elected by the senator and representatives in the Alabama legislature from Jefferson county shall be for three and four years respectively, and the term of the circuit judge elected by the circuit judges shall be for five years; the length of such terms of office of the members of such commission being indicated by the respective electing bodies. The terms of the initial members of such commission shall begin on January 16, 1951. A vacancy in the office of a member of such commission shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as such member was originally The probate judge of Jefferson county shall record all such certificates of election and shall safely and permanently keep the original certificates. Forthwith upon his receipt and recordation of every such certificate, he shall send to the governor a certified copy of every such certificate. No member of such commission shall be eligible to succeed himself as such member or for nomination to the governor for appointment as judge of such circuit court during the term of office for which such member shall have been selected. The members of such commission shall not receive any salary or other compensation for their services as such members. No member of such commission other than the member required to be a judge of the circuit court shall hold any public office, and no member of such commission shall hold any official position in any political party. If, subsequent to January 15, 1951, a vacancy occurs in the office of judge of the circuit court holding at Birmingham, such commission shall nominate
AMENDMENT 84 RATIFIED Economic Development of Municipalities in Marion County Any provision of the Constitution or laws of the state of Alabama to the contrary notwithstanding, any municipality in Marion county, or any one or more of them, shall have full and continuing power and authority, without any election or approval other than the approval of its governing body, to do any one or more of the following: 1. To purchase, construct, lease, or otherwise acquire real property, plants, buildings, factories, works, facilities, machinery and equipment of any kind. 2. To lease, sell for cash or on credit, exchange, or give and convey any such property described in subdivision 1 above, to any person, firm, association or corporation. 3. To promote local industrial, commercial or agricultural development and the location of new industries or businesses therein. 4. To become a stockholder in any corporation, association or company. 5. To lend its credit or to grant public moneys and things of value in aid of, or to, any individual, firm, association, or corporation whatsoever. 6. To become indebted and to issue and sell interest-bearing bonds, warrants (which may be payable from funds to be realized in future years), notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness, to a principal amount not exceeding fifty percent of the assessed value of taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in order to secure funds for the purchase, construction, lease or acquisition of any of the property described in subdivision 1 above or to be used in furtherance of any of the other powers or authorities granted in this amendment. Such obligations or evidences of indebtedness may (in addition to any pledge or pledges authorized by subdivision 8 of this amendment) be issued upon the full faith and credit of the municipality or may be limited as to the source of their payment. 7. To levy and collect annually, in addition to all other taxes now authorized or permitted, a special tax or taxes of not exceeding two percent on the value of all taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in the same manner as other county or municipal taxes are levied and collected. Such tax may be upon all property in any municipality in Marion county or upon all property in any district the boundaries of which the governing body of such municipality shall describe and which it shall determine to be specially improved and benefited by any proposed use or expenditure of the proceeds of such tax. 8. To pledge to the payment of any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness the annual proceeds from any such special tax or taxes and to obligate itself irrevocably to continue to levy and collect such taxes annually until such obligations or evidences of indebtedness are paid in full and to pledge thereto any rental or sales proceeds of property leased or sold by it. 9. To create a public authority or corporation having such powers, managed and governed by such board or governing body and subject to such limitations as the governing body of any municipality in Marion county may impose, by approving and filing a certificate to that effect in the office of the judge of probate or the secretary of state, or their respective successors in function, and to delegate to such public authority or corporation and its board or governing body all powers and authority conferred in this amendment upon any such municipality. The recital in any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness that they were issued pursuant to this amendment or that they were issued to provide funds to be used in furtherance of any power or authority herein authorized or that any special tax herein authorized has been pledged to the payment thereof shall be conclusive; no purchaser or holder thereof need inquire further; and the levy and collection of such tax shall continue until the principal of and interest on such obligatio
AMENDMENT 85 RATIFIED Court Costs and Charges, Fees, Salaries, etc., of Officers in Talladega County. The legislature may from time to time, by general or local laws, fix, alter, and regulate the costs and charges of courts in Talladega county, and the fees, commissions, percentages, allowances, or salary of, and the method of compensating any officer of Talladega county.
AMENDMENT 86 RATIFIED Special School Tax in Monroe County. In addition to any taxes now authorized or that may be hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, the several school districts of Monroe county, Alabama shall have the power to levy and collect a special district tax of thirty cents on each one hundred dollars worth of taxable property in such districts for school purposes; provided, that the levying of such tax and the time during which it is to continue and the purpose thereof shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors in each such district and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election; and further provided that such election shall be held in the same manner as now provided for an election on the school district tax authorized in article XIX of the Constitution of Alabama; and be it further provided that the funds arising from the special school tax levied in any district which votes the same independently of the county shall be expended for the exclusive benefit of the district as the law may direct.
AMENDMENT 87 RATIFIED Bond Issue for Acquiring, etc., Public Roads, Highways and Bridges in Conjunction With United States. The state is authorized to appropriate funds, and to sell and issue interest-bearing state bonds, in addition to those heretofore authorized and sold, in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $25,000,000 for the purpose of aiding in the acquisition, construction, and improvement of public roads, highways, and bridges in the state; provided, that the proceeds derived from the sale of the bonds issued under the provisions of this amendment may be used only for supplying the state's share of the cost of acquiring, constructing, and improving public roads, highways, and bridges in the state in conjunction with the United States and toward the cost of which funds have heretofore been or may hereafter be allocated to the state under the provisions of any law of the United States now in effect or hereafter enacted. Bonds sold and issued under the provisions of this amendment may be issued at such time or times and in such denominations, numbers, and series, and shall mature at such time or times, and shall have such terms and conditions, as may be provided by law. Said bonds shall bear interest at a rate or rates not greater than three per centum (3%) per annum, payable semiannually, and shall be sold at not less than the face value thereof. Said bonds when issued shall be direct general obligations of the state, and for the prompt and faithful payment of the principal thereof and interest thereon the full faith and credit of the state are hereby irrevocably pledged. In addition thereto, there is hereby irrevocably pledged for payment of the principal of and interest on said bonds, pro rata and without priority of one bond over another, so much as may be necessary for said purpose of the proceeds of the gasoline excise tax heretofore pledged for payment of the public road and bridge bonds of the state of Alabama provided for in the amendment to the Constitution of Alabama known as article XXA [amendment No. 21] subject, however, to the prior pledges of said tax for payment of any bonds heretofore issued pursuant to law for which the said tax has heretofore been pledged.
AMENDMENT 88 RATIFIED Appointments and Promotions in Civil Service. A. Appointments and promotions in the civil service of this state shall be made according to merit, fitness and efficiency, to be determined, so far as practicable, by examination, which, so far as practicable, shall be competitive under such laws as the legislature may enact. B. It shall be the duty of the legislature to maintain laws necessary to implement, and to provide adequate financial support for, a positive program of personnel management in the state service. C. All state personnel laws now in effect that are not in conflict with this article shall continue in effect until they are amended or repealed as provided by law. Civil service status acquired by employees under existing statutes shall not be affected by the provisions of this article.
AMENDMENT 89 RATIFIED Amendment of Sections 272, 273 and 276. Sec. 272. Conformance with regulations of United States department of defense and laws of United States; administration of military affairs by military department and adjutant general. The legislature, in providing for the organization, equipment, and discipline of the state military forces, shall conform as nearly as practicable to the regulations of the department of defense of the United States, and the laws of the United States, governing the armed forces of the United States. All affairs pertaining to the state military forces shall be administered by a state military department, which shall be headed by the adjutant general, and who shall be responsible to the governor as commander-in-chief. Sec. 273. Appointment, suspension, discharge, removal and retirement of officers of state military forces; qualifications of personnel of federally-recognized national guard. Officers of the state military forces, including the adjutant general, shall be appointed, and shall be subject to suspension, discharge, removal, or compulsory retirement as such, solely on the basis of military proficiency, character and service, as determined by department of defense regulations and military usages sanctioned by the military laws of the United States, anything in this Constitution to the contrary notwithstanding. The qualifications of personnel of the federally recognized national guard shall be as prescribed in pertinent regulations and policies of the United States department of the defense. Sec. 276. Appointment of adjutant general, general officers and governor's staff. The governor shall, with the advice and consent of the senate, appoint the adjutant general and all general officers. The governor shall appoint his own staff, as may be provided by law.
AMENDMENT 90 RATIFIED Veteran's Poll Tax Exemption Amendment. No person who honorably served in the military service of the United States between January 1, 1917 and November 11, 1918, or between September 16, 1940 and December 8, 1941, or at any time past, present or future, when the United States was, is or shall be engaged in hostilities, whether as a result of a declared war or not, with any foreign state shall be required after the beginning of such service to pay the poll tax specified in the Constitution of Alabama as a prerequisite to the privilege of voting in Alabama; but, on the contrary, every such person shall be exempt from the payment of all poll taxes which have theretofore accrued and have not been paid or which may thereafter accrue; provided, however, that if any such person is discharged dishonorably from service the exemption herein provided is forfeited, and such dishonorably discharged person, as a prerequisite to the privilege of voting in Alabama thereafter, must pay the poll tax specified in the Constitution of Alabama as if such person had never been in service. The term "military service" as used herein includes service in the United States army, the United States navy, the United States air force, the marine corps, the coast guard, or any reserve or auxiliary complement of any of said services. The judge of probate shall issue a certificate of exemption to a person exempt from the payment of poll tax by reason of this amendment under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the governor. This amendment shall be self-executing and retroactive; but the legislature is authorized to enact laws designed to carry out the purpose of this amendment.
AMENDMENT 91 RATIFIED Amendment of Section 181. SECTION 181 Persons qualified to register as voters; persons registered under 1901 Constitution not required to reregister. The following persons, and no others, who, if they are citizens of the United States over the age of twenty-one years and have the qualifications as to residence prescribed in section 178 of this article, shall be qualified to register as electors provided they shall not be disqualified under section 182 of this Constitution: those who can read and write any article of the Constitution of the United States in the English language which may be submitted to them by the board of registrars, provided, however, that no persons shall be entitled to register as electors except those who are of good character and who embrace the duties and obligations of citizenship under the Constitution of the United States and under the Constitution of the state of Alabama, and provided, further, that in order to aid the members of the boards of registrars, who are hereby constituted and declared to be judicial officers, to judicially determine if applicants to register have the qualifications hereinabove set out, each applicant shall be furnished by the board of registrars a written questionnaire, which shall be uniform in all cases with no discrimination as between applicants, the form and contents of which questionnaire shall be prescribed by the supreme court of Alabama and be filed by such court with the secretary of state of the state of Alabama, which questionnaire shall be so worded that the answers thereto will place before the boards of registrars information necessary or proper to aid them to pass upon the qualification of each applicant. Such questionnaire shall be answered in writing by the applicant, in the presence of the board without assistance, and there shall be incorporated in such answer an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the state of Alabama and a statement in such oath by the applicant disavowing belief in or affiliation at any time with any group or party which advocated the overthrow of the government of the United States or the state of Alabama by unlawful means, which answers and oath shall be duly signed and sworn to by the applicant before a member of the county board of registrars. Such questionnaire and the written answers of the applicant thereto shall be filed with the records of the respective boards of registrars. The board may receive information respecting the applicant and the truthfulness of any information furnished by him. Those persons who have registered as electors under the Alabama Constitution of 1901 shall not be required to register again. Provided, further, that if solely because of physical handicaps the applicant is unable to read or write, then he shall be exempt from the above stated requirements which he is unable to meet because of such physical handicap, and in such cases a member of the board of registrars shall read to the applicant the questionnaire and oaths herein provided for and the applicant's answers thereto shall be written down by such board member, and the applicant shall be registered as a voter if he meets all other requirements herein set out.
AMENDMENT 92 RATIFIED Increasing or Decreasing Salaries, etc., of State and County Officers. Any provisions of this Constitution or amendments thereto to the contrary notwithstanding, neither the legislature, nor any county of the state shall, by the imposition of new, different, and additional duties or otherwise, increase, or authorize the increase of, the salary, fees or other compensation of any officer of the state or of any county of the state, who is elected or appointed for a fixed term, during the term for which he is elected or appointed, regardless of whether such officer may be removed at the pleasure of the authority electing or appointing him or only upon impeachment; nor shall the legislature or any county of the state in any manner or by any means decrease, or authorize the decrease of, the salary, fees or other compensation of any such officer, during the term for which he is elected or appointed; nor shall the legislature or any county of the state increase or decrease, or authorize the increase or decrease of, the salary, fees or other compensation of any person filling an unexpired term in any such office during the remainder of such term, either before or after the appointment or election of such person to fill the unexpired term. As to officers who are members of any court, board, commission, or similar body whose terms do not run concurrently, any increase or decrease in the salary, fees, or other compensation of the members of any such court, board, commission, or similar body shall become effective as to all such members thereof immediately after the expiration of the term or terms of office of the member or members whose term or terms first expire.
AMENDMENT 93 RATIFIED Expenditure of Fees or Taxes Relating to Use, etc., of Vehicles and to Fuels Used for Vehicles. No moneys derived from any fees, excises, or license taxes, levied by the state, relating to registration, operation, or use of vehicles upon the public highways except a vehicle-use tax imposed in lieu of a sales tax, and no moneys derived from any fee, excises, or license taxes, levied by the state, relating to fuels used for propelling such vehicles except pump taxes, shall be expended for other than cost of administering such laws, statutory refunds and adjustments allowed therein, cost of construction, reconstruction, maintenance and repair of public highways and bridges, costs of highway rights-of-way, payment of highway obligations, the cost of traffic regulation, and the expense of enforcing state traffic and motor vehicle laws. The provisions of this amendment shall not apply to any such fees, excises, or license taxes now levied by the state for school purposes for the whole state or for any county or city board of education therein.
AMENDMENT 94 RATIFIED Economic Development of Municipalities in Fayette County. Any provision of the Constitution or laws of the state of Alabama to the contrary notwithstanding, any municipality in Fayette county, or any one or more of them, shall have full and continuing power and authority, after an election held in accordance herewith, to do any one or more of the following: 1. To purchase, construct, lease, or otherwise acquire real property, plants, buildings, factories, works, facilities, machinery and equipment of any kind. 2. To lease, sell for cash or on credit, exchange, give and convey any such property described in subdivision 1 above, to any person, firm, association or corporation. 3. To promote local industrial, commercial or agricultural development and the location of new industries or businesses therein. 4. To become a stockholder in any corporation, association or company. 5. To lend its credit or to grant public moneys and things of value in aid of, or to, any individual, firm, association, or corporation whatsoever. 6. To become indebted and to issue and sell interest-bearing bonds, warrants (which may be payable from funds to be realized in future years), notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness, to a principal amount not exceeding fifty percent of the assessed value of taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in order to secure funds for the purchase, construction, lease or acquisition of any of the property described in subdivision 1 above or to be used in furtherance of any of the other powers or authorities granted in this amendment. Such obligations or evidences of indebtedness may (in addition to any pledge or pledges authorized by subdivision 8 of this amendment) be issued upon the full faith and credit of the municipality or may be limited as to the source of their payment. 7. To levy and collect annually, in addition to all other taxes now authorized or permitted, a special tax or taxes of not exceeding two percent on the value of all taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in the same manner as other county or municipal taxes are levied and collected. Such tax may be upon all property in any municipality in Fayette county or upon all property in any district the boundaries of which the governing body of such municipality shall describe and which it shall determine to be specially improved and benefited by any proposed use or expenditure of the proceeds of such tax. 8. To pledge to the payment of any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness the annual proceeds from any such special tax or taxes and to obligate itself irrevocably to continue to levy and collect such taxes annually until such obligations or evidences of indebtedness are paid in full and to pledge thereto any rental or sales proceeds of property leased or sold by it. 9. To create a public authority or corporation having such powers, managed and governed by such board or governing body and subject to such limitations as the governing body of any municipality in Fayette county may impose, by approving and filing a certificate to that effect in the office of the judge of probate or the secretary of state, or their respective successors in function, and to delegate to such public authority or corporation and its board or governing body all powers and authority conferred in this amendment upon any such municipality. The recital in any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness that they were issued pursuant to this amendment or that they were issued to provide funds to be used in furtherance of any power or authority herein authorized or that any special tax herein authorized has been pledged to the payment thereof shall be conclusive; no purchaser or holder thereof need inquire further; and the levy and collection of such tax shall continue until the principal of and interest on such obligations or evidences of indebtedness
AMENDMENT 95 RATIFIED Economic Development of Municipalities in Blount County. Any provision of the Constitution or laws of the state of Alabama to the contrary notwithstanding, any municipality in Blount county, or any one or more of them, shall have full and continuing power and authority, after an election held in accordance herewith, to do any one or more of the following: 1. To purchase, construct, lease, or otherwise acquire real property, plants, buildings, factories, works, facilities, machinery and equipment of any kind. 2. To lease, sell for cash or on credit, exchange, or give and convey any such property described in subdivision 1 above, to any person, firm, association or corporation. 3. To promote local industrial, commercial or agricultural development and the location of new industries or businesses therein. 4. To become a stockholder in any corporation, association or company. 5. To lend its credit or to grant public moneys and things of value in aid of, or to, any individual, firm, association, or corporation whatsoever. 6. To become indebted and to issue and sell interest-bearing bonds, warrants (which may be payable from funds to be realized in future years), notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness, to a principal amount not exceeding fifty percent of the assessed value of taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in order to secure funds for the purchase, construction, lease or acquisition of any of the property described in subdivision 1 above or to be used in furtherance of any of the other powers or authorities granted in this amendment. Such obligations or evidences of indebtedness may (in addition to any pledge or pledges authorized by subdivision 8 of this amendment) be issued upon the full faith and credit of the municipality or may be limited as to the source of their payment. 7. To levy and collect annually, in addition to all other taxes now authorized or permitted, a special tax or taxes of not exceeding two percent on the value of all taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in the same manner as other county or municipal taxes are levied and collected. Such tax may be upon all property in any municipality in Blount county or upon all property in any district the boundaries of which the governing body of such municipality shall describe and which it shall determine to be specially improved and benefited by any proposed use or expenditure of the proceeds of such tax. 8. To pledge to the payment of any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness the annual proceeds from any such special tax or taxes and to obligate itself irrevocably to continue to levy and collect such taxes annually until such obligations or evidences of indebtedness are paid in full and to pledge thereto any rental or sales proceeds of property leased or sold by it. 9. To create a public authority or corporation having such powers, managed and governed by such board or governing body and subject to such limitations as the governing body of any municipality in Blount county may impose, by approving and filing a certificate to that effect in the office of the judge of probate or the secretary of state, or their respective successors in function, and to delegate to such public authority or corporation and its board or governing body all powers and authority conferred in this amendment upon any such municipality. The recital in any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness that they were issued pursuant to this amendment or that they were issued to provide funds to be used in furtherance of any power or authority herein authorized or that any special tax herein authorized has been pledged to the payment thereof shall be conclusive; no purchaser or holder thereof need inquire further; and the levy and collection of such tax shall continue until the principal of and interest on such obligations or evidences of indebtedness
AMENDMENT 96 RATIFIED Amendment of Section 178. SECTION 178 Residency, registration and poll tax requirements for electors. To entitle a person to vote at any election by the people, he shall have resided in the state at least two years, in the county one year, and in the precinct or ward three months, immediately preceding the election at which he offers to vote, and he shall have been duly registered as an elector, and shall have paid on or before the first day of February next preceding the date of the election at which he offers to vote, all poll taxes due from him for the two calendar years next preceding. Provided, that any elector who, within three months next preceding the date of the election at which he offers to vote has removed from one precinct or ward to another precinct or ward in the same county, incorporated town, or city, shall have the right to vote in the precinct or ward from which he has so removed, if he would have been entitled to vote in such precinct or ward but for such removal.
AMENDMENT 97 RATIFIED Special Elections to Fill Vacancies in Either House of Legislature. Whenever a vacancy occurs in either house of the legislature the governor shall issue a writ of election to fill such vacancy for the remainder of the term. However, if the secretary of state determines that a legally qualified candidate for election to the vacancy is unopposed when the last date for filing certificates of nomination has passed, the election shall not be held. The secretary of state shall issue a certificate of election to the candidate, the same as if an election had been held, and the certificate shall be accepted by the house in which the vacancy occurred as evidence of the unopposed candidate's right to fill the position created by the vacancy. In the event an election is held, all the costs and expenses incurred thereby shall be paid out of any funds in the state treasury not otherwise appropriated.
AMENDMENT 98 RATIFIED Levy and Collection of Additional Property Taxes in Talladega County. In addition to all taxes now or hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, the governing body of Talladega county is hereby authorized to levy and collect a special school tax not to exceed three-tenths of one percent on the value of the taxable property within the county, the proceeds of which shall be used exclusively for public school purposes; and a special tax not to exceed two-tenths of one percent on the value of the taxable property within the county, the proceeds of which shall be used exclusively for the construction and maintenance of county roads and bridges. The governing body of Talladega county may fix the rates of the additional taxes authorized herein, at its discretion, without submitting the question of levying such additional taxes to a vote of the qualified electors of the county.
AMENDMENT 99 RATIFIED Authorizing the Creation of Special School Districts, etc., in Lawrence County. The board of education of Lawrence county may designate one or more school districts within said county (except that no part of the territory embraced within the special school district established under the provisions of the amendment of the Constitution proposed by Act No. 473 of the regular session of the legislature of Alabama of 1949 [Acts 1949, p. 690] shall be included in any such special school district) and may sell the issue bonds in an amount not exceeding one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000) for each such special school district for the construction, improving, adding to, or equipping of a school building, or buildings, within said district. To pay the principal of and interest on said bonds and any redemption premium thereon, Lawrence county may levy and collect an annual tax on all taxable property situated within the special school district with respect to which such bonds may be issued, at a rate not in excess of five mills on each dollar's worth of said property as assessed for state taxation for the preceding tax year; provided, that whenever said tax has produced an amount sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds the tax shall not be thereafter levied and any surplus remaining therefrom shall be used for general school purposes in said school district. The bonds and tax herein authorized shall be in addition to those heretofore authorized, and no such bonds shall be issued, no such tax shall be levied, until the estimated cost of constructing, improving, adding to, or equipping the school building or buildings to be built in such district, its estimated time of completion, the maximum principal amount of the bonds proposed to be issued, the maximum rate of interest to be paid thereon, and the period over which the bonds to be issued will be retired, shall have been determined and made public by the board of education of said county, and the proposed issuance of bonds and increase in the rate of taxation shall have been authorized by a majority of the qualified electors of such special school district voting upon such proposal at an election to be called by the county governing body for said purpose, said election to be held not less than sixty days after the adoption of this amendment, but at anytime thereafter at the discretion of the said county governing body. The election provided herein shall be called, held, conducted and canvassed, and may be contested, as in the case of three mill school tax elections held pursuant to article 7, chapter 10, Title 52 of the Code of Alabama of 1940. Any bonds issued pursuant to this amendment shall be payable solely out of the proceeds of said tax which may be pledged therefor, but said bonds shall constitute negotiable instruments although payable from a limited source, and said bonds shall be eligible for the investment of trust funds. This amendment shall be self-executing.
AMENDMENT 100 RATIFIED Extension of Debt Limit of Mobile County. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Constitution, Mobile county shall continue to have and possess all of the rights, powers and authority granted to it by amendment XVIII [18] of this Constitution and shall have and possess the power and authority to become indebted for the construction or erection of public buildings, bridges and roads within the limit prescribed by section 224 of this Constitution; provided, however, that all debts incurred or bonds issued by Mobile county under the provisions of amendments XVIII [18] and XXIX [29], and this amendment, shall be in addition to the limit fixed by said section 224, and shall not be taken into account or considered in determining or arriving at the debt limit of Mobile county under said section 224, and provided further that the six and one-half percent (6 1/2 %) limitation in amendment XVIII [18] aforesaid shall be construed to refer not to the total amount of bonds issued under authority of the amendment, but to the total amount of bonds so issued which may be outstanding at any one time. And provided further, that Mobile county may become indebted, issue bonds and levy the tax as authorized by and within the limits of amendment XVIII [18] aforesaid to pay all or part of the cost of the construction or improvement of concrete or better than concrete surfaced public roads, streets and bridges in Mobile county, including those within or partly within any municipality, and also for the purpose of constructing, improving and equipping school buildings in an amount not to exceed $1,000,000 and in an amount not to exceed $4,000,000 to construct and equip a building or buildings to be used for a courthouse and jail, including the acquisition of sites therefor; however, in submitting the question of issuing school bonds and courthouse and jail bonds hereunder, the county governing body shall submit the issuance of bonds for such purposes as a single proposition. Courthouse, jail and school bonds authorized hereby shall be issued in the manner provided in chapter 7 of Title 12 of the Code of Alabama of 1940 as heretofore or hereafter amended. Bonds issued hereunder, together with bonds now or hereafter outstanding under authority of amendment XVIII [18], together with redemption premiums thereon, shall be payable from any funds heretofore and hereafter derived from the proceeds of the tax at such rate or rates not exceeding one-half of one percentum of the assessed value of the property situated in the county which may from time to time be levied or which has been levied, under said amendment XVIII [18]. The county governing body may agree in the proceedings authorizing the issue of school bonds and courthouse and jail bonds hereunder that it will, if and to the extent necessary to prevent default in the payment of principal or interest on such bonds, use for the payment of such principal or interest, or both, as a prior lien thereon so much of the proceeds of the tax of 2 1/2 mills authorized by section 215 of the Constitution as may be necessary. Further, after 30 days from the first publication in said county of the resolution authorizing and fixing the details of any bonds authorized to be issued hereunder, such bonds and the sources of payment provided therefor in such resolution shall be incontestable in any court in this state.
AMENDMENT 101 RATIFIED Special Property Tax for Public School Buildings in Marshall County. In addition to all taxes now or hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama a special tax or taxes not to exceed five mills on each dollar's worth of taxable property in Marshall county is hereby authorized, the proceeds of which shall be used exclusively for erecting, constructing, remodeling, renovating, repairing, furnishing and equipping public school buildings in Marshall county; provided that any tax and the purpose thereof shall have first been submitted to the vote of the qualified electors of the county and voted for by a majority of those electors participating in the election. The election shall be called, held, conducted and governed by the applicable provisions of Code of Alabama (1940), Title 52, chapter 10, article 7, which governs elections on special school taxes and the tax hereby authorized shall be levied and collected as other special school taxes are levied and collected. If the proposal to levy the tax is defeated in an election it may not be again submitted to a vote for one year, but after the expiration of one year, and at intervals of one year thereafter, such question may be resubmitted to the qualified electors. Should a tax of less than five mills on each dollar's worth of taxable property be approved at an election thereon then at the expiration of one year from the date of the election at which such tax was approved, and at intervals of one year thereafter, the question of levying an additional tax for such purposes may again be submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the county until the total of all taxes levied pursuant to the authority hereby conferred is five mills. After any tax levied pursuant to authority hereby conferred shall have been collected for five years the court of county commissioners, board of revenue or other county governing body, upon receipt of a petition, signed by not less than twenty percent of the qualified electors of the county must call an election at which the question of repeal of the tax upon payment of all obligations then outstanding shall be submitted to the qualified electors of the county. Should a majority of the voters participating at this election vote for the repeal of the tax it shall cease as soon as the outstanding pledges against it have been paid in full. Should a majority of the electors participating in the election vote against repeal the question of repeal may not again be submitted to a vote for one year, but after the expiration of one year, and at intervals of one year thereafter, upon receipt of a petition signed by twenty percent of the qualified electors of the county, the county governing body may order the question of repeal of the tax resubmitted to the qualified electors of the county. The elections provided for herein shall be called, held, conducted, paid for, and governed otherwise in the manner provided by Code of Alabama (1940), Title 52, chapter 10, article 7, for an election on the special county school tax authorized in amendment III [3] to the Constitution of Alabama. The collection of the tax shall also be governed by the applicable provisions of the Code of Alabama (1940), Title 52, chapter 10, article 7, and the proceeds shall be used exclusively for the purposes authorized at the election approving the levy.
AMENDMENT 102 RATIFIED Special Ad Valorem Tax for School Purposes on Real and Tangible Personal Property within Chambers County. In addition to all other taxes now or hereafter authorized by law, the governing body of Chambers county shall have the power to levy and collect, for a period of not exceeding twelve years, a special ad valorem tax on real and tangible personal property only, situated within said county, at a rate not exceeding five mills on each dollar's worth of said real and tangible personal property, as assessed for state taxation for the preceding tax year, the proceeds of said tax to be used solely for acquiring, constructing and equipping public school buildings within said county, including public school buildings for any city school system therein; provided, however, that the special ad valorem tax authorized herein shall be levied only in the event that no other additional ad valorem tax is authorized to be levied by a constitutional amendment submitted at the 1953 regular session of the legislature; and provided further, that before said special ad valorem tax shall be levied, the question as to whether said tax shall be levied shall have first been submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of said county at an election to be called by the governing body of said county, and shall have been voted for by a majority of said qualified electors voting at said election. The election provided for herein shall be called, held, conducted and canvassed, and may be contested in the same manner as provided by law for the calling, holding, conducting and canvassing of county bond elections. Upon the expiration of any tax authorized pursuant to this amendment, no further tax shall be authorized hereunder. In the event the said special ad valorem tax shall be authorized by a majority of the qualified electors voting on said question at said election, the governing body of said county shall thereupon be authorized to sell and issue its tax anticipation bonds for the purposes for which said tax was authorized, which bonds shall be in such amount as the governing body of said county shall designate, and shall be subject to the provisions of the general laws pertaining to the issuance of county bonds except that no further election shall be required therefor. The revenue derived from the sale of said bonds shall be expended by the Chambers county board of education for the purposes stated herein. Any bonds issued pursuant to this amendment shall be payable solely out of the proceeds of the said special ad valorem tax hereby authorized, which shall be pledged therefor, and after the issuance of said bonds, the proceeds of said tax remaining after payment of the cost of assessment and collection shall be used only for payment of the principal of and interest on said bonds, the creation and maintenance of a reserve therefor, and the redemption thereof. Said bonds shall constitute negotiable instruments although payable from a limited source and shall be eligible for the investment of trust funds. The said bonds shall not constitute general obligations of the said county and shall be in addition to all other bonds which said county has heretofore issued or is authorized to issue under the Constitution and laws of Alabama.
AMENDMENT 103 RATIFIED Costs and Charges of Courts and the Offices, Terms, and Compensation of Officers of Chambers County. The legislature may from time to time by general or local laws applicable to or operative in Chambers county fix, alter, and regulate the costs and charges of court, and the fees, commissions, percentages, allowances, or salary of, any officer of Chambers county; may provide the method and basis of compensation of such officers; may fix the terms of office of such officers; and may consolidate any of the offices held by such officers. When any such officer is compensated on a salary basis the legislature may provide for the distribution of the fees, commissions, percentages, and allowances collectible by him, and the funds from which the salary of the officer shall be paid, any other provision of this Constitution to the contrary notwithstanding.
AMENDMENT 104 RATIFIED Economic Development of Municipalities of Haleyville and Double Springs. Any provision of the Constitution or laws of the state of Alabama to the contrary notwithstanding, the municipalities of Haleyville and Double Springs in Winston county shall have full and continuing power and authority, after an election held in accordance herewith, to do any one or more of the following: 1. To purchase, construct, lease, or otherwise acquire real property, plants, buildings, factories, works, facilities, machinery and equipment of any kind. 2. To lease, sell for cash or on credit, exchange, or give and convey any such property described in subdivision 1 above, to any person, firm, association or corporation. 3. To promote local industrial, commercial or agricultural development and the location of new industries or businesses therein. 4. To become a stockholder in any corporation, association or company. 5. To lend its credit or to grant public moneys and things of value in aid of, or to, any individual, firm, association, or corporation whatsoever. 6. To become indebted and to issue and sell interest bearing bonds, warrants (which may be payable from funds to be realized in future years), notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness, to a principal amount not exceeding fifty percent of the assessed value of taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in order to secure funds for the purchase, construction, lease or acquisition of any of the property described in subdivision 1 above or to be used in furtherance of any of the other powers or authorities granted in this amendment. Such obligations or evidences of indebtedness may (in addition to any pledge or pledges authorized by subdivision 8 of this amendment) be issued upon the full faith and credit of the municipalities of Haleyville and Double Springs, or may be limited as to the source of their payment. 7. To levy and collect annually, in addition to all other taxes now authorized or permitted, a special tax or taxes of not exceeding two percent on the value of all taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in the same manner as other county or municipal taxes are levied and collected. Such tax may be upon all property in the municipalities of Haleyville and Double Springs, or upon all property in any district the boundaries of which the governing body of such municipality shall describe and which it shall determine to be specially improved and benefited by any proposed use or expenditure of the proceeds of such tax. 8. To pledge to the payment of any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness the annual proceeds from any such special tax or taxes and to obligate itself irrevocably to continue to levy and collect such taxes annually until such obligations or evidences of indebtedness are paid in full and to pledge thereto any rental or sales proceeds of property leased or sold by it. 9. To create a public authority or corporation having such powers, managed and governed by such board or governing body, and subject to such limitations as the governing bodies of the municipalities of Haleyville or Double Springs may impose, by approving and filing a certificate to that effect in the office of the judge of probate or the secretary of state, or their respective successors in function, and to delegate to such public authority or corporation and its board or governing body all powers and authority conferred in this amendment upon the municipalities. The recital in any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness that they were issued pursuant to this amendment or that they were issued to provide funds to be used in furtherance, of any power or authority herein authorized or that any special tax herein authorized has been pledged to the payment thereof shall be conclusive; no purchaser or holder thereof need inquire further; and the levy and collection of such tax sha
AMENDMENT 105 RATIFIED Costs and Charges of Courts in Madison County. The legislature may from time to time, by general or local laws, fix, alter, and regulate the costs and charges of courts in Madison county, and the method of disbursement thereof.
AMENDMENT 106 RATIFIED Additional Taxes in Morgan County for Public School Purposes. Each school district in Morgan county, shall have power to levy and collect additional taxes on the taxable property located in the district of not to exceed $.55 per $100 worth of taxable property located in the district for public school purposes; provided, that the total of special county and school district taxes levied in the district for public school purposes under section 260 of this Constitution and all amendments to this Constitution including the present amendment shall not exceed a rate of $1.25 per $100 worth of taxable property located in the district, except that in determining whether the said rate of $1.25 per $100 will be exceeded there shall be excluded from such calculation taxes levied and collected under the authority of any amendment to this Constitution wherein it is stated that the adoption thereof will not affect the power, right or authority to levy special school taxes; provided further, that the adoption of this amendment shall in nowise limit, modify, abridge, or impair the power, authority or right of counties, municipalities, or school districts to levy and collect special school taxes or taxes of any kind for schools or school purposes vested in and conferred upon them, or any of them, by this Constitution, any amendment thereto, or any provisions of state law, or to make appropriations for schools or school purposes. A school district within the meaning of this amendment shall include school districts which consist of incorporated cities or towns, or any school district of which an incorporated city or town is a part or such other school districts now existing or hereafter formed as may be approved by the county board of education. The rate of such tax, the time it is to continue and the purpose thereof shall have been first submitted to the vote of the qualified electors of the district and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election. The funds derived from the tax levied in any school district under this amendment shall be expended for the exclusive benefit of the district.
AMENDMENT 107 RATIFIED Issuance of Revenue Bonds and Other Revenue Securities by Municipalities. Revenue bonds and other revenue securities at any time issued by a municipality for the purpose of extending, enlarging or improving any water, sewer, gas or electric system then owned by such municipality shall not be deemed to constitute bonds or indebtedness of such municipality within the meaning of sections 222 and 225 of this Constitution if by their terms such bonds or other securities are not made a charge on the general credit or tax revenues of the issuing municipality and are made payable solely out of revenues derived from the operation of any one or more of such systems.
AMENDMENT 108 RATIFIED Bonds and Other Securities Issued by Certain Public Corporations. Each public corporation heretofore or hereafter organized or created in this state pursuant to authorization or determination by any municipality or municipalities, or county or counties, or the governing body of any one or more thereof, shall for the purposes of sections 222, 224, and 225 of this Constitution be deemed to be a separate entity from such municipality or municipalities, or county or counties. Bonds and other securities heretofore or hereafter issued by any public corporation so organized shall not be deemed to constitute bonds or indebtedness within the meaning of said sections even though property, whether or not capable of producing income, may have been transferred to such public corporation by any one or more of such municipalities or counties either with or without the payment of pecuniary or other consideration.
AMENDMENT 109 RATIFIED Exempting Blind and Deaf Persons from Payment of Poll Tax. No person who is either blind or deaf shall be required to pay the poll tax specified in the Constitution as a prerequisite to voting in Alabama; but, on the contrary, every blind or deaf person shall be exempt from the payment of all poll taxes which have accrued and have not been paid or which hereafter may accrue. The term "blind person" as used herein includes any person who has a vision with or without adjusted glasses suitable to the eye or to the individual not greater than what is known as 2/100 vision. The term "deaf person" as used herein means any person who is wholly deprived of his sense of hearing. The judge of probate shall issue a certificate of exemption to any person exempt from the payment of poll tax by reason of this amendment. This amendment shall be self-executing and retroactive; but the legislature may enact laws designed to carry out the purposes of this amendment.
AMENDMENT 110 RATIFIED Filling Vacancy in Office of Judge of Jefferson County Circuit Court. Any vacancy occurring in the office of judge of the tenth judicial circuit comprised of Jefferson county only, which is required to be filled by appointment on nominations made by a judicial commission, shall be made within ninety days from the date of the submission of such nominations. In the event the governor fails to fill the vacancy from such nominations within such period, the appointment shall be made by the chief justice of the supreme court of Alabama.
AMENDMENT 111 RATIFIED Amendment of Sections 137, 139, 256, 258, 259, 260, 269, 270. Amendment of Sections 137, 139, 256, 258, 259, 260, 269, 270. Sec. 137. Duties generally and restrictions on receipt of fees, etc., by attorney general, state auditor, secretary of state, state treasurer, superintendent of education and commissioner of agriculture and industries; annual reports by state treasurer and state auditor; attorney general may be required to defend suits against state, political subdivisions, officers, etc. The attorney general, state auditor, secretary of state, state treasurer, superintendent of education, and commissioner of agriculture and industries shall perform such duties as may be prescribed by law. The state treasurer and state auditor shall, every year, at a time fixed by the legislature, make a full and complete report to the governor, showing the receipts and disbursements of every character, all claims audited and paid out, by items, and all taxes and revenues collected and paid into the treasury, and the sources thereof. They shall make reports oftener upon any matters pertaining to their offices, if required by the governor or the legislature. The attorney general, state auditor, secretary of state, state treasurer, and commissioner of agriculture and industries shall not receive to their use any fees, costs, perquisites of office or other compensation than the salaries prescribed by law, and all fees that may be payable for any services performed by such officers shall be at once paid into the state treasury. The legislature may require the attorney general to defend any or all suits brought against the state, or any subdivision thereof, or against any state school board or state board of education, or against any county or city school board or board of education, or against like boards or commissions by whatever name designated, or against any members, officers or employees of any such boards, or against any school official or employee throughout Alabama. Sec. 139. Vesting of judicial power; minimum standards for establishment of courts of general jurisdiction in counties; authority of legislature to constitute members of state, county and city school boards as judicial officers. The judicial power of the state shall be vested in the senate sitting as a court of impeachment, a supreme court, circuit courts, chancery courts, courts of probate, such courts of law and equity inferior to the supreme court, and to consist of not more than five members, as the legislature from time to time may establish, and such persons as may be by law invested with powers of a judicial nature; but no court of general jurisdiction, at law or in equity, or both, shall hereafter be established in and for any one county having a population of less than twenty thousand, according to the next preceding federal census, and property assessed for taxation at a less valuation that three million five hundred thousand dollars. The legislature shall also have authority to constitute as judicial officers any or all of the members of state school boards, state boards of education, county school boards, city school boards, and like boards or commissions by whatever name designated, and all superintendents of schools and school officials and employees throughout Alabama, and to provide that all action taken by them, or any of them, requiring the exercise of discretion or judgment in connection with school matters be judicial action. Sec. 256. Educational policy of the state; authority of legislature to provide for or authorize establishment and operation of schools by persons, municipalities, etc.; grant, donation, sale or lease of funds and property for educational purposes; election of certain schools for attendance by parents of minors. It is the policy of the state of Alabama to foster and promote the education of its citizens in a manner and extent consistent with its available resources, and the willingness and ability of the indi
AMENDMENT 112 RATIFIED Amendment of Section 94. SECTION 94 Counties, municipalities and other political subdivisions not to grant public money or lend credit to individuals or corporations; alienation of public parks, playgrounds, recreational facilities and housing projects by political subdivisions and public bodies. The legislature shall not have power to authorize any county, city, town, or other subdivision of this state to lend its credit, or to grant public money or thing of value in aid of, or to any individual, association, or corporation whatsoever, or to become a stockholder in any such corporation, association, or company, by issuing bonds or otherwise. It is provided, however, that the legislature may enact general, special, or local laws authorizing political subdivisions and public bodies to alienate, with or without a valuable consideration, public parks and playgrounds, or other public recreational facilities and public housing projects, conditional upon the approval of a majority of the duly qualified electors of the county, city, town, or other subdivision affected thereby, voting at an election held for such purpose.
AMENDMENT 113 RATIFIED Bond Issue for Building Construction and Improvement Purposes at Alabama State Hospitals and Partlow State School for Mental Deficients. The state is authorized to become indebted for building construction and improvement purposes at the Alabama State Hospitals and at the Partlow State School for Mental Deficients, and in evidence of the indebtedness so incurred to sell and issue, in addition to all other bonds of the state, interest bearing general obligation bonds of the state not exceeding four million dollars in principal amount. The bonds shall be general obligations of the state of Alabama and the full faith and credit and taxing power of the state are hereby pledged to the prompt and faithful payment of the principal of the bonds and the interest thereon. The proceeds from the sale of such bonds are hereby appropriated and shall be used exclusively for the acquisition of building sites; for the construction, reconstruction, alteration, and improvement of building facilities, including renewal and replacement of structural parts; and for the procurement of equipment for such buildings at the Alabama State Hospitals and at the Partlow State School for Mental Deficients; provided that the expenses incurred in connection with the sale and issuance of the bonds may also be paid from such proceeds. All bonds issued hereunder and the interest thereon shall be payable from any funds in the state treasury not otherwise appropriated. The bonds shall be payable in substantially equal installments of principal and interest beginning in the next fiscal year after their date. They shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed three percent, and they shall contain a provision for their call for payment at such a time or times prior to maturity, and at such a premium, if any, as may be prescribed in the notice of sale. All bonds issued hereunder shall be sold to the best bidder at a duly advertised public sale, upon sealed bids or at auction, and shall not be sold for less than par and accrued interest; provided, however, that bidders may be invited to name the rate or rates of interest which the bonds are to bear. The right to reject any or all bids shall be reserved. Bonds issued hereunder shall mature within twenty years from the date of issuance. The legislature shall adopt appropriate enabling legislation to carry out the intent and purpose of this amendment to the Constitution.
AMENDMENT 114 RATIFIED Bond Issue to Assist in Construction and Equipment of Hospitals, etc. (a) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Constitution of the state of Alabama, or any amendment thereto heretofore adopted, the governor shall from time to time issue negotiable interest-bearing bonds for the purposes and in the manner and subject to the limitation stated in this amendment. The bonds shall be general obligations of the state of Alabama and the full faith and credit and taxing power of the state are hereby pledged to the punctual payment of the bonds and the interest thereon. The aggregate principal amount of all bonds issued hereunder shall not exceed two million dollars ($2,000,000) and they shall mature within ten years from the date of issuance. The proceeds from the sale of such bonds are hereby appropriated and shall be used solely for the construction and equipping of hospitals, health centers, tuberculosis hospitals or sanatoria, and related medical facilities pursuant to Act No. 211, General Acts of Alabama 1945, page 330, approved July 7, 1945; and Act 287, General Acts of Alabama 1945, page 474, approved July 7, 1945; and Act No. 46, General and Local Acts 1949, page 68, approved June 2, 1949; as said acts are now or may hereafter be amended; and such facilities established and operated by the corporate authorities of a city or town, or a county governing body under the provision of Title 22, section 189, Code of Alabama 1940, as same is now or may hereafter be amended; or any act supplemental thereto or amendatory thereof. The funds provided hereby shall be used only for construction and equipping facilities under contracts which have been or are let on or after July 1, 1955; shall be used to match federal funds available for hospital health center, and related medical facilities provided under Public Law 725, 79th Congress and Public Law 482, 83rd Congress, as said Public Laws are now or may hereafter be amended; and the local governments in the area where each hospital, health center, tuberculosis hospitals or sanatoria, or related medical facility is to be constructed or equipped shall contribute at least as much money for the construction and equipping as does the state; and provided further that the state shall not contribute more than two hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) to the construction and equipping of any tuberculosis hospital or sanatoria and one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) for any other facility included within the scope of this amendment. In determining where a hospital, health center, tuberculosis hospitals or sanatoria, or related medical facility to be constructed with funds appropriated herein shall be located, consideration shall be given to the communities on the basis of relative need. Each county having no hospital, health center, tuberculosis hospitals or sanatoria, or related medical facility shall have first priority. Counties receiving prior allotments hereunder shall not be precluded from receiving an additional allotment for other facilities at the discretion of the state board of health. A sum not to exceed forty thousand dollars ($40,000) may be used by the state board of health from the proceeds of the sale of said bonds for administering the provision of this amendment. (b) All bonds issued hereunder and the interest thereon shall be payable from any funds in the state treasury not otherwise appropriated. The bonds shall be payable in substantially equal installments of principal and interest beginning in the next fiscal year after their date; they shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed 2 1/2 % and they shall contain a provision for their call for payment at such a time or times prior to maturity, and at such a premium, if any, as the governor may prescribe in the notice of sale. All bonds issued hereunder shall be sold to the best bidder at a duly advertised public sale, on sealed bids or at auction, and shall not be sold for less than par and
AMENDMENT 115 RATIFIED Extension of Debt Limit of Tuscaloosa County. Tuscaloosa county may become indebted, and in evidence of such indebtedness may sell and issue its interest-bearing bonds, to the extent of not exceeding $2,500,000.00 in principal amount, for the purpose of constructing and equipping a county courthouse and jail in said county and acquiring land therefor; provided, that before any such bonds shall be issued the question of whether said bonds shall be issued shall have first been submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of said county at an election to be called for that purpose by the governing body of said county and the issuance of said bonds shall have been authorized by a majority of said qualified electors voting at said election. The elections provided for herein shall be called, held, conducted and canvassed, and may be contested, in the manner provided by law for the calling, holding, conducting, canvassing and contesting of county bond elections, and if the issuance of said bonds shall be authorized at any such election they may be sold and issued from time to time in the manner provided by law for the authorization and sale of county bonds. In the event the voters of Tuscaloosa county do not authorize the issuance and sale of said bonds at any election called hereunder then other elections may be called by the governing body of Tuscaloosa county from time to time until the voters of Tuscaloosa county do authorize the issuance and sale of said bonds; provided that no two elections shall be held within one year of each other. Provided further that if the majority of the voters of Tuscaloosa county participating in the election as to the adoption of this constitutional amendment vote for such adoption of this amendment then this expression of the voters of Tuscaloosa county for this amendment shall of itself authorize the issue and sale of said bonds and then no additional election by the voters of Tuscaloosa county shall be required to authorize the issue and sale of said bonds and such bonds may be issued and sold as the full obligation of Tuscaloosa county without an additional election. In the event the voters of Tuscaloosa county do not authorize the issuance and sale of said bonds at any such elections herein referred to, authorized or called hereunder then other special elections shall be called by the governing body of Tuscaloosa county from time to time until the voters of Tuscaloosa county do authorize the issuance and sale of said bonds; provided that no two special elections shall be held within one year of each other except the first special election herein provided for; and provided further that such special elections shall be held at least once every two years until said bonds are authorized. When authorized said bonds shall be promptly sold and such courthouse and jail shall forthwith be built. Tuscaloosa county shall and is hereby specifically authorized to acquire adequate lands for said courthouse and jail and approaches and parking spaces. Such courthouse and jail may be built as one building or as separate buildings as the governing body of Tuscaloosa county may determine and shall be properly and adequately equipped and furnished. The indebtedness herein authorized shall be in addition to all other indebtedness authorized prior to the adoption of this amendment.
AMENDMENT 116 RATIFIED State Works of Internal Improvement Along Navigable Waterways and Indebtedness Therefor. In addition to the authority heretofore granted it by section 93 of this Constitution as amended, and notwithstanding the provisions of section 213 of this Constitution as amended, and when authorized by appropriate laws passed by the legislature, the state may, at a cost of not exceeding an additional ten million dollars engage in works of internal improvement by promoting, developing, constructing, maintaining and operating along navigable streams or waterways now or hereafter existing within the state all manner of docks, facilities, elevators, warehouses, water and rail terminals and other structures and facilities and improvements needful for the convenient use of the same, in aid of commerce and use of the waterways of the state; provided that any such work or improvements shall always be and remain under the management and control of the state through the Alabama state docks department or other state governing agency. When authorized by appropriate laws passed by the legislature, the state may become indebted in an aggregate principal amount of not exceeding $10,000,000 for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this amendment and may cause to be issued its general direct obligation bonds for the repayment of such indebtedness and interest thereon and pledge the faith and credit of the state thereto.
AMENDMENT 117 RATIFIED Bonds for Construction and Improvement Purposes at Alabama Institute for Deaf and Blind. The state is authorized to become indebted and to issue interest bearing bonds, in addition to those heretofore authorized and sold, in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $3,000,000. The proceeds derived from the sale of said bonds shall be used solely for the purpose of paying the expenses incurred in the sale and issuance thereof and for the acquisition of sites for and the construction, reconstruction, alteration, improvement and equipment of building facilities, including the renewal or replacement of structural parts, at the Alabama Institute for Deaf and Blind. Said bonds shall be sold only at a duly advertised public sale or sales, upon sealed bids or at auction, to the bidder whose bid reflects the lowest net interest cost to the state for the bonds offered for sale, and shall be sold at not less than their face value plus accrued interest thereon. Said bonds shall be direct general obligations of the state and for the prompt and faithful payment of the principal thereof and interest thereon the full faith and credit of the state are hereby irrevocably pledged. In addition thereto, there is hereby specially and irrevocably pledged for payment of the principal of and interest on said bonds, pro rata and without priority of one bond over another by reason of prior issuance or otherwise, so much as may be necessary for said purpose of those portions of the state sales tax and the state use tax in effect at the date of the adoption of this amendment which are required by law at the date of the adoption of this amendment to be paid into the Alabama special educational trust fund. The said special pledge shall create a charge on the tax proceeds herein specially pledged prior to all other charges or expenses for educational or any other purposes whatsoever; provided, that in the event any other bonds should be issued under the authority of any other amendment to the Constitution proposed by the 1957 regular session of the legislature, or by any public corporation created pursuant to any statute enacted at said session, for payment of the principal of and interest on which the said taxes or any portion thereof should be pledged in such other constitutional amendment or in or pursuant to authority of such statute, then the special pledge of the said taxes herein made shall be on a parity with the pledge or pledges of said taxes or portion thereof for the benefit of such other bonds. The bonds issued under this amendment and the income therefrom shall be exempt from all taxation in the state of Alabama. The provisions of section 261 of the Constitution of Alabama shall not be deemed to apply to the tax proceeds so specially pledged or to the proceeds from any bonds issued hereunder. The legislature shall adopt appropriate enabling legislation to carry out the intent and purpose of this amendment.
AMENDMENT 118 RATIFIED Increasing Rate of Interest and Other Matters Relating to Bonds Authorized Under Amendment No. 113. Bonds which may be issued for building construction and improvement purposes at Alabama State Hospitals and at Partlow State School for Mental Deficients, under the provisions of the amendment to the Constitution which was proposed by Act No. 37 adopted at the First Special Session of the Legislature of 1956 [1956, 1st Ex. Sess., p. 63] and which was ratified by the electors at the general election held on November 6, 1956 [amendment No. 113], may be sold, executed and delivered from time to time in series, may bear such date or dates, and may bear interest at such rate or rates not exceeding four and one-half per centum per annum payable semiannually and evidenced in such manner, all as may be provided at the respective times of the sales thereof. The maturities of the bonds of each series shall, to such extent as may be practicable, be so arranged that the first maturity of the bonds of each series shall be not later than one year after the date thereof and the last maturity of the bonds of that series shall be not later than twenty years after the date thereof, and the said maturities shall be so arranged that during each then succeeding fiscal year of the state the aggregate installments of principal and interest that will mature on all bonds that will be outstanding under said amendment, immediately following the issuance of the bonds of that series, will be substantially equal; provided, that the determination in the proceedings under which the bonds are issued that the requirements of this sentence have been complied with shall be conclusive of such compliance and the purchasers of any of the bonds and all subsequent holders thereof shall be fully protected by such determination.
AMENDMENT 119 RATIFIED Bonds for Construction and Improvement Purposes at University of Alabama Medical Center. The state of Alabama is authorized to become indebted for building, construction and improved purposes at the University of Alabama Medical Center, in Birmingham, and in evidence of the indebtedness so incurred to sell and issue, in addition to all other bonds of the state, interest-bearing general obligation bonds of the state not exceeding four million five hundred thousand dollars in principal amount. The bonds shall be general obligations of the State of Alabama and the full faith and credit and taxing power of the state are hereby pledged to the prompt and faithful payment of the principal of the bonds and the interest thereon. The proceeds from the sale of such bonds are hereby appropriated and shall be used exclusively for the acquisition of lands adjacent to the University of Alabama Medical Center, in Birmingham, and to provide funds to be used to match federal funds granted by the National Institute of Health of the United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare for construction and equipment of a medical research building and to match federal funds granted under the Hill-Burton Act for the construction and equipment of a nurses' home at the medical center; provided that the expenses incurred in connection with the sale and issuance of the bonds may also be paid from such proceeds. The board of trustees of the University of Alabama is hereby vested with full authority, except as limited herein, to provide the terms of the bonds and to provide for the sale and issuance thereof. The bonds may be sold, executed and delivered at any time and from time to time, may be in such forms, denominations, series and numbers, may be of such tenor and maturities, may bear such date or dates, may be in registered or bearer form either as to principal or interest or both with rights of conversion into another form, may be payable in such installments and at such place or places, may bear interest at such rate or rates payable and evidenced in such manner, and may contain provisions for redemption at the option of the state to be exercised by said board at such date or dates prior to their maturity and upon payment of such redemption price or prices, all as shall be provided by the said board in the resolution or resolutions whereunder the bonds are issued. The principal of each series of bonds shall mature in annual installments in such amounts as shall be specified in the resolution or resolutions of the said board under which they are issued, the first of which installments shall mature not later than one year after the date of the bonds of such series and the last of which installments shall mature not later than twenty years after the date of the bonds of the same series. When each series of bonds is issued, the maturities of the bonds of that series shall, to such extent as may be practicable, be so arranged that during each then succeeding fiscal year of the state the aggregate installments of principal and interest that will mature on all bonds that will be outstanding hereunder, immediately following the issuance of the bonds of that series, will be substantially equal; provided, that the determination by the said board that the requirements of this sentence have been complied with shall be conclusive of such compliance and the purchasers of the bonds with respect to which such determination is made and all subsequent holders thereof shall be fully protected thereby. None of the bonds shall be sold for less than face value plus accrued interest thereon to the date of delivery, and all of the bonds shall be sold only at public sale or sales, either on sealed bids or at public auction, after such advertisement as may be prescribed by the said board, to the bidder whose bid reflects the lowest net interest cost to the state computed to the respective maturities of the bonds sold; provided, that if no bid dee
AMENDMENT 120 RATIFIED Bonds for Construction and Improvement Purposes at The Alabama Polytechnic Institute. The state of Alabama is authorized to become indebted for building, construction and improvement purposes at The Alabama Polytechnic Institute at Auburn, and in evidence of the indebtedness so incurred to sell and issue, in addition to all other bonds of the state, interest bearing general obligation bonds of the state not exceeding four million five hundred thousand dollars ($4,500,000) in principal amount. The bonds shall be general obligations of the state of Alabama and the full faith and credit and taxing power of the state are hereby pledged to the prompt and faithful payment of the principal of the bonds and the interest thereon. The proceeds from the sale of any such bonds shall, after payment of the expenses of their issuance, be set apart in a special fund in the state treasury to be designated "The Alabama Polytechnic Institute Building Bond Fund"; and such proceeds shall be used exclusively for the construction, reconstruction, alteration, and improvement of college building facilities, including the acquisition of sites and equipment for such facilities, for use by the School of Agriculture, the Agricultural Experiment Station, and the School of Veterinary Medicine of The Alabama Polytechnic Institute at Auburn; provided, that the plans and specifications for any building constructed with money from said special fund shall be approved by the Alabama building commission or any agency designated by the legislature as its successor. The board of trustees of The Alabama Polytechnic Institute is hereby vested with full authority, except as limited herein, to provide the terms of the bonds and to provide for the sale and issuance thereof. The bonds may be sold, executed and delivered at any time and from time to time, may be in such forms, denominations, series and numbers, may be of such tenor and maturities, may bear such date or dates, may be in registered or bearer form either as to principal or interest or both with rights of conversion into another form, may be payable in such installments and at such place or places, may bear interest at such rate or rates payable and evidenced in such manner, and may contain provisions for redemption at the option of the state to be exercised by said board at such date or dates prior to their maturity and upon payment of such redemption price or prices, all as shall be provided by the said board in the resolution or resolutions whereunder the bonds are issued. The principal of each series of bonds shall mature in annual installments in such amounts as shall be specified in the resolution or resolutions of the said board under which they are issued, the first of which installments shall mature not later than one year after the date of the bonds of such series and the last of which installments shall mature not later than twenty years after the date of the bonds of the same series. When each series of bonds is issued, the maturities of the bonds of that series shall, to such extent as may be practicable, be so arranged that during each then succeeding fiscal year of the state the aggregate installments of principal and interest that will mature on all bonds that will be outstanding hereunder, immediately following the issuance of the bonds of that series, will be substantially equal; provided, that the determination by the said board that the requirements of this sentence have been complied with shall be conclusive of such compliance and the purchasers of the bonds with respect to which such determination is made and all subsequent holders thereof shall be fully protected by such determination. None of the bonds shall be sold for less than face value plus accrued interest thereon to the date of delivery, and all of the bonds shall be sold only at public sale or sales, either on sealed bids or at public auction, after such advertisement as may be prescribed by the said board
AMENDMENT 121 RATIFIED Increasing Rate of Interest and Other Matters Relating to Bonds Issued Under Amendment No. 114. Except as hereinafter limited, bonds which may be issued under the provisions of the amendment to the Constitution which was proposed by Act No. 125 adopted at the First Special Session of the Legislature of 1956 [1956, 1st Ex. Sess., p. 179] and which was ratified by the electors at the general election held on November 6, 1956, and proclaimed ratified on November 15, 1956 [amendment No. 114], may be executed and delivered from time to time in such forms, denominations, series and numbers, may be of such tenor and maturities, may bear such date or dates, may be in registered or bearer form either as to principal and interest or both with rights of conversion into another form, may bear interest at such rate or rates not exceeding 4% per annum payable semiannually and payable and evidenced in such manner, may contain provisions for redemption at the option of the state at such date or dates prior to their maturity and upon payment of such redemption price or prices, and may contain such other terms and conditions not inconsistent with the provisions hereof, all as may be provided in the order of the governor providing for the issuance thereof which shall be made at the time of each sale of any of said bonds. The principal of each series of said bonds shall mature in annual installments in such amounts as shall be specified in the order under which they are issued, the first of which installments shall mature not later than one year after the date of the bonds of such series and the last of which installments shall mature not later than ten years after the date of the bonds of the same series. When each series of said bonds is issued, the maturities of the bonds of that series shall, to such extent as may be practicable, be so arranged that during any then succeeding fiscal year of the state the aggregate installments of principal and interest that will mature on all of the said bonds that will be outstanding hereunder, immediately following the issuance of the bonds of that series, will be substantially equal; provided, that the determination in the order under which the bonds of such series are issued that the requirements of this sentence have been complied with shall be conclusive of such compliance and the purchasers of the bonds with respect to which such determination is made and all subsequent holders thereof shall be fully protected thereby. None of the said bonds shall be sold for less than face value plus accrued interest to the date of delivery, and all of the said bonds shall be sold only at public sale or sales, either on sealed bids or at public auction, after advertisement in a financial journal published in New York City at least one time not less than ten days prior to the date fixed for the sale, to the bidder whose bid reflects the lowest net interest cost to the state computed to the respective maturities of the bonds sold; provided, that if no bid deemed acceptable by the governor is received all bids may be rejected.
AMENDMENT 122 RATIFIED Bonds of Mobile County for Public School Buildings. Mobile county is hereby authorized to become indebted for school building purposes and in evidence of the indebtedness so incurred, to sell and issue, in addition to all other bonds of the county, interest bearing bonds of the county not exceeding three million dollars ($3,000,000) in principal amount. The bonds issued hereunder, together with the bonds now or hereafter outstanding under authority of amendment XVIII [18], proposed by Acts 1923, page 594, and proclaimed ratified November 15, 1924 (Proclamation Record D., page 107) and amendment C, proposed by Acts 1953, page 436, and proclaimed ratified December 28, 1953 (Proclamation Record, Volume I, page 144), together with redemption premiums thereon, shall be payable from any funds heretofore and hereafter derived from the proceeds of the tax at such rate or rates not exceeding one-half of one per centum of the assessed value of the property situated in the county which may from time to time be levied and which has been levied under amendment XVIII [18] and also from the proceeds of any tax or taxes levied under this amendment; and the board of revenue and road commissioners or other governing body of Mobile county is hereby vested with full authority to continue to levy a tax in the amount authorized by said amendment XVIII [18], until all bonds issued pursuant to this amendment have been paid in full, or provision for such payment made, without again submitting the question of levying such tax and issuing such bonds to the qualified voters of Mobile county. The proceeds from each sale of any of the bonds shall, after payment of the expenses of issuing the same, be covered into the county treasury and set apart therein in a special trust fund to be designated the "Public School Bond Fund." The money paid into such fund shall be disbursed to the custodian of county school funds, and shall be used solely for the acquisition of public school sites, for the construction, reconstruction, alteration and improvement of public school building facilities, for the procurement of equipment therefor, and for payment of obligations incurred for any of such purposes in Mobile county. The board of revenue and road commissioners or other governing body of Mobile county is hereby vested with full authority except as limited herein, to provide the terms of the bonds and to provide for the sale and issuance thereof; and such county governing body is hereby specifically authorized to pledge to the payment of such bonds so much of the proceeds of any tax hereinbefore or hereafter levied pursuant to amendment XVIII [18], which has not already been pledged to the payment of other bonds of the county, and so much of the proceeds of any tax levied pursuant to this amendment as are needed for the payment of the bonds hereby authorized. The bonds may be sold, executed and delivered at any time and from time to time, may be in such forms, denominations, series and numbers, may be of such tenor and maturities, may bear such date or dates, may be in registered or bearer form either as to principal or interest or both with rights of conversion into another form, may be payable in such installments and at such place or places, may bear interest at such rate or rates payable and evidenced in such manner, and may contain provisions for redemption at the option of Mobile county to be exercised by said board of revenue and road commissioners or other governing body of Mobile county at such date or dates prior to their maturity and upon payment of such redemption price or prices, all as shall be provided by said county governing body in the resolution or resolutions whereunder the bonds are issued. The principal of each series of bonds shall mature in annual installments in such amounts as shall be specified in the resolution or resolutions of the said county governing body under which they were issued, the first of which installments
AMENDMENT 123 RATIFIED Special School District Taxes in Cleburne County. In addition to all other taxes now or hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, the several school districts or Cleburne county shall have the power to levy and collect a special district tax of fifty cents ($.50) on each one hundred dollars ($100) worth of taxable property in such districts for public school purposes; provided, that the time during which such tax is to continue and the purpose thereof shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors in each such district and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election, the election to be held in the same manner as now provided by law for an election on the school district tax authorized in article XIX of the Constitution of Alabama. The funds arising from such special tax levied in any district which votes the same independently of the county shall be expended for the exclusive benefit of the district, as the law may direct.
AMENDMENT 124 RATIFIED Special School Tax in Russell County; Tax Anticipation Bonds. In addition to all taxes now or hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, Russell county shall have the power to levy and collect a special county-wide school tax of eight mills on each dollar's worth of taxable property in Russell county, the proceeds of which shall be used exclusively for public school purposes; provided that such tax and the purpose or purposes thereof, and the time such tax is proposed to be continued, shall have been first submitted to the vote of the qualified electors of the county and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election. The special tax provided for herein may be renewed from time to time, in the manner provided herein, for such periods of time as are necessary. If any proposal to levy the tax is defeated in any election, subsequent elections thereon may be held at any time. The elections provided for herein shall be called, held, conducted, paid for, and governed otherwise in the manner provided for an election on the school district tax authorized in amendment III [3], article XIX of the Constitution of Alabama, by article 7, chapter 10, Title 52, Code of Alabama (1940). The county tax collector shall collect the tax in the same manner and under the same requirements and laws as the taxes of the state are collected, and he shall keep the proceeds of this tax separate and apart from all other funds, and shall keep clear accounts thereof. The tax collector shall distribute the proceeds of this special tax in such manner as to turn over to the custodian of the county school funds of Russell county the revenue derived from the tax levied on all taxable property situated outside the corporate limits of Phenix City, such revenues to be used by the county board of education for educational purposes in connection with schools located or to be located outside the corporate limits of Phenix City, and to turn over to the custodian of school funds of the city school system of Phenix City the revenue derived from the tax levied on all taxable property situated within the corporate limits of Phenix City, such revenues to be used by the city board of education for educational purposes in connection with schools located or to be located within the corporate limits of Phenix City. In the event that any special property tax authorized herein shall be authorized by a majority of the qualified electors voting on the question at the election, the county board of education of Russell county and the city board of education of Phenix City may, at such times as to them seem necessary and proper, sell and issue their tax anticipation bonds for the purposes for which the tax was authorized, which bonds shall be in such amounts as the respective board of education shall designate and, except as otherwise provided herein, shall be subject to the provisions of the general laws now pertaining to the issuance by county and city boards of education of capital outlay warrants, and no further election shall be required for the issuance of such bonds. The revenue derived from the sale of these bonds shall be expended by the county board of education and the Phenix City board of education for public school purposes only. Any bonds issued under the authority of this amendment shall be payable solely out of the proceeds of the special property tax hereby authorized, all or any part of which may be pledged therefor. The bonds issued under the authority of this amendment shall constitute negotiable instruments, although payable from a limited source, and shall be eligible for the investment of trust funds. The bonds shall not constitute general obligations of the county and shall be in addition to all other bonds or warrants which the county or city boards of education have heretofore issued or are authorized to issue under the Constitution and laws of Alabama.
AMENDMENT 125 RATIFIED Use of Certain Special County Taxes for Hospital Care and Treatment of Indigent Residents. The legislature may authorize the use of any portion of the proceeds of any special county tax levied for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, equipping, operating, and maintaining public hospitals, public clinics, public health centers, and related public health facilities of any kind, or for any one or more of the purposes included within the meaning of the term "public hospital purposes," for the purpose of providing hospital care and treatment for indigent residents of the county, or for the purpose of matching any state or federal funds made available for use in providing hospital care and treatment for indigent residents of the county, any provision of the Constitution to the contrary notwithstanding. Provided, however, that if any portion of the proceeds of such tax shall have been pledged to the payment of any bonds, warrants, notes, or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness, such portion of the proceeds of the tax as shall have been so pledged shall not be used for any purpose except in payment of such bonds, warrants, notes, or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness.
AMENDMENT 126 RATIFIED Certain Obligations of Municipality Having Less than 6,000 Inhabitants Not Indebtedness Within Meaning of Section 225. Obligations hereafter incurred and securities hereafter issued for any of the following purposes and under the following circumstances by a municipality having a population of less than six thousand inhabitants shall not be deemed to constitute indebtedness of such municipality within the meaning of section 225 of this Constitution: (a) for the purpose of acquiring, providing or constructing sanitary or storm water sewers, or street or sidewalk improvements, the cost of which, in whole or in part, is to be assessed against the property drained, served or benefited by such sewers or abutting such improvements; or (b) for the purpose of acquiring, providing or constructing school houses, provided that there shall be pledged for payment of the principal of and interest on such obligations or securities a tax which the governing body of such municipality shall have determined, upon the basis of its estimate of the revenues from said tax, will be sufficient to pay said principal and interest at their respective maturities.
AMENDMENT 127 RATIFIED Court Costs and Fees, Allowances, etc., of Officers of Walker County. The legislature may, from time to time, by general or local laws, fix, alter, and regulate the costs and charges of courts in Walker county, and the method of disbursement thereof. Also, the legislature may, from time to time, by general or local laws, fix, alter, and regulate the costs, charges, fees, commissions, percentages, allowances, and compensation to be charged or received by the judge of probate, sheriff, circuit clerk, register of the circuit court, tax assessor, and tax collector of Walker county, or any other county officer on a fee basis, and may place any of such officers on a salary, and provide that the costs, charges, fees, commissions, percentages, and allowances collected by such officers shall be paid into the county treasury from which their salaries and office expenses shall be paid.
AMENDMENT 128 RATIFIED Economic Development of Bullock County. Any provision of the Constitution or laws of the state of Alabama to the contrary notwithstanding, Bullock county shall have full and continuing power and authority to do any one or more of the following, provided that such action is first approved by a majority of the qualified electors of the county who vote at an election held for such purpose. 1. To purchase, construct, lease, or otherwise acquire real property, plants, buildings, factories, works, facilities, machinery and equipment of any kind. 2. To lease, sell for cash or on credit, exchange, or give and convey any such property described in subdivision 1 above, to any person, firm, association or corporation. 3. To promote local industrial, commercial, or agricultural development and the location of new industries or businesses therein. 4. To become a stockholder in any corporation, association, or company. 5. To lend its credit or to grant public moneys and things of value in aid of, or to, any individual, firm, association, or corporation whatsoever. 6. To become indebted and to issue and sell interest-bearing bonds, warrants (which may be payable from funds to be realized in future years), notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness, to a principal amount not exceeding fifty percent of the assessed value of taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in order to secure funds for the purchase, construction, lease or acquisition of any of the property described in subdivision 1 above or to be used in furtherance of any of the other powers or authorities granted in this amendment. Such obligations or evidences of indebtedness may (in addition to any pledge or pledges authorized by subdivision 9 of this amendment) be issued upon the full faith and credit of the county or may be limited as to the source of their payment. 7. To levy and collect, in addition to all other taxes now authorized or permitted, a special county privilege license tax or taxes of not exceeding one percent paralleling the state sales and use taxes imposed by chapter 20 of Title 51, Code of Alabama (1940) as amended. 8. To construct a dam or system of dams, and to acquire a site or sites therefor, on any public stream flowing within the county for the purpose of impounding waters to be used in irrigation projects, or in generating hydroelectric power, or in providing recreational facilities, or for other purposes, and to accept any funds by way of gift, grant, or loan from the federal government, or any agency or instrumentality thereof, for the purpose of constructing such dam or system of dams. 9. To pledge to the payment of any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness the annual proceeds from any such special tax or taxes and to obligate itself irrevocably to continue to levy and collect such taxes annually until such obligations or evidences of indebtedness are paid in full and to pledge thereto any rental or sales proceeds of property leased or sold by it. 10. To create a public authority or corporation having such powers, managed and governed by such board or governing body and subject to such limitations as the governing body of Bullock county may impose, by approving and filing a certificate to that effect in the office of the judge of probate or the secretary of state, or their respective successors in function, and to delegate to such public authority or corporation and its board or governing body all powers and authority conferred in this amendment upon the county. The recital in any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness that they were issued pursuant to this amendment or that they were issued to provide funds to be used in furtherance of any power or authority herein authorized or that any special tax herein authorized has been pledged to the payment thereof shall be conclusive; no purchaser or holder thereof need inquire further; a
AMENDMENT 129 RATIFIED Additional Property Taxes in School Districts of Tallapoosa County. In addition to any taxes now authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, the governing body of Tallapoosa county shall have the power to levy and collect in any school district in the county a special district tax not to exceed three-fourths of one percent (3/4 %) on the value of the taxable property within such district for school purposes; provided that the levying of such tax and the purpose thereof shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors in each such district and approved by a majority of those voting at such election. The election shall be called, held, conducted and canvassed and may be contested as in the case of three-mill school tax elections held pursuant to chapter 10, article 7, Title 52, Code of Alabama of 1940. All funds arising from the special school tax levied in any district of the county shall be expended for the exclusive benefit of that district as the law may direct. Provided, however, that such tax shall not apply to any property which is subject to an additional municipal tax for school purposes, in the same or a greater amount, levied pursuant to the authority of amendment LVI [56] to the Constitution of Alabama, so long as such municipal tax is levied and collected.
AMENDMENT 130 RATIFIED Special Tax by School Districts of Colbert County. In addition to any taxes now authorized or that may be hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, the several school districts of Colbert county, Alabama shall have the power to levy and collect a special district tax of fifty cents on each one hundred dollars worth of taxable property in such districts for school purposes; provided, that the levying of such tax and the time during which it is to continue and the purpose thereof shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors in each such district and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election; and further provided that such election shall be held in the same manner as now provided for an election on the school district tax authorized in article XIX of the Constitution of Alabama; and be it further provided that the funds arising from the special school tax levied in any district which votes the same independently of the county shall be expended for the exclusive benefit of the district as the law may direct.
AMENDMENT 131 RATIFIED Special Property Tax for Educational Purposes in Butler County. The court of county commissioners, board of revenue, or like governing body of Butler county shall levy and collect a special property tax, in addition to all taxes now or hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, of not exceeding one percent on the value of the property in the county as assessed for state taxation during the preceding year, the proceeds of which shall be used exclusively for educational purposes, provided that such tax and the purpose or purposes thereof, and the time such tax is proposed to be continued, shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the county and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election. The special tax provided for herein may be reduced from time to time, in the manner provided herein, for such periods of time as are necessary. If any proposal to levy a tax is defeated in any election, subsequent elections thereon may be held at any time. The election provided for herein shall be called, held, conducted, paid for, and governed otherwise in the manner provided for an election on the school district tax authorized in amendment III [3], article XIX, of the Constitution of Alabama, by article 7, chapter 10, Title 52, Code of Alabama (1940). The tax shall be collected in the same manner and under the same requirements and laws as the taxes of the state are collected.
AMENDMENT 132 RATIFIED Altering Boundaries, Reducing Area or Abolishing Macon County. The legislature may, with or without the notice prescribed by section 106 of this Constitution, by a majority vote of each house, enact general or local laws altering or re-arranging the existing boundaries, or reducing the area of, or abolishing, Macon county, and transferring its territory, or any part thereof, its jurisdiction and functions, to contiguous counties. Toward this end, there shall be a committee composed of the senators and representatives who now represent the counties of Bullock, Elmore, Lee, Macon, Montgomery, and Tallapoosa in the legislature, to study and determine the feasibility of abolishing Macon county or reducing its area, and to formulate the legislation deemed necessary for such purpose. The committee shall select a chairman and a vice-chairman from among their number, shall meet on the call of the chairman, and shall report its findings, conclusions, and recommendations to the legislative council on or before the first Friday in October, 1958; and the legislative council shall submit such report and any legislation proposed by the committee to the legislature at the 1959 regular session thereof. The committee shall be discharged upon the filing of its report with the legislative council. Committee members shall be entitled to receive an amount equal to their regular legislative per diem and allowances for each day they serve, not to exceed fifty days altogether. The committee may employ such engineering, technical, clerical, and Stenographic personnel as may be necessary for the conduct of its work, and may fix their compensation. The compensation and expenses of the committee and its employees, and the other necessary expenses incurred by the committee, shall be paid from any money in the state treasury not otherwise appropriated, on requisitions certified by the committee chairman; provided, that the aggregate amount to be expended by the committee shall not exceed the sum of fifty thousand dollars.
AMENDMENT 133 RATIFIED License, Excise, etc., Taxes on Wages or Salaries by Municipal Corporations in Walker County. No municipal corporation in Walker county, Alabama shall have power or be authorized to levy, impose, assess, or collect any license, excise, tax, or fee on the right to work for wages or on salary in the service of an employer; and any such levy heretofore made shall be null and void.
AMENDMENT 134 RATIFIED Costs and Charges of Courts and Compensation of Officers of DeKalb County. The legislature may from time to time, by general or local laws, fix, alter, and regulate the costs and charges of courts in DeKalb county and the fees, commissions, percentages, allowances, and salary, including the method or basis of their compensation, to be charged or received by the judge of probate, sheriff, tax assessor, tax collector, register, and circuit clerk of DeKalb county, including the right to place any of such officers on a salary and provide for the fees charged or collected by them to be paid into the treasury from which their salaries are paid.
AMENDMENT 135 RATIFIED Fees, Allowances, etc., of Judge of Probate and Other Officers of Madison County. The legislature may from time to time, by general or local laws, fix, alter, and regulate the fees, commissions, percentages, costs, allowances, and compensation to be charged or received by the judge of probate or any other officer of Madison county, and may place such officer on a salary, and provide that the fees, commissions, percentages, costs, and allowances collected by such officer shall be paid into the county treasury from which his salary shall be paid.
AMENDMENT 136 RATIFIED Compensation, Allowances, etc., of Officers of Colbert County. The legislature may hereafter, from time to time, by general or local laws, fix, regulate, and alter the costs and charges of courts, and the fees, commissions, percentages, allowances, or salaries to be charged or received by any officer of Colbert county, including the method and basis of fixing and paying their compensation; provided, that no county officer's compensation shall be increased or diminished during the term for which he shall have been elected or appointed.
AMENDMENT 137 RATIFIED Costs and Charges of Courts and Fees, Allowances, etc., of Officers of Cullman County. The legislature may from time to time, by general or local laws, fix, alter, and regulate the costs and charges of courts in Cullman county, and the fees, commissions, percentages, allowances, and compensation of any officer of Cullman county, and may change the method or basis of compensating any officer of Cullman county, including the power to place any such officer on a salary and to provide for the fees, commissions, percentages, or allowances collectible by such officer to be paid into the treasury from which his salary is paid.
AMENDMENT 138 RATIFIED Fees, Allowances, etc., of Officers of Dallas County. The legislature may hereafter from time to time, by general or local laws, fix, alter and regulate the fees, commissions, percentages, allowances, and compensation to be charged or received by the judge of probate, tax assessor, tax collector, sheriff, coroner, register in chancery, circuit clerk, clerk-register, and members of the court of county commissioners, board of revenue, or like governing body of Dallas county. The legislature shall also have the power and authority to place any of such officers on a salary and to provide that the fees, commissions, percentages, and allowances collected by such officers shall be paid into the county treasury from which their salaries shall be paid. The compensation of any such officer may be increased but not diminished, during the term for which he was elected or appointed, the provisions of any article or amendment of this Constitution to the contrary notwithstanding. Amendment XLVI [46] is hereby expressly repealed. The basis of compensation of all employees of Dallas county and of the above named officers heretofore fixed pursuant to authority of amendment XLVI [46] and in effect August 1, 1957, shall continue in force until otherwise fixed, altered or regulated by the legislature of Alabama by general or local laws.
AMENDMENT 139 RATIFIED Costs and Charges of Courts in Montgomery County. The legislature may from time to time, by general or local laws, fix, alter and regulate the costs and charges of courts in Montgomery county, and the method of disbursement thereof.
AMENDMENT 140 RATIFIED Special, Private or Local Laws Relating to Lauderdale County and Municipalities Therein. The legislature shall not pass a special, private, or local law changing the form of government of Lauderdale county or of any city, town, village, district, or other such political subdivision of the county, or abridge the term of any elected officer thereof, by the abolition of his office or otherwise, unless the operation of such law shall be approved by a vote of the duly qualified electors of such county, city, town, village, district, or other political subdivision of the county, at an election held for such purpose, in the manner prescribed by such law.
AMENDMENT 141 RATIFIED Bond Issue for Mental Hospital at University of Alabama Medical Center. The state is authorized to become indebted and to issue interest bearing bonds, in addition to those heretofore authorized and sold, in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $3,000,000. The proceeds derived from the sale of said bonds shall be used solely for the purpose of paying the expenses incurred in the sale and issuance thereof and for the construction and equipment of a hospital building to constitute a part of the University of Alabama Medical Center, and to be used for the care and treatment of mental patients and for training of medical students in the field of mental illness. Said bonds shall be sold only at a duly advertised public sale or sales, upon sealed bids or at auction, to the bidder whose bid reflects the lowest net interest cost to the state for the bonds offered for sale, and shall be sold at not less than their face value plus accrued interest thereon. Said bonds shall be direct general obligations of the state and for the prompt and faithful payment of the principal thereof and interest thereon the full faith and credit of the state are hereby irrevocably pledged. In addition thereto, there is hereby specifically and irrevocably pledged for payment of the principal of and interest on said bonds, pro rata and without priority of one bond over another by reason of prior issuance or otherwise, so much as may be necessary for said purpose of those portions of the state taxes on the sale of spirituous or vinous liquors and of the state license taxes on those selling, storing or receiving for distribution malt or brewed beverages that are required by law on the date of the adoption of this amendment to be paid into the Alabama special mental health fund. The said special pledge shall create a charge on the tax proceeds herein specially pledged prior to all other charges or expenses for mental health purposes or any other purposes whatsoever. The bonds issued under this amendment and the income therefrom shall be exempt from all taxation in the state of Alabama. The legislature shall adopt appropriate enabling legislation to carry out the intent and purpose of this amendment.
AMENDMENT 142 RATIFIED Laws Placing Responsibility for County Roads in State Highway Department. The legislature shall not hereafter by general, special or local law authorize the state highway department or any other agency of the state of Alabama, other than a court of county commissioners, board of revenue or like county governing body, to assume responsibility for the construction, repair or maintenance of all county roads or bridges within a county unless the assumption of such responsibility by the state highway department or other agency shall be approved by a vote of the duly qualified electors of the county in which such roads lie at an election held for such purpose, in the manner that may be prescribed by law. Provided, the state highway department, or other state agency may engage in the construction, repair or maintenance of a county road or bridge upon written agreement signed by the director and a majority of the members of the county governing body; and provided further that the legislature is not prohibited from authorizing the highway director or other state agency to designate certain routes or roads within a county as a part of the state highway system.
AMENDMENT 143 RATIFIED Special Property Tax in Barbour County. The court of county commissioners, board of revenue, or like governing body of Barbour county may levy each year hereafter, in lieu of the tax levy authorized by the first proviso of section 215, article XI of the Constitution, a special county tax on the taxable property within the county at a rate not to exceed twenty-five cents on each one hundred dollars worth of taxable property in such county, to pay any debt or liability incurred for the erection of a new county courthouse, for the construction, repair, and maintenance of other necessary public buildings, and for general county purposes; provided, that the rate of such tax, the time it is to continue, and the purpose thereof shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the county and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election. The election shall be held and conducted in the same manner as county school tax elections, except that no petition of electors shall be necessary to initiate the same.
AMENDMENT 144 RATIFIED Laws Changing Form of Government of Colbert County or Municipalities Therein or Changing Term of Office, Compensation, Allowances, etc., of Officers Thereof. The legislature shall not pass a special, private, or local law changing the form of government of Colbert county or of any city, town, village, district, or other such political subdivision of the county, or abridging the term of any officer thereof, by the abolition of his office or otherwise, or increasing or decreasing or altering the salary or other compensation, fees, commissions, percentages, or allowances of any officer thereof, by the imposition of new, different, and additional duties, or by expense allowances, during the term for which he was elected or appointed, or at any time, unless the operation of such law shall be approved by a vote of the duly qualified electors of such county, city, town, village, district, or other political subdivision of the county, at an election held for such purpose, in the manner prescribed by such law. Nor shall the legislature authorize the governing body of Colbert county or of any political subdivision thereof to increase or decrease or alter the salary or other compensation, fees, commissions, percentages, or allowances of any officer thereof, by the imposition of new, different, and additional duties, or by expense allowances, during his term, or at any time, unless the operation of the law providing therefor shall be approved by a vote of the duly qualified electors of the county or city, town, village, district, or other political subdivision of the county affected thereby, at an election held for such purpose, in the manner prescribed by such law.
AMENDMENT 145 RATIFIED Special Tax in School Districts of Coosa County. The several school districts of Coosa county shall have power to levy and collect a special district school tax not exceeding fifty cents on each one hundred dollars worth of taxable property in such district, provided the rate of such tax, the time it is to continue and the purpose thereof shall have been first submitted to the vote of the qualified electors of the district and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election. The special district tax authorized by this amendment shall be in addition to all other school district taxes authorized by law. The election provided for herein shall be called, held, conducted, paid for, and governed otherwise in the manner provided by law for elections on the special county school tax authorized in amendment III [3] to the Constitution. The revenue derived from the tax shall be used exclusively for the support and furtherance of education and for constructing and equipping school buildings and acquiring sites therefor.
AMENDMENT 146 RATIFIED Special Property Tax for Educational Purposes in DeKalb County. The court of county commissioners, board of revenue, or like governing body of DeKalb county shall have the power to levy and collect a special property tax, in addition to all other taxes now or hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, of seven and one-half mills on each dollar's worth of taxable property in the county as assessed for state taxation during the preceding year, provided that the question of levying the tax, the purpose thereof, and the time such tax is proposed to be continued, shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the county and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election; and, provided further, that the total of all taxes levied for educational or school purposes in any school district of the county shall not exceed a total of fourteen and one-half mills on each dollar's worth of taxable property located in the district. If any proposal to levy the tax is defeated in any election, subsequent elections thereon may be held at any time. The election provided for herein shall be called, held, conducted, paid for, and governed otherwise in the manner provided for an election on the school district tax authorized in amendment III [3], article XIX, of the Constitution of Alabama, by article 7, chapter 10, Title 52, Code of Alabama (1940). The tax shall be collected in the same manner and under the same requirements and laws as the taxes of the state are collected. The proceeds of the tax authorized by this amendment shall be used exclusively for educational purposes, provided that the revenue derived from four and one-half mills of the total rate of taxation authorized herein shall be devoted only to purposes of capital outlay, and the revenue derived from the remaining three mills shall be devoted to current operating expenses.
AMENDMENT 147 RATIFIED Special Property Tax for Educational Purposes in Lee County and City of Opelika. The court of county commissioners, board of revenue or like governing body of Lee county shall have the power to levy and collect a special property tax, in addition to all other taxes, now or hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, of not exceeding one-half of one per cent on the value of the taxable property in the county situated outside the corporate limits of Auburn and Opelika, as such property was assessed for state taxation during the preceding year, the proceeds of which shall be used exclusively for educational purposes, but may be pledged to the payment of the principal of and interest on bonds, warrants, or other evidences of indebtedness issued for public school purposes, which pledges shall take priority as provided in such bonds, warrants, or other evidences of indebtedness; provided that such tax and the purpose or purposes thereof and the time such tax is proposed to be continued, shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the county residing outside the corporate limits of Auburn and Opelika, and voted for by a majority of those voting at the election. Elections on proposals to levy this tax on the property in the county situated outside the corporate limits of Auburn and Opelika shall be called and held in the same manner as now provided by law for an election on the school district tax authorized in amendment III [3], article XIX, of the Constitution of Alabama. The tax on property situated outside the corporate limits of Auburn and Opelika shall be collected in the same manner and under the same requirements and laws as the taxes of the state are collected, and the revenues derived from such tax shall be used solely for school construction and other educational purposes in the territory of the county outside the corporate limits of Auburn and Opelika. The city of Opelika shall likewise have the power to levy and collect a special property tax, in addition to all other taxes now or hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, of not exceeding one-half of one per cent on the value of the taxable property situated within the corporate limits of the city, as assessed for state taxation during the preceding year, the proceeds of which shall be used exclusively for educational purposes, but may be pledged to the payment of the principal of and interest on bonds, warrants, or other evidences of indebtedness issued for public school purposes, which pledges shall take priority as provided in such bonds, warrants, or other evidences of indebtedness; provided that such tax and the purpose or purposes thereof and the time such tax is proposed to be continued, shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the city and voted for by a majority of those voting at the election. Elections on proposals to levy this tax on property situated within the corporate limits of Opelika shall be ordered and held in the same manner as provided by the law applicable to municipal corporations for elections to authorize the issuance of municipal bonds. The additional tax, authorized by this amendment to be levied on property situated within the corporate limits of Opelika, shall be collected in the same manner and under the same requirements and laws as other taxes levied on property by the city of Opelika are collected, and the revenues derived from this tax shall be used solely for school construction and other educational purposes within the limits of the city of Opelika. If any proposal to levy a tax hereunder is defeated in any election, subsequent elections thereon may be held at any time. Nothing contained in this amendment shall be construed to authorize the levy and collection of an additional tax on property situated within the corporate limits of the city of Auburn. This amendment shall be self-executing.
AMENDMENT 148 RATIFIED Special Property Tax for Educational Purposes in City of Auburn. In addition to all taxes now or hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, the city of Auburn shall have the power to levy and collect a special property tax, at a rate of not exceeding one-half of one per cent in any one year, on the value of the property in the city, as assessed for state taxation during the preceding year, the proceeds of which tax shall be used exclusively for the support and furtherance of education but may be pledged to the payment of the principal of and interest on bonds, warrants, or other evidences of indebtedness issued for educational purposes. Any such pledges shall take priority as provided in such bonds, warrants, or other evidences of indebtedness. Before any such tax may be levied, the maximum rate of such tax, the purpose or purposes thereof and the time such tax is proposed to be continued, shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the city of Auburn and voted for by a majority of such electors voting at such election. The maximum rate, the purpose or purposes and the duration of such special tax provided for herein may be renewed, extended, revoked, or amended from time to time by like vote of the qualified electors of the city of Auburn; provided, however, that no revocation or amendment shall be effective as to any tax pledged to the payment of any bonds, warrants, or other evidences of indebtedness. If any proposal to levy a tax is defeated in any election, subsequent elections thereon may be held at any time. Each election held under the provisions hereof shall be ordered, held, paid for, canvassed and may be contested in the same manner as is or may be provided by the law applicable to municipal corporations for elections to authorize the issuance of municipal bonds.
AMENDMENT 149 RATIFIED Special Tax in School District No. 1 of Madison County. In addition to all taxes now or hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, a special tax of five mills on each dollar's worth of taxable property situated in school district no. 1, of Madison county, is hereby authorized, the proceeds of which shall be used exclusively for public school purposes within the said district. If in the election on this amendment the amendment receives the favorable vote of a majority of the qualified electors of the district who vote hereon, a special tax of five mills shall be collected in the district, as other special school district taxes are collected, for the tax year ending September 30, 1959, and for each succeeding tax year thereafter until the tax is repealed as herein provided. If in the election on this amendment a majority of the qualified electors of the district who vote hereon vote against the amendment, the special tax hereby authorized may be levied only if the question of levying the tax, and the purpose thereof, shall have been first submitted to the vote of the qualified electors of the district and voted for by a majority of the electors participating in the election. The election shall be called, held, conducted, and governed by the applicable provisions of article 7, chapter 10, Title 52, Code of Alabama (1940), which governs elections on special school district taxes; and the tax hereby authorized shall be levied and collected in the district as other special school district taxes are levied and collected. If the proposal to levy the tax is defeated in any such election, it may not again be submitted to a vote for one year, but after the expiration of one year, and at intervals of at least one year thereafter, such proposal may be resubmitted to the qualified electors of the district. After the special tax authorized hereby has been levied, the court of county commissioners, board of revenue or like governing body of Madison county, upon receipt of a petition signed by not less than twenty per cent of the qualified electors who reside in the district, must call an election at which the question of the repeal of the tax, upon payment of all obligations then outstanding, if any, shall be submitted to the qualified electors of the district. Should a majority of the qualified electors participating in this election vote for the repeal of the tax, it shall cease immediately upon the payment in full of all outstanding pledges, if any, against it. Should a majority of the electors participating in the election vote against repeal, the question of repeal may not again be submitted to a vote for one year; but after the expiration of one year, and at intervals of at least one year thereafter, upon receipt of a petition signed by not less than twenty per cent of the qualified electors residing within the district, the county governing body may order the question of repeal of the tax resubmitted to the qualified electors of the district. The elections provided for herein shall be called, held, conducted, paid for, and governed otherwise in the manner provided by article 7, chapter 10, Title 52, Code of Alabama (1940), for an election on the special district school taxes authorized by amendment III [3] to the Constitution of Alabama. The collection of the tax shall also be governed by the applicable provisions of article 7, chapter 10, Title 52, Code of Alabama (1940), and the proceeds shall be used exclusively for public school purposes within the district. This amendment shall be self-executing.
AMENDMENT 150 RATIFIED Pension or Retirement System in Mobile County and Municipalities Therein. The legislature may hereafter, by general, local, or special laws, provide for the establishment of a pension or retirement system or systems for the benefit of public officers of Mobile county and the officers of incorporated municipalities within the county, any provision of the Constitution to the contrary notwithstanding, and may provide for the retirement of such officers on pay or part pay. But any such law shall not become operative until it is first approved by a majority of the qualified electors of the county, or of the municipality affected thereby, voting in a referendum election held for that purpose.
AMENDMENT 151 RATIFIED Bonds of Mobile County for Schoolhouses and Hospitals. Mobile county is hereby authorized to issue its bonds not exceeding $3,000,000 in principal amount for the purpose of acquiring, providing, and constructing capital improvements in the county of which not exceeding $1,000,000 aggregate principal amount shall be issued to pay the costs of acquiring, providing, and constructing public schoolhouses in the county and of which not exceeding $2,000,000 aggregate principal amount shall be issued to pay the costs of acquiring, providing, and constructing public hospital buildings in the county, provided, that the aggregate principal amount of any series of bonds at any time issued hereunder, when added to the aggregate principal amount of all bonds then outstanding that are payable from or secured by the special annual ad valorem tax authorized in amendment XVIII [18] of the Constitution of Alabama, shall not exceed six and one-half percentum (6 1/2 %) of the assessed valuation of the taxable property situated in said county, as assessed for state taxation for the state tax year next preceding the issuance of such bonds hereunder; provided, further, that any bonds may be issued hereunder only after the question of the issuance of such bonds shall have been submitted to the qualified electors of Mobile county at an election called for that purpose by the governing body of said county, at which a majority of said qualified electors voting at said election shall have voted in favor of the issuance of such bonds, any such election to be called, held, conducted, and canvassed, and notice thereof to be given, in the manner provided by the then existing general laws of Alabama with respect to elections on the issuance of bonds by counties; provided, however, that if a majority of the qualified electors of Mobile county participating in the election on the adoption of this constitutional amendment shall vote for adoption of this amendment, then the approval of this constitutional amendment expressed by the said vote in favor of its adoption shall of itself authorize the issuance of the bonds provided for herein and in that event no additional election by the voters of Mobile county shall be required to authorize the issuance of said bonds. In the event that the majority vote at any election held hereunder is not in favor of the issuance of the bonds proposed at such election, the governing body of Mobile county may from time to time call other elections hereunder on the issuance of such bonds but not more than one such election shall be held during any period of twelve months. The bonds issued hereunder shall be general obligations of Mobile county secured by a pledge of its full faith and credit, and in addition thereto, the governing body of said county shall in the proceedings providing for the issuance of such bonds specially pledge for payment of the principal thereof and the interest thereon, at the respective maturities of such principal and interest, so much as may be necessary for said purpose of the said special tax, each such pledge to be on a parity with all valid pledges of said special tax at any time made, to such extent as shall not impair the obligation of then existing valid pledges. The principal of each series of said bonds shall mature in annual installments, the first of which installments shall mature not later than three (3) years after the date of the bonds of said series and the last of which shall mature not later than thirty (30) years after the date of the bonds of said series; provided, that the maturities of each series of bonds issued hereunder shall be so arranged at the time of the issuance of such series of bonds that (a) no annual installment of principal of the bonds of such series maturing during any fiscal year of said county shall be more than four times as great as the smallest installment of principal of any series of bonds maturing during any prior fiscal year, and (b) the
AMENDMENT 152 RATIFIED Amendment of Amendment No. 18. Amendment XVIII [18]. Mobile county may at any time and from time to time issue its bonds for construction and improvement, or either, of hard surfaced roads, hard surfaced bridges, and surface water drainage facilities, or any thereof, in said county and, to provide for payment of the principal of and interest on such bonds, may levy and collect a special annual ad valorem tax on the taxable property in said county at a rate not exceeding one-half of one per centum (1/2 of 1%) of the assessed valuation of the taxable property in said county; provided, that the total principal amount of each series of bonds at any time issued hereunder, when added to the principal amount of all then outstanding bonds theretofore issued hereunder and of all then outstanding bonds theretofore issued under any other constitutional amendment that are payable from or secured by the said special tax, shall not exceed six and one-half per centum (6 1/2 %) of the assessed valuation of the taxable property situated in said county, as assessed for state taxation for the then preceding state tax year; provided, further, that the rate of the said special tax levied for payment of the bonds at any time issued hereunder and all other bonds at any time issued pursuant to any other constitutional amendment and payable out of or secured by said special tax shall not exceed said rate of one-half of one per centum (1/2 of 1%) hereinabove specified; and provided, further, that any bonds may be issued hereunder and said special tax for payment thereof may be levied and collected only after a majority of the qualified electors of said county voting at an election called for that purpose by the governing body of said county shall have voted in favor of the issuance of such bonds and the levy of such tax therefor. Each such election shall be called, held, conducted, and canvassed, and notice thereof shall be given, in the manner provided by the general laws of Alabama respecting elections on the issuance of bonds by counties, as such laws may exist at the time such election is called; provided, that prior to the holding of any election hereunder, the governing body of Mobile county shall cause to be prepared engineering maps and reports respecting the proposed work on roads, bridges and drainage facilities, or any thereof, shall adopt a resolution containing a brief description, including the name if any, of each proposed item of construction or improvement, a statement of the length or location of each such item and of the estimated cost thereof, and a statement of the total amount of the bonds proposed to be issued for all work of construction or improvement described in said resolution, and shall cause said resolution to be published in a newspaper published in the county one time not less than thirty days before such election. Any number of items of construction or improvement may be described in one resolution; and the question of the issuance of bonds and the levy and collection of said tax with respect to all of the work described in each resolution shall be submitted to the voters in one single proposition at any election held hereunder. Any number of such resolutions may be adopted on the same day, and any number of propositions may be submitted to the voters on the same day. Each engineering report prepared in accordance with the provisions hereof shall be accompanied by a certificate of the engineer preparing such report that the material proposed to be used for any road or bridge work described in such report meets the then existing specifications of the Alabama highway department applicable to the same type of construction or improvement. The limitation of six and one-half per centum (6 1/2 %) of the assessed value of taxable property in the county, hereinabove provided for, is applicable only to the amount of bonds that may be outstanding immediately following the delivery of each series of bonds iss
AMENDMENT 153 RATIFIED Special Tax for School Purposes in Winston County. The court of county commissioners, board of revenue, or other like governing body of Winston county shall have power to levy and collect a special county tax not exceeding fifty cents on each one hundred dollars worth of taxable property in such county in addition to taxes now authorized or that may hereafter be authorized for public school purposes, and in addition to that now authorized under section 260 of article XIV and amendment III [3] of the Constitution; provided, that the rate of such tax, the time it is to continue and the purpose thereof shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the county, and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election. The election provided for herein shall be called, held, conducted, paid for, and governed otherwise in the manner provided for an election on the special county school tax authorized in amendment III [3] to the Constitution of Alabama.
AMENDMENT 154 RATIFIED Nonresidents Making Mortgage Loans Through Licensed Mortgage Loan Brokers. Section 1. Any corporation which is not organized under the laws of this state and has no place of business in this state may take and hold mortgages on real property located within this state, deposit the proceeds thereof in a bank account, or bank accounts, in this state, collect the debts secured thereby and may appoint a custodian or collection agent, who must be duly licensed under the laws of this state, to engage in the business of mortgage loan broker, to hold for such non-resident such securities, collect such debts, manage any property acquired by foreclosure thereof, sell and dispose of any property acquired by foreclosure thereof and enforce the provisions of such mortgages and no such foreign corporation shall be deemed to be doing business in this state solely by reason of doing any or all of the acts designated herein; provided, however, that any custodian or agent appointed under the provisions of this amendment by any such foreign corporation shall pay all applicable municipal license taxes and shall pay an occupational license tax as mortgage loan broker to the state of Alabama of one hundred dollars ($100.00) for the first year that such broker represents each such foreign corporation and five dollars ($5.00) annually for representing each such foreign corporation thereafter. Any foreign corporation which engages in any of the acts prescribed in this section may sue or be sued in this state in relation to any such mortgages held by it, or real property, securities or debts acquired by it and service of process may be perfected upon such foreign corporation by service upon any resident licensed mortgage loan broker appointed as custodian or agent by such corporation in this state. Section 2. No foreign corporation, which does no other acts in this state than those provided in section 1 hereof, shall be required to pay any franchise tax, qualification fee, permit fee, nor shall it be required in any other way to qualify to do business in this state. Section 3. This amendment shall be self-executing, but the legislature may, by general act, make provision for enforcement thereof and provide penalties for the violation thereof.
AMENDMENT 155 RATIFIED Economic Development of Municipality of Uniontown. Any provision of the Constitution or laws of the state of Alabama to the contrary notwithstanding, the municipality of Uniontown in Perry county shall have full and continuing power and authority, after an election held in accordance herewith, to do any one or more of the following: 1. To purchase, construct, lease, or otherwise acquire real property, plants, buildings, factories, works, facilities, machinery and equipment of any kind. 2. To lease, sell for cash or on credit, exchange, give and convey any such property described in subdivision 1 above, to any person, firm, association or corporation. 3. To promote local industrial, commercial or agricultural development and the location of new industries or businesses therein. 4. To become a stockholder in any corporation, association or company. 5. To lend this credit or to grant public moneys and things of value in aid of, or to, any individual, firm, association, or corporation whatsoever. 6. To become indebted and to issue and sell interest bearing bond, warrants (which may be payable from funds to be realized in future years), notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness, to a principal amount not exceeding fifty percent of the assessed value of taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in order to secure funds for the purchase, construction, lease or acquisition of any of the property described in subdivision 1 above or to be used in furtherance of any of the other powers or authorities granted in this amendment. Such obligations or evidences of indebtedness may (in addition to any pledge or pledges authorized by subdivision 8 of this amendment) be issued upon the full faith and credit of the municipality of Uniontown, or may be limited as to the source of their payment. 7. To levy and collect annually, in addition to all other taxes now authorized or permitted, a special tax or taxes of not exceeding two percent on the value of all taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in the same manner as other county or municipal taxes are levied and collected. Such tax may be upon all property in the municipality of Uniontown in Perry county, or upon all property in any district the boundaries of which the governing body of such municipality shall describe and which it shall determine to be specially improved and benefited by any proposed use or expenditure of the proceeds of such tax. 8. To pledge to the payment of any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness the annual proceeds from any such special tax or taxes and to obligate itself irrevocably to continue to levy and collect such taxes annually until such obligations or evidences of indebtedness are paid in full and to pledge thereto any rental or sales proceeds of property leased or sold by it. 9. To create a public authority or corporation having such powers, managed and governed by such board or governing body, and subject to such limitations as the governing body of the municipality of Uniontown in Perry county may impose, by approving and filing a certificate to that effect in the office of the judge of probate or the secretary of state, or their respective successors in function, and to delegate to such public authority or corporation and its board or governing body all powers and authority conferred in this amendment upon the municipality. The recital in any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness that they were issued pursuant to this amendment or that they were issued to provide funds to be used in furtherance of any power or authority herein authorized or that any special tax herein authorized has been pledged to the payment thereof shall be conclusive; no purchaser or holder thereof need inquire further; and the levy and collection of such tax shall continue until the principal of and interest on such obligations or evidences of ind
AMENDMENT 156 RATIFIED Special Property Tax for Educational Purposes in School District No. 2 of Randolph County. The city of Roanoke shall have the power to levy and collect in school district no. 2 of Randolph county a special property tax, in addition to all other taxes now or hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, of not more than one-half of one percent on the value of the property situated in the district as assessed for state taxation during the preceding year; provided that all such additional property taxes shall be levied and collected solely for educational purposes and may be pledged to the payment of the principal and interest on bonds, warrants, or other evidences of indebtedness issued for educational purposes, and provided, further, that the rate of such tax and the purpose or purposes thereof and the time such tax is proposed to be continued shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of such district and voted for by a majority of those voting at the election. Each election held under the provisions of this amendment shall be ordered, held, conducted, paid for, and governed otherwise in the same manner as provided by the law applicable to municipal corporations for elections to authorize the issuance of municipal bonds. Elections to authorize the levy of such additional tax or taxes may be held as often as ordered by the governing body of the city of Roanoke, but when a proposition is submitted to the electors to levy such additional tax, and such proposition is defeated, then no subsequent election shall be held hereunder in the district for a period of one year thereafter. The revenue derived from the additional tax authorized by this amendment shall be used solely for the construction of schools and other educational purposes in school district no. 2 of Randolph county. This amendment shall be self-executing.
AMENDMENT 157 RATIFIED Bonds for Construction and Improvement Purposes at University of Alabama Research Institute. The state of Alabama is authorized to become indebted for building, construction and improvement purposes at the University of Alabama Research Institute at Huntsville, and in evidence of the indebtedness so incurred to sell and issue, in addition to all other bonds of the state, interest-bearing general obligation bonds of the state not exceeding three million dollars in principal amount. The bonds shall be general obligations of the state of Alabama and the full faith and credit and taxing power of the state are hereby pledged to the prompt and faithful payment of the principal of the bonds and the interest thereon. The proceeds from the sale of such bonds are hereby appropriated and shall be used exclusively for the acquisition of lands, and to provide funds to be used for construction and equipment of a research institute; provided that the expenses incurred in connection with the sale and issuance of the bonds may also be paid from such proceeds. The board of trustees of the University of Alabama is hereby vested with full authority, except as limited herein, to provide the terms of the bonds and to provide for the sale and issuance thereof. The bonds may be sold, executed and delivered at any time and from time to time, may be in such forms, denominations, series and numbers, may be of such tenor and maturities, may bear such date or dates, may be in registered or bearer form either as principal or interest or both with rights of conversion into another form, may be payable in such installments and at such place or places, may bear interest at such rate or rates payable and evidenced in such manner, and may contain provisions for redemption at the option of the state to be exercised by said board at such date or dates prior to their maturity and upon payment of such redemption price or prices, all as shall be provided by the said board in the resolution or resolutions whereunder the bonds are issued. The principal of each series of bonds shall mature in annual installments in such amounts as shall be specified in the resolution or resolutions of the said board under which they are issued, the first of which installments shall mature not later than one year after the date of the bonds of such series and the last of which installments shall mature not later than twenty years after the date of the bonds of the same series. When each series of bonds is issued, the maturities of the bonds of that series shall, to such extent as may be practicable, be so arranged that during each then succeeding fiscal year of the state the aggregate installments of principal and interest that will mature on all bonds that will be outstanding hereunder, immediately following the issuance of the bonds of that series, will be substantially equal; provided that the determination by the said board that the requirements of this sentence have been complied with shall be conclusive of such compliance and the purchasers of the bonds with respect to which such determination is made and all subsequent holders thereof shall be fully protected thereby. None of the bonds shall be sold for less than face value plus accrued interest thereon to the date of delivery, and all of the bonds shall be sold only at public sale or sales, either on sealed bids or at public auction, after such advertisement as may be prescribed by the said board, to the bidder whose bid reflects the lowest net interest cost to the state computed to the respective maturities of the bonds sold; provided, that if no bid deemed acceptable by the said board is received all bids may be rejected. The bonds shall be signed in the name of the state by the governor and countersigned by the president pro tempore of the board of trustees of the University of Alabama and the great seal of the state of Alabama or a facsimile thereof shall be impressed, printed or otherwise reproduced t
AMENDMENT 158 RATIFIED Bond Issue to Assist in Construction and Equipment of Hospitals, etc. (a) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Constitution of the state of Alabama, or any amendment thereto heretofore adopted, the governor shall from time to time issue negotiable interest bearing bonds for the purposes and in the manner and subject to the limitation stated in this amendment. The bonds shall be general obligations of the state of Alabama and the full faith and credit and taxing power of the state are hereby pledged to the punctual payment of the bonds and the interest thereon. The aggregate principal amount of all bonds issued hereunder shall not exceed two million ($2,000,000) and they shall mature within ten years from the date of issuance. It is further provided that not more than one million dollars ($1,000,000) shall be issued during the biennium ending September 30, 1963, and that the additional one million dollars ($1,000,000) shall be issued in the ensuing biennium. The proceeds from the sale of such bonds are hereby appropriated and shall be used solely for the construction and equipping of hospitals, health centers, and related facilities pursuant to Act No. 211, General Acts of Alabama 1945, page 330, and approved July 7, 1945; and Act 287, General Acts of Alabama 1945, page 474, approved July 7, 1945; and Act No. 46, General and Local Acts 1949, page 68, approved June 2, 1949; as said acts are now or may hereafter be amended; and such facilities established and operated by the corporate authorities of a city or town, or a county governing body under the provision of Code of Alabama, Title 22, section 189, as same is now or may hereafter be amended; or any act supplemental thereto or amendatory thereof. The funds provided hereby shall be used for construction and equipping facilities under contracts which have been or are let on or after July 1, 1961; shall be used to match federal funds available for hospital, health center, and related medical facilities provided under Public Law 725, 79th Congress and Public Law 482, 83rd Congress, as said public laws are now or may hereafter be amended; and that the local governments in the area where each hospital, health center, or related medical facility is to be constructed or equipped shall contribute at least as much money for the construction and equipping as does the state; and provided further that the state shall not contribute more than one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) for any facility included within the scope of this amendment. In determining where a hospital, health center, or related medical facility to be constructed with funds appropriated herein shall be located, consideration shall be given to the communities on the basis of relative need. Counties receiving prior allotments hereunder shall not be precluded from receiving an additional allotment for other facilities at the discretion of the state board of health. A sum not to exceed sixty thousand dollars ($60,000) may be used by the state board of health from the proceeds of the sale of said bonds for administering the provision of this amendment. (b) All bonds hereunder and the interest thereon shall be payable from any funds in the state treasury not otherwise appropriated. The bonds may be executed and delivered from time to time in such forms, denominations, series and numbers, may be of such tenor and maturities, may bear such date or dates, may be in registered or bearer form either as to principal and interest or both with rights of conversion into another form, may contain provisions for redemption at the option of the state at such date or dates prior to their maturity and upon payment of such redemption price or prices, and may contain such other terms and conditions not inconsistent with the provisions hereof, all as may be provided in the order of the governor providing for the issuance thereof which shall be made at the time of each sale of any of said bonds. The principal of e
AMENDMENT 159 RATIFIED Continuity of Legislature in Event of Enemy Attack. The legislature may provide for the continuity of the legislature of the state of Alabama and the representation therein of each of the political subdivisions of the state in the event of an attack by an enemy of the United States, by providing for the selection of emergency interim legislators who shall be designated for temporary succession to the powers and duties but not the office of a legislator in case of such emergency. Such emergency interim legislator may serve only when the legislator in whose stead he is authorized to serve has died or is unable temporarily for physical, mental or legal reasons to exercise the powers and discharge the duties of his office, and until such time as the elected legislator is able to resume the duties of his office, or in case of a vacancy in such office a successor has been elected in accordance with section 46 of this Constitution.
AMENDMENT 160 RATIFIED Issuance of Revenue Securities by Institutions of Learning. Revenue bonds and other securities at any time issued by or on behalf of any state university, college or institution of learning for the purpose of acquiring, constructing and equipping any new building or facility or for the purpose of enlarging, extending or improving any existing building or facility shall not be deemed to constitute debt of the state within the meaning of section 213, as amended, of the Constitution, if by their terms such bonds or other securities are not made a charge on the general credit or tax revenues of the state but are made payable solely out of revenues derived from the operation of any existing building or buildings or facility or facilities as well as from the new building or facility to be acquired or constructed with the proceeds thereof or from the enlargements, extensions or improvements to any existing building or facility to be acquired or constructed with the proceeds thereof.
AMENDMENT 161 RATIFIED Board of Trustees of Auburn University. Section 1. Auburn University, formerly called the Alabama Polytechnic Institute, shall be under the management and control of a board of trustees. The board of trustees shall consist of two members from the congressional district in which the institution is located, one from each of the other congressional districts in the state as the same were constituted on the first day of January, 1961, the state superintendent of education, and the governor, who shall be ex officio president of the board. The trustees shall be appointed by the governor, by and with the advice and consent of the senate, and shall hold office for a term of twelve years, and until their successors shall be appointed and qualified. The board shall be divided into three classes, as nearly equal as may be, so that one-third may be chosen quadrennially. Vacancies occurring in the office of trustees from death or resignation shall be filled by the governor, and such appointee shall hold office until the next meeting of the legislature. The members of the board of trustees as now constituted shall hold office until their respective terms expire under existing law, and until their successors shall be appointed as herein required. No trustee shall receive any pay or emolument other than his actual expenses incurred in the discharge of his duties as such. No employee of Auburn University shall be eligible to serve on its board of trustees. Section 2. Section 266 of article 14 of the Constitution of Alabama 1901 is hereby repealed.
AMENDMENT 162 RATIFIED Additional Tax for School Purposes in Baldwin County Section 1. The court of county commissioners, board of revenue, or other like governing body of Baldwin county shall have power to levy and provide for collection of an additional county tax of fifty cents on each one hundred dollars worth of taxable property in the county, for public school purposes, in the same manner and subject to the same election requirements as provided in the third amendment to this Constitution with respect to other county school taxes. The tax herein authorized shall be in addition to all other county taxes authorized in this Constitution as amended, and the proceeds thereof shall be spent for public school purposes only. Section 2. If this amendment is approved and a majority of the qualified electors of the county who vote thereon vote in favor of the adoption of this amendment when it is submitted, the additional tax provided for in section 1 may be levied and collected thereafter without any other election having been held thereon. But if this amendment is approved and a majority of the qualified electors of the county who vote thereon vote against its approval, the tax may not be levied unless the rate of the tax, the time it is to continue, and the purpose thereof shall have been again submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the county and voted for by a majority of those voting at the election. Subsequent elections may be held at intervals of not less than one year, and shall be called, held, and conducted in the same way, according to the general laws, as other elections on the question of levying special county school taxes.
AMENDMENT 163 RATIFIED License Taxes for School Purposes in Bullock County. The court of county commissioners, board of revenue or other like governing body of Bullock county may, to raise revenue for support of the public schools within the county, fix and collect license taxes for any business, trade, occupation or profession engaged in or carried on within the county, provided the rate of such licenses, the time they are to be continued and the purpose thereof shall have been first submitted to the vote of the qualified electors of the county and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election. Such elections shall be held in the same manner as county school tax elections, except that no petition of electors shall be necessary to initiate the same. Provided that such governing body of Bullock county shall not levy a privilege or license tax on any business or occupation on which a privilege or license tax is levied by sections 176-180, and 182-186 of Title 51 of the Code of Alabama 1940, as amended and in effect at the date of adoption of this amendment.
AMENDMENT 164 RATIFIED Special Property Tax for Educational Purposes in Tuscaloosa County. Section 1. The court of county commissioners, board of revenue or like governing body of Tuscaloosa county shall have the power to levy and collect a special property tax, in addition to all other taxes, now or hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, of not exceeding one-half of one per cent on the value of the taxable property in the county situated outside the territory subject to the jurisdiction and control of the city board of education of Tuscaloosa, as such property was assessed for state taxation during the preceding year, the proceeds of which shall be used exclusively for educational purposes; provided that such tax and the purpose or purposes thereof and the time such tax is proposed to be continued, shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the county residing outside the territory subject to the jurisdiction and control of the city board of education of Tuscaloosa, and voted for by a majority of those voting at the election. Elections on proposals to levy this tax on the property in the county situated outside the territory subject to the jurisdiction and control of the city board of education of Tuscaloosa shall be called and held in the same manner as now provided by law for an election on the school district tax authorized in amendment III [3], article XIX, of the Constitution of Alabama. The tax on property situated outside the territory subject to the jurisdiction and control of the city board of education of Tuscaloosa shall be collected in the same manner and under the same requirements and laws as the taxes of the state are collected, and the revenues derived from such tax shall be used solely for school construction and other educational purposes in the territory of the county outside the territory subject to the jurisdiction and control of the city board of education of Tuscaloosa. Section 2. The court of county commissioners, board of revenue or like governing body of Tuscaloosa county shall likewise have the power to levy and collect a special property tax, in addition to all other taxes now or hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, of not exceeding one-half of one per cent on the value of the taxable property situated within the territory subject to the jurisdiction and control of the city board of education of Tuscaloosa, as assessed for state taxation during the preceding year, the proceeds of which shall be used exclusively for educational purposes; provided that such tax and the purpose or purposes thereof and the time such tax is proposed to be continued, shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the territory and voted for by a majority of those voting at the election. Except as herein otherwise provided, elections on proposals to levy this tax on property situated within the territory subject to the jurisdiction and control of the city board of education of Tuscaloosa shall be ordered and held in the same manner as provided by the law applicable to elections on school district taxes. The additional tax, authorized by this amendment to be levied on property situated within the territory subject to the jurisdiction and control of the city board of education of Tuscaloosa, shall be collected in the same manner and under the same requirements and laws as other taxes levied on property in the city of Tuscaloosa are collected, and the revenues derived from this tax shall be used solely for school construction and other educational purposes within the territory subject to the jurisdiction and control of the city board of education of Tuscaloosa. Section 3. If any proposal to levy a tax hereunder is defeated in any election, subsequent elections thereon may be held at intervals of not less than one year. Section 4. The special school tax herein authorized shall be effective for a period of thirty years. Section
AMENDMENT 165 RATIFIED Use of Special School Tax Funds, Refunding of Bonds, etc., in Calhoun County. Any funds derived from the voted special school taxes levied in certain cities and school districts in Calhoun county under the provisions of that certain amendment to the Constitution proposed by Act No. 587 enacted at the 1947 regular session of the legislature of Alabama [Amendment No. 68] that are not needed to pay debt service on bonds issued under said amendment, or to comply with any other covenants contained in proceedings authorizing the issuance of such bonds, may, to such extent as the governing body of the political subdivision or agency entitled thereto may determine are excess of the amount then needed for the specific public school purpose for which said taxes were voted, be used for public school purposes generally. Any bonds which are now outstanding or which may hereafter be issued under the provisions of said amendment or this amendment may at any time and from time to time be refunded, whether before, at or after the maturity of the bonds refunded, by the issuance of new bonds, payable from the same sources as those refunded, in a principal amount sufficient to pay said bonds so refunded and any premium necessary to redeem, pay, purchase or otherwise retire said bonds; and bonds may be issued for the combined purpose of so refunding any such bonds and obtaining funds for acquiring, constructing and improving public school buildings, including sites therefor. Notwithstanding the fact that they may be payable solely from a specified source, all bonds hereafter issued under the provisions of said amendment or this amendment shall be negotiable instruments within the meaning of the negotiable instruments law of Alabama if they otherwise possess all the characteristics of negotiable instruments under the laws of Alabama and shall be legal investments for trust funds. Bonds authorized to be issued hereunder shall be issued in the same manner and by the same respective political subdivisions as those authorized to be issued under said amendment proposed by said Act No. 587 [Amendment No. 68] and may be so issued without the necessity of any further election. No bonds issued hereunder shall be chargeable against the constitutional debt limit of the political subdivision by which they are issued.
AMENDMENT 166 RATIFIED Special Property Tax for Acquiring, etc., Vocational Trade School and for Rural and Industrial Development in Chilton County. Section 1. The court of county commissioners, board of revenue, or like governing body of Chilton county shall have the power to levy and collect a special property tax, in addition to all other taxes now or hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, of two mills on each one dollar's worth of taxable property in the county, the proceeds of which shall be used for the acquiring, constructing, enlarging, repairing, improving, equipping, furnishing, operating, or maintaining of a vocational trade school in the county and for the rural and industrial development of the county, provided that the tax has been approved by a majority of the qualified electors of the county voting thereon. The county governing body may also pledge the proceeds of the tax to the payment of the principal of and interest on bonds, warrants, or other evidences of indebtedness issued for such purposes. Section 2. In event this amendment is approved the court of county commissioners, board of revenue, or like governing body of Chilton county shall have the authority to call an election at any time. In the call for said election, there shall be submitted to the qualified electors of Chilton county a statement of the rate of the tax, the time that it shall continue, and whether or not it shall be levied; and such tax shall be levied if a majority of the qualified electors voting at the said election should vote in favor thereof. If in said election the majority of the qualified electors of the county who vote thereon vote against its approval, the tax may not be levied unless the rate of the tax, the time it is to continue and the purpose thereof shall be again submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the county and voted for by a majority of those voting at the election. Subsequent elections may be held at intervals of not less than one year and shall be held and conducted in the same manner as county school tax elections, except that no petition of electors shall be necessary to initiate the same. Section 3. The power to levy granted by this amendment will not be exhausted by one election but shall remain a continuing grant unless and until it is repealed by subsequent constitutional action. Section 4. This amendment shall be self-executing and shall require no enabling legislation.
AMENDMENT 167 RATIFIED Additional Tax for School Purposes in Choctaw County. Section 1. The court of county commissioners, board of revenue, or other like governing body of Choctaw county shall have power to levy and provide for collection of an additional county tax of fifty cents on each one hundred dollars worth of taxable property in the county, for public school purposes, in the same manner and subject to the same election requirements as provided in the third amendment to this Constitution with respect to other county school taxes. The tax herein authorized shall be in addition to all other county taxes authorized in this Constitution as amended, and the proceeds thereof shall be spent for public school purposes only. Section 2. If this amendment is approved and a majority of the qualified electors of the county who vote thereon vote in favor of the adoption of this amendment when it is submitted, the additional tax provided for in section 1 may be levied and collected thereafter without any other election having been held thereon. But if this amendment is approved and a majority of the qualified electors of the county who vote thereon vote against its approval, the tax may not be levied unless the rate of the tax, the time it is to continue, and the purpose thereof shall have been again submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the county and voted for by a majority of those voting at the election. Subsequent elections may be held at intervals of not less than one year, and shall be called, held, and conducted in the same way, according to the general laws, as other elections on the question of levying special county school taxes.
AMENDMENT 168 RATIFIED Additional Tax for School Purposes in Clarke County. Section 1. The court of county commissioners, board of revenue, or other like governing body of Clarke county shall have power to levy and provide for collection of an additional county tax of fifty cents on each one hundred dollars worth of taxable property in the county, for public school purposes, in the same manner and subject to the same election requirements as provided in the third amendment to this Constitution with respect to other county school taxes. The tax herein authorized shall be in addition to all other county taxes authorized in this Constitution as amended, and the proceeds thereof shall be spent for public school purposes only. Section 2. If this amendment is approved and a majority of the qualified electors of Clarke county who vote thereon vote in favor of the adoption of this amendment when it is submitted, the additional tax provided for in section 1 may be levied and collected thereafter for a period of 20 years without any other election having been held thereon. But if this amendment is approved and a majority of the qualified electors of the county who vote thereon vote against its approval, the tax shall not be levied unless the rate of the tax, the time it is to continue, and the purpose thereof shall have been again submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the county and voted for by a majority of those voting at the election. Subsequent elections may be held at intervals of not less than one year, and shall be called, held, and conducted in the same way, according to the general laws, as other elections on the question of levying special county school taxes.
AMENDMENT 169 RATIFIED Special School Tax in Clay County. Section 1. If authorized at an election held for such purpose, the governing body of Clay county may levy and collect a special county tax at a rate not exceeding one-half of one percent on the value of the taxable property within the county as assessed for state taxation, the proceeds of which shall be used exclusively for public school purposes. Section 2. An election shall be ordered by the county governing body to determine whether or not a special tax shall be levied for public school purposes as authorized herein upon the request of the county board of education, and the election shall be held and conducted in accordance with general laws providing for school tax elections pursuant to constitutional amendment III [3].
AMENDMENT 170 RATIFIED Special Property Tax for Educational Purposes in City of Tuscumbia. The city of Tuscumbia shall have power to levy and collect a special property tax in addition to all other taxes now or hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, of five mills on each dollar of taxable property situated therein, for educational purposes; provided that before such tax may be levied and collected the question of levying the tax, the purpose thereof, and the time such tax is proposed to be continued shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the city and voted for by a majority of those voting at the election. The election shall be ordered, held, and conducted as provided by law for calling, holding and conducting district school tax elections.
AMENDMENT 171 RATIFIED Special Property Tax for Educational Purposes in City of Sheffield. The city of Sheffield shall have power to levy and collect a special property tax in addition to all other taxes now or hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, of five mills on each dollar of taxable property situated therein, for educational purposes; provided that before such tax may be levied and collected the question of levying the tax, the purpose thereof, and the time such tax is proposed to be continued shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the city and voted for by a majority of those voting at the election. The election shall be ordered, held, and conducted as provided by law for calling, holding and conducting district school tax elections.
AMENDMENT 172 RATIFIED Special Property Tax for Educational Purposes in City of Muscle Shoals. The city of Muscle Shoals shall have power to levy and collect a special property tax in addition to all other taxes now or hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, of five mills on each dollar of taxable property situated therein, for educational purposes; provided that before such tax may be levied and collected the question of levying the tax, the purpose thereof, and the time such tax is proposed to be continued shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the city and voted for by a majority of those voting at the election. The election shall be ordered, held, and conducted as provided by law for calling, holding and conducting district school tax elections.
AMENDMENT 173 RATIFIED Additional Tax for School Purposes in Franklin County. The court of county commissioners, board of revenue, or other like governing body of Franklin county shall have power to levy and provide for collection of an additional county tax of fifty cents on each one hundred dollars worth of taxable property in the county, for public school purposes, in the same manner and subject to the same election requirements as provided in the third amendment to this Constitution with respect to other county school taxes. The tax herein authorized shall be in addition to all other county taxes authorized in this Constitution as amended, and the proceeds thereof shall be spent for public school purposes only.
AMENDMENT 174 RATIFIED Special Property Tax for Acquiring, etc., Vocational Trade School and for Rural and Industrial Development in Jackson County. Section 1. The court of county commissioners, board of revenue, or like governing body of Jackson county shall have the power to levy and collect a special property tax, in addition to all other taxes now or hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, of two mills on each one dollar's worth of taxable property in the county, the proceeds of which shall be used for the acquiring, constructing, enlarging, repairing, improving, equipping, furnishing, operating, or maintaining of a vocational trade school in the county and for the rural and industrial development of the county, provided that the tax has been approved by a majority of the qualified electors of the county voting thereon. The county governing body may also pledge the proceeds of the tax to the payment of the principal of and interest on bonds, warrants, or other evidences of indebtedness issued for such purposes. Section 2. In event this amendment is approved the court of county commissioners, board of revenue, or like governing body of Jackson county shall have the authority to call an election at any time. In the call for said election, there shall be submitted to the qualified electors of Jackson county a statement of the rate of the tax, the time that it shall continue, and whether or not it shall be levied; and such tax shall be levied if a majority of the qualified electors voting at the said election should vote in favor thereof. If in said election the majority of the qualified electors of the county who vote thereon vote against its approval, the tax may not be levied unless the rate of the tax, the time it is to continue, and the purpose thereof shall be again submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the county and voted for by a majority of those voting at the election. Subsequent elections may be held at intervals of not less than one year and shall be held and conducted in the same manner as county school tax elections, except that no petition of electors shall be necessary to initiate the same. Section 3. The power to levy granted by this amendment will not be exhausted by one election but shall remain a continuing grant unless and until it is repealed by subsequent constitutional action. Section 4. This amendment shall be self-executing and shall require no enabling legislation.
AMENDMENT 175 RATIFIED Special District Tax for Furtherance of Education in Jefferson County. In addition to any taxes now authorized or that may hereafter be authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, the several school districts of Jefferson county shall, subject to an election in each such school district as hereinafter provided, have power to levy and collect a special district tax of not exceeding fifty (50) cents on each one hundred dollars ($100) of taxable property in such district for the furtherance of education therein. A school district within the meaning of this section shall include (a) that part of Jefferson county outside of the municipalities of Birmingham, Bessemer, Fairfield, Tarrant City and Mountain Brook as one district, (b) the city of Birmingham as one district, (c) the city of Bessemer as one district, (d) the city of Fairfield as one district, (e) the city of Tarrant City as one district, and (f) the city of Mountain Brook as one district. No tax shall be levied hereunder unless the rate of such tax, the time such tax is to continue and the purpose thereof shall have been first submitted to the vote of the qualified electors in each such district and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election. Any election on any such district tax shall be called and held, the results declared, and the tax levied and collected in the same manner as now or hereafter provided by law in the case of school district taxes authorized by amendment III [3] to the Constitution of Alabama, except that no county-wide tax shall be required as a condition precedent for a district tax under this amendment. The holding of one election shall not preclude a later election in the same district but no election in a district shall be held within two years from the date of the last election held in such district under the authority of this amendment. The proceeds of any special district tax authorized by this amendment shall be expended for the support of education in the district in which levied.
AMENDMENT 176 RATIFIED Additional Tax for School Purposes in Lamar County. Section 1. The court of county commissioners, board of revenue, or other like governing body of Lamar county shall have power to levy and provide for collection of an additional county tax of fifty cents on each one hundred dollars worth of taxable property in the county, for public school purposes, in the same manner and subject to the same election requirements as provided in the third amendment to this Constitution with respect to other county school taxes. The tax herein authorized shall be in addition to all other county taxes authorized in this Constitution as amended, and the proceeds thereof shall be spent for public school purposes only. Section 2. If this amendment is approved and a majority of the qualified electors of Lamar county who vote thereon vote in favor of the adoption of this amendment when it is submitted, the additional tax provided for in section 1 may be levied and collected thereafter for a period of 20 years without any other election having been held thereon. But if this amendment is approved and a majority of the qualified electors of the county who vote thereon vote against its approval, the tax shall not be levied unless the rate of the tax, the time it is to continue, and the purpose thereof shall have been again submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the county and voted for by a majority of those voting at the election. Subsequent elections may be held at intervals of not less than one year, and shall be called, held, and conducted in the same way, according to the general laws, as other elections on the question of levying special county school taxes.
AMENDMENT 177 RATIFIED Special Property Tax for Educational Purposes in Lauderdale County. The court of county commissioners, board of revenue or like governing body of Lauderdale county shall have the power to levy and collect a special property tax, in addition to all other taxes, now or hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, of not exceeding one-half of one per cent on the value of the taxable property in the county situated outside the corporate limits of Florence, as such property was assessed for state taxation during the preceding year, the proceeds of which shall be used exclusively for educational purposes, but may be pledged to the payment of the principal of and interest on bonds, warrants, or other evidences of indebtedness issued for public school purposes, which pledges shall take priority as provided in such bonds, warrants, or other evidences of indebtedness; provided that such tax and the purpose or purposes thereof and the time such tax is proposed to be continued, shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the county residing outside the corporate limits of Florence, and voted for by a majority of those voting at the election. Elections on proposals to levy this tax on the property in the county situated outside the corporate limits of Florence shall be called and held in the same manner as now provided by law for an election on the school district tax authorized in amendment III [3], article XIX, of the Constitution of Alabama. The tax on property situated outside the corporate limits of Florence shall be collected in the same manner and under the same requirements and laws as the taxes of the state are collected, and the revenues derived from such tax shall be used for school construction and other educational purposes solely in the territory of the county outside the corporate limits of Florence. If any proposal to levy a tax hereunder is defeated in any election, subsequent elections may be held at intervals of not less than two years. This amendment shall be self-executing.
AMENDMENT 178 RATIFIED Special School Tax for City of Florence. Section 1. The court of county commissioners or other like governing body of Lauderdale county may levy and collect a special tax at a rate not exceeding one-half of one percent on the value of the taxable property within the city of Florence, the proceeds of which shall be used exclusively for public school purposes, but shall not be used for or pledged to the payment of bonds or warrants, by the board of education of the city of Florence or its successor in function, provided the rate of such tax, the time it is to continue and the purpose thereof shall have been first submitted to the vote of the qualified electors of the city and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election. Section 2. Elections may be called, held and conducted pursuant to this amendment in accordance with general laws providing for and regulating elections on district school taxes authorized by the third amendment to this Constitution, but subsequent elections thereon may be held at intervals of not less than two years.
AMENDMENT 179 RATIFIED Special Property Tax for School Capital Outlay Purposes in Mobile County. The county commission; or other governing body by whatever named called or styled; of Mobile county is authorized and shall have the power to levy and collect a special property tax, in addition to all other taxes now or hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of the state of Alabama, of one-half of one percent (1/2 of 1%) on the value of the taxable property in the county, as such property was assessed for taxation during the preceding year. The proceeds of such tax shall be used exclusively for public school capital outlay purposes but may be pledged to secure the payment of principal and interest on warrants or other evidence of indebtedness issued and sold for public school capital outlay purposes by the board of school commissioners of Mobile county or other public body charged with the duties, powers and authority of conducting and operating public schools in Mobile county; which pledge shall take priority as provided in such warrants or other evidence of indebtedness and is in consonance with the provisions of existing law, at the time of the issuance and sale of the said warrants, touching the issue and sale of warrants by school bodies, for capital outlay purposes; provided that before such tax shall be levied, there shall be submitted to the qualified electors of Mobile county a statement of the rate of the tax, the time that it shall continue, and whether or not it shall be levied; and such tax shall be levied if a majority of the qualified electors voting at the said election should vote in favor thereof; and provided further, that if a majority of the qualified electors of Mobile county participating in the election on the adoption of this Constitutional amendment shall vote for the adoption of this amendment, then the approval of this amendment, expressed by said vote in said county in favor of its adoption, shall of itself authorize the levy and collection of the said special property tax for a period of thirty years commencing with the levy for the tax year of said county for which taxes will become due and payable to said county on October 1, 1962. Subsequent elections held hereunder shall be called, held and governed in all respects by the law that at the time of the said elections, is in effect for elections to determine whether or not a special county-wide school tax shall be levied and collected under the provisions of amendment III [3] (article XIX) of the Constitution of Alabama. The proceeds of the said tax shall be used solely for public school capital outlay purposes. The power to levy, granted by this amendment, will not be exhausted by one election but shall remain a continuing grant unless and until it be repealed by subsequent Constitutional action. Should, at any election by the qualified electors of Mobile county held hereunder, as hereinbefore provided for, the proposal to tax be defeated; the proposal to tax may be renewed and another election had at any time, upon complying with the requisites of law for the calling of such elections; provided, however, that no such subsequent election may be had within one year after the election in which the proposal was defeated. This amendment shall be self-executing and shall require no enabling legislation.
AMENDMENT 180 RATIFIED Special Property Tax for Educational Purposes in School District No. 1, Randolph County. The court of county commissioners, board of revenue, or other like governing body of Randolph county may levy and collect a special property tax, in addition to all taxes now or hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, at a rate not exceeding one-half of one percent on the value of the taxable property in school district number one, as assessed for state taxation during the preceding year, the proceeds of which shall be used exclusively for educational purposes; provided, that the rate of such tax and the purpose or purposes thereof, and the time such tax is to be continued, which shall not exceed thirty years, shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of district one and voted for by a majority of those voting at the election. If any proposal to levy a tax is defeated in any election, subsequent elections thereon may be held at any time. The elections shall be called, held, conducted, paid for, and governed otherwise in the manner provided for elections on school district taxes as authorized in amendment III [3], article XIX, of the Constitution, and by article 7, of chapter 10, Title 52, Code of Alabama 1940, as heretofore or hereafter amended.
AMENDMENT 181 RATIFIED Special School Tax in Talladega County. In addition to all taxes of every kind now or hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, the court of county commissioners, the board of revenue or other like governing body of Talladega county may levy and collect a special school tax not to exceed three-tenths of one percent of the value of the taxable property within the county, or the value of the taxable property within any school district in the county, the proceeds of which shall be used exclusively for public school purposes, provided the rate of such tax, the time it is to continue, and the purpose thereof shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the county; and if voted for by a majority of the qualified electors of the county, such tax shall be levied on all taxable property within the county, and if not voted for by a majority of the qualified electors of the county but voted for by a majority of the qualified electors of one or more school districts within the county then such tax shall be levied on all taxable property within each school district in which a majority of the qualified electors of such district vote for such tax, and the proceeds of such tax shall be used exclusively for public school purposes within the school districts of the county which vote for the tax. The question of the levy of such tax may be presented to the qualified electors of the county as a whole or to the qualified electors of any school district within the county and if rejected by the qualified electors of the county or by the qualified electors of any school district, may be re-submitted to the qualified electors of the county or of such school district after the expiration of one year from the last election. The court of county commissioners or other like governing body of Talladega county shall call all elections herein provided for upon being presented with a resolution of the Talladega county board of education requesting that an election be called.
AMENDMENT 182 RATIFIED Additional School Tax in Washington County. Section 1. The court of county commissioners, board of revenue, or other like governing body of Washington county shall have power to levy and provide for collection of an additional county tax of fifty cents on each one hundred dollars worth of taxable property in the county, for public school purposes, in the same manner and subject to the same election requirements as provided in the third amendment to this Constitution with respect to other county school taxes. The tax herein authorized shall be in addition to all other county taxes authorized in this Constitution as amended, and the proceeds thereof shall be spent for public school purposes only. Section 2. If this amendment is approved and a majority of the qualified electors of the county who vote thereon vote in favor of the adoption of this amendment when it is submitted, the additional tax provided for in section 1 may be levied and collected thereafter without any other election having been held thereon. But if this amendment is approved and a majority of the qualified electors of the county who vote thereon vote against its approval, the tax may not be levied unless the rate of the tax, the time it is to continue, and the purpose thereof shall have been again submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the county and voted for by majority of those voting at the election. Subsequent elections may be held at intervals of not less than one year, and shall be called, held, and conducted in the same way, according to the general laws, as other elections on the question of levying special county school taxes.
AMENDMENT 183 RATIFIED Economic Development of Autauga County and Municipalities Therein. Autauga county and the incorporated municipalities therein, jointly or severally, after an election held in accordance herewith shall have full and continuing power and authority to: 1. Purchase, construct, lease, or otherwise acquire real property, plants, buildings, factories, works, facilities, machinery and equipment of any kind. 2. Lease, sell for cash or on credit, exchange, or give and convey any such property described in subdivision 1 above, to any person, firm, association or corporation. 3. Promote local industrial, commercial, or agricultural development and the location of new industries or businesses therein. 4. Become a stockholder in any corporation, association or company. 5. Lend its credit or to grant public moneys and things of value in aid of, or to, any individual, firm, association, or corporation whatsoever. 6. Become indebted and to issue and sell interest bearing bonds, warrants (which may be payable from funds to be realized in future years), notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness, to a principal amount not exceeding fifty percent of the assessed value of taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in order to secure funds for the purchase, construction, lease or acquisition of any of the property described in subdivision 1 above or to be used in furtherance of any of the other powers or authorities granted in this amendment. Such obligations or evidences of indebtedness may (in addition to any pledge or pledges authorized by subdivision 8 of this amendment) be issued upon the full faith and credit of the county or municipality or may be limited as to the source of their payment. 7. Levy and collect annually, in addition to all other taxes now authorized or permitted, a special tax or taxes of not exceeding two percent on the value of all taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in the same manner as other county or municipal taxes are levied and collected. Such tax may be upon all property in the county or in any municipality in Autauga county or upon all property in any district to be specially improved and benefited by any proposed use or expenditure of the proceeds of such tax. 8. Pledge to the payment of any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness the annual proceeds from any such special tax or taxes and to obligate itself irrevocably to continue to levy and collect such taxes annually until such obligations or evidences of indebtedness are paid in full and to pledge thereto any rental or sales proceeds of property leased or sold by it. 9. Create a public authority or corporation having such powers, managed and governed by such board or governing body and subject to such limitations as the governing body of Autauga county may impose, by approving and filing a certificate to that effect in the office of the judge of probate or the secretary of state, or their respective successors in function, and to delegate to such public authority or corporation and its board or governing body all powers and authority conferred in this amendment upon the county or any municipality. The recital in any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness that they were issued pursuant to this amendment or that they were issued to provide funds to be used in furtherance of any power or authority herein authorized or that any special tax herein authorized has been pledged to the payment thereof shall be conclusive; no purchaser or holder thereof need inquire further; and the levy and collection of such tax shall continue until the principal of and interest on such obligations or evidences of indebtedness shall have been paid in full. The bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness issued hereunder shall not be considered an indebtedness of Autauga county or any municipality therein for the purpo
AMENDMENT 184 RATIFIED Legislation as to DeKalb County. The legislature shall not pass a special, private, or local law changing the form of government of DeKalb county, or abridging the term of any officer thereof, by the abolition of his office or otherwise, or increasing or decreasing or altering the salary or other compensation, fees, commissions, percentages, or allowances of any officer thereof, by the imposition of new, different, and additional duties, or by expense allowances, during the term for which he was elected or appointed, or at any time, unless the operation of such law shall be approved by a vote of the duly qualified electors of such county at an election held for such purpose, in the manner prescribed by such law. Nor shall the legislature authorize the governing body of DeKalb county to increase or decrease or alter the salary or other compensation, fees, commissions, percentages, or allowances of any officer thereof, by the imposition of new, different, and additional duties, or by expense allowances, during his term, or at any time, unless the operation of the law providing therefor shall be approved by a vote of the duly qualified electors of the county, at an election held for such purpose, in the manner prescribed by such law.
AMENDMENT 185 RATIFIED Compensation of Certain Officers of Elmore County. The legislature may from time to time, by general or local laws applicable to or operative in Elmore county, fix, regulate, and alter the fees, commissions, allowances, and salaries, including the method and basis of their compensation, to be charged or received by the judge of probate, sheriff, tax assessor, tax collector, and clerk and register of the circuit court of Elmore county; and may place any or all of such officers on a salary and provide for the fees, commissions, allowances, and percentages collectible by such officers to be paid into the treasury from which their salaries are paid. Provided, that no law changing the method or basis for compensating such officers shall become effective unless it is approved by a majority of the qualified electors of the county who vote thereon at a referendum election held for such purpose.
AMENDMENT 186 RATIFIED Economic Development of Franklin County and Municipalities Therein. Any provision of the Constitution or laws of the state of Alabama to the contrary notwithstanding, Franklin county, or any municipality in Franklin county, shall have full and continuing power and authority, after an election held in accordance herewith, to do any one or more of the following: 1. To purchase, construct, lease, or otherwise acquire real property, plants, buildings, factories, works, facilities, machinery and equipment of any kind. 2. To lease, sell for cash or on credit, exchange, give and convey any such property described in subdivision 1 above, to any person, firm, association or corporation. 3. To promote local industrial, commercial or agricultural development and the location of new industries or businesses therein. 4. To become a stockholder in any corporation, association or company. 5. To lend this credit or to grant public moneys and things of value in aid of, or to, any individual, firm, association, or corporation whatsoever. 6. To become indebted and to issue and sell interest bearing bonds, warrants (which may be payable from funds to be realized in future years), notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness, to a principal amount not exceeding fifty percent of the assessed value of taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in order to secure funds for the purchase, construction, lease or acquisition of any of the property described in subdivision 1 above or to be used in furtherance of any of the other powers or authorities granted in this amendment. Such obligations or evidences of indebtedness may (in addition to any pledge or pledges authorized by subdivision 8 of this amendment) be issued upon the full faith and credit of Franklin county, or the municipality therein, as the case may be, or may be limited as to the source of their payment. 7. To levy and collect annually, in addition to all other taxes now authorized or permitted, a special tax or taxes of not exceeding two percent on the value of all taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in the same manner as other county or municipal taxes are levied and collected. Such tax may be upon all property in Franklin county, or upon all property in the municipality, as the case may be, or upon all property in any district the boundaries of which the governing body of the county or the municipality, as the case may be, shall describe and which it shall determine to be specially improved and benefited by any proposed use or expenditure of the proceeds of such tax. 8. To pledge to the payment of any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness the annual proceeds from any such special tax or taxes and to obligate itself irrevocably to continue to levy and collect such taxes annually until such obligations or evidences of indebtedness are paid in full and to pledge thereto any rental or sales proceeds of property leased or sold by it. 9. To create a public authority or corporation having such powers, managed and governed by such board or governing body, and subject to such limitations as the governing body of the county or the governing body of the municipality, as the case may be, may impose, by approving and filing a certificate to that effect in the office of the judge of probate or the secretary of state, or their respective successors in function, and to delegate to such public authority or corporation and its board or governing body all powers and authority conferred in this amendment upon Franklin county or any municipality therein. The recital in any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness that they were issued pursuant to this amendment or that they were issued to provide funds to be used in furtherance of any power or authority herein authorized or that any special tax herein authorized has been pledged to the payment thereof shall be conclusive
AMENDMENT 187 RATIFIED Bond Issue for Construction and Equipment of Courthouse and Jail in Geneva County. Geneva county is hereby authorized to incur indebtedness to the extent of not exceeding $600,000 in principal amount, and to issue its bonds in evidence of the indebtedness so incurred, for the purpose of constructing and equipping a new courthouse and jail in said county and, in order to provide for the payment for the principal of and interest on said bonds and any redemption premium necessary for the redemption thereof and the expense of maintaining the courthouse and jail so constructed, to levy and collect a special ad valorem tax on all taxable property in said county at a rate not exceeding 2 1/2 mills on each dollar of the assessed valuation of said property as assessed for state taxation; provided, that the said special tax shall cease to be levied when the principal of and interest on the bonds issued under the authority contained in this amendment shall have been paid. Said bonds may be issued and said tax may be levied only after the question of the issuance of said bonds and the levy of said tax shall have been submitted to the qualified electors of said county at an election called for that purpose by the governing body of said county and a majority of said qualified electors voting at said election shall have voted in favor of the issuance of said bonds and the levy of said tax, which election shall be called, held, conducted, canvassed and may be contested, and notice thereof shall be given, in the manner provided by the then existing laws of Alabama with respect to elections on the issuance of bonds by counties; provided further, that if a majority of the qualified electors of said county participating in the election on the adoption of this amendment shall vote for the adoption thereof then the approval of this amendment expressed by the vote in said county in favor of its adoption shall of itself authorize the issuance of the bonds and the levy of the tax herein authorized, and in that event no additional election by the electors of said county shall be required to authorize the issuance of said bonds or the levy of said tax. At any election held under this amendment the question of the issuance of said bonds and the levy of said tax shall be submitted as a single proposition. In the event the majority vote in said county on the adoption of this amendment is against the adoption hereof, or in the event the majority vote at any election held in said county pursuant to the provisions of this amendment after its adoption is not in favor of the issuance of the bonds and the levy of the tax proposed at such election, the governing body of said county may from time to time call other elections hereunder on the issuance of said bonds and the levy of said tax, but not more than one such election shall be held during any period of twelve consecutive months. The power to become indebted, to issue bonds in evidence of such indebtedness, and to levy the tax as herein authorized shall be in addition to all other powers which the said county may have under the Constitution and laws of Alabama, and shall not be chargeable against the amount of indebtedness which may be incurred or the rate of taxes which may be levied under the Constitution and laws in effect prior to the adoption of this amendment. All bonds issued under this amendment shall be general obligations of the county secured by an irrevocable pledge of its full faith and credit and of the said special tax to the extent necessary to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds. The governing body of said county may further, if it deems such action desirable, pledge for payment of the principal of and interest on said bonds any other tax which said county may be authorized to levy under any provision of the Constitution. All bonds issued hereunder shall be issued in accordance with, and shall be subject to, the provisions of the general laws of Alabama exi
AMENDMENT 188 RATIFIED Economic Development of Greene County. Any provision of the Constitution or laws of Alabama to the contrary notwithstanding, Greene county shall have full and continuing power and authority, after an election held in accordance herewith, to do any one or more of the following: 1. To purchase, construct, lease, or otherwise acquire real property, plants, buildings, factories, works, facilities, machinery and equipment of any kind. 2. To lease, sell for cash or on credit, exchange, give and convey any such property described in subdivision 1 above, to any person, firm, association or corporation. 3. To promote local industrial, commercial or agricultural development and the location of new industries or businesses in the county. 4. To become a stockholder in any corporation, association or company. 5. To lend its credit or to grant public moneys and things of value in aid of, or to, any individual, firm, association or corporation whatever. 6. To become indebted and to issue and sell interest bearing bonds, warrants (which may be payable from funds to be realized in future years), notes or other obligations or evidence of indebtedness, to a principal amount not exceeding $250,000, in order to secure funds for the purchase, construction, lease or acquisition of any of the property described in subdivision 1 above or to be used in furtherance of any of the other powers or authorities granted in this amendment. Such obligations or evidence of indebtedness may (in addition to any pledge or pledges authorized by subdivision 8 of this amendment) be issued upon the full faith and credit of Greene county, or may be limited as to the source of their payment. 7. To apply the proceeds from taxes levied and collected under the provisions of section 215 of the Constitution and amendments thereto to the purchase, construction, lease, or acquisition of any of the property described in subdivision 1 above or for the furtherance of any of the other powers or authorities granted in this amendment, provided the proceeds from such taxes have not been pledged for debts or liabilities now existing. 8. To pledge to the payment of any bonds, warrants, notes, or other obligations or evidence of indebtedness the annual proceeds from taxes levied and collected under authority of section 215 of the Constitution and amendments thereto which have not been pledged for debts and liabilities now existing, and to obligate itself irrevocably to continue to use the proceeds from such tax until such obligations or evidences of indebtedness are paid in full and to pledge thereto any rental or sales proceeds of property leased or sold by it. 9. To create a public authority or corporation having such powers, managed and governed by such board or governing body, and subject to such limitations as the governing body of Greene county may impose, by approving and filing a certificate to that effect in the office of the judge of probate of the county or secretary of state, or their respective successors in function, and to delegate to such public authority or corporation and its board or governing body all powers and authority conferred in this amendment upon the county. The recital in any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidence of indebtedness that they were issued pursuant to this amendment or that they were issued to provide funds to be used in furtherance of any power or authority herein authorized or that proceeds from taxes authorized under section 215 of the Constitution and amendments thereto have been pledged to the payment thereof shall be conclusive; no purchaser or holder thereof need inquire further; and the levy and collection of such tax shall continue until the principal of and interest on such obligation or evidence of indebtedness shall have been paid in full. The bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidence of indebtedness issued hereunder shall not be considered an indebtedness of Greene county for the p
AMENDMENT 189 RATIFIED Economic Development of Municipalities in Lamar County. Any provision of the Constitution or laws of the state of Alabama to the contrary notwithstanding, any municipality in Lamar county, or any one or more of them, shall have full and continuing power and authority, after an election held in accordance herewith, to do any one or more of the following: 1. To purchase, construct, lease, or otherwise acquire real property, plants, buildings, factories, works, facilities, machinery and equipment of any kind. 2. To lease, sell for cash or on credit, exchange, give and convey any such property described in subdivision 1 above, to any person, firm, association or corporation. 3. To promote local industrial, commercial or agricultural development and the location of new industries or businesses therein. 4. To become a stockholder in any corporation, association or company. 5. To lend its credit or to grant public moneys and things of value in aid of, or to, any individual, firm, association, or corporation whatsoever. 6. To become indebted and to issue and sell interest bearing bonds, warrants (which may be payable from funds to be realized in future years), notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness, to a principal amount not exceeding fifty percent of the assessed value of taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in order to secure funds for the purchase, construction, lease or acquisition of any of the property described in subdivision 1 above or to be used in furtherance of any of the other powers or authorities granted in this amendment. Such obligations or evidences of indebtedness may (in addition to any pledge or pledges authorized by subdivision 8 of this amendment) be issued upon the full faith and credit of the municipality or may be limited as to the source of their payment. 7. To levy and collect annually, in addition to all other taxes now authorized or permitted, a special tax or taxes of not exceeding two percent on the value of all taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in the same manner as other county or municipal taxes are levied and collected. Such tax may be upon all property in any municipality in Lamar county or upon all property in any district the boundaries of which the governing body of such municipality shall describe and which it shall determine to be specially improved and benefited by any proposed use or expenditure of the proceeds of such tax. 8. To pledge to the payment of any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness the annual proceeds from any such special tax or taxes and to obligate itself irrevocably to continue to levy and collect such taxes annually until such obligations or evidences of indebtedness are paid in full and to pledge thereto any rental or sales proceeds of property leased or sold by it. 9. To create a public authority or corporation having such powers, managed and governed by such board or governing body and subject to such limitations as the governing body of any municipality in Lamar county may impose, by approving and filing a certificate to that effect in the office of the judge of probate or the secretary of state, or their respective successors in function, and to delegate to such public authority or corporation and its board or governing body all powers and authority conferred in this amendment upon any such municipality. The recital in any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness that they were issued pursuant to this amendment or that they were issued to provide funds to be used in furtherance of any power or authority herein authorized or that any special tax herein authorized has been pledged to the payment thereof shall be conclusive; no purchaser or holder thereof need inquire further, and the levy and collection of such tax shall continue until the principal of and interest on such obligations or evidences of indebtedness shall
AMENDMENT 190 RATIFIED Economic Development of Lawrence County and Municipalities Therein. Any provision of the Constitution or laws of the state of Alabama to the contrary notwithstanding, Lawrence county and any municipality located therein shall have full and continuing power and authority to do any one or more of the following provided that such action is first approved by a majority of the qualified electors of the county or the municipality who vote at an election held for such purpose. 1. To purchase, construct, lease, or otherwise acquire real property, plants, buildings, factories, works, facilities, machinery and equipment of any kind. 2. To lease, sell for cash or on credit, exchange or give and convey any such property described in subdivision 1 above, to any person, firm, association or corporation. 3. To promote local industrial, commercial, or agricultural development and the location of new industries or businesses therein. 4. To become a stockholder in any corporation, association or company. 5. To lend its credit or to grant public moneys and things of value in aid of, or to, any individual, firm, association, or corporation whatsoever. 6. To become indebted and to issue and sell interest-bearing bonds, warrants (which may be payable from funds to be realized in future years), notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness, to a principal amount not exceeding fifty percent of the assessed value of taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in order to secure funds for the purchase, construction, lease or acquisition of any of the property described in subdivision 1 above or to be used in furtherance of any of the other powers or authorities granted in this amendment. Such obligations or evidences of indebtedness may (in addition to any pledge or pledges authorized by subdivision 8 of this amendment) be issued upon the full faith and credit of the county or municipality or may be limited as to the source of their payment. 7. To levy and collect, in addition to all other taxes now authorized or permitted, a special county or municipal privilege license tax or taxes of not exceeding one percent paralleling the state sales and use taxes imposed by chapter 20 of Title 51, Code of Alabama 1940 as amended. 8. To pledge to the payment of any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness the annual proceeds from any such special tax or taxes and to obligate itself irrevocably to continue to levy and collect such taxes annually until such obligations or evidences of indebtedness are paid in full and to pledge thereto any rental or sales proceeds of property leased or sold by it. 9. To create a public authority or corporation having such powers, managed and governed by such board or governing body and subject to such limitations as the governing body of Lawrence county or any municipality may impose, by approving and filing a certificate to that effect in the office of the judge of probate or the secretary of state, or their respective successors in function, and to delegate to such public authority or corporation and its board or governing body and all powers and authority conferred in this amendment upon the county and municipalities. The recital in any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness that they were issued pursuant to this amendment or that they were issued to provide funds to be used in furtherance of any power or authority herein authorized or that any special tax herein authorized has been pledged to the payment thereof shall be conclusive; no purchaser or holder thereof need inquire further; and the levy and collection of such tax shall continue until the principal of and interest on such obligations or evidences of indebtedness shall have been paid in full. The bonds, warrants, notes, or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness issued hereunder shall not be considered an indebtedness of Lawrence county for the purpo
AMENDMENT 191 RATIFIED Promotion of Industrial, Commercial and Agricultural Development in Madison County and City of Huntsville. For the promotion of local industrial, commercial or agricultural development, Madison county and the city of Huntsville shall each have full and continuing power (a) to purchase, construct, lease and otherwise acquire industrial, commercial and agricultural projects, including real and personal property, plants, buildings, factories, works, facilities, machinery and equipment of any kind whatsoever, (b) to lease, sell, exchange or otherwise convey all or any part of any such project to any person, firm or corporation, and (c) after an approving election as hereinafter provided, to sell and issue for such purposes interest-bearing general obligation bonds. Neither the county nor the city shall issue any bonds under the authority of this amendment unless the question of the issuance of such bonds has first been submitted to the qualified electors of the county or the city, as the case may be, and approved at such election by a majority of the qualified electors voting thereat. Each such election shall be called, held and conducted, and may be contested, in the manner provided by law for county or municipal bond elections, as the case may be. Bonds issued under the authority of this amendment shall not be considered indebtedness of the county or the city, as the case may be, within the meaning of sections 224 and 225 of the Constitution of Alabama, but neither the county nor the city shall at any time issue any bonds under the authority of this amendment if as a result thereof it will have outstanding an aggregate principal amount of bonds issued hereunder in excess of twenty per cent of the assessed value of the property in the county or the city, as the case may be. Neither shall the county or the city issue any bonds under the authority of this amendment unless prior thereto or contemporaneously therewith the county or the city, as the case may be, has entered into a lease or other similar agreement, with respect to the project being financed by such bonds, providing for the payment to the county or the city, as the case may be, of net rentals sufficient to pay the principal of and the interest on such bonds at the respective maturities of such principal and interest, and any bonds issued hereunder shall be secured by a pledge of such rentals and may be secured by a foreclosable mortgage on such project and by a pledge of any other taxes and revenues which the county or the city, as the case may be, is authorized by law to pledge to the payment of its bonded indebtedness. All bonds issued under the authority of this amendment shall be sold at public sale in the manner required by law for the sale of county or municipal bonds, as the case may be, and shall mature and be payable in annual or semiannual installments in such amounts and at such times as to result in the aggregate amount of principal and interest maturing thereon in each year following the year of their issuance being substantially equal, but shall not be subject to any other provisions of law relating to maturities of county or municipal bonds. In the event that any such action is necessary to prevent or cure a default in payment of the principal of or the interest on any bonds issued under the authority of this amendment, the county or the city, as the case may be, is authorized to levy and collect ad valorem taxes, without limitation as to rate or amount, on the assessed value of all taxable property in the county or the city, as the case may be, but only so long as and only to such extent as necessary to prevent or cure any such default. In carrying out the purposes of this amendment, neither Madison county nor the city of Huntsville shall be subject to the provisions of section 93 of the Constitution of Alabama, and the taxes which the county and the city are hereinabove authorized to levy and collect are in addition to all other t
AMENDMENT 192 RATIFIED Pensions of Former Officers of Mobile County and Municipalities Therein. Any provision of the Constitution to the contrary notwithstanding, any person who served as an officer of Mobile county or any municipality therein before the establishment of a pension or retirement system for the benefit of the elected or appointed officers of such county or municipalities shall be eligible to receive a pension or retirement benefit in all respects equal to officers serving when such pension or retirement system was established. The governing body of the county and of each municipality therein is hereby authorized to expend any funds not otherwise appropriated that may be required to pay the benefits payable to such former officers.
AMENDMENT 193 RATIFIED Bond Issue for Capital Improvements in Mobile County. Mobile county is hereby authorized to issue its bonds not exceeding $1,737,000 in aggregate principal amount for the purpose of acquiring, providing, constructing and equipping capital improvements in said county, including the acquisition of sites therefor, of which bonds $500,000 in principal amount shall be issued to pay costs of acquiring, providing, constructing and equipping public school buildings in said county, and $500,000 in principal amount shall be issued to pay all or a part of the costs of acquiring, providing, constructing and equipping a building or buildings for use for educational purposes on the college level in said county, $606,000 in principal amount shall be issued to pay a portion of the costs of acquiring, providing, constructing and equipping one or more public hospital buildings in said county whether such buildings shall be owned by said county or by any public corporation therein, and $131,000 in principal amount shall be issued to pay all or part of the costs of acquiring, providing, constructing and equipping one or more buildings in the county for the Alabama State College; provided, that the aggregate principal amount of any series of bonds at any time issued hereunder, when added to the aggregate principal amount of all bonds then outstanding that are payable from or secured by the special annual ad valorem tax authorized in Amendment XVIII [18] of the Constitution of Alabama, as amended, shall not exceed six and one-half per centum (6 1/2 %) of the assessed valuation of the taxable property situated in said county, as assessed for state taxation for the state tax year next preceding the issuance of such bonds hereunder; provided, further, that no bonds may be issued under the authority of this constitutional amendment until after the question of the issuance of such bonds shall have been submitted to the qualified electors of Mobile county at an election called for that purpose by the governing body of said county and a majority of said qualified electors voting at said election shall have voted in favor of the issuance of such bonds, any such election to be called, held, conducted, and canvassed, and notice thereof to be given, in the manner provided by the then existing general laws of Alabama pertaining to elections on the issuance of bonds by counties; provided, however, that if a majority of the qualified electors of Mobile county participating in the election on the adoption of this constitutional amendment shall vote for adoption of this amendment, then the approval of this amendment expressed by the said vote in favor of its adoption shall of itself authorize the issuance of the bonds provided for herein and in that event no additional election by the electors of Mobile county, shall be required to authorize the issuance of said bonds. If the majority of the qualified electors of Mobile county participating in the election on the adoption of this amendment should not vote in favor of the adoption of this amendment, or if the majority of the qualified electors of Mobile county voting at any election held under the provisions of this amendment should not vote in favor of the issuance of the bonds proposed at such election, the governing body of Mobile county may from time to time call other elections hereunder on the issuance of such bonds, but not more than one such election shall be held during any period of twelve months. The bonds issued hereunder shall be general obligations of Mobile county for the payment of the principal of and interest on which the full faith and credit of said county shall be irrevocably pledged, and in addition thereto there shall be irrevocably pledged for payment of said principal and interest, at the respective maturities thereof, so much as may be necessary for said purpose of the said special tax, each such pledge to be on a parity with all valid pledges of said special tax at
AMENDMENT 194 RATIFIED Budget of Mobile County Public Hospital Board. A. The following terms, wherever used in this amendment, shall be given the respective meanings hereinafter set forth. "The board" means Mobile county public hospital board, a public corporation existing under Act No. 46 adopted at the 1949 regular session of the legislature of Alabama, as amended. "The 1955 board" means Mobile county hospital board created and provided for in Act No. 105 adopted at the 1955 regular session of the said legislature, as amended. "Public hospital facilities" means public hospitals of all types, public clinics, public health centers, related public health facilities such as laboratories, out-patient departments, nurses' homes, and nurses' training facilities, and other facilities operated in connection with public hospitals. "Public hospital purposes" means the acquisition, by purchase, lease, donation or otherwise, and the construction, equipment, operation and maintenance of public hospital facilities, including the treatment and care of indigent patients; "Participating municipality" means each municipality in Mobile county having a population in excess of one thousand, according to the last federal census or any subsequent federal or other official census. "Local subdivision" means Mobile county and each participating municipality. B. The board is hereby authorized and directed to prepare a budget for each of its fiscal years setting forth (a) the estimated amount of all expenditures that the board anticipates making during such fiscal year for payment of administering, operating and maintaining any public hospital facilities owned or managed by the board, including expenses for treatment and care of indigent patients, payment of rentals with respect to any such public hospital facilities, payment of costs of the acquisition and equipment of public hospital facilities, and payment of installments of principal and interest, or either, maturing during that fiscal year on obligations incurred or securities issued by the board for any of the aforesaid purposes; and (b) the estimated amount of all moneys that the board anticipates receiving during the same fiscal year and that the board has the right lawfully to apply for payment of the estimated expenditures set forth in the same budget, including revenue of the board from the operation of any public hospital facilities owned or operated by it, and any donations, taxes, appropriations, contributions by the United States and any income or receipts from any other source that the board has the right lawfully to use for payment of the said expenditures. Whenever the board shall determine that the estimated amount of the said expenditures during any fiscal year will exceed the estimated amount of the said receipts during any fiscal year, as shown by the budget for that fiscal year, then the board shall have the power to allocate the said deficit among Mobile county and each participating municipality, the amount allocated to each local subdivision being a sum constituting the same proportion of the total of the said deficit that the population of that local subdivision bears to a figure equal to the population of the entire of Mobile county plus the population of each participating municipality, all such population figures to be based on the last federal census or any subsequent federal or other official census, and shall have the power to assess, levy and collect from Mobile county and each participating municipality a sum equal to the portion of the deficit allocated by the board to each local subdivision, which sum shall be payable to the board by each local subdivision in twelve (12) equal monthly installments on the first day of each month in the fiscal year with respect to which the said budget was made; provided, however, that if a special annual ad valorem county tax for public hospital purposes shall be voted in Mobile county, then the power of the board to allocate any defi
AMENDMENT 195 RATIFIED Special Tax for Public Hospital Purposes in Mobile County. A. The following terms, wherever used in this amendment, shall be given the respective meanings hereinafter set forth. "The special tax" means the special county tax herein provided for. "The board" means Mobile county public hospital board, a public corporation existing under Act No. 46 adopted at the 1949 regular session of the legislature of Alabama, as amended. "Public hospital facilities" means public hospitals of all types, public clinics, public health centers, related public health facilities such as laboratories, outpatient departments, nurses' homes, and nurses' training facilities and other facilities operated in connection with public hospitals. "Public hospital purposes" means the acquisition by purchase, lease, donation or otherwise, and the construction, equipment, operation and maintenance of public hospital facilities, including the treatment and care of indigent patients. B. If authorized by the vote of the majority of the qualified electors of Mobile county who participate in any election called for the purpose, the governing body of Mobile county must, subject to and in accordance with the provisions of this amendment, levy and collect, in addition to all other taxes authorized by law, a special annual ad valorem county tax at a rate not exceeding three mills on each dollar of taxable property in Mobile county, the proceeds from which shall be used solely for public hospital purposes. C. If a majority of the qualified electors of Mobile county participating in the election on the adoption of this amendment shall vote for adoption of this amendment, then the approval of this amendment expressed by the said vote in favor of its adoption shall of itself authorize the special tax and in that event no additional election by the voters of Mobile county shall be required to authorize the levy of the special tax. If the majority vote at any election held hereunder is not in favor of the levy of the tax, or if at any such election the special tax shall be voted at a rate of less than three mills on each dollar of taxable property in Mobile county, then the governing body of Mobile county may from time to time thereafter call other elections hereunder on the levy of the special tax or on the increase of the rate thereof, up to but not exceeding three mills on each dollar of taxable property, and must call any such election within three months after the receipt by the said governing body of a petition for the calling of such election signed by not less than five percent of the qualified electors of Mobile county; provided, however, that not more than one election upon the levy of the special tax or upon the increase in the rate thereof, up to but not exceeding three mills as aforesaid, shall be held during any period of twelve consecutive months. After the special tax shall have been levied for a period of five years, the governing body of Mobile county may from time to time thereafter call other elections hereunder on the question of the discontinuance of the tax or a reduction in the rate thereof, such discontinuance or reduction to become effective for the tax year of the county next succeeding the tax year during which any obligations of the board that may be outstanding at the time of the election and that are payable out of or secured by any part of the special tax shall be finally retired; and after said five year period, the said governing body must call an election on the question of said discontinuance or reduction within three months after receipt by the said governing body of a petition for such election signed by not less than five percent of the qualified electors of Mobile county. If a majority of the qualified electors of Mobile county voting in any election upon the discontinuance of the special tax or reduction of the rate thereof should vote in favor of such discontinuance or reduction, then the special tax shall be di
AMENDMENT 196 RATIFIED Costs and Charges of Courts, and Compensation of Certain Officers, in St. Clair County. The legislature may, from time to time, by general or local laws, to become effective only if approved by a majority of the qualified electors of St. Clair county voting at a referendum election held not less than three months after the final adjournment of the legislative session at which such law is enacted, fix, alter, and regulate the costs and charges of courts in St. Clair county and the fees, commissions, percentages, allowances, and salary, including the method or basis of their compensation, to be charged or received by the judge of probate, sheriff, tax assessor, tax collector, register, circuit clerk, and any other officer of St. Clair county, including the right to place any of such officers on a salary and provide for the fees charged or collected by them to be paid into the treasury from which their salaries shall be paid.
AMENDMENT 197 RATIFIED Economic Development of St. Clair County and Municipalities Therein. St. Clair county and the incorporated municipalities therein, jointly or severally, after an election held in accordance herewith shall have full and continuing power and authority to: 1. Purchase, construct, lease, or otherwise acquire real property, plants, buildings, factories, works, facilities, machinery and equipment of any kind. 2. Lease, sell for cash or on credit, exchange, or give and convey any such property described in subdivision 1 above, to any person, firm, association or corporation. 3. Promote local industrial, commercial, or agricultural development and the location of new industries or businesses therein. 4. Become a stockholder in any corporation, association or company. 5. Lend its credit or to grant public moneys and things of value in aid of, or to, any individual, firm, association, or corporation whatsoever. 6. Become indebted and to issue and sell interest bearing bonds, warrants (which may be payable from funds to be realized in future years), notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness, to a principal amount not exceeding fifty percent of the assessed value of taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in order to secure funds for the purchase, construction, lease or acquisition of any of the property described in subdivision 1 above or to be used in furtherance of any of the other powers or authorities granted in this amendment. Such obligations or evidences of indebtedness may (in addition to any pledge or pledges authorized by subdivision 8 of this amendment) be issued upon the full faith and credit of the county or municipality or may be limited as to the source of their payment. 7. Levy and collect annually, in addition to all other taxes now authorized or permitted, a special tax or taxes of not exceeding two percent on the value of all taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in the same manner as other county or municipal taxes are levied and collected. Such tax may be upon all property in the county or in any municipality in St. Clair county or upon all property in any district to be specially improved and benefited by any proposed use or expenditure of the proceeds of such tax. 8. Pledge to the payment of any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness the annual proceeds from any such special tax or taxes and to obligate itself irrevocably to continue to levy and collect such taxes annually until such obligations or evidences of indebtedness are paid in full and to pledge thereto any rental or sales proceeds of property leased or sold by it. 9. Create a public authority or corporation having such powers, managed and governed by such board or governing body and subject to such limitations as the governing body of St. Clair county may impose, by approving and filing a certificate to that effect in the office of the judge of probate or the secretary of state, or their respective successors in function, and to delegate to such public authority or corporation and its board or governing body all powers and authority conferred in this amendment upon the county or any municipality. The recital in any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness that they were issued pursuant to this amendment or that they were issued to provide funds to be used in furtherance of any power or authority herein authorized or that any special tax herein authorized has been pledged to the payment thereof shall be conclusive; no purchaser or holder thereof need inquire further; and the levy and collection of such tax shall continue until the principal of and interest on such obligations or evidences of indebtedness shall have been paid in full. The bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness issued hereunder shall not be considered an indebtedness of St. Clair county or any municipality therein for
AMENDMENT 198 RATIFIED Hospital Tax and Tax Anticipation Bonds, etc., in Tallapoosa County. In addition to any taxes now authorized or that may be hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, the governing body of Tallapoosa county shall levy and cause to be collected annually a special district tax, not exceeding 50 cents on each 100 dollars assessed valuation of taxable property in districts three and four of Tallapoosa county, Alabama, to be used exclusively for public hospital purposes (as the term "public hospital purposes" is defined in amendment LXXVI [76] to the Constitution proposed by Acts of 1949, page 897, submitted December 13, 1949, and proclaimed ratified December 21, 1949) within said districts three and four; provided that the time during which such tax is to continue and the purpose thereof shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors in districts three and four of Tallapoosa county and voted for by a majority of such electors voting at such election. The governing body of Tallapoosa county may call an election at any time, and it shall be the duty of such governing body to call an election to be held within ninety days after receipt by it of a petition signed by not less than 5% of the qualified electors of said districts three and four, requesting that such election be called. The governing body may call such election to be held at the same time that this amendment is submitted to the electors of the state for ratification and such election shall be effective to require the levy and collection of such tax in the event that this amendment shall be ratified. The notice of such election, ballots to be used at such election and procedures for holding and determining the results of such election shall be prescribed by the governing body of Tallapoosa county. No election shall be held hereunder within one year from the date of the last election so held. Whenever such tax shall have been authorized by vote of such qualified electors, and levied by the governing body of Tallapoosa county, such governing body may anticipate the proceeds therefrom for any one or more of the purposes for which the tax shall have been voted, by issuing, without further election, interest bearing tax anticipation bonds, warrants, or certificates of indebtedness of said county payable solely from and secured by a pledge of a sufficient amount of the annual proceeds from said tax received by the county. The governing body of Tallapoosa county shall have power to designate as the agency of the county, to construct, acquire, equip, operate and maintain public hospital facilities for said districts three and four, any public corporation heretofore or hereafter organized for hospital purposes in the county. When a public corporation shall have been so designated, the proceeds of said tax thereafter collected shall be paid to it and shall be used by it for any one or more of the purposes for which the tax shall have been voted; provided, that payments of the proceeds of said tax to said public corporation shall be made only to such extent as will not result in the impairment of the obligation of any contract theretofore made with respect to said tax. Said public corporation may anticipate the proceeds from said tax so required to be paid to it by issuing, for any one or more of the purposes for which the tax shall have been voted, the bonds, warrants, or certificates of indebtedness of said corporation, and may pledge for the payment of the principal thereof and interest thereon a sufficient amount of the annual proceeds from said tax so paid to it. No securities issued or contracts made by Tallapoosa county under the authority of this amendment, which are payable solely out of the proceeds of said tax, and no securities issued or contracts made by any such public corporation, whether or not issued or made under the authority of this amendment, shall be construed to be bonds of Tallapoosa county or of a
AMENDMENT 199 RATIFIED Special Tax and Bond Issue for Public Buildings in Washington County. Section 1. Washington county may become indebted in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding one million dollars in addition to the indebtedness of the county outstanding on the effective date hereof, for the sole purpose of financing the construction and equipment of a courthouse and jail and acquiring sites therefor. The county may issue and sell interest bearing general obligation bonds and pledge to the payment of the principal thereof and interest thereon the full faith and credit of the county and the proceeds of the special county tax provided for in section 2. Section 2. In addition to all other taxes now or hereafter authorized by law, the court of county commissioners, board of revenue, or other like governing body of Washington county shall have the power to levy and collect, for a period not exceeding twenty years, a special ad valorem tax on property situated within said county, at a rate not exceeding four mills on each dollar of property as assessed for state taxation for the preceding year, the proceeds of said tax to be used solely for acquiring sites and constructing and equipping a courthouse and jail within said county or to pay any debt incurred for that purpose pursuant to section 1. Before any special ad valorem tax is levied, however, the question as to whether the tax shall be levied shall be first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the county at an election to be called by the governing body of the county, and shall be approved by a majority of the electors who vote thereon at said election. The election shall be called, held, conducted and canvassed, and may be contested in the same manner as provided by law for calling, holding, conducting and canvassing county bond elections. Upon the expiration of any tax authorized pursuant to this amendment, no further tax shall be authorized hereunder. Section 3. In the event the qualified electors of Washington county do not authorize the levy of the special county tax provided for in section 2 at any election called hereunder, then other elections may be called by the county governing body from time to time until the electors of the county do authorize and approve the levy, provided that not more than two elections shall be held in the same year. If a majority of the electors of Washington county who participate in the election as to the adoption of this constitutional amendment vote to approve the amendment, such expression of the will of the electors of Washington county shall of itself authorize the levying of the special tax provided for and the issuance of the bonds. Approval of the tax levy at any election held hereunder shall be sufficient authority for issuance of the bonds as provided in section 1. Section 4. Bonds issued pursuant to this amendment and the income therefrom shall be exempt from taxation. Section 5. The legislature may enact appropriate legislation to implement the provisions of this amendment.
AMENDMENT 200 RATIFIED Bonds for Voting Machines. Section 1. The several counties of the state may become indebted and issue and sell general obligation bonds or other evidence of such indebtedness for the purpose of paying the cost of installing and providing for the use of voting machines at all elections held within the county and the municipalities therein, (any provision of article 12 of this Constitution to the contrary notwithstanding). Such debts may be created and evidence thereof issued without a vote of the qualified electors of the county, but any debt so created shall be repaid within 20 years from the date of its creation. Section 2. The legislature may enact general, special or local laws to enforce and implement this amendment.
AMENDMENT 201 RATIFIED Promotion of Cattle Industry. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Constitution, the legislature may hereafter, by general law, provide for the promotion of the production, distribution, marketing, use, improvement and sale of cattle. The legislature may provide for the promotion of cattle and the cattle industry by research, education, advertising and other methods, and the legislature is further authorized to provide means and methods for the financing of any such promotional activity by prescribing a procedure whereby owners of cattle may by referendum held among the owners of cattle in this state levy upon themselves and collect assessments, fees, or charges upon the sale of cattle for the financing of any promotional program or activity in cooperation with processors, dealers and handlers of cattle. Provided, no assessment levied hereunder shall exceed ten cents (10¢) per head on any cattle or calves sold by cattle producers and no assessments shall be levied or deducted from the sale price of any cattle or calves which sell for less than ten dollars ($10.00) per head. The legislature shall make provisions for the nonpayment of assessments by cattle owners, and for the refund of assessments to any cattle owner dissatisfied with the assessment program. The legislature shall provide for the collection and distribution of any such assessments or charges by dealers, handlers, processors and purchasers of cattle and provide penalties for failure to make collection and distribution of such assessments. The legislature shall provide for the designation of a nonprofit association or organization organized for the promotion and betterment of cattle and beef products to administer and carry out such promotional program which shall include the conducting of elections or referendums among cattle owners. The legislature shall further provide for the deposit, withdrawal, disbursement and expenditure by the designated association of any funds received subject to the supervision and control of the activities authorized herein by the department of agriculture and industries and the state board of agriculture and industries. Assessments, fees or other charges collected as authorized by any legislative act adopted in pursuance hereof shall not be considered as a tax within the meaning of this Constitution or any provision thereof. Any uniformity requirements of this Constitution shall be satisfied by the application of the program upon cattle and beef products.
AMENDMENT 202 RATIFIED Additional Property Tax for County Educational Purposes. The court of county commissioners, board of revenue, or other like governing body of each of the several counties in the state shall have the power to levy and collect a special county tax of not to exceed fifty cents on each one hundred dollars of taxable property, in addition to all other taxes now or hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, for educational purposes, on the value of the taxable property in the county as assessed for state taxation, provided the purpose thereof, and the time such tax is proposed to be continued shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the county and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election. If any proposal to levy the tax is defeated in any election, subsequent elections thereon may be held at any time. The election provided for herein shall be called, held, conducted, paid for, and governed otherwise in the manner provided for an election on the school district tax authorized in constitutional amendment III [3].
AMENDMENT 203 RATIFIED Additional Property Tax for Educational Purposes in Jackson County. The court of county commissioners, board of revenue, or like governing body of Jackson county shall have the power to levy and collect a special property tax, in addition to all other taxes now or hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, of five mills on each dollar's worth of taxable property in the county as assessed for state taxation during the preceding year, provided that the question of levying the tax, the purpose thereof, and the time such tax is proposed to be continued, shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the county and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election; and provided further, that the total of all taxes levied for educational or school purposes in any school district of the county shall not exceed a total of fourteen and one-half mills on each dollar's worth of taxable property located in the district. If any proposal to levy the tax is defeated in any election, subsequent elections thereon may be held at any time. The election provided for herein shall be called, held, conducted, paid for and governed otherwise in the manner provided for an election on the school district tax authorized in amendment III [3], article III [XIX], of the Constitution of Alabama, by article 7, chapter 10, Title 52, Code of Alabama 1940. The tax shall be collected in the same manner and under the same requirements and laws as the taxes of the state are collected. The proceeds of the tax authorized by this amendment shall be used exclusively for educational purposes, provided that the revenue derived from four and one-half mills of the total rate of taxation authorized herein shall be devoted only to purposes of capital outlay, and the revenue derived from the remaining three mills shall be devoted to current operating expenses.
AMENDMENT 204 RATIFIED Special School Taxes in Walker County. Section 1. If authorized at an election held for such purpose, the governing body of Walker county may levy and collect a special county tax at a rate not exceeding one-half of one percent on the value of the taxable property within the county as assessed for state taxation, the proceeds of which shall be used exclusively for public school purposes; provided, however, that the governing body of Walker county shall not levy the special county property tax authorized by this amendment in addition to any tax authorized by a constitutional amendment proposed by the legislature at the same session of the legislature at which this amendment was proposed authorizing the governing body of each of the several counties in the state to levy an additional property tax for school purposes [amendment No. 202]. This tax shall be apportioned among the county and city school systems on a teacher unit basis in the manner that minimum program funds are distributed. Section 2. An election shall be ordered by the county governing body to determine whether or not a special tax shall be levied for public school purposes as authorized herein upon the request of the county board of education, and the election shall be held and conducted in accordance with general laws providing for school tax elections pursuant to constitutional amendment III [3].
AMENDMENT 205 RATIFIED Special Property Taxes for School Purposes in Marion County. The court of county commissioners, board of revenue or other like governing body of Marion county may levy and collect a special property tax, in addition to all taxes now or hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, at a rate not exceeding one-half of one percent on the value of the property in the county as assessed for state taxation during the preceding year, the proceeds of which shall be used exclusively for current operating expenses of public schools, excluding capital outlays or debt service; provided that the rate of such tax and the purpose or purposes thereof, and the time such tax is proposed to be continued, shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the county and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election; provided, further that the funds derived by the county under this amendment shall be apportioned between the county and any independent city school system existing in the county in the same proportion that state funds are distributed under the minimum program funds. If any proposal to levy a tax as provided in this amendment is defeated in any election, subsequent elections thereon may be held at any time. The elections provided for herein shall be called, held, conducted, paid for, and governed otherwise in the manner provided for elections on school district taxes authorized in amendment III [3], article XIX of the Constitution, as prescribed by article 7, chapter 10, Title 52, Code 1940.
AMENDMENT 206 RATIFIED Additional Taxes for School Purposes in Coffee County. The court of county commissioners, board of revenue, or other like governing body of Coffee county shall have power to levy and provide for collection of an additional district school tax of fifty cents on each one hundred dollars worth of taxable property in the several school districts within the county, in the same manner and subject to the same election requirements as provided in the third amendment to this Constitution with respect to other district school taxes. The tax herein authorized shall be in addition to all other taxes authorized in this Constitution as amended, and the proceeds thereof shall be spent for public school purposes only.
AMENDMENT 207 RATIFIED Amendment of Section 178. SECTION 178 Residency, registration and poll tax requirements for electors. To entitle a person to vote at any election by the people, he shall have resided in the state at least one year, in the county six months, and in the precinct or ward three months, immediately preceding the election at which he offers to vote, and he shall have been duly registered as an elector, and shall have paid on or before the first day of February next preceding the date of the election at which he offers to vote, all poll taxes due from him for the two calendar years next preceding. Provided, that any elector who, within three months next preceding the date of the election at which he offers to vote, has removed from one precinct or ward to another precinct or ward in the same county, incorporated town, or city, shall have the right to vote in the precinct or ward from which he has so removed, if he would have been entitled to vote in such precinct or ward but for such removal.
AMENDMENT 208 RATIFIED Amendment of Section 215. SECTION 215 Limitation on county property tax rates; special county taxes for public buildings, bridges or roads; disposition of revenue from special tax. No county in this state shall be authorized to levy a greater rate of taxation in any one year on the value of the taxable property therein than one-half of one per centum; provided, that to pay debts existing on the sixth day of December, eighteen hundred and seventy-five, an additional rate of one-fourth of one per centum may be levied and collected which shall be appropriated exclusively to the payment of such debts and the interest thereon; provided, further, that to pay any debt or liability now existing against any county, incurred for the erection, construction, or maintenance of the necessary public buildings or bridges, or that may hereafter be created for the erection of necessary public buildings, bridges, or roads (a) any county may levy and collect such special taxes, not to exceed one-fourth of one per centum, as may have been or may hereafter be authorized by law. The proceeds of taxes levied under said proviso (a) for public building, road, or bridge purposes in excess of amounts payable on bonds, warrants, or other securities issued by the county may be spent for general county purposes, in such manner as the court of county commissioners, board of revenue, or other like county governing body may determine.
AMENDMENT 209 RATIFIED Additional Tax in City of Mountain Brook. Any provision of the Constitution and laws of the state of Alabama to the contrary notwithstanding, the city of Mountain Brook, in Jefferson county, shall have, in addition to the power to levy and collect ad valorem tax each year at the rate authorized immediately prior to the adoption of this amendment, the further power to levy and collect each year an additional tax of one-fourth of one per centum based upon the value of the property therein as fixed for state taxation; provided, that before any such additional tax may be so levied and collected a majority of the qualified electors of said municipal corporation voting at an election called for that purpose shall vote in favor of the levy thereof; and provided further, that the adoption of this amendment or the levying of said tax shall in no wise affect, limit, modify, abridge or impair the power, authority or right of such municipality to levy and collect the special school taxes now or hereafter vested or conferred upon it under the Constitution, or any amendment thereto. Each election held under the provisions hereof shall be ordered, held, canvassed and may be contested in the same manner as may be provided by law applicable to municipal corporations for elections to authorize the issuance of municipal bonds. The ballots used at such elections shall contain the words "for 1/4 % additional rate of taxation," and "Against 1/4 % additional rate of taxation," so that the voter may record his choice for or against said additional tax.
AMENDMENT 210 RATIFIED Warrants Payable Out of Proceeds of Special Taxes for Educational Purposes in DeKalb County. In addition to all other purposes for which the county board of education or any city board of education in DeKalb county is authorized by law to issue and sell warrants payable out of the proceeds from any special school tax or special tax for educational purposes generally, duly levied pursuant to this Constitution or amendments thereto, the county board of education of DeKalb county or the city board of education of any city in such county is authorized to issue and sell warrants payable out of the proceeds of such special taxes for the purpose of refinancing any deficit created by proration of school funds prior to June 1, 1962. Before any warrants are issued hereunder the existence of such deficit and the amount thereof shall be determined by the state department of examiners of public accounts and certified to the board of education desiring to issue the warrants. All warrants issued hereunder shall be issued, sold, redeemed and otherwise handled in the same manner and upon the same terms and conditions as warrants issued pursuant to article 4, chapter 10, Title 52, Code of 1940.
AMENDMENT 211 RATIFIED Further Provisions as to Additional Tax for School Purposes in Franklin County. 1. The court of county commissioners, board of revenue, or other like governing body of Franklin county shall have power to levy and collect the special property tax authorized by amendment CLXXIII [173] on all the taxable property in the county situated outside the corporate limits of the city of Russellville, as such property was assessed for state taxation during the preceding year, the proceeds of which shall be used exclusively for public school purposes; provided that such tax and the purpose or purposes thereof and the time the tax is proposed to be continued shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of Franklin county residing outside the city of Russellville, and voted for by a majority of those voting at the election. Elections on proposals to levy the tax on the property in the county situated outside the city of Russellville shall be called and held in the same manner as now provided by law for an election on the school district tax authorized in amendment III [3], article XIX, of the Constitution. 2. The county governing body may likewise levy and collect said special property tax on the property situated within the city of Russellville, as assessed for state taxation during the preceding year, provided that such tax and the purpose or purposes thereof and the time such tax is proposed to be continued shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the city of Russellville and voted for by a majority of those voting at the election. 3. The additional taxes levied on property under amendment CLXXIII [173] and this amendment shall be collected in the same manner and under the same requirements and laws as other taxes levied on property for public school purposes.
AMENDMENT 212 RATIFIED State Tax on Net Income of Corporations. The legislature shall have power to levy and provide for the collection of taxes for state purposes on net income of corporations, from whatever source derived, for the calendar year 1963, or for any fiscal year beginning in the calendar year 1963, and each year thereafter, at a rate not exceeding five percent. However, all federal income taxes paid or accrued within the taxable year by corporations shall always be deductible in computing net income taxable under the income tax laws of this state, provided that in the case of foreign corporations the amount of federal income tax deductible shall be in proportion to income derived from sources within Alabama, to be determined in accordance with such laws as the legislature may enact.
AMENDMENT 213 RATIFIED Bonds for State Docks Facilities. The state of Alabama is authorized to become indebted for improvements at the Alabama state docks and the refunding of state docks revenue bonds, and in evidence of the indebtedness so incurred to issue and sell, in addition to all other bonds of the state, interest bearing general obligation bonds of the state not exceeding ten million dollars ($10,000,000) in principal amount. The full faith and credit and taxing power of the state are hereby pledged to the prompt and faithful payment of the principal of the bonds and the interest thereon. The Alabama state docks department (which term as used herein shall be construed to include any other agency of the state that may succeed to said department's functions) shall pledge and use so much of the revenues derived from its seaport facilities as may be necessary to pay at their maturities the principal of and interest on said bonds, and may pledge, agree to use, and use so much of said revenues as the said department with the approval of the governor may determine shall be necessary or desirable to build up and maintain a reserve for the payment of said principal and interest and for the maintenance, replacement and improvement of its seaport facilities. The proceeds from the sale of any such bonds shall, after payment of the reasonable and necessary expenses of their issuance, be set aside in a special fund in the state treasury and shall be paid out of the Alabama state docks department upon authorization by the governor and shall be held by the said department in a special trust fund designated "state docks bond fund" and therefrom be disbursed as follows: (a) Not exceeding $3,000,000 may be used to pay the reasonable and necessary costs of constructing and equipping works of internal improvement for use and operation as a part of the state docks facilities; provided that, if said department shall have issued subsequent to July 1, 1963, any notes in anticipation of the sale of bonds for any of said purposes, then so much as may be necessary, not exceeding $1,000,000, of said $3,000,000 shall be used to retire or fund said notes; and (b) Not exceeding $7,000,000 may be used to refund and provide for the retirement of all or such part of the outstanding revenue bonds heretofore issued by said department as the director thereof, with the approval of the governor, shall deem advantageous, including payment of any redemption premiums required under the terms of said outstanding bonds to be paid in order to effect redemption thereof prior to their maturities; provided, that pending any redemption date or dates on which the outstanding bonds so refunded can be redeemed under their terms, any part of said $7,000,000 and any other funds of the said department may be invested in securities that are direct obligations of the United States of America, and such securities may be deposited by said department under irrevocable trust agreements, which said department is hereby authorized to enter into with any corporate trustee, and used to pay principal, interest and redemption premiums on said outstanding bonds. Alabama state docks department is hereby vested with full authority, except as limited herein, to prescribe the terms of the bonds and to provide for the issuance and sale thereof. The bonds may be sold, executed and delivered at any time and from time to time, may be in such forms, denominations, series and numbers, may be of such tenor and maturities, may bear such date or dates, may be in registered or bearer form either as to principal or interest or both, with rights of conversion into another form, may be payable in such installments and at such place or places, may bear interest at such rate or rates, payable and evidenced in such manner, and may contain provisions for redemption at the option of the state to be exercised by the state docks department at such date or dates prior to their maturity and upon payment of such
AMENDMENT 214 RATIFIED Promotion of Poultry and Poultry Products. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Constitution, the legislature may hereafter, by general law, provide for the promotion of the production, distribution, marketing and use of poultry and poultry products. The legislature may provide for the promotion of poultry and poultry products and the poultry industry by research, education, advertising and other methods, and the legislature is further authorized to provide means and methods for the financing of any such promotional activity by prescribing a procedure whereby producers, owners or growers of poultry may by referendum held among such producers, owners or growers of poultry in this state levy upon themselves and collect assessments, fees, or charges upon the sale of poultry and poultry products for the financing of any such promotional program or activity in cooperation with processors, dealers, handlers and other buyers of poultry and poultry products. Provided, no assessment levied hereunder shall exceed one cent (1¢) per hen or other domesticated fowl or any other classes of poultry sold by producers thereof. The legislature is authorized to make provisions for nonpayment and for the refund of assessments levied upon owners, producers or growers of poultry to any such person who does not desire to participate in the promotional program. The legislature shall provide for the collection and distribution of assessments or charges authorized hereunder and to provide penalties for failure to make such collection and distribution of assessments. The legislature shall provide for the designation of a nonprofit association or organization organized for the promotion and betterment of poultry and poultry products in Alabama to administer and carry out such promotional program which shall include conducting elections or referendum among producers, owners or growers of poultry. The legislature shall further provide for the deposit, withdrawal, disbursement and expenditure by the designated association of any funds received subject to the supervision and control of the activities authorized herein by the department of agriculture and industries and the state board of agriculture and industries. Assessments, fees or other charges collected as authorized by any legislative act adopted under authority hereof shall not be considered as a tax within the meaning of this Constitution or any provision thereof. Any uniformity requirements of this Constitution shall be satisfied by the application of the program upon poultry and poultry products.
AMENDMENT 215 RATIFIED Costs and Charges of Court and Fees, etc., of Officers of Marshall County. The legislature may, by general or local laws, fix, alter, and regulate the costs and charges of court and the fees, commissions, percentages, allowances, and salaries, including the method or basis of their compensation, to be charged or received by the judge of probate, sheriff, circuit clerk, register of the circuit court, tax assessor, tax collector, or any other officer of Marshall county, and may place any of such officers on a salary and provide that the fees, commissions, percentages, and allowances collected by such officers shall be paid into the county treasury from which their salaries shall be paid. The compensation of such officers shall not be increased or diminished during their terms.
AMENDMENT 216 RATIFIED Warrants Payable from Proceeds of Special School Taxes in Coffee County. In addition to all other purposes for which the county board of education or any city board of education in Coffee county is authorized by law to issue and sell warrants payable out of the proceeds from any special school tax or special tax for educational purposes generally, duly levied pursuant to this Constitution or amendments thereto, the county board of education of Coffee county or the city board of education of any city in such county is authorized to issue and sell warrants payable out of the proceeds of such special taxes for the purpose of refinancing any deficit created by proration of school funds prior to June 1, 1963. Before any warrants are issued hereunder the existence of such deficit and the amount thereof shall be determined by the state department of examiners of public accounts and certified to the board of education desiring to issue the warrants. All warrants issued hereunder shall be issued, sold, redeemed and otherwise handled in the same manner and upon the same terms and conditions as warrants issued pursuant to article 4, chapter 10, Title 52, Code of 1940.
AMENDMENT 217 RATIFIED Economic Development of Clarke County and Municipalities Therein. Clarke county and the incorporated municipalities therein, jointly or severally, after an election held in accordance herewith shall have full and continuing power and authority to: 1. Purchase, construct, lease, or otherwise acquire real property, plants, buildings, factories, works, facilities, machinery and equipment of any kind. 2. Lease, sell for cash or on credit, exchange, or give and convey any such property described in subdivision 1 above, to any person, firm, association or corporation. 3. Promote local industrial, commercial, or agricultural development and the location of new industries or businesses therein. 4. Become a stockholder in any corporation, association or company. 5. Lend its credit or to grant public moneys and things of value in aid of, or to, any individual, firm, association, or corporation whatsoever. 6. Become indebted and to issue and sell interest bearing bonds, warrants (which may be payable from funds to be realized in future years), notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness, in order to secure funds for the purchase, construction, lease or acquisition of any of the property described in subdivision 1 above or to be used in furtherance of any of the other powers or authorities granted in this amendment. Such obligations or evidences of indebtedness may (in addition to any pledge or pledges authorized by subdivision 8 of this amendment) be issued upon the full faith and credit of the county or municipality or may be limited as to the source of their payment. 7. Levy and collect annually, in addition to all other taxes now authorized or permitted, a special tax or taxes of not exceeding two percent on the value of all taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in the same manner as other county or municipal taxes are levied and collected. Such tax may be upon all property in the county or in any municipality in Clarke county or upon all property in any district to be specially improved and benefited by any proposed use or expenditure of the proceeds of such tax. 8. Pledge to the payment of any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness the annual proceeds from any such special tax or taxes and to obligate itself irrevocably to continue to levy and collect such taxes annually until such obligations or evidences of indebtedness are paid in full and to pledge thereto any rental or sales proceeds of property leased or sold by it. 9. Create a public authority or corporation having such powers, managed and governed by such board or governing body and subject to such limitations as the governing body of Clarke county may impose, by approving and filing a certificate to that effect in the office of the judge of probate or the secretary of state, or their respective successors in function and to delegate to such public authority or corporation and its board or governing body all powers and authority conferred in this amendment upon the county or any municipality. The recital in any bonds, warrants, notes, or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness that they were issued pursuant to this amendment or that they were issued to provide funds to be used in furtherance of any power or authority herein authorized or that any special tax herein authorized has been pledged to the payment thereof shall be conclusive; no purchaser or holder thereof need inquire further; and the levy and collection of such tax shall continue until the principal of and interest on such obligations or evidences of indebtedness shall have been paid in full. The bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness issued hereunder shall not be considered an indebtedness of Clarke county or any municipality therein for the purpose of determining their borrowing capacity under sections 224 and 225 of the Constitution; and the taxes herein authorized shall be in addi
AMENDMENT 218 RATIFIED Special School Tax in City of Huntsville. Section 1. In addition to any taxes now authorized, or that may be hereafter authorized, by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, there is hereby levied a special school tax of fifty cents on each one hundred dollars worth of taxable property in the school tax district of the city of Huntsville in Madison county to be used solely for public school purposes; provided the levy of said tax shall first have been approved by the qualified electors of the school district as hereinafter provided. Section 2. The proceeds of said tax shall be used exclusively for constructing and improving school buildings and acquiring sites therefor in the school tax district of the city of Huntsville, Alabama. Section 3. In the event this amendment is approved and a majority of the qualified electors of the school tax district of the city of Huntsville who vote thereon vote in favor of the adoption of this amendment when it is submitted, the additional tax provided for in section 1 shall be levied and collected for a period of thirty years without any other election having been held hereon. In the event this amendment is approved and a majority of the qualified electors of the school tax district of the city of Huntsville who vote thereon vote against its approval, the tax shall not be levied unless the rate of the tax, the time it is to continue and the purpose thereof shall have been again submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the school tax district of the city of Huntsville and voted for by a majority of those voting at the election. Subsequent elections may be held at intervals of not less than one year and shall be called, held, conducted, paid for, and governed otherwise in the manner provided for an election on the school district tax authorized in constitutional amendment III [3].
AMENDMENT 219 RATIFIED Levy of Certain Privilege Licence Taxes by Municipalities in Mobile County. No incorporated municipality in Mobile county shall have power to levy, impose, or collect a privilege license tax upon or in respect of the employees of an employer which is measured by or based on income derived from wages, salaries, commissions, or bonuses, for personal services rendered, unless the levying thereof shall have been authorized before the enactment of such ordinance by a vote of the duly qualified electors of the city or town at an election held for such purpose, in the manner prescribed by the city or town council or commission.
AMENDMENT 220 RATIFIED Promotion of Industrial, Commercial and Agricultural Development in City of Bayou La Batre. Any provision or limitations in this Constitution or laws to the contrary notwithstanding, the city of Bayou La Batre shall have full and continuing power and authority to do any act hereinafter described or engage in any activity mentioned if the same is first approved by a majority of the qualified electors of the county who vote thereon at a referendum election held for such purpose. The city or governing body thereof may purchase, construct, lease, or otherwise acquire real property, plants, buildings, factories, works, facilities, machinery and equipment of any kind and may lend its credit or grant public money and things of value in aid of, or to, any individual, firm, association, or corporation, to promote local industrial, commercial, or agricultural development and the location of new industries or businesses in the city. The city or the governing body thereof may borrow money and pledge to the payment of any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness the annual proceeds from any special tax or taxes and to obligate itself irrevocably to continue to levy and collect such taxes annually until such obligations or evidences of indebtedness are paid in full, and may pledge thereto any rental or sales proceeds of property leased, or sold by it. The provisions of this article of amendment shall be self-executing; however, the governing body of the city shall have power to enact appropriate ordinances to implement and enforce the provisions hereof.
AMENDMENT 221 RATIFIED Economic Development of City of York. Any provision of the Constitution or laws of the state of Alabama to the contrary notwithstanding, the municipality of York in Sumter county shall have full and continuing power and authority, after an election held in accordance herewith, to do any one or more of the following: 1. To purchase, construct, lease, or otherwise acquire real property, plants, buildings, factories, works, facilities, machinery and equipment of any kind. 2. To lease, sell for cash or on credit, exchange, give and convey any such property described in subdivision 1 above, to any person, firm, association or corporation. 3. To promote local industrial, commercial or agricultural development and the location of new industries or businesses therein. 4. To become a stockholder in any corporation, association or company. 5. To lend this credit or to grant public moneys and things of value in aid of, or to, any individual, firm, association, or corporation whatsoever. 6. To become indebted and to issue and sell interest bearing bonds, warrants (which may be payable from funds to be realized in future years), notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness, to a principal amount not exceeding fifty percent of the assessed value of taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in order to secure funds for the purchase, construction, lease or acquisition of any of the property described in subdivision 1 above or to be used in furtherance of any of the other powers or authorities granted in this amendment. Such obligations or evidences of indebtedness may (in addition to any pledge or pledges authorized by subdivision 8 of this amendment) to be issued upon the full faith and credit of the municipality of York, or may be limited as to the sources of their payment. 7. To levy and collect annually, in addition to all other taxes now authorized or permitted, a special tax or taxes of not exceeding two percent on the value of all taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in the same manner as other county or municipal taxes are levied and collected. Such tax may be upon all property in the municipality of York in Sumter county, or upon all property in any district the boundaries of which the governing body of such municipality shall describe and which it shall determine to be specially improved and benefited by any proposed use or expenditure of the proceeds of such tax. 8. To pledge to the payment of any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness the annual proceeds from any such special tax or taxes and to obligate itself irrevocably to continue to levy and collect such taxes annually until such obligations or evidences of indebtedness are paid in full and to pledge thereto any rental or sales proceeds of property leased or sold by it. 9. To create a public authority or corporation having such powers, managed and governed by such board or governing body, and subject to such limitations as the governing body of the municipality of York in Sumter county may impose, by approving and filing a certificate to that effect in the office of the judge of probate or the secretary of state, or their respective successors in function, and to delegate to such public authority or corporation and its board or governing body all powers and authority conferred in this amendment upon the municipality. The recital in any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness that they were issued pursuant to this amendment or that they were issued to provide funds to be used in furtherance of any power or authority herein authorized or that any special tax herein authorized has been pledged to the payment thereof shall be conclusive, no purchaser or holder thereof need inquire further; and the levy and collection of such tax shall continue until the principal of and interest on such obligations or evidences of indebtedness shall have been
AMENDMENT 222 RATIFIED Bonds for State Docks Facilities. The state of Alabama is authorized to become indebted for improvements at the Alabama state docks and in evidence of the indebtedness so incurred to issue and sell, in addition to all other bonds of the state, interest bearing general obligation bonds of the state not exceeding three million dollars ($3,000,000) in principal amount. The full faith and credit and taxing power of the state are hereby pledged to the prompt and faithful payment of the principal of the bonds and the interest thereon. The Alabama state docks department (which term as used herein shall be construed to include any other agency of the state that may succeed to said department's functions) shall, subject to the provisions of the bond order relating to the sale of $10,000,000 principal amount of general obligation seaport facilities bonds of the state of Alabama dated March 1, 1964, pledge and use so much of the revenues derived from its seaport facilities as may be necessary to pay at their maturities the principal of and interest on said bonds, and may pledge, agree to use, and use so much of said revenues as the said department with the approval of the governor may determine shall be necessary or desirable to build up and maintain reserves for the payment of said principal and interest for the maintenance, replacement and improvement of its seaport facilities. The proceeds from the sale of any such bonds shall, after payment of the reasonable and necessary expense of their issuance, be set aside in a special fund in the state treasury and shall be paid out to the Alabama state docks department upon authorization by the governor and shall be held by the said department in a special trust fund designated "Alabama state docks expansion bond fund" and therefrom be disbursed to pay the reasonable and necessary costs of constructing and equipping works of internal improvement for use and operation as a part of the state docks facilities; provided that, if said department shall have issued any notes in anticipation of the sale of bonds for any of said purposes, then so much as may be necessary, not exceeding $1,000,000, shall be used to retire or fund said notes. The Alabama state docks department is hereby vested with full authority, subject to the provisions of the bond order relating to the sale of $10,000,000 principal amount of general obligation seaport facilities bonds of the state of Alabama dated March 1, 1964, and except as limited herein, to prescribe the terms of the bonds and to provide for the issuance and sale thereof. The bonds may be sold, executed and delivered at any time and from time to time, may be in such forms, denominations, series and numbers, may be of such tenor and maturities, may bear such date or dates, may be in registered or bearer form either as to principal or interest or both, with rights of conversion into another form, may be payable in such installments and at such place or places, may bear interest at such rate or rates, payable and evidenced in such manner, and may contain provisions for redemption at the option of the state to be exercised by the state docks department at such date or dates prior to their maturity and upon payment of such redemption price or prices, all as shall be provided by the said department in the order or orders under which the bonds are issued. The principal of each series of bonds shall mature in annual installments in such amount as shall be specified in the authorizing order or orders, the first of which installments shall mature not later than one year after the date of the bonds of such series and the last of which installments shall mature not later than twenty years after the date of the bonds of the same series. The largest installment of principal and interest maturing on each series of the bonds in any one year shall not exceed twice the preceding smallest installment of principal and interest maturing thereon in any prior yea
AMENDMENT 223 RATIFIED Qualifications and Registration of Electors; Repeal of Section 181. 1. The following persons, and no others, who, if they are citizens of the United States over the age of twenty-one years and have the qualifications as to residence prescribed in section 178 of this Constitution, as amended, shall be qualified to register as electors provided they are not disqualified under section 182 of this Constitution: Those who can, except for physical disability, read and write any article of the Constitution of the United States in the English language, and makes proof of the same in such manner as may be prescribed by the legislature. The legislature shall enact general registration laws whereby upon personal application a voter may be registered and his registration continued so long as he shall remain qualified to vote from the same address, and may provide by law for ascertaining by proper proofs, the citizens who shall be entitled to the right of suffrage. 2. Article VIII, section 181, of this Constitution, as amended, is hereby repealed.
AMENDMENT 224 RATIFIED Bonds for Display of Certain Exhibits in Madison County. The state of Alabama is authorized to become indebted for the purpose of providing and equipping permanent facilities in Madison county, Alabama for displaying certain exhibits in cooperation with the United States Department of the Army and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and in evidence of the indebtedness so incurred to sell and issue, in addition to all other bonds of the state, interest bearing general obligation bonds of the state not exceeding one million nine hundred thousand dollars ($1,900,000) in principal amount. The bonds shall be general obligations of the state of Alabama and the full faith and credit and taxing power of the state are hereby pledged to the prompt and faithful payment of the principal of the bonds and the interest thereon. The proceeds from the sale of such bonds are hereby appropriated and shall be used exclusively for the purpose of paying the expenses incurred in the sale and issuance thereof and for the construction, alteration, improvement, enlargement and equipment of exhibition buildings and related facilities, including parking areas and ramps, roadways, sewers, curbs, and gutters, but not including the purchase of sites therefor. Such buildings and facilities shall be constructed by a space science exhibit commission, or such other state agency as may be created by act of the legislature, and shall be operated by or in cooperation with the Department of the Army and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under such arrangements as may be authorized by law. The Alabama Space Science Exhibit Commission or any instrumentality of the state created and established for the purpose of providing for such facility, its management or control, is hereby vested with the authority to provide for the sale and terms of the bonds and the issuance thereof, subject to the approval of the governor. The bonds may be sold, executed and delivered at any time and from time to time, may be in such forms, denominations, series and numbers, may be of such tenor and maturities, may bear such date or dates, may be in registered or bearer form either as to principal or interest or both with rights of conversion into another form, may be payable in such installments and at such place or places, may bear interest at such rate or rates payable and evidenced in such manner, and may contain provisions for redemption at the option of the state to be exercised by said commission at such date or dates prior to their maturity and upon payment of such redemption price or prices, all as shall be provided by the said commission in the resolution or resolutions whereunder the bonds are issued. The principal of each series of bonds shall mature in annual installments in such an amount as shall be specified in the resolution or resolutions of the said commission under which they are issued, the first of which installments shall mature not later than two years after the date of the bonds of such series and the last of which installments shall mature not later than twenty-one years after the date of the bonds of the same series. When each series of bonds is issued, the maturities of the bonds of that series shall, to such extent as may be practicable, be so arranged that during each then succeeding fiscal year of the state the aggregate installments of principal and interest that will mature on all bonds that will be outstanding hereunder, immediately following the issuance of the bonds of that series, will be substantially equal; provided, that the determination by the said commission that the requirements of this sentence have been complied with shall be conclusive of such compliance and the purchasers of the bonds with respect to which such determination is made and all subsequent holders thereof shall be fully protected thereby. None of the bonds shall be sold for less than face value plus accrued interest thereon to the
AMENDMENT 225 RATIFIED Deduction of Federal Income Tax From Gross Income When Computing State Income Tax. In computing net income for state income tax purposes for the calendar year 1965 and each year thereafter, a resident individual taxpayer shall be allowed to deduct from his gross income the amount of federal income tax paid or accrued within the taxable year. A nonresident individual income taxpayer shall be allowed to deduct only that amount of federal income tax paid or accrued in the taxable year on income received from sources within the state.
AMENDMENT 226 RATIFIED Designation of Circuit Solicitor as District Attorney. The solicitor or prosecuting officer who prosecutes criminal cases for the state in each judicial circuit of Alabama as provided for in article 6, section 167 of this Constitution shall hereafter be designated and known as the district attorney. Wherever the words circuit solicitor or words of like import are used in any law of this state they shall be taken to mean the district attorney, unless the context in which such words are used requires a different meaning.
AMENDMENT 227 RATIFIED Development of Irrigation Districts. The legislature may by general, special or local laws authorize the formation of a body corporate for the development of one or more irrigation districts for the purposes of providing irrigation and water conservation in the state of Alabama, and may authorize the counties and municipalities lying within the boundaries of such district or districts to contribute public funds to such body corporate, and may authorize such body corporate to enter into contract with the government of the United States or any agency thereof, and with other states or political subdivisions thereof, and with other bodies corporate organized within this or other states for the development of one or more irrigation districts in the state of Alabama, and may authorize such body corporate to issue revenue bonds payable solely out of revenues accruing to such body corporate, and may authorize such body corporate to do and perform all other such acts necessary and proper for the full development of said Alabama irrigation district or districts provided, however, nothing herein shall authorize any such public corporation to engage in or finance, directly or indirectly, the production, transmission or sale of electric power.
AMENDMENT 228 RATIFIED Bonds for Enlargement, etc., of Municipally-Owned Manufacturing, Industrial or Commercial Projects. Revenue bonds at any time issued by a municipality (a) for the purpose of enlarging, improving or expanding any manufacturing, industrial or commercial project then owned by such municipality and acquired by it pursuant to the provisions of Act No. 756 enacted at the 1951 regular session of the legislature of Alabama as heretofore amended, or (b) for the combined purpose of so enlarging, improving or expanding any such project and of refunding any revenue bonds theretofore issued by it under said Act 756, shall not be deemed to constitute bonds or indebtedness of such municipality within the meaning of sections 222 and 225 of this Constitution if by their terms such bonds are not made a charge on the general credit or tax revenues of the issuing municipality and are made payable solely out of revenues to be derived by such municipality from the leasing of such project as so enlarged, improved or expanded. Each municipality in the state is hereby authorized so to issue such revenue bonds, for either or both such purposes, at any time and from time to time and on the same terms and conditions, with the necessary changes in details, as prescribed in said Act No. 756 for the issuance of revenue bonds for the purpose of acquiring such a project, anything in the Constitution of this state or in said Act No. 756 to the contrary notwithstanding.
SECTION 229 Costs and Charges of Courts, and Compensation of Certain Officers, in Baldwin County. 1. The legislature may, by general or local laws, fix, alter, and regulate the costs and charges of court and the fees, commissions, percentages, allowances, and salaries, including the method or basis of their compensation, to be charged or received by the judge of probate, sheriff, circuit clerk, register of the circuit court, tax assessor, tax collector, or any other officer of Baldwin county, and may place any of such officers on a salary and provide that the fees, commissions, percentages, and allowances collected by such officers shall be paid into the county treasury from which their salaries shall be paid. The compensation of such officers shall not be increased or diminished during their terms. 2. This article of amendment shall not become operative unless the same is approved by a majority of the qualified electors of Baldwin county who vote thereon upon its submission.
AMENDMENT 230 RATIFIED Special District Tax for Public Hospital Purposes in Baldwin County. In addition to any taxes now authorized or that may be hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, the governing body of Baldwin county shall levy and cause to be collected annually a special district tax, not exceeding 50 cents on each 100 dollars assessed valuation of taxable property in election precincts numbered one through seven of Baldwin county, Alabama, to be used exclusively for public hospital purposes (as the term "public hospital purposes" is defined in amendment LXXVI [76] to the Constitution proposed by Acts of 1949, page 897, submitted December 13, 1949, and proclaimed ratified December 21, 1949) within said election precincts numbered one through seven; provided that the time during which such tax is to continue and the purpose thereof shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors in election precincts numbered one through seven of Baldwin county and voted for by a majority of such electors voting at such election. The governing body of Baldwin county may call an election at any time, and it shall be the duty of such governing body to call an election to be held within ninety days after receipt by it of a petition signed by not less than 5% of the qualified electors of said election precincts numbered one through seven, requesting that such election be called. The governing body may call such election to be held at the same time that this amendment is submitted to the electors of the state for ratification and such election shall be effective to require the levy and collection of such tax in the event that this amendment shall be ratified. The notice of such election, ballots to be used at such election and procedures for holding and determining the results of such election shall be prescribed by the governing body of Baldwin county. No election shall be held hereunder within one year from the date of the last election so held. Whenever such tax shall have been authorized by vote of such qualified electors, and levied by the governing body of Baldwin county, such governing body may anticipate the proceeds therefrom for any one or more of the purposes for which the tax shall have been voted, by issuing, without further election, interest bearing tax anticipation bonds, warrants, or certificates of indebtedness of said county payable solely from and secured by a pledge of a sufficient amount of the annual proceeds from said tax received by the county. The governing body of Baldwin county shall have power to designate as the agency of the county, to construct, acquire, equip, operate and maintain public hospital facilities for said election precincts numbered one through seven any public corporation heretofore or hereafter organized for hospital purposes in the county. When a public corporation shall have been so designated, the proceeds of said tax thereafter collected shall be paid to it and shall be used by it for any one or more of the purposes for which the tax shall have been voted; provided, that payments of the proceeds of said tax to said public corporation shall be made only to such extent as will not result in the impairment of the obligation of any contract theretofore made with respect to said tax. Said public corporation may anticipate the proceeds from said tax so required to be paid to it by issuing, for any one or more of the purposes for which the tax shall have been voted, the bonds, warrants, or certificates of indebtedness of said corporation, and may pledge for the payment of the principal thereof and interest thereon a sufficient amount of the annual proceeds from said tax so paid to it. No securities issued or contracts made by Baldwin county under the authority of this amendment, which are payable solely out of the proceeds of said tax, and no securities issued or contracts made by any such public corporation, whether or not issued or made under the authority
AMENDMENT 231 RATIFIED Compensation of Certain Officers of Bullock County. The legislature may by general or local laws, fix, alter, and regulate the fees, commissions, percentages, allowances, and compensation, and the method or basis of fixing the compensation to be charged or received by the tax assessor and the tax collector of Bullock county, and may put such officers on a salary basis and provide that the fees, commissions, percentages, and allowances payable to such officers according to law shall be paid into the county treasury.
AMENDMENT 232 RATIFIED Special School Tax in City of Anniston. (A) In addition to any taxes now authorized, or that may be hereafter authorized, by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, there is hereby levied a special school tax of fifty cents on each one hundred dollars worth of taxable property in the school tax district of the city of Anniston in Calhoun county, to be used solely for public school purposes, such tax to be levied and collected for a period of thirty years commencing with the tax year beginning October 1, 1977, with the first year's tax being payable October 1, 1978; provided such tax and the time it is to continue shall have been first submitted to the vote of the qualified electors of the school district in which such tax is to be collected, and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election; otherwise said tax shall not be collected. A special separate election is hereby called on the first Tuesday after sixty days following the date this amendment becomes effective, to be held in the school tax district of the city of Anniston in Calhoun county, at which election the qualified voters in said school tax district may vote as to whether said special school tax herein levied shall be effective; and if the majority of those voting at said election vote in favor of said special school tax, such school tax shall, commencing with the tax year beginning October 1, 1977, be levied and collected as other property taxes in said school district are levied and collected for a period of thirty years. If the proceeds of the tax are pledged to the payment of the principal and interest of the bonds hereinafter provided for, the tax collector of Calhoun county shall, upon collection thereof, pay such proceeds to the city of Anniston, and if the proceeds of the tax are not so pledged, he shall pay such proceeds to the board of education of the city of Anniston. This section shall be self-executing. (B) After said tax has been voted, and without further authorization, and notwithstanding that any such request may be made prior to October 1, 1977, the city of Anniston shall, as and when requested by the board of education of Anniston, issue and sell interest bearing bonds, with principal and interest to be paid from the proceeds to be derived from said special school tax, for the sole purpose of construction and improvement of school buildings within such school tax district, and acquiring sites therefor. The net proceeds of the sale of such bonds shall be immediately paid to the board of education of the city of Anniston. The proceeds to be derived from said special school tax may be pledged by the city of Anniston for the payment of said bonds and the interest thereon, but said bonds shall not be a general obligation of the city of Anniston or of Calhoun county, and shall not be charged to the constitutional debt limit of the city of Anniston or of Calhoun county. (C) Except as herein otherwise provided the election hereinabove provided for shall be called, held and conducted as provided for by law for the calling, holding and conducting of district school tax elections; provided, however, that the governing body of the city of Anniston shall call said election, it shall give at least thirty days' notice thereof by publication in some newspaper published in the city of Anniston and by written notices posted in three public places within the city for at least thirty days prior to said election, it shall appoint and designate the officers, managers, clerks and returning officers to conduct said election, it shall furnish the supplies and facilities necessary for the holding of said election, it shall pay out of the city treasury the expenses incident to the holding of said election, it shall designate the polling places to be used in said election, and it shall canvass, tabulate and declare the result of said election.
AMENDMENT 233 RATIFIED Legislation as to Costs and Charges of Courts in Dallas County. The legislature may from time to time, by general, special or local laws, fix, regulate, and alter the costs and charges of courts in Dallas county, and the method of disbursement thereof.
AMENDMENT 234 RATIFIED Special School Tax for City of Fort Payne. (A) In addition to any taxes now authorized, or that may be hereafter authorized, by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, there is hereby levied a special school tax of one dollar on each one hundred dollars worth of taxable property in the school tax district of the city of Fort Payne in DeKalb county to be used solely for public school purposes; provided such tax and the time it is to continue shall have been first submitted to the vote of the qualified electors of the said school tax district in which such tax is to be collected and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election; otherwise said tax shall not be collected. A special separate election is hereby called on the first Tuesday after sixty days following the date this amendment becomes effective in the school tax district of the city of Fort Payne, in DeKalb county, at which election the qualified voters in the said school tax district of DeKalb county may vote as to whether said special school tax herein levied shall be effective; and if the majority of those voting at said election vote in favor of said special school tax, such school tax shall immediately be levied and collected annually thereafter on the first day of October by the tax collector of DeKalb county and paid to the city of Fort Payne. The proceeds of the tax are hereby solely for public school purposes. This section shall be self-executing. (B) Except as herein otherwise provided the election hereinabove provided for shall be called, held and conducted as provided by law for calling, holding and conducting of district school tax elections. The governing body of the city of Fort Payne shall appoint and designate the officers, managers, clerks and returning officers and shall call, canvass, tabulate, and declare the result of the election provided for in the city of Fort Payne. The election shall otherwise be conducted, held, canvassed, tabulated and the results declared as general elections are conducted, held, canvassed, tabulated and the results declared in Alabama.
AMENDMENT 235 RATIFIED Trial Tax or Charge on Litigation in Etowah County. The legislature may by general or local law provide that a trial tax or charge on litigation of not more than ... dollars ($...) shall be taxed as costs in any case, action, or proceeding hereafter filed in the circuit court of Etowah county, whether at law or in equity, and that a like tax or charge of not more than ... dollars ($...) shall be taxed as cost in any case hereafter filed in the Etowah county court, the proceeds of such tax or charge shall be used for establishing, equipping, maintaining and operating the public law library in Etowah county established pursuant to Act No. 191, H. 596, which became effective August 1, 1955 (Acts of Alabama 1955, page 485), including the payment of the salaries of the personnel needed to operate such library.
AMENDMENT 236 RATIFIED Compensation of Certain Officers of Greene County. 1. In Greene county the sheriff and the clerk and register of the circuit court shall be compensated on a salary basis. The sheriff shall be entitled to receive an annual salary of seven thousand five hundred dollars, payable in equal monthly installments from the general fund of the county; the clerk and register of the circuit court shall be entitled to receive an annual salary of five thousand dollars, payable in equal monthly installments from the county treasury, and a clerk-hire allowance of one thousand dollars a year, payable from the county treasury in equal monthly installments. The salaries of these officers shall be their entire compensation for the performance of the duties of their respective offices and shall be in lieu of all costs and charges of courts, commissions, fees, percentages, and allowances collected by them, which shall be paid into the general fund of the county. However, the court of county commissioners, board of revenue, or other like governing body of Greene county shall provide the sheriff such deputies, clerks, and assistants as may be necessary for the performance of the duties of his office, and pay their compensation from the county treasury. 2. This article of amendment shall be inoperative and of no effect unless it shall have been approved by a majority of the qualified electors of Greene county who voted thereon upon its submission. If the amendment be so approved, the provisions hereof shall be effective from the first of the month next following the date of the election.
AMENDMENT 237 RATIFIED Bonds for Courthouse and Jail in Henry County. Henry county is hereby authorized to incur indebtedness to the extent of not exceeding $700,000 in aggregate principal amount, and to issue its bonds in evidence of the indebtedness so incurred, for the combined purpose of constructing and equipping a new courthouse and a new jail in said county. Said bonds may be issued only after the question of the issuance thereof shall have been submitted to the qualified electors of said county at an election called for that purpose by the governing body of said county and a majority of said qualified electors voting at said election shall have voted in favor of the issuance of said bonds, which election shall be called, held, conducted, canvassed and may be contested in the manner provided by the then existing laws of Alabama with respect to elections on the issuance of bonds by counties; provided however, that if a majority of the qualified electors of said county participating in the election on the adoption of this amendment shall vote for the adoption thereof then the approval of this amendment expressed by the vote in said county in favor of its adoption shall of itself authorize the issuance of the bonds, and in that event no additional election by the electors of said county shall be required to authorize the issuance of said bonds. In the event the majority vote in said county on the adoption of this amendment is against the adoption hereof, or in the event the majority vote at any election held in said county pursuant to the provisions of this amendment after its adoption is not in favor of the issuance of the bonds proposed at such election, the governing body of said county may from time to time call other elections hereunder on the issuance of said bonds, but not more than one such election shall be held during any period of twelve consecutive months. The power to become indebted and to issue bonds in evidence of such indebtedness shall be in addition to all other powers which the said county may have under the Constitution and laws of Alabama, and any bonds issued pursuant to this amendment shall not be chargeable against the amount of indebtedness which said county may incur under the Constitution and laws in effect prior to the adoption of this amendment. All bonds issued under this amendment shall be general obligations of the county secured by an irrevocable pledge of its full faith and credit. The governing body of said county may further, if it deems such action desirable, pledge for payment of the principal of and the interest on said bonds any tax which said county may be authorized to levy under any provision of the Constitution. All bonds, issued hereunder shall be issued in accordance with, and shall be subject to, the provisions of the general laws of Alabama existing at the time of the sale of said bonds respecting the maturities, sale, execution and redemption of bonds by counties.
AMENDMENT 238 RATIFIED Bonds for Civic Centers in Certain Counties. Any corporation heretofore or hereafter created in any county of the state having a population of 500,000 according to the last or any subsequent federal census, for the purpose of establishing, maintaining and operating a civic center in the municipality in which the county seat of such county is situated, shall be authorized, without the necessity of any election, to issue bonds, warrants or other evidence of indebtedness, and to pledge for the payment of the principal and interest due thereon the revenue received, or to be received, by such corporation, and also to pledge for such payment the proceeds derived, or to be derived, from any taxes made payable by the act, or acts, levying such taxes to the said public corporation, any provision of the Constitution of Alabama to the contrary notwithstanding. No securities issued by such corporation shall be considered indebtedness of such county or any municipality therein within the meaning of sections 224 and 225 of the Constitution of Alabama. The rent or rentals that the county or the said municipality may be obligated to pay under the terms of any lease between the said corporation and the said county or the said municipality shall not be considered in determining whether the county or the municipality has exceeded the debt limitation prescribed for the county or the municipality, as the case may be, by any provision of the Constitution of Alabama.
AMENDMENT 239 RATIFIED Fire Protection or Garbage and Trash Disposal Districts in Jefferson County. The legislature may provide for the formation of districts in Jefferson county, Alabama, for establishing and maintaining a system for fighting or preventing fires or for the collection and disposal of garbage and trash; provided, however, that no territory lying within the limits of a municipal corporation at the time of the establishment of any such district shall be included within such district; and, provided further, that no such district shall be established unless the establishment thereof has been first approved by the qualified electors residing within the proposed district at an election held as provided for by a law or laws adopted by the legislature. A district may be established for either or both of the aforesaid purposes. The legislature may provide for submitting to the qualified electors residing within the proposed district the question of whether the district shall be created to establish and maintain a firefighting and fire prevention system, or the question of whether the district shall be created to establish and maintain a garbage collection and garbage disposal system; and to provide that the two questions may be submitted separately at the same election. The expenses of establishing and maintaining any such firefighting and fire prevention system or any such garbage collection and disposal system in a district, as the case may be, shall be paid for exclusively by the proceeds of a service charge, which shall be levied and collected in an amount sufficient to pay the said expenses. No service charge shall be levied unless the same has been first approved at an election by the qualified electors residing within the district, or in the proposed district if the question of the levy of the service charge is submitted simultaneously with the question of whether the district shall be created. Said service charges shall be levied upon and collected from the persons and property to whom and to which such services are available; and the service charge shall be a lien upon any such property. The legislature may provide for the enlargement of a district by the addition of territory thereto, subject to the following conditions: (1) No territory lying within a municipal corporation at the time the additional territory is brought within the district shall be included; (2) no territory shall be added unless the qualified electors of the territory to be added have approved the inclusion of said territory within the district at an election held for that purpose within the territory proposed to be added; (3) no territory shall be added unless the majority of the electors residing within the territory proposed to be added have first approved at an election held within such territory every service charge in effect within the district at the time the said addition is proposed. The legislature shall have the authority to adopt laws providing for the administration of the affairs of the district by the governing body of the county or by an agency of the county. The legislature may provide for the issuance of bonds for such districts with or without an election; provided, however, that all bonds issued hereunder shall be payable only out of the proceeds of the service charge authorized hereby, and no such bond shall be a general obligation of the county.
AMENDMENT 240 RATIFIED Special Ad Valorem Tax for Paying Principal and Interest on Bonds of City of Birmingham. Section 1. In addition to all other taxes now or hereafter authorized by law, the governing body of the city of Birmingham shall have the power and authority to levy and collect each year a special ad valorem tax of fifty cents (50¢) on each one hundred ($100) dollars worth of taxable property in the city of Birmingham, based on the valuation of such property as assessed for state taxation for the tax year ending on the 30th day of September next succeeding the levy, to be used by the city of Birmingham solely for paying principal and interest on general obligation bonds of the city of Birmingham heretofore or hereafter issued under authority of law; provided that the authority to levy such tax in accordance with this amendment to the Constitution shall first have been approved by the qualified electors of the city of Birmingham, prior to the first annual levy thereof, as hereinafter provided. Section 2. In the event this amendment is approved and a majority of the qualified electors of the city of Birmingham who vote thereon vote in favor of the adoption of this amendment when it is submitted, the governing body of the city of Birmingham shall have the power and authority to levy and collect thereafter each year the special ad valorem tax provided for in section 1 hereof. In the event this amendment is approved and a majority of the qualified electors of the city of Birmingham who vote thereon vote against its approval, the authority to levy and collect said tax shall not be given unless the rate of the tax and the purpose thereof shall have been again submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the city of Birmingham and voted for by a majority of those voting at the election prior to the first annual levy of such tax. Each such election shall be ordered, held, canvassed and may be contested in the same manner as is or may be provided by the law applicable to the city of Birmingham for elections to authorize the issuance of municipal bonds. The ballots used at such election shall contain the words "For Special Ad Valorem Tax of fifty cents per One Hundred Dollars of Taxable Property" and "Against Special Ad Valorem Tax of fifty cents per One Hundred Dollars of Taxable Property." The voter shall record his choice, whether for or against the special ad valorem tax by placing a cross mark before or after the words expressing his choice. Voting machines shall be used in any such election to the extent required by law. In the event the authority to levy the special ad valorem tax is defeated, subsequent elections for the approval of such tax may nevertheless be held again but no election shall be held within one year of any previous such election. Once the authority to levy such tax has been approved no further election shall be required thereon.
AMENDMENT 241 RATIFIED Compensation of Certain Officers of Lauderdale County. The legislature may from time to time, by general or local laws applicable to or operative in Lauderdale county, fix, regulate, and alter the fees, commissions, allowances, and salaries, including the method and basis of their compensation, to be charged or received by the judge of probate, sheriff, tax assessor, tax collector, and clerk and register of the circuit court of Lauderdale county; and may place any or all of such officers on a salary and provide for the fees, commissions, allowances, and percentages collectible by such officers to be paid into the treasury from which their salaries are paid.
AMENDMENT 242 RATIFIED Special Property Tax for Recreational Purposes in City of Auburn. The city of Auburn may levy and collect annually an additional tax of one-fifth of one per centum upon the value of the property therein as assessed for state taxation, the proceeds of which shall be applied exclusively for public recreational projects, provided the rate of the tax, the time it is to continue, which shall not exceed twenty-five years, and the purpose thereof shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the city and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election. The taxes authorized in this article shall be in addition to the taxes heretofore or hereafter authorized by this Constitution and the laws of this state. The council or commission of the city may on its own motion, and shall upon written petition of not less than five per centum of the qualified electors of the city, call and provide for holding elections under this article.
AMENDMENT 243 RATIFIED Development of Elk River Watershed Area in Lauderdale and Limestone Counties. Any provision of sections 93 or 104 of the Constitution to the contrary notwithstanding and either with or without compliance with section 106 of the Constitution, the legislature shall have full power and authority to enact laws to provide for the formation of a public body corporate which shall be an instrumentality of the state for purposes of development, management, and control of the Alabama portion of the Elk river watershed area, in Lauderdale and Limestone counties, and any such legislation which may have been enacted by the 1965 legislature authorizing the formation of such public bodies corporate is hereby ratified, confirmed, and given full effect in all respects.
AMENDMENT 244 RATIFIED Economic Development of Town of Lester. Any provision of the Constitution or laws of the state of Alabama to the contrary notwithstanding, the town of Lester in Limestone county shall have full and continuing power and authority, after an election held in accordance herewith, to do any one or more of the following: 1. To purchase, construct, lease, or otherwise acquire real property, plants, buildings, factories, works, facilities, machinery and equipment of any kind. 2. To lease, sell for cash or on credit, exchange, give and convey any such property described in subdivision 1 above, to any person, firm, association or corporation. 3. To promote local industrial, commercial or agricultural development and the location of new industries or businesses therein. 4. To become a stockholder in any corporation, association or company. 5. To lend this credit or to grant public moneys and things of value in aid of, or to, any individual, firm, association, or corporation whatsoever. 6. To become indebted and to issue and sell interest bearing bonds, warrants (which may be payable from funds to be realized in future years), notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness, to a principal amount not exceeding fifty percent of the assessed value of taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in order to secure funds for the purchase, construction, lease or acquisition of any of the property described in subdivision 1 above or to be used in furtherance of any of the other powers or authorities granted in this amendment. Such obligations or evidences of indebtedness may (in addition to any pledge or pledges authorized by subdivision 8 of this amendment) be issued upon the full faith and credit of the town of Lester, or may be limited as to the source of their payment. 7. To levy and collect annually, in addition to all other taxes now authorized or permitted, a special tax or taxes of not exceeding two percent on the value of all taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in the same manner as other county or municipal taxes are levied and collected. Such tax may be upon all property in the municipality, or upon all property in any district the boundaries of which the governing body of such municipality shall describe and which it shall determine to be specially improved and benefited by any proposed use or expenditure of the proceeds of such tax. 8. To pledge to the payment of any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness the annual proceeds from any such special tax or taxes and to obligate itself irrevocably to continue to levy and collect such taxes annually until such obligations or evidences of indebtedness are paid in full and to pledge thereto any rental or sales proceeds of property leased or sold by it. The recital in any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness that they were issued pursuant to this amendment or that they were issued to provide funds to be used in furtherance of any power or authority herein authorized or that any special tax herein authorized has been pledged to the payment thereof shall be conclusive; no purchaser or holder thereof need inquire further; and the levy and collection of such tax shall continue until the principal of and interest on such obligations or evidences of indebtedness shall have been paid in full. The bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness issued hereunder shall not be considered an indebtedness of the municipality for the purpose of determining the borrowing capacity of the county under section 225 of the Constitution; and the taxes herein authorized shall be in addition to those provided for or permitted in section 216 of the Constitution and all amendments thereto. 9. To create a public authority or corporation having such powers, managed and governed by such board or governing body, and subject to such limitations as the governi
AMENDMENT 245 RATIFIED Amendment of Amendment No. 191. For the promotion of local industrial, commercial or agricultural development, Madison county and the city of Huntsville shall each have full and continuing power (a) to purchase, construct, lease and otherwise acquire industrial, commercial and agricultural projects, including real and personal property, plants, buildings, factories, works, facilities, machinery and equipment of any kind whatsoever, (b) to lease, sell, exchange or otherwise convey all or any part of any such project to any person, firm or corporation, and (c) after an approving election if required as hereinafter provided, to sell and issue for such purposes interest-bearing general obligation bonds. Neither the county nor the city shall issue any bonds under the authority of this amendment, other than bonds issued to finance the acqusition [acquisition] of industrial sites, unless the question of the issuance of such bonds has first been submitted to the qualified electors of the county or the city, as the case may be, and approved at such election by a majority of the qualified electors voting thereat. Each such election shall be called, held and conducted, and may be contested, in the manner provided by law for county or municipal bond elections, as the case may be. Bonds issued under the authority of this amendment shall not be considered indebtedness of the county or the city, as the case may be, within the meaning of sections 224 and 225 of the Constitution of Alabama, but neither the county nor the city shall at any time issue any bonds under the authority of this amendment if as a result thereof it will have outstanding an aggregate principal amount of bonds issued hereunder in excess of twenty percent of the assessed value of the property in the county or the city, as the case may be. Neither shall the county or the city issue any bonds under the authority of this amendment, except bonds issued to finance the acquisition of industrial sites, unless prior thereto or contemporaneously therewith the county or the city, as the case may be, has entered into a lease or other similar agreement, with respect to the project being financed by such bonds, providing for the payment to the county or the city, as the case may be, of net rentals sufficient to pay the principal of and the interest on such bonds at the respective maturities of such principal and interest, and any bonds issued hereunder shall be secured by a pledge of such rentals and may be secured by a foreclosable mortgage on such project and by a pledge of any other taxes and revenues which the county or the city, as the case may be, is authorized by law to pledge to the payment of its bonded indebtedness. All bonds issued under the authority of this amendment shall be sold at public sale in the manner required by law for the sale of county or municipal bonds, as the case may be, and shall mature and be payable in annual or semi-annual installments in such amounts and at such times as to result in the aggregate amount of principal and interest maturing thereon in each year following the year of their issuance being substantially equal, but shall not be subject to any other provisions of law relating to maturities of county or municipal bonds. In the event that any such action is necessary to prevent or cure a default in payment of the principal of or the interest on any bonds issued under the authority of this amendment, the county or the city, as the case may be, is authorized to levy and collect ad valorem taxes, without limitation as to rate or amount, on the assessed value of all taxable property in the county or the city, as the case may be, but only so long as and only to such extent as necessary to prevent or cure any such default. In carrying out the purposes of this amendment, neither Madison county nor the city of Huntsville shall be subject to the provisions of section 93 of the Constitution of Alabama, and the taxes which the count
AMENDMENT 246 RATIFIED Refunding of Securities by Certain Municipalities in Marion County. Any provision of the Constitution or the laws of the state of Alabama to the contrary notwithstanding, any municipality in Marion county, Alabama, that has heretofore issued, or that may hereafter issue, interest-bearing bonds, warrants, notes or other securities pursuant to the provisions of that certain amendment to the Constitution of Alabama that was proposed by Act No. 1 [amendment No. 84] enacted at the 1950 second special session of the legislature of Alabama (herein called "the 1950 amendment"), shall have full and continuing power and authority to do any one or more of the following: (1) To refund, or provide for the refunding of, any bonds, warrants, notes or other securities issued by it pursuant to the provisions of the 1950 amendment or pursuant to the provisions hereof (whether before, at or after the maturity of the securities being so refunded and whether or not all or any part of such securities are then subject to redemption) by the sale and issuance of refunding bonds, warrants, notes or other securities in a principal amount not in excess of the principal amount of securities being refunded plus any premium necessary to redeem or retire the securities being refunded and any interest accrued on, or to accrue to the date of payment or redemption of, such securities; (2) In the event any of the securities being so refunded cannot, by their terms, be redeemed or otherwise retired simultaneously with the issuance of the refunding securities, to invest, until the earliest date on which such redemption or retirement can be effected, such portion of the principal proceeds from the sale of such refunding securities as may not then be used for redemption or retirement of the refunded securities, in any investments in which municipal sinking funds are authorized to be invested by the provisions of section 265 of Title 37 of the Code of Alabama of 1940, as it exists at the time of the adoption of this amendment; (3) To issue bonds, warrants, notes or other securities for the combined purpose of so refunding any such securities and of acquiring, constructing, extending or improving any one or more industrial or manufacturing plants or properties within the corporate limits or the police jurisdiction of such municipality, in which case the provisions of the preceding subdivisions (1) and (2) of this amendment shall apply to those of such bonds, warrants, notes or other securities that are being issued for refunding purposes; (4) To pledge for payment of any securities issued by it pursuant to the provisions hereof not only any taxes and revenues authorized to be pledged for securities authorized to be issued pursuant to the provisions of the 1950 amendment, but also any other taxes or revenues that such municipality is authorized by law to pledge for payment of its general obligation bonds; (5) To mortgage, as security for payment of any securities issued by it hereunder, (a) any industrial or manufacturing plants and properties acquired, constructed, extended or improved, in whole or in part, out of the proceeds from the sale of any securities being refunded, in whole or in part, by such securities, and (b) any industrial or manufacturing plants and properties to be acquired, constructed, extended or improved, in whole or in part, out of the proceeds from the sale of such securities; and to pledge for payment of any such securities the revenues and receipts to be derived from the leasing or sale of any such plants and properties; and (6) In connection with the issuance of any securities by it hereunder, to reserve the right to issue additional such securities hereunder, on a parity with the securities then being issued, on such terms and conditions as shall be specified in the proceedings of its governing body or other documents under which such securities are being issued. Any securities issued by a municipality pursuant to the p
AMENDMENT 247 RATIFIED Development of Bear Creek Watershed Area. The legislature may by general, special, private or local laws authorize the formation in any manner of a public corporation for the development of Bear Creek, its tributaries and watershed, for the purposes of navigation, water conservation and supply, flood control, irrigation, industrial development, public recreation, and related purposes, and may authorize the counties of Marion, Colbert, Franklin and Winston and all municipalities lying within Marion, Colbert, Franklin and Winston counties to donate or contribute public funds to such public corporation and may authorize such public corporation to enter into contracts with the United States of America or any agency thereof, and with the several states or political subdivisions thereof, and with other public or private corporations organized within any of the several states, for the development of the Bear Creek watershed, and may authorize such public corporation to acquire by purchase, construction, lease, gift, condemnation, or otherwise property of any kind, real, personal or mixed, to mortgage or sell its property and to issue revenue bonds and other revenue securities payable solely out of revenues accruing to such public corporation, and may exempt such public corporation from all taxation in the state of Alabama, and may grant such public corporation all other powers and privileges which may be necessary and proper for the full development of said Bear Creek watershed. The provisions of sections 106, 222 and 225 of the Constitution of Alabama shall not apply to any public corporation which may be organized pursuant to enabling legislation herein authorized or to any revenue bonds and other revenue securities at any time issued by such public corporation. Such public corporation shall be deemed a political subdivision of the state of Alabama. Nothing herein shall authorize any such public corporation to engage in or finance, directly or indirectly the production, transmission, or sale of electric power. The area comprising the Bear Creek watershed shall include such land defined in enabling legislation herein authorized as shall lie within the counties of Marion, Colbert, Franklin and Winston.
AMENDMENT 248 RATIFIED Amendment of Amendment No. 195. A. The terms "three mills" be, and the same hereby are, changed to read "six mills" wherever the same appears in paragraphs B and C of amendment CXCV [195] to the Constitution of Alabama. B. The parenthetical phrase "(after deduction of costs of assessment and collection thereof pursuant to any statutory provisions at the time applicable)" appearing in paragraph D of amendment CXCV [195] to the Constitution of Alabama be, and the same hereby is, deleted therefrom. C. Paragraph E of amendment CXCV [195] to the Constitution of Alabama be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows: "The rate of ad valorem taxation for general municipal purposes that is at the time otherwise permitted by the Constitution to each particular municipal corporation in Mobile county shall be reduced for the tax year of the municipality next succeeding any tax year of Mobile county for which the special tax shall have been levied at a rate exceeding one and one-half mills on each dollar of taxable property in the county, any such reduction to be by a rate of millage equal to the rate by which the special tax levied for that tax year exceeds one and one-half mills on each dollar of such taxable property or by one and one-half mills on each dollar of taxable property in the county, whichever shall be the lesser reduction." D. If a majority of the qualified electors of Mobile county participating in the election on the adoption of this amendment shall vote in favor thereof, then the approval of this amendment expressed by said vote shall of itself authorize the special tax and in that event no additional election by the voters of Mobile county shall be required to authorize the levy of the special tax.
AMENDMENT 249 RATIFIED Costs and Charges of Courts, and Compensation of County Officers, in Shelby County. The legislature may from time to time, by general or local laws, fix, alter and regulate the costs and charges of court in Shelby county and the fees, commissions, percentages, allowances, and compensation to be charged or received by the judge of probate, sheriff, tax assessor, tax collector, clerk of the circuit court, register in chancery, and any other officer of Shelby county, including the right to place any of such officers on a salary, provide for the operation of their respective offices on such basis, and provide that any and all fees, commissions, percentages, or allowances charged or collected by them, including all fees, allowances, commissions, and percentages of the tax assessor and tax collector for assessing and collecting municipal taxes, shall be paid into the county treasury; provided, that no law shall be effective to change the method of compensating any officer, nor to diminish his compensation, during the term for which he shall have been elected or appointed, and no law changing the method of compensating county officers shall be effective unless it shall have been approved by a majority of the qualified electors of the county who vote thereon at a referendum election held for such purpose.
AMENDMENT 250 RATIFIED Economic Development of Sumter County. Any provision of the Constitution or laws of the state of Alabama to the contrary notwithstanding, Sumter county acting through the county governing body shall have full and continuing power and authority, after an election held in accordance herewith, to do any one or more of the following: 1. To purchase, construct, lease, or otherwise acquire real property, plants, buildings, factories, works, facilities, machinery and equipment of any kind. 2. To lease, sell for cash or on credit, exchange, give and convey any such property described in subdivision 1 above, to any person, firm, association or corporation. 3. To promote local industrial, commercial or agricultural development and the location of new industries or businesses therein. 4. To become a stockholder in any corporation, association or company. 5. To lend its credit or to grant public moneys and things of value in aid of, or to, any individual, firm, association, or corporation whatsoever. 6. To become indebted and to issue and sell interest bearing bonds, warrants (which may be payable from funds to be realized in future years), notes or other obligations or evidence of indebtedness, to a principal amount not exceeding fifty percent of the assessed value of taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in order to secure funds for the purchase, construction, lease or acquisition of any of the property described in subdivision 1 above or to be used in furtherance of any of the other powers or authorities granted in this amendment. Such obligations or evidence of indebtedness may (in addition to any pledge or pledges authorized by subdivision 8 of this amendment) be issued upon the full faith and credit of Sumter county, or may be limited as to the source of their payment. The recital in any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidence of indebtedness that they were issued pursuant to this amendment or that they were issued to provide funds to be used in furtherance of any power or authority herein authorized or that any special tax herein authorized has been pledged to the payment thereof shall be conclusive; no purchaser or holder thereof need inquire further; and the levy and collection of such tax shall continue until the principal of and interest on such obligations or evidence of indebtedness shall have been paid in full. The bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidence of indebtedness issued hereunder shall not be considered an indebtedness of Sumter county for the purpose of determining the borrowing capacity of the county under section 224 of the Constitution; and the taxes herein authorized shall be in addition to those provided for or permitted in section 215 of the Constitution and all amendments thereto. 7. To levy and collect annually, in addition to all other taxes now authorized or permitted, a special tax or taxes of not exceeding two percent on the value of all taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in the same manner as other county taxes are levied and collected. Such tax may be upon all property in the county, or upon all property in any district the boundaries of which the governing body of such county shall describe and which it shall determine to be specially improved and benefited by any proposed use or expenditure of the proceeds of such tax. 8. To pledge to the payment of any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidence of indebtedness the annual proceeds from any such special tax or taxes and to obligate itself irrevocably to continue to levy and collect such taxes annually until such obligations or evidence of indebtedness are paid in full and to pledge thereto any rental or sales proceeds of property leased or sold by it. 9. To create a public authority or corporation having such powers, managed and governed by such board or governing body subject to such limitations as the governing body of Sumter county may im
AMENDMENT 251 RATIFIED Economic Development of Municipality of Livingston. Any provision of the Constitution or laws of the state of Alabama to the contrary notwithstanding, the municipality of Livingston in Sumter county shall have full and continuing power and authority, after an election held in accordance herewith, to do any one or more of the following: 1. To purchase, construct, lease, or otherwise acquire real property, plants, buildings, factories, works, facilities, machinery and equipment of any kind. 2. To lease, sell for cash or on credit, exchange, give and convey any such property described in subdivision 1 above, to any person, firm, association or corporation. 3. To promote local industrial, commercial or agricultural development and the location of new industries or businesses therein. 4. To become a stockholder in any corporation, association or company. 5. To lend this credit or to grant public moneys and things of value in aid of, or to, any individual, firm, association, or corporation whatsoever. 6. To become indebted and to issue and sell interest bearing bonds, warrants (which may be payable from funds to be realized in future years), notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness, to a principal amount not exceeding fifty percent of the assessed value of taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in order to secure funds for the purchase, construction, lease or acquisition of any of the property described in subdivision 1 above or to be used in furtherance of any of the other powers or authorities granted in this amendment. Such obligations or evidences of indebtedness may (in addition to any pledge or pledges authorized by subdivision 8 of this amendment) be issued upon the full faith and credit of the municipality of Livingston, or may be limited as to the source of their payment. 7. To levy and collect annually, in addition to all other taxes now authorized or permitted, a special tax or taxes of not exceeding two percent on the value of all taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in the same manner as other county or municipal taxes are levied and collected. Such tax may be upon all property in the municipality of Livingston in Sumter county, or upon all property in any district the boundaries of which the governing body of such municipality shall describe and which it shall determine to be specially improved and benefited by any proposed use or expenditure of the proceeds of such tax. 8. To pledge to the payment of any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness the annual proceeds from any such special tax or taxes and to obligate itself irrevocably to continue to levy and collect such taxes annually until such obligations or evidences of indebtedness are paid in full and to pledge thereto any rental or sales proceeds of property leased or sold by it. 9. To create a public authority or corporation having such powers, managed and governed by such board or governing body, and subject to such limitations as the governing body of the municipality of Livingston in Sumter county may impose, by approving and filing a certificate to that effect in the office of the judge of probate or the secretary of state, or their respective successors in function, and to delegate to such public authority or corporation and its board or governing body all powers and authority conferred in this amendment upon the municipality. The recital in any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness that they were issued pursuant to this amendment or that they were issued to provide funds to be used in furtherance of any power or authority herein authorized or that any special tax herein authorized has been pledged to the payment thereof shall be conclusive; no purchaser or holder thereof need inquire further; and the levy and collection of such tax shall continue until the principal of and interest on such obligations or evidenc
AMENDMENT 252 RATIFIED Special School Tax in School District No. 1 of Talladega County. 1. The governing body of Talladega county shall have power to levy and collect annually a special school district tax not exceeding thirty cents on each one hundred dollars worth of taxable property in school district number one, Talladega county, as assessed for state taxation, for public school purposes, provided the rate of such tax, the time it is to continue and the purpose thereof shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the district and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election. Such tax shall be in addition to all other taxes provided for by law. The funds arising from such special district tax levied and collected by the county shall be expended for the exclusive benefit of the district. Elections under this amendment shall be called, held, and conducted in the same way that elections are called, held, and conducted in relation to the levying of special school district taxes under the third amendment to the Constitution. 2. If a majority of the qualified electors of school district number one, Talladega county, who participate in the election on the adoption of this article of amendment vote in favor of such adoption, then the approval of the amendment as expressed by such vote shall of itself authorize the levying of the special tax provided for herein at the maximum rate specified for a period not exceeding twenty years.
AMENDMENT 253 RATIFIED Special Property Tax for Educational Purposes in City of Jasper. 1. The council or commissioners or other like governing body of the city of Jasper may levy and collect a special tax at a rate not exceeding one-half of one percent on the value of the taxable property within the city, the proceeds of which tax shall be used exclusively for educational purposes, provided the rate of such tax, the time it is to continue and the purpose thereof shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the city of Jasper and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election. 2. Elections may be called, held and conducted under this amendment in accordance with general laws providing for and regulating elections on district school taxes as authorized by the third amendment to this Constitution.
AMENDMENT 254 RATIFIED Additional Taxes for Hospital Purposes in Winston County. In addition to all other taxes now or hereafter authorized by law, the court of county commissioners, board of revenue, or like governing body of Winston county shall have the power to levy and collect, for a period not exceeding twenty years, a special ad valorem tax on property situated within said county, at a rate of five mills on each dollar of property as assessed for state taxation for the preceding year, the proceeds of said tax to be used solely for acquiring, by purchase, lease, or otherwise, constructing, operating, equipping, or maintaining county hospitals or other public hospitals, nonprofit hospitals, and public health facilities. Provided, the question of levying the tax, the purpose thereof, and the time such tax is proposed to be continued shall have been first approved by a majority of the qualified electors of Winston county voting at a referendum to be held for that purpose. The referendum shall be held on the same day as the first countywide primary, general, or special election held in the county after the ratification of this amendment. The board of revenue, court of county commissioners or like governing body of the county shall order and provide for holding the referendum on such date.
AMENDMENT 255 RATIFIED Legislation as to Winston County. The legislature shall not pass a special or local law affecting Winston county or any city, town, village, district, or other such political subdivision of the county, unless the operation of such law shall be approved by a vote of the duly qualified electors of such county, city, town, village, district, or other political subdivision of the county, at an election held for such purpose, in the manner prescribed by such law.
AMENDMENT 256 RATIFIED Economic Development of Municipalities of Addison and Lynn. Any provision of the Constitution or laws of the state of Alabama to the contrary notwithstanding, the municipalities of Addison and Lynn in Winston county shall have full and continuing power and authority, after an election held in accordance herewith, to do any one or more of the following: 1. To purchase, construct, lease, or otherwise acquire real property, plants, buildings, factories, works, facilities, machinery and equipment of any kind. 2. To lease, sell for cash or on credit, exchange, give and convey any such property described in subdivision 1 above, to any person, firm, association or corporation. 3. To promote local industrial, commercial or agricultural development and the location of new industries or businesses therein. 4. To become a stockholder in any corporation, association or company. 5. To lend this credit or to grant public moneys and things of value in aid of, or to, any individual, firm, association, or corporation whatsoever. 6. To become indebted and to issue and sell interest bearing bonds, warrants (which may be payable from funds to be realized in future years), notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness, to a principal amount not exceeding fifty percent of the assessed value of taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in order to secure funds for the purchase, construction, lease or acquisition of any of the property described in subdivision 1 above or to be used in furtherance of any of the other powers or authorities granted in this amendment. Such obligations or evidences of indebtedness may (in addition to any pledge or pledges authorized by subdivision 8 of this amendment) be issued upon the full faith and credit of the municipalities of Addison and Lynn, or may be limited as to the source of their payment. 7. To levy and collect annually, in addition to all other taxes now authorized or permitted, a special tax or taxes of not exceeding two percent on the value of all taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in the same manner as other county or municipal taxes are levied and collected. Such tax may be upon all property in the municipalities of Addison and Lynn, or upon all property in any district the boundaries of which the governing body of such municipality shall describe and which it shall determine to be specially improved and benefited by any proposed use or expenditure of the proceeds of such tax. 8. To pledge to the payment of any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness the annual proceeds from any such special tax or taxes and to obligate itself irrevocably to continue to levy and collect such taxes annually until such obligations or evidences of indebtedness are paid in full and to pledge thereto any rental or sales proceeds of property leased or sold by it. 9. To create a public authority or corporation having such powers, managed and governed by such board or governing body, and subject to such limitations as the governing bodies of the municipalities of Addison or Lynn may impose, by approving and filing a certificate to that effect in the office of the judge of probate or the secretary of state, or their respective successors in function, and to delegate to such public authority or corporation and its board or governing body all powers and authority conferred in this amendment upon the municipalities. The recital in any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness that they were issued pursuant to this amendment or that they were issued to provide funds to be used in furtherance of any power or authority herein authorized or that any special tax herein authorized has been pledged to the payment thereof shall be conclusive; no purchaser or holder thereof need inquire further; and the levy and collection of such tax shall continue until the principal of and interest on such obligations
AMENDMENT 257 RATIFIED Water Management Districts. Section 1. The legislature may provide for the formation of water management districts for the establishment of works of improvement for the drainage of wet, swamp, and overflowed lands of the state, and for flood prevention or the conservation, development, utilization, and disposal of water within the state; confer the right of eminent domain for such purposes, provide for the taxing of the whole or part of the cost of such improvements against the lands and property in such district to the extent of the increased value thereof by reason of special benefits derived from such improvements; and provide for the issuance of bonds for such districts with or without an election; provided, however, that nothing herein shall authorize any such water management districts to engage in or finance, directly or indirectly, the production, transmission or sale of electric power. Section 2. The provisions of this amendment are cumulative and shall not be construed to repeal amendment XV [15] or amendment XXII [22].
AMENDMENT 258 RATIFIED Legislation as to Jurisdiction of Inferior Courts Established in Lieu of Justices of the Peace in Jefferson County. The legislature of Alabama may by general or local laws fix, regulate, and change the jurisdiction of any or all inferior courts established in lieu of justices of the peace in Jefferson county, in all civil cases so long as the amount in controversy does not exceed five hundred dollars, except in cases of libel, slander, assault and battery, and ejectment. All acts of the legislature of Alabama, whether general or local providing for such courts or for such enlargement of jurisdiction prior to the adoption of this amendment, and all judgments of such courts rendered pursuant to such acts, are hereby ratified, validated and confirmed.
AMENDMENT 259 RATIFIED Promotion of Industrial, Commercial and Agricultural Development in City of Evergreen. Any provision of the Constitution or laws of the state of Alabama to the contrary notwithstanding, the city of Evergreen in Conecuh county shall have full and continuing power and authority, subject to the election hereinafter provided for, to promote local industrial, commercial or agricultural development and the location of new industries or businesses in the city or anywhere inside the county within fifteen miles of said city, whenever such action shall be deemed by the governing body of said city to be in furtherance of such purposes; also full and continuing power and authority to do any one or more of the following: 1. To purchase, construct, lease, or otherwise acquire real property, plants, buildings, factories, works, facilities, machinery and equipment of any kind. 2. To lease, sell for cash or on credit, exchange, or give and convey any such property described in subparagraph 1 above, to any person, firm, association or corporation, which shall locate or agree to locate a new industry or business in the city or anywhere inside the county within fifteen miles of said city. 3. To become a stockholder in any corporation which shall locate or agree to locate a new industry or business in the city or anywhere inside the county within fifteen miles of said city. 4. To lend its credit or grant public monies and things of value in aid of, or to, any individual, firm, association, or corporation, which shall locate or agree to locate a new industry or business in the city or anywhere inside the county within fifteen miles of said city. 5. To become indebted and to issue and sell interest bearing bonds, warrants (which may be payable from funds to be realized in future years), notes, evidences of indebtedness, or other obligations (all of which are hereinafter referred to as "obligations"), to a principal amount not exceeding 50% of the assessed valuation of taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in order to secure funds for the purchase, construction, lease or acquisition of any of the property described in subparagraph 1 above or to be used in furtherance of any of the other powers or authorities granted in this amendment. Such obligations may (in addition to any pledge or pledges authorized by subparagraph 7 of this amendment) be issued upon the full faith and credit of said city or may be limited as to the source of their payment. 6. To levy and collect annually, in addition to all other taxes now authorized or permitted, a special tax or taxes not exceeding 2% on the value of all taxable property therein as determined for state taxation in the same manner as other municipal taxes are levied and collected. 7. To pledge to the payment of any of its obligations the annual proceeds of any such special tax or taxes and to obligate itself irrevocably to continue to levy and collect such taxes annually until such obligations shall have been paid in full and to pledge thereto any rental or sales proceeds of property leased or sold by it. The recital in any obligations that they were issued pursuant to this amendment or that they were issued to provide funds to be used in furtherance of any power or authority herein granted or that any special tax herein authorized has been levied and pledged to the payment of such obligations shall be conclusive; no purchaser or holder thereof need inquire further; and the levy and collection of such tax shall continue until the principal of and interest on such obligations shall have been paid in full. The obligations which may be issued hereunder shall not be considered an indebtedness of said city for the purposes of determining its borrowing capacity under section 225 of the Constitution; and the taxes herein authorized shall be in addition to those provided for or permitted in section 216 of the Constitution, as amended. The exercise of the powers and authority
AMENDMENT 260 RATIFIED Amendment of Amendment No. 175. That subsection (a) of section 1 of amendment CLXXV [175] to the Constitution of Alabama shall be amended so that said subsection (a) as amended shall read as follows: "That part of Jefferson county outside of the municipalities of Birmingham, Bessemer, Fairfield, Tarrant city and Mountain Brook as one district, except that the Jefferson county board of education is authorized and empowered to designate any part or portion of said district as a separate school district."
AMENDMENT 261 RATIFIED Promotion of Industrial, Commercial and Agricultural Development in City of Bayou La Batre. Any provision of the Constitution or laws of the state of Alabama to the contrary notwithstanding, the city of Bayou La Batre, Mobile county, Alabama, shall have full and continuing power and authority, subject to the election hereinafter provided for, to promote local industrial, commercial or agricultural development and the location of new industries or businesses in or within 15 miles of said city, and whenever such action shall be deemed by the governing body of said city in its discretion to be in furtherance of such purposes, also full and continuing power and authority to do any one or more of the following: 1. To purchase, construct, lease, or otherwise acquire real property, plants, buildings, factories, works, facilities, machinery and equipment of any kind. 2. To lease, sell for cash or on credit, exchange, or give and convey any such property described in subparagraph 1 above, to any person, firm, association or corporation, which shall locate or agree to locate a new industry or business in or within 15 miles of said city. 3. To become a stockholder in any corporation which shall locate or agree to locate a new industry or business in or within 15 miles of said city. 4. To lend its credit or grant public monies and things of value in aid of, or to, any individual, firm, association, or corporation, which shall locate or agree to locate a new industry or business in or within 15 miles of said city. 5. To become indebted and to issue and sell interest bearing bonds, warrants (which may be payable from funds to be realized in future years), notes, evidences of indebtedness, or other obligations (all of which are hereinafter referred to as "obligations"), to a principal amount not exceeding 50% of the assessed valuation of taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in order to secure funds for the purchase, construction, lease or acquisition of any of the property described in subparagraph 1 above or to be used in furtherance of any of the other powers or authorities granted in this amendment. Such obligations may (in addition to any pledge or pledges authorized by subparagraph 7 of this amendment) be issued upon the full faith and credit of said city or may be limited as to the source of their payment. 6. To levy and collect annually, in addition to all other taxes now authorized or permitted, a special tax or taxes not exceeding 2% on the value of all taxable property therein as determined for state taxation in the same manner as other municipal taxes are levied and collected. 7. To pledge to the payment of any of its obligations the annual proceeds of any such special tax or taxes and to obligate itself irrevocably to continue to levy and collect such taxes annually until such obligation shall have been paid in full and to pledge thereto any rental or sales proceeds of property leased or sold by it. The recital in any obligations that they were issued pursuant to this amendment or that they were issued to provide funds to be used in furtherance of any power or authority herein granted or that any special tax herein authorized has been levied and pledged to the payment of such obligations shall be conclusive; no purchaser or holder thereof need inquire further; and the levy and collection of such tax shall continue until the principal of and interest on such obligations shall have been paid in full. The obligations which may be issued hereunder shall not be considered an indebtedness of said city for the purposes of determining its borrowing capacity under section 225 of the Constitution; and the taxes herein authorized shall be in addition to those provided for or permitted in section 216 of the Constitution, as amended. The exercise of the powers and authority hereinabove set forth are subject to the prior approval thereof at an election called by the governing body of said city at wh
AMENDMENT 262 RATIFIED Hospital Tax in Districts 1, 2 and 3 of Franklin County. In addition to any taxes now authorized or that may be hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, the governing body of Franklin county shall levy and cause to be collected annually a special district tax, not exceeding 50 cents on each 100 dollars assessed valuation of taxable property in districts one, two, and three of Franklin county, Alabama, to be used exclusively for public hospital purposes (as the term "public hospital purposes" is defined in amendment LXXVI [76] to the Constitution proposed by Acts of 1949, page 897, submitted December 13, 1949, and proclaimed ratified December 21, 1949) within said districts one, two, and three; provided that the time during which such tax is to continue and the purpose thereof shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors in districts one, two, and three of Franklin county and voted for by a majority of such electors voting at such election. The governing body of Franklin county may call an election at any time, and it shall be the duty of such governing body to call an election to be held within ninety days after receipt by it of a petition signed by not less than 5% of the qualified electors of said districts one, two, and three, requesting that such election be called. The governing body may call such election to be held at the same time that this amendment is submitted to the electors of the state for ratification and such election shall be effective to require the levy and collection of such tax in the event that this amendment shall be ratified. The notice of such election, ballots to be used at such election and procedures for holding and determining the results of such election shall be prescribed by the governing body of Franklin county. No election shall be held hereunder within one year from the date of the last election so held. Whenever such tax shall have been authorized by vote of such qualified electors, and levied by the governing body of Franklin county, such governing body may anticipate the proceeds therefrom for any one or more of the purposes for which the tax shall have been voted, by issuing, without further election, interest-bearing tax anticipation bonds, warrants, or certificates of indebtedness of said county payable solely from and secured by a pledge of a sufficient amount of the annual proceeds from said tax received by the county. The governing body of Franklin county shall have power to designate as the agency of the county, to construct, acquire, equip, operate and maintain public hospital facilities for said districts one, two, and three, any public corporation heretofore or hereafter organized for hospital purposes in the county. When a public corporation shall have been so designated, the proceeds of said tax thereafter collected shall be paid to it and shall be used by it for any one or more of the purposes for which the tax shall have been voted; provided, that payments of the proceeds of said tax to said public corporation shall be made only to such extent as will not result in the impairment of the obligation of any contract theretofore made with respect to said tax. Said public corporation may anticipate the proceeds from said tax so required to be paid to it by issuing, for any one or more of the purposes for which the tax shall have been voted, the bonds, warrants, or certificates of indebtedness of said corporation, and may pledge for the payment of the principal thereof and interest thereon a sufficient amount of the annual proceeds from said tax so paid to it. No securities issued or contracts made by Franklin county under the authority of this amendment, which are payable solely out of the proceeds of said tax, and no securities issued or contracts made by any such public corporation, whether or not issued or made under the authority of this amendment, shall be construed to be bonds of Franklin county or of a polit
AMENDMENT 263 RATIFIED Economic Development of Municipalities in Geneva County. Any provision of the Constitution or laws of the state of Alabama to the contrary notwithstanding, any municipality in Geneva county, or any one or more of them, shall have full and continuing power and authority, after an election held in accordance herewith, to do any one or more of the following: 1. To purchase, construct, lease, or otherwise acquire real property, plants, buildings, factories, works, facilities, machinery and equipment of any kind. 2. To lease, sell for cash or on credit, exchange, or give and convey any such property described in subdivision 1 above, to any person, firm, association or corporation. 3. To promote local industrial, commercial or agricultural development and the location of new industries or businesses therein. 4. To become a stockholder in any corporation, association or company. 5. To lend its credit or to grant public moneys and things of value in aid of, or to, any individual, firm, association, or corporation whatsoever. 6. To become indebted and to issue and sell interest-bearing bonds, warrants (which may be payable from funds to be realized in future years), notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness, to a principal amount not exceeding fifty percent of the assessed value of taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in order to secure funds for the purchase, construction, lease or acquisition of any of the property described in subdivision 1 above or to be used in furtherance of any of the other powers or authorities granted in this amendment. Such obligations or evidences of indebtedness may (in addition to any pledge or pledges authorized by subdivision 8 of this amendment) be issued upon the full faith and credit of the municipality or may be limited as to the source of their payment. 7. To levy and collect annually, in addition to all other taxes now authorized or permitted, a special tax or taxes of not exceeding two percent on the value of all taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in the same manner as other county or municipal taxes are levied and collected. Such tax may be upon all property in any municipality in Geneva county or upon all property in any district the boundaries of which the governing body of such municipality shall describe and which it shall determine to be specially improved and benefited by any proposed use or expenditure of the proceeds of such tax. 8. To pledge to the payment of any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness the annual proceeds from any such special tax or taxes and to obligate itself irrevocably to continue to levy and collect such taxes annually until such obligations or evidences of indebtedness are paid in full and to pledge thereto any rental or sales proceeds of property leased or sold by it. 9. To create a public authority or corporation having such powers, managed and governed by such board or governing body and subject to such limitations as the governing body of any municipality in Geneva county may impose, by approving and filing a certificate to that effect in the office of the judge of probate or the secretary of state, or their respective successors in function, and to delegate to such public authority or corporation and its board or governing body all powers and authority conferred in this amendment upon any such municipality. The recital in any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness that they were issued pursuant to this amendment or that they were issued to provide funds to be used in furtherance of any power or authority herein authorized or that any special tax herein authorized has been pledged to the payment thereof shall be conclusive; no purchaser or holder thereof need inquire further; and the levy and collection of such tax shall continue until the principal of and interest on such obligations or evidences of indebtedness
AMENDMENT 264 RATIFIED Bonds for Courthouse in Marengo County. Marengo county is hereby authorized to incur indebtedness to the extent of not exceeding $400,000 in aggregate principal amount, and to issue its bonds in evidence of the indebtedness so incurred, for the purpose of constructing and equipping a new courthouse in said county. Said bonds may be issued only after the question of the issuance thereof shall have been submitted to the qualified electors of said county at an election called for that purpose by the governing body of said county and a majority of said qualified electors voting at said election shall have voted in favor of the issuance of said bonds, which election shall be called, held, conducted, canvassed and may be contested in the manner provided by the then existing laws of Alabama with respect to elections on the issuance of bonds by counties; provided however, that if a majority of the qualified electors of said county participating in the election on the adoption of this amendment shall vote for the adoption thereof then the approval of this amendment expressed by the vote in said county in favor of its adoption shall of itself authorize the issuance of the bonds, and in that event no additional election by the electors of said county shall be required to authorize the issuance of said bonds. In the event the majority vote in said county on the adoption of this amendment is against the adoption thereof, or in the event the majority vote at any election held in said county pursuant to the provisions of this amendment after its adoption is not in favor of the issuance of the bonds proposed at such election, the governing body of the said county may from time to time call other elections hereunder on the issuance of said bonds, but not more than one such election shall be held during any period of twelve consecutive months. The power to become indebted and to issue bonds in evidence of such indebtedness shall be in addition to all other powers which the said county may have under the Constitution and laws of Alabama, and any bonds issued pursuant to this amendment shall not be chargeable against the amount of indebtedness which said county may incur under the Constitution and laws of Alabama in effect prior to the adoption of this amendment. All bonds issued under this amendment shall be general obligations of the county secured by an irrevocable pledge of its full faith and credit, shall be issued in accordance with, and shall be subject to, the provisions of the general laws of Alabama existing at the time of the sale of said bonds respecting the maturities, sale, execution and redemption of bonds by counties. If the said bonds are authorized to be issued, either by a majority of the qualified electors of said county participating in the election on the adoption of this amendment voting for the adoption thereof or by a majority of the qualified electors of said county voting in favor of the issuance of said bonds at a separate county bond election on the question of the issuance of said bonds, and if the said bonds or any part thereof are actually issued, the governing body of said county shall thereafter have the power, without any further election, to agree to levy and collect, and to levy and collect, for a period of not exceeding seven years and for the sole purpose of paying the principal and interest on such bonds and creating a reserve therefor, a special additional annual ad valorem tax of not exceeding two mills on each dollar's worth of taxable property in said county, as assessed for state taxation for the preceding tax year. The said county shall not, however, in any event have the power to levy said tax or any part thereof with respect to any tax year beginning after final payment and retirement of said bonds. The term "taxable property" as used in this amendment shall include any property that has heretofore been or may hereafter be exempted from county taxes pursuant to the provisions
AMENDMENT 265 RATIFIED Compensation of Certain Officers of Marengo County. The legislature may hereafter, from time to time, by general, special or local laws, fix, regulate and alter the fees, commissions, allowances or salaries to be charged or received by the tax assessor or the tax collector of Marengo county, and may put such officers on a salary basis and provide for operation of their offices on such basis.
AMENDMENT 266 RATIFIED Bond Issue for Acquisition, Improvement, etc., of Mental Health Facilities. The state of Alabama is authorized to become indebted and to sell and issue interest-bearing bonds, in addition to all other bonds of the state, in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $15,000,000. The proceeds derived from the sale of said bonds shall be used solely for the purpose of paying the expenses incurred in the sale and issuance thereof and for the acquisition, construction and improvement of mental health facilities, including (a) improvements to the existing state hospitals for the mentally ill known as Bryce and Searcy hospitals and to the existing state facilities for treatment and care of the mentally retarded known as Partlow School, for which improvements not exceeding $3,000,000 of the proceeds from the said bonds may be used, (b) acquisition by construction and otherwise of one or more new state facilities and regional centers, or either, for treatment and care of the mentally retarded, for which purpose not exceeding $9,000,000 of the proceeds from the said bonds may be used, and (c) acquisition by construction and otherwise of regional and community-based mental health centers and regional and community-based centers for treatment and care of the mentally retarded, for which purpose not exceeding $3,000,000 of the proceeds from the said bonds may be used; provided, that bond proceeds may be used for a center referred to in the foregoing clause (c) only if a portion of the cost of that center is to be paid out of funds supplied by federal grant or by contribution of local political subdivisions or other local sources, or by both federal grant and such contribution. The improvement of a facility shall be deemed to include the renovation, modernization, remodeling, and equipment thereof and the construction of additions thereto; and the construction of a facility shall be deemed to include the acquisition of real estate sites and equipment therefor. Said bonds shall be sold only at a duly advertised public sale or sales, upon sealed bids or at auction, to the bidder whose bid reflects the lowest net interest cost to the state for the bonds offered for sale, and shall be sold at not less than their face value plus accrued interest thereon. Said bonds shall be direct general obligations of the state and for the prompt and faithful payment of the principal thereof and interest thereon the full faith and credit of the state are hereby irrevocably pledged. In addition thereto, there is hereby specially and irrevocably pledged for payment of the principal of and interest on said bonds, pro rata and without priority of one bond over another by reason of prior issuance or otherwise, that portion of an additional privilege and license tax on the sale, storage, use, consumption, or delivery of cigarettes, levied by an act adopted at the 1967 regular session of the legislature of Alabama, that was appropriated in the said act to the purpose of acquiring and constructing mental health facilities in the state. The said special pledge shall create a charge on the tax proceeds herein specially pledged prior to all other charges or expenses for any purpose. The bonds issued under this amendment and the income therefrom shall be exempt from all taxation in the state. The legislature shall adopt appropriate enabling legislation to carry out the intent and purpose of this amendment.
AMENDMENT 267 RATIFIED Bond Issue to Acquire, Develop, etc., State Parks and Park Facilities. The state of Alabama is authorized to become indebted for acquiring, providing, constructing, developing, and equipping state parks and park facilities, and in evidence of the indebtedness so incurred to issue and sell, in addition to all other bonds of the state, interest-bearing general obligation bonds of the state, not exceeding forty-three million dollars ($43,000,000) in principal amount. The proceeds from the sale of any such bonds shall, after payment of the reasonable and necessary expenses of their issuance, be set aside in the state treasury in a special trust fund designated "state parks bond proceeds fund" and shall be disbursed therefrom on order of the director of conservation, approved by the governor, for payment of costs of acquiring, providing, constructing, developing and equipping state parks and park facilities; provided, that any proceeds held in the state parks bond proceeds fund for more than thirty days shall be invested in securities which are direct and general obligations of the United States of America. The said bonds shall be direct general obligations of the state, and for the prompt and faithful payment of the principal thereof and interest thereon the full faith and credit of the state are hereby irrevocably pledged. In addition thereto, there is hereby specially and irrevocably pledged for payment of the principal of and interest on said bonds, pro rata and without priority of one bond over another by reason of prior issuance or otherwise, so much as may be necessary for said purpose of that portion of an additional privilege and license tax on the sale, storage, use, consumption, or delivery of cigarettes, levied by an act introduced at the 1967 regular session of the legislature of Alabama as Senate Bill 280, that was appropriated in the said act to the development of state parks and state park facilities. The said special pledge shall create a charge on the tax proceeds herein specially pledged prior to all other charges or expenses for state park purposes or any other purposes whatever. The governor, the director of finance, and the director of conservation are hereby constituted a bond commission with full authority, except as herein specified or limited, to provide the terms of the bonds and to provide for the sale and issuance thereof. The governor shall be the chairman of the commission, which shall meet at his call; its proceedings shall be signed by its members and filed with the secretary of state. The bonds may be sold, executed and delivered at any time and from time to time, may be in such forms, denominations, series and numbers, may be of such tenor and maturities, may bear such date or dates, may be in registered or bearer form either as to principal or interest or both, with rights of conversion into another form, may be payable in such installments and at such place or places, may bear interest at such rate or rates, payable and evidenced in such manner, and may contain provisions for redemption at the option of the state at such date or dates prior to their maturity and upon payment of such redemption price or prices, all as shall be provided by the said commission in the order or orders under which the bonds are issued. The principal of each series of bonds shall mature in annual installments in such amounts as shall be specified in the authorizing order or orders; provided, that the first such installment shall mature not later than one year after the date of the bonds of such series, and the last such installment shall mature not later than twenty years after the date of the bonds of the same series; and provided further, that at the time of the issuance of each series of bonds, the maturities of the bonds of that series shall, to such extent as may be practicable, be so arranged that during each then succeeding fiscal year of the state the aggregate installments of principal a
AMENDMENT 268 RATIFIED Amendment of Section 225. SECTION 225 Indebtedness of municipal corporations — Limitation; exception as to Sheffield and Tuscumbia; limitation not applicable to obligations or indebtedness exempted by Constitution or amendments thereto. No city, town or other municipal corporation having a population of less than six thousand, except as hereafter provided, shall become indebted in an amount, including present indebtedness, exceeding twenty per centum of the assessed value of the property therein, except for the construction of or purchase of waterworks, gas or electric lighting plants, or sewerage, or for the improvements of streets, for which purposes an additional indebtedness not exceeding three per centum may be created; provided, this limitation shall not affect any debt now authorized by law to be created, nor any temporary loans to be paid within one year, made in anticipation of the collection of taxes, not exceeding one fourth of the annual revenues of such city or town. All towns and cities having a population of six thousand or more are hereby authorized to become indebted in an amount, including present indebtedness, not exceeding twenty per centum of the assessed valuation of the property therein, provided that there shall not be included in the limitation of the indebtedness of such last described cities and towns the following classes of indebtedness, to-wit: Temporary loans, to be paid within one year, made in anticipation of the collection of taxes and not exceeding one fourth of the general revenues, bonds, or other obligations already issued, or which may hereafter be issued for the purpose of acquiring, providing, or constructing school houses, waterworks, and sewers; and obligations incurred and bonds issued for street or sidewalk improvements, where the cost of the same, in whole or in part, is to be assessed against the property abutting said improvements; provided, that the proceeds of all obligations issued as herein provided in excess of said twenty per centum shall not be used for any purpose other than that for which said obligations were issued. Nothing contained in this article shall prevent the funding or refunding of valid obligations existing at the time of such funding or refunding. This section shall not apply to the cities of Sheffield and Tuscumbia. The limitations specified in this section shall not be applicable to any obligations or indebtedness that may be exempted from the said limitations by the provisions of any portion of this Constitution, including any amendment thereto at any time adopted.
AMENDMENT 269 RATIFIED Special Property Tax by Counties or Municipalities for Library Purposes. In addition to all taxes now or hereafter authorized by the Constitution of Alabama, any county or any incorporated municipality within the state which supports, jointly supports, or proposes to support a public library is hereby authorized to levy and collect a special tax not exceeding five one hundredths of one per centum on the value of the taxable property within such county or municipality as assessed for state taxation, the proceeds of which shall be used exclusively for public library purposes; provided, that the rate of such tax, the time it is to continue and the purpose thereof shall have been first submitted to the vote of the qualified electors of the county or municipality and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election. Elections under this amendment shall be called, held and conducted in the same way as elections on special school district tax levies.
AMENDMENT 270 RATIFIED Navigable Waterway Between Demopolis and Tennessee River and Flood Control Projects on Tributary Streams of Tombigbee River. Any provision of the Constitution of Alabama or amendments thereto to the contrary notwithstanding, the legislature may by appropriate laws authorize the state to engage in works of internal improvement by fulfilling the requirements of local contribution, participation and cooperation now or hereafter established by the United States in connection with (1) the construction and maintenance of a navigable waterway (herein called "the waterway") between Demopolis, Alabama, and the Tennessee river and (2) the implementation and maintenance of flood control projects on the tributary streams of the Tombigbee river (herein called "the flood control projects"). The legislature may by appropriate laws authorize the state to become indebted and, in evidence of such indebtedness, to sell and issue its interest-bearing bonds, in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $10,000,000, for the purpose of enabling the state to discharge obligations at any time authorized by the legislature to be undertaken in connection with the waterway and the flood control project; provided, that the expenses incurred in connection with the sale and issuance of the bonds may also be paid from the proceeds thereof. Bonds evidencing the herein provided for indebtedness may be issued as direct general obligations of the state, and the state may pledge its full faith and credit to the prompt payment of the principal of the bonds and the interest thereon. The herein provided for indebtedness shall not be construed to prohibit or limit appropriations from the general fund of the state which from time to time may be made for the purpose of enabling the state to discharge obligations at any time authorized by the legislature to be undertaken in connection with the waterway and the flood control projects. The legislature may by appropriate laws establish a public corporation and may confer upon it, in addition to all other necessary powers, full power to undertake the obligations that the state is permitted under the foregoing provisions of this amendment to undertake in connection with the waterway and the flood control projects. The legislature may from time to time appropriate money from the general fund of the state to be expended by such public corporation and may also authorize the herein provided for general obligation bonds of the state to be sold from time to time under the supervision of such public corporation; provided, that all moneys received by such public corporation from the state, whether as appropriations from the state's general fund or as proceeds of the sale of the state's bonds, shall be expended, except for reasonable administrative expenses, in discharging obligations that the state is permitted under the foregoing provisions of this amendment to undertake in connection with the waterway and the flood control projects and shall have directed such public corporation to undertake in its stead.
AMENDMENT 271 RATIFIED Amendment of Section 164. SECTION 164 Appointment of clerk of supreme court; selection of clerks of inferior courts. The clerk of the supreme court shall be appointed by the justices thereof; and the clerks of such inferior courts as may be established by law shall be selected in such manner as the legislature may provide.
AMENDMENT 272 RATIFIED Game and Fish Fund. There is hereby created and shall be a fund in the state treasury, which shall be known as the game and fish fund. This fund shall consist of: a. All monies received from all occupational licenses or privilege taxes imposed by the state on any person, firm or corporation for engaging in any business or activity relating to taking, catching, capturing or killing any fur-bearing or game animal or game bird in this state or the taking, catching, capturing or killing of any freshwater fish or aquatic animal in the public waters of this state; b. All monies derived from the levying or imposition upon any person, firm or corporation of any tax, license, permit, certificate, fee or any other charge, by whatsoever name called, pursuant to the game and fish laws of this state or rules and regulations promulgated thereunder; c. All monies paid, derived, received or arising from fines, penalties and forfeitures pursuant to the game and fish laws of this state and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder; d. All monies derived from the administration and enforcement of the game and fish laws of this state or rules and regulations promulgated thereunder; e. All monies derived from the sale of hunting and fishing licenses or permits; f. All monies derived from the sale of lands, timber or other natural resources owned by the game and fish division of the department of conservation; g. All monies accruing to the game and fish fund from any other source whatsoever. No funds accruing to the game and fish fund of the state of Alabama from any source whatsoever shall be expended for any other purpose than the payment of administrative costs of the game and fish activities of the department of conservation and for the protection, propagation, preservation, investigation of game and fish and public use of the game and fish resources of this state.
AMENDMENT 273 RATIFIED Bonds for State Docks Facilities The state of Alabama is authorized to become indebted for additional improvements for the Alabama state docks and in evidence of the indebtedness so incurred to issue and sell, in addition to all other bonds of the state, interest-bearing general obligation bonds of the state not exceeding four million dollars ($4,000,000) in principal amount. The full faith and credit and taxing power of the state are hereby pledged to the prompt and faithful payment of the principal of the bonds and the interest thereon. The Alabama state docks department (which term as used herein shall be construed to include any other agency of the state that may succeed to said department's functions) shall, subject to the provisions of the bond order relating to the sale of $10,000,000 principal amount of general obligation seaport facilities bonds of the state of Alabama dated March 1, 1964, pledge and use so much of the revenues derived from its seaport facilities as may be necessary to pay at their maturities the principal of and interest on the bonds herein authorized, and may pledge, agree to use, and use so much of said revenues as the said department with the approval of the governor may determine shall be necessary or desirable to build up and maintain reserves for the payment of said principal and interest and for the maintenance, replacement and improvement of its seaport facilities. The proceeds from the sale of any such bonds shall, after payment of the reasonable and necessary expense of their issuance, be set aside in a special fund in the state treasury and shall be paid out to the Alabama state docks department upon authorization by the governor and shall be held by the said department in a special trust fund designated "Alabama state docks capital extension bond fund" and therefrom be disbursed to pay the reasonable and necessary costs of constructing, dredging of approaches thereto and equipment of works of internal improvement for use and operation as a part of additional state docks facilities; provided that, if said department shall have issued any notes in anticipation of the sale of bonds for any of said purposes, then so much as may be necessary, not exceeding $2,000,000, shall be used to retire or fund said notes. The Alabama state docks department is hereby vested with full authority, subject to the provisions of the bond order relating to the sale of $10,000,000 principal amount of general obligation seaport facilities bonds of the state of Alabama dated March 1, 1964, and except as limited herein, to prescribe the terms of the bonds and to provide for the issuance and sale thereof. The bonds may be sold, executed and delivered at any time and from time to time, may be in such forms, denominations, series and numbers, may be of such tenor and maturities, may bear such date or dates, may be in registered or bearer form either as to principal or interest or both, with rights of conversion into another form, may be payable in such installments and at such place or places, may bear interest at such rate or rates, payable and evidenced in such manner, and may contain provisions for redemption at the option of the state to be exercised by the state docks department at such date or dates prior to their maturity and upon payment of such redemption price or prices, all as shall be provided by the said department in the order or orders under which the bonds are issued. The principal of each series of bonds shall mature in annual installments in such amount as shall be specified in the authorizing order or orders, the first of which installments shall mature not later than one year after the date of the bonds of such series and the last of which installments shall mature not later than twenty years after the date of the bonds of the same series. The largest installment of principal and interest maturing on each series of the bonds in any one year shall not exceed twice the preceding
AMENDMENT 274 RATIFIED Works of Internal Improvement Along Navigable Waterways. When authorized by appropriate laws passed by the legislature, the state of Alabama may, in promoting and aiding the commercial flow of agricultural products within the state or in aid of commerce and use of the waterways of the state, at a cost not exceeding $2,000,000 engaged in works of internal improvement by promoting, developing, constructing, maintaining and operating within the state or along navigable streams and waterways now or hereafter existing within the state all manner of elevators, facilities, warehouses, docks, water and rail terminals and other structures and facilities and improvements needful for the convenient use of the same; provided that any such works or improvements shall always be and remain under the management and control of the state through the Alabama state docks department or other state governing agency and shall become part of the inland waterways facilities of the state. When authorized by appropriate laws passed by the legislature, the state may, in addition to all other bonds of the state, become indebted in an aggregate principal amount of not exceeding $2,000,000 for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this amendment and may cause to be issued its general direct obligation bonds for the repayment of such indebtedness and interest thereon and pledge the faith and credit of the state thereto.
AMENDMENT 275 RATIFIED Special Property Tax for Public Hospital Purposes in Mobile County. Mobile county shall have power to levy and collect a special county tax not exceeding twenty cents on each one hundred dollars worth of taxable property in the county as assessed for state taxes in addition to all other taxes now or hereafter authorized, for public hospital purposes, provided the rate of the tax and the time it is to continue and the purpose thereof shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the county and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election. If a majority of the qualified electors of Mobile county who participate in the election held on the adoption of this amendment vote in favor thereof, the governing body of Mobile county must levy and collect the special tax as herein authorized at the maximum rate specified for each of the four tax years next ensuing. If a majority of the qualified electors of Mobile county voting on this amendment vote against its adoption, the governing body of Mobile county may thereafter from time to time call other elections on the question of levying the special tax as herein authorized and must call such an election within three months after receipt by the said county governing body of a petition signed by not less than five percent of the qualified electors of Mobile county. After the special tax herein authorized shall have been levied for a period of four years, the governing body of Mobile county shall, on petition signed by not less than five percent of the qualified electors of the county, call an election on the question of discontinuance of the tax. If a majority of the electors voting upon the question shall vote in favor of discontinuance of the tax then the special tax shall be discontinued at the end of the tax year following the election. Such elections shall be called, held, conducted and canvassed in such manner as the governing board of Mobile county shall provide. The county governing body and any city or town of Mobile county may from time to time appropriate county or municipal funds, as the case may be, for the use and benefit of any public hospital located in the county.
AMENDMENT 276 RATIFIED Hospital Tax in District 2 of Walker County. In addition to any taxes now authorized or that may be hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, the governing body of Walker county shall levy and cause to be collected annually a special district tax, not exceeding 50 cents on each 100 dollars assessed valuation of taxable property in district two of Walker county, Alabama, to be used exclusively for public hospital purposes (as the term "public hospital purposes" is defined in amendment LXXVI [76] to the Constitution proposed by Acts of 1949, page 897, submitted December 13, 1949, and proclaimed ratified December 21, 1949) within said district two; provided that the time during which such tax is to continue and the purpose thereof shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors in district two of Walker county and voted for by a majority of such electors voting at such election. The governing body of Walker county may call an election at any time, and it shall be the duty of such governing body to call an election to be held within ninety days after receipt by it of a petition signed by not less than 5% of the qualified electors of said district two, requesting that such election be called. The governing body may call such election to be held at the same time that this amendment is submitted to the electors of the state for ratification and such election shall be effective to require the levy and collection of such tax in the event that this amendment shall be ratified. The notice of such election, ballots to be used at such election and procedures for holding and determining the results of such election shall be prescribed by the governing body of Walker county. No election shall be held hereunder within one year from the date of the last election so held. Whenever such tax shall have been authorized by vote of such qualified electors, and levied by the governing body of Walker county, such governing body may anticipate the proceeds therefrom for any one or more of the purposes for which the tax shall have been voted, by issuing, without further election, interest-bearing tax anticipation bonds, warrants, or certificates of indebtedness of said county payable solely from and secured by a pledge of a sufficient amount of the annual proceeds from said tax received by the county. The governing body of Walker county shall have power to designate as the agency of the county, to construct, acquire, equip, operate and maintain public hospital facilities for said district two, any public corporation heretofore or hereafter organized for hospital purposes in the county. When a public corporation shall have been so designated, the proceeds of said tax thereafter collected shall be paid to it and shall be used by it for any one or more of the purposes for which the tax shall have been voted; provided, that payments of the proceeds of said tax to said public corporation shall be made only to such extent as will not result in the impairment of the obligation of any contract theretofore made with respect to said tax. Said public corporation may anticipate the proceeds from said tax so required to be paid to it by issuing, for any one or more of the purposes for which the tax shall have been voted, the bonds, warrants, or certificates of indebtedness of said corporation, and may pledge for the payment of the principal thereof and interest thereon a sufficient amount of the annual proceeds from said tax so paid to it. No securities issued or contracts made by Walker county under the authority of this amendment, which are payable solely out of the proceeds of said tax, and no securities issued or contracts made by any such public corporation, whether or not issued or made under the authority of this amendment, shall be construed to be bonds of Walker county or of a political subdivision thereof within the meaning of section 222 of the Constitution, or construed to create or constitut
AMENDMENT 277 RATIFIED Economic Development of Town of Carbon Hill. Any provision of the Constitution or laws of the state of Alabama to the contrary notwithstanding, the town of Carbon Hill in Walker county shall have full and continuing power and authority, after an election held in accordance herewith, to do any one or more of the following: 1. To purchase, construct, lease, or otherwise acquire real property, plants, buildings, factories, works, facilities, machinery and equipment of any kind. 2. To lease, sell for cash or on credit, exchange, give and convey any such property described in subdivision 1 above, to any person, firm, association or corporation. 3. To promote local industrial, commercial or agricultural development and the location of new industries or businesses therein. 4. To become a stockholder in any corporation, association or company. 5. To lend this credit or to grant public moneys and things of value in aid of, or to, any individual, firm, association, or corporation whatsoever. 6. To become indebted and to issue and sell interest-bearing bonds, warrants (which may be payable from funds to be realized in future years), notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness, to a principal amount not exceeding fifty percent of the assessed value of taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in order to secure funds for the purchase, construction, lease or acquisition of any of the property described in subdivision 1 above or to be used in furtherance of any of the other powers or authorities granted in this amendment. Such obligations or evidences of indebtedness may (in addition to any pledge or pledges authorized by subdivision 8 of this amendment) be issued upon the full faith and credit of the town of Carbon Hill, or may be limited as to the source of their payment. 7. To levy and collect annually, in addition to all other taxes now authorized or permitted, a special tax or taxes of not exceeding two percent on the value of all taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in the same manner as other county or municipal taxes are levied and collected. Such tax may be upon all property in the municipality, or upon all property in any district the boundaries of which the governing body of such municipality shall describe and which it shall determine to be specially improved and benefited by any proposed use or expenditure of the proceeds of such tax. 8. To pledge to the payment of any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness the annual proceeds from any such special tax or taxes and to obligate itself irrevocably to continue to levy and collect such taxes annually until such obligations or evidences of indebtedness are paid in full and to pledge thereto any rental or sales proceeds of property leased or sold by it. The recital in any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness that they were issued pursuant to this amendment or that they were issued to provide funds to be used in furtherance of any power or authority herein authorized or that any special tax herein authorized has been pledged to the payment thereof shall be conclusive; no purchaser or holder thereof need inquire further; and the levy and collection of such tax shall continue until the principal of and interest on such obligations or evidences of indebtedness shall have been paid in full. The bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness issued hereunder shall not be considered an indebtedness of the municipality for the purpose of determining the borrowing capacity of the county under section 225 of the Constitution; and the taxes herein authorized shall be in addition to those provided for or permitted in section 216 of the Constitution and all amendments thereto. 9. To create a public authority or corporation having such powers, managed and governed by such board or governing body, and subject to such limitations as
AMENDMENT 278 RATIFIED Costs and Charges of Courts in Elmore County. The legislature may from time to time, by general, special or local laws, fix, regulate and alter the costs and charges of courts in the county of Elmore and the method of distribution thereof.
AMENDMENT 279 RATIFIED Special Property Tax for Educational Purposes in City of Fort Payne. In addition to all taxes now, or hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, the city of Fort Payne, DeKalb county, Alabama, shall have the power to levy and collect a special school tax up to 7 1/2 mills on each dollar's worth of taxable property in the city of Fort Payne, DeKalb county, Alabama, the proceeds of which shall be used exclusively for school purposes; provided that such tax and the purpose or purposes thereof, and the times such taxes are proposed to be continued, shall have first been submitted to the vote of the qualified electors of the city of Fort Payne, DeKalb county, Alabama, and voted for by the majority of those voting at such election. The special tax provided herein may be renewed from time to time, in the manner provided herein, for such periods of time as are necessary. If any proposal to levy the taxes is defeated in any election, subsequent elections thereon may be held at any time. The elections provided for herein shall be called, held, conducted, and paid for by the city of Fort Payne, DeKalb county, Alabama, and governed otherwise in the manner provided for an election on the school district tax authorized in amendment three, article 19 of the Constitution of Alabama. By article 7, chapter 10, Title 52 of the Code of Alabama 1940. The county tax collector shall collect the tax in the same manner and under the same requirements and laws as the taxes of the state are collected, and he shall keep the proceeds of this tax separate and apart from all other funds, and shall keep clear account thereof. The tax collector shall distribute the proceeds of this special tax in such manner as to turn over to the custodian of the city school funds of the city of Fort Payne, DeKalb county, Alabama, the revenue derived from the tax levied on all taxable property situated in the city of Fort Payne, DeKalb county, Alabama. Such revenues to be used by the city board of education for educational purposes in connection with schools located in the corporate limits of the city of Fort Payne, DeKalb county, Alabama. In the event that any special property tax herein authorized shall be authorized by a majority of the qualified electors voting on the question at the election, the city board of education of the city of Fort Payne, Alabama, may at such times as to them seem necessary and proper, sell and issue their tax anticipation bonds for the purposes for which the tax was authorized, which bonds shall be in such amounts as the respective board of education shall designate and, except as otherwise provided herein shall be subject to the provisions of the general laws now pertaining to the issuance by city boards of education of capital outlay warrants, and no further election shall be required for the issuance of such bonds. The revenue derived from the sale of these bonds shall be expended by the Fort Payne city board of education, for public school purposes only. Any bonds issued under the authority of this amendment shall be payable solely out of the proceeds of the special property tax hereby authorized, all or any part of which may be pledged therefor. The bonds issued under the authority of this amendment shall constitute negotiable instruments, although payable from a limited source, and shall be eligible for the investment of trust funds. The bonds shall not constitute general obligations of the city of Fort Payne, DeKalb county, Alabama, and shall be in addition to all other bonds or warrants which the city board of education have heretofore issued or are authorized to issue under the Constitution and laws of Alabama. The proceeds of the tax herein levied may be used for any school purpose. In addition to capital outlay, may be used for operating purposes, or any other purpose in connection with the school system of the city of Fort Payne, DeKalb county, Alabama, as may be determined by the city board
AMENDMENT 280 RATIFIED Amendment of Amendment No. 238. Any corporation heretofore or hereafter created in any county of the state having a population of 500,000 or more, according to the last or any subsequent federal census, for the purpose of establishing, maintaining and operating a civic center in the municipality in which the county seat of such county is situated, shall be authorized, without the necessity of any election, to issue bonds, warrants or other evidences of indebtedness, and to pledge for the payment of the principal and interest due thereon any revenues received, or to be received, by such corporation and any tax proceeds appropriated or allocated (in whole or in part) to such public corporation by or pursuant to any act of the legislature of Alabama or by or pursuant to any resolution or ordinance of such county or any municipality therein, any provision of the Constitution or laws of Alabama to the contrary notwithstanding. No such bonds, warrants or other evidences of indebtedness issued by such corporation shall be considered indebtedness of such county or any municipality therein within the meaning of sections 224 and 225 of the Constitution of Alabama. The rent or rentals that the county or any such municipality may be obligated to pay under the terms of any lease between the said corporation and the said county or any such municipality shall not be considered as indebtedness of said county or any such municipality within the meaning of sections 224 and 225 of the Constitution of Alabama. No tax levied by the state or any municipality or county of the state shall apply to any such corporation, unless such tax applies to the county and the city wherein the corporation is located. The word "tax" as herein used, shall include any ad valorem tax, or other direct tax, and any excise, privilege or license tax. The following are hereby in all things validated and confirmed, any provision or provisions of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901 to the contrary notwithstanding: Acts numbered 524 [p. 767], 525 [p. 776] and 547 [p. 798] enacted at the 1965 regular session of the legislature of Alabama; Act No. 114 [p. 153] enacted at the second special session of 1965 of the legislature of Alabama; and all corporations established by said Act No. 547, as well as all acts done under the authority of any of said acts, including (without limitation) the acquisition of property, the making of contracts and the incurring of obligations and liabilities. Further, that certain bill introduced in the Alabama house of representatives on August 3, 1967 as House Bill 823, as said bill was finally enacted into law, is hereby validated and confirmed, any provision of the Constitution of 1901 to the contrary notwithstanding; provided that said bill (or a substitute therefor) is enacted by the legislature of Alabama and is approved by the governor (or becomes law without such approval).
AMENDMENT 281 RATIFIED Application of Special School Taxes in City of Anniston. (A) The purpose of this amendment is to clarify and make further provisions regarding the public school purposes for which the following special school taxes, heretofore voted in the school district of the city of Anniston, may be applied: (1) The special annual ad valorem school tax at the rate of fifty cents (50¢) on each one hundred dollars ($100.00) of taxable property which was voted for public school purposes at the special election held in the said school district on March 16, 1948, pursuant to call of the said election made in that certain amendment to the Constitution proposed by Act No. 587 adopted at the 1947 regular session of the legislature (sometimes known as, and herein called, amendment 68), and which was levied by amendment 68 for public school purposes in the said school district for a period of thirty years commencing with the tax year beginning October 1, 1947, and with the last year's tax being payable October 1, 1977; and (2) the special annual ad valorem school tax at the same rate which was voted for public school purposes at the special election held in the said school district on February 15, 1966, pursuant to call of the said election made in that certain amendment to the Constitution proposed by Act No. 72 adopted at the 1965 regular session of the legislature (sometimes known as, and herein called, amendment 232), and which was levied by amendment 232 for public school purposes in the said school district for a period of thirty years commencing with the tax year beginning October 1, 1977, and with the first year's tax being payable October 1, 1978. (B) In addition to the public school purposes specifically mentioned in amendment 68, in amendment 232, and in that certain amendment to the Constitution, supplemental to amendment 68, that was proposed by Act No. 1045 adopted at the 1961 regular session of the legislature (sometimes known as, and herein called, amendment 165), that portion of the proceeds from the special school tax levied by amendment 68 in the school district of the city of Anniston that is not needed to pay debt service on bonds heretofore issued by the city of Anniston under amendment 68 or under amendment 165, or to comply with any other covenants contained in proceedings authorizing the issuance of the said bonds, and also the proceeds from the special school tax levied by amendment 232 may be used to pay the principal of and interest on any securities (including, but without limitation to, warrants) that may hereafter be issued by the city of Anniston, pursuant to request by the city board of education of Anniston, for the purpose of (i) paying costs of acquiring, constructing and improving public school buildings in the said school district, (ii) refunding the principal of warrants or other securities issued by the said city, after the effective date of amendment 232, for payment of costs of acquisition, construction and improvement of public school buildings, or (iii) the combined purpose of payment of such costs and such refunding. Costs of constructing a school building shall be deemed to include the costs of acquiring a site therefor. Any such securities may be either general obligations of the city of Anniston secured by a pledge of the proceeds of either or both of the said school taxes or may be special obligations of the said city payable solely out of and secured by a pledge of the proceeds of either or both of the said taxes; and any such securities shall be issued by the said city pursuant to the powers conferred on municipalities by existing statutes. Any pledges that may hereafter be made either hereunder or under amendment 232 with respect to the proceeds from the special school tax levied by amendment 232, shall take precedence in the order in which they are made. Any pledges that may hereafter be made either hereunder or under amendment 165, with respect to the proceeds from the spec
AMENDMENT 282 RATIFIED Amendment of Section 116. SECTION 116 Governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, state auditor, secretary of state, state treasurer, superintendent of education and commissioner of agriculture and industries — Term of office; officers may succeed selves for one additional term. The governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, state auditor, secretary of state, state treasurer, superintendent of education, and commissioner of agriculture and industries, shall hold their respective offices for the term of four years from the first Monday after the second Tuesday in January next succeeding their election and until their successors shall be elected and qualified. Each of said officers shall be eligible to succeed himself in office, but no person shall be eligible to succeed himself for more than one additional term.
AMENDMENT 283 RATIFIED Legislation as to Jurisdiction of Inferior Courts Established in Lieu of Justices of the Peace in Jefferson County. The legislature of Alabama may by general or local laws fix, regulate, and change the jurisdiction of any or all inferior courts established in lieu of justices of the peace in Jefferson county, in all civil cases so long as the amount in controversy does not exceed five hundred dollars, except in cases of libel, slander, assault and battery, and ejectment. All acts of the legislature of Alabama, whether general or local providing for such courts or for such enlargement of jurisdiction prior to the adoption of this amendment, and all judgments of such courts rendered pursuant to such acts, are hereby ratified, validated and confirmed.
AMENDMENT 284 RATIFIED Selection, Qualifications, Powers, Duties and Tenure of State Board of Education and Superintendent of Education. 1. General supervision of the public schools in Alabama shall be vested in a state board of education, which shall be elected in such manner as the legislature may provide. 2. The chief state school officer shall be the state superintendent of education, who shall be appointed by the state board of education and serve at its pleasure. The authority and duties of the superintendent of education shall be determined by the state board of education according to such regulations as the legislature may prescribe. The superintendent of education shall receive an annual salary which shall be fixed by the legislature of Alabama and shall be paid from the state treasury in installments as the salaries of other state officers are paid. 3. The legislature shall enact appropriate laws to implement or enforce this article of amendment. 4. The provisions of article V and XIV of the Constitution of Alabama as amended in conflict with this article are expressly repealed. However, this amendment shall not be so construed as to effect the election or term of the state superintendent of education chosen before it becomes valid as a part of the Constitution.
AMENDMENT 285 RATIFIED Registration of Certain Electors by Mail. The legislature may enact appropriate legislation authorizing and providing for the following persons to register to vote by mail, if they possess the qualifications of an elector and are not disqualified from voting under the Constitution and laws of Alabama, namely, members of the armed forces of the United States, persons employed outside the United States, and the spouses and children of such persons, provided, however, that such persons shall be entitled to register only in the counties where they were residents prior to entering the status which makes them eligible for such registration.
AMENDMENT 286 RATIFIED Bonds for Theodore Ship Channel Project in Mobile Harbor. The state of Alabama is authorized to become indebted for the purpose of financing the work required of the Alabama state docks as the local sponsoring agency for the improvement in Mobile harbor, Alabama, known as the Theodore ship channel project or for additional improvements for the Alabama state docks and in evidence of the indebtedness so incurred to issue and sell, in addition to all other bonds of the state, interest-bearing general obligation bonds of the state not exceeding four million dollars ($4,000,000) in principal amount. The full faith and credit and taxing power of the state are hereby pledged to the prompt and faithful payment of the principal of the bonds and the interest thereon. The Alabama state docks department (which term as used herein shall be construed to include any other agency of the state that may succeed to said department's functions) shall, subject to the provisions of the bond order relating to the sale of the $10,000,000 principal amount of general obligation seaport facilities bonds of the state of Alabama dated March 1, 1964, pledge and use so much of the revenues derived from its seaport facilities as may be necessary to pay at their maturities the principal of and interest on said bonds, and may pledge, agree to use, and use so much of said revenues as the said department with the approval of the governor may determine shall be necessary or desirable to build up and maintain reserves for the payment of said principal and interest for the maintenance, replacement and improvement of its seaport facilities. The proceeds from the sale of any such bonds shall, after payment of the reasonable and necessary expense of their issuance, be set aside in a special fund in the state treasury and shall be paid out to the Alabama state docks department upon authorization by the governor and shall be held by the said department in a special trust fund and therefrom disbursed to pay the reasonable and necessary costs required of the Alabama state docks as the local sponsoring agency for the improvement in Mobile harbor, Alabama, known as the Theodore ship channel project or to pay the reasonable and necessary costs of constructing, dredging of approaches thereto and equipment of works of internal improvement for use and operation as a part of additional state docks facilities; provided that, if said department shall have issued any notes in anticipation of the sale of bonds for any of said purposes, then so much as may be necessary, not exceeding $2,000,000, shall be used to retire or fund said notes. The Alabama state docks department is hereby vested with full authority, subject to the provisions of the bond order relating to the sale of $10,000,000 principal amount of general obligation seaport facilities bonds of the state of Alabama dated March 1, 1964, and except as limited herein, to prescribe the terms of the bonds and to provide for the issuance and sale thereof. The bonds may be sold, executed and delivered at any time and from time to time, may be in such forms, denominations, series and numbers, may be of such tenor and maturities, may bear such date or dates, may be in registered or bearer form either as to principal or interest or both, with rights of conversion into another form, may be payable in such installments and at such place or places, may bear interest at such rate or rates, payable and evidenced in such manner, and may contain provisions for redemption at the option of the state to be exercised by the state docks department at such date or dates prior to their maturity and upon payment of such redemption price or prices, all as shall be provided by the said department in the order or orders under which the bonds are issued. The principal of each series of bonds shall mature in annual installments in such amount as shall be specified in the authorizing order or orders, the first of which installments
AMENDMENT 287 RATIFIED Navigable Waterway Between Montgomery and Gadsden and to the Alabama-Georgia Boundary. Any provision of the Constitution of Alabama or amendments thereto to the contrary notwithstanding, the legislature may by appropriate laws authorize the state to engage in works of internal improvement by fulfilling the requirements of local contribution, participation and cooperation now or hereafter established by the United States in connection with the construction and maintenance of a navigable waterway (herein called "the waterway") between Montgomery and Gadsden and to the Alabama-Georgia boundary. The legislature may by appropriate laws authorize the state to become indebted, and in evidence of such indebtedness, to sell and issue its interest-bearing bonds, in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $10,000,000, for the purpose of enabling the state to discharge obligations at any time authorized by the legislature to be undertaken in connection with the waterway project; provided, that the expenses incurred in connection with the sale and issuance of the bonds may also be paid from the proceeds thereof. Bonds evidencing the herein provided for indebtedness may be issued as direct general obligations of the state, and the state may pledge its full faith and credit to the prompt payment of the principal of the bonds and the interest thereon. The herein provided for indebtedness shall not be construed to prohibit or limit appropriations from the general fund of the state which from time to time may be made for the purpose of enabling the state to discharge obligations at any time authorized by the legislature to be undertaken in connection with the waterway project. The legislature may by appropriate laws establish a public corporation and may confer upon it, in addition to all other necessary powers, full power to undertake the obligations that the state is permitted under the foregoing provisions of this amendment to undertake in connection with the waterway project. The legislature may from time to time appropriate money from the general fund of the state to be expended by such public corporation and may also authorize the herein provided for general obligation bonds of the state to be sold from time to time under the supervision of such public corporation; provided, that all moneys received by such public corporation from the state, whether as appropriations from the state's general fund or as proceeds of the sale of the state's bonds, shall be expended, except for reasonable administrative expenses, in discharging obligations that the state is permitted under the foregoing provisions of this amendment to undertake in connection with the waterway project, and shall have directed such public corporation to undertake in its stead. Nothing herein shall authorize the legislature to establish any such public corporation to acquire by purchase, license, lease, condemnation or otherwise a hydroelectric project (or any part thereof) heretofore or hereafter licensed by the federal power commission under the Federal Power Act of June 10, 1920, Public Law No. 280, 66th Congress, 2nd Session, and amendments thereto, or any such project (or any part thereof) otherwise authorized by act of congress.
AMENDMENT 288 RATIFIED Works of Internal Improvement Along Navigable Waterways. When authorized by appropriate laws passed by the legislature, the state of Alabama may, in promoting and aiding the commercial flow of agricultural products within the state or in aid of commerce and use of the waterways of the state, at a cost not exceeding $10,000,000, engage in works of internal improvement by promoting, developing, constructing, maintaining and operating within the state or along navigable streams and waterways now or hereafter existing within the state all manner of elevators, facilities, warehouses, docks, water and rail terminals and other structures and facilities and improvements needful for the convenient use of the same; provided that any such works or improvements shall always be and remain under the management and control of the state through the Alabama state docks department or other state governing agency and shall become part of the inland waterways facilities of the state. When authorized by appropriate laws passed by the legislature, the state may, in addition to all other bonds of the state, become indebted in an aggregate principal amount of not exceeding $10,000,000 for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this amendment and may cause to be issued its general direct obligation bonds for the repayment of such indebtedness and interest thereon and pledge the faith and credit of the state thereto.
AMENDMENT 289 RATIFIED Title to Sixteenth Section of School Lands in Mobile County. The legislature shall have power to divest the state of Alabama of title to that certain sixteenth section of school lands described as follows: section 16, township 4 south, range 2 west, St. Stephens meridian, in Mobile county, and may provide for the grant of such lands and the income therefrom to the board of trustees of the University of South Alabama.
AMENDMENT 290 RATIFIED Costs and Charges of Courts, and Compensation of Probate Judge and Sheriff, in Barbour County. The legislature may from time to time, by general or local laws, fix, alter and regulate the costs and charges of courts in Barbour county, and regulate the fees, commissions, percentages, allowances, and compensation to be charged or received by the probate judge and the sheriff of Barbour county, and may place the sheriff on a salary basis and provide for the fees charged or collected by him to be paid into the county treasury from which his salary shall be paid.
AMENDMENT 291 RATIFIED Special Tax in School Districts of Calhoun County. In addition to any taxes now authorized or that may be hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, each school district in Calhoun county, except the school district comprising the city of Anniston, shall have the power to levy and collect for public school purposes in such district an annual special ad valorem tax on the taxable properties in such district at a rate not exceeding in any one year five mills on each dollar of the value of the said properties as the same shall be assessed for state taxation; provided that prior to the levy of any special tax authorized in this paragraph, there shall be submitted to the electors of the district in which the tax is proposed to be levied, at a special election called for that purpose in the said district, the question of whether the said tax or any part thereof shall be levied, the rate thereof, the time it is to continue (which shall not exceed thirty years), and the purpose thereof, and the said tax shall be authorized at such election by a majority of the qualified electors of the district voting at such election; provided further, that if a majority of the qualified electors of any of the said districts participating in the election on the ratification of this amendment shall vote for the ratification of this amendment, then the approval of this amendment as expressed by the vote in said district in favor of its ratification shall, of itself, authorize the levy and collection of the said special tax for public school purposes in that district for a period of thirty years commencing with the levy for the tax year for which taxes will become due and payable to the said district on the October 1 next following the date of the said election on the ratification of this amendment. Elections on the question of the levy of a district tax under the provisions of this amendment may be held at any time and from time to time, provided, that if at any such election held after the ratification of this amendment the proposal to levy the tax so submitted should be defeated then the proposal may not be submitted at another election held in the same district within one year from the last election held under this amendment. Each such election held after the ratification of this amendment shall be called and held, the results declared, and the tax levied and collected in the same manner as now or hereafter provided by law in the case of school district taxes authorized by amendment III [3] to the Constitution of Alabama, except that no countywide tax shall be required as a condition precedent for a district tax under this amendment. The funds arising from the district tax herein authorized to be levied in each school district shall be expended for the exclusive benefit of the school district in which such district tax is levied. Nothing in this amendment shall be deemed to prevent the consolidation of any two or more school districts in Calhoun county in accordance with the applicable provisions of general law.
AMENDMENT 292 RATIFIED Special School Tax in School Districts Nos. 1 and 2 of Covington County. 1. The governing body of Covington county shall have power to levy and collect annually a special school district tax not exceeding fifty cents on each one hundred dollars' worth of taxable property in school districts number 1 and 2, Covington county as assessed for state taxation, for public school purposes, provided the rate of such tax, the time it is to continue and the purpose thereof shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the districts and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election. Such tax shall be in addition to all other taxes provided for by law. The funds arising from such special district tax levied and collected by the county shall be expended for the exclusive benefit of the public schools in said districts. Election under this amendment shall be called, held, and conducted in relation to the levying of special school district taxes under the third amendment to the Constitution. 2. If a majority of the qualified electors of school districts number 1 and 2, Covington county, who participate in the election on the adoption, then the approval of the amendment as expressed by such vote shall of itself authorize the levying of the special tax provided for herein at the maximum rate specified for a period not exceeding twenty years.
AMENDMENT 293 RATIFIED Special School Tax in School Districts Nos. 1 and 2 of Colbert County. The governing body of Colbert county shall have power to levy and collect annually a special school district tax not exceeding one dollar on each one hundred dollars' worth of taxable property in school districts number one and number two in Colbert county, as assessed for state taxation, for public school purposes, provided the rate of such tax, the time it is to continue and the purpose thereof shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the districts and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election. Such tax shall be in addition to all other taxes provided for by law. The funds arising from such special district tax levied and collected by the county shall be expended for the exclusive benefit of the districts. Elections under this amendment shall be called, held, and conducted in the same way that elections are called, held, and conducted in relation to the levying of special school district taxes under the third amendment to the Constitution.
AMENDMENT 294 RATIFIED Special Tax in School Districts of Lawrence County and Change in Boundaries of School Districts. Each school district of Lawrence county shall, subject to authorization at an election in such district as hereinafter provided, have power to levy and collect a special district tax, at a rate not exceeding five mills on each dollar (being equivalent to 50 cents on each $100) of the assessed valuation of the taxable property in such district for public school purposes therein, which special tax shall be in addition to all taxes now authorized or that may hereafter be authorized by the Constitution of Alabama to be levied in such district; provided, that no tax shall be levied under this amendment unless the rate of such tax, the time it is to continue, and the purpose thereof shall have been first submitted to the vote of the qualified electors of the district in which the tax is proposed to be levied and shall have been authorized by a majority of the qualified electors voting at the election at which the submission is made. Each election held under this amendment shall be called and held, the ballots canvassed, the results declared, and the tax levied and collected in the same manner as is now or may hereafter be provided by law in the case of school district taxes authorized by amendment III [3] to the Constitution of Alabama, except that no countywide tax shall be required to be levied as a condition precedent to either the authorization or levy of a district tax under this amendment. The holding of one election shall not preclude a later election in the same district under the authority of this amendment. The proceeds of any special district tax authorized by this amendment shall be expended solely for public school purposes in the district in which the tax shall be levied. The county board of education of Lawrence county may from time to time, without the necessity of any election, change the boundaries of any school district at any time existing in the county, or consolidate any two or more school districts therein, if the taxes authorized to be levied for public school purposes in all of the territory in such district after such change of boundaries or consolidation is effected shall be at the same aggregate rate and for the same duration of time; provided, that nothing contained herein shall be construed to impair or permit the impairment of the obligation of any contract created with respect to any securities theretofore issued with respect to any such school district. The provisions of the preceding sentence shall not be deemed to abridge any existing power conferred on the said county board of education by any existing law, but shall be in addition thereto.
AMENDMENT 295 RATIFIED Special Property Tax for Educational Purposes in City of Ozark and Dale County. The court of county commissioners, board of revenue or like governing body of Dale county shall have the power to levy and collect a special property tax in addition to all other taxes, now or hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, of not exceeding one half of one percent on the value of the taxable property in the county situated outside the corporate limits of Ozark, as such property was assessed for state taxation during the preceding year, the proceeds of which shall be used exclusively for educational purposes, but may be pledged to the payment of the principal of and interest on bonds, warrants, or other evidences of indebtedness issued for public school purposes, which pledges shall take priority as provided in such bonds, warrants, or other evidences of indebtedness; provided that such tax and the purpose or purposes thereof and the time such tax is proposed to be continued, shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the county residing outside the corporate limits of Ozark, and voted for by a majority of those voting at the election. Elections on proposals to levy this tax on the property in the county situated outside the corporate limits of Ozark shall be called and held in the same manner as now provided by law for an election on the school district tax authorized in amendment III [3], article XIX, of the Constitution of Alabama. The tax on property situated outside the corporate limits of Ozark shall be collected in the same manner and under the same requirements and laws as the taxes of the state are collected, and the revenues derived from such tax shall be used solely for school construction and other educational purposes in the territory of the county outside the corporate limits of Ozark. The city of Ozark shall likewise have the power to levy and collect a special property tax, in addition to all other taxes now or hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, of not exceding [exceeding] one half of one percent on the value of the taxable property situated within the corporate limits of the city, as assessed for state taxation during the preceding year, the proceeds of which shall be used exclusively for educational purposes, but may be pledged to the payment of the principal of and interest on bonds, warrants, or other evidences of indebtedness issued for public school purposes, which pledges shall take priority as provided in such bonds, warrants or other evidences of indebtedness; provided that such tax and the purpose or purposes thereof and the time such tax is proposed to be continued, shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the city and voted for by a majority of those voting at the election. Elections on proposals to levy this tax on property situated within the corporate limits of Ozark shall be ordered and held in the same manner as provided by the law applicable to municipal corporations for elections to authorize the issuance of municipal bonds. The additional tax, authorized by this amendment to be levied on property situated within the corporate limits of Ozark shall be collected in the same manner and under the same requirements and laws as other taxes levied on property by the city of Ozark are collected, and the revenues derived from this tax shall be used solely for school construction and other educational purposes within the limits of the city of Ozark. If any proposal to levy a tax hereunder is defeated in any election, subsequent elections thereon may be held at any time. This amendment shall be self-executing.
AMENDMENT 296 RATIFIED Special Property Tax for Educational Purposes in Etowah County. The court of county commissioners, board of revenue or like governing body of Etowah county shall have the power to levy and collect a special property tax, in addition to all other taxes, now or hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, of not exceeding one half of one percent on the value of the taxable property in the county situated outside the corporate limits of Gadsden and Attalla, as such property was assessed for state taxation during the preceding year, the proceeds of which shall be used exclusively for educational purposes, but may be pledged to the payment of the principal of and interest on bonds, warrants, or other evidences of indebtedness issued for public school purposes which pledges shall take priority as provided in such bonds, warrants, or other evidences of indebtedness; provided that such tax and the purpose or purposes thereof and the time such tax is proposed to be continued, shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the county residing outside the corporate limits of Gadsden and Attalla, and voted for by a majority of those voting at the election. Elections on proposals to levy this tax on the property in the county situated outside the corporate limits of Gadsden and Attalla shall be called and held in the same manner as now provided by law for an election on the school district tax authorized in amendment III [3], article XIX, of the Constitution of Alabama. The tax on property situated outside the corporate limits of Gadsden and Attalla shall be collected in the same manner and under the same requirements and laws as the taxes of the state are collected, and the revenues derived from such tax shall be used solely for schools and other educational purposes in the territory of the county outside the corporate limits of Gadsden and Attalla. If any proposal to levy a tax hereunder is defeated in any election, subsequent elections thereon may be held at any time. Nothing contained in this amendment shall be construed to authorize the levy and collection of an additional tax on property situated within the corporate limits of the cities of Gadsden or Attalla. This amendment shall be self-executing.
AMENDMENT 297 RATIFIED Compensation of Certain Officers of Tallapoosa County. The legislature may from time to time, by general or local laws applicable to or operative in Tallapoosa county, fix, regulate, and alter the fees, commissions, allowances, and salaries, including the method and basis of their compensation, to be charged or received by the judge of probate, sheriff, tax assessor, tax collector, and clerk and register of the circuit court of Tallapoosa county; and may place any or all of such officers on a salary and provide for the fees, commissions, allowances, and percentages collectible by such officers to be paid into the treasury from which their salaries are paid. Provided, that no law changing the method or basis for compensating such officers shall become effective unless it is approved by a majority of the qualified electors of the county who vote thereon at a referendum election held for such purpose.
AMENDMENT 298 RATIFIED Amendment of Amendment No. 175. That amendment CLXXV [175] to the Constitution of Alabama, as submitted December 5, 1961 and proclaimed ratified December 18, 1961 and amended by amendment CCLX [260] submitted November 8, 1966 and proclaimed ratified November 17, 1966, be further amended by striking out the last sentence in said amendments CLXXV [175] as amended and inserting in lieu thereof the following sentence: The proceeds of any special district tax authorized by this amendment shall be expended for the support of education only in the special district or separate district in which the tax is levied.
AMENDMENT 299 RATIFIED Special School Tax in City of Oneonta. Section 1. In addition to any taxes now authorized, or that may be hereafter authorized, by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, there is hereby levied a special school tax of one dollar on each one hundred dollars' worth of taxable property in the school tax district of the city of Oneonta, Blount county, to be used solely for public school purposes; provided the levy of said tax shall first have been approved by the qualified electors of the school district as hereinafter provided. Section 2. In the event this amendment is approved and a majority of the qualified electors of the school tax district of the city of Oneonta who vote thereon vote in favor of the adoption of this amendment when it is submitted, the additional tax provided for in section 1 shall be levied and collected without any other election having been held thereon. In the event this amendment is approved and a majority of the qualified electors of the school tax district of the city of Oneonta who vote thereon vote against its approval, the tax shall not be levied unless the rate of the tax, the time it is to continue and the purpose thereof shall have been again submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the school tax district of the city of Oneonta and voted for by a majority of those voting at the election. Subsequent elections may be held at intervals of not less than one year and shall be called, held, conducted, paid for, and governed otherwise in the manner provided for an election on the school district tax authorized in constitutional amendment III [3]; provided however, that it shall not be a condition precedent to any election on the school district tax herein provided for or to the levy and collection of such tax that a like or any other countywide school tax be [is] being levied and collected in Blount county. Section 3. In the event the special school tax herein authorized shall be approved as herein provided and the board of education of the city of Oneonta anticipates the proceeds therefrom by issuing securities payable, in whole or in part, out of such proceeds, the provisions of sections 220, 221 and 224 of Title 52 of the Code of Alabama of 1940 shall not apply to any such securities.
AMENDMENT 300 RATIFIED Bonds for Certain Public Buildings in Mobile County. Section A. As used in this amendment the following terms shall be given the following respective meanings: "County" means Mobile county. "Special tax" means the annual ad valorem tax at the rate of 1/2 of 1 per centum (equivalent to 5 mills on each dollar) of the assessed valuation of the taxable property in the county authorized to be levied by the county by the amendment known as amendment XVIII [18] to the Constitution of Alabama, as amended by the amendment to the Constitution known as amendment CLII [152], and also provided for in the amendments to the Constitution known as amendments C [100], CXXII [122], CLI [151], CXCIII [193], and CXCV [195]. Section B. Mobile county is hereby authorized to issue from time to time its bonds, not exceeding $3,000,000 in aggregate principal amount, of which $1,000,000 in principal amount shall be issued for the purpose of acquiring, providing, constructing and equipping a building for use as a juvenile detention home for the county in conjunction with the juvenile court of the county, and $2,000,000 in principal amount shall be issued for the purpose of acquiring, providing, constructing and equipping additions and improvements to the county courthouse building in the county; provided, that if all of the proceeds from the bonds issued for either of the said purposes shall not be needed for the purpose for which they were issued then the balance not so needed may in the sound judgment of the governing body of the county be expended for the said other purpose. The aggregate principal amount of all bonds at any time issued under this amendment, when added to the aggregate principal amount of all then outstanding bonds theretofore issued by the county under any other amendment to the Constitution of Alabama that are payable from or secured by the special tax shall not exceed 6 1/2 per centum of the assessed valuation of the taxable property situated in the county as assessed for state taxation for the state tax year next preceding that during which any bonds herein authorized shall be issued. No bonds may be issued under the authority of this amendment until after the question of the issuance of such bonds shall have been submitted to the qualified electors of the county at any election called for that purpose by the governing body of the county and a majority of the said qualified electors voting at the said election shall have voted in favor of the issuance of such bonds; provided, that if a majority of the qualified electors of the county participating in the election on the adoption of this amendment shall vote for the adoption thereof, then the approval of this amendment expressed by the said vote in favor of its adoption shall of itself authorize the issuance of the bonds provided for in this amendment and no additional election by the electors of the county shall be required to authorize the issuance of the said bonds. If the majority of the qualified electors of the county participating in the election on the adoption of this amendment should not vote in favor of the adoption of this amendment, or if the majority of the qualified electors of the county voting at any election called by the governing body of the county under the provisions of this amendment should not vote in favor of the issuance of the bonds proposed at an election so called, the governing body of the county may from time to time call other elections hereunder on the issuance of such bonds, but not more than one such election shall be held during any period of twelve consecutive months. Any such election called by the governing body of the county shall be called, held, conducted and canvassed, and may be contested, in the manner and within the time provided by the then existing general laws of Alabama pertaining to elections on the issuance of bonds by counties. The bonds issued hereunder shall be general obligations of the county for the pa
AMENDMENT 301 RATIFIED Change in Purposes of Levy and Distribution of Special Tax Authorized by Amendment Nos. 18, 100, 122, 151, 193 and 195. A. As used in this amendment the following terms shall be given the following respective meanings: "County" means Mobile county. "Special tax" means the annual ad valorem tax at the rate of 1/2 of 1 per centum (equivalent to 5 mills on each dollar) of the assessed valuation of the taxable property in the county authorized to be levied by the county by the amendment known as amendment XVIII [18] to the Constitution of Alabama, as amended by the amendment to the Constitution known as amendment CLII [152], and also provided for in the amendments to the Constitution known as amendments C [100], CXII [112], CLI [151], CXCIII [193], and CXCV [195]. B. Commencing with the levy for the tax year beginning October 1, 1969 (for which tax year the special tax will become payable on October 1, 1970) the special tax shall be levied annually by the governing body of the county on the assessed valuation of all property subject to taxation by the county, as assessed for state taxation for the next preceding year, at the following rates for the following respective purposes: (a) 1/2 mill on each dollar (equivalent to 1/20 of 1%) of the said assessed valuation shall be levied for the general purposes of the county to be paid into and disbursed by the governing body of the county out of the general fund of the county; and (b) 4 1/2 mills on each dollar (equivalent to 9/20 of 1%) of the said assessed valuation shall be levied for payment of the principal of and interest on all bonds of the county heretofore and hereafter issued that are payable out of or secured by a pledge of the special tax; provided, that the said rate of 4 1/2 mills on each $1.00 of the said assessed valuation shall be reduced for each tax year for which the special hospital tax authorized in paragraph G of the amendment to the Constitution known as amendment No. CXCV [195] shall have been levied at a rate exceeding 1 mill on each dollar of the taxable property in the county, any such reduction to be by 1/2 mill on each dollar of the assessed valuation of the taxable property in the county or by rate of millage equal to the rate by which the said special hospital tax levied for that tax year exceeds one mill on each dollar of the assessed valuation of such taxable property, whichever shall be the lesser reduction.
AMENDMENT 302 RATIFIED Economic Development of Municipalities in Pickens County. Any provision of the Constitution or laws of the state of Alabama to the contrary notwithstanding, any municipality in Pickens county, or any one or more of them, shall have full and continuing power and authority, after an election held in accordance herewith, to do any one or more of the following: 1. To purchase, construct, lease, or otherwise acquire real property, plants, buildings, factories, works, facilities, machinery and equipment of any kind. 2. To lease, sell for cash or on credit, exchange, give and convey any such property described in subdivision 1 above, to any person, firm, association or corporation. 3. To promote local industrial, commercial or agricultural development and the location of new industries or businesses therein. 4. To become a stockholder in any corporation, association or company. 5. To lend its credit or to grant public moneys and things of value in aid of, or to, any individual, firm, association, or corporation whatsoever. 6. To become indebted and to issue and sell interest-bearing bonds, warrants (which may be payable from funds to be realized in future years), notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness, to a principal amount not exceeding fifty percent of the assessed value of taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in order to secure funds for the purchase, construction, lease or acquisition of any of the property described in subdivision 1 above or to be used in furtherance of any of the other powers or authorities granted in this amendment. Such obligations or evidences of indebtedness may (in addition to any pledge or pledges authorized by subdivision 8 of this amendment) be issued upon the full faith and credit of the municipality or may be limited as to the source of their payment. 7. To levy and collect annually, in addition to all other taxes now authorized or permitted, a special tax or taxes of not exceeding two percent on the value of all taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in the same manner as other county or municipal taxes are levied and collected. Such tax may be upon all property in any municipality in Pickens county or upon all property in any district the boundaries of which the governing body of such municipality shall describe and which it shall determine to be specially improved and benefited by any proposed use or expenditure of the proceeds of such tax. 8. To pledge to the payment of any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness the annual proceeds from any such special tax or taxes and to obligate itself irrevocably to continue to levy and collect such taxes annually until such obligations or evidences of indebtedness are paid in full and to pledge thereto any rental or sales proceeds of property leased or sold by it. 9. To create a public authority or corporation having such powers, managed and governed by such board or governing body and subject to such limitations as the governing body of any municipality in Pickens county may impose, by approving and filing a certificate to that effect in the office of the judge of probate or the secretary of state, or their respective successors in function, and to delegate to such public authority or corporation and its board or governing body all powers and authority conferred in this amendment upon any such municipality. The recital in any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness that they were issued pursuant to this amendment or that they were issued to provide funds to be used in furtherance of any power or authority herein authorized or that any special tax herein authorized has been pledged to the payment thereof shall be conclusive; no purchaser or holder thereof need inquire further; and the levy and collection of such tax shall continue until the principal of and interest on such obligations or evidences of indebtednes
AMENDMENT 303 RATIFIED Promotion of Industrial, Commercial and Agricultural Development in Morgan County and Cities of Hartselle and Decatur. For the promotion of local industrial, commercial or agricultural development, Morgan county and the city of Hartselle and the city of Decatur shall each separately or any two or more of them jointly have full and continuing power (a) to purchase, construct, lease and otherwise acquire industrial, commercial and agricultural projects or sites, including real and personal property, plants, buildings, factories, works, facilities, machinery and equipment of any kind whatsoever; (b) to lease, sell, exchange or otherwise convey all or any part of any such project or site to any person, firm or corporation; (c) after an approving election as hereinafter provided, if required, to sell and issue for such purposes interest-bearing general obligation bonds. Neither the county nor the cities shall issue any bonds under the authority of this amendment, other than bonds issued to finance the acquisition or development of industrial sites, such development to include the extension and installation of streets and roadways and utility services, unless the question of the issuance of such bonds has first been submitted to the qualified electors of the county or the cities, as the case may be, and approved at such election by a majority of the qualified electors voting thereat. Each such election shall be called, held and conducted, and may be contested, in the manner provided by law for county or municipal bond elections, as the case may be. Bonds issued under the authority of this amendment shall not be considered indebtedness of the county or the cities, as the case may be, within the meaning of sections 224 and 225 of the Constitution of Alabama, but neither the county nor the cities shall at any time issue any bonds under the authority of this amendment if as a result thereof it will have outstanding an aggregate principal amount of bonds issued hereunder in excess of twenty percent of an assessed value of the property in the county or the cities, as the case may be. Neither shall the county or the cities issue any bonds under the authority of this amendment, except bonds issued to finance the acquisition or development of industrial sites, such development to include the extension and installation of streets and roadways and utility services, unless prior thereto or contemporaneously therewith the county or the cities, as the case may be, has entered into a lease or other similar agreement, with respect to the project being financed by such bonds, providing for the payment to the county or the cities, as the case may be, of net rentals sufficient to pay the principal of and the interest on such bonds at the respective maturities of such principal and interest, and any bonds issued hereunder shall be secured by a pledge of such rentals and may be secured by a foreclosable mortgage on such project and by a pledge of any other taxes and revenues which the county or the cities, as the case may be, is authorized by law to pledge to the payment of its bonded indebtedness. All bonds issued under the authority of this amendment shall be sold at public sale in the manner required by law for the sale of county or municipal bonds, as the case may be, and shall mature and be payable in annual or semiannual installments in such amounts and at such times as to result in the aggregate amount of principal and interest maturing thereon in each year following the year of their issuance being substantially equal, but shall not be subject to any other provisions of law relating to maturities of county or municipal bonds. In the event that any such action is necessary to prevent or cure a default in payment of the principal of or the interest on any bonds issued under the authority of this amendment, the county or the cities, as the case may be, is authorized to levy and collect ad valorem taxes, without limitation as
AMENDMENT 304 RATIFIED Special School Tax in School District No. 1 of Madison County. Section 1. In addition to any taxes now authorized, or that may be hereafter authorized, by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, there is hereby levied a special school tax of fifty cents on each one hundred dollars' worth of taxable property in school tax district no. 1, Madison county, Alabama, which comprises all of Madison county, Alabama except the city of Huntsville, Alabama to be used solely for public school purposes; provided the levy of said tax shall first have been approved by the qualified electors of the school district as hereinafter provided. Section 2. In the event this amendment is approved and a majority of the qualified electors of said school tax district no. 1, Madison county, Alabama, who vote thereon vote in favor of the adoption of this amendment when it is submitted, the additional tax provided for in section 1 shall be levied and collected for a period of thirty years without any other election having been held thereon. In the event this amendment is approved and a majority of the qualified electors of school tax district no. 1, Madison county, Alabama, who vote thereon vote against its approval, the tax shall not be levied unless the rate of the tax, the time it is to continue and the purpose thereof shall have been again submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of school tax district one, Madison county, Alabama, and voted for by a majority of those voting at the election. Subsequent elections may be held at intervals of not less than one year and shall be called, held, conducted, paid for and governed otherwise in the manner provided for an election on the school district tax authorized in constitutional amendment III [3].
AMENDMENT 305 RATIFIED Special School Tax in City of Huntsville. Section 1. In addition to any taxes now authorized, or that may be hereafter authorized, by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, there is hereby levied a special school tax of fifty cents on each one hundred dollars' worth of taxable property in the school tax district of the city of Huntsville in Madison county to be used solely for public school purposes; provided the levy of said tax shall first have been approved by the qualified electors of the school district as hereinafter provided. Section 2. In the event this amendment is approved and a majority of the qualified electors of the school tax district of the city of Huntsville who vote thereon vote in favor of the adoption of this amendment when it is submitted, the additional tax provided for in section 1 shall be levied and collected for a period of thirty years without any other election having been held hereon. In the event this amendment is approved and a majority of the qualified electors of the school tax district of the city of Huntsville who vote thereon vote against its approval, the tax shall not be levied unless the rate of the tax, the time it is to continue and the purpose thereof shall have been again submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the school tax district of the city of Huntsville and voted for by a majority of those voting at the election. Subsequent elections may be held at intervals of not less than one year and shall be called, held, conducted, paid for, and governed otherwise in the manner provided for an election on the school district tax authorized in constitutional amendment III [3].
AMENDMENT 306 RATIFIED Costs and Charges of Courts, and Compensation of Sheriff, in Bibb County. The legislature of Alabama may hereafter, from time to time, by general or local laws, fix, regulate, and alter the costs, charges of courts, fees, commissions, allowances, or compensation to be charged or received by the sheriff of Bibb county, and may also fix, regulate, and alter the method or basis of compensating such officer.
AMENDMENT 307 RATIFIED Use of Proceeds of Special Tax Levied in Chambers County Pursuant to Amendment No. 72. Whenever the tax authorized to be levied by amendment No. LXXII [72] to the Constitution shall have been approved by vote of the qualified electors of Chambers county and levied by the governing body of the county, the proceeds of such tax may be used for any health purposes of the county, including providing of health facilities of all kinds and of health services; and the governing body of Chambers county may, in its discretion, expend any part of the proceeds thereof in cooperation with any one or more of the municipalities of the county, or in cooperation with any public or private nonprofit hospital corporation; or the county governing body may cooperate in the consolidation of all such hospitals, facilities and services in Chambers county and expend all or any part of the proceeds of the said tax in support thereof.
AMENDMENT 308 RATIFIED Economic Development of Marengo County. Any provision of the Constitution or laws of the state of Alabama to the contrary notwithstanding, Marengo county acting through the county governing body shall have full and continuing power and authority, after an election held in accordance herewith, to do any one or more of the following: 1. To purchase, construct, lease, or otherwise acquire real property, plants, buildings, factories, works, facilities, machinery and equipment of any kind. 2. To lease, sell for cash or on credit, exchange, give and convey any such property described in subdivision 1 above, to any person, firm, association or corporation. 3 To promote local industrial, commercial or agricultural development and the location of new industries or businesses therein. 4. To become a stockholder in any corporation, association or company. 5. To lend its credit or to grant public moneys and things of value in aid of, or to, any individual, firm, association, or corporation whatsoever. 6. To become indebted and to issue and sell interest-bearing bonds, warrants (which may be payable from funds to be realized in future years), notes or other obligations or evidence of indebtedness, to a principal amount not exceeding fifty percent of the assessed value of taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in order to secure funds for the purchase, construction, lease or acquisition of any of the property described in subdivision 1 above or to be used in furtherance of any of the other powers or authorities granted in this amendment. Such obligations or evidences of indebtedness may (in addition to any pledge or pledges authorized by subdivision 8 of this amendment) be issued upon the full faith and credit of Marengo county, or may be limited as to the source of their payment. The recital in any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidence of indebtedness that they were issued pursuant to this amendment or that they were issued to provide funds to be used in furtherance of any power or authority herein authorized or that any special tax herein authorized has been pledged to the payment thereof shall be conclusive; no purchaser or holder thereof need inquire further; and the levy and collection of such tax shall continue until the principal of and interest on such obligations or evidence of indebtedness shall have been paid in full. The bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidence of indebtedness issued hereunder shall not be considered an indebtedness of Marengo county for the purpose of determining the borrowing capacity of the county under section 224 of the Constitution; and the taxes herein authorized shall be in addition to those provided for or permitted in section 215 of the Constitution and all amendments thereto. 7. To levy and collect annually, in addition to all other taxes now authorized or permitted, a special tax or taxes of not exceeding two percent on the value of all taxable property therein as determined for state taxation in the same manner as other county taxes are levied and collected. Such tax may be upon all property in the county, or upon all property in any district the boundaries of which the governing body of such county shall describe and which it shall determine to be specially improved and benefited by any proposed use or expenditure of the proceeds of such tax. 8. To pledge to the payment of any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidence of indebtedness the annual proceeds from any such special tax or taxes and to obligate itself irrevocably to continue to levy and collect such taxes annually until such obligations or evidence of indebtedness are paid in full and to pledge thereto any rental or sales proceeds of property leased or sold by it. 9. To create a public authority or corporation having such powers, managed and governed by such board or governing body subject to such limitations as the governing body of Marengo county ma
AMENDMENT 309 RATIFIED Special School District Tax in Lee County. In addition to all other taxes now or hereafter authorized, the governing body of Lee county, in the state of Alabama, is authorized to levy, in the school district of the said county that comprises all of the territory of the said county outside of the corporate limits of the cities of Auburn and Opelika, a special district tax at a rate not exceeding 50¢ on each $100 of the valuation of the taxable property in the said district as assessed for state taxation; provided, that no such tax shall be levied hereunder unless the rate of the said tax, the time it is to continue, and the purpose thereof shall have been first submitted to the vote of the qualified electors of the said district and voted for by a majority of those voting in such election; provided, further, that if a majority of the qualified electors of the said district participating in the election on the adoption of this amendment shall vote for the adoption thereof, then the approval of this amendment expressed by the said vote in favor of its adoption shall of itself authorize the levy of the said tax, without an additional election, for a period of thirty consecutive years commencing with the levy for the tax year beginning October 1, 1969. Each election on the levy of the said tax held subsequent to the ratification of this amendment shall be called, held, conducted and canvassed, and notice thereof shall be given, in the manner and within the time provided by the then existing general laws of Alabama pertaining to elections on the levy of district school taxes under the provisions of amendment III [3] to the Constitution, except that the holding of any such election in the said district or the collection of the said tax therein shall not be dependent upon the levy and collection of any other tax, including specifically the three-mill special county school tax provided for in the said amendment III [3]. If the majority of the qualified electors of the said district participating in the election on the adoption of this amendment should not vote in favor of the adoption of this amendment, or if the majority of the qualified electors of the said district voting at any election called by the governing body of Lee county under the provisions of this amendment should not vote in favor of the levy of the said tax proposed at the election so called, the governing body of Lee county may from time to time call other elections hereunder on the levy of the said tax, but not more than one such election shall be held during any period of twelve consecutive months. Nothing contained in this amendment shall be construed to authorize the levy of an additional tax on any property within the corporate limits of either the city of Auburn or the city of Opelika.
AMENDMENT 310 RATIFIED Special School District Taxes in Talladega County. In addition to any taxes now authorized or that may be hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, the several school districts of Talladega county shall have the power to levy and collect a special district tax of fifty cents on each one hundred dollars' worth of taxable property in such districts for public school purposes; provided, that the time during which such tax is to continue and the purpose thereof shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors in each such district and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election, the election to be held in the same manner as provided by Code of Alabama 1940, Title 52, chapter 10, article 7 for an election on the school district tax authorized in article XIX [amendment No. 3, article XIX] of the Constitution of Alabama. The funds arising from such special tax levied in any district which votes the same independently of the county shall be expended for the exclusive benefit of the district as the law may direct.
AMENDMENT 311 RATIFIED Special Property Tax for General Health Purposes in Lawrence, Limestone and Morgan Counties. In addition to all taxes now, or hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, the counties of Lawrence, Limestone and Morgan, in this state, each, shall have the power to levy and collect a special tax up to 3 mills on each dollar's worth of taxable property in the county, the proceeds of which shall be used exclusively for general health purposes; provided that such tax and the purpose or purposes thereof, and the times such taxes are proposed to be continued, shall have first been submitted to the vote of the qualified electors of each of such counties, and voted for by the majority of those voting at such elections in all three such counties. The special tax provided herein may be renewed from time to time, in the manner provided herein, for such periods of time as are necessary. If any proposal to levy the taxes is defeated in any election, subsequent elections thereon may be held at any time. The elections provided for herein shall be called, held, conducted, and governed otherwise in the manner provided for an election on the school district tax authorized in amendment III [3], article XIX, of the Constitution of Alabama and by article 7, chapter 10, Title 52 of the Code of Alabama 1940; but the governing bodies of the counties of Lawrence, Limestone and Morgan shall each provide for paying the expense of the election in its county. The county tax collector of each of such counties shall collect the tax in the same manner and under the same requirements and laws as the taxes of the state are collected, and he shall keep the proceeds of this tax separate and apart from all other funds, and shall keep clear accounts thereof. The tax collector shall distribute the proceeds of this special tax in the manner prescribed by the governing body of the county and the revenue derived from the tax levied hereunder shall be used for general health purposes in the county where levied or in cooperation with the other two counties named above.
AMENDMENT 312 RATIFIED Economic Development of Bibb County and Municipalities Therein. Any provision of the Constitution or laws of the state of Alabama to the contrary notwithstanding, the county governing body and/or any municipality in Bibb county, or any one or more of them, shall have full and continuing power and authority, after an election held in accordance herewith, to do any one or more of the following: 1. To purchase, construct, lease, or otherwise acquire real property, plants, buildings, factories, works, facilities, machinery and equipment of any kind. 2. To lease, sell for cash or on credit, exchange, give and convey any such property described in subdivision 1 above, to any person, firm, association or corporation. 3. To promote local industrial, commercial or agricultural development and the location of new industries or businesses therein. 4. To become a stockholder in any corporation, association or company. 5. To lend its credit or to grant public moneys and things of value in aid or [of], or to, any individual, firm, association, or corporation whatsoever. 6. To become indebted and to issue and sell interest-bearing bonds, warrants (which may be payable from funds to be realized in future years), notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness, to a principal amount not exceeding fifty percent of the assessed value of taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in order to secure funds for the purchase, construction, lease or acquisition of any of the property described in subdivision 1 above or to be used in furtherance of any of the other powers of authorities granted in this amendment. Such obligations or evidences of indebtedness may (in addition to any pledge or pledges authorized by subdivision 8 of this amendment) be issued upon the full faith and credit of the county or municipality or may be limited as to the source of their payment. 7. To levy and collect annually, in addition to all other taxes now authorized or permitted, a special tax or taxes of not exceeding two percent on the value of all taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in the same manner as other county or municipal taxes are levied and collected. Such tax may be upon all property in the county or any municipality in Bibb county or upon all property in any district the boundaries of which the governing body of the county or a municipality shall describe and which it shall determine to be specially improved and benefited by any proposed use or expenditure of the proceeds of such tax. 8. To pledge to the payment of any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness the annual proceeds from any such special tax or taxes and to obligate itself irrevocable [irrevocably] to continue to levy and collect such taxes annually until such obligations or evidences of indebtedness are paid in full and to pledge thereto any rental or sales proceeds of property leased or sold by it. 9. To create a public authority or corporation having such powers, managed and governed by such board or governing body and subject to such limitations as the governing body of the county or any municipality in Bibb county may impose, by approving and filing a certificate to that effect in the office of the judge of probate or the secretary of state, or their respective successors in function, and to delegate to such public authority or corporation and its board or governing body all powers and authority conferred in this amendment upon the governing body of the county or any municipality in Bibb county. The recital in any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness that they were issued pursuant to this amendment or that they were issued to provide funds to be used in furtherance of any power or authority herein authorized or that any special tax herein authorized has been pledged to the payment thereof shall be conclusive; no purchaser or holder thereof need inquire fur
AMENDMENT 313 RATIFIED Economic Development of Hale County and Municipalities Therein. Any provision of the Constitution or laws of the state of Alabama to the contrary notwithstanding, the county governing body and/or any municipality in Hale county, or any one or more of them, shall have full and continuing power and authority, after an election held in accordance herewith, to do any one or more of the following: 1. To purchase, construct, lease, or otherwise acquire real property, plants, buildings, factories, works, facilities, machinery and equipment of any kind. 2. To lease, sell for cash or on credit, exchange, give and convey any such property described in subdivision 1 above, to any person, firm, association or corporation. 3. To promote local industrial, commercial or agricultural development and the location of new industries or businesses therein. 4. To become a stockholder in any corporation, association or company. 5. To lend its credit or to grant public moneys and things of value in aid of, or to, any individual, firm, association, or corporation whatsoever. 6. To become indebted and to issue and sell interest-bearing bonds, warrants (which may be payable from funds to be realized in future years), notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness, to a principal amount not exceeding fifty percent of the assessed value of taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in order to secure funds for the purchase, construction, lease or acquisition of any of the property described in subdivision 1 above or to be used in furtherance of any of the other powers or authorities granted in this amendment. Such obligations or evidences of indebtedness may (in addition to any pledge or pledges authorized by subdivision 8 of this amendment) be issued upon the full faith and credit of the county or municipality or may be limited as to the source of their payment. 7. To levy and collect annually, in addition to all other taxes now authorized or permitted, a special tax or taxes of not exceeding two percent on the value of all taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in the same manner as other county or municipal taxes are levied and collected. Such tax may be upon all property in the county or any municipality in Hale county or upon all property in any district the boundaries of which the governing body of the county or municipality shall describe and which it shall determine to be specially improved and benefited by any proposed use or expenditure of the proceeds of such tax. 8. To pledge to the payment of any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness the annual proceeds from any such special tax or taxes and to obligate itself irrevocably to continue to levy and collect such taxes annually until such obligations or evidences of indebtedness are paid in full and to pledge thereto any rental or sales proceeds of property leased or sold by it. 9. To create a public authority or corporation having such powers, managed and governed by such board or governing body and subject to such limitations as the governing body of the county or any municipality in Hale county may impose, by approving and filing a certificate to that effect in the office of the judge of probate or the secretary of state, or their respective successors in function, and to delegate to such public authority or corporation and its board or governing body all powers and authority conferred in this amendment upon the governing body of the county or any municipality in Hale county. The recital in any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness that they were issued pursuant to this amendment or that they were issued to provide funds to be used in furtherance of any power or authority herein authorized or that any special tax herein authorized has been pledged to the payment thereof shall be conclusive; no purchaser or holder thereof need inquire further; and the levy an
AMENDMENT 314 RATIFIED Amendment of Amendment No. 239. Amendment CCXXXIX [239] of the Constitution of Alabama. The legislature may provide for the formation of districts in Jefferson county, Alabama, for establishing and maintaining a system for fighting or preventing fires, also for the collection and disposal of garbage and trash; provided, however, that no territory lying within the limits of a municipal corporation at the time of the establishment of any such district shall be included within such district; and provided further, that no such district shall be established unless the establishment thereof has been first approved by the qualified electors residing within the proposed district at an election held as provided for by a law or laws adopted by the legislature. A district may be established for either or both of the aforesaid purposes. The legislature may provide for submitting to the qualified electors within the proposed district the question of whether the district shall be created for either or both of the aforesaid purposes. The expenses of establishing and maintaining any such fire-fighting and fire prevention system or any such garbage collection and disposal system in a district, as the case may be, shall be paid for exclusively by the proceeds of a service charge, which shall be levied and collected in an amount sufficient to pay the said expenses. Said service charges shall be levied upon and collected from the persons and property to whom and to which such services are available; and the service charge shall be a lien upon any such property. The legislature may provide for the enlargement of a district by the addition of territory thereto, subject to the following conditions: (1) No territory lying within a municipal corporation at the time of such enlargement shall be added to a district; (2) subject to (3), next below, no territory shall be added unless the qualified electors thereof have approved the addition of such territory to the district; (3) the legislature may provide a procedure whereby territory will be included in a district upon the written petition for its inclusion signed by at least seventy percent (70%) of the qualified electors residing within said territory. The legislature shall adopt laws providing for the administration of the affairs of the district by the governing body of the district, the governing body of the county or by any agency of the county, and empowering the body administering the affairs of the district to levy and collect the service charge, subject to such restrictions and conditions as the legislature imposes. The legislature may provide that any such service charge shall not become effective unless approved by the electors of the territory, and may provide the conditions on which an election on such service charge shall be held. The legislature shall be authorized to enact laws providing for the collection and enforcement of the service charges and of the lien for such charges. The legislature may provide for the issuance of bonds for such districts with or without an election; provided, however, that all bonds issued hereunder shall be payable only out of the proceeds of the service charge authorized hereby, and no such bond shall be a general obligation of the county.
AMENDMENT 315 RATIFIED Promotion of Soybean Industry. The legislature may hereafter, by general law, provide for the promotion of the production, distribution, improvement, marketing, use and sale of soybeans. The legislature may provide for the promotion of soybeans and soybean products by research, education, advertising and other methods, and the legislature is further authorized to provide means and methods for the financing of any such promotional activity by prescribing a procedure whereby producers of soybeans may by referendum among such producers levy upon themselves and collect assessments, fees, or charges upon the sale of soybeans for the financing of any such promotional program or activity in cooperation with buyers, processors, dealers, and handlers of soybeans. Provided, no assessment levied hereunder shall exceed one-half cent ( 1/2 ¢) per bushel on any soybeans sold by producers thereof. The legislature may make provisions for the nonpayment of assessments by soybean producers, and shall make provisions for the refund of assessments to any soybean producer who does not desire to participate in an assessment program. The legislature shall provide for the collection, disbursement, distribution or expenditure of assessments or charges authorized hereunder and to provide penalties for failure to make collection and distribution of assessments. The legislature shall provide for the designation of a nonprofit association or organization for the promotion and betterment of soybeans and soybean products to administer and carry out such promotional program which shall include the conducting of elections or referendums among producers of soybeans. The legislature may provide the manner by which such referendum is held, including the procedure for application for approval to conduct the referendum, the appropriate action to be taken by the state board of agriculture and industries on such application, the requirements and eligibility of the association or organization which will conduct such referendum, the procedures for voting and eligibility to vote in such referendum, the details of the conduct of such referendum. The legislature shall further provide for the deposit, withdrawal, disbursement and expenditure by the designated association of any funds received subject to the supervision and control of the activities as authorized herein by the department of agriculture and industries and the state board of agriculture and industries. The legislature shall further provide a procedure whereby said association or organization is bonded, for the examination and auditing of said association or organization, and for reasonably necessary rules and regulations to be adopted by the state board of agriculture and industries to effectively carry out the intent and purposes herein enumerated. Assessments, fees or other charges collected as authorized by any legislative act adopted under authority hereof shall not be considered as a tax within the meaning of this constitution or any provision thereof. Any uniformity requirements of this constitution shall be satisfied by the application of the program upon soybeans.
AMENDMENT 316 RATIFIED Special Tax in Mountain Brook School District in Jefferson County. In addition to all taxes now authorized or that may hereafter be authorized by the Constitution of Alabama to be levied by the special school district in Jefferson county known as the Mountain Brook school district (which immediately prior to the adoption of this amendment comprised the territory embraced within the corporate limits of the city of Mountain Brook), including any additional territory that may hereafter be added to the said district, shall have power to levy and collect, for public school purposes in the said district, a special district ad valorem tax at a rate or rates not exceeding in the aggregate sixty cents on each one hundred dollars (equivalent to six mills on each dollar) of the assessed valuation of the property in the said district subject to taxation by it. No tax shall be levied under the authority of this amendment until after the question of the levy of such tax, the rate thereof, the time it is to continue, and the purpose thereof shall have been first submitted to the vote of the qualified electors of the said district at an election duly called for that purpose by the governing body of the said county and a majority of the qualified electors of the said district voting at such election shall have voted in favor of the levy of the said tax; provided, that if a majority of the qualified electors of the said district participating in the election on the adoption of this amendment shall vote for such adoption, then the approval of this amendment expressed by the said vote in favor of its adoption shall of itself constitute approval of the levy of the said tax at the rate of sixty cents on each one hundred dollars of the said assessed valuation for a period of thirty years commencing with the levy for the tax year for which county ad valorem taxes will become due and payable on the October 1 next succeeding the date of such election and no additional election by the electors of the said district shall be required to authorize the levy of the said tax at the said rate and for the said period of time. If the majority of the qualified electors of the said district participating in the election on the adoption of this amendment should not vote for such adoption, or if the majority of the qualified electors of the said district voting at any election subsequently called by the governing body of the said county under the provisions of this amendment should not vote in favor of the levy of the said tax at an election so called, the governing body of the county may from time to time call other elections hereunder on the question of the levy of the said tax, but not more than one such election shall be held during any period of twelve consecutive months. Each election that may be called by the governing body of the said county on the question of the levy of the district tax herein authorized shall be called and held and the results thereof declared in the same manner and at the same time as may be provided by law for the calling and holding of school district taxes generally, and the said tax shall be levied and collected in the same manner and at the same times as may be provided by law for the levy and collection of school district taxes generally; provided, that no countywide tax shall be required as a condition precedent to the calling or holding of any such election or to the levy or collection of the district tax herein authorized. The proceeds from any district tax levied under this amendment shall be expended solely for public school purposes in the said district.
AMENDMENT 317 RATIFIED Retirement, Censure, Suspension and Removal of Judges; Judicial Commission. 1. As used in this amendment: "Judge" means a justice of the supreme court, a judge of the court of appeals, or a judge of any circuit court, probate court, municipal court, or other court of record. "Commission" means judicial commission. "Retire" means to place on supervisory status if available. "Chairman" includes the acting chairman. "Masters" means special master appointed by the supreme court upon request of the commission. "Presiding master" means a master so designated by the supreme court or in the absence of such designation, the judge first named in the order appointing masters. "Shall" is mandatory and "may" is permissive. 2. A judicial commission is hereby created which shall be authorized to investigate, conduct hearings on the qualifications of judges and make recommendations to the supreme court in regard to the retirement, censure, suspension or removal of such judges. The commission shall consist of: one judge of the court of appeals to be appointed by the supreme court; two judges of circuit courts to be appointed by the circuit judges association; one probate judge to be appointed by the probate judges association; one judge of a municipal court to be appointed by the supreme court; two practicing attorneys who shall be members in good standing of the state bar who shall have practiced law in this state for at least ten years and who shall be appointed by the board of commissioners of the state bar, and two citizens neither of whom shall be a judge, active or retired, nor a member of the state bar, and who shall be appointed by the governor subject to the approval of the Alabama senate. The terms of these members shall be for six years. Of the initial appointees, three (a circuit judge, the judge of the court of appeals and a citizen) shall be appointed for six years; three members (the municipal court judge, the probate judge and a practicing attorney) shall be appointed for four years; and three members (a circuit judge, a practicing attorney and a citizen) shall be appointed for three years. Commission membership shall terminate if a member ceases to hold the position that qualified him for appointment. A vacancy shall be filled by the appointing power for the remainder of the term; provided, that if the appointing power shall not fill the vacancy within sixty days, replacement shall be made by majority vote of the commission. No member shall receive any compensation for his services as such but shall be allowed his necessary expenses for travel, board and lodging incurred in the performance of his duties as such, which shall be paid from the state treasury on claims filed with the state comptroller. No act of the commission shall be valid unless concurred in by a majority of its members. The commission shall select one of its members to serve as chairman. 3. A judge, in accordance with the procedure prescribed in this section, may be censured, suspended, or removed for action occurring not more than six years prior to the commencement to his current term that constitutes willful misconduct in office, willful and persistent failure to perform his duties, habitual intemperance, or conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice that brings the judicial office into disrepute, or he may be retired for disability that seriously interferes with the performance of his duties and is or is likely to become permanent. The judicial commission may, after such investigation as the commission deems necessary, order a hearing to be held before it concerning the censure, suspension, removal or retirement of a judge, or the commission may in its discretion request the supreme court to appoint three special masters, who shall be justices or judges of courts of record, to hear and take evidence in any such matter, and to report thereon to the commission. If, after hearing, or after considering the record and report of
AMENDMENT 318 RATIFIED Special Property Tax for Library Service in Morgan County. The court of county commissioners, board of revenue or like governing body of Morgan county shall have the power to levy and collect a special property tax, in addition to all other taxes, now or hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, of not exceeding 5 mills on each dollar's worth of taxable property in the county as assessed for state taxation during the preceding year, the proceeds of which shall be used exclusively for purposes of library service; provided that such tax and the purpose or purposes thereof, and the time such tax is proposed to be continued, shall have been first submitted to the vote of the qualified electors of the county and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election. Elections under this amendment shall be called, held and conducted in the same way as elections on special school district tax levies.
AMENDMENT 319 RATIFIED Special Property Tax for Public Library Purposes in Baldwin County and Municipalities Therein. A. In addition to all taxes now or hereafter authorized by the Constitution of Alabama, including amendment CCLXIX [269], Baldwin county or any incorporated municipality within such county which supports, jointly supports, or proposes to support a public library is hereby authorized to levy and collect a special tax of not more than forty-five cents on each one hundred dollars worth of taxable property within such county or municipality as assessed for state taxation. The proceeds of all such taxes shall be used exclusively for public library purposes; provided, that the levy of such tax, the rate of such tax and the purpose thereof shall have been first submitted to the vote of the qualified electors of the county or municipality and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election. B. Upon petition signed by four hundred or more qualified electors of Baldwin county to the Baldwin county commission or like governing body, or upon a petition signed by two hundred or more qualified electors of any municipality in such county to the governing body of such municipality, the county commission or the governing body of the municipality shall order an election to be held to determine whether a special tax shall be levied at the rate specified by the governing body of such county or municipality for public library purposes. C. Elections under this amendment relative to additional county taxes for county public library purposes shall be held at the same time any other general or special election is held in which the voters of the entire county are qualified to vote, and elections under this amendment relative to municipal taxes for municipal library purposes shall be held at the same time any other municipal election is held. D. If authorized by the vote of the majority of the qualified electors voting in any such election called for the purpose, the county or city governing body, as the case may be, shall levy and collect, in addition to all other taxes authorized by law, a special annual ad valorem tax at the rate prescribed and approved by the electors voting in the election. If the majority vote at any election held hereunder is not in favor of the levy of the tax, or if at any such election the special tax shall be voted at a rate of less than forty-five cents on each one hundred dollars worth of taxable property, then the governing body of the county or city, as the case may be, may from time to time thereafter call other elections hereunder on the levy of the special tax or on the increase of the rate thereof, up to but not exceeding a total amount of forty-five cents on each one hundred dollars of taxable property, and must call any such election at the next general or special countywide election or next municipal election, as the case may be, next following the receipt of a petition in the manner and form herein prescribed. Provided, however, that not more than one election upon the levy or upon the increase of the rate of the special tax shall be held during any period of twelve consecutive months. After the special tax shall have been levied for a period of three years, the governing body of the county or city, as the case may be, upon its own original action may from time to time thereafter call other elections hereunder on the question of the discontinuance of the tax or a reduction on the rate thereof, upon the payment in full of all obligations then outstanding, if any, and when a reduced rate will provide sufficient revenue for the purposes for which the tax was levied. If the majority of electors participating in the election vote in favor of the discontinuance or reduction in the rate of the tax, as the case may be, such discontinuance or reduction shall become effective for the tax year next succeeding the tax year in which such election is held. Provided, that not more than one election for t
AMENDMENT 320 RATIFIED Bonds for School Buildings in Madison County. Madison county is hereby authorized to incur indebtedness to the extent of not exceeding $2,000,000 in aggregate principal amount, and to issue its bonds in evidence of the indebtedness so incurred, for the purpose of acquiring, providing, constructing and equipping public school buildings in said county and of acquiring sites therefor. Such bonds may be issued only after the question of the issuance thereof shall have been submitted to the qualified electors of said county and an election called for that purpose by the governing body of said county and a majority of said qualified electors voting at said election shall have voted in favor of the issuance of said bonds, which election shall be called, held, conducted, and canvassed, and may be contested, in the manner and within the time provided by the then existing laws of Alabama pertaining to elections on the issuance of bonds by counties; provided however, that if a majority of the qualified electors of said county participating in the election on the adoption of this amendment shall vote for the adoption thereof, then the approval of this amendment expressed by the voters of said county in favor of its adoption shall of itself authorize the issuance of the bonds, and in that event no additional election by the electors of said county shall be required to authorize the issuance of said bonds. In the event the majority of the qualified electors of said county participating in the election on the adoption of this amendment should not vote in favor of the adoption thereof, or in the event the majority vote at any election held in said county pursuant to the provisions of this amendment after its adoption is not in favor of the issuance of the bonds proposed at said election, the governing body of said county may from time to time call other elections hereunder on the issuance of said bonds, but not more than one such election shall be held during any period of twelve consecutive months. The power to become indebted and to issue bonds in evidence of such indebtedness shall be in addition to all other powers which the said county may have under the constitution and laws of Alabama, and any bonds issued pursuant to this amendment shall not be chargeable against the amount of indebtedness which said county may incur under the constitution and laws of Alabama in effect prior to the adoption of this amendment. All bonds issued under this amendment shall be general obligations of the county secured by an irrevocable pledge of its full faith and credit, may (any provisions of the constitution and laws of this state to the contrary notwithstanding) be additionally secured by a special and irrevocable pledge of a sufficient amount of the proceeds from the special 1/4 of 1% ad valorem tax authorized by section 215 of the Constitution of Alabama, as amended, to be levied and collected by the county, shall be issued in accordance with, and shall be subject to, the provisions of the general laws of Alabama existing at the time of the sale of said bonds respecting the maturities, sale, execution and redemption of bonds by counties. The provisions of this amendment shall be self-executing.
AMENDMENT 321 RATIFIED Court Costs, Fees, Compensation, etc., of Certain Officers in Lawrence County. The legislature may, from time to time, by general or local laws applicable to or operative in Lawrence county, fix, regulate, and alter the costs and charges of court and the fees, commissions, allowances, and salaries, including the method and basis of their compensation, to be charged or received by the judge of probate, tax assessor, tax collector, and the clerk and register of the circuit court of Lawrence county; and may place any or all of such officers on a salary and provide for the fees, commissions, allowances, and percentages collectible by such officers to be paid into the treasury from which their salaries are paid.
AMENDMENT 322 RATIFIED Registration of Electors by Mail. The legislature may enact appropriate legislation providing further for the registration of qualified electors by authorizing and providing for registration by mail of persons, who, for such reasons as the legislature determines to be reasonable, are absent from the place of their residences at the time prescribed by law for registering to vote therein.
AMENDMENT 323 RATIFIED Abolition of Offices of Justice of the Peace and Notary Public With the Powers and Jurisdiction of a Justice of the Peace. Section 168 of article VI of the Constitution of Alabama is repealed insofar as it provides for the election or appointment of justices of the peace and notaries public with the powers and jurisdiction of a justice of the peace. The officers of all justices of the peace and notaries public with the powers and jurisdiction of a justice of the peace are hereby abolished. The legislature shall not authorize or provide for the election or appointment of justices of the peace or notaries public with the powers and jurisdiction of a justice of the peace, nor shall the governor be authorized or have the power to appoint notaries public with the powers of a justice of the peace. Inferior courts existing in lieu of justices of the peace shall continue in existence until abolished by the legislature and shall in no way be affected by the provisions of this amendment.
AMENDMENT 324 RATIFIED Special Tax for Improving Enforcement of Laws Relative to, and Providing Facilities for, Juveniles in Lee County. Lee county shall have power to levy and collect a special county tax not exceeding ten cents on each one hundred dollars worth of taxable property in the county as assessed for state taxation in addition to all other taxes now or hereafter authorized, the proceeds of which shall be used for the purpose of improving the enforcement in Lee county of laws relative to neglected, delinquent and dependent children and enlarging, improving and providing new services to and facilities for handling neglected, delinquent and dependent children, including capital improvements for such purposes, provided the rate of the tax and the time it is to continue and the purpose thereof, shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the county and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election. If a majority of the qualified electors of Lee county who participate in the election held on the adoption of this amendment vote in favor thereof, the governing body of Lee county must levy and collect the special tax as herein authorized at the maximum rate specified for each of the ... tax years next ensuing. If a majority of the qualified electors of Lee county voting on this amendment vote against its adoption, the governing body of Lee county may thereafter from time to time call other elections on the question of levying the special tax as herein authorized and must call such an election within three months after receipt by the said county governing body of a petition signed by not less than five percent of the qualified electors of Lee county. After the special tax herein authorized shall have been levied for a period of ... years, the governing body of Lee county shall, on petition signed by not less than five percent of the qualified electors of the county, call an election on the question of discontinuance of the tax. If a majority of the electors voting upon the question shall vote in favor of discontinuance of the tax then the special tax shall be discontinued at the end of the tax year following the election. Such elections shall be called, held, conducted and canvassed in such manner as the governing board of Lee County shall provide. The county governing body and any city or town of Lee county may from time to time appropriate county or municipal funds, as the case may be, for the same purposes for which the additional taxes hereby authorized may be levied.
AMENDMENT 325 RATIFIED Amendment of Section 217. Classification of taxable property for purposes of ad valorem taxation; taxable property to be taxed by state, counties, municipalities, etc., at same rate; assessment ratios for purposes of ad valorem taxation; increase or decrease of ad valorem tax rate by counties, municipalities, etc.; exemption of state, county and municipal property and property used for religious, educational or charitable purposes from taxation; legislature may provide exemptions from taxation; interpretation of authority for counties, municipalities, etc., to levy taxes, incur indebtedness, etc., in relation to assessment of property; maximum rate of ad valorem tax in any one taxable year. (a) All taxable property within this state, not exempt by law, shall be divided into the following classes for the purposes of ad valorem taxation: Class I. All property of utilities used in the business of such utilities, Class II. All property not otherwise classifed, Class III. All agricultural, forest and residential property. (b) With respect to ad valorem taxes levied by the state, all taxable property shall be forever taxed at the same rate, and such property shall be assessed for ad valorem tax purposes according to the classes thereof as herein defined at the following ratios of assessed value to the fair and reasonable market value of such property: Class I. 30 per centum Class II. 25 per centum Class III. 15 per centum (c) With respect to ad valorem taxes levied by counties, municipalities or other taxing authority, all taxable property shall be forever taxed at the same rate, and such property shall be assessed for ad valorem tax purposes according to the classes of property defined in paragraph (a) herein and at the same ratios of assessed value to the fair and reasonable market value thereof as fixed in paragraph (b) herein, provided, however, that the legislature may vary the ratio of assessed value to the fair and reasonable market value as to any class of property as defined in paragraph (b) herein, and provided, further, that the legislature may fix a uniform ratio of assessment of all property within a county defined in paragraph (a) herein as Class II and III and may fix a different ratio of assessment for property defined in paragraph (a) as Class I. Such ratios as herein authorized may vary among counties so long as each such ratio is uniform within a county. No class of property shall have a ratio of assessed value to fair and reasonable market value of less than 15 per centum nor more than 35 per centum. (d) A county, municipality, or other taxing authority may decrease any ad valorem tax rate at any time, provided such decrease shall not jeopardize the payment of any bonded indebtedness secured by such tax. When the tax assessor of each county shall complete the assembly of the assessment book for his county for the ad valorem tax year immediately following the adoption of this amendment and the computation of ad valorem taxes that will be paid upon such assessment, he shall certify to each authority within his county that levies an ad valorem tax the amount of ad valorem tax that will be produced by every levy in that year but excluding for this purpose any assessment of property added to the tax rolls of such county for the tax year in which such certification is made that was not included on the tax rolls for the next preceding tax year. If it shall appear that the estimated ad valorem tax receipts from any levy so estimated shall be less than the receipts from the same levy during the next preceding ad valorem tax year, then the levying authority shall increase each tax rate by such millage as is necessary to produce revenue that is not less than and that is substantially equal to that received during such immediately preceding tax year. It is further provided that any and all millage adjustments shall be made in increments of not less than 1/2 mill. The adjustment herein required shall be
AMENDMENT 326 RATIFIED Consolidation of Officers and Regulation of Fees, Compensation, etc, of Officers in Dale County; Regulation of Court Costs and Charges in Dale County. Provided that the approval of the act by the qualified electors of Dale county at a referendum election is a prerequisite to the taking effect thereof: 1. The legislature may from time to time, by general or local law, fix, alter and regulate the fees, commissions, percentages, allowances and compensation to be charged and received by any official of Dale county, including the right to place any of such officers on a salary, provide for the operation of their respective offices on such basis, and provide that any and all fees, commissions, percentages or allowances charged or collected by them shall be paid into the county treasury. 2. The legislature may from time to time, by general or local law, provide for the transfer of the duties, or part of the duties, of one county officer of Dale county to another officer of such county; or consolidate any two or more offices of such county into one county office and provide for the abolition of the office or offices left without duties, or create a completely new office in such county and transfer to such office a part of the duties of each of several other offices without abolishing any office in such county; provided that the officer or officers to fill the offices involved will be compensated for the performance of the duties of their offices by a salary fixed according to law. Provided, however, no law enacted prior to the ratification of this amendment putting any officer of Dale county on a salary basis, nor any law providing for the consolidation of any offices of such county shall have any force or effect, even though such act provided that it should become effective upon adoption of an amendment to the Constitution authorizing such act. The legislature may also, from time to time, by general, special or local laws, fix, regulate and alter the cost and charges of courts in Dale county, and the method of disbursement thereof.
AMENDMENT 327 RATIFIED Promotion of Production, Research, etc., of Swine and Swine Products. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Constitution, the legislature may hereafter, by general law, provide for the promotion of, the production, research, distribution, marketing, use, improvement and sale of swine and swine products. The legislature may provide for the promotion of swine and the swine industry by research, education, advertising and other methods, and the legislature is further authorized to provide means and methods for the financing of any such promotional activity by prescribing a procedure whereby producers of swine may by referendum held among the swine producers in this state levy upon themselves and collect assessments, fees, or charges upon the sale of swine for the financing of any promotional program or activity in cooperation with processors, dealers and handlers, of swine and swine products. Provided, no assessment levied hereunder shall exceed five cents (5¢) on market hogs and three cents (3¢) on feeder pigs sold by swine producers. The legislature may make provisions for the nonpayment of assessments by swine producers and shall make provisions for the refund of assessments to any swine producer dissatisfied with the assessment program. The legislature shall provide for the collection and distribution of any such assessments or charges by dealers, handlers, processors and purchasers of swine and swine products and provide penalties for failure to make collection and distribution of such assessments. The legislature shall provide for the designation of a nonprofit association or organization organized for the promotion and betterment of swine and swine products to administer and carry out such promotional program which shall include the conducting of elections or referendums among swine producers. The legislature may provide the manner by which such referendum is held, including the procedure for application for approval to conduct the referendum, the appropriate action to be taken by the state board of agriculture and industries on such application, the requirements and eligibility of the association or organization which will conduct such referendum, the procedures for voting and eligibility to vote in such referendum and the details of the conduct of such referendum. The legislature shall further provide for the deposit, withdrawal, disbursement and expenditure by the designated association of any funds received subject to the supervision and control of the activities as authorized herein by the department of agriculture and industries and the state board of agriculture and industries. The legislature shall further provide a procedure whereby said association or organization, and for reasonably necessary rules and regulations to be adopted by the state board of agriculture and industries to effectively carry out the intent and purposes herein enumerated. Assessments, fees or other charges collected as authorized by any legislative act adopted in pursuance hereof shall not be considered as a tax within the meaning of this Constitution or any provision thereof. Any uniformity requirements of this Constitution shall be satisfied by the application of the program upon swine and swine products.
AMENDMENT 328 RATIFIED Amendment of Article VI. Amendment of Article VI. Article VI of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended, and amendments 317 and 323 thereof, are hereby repealed and in lieu thereof the following article shall be adopted: ARTICLE VI. THE JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT. 6.01 Judicial power. (a) Except as otherwise provided by this Constitution, the judicial power of the state shall be vested exclusively in a unified judicial system which shall consist of a supreme court, a court of criminal appeals, a court of civil appeals, a trial court of general jurisdiction known as the circuit court, a trial court of limited jurisdiction known as the district court, a probate court and such municipal courts as may be provided by law. (b) The legislature may create judicial officers with authority to issue warrants and may vest in administrative agencies established by law such judicial powers as may be reasonably necessary as an incident to the accomplishment of the purposes for which the agencies are created. 6.02. The supreme court. (a) The supreme court shall be the highest court of the state and shall consist of one chief justice and such number of associate justices as may be prescribed by law. (b) The supreme court shall have original jurisdiction (1) of cases and controversies as provided by this Constitution, (2) to issue such remedial writs or orders as may be necessary to give it general supervision and control of courts of inferior jurisdiction, and (3) to answer questions of state law certified by a court of the United States. (c) The supreme court shall have such appellate jurisdiction as may be provided by law. 6.03. Courts of appeals. (a) The court of criminal appeals shall consist of such number of judges as may be provided by law and shall exercise appellate jurisdiction under such terms and conditions as shall be provided by law and by rules of the supreme court. (b) The court of civil appeals shall consist of such number of judges as may be provided by law and shall exercise appellate jurisdiction under such terms and conditions as shall be provided by law and by rules of the supreme court. (c) The court of criminal appeals and the court of civil appeals shall have no original jurisdiction except the power to issue all writs necessary or appropriate in aid of appellate jurisdiction of the courts of appeals. (d) The court of criminal appeals shall have and exercise original jurisdiction in the issuance and determination of writs of quo warranto and mandamus in relation to matters in which said court has appellate jurisdiction. Said court shall have authority to issue writs of injunction, habeas corpus and such other remedial and original writs as are necessary to give it a general superintendence and control of jurisdiction inferior to it and in matters over which it has exclusive appellate jurisdiction; to punish for contempts by the infliction of a fine as high as one hundred dollars, and imprisonment not exceeding ten days, one or both, and to exercise such other powers as may be given to said court by law. 6.04. Circuit court. (a) The state shall be divided into judicial circuits. For each circuit, there shall be one circuit court having such divisions and consisting of such number of judges as shall be provided by law. (b) The circuit court shall exercise general jurisdiction in all cases except as may otherwise be provided by law. The circuit court may be authorized by law to review decisions of state administrative agencies and decisions of inferior courts. It shall have authority to issue such writs as may be necessary or appropriate to effectuate its powers, and shall have such other powers as may be provided by law. 6.05. District court. The district court shall be a court of limited jurisdiction and shall exercise uniform original jurisdiction in such cases, and within such geographical boundaries, as shall be prescribed by law, provided that the district court shall hold court in each count
AMENDMENT 329 RATIFIED Special District Tax for Hamilton Special School District in Marion County. In addition to any taxes now authorized or that may hereafter be authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, the county commission or other governing body of Marion county shall, subject to an election in the Hamilton special school district in such county, as hereby created, have power to levy and collect a special district tax of not exceeding one dollar on each one hundred dollars of taxable property in such district for capital outlay purposes for the Marion county school system within said special district. Hamilton special school district shall be composed of the following area (all in Marion county and in the several beats (election precincts) of such county hereinafter named, as such beats are established pursuant to law, when this amendment is ratified): All of beats 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 17; in beat 6, Range 14 West, Township 9 S, Sections 4, 9, 16, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 33, 34, 35, 36, and in Range 13 W, Township 9 S, Sections 19, 20, 29, 30, 31, 32, and 33; in beat 10, Range 13 W, Township 10 S, Sections 26, 35, and 36, and in Range 12 W, Township 10 S, Section 31, and in Range 13 W, Township 11 S, all of Sections 1 and 2 north of the Buttahatchee river, and in Range 12 W, Township 11 S, all of Sections 4, 5 and 6 north of the Buttahatchee river; in beat 11, Range 12 W, Township 11 S, Sections 8, 16, 17, and 18, and all of Sections 4, 5, 6, 7 and 9 south of the Buttahatchee river, and in Range 13 W, Township 11 S, Sections 11, 13, 14, and 23 and all of Sections 1, 2, and 12 south of the Buttahatchee river; and in beat 16, Range 13 W, Township 11 S, Sections 19, 20, 21, 22, 28, 29, 30, and 31, and in Range 14 W, Township 11 S, Sections 24, 25, 26, 35, and 36, and in Range 14 W, Township 12 S, Section 2. No tax shall be levied hereunder unless the rate of such tax, the time such tax is to continue and the purpose thereof shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors in Hamilton special school district and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election. Any election on such district tax shall be called and held, the result declared, and the tax levied and collected in the same manner as now or hereafter provided by law in the case of school district taxes authorized by amendment 3 to the Constitution of Alabama, except that no county-wide tax shall be required as a conditioned precedent for a district tax under this amendment. The holding of one election shall not preclude a later election in Hamilton district, but no election in such district shall be held within two years from the date of the last election held in such district under the authority of this amendment. The proceeds of the special district tax shall be used only for public school capital outlay purposes in the district; but may be pledged to secure the payment of principal and interest on warrants or other evidences of indebtedness issued and sold for public school capital outlay purposes in such district by the county school board or other public body charged with the duties, powers and authority of conducting and operating the public schools in Hamilton district; which pledge shall take priority as provided in such warrants or other evidence of indebtedness and is in consonance with the provisions of existing law, at the time of the issuance and sale of the said warrants, touching the issue and sale of warrants of school bodies for capital outlay purposes. The power to levy, granted by this amendment, will not be exhausted by one election but shall remain a continuing grant unless and until it be repealed by subsequent constitutional action. This amendment shall be self executing and shall require no enabling legislation.
AMENDMENT 330 RATIFIED Consolidation of Morgan County Offices. The legislature may from time to time, by general or local law, provide for the transfer of the duties, or part of the duties, of one county officer of Morgan county to another officer of such county; or consolidate any two or more offices of such county into one county office and provide for the abolition of the office or offices left without duties, or create a completely new office in such county and transfer to such office a part of the duties of each of several other offices without abolishing any office in such county; provided that the officer or officers to fill the offices involved will be compensated for the performance of the duties of their offices by a salary fixed according to law.
AMENDMENT 331 RATIFIED Costs and Charges of Courts, and Compensation of Officers, of Cleburne County. The legislature may from time to time, by general or local laws applicable to or operative in Cleburne county, fix, regulate, and alter the costs and charges of courts and the fees, commissions, allowances, and salaries, including the method and basis of their compensation, to be charged or received by the judge of probate or by any other officer of Cleburne county; and may place any or all of such officers on a salary and provide for the fees, commissions, allowances, and percentages collectible by such officers to be paid into the treasury from which their salaries are paid. Provided, that no law changing the method or basis for compensating such officers shall become effective unless it is approved by a majority of the qualified electors of the county who vote thereon at a referendum election held for such purpose.
AMENDMENT 332 RATIFIED Costs and Charges of Courts, and Compensation of Certain Officers, of Bibb County. The legislature may, from time to time, by general or local laws applicable to or operative in Bibb county and approved by a majority of the qualified electors of Bibb county at a referendum election, fix, regulate, and alter the costs and charges of court and the fees, commissions, allowances, and salaries, including the method and basis of their compensation, to be charged or received by the probate judge, the circuit clerk and the register, the tax assessor, and the tax collector of Bibb county; and may place any or all of such officers on a salary and provide for the fees, commissions, allowances, and percentages collectible by such officers to be paid into the treasury from which their salaries are paid. In the event this amendment is approved and a majority of the qualified electors of said county who vote thereon vote in favor of the adoption of this amendment when it is submitted, then any law theretofore passed which places any officers in Bibb county on a salary basis, or any law fixing, regulating, and altering the costs and charges of court and the fees, commissions, allowances, and salaries of any officer in Bibb county, may become effective without any other election having been held thereon. In the event this amendment is approved and a majority of the qualified electors of said county who vote thereon vote against its approval, then such act or acts shall have no further force or effect.
AMENDMENT 333 RATIFIED Special Property Tax for Recreational Purposes in Tuscaloosa County. The county commission or like governing body of Tuscaloosa county shall have the power to levy and collect a special property tax, in addition to all other taxes, now or hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, of not exceeding 10 mills on each dollar's worth of taxable property in the county as assessed for state taxation during the preceding year, the proceeds of which shall be used exclusively for developing parks and multi-recreation areas and facilities, and for other recreational purposes; provided that such tax and the purpose or purposes thereof, and the time such tax is proposed to be continued shall have been first submitted to the vote of the qualified electors of the county and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election. Such governing body may also become indebted, and in evidence of such indebtedness issue and sell interest bearing bonds in an amount not to exceed $20,000,000.00 in principal amount, provided that before the issuance of such bonds the question of whether such bonds shall be issued shall have first been submitted to and approved by the qualified electors of Tuscaloosa county at an election. Both the question of levying the tax and the issuing and selling of bonds may be submitted at the same election; or either question may be submitted at a separate election. Either the tax may be levied but no bonds issued, or bonds may be issued and no tax levied hereunder, if other funds are available for the payment of the bonds. The proceeds from taxes levied under authority of this amendment and of all bonds issued hereunder shall be used for developing parks and multi-recreation areas and facilities and for other recreational purposes and all or any part thereof may be appropriated to any county park and recreation authority duly organized and existing pursuant to law in such county and by such authority used for the above-named purposes. The elections provided for herein shall be called, held, conducted and canvassed, and may be contested, in the manner provided by law for the calling, holding, conducting, canvassing and contesting of county bond elections, and if the levy of the tax or the issuance of said bonds shall be authorized at any such elections, the tax may be levied and bonds may be sold and issued from time to time in the manner provided by law for the authorization and sale of county bonds. In the event the voters of Tuscaloosa county do not authorize the levy of the tax or the issuance and sale of said bonds at any election called hereunder then other elections may be called by the governing body of Tuscaloosa county from time to time until the voters of Tuscaloosa county do authorize the levy of the tax or the issuance and sale of said bonds; provided that no two elections shall be held within one year of each other. The indebtedness herein authorized shall be in addition to all other indebtedness authorized prior to the adoption of this amendment.
AMENDMENT 334 RATIFIED Procedure for Filling Vacancies in Office of Judge of Circuit Court in Madison County; Madison County Judicial Commission. All vacancies in the office of judge of the circuit court holding in Madison county which shall occur subsequent to January 15, 1974, shall be filled in the manner and for the time as herein provided. The Madison county judicial commission is hereby created for the purpose of nominating to the governor persons for appointment to such a vacancy. The members of such commission shall be (a) two persons who are members of the Alabama state bar, and (b) two persons who are not members of the Alabama state bar, and (c) one judge of the circuit court holding in Madison county. All members of such commission must reside in the territorial jurisdiction of the circuit court holding in Madison county. The two members of such commission who are required to be members of the Alabama state bar shall be elected by the members of such bar who are regularly licensed and qualified to practice law in this state and who reside in the territorial jurisdiction of the circuit court holding in Madison county. The executive committee of the Madison county bar association or its successor body in such capacity, is authorized and directed to make rules, not inconsistent with this amendment, for the election of such members of such commission as are required to be members of the Alabama state bar. Such executive committee shall certify in writing to the probate judge of Madison county the names of the persons elected as members of such commission by such members of such bar. The senator and representatives in the Alabama legislature residing in Madison county shall elect the two members of such commission who are required not to be members of the Alabama state bar. Such senator and representatives shall certify in writing to such probate judge the names of the persons elected by them as such members. The judges of the circuit court holding in Madison county shall elect the member of such commission who is required to be a judge of such circuit court. The judges of such circuit court shall certify in writing to such probate judge the name of the circuit judge elected by such circuit judges as such member. The terms of office of all members of such commission shall be six years, except that the terms of office of the two members of the state bar first elected shall be for one and two years respectively, and of the two members first elected by the senator and representatives in the Alabama legislature residing in Madison county shall be for three and four years respectively, and the term of the circuit judge elected by the circuit judges shall be for five years; the length of such terms of office of the members of such commission being indicated by the respective electing bodies. The terms of the initial members of such commission shall begin on January 16, 1974. A vacancy in the office of a member of such commission shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as such member was originally chosen. The probate judge of Madison county shall record all such certificates of election and shall safely and permanently keep the original certificates. Forthwith upon his receipt and recordation of every such certificate, he shall send to the governor a certified copy of every such certificate. No member of such commission shall be eligible to succeed himself as such member or for nomination to the governor for appointment as judge of such circuit court during the term of office for which such member shall have been selected. The members of such commission shall not receive any salary or other compensation for their services as such members. No member of such commission other than the member required to be a judge of the circuit court shall hold any public office, and no member of such commission shall hold any official position in any political party. If, subsequent to January 15, 1974, a vacancy occurs in the
AMENDMENT 335 RATIFIED Special District School Tax in Calhoun County. In addition to any taxes now authorized or that may be hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, each school district in Calhoun county, except the school district comprising the city of Anniston, shall have the power to levy and collect for public school purposes in such district an annual special ad valorem tax on the taxable properties in such district at a rate not exceeding in any one year five mills on each dollar of the value of the said properties as the same shall be assessed for state taxation; provided, that the said special ad valorem district tax shall not be levied in any such district for any year prior to the year for which the said tax if levied will become due and payable on October 1, 1978; provided further, that prior to the levy of any special tax authorized in this paragraph, there shall be submitted to the electors of the district in which the tax is proposed to be levied, at a special election called for that purpose in the said district, the question of whether the said tax or any part thereof shall be levied, the rate thereof, the time it is to continue (which shall not exceed thirty years), and the purpose thereof, and the said tax shall be authorized at such election by a majority of the qualified electors of the said district who vote at such election; provided further, that if a majority of the qualified electors of any of the said districts participating in the election on the ratification of this amendment shall vote for the ratification of this amendment, then the approval of this amendment as expressed by the vote in said district in favor of its ratification shall, of itself, authorize the levy and collection of the said special tax for public school purposes in that district for a period of thirty years commencing with the levy for the tax year for which taxes will become due and payable to the said district on October 1, 1978. Elections on the question of the levy of a district tax under the provisions of this amendment may be held at any time and from time to time, provided, that if at any such election held after the ratification of this amendment the proposal to levy the tax so submitted should be defeated then the proposal may not be submitted at another election held in the same district within six months from the last election held under this amendment. Each such election held after the ratification of this amendment shall be called and held, the results declared, and the tax levied and collected in the same manner as now or hereafter provided by law in the case of school district taxes authorized by amendment III [3] to the Constitution of Alabama, except that no county-wide tax shall be required as a condition precedent for a district tax under this amendment. The funds arising from the district tax herein authorized to be levied shall be expended for the exclusive benefit of the school district in which such district tax is levied. Nothing in this amendment shall be deemed to prevent the consolidation of any two or more school districts in Calhoun county in accordance with the applicable provisions of general law. Pursuant to the amendment to the Constitution of Alabama sometimes known as amendment LXVIII [68] (proposed by Act No. 587 adopted at the 1947 Regular Session of the Legislature of Alabama), there is currently being levied in each school district in Calhoun county a special district school tax at the same rate as is specified in the first paragraph of this amendment, but the last tax year for which the special tax provided for in the said amendment LXVIII [68] is authorized to be levied is the tax year for which taxes will become due and payable on October 1, 1977. It is intended by this amendment to make provision for the authorization of the continued levy in each school district in Calhoun county, except the school district comprising the city of Anniston, of a special district ad
AMENDMENT 336 RATIFIED Additional Tax in City of Mountain Brook. (a) Any provision of the Constitution and laws of the State of Alabama to the contrary notwithstanding, the city of Mountain Brook, in Jefferson county, shall have, in addition to the power to levy and collect ad valorem tax each year at the rate authorized immediately prior to the adoption of this amendment, the further power to levy and collect each year an additional tax of three-fourths of one per centum based upon the value of the property therein as fixed for state taxation. No such additional tax of three-fourths of one per centum shall be levied under the authority of this amendment unless a majority of the qualified electors of said municipal corporation voting in the election on the adoption of this amendment shall vote for such adoption, provided that if the majority of the qualified electors of the said municipal corporation voting in the said election should not vote in favor of such adoption, or if the majority of the qualified electors of the said municipal corporation at any election subsequently called under the authority of this amendment should not vote in favor of the levy of the said additional tax at an election so called, the governing body of the said municipal corporation may call other elections hereunder on the question of the levy of said tax without further act of the legislature, but not more than one such election shall be held during any period of twenty-four consecutive months. (b) Any provision of the Constitution of Alabama to the contrary notwithstanding, the city of Mountain Brook, in Jefferson county, shall have, in addition to the power to levy and collect ad valorem tax each year at the rate authorized immediately prior to the adoption of this amendment, the further power to increase the rate at which ad valorem taxes are levied by said municipal corporation above the limit now provided in the Constitution provided that the proposed increase shall have been (1) proposed by the governing body of the said municipal corporation after a public hearing on such proposal, (2) thereafter approved by an act of the legislature, and (3) subsequently approved by a majority vote of the qualified electors of the said municipal corporation who vote on the proposal. Section 217 (h) of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901 as amended providing that ad valorem taxes in the aggregate levied by all taxing authorities shall never exceed 1 1/2 % of the fair and reasonable market value of the property in any one taxable year shall not apply to property in the city limits of said municipal corporation provided that ad valorem taxes levied by the governing body of said municipal corporation shall never exceed 1 1/2% of the fair and reasonable market value of the property in any one taxable year. (c) Each election held under the provisions hereof shall be ordered, held, canvassed and may be contested in the same manner as may be provided by law applicable to municipal corporations for elections to authorize the issuance of municipal bonds.
AMENDMENT 337 RATIFIED Fees, Compensation etc., of Certain Officers in DeKalb County. The legislature may from time to time, by general or local laws applicable to or operative in DeKalb county, fix, regulate, and alter the fees, commissions, allowances, and salaries, including the method and basis of their compensation, to be charged or received by the judge of probate, sheriff, tax assessor, tax collector, and clerk and register of the circuit court of DeKalb county; and may place any or all of such officers on a salary and provide for the fees, commissions, allowances, and percentages collectible by such officers, to be paid into the treasury from which their salaries are paid.
AMENDMENT 338 RATIFIED Development, Improvement, etc., of State Docks Facilities at Port of Mobile. Any provision of the Constitution of Alabama or amendments thereto to the contrary notwithstanding, the state shall have the power to engage in works of internal improvement in connection with the development, construction, improvement, expansion, and modernization of the state docks facilities at the Port of Mobile. The legislature may by appropriate laws authorize the state to become indebted and, in evidence of such indebtedness, to sell and issue its interest bearing general obligation bonds, in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding forty-five million dollars ($45,000,000), for the purpose of paying costs of the development, construction, improvement, expansion and modernization of the state docks facilities at the Port of Mobile, as the said facilities may at any time exist. The full faith, credit, and taxing powers of the state are hereby pledged to the prompt and faithful payment at their respective maturities of the principal of and interest on the bonds. The said bonds may be additionally secured by any special pledges that may be provided for by the legislature. The legislature may, by appropriate laws, provide for the organization of a public corporation with power to act for the state in the authorization, sale, issuance and approval of disbursement of proceeds of the said bonds and any bonds that may hereafter be issued for the purpose of refunding them. The said public corporation shall consist of the governor, the director of finance, one member of the senate, appointed by the president of the senate, one member of the house of representatives, appointed by the speaker and the director of the state docks department, each of whom shall be members of its board of directors. The legislature shall implement the provisions of this amendment by appropriate legislation.
AMENDMENT 339 RATIFIED Annual Sessions of Legislature; Length of Regular and Special Sessions. Beginning in the year 1976 regular sessions of the legislature shall be held annually on the first Tuesday in May, or on such other day as may be prescribed by law, and shall be limited to 30 legislative days and 105 calendar days. Special sessions of the legislature convened in the manner provided by this Constitution shall be limited to 12 legislative days and 30 calendar days.
AMENDMENT 340 RATIFIED Bonds for Acquisition, Construction, etc., of Mental Health Facilities. The state of Alabama is authorized to become indebted and to sell and issue interest bearing bonds, in addition to all other bonds of the state, in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $15,000,000. Of the proceeds derived from the sale of said bonds, $7,000,000 shall be used solely for the purpose of paying the expenses incurred in the sale and issuance thereof and for the acquisition, construction, equipment and improvement of mental health facilities, including security medical facilities for persons requiring security during treatment. The improvement of a facility shall be deemed to include the renovation, modernization, remodeling, and equipment of existing facilities and the construction of additions thereto; and the construction of a facility shall be deemed to include the acquisition of sites and equipment therefor. Proceeds in the amount of $2,000,000 derived from the sale of bonds provided for herein shall be used solely for the purpose of paying the expenses incurred in the sale and issuance thereof and for the acquisition, construction, equipment and improvement of a seed technology center at Auburn University and a foundation seed processing facility at Headland, Alabama. Of the proceeds derived from the sale of said bonds $6,000,000 shall be used for the purpose of paying the interest incurred in the sale and issuance of said bonds and for acquisition, construction and equipment of capital improvements, including, without limitation a facility or facilities for the housing, training, education and rehabilitation of prisoners. Said bonds shall be sold only at a duly advertised public sale or sales, upon sealed bids or at auction, to the bidder whose bid reflects the lowest total net interest cost to the state for the bonds offered for sale and shall be sold at not less than their face value plus accrued interest thereon. Said bonds shall be direct general obligations of the state, and for the prompt and faithful payment of the principal thereof and the interest thereon the full faith and credit of the state are hereby irrevocably pledged. The bonds issued under this amendment and the income therefrom shall be exempt from all taxation in the state. The legislature shall adopt appropriate enabling legislation to carry out the intent and purpose of this amendment.
AMENDMENT 341 RATIFIED Amendment of Section 106. Article 4, section 106 of the Constitution of Alabama is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 106. No special, private, or local law shall be passed on any subject not enumerated in section 104 of this Constitution, except in reference to fixing the time of holding courts, unless notice of the intention to apply therefor shall have been published, without cost to the state, in the county or counties where the matter or thing to be affected may be situated, which notice shall state the substance of the proposed law and be published at least once a week for four consecutive weeks in some newspaper published in such county or counties or if there is no newspaper published therein, then by posting the said notice for two consecutive weeks at five different places in the county or counties prior to the introduction of the bill; and proof that said notice has been given shall be exhibited to each house of the legislature through a certification by the clerk of the house or secretary of the senate that notice and proof was attached to the subject local legislation and the notice and proof shall be attached to the original copy of the subject bill and shall be filed in the department of archives and history where it shall constitute a public record. The courts shall pronounce void every special, private, or local law which the journals do not affirmatively show was passed in accordance with the provisions of this section. This amendment shall be self-executing, and no enabling legislation shall be necessary.
AMENDMENT 342 RATIFIED Debt Limit for Counties. No county shall become indebted in an amount including present indebtedness, greater than five percentum of the assessed value of the property therein. Nothing herein contained shall prevent any county from issuing bonds, or other obligations, to fund or refund any indebtedness now existing or authorized by existing laws to be created.
AMENDMENT 343 RATIFIED Local Public Service Districts in Shelby County. The legislature may, by general or local law, provide for the creation, incorporation, organization, operation, administration, and financing of local districts within Shelby county as public corporations to provide any one or more of the following local public services: (a) fighting and prevention of fires; (b) furnishing water; (c) the collection, treatment and disposal of sewage and/or garbage, trash and solid wastes; (d) the operation of emergency medical services, including rescue and ambulance service; (e) the guarding and protection of lives and property; (f) any other local service permitted by such general or local law; authorize such district to fix and collect rates, fees and charges for such services, and to provide penalties for non-payment and liens upon the property within such district; authorize the borrowing of money and the issuance of bonds and other obligations by or on behalf of such district; provided that Shelby county shall not be responsible for any such bond or obligation and no such bond or obligation shall be chargeable against the limit on the debt of Shelby county. This amendment shall not have been adopted unless a majority of the qualified electors of Shelby county who participate in the election held on the adoption of this amendment vote in favor thereof. Any law enacted at the current session of the legislature to authorize the creation of such districts in Shelby county and to implement this amendment to the Constitution (whether with or without published notice of intention) shall become effective upon the ratification of this amendment.
AMENDMENT 344 RATIFIED Costs and Charges of Courts, and Compensation of Certain Officers, of Blount County. The legislature may, from time to time, by general or local laws applicable to or operative in Blount county and approved by a majority of the qualified electors of Blount county at a referendum election, fix, regulate, and alter the costs and charges of court and the fees, commissions, allowances and salaries, including the method and basis of their compensation, to be charged or received by the probate judge, the tax assessor, and the tax collector of Blount county; and may place any or all of such officers on a salary and provide for the fees, commissions, allowances, and percentages collectible by such officers to be paid into the treasury from which their salaries are paid. In the event this amendment is approved and a majority of the qualified electors of said county who vote thereon vote in favor of the adoption of this amendment when it is submitted, then any law theretofore passed which places any officers in Blount county on a salary basis, or any law fixing, regulating, and altering the costs and charges of court and the fees, commissions, allowances, and salaries of any officer in Blount county, may become effective without any other election having been held thereon. In the event this amendment is approved and a majority of the qualified electors of said county who vote thereon vote against its approval, then such act or acts shall have no further force or effect.
AMENDMENT 345 RATIFIED Costs and Charges of Courts, and Compensation of Certain Officers, of Coosa County. The legislature may, from time to time, by general or local laws applicable to or operative in Coosa county, fix, regulate, and alter the costs and charges of court and the fees, commissions, allowances, and salaries, including the method and basis of their compensation, to be charged or received by the judge of probate, tax assessor, tax collector, and the clerk and register of the circuit court of Coosa county; and may place any or all of such officers on a salary and provide for the fees, commissions, allowances, and percentages collectible by such officers to be paid into the treasury from which their salaries are paid.
AMENDMENT 346 RATIFIED Costs and Charges of Courts, and Compensation of Certain Officers, of Chilton County. The legislature may, from time to time, by general or local laws applicable to or operative in Chilton county, fix, regulate, and alter the costs and charges of court and the fees, commissions, allowances, and salaries, including the method and basis of their compensation, to be charged or received by the judge of probate, tax assessor, tax collector, the clerk of circuit court, and the register of circuit court of Chilton county; may place any or all of such officers on a salary and provide for the fees, commissions, allowances, and percentages collectible by such officers to be paid into the treasury from which their salaries are paid. No law shall, however, be effective to increase or diminish the compensation of any such officer of Chilton county during the term for which he shall have been elected or appointed. The legislature may also, from time to time, by general, special or local laws, fix, regulate and alter the costs and charges of courts in Chilton county and the method of disbursement thereof.
AMENDMENT 347 RATIFIED Amendment No. 331 Amended. Amendment No. 331 of the Constitution of Alabama is amended so as to read as follows: The legislature may from time to time, by general or local laws applicable to or operative in Cleburne county, fix, regulate, and alter the costs and charges of courts and the fees, commissions, allowances, and salaries, including the method and basis of their compensation, to be charged or received by the judge of probate or by any other officer of Cleburne county; and may place any or all of such officers on a salary and provide for the fees, commissions, allowances, and percentages collectible by such officers to be paid into the treasury from which their salaries are paid.
AMENDMENT 348 RATIFIED Local Legislation Regarding Delinquent Tax Notices in Madison County. Notwithstanding any provisions of section 104 to the contrary, the legislature of the state of Alabama is authorized to enact local legislation applicable to Madison county to change the method prescribed by law for giving notice to delinquent Madison county taxpayers of their failure to pay taxes assessed against any property which is assessed to them and to further change the notice required to be given them prior to the sale for taxes of said property and to further change the method for issuing decrees for the sale of land and the trials held to determine whether such sales should be ordered and to change the method of giving notice to delinquent property owners to show cause why a decree of sale should not be rendered against them and to further change the method regarding the sale of said property and the report of the amount of taxes collected from said sale, provided that if the vote of the majority of electors in Madison county voting in the constitutional amendment election is unfavorable to the adoption of such amendment, said amendment shall not be adopted.
AMENDMENT 349 RATIFIED Costs and Charges of Courts, and Compensation of Certain Officers, of Washington County. The legislature may from time to time, by general or local laws applicable to or operative in Washington county, fix, regulate, and alter costs and charges of courts and the fees, commissions, allowances, and salaries, including the method and basis of their compensation, to be charged or received by the judge of probate, the tax assessor, the tax collector, and the circuit clerk; and may place any or all of such officers on a salary and provide for the fees, commissions, allowances, and percentages collectible by such officers to be paid into the treasury from which their salaries are paid. Provided that no law changing the method or basis for compensating such officers shall become effective unless it is approved by a majority of the qualified electors of the county who vote thereon at a referendum election held for such purpose or is approved by a majority of the qualified electors of the county who vote on the adoption of this constitutional amendment as provided for in section 2 hereof [section 2 of Acts 1975, No. 611].
AMENDMENT 350 RATIFIED Special Property Tax for Educational Purposes in City of Anniston. The city of Anniston shall have power to levy and collect a special property tax in addition to all other taxes now or hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, of three mills on each dollar of taxable property situated therein, for educational purposes; provided that before such tax may be levied and collected the question of levying the tax, the purpose thereof, and the time such tax is proposed to be continued shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the city and voted for by a majority of those voting at the election. The election shall be ordered, held, and conducted as provided by law for calling, holding and conducting district school tax elections.
AMENDMENT 351 RATIFIED Special Property Tax for Control of Mosquitoes, Rodents and Other Vectors of Public Health and Welfare; Significance in Mobile County. The legislature may authorize the levy and collection of a one mill ad valorem tax in Mobile county on real and tangible personal property that is subject to such tax under the laws of this state for the purpose of controlling mosquitoes, rodents and other vectors of public health and welfare significance, and any acts of the legislature on this subject applicable to Mobile county that were enacted prior to the adoption of this amendment are hereby validated and reconfirmed. Provided however, such enabling legislation shall not become effective until this amendment is, or its provisions are, approved by a majority of the electors of Mobile county voting at the election held for the purpose of approving this amendment, or at any election at which such a proposal is submitted. In the event this amendment passes, but does not receive a majority vote of the Mobile county electorate, voting at the election, the county governing body of Mobile county may by resolution submit a similar proposal to the electors of Mobile county for their approval; however, no such proposal shall be submitted to the people more often than every two years.
AMENDMENT 352 RATIFIED Additional Property Tax in City of Vestavia Hills. Section 1. In addition to any taxes now authorized, or that may be hereafter authorized, by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, there is hereby levied an additional tax of nine and three-fourths (9 3/4 ) mills based upon the value of the property therein as fixed for state taxation; provided the levy of said tax shall first have been approved by the qualified electors of Vestavia Hills as hereinafter provided. Section 2. In the event this amendment is approved and a majority of the qualified electors of Vestavia Hills who vote thereon in favor of the adoption of this amendment when it is submitted, the additional tax provided for in section 1 shall be levied and collected without any other election having been held thereon. In the event this amendment is approved and a majority of the qualified electors of Vestavia Hills who vote thereon vote against its approval, the tax shall not be levied unless the issue shall have been again submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of Vestavia Hills and voted for by a majority of those voting at the election. Subsequent elections may be held at intervals of not less than one year.
AMENDMENT 353 RATIFIED Costs and Charges of Courts, and Compensation of County Officials, of Butler County. The legislature may, from time to time, by general or local laws applicable to or operative in Butler county and approved by a majority of the qualified electors of Butler county at a referendum election, fix, regulate, and alter the costs and charges of court and the fees, commissions, allowances, and salaries, including the method and basis of their compensation, to be charged or received by the county officials of Butler county; and may place any or all of such officials on a salary and provide for the fees, commissions, allowances, and percentages collectible by such officials to be paid into the treasury from which their salaries are paid. In the event this amendment is approved and a majority of the qualified electors of said county who vote thereon vote in favor of the adoption of this amendment when it is submitted, then any law theretofore passed which places any officials in Butler county on a salary basis, or any law fixing, regulating, and altering the costs and charges of court and the fees, commissions, allowances, and salaries of any official in Butler county, may become effective without any other election having been held thereon. In the event this amendment is approved and a majority of the qualified electors of said county who vote thereon vote against its approval, then such act or acts shall have no further force or effect.
AMENDMENT 354 RATIFIED Amendment of Amendment No. 93. Amendment XCIII [93] to the Constitution of Alabama, as submitted November 4, 1952, and proclaimed ratified November 19, 1952, shall be amended so that said Amendment XCIII [93], shall read as follows: No moneys derived from any fees, excises, or license taxes, levied by the state, relating to registration, operation, or use of vehicles upon the public highways except a vehicle-use tax imposed in lieu of a sales tax, and no moneys derived from any fee, excises, or license taxes, levied by the state, relating to fuels used for propelling such vehicles except pump taxes, shall be expended for other than cost of administering such laws, statutory refunds and adjustments allowed therein, cost of construction, reconstruction, maintenance and repair of public highways and bridges, costs of highway rights-of-way, payment of highway obligations, the cost of traffic regulation, and the expense of enforcing state traffic and motor vehicle laws. The provisions of this amendment shall not apply to any such fees, excises, or license taxes now levied by the state for school purposes for this whole state or for any county or city board of education therein; and the legislature may provide for the manufacture, distribution and use on private passenger or pleasure motor vehicles of personalized license plates or tags, bearing some special letters, figures, mark or badge of distinction or personal prestige in lieu of the regular license plates or tags, and if it does so, the legislature must also require that such tags may be procured only by payment of a fee or charge, in addition to the regular fee, excise or license tax for the registration, operation or use of such motor vehicles upon the highways. The moneys derived from the additional charge made for such special or distinctive license plates or tags, in excess of the cost of the manufacture and distribution of such plates or tags, may be used in such manner as the legislature prescribes.
AMENDMENT 355 RATIFIED Bonds, etc., for Navigable Waterway Between Demopolis and Tennessee River and Tombigbee Valley Projects. Any provision of the Constitution of Alabama or amendments thereto to the contrary notwithstanding, the legislature may by appropriate laws authorize the state to engage in works of internal improvement within the state by fulfilling the requirements of local contribution, participation and cooperation now or hereafter established by the United States in connection with the construction and maintenance of a navigable waterway (herein called "the waterway") between Demopolis, Alabama, and the Tennessee river, including the relocation and construction of roads and bridges to and across the waterway, access roads and approaches thereto and the related engineering and rights-of-way acquisition expenses (herein called "the projects"). The legislature may by appropriate laws authorize the state to become indebted and, in evidence of such indebtedness, to sell and issue its interest-bearing bonds, in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $25,000,000, for the purpose of enabling the state to discharge obligations at any time authorized by the legislature to be undertaken in connection with the waterway and the projects; provided, that the expenses incurred in connection with the sale and issuance of the bonds may also be paid from the proceeds thereof. Bonds evidencing the herein provided for indebtedness may be issued as direct general obligations of the state, and the state may pledge its full faith and credit to the prompt payment of the principal of the bonds and the interest thereon. The herein provided for indebtedness shall not be construed to prohibit or limit appropriations from the general fund of the state which from time to time may be made for the purpose of enabling the state to discharge obligations at any time authorized by the legislature to be undertaken in connection with the waterway and the projects. The legislature may from time to time appropriate money from the general fund of the state to be expended by the Tombigbee valley development authority, a public corporation and agency of the state, and may also authorize the herein provided for general obligation bonds of the state to be sold from time to time under the supervision of said authority; provided, that all moneys received by said authority from the state, whether as appropriations from the state's general fund or as proceeds of the sale of the state's bonds, shall be expended, except for reasonable administrative expenses to be paid from said appropriations and expenses of the sale of said bonds to be paid from said bond proceeds, in discharging obligations that the state is permitted under the foregoing provisions of this amendment to undertake in connection with the waterway and the projects and shall have directed said authority to undertake in its stead. The bonds authorized by this amendment shall be in addition to those authorized by that amendment to said constitution proposed by Act No. 248 adopted at the 1967 regular session of the legislature and ratified by the electors of the state on December 5, 1967.
AMENDMENT 356 RATIFIED Consolidation, etc., of Offices in Elmore County. The legislature may from time to time, by general or local law, provide for the transfer of the duties, or part of the duties, of one county officer of Elmore county to another officer of such county; or consolidate any two or more offices of such county into one county office and provide for the abolition of the office or offices left without duties, or create a completely new office in such county and transfer to such office a part of the duties of each of several other offices without abolishing any office in such county; provided that the officer or officers to fill the offices involved will be compensated for the performance of the duties of their offices by a salary fixed according to law. In the event this amendment is approved and a majority of the qualified electors of Elmore county who vote thereon vote in favor of the adoption of this amendment when it is submitted, then any law theretofore passed which consolidates county offices in Elmore county may become effective without any other election having been held thereon. In the event this amendment is approved and a majority of the qualified electors of said county who vote thereon vote against its approval, then such act or acts shall have no further force or effect.
AMENDMENT 357 RATIFIED Amendment No. 357 The legislature may hereafter, from time to time, by general, special or local laws, fix, regulate and alter the fees, commissions, allowances or salaries to be charged or received by the judge of probate of Geneva county, and may put such officer on a salary basis and provide for operation of his office on such basis.
AMENDMENT 358 RATIFIED Fire Protection or Garbage and Trash Disposal Districts in Tuscaloosa County. The legislature may provide for the formation of districts in Tuscaloosa county, Alabama, for establishing and maintaining a system for fighting or preventing fires or for the collection and disposal of garbage and trash or for either or both of said purposes; provided, however, that no territory lying within the limits of a municipal corporation at the time of the establishment of any such district shall be included within such district; and, provided further, that no such district shall be established unless the establishment thereof has been first approved by the qualified electors residing within the proposed district at an election held as provided for by a law or laws adopted by the legislature. The legislature may provide for submitting to the qualified electors residing within the proposed district the question of whether the district shall be created for either or both of the aforesaid purposes. The expenses of establishing and maintaining any such fire fighting and fire prevention system or any such garbage collection and disposal system in a district, as the case may be, shall be paid for exclusively by the proceeds of a service charge, which shall be levied and collected in an amount sufficient to pay the said expenses. Said service charges shall be levied upon and collected from the persons and property to whom and to which such services are available; and the service charge shall be a lien upon any such property. The legislature may provide for the enlargement of a district by the addition of territory thereto, subject to the following conditions: (1) No territory lying within a municipal corporation at the time of such enlargement shall be added to a district; (2) subject to (3), next below, no territory shall be added unless the qualified electors thereof have approved the addition of such territory to the district at an election held for that purpose within the territory proposed to be added; (3) the legislature may provide a procedure whereby territory will be included in a district upon the written petition for its inclusion signed by at least seventy percent (70%) of the qualified electors residing within said territory. The legislature shall adopt laws providing for the administration of the affairs of the district by the governing body of the county or by an agency of the county, and empowering the body administering the affairs of the district to levy and collect the service charge, subject to such restrictions and conditions as the legislature imposes. The legislature may provide that any such service charge shall not become effective unless approved by the electors of the territory, and may provide the conditions on which an election on such service charge shall be held. The legislature shall be authorized to enact laws providing for the collection and enforcement of the service charges and of the lien for such charges. The legislature may provide for the issuance of bonds for such districts with or without an election; provided, however, that all bonds issued hereunder shall be payable only out of the proceeds of the service charge authorized hereby, and no such bond shall be a general obligation of the county.
AMENDMENT 359 RATIFIED Costs and Charges of Courts, and Compensation of County Officers, of Clay County. The legislature may, from time to time, by general or local laws applicable to or operative in Clay county, fix, regulate, and alter the costs and charges of courts and fees, commissions, allowances, and salaries, including the method and basis of their compensation, to be charged or received by the county officers of Clay county; and may place any or all of such officers on a salary and provide for the fees, commissions, allowances, and percentages collectible by such officers to be paid into the treasury from which their salaries are paid. This amendment shall not have been adopted unless a majority of the qualified electors of Clay county who participate in the election held on the adoption of this amendment vote in favor thereof.
AMENDMENT 360 RATIFIED Costs and Charges of Courts, and Compensation of County Officials, of Coffee County. The legislature may from time to time, by general or local law, fix, alter and regulate the fees, commissions, percentages, allowances and compensation to be charged and received by any official of Coffee county, including the right to place any of such officers on a salary, provide for the operation of their respective offices on such basis and provide that such officers shall continue to collect any and all fees, commissions, percentages or allowances prescribed by law to be charged or collected by them and shall pay all monies so collected into the county treasury. The legislature may also, from time to time, by general, special or local law, fix, regulate and alter the cost and charges of courts in Coffee county, and the method of disbursement thereof. This article of amendment shall not become operative unless the same is approved by a majority of the qualified electors of Coffee county who vote thereon upon its submission.
AMENDMENT 361 RATIFIED Amendment of Amendment No. 351. It is hereby proposed that Amendment CCCLI [351] to the Constitution of Alabama which was proposed as Act No. 545, regular session, 1975, and proclaimed ratified by the governor of Alabama on January 22nd, 1976, be amended by striking out the word "tangible" in the first sentence of said Amendment CCCLI [351] so that the first sentence of said Amendment CCCLI [351] shall read as follows: The legislature may authorize the levy and collection of a one mill ad valorem tax in Mobile county on real and personal property that is subject to such tax under the laws of this state for the purpose of controlling mosquitos, rodents and other vectors of public health and welfare significance, and any acts of the legislature on this subject applicable to Mobile county that were enacted prior to the adoption of this amendment are hereby validated and reconfirmed.
AMENDMENT 362 RATIFIED Fees, Compensation, etc., of Elected Officials of Lee County. The legislature may from time to time, by general or local laws applicable to or operative in Lee county, fix, regulate, and alter the fees, commissions, allowances, and salaries, including the method and basis of their compensation, to be charged or received by the elected county officials of Lee county; and may place any or all of such officers on a salary and provide for the fees, commissions, allowances, and percentages collectible by such officers to be paid into the treasury from which their salaries are paid. Provided, that no law changing the method or basis for compensating such officers shall become effective unless it is approved by a majority of the qualified electors of the county who vote thereon at a referendum election held for such purpose.
AMENDMENT 363 RATIFIED Amendment of Amendment No. 18. Amendment XVIII [18] to the Constitution of Alabama, as last amended, is hereby further amended by adding the following paragraph to the end of said Amendment XVIII [18] as it currently reads: Mobile county shall in addition have authority under this amendment to make cash payments for the construction and improvement of hard surfaced roads, hard surfaced bridges and surface water drainage facilities, or any thereof, in said county, from any proceeds accumulated under the provisions of this amendment over and above such proceeds as are now or hereafter pledged to the payment of the principal and interest on bonds, warrants, notes or other evidence of indebtedness authorized under this amendment; provided however that no such construction or improvement work shall be started and no such cash payments shall be made unless and until such construction or improvement project, specifically named and described, has been approved by the affirmative vote of a majority of the votes cast on the question at an election in which all of the qualified electors of said county may vote; and the probate judge and all other appropriate election officials shall, upon application by the county commission of said county no less than forty days prior to any such election, include on the ballot for such election the question of whether the voters do approve such specifically named and described construction or improvement project.
AMENDMENT 364 RATIFIED Amendment of Amendment No. 328. There shall be a probate court in each county which shall have general jurisdiction of orphans' business, and of adoptions, and with power to grant letters testamentary, and of administration, and of guardianships, and shall have such further jurisdiction as may be provided by law, provided, that whenever the circuit court has taken jurisdiction of the settlement of any estate, it shall have power to do all things necessary for the settlement of such estate, including the appointment and removal of administrators, executors, guardians, and trustees and including action upon the resignation of either of them.
AMENDMENT 365 RATIFIED Fire Protection Districts in Baldwin County. The legislature may, by general or local law, provide for the creation, incorporation, organization, operation, administration, and financing of local districts within Baldwin county as public corporations to provide fire fighting and prevention services; and may authorize such fire districts to fix and collect rates, fees and charges for such services, and to provide penalties for non-payment and liens upon the property within any such district; authorize the borrowing of money and the issuance of bonds and other obligations by or on behalf of any such fire district; provided that Baldwin county shall not be responsible for any such bond or obligation and no such bond or obligation shall be chargeable against the limit on the debt of Baldwin county; providing further that a majority of the qualified electors of any prospective fire fighting or prevention district created by any law authorized by this proposed amendment shall give their prior approval to the creation of any such fire district and the fees, rates, charges, bond issue or other financing agreements thereto in an election thereon. This amendment shall not have been adopted unless a majority of the qualified electors of this state who participate in the election held on the adoption of this amendment vote in favor thereof. Any law enacted at the current session of the legislature to authorize the creation of such fire districts in Baldwin county and to implement this amendment to the Constitution (whether with or without published notice of intention) shall become effective upon the ratification of this amendment.
AMENDMENT 366 RATIFIED Consolidation, etc., of Offices of Tax Assessor and Tax Collector in Pickens County. The legislature may from time to time, by general or local law, provide for the transfer of the duties of the tax assessor and tax collector of Pickens county to another officer of such county; or provide for the abolition of the said offices left without duties, or create a completely new office in such county and transfer to such office the duties of each of the said offices of tax assessor and tax collector in such county; provided that the officer to fill the newly created office will be compensated for the performance of the duties of said office by a salary fixed according to law. In the event this amendment is approved and a majority of the qualified electors of Pickens county who vote thereon vote in favor of the adoption of this amendment when it is submitted, then any law theretofore passed which abolished said county offices and consolidates their duties in a newly created office in Pickens county may become effective without any other election having been held thereon. In the event this amendment is approved and a majority of the qualified electors of said county who vote thereon vote against its approval, then such act or acts shall have no further force or effect.
AMENDMENT 367 RATIFIED Costs and Charges of Courts, and Compensation of Certain Officers, of Jackson County. The legislature may from time to time, by general or local laws applicable to or operative in Jackson county, fix, regulate, and alter the costs and charges of courts and the fees, commissions, allowances, and salaries, including the method and basis of their compensation, to be charged or received by the judge of probate, the tax assessor, and the tax collector, and may place any or all of such officers on a salary and provide for the fees, commissions, allowances, and percentages collectible by such officers to be paid into the treasury from which their salaries are paid. Provided that no law changing the method or basis for compensating such officers shall become effective unless it is approved by a majority of the qualified electors of the county who vote thereon at a referendum election held for such purpose or is approved by a majority of the qualified electors of the county who vote on the adoption of this constitutional amendment as provided for in section 2 hereof [Section 2 of Acts 1977, No. 238].
AMENDMENT 368 RATIFIED Abolition of Office of Constable in Morgan County. The office of constable in Morgan county is hereby abolished. This amendment shall not be adopted unless a majority of the qualified electors of Morgan county who participate in the election held on the adoption of this amendment vote in favor thereof.
AMENDMENT 369 RATIFIED Amendment of Amendment No. 239. 1. As used in this amendment, these terms have the meanings here given them: "Service district" means a district for which this amendment provides; "expenses" means the expenses of establishing a district and providing the services and facilities the district is authorized to provide; and "county governing body" means the governing body of Jefferson county. 2. The county governing body may provide for the formation of service districts in Jefferson county for any of the following purposes: to establish and maintain a system to fight or prevent fires and to furnish medical rescue services; to establish and maintain a system to collect and dispose of garbage and trash; and to provide park and recreational facilities; provided, however, that no territory lying within the limits of a municipal corporation at the time of the establishment of any such district shall be included within such district; and provided, further, that no such district shall be established unless the establishment thereof has been first approved by the qualified electors residing within the proposed district at an election held as provided for by laws heretofore or hereafter adopted by the legislature, or as provided for by ordinances hereafter adopted by the county governing body. A district may be established for any one or more of the foregoing purposes. The county governing body shall provide by ordinance for submitting to the qualified electors within the proposed district the question of whether the district shall be created for one or more of such purposes. 3. The district expenses shall be paid for by the proceeds of service charges or property taxes for which paragraphs 4 and 5, below, provide or by a combination of such proceeds; provided, however, that any funds received from the federal or state government may be used to pay such expenses. 4. Subject to the conditions stated in paragraph 6, below, the governing body of a district may by resolution levy service charges to pay the expenses of the district. Said service charges shall be levied upon and collected from the persons for whom and the property for which the services and facilities are provided or made available; and such charges shall be a personal obligation of the occupant of such property and shall also be a lien upon such property, enforceable by the sale thereof. 5. Subject to the conditions stated in paragraph 6, below, the county governing body may by ordinance levy a tax on all taxable property in any district in addition to any other tax authorized by law, to pay the expenses of the district. The taxes levied under this paragraph 5 shall be subject to the laws of the state providing for the following: the time for the levy and the payment of such taxes; the place of the payment of such taxes; the interest and penalties payable on such taxes not paid when due; the lien for the taxes; and the remedies for collection of such taxes unpaid. 6. No service charge or tax provided for by this amendment shall become effective unless before the creation of the district involved such service charge or tax shall have been approved at an election in the territory proposed to be established as a district held at the time of the election on establishing the proposed district or unless after the establishment of the district the following shall have occurred: (1) The governing body adopting the resolution or ordinance shall have published the same in a newspaper of general circulation in the district involved; (2) Thirty (30) days shall have elapsed since the publication of such resolution or ordinance; and (3) One of these two events, called Event A and Event B, shall have occurred: Event A: Thirty days following the said publication shall have passed without any petition for an election being filed under the ordinance paragraph 7, below, requires; Event B: At an election called under said ordinance the proposed service charge or tax shall h
AMENDMENT 370 RATIFIED Local Public Service Districts in Shelby County. The legislature may, by general or local law, provide for the creation, incorporation, organization, operation, administration, and financing of local districts within Shelby county as public corporations to provide any one or more of the following local public services: (a) fighting and prevention of fires; (b) the operation of emergency medical services, including rescue and ambulance service; authorize such district to fix and collect rates, fees and charges for such services, and to provide penalties for nonpayment and liens upon the property within such district; authorize the borrowing of money and the issuance of bonds and other obligations by or on behalf of such district; provided that Shelby county shall not be responsible for any such bond or obligation and no such bond or obligation shall be chargeable against the limit on the debt of Shelby county. This amendment shall not have been adopted unless a majority of the qualified electors of Shelby county who participate in the election held on the adoption of this amendment vote in favor thereof. Any law enacted at the current session of the legislature to authorize the creation of such districts in Shelby county and to implement this amendment to the Constitution (with published notice of intention) shall become effective upon the ratification of this amendment.
AMENDMENT 371 RATIFIED Fire Protection in Limestone County. The Limestone county governing body is authorized in its discretion to establish fire districts within the geographical boundaries of Limestone county, said districts to exclude any corporate municipality which does not request through resolution of its governing body to be made a part of and subject to the provisions of this amendment. The county governing body, in its discretion, may establish, in lieu of or in addition to said fire districts, a county fire department to furnish county-wide fire protection. The governing body may name a fire marshal for Limestone county, whose principal duty shall be the coordination of fire protection within the county including all fire departments and fire stations, either in the district or county, and their full-time and part-time employees. Upon the request of the county governing body the fire marshal shall submit a budget for the county fire department and shall perform such other tasks related to fire protection as may, from time to time, be assigned to him by the county governing body. The governing body is hereby authorized to fix a county fire protection tax, which tax shall become effective upon the approval of a majority of electors within any particular fire district or other area of the county where the tax is to be levied. The tax fixed by the governing body shall be based upon the value of real and personal property assessed by affected property owners, as shown on the records of the tax assessor of Limestone county, Alabama, and shall be assessed and collected as are all ad valorem taxes in the county. The amount collected each year from assessment of this fire protection tax shall be paid into the county general fund and used in furtherance of fire protection within the affected area. The county governing body is hereby authorized upon approval by resolution adopted by said governing body to adopt, amend and repeal regulations for the safeguarding of life and property from the hazards of fire and explosion in the county, which shall be known as the Limestone County Fire Protection Code. Such regulations shall have the force and effect of law and any violation thereof may, within the discretion of the county governing body, constitute a Class A misdemeanor, as defined in Act No. 607, S. 33 of the 1977 Regular Session (Acts 1977, p. 812), and upon conviction thereof may be punishable by a fine not exceeding $1,000 or imprisonment in the county jail, not to exceed one year, or both fine and imprisonment. Said code shall be effective in all unincorporated areas of the county and in those incorporated areas which choose to come under the provisions of this act. The county governing body is hereby authorized to employ or to authorize the employment of a fire marshal, fire inspectors, firemen, secretarial and clerical employees and any other employees which it deems necessary to carry out the provisions of this act and it is further authorized to make such expenditures for salaries, equipment, property (whether real, personal or mixed), or other expenses related to fire protection which it deems necessary to carry out the provisions of this amendment. The legislature may provide for or amend, from time to time, any laws pertaining to fire districts in Limestone county.
AMENDMENT 372 RATIFIED Compensation of County Officers and Restructuring or Abolition of Certain Offices in Geneva County. The legislature may, from time to time, by general or local laws applicable to or operative in Geneva county, fix, regulate and alter fees, commissions, allowances and salaries, including the method and basis of the compensation to be charged or received by all of the county officers of Geneva county; and may place any or all of such officers on a salary and provide for the fees, commissions, allowances and percentages collectible by such officers to be paid into the treasury from which their salaries are paid. The legislature may from time to time, by general or local law, provide for the transfer of the duties of the tax assessor and tax collector of Geneva county to another officer of such county; or provide for the abolition of the said offices left without duties, or create a completely new office in such county and transfer to such office the duties of each of the said tax offices of tax assessor and tax collector in such county; provided, that the officer to fill the newly created office will be compensated for the performance of the duties of said office by a salary fixed according to law. In the event this amendment is approved and a majority of the qualified electors of Geneva county who vote thereon vote in favor of the adoption of this amendment when it is submitted, then any law theretofore passed which places any such officers in Geneva county on a salary basis, or any law fixing, regulating and altering the costs and charges of court and the fees, commissions, allowances and salaries of any such officer in Geneva county, may become effective without any other election having been held thereon. In the event this amendment is approved and a majority of the qualified electors of said county who vote thereon vote against its approval, then such act or acts shall have no further force or effect.
AMENDMENT 373 RATIFIED Amendment of Section 217. Classification of taxable property for purposes of ad valorem taxation; taxable property to be taxed by state, counties, municipalities, etc., at same rate; assessment ratios for purposes of ad valorem taxation; increase or decrease of assessment ratios by counties, municipalities, etc.; increase or decrease of ad valorem tax rates by counties, municipalities, etc.; maximum amount of ad valorem tax; certain property to be assessed at current use value and not market value; exemption of certain property from ad valorem taxation; interpretation of authority for counties, municipalities, etc., to levy taxes, borrow money, etc., in relation to assessment of property; counties, municipalities, etc., authorized to levy additional ad valorem tax for costs of certain state-wide reappraisal of property. (a) On and after October 1, 1978, all taxable property within this state, not exempt by law, shall be divided into the following classes for the purposes of ad valorem taxation: Class I. All property of utilities used in the business of such utilities. Class II. All property not otherwise classified. Class III. All agricultural, forest and single-family owner-occupied residential property, and historic buildings and sites. Class IV. All private passenger automobiles and motor trucks of the type commonly known as "pickups" or "pickup trucks" owned and operated by an individual for personal or private use and not for hire, rent or compensation. (b) With respect to ad valorem taxes levied by the state, all taxable property shall be forever taxed at the same rate. On and after October 1, 1978, such property shall be assessed for ad valorem tax purposes according to the classes thereof as herein defined at the following ratios of assessed value to the fair and reasonable market value (except as otherwise provided in subsection (j) hereof) of such property: Class I. 30 per centum. Class II. 20 per centum. Class III. 10 per centum. Class IV. 15 per centum. (c) With respect to ad valorem taxes levied by counties, municipalities or other taxing authorities, all taxable property shall be forever taxed at the same rate. On and after October 1, 1978, such property shall be assessed for ad valorem tax purposes according to the classes of property defined in subsection (a) hereof and at the same ratios of assessed value to the fair and reasonable market value thereof as fixed in subsection (b) hereof, except as otherwise provided in subsection (j) hereof and this subsection (such ratios being herein called "assessment ratios"). In connection with the ad valorem taxes that a county, municipality or other taxing authority is authorized or required to levy and collect pursuant to any provision of this Constitution, for the ad valorem tax year beginning October 1, 1978, any such taxing authority may, subject to criteria established by act of the legislature, by resolution of the governing body of that taxing authority, at any time not later than September 30, 1979, increase or decrease the assessment ratio applicable to any class of taxable property, such increase or decrease to be effective for ad valorem tax years beginning on and after October 1, 1978. If (1) a county, municipality or other taxing authority adjusts an assessment ratio pursuant to the preceding sentence and (2) the receipts from all ad valorem taxes levied by or with respect to such taxing authority during the ad valorem tax year beginning October 1, 1978, exceed by more than five percent, or are less than 95 percent of, the receipts from such ad valorem taxes for the ad valorem tax year beginning October 1, 1977, then at any time not later than September 30, 1980, for ad valorem tax years beginning on and after October 1, 1979, the taxing authority may, subject to criteria established by act of the legislature, by resolution of the governing body of that taxing authority, adjust any assessment ratio applicable to any class of taxable pr
AMENDMENT 374 RATIFIED Bonds for Penal and Correctional Facilities. The state of Alabama is authorized to become indebted and to sell and issue interest bearing bonds, in addition to all other bonds of the state, in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $15,000,000.00, the proceeds derived from the sale of said bonds to be used solely for the purpose of paying the expenses incurred in the sale and issuance thereof and for the acquisition, construction, equipment and improvement of state prisons, facilities for the housing, training, education or rehabilitation of prisoners, and other penal and correctional institutions and facilities (including sites therefor) necessary or useful in connection with such prisons and other facilities. None of the proceeds derived from the sale of said bonds may be used to pay rents for the use of real or personal property or to make payments under any lease with option to purchase or similar contractual arrangement. The state of Alabama is also authorized to become indebted and to sell and issue bonds to refund any of the bonds herein authorized, in the amounts (which may exceed the principal amount of the bonds being refunded) and manner as may be specified by the legislature. The bonds shall be sold only at a duly advertised public sale or sales, upon sealed bids or at auction, to the bidder whose bid reflects the lowest total net interest cost to the state for the bonds offered for sale and shall be sold at not less than their face value plus accrued interest thereon. The bonds shall be direct general obligations of the state, and for the prompt and faithful payment of the principal thereof and the interest thereon the full faith and credit of the state are hereby irrevocably pledged. The bonds issued under this amendment and the income therefrom shall be exempt from all taxation in the state. The legislature shall enact appropriate enabling legislation to carry out the intent and purpose of this amendment.
AMENDMENT 375 RATIFIED Amendment of Section 110. SECTION 110 "General laws," "special or private laws" and "local law" defined; general laws applicable to class of municipalities to define class on basis related to the law; legislature may classify municipalities; enactment of general laws applicable to only one municipality. A general law is a law which in its terms and effect applies either to the whole state, or to one or more municipalities of the state less than the whole in a class. A general law applicable to such a class of municipalities shall define the class on the basis of criteria reasonably related to the purpose of the law, provided that the legislature may also enact and change from time to time a general schedule of not more than eight classes of municipalities based on population according to any designated federal decennial census, and general laws for any purpose may thereafter be enacted for any such class. Any law heretofore enacted which complies with the provisions of this section shall be considered a general law. No general law which at the time of its enactment applies to only one municipality of the state shall be enacted after January 1, 1979, unless notice of the intention to apply therefor shall have been given and shown as provided in section 106 of this Constitution for special, private or local laws; provided, that such notice shall not be deemed to constitute such law a local law. A special or private law is one which applies to an individual, association or corporation. A local law is a law which is not a general law or a special or private law.
AMENDMENT 376 RATIFIED Acquisition, Development, etc., of Industrial Parks by City of Anniston. Any provision of the Constitution or laws of the state of Alabama to the contrary notwithstanding, the governing body of the city of Anniston shall have full and continuing power and authority, to do any one or more of the following: 1. To acquire and develop one or more parcels of land as the site or sites for an industrial park or industrial parks; and to expend or grant public money and things of value for such acquisition and development. The development of land as the site for an industrial park shall be deemed to include the provision of water, sewage, drainage, transportation, power and communication facilities, and other similar facilities, which are incidental to the use of the land as an industrial park, and also shall be deemed to include the provision of structures or buildings of any kind or type whatsoever relating to the use of the land, structures and/or buildings as an industrial park. 2. To sell to any person, firm, partnership, corporation or other entity all or any part of any land, together with the improvements thereon, held by it as an industrial park; provided, however, that no such sale may be made for less than the reasonable market value of the property so sold, as such value may be established by the appraisals of at least two independent appraisers. Prior to making any sale of any property comprising all or part of an industrial park, said city shall cause appraisals of the market value of the property to be so sold to be made by at least two independent appraisers, and shall cause a copy of each such appraisal to be filed in the permanent records of said city. Each such appraisal shall be made not earlier than 180 days prior to the consummation of such sale. In any case where each appraisal obtained pursuant to the provisions hereof sets forth a different value, the average of the market values stated in the separate appraisals shall be deemed to constitute the reasonable market value of the property. 3. This amendment shall be self-executing; but the legislature shall have the right and power by general, special or local act to adopt laws supplemental to this amendment or in furtherance of the purposes and objectives hereinabove set forth. 4. Said city shall not make any engagement or commitment or undertake any project under the provisions hereof unless and until the proposition has been approved and recommended to the governing body of said city by a majority vote of all the members of the industrial development board of the city of Anniston, or its successor, at a duly convened meeting of said board, said approval and recommendation to be evidenced by a certified copy of a resolution duly passed and adopted by said board and delivered to the city clerk of said city and unless and until the governing body of said city passes and adopts an ordinance approving and authorizing such proposition. Provided, however, no ordinance shall be passed and adopted by the governing body of said city under the provisions hereof unless and until the proposed ordinance has been published at least once a week for three consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation published within said city, together with a notice stating the time and place that the ordinance is to be considered by said governing body and stating further at such time and place all persons who desire shall have an opportunity of being heard in favor of or in opposition to such ordinance. The first publication of the proposed ordinance, together with said notice, shall be made not less than 18 days in advance of the passage and adoption of such proposed ordinance.
AMENDMENT 377 RATIFIED Consolidation and Abolition of Certain Offices and Establishment of Consolidated and Unified Tax System in Coffee County. The legislature may from time to time, by general or local law, provide for the establishment of a consolidated and unified system for the assessment and collection of taxes in Coffee county and for the consolidation of the offices of tax assessor and tax collector of such county into one office and for the abolition of the offices of tax assessor and tax collector of such county. Notwithstanding any provision of this Constitution to the contrary, the legislature may, by local law, provide for the election in 1978 to fill the office of tax assessor or tax collector, of Coffee county, or such other office created pursuant to this amendment. This authorization specifically includes, but it is not limited to, the power to suspend the general law relating to deadlines for filing qualifying documents and payment of fees, to set the terms of the offices named herein, and to prescribe the method of placing the names of the candidates on the ballot at the election. Unless otherwise provided herein, or by local law, the offices of tax assessor and tax collector of Coffee county shall be filled at the general election in 1978 for terms of two years, beginning October 1, 1979, and until a revenue commissioner of Coffee county is elected and qualified; and such revenue commissioner shall be elected at the general election of 1980 for an initial term of four years, beginning October 1, 1981, and until a successor is elected and qualified. Thereafter, unless otherwise provided by general or local law, the term of office of revenue commissioner of Coffee county shall be six years and until a successor is elected and qualified. Unless otherwise provided by the legislature, the revenue commissioner of Coffee county shall be charged with the performance of any duty provided by law for the tax assessor and tax collector of Coffee county, and his compensation shall be fixed by the governing body of the county. Immediately upon the beginning of the first term of the office of revenue commissioner of Coffee county, the offices of tax assessor and tax collector shall be abolished. If either of the offices of tax assessor or tax collector of Coffee county should become vacant at any time from the effective date of this amendment until October 1, 1981, the remaining officer shall thereupon become the revenue commissioner of Coffee county and shall serve as such for the balance of the term for which he was elected, and the offices of tax assessor and tax collector of Coffee county shall be abolished. Should this event occur 30 days or more before the general election of 1978, then the office of revenue commissioner of Coffee county shall be filled at such election for a term of six years, and until a successor is elected and qualified and any person who has qualified to have his name placed upon the ballot as a candidate for either tax assessor or tax collector of Coffee county shall be entitled to have his name placed upon the ballot as a candidate for revenue commissioner of Coffee county. This article of amendment shall not become operative unless the same is approved by a majority of the qualified electors of Coffee county who vote thereon upon its submission.
AMENDMENT 378 RATIFIED Fire Districts in Madison County. The legislature may, by general or local law, provide for the establishment of fire districts within Madison county to provide fire fighting and prevention services; and may authorize the levy and collection of certain rates, fees, charges or taxes for such services.
AMENDMENT 379 RATIFIED Fire Fighting Districts in Montgomery County. The governing body of Montgomery county is hereby authorized to establish and maintain fire fighting districts within Montgomery county. Said governing body is further authorized to enter into agreements with volunteer fire departments within such county for fire protection and services. Provided further, said governing body is hereby empowered to set fees for fire protection and to prescribe the manner of collection and distribution of such fees. The fire fighting districts herein authorized shall not include any corporate municipality of Montgomery county unless such municipality requests through resolution of its governing body to be included in such fire fighting program. Any act heretofore enacted regarding said Montgomery county fire fighting districts is hereby ratified and confirmed.
AMENDMENT 380 RATIFIED Cost and Charges of Probate Court, and Compensation of Certain Officers, of Russell County. The legislature may from time to time, by general or local laws, fix, alter and regulate the costs and charges of the probate courts in Russell county, and the fees, commissions, percentages, allowances and compensation of any officer of Russell county, and shall be authorized to place any such officer on a salary and to provide for the fees, commissions, percentages or allowances collectible by such officer to be paid into the treasury from which his salary is paid. The legislature is further authorized and empowered to delegate to the Russell county governing body its authority to regulate the salaries of county officers other than members of the county governing body.
AMENDMENT 381 RATIFIED Fire Fighting Districts and Fire Protection in Russell County. The county commission of Russell county is hereby authorized to establish fire fighting districts within such county and enter into agreements with volunteer fire departments within such county for fire protection and services. Said districts shall exclude any corporate municipality which does not request through its governing body by resolution to be made a part of and subject to the provisions of this amendment. The county commission of Russell county shall, at its next meeting after passage and approval of this amendment, appoint a committee consisting of the chief of each volunteer fire department within the county. The purpose of this committee will be to keep the commission informed and advised as to the status and needs of the departments and to assist the commission in the setting of priorities regarding fire protection and services. The county commission may, in its discretion, authorize the expenditure of public funds in support of any fire district. The Russell county commission may, upon recommendation of this committee, appoint a county fire marshal whose principal duty shall be the coordination of all fire protection within the county. This fire marshal shall perform such other tasks related to fire protection as may from time to time be assigned to him by the county commission. This amendment is not intended nor shall it be construed to limit the authority or scope of the volunteer fire departments within Russell county or their operation within said county.
AMENDMENT 382 RATIFIED Additional Special District School Tax. In addition to any and all taxes now authorized, or that may be hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, the several school districts of any in the state shall have power to levy and collect an additional special district school tax not exceeding thirty cents on each one hundred dollars worth of taxable property in such district for public school purposes in addition to that now authorized or that may hereafter be authorized for public school purposes; provided, that a school district under this section shall include incorporated cities or towns, or any school district of which an incorporated city or town is a part, or such other school districts now existing or hereafter formed as may be approved by the county board of education; provided, further, that the rate of such tax, the time it is to continue and the purpose thereof shall have been first submitted to the vote of the qualified electors of the district, and voted for a majority of those voting at such election.
AMENDMENT 383 RATIFIED Indemnification Program for Peanut Farmers. The legislature may hereafter, by general law, provide for an indemnification program to peanut farmers for losses incurred as a result of Aspergillus flavus and freeze damage in peanuts. The legislature is further authorized to provide means and methods for the financing of any such indemnification program by prescribing a procedure whereby peanut growers may by referendum among such growers levy upon themselves and collect assessments, fees or charges upon the sale of peanuts for the financing of any such indemnification program in cooperation with buyers, processors, dealers and handlers of peanuts; provided, no assessment levied hereunder shall exceed five dollars per ton on any peanuts sold by peanut growers. The legislature shall provide for the collection and distribution of any such assessments and provide penalties for fraud in the collection or distribution of such assessments. The legislature shall provide for the designation of a nonprofit association or organization organized for the promotion and betterment of peanut production to administer and carry out such indemnification program which shall include the conducting of elections or referendums among peanut growers and to cooperate with underwriters in executing a contract or contracts to cover claims for crop damage due to Aspergillus flavus or freeze damage. Assessments, fees or other charges collected or disbursed as authorized by any legislative act adopted in pursuance hereof shall not be considered as a tax within the meaning of this Constitution or any provision thereof.
AMENDMENT 384 RATIFIED Additional Probate Judgeship for Jefferson County. In Jefferson county there shall be an additional probate judgeship, designated probate judgeship No. 2. Such judge shall be learned in the law, over the age of twenty-five years and a resident of the county for one year next preceding the date of taking office. The additional judgeship shall be filled by appointment by the governor within ten days after the approval of this amendment by the electors and proclamation of the governor. The appointee shall hold office until his successor is elected and qualified as provided by Article VI. The judge for the additional judgeship shall be elected thereafter as are other probate judges in this state. The existing probate judgeship in Jefferson county shall be designated judgeship No. 1. The present judge shall fill judgeship No. 1 and shall be the presiding judge. Candidates for the offices of probate judge in Jefferson county shall designate whether they are candidates for the office of the presiding judgeship which shall be designated probate judgeship No. 1 or for the office of probate judgeship No. 2. The probate judge appointed or elected for probate judgeship No. 2 shall have and exercise all the jurisdiction, power, right and authority; he shall possess all of the qualifications, perform all of the duties required; and he shall be subject to all the pains and penalties of such office as any other such judge is subject to in Jefferson county. The expense allowances and supplements of judgeship No. 2 shall be paid in the same manner and shall be in the same amount as that of the presiding probate judge in the county. The salary of judgeship No. 2 shall be in an amount equal to 95 percent of the salary of the presiding judge in the county. The presiding judge of the probate court in Jefferson county shall have precedence and preside at any session of court which he attends. The presiding judge shall divide the work and business of the probate court among the judges and other employees of the court and shall assign the cases to the judges of said court. The presiding judge shall employ and appoint any and all clerks, clerical help and other assistants and court officers of the probate court allowed by law. The administrative powers and duties of the probate judges and the probate court shall be under the general authority, supervision and direction of the presiding judge. Whenever the probate judges cannot agree upon any administrative matter, the presiding judge shall decide and determine such administrative matter for said judges and the court.
AMENDMENT 385 RATIFIED Special Property Tax in City of Demopolis. The city of Demopolis shall have power to levy and collect a special property tax, in addition to all other taxes now or hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, of five mills on each dollar of taxable property situated therein, for public educational purposes; provided that before such tax may be levied and collected the question of levying the tax, the purpose thereof, and the time such tax is proposed to be continued shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the city and voted for by a majority of those voting at the election. The provisions of this amendment shall become self-executing upon approval by a majority of the qualified electors of the state and the majority of qualified electors of the city of Demopolis voting thereon. The election shall be ordered, held and conducted as provided by law for calling, holding and conducting district school tax elections.
AMENDMENT 386 RATIFIED Operation of Bingo Games By Nonprofit Organizations in Jefferson County. The operation of bingo games for prizes or money by nonprofit organizations for charitable or educational purposes shall be legal in Jefferson county, subject to the provisions of any resolution or ordinance by the county governing body or the governing bodies of the respective cities and towns, within their respective jurisdictions. The said governing bodies shall have the authority to promulgate rules and regulations for the licensing and operation of bingo games, within their respective jurisdictions, provided, however, that said governing bodies must insure compliance with the following provisions: (a) No person under the age of 19 shall be permitted to play any game or games of bingo, nor shall any person under the age of 19 be permitted to conduct or assist in the conduct of any game of bingo; (b) No bingo license shall be issued to any nonprofit organization, unless such organization shall have been in existence for at least 24 months immediately prior to the issuance of the license; (c) Bingo games shall be operated only on the premises owned or leased by the nonprofit organization operating the bingo game. If the premises is leased, the rate of rental shall not be based on a percentage of receipts or profits resulting from the operation of bingo games; (d) No nonprofit organization shall enter into any contract with any individual, firm, association or corporation to have said individual or entity operate bingo games or concessions on behalf of the nonprofit organization, nor shall said nonprofit organization pay consulting fees to any individual or entity for any services performed in relation to the operation or conduct of a bingo game; (e) A nonprofit organization shall not lend its name or allow its identity to be used by any other person or entity in the operating or advertising of a bingo game in which said nonprofit organization is not directly and solely operating said bingo game; (f) Prizes given by any nonprofit organization for the playing of bingo games shall not exceed $1,200.00 in cash or gifts of equivalent value during any bingo session or $2,400.00 in cash or gifts of equivalent value during any calendar week; (g) No person or organization, by whatever name or composition thereof, shall take any salary, expense money, or fees as remuneration for services rendered in the operation of any bingo game.
AMENDMENT 387 RATIFIED Operation of Bingo Games by Nonprofit Organizations in Madison County. The operation of bingo games for prizes or money by nonprofit organizations for charitable or educational purposes shall be legal in Madison county, subject to the provisions of any resolution or ordinance by the county governing body or the governing bodies of the respective cities and towns, within their respective jurisdictions. The said governing bodies shall have the authority to promulgate rules and regulations for the licensing and operation of bingo games, within their respective jurisdictions, provided, however, that said governing bodies must insure compliance with the following provisions: (a) No person under the age of 19 shall be permitted to play any game or games of bingo, nor shall any person under the age of 19 be permitted to conduct or assist in the conduct of any game of bingo; (b) No bingo license shall be issued to any nonprofit organization, unless such organization shall have been in existence for at least 23 months immediately prior to the issuance of the license; (c) Bingo games shall be operated only on the premises owned or leased by the nonprofit organization operating the bingo game. If the premises is leased, the rate of rental shall not be based on a percentage of receipts or profits resulting from the operation of bingo games; (d) No nonprofit organization shall enter into any contract with any individual, firm, association or corporation to have said individual or entity operate bingo games or concessions on behalf of the nonprofit organization, nor shall said nonprofit organization pay consulting fees to any individual or entity for any services performed in relation to the operation or conduct of a bingo game; (e) A nonprofit organization shall not lend its name or allow its identity to be used by any other person or entity in the operating or advertising of a bingo game in which said nonprofit organization is not directly and solely operating said bingo game; (f) Prizes given by any nonprofit organization for the playing of bingo games shall not exceed $1,000.00 in cash or gifts of equivalent value during any bingo session or $2,000.00 in cash or gifts of equivalent value during any calendar week; (g) No person or organization, by whatever name or composition thereof, shall take any salary, expense money, or fees as remuneration for services rendered in the operation of any bingo game.
AMENDMENT 388 RATIFIED Promotion of Production, Distribution, etc., of Peanuts, Milk and Cotton. The legislature may hereafter, by general law, provide for the promotion of the production, distribution, improvement, marketing, use and sale of peanuts, milk and cotton. The legislature may provide for the promotion of peanuts, milk and cotton and peanut, milk and cotton products by research, education, advertising and other methods, and the legislature is further authorized to provide means and methods for the financing of any such promotional activity by prescribing a procedure whereby growers of peanuts, and producers of milk and cotton may by referendum among such growers and producers levy upon themselves and collect assessments, fees or charges upon the sale of peanuts, milk and cotton for the financing of any such promotional program or activity in cooperation with buyers, processors, dealers and handlers of peanuts, milk and cotton. The legislature may make provisions for the nonpayment of assessments by peanut growers and milk and cotton producers, and shall make provisions for the refund of assessments to any peanut growers and milk or cotton producers who do not desire to participate in an assessment program. The legislature shall provide for the collection, disbursement, distribution or expenditure of assessments or charges authorized hereunder and to provide penalties for failure to make collection and distribution of assessments. The legislature shall provide for the designation of a nonprofit association or organization for the promotion and betterment of peanuts, milk and cotton and peanut, milk and cotton products to administer and carry out such promotional program which shall include the conducting of elections or referendums among growers of peanuts and producers of milk and cotton. The legislature may provide the manner by which such referendum is held, including the procedure for application for approval to conduct the referendum, the appropriate action to be taken by the state board of agriculture and industries on such application, the requirements and eligibility of the association or organization which will conduct such referendum, the procedures for voting and eligibility to vote in such referendum, the details of the conduct of such referendum. The legislature shall further provide for the deposit, withdrawal, disbursement and expenditure by the designated association of any funds received subject to the supervision and control of the activities as authorized herein by the department of agriculture and industries and the state board of agriculture and industries. The legislature shall further provide a procedure whereby said association or organization is bonded, for the examination and auditing of said association or organization, and for reasonably necessary rules and regulations to be adopted by the state board of agriculture and industries to effectively carry out the intent and purposes herein enumerated. The legislature shall provide, by enabling legislation, the definition of peanut growers and producers. Assessments, fees or other charges collected as authorized by any legislative act adopted under authority hereof shall not be considered as a tax within the meaning of this Constitution or any provision thereof. Any uniformity requirements of this Constitution shall be satisfied by the application of the program upon peanuts, milk and cotton.
AMENDMENT 389 RATIFIED Validation of Certain Population Based Acts and Method for Amendment Thereof. Any statute that was otherwise valid and constitutional that was enacted before January 13, 1978, by the legislature of this state and was a general act of local application on a population basis, that applied only to a certain county or counties or a municipality or municipalities of this state, shall not be declared invalid or unconstitutional by any court of this state because it was not properly advertised in compliance with section 106 of this Constitution. All such population based acts shall forever apply only to the county or counties or municipality or municipalities to which they applied on January 13, 1978, and no other, despite changes in population. The population based acts referred to above shall only be amended by acts which are properly advertised and passed by the legislature in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution.
AMENDMENT 390 RATIFIED Termination of Alimony Upon Remarriage or Cohabitation of Spouse. The legislature may pass laws to provide for the termination of alimony upon the remarriage of the spouse receiving the alimony or upon such spouse living openly or cohabiting with a member of the opposite sex. Such laws may be made to apply retrospectively.
AMENDMENT 391 RATIFIED Costs and Charges of Court and Compensation of Certain Officers of Escambia County. The legislature may, from time to time, by general or local laws applicable to or operative in Escambia county and approved by a majority of the qualified electors of Escambia county at a referendum election, fix, regulate, and alter the costs and charges of court and the fees, commissions, allowances, and salaries, including the method and basis of their compensation, to be charged or received by the county officials of Escambia county; and may place any or all of such officials on a salary and provide for the fees, commissions, allowances, and percentages collectible by such officials to be paid into the treasury from which their salaries are paid. In the event this amendment is approved and a majority of the qualified electors of said county who vote thereon vote in favor of the adoption of this amendment when it is submitted, then any law theretofore passed which places any officials in Escambia county on a salary basis, or any law fixing, regulating, and altering the costs and charges of court and the fees, commissions, allowances, and salaries of any official in Escambia county, may become effective without any other election having been held thereon. In the event this amendment is approved and a majority of the qualified electors of said county who vote thereon vote against its approval, then such act or acts shall have no further force or effect.
AMENDMENT 392 RATIFIED Fire Fighting Districts and Fire Protection in Lee County. The county commission of Lee county is hereby authorized to establish fire fighting districts within such county and enter into agreements with volunteer fire departments within such county for fire protection and services. Said districts shall exclude any corporate municipality which does not request through its governing body by resolution to be made a part of and subject to the provisions of this amendment. The county commission of Lee county shall, at its next meeting after passage and approval of this amendment, appoint a committee consisting of the chief of each volunteer fire department within the county. The purpose of this committee will be to keep the commission informed and advised as to the status and needs of the departments and to assist the commission in the setting of priorities regarding fire protection and services. The county commission may, in its discretion, authorize the expenditure of public funds in support of any fire district. The Lee county commission may, upon recommendation of this committee, appoint a county fire marshal whose principle [principal] duty shall be the coordination of all fire protection within the county. This fire marshal shall perform such other tasks related to fire protection as may from time to time be assigned to him by the county commission. This amendment is not intended nor shall it be construed to limit the authority or scope of the volunteer fire departments within Lee county or their operation within said county.
AMENDMENT 393 RATIFIED Amendment of Amendment No. 351. It is hereby proposed that Amendment CCCLI [351] to the Constitution of Alabama which was proposed as Act No. 545, Regular Session, 1975, and proclaimed ratified by the Governor of Alabama on January 22nd, 1976, as amended, be further amended by inserting the words "and other general health purposes; provided however, the portion of such tax, levied and collected, allocated to general health purposes shall in no event exceed fifty percent (50%) of such tax, levied and collected;" in the first sentence of Amendment CCCLI [351] so that the first sentence of said Amendment CCCLI [351] shall read as follows: The legislature may authorize the levy and collection of a one mill ad valorem tax in Mobile county on real and personal property that is subject to such tax under the laws of this state for the purpose of controlling mosquitos, rodents and other vectors of public health and welfare significance and other general health purposes; provided however, the portion of such tax, levied and collected, allocated to general health purposes shall in no event exceed fifty percent (50%) of such tax, levied and collected; and any acts of the legislature on this subject applicable to Mobile county that were enacted prior to the adoption of this amendment are hereby validated and reconfirmed.
AMENDMENT 394 RATIFIED Alabama Heritage Trust Fund. Section 1. Creation of Trust Fund. For the continuing benefit of the state of Alabama and the citizens thereof, there is hereby created an irrevocable, permanent trust fund named "The Alabama Heritage Trust Fund" which shall be funded and administered in accordance with the provisions of this amendment. Section 2. Definitions. As used in this amendment, the following words and phrases shall have the following respective meanings: "ALABAMA HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY" means (i) the public corporation and instrumentality of the state organized pursuant to the provisions of Act No. 80-585 enacted at the 1980 Regular Session of the legislature or (ii) any other public corporation and instrumentality of the state which performs substantially the same functions as said corporation organized pursuant to said Act No. 80-585 and which is declared by the legislature to be a successor thereto or replacement thereof. "AMORTIZED PREMIUM", when used with reference to any eligible investment acquired for a purchase price (exclusive of accrued interest) reflecting a premium above the face or par amount thereof, means an amount determined by first dividing the total dollar amount of the premium at which such investment was purchased by the number of days between the date of purchase and the maturity of such investment (or other date when the principal thereof is contractually required to be paid to the holder thereof) and by then multiplying the quotient so obtained by the number of days between the date of purchase and the date as of which such amount is to be determined. "BOARD" means the board of trustees of the trust fund. "COMMISSION" means the "Alabama Heritage Trust Fund Legislative Oversight Commission" created in this amendment. "ELIGIBLE INVESTMENTS" means any of the following: (1) Demand deposits (whether or not interest bearing) in federally insured banks, interest bearing time deposits (whether or not evidenced by certificates of deposit) in federally insured banks, and banker's acceptances endorsed and guaranteed by federally insured banks; provided that non-interest bearing deposits shall constitute an eligible investment for moneys in the trust fund for only so long as sound business practice shall require such moneys to be held in such deposits pending the investment thereof in other eligible investments or the disbursement thereof in accordance with the provisions of this amendment; provided further that the aggregate amount of deposits (including both demand and time deposits) of the trust fund in any one bank at any time plus the aggregate amount of banker's acceptances of such bank then held by the trust fund (i) shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of the total trust capital and (ii) shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of the combined capital, surplus and undivided profits of such bank unless any excess of the combined amount of deposits and banker's acceptances over ten percent of such combined capital, surplus and undivided profits shall be secured by obligations described in subdivisions (2) and (3) of this definition having at all times a market value (exclusive of accrued interest) at least equal to such excess amount of deposits and banker's acceptances, including accrued interest thereon; (2) Bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness that are direct obligations of the United States of America or that are unconditionally guaranteed as to both principal and interest by the United States of America; (3) Bonds, debentures, notes or other evidences of indebtedness issued or guaranteed by any of the following agencies or corporations: Federal Farm Credit Bank, Federal Intermediate Credit Banks, the Export-Import Bank of the United States, Federal Land Banks, the Federal National Mortgage Association, the Tennessee Valley Authority, the Governmental National Mortgage Association, the Federal Financing Bank, the Farmers Home Administration, or any agency or instrumentali
AMENDMENT 395 RATIFIED Issuance of Interest Bearing Bonds for Specified Purposes. The state of Alabama is authorized to become indebted and to sell and issue its interest bearing bonds, in addition to all other bonds of the state, in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $520,000,000. The expenses incurred in the sale and issuance of said bonds shall be paid out of the proceeds derived from the sale thereof. The proceeds of said bonds shall be paid into the state treasury, shall be kept continually invested pending the expenditure thereof, and shall, together with the income derived from the investment and reinvestment thereof (including income derived from the investment and reinvestment of previously derived income), be retained in one or more separate accounts of the state treasury until expended for the purposes authorized in this amendment and in the manner provided by law. The proceeds of said bonds remaining after payment of the expenses of selling and issuing the same, together with the investment income derived from said proceeds, shall be used solely for the purpose of paying the capital costs of public facilities and works of internal improvement consisting of (i) public roads, streets, highways and bridges, (ii) buildings, equipment and other facilities for public schools, public technical and vocational schools and public institutions of higher education, (iii) state prisons, facilities for the housing, training, education or rehabilitation of prisoners, and other facilities necessary or useful in connection with prisons and other penal or correctional facilities, (iv) mental hospitals and other mental health facilities, (v) the improvement of navigation in Mobile Harbor by the deepening and widening of channels therein and the construction and installation of dock and wharf facilities in Mobile Harbor and on navigable inland waterways, (vi) the renovation and restoration of buildings in the main governmental complex of the state, including the State Capitol Building and the present headquarters office building of the state highway department, (vii) the construction and equipment of a new headquarters office building for the state highway department, (viii) facilities for the Alabama department of youth services, (ix) the renovation and restoration of the State Coliseum in Montgomery county, (x) public parks and park facilities, the acquisition of land for conservation and preservation by the Alabama department of conservation and natural resources, the planting of shells to be used as mulch for the improvement of oyster cultivation and other maricultural activities in Alabama coastal waters, bays and sounds, and (xi) equipment for the Alabama Educational Television Commission. The legislature shall enact appropriate implementing laws to provide for the sale and issuance of the bonds authorized by this amendment, to appropriate and allocate the proceeds thereof, together with the investment income derived from said proceeds, among the hereinbefore described purposes, and otherwise to carry out the intent and purpose of this amendment. The state of Alabama is also authorized to become indebted and to sell and issue one or more series of bonds to refund all or any of the bonds authorized by this amendment in such principal amount or amounts (which may exceed the principal amount of the bonds being refunded) and in such manner as may be provided by law duly enacted by the legislature. All bonds issued pursuant to this amendment (including refunding bonds) may be sold at public or private sale, with or without competitive bidding, to such person or persons, at such price or prices and upon such terms as the governor, the director of finance and the state treasurer shall determine to be in the best interests of the state. All such bonds (including refunding bonds) shall be direct, general obligations of the state, and the full faith and credit of the state are hereby irrevocably pledged for the prompt and faithfu
AMENDMENT 396 RATIFIED Payment by State of Expenses Incurred by Alabama Housing Finance Authority. Any provision of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901 or amendments thereto to the contrary notwithstanding, the legislature may from time to time by law provide for the payment by the state of Alabama of expenses incurred by the Alabama Housing Finance Authority (organized pursuant to the provisions of Act No. 80-585 enacted at the 1980 Regular Session of the legislature) in the exercise of the powers granted to it by law, including, but without limitation, expenses incurred by the Alabama Housing Finance Authority in the issuance of its bonds and the utilization of the proceeds therefrom to make or acquire mortgage loans to private persons, firms or corporations that are secured by mortgages on single or multi-family residential property located in the state. The legislature may appropriate moneys from any available source for the direct payment of such expenses or it may authorize the transfer of moneys to the Alabama Housing Finance Authority to be used for that purpose. Notwithstanding the payment by the state, either directly or indirectly, in any manner authorized herein, of the expenses incurred by the Alabama Housing Finance Authority, no bonds or others evidences of indebtedness issued by the Alabama Housing Finance Authority shall be deemed to constitute an indebtedness of the state within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory provision whatsoever, nor shall any action taken by the Alabama Housing Finance Authority be deemed to constitute a lending of money or credit by the state to any individual, association, or corporation, or a participation by the state in works of internal improvement, within the meaning of Section 93 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended. This amendment shall have no force and effect after December 31, 1983, and shall not constitute a part of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901 after such date, but the expiration thereof on such date shall not be considered by any court as a reason for holding unconstitutional any law which would have been constitutional without the adoption of this amendment.
AMENDMENT 397 RATIFIED Amendment of Section 110. SECTION 110 "General law," "local law" and "special law" defined. A general law is a law which in its terms and effect applies either to the whole state, or to one or more municipalities of the state less than the whole in a class. A general law applicable to such a class of municipalities shall define the class on the basis of criteria reasonably related to the purpose of the law, provided that the legislature may also enact and change from time to time a general schedule of not more than eight classes of municipalities based on population according to any designated federal decennial census, and general laws for any purpose may thereafter be enacted for any such class. Any law heretofore enacted which complies with the provisions of this section shall be considered a general law. No general law which at the time of its enactment applies to only one municipality of the state shall be enacted, unless notice of the intention to apply therefor shall have been given and shown as provided in Section 106 of this Constitution for special, private or local laws; provided, that such notice shall not be deemed to constitute such law a local law. A special or private law is one which applies to an individual, association or corporation. A local law is a law which is not a general law or a special or private law. Act No. 79-263 (House Bill No. 68) entitled "An Act to establish eight classes of municipalities, by population, based on the 1970 Federal decennial census" approved June 28, 1979, and each and every Act of the legislature thereafter enacted referred or relating to a class of municipalities as established in said Act No. 79-263 are hereby in all things ratified, approved, validated and confirmed as of the date of their enactment, any provision or provisions of the Constitution of Alabama, as amended, to the contrary notwithstanding.
AMENDMENT 398 RATIFIED Certain County Revenue Securities not to Constitute Bonds or Indebtedness. Revenue bonds or other revenue securities at any time issued by a county for the purpose of extending, enlarging or improving any water, sewer, gas or electric system then owned by such county shall not be deemed to constitute bonds or indebtedness of such county within the meaning of Sections 222, 224 or Amendment No. 342 of this Constitution, if by their terms such bonds or other securities are not made a charge on the general credit or tax revenues of the issuing county and are made payable solely out of revenues derived from the operation of any one or more of such systems.
AMENDMENT 399 RATIFIED Amendment of Section 264. SECTION 264 Board of trustees of state university. The state university shall be under the management and control of a board of trustees, which shall consist of two members from each congressional district in the state, an additional member from the congressional district which includes the site of the first campus of the university, the superintendent of education, and the governor, who shall be ex officio president of the board. The members of the board of trustees as now constituted shall hold office until their respective terms expire under existing law, and until their successors shall be elected and confirmed as hereinafter required. The additional trustees provided for by this amendment shall be elected by the existing members of the board, and confirmed by the senate in the manner provided below, for initial terms of not more than six years established by the board so that one term shall expire each three years in each congressional district. Successors to the terms of the existing and additional trustees shall hold office for a term of six years, and shall not serve more than three consecutive full six-year terms on the board; provided however that a trustee shall retire from the board and vacate office at the annual meeting of the board following that trustee's seventieth birthday. Election of additional and successor trustees or of trustees to fill any vacancy created by the expiration of a term or by the death or resignation of any member or from any other cause shall be by the remaining members of the board by secret ballot; provided, that any trustee so elected shall hold office from the date of election until confirmation or rejection by the senate, and, if confirmed, until the expiration of the term for which elected, and until a successor is elected. At every meeting of the legislature the superintendent of education shall certify to the senate the names of all who shall have been so elected since the last session of the legislature, and the senate shall confirm or reject them, as it shall determine is for the best interest of the university. If it rejects the names of any members, it shall thereupon elect trustees in the stead of those rejected. No trustee shall receive any pay or emolument other than his actual expenses incurred in the discharge of his duties as such. Upon the vacation of office by a trustee, the board, if it desires, may bestow upon a trustee the honorary title of trustee emeritus, but such status shall confer no responsibilities, duties, rights, or privileges as such.
AMENDMENT 400 RATIFIED Promotion of Production, Distribution, etc., of Swine and Swine Products. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Constitution, the legislature may hereafter, by general law, provide for the promotion of, the production, research, distribution, marketing, use, improvement and sale of swine and swine products. The legislature may provide for the promotion of swine and the swine industry by research, education, advertising and other methods, and the legislature is further authorized to provide means and methods for the financing of any such promotional activity by prescribing a procedure whereby producers of swine may by referendum held among the swine producers in this state levy upon themselves and collect assessments, fees, or charges upon the sale of swine for the financing of any promotional program or activity in cooperation with processors, dealers and handlers, of swine and swine products. The legislature may make provisions for the nonpayment of assessments by swine producers and shall make provisions for the refund of assessments to any swine producer dissatisfied with the assessment program. The legislature shall provide for the collection and distribution of any such assessments or charges by dealers, handlers, processors and purchasers of swine and swine products and provide penalties for failure to make collection and distribution of such assessments. The legislature shall provide for the designation of a nonprofit association or organization organized for the promotion and betterment of swine and swine products to administer and carry out such promotional program which shall include the conducting of elections or referendums among swine producers. The legislature may provide the manner by which such referendum is held, including the procedure for application for approval to conduct the referendum, the appropriate action to be taken by the state board of agriculture and industries on such application, the requirements and eligibility of the association or organization which will conduct such referendum, the procedures for voting and eligibility to vote in such referendum and the details of the conduct of such referendum. The legislature shall further provide for the deposit, withdrawal, disbursement and expenditure by the designated association of any funds received subject to the supervision and control of the activities as authorized herein by the department of agriculture and industries and the state board of agriculture and industries. The legislature shall further provide a procedure whereby said association or organization is bonded, for the examination and auditing of said association or organization, and for reasonably necessary rules and regulations to be adopted by the state board of agriculture and industries to effectively carry out the intent and purposes herein enumerated. Assessments, fees or other charges collected as authorized by any legislative act adopted in pursuance hereof shall not be considered as a tax within the meaning of this Constitution or any provision thereof. Any uniformity requirements of this Constitution shall be satisfied by the application of the program upon swine and swine products.
AMENDMENT 401 RATIFIED Amendment of Amendment No. 315. The legislature may hereafter, by general law, provide for the promotion of the production, distribution, improvement, marketing, use and sale of soybeans. The legislature may provide for the promotion of soybeans and soybean products by research, education, advertising and other methods, and the legislature is further authorized to provide means and methods for the financing of any such promotional activity by prescribing a procedure whereby producers of soybeans may by referendum among such producers levy upon themselves and collect assessments, fees, or charges upon the sale of soybeans for the financing of any such promotional program or activity in cooperation with buyers, processors, dealers, and handlers of soybeans. The legislature may make provisions for the nonpayment of assessments by soybean producers, and shall make provisions for the refund of assessments to any soybean producer who does not desire to participate in an assessment program. The legislature shall provide for the collection, disbursement, distribution or expenditure of assessments or charges authorized hereunder and to provide penalties for failure to make collection and distribution of assessments. The legislature shall provide for the designation of a nonprofit association or organization for the promotion and betterment of soybeans and soybean products to administer and carry out such promotional program which shall include the conducting of elections or referendums among producers of soybeans. The legislature may provide the manner by which such referendum is held, including the procedure for application for approval to conduct the referendum, the appropriate action to be taken by the state board of agriculture and industries on such application, the requirements and eligibility of the association or organization which will conduct such referendum, the procedures for voting and eligibility to vote in such referendum, the details of the conduct of such referendum. The legislature shall further provide for the deposit, withdrawal, disbursement and expenditure by the designated association of any funds received subject to the supervision and control of the activities as authorized herein by the department of agriculture and industries and the state board of agriculture and industries. The legislature shall further provide a procedure whereby said association or organization is bonded, for the examination and auditing of said association or organization, and for reasonably necessary rules and regulations to be adopted by the state board of agriculture and industries to effectively carry out the intent and purposes herein enumerated. Assessments, fees or other charges collected as authorized by any legislative act adopted under authority hereof shall not be considered as a tax within the meaning of this Constitution or any provision thereof. Any uniformity requirements of this Constitution shall be satisfied by the application of the program upon soybeans.
AMENDMENT 402 RATIFIED Special Property Tax in Chilton County. The county commission of Chilton county shall have the power to levy and collect a special property tax, in addition to all other taxes now or hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, not exceeding two and one-half mills on each dollar's worth of taxable property outside the corporate limits of any incorporated municipality in the county, as assessed for state taxation during the preceding year, the proceeds of which shall be used exclusively for fire, medical and emergency services to areas outside the incorporated municipalities of the county. The tax assessor of Chilton county shall assess the tax herein provided for, and the tax collector of Chilton county shall collect the tax, in the same manner and method that other ad valorem taxes are collected, and the funds shall be distributed to the Chilton county commission to be distributed by said commission, in equal shares, to all of the rural fire departments in said county that have and maintain an insurance services office of Alabama approved rating. After the special tax shall have been levied for a period of twenty years from the date of ratification of this amendment, it shall be discontinued unless a majority of qualified electors of Chilton county, participating in an election called by the county commission, shall vote in favor of its continuance. This amendment shall not become operative as to Chilton county unless the same is approved by a majority of the qualified electors of Chilton county who vote thereon upon its submission.
AMENDMENT 403 RATIFIED Costs and Charges of Courts, and Compensation of Probate Judge of Henry County. The legislature may, from time to time, by general or local laws applicable to or operative in Henry county, fix, regulate, and alter the costs and charges of courts and fees, commissions, allowances, and salaries, including the method and basis of compensation, to be charged or received by the judge of probate of Henry county; and may place the judge of probate on a salary and provide for the fees, commissions, allowances, and percentages collectible by such officer to be paid into the treasury from which his salary is paid. This amendment shall not have been adopted unless a majority of the qualified electors of Henry county who participate in the election held on the adoption of this amendment vote in favor thereof.
AMENDMENT 404 RATIFIED School District Tax in Lauderdale County. The Lauderdale county school district of Lauderdale county shall, subject to authorization at an election in each local school tax district as hereinafter provided, have power to levy and collect a special district tax, at a rate not exceeding ten mills on each dollar of the assessed valuation of the taxable property in such district for public school purposes therein, which special tax shall be in addition to all taxes now authorized or that may hereafter be authorized by the Constitution of Alabama to be levied in such district; provided, that no tax shall be levied under this amendment unless the rate of such tax, the time it is to continue, and the purpose thereof shall have been first submitted to the vote of the qualified electors of the local school tax district in which the tax is proposed to be levied and shall have been authorized by a majority of the qualified electors voting at the election at which the submission is made. Each election held under this amendment shall be called and held, the ballots canvassed, the results declared, and the tax levied and collected in the same manner as is now or may hereafter be provided by law in the case of school district taxes authorized by Amendment No. 3 to the Constitution of Alabama, except that no countywide or systemwide tax shall be required to be levied as a condition precedent to either the authorization or levy of a local school district tax under this amendment. The holding of one election shall not preclude a later election in the same district under the authority of this amendment. The proceeds of any special district tax authorized by this amendment shall be expended solely for capital outlay purposes in the public schools in the district in which the tax shall be levied. The county board of education of Lauderdale county may from time to time, without the necessity of any election, change the boundaries of any local school tax district at any time existing in the county, or consolidate any two or more school districts therein, if the taxes authorized to be levied for public school purposes in all of the territory in such district after such change of boundaries or consolidation is effected shall be at the same aggregate rate and for the same duration of time; provided, that nothing contained herein shall be construed to impair or permit the impairment of the obligation of any contract created with respect to any securities theretofore issued with respect to any school district. The provisions of the preceding sentence shall not be deemed to abridge any existing power conferred on the said county board of education by any existing law, but shall be in addition thereto.
AMENDMENT 405 RATIFIED Combination of Offices of Tax Assessor and Tax Collector in Lauderdale County. The legislature may by local act authorize the county commission of Lauderdale county, by resolution of such commission passed not later than April 1, 1984, to combine the offices of tax assessor and tax collector in said county effective September 30, 1984. If this amendment is passed by a majority of the qualified electors of the state and of said county who vote thereon when it is submitted, then any law theretofore passed which combines the offices of tax assessor and tax collector in said county shall become effective. If this amendment is approved and a majority of the qualified electors of said county who vote thereon vote against its approval, then such act or acts shall have no further force or effect.
AMENDMENT 406 RATIFIED Repeal of Amendment No. 132. Amendment No. 132 to the Constitution of 1901, relating to the abolishing of Macon county is hereby repealed. The repeal of this amendment shall in no manner affect the other constitutional authority of the legislature with respect to changing boundaries.
AMENDMENT 407 RATIFIED Amendment of Amendment No. 218. (a) In addition to any taxes now authorized, or that may be hereafter authorized, by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, there is hereby levied a special school tax of fifty cents on each one hundred dollars worth of taxable property in the school tax district of the city of Huntsville in Madison county to be used solely for public school purposes; provided the levy of said tax shall first have been approved by the qualified electors of the school district as hereinafter provided. (b) The proceeds of said tax shall be used exclusively for public school purposes of any nature whatsoever in the school tax district of the city of Huntsville, Alabama. (c) The provisions of this Amendment to the Constitution of 1901, amending Amendment No. 218, allowing the proceeds from the tax levied herein to be used for school purposes of whatsoever nature within the district shall become effective upon the adoption of this Constitutional Amendment; provided, however, that the provisions of this amendment shall not become operative in the city of Huntsville unless approved by a majority of the qualified electors of the school tax district of the said city who vote thereon at a referendum election held for such purpose upon the call of the authorized official therein. Such election may be called no more frequently than every two years; provided further, that if this amendment is approved by a majority of the qualified electors of the school tax district of the city of Huntsville who vote thereon upon its submission, such election shall constitute a referendum held for such purpose and no further election need be called. Subsequent elections shall be called, held, conducted, paid for, and governed otherwise in the manner provided for an election on the school district tax authorized in Constitutional Amendment No. 3.
AMENDMENT 408 RATIFIED Procedure for Filling Vacancies in Office of Judge of Circuit Court and Office of Judge of District Court in Mobile County. All vacancies in the office of judge of the circuit court and the office of judge of the district court of Mobile county which shall occur subsequent to January 15, 1982, shall be filled in the manner and for the time as herein provided. The Mobile county judicial commission is hereby created for the purpose of nominating to the governor persons for appointment to such a vacancy. The members of such commission shall be (a) two persons who are members of the Alabama state bar, and (b) two persons who are not members of the Alabama state bar, and (c) one judge of the circuit court of Mobile county. All members of such commission must reside in the territorial jurisdiction of the circuit court of Mobile county. The two members of such commission who are required to be members of the Alabama state bar shall be elected by the members of such bar who are regularly licensed and qualified to practice law in this state and who reside in the territorial jurisdiction of the circuit court of Mobile county. The executive committee of the Mobile county bar association or its successor body in such capacity, is authorized and directed to make rules, not inconsistent with this amendment, for the election of such members of such commission as are required to be members of the Alabama state bar. Such executive committee shall certify in writing to the probate judge of Mobile county the names of the persons elected as members of such commission by such members of such bar. The senators and representatives in the Alabama legislature from Mobile county shall elect the two members of such commission who are required not to be members of the Alabama state bar. Such senators and representatives shall certify in writing to such probate judge the names of the persons elected by them as such members. The judges of the circuit court of Mobile county shall elect the member of such commission who is required to be a judge of such circuit court. The judges of such circuit court shall certify in writing to such probate judge the name of the circuit judge elected by such circuit judges as such member. The terms of office of all members of such commission shall be six years, except that the terms of office of the two members of the state bar first elected shall be for one and two years respectively, and of the two members first elected by the senators and representatives in the Alabama legislature from Mobile county shall be for three and four years respectively, and the term of the circuit judge elected by the circuit judges shall be for five years; the length of such terms of office of the members of such commission being indicated by the respective electing bodies. The terms of the initial members of such commission shall begin on January 16, 1982. A vacancy in the office of a member of such commission shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as such member was originally chosen. The probate judge of Mobile county shall record all such certificates of election and shall safely and permanently keep the original certificates. Forthwith upon his receipt and recordation of every such certificate, he shall send to the governor a certified copy of every such certificate. No member of such commission shall be eligible to succeed himself as such member or for nomination to the governor for appointment as judge of such circuit court or district court during the term of office for which such member shall have been selected. The members of such commission shall not receive any salary or other compensation for their services as such members. No member of such commission other than the member required to be a judge of the circuit court shall hold any public office, and no member of such commission shall hold any official position in any political party. If, subsequent to January 15, 1982, a vacancy occurs in
AMENDMENT 409 RATIFIED Additional Ad Valorem Tax in City of Alabaster. In the city of Alabaster in Shelby county, in addition to any and all other taxes heretofore levied, the municipal governing body is authorized to levy an additional ad valorem tax on personal and real property in an amount not to exceed 10 mills on each dollar of taxable property. Said tax shall be designated for the city general fund. Such additional tax shall be retroactive to the tax due as of October 1, 1973, and each year thereafter. The additional ad valorem tax imposed by this Act shall be collected at the same time and in the same manner as existing ad valorem taxes are collected. No vote by the electorate shall be necessary after the passage of this amendment to implement its provisions.
AMENDMENT 410 RATIFIED Indebtedness to Improve Roads and Bridges in Washington County. Washington county may become indebted and may issue bonds for the construction or improvement of public roads and bridges in said county in an amount not to exceed the debt limits prescribed for counties by this Constitution. To pay said indebtedness and interest thereon, Washington county may impose and collect an annual road paving fee on all motor vehicle licenses issued in the county. The indebtedness, the bonds and the fee authorized hereby shall be in addition to those authorized by the Constitution of Alabama prior to the adoption of this amendment. But no such additional indebtedness shall be created, and no such additional bonds shall be issued, and no such additional fee shall be levied, until each improvement or construction proposed to be built thereby and its approximate location shall have been determined upon and made public by the Washington county commission, and the proposed increase of indebtedness or issue of bonds or fee therefor shall have been first authorized by a majority vote by ballot of the qualified voters of Washington county voting upon such proposition. Any local, special or general legislation enacted by the legislature to augment or implement the provisions of this amendment need not be advertised as provided in Section 106 or any other provision of this Constitution.
AMENDMENT 411 RATIFIED Salaries, Fees, etc., of County Officials Charged with Assessing and Collecting Ad Valorem Taxes; Abolishment, Combination or Alteration of Offices of Tax Assessor, Tax Collector or License Commissioner. The legislature may, from time to time, by general or local law applicable to the various counties of this state, establish the salaries, fees, commissions or allowances to be charged or received by the tax assessors, tax collectors, license commissioners, revenue commissioners or other officials charged with the assessing and collecting of ad valorem taxes in the various counties of this state, including changing the method and basis of their compensation; and may place any or all of such officials on a salary and further provide for disposition of the fees, commissions, allowances or other compensation theretofore paid to such officials; and may provide that the salaries of such officials may be paid from the ad valorem taxes assessed and collected by them on a pro rata basis from the various funds receiving such ad valorem taxes; provided, however, that following the effective date of any general law passed pursuant to this constitutional amendment, the legislature may not thereafter either increase or decrease the salaries of such officials during any term for which such officials have been elected or appointed, and in the case of such officials who were converted from a fee basis to a salary basis of compensation, the legislature may not decrease the salaries of such officials during any term for which such officials have been elected or appointed or may be thereafter re-elected or re-appointed. The legislature may by local act provide for the abolishment, combination or other alteration of the offices of tax assessor, tax collector or license commissioner with approval of a majority of voters in the county affected. In the event this amendment is approved and subsequently ratified by the qualified electors of this state who vote thereon when it is submitted, then any law theretofore passed by the legislature addressing the subject matter covered by this amendment shall become effective according to the provisions of said law.
AMENDMENT 412 RATIFIED Costs and Charges of Courts in Calhoun County and Method of Disbursement Thereof. The county governing body may from time to time, by resolution fix, alter and regulate the costs and charges of courts in Calhoun county, and the method of disbursement thereof, upon notice to affected citizens not less than 60 days from the effective date. Provided, however, a majority of the qualified electors of the county shall first give approval therefor in an election called by the county governing body to determine this issue; provided further, however, that if a majority of the qualified electors of Calhoun county who participate in the election held on the adoption of this amendment vote in favor thereof, no further election need be held.
AMENDMENT 413 RATIFIED Operation of Bingo Games by Certain Nonprofit Organizations in Montgomery County. The operation of bingo games for prizes or money by certain nonprofit organizations for charitable, educational, or other lawful purposes shall be legal in Montgomery county, subject to the provisions of any resolution or ordinance by the county governing body or the governing bodies of the respective cities and towns, within their respective jurisdictions as provided by law regulating such operation. The said governing bodies shall have the authority to promulgate rules and regulations for the issuance of permits or licenses and for operation of bingo games, within their respective jurisdictions; provided, however, that said governing bodies must insure compliance pursuant to said law and the following provisions: (a) No person under the age of 19 shall be permitted to play any game or games of bingo, unless accompanied by a parent or guardian; nor shall any person under the age of 19 be permitted to conduct or assist in the conduct of any game of bingo; (b) No bingo permit or license shall be issued to any nonprofit organization, unless such organization shall have been in existence for at least 12 months immediately prior to the issuance of the permit or license; (c) Bingo games shall be operated only on the premises owned or leased by the nonprofit organization operating the bingo game. if the premises is leased, the rate or rental shall not be based on a percentage of receipts or profits resulting from the operation of bingo games; (d) No nonprofit organization shall enter into any contract with any individual, firm, association or corporation to have said individual or entity operate bingo games or concessions on behalf of the nonprofit organization, nor shall said nonprofit organization pay consulting fees to any individual or entity for any services performed in relation to the operation or conduct of a bingo game; (e) A nonprofit organization shall not lend its name or allow its identity to be used by any other person or entity in the operating or advertising of a bingo game in which said nonprofit organization is not directly and solely operating said bingo game; (f) Prizes given by any qualified nonprofit organization for the playing of bingo games shall not exceed the cash amount or gifts of equivalent value, set by the legislature, during any bingo session. The legislature shall set a maximum amount for any calendar week. (g) No person or organization, by whatever name or composition thereof, shall take any expenses for the operation of a bingo game except as permitted by law.
AMENDMENT 414 RATIFIED Judge of Probate of Bullock County; Compensation; Not to Serve on County Governing Body. The legislature may, from time to time, by general or local laws, fix, alter, and regulate the fees, commissions, percentages, allowances, and compensation, and the method or basis of fixing the compensation to be charged or received by the judge of probate of Bullock county, and may put such officer on a salary basis and provide that the fees, commissions, percentages, and allowances payable to such officer according to law shall be paid into the county treasury. The judge of probate of Bullock county shall not serve as the chairman, or as a member, of the county governing body.
AMENDMENT 415 RATIFIED Industrial Sites and Industrial Park Projects in Calhoun County and Municipalities Therein. For the promotion of local economic and industrial development, Calhoun county and each municipality situated in said county, shall, other provisions of law or this Constitution notwithstanding, have, independently or in cooperation with one or more of such governmental entities, full and continuing power (a) to purchase, lease or otherwise acquire land, or to utilize land heretofore purchased or otherwise acquired, and to improve and develop such land for use as industrial sites or industrial park projects, including, but not limited to, grading and the construction of roads, drainage, sewers, sewage and waste disposal systems, parking areas and utilities to serve said projects, (b) to lease, sell, grant, exchange or otherwise convey, on terms approved by the governing body of such county or municipality, all or any part of any such project to any person, firm or corporation, public or private, including any industrial development board, other public corporation, or authority heretofore or hereafter created by the county or any municipality therein, for the purpose of constructing or developing thereon, by such purchaser or leasee, and equipping and operating, industrial, transportation, distribution, warehouse or research facilities, and offices and other facilities auxiliary to the foregoing, and (c) to grant public funds to such industrial development boards, public corporations or authorities. Nothing herein shall authorize the county, or any municipality therein, to construct buildings for the purpose of lease or sale. In carrying out the purposes of this amendment, neither Calhoun county nor any municipality in said county shall be subject to the provisions of Sections 93 or 94 of the Constitution of Alabama, as amended, and the legislature shall have the power, by special or local law, to create, or provide for the creation of, any public corporation, authority, board, agency, or other entity empowered or intended to assist or aid in any way Calhoun county or any municipality therein in carrying out the purposes of this amendment and such special or local law shall not be subject to the provisions of Sections 104 and 106 of this Constitution, as amended. The provisions of this amendment shall be self-executing and the powers granted hereby may be exercised as alternative to, or cumulative with, and in no way restrictive of, powers otherwise granted by law to such county, or to any municipality therein, or to any agency, board, or authority created pursuant to the laws of this state. No action may be taken under this amendment by the said county or any of the municipalities therein until after the question of whether the county and the said municipalities shall have the authority to take such action shall have been submitted to the qualified electors of the county at an election called for that purpose by the governing body of the county and a majority of the said qualified voters voting at the said election shall have voted in favor of the county and the said municipalities having the authority to take such action; provided, that if a majority of the qualified electors of the county participating in the election on the adoption of this amendment shall vote for the adoption thereof, then the approval of this amendment expressed by said vote in favor of its adoption shall of itself authorize the taking of any and all action provided for in the first sentence of this amendment and no additional election by the electors of the county shall ever be required to authorize the taking of any such action. If the majority of the qualified electors of the county participating in the election on the adoption of this amendment shall not vote in favor of the adoption of this amendment, or if the majority of the qualified electors of the county voting in any election called by the governing body under the provisions of th
AMENDMENT 416 RATIFIED Costs and Charges of Courts in Clarke County. The legislature may, from time to time, by general or local laws, fix, alter and regulate the costs and charges of courts in Clarke county, and the method and disbursement thereof.
AMENDMENT 417 RATIFIED Abolition of Office of Constable in Fayette County. The office of constable in Fayette county, Alabama, may be abolished by a vote of a majority of the qualified electors of the county voting in a special election called by the county governing body to determine this issue; provided, however, that if a majority of the qualified electors of Fayette county who participate in the election held on the adoption of this amendment vote in favor thereof, no further election need be held.
AMENDMENT 418 RATIFIED Costs and Charges of Court and Compensation of Judge of Probate of Franklin County. The legislature may, by general or local laws, fix, alter, and regulate the costs and charges of court and the fees, commissions, percentages, allowances, and salary, including the method or basis of his compensation, to be charged or received by the judge of probate of Franklin county, and may place the judge of probate on a salary and provide that the fees, commissions, percentages, and allowances collected by the judge of probate shall be paid into the county treasury from which his salary shall be paid. The provisions of this constitutional amendment shall not be implemented in Franklin county until implementation is approved by a vote of a majority of the qualified electors of Franklin county voting in an election called by the county governing body to determine said issue; provided, however, that if a majority of the qualified electors of Franklin county who participate in the election held on the adoption of this amendment vote in favor thereof, no further election need be held.
AMENDMENT 419 RATIFIED Abolition of Office of Constable in Lamar County. The office of constable in Lamar county, Alabama, may be abolished by a vote of a majority of the qualified electors of the county voting in a special election called by the county governing body to determine this issue; provided, however, that if a majority of the qualified electors of Lamar county who participate in the election held on the adoption of this amendment vote in favor thereof, no further election need be held.
AMENDMENT 420 RATIFIED Additional Ad Valorem Tax in Macon County for Education Purposes. The legislature may authorize the levy and collection of a ten mill ad valorem tax in Macon county, in addition to all other taxes now or hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, on real and personal property that is subject to such tax under the laws of this state, for public education purposes. The tax authorized by this amendment shall not be levied in Macon county until it is approved by a vote of the electorate of said county or unless a majority of the qualified electors of Macon county who vote at the statewide election called for the submission of this amendment shall approve it.
AMENDMENT 421 RATIFIED Compensation of Judge of Probate of Pike County and Disposition of Charges, etc., Collectible by Such Official. The legislature may, from time to time, by general or local laws applicable to or operative in Pike county, place the judge of probate on a salary and provide for the disposition of such charges, costs, fees, commissions, allowances, and percentages collectible by such official.
AMENDMENT 422 RATIFIED Repeal of Amendment 196. Amendment No. 196 of the Constitution of 1901, relating to the costs and charges of courts and compensation of certain officers in St. Clair county is hereby repealed.
AMENDMENT 423 RATIFIED Consolidation of Offices of Tax Assessor and Tax Collector of Winston County Into Office of County Revenue Commissioner. The legislature may from time to time, by general or local law, provide for the establishment of a consolidated and unified system for the assessment and collection of taxes in Winston county and for the consolidation of the offices of tax assessor and tax collector of such county into one office to be known as the county revenue commissioner and for the abolition of the offices of tax assessor and tax collector of such county. Unless otherwise provided by law, the revenue commissioner of Winston county shall be charged with the performance of any duty provided by law for the tax assessor and tax collector of Winston county, and his compensation shall be fixed by law. Immediately upon the beginning of the first term of office of revenue commissioner of Winston county, the offices of tax assessor and tax collector shall be abolished.
AMENDMENT 424 RATIFIED Costs and Charges of Courts in Winston County and Distribution of Revenues Therefrom. The legislature may, from time to time, by general, special or local law, fix, regulate and alter the costs and charges of any court in Winston county and the method or basis of distribution of any revenues therefrom.
AMENDMENT 425 REPEALED Adoption of Proposed Constitutional Amendments Affecting Only One County. THIS AMENDMENT HAS BEEN REPEALED BY AMENDMENT 897 Any proposed constitutional amendment which affects or applies to only one county shall be adopted as a valid part of the constitution by a majority vote of the people of the county and in any political subdivision thereof so affected, provided that such proposed amendment has first been unanimously approved by at least a three-fifths vote of the elected members of each house and unanimously approved by a local constitutional amendment commission composed of the governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, secretary of state and speaker of the house of representatives and notice of such election, together with the proposed amendment shall be given by proclamation of the governor, which proclamation shall be published once a week for four successive weeks next preceding the day appointed for the election in each newspaper qualified to run legal notices in the county affected. The proposed local constitutional amendment shall then be approved by a majority vote of the qualified electors of the county and in any political subdivision thereof affected by such proposed amendment voting in a referendum election held for the purpose of determining if such proposed amendment shall become adopted as a valid part of the Constitution.
AMENDMENT 426 RATIFIED Amendment to Amendment No. 328, Article VI, Section 6.09(d). (d) The commission may submit a report to the legislature at any time within the first five calendar days of any session. The recommendations of the commission shall become law upon confirmation by a joint resolution or such recommendations may be altered by an act of the legislature at the session to which the report is submitted. The compensation of a judge shall not be diminished during his official term.
AMENDMENT 427 RATIFIED Alabama State House. In the event the legislature determines it to be necessary or desirable that the Capitol be repaired, renovated, restored, constructed or reconstructed, the legislature, by resolution, shall designate and provide a suitable place for the meeting of the legislature and the transacting of business of the legislative department. Such place shall be designated and known as the Alabama State House.
AMENDMENT 428 RATIFIED Amendment of Amendment No. 214. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Constitution, the legislature may hereafter, by general law, provide for the promotion of the production, distribution, marketing and use of poultry and poultry products. The legislature may provide for the promotion of poultry and poultry products and the poultry industry by research, education, advertising and other methods, and the legislature is further authorized to provide means and methods for the financing of any such promotional activity by prescribing a procedure whereby producers, owners or growers of poultry may by referendum held among such producers, owners or growers of poultry in this state levy upon themselves and collect assessments, fees, or charges upon the sale of poultry and poultry products for the financing of any such promotional program or activity in cooperation with processors, dealers, handlers and other buyers of poultry and poultry products. Provided, no assessment levied hereunder shall exceed two and one-half cents (2 1/2 ¢) per hen or other domesticated fowl or any other classes of poultry sold by producers thereof. The legislature is authorized to make provisions for nonpayment and for the refund of assessments levied upon owners, producers or growers of poultry to any such person who does not desire to participate in the promotional program. The legislature shall provide for the collection and distribution of assessments or charges authorized hereunder and to provide penalties for failure to make such collection and distribution of assessments. The legislature shall provide for the designation of a nonprofit association or organization organized for the promotion and betterment of poultry and poultry products in Alabama to administer and carry out such promotional program which shall include conducting elections or referendum among producers, owners or growers of poultry. The legislature shall further provide for the deposit, withdrawal, disbursement and expenditure by the designated association of any funds received subject to the supervision and control of the activities authorized herein by the department of agriculture and industries and the state board of agriculture and industries. Assessments, fees or other charges collected as authorized by any legislative act adopted under authority hereof shall not be considered as a tax within the meaning of this Constitution or any provision thereof. Any uniformity requirements of this Constitution shall be satisfied by the application of the program upon poultry and poultry products.
AMENDMENT 429 RATIFIED Promotion of Economic and Industrial Development in Certain Counties and Municipalities Therein. For the promotion of local economic and industrial development, the governing body of Bullock, Coffee, Coosa, Dallas, Etowah, Geneva, Houston, Jefferson, Lawrence, Macon, Marengo, Mobile, Morgan, Talladega, Madison, Shelby, and Tuscaloosa counties and of each municipality situated in said counties, other provisions of law or this Constitution notwithstanding, shall each have, independently or in cooperation with one or more of such governmental entities in such counties, full and continuing power (a) to purchase, lease or otherwise acquire, land, or to utilize land heretofore purchased or otherwise acquired, and to improve and develop such land for use as industrial site, or industrial park, projects, including, but not limited to, grading and the construction of roads, drainage, sewers, sewage and waste disposal systems, parking areas and utilities to serve said projects, and (b) to lease, sell, grant, exchange, or otherwise convey, on terms approved by the governing body of the county, or of municipality exercising such power, all, or any part of, any such project to any person, firm or corporation, public or private, including to any industrial development board or authority heretofore or hereafter created by any such county or municipality therein, for the purpose of the constructing, or developing thereon, by such purchaser or lessees, and the equipping and operating of, industrial, transportation, distribution, warehouse or research facilities, and of office and other facilities auxiliary to the foregoing. Nothing herein shall authorize the counties named, or any municipality there, to construct residential or any other buildings for the purpose of lease or sale. In carrying out the purposes of this amendment, neither the governing bodies of the counties named hereinabove, nor of any municipality situated in said counties to which this amendment is or becomes applicable, shall be subject to the provisions of sections 93 or 94 of the Constitution of Alabama, as amended. The provisions of this amendment shall be self-executing and the powers granted hereby may be exercised as alternative to, or cumulative with, and in no way restrictive of, powers otherwise granted by law to the governing body of such counties, or of any municipality therein, or to any agency, board, or authority created or approved thereby pursuant to this Constitution or the laws of this state. The names and addresses of all parties involved in conveyances of land herein provided, and the amount of any monies paid or received, shall be published in the newspaper in the county with the largest circulation. This amendment shall not be construed to grant any power of eminent domain in addition to that which may be provided otherwise by statute heretofore or hereafter enacted by the legislature of Alabama; nor shall this amendment be construed to affect the annexation statutes heretofore or hereafter enacted by said legislature. Furthermore, no county or municipality shall sell any real property acquired under the authority hereof for a price less than its actual purchase and development cost of such property, unless: (a) The price be approved at a public meeting of the governing body of such county or municipality; and (b) At least fourteen (14) days prior to such public meeting at which such price is approved by such governing body, it has published notice in the newspaper with the largest circulation in the county in which the property is located stating (1) the acreage proposed to be sold, (2) the section or sections or subdivisions of record in which the property is located, (3) the price per acre at which sale is proposed to be made, and (4) the place where a map of the property can be examined by the public; and (c) The price thus approved is no less than the price advertised as aforesaid; provided, however, that should any real prop
AMENDMENT 430 RATIFIED Consolidation of Offices of Tax Assessor and Tax Collector in Blount County. The legislature may from time to time, by general or local law, provide for the abolition of the offices of tax assessor and tax collector of Blount county and create a completely new office in such county and transfer to such office the duties of each of the said offices of tax assessor and tax collector in such county; provided that the officer to fill the newly created office will be compensated for the performance of the duties of said office by a salary fixed according to law.
AMENDMENT 431 RATIFIED Membership and Powers of Bullock County Development Authority. As used in this amendment, "the authority" means the Bullock county development authority authorized and established pursuant to Amendment 128 to this Constitution; "board" means the governing body of the authority; "member" means a member of the board; "commission" means the Bullock county commission; "jail and county buildings" means the Bullock county jail or other facility for holding prisoners and shall include any building owned and construed [constructed] by the county or a building authority and occupied by the county, or a state or federal government agency or entity; "building authority" means the entity established or to be established to finance and construct a jail and county buildings; and "industrial tax" means the tax authorized and imposed under the authority of Amendment 128 of this Constitution. The authority is hereby granted continuing and permanent status. The membership of the authority is hereby fixed at seven (7). Each member shall serve a term of six (6) years and shall not serve more than two consecutive terms; provided however, that a member shall continue to serve until a successor is appointed. When a vacancy occurs or upon expiration of a term of a member, the remaining members shall nominate three reputable citizens interested in county development and present their names to the commission which by majority vote shall appoint one of the nominees to the board. If the commission fails to appoint one of the original nominess [nominees], the remaining members shall nominate three additional citizens in accordance with the aforementioned procedure. If the commission fails to appoint one of the six nominees, then the remaining members shall continue to submit nominees according to the aforementioned procedure until the commission appoints a member. All expenditures, bids and contrcts [contracts] respecting the industrial tax, except those made by the building authority, shall be in the name and under the control of the authority; provided, however, except as provided in the third sentence of this paragraph, no industrial tax funds shall hereafter be expended without the approval of the commission. The authority may borrow money and expend funds for educational and health purposes and to enhance or develop other resources for the purpose of attracting industry to Bullock county. The authority may expend or appropriate or pledge or contract to pay over to the building authority for as long as its original issue of bonds or warrants is outstanding not more than one-half of the industrial tax revenues, subject to all prior commitments thereof for debt service, debt retirement or other debt repayment, for the purpose of constructing, financing or maintaining a jail or county buildings, or to assist the building authority in doing so, or for educational purposes, provided that such expenditures shall not impair the debts of the authority, and the industrial tax shall not be pledged to secure debts incurred for construction or maintenance or any other purposes except those provided for in this amendment or in Amendment 128 to this Constitution. The rentals and obligations of the county under any lease entered into by the county with the building authority shall not be charged against the county's constitutional debt limit, regardless of the duration of the lease. Act No. 81-838 of the 1981 Regular Session is hereby validated and declared to be fully effective according to its scope and tenor. The tax authorized by said act or by Act No. 81-1028 of the 1981 Second Special Session and any other tax for a jail or county buildings authorized by any act of the legislature in the 1981 or 1982 regular or special sessions shall not exceed one-half of one percent and any such tax shall be imposed only until the original issue of bonds or warrants for such construction is paid. The tax authorized and permitted by sections 40-12-4 thr
AMENDMENT 432 RATIFIED Fire Protection Districts in Etowah County. The governing body of Etowah county is hereby authorized to establish and maintain fire fighting districts within Etowah county. Said governing body is further authorized to enter into agreements with volunteer fire departments within such county for fire protection and services. The fire fighting districts herein authorized shall not include any corporate municipality of Etowah county unless such municipality requests through resolution of its governing body to be included in such fire fighting program. Any act heretofore enacted regarding said Etowah county fire fighting districts is hereby ratified and confirmed insofar as it is consistent with this amendment.
AMENDMENT 433 RATIFIED Repeal of Amendment No. 236. Amendment No. 236 of the Constitution of 1901, relating to the compensation of certain officers of Greene county, is hereby repealed. The provisions of this constitutional amendment shall not be implemented in Greene county until implementation is approved by a vote of a majority of the qualified electors of Greene county voting in an election called by the county governing body to determine said issue; provided, however, that if a majority of the qualified electors of Greene county who participate in the election held on the adoption of this amendment vote in favor thereof, no further election need be held.
AMENDMENT 434 RATIFIED Costs and Charges of Courts in Wilcox County and Method of Distribution Thereof. The legislature may from time to time, by general, special or local laws, fix, regulate and alter the costs and charges of courts in the county of Wilcox and the method of distribution thereof. The provisions of this constitutional amendment shall not be implemented in Wilcox county until implementation is approved by a vote of a majority of the qualified electors of Wilcox county voting in an election called by the county governing body to determine said issue; provided, however, that if a majority of the qualified electors of Wilcox county who participate in the election held on the adoption of this amendment vote in favor thereof, no further election need be held.
AMENDMENT 435 RATIFIED Annual License Taxes, Registration, etc., on Trucks, Trailers, etc., in Conecuh County. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the Conecuh county commission is hereby authorized to establish, by validly enacted ordinance, the amount of all Conecuh county annual license taxes and registration fees and ad valorem taxes on all trucks, truck-tractors, trailers and semitrailers located within the county.
AMENDMENT 436 RATIFIED Fire Districts and Fire Prevention Services in Jackson County. The legislature may, by general or local law, provide for the establishment of fire districts within Jackson county to provide fire fighting and prevention services; and may authorize the levy and collection of certain rates, fees, charges or taxes for such services.
AMENDMENT 437 RATIFIED Indebtedness for Daniel "Chappie" James Aerospace Memorial by Macon County. Macon county is hereby authorized to incur indebtedness to the extent of not exceeding $3,500,000 in aggregate principal amount, and to issue its bonds in evidence of the indebtedness so incurred, for the purpose of obtaining funds in such amount and contributing that amount to Tuskegee Institute to be used for the construction of "The Daniel 'Chappie' James Aerospace Memorial." Such bonds may be issued only after the question of the issuance thereof shall have been submitted to the qualified electors of said county at an election called for that purpose by the governing body of said county and a majority of said qualified electors voting at said election shall have voted in favor of the issuance of said bonds, which election shall be called, held, conducted, and canvassed, and may be contested, in the manner and within the time provided by the then existing laws of Alabama pertaining to elections on the issuance of bonds by counties; provided however, that if a majority of the qualified electors of said county participating in the election on the adoption of this amendment shall vote for the adoption thereof, then the approval of this amendment expressed by the voters of said county in favor of its adoption shall of itself authorize the issuance of the bonds, and in that event no additional election by the electors of said county shall be required to authorize the issuance of said bonds. In the event the majority of the qualified electors of said county participating in the election on the adoption of this amendment should not vote in favor of the adoption thereof, or in the event the majority vote at any election held in said county pursuant to the provisions of this amendment after its adoption is not in favor of the issuance of the bonds proposed at said election, the governing body of said county may from time to time call other elections hereunder on the issuance of said bonds, but not more than one such election shall be held during any period of twelve consecutive months. The power to become indebted and to issue bonds in evidence of such indebtedness shall be in addition to all other powers which the said county may have under the Constitution and laws of Alabama, and any bonds issued pursuant to this amendment shall not be chargeable against the amount of indebtedness which said county may incur under the Constitution and laws of Alabama in effect prior to the adoption of this amendment. All bonds issued under this amendment shall be general obligations of the county secured by an irrevocable pledge of its full faith and credit, may (any provisions of the Constitution and laws of this state to the contrary notwithstanding) be additionally secured by a special and irrevocable pledge of a sufficient amount of the proceeds from the special 1/4 of 1% ad valorem tax authorized by Section 215 of the Constitution of Alabama, as amended, to be levied and collected by the county, shall be issued in accordance with, and shall be subject to, the provisions of the general laws of Alabama existing at the time of the sale of said bonds respecting the maturities, sale, execution and redemption of bonds by counties. The provisions of this amendment shall be self-executing.
AMENDMENT 438 RATIFIED Indebtedness for Daniel "Chappie" James Aerospace by Memorial City of Tuskegee. The city of Tuskegee in Macon county is hereby authorized to incur indebtedness to the extent of not exceeding $3,500,000 in aggregate principal amount, and to issue its bonds in evidence of the indebtedness so incurred, for the purpose of obtaining funds in such amount and contributing that amount to Tuskegee Institute to be used for the construction of "The Daniel 'Chappie' James Aerospace Memorial." Such bonds may be issued only after the question of the issuance thereof shall have been submitted to the qualified electors of said municipality at an election called for that purpose by the governing body of said municipality and a majority of said qualified electors voting at said election shall have voted in favor of the issuance of said bonds, which election shall be called, held, conducted, and canvassed, and may be contested, in the manner and within the time provided by the then existing laws of Alabama pertaining to elections on the issuance of bonds by municipalities; provided, however, that if a majority of the qualified electors of said municipality participating in the election on the adoption of this amendment shall vote for the adoption thereof, then the approval of this amendment expressed by the voters of said municipality in favor of its adoption shall of itself authorize the issuance of the bonds, and in that event no additional election by the electors of said municipality shall be required to authorize the issuance of said bonds. In the event the majority of the qualified electors of said municipality participating in the election on the adoption of this amendment should not vote in favor of the adoption thereof, or in the event the majority vote at any election held in said municipality pursuant to the provisions of this amendment after its adoption is not in favor of the issuance of the bonds proposed at said election, the governing body of said municipality may from time to time call other elections hereunder on the issuance of said bonds, but not more than one such election shall be held during any period of twelve consecutive months. The power to become indebted and to issue bonds in evidence of such indebtedness shall be in addition to all other powers which the said municipality may have under the Constitution and laws of Alabama, and any bonds issued pursuant to this amendment shall not be chargeable against the amount of indebtedness which said municipality may incur under the Constitution and laws of Alabama in effect prior to the adoption of this amendment. All bonds issued under this amendment shall be general obligations of the municipality secured by an irrevocable pledge of its full faith and credit, may (any provisions of the Constitution and laws of this state to the contrary notwithstanding) be additionally secured by a special and irrevocable pledge of a sufficient amount of the proceeds from the 1 1/4% ad valorem tax authorized by Amendment 56 to the Constitution of Alabama, to be levied and collected by the municipality, shall be issued in accordance with, and shall be subject to, the provisions of the general laws of Alabama existing at the time of the sale of said bonds respecting the maturities, sale, execution and redemption of bonds by municipalities. The provisions of this amendment shall be self-executing.
AMENDMENT 439 RATIFIED Forest Fire Protection in Marshall County. The legislature may prescribe by local law for Marshall county for forest fire protection in the county and may authorize the county governing body to further promote and provide for tax on acreage, on a basis other than ad valorem, therefore. The legislature may provide for the manner for levying and collecting such assessments and the distribution thereof. The legislature may further provide for the administration of such forest fire protection promotion.
AMENDMENT 440 RATIFIED Operation of Bingo Games in Mobile County. The operation of bingo games for prizes or money by certain nonprofit organizations for charitable, educational, or other lawful purposes shall be legal in Mobile county, subject to the provisions of any resolution or ordinance by the county governing body or the governing bodies of the respective cities and towns, within their respective jurisdictions as provided by law regulating such operation. The said governing bodies shall have the authority to promulgate rules and regulations for the issuance of permits or licenses and for operation of bingo games, within their respective jurisdictions; provided, however, that said governing bodies must ensure compliance pursuant to said law and the following provisions: (a) No person under the age of 19 shall be permitted to play any game or games of bingo, unless accompanied by a parent or guardian; nor shall any person under the age of 19 be permitted to conduct or assist in the conduct of any game of bingo; (b) No bingo permit or license shall be issued to any nonprofit organization, unless such organization shall have been in existence for at least 12 months immediately prior to the issuance of the permit or license; (c) Bingo games shall be operated only on the premises owned or leased by the nonprofit organization operating the bingo game. If the premises is leased, the rate or rental shall not be based on a percentage of receipts or profits resulting from the operation of bingo games; (d) No nonprofit organization shall enter into any contract with any individual, firm, association or corporation to have said individual or entity operate bingo games or concessions on behalf of the nonprofit organization, nor shall said nonprofit organization pay consulting fees to any individual or entity for any services performed in relation to the operation or conduct of a bingo game; (e) A nonprofit organization shall not lend its name or allow its identity to be used by any other person or entity in the operating or advertising of a bingo game in which said nonprofit organization is not directly and solely operating said bingo game; (f) Prizes given by any qualified nonprofit organization for the playing of bingo games shall not exceed the cash amount or gifts of equivalent value, set by the legislature, during any bingo session. The legislature shall set a maximum amount for any calendar week; (g) No person or organization, by whatever name or composition thereof, shall take any expenses for the operation of a bingo game except as permitted by law. The provisions of this constitutional amendment shall be self-executing, but the legislature shall have the right and power by general, special or local act to adopt laws supplemental to this amendment or in furtherance of the general purposes and objectives herein set forth.
AMENDMENT 441 RATIFIED Comprehensive Health Insurance Plan for Retired Mobile County Employees. The Mobile county commission may, from time to time by resolution duly adopted and spread upon its minutes, provide for a comprehensive health insurance plan for retired county employees. If such plan is so adopted, the Mobile county commission shall determine the extent of coverage of such plan and shall prescribe rules and regulations governing participation in such plan.
AMENDMENT 442 RATIFIED Privilege, License, etc., Taxes and Securities for Funding County Facilities in Randolph County. (A) As used in this amendment, the following terms shall be given the following respective meanings: "COUNTY" means Randolph county, Alabama. "COUNTY FACILITIES" means (a) any land, building, equipment and any other facility or facilities necessary or useful in the housing, confinement, detention, feeding, treatment, rehabilitation and training of persons held in lawful custody, and (b) any land, building, equipment or other facility useful as a county courthouse building. "COUNTY FACILITIES BUILDING FUND" means the county facilities building fund established herein for the purpose of receiving certain tax receipts required by the provisions hereof to be paid therein. "EXISTING AD VALOREM TAX" means the two and one-half mill special ad valorem tax authorized to be levied by the county pursuant to section 215 of the Constitution. "SECURITIES" means any bonds or warrants, including refunding bonds or warrants, issued by the county under the provisions of this amendment. "SPECIAL AD VALOREM TAX" means the special county hospital ad valorem tax authorized to be levied by the county pursuant to amendment no. 72 to the Constitution. "SPECIAL SALES TAX" means the special county privilege, license and excise taxes authorized and directed by this amendment to be levied by the county on those engaged in the business of selling tangible personal property at retail and conducting places of amusement in the county and paralleling the state sales and use taxes. "SPECIAL TAXES" means the special ad valorem tax, the special sales tax, and the existing ad valorem tax. (B) The county is hereby authorized and directed, within 60 days after the proclamation of the ratification of this amendment, to levy and collect, or provide for the collection of special privilege, license and excise taxes on those engaged in the business of selling tangible personal property and conducting places of amusement in the county at the rate of one-half of one percent (0.5%) of the gross receipts of the businesses made subject to the special sales tax, which tax shall, to the fullest extent possible, parallel the sales and use taxes levied by the state. All revenues derived by the county from the levy of the special sales tax, less the cost of collection of such revenues not to exceed 5% thereof to be paid to the department of revenue, shall be paid into the county facilities building fund. The county shall discontinue the levy of the special sales tax when all of the securities issued hereunder shall have been paid in full, or when the county shall have expended the sum of $1,500,000 out of the county facilities building fund to pay costs of county facilities, whichever shall last occur. (C) The county is hereby authorized and directed (subject to prior pledges and agreements, if any) to pay, out of taxes collected each year, beginning with taxes collected with respect to the tax year that began October 1, 1982, one-half of the tax receipts derived from the levy of the special ad valorem tax into the county facilities building fund. The county shall discontinue paying such tax receipts into the county facilities building fund when all of the securities issued hereunder have been paid in full, or when the county shall have expended the sum of $1,500,000 out of the county facilities building fund to pay costs of county facilities, whichever shall last occur. (D) The county is hereby authorized and directed (subject to prior pledges and agreements, if any) to pay four-tenths of the tax receipts derived by the county from the levy of the existing ad valorem tax into the county facilities building fund. The county shall discontinue paying such tax receipts into the county facilities building fund when all of the securities issued hereunder have been paid in full, or when the county shall have expended the sum of $1,500,000 out of the county facilities b
AMENDMENT 443 RATIFIED Conveyance of State Docks Property to Local Authorities. The state of Alabama, through the Alabama state docks department, is authorized to convey, without consideration, title to its real property, equipment and facilities located in Lauderdale county, Alabama, and known as the Alabama state docks to the Florence-Lauderdale county port authority, a public corporation, but subject to existing leases and other contractual agreements now in effect. Any laws or parts of laws or any provisions of the Constitution of 1901, as amended, which are in conflict with this amendment are hereby revised, superseded and repealed to the extent they are in conflict with this amendment. The state of Alabama, through the Alabama state docks department, is authorized to convey, with consideration at a price to be established by the director of the Alabama state docks department and his appraisers, title to its real property, equipment and facilities located in Morgan county, Alabama, and known as the Alabama state docks to the Decatur-Morgan county port authority, a public corporation, and in Walker county, Alabama, known as the state docks in Cordova in Walker county to the Walker county commission, but subject to existing leases and other contractual agreements now in effect. Any laws or parts of laws or any provisions of the Constitution of 1901, as amended, which are in conflict with this amendment are hereby revised, superseded and repealed to the extent they are in conflict with this amendment.
AMENDMENT 444 RATIFIED Randolph County Facilities Building Fund. (A) As used in this amendment, the following terms shall be given the following respective meanings: "COSTS OF COUNTY FACILITIES" means the costs of acquiring, providing, constructing and equipping new county facilities, renovating, reconstructing, improving, enlarging or equipping any existing county facilities or any combination thereof. "COUNTY" means Randolph county, Alabama. "COUNTY FACILITIES" means (a) any land, building, equipment and any other facility or facilities necessary or useful in the housing, confinement, detention, feeding, treatment, rehabilitation or training of persons held in lawful custody, and (b) any land, building, equipment or other facility useful as a county courthouse building. "COUNTY FACILITIES BUILDING FUND" means the county facilities building fund to be established by the county pursuant to the provisions hereof for the purpose of receiving certain tax receipts required by the provisions hereof to be paid therein. "EXISTING AD VALOREM TAX" means the two and one-half mill road, bridge and public building ad valorem tax authorized to be levied by the county pursuant to Section 215 of the Constitution. "RELATED SECURITIES" means any bonds or warrants, including refunding bonds or warrants, issued for purposes for which securities may be issued hereunder after the effective date of this amendment under the provisions of any other amendment to the Constitution or statute, provided that the governing body of the county in the proceedings authorizing the issuance of such bonds or warrants has pledged for the payment of such bonds or warrants those moneys required by the provisions hereof to be paid into the county facilities building fund. "SECURITIES" means any bonds or warrants, including refunding bonds or warrants, issued by the county under the provisions of this amendment. "SPECIAL AD VALOREM TAX" means the special county hospital ad valorem tax authorized to be levied by the county pursuant to Amendment No. 72 to the Constitution. "SPECIAL TAXES" means the special ad valorem tax and the existing ad valorem tax. (B) The county is hereby authorized and directed (subject to prior pledges and agreements, if any) to pay, out of taxes collected each year, beginning with taxes collected with respect to the tax year that began October 1, 1982, one-half of the tax receipts derived from the levy of the special ad valorem tax into the county facilities building fund. The county shall discontinue paying such tax receipts into the county facilities building fund when all of the securities issued hereunder and any related securities issued by the county have been paid in full, or when the county shall have expended the sum of $1,500,000 out of the county facilities building fund to pay costs of county facilities, whichever shall last occur. (C) The county is hereby authorized and directed (subject to prior pledges and agreements, if any) to pay, out of taxes collected each year, beginning with taxes collected with respect to the tax year that began October 1, 1982, four-tenths of the tax receipts derived by the county from the levy of the existing ad valorem tax into the county facilities building fund. The county shall discontinue paying such tax receipts into the county facilities building fund when all of the securities issued hereunder and any related securities issued by the county have been paid in full, or when the county shall have expended the sum of $1,500,000 out of the county facilities building fund to pay costs of county facilities, whichever shall last occur. (D) The county is hereby authorized and directed to establish the county facilities building fund for the purpose of receiving the moneys required to be paid therein by the provisions hereof and any other tax receipts or other moneys of the county that the county may determine to pay therein. Funds on deposit in the county facilities building fund shall be used to pay cos
AMENDMENT 445 RATIFIED Amendment of Amendment No. 432. Fire Protection Districts in Etowah County. The Etowah county commission is authorized in its discretion to establish fire districts within the geographical boundaries of Etowah county, said districts to exclude any corporate municipality. Provided, however, any corporate municipality may request through resolution of its governing body to become subject to the provisions of this amendment upon the approval of the additional tax levied herein by a majority of the qualified electors of the corporate municipality. The county commission is further authorized to enter into agreements with volunteer fire departments within such county for fire protection and services. There is hereby levied, in addition to any taxes now authorized or that may be hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, a fire protection tax of three mills. The fire protection tax levied herein shall be based upon the value of real and personal property assessed by affected property owners, as shown on the records of the tax assessor of Etowah county, Alabama, and shall be assessed and collected as are all ad valorem taxes in the county. The amount collected each year from assessment of this fire protection tax shall be paid into the county general fund and used in furtherance of fire protection within the affected area. Prior to the levy of the fire protection tax in a fire district, there shall be submitted to the electors of the district, at a special election called for that purpose in the district, the question of whether the said tax shall be levied, and the said tax shall be authorized at such election by a majority of the qualified electors within any particular fire district of the county or corporate municipality therein who vote at such election; provided further, that if a majority of the qualified electors of any of the fire districts participating in the election on the ratification of this amendment shall vote for the ratification of this amendment, then the approval of this amendment as expressed by the vote in said district in favor of its ratification shall, of itself, authorize the levy and collection of the tax for fire protection purposes in that fire district, commencing with the levy for the tax year for which taxes will become due and payable on October 1, 1985. Elections on the question of the levy of a district fire protection tax may be held at any time and from time to time, provided, that if any such election held after the ratification of this amendment the proposal to levy the tax so submitted should be defeated then the proposal may not be submitted at another election held in the same district within two years from the last election held under this amendment. Any act heretofore enacted regarding said Etowah county fire fighting districts is hereby ratified and confirmed insofar as it is consistent with this amendment.
AMENDMENT 446 RATIFIED Bonds of Alabama State Docks Department not Debt of State. Bonds or other securities issued by or on behalf of the Alabama state docks department shall not constitute a debt of the state within the meaning of Section 213 of this Constitution, as heretofore or hereafter amended, or any similar provision of this Constitution supplemental to, or superseding, said Section 213, as so amended, if by their terms such bonds or securities do not constitute a charge on the general credit or tax revenues of the state, but are payable solely from any or all of the revenues from any or all of the state docks facilities wherever situated (whether of [or] not such facilities were in existence or owned by or on behalf of the state at the time such bonds or securities were issued) or from sources other than state taxes, licenses or appropriations; provided, however, that the proceeds of any fee, tariff or charge (regardless of how denominated or calculated) collected by the Alabama state docks department in connection with the operation of the state docks facilities wherever situated shall be considered revenues from such facilities within the meaning of this amendment.
AMENDMENT 447 RATIFIED General Obligation Bonds of Mobile County. Section A. As used in this amendment the following terms shall be given the following respective meanings: "COUNTY" means Mobile county. "OUTSTANDING SECURITIES" means any bonds, warrants, notes or other securities issued by the county subsequent to September 30, 1979, and prior to February 1, 1984, that are payable in whole or in part out of proceeds received by the county from the ad valorem tax authorized by Section 215 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended. "OUTSTANDING SPECIAL TAX SECURITIES" means any securities at the time outstanding that are payable in whole or in part out of proceeds of the special tax. "SPECIAL TAX" means the annual ad valorem tax on each dollar of the assessed valuation of taxable property in the county authorized to be levied by the county by the amendment known as Amendment XVIII [18] to the Constitution of Alabama, as amended by the amendment to the Constitution known as Amendment CLII [152], and also provided for in the amendments to the Constitution known as Amendments C, CXXII, CLI, CXCIII, CXCV and CCC [100, 122, 151, 193, 195 and 300], and by procedures taken under the amendments to the Constitution known as Amendments CCCXXV and CCCLXXIII [325 and 373]. Section B. Mobile county is hereby authorized to apply proceeds of the special tax to the payment of the principal of and interest on and premium, if any) that will hereafter mature or otherwise become payable on the outstanding securities. The right of the county to apply the proceeds of the special tax for payment of the outstanding securities shall be subject to the provisions of this Constitution respecting the special tax and the pledge thereof for the benefit of the outstanding special tax securities. The proceeds of the special tax may be used for payment of the principal and interest on (and premium, if any) the outstanding securities, whether or not any bonds are issued hereunder. Section C. Mobile county is hereby authorized to issue from time to time its bonds for the purpose of refunding all or any one or more of the issues of outstanding securities. The aggregate principal amount of all bonds at any time issued under this amendment, when added to the aggregate principal amount of all then outstanding bonds theretofore issued by the county under any other amendment to the Constitution of Alabama that are payable from or secured by the special tax shall not exceed 6 1/2 per centum of the assessed valuation of taxable property situated in the county as assessed for county taxation for the fiscal year of the county next preceding that during which any bonds herein authorized shall be issued. No bonds may be issued under the authority of this amendment until after the question of the issuance of such bonds shall have been submitted to the qualified electors of the county at an election called for that purpose by the governing body of the county and a majority of the said qualified electors voting at the said election shall have voted in favor of the issuance of such bonds; provided, that if a majority of the qualified electors of the county participating in the election on the adoption of this amendment shall vote for the adoption thereof, then the approval of this amendment expressed by the said vote in favor of its adoption shall of itself authorize the issuance of the bonds provided for in the first sentence of this amendment and no additional election by the electors of the county shall be required to authorize the issuance of those bonds. If the majority of the qualified electors of the county participating in the election on the adoption of this amendment should not vote in favor of the adoption of this amendment, or if the majority of the qualified electors of the county voting at any election called by the governing body of the county under the provisions of this amendment should not vote in favor of the issuance of the bonds proposed at an electi
AMENDMENT 448 RATIFIED Paramount Duty of Legislature to Make Basic Appropriations at Regular Sessions. (A) The following words and phrases, whenever used in this amendment, shall have the following respective meanings: "Basic Appropriations" means, with respect to any regular session of the legislature, such appropriations as the legislature may deem appropriate for the expenditures by the state during the ensuing budget period for the ordinary expenses of the executive, legislative and judicial departments of the state, for payment of the public debt, and for education (excluding, however, any item within the scope of the foregoing that is at the time provided for by a continuing appropriation or otherwise). "Budget Period" means a fiscal year of the state or such period other than [a] fiscal year as may hereafter be fixed by law as the period with respect to which state budgets are prepared and state appropriations are made. (B) On or before the second legislative day of each regular session of the legislature, beginning with the first regular session after January 1, 1983, the governor shall transmit to the legislature for its consideration a proposed budget for the then next ensuing budget period. (C) The duty of the legislature at any regular session to make the basic appropriations for any budget period that will commence before the first day of any succeeding regular session shall be paramount; and, accordingly, beginning with the first regular session held after January 1, 1983, no bill (other than a bill making any of the basic appropriations) shall be signed by either the presiding officer of the house or senate and transmitted to the other house until bills making the basic appropriations for the then ensuing budget period shall have been signed by the presiding officer of each house of the legislature in accordance with Section 66 of this Constitution and presented to the governor in accordance with Section 125 of this Constitution; provided, that this paragraph (C) shall not affect the adoption of resolutions or the conduct of any other legislative functions that do not require a third reading; and provided further, that following adoption, by vote of either house of not less than three-fifths of a quorum present, of a resolution declaring that the provisions of this paragraph (C) shall not be applicable in that house to a particular bill, which shall be specified in said resolution by number and title, the bill so specified may proceed to final passage therein. (D) Upon the signing and presentation to the governor in accordance with the said Sections 66 and 125 of bills making the basic appropriations, the provisions of the foregoing paragraph (C) prohibiting the final passage of bills in the house and senate (other than bills making any part of the basic appropriations) shall cease to be effective and shall not be revived or become again effective as a result of (i) the subsequent legislative history of any bill so signed and presented, including any veto, return with executive amendment, or any other action, or failure to act, by either the governor or the legislature under the provisions of the said Section 125; or (ii) a determination, by either judicial decree or opinion of the justices of the Alabama Supreme Court, that any bill so signed and presented is wholly or in part invalid. (E) The legislature may, by statute or rule, make such further provisions for the timely passage of bills making the basic appropriations as are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Constitution. (F) Nothing contained herein shall be construed as requiring the legislature to make any appropriation not otherwise required by this Constitution to be made.
AMENDMENT 449 RATIFIED Eradication or Control of the Boll Weevil in Cotton. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Constitution, the legislature may hereafter, by general law, provide for the eradication or control of the boll weevil in cotton. The legislature may provide for and is authorized to provide means and methods for the financing of this activity by prescribing a procedure whereby cotton growers may, by referendum held among such growers in this state, levy upon themselves and collect assessments, fees and charges, based upon the amount of acreage of cotton planted. The legislature is authorized to make provisions for non-payment of such assessments. The legislature shall provide for the collection and distribution of assessments or charges authorized hereunder and to provide penalties for failure to pay said assessments. The legislature shall provide for the designation of a non-profit organization which has been organized for the purpose of eradicating or controlling the boll weevil in cotton; to administer and carry out said eradication or control program; to also include conducting elections or referendums among cotton growers. The legislature shall further provide for the deposit, withdrawal, disbursement and expenditure by the designated organization of any funds received, subject to the supervision and control of the activities authorized herein by the state department of agriculture and industries and the state board of agriculture and industries. Assessments, fees, or other charges collected as authorized by any legislative act adopted under authority hereof shall not be considered as a tax within the meaning of this Constitution or any provision thereof. The legislature shall further provide a procedure for the examination and auditing of said organization and for reasonable rules and regulations to be adopted by the state board of agriculture and industries; to effectively carry out the intent and purposes herein enumerated. Any uniformity requirements of this Constitution shall be satisfied by the application of the program to eradicate or control the boll weevil in cotton.
AMENDMENT 450 RATIFIED Alabama Trust Fund. Section 1. For the continuing benefit of the state of Alabama and the citizens thereof, there is hereby created an irrevocable, permanent trust fund named "the Alabama trust fund" which shall be funded and administered in accordance with the provisions of this amendment. Section 2. As used in this amendment, the following words and phrases shall have the following respective meanings: "BOARD" means the board of trustees of the trust fund. "ELIGIBLE INVESTMENTS" means any of the following: (1) Demand deposits (interest bearing) in federally insured banks and interest bearing deposits (whether or not evidenced by certificates of deposit) in federally insured banks; provided, however, that said deposits plus interest shall be fully secured by obligations described in subdivisions (2) and (3) of this definition, to the extent that said deposits plus interest exceed insurance available from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or from any agency of the United States of America that may succeed to the functions of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; (2) Bonds, notes and other evidences of indebtedness that are direct obligations of the United States of America or that are unconditionally guaranteed as to both principal and interest by the United States of America; (3) Bonds, debentures, notes or other evidences of indebtedness issued or guaranteed by any federal agencies or government-sponsored enterprises authorized to issue their own debt instruments, including, without limitation to, the following: Federal Farm Credit Bank, Federal Intermediate Credit Banks, the Export-Import Bank of the United States, Federal Land Banks, the Federal National Mortgage Association, the Tennessee Valley Authority, the Governmental National Mortgage Association, the Federal Financing Bank, Federal Banks for Cooperatives, Federal Home Loan Banks, Federal Home and Loan Mortgage Association or the Farmers Home Administration; (4) Repurchase agreements with federally insured banks or with government bond dealers reporting to and trading with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, provided that such repurchase agreements are secured by obligations described in subdivisions (2) and (3) of this definition; and (5) Interest bearing time deposits (whether or not evidenced by certificates of deposit) in savings and loan associations (a) the deposits of which are insured to the maximum extent possible by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation or any agency of the United States of America that may succeed to its functions and (b) the principal office of which is located in the state; provided, however, that said deposits plus interest shall be secured by obligations described in subdivisions (2) and (3) of this definition, to the extent that said deposits plus interest exceed insurance available from the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation or from any agency of the United States of America that may succeed to the functions of the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation; (6) Corporate securities, provided, however, that no more than a maximum of 25 percent of the trust capital may be invested in such securities by the Board at any time and provided further that no more than a maximum of one percent of the 25 percent may be invested in any one corporation. The legislature may provide authorization to the Board to invest up to a maximum of 40 percent in corporate securities by a three-fifths vote of the membership of both the house of representatives and the senate. All corporate securities shall at the time of purchase by the Board carry a rating of "A" or better by Moody's and/or Standard and Poors; provided, however, that if neither Moody's nor Standard and Poors is in existence or ceases to issue bond ratings, then, in that event, otherwise eligible corporate securities must carry one of the three highest grade or quality ratings issued by the securities rating firm that, in th
AMENDMENT 451 RATIFIED Soil and Water Conservation Commission. The legislature by general law may provide for the creation and organization of a commission charged with the responsibility of improving soil and water conservation and forestry practices within the state, and in order to further the carrying out of that responsibility the legislature may appropriate moneys to such commission for the purpose of meeting the expenses of the commission and to allow the commission to share, through a cost-sharing award or grant program, the costs of soil conservation projects and practices, water quality improvements, reforestation projects and improved forestry practices on or with respect to agricultural or timber lands in the state owned or operated by individuals or other types of persons specified by the legislature, sections 93 and 94 of this Constitution, as amended, to the contrary notwithstanding. In any law enacted by the legislature respecting soil and water conservation cost-sharing grants as contemplated hereby, the legislature shall provide for the powers of the commission and for the receipt, withdrawal, disbursement and expenditure by such commission of any appropriated moneys and other funds received by the commission to fund its expenses and cost-sharing programs. The legislature shall provide that such commission shall consist of such citizens of the state [as] may be designated by law by the legislature, provided that [the] legislature may designate as ex officio members of the commission persons who are holders of other public offices or officers of such private organizations and associations as the legislature may designate that are interested in agricultural or timber property and soil and water conservation practices related thereto. Moneys appropriated to such commission for cost-sharing grants to be made pursuant to criteria provided by the legislature or promulgated by the commission pursuant to legislative delegation of the power so to do, shall be invested by the commission at its direction, or retained in the state treasury as the commission shall determine, until expended at the direction of the commission, provided that none of such appropriated moneys shall revert to the fund or funds from which they were appropriated in the event such moneys remain undisbursed or unencumbered on the last day of the fiscal year of the state in which they were appropriated to the commission, but rather shall remain available for disbursement by the commission in its programs in subsequent fiscal years.
AMENDMENT 452 RATIFIED Amendment of Amendment No. 201. Promotion of Cattle Industry. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Constitution, the legislature may hereafter, by general law, provide for the promotion of the production, distribution, marketing, use, improvement and sale of cattle. The legislature may provide for the promotion of cattle and the cattle industry by research, education, advertising and other methods, and the legislature is further authorized to provide means and methods for the financing of any such promotional activity by prescribing a procedure whereby owners of cattle may by referendum held among the owners of cattle in this state levy upon themselves and collect assessments, fees, or charges upon the sale of cattle for the financing of any promotional program or activity in cooperation with processors, dealers and handlers of cattle. The legislature shall make provisions for the nonpayment of assessments by cattle owners, and for the refund of assessments to any cattle owner dissatisfied with the assessment program. The legislature shall provide for the collection and distribution of any such assessments or charges by dealers, handlers, processors and purchasers of cattle and provide penalties for failure to make collection and distribution of such assessments. The legislature shall provide for the designation of a nonprofit association or organization organized for the promotion and betterment of cattle and beef products to administer and carry out such promotional program which shall include the conducting of elections or referendums among cattle owners. The legislature shall further provide for the deposit, withdrawal, disbursement and expenditure by the designated association of any funds received subject to the supervision and control of the activities authorized herein by the department of agriculture and industries and the state board of agriculture and industries. Assessments, fees or other charges collected as authorized by any legislative act adopted in pursuance hereof shall not be considered as a tax within the meaning of this Constitution or any provision thereof. Any uniformity requirements of this Constitution shall be satisfied by the application of the program upon cattle and beef products.
AMENDMENT 453 RATIFIED Promotion of Grain Industry. The legislature may hereafter, by general law, provide for the promotion of the production, distribution, improvement, marketing, use and sale of wheat and other feed grains as defined and authorized by the legislature. The legislature may provide for the promotion of wheat and other feed grains and wheat and other feed grain products by research, education, advertising and other methods. The legislature is further authorized to provide means and methods for the financing of any such promotional activity by prescribing a procedure whereby producers of wheat and other feed grains may by referendum among such producers levy upon themselves and collect assessments, fees, or charges upon the sale of wheat and other feed grains for the financing of any such promotional program or activity in cooperation with buyers, processors, dealers, and handlers of wheat and other feed grains. The legislature may make provisions for the non-payment of assessments by wheat and other feed grain producers, and shall make provisions for the refund of assessments to any wheat and other feed grain producer who does not desire to participate in an assessment program. The legislature shall provide for the collection, disbursement, distribution or expenditure of assessments or charges authorized hereunder and to provide penalties for failure to make collection and distribution of assessments. The legislature shall provide for the designation of a nonprofit association or organization for the promotion and betterment of wheat and other feed grains and wheat and other feed grain products to administer and carry out such promotional program which shall include the conducting of elections or referendums among producers of wheat and other feed grains. The legislature may provide the manner by which such referendum is held, including the procedure for application for approval to conduct the referendum, the appropriate action to be taken by the state board of agriculture and industries on such application, the requirements and eligibility of the association or organization which will conduct such referendum, the procedures for voting and eligibility to vote in such referendum, the details of the conduct of such referendum. The legislature shall further provide for the deposit, withdrawal, disbursement and expenditure by the designated association of any funds received subject to the supervision and control of the activities as authorized herein by the department of agriculture and industries and the state board of agriculture and industries. The legislature shall further provide a procedure whereby said association or organization is bonded, for the examination and auditing of said association or organization, and for reasonably necessary rules and regulations to be adopted by the state board of agriculture and industries to effectively carry out the intent and purposes herein enumerated. Assessments, fees or other charges collected as authorized by any legislative act adopted under authority hereof shall not be considered as a tax within the meaning of the Constitution or any provision thereof. Any uniformity requirements of this Constitution shall be satisfied by the application of the program upon wheat and other feed grains.
AMENDMENT 454 RATIFIED Conveyance of Alabama State Docks Department Property. The state of Alabama, through the Alabama state docks department, is authorized to convey, without consideration, title to its real property, equipment and facilities located in Lauderdale county, Alabama, and known as the Alabama State Docks to the Florence-Lauderdale County Port Authority, a public corporation, but subject to existing leases and other contractual agreements now in effect. Any laws or parts of laws or any provisions of the Constitution of 1901, as amended, which are in conflict with this amendment are hereby revised, superseded and repealed to the extent they are in conflict with this amendment. The state of Alabama, through the Alabama state docks department, is authorized to convey, without consideration, title to its real property, equipment and facilities located in Morgan county, Alabama, and known as the Alabama State Docks to the Decatur-Morgan County Port Authority, a public corporation, and in Walker county, Alabama, known as the State Docks in Cordova in Walker county to the Walker county commission, but subject to existing leases and other contractual agreements now in effect. Any laws or parts of laws or any provisions of the Constitution of 1901, as amended, which are in conflict with this amendment are hereby revised, superseded and repealed to the extent they are in conflict with this amendment. The provisions herein shall be self-executing.
AMENDMENT 455 RATIFIED Repeal of School Tax Exemptions in Madison County. All exemptions authorized by section 40-9-19, Code of Alabama 1975, as amended, against that portion of any local ad valorem taxes levied on any property situated in Madison county that upon collection has the proceeds thereof earmarked for public school purposes are hereby repealed and such exemptions shall no longer be granted against said portion of such local taxes.
AMENDMENT 456 RATIFIED Hartselle City School Taxes. The school district taxes now levied and collected for the Hartselle city board of education and authorized by law shall be continued upon approval of this amendment by the qualified electors voting thereon in said school district. Said taxes shall be continued for a period of thirty years, commencing October 1, 1987. Notice shall be given, the ballot prepared and the election conducted in the same manner as required by law for elections on school district taxes and constitutional amendments. The ballot shall be substantially as follows: "For continuation of all school district taxes now provided by law? Yes ... No ... ." If a majority of the qualified electors voting thereon shall vote in favor of continuing such taxes then the said taxes shall be continued; if a majority of the qualified electors voting thereon vote in opposition of continuing such taxes then the provisions of this act shall become null and void and have no effect. Only the persons who at the time of the election are qualified voters of said district 70 shall be entitled to participate in the question. The provisions of this act shall be construed in pari materia with all other provisions relating to school district taxes in Morgan county, except as there is a direct conflict herewith.
AMENDMENT 457 RATIFIED Morgan County Sheriff's Reserve. The Morgan county commission is authorized to grant money to the Morgan county sheriff's reserve. Any purchases with said monies [moneys] in the Morgan county sheriff's reserve shall be the property of the Morgan county sheriff's office.
AMENDMENT 458 RATIFIED Truck Tax Established by Pike County Commission. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the Pike county commission is hereby authorized to establish, by validly enacted ordinance, the rate of all local ad valorem taxes, whether levied by local governing bodies of other lawful entities, on all truck-tractors, trailers and semitrailers located within the county.
AMENDMENT 459 RATIFIED Judge of Probate of Randolph County. The legislature may hereafter, from time to time, by general, special or local laws, fix, regulate and alter the fees, commissions, allowances or salaries to be charged or received by the judge of probate of Randolph county, and may put such officer on a salary basis and provide for operation of his office on such basis.
AMENDMENT 460 RATIFIED Annexation in St. Clair County. Any municipality that was not located wholly or in part within the boundaries of St. Clair county prior to January 1, 1985, shall not annex any territory within St. Clair county without the approval of the electorate of St. Clair county expressed in a vote on the issue of said annexation. The provisions of this amendment shall not apply to any municipality incorporated in the future that lies entirely within the boundaries of St. Clair county. The provisions of this amendment shall not apply to any territory presently annexed within St. Clair county by a municipality located outside of the county. The legislature may pass local or general acts to supplement this amendment, so long as such acts do not contravene the provisions of this amendment.
AMENDMENT 461 RATIFIED Additional Ad Valorem Tax in Wilcox County. There is hereby levied an additional ad valorem tax, in Wilcox county, on taxable property, at a rate not to exceed an additional 10 mills on each dollar of taxable property in such county. The net revenues generated by said additional tax shall be allocated in the county treasury in the following manner: 3 mills to the public school fund; 7 mills to the county general fund. The provisions of this amendment shall be implemented upon its passage and ratification. Act 85-410, H. 777, Regular Session 1985, a constitutional amendment proposing higher ad valorem taxes and which proposed act is pending ratification by the people, is hereby repealed and rescinded.
AMENDMENT 462 RATIFIED City of Ozark Special Property Tax. The city of Ozark shall have the power to levy and collect a special property tax, in addition to all other taxes now or hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, of not exceeding seven-tenths of one percent of the value of the taxable property situated within the corporate limits of the city, as assessed for state taxation during the preceding year, the proceeds of which shall be used exclusively for educational purposes, but may be pledged to the payment of the principal of and interest on bonds, warrants, or other evidences of indebtedness issued for public school purposes, which pledges shall take priority as provided in such bonds, warrants or other evidences of indebtedness; provided that such tax and the purpose or purposes thereof and the time such tax is proposed to be continued, shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the city and voted for by a majority of those voting at the election. Elections on proposals to levy this tax on property situated within the corporate limits of Ozark shall be ordered and held in the same manner as provided by the law applicable to municipal corporations for elections to authorize the issuance of municipal bonds. The additional tax, authorized by this amendment to be levied on property situated within the corporate limits of Ozark[,] shall be collected in the same manner and under the same requirements and laws as other taxes levied on property by the city of Ozark are collected, and the revenues derived from this tax shall be used solely for school construction and other educational purposes within the limits of the city of Ozark. If any proposal to levy a tax hereunder is defeated in any election, subsequent elections thereon may be held at any time. This amendment shall be self-executing.
AMENDMENT 463 RATIFIED Mobile County Bond Issuance. Section A. As used in this amendment the following terms shall be given the following respective meanings: "COUNTY" means Mobile county. "OUTSTANDING WARRANTS" means those two general obligation warrants of the county, each in the principal amount of $1,000,000, dated April 15, 1986 and maturing October 15, 1986, and any of the county's notes, warrants or bonds issued after October 1, 1986 to refund such general obligation warrants. "SPECIAL TAX" means the annual ad valorem tax at the rate of 65 one-hundredths of 1 per centum (equivalent to 6 1/2 mills on each dollar) of the assessed valuation of the taxable property in the county authorized to be levied by the county by the amendment known as Amendment XVIII [18] to the Constitution of Alabama, as amended by the amendments to the Constitution known as Amendments CLII [152], CCCI [301] and CCCLXIII [363], and also provided for in the Amendments to the Constitution known as Amendments C [100], CXXII [122], CLI [151], CXCIII [193], CXCV [195] [,] CCC [300], and CDXLVII [447]. Section B. The county is hereby authorized to issue from time to time its bonds, not exceeding $14,500,000 in aggregate principal amount, of which not in excess of $2,000,000 in aggregate principal amount shall be issued for the purpose of acquiring and improving, alone or in conjunction with other counties or municipal corporations, certain land located in the county for use by the Department of the Navy of the United States of America; not in excess of $2,000,000 in aggregate principal amount shall be issued for the purpose of acquiring and/or developing land, in one or more locations, for use as one or more industrial parks; not in excess of $500,000 in aggregate principal amount shall be issued for the purpose of constructing and equipping an intergovernmental office and service center for agricultural agencies; not in excess of $3,500,000 in aggregate principal amount shall be issued for the purpose of acquiring, constructing and equipping additions and improvements to the present county courthouse building in the county; not in excess of $4,500,000 in aggregate principal amount shall be issued for the purpose of acquiring, constructing and equipping additions and improvements to the present county jail facilities in the county; and not in excess of $2,000,000 in aggregate principal amount shall be issued for the purpose of refunding all or any portion of the outstanding warrants. Section C. The county is hereby authorized to issue from time to time its bonds for the purpose of refunding all or any portion of any obligations of the county outstanding as of October 1, 1986 which are payable out of the proceeds of the special tax. Such bonds may be issued in any principal amount so long as the net proceeds of the sale thereof, after payment of expenses of issuance and sale thereof, do not exceed the principal amount of the obligations to be refunded. Part of the cash proceeds paid to the county at the time of the sale of any such refunding bonds as a result of decreased debt service may be used by the governing body of the county to finance salary increases or bonuses for employees of the county, not to exceed five percent (5%) across the board for all employees. Section D. The aggregate principal amount of all bonds at any time issued under this amendment, when added to the aggregate principal amount of all then outstanding bonds theretofore issued by the county under any other amendment to the Constitution of Alabama that are payable from or secured by the special tax shall not exceed 6 1/2 per centum of the assessed valuation of the taxable property situated in the county as assessed for state taxation for the state tax year next preceding that during which any bonds herein authorized shall be issued. No bonds may be issued under the authority of this amendment until after the question of the issuance of such bonds shall have been submitted to the qu
AMENDMENT 464 RATIFIED Clarke County Fire Districts. The Clarke county commission is hereby authorized in its discretion to establish fire districts within the geographical boundaries of Clarke county. The boundaries of such fire districts may be rearranged at the discretion of the county commission as it deems necessary, from time to time, to maximize fire protection services in the county. The county commission may use the corporate limits of the various towns and municipalities in the county as boundaries for fire districts. In such situations, such town or municipal fire district shall have its own volunteer fire department functioning within its boundaries. Each fire district established in an area located outside of the corporate limits of a town or municipality shall likewise have its own volunteer fire department functioning strictly within its district boundaries. The county commission is further authorized to enter into agreements with volunteer fire departments within such county for fire protection and services. There is hereby levied, in addition to any taxes now authorized or that may be hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, a fire protection tax of two mills. The fire protection tax levied herein shall be based upon the value of real and personal property assessed by affected property owners, as shown on the records of the tax assessor of Clarke county, Alabama, and shall be assessed and collected as are all ad valorem taxes in the county. The amount collected each year from assessment of this fire protection tax shall be paid into the county general fund and used in furtherance of fire protection within the affected area. Prior to the levy of the fire protection tax in said county, there shall be submitted to the electors of said county, at a special election called for that purpose in said county, the question of whether the said tax shall be levied, and the said tax shall be authorized at such election by a majority of the qualified electors within the said county who vote at such election; provided further, that if a majority of the qualified electors of said county participating in the election on the ratification of this amendment shall vote for the ratification of this amendment, then the approval of this amendment as expressed by the vote in said county in favor of its ratification shall, of itself, authorize the levy and collection of the tax for fire protection purposes in said county, commencing with the levy for the tax year for which taxes will become due and payable on October 1, 1987. Elections on the question of the levy of a fire protection tax in said county may be held at any time and from time to time, provided, that if any such election held after the ratification of this amendment the proposal to levy the tax so submitted should be defeated then the proposal may not be submitted at another election held in said county within two years from the last election held under this amendment.
AMENDMENT 465 RATIFIED City of Jackson Port Authority. Section 1. The governing body of the city of Jackson, Clarke county, Alabama, is hereby authorized to declare by the adoption of appropriate resolution, the need for the formation of a public corporation to carry out the provisions of this act. Upon the adoption of such resolution the governing body of the city of Jackson shall appoint five persons, each of whom must be a duly qualified elector and property owner in the said city of Jackson, who shall form the board of directors of such corporation and shall proceed to organize such corporation. Section 2. (a) The certificate of incorporation shall set forth: (1) The names and resident addresses of the persons forming the corporation, together with a recital that each of them is a duly qualified elector of and property owner in the city of Jackson; (2) The name of the corporation; (3) A recital that the governing body of the city of Jackson has declared by the adoption of an appropriate resolution the need for the formation of the corporation; (4) The location of the principal office of the corporation; (5) A statement that the corporation is organized for the purposes set forth in this amendment with all the powers and authorities specified in this amendment; (6) The period of the duration of the corporation; and (7) Any other matters which the persons forming the corporation may choose to insert therein which shall not be inconsistent with this amendment or with the laws of the state of Alabama. (b) The name designated for the corporation in the certificate of incorporation shall be one indicating the purpose thereof, such as the "city of Jackson port authority" or some other name of similar import. (c) The certificate of incorporation shall be subscribed and acknowledged by each of the persons forming the corporation before an officer or officers authorized by the laws of the state of Alabama to take acknowledgements to deeds, and the certificate of incorporation shall have attached thereto a certified copy of the resolution provided for in section 1, and a certificate by the secretary of state that the name proposed for the corporation is not identical with that of any other corporation in the state or so nearly similar thereto as to lead to confusion and uncertainty. Section 3. The certificate of incorporation, when executed and acknowledged in conformity with section 2, shall be filed with the judge of probate of Clarke county and with the secretary of state. The judge of probate shall thereupon examine the certificate of incorporation and, if he finds that the recitals contained therein are correct, that the requirements of section 2 have been complied with, and that the name is not identical with or so nearly similar to that of another corporation already in existence in this state so as to lead to confusion and uncertainty, he shall approve the certificate of incorporation and record it in an appropriate book or record in his office and shall also file the certificate of incorporation with the secretary of state. When such certificate is so filed, the corporation referred to therein shall come into existence and shall constitute a public body corporate and politic, vested with the rights and powers herein granted. Section 4. The certificate of incorporation of the corporation incorporated under the provisions of this amendment may at any time and from time to time be amended in the manner provided in this section. The board shall first adopt a resolution adopting an amendment to the certificate of incorporation which shall be set forth in full in the said resolution and which amendment may include any matters which might have been included in the original certificate of incorporation. After the adoption of the resolution proposing an amendment to the certificate of incorporation of the corporation by the board, the president and secretary of the board shall sign and file for record in the office of the judge of pr
AMENDMENT 466 RATIFIED Elmore County Local Service Districts. The legislature may, by general or local law, provide for the creation, incorporation, organization, operation, administration, and financing of local districts within Elmore county as public corporations to provide any one or more of the following local services: (a) fighting and prevention of fires; (b) the operation of emergency medical services, including rescue and ambulance service; authorize such district to fix and collect rates, fees and charges for such services, and to provide penalties for nonpayment and liens upon the property within such district; authorize the borrowing of money and the issuance of bonds and other obligations by or on behalf of such district; provided that Elmore county shall not be responsible for any such bond or obligation and no such bond or obligation shall be chargeable against the limit on the debt of Elmore county.
AMENDMENT 467 RATIFIED Annexation in Etowah County. Any municipality that was not located wholly within the boundaries of Etowah county prior to January 1, 1986, shall not annex any territory within Etowah county without the approval of the electorate of said territory expressed in a vote on the issue of said annexation. The provisions of this amendment shall not apply to any municipality incorporated in the future that lies entirely within the boundaries of Etowah county. The provisions of this amendment shall not apply to any territory presently annexed within Etowah county by a municipality located outside of the county. The legislature may pass local or general acts to supplement this amendment, so long as such acts do not contravene the provisions of this amendment.
AMENDMENT 468 RATIFIED Industrial Development in Marengo County. Any provision of the Constitution of Alabama or amendments thereto to the contrary notwithstanding, the legislature by general or local law may authorize, provide for and regulate the formation and operation in Marengo county of public corporations authorized to engage in promoting the industrial development of Marengo county and the municipalities therein and particularly the development and commercial use of the inland waterways in such county. Any such law may prescribe the powers and authority of any corporation formed thereunder, which may include, but shall not be limited to the following: the authority to acquire, construct, operate, improve, and finance wharves, stocks, warehouses and other port and related facilities in Marengo county; to apply for permission to operate a foreign trade zone and to establish, operate and maintain such a zone; to exercise the power of eminent domain; to borrow money for any of its corporate purposes and issue interest-bearing revenue bonds and other securities, but such corporation shall not have authority to create a debt against the state, Marengo county or any municipality or other political subdivision of Marengo county. The act may authorize Marengo county or any municipality or other political subdivision, public corporation, agency or instrumentality of Marengo county to aid and cooperate with the corporation authorized in the act, and with or without consideration to transfer any port facilities or other property to any corporation organized under such act. Such law may exempt any corporation organized pursuant to it from some or all taxation by the state, Marengo county or any municipality in Marengo county; from tort liability; and from the payment of certain fees of public officers.
AMENDMENT 469 RATIFIED Annexation in Marshall County. Any municipality that was not located wholly or in part within the boundaries of Marshall county prior to January 1, 1986, shall not annex any territory within Marshall county without the approval of the electorate of Marshall county expressed in a vote on the issue of said annexation, or approved unanimously by the Marshall county commission after notice has been given. The provisions of this amendment shall not apply to any municipality incorporated in the future that lies entirely within the boundaries of Marshall county. The provisions of this amendment shall not apply to any territory presently annexed within Marshall county by a municipality located outside of the county. The legislature may pass local or general acts to supplement this amendment, so long as such acts do not contravene the provisions of this amendment.
AMENDMENT 470 RATIFIED Washington County Port Authority. Section 1. The governing body of Washington county, Alabama, is hereby authorized to declare by the adoption of appropriate resolution, the need for the formation of a public corporation to carry out the provisions of this act. Upon the adoption of such resolution the governing body of Washington county shall appoint five persons, each of whom must be a duly qualified elector and property owner in the said county, who shall form the board of directors of such corporation and shall proceed to organize such corporation. Section 2. (a) The certificate of incorporation shall set forth: (1) The names and resident addresses of the persons forming the corporation, together with a recital that each of them is a duly qualified elector of and property owner in Washington county; (2) The name of the corporation; (3) A recital that the governing body of Washington county has declared by the adoption of an appropriate resolution the need for the formation of the corporation; (4) The location of the principal office of the corporation; (5) A statement that the corporation is organized for the purposes set forth in this amendment with all the powers and authorities specified in this amendment; (6) The period of the duration of the corporation; and (7) Any other matters which the persons forming the corporation may choose to insert therein which shall not be inconsistent with this amendment or with the laws of the state of Alabama. (b) The name designated for the corporation in the certificate of incorporation shall be one indicating the purpose thereof, such as the "Washington County Port Authority" or some other name of similar import. (c) The certificate of incorporation shall be subscribed and acknowledged by each of the persons forming the corporation before an officer or officers authorized by the laws of the state of Alabama to take acknowledgements to deeds, and the certificate of incorporation shall have attached thereto a certified copy of the resolution provided for in section 1, and a certificate by the secretary of state that the name proposed for the corporation is not identical with that of any other corporation in the state or so nearly similar thereto as to lead to confusion and uncertainty. Section 3. The certificate of incorporation, when executed and acknowledged in conformity with section 2, shall be filed with the judge of probate of Washington county and with the secretary of state. The judge of probate shall thereupon examine the certificate of incorporation and, if he finds that the recitals contained therein are correct, that the requirements of section 2 have been complied with, and that the name is not identical with or so nearly similar to that of another corporation already in existence in this state so as to lead to confusion and uncertainty, he shall approve the certificate of incorporation and record it in an appropriate book or record in his office and shall also file the certificate of incorporation with the secretary of state. When such certificate is so filed, the corporation referred to therein shall come into existence and shall constitute a public body corporate and politic, vested with the rights and powers herein granted. Section 4. The certificate of incorporation of the corporation incorporated under the provisions of this amendment may at any time and from time to time be amended in the manner provided in this section. The board shall first adopt a resolution adopting an amendment to the certificate of incorporation which shall be set forth in full in the said resolution and which amendment may include any matters which might have been included in the original certificate of incorporation. After the adoption of the resolution proposing an amendment to the certificate of incorporation of the corporation by the board, the president and secretary of the board shall sign and file for record in the office of the judge of probate in Washington coun
AMENDMENT 471 RATIFIED Special District Tax for Public Hospital Purposes in Baldwin County. The special district tax now levied and collected for public hospital purposes in election precincts numbered one through seven of Baldwin county, Alabama, and authorized by law shall be continued upon approval of this constitutional amendment and by simultaneous approval of a majority of the qualified electors in election precincts one through seven of Baldwin county voting thereon in the constitutional election submitting this proposed amendment to the county electorate. Upon such approval, the governing body of Baldwin county shall levy and cause to be collected annually, beginning October 1, 1987, for a period of 20 years, in addition to any taxes now authorized or that may be hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, a special district tax of two mills on each one dollar ($1.00) assessed valuation of taxable property in election precincts numbered one through seven of Baldwin county, Alabama, to be used exclusively for public hospital purposes (as the term "public hospital purposes" is defined in amendment LXXVI [76] to the Alabama Constitution of 1901 proposed by Acts of 1949, page 897, submitted December 13, 1949, and proclaimed ratified December 21, 1949) within said election precincts numbered one through seven. Whenever such tax shall have been authorized by vote of such qualified electors, and levied by the governing body of Baldwin county, such governing body may anticipate the proceeds therefrom for any one or more of the purposes for which the tax shall have been voted, by issuing, without further election, interest bearing tax anticipation bonds, warrants, or certificates of indebtedness of said county payable solely from and secured by a pledge of a sufficient amount of the annual proceeds from said tax received by the county. The governing body of Baldwin county shall have power to designate as the agency of the county, to construct, acquire, equip, operate and maintain public hospital facilities for said election precincts numbered one through seven any public corporation heretofore or hereafter organized for hospital purposes in the county. When a public corporation shall have been so designated, the proceeds of said tax thereafter collected shall be paid to it and shall be used by it for any one or more of the purposes for which the tax shall have been voted; provided, that payments of the proceeds of said tax to said public corporation shall be made only to such extent as will not result in the impairment of the obligation of any contract theretofore made with respect to said tax. Said public corporation may anticipate the proceeds from said tax so required to be paid to it by issuing, for any one or more of the purposes for which the tax shall have been voted, the bonds, warrants, or certificates of indebtedness of said corporation, and may pledge for the payment of the principal thereof and interest thereon a sufficient amount of the annual proceeds from said tax so paid to it. No securities issued or contracts made by Baldwin county under the authority of this amendment, which are payable solely out of the proceeds of said tax, and no securities issued or contracts made by any such public corporation, whether or not issued or made under the authority of this amendment, shall be construed to be bonds of Baldwin county or of a political subdivision thereof within the meaning of section 222 of the Constitution, or construed to create or constitute an indebtedness of the county within the meaning of section 224 of the Constitution. Said securities shall be construed to be negotiable instruments notwithstanding the fact that they may be payable solely from a limited source. All pledges of said tax and all contracts made with respect thereto pursuant to the provisions of this amendment shall take precedence in the order in which they are made and shall create a charge on the proceeds of said tax pri
AMENDMENT 472 RATIFIED Use of Assets of State Retirement Systems. All of the assets, proceeds or income of the teachers', employees', state police, public and judicial retirement systems of Alabama, or any successor systems thereto, and all contributions and payments made to such systems to provide for retirement and related benefits thereunder, shall be held, invested as authorized by law, or disbursed as in trust for the exclusive purpose of providing for such benefits, refunds and administrative expenses under the management of the boards of control of the aforementioned retirement systems; and, none of such assets, proceeds, income, contributions or payments shall be used, loaned, encumbered or diverted to or for any other purpose whatsoever.
AMENDMENT 473 RATIFIED Amendment of Section 232. SECTION 232 Foreign corporations doing business in state. No foreign corporation shall do business in this state without having at least one known place of business and an authorized agent or agents therein, and without filing with the secretary of state a certified copy of its articles of incorporation or association. Any foreign corporation, whether or not such corporation has qualified to do business in this state by filing with the secretary of state a certified copy of its articles of incorporation or association, may be sued only in those counties where such suit would be allowed if the said foreign corporation were a domestic corporation. The legislature shall, by general law, provide for the payment to the state of Alabama of a franchise tax by such corporation, but such franchise tax shall be based on the actual amount of capital employed in this state. Strictly benevolent, educational, or religious corporations shall not be required to pay such a tax.
AMENDMENT 474 RATIFIED Effectiveness of Laws Providing for Expenditure of County Funds. No law, whether general, special or local, whose purpose or effect is to provide for a new or increased expenditure of county funds held or disbursed by the county governing body shall become effective as to any county of this state until the first day of the fiscal year next following the passage of such law. The foregoing notwithstanding, a law, whether general, special or local, whose purpose or effect is to provide for a new or increased expenditure of county funds held or disbursed by the county governing body, shall become effective according to its own terms as any other law if: (1) such law is approved by a resolution duly adopted by and spread upon the minutes of the county governing body of the county affected thereby; or (2) such law (or other law or laws which specifically refer to such law) provides the respective county governing bodies with new or additional revenues sufficient to fund such new or increased expenditures.
AMENDMENT 475 RATIFIED Tax Increment Districts in Counties and Municipalities. Any other provision of the Constitution heretofore adopted to the contrary notwithstanding, the legislature is hereby authorized to enact legislation permitting municipalities and counties to establish tax increment districts, as may be defined in such legislation; to authorize the payment to any such municipality or county of the increase in ad valorem taxes resulting from the redevelopment or revitalization of any such district except to the extent that any such payment would jeopardize the payment of any bonded indebtedness secured by any tax applicable in the proposed district; and subject to the mutual agreement of the municipality and county affected thereby to provide that all such increases in ad valorem taxes shall be payable to such municipality or county until the indebtedness or costs incurred for any project have been paid in full; to provide that public moneys, including the proceeds of obligations issued by the municipality or county for such purposes, may be expended for the acquisition of property and the redevelopment, rehabilitation or conservation thereof which may be disposed of to or for the benefit of private interest for compensation established by the governing body of county or municipality, as the case may be which established such district, but for not less than the fair market value thereof determined by one or more independent appraisals of such property; and to provide that any such obligations shall not be chargeable against the constitutional debt limit of the issuer unless such obligations shall be general obligations of the issuer in addition to being payable from such increases in property taxes. Any legislation passed at the same session of the legislature at which this amendment is proposed, which shall be in furtherance of or in implementation of the authority hereby granted is hereby validated and confirmed.
AMENDMENT 476 RATIFIED Chambers County Fire and Rescue Fund. The Chambers county commission shall establish a Chambers county fire and rescue fund. The circuit clerk of Chambers county shall assess an additional court charge against all persons convicted in Chambers county of violating state criminal law regarding driving under the influence of alcohol or the state criminal law regarding controlled substances. First time offenders of said criminal law shall pay a court charge of twenty-five dollars ($25.00). Second time offenders of said criminal law shall pay a court charge of fifty dollars ($50.00). Third time offenders and all other offenders of said criminal law shall pay a court charge of one hundred dollars ($100.00). Said court charge shall be in addition to all other charges prescribed by law. Said court charges shall be paid into the Chambers county fire and rescue fund and shall be distributed by the county commission on January 31 of each year. Said money shall be equally distributed to all chartered volunteer fire departments and chartered volunteer rescue squads established in Chambers county. The Chambers county commission shall be authorized to promulgate rules and regulations to implement the provisions of this amendment. The legislature shall be authorized to enact general, local or special laws to provide further for the operation of said fund, the allocation of the moneys placed in said fund and the amount of court charges levied.
AMENDMENT 477 RATIFIED Amendment of Amendment No. 465. City of Jackson Port Authority. Section 1. The following amendment to section 6 of constitutional Amendment 465 is hereby proposed: Section 6. A corporation organized and existing under the provisions of this amendment shall have the following powers, together with all powers incident thereto or necessary for the performance of those stated herein: (a) To adopt and from time to time amend bylaws for the regulation of its affairs and the conduct of its business; (b) To adopt an official seal and alter the same at its pleasure; (c) To maintain a principal office in the city of Jackson; (d) To sue and be sued in its own name, excepting actions in tort against the corporation; (e) To construct, own, operate, lease, build, install, acquire, maintain, equip, use and control marinas, ports, waterfront facilities, docks, wharves, piers, berths, quays, warehouses, loading and unloading facilities, boat and barge docking facilities, fishing facilities, pavilions, auditoriums, shops, stores, boat launching facilities, dry docks, canals, recreational facilities, campgrounds, parking facilities, office and other commercial buildings, water systems, electrical systems, gas and fuel oil pipelines and pumping stations, railroad lines and railway systems, helicopter and airline landing and loading facilities, industrial and manufacturing sites, buildings and facilities, coal and other solid fuel handling facilities, wood products manufacturing and handling facilities, agriculture and farm commodity handling, storage and processing facilities, drainage and sewage facilities, liquid and solid waste handling and disposal facilities, conveyor systems, jetties, mooring facilities, and all necessary or convenient approaches, easements, roads, streets and ways leading thereto or used in conjunction therewith; and specifically including herein bridge and road relocation, and the construction, maintenance and operation of bridges, tunnels, overpasses, underpasses, roads and sidewalks; and the construction, leasing, operation, equipping, owning, using, controlling and maintaining of public terminal and transfer facilities, flood control facilities, water and soil erosion facilities, railroad and highway bridge relocation and construction and maintenance of the same and all other types of waterway facilities pursuant to all state, county, local and federal laws and regulations relative to the operation and maintenance of the Tombigbee river; (f) To own, acquire, maintain and control easements, rights of way, streets, approaches, roads, interests in land, including the fee simple title to real property, riparian rights, and mooring rights necessary, useful or convenient in gaining access, entry or approach to waterways, rivers, canals and streams, whether or not navigable and whether or not such easements, rights of way, streets, approaches, roads, interests in land, riparian rights and mooring rights lead to property owned or controlled by the corporation; (g) To acquire, whether by purchase, construction, exchange, gift, lease or otherwise and to improve, equip and furnish and to own and maintain or lease one or more projects or parts thereof, including all real and personal properties and interests therein which its board may deem necessary in connection therewith, regardless of whether or not any such project or projects shall then be in existence; (h) To acquire, receive, take, hold, lease or operate, whether by purchase, gift, devise or otherwise, property of every description, whether real, personal or mixed, and to manage the same and to improve or develop any undeveloped property owned, leased or controlled by it; (i) To sell, convey, lease or grant options for such purposes, any or all of its projects or properties, whenever its board shall find that such action is in the furtherance of the purposes for which the corporation was organized; (j) To exchange or donate any or all of its projects
AMENDMENT 478 RATIFIED Compensation of Clarke County Probate Judge. The legislature may, from time to time, by general or local laws applicable to or operative in Clarke county, fix, regulate, and alter the costs and charges of courts and fees, commissions, allowances, and salaries, including the method and basis of compensation, to be charged or received by the judge of probate of Clarke county; and may place the judge of probate on a salary and provide for the fees, commissions, allowances, and percentages collectible by such officer to be paid into the treasury from which his salary is paid.
AMENDMENT 479 RATIFIED Compensation of Covington County Officers. The legislature may hereafter, from time to time, by general, special or local laws, fix, regulate and alter the fees, commissions, allowances or salaries to be charged or received by the judge of probate and other county officers of Covington county, and may put such officers on a salary basis and provide for the operation of their offices on such basis.
AMENDMENT 480 RATIFIED Compensation of Greene County Probate Judge. Effective the beginning of the next term of office after ratification of this amendment, the judge of probate of Greene county shall be compensated on a salary basis. He shall receive in equal monthly installments from the general fund of Greene county such salary as provided by general law, unless provided otherwise by local law. Such salary shall be the entire compensation received by such judge for his services in any official or ex officio capacity. Such salary shall be in lieu of all fees, commissions, allowances, percentages and other charges previously paid to the judge of probate of Greene county. All fees, commissions, allowances, percentages, and other charges heretofore collected for the use of the judge of probate of Greene county shall continue to be collected but shall be paid into the general fund of Greene county. The county commission of Greene county shall provide the judge of probate with such office personnel, equipment and supplies as such county commission may consider necessary for the proper and efficient conduct of his office. Compensation of any personnel so provided shall be fixed by the county commission and shall be paid in equal monthly installments out of the general fund of Greene county.
AMENDMENT 481 RATIFIED Compensation of Hale County Probate Judge. The judge of probate of Hale county shall be compensated on a salary basis. He shall receive in equal monthly installments from the general fund of Hale county such salary as provided by general law. Such salary shall be the entire compensation received by such judge for his services in any official or ex officio capacity. Such salary shall be in lieu of all fees, commissions, allowances, percentages and other charges heretofore paid to the judge of probate of Hale county. All fees, commissions, allowances, percentages, and other charges heretofore collected for the use of the judge of probate of Hale county shall hereafter continue to be collected but shall be paid into the general fund of Hale county. The governing body of Hale county shall provide the judge of probate with such office personnel, clerks, deputies and such quarters, books, stationery, furniture, equipment and other such conveniences and supplies as such governing body may consider necessary for the proper and efficient conduct of his office. Compensation of any personnel so provided shall be fixed by the county governing body and shall be paid in equal monthly installments out of the general fund of Hale county. The legislature may hereafter, from time to time, by general, special or local laws, fix, regulate and alter the fees, commissions, allowances, compensation or salaries to be charged or received by the judge of probate of Hale county, and may provide for the operation of his office. The legislature may hereafter, from time to time, by general, special or local laws further provide for the distribution of the fees, commissions, allowances, percentages and other charges herein provided for. This constitutional amendment after its adoption shall not become effective until the beginning of the next term of office of the probate judge.
AMENDMENT 482 RATIFIED Limestone County Commission Authority. The Limestone county commission is hereby authorized with or without charge to provide for the disposal of dead farm animals, and the excavating of human graves.
AMENDMENT 483 RATIFIED Compensation of Lowndes County Probate Judge. Effective the beginning of the next term of office after ratification of this amendment, the judge of probate of Lowndes county shall be compensated on a salary basis. He shall receive in equal monthly installments from the general fund of Lowndes county such salary as provided by general law, unless provided otherwise by local law. Such salary shall be the entire compensation received by such judge for his services in any official or ex officio capacity. Such salary shall be in lieu of all fees, commissions, allowances, percentages and other charges previously paid to the judge of probate of Lowndes county. All fees, commissions, allowances, percentages, and other charges heretofore collected for the use of the judge of probate of Lowndes county shall continue to be collected but shall be paid into the general fund of Lowndes county. The county commission of Lowndes county shall provide the judge of probate with such office personnel, equipment and supplies as such county commission may consider necessary for the proper and efficient conduct of his office. Compensation of any personnel so provided shall be fixed by the county commission and shall be paid in equal monthly installments out of the general fund of Lowndes county.
AMENDMENT 484 RATIFIED Additional Ad Valorem Tax in Morgan County. In Morgan county, if the tax or the continuation of an expiring tax for specified purposes or for purposes other than originally levied, not exceeding one and one-half (1 1/2 ) mills on each dollar of taxable property in the county, by vote of a majority of the affected qualified electors of the county who participate in any election called for that purpose, the governing body of Morgan county shall continue for other than the original purposes, or levy and collect in addition to any and all other taxes authorized by law said ad valorem taxes until the Mallard-Fox creek project bond issue is repaid, for 25 years or whichever first occurs. An election shall be called by the county governing body as they deem necessary and such election shall be conducted in the manner which said governing body prescribes; provided, however, a public hearing with notice shall first be called on the subject at which a majority of the members of the county commission approve a resolution therefor. The provisions of this amendment shall be construed in pari materia with any and all other amendments relating to Morgan county and ad valorem taxation.
AMENDMENT 485 RATIFIED Compensation of Perry County Probate Judge. The judge of probate of Perry county shall be compensated on a salary basis. He shall receive in equal monthly installments from the general fund of Perry county such salary as provided by general law. Such salary shall be the entire compensation received by such judge for his services in any official or ex officio capacity. Such salary shall be in lieu of all fees, commissions, allowances, percentages and other charges heretofore paid to the judge of probate of Perry county. All fees, commissions, allowances, percentages, and other charges heretofore collected for the use of the judge of probate of Perry county shall hereafter continue to be collected but shall be paid into the general fund of Perry county. The governing body of Perry county shall provide the judge of probate with such office personnel, clerks, deputies and such quarters, books, stationery, furniture, equipment and other such conveniences and supplies as such governing body may consider necessary for the proper and efficient conduct of his office. Compensation of any personnel so provided shall be fixed by the county governing body and shall be paid in equal monthly installments out of the general fund of Perry county. The legislature may hereafter, from time to time, by general, special or local laws, fix, regulate and alter the fees, commissions, allowances, compensation or salaries to be charged or received by the judge of probate of Perry county, and may provide for the operation of his office. The legislature may hereafter, from time to time, by general, special or local laws further provide for the distribution of the fees, commissions, allowances, percentages and other charges herein provided for. This constitutional amendment after its adoption shall not become effective until the beginning of the next term of office of the probate judge.
AMENDMENT 486 RATIFIED Compensation of Sumter County Probate Judge. Effective the beginning of the next term of office after ratification of this amendment, the judge of probate of Sumter county shall be compensated on a salary basis. He shall receive in equal monthly installments from the general fund of Sumter county such salary as provided by general law, unless provided otherwise by local law. Such salary shall be the entire compensation received by such judge for his services in any official or ex officio capacity. Such salary shall be in lieu of all fees, commissions, allowances, percentages and other charges previously paid to the judge of probate of Sumter county. All fees, commissions, allowances, percentages, and other charges heretofore collected for the use of the judge of probate of Sumter county shall continue to be collected but shall be paid into the general fund of Sumter county. The county commission of Sumter county shall provide the judge of probate with such office personnel, equipment and supplies as such county commission may consider necessary for the proper and efficient conduct of his office. Compensation of any personnel so provided shall be fixed by the county commission and shall be paid in equal monthly installments out of the general fund of Sumter county.
AMENDMENT 487 RATIFIED Compensation of Wilcox County Probate Judge. Effective the beginning of the next term of office after ratification of this amendment, the judge of probate of Wilcox county shall be compensated on a salary basis. He shall receive in equal monthly installments from the general fund of Wilcox county such salary as provided by general law, unless provided otherwise by local law. Such salary shall be the entire compensation received by such judge for his services in any official or ex officio capacity. Such salary shall be in lieu of all fees, commissions, allowances, percentages and other charges previously paid to the judge of probate of Wilcox county. All fees, commissions, allowances, percentages, and other charges heretofore collected for the use of the judge of probate of Wilcox county shall continue to be collected but shall be paid into the general fund of Wilcox county. The county commission of Wilcox county shall provide the judge of probate with such office personnel, equipment and supplies as such county commission may consider necessary for the proper and efficient conduct of his office. Compensation of any personnel so provided shall be fixed by the county commission and shall be paid in equal monthly installments out of the general fund of Wilcox county.
AMENDMENT 488 RATIFIED Investment of Capital and Income from Alabama Heritage Trust Fund or Alabama Trust Fund. Any other provision of this Constitution to the contrary notwithstanding, trust capital and trust income held in either the Alabama heritage trust fund or the Alabama trust fund may be invested in such kinds of investments and in accordance with such conditions as shall from time to time be authorized by law for the investment of any of the trust funds of either the teachers' retirement system of Alabama or the employees' retirement system of Alabama; provided, however, that if any restrictive conditions at any time made applicable by law to either the teachers' retirement system of Alabama or the employees' retirement system of Alabama should prohibit investments that would otherwise be permitted for the Alabama trust fund by Amendment No. 450 to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, then, notwithstanding the restrictive conditions applicable to said retirement systems, the investments permitted by said Amendment No. 450 shall be permitted for trust capital and trust income held in either the Alabama heritage trust fund or the Alabama trust fund; and provided further, that for purposes of implementing the preceding proviso with respect to the investment of funds held in the Alabama heritage trust fund, any provision of said Amendment No. 450 which refers to the whole or any percentage of the trust capital of the Alabama trust fund in connection with the investment thereof shall be deemed to refer to the trust capital of the Alabama heritage trust fund. Any provision of this Constitution to the contrary notwithstanding, any capital gains realized from the sale of any investments forming a part of either the Alabama heritage trust fund or the Alabama trust fund shall become a part of the trust capital of the fund in which such investments were held and shall be subject to all restrictions applicable to the preservation of such trust capital.
AMENDMENT 489 RATIFIED Alabama Music Hall of Fame Authority. I Any provision of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended, to the contrary notwithstanding, the Alabama music hall of fame authority (hereinafter described) is fully authorized and empowered to sell and issue its interest bearing bonds, which shall be and constitute general obligations of the state, in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $2,500,000. The expenses incurred in the sale and issuance of said bonds shall be paid by the authority out of the proceeds derived from the sale thereof. The proceeds of said bonds remaining after payment of said expenses shall be turned over to the state treasurer, shall be carried in a special account of the state treasury to the credit of the authority, and shall be subject to be drawn on solely by the authority for the purposes authorized in this amendment. As used in this amendment, the following words and phrases shall have the following respective meanings: "Authority" means the Alabama music hall of fame authority created and established by this amendment. "Board" means (i) the Alabama music hall of fame board created and established by sections 41-9-680, et seq., of the Code of Alabama 1975, as amended, or (ii) such other agency of the state which performs substantially the same functions as said board and which is declared by the legislature to be a successor thereto or a replacement thereof. "State" means the state of Alabama. The authority is hereby fully authorized and empowered, except as herein specified or limited, to determine the terms and conditions of said bonds and to provide for the sale and issuance thereof. Upon issuance of said bonds by the authority, the state is authorized to and shall become indebted, in addition to all other indebtedness of the state, in the aggregate principal amount of such bonds issued pursuant to this amendment. The full faith and credit of the state are hereby irrevocably pledged for the prompt and faithful payment of the principal of said bonds and the interest and premium (if any) thereon. The proceeds of said bonds remaining after payment of the expenses of selling and issuing the same, together with the investment income derived from said proceeds, shall be used for the purpose of providing funds for the acquisition, construction, installation and equipping of buildings and other facilities consisting of any one or more of the following to be located in Colbert county, Alabama: (i) a music hall of fame and exhibition facility for the display of busts, statutes, plaques, books, papers, pictures, computerized figures, memorabilia, records, films, audio tapes, video tapes, compact disks, recordings, pictures and other exhibits relating to music and musicians, (ii) a library, research and educational center for the collection and documentation of music and for music education and enrichment programs, (iii) an audio visual auditorium/theatre, (iv) a recording studio, or (v) other facilities necessary or useful in connection with the use of any of the aforesaid facilities, including the acquisition of sites and equipment for any of the aforesaid facilities. Said proceeds may also be used to pay any costs and expenses incidental to the aforesaid purposes for which the bonds are authorized, which may include but shall not be limited to interest on such bonds prior to and during construction of the aforesaid facilities to be constructed with said proceeds and for not exceeding one year after completion of construction. The authority is hereby fully authorized and empowered, except as herein specified or limited, to determine which of the aforesaid facilities shall be acquired, constructed, installed or equipped by the authority using the aforesaid proceeds. The plans and specifications for any building or other facility acquired, constructed, installed or equipped with proceeds of said bonds shall be approved solely by the authority. The authority is also authorized and
AMENDMENT 490 RATIFIED Marion County Public Water Authority. The legislature may, by general or local law, provide for the creation, incorporation, organization, operation, administration, authority and financing of a Marion county public water authority in all or in portions of Marion county as a public corporation to provide any one or more of the following local public services: Obtaining, treating, and furnishing water for residential, commercial or industrial purposes and for any other local service permitted by such general or local law; authorize such authority to fix and collect rates, fees and charges for such services, and to provide penalties for nonpayment and liens upon the property within such public water authority; grant or vest the privilege of eminent domain to such public water authority for the purpose of taking property for public use in accordance with Article XII, Section 235, of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901; authorize the borrowing of money and the issuance of bonds and other obligations by or on behalf of such public water authority, provided that Marion county shall not be responsible for any such bond or obligation and no such bond or obligation shall be chargeable against the limit on the debt of Marion county; extend the service area into one or more other counties; and provide for fire protection facilities or services. Any law enacted at the 1988 Regular Session of the legislature to authorize the creation of such public water authority in Marion county and to implement this amendment to the Constitution (whether with or without published notice of intention) shall become effective upon the ratification of this amendment.
AMENDMENT 491 RATIFIED Effectiveness of Laws Providing for Expenditure of Municipal Funds. No law, whether general, special or local, whose purpose or effect is to provide for a new or increased expenditure of municipal funds held or disbursed by the municipal governing body shall become effective as to any municipality of this state until the first day of the fiscal year next following the passage of such law. The foregoing notwithstanding, a law, whether general, special or local, whose purpose or effect is to provide for a new or increased expenditure of municipal funds held or disbursed by the municipal governing body, shall become effective according to its own terms as any other law if: (1) Such law is approved by a resolution duly adopted by and spread upon the minutes of the municipal governing body of the municipality affected thereby; or (2) Such law (or other law or laws which specifically refer to such law) provides the respective municipal governing bodies with new or additional revenues sufficient to fund such new or increased expenditures.
AMENDMENT 492 RATIFIED Promotion of Catfish Industry. The legislature may hereafter, by general law, provide for the promotion of the production, distribution, improvement, marketing, use and sale of catfish. The legislature may provide for the promotion of catfish and catfish products by research, education, advertising and other methods, and the legislature is further authorized to provide means and methods for the financing of any such promotional activity by prescribing a procedure whereby producers of catfish by referendum among such producers levy upon themselves and collect assessments, fees, or charges upon the purchase of catfish feed for the financing of any such promotional program or activity in cooperation with buyers, processors, dealers, distributors of catfish feed and handlers of catfish. The legislature may make provisions for the nonpayment of assessments by catfish producers and shall make provisions for the refund of assessments to any purchaser of catfish feed who does not desire to participate in an assessment program. The legislature shall provide for the collection, disbursement, distribution or expenditure of assessments or charges authorized hereunder and to provide penalties for failure to make collection and distribution of assessments. The legislature shall provide for the designation of a nonprofit association or organization for the promotion and betterment of catfish and catfish products to administer and carry out such promotional program which shall include the conducting of elections or referendums among producers of catfish. The legislature may provide the manner by which such referendum is held, including the procedure for application for approval to conduct the referendum, the appropriate action to be taken by the state board of agriculture and industries on such application, the requirements and eligibility of the association or organization which will conduct such referendum, the procedures for voting and eligibility to vote in such referendum, the details of the conduct of such referendum. The legislature shall further provide for the deposit, withdrawal, disbursement and expenditure by the designated association of any funds received subject to the supervision and control of the activities as authorized herein by the department of agriculture and industries and the state board of agriculture and industries. The legislature shall further provide a procedure whereby said association or organization is bonded, for the examination and auditing of said association or organization, and for reasonably necessary rules and regulations to be adopted by the state board of agriculture and industries to effectively carry out the intent and purposes herein enumerated. Assessments, fees or other charges collected as authorized by any legislative act adopted under authority hereof shall not be considered as a tax within the meaning of this constitution or any provision thereof. Any uniformity requirements of this constitution shall be satisfied by the application of the program upon catfish.
AMENDMENT 493 RATIFIED Compensation of Probate Judge of Autauga County. Commencing at the next term of office, the probate judge of Autauga county shall be entitled to receive compensation in the form of an annual salary. Such annual salary shall be the amount of the minimum salary prescribed by general law and shall continue for the first three years of such term of office. Thereafter, the minimum annual salary of the probate judge of Autauga county shall be 90 percent of the annual compensation and allowance paid the presiding circuit judge of the 19th judicial circuit or the minimum salary prescribed by general law, whichever is higher. Such salary shall be paid in lieu of all other fees, allowances, and percentages heretofore provided by law, and shall be paid in equal monthly installments out of the general fund in the county treasury. All fees, commissions, allowances, percentages, and other charges heretofore collected for the use of the judge of probate of Autauga county shall hereafter continue to be collected but shall be paid into the county general fund.
AMENDMENT 494 RATIFIED Appropriation by City of Anniston in Calhoun County for East Alabama United Cerebral Palsy Center. The governing body of the city of Anniston in Calhoun county is hereby authorized to appropriate the sum of $35,000.00 from public funds on a one-time basis only to the East Alabama United Cerebral Palsy Center for the cost of its complex at the Jaycee park.
AMENDMENT 495 RATIFIED Compensation of Choctaw County Probate Judge. Effective the beginning of the next term of office after ratification of this amendment, the judge of probate of Choctaw county shall be compensated on a salary basis. He shall receive in equal monthly installments from the general fund of Choctaw county such salary as provided by local law. Such salary shall be the entire compensation received by such judge for his services in any official or ex officio capacity. Such salary shall be in lieu of all fees, commissions, allowances, percentages and other charges previously paid to the judge of probate of Choctaw county. All fees, commissions, allowances, percentages, and other charges heretofore collected for the use of the judge of probate of Choctaw county shall continue to be collected but shall be paid into the general fund of Choctaw county. The county commission of Choctaw county shall provide the judge of probate with such office personnel, equipment and supplies as such county commission may consider necessary for the proper and efficient conduct of his office. Compensation of any personnel so provided shall be fixed by the county commission and shall be paid in equal monthly installments out of the general fund of Choctaw county.
AMENDMENT 496 RATIFIED Compensation of Probate Judge of Crenshaw County. The probate judge of Crenshaw county shall be entitled to receive compensation in the form of an annual salary which shall be equal to the annual salary compensation paid by the state to the district court judge in said county. Such salary shall be paid in lieu of all other fees, allowances, and percentages heretofore provided by law, and shall be paid in equal monthly installments out of the general fund in the county treasury. All fees, commissions, allowances, percentages, and other charges heretofore collected for the use of the judge of probate of Crenshaw county shall hereafter continue to be collected but shall be paid into the county general fund.
AMENDMENT 497 RATIFIED Prohibition of Overgrowth of Weeds and Storage and Accumulation of Certain Junk, Motor Vehicles and Litter in Jefferson County. The legislature may from time to time by local act authorize or require the Jefferson county commission to: (a) Prohibit the overgrowth of weeds and the storage and accumulation of junk, inoperable motor vehicles and other litter; (b) Implement, administer and enforce said prohibition and; (c) Assess criminal penalties for violations thereof. All existing local acts pertaining to Jefferson county relating to the subject of this constitutional amendment enacted prior to the adoption and ratification of this constitutional amendment are hereby validated.
AMENDMENT 498 RATIFIED Levy and Collection of Financial Charges or Assessments in Fire Fighting Districts of Lee County. The governing body of Lee county shall be and is hereby authorized to levy and to collect financial charges or assessments upon and with respect to any or all property (which financial charges or assessments, regardless of whether considered to be property taxes, need not be assessed in exact proportion to the value of property subject to such financial charges or assessments) within the boundaries of any one or more fire fighting districts in Lee county established by said governing body pursuant to the provisions of that certain amendment to the Constitution proposed by Act No. 80-313, enacted at the 1980 Regular Session of the legislature, and known as Amendment No. 392. Any such financial charge or assessment shall, subject to succeeding provisions of this amendment, be so levied and collected at such rate or rates, for such period or periods of time, on such basis (whether ad valorem, or otherwise) and otherwise on such terms and conditions as shall from time to time be specified, provided or limited by the legislature by general, special or local law, and as said governing body may, consistently with then applicable provisions of such general, special or local law, determine; provided however, that no such financial charge or assessment shall be so levied or collected in any such district unless a majority of the qualified electors residing in such district and voting at an election called for such purpose approve the levy and collection of such financial charge or assessment within such district, at such rate (not to exceed the maximum rate then permitted by law) and for such period of time (not to exceed the maximum period of time then permitted by law) as shall be briefly described or summarized on the ballot used in such election. Thereafter no increase in the rate of such financial charge or assessment above the rate or maximum rate (as the case may be) so approved by the electorate of such district, and no extension of the period of time or maximum period of time (as the case may be) for which such financial charge or assessment shall have been authorized to be levied and collected within such district, shall be effective except upon approval by a majority of the qualified electors residing in such district and voting at an election called for such purpose. Any provision of the Constitution to the contrary notwithstanding (including specifically, but without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Section 190, as amended), the legislature may, by general, special or local law, provide for and otherwise regulate elections held under or pursuant to the provisions of this amendment. The proceeds of any financial charge or assessment levied and collected pursuant to the provisions of this amendment shall be expended solely for payment of expenses of (i) providing fire protection services and facilities within the district in which such financial charge or assessment is so levied and collected (either directly or indirectly, as the legislature may specify), but otherwise in accordance with the provisions of the aforesaid Amendment No. 392, and (ii) levying and collecting such financial charge or assessment. Any such financial charge or assessment may, any provision of the Constitution to the contrary notwithstanding, be levied upon and with respect to any property within the boundaries of the district in question regardless of whether such property is otherwise exempt from property taxation (on an ad valorem basis or otherwise). The legislature shall, any provision of the Constitution to the contrary notwithstanding (including specifically, but without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Section 105), have the power, by general, special or local law, to provide for the implementation of the provisions of this amendment and otherwise to enact laws in furtherance of the purposes hereof and of th
AMENDMENT 499 RATIFIED Municipality Police Jurisdiction in Limestone County. In Limestone county, no police jurisdiction of a municipality located wholly or partially within Limestone county shall extend beyond the corporate limits of the municipality.
AMENDMENT 500 RATIFIED Investment of Municipal Funds and County Funds by Mobile County. The terms "municipal funds" and "county funds" as used in this amendment shall include all general, special, permanent, trust and other funds, regardless of source or purpose, held or administered by Mobile county, any city or town in Mobile county, or by any officer or agency thereof. In addition to any investments or obligations provided for by general law, any municipal or county funds not needed for other purposes may be invested in the procurement of secured repurchase agreements, secured commercial paper and secured banker's acceptance, invested overnight and invested in higher yield rates of return for more flexible maturities.
AMENDMENT 501 RATIFIED Fire Protection Districts and Taxes in Monroe County. The Monroe county commission is hereby authorized in its discretion to establish fire districts within the geographical boundaries of Monroe county. The boundaries of such fire districts may be rearranged at the discretion of the county commission as it deems necessary, from time to time, to maximize fire protection services in the county. The county commission may use the corporate limits of the various towns and municipalities in the county as boundaries for fire districts. In such situations, such town or municipal fire district shall have its own volunteer fire department functioning within its boundaries. Each fire district established in an area located outside of the corporate limits of a town or municipality shall likewise have its own volunteer fire department functioning strictly within its district boundaries. The county commission is further authorized to enter into agreements with volunteer fire departments within such county for fire protection and services. Commencing with the levy for the tax year for which taxes will become due and payable on October 1, 1989, there is hereby levied, in addition to any taxes now authorized or that may be hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, a fire protection tax of three mills. The fire protection tax levied herein shall be based upon the value of real and personal property assessed by affected property owners, as shown on the records of the tax assessor of Monroe county, Alabama, and shall be assessed and collected as are all ad valorem taxes in the county. The amount collected each year from assessment of this fire protection tax shall be paid into the county general fund and used in furtherance of fire protection and for rescue squads within the affected area. Prior to the levy of the fire protection tax in said county, there shall be submitted to the electors of said county, at a special election called for that purpose in said county, the question of whether the said tax shall be levied, and the said tax shall be authorized at such election by a majority of the qualified electors within the said county who vote at such election. Elections on the question of the levy of a fire protection tax in said county may be held at any time and from time to time, provided, that if any such election held after the ratification of this amendment the proposal to levy the tax so submitted should be defeated then the proposal may not be submitted at another election held in said county within two years from the last election held under this amendment.
AMENDMENT 502 RATIFIED Morgan County Sheriff's Posse. The county commission of Morgan county is hereby authorized to grant moneys to the Morgan county sheriff's posse. Any purchases with said moneys by the Morgan county sheriff's posse shall be the property of the Morgan county sheriff's office.
AMENDMENT 503 RATIFIED Pike County Government Modernization. Any provision of the Constitution or laws of the state of Alabama or local laws to the contrary notwithstanding, in order to modernize the operation of government in Pike county, the legislature may, during the current session of the legislature, provide by local act all of the following: 1. The county unit system in Pike county, for the construction, operation and maintenance of its roads and bridges, with the removal of road districts, effective January 1, 1989; and 2. The abolition of the offices of tax assessor and tax collector of Pike county and the creation of the office of revenue commissioner, and transfer of all duties, authority, records, assets and funds of both offices; and 3. The separation of the offices of judge of probate and chairman of the county commission of Pike county, effective 1994, and setting the compensation for such judge, and providing for the salary for office of chairman of county commission serving full time. In the event this amendment is approved by a majority of the qualified electors of Pike county who vote thereon in favor of the adoption of all three of the provisions of this amendment when it is submitted, then any law theretofore or thereafter passed, which implements this amendment, may become effective without any other election having been held thereon; in the event this amendment fails and a majority of the qualified voters in Pike county voting thereon vote against its approval, such acts or act shall become null and void, and no one provision of this amendment shall become law unless all provisions are approved, or unless the acts are separately resubmitted to the qualified electorate of Pike county for approval thereof. All three proposals in one act shall not be deemed to contravene Section 45 of the Constitution of 1901. The ballot on the approval of this amendment shall be substantially as follows: "Do you approve the Pike County Government Modernization Amendment? Yes ... . No ... ." The provisions of this amendment are self-executing as herein provided.
AMENDMENT 504 RATIFIED Financing Jail in Talladega County. In addition to any court costs and fees now or hereafter authorized, and notwithstanding any other provision of the Constitution, including without limitation Sections 96, 104 and 105 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended, there shall be a $10.00 fee assessed on all civil and criminal cases filed in the circuit court, district court or any municipal court in Talladega county. All funds generated from such fee shall be paid into the general fund of Talladega county and shall be used exclusively for the design and construction of a county jail, including the payment of principal and interest on any obligations issued by or on behalf of Talladega county (a) to finance such design and construction and the expenses of issuance thereof, or (b) to refund any such objections and pay the costs of refunding. When the jail is paid for or when all such obligations are paid in full, whichever last occurs, the additional fee levied by this amendment shall be removed from all cases except criminal cases, upon which the said additional fee shall continue to be levied, to be used for operation, upkeep and maintenance of the county jail. This amendment shall be self-executing and shall require no enabling legislation.
AMENDMENT 505 RATIFIED Washington County Fire Districts. The Washington county commission is hereby authorized in its discretion to establish fire districts within the geographical boundaries of Washington county. The boundaries of such fire districts may be rearranged at the discretion of the county commission as it deems necessary from time to time, to maximize fire protection services in the county. The county commission may use the corporate limits of the various towns and municipalities in the county as boundaries for fire districts. In such situations, such town or municipal fire district shall have its own volunteer fire department functioning within its boundaries. Each fire district established in an area located outside of the corporate limits of a town or municipality shall likewise have its own volunteer fire department functioning strictly within its district boundaries. The county commission is further authorized to enter into agreements with volunteer fire departments within such county for fire protection and services. There is hereby levied commencing October 1, 1989, in addition to any taxes now authorized or that may be hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, a fire protection tax of two mills. The fire protection tax levied herein shall be based upon the value of real and personal property assessed by affected property owners, as shown on the records of the tax assessor of Washington county, Alabama, and shall be assessed and collected as are all ad valorem taxes in the county. The amount collected each year from assessment of this fire protection tax shall be paid into the county general fund and used in furtherance of fire protection within the affected area.
AMENDMENT 506 RATIFIED Bingo Games in Etowah County. The operation of bingo games for prizes or money by certain nonprofit organizations for charitable or educational purposes shall be legal in Etowah county, subject to the provisions of any resolution by the county commission. The county commission shall have the authority to promulgate rules and regulations for the issuance of permits or licenses and for operation of bingo games; provided, however, the county commission must insure compliance pursuant to said law and the following provisions: (a) No person under the age of 19 shall be permitted to play any game or games of bingo, unless accompanied by a parent or guardian; nor shall any person under the age of 19 be permitted to conduct or assist in the conduct of any game of bingo; (b) No bingo permit or license shall be issued to any nonprofit organization, unless such organization shall have been in existence for at least 5 years immediately prior to the issuance of the permit or license except the tax-exempt Etowah county council on aging is exempt from the time requirement; (c) Bingo games shall be operated only on the premises owned or leased by the nonprofit organization operating the bingo game. If the premises is leased, the rate or rental shall not be based on a percentage of receipts or profits resulting from the operation of bingo games; (d) No nonprofit organization shall enter into any contract with any individual, firm, association or corporation to have said individual or entity operate bingo games or concessions on behalf of the nonprofit organization, nor shall said nonprofit organization pay consulting fees nor any compensation nor salary to any individual or entity for any services performed in relation to the operation or conduct of a bingo game; (e) A nonprofit organization shall not lend its name or allow its identity to be used by any other person or entity in the operating or advertising of a bingo game in which said nonprofit organization is not directly and solely operating said bingo game; (f) Prizes given by any qualified nonprofit organization for the playing of bingo games shall not exceed the cash amount or gifts of equivalent value, set by the legislature, during any bingo session. The legislature shall set a maximum amount for any calendar week. (g) No person or organization, by whatever name or composition thereof, shall take any expenses for the operation of a bingo game except as permitted by law. The provisions of this constitutional amendment shall be self-executing, but the legislature shall have the right and power by general, special or local act to adopt laws supplemental to this amendment or in furtherance of the general purposes and objectives herein set forth.
AMENDMENT 507 RATIFIED Filing and Service Fees in Russell County for Financing New County Jail. In addition to any court costs and fees now or hereafter authorized to be collected, the county commission of Russell county is authorized to assess a fee not to exceed thirty dollars ($30.00) upon the privilege of filing any initial complaint in all civil and criminal cases filed in any court, in the county, as well as a fee not to exceed five dollars ($5.00) for the service of all pleadings and other documents in connection with any such action. All such fees shall be paid into the general fund and shall be applied exclusively for payment of the cost of the planning, construction and equipping of a new county jail, or for the payment of the principal of and interest on any bonds, warrants or other obligations issued by or on behalf of the county to finance the costs of a new jail, as well as the expenses of issuance of any such bonds, warrants or other obligations. When the aforesaid costs of planning, constructing and equipping a new county jail shall be fully paid or when all such bonds, warrants or other obligations have been retired, whichever last occurs, the additional fee authorized by this amendment to be collected shall no longer be collected. Provided, however, no additional fee provided herein shall be collected until thirty (30) days after the county commission has signed a contract and or contracts for the construction of a new jail and construction has actually begun.
AMENDMENT 508 RATIFIED Bingo Games in Calhoun County. The operation of bingo games for prizes or money by certain nonprofit organizations for charitable, educational, or other lawful purposes shall be legal in Calhoun county, subject to the provisions of any resolution or ordinance by the county governing body or the governing bodies of the respective cities and towns, within their respective jurisdictions as provided by law regulating such operation. The said governing bodies shall have the authority to promulgate rules and regulations for the issuance of permits or licenses and for operation of bingo games, within their respective jurisdictions; provided, however, that said governing bodies must ensure compliance pursuant to said law and the following provisions: (a) No person under the age of 19 shall be permitted to play any game or games of bingo, unless accompanied by a parent or guardian; nor shall any person under the age of 19 be permitted to conduct or assist in the conduct of any game of bingo; (b) No bingo permit or license shall be issued to any nonprofit organization, unless such organization shall have been in existence for at least 12 months immediately prior to the issuance of the permit or license; (c) Bingo games shall be operated only on the premises owned or leased by the nonprofit organization operating the bingo game. If the premises is leased, the rate or rental shall not be based on a percentage of receipts or profits resulting from the operation of bingo games; (d) No nonprofit organization shall enter into any contract with any individual, firm, association or corporation to have said individual or entity operate bingo games or concessions on behalf of the nonprofit organization, nor shall said nonprofit organization pay consulting fees to any individual or entity for any services performed in relation to the operation or conduct of a bingo game; (e) A nonprofit organization shall not lend its name or allow its identity to be used by any other person or entity in the operating or advertising of a bingo game in which said nonprofit organization is not directly and solely operating said bingo game; (f) Prizes given by any qualified nonprofit organization for the playing of bingo games shall not exceed the cash amount or gifts of equivalent value, set by the legislature, during any bingo session. The legislature shall set a maximum amount for any calendar week; (g) No person or organization, by whatever name or composition thereof, shall take any expenses for the operation of a bingo game except as permitted by law. The provisions of this constitutional amendment shall be self-executing, but the legislature shall have the right and power by general, special or local act to adopt laws supplemental to this amendment or in furtherance of the general purposes and objectives herein set forth.
AMENDMENT 509 RATIFIED English as Official Language of State. English is the official language of the state of Alabama. The legislature shall enforce this amendment by appropriate legislation. The legislature and officials of the state of Alabama shall take all steps necessary to insure that the role of English as the common language of the state of Alabama is preserved and enhanced. The legislature shall make no law which diminishes or ignores the role of English as the common language of the state of Alabama. Any person who is a resident of or doing business in the state of Alabama shall have standing to sue the state of Alabama to enforce this amendment, and the courts of record of the state of Alabama shall have jurisdiction to hear cases brought to enforce this provision. The legislature may provide reasonable and appropriate limitations on the time and manner of suits brought under this amendment.
AMENDMENT 510 RATIFIED Deepening, Widening and Extending of Federal Channel at Bayou La Batre and Acquisition, Development, etc., of Cargo Handling Facilities of State Docks at Port of Mobile. The legislature may by appropriate laws authorize the state to pay a portion of the capital costs of public facilities and works of internal improvement consisting of (a) fulfilling a portion of the requirements of local contribution, participation and cooperation now or hereafter established by the United States in connection with the deepening, widening and extending of the existing federal channel at Bayou La Batre, Alabama and (b) the acquisition, development, construction, improvement, expansion, and modernization (or any of them) of general cargo handling facilities of the state docks at the Port of Mobile. The legislature may by appropriate laws authorize the state to become indebted and, in evidence of such indebtedness, to sell and issue its interest-bearing bonds, in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $20,000,000, for the purpose of enabling the state to discharge obligations at any time authorized by the legislature to be undertaken in connection with the channel deepening project and the state docks projects. The expenses incurred in connection with the sale and issuance of the bonds may also be paid from the proceeds thereof. The bonds may be sold by the bond commission authorized herein at public or private sale, with or without competitive bidding, at such price or prices and on such terms and conditions as the bond commission shall determine to be in the best interest of the state. Bonds evidencing the herein provided for indebtedness may be issued as direct general obligations of the state, and the state may pledge its full faith and credit to the prompt payment of the principal of the bonds and the interest and redemption premium (if any) thereon. The said bonds may be additionally secured by any special pledges that may be provided for by the legislature. The herein provided for indebtedness shall not be construed to prohibit or limit appropriations from the general fund of the state which from time to time may be made for the purpose of enabling the state to discharge obligations at any time authorized by the legislature to be undertaken in connection with the channel deepening project and the state docks projects. The legislature may by appropriate laws establish a bond commission and may confer upon it, in addition to all other necessary powers, full power to determine the terms and conditions of the bonds and to provide for the sale and issuance thereof. The legislature may authorize the herein provided for general obligation bonds of the state to be sold from time to time under the supervision of such bond commission. All monies received as proceeds of the sale of the state's bonds, shall be expended, except for reasonable issuance costs and administrative expenses, in discharging obligations that the state is permitted under the foregoing provisions of this amendment to undertake in connection with the channel deepening project and the state docks projects. The legislature shall enact appropriate enabling legislation to carry out the intent and purpose of this amendment.
AMENDMENT 511 RATIFIED Finance Charge, Fee or Assessment on Forest Land for Forestry Services and Forest Fire Protection. (A) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Constitution, the legislature may hereafter levy a finance charge, fee or assessment on forest land in this state at a rate of a maximum of twenty (20) cents per acre on a per acre basis of forest land owned and as established by general act of the legislature. The legislature is authorized to provide that the proceeds generated in each county shall be earmarked for use in the respective county where raised to provide for forestry services and forest fire protection within the county. The legislature may provide that this charge, fee, or assessment shall be levied on forest land as is defined by the legislature, and that said charge, fee, or assessment will be assessed and collected as ad valorem taxes in this state. The legislature may further provide that all revenues or monies collected from said forest land shall be distributed by the office of the county tax collector, or similar office, to the Alabama forestry commission, state of Alabama. The legislature shall provide that the forestry and fire prevention program set forth herein shall be administered by the Alabama forestry commission and that any funds collected but not spent in a particular fiscal year shall be carried into the next fiscal year for the same purposes in that county. The legislature may provide that local laws heretofore enacted relating to forest fire protection, and assessing a local acreage assessment, use tax, finance charge or other fee, tax, charge or assessment, in support thereof, which conflict with the provisions of that act shall be repealed; replaced or superceded by that act at a time to be designated by the legislature. (B) The legislature may from time to time pass such legislation as may be necessary to further define terms herein or to otherwise implement this amendment or the levying, collecting, distributing or administering of fees, charges or assessments provided for herein. The legislature may provide for and is authorized to provide the procedure whereby owners of forest land may, by referendum held among such owners in this state, levy upon themselves fees, charges and assessments, based upon the amount of acreage of forest land owned. The legislature is authorized to make provisions for nonpayment of such fees, charges or assessments authorized hereunder and to provide penalties for failure to pay same. The legislature may further provide for the withdrawal, disbursement and expenditure by the Alabama forestry commission of any funds received. Assessments, fees, or other charges collected as authorized by any legislative act adopted under authority hereof shall not be considered as a tax within the meaning of this Constitution or any provision thereof. The legislature may further provide for or allow reasonable rules and regulations to be adopted by the Alabama forestry commission to effectively carry out the intent and purposes herein enumerated. Any uniformity requirements of this Constitution shall be satisfied by the application of the program to forest fire protection and similar forestry services.
AMENDMENT 512 RATIFIED "Penny Trust Fund" Established for Promotion of Public Health and Public Schools. (a) There shall be established and maintained the "penny trust fund" within the state treasury to promote the public health and the public schools. Citizens may make voluntary donations to the penny trust fund. All donations and funds received shall be held in perpetual trust and shall not be subject to legislative appropriation or otherwise expended. (b) Earnings, including accrued interest and dividends, shall be retained in the penny trust fund, not subject to appropriation until the state treasurer certifies that sufficient moneys exist in the Fund or until the fiscal year which begins in 2000, whichever comes first; then and afterward, only 90 percent of the prior fiscal year's earnings to be subject to appropriation. Capital gains taken on the sale of any securities shall revert to the principal of the penny trust fund. (c) Funds in the penny trust fund are to be managed and invested by the state treasurer who may receive funds from any source not prohibited by law. (d) Fifty percent of the earnings subject to appropriation shall be dedicated to the programs and projects which promote the public health, and 50 percent dedicated to the public schools. (e) The legislature shall have power to implement this amendment by appropriate legislation.
AMENDMENT 513 RATIFIED Amendment of Section 98. Section 98. The legislature shall not retire any officer on pay, or part pay, or make any grant to such retiring officer; however, the legislature shall have the authority to provide that superintendents of education shall be eligible to participate in the Teachers' Retirement System of Alabama as the legislature may see fit.
AMENDMENT 514 RATIFIED Appropriations to Certain Nonprofit Organizations by City of Huntsville. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended, the governing body of the city of Huntsville in Madison county is hereby authorized to make a one-time appropriation of money, up to a maximum total appropriation of $2,000,000.00, to one or more bona fide nonprofit organizations, each of which at the time of any such appropriation must have been organized for the purpose of and actively engaged in fostering and coordinating volunteer citizen activity in the field of the literary, visual, and performing arts within the city of Huntsville for a period of more than five years, which said appropriation or appropriations are to be used exclusively for construction of one or more buildings located within said city, to be owned by such organization. The total maximum appropriation herein authorized may, however, at the discretion of the governing body, be made to only one such organization, provided, however, that any such appropriation may be made only upon proof that an amount equal to $1.00 for each $1.00 appropriated has first been raised from nonpublic funds and placed on deposit with a bank or trust company under an agreement, restricting the use of said funds to expenditures for the construction of one or more buildings to be occupied exclusively by one or more organizations engaged in fostering and coordinating volunteer citizen activity in the field of the literary, visual, and performing arts within the city of Huntsville. The city of Huntsville is further authorized to appropriate up to $100,000.00 annually for the general operations of any such organization, or for maintenance of any building which is occupied by any such organization. No payment may be made by the city of Huntsville under the authority of this amendment except upon the affirmative vote of the qualified electors of the city of Huntsville, in the election called for the ratification of this amendment, or at a subsequent election called for such purpose as hereinafter provided. Provided, however, that if this amendment is ratified, and a majority of the electors of the city of Huntsville do not vote in favor of such amendment, subsequent elections for the purpose of authorizing the governing body to make such appropriations to qualified organizations may be called by the governing body in the same manner and at the same time as any other general or special municipal election, but not more than one such election shall be held during any period of 12 consecutive months. The provisions of this constitutional amendment shall be self-executing, but the legislature shall have the right and power by general, special or local act to adopt laws supplemental to this amendment or in furtherance of the general purpose and objectives herein set forth.
AMENDMENT 515 RATIFIED Winston County Water Coordinating and Fire Prevention Authority. The legislature may, by general or local law, provide for the creation, incorporation, organization, operation, administration, authority and financing of a Winston county water coordinating and fire prevention authority in all or in portions of Winston county as a public corporation to provide any one or more of the following local public services: Obtain, treat, and furnish water for residential, commercial or industrial purposes and for any other local service permitted by such general or local law; authorize such authority to fix and collect rates, fees and charges for such services, and to provide penalties for nonpayment and liens upon the property within such public water authority; grant or vest the privilege of eminent domain to such public water authority for the purpose of taking property for public use in accordance with Article XII, Section 235, of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901; authorize the borrowing of money and the issuance of bonds and other obligations by or on behalf of such public water authority, provided that Winston county shall not be responsible for any such bond or obligation and no such bond or obligation shall be chargeable against the limit on the debt of Winston county; extend the service area into one or more other counties; and provide for fire protection facilities or services. Any law enacted at the 1988 special session of the legislature to authorize the creation of such authority in Winston county and to implement this amendment to the Constitution (whether with or without published notice of intention) shall become effective upon the ratification of this amendment.
AMENDMENT 516 RATIFIED Lamar County Water Coordinating and Fire Prevention Authority. The legislature may, by general or local law, provide for the creation, incorporation, organization, operation, administration, authority and financing of a Lamar county water coordinating and fire prevention authority in all or in portions of Lamar county as a public corporation to provide any one or more of the following local public services: Obtain, treat, and furnish water for residential, commercial or industrial purposes and for any other local service permitted by such general or local law; authorize such authority to fix and collect rates, fees and charges for such services, and to provide penalties for nonpayment and liens upon the property within such public water authority; grant or vest the privilege of eminent domain to such public water authority for the purpose of taking property for public use in accordance with Article XII, Section 235, of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901; authorize the borrowing of money and the issuance of bonds and other obligations by or on behalf of such public water authority, provided that Lamar county shall not be responsible for any such bond or obligation and no such bond or obligation shall be chargeable against the limit on the debt of Lamar county; extend the service area into one or more other counties; and provide for fire protection facilities or services. Any law enacted at the 1988 special session of the legislature to authorize the creation of such authority in Lamar county and to implement this amendment to the Constitution (whether with or without published notice of intention) shall become effective upon the ratification of this amendment.
AMENDMENT 517 RATIFIED Fayette County Water Coordinating and Fire Prevention Authority. The legislature may, by general or local law, provide for the creation, incorporation, organization, operation, administration, authority and financing of a Fayette county water coordinating and fire prevention authority in all or in portions of Fayette county as a public corporation to provide any one or more of the following local public services: Obtain, treat, and furnish water for residential, commercial or industrial purposes and for any other local service permitted by such general or local law; authorize such authority to fix and collect rates, fees and charges for such services, and to provide penalties for nonpayment and liens upon the property within such public water authority; grant or vest the privilege of eminent domain to such public water authority for the purpose of taking property for public use in accordance with Article XII, Section 235, of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901; authorize the borrowing of money and the issuance of bonds and other obligations by or on behalf of such public water authority, provided that Fayette county shall not be responsible for any such bond or obligation and no such bond or obligation shall be chargeable against the limit on the debt of Fayette county; extend the service area into one or more other counties; and provide for fire protection facilities or services. Any law enacted at the 1988 special session of the legislature to authorize the creation of such authority in Fayette county and to implement this amendment to the Constitution (whether with or without published notice of intention) shall become effective upon the ratification of this amendment.
AMENDMENT 518 RATIFIED Franklin County Water Coordinating and Fire Prevention Authority. The legislature may, by general or local law, provide for the creation, incorporation, organization, operation, administration, authority and financing of a Franklin county water coordinating and fire prevention authority in all or in portions of Franklin county as a public corporation to provide any one or more of the following local public services: Obtain, treat, and furnish water for residential, commercial or industrial purposes and for any other local service permitted by such general or local law; authorize such authority to fix and collect rates, fees and charges for such services, and to provide penalties for nonpayment and liens upon the property within such public water authority; grant or vest the privilege of eminent domain to such public water authority for the purpose of taking property for public use in accordance with Article XII, Section 235, of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901; authorize the borrowing of money and the issuance of bonds and other obligations by or on behalf of such public water authority, provided that Franklin county shall not be responsible for any such bond or obligation and no such bond or obligation shall be chargeable against the limit on the debt of Franklin county; extend the service area into one or more other counties; and provide for fire protection facilities or services. Any law enacted at the 1988 special session of the legislature to authorize the creation of such authority in Franklin county and to implement this amendment to the Constitution (whether with or without published notice of intention) shall become effective upon the ratification of this amendment.
AMENDMENT 519 RATIFIED Jackson County Water Authority. The legislature may, by general or local law, provide for the creation, incorporation, organization, operation, administration, authority and financing of the Jackson county water authority in all or in portions of Jackson county as a public corporation to provide any one or more of the following local public services: Obtain, treat, and furnish water for residential, commercial or industrial purposes and for any other local service permitted by such general or local law; authorize such authority to fix and collect rates, fees and charges for such services, and to provide penalties for nonpayment and liens upon the property within such public water authority; grant or vest the privilege of eminent domain to such public water authority for the purpose of taking property for public use in accordance with Article XII, Section 235, of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901; authorize the borrowing of money and the issuance of bonds and other obligations by or on behalf of such public water authority, provided that Jackson county shall not be responsible for any such bond or obligation and no such bond or obligation shall be chargeable against the limit on the debt of Jackson county; and extend the service area into one or more other counties. Any law enacted at the 1989 regular session of the legislature to authorize the creation of such authority in Jackson county and to implement this amendment to the Constitution (whether with or without published notice of intention) shall become effective upon the ratification of this amendment.
AMENDMENT 520 RATIFIED Excavating Human Graves in Madison County. The Madison county commission is hereby authorized with or without charge to provide for the excavating of human graves.
AMENDMENT 521 RATIFIED Fees for Disposal of Solid Waste in Pickens County. The Pickens county governing body shall levy and impose a fee of not less than sixty dollars per ton on solid waste, as defined by general law, disposed of at any commercial disposal site in the county. Said governing body is hereby authorized to implement such rules and regulations as it deems necessary to impose and collect such disposal fees and the proceeds of such fees shall be deposited in the county treasury to be expended for the general operations of the county.
AMENDMENT 522 RATIFIED Taxation of Costs in Pickens County. In Pickens county, in addition to all other fees, there shall be taxed as costs the sum of $10.00 in each civil or quasi-civil action at law, suit in equity, criminal case, quasi-criminal case, proceedings on a forfeited bail bond or proceedings on a forfeited bond given in connection with an appeal from a judgment or conviction in the circuit court of Pickens county, or the district court of Pickens county, filed in or arising in the circuit court of Pickens county, or the district court of Pickens county, or brought by appeal, certiorari or otherwise to the circuit court of Pickens county, or the district court of Pickens county, which costs shall be collected as other costs in such cases are collected by the clerk, or ex officio clerk, of said courts or the register of the circuit court of Pickens county, as the case may be. Such fees, when collected by the clerks or other collection officers of such court, shall be paid into the county fund to be administered jointly by the sheriff and county commission for salaries, equipment and other expenses of the sheriff's department. The provisions of this constitutional amendment shall be retroactive to April 19, 1982, and any fees or costs collected up to and including the amount of $10.00 per action filed and the revenues therefrom expended pursuant to Act No. 82-291 of the 1982 regular session and Act No. 83-542 of the 1983 regular session of the Alabama legislature are hereby ratified, and no further enabling legislation shall be necessary for the execution of this amendment.
AMENDMENT 523 RATIFIED Fee on Disposal of Out-of-State Solid Waste in St. Clair County. The St. Clair county governing body shall levy and impose a fee of not less than sixty dollars per ton on out-of-state solid waste, as defined by general law, disposed of at any commercial disposal site in the county. Said governing body is hereby authorized to implement such rules and regulations as it deems necessary to impose and collect such disposal fees and the proceeds of such fees shall be deposited in the county treasury to be expended for the general operations of the county.
AMENDMENT 524 RATIFIED Validation of Court Charges in Tuscaloosa County. All general laws, local laws, population based laws and other laws heretofore enacted by the legislature and which are in effect on November 1, 1989, pertaining to or applicable to Tuscaloosa county; including but not limited to Act 80-618 of the 1980 Regular Session (Acts of 1980, p. 1054), as amended by Act 87-399 of the 1987 Regular Session (Acts of 1987, p. 570), Act 80-780 of the 1980 Regular Session (Acts of 1980, p. 1615), as amended by Act 81-1052 of the 1981 2nd Special Session (Acts of 1981 Special Sessions, p. 298), Act 79-751 of the 1979 Regular Session (Acts of 1979, p. 1336), as now codified in the Code of Alabama 1975, Sections 11-25-1 through 11-25-12, and Act 65 of the 1936 Special Session (Acts of 1936 Special Session, p. 34), as amended by Act 1086 of the 1969 Regular Session (Acts of 1969, p. 2021); which in whole or in part regulate costs and charges of courts are hereby in all things ratified, approved, validated and confirmed as of the date of their enactment any provision or provisions of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901 to the contrary notwithstanding. Any actions taken or payments made in accordance with the provisions of said laws are hereby ratified, approved, validated and confirmed. This amendment shall not be construed as prohibiting the legislature from properly enacting a law to amend or repeal said laws. This amendment shall not be construed to permit the operation of Act 79-751 of the 1979 Regular Session, as now codified in the Code of Alabama 1975 and Act 65 of the 1936 Special Session as amended at the same time unless said joint operation is otherwise authorized by law.
AMENDMENT 525 RATIFIED Ratification of Public School Taxes. Any provision of the Constitution of Alabama 1901, as amended, to the contrary notwithstanding, all ad valorem taxes for public school or education purposes in the state of Alabama which have been approved by a majority vote of the appropriate electorate prior to March 1, 1990, and the levy and collection thereof from the date of the initial levy thereof, are hereby authorized, ratified and confirmed regardless of any statutory or constitutional defects, mistakes, errors or ambiguities in the authorization or levy thereof or the election thereon, or in any act of the legislature with respect thereto; provided, however, that the authorization, ratification and confirmation effected by this amendment shall not be applicable to any tax the validity of which is being challenged in appropriate judicial proceedings in any proper court on the date the act proposing this amendment is adopted.
AMENDMENT 526 RATIFIED Court Costs in Cherokee County. In addition to any court costs and fees now or hereafter authorized, and notwithstanding any other provisions of the Constitution, including without limitation sections 96, 104 and 105 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended, there shall be an additional $20.00 fee assessed and taxed as costs on each civil and criminal case hereafter filed in the circuit court, district court, probate court or any municipal court in Cherokee county. The aforementioned $20.00 fee/assessment in no way can be waived by any court unless all other fees, assessments, costs, fines and/or charges associated with said case are waived. Such fees, when collected by the clerks or other collection officers of such courts, shall be paid into the general fund of Cherokee county to be used for the planning, designing, construction, financing and operation of a new county jail. This amendment shall be self-executing and shall require no enabling legislation.
AMENDMENT 527 RATIFIED Fire Protection Tax in Choctaw County. In Choctaw county there is hereby levied, commencing on October 1 following ratification of this amendment, in addition to any taxes now authorized or that may be hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, a fire protection tax of one mill. The fire protection tax levied herein shall be based upon the value of real and personal property assessed by affected property owners, as shown on the records of the tax assessor of Choctaw county, Alabama, and shall be assessed and collected as are all ad valorem taxes in the county. The amount collected each year from assessment of this fire protection tax shall be set aside in a special fund to be distributed by the county commission to volunteer fire departments in the county and the Choctaw County Association of Volunteer Fire Departments. The revenues generated from this tax will be distributed to all volunteer fire departments meeting the minimum standards and the Choctaw County Association of Volunteer Fire Departments, Inc. in equal shares on a semi-annual basis on February 1st and August 1st of each year. Prior to any distribution of funds, there must be prepared and filed with the Choctaw County Commission a map setting out the various volunteer fire departments and every portion of Choctaw county must be assigned or designated to one of the respective volunteer fire departments so that every citizen in Choctaw county has fire protection from a designated volunteer fire department. No funds shall be disbursed to any volunteer fire department until the county has full and complete coverage for all citizens. The funds shall be audited annually by the examiners of public accounts or a qualified licensed and registered certified public accountant as to the fire protection taxes received by the county commission, as to the funds appropriated by it and as to how the funds are expended in each volunteer fire department and to be certain that all taxes received are disbursed on an equal basis to the district and countywide organization and to further audit how the funds are expended by each department and the countywide association. The county commission is further authorized to enter into agreements with volunteer fire departments within such county for fire protection and services.
AMENDMENT 528 RATIFIED Fire Districts and Fire Protection Tax in Conecuh County. The Conecuh County Commission and the Conecuh County Fire Control Association are hereby authorized in their discretion to establish fire districts within the geographical boundaries of Conecuh county. The boundaries of such fire districts may be rearranged at the discretion of the county commission and the Conecuh County Fire Control Association as they deem necessary, from time to time, to maximize fire protection services in the county. The county commission and the Conecuh County Fire Control Association may use the corporate limits of the various towns and municipalities in the county as boundaries for fire districts. In such situations, such town or municipal fire district shall have its own volunteer fire department functioning within its boundaries. Each fire district established in an area located outside of the corporate limits of a town or municipality shall likewise have its own volunteer fire department functioning strictly within its district boundaries. The county commission and the Conecuh County Fire Control Association are further authorized to enter into agreements with volunteer fire departments within such county for fire protection and services. Commencing with the levy for the tax year for which taxes will become due and payable on October 1, 1991, there is hereby levied, in addition to any taxes now authorized or that may be hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, a fire protection tax of three mills. The fire protection tax levied herein shall be based upon the value of real and personal property assessed by affected property owners, as shown on the records of the tax assessor of Conecuh county, Alabama, and shall be assessed and collected as are all ad valorem taxes in the county. The amount collected each year from assessment of this fire protection tax shall be paid into the county general fund and used in furtherance of fire protection and for rescue squads within the affected area. Prior to the levy of the fire protection tax in said county, there shall be submitted to the electors of said county, at a special election called for that purpose in said county, the question of whether the said tax shall be levied, and the said tax shall be authorized at such election by a majority of the qualified electors within the said county who vote at such election. Elections on the question of the levy of a fire protection tax in said county may be held at any time and from time to time, provided, that if any such election held after the ratification of this amendment the proposal to levy the tax so submitted should be defeated then the proposal may not be submitted at another election held in said county within two years from the last election held under this amendment.
AMENDMENT 529 RATIFIED Validation of Court Charges in Lee County. All general laws, local laws, population based laws and other laws heretofore enacted by the legislature and which are in effect on January 1, 1990, pertaining to or applicable to Lee county, which in whole or in part regulate costs and charges of courts are hereby in all things ratified, approved, validated and confirmed as of the date of their enactment any provision or provisions of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901 to the contrary notwithstanding. Any actions taken or payments made in accordance with the provisions of said laws are hereby ratified, approved, validated and confirmed. This amendment shall not be construed as prohibiting the legislature from properly enacting a law to amend or repeal said laws.
AMENDMENT 530 RATIFIED Court Costs in Macon County. In addition to any court costs and fees now or hereafter authorized to be collected, the county commission of Macon county is authorized to assess a fee not to exceed $30.00 upon the privilege of filing any initial complaint in all civil and criminal cases filed in any court, in the county, as well as a fee not to exceed $5.00 for the service of all pleadings and other documents in connection with any such action. All such fees shall be paid into the general fund and shall be applied exclusively for payment of the cost of the planning, construction and equipping of a new county jail, or for the payment of the principal of and interest on any bonds, warrants or other obligations issued by or on behalf of the county to finance the costs of a new jail, as well as the expenses of issuance of any such bonds, warrants or other obligations. When the aforesaid costs of planning, constructing and equipping a new county jail shall be fully paid or when all such bonds, warrants or other obligations have been retired, whichever last occurs, the additional fee authorized by this amendment to be collected shall no longer be collected. Provided, however, no additional fee provided herein shall be collected until 30 days after the county commission has signed a contract and or contracts for the construction of a new jail and construction has actually begun.
AMENDMENT 531 RATIFIED Municipal Jurisdiction in Madison County. In Madison county, no police jurisdiction nor any planning or zoning regulation of a municipality located wholly or partially within Madison county shall extend beyond the corporate limits of the municipality.
AMENDMENT 532 RATIFIED Fire Fighting Districts and Services in Mobile County. The county commission of Mobile county is hereby authorized to establish and maintain fire fighting districts within Mobile county. The county commission is further authorized to enter into agreements with volunteer fire departments within the county for fire protection and services. The county commission is hereby empowered to set fees for fire protection and to prescribe the manner of collection and distribution of such fees. The fire fighting districts herein authorized shall not include any corporate municipality of Mobile county unless such municipality requests through resolution of its governing body to be included in such fire fighting program. Any act heretofore enacted regarding said Mobile county fire fighting districts is hereby ratified and confirmed.
AMENDMENT 533 RATIFIED Talladega County Budget. The Talladega County Commission shall prepare and adopt an estimate of the income of the county for the fiscal year beginning on October 1 of the current calendar year for all public funds under its supervision and control, and to estimate for the same fiscal year the expense of operations and to appropriate for the various purposes the respective amounts that are to be used for each of such purposes; provided that the appropriations so made shall not exceed the estimated total income of the county available for appropriations. The county commission shall restrict allotments to prevent an overdraft or deficit in any fiscal year for which appropriations are made by prorating without discrimination against any county program, the available revenues among the various county programs. Such appropriations shall be payable in such proportion as the total sum of all appropriations bears to the total revenues estimates as available in each of the fiscal years. A refusal to perform any requirement of this amendment or an improper or illegal performance of any requirement of this amendment shall subject the offender to a penalty of $250.00 to be recovered in an action instituted in the circuit court of Talladega county and shall subject such offender to impeachment.
AMENDMENT 534 RATIFIED Construction, Repair, etc., of Public Roads, Bridges, etc., in Talladega County. The legislature shall, by general or local law, provide for the construction, maintenance and repair of public roads, highways, bridges and ferries in Talladega county on the basis of the county as a unit, without regard to any district or beat lines.
AMENDMENT 535 RATIFIED Election of Board of Education of City of Tallassee. This legislature may by local act provide for the election of the members of the board of education of the City of Tallassee in Elmore and Tallapoosa Counties.
AMENDMENT 536 RATIFIED Distribution of Oil and Gas Revenues by Escambia County Commission. A. The Escambia County commission shall distribute oil and gas revenues as provided in this amendment. 1. The Escambia County Oil and Gas Severance Trust, established by Act No. 84-576, H. 664 of the 1984 Regular Session (Acts 1984, p. 1198), its corpus and income shall be continued as provided by Sections 1 and 2 of that act. 2. The members of the Escambia County commission, or their successors in office, shall constitute the trustees of the trust. Provided, however, the members of the Escambia County commission, or their successors in office, may in their discretion, appoint one or more trustees or escrow agents for the trust which trustees or escrow agents shall be trust companies or national or state banks having powers of a trust company within or without the State of Alabama. The trustees shall invest the corpus of the trust only in direct general obligations of, or obligations the payment of the principal of and interest on which are conditionally and irrevocably guaranteed by the United States of America. Provided, however, that, notwithstanding any legal limitation that might otherwise be applicable, the trustees shall further have the authority in their discretion to invest such trust fund in certificates of deposit of any savings and loan associations or banks whether federally or state chartered whose principal office is located in the state, provided that such funds so invested are fully secured by pledge of eligible United States treasury securities. 3. Commencing with the 1984-1985 fiscal year, up to eighty percent (80%) of the net income from the investments authorized in Section A2 of this amendment shall be distributed quarterly, semiannually or annually, as designated by the trustees, to the general fund of the county. 4. The provisions of A1, A2, and A3 of this amendment shall not terminate at the end of twenty years, unless a majority of the qualified electors of the county vote to terminate the provisions by a constitutional amendment duly proposed by the Alabama legislature. B. Excluding the revenues and income from Section A1, A2 and A3 of this amendment, one-third (1/3) of all net funds when received pursuant to Sections 40-20-8(c)(3) and 40-20-8(c)(4), Code of Alabama 1975, as amended, by Escambia County from the severance tax levied, pursuant to Section 40-20-2, Code of Alabama 1975, as amended, shall be paid to the Escambia County board of education, to be used for educational purposes and to be distributed as follows: Each public board of education now in existence or hereafter created in Escambia County shall receive a pro rata share of said monies based upon the relation its average enrollment in its schools during the preceding school year bears to the average enrollment of all public schools in Escambia County. 1. The funds received by Escambia County prior to the effective date of this amendatory act from severance tax or privilege tax on oil and gas under any general law, including Sections 40-20-1 through 40-20-13, Code of Alabama 1975, as amended, or any local law whatsoever, and deposited in the county treasury designated as the “Escambia County courthouse and county jail trust fund,” shall be distributed as follows: (1) All the interest from such investment shall be deposited in the county general fund; (2) Up to $500,000.00 of the principal shall be deposited in the county general fund; and (3) The remaining principal shall be deposited as principal into the “Escambia County oil and gas severance trust” as established in Act No. 84-576, H. 664, 1984 Regular Session (Acts 1984, p. 1198), as amended. The earned interest that is generated by this transfer of principal shall be expended according to the provisions of the said Act No. 84-576, as amended, and by Sections A1, A2 and A3 of this amendment. 2. An amount equal to one-tenth of the net funds received by Escambia County pursuant to Sections 40-2
AMENDMENT 537 RATIFIED Election of Board of Education of City of Attalla. The legislature may by local act provide for the election of the members of the board of education of the City of Attalla in Etowah County.
AMENDMENT 538 RATIFIED Incorporation of Tom Bevill Reservoir Management Area Authority. Any provision of the Constitution of Alabama or amendments thereto to the contrary notwithstanding, the legislature by general or local law may provide for and authorize in Fayette County the incorporation of a public corporation as a political subdivision of the state to be named The Tom Bevill Reservoir Management Area Authority, for the development of that portion of North River in Fayette County and within the boundaries of The Tom Bevill Reservoir Management Area, its tributaries and watershed area, for the purposes of water conservation and supply, dam construction and reservoir development, for industrial development, flood control, navigation, irrigation, public recreation and related purposes. Any such law may provide for the composition of the board of directors of the authority and specify the powers and duties of the authority and its board of directors, may authorize the authority to investigate the resources of The Tom Bevill Reservoir Management Area, and to determine and implement the requirements for its full development and control, and to carry out a unified comprehensive program of resource development, together with other powers to effectuate the foregoing objective, may authorize the authority to acquire land and interests in land by purchase, construction, lease, condemnation or otherwise, and to hold, manage and sell such land and interests therein, may make provisions respecting the establishment and revision of rates, fees and charges for services rendered by the authority, may provide for the issuance by the authority for any of its corporate purposes of interest-bearing revenue bonds and notes payable solely out of the revenues of the authority or out of the revenues of any particular facilities and other property of the authority, without regard to the specific facilities and other property with respect to which such bonds and notes may have been issued, may provide further for certain taxes, may provide that such bonds and notes shall constitute negotiable instruments, may provide that such bonds and notes may be secured by a pledge of the revenues from which they are payable, by contracts binding the authority for the proper application of its revenues and the proceeds of such bonds and notes and by a nonforeclosable mortgage or deed of trust or statutory mortgage lien on the facilities and other property out of the revenues from which such bonds and notes are payable, and may provide that bonds and notes of the authority may be issued under a trust indenture, may provide for constructive notice of any such statutory mortgage lien, may authorize and make provisions respecting the assumption by the authority of obligations respecting facilities and other property acquired by the authority, may provide for the use of the proceeds of bonds and notes issued by the authority and provide for the refunding by the issuance of bonds and notes of the authority of bonds and notes theretofore issued or obligations theretofore assumed by it, may provide that bonds and notes issued and contracts entered into by the authority pursuant to the act shall not constitute or create a debt of the state or of any county, municipality or other political subdivision of the state, may authorize the Fayette County commission and the municipalities located within Fayette County to contribute money to the authority, without the necessity of an election and with or without consideration therefor, may exempt from all taxation in this state, the authority, its property, corporate activities, income, revenues, bonds and notes, the income from its bonds and notes, and conveyances, leases and mortgages and deeds of trust to which the authority is a party, and exempt the authority from payment of certain charges to judges of probate, it grants to the authority the power to levy and collect within the boundaries of the management area certain exc
AMENDMENT 539 RATIFIED Business License Taxes in Jefferson County. In order to allow for the orderly and efficient collection of municipal business license taxes in Jefferson County with respect to corporations, firms, brokers, agents and others in the business of buying, selling, leasing or representing others in the purchase, sale or lease of real property in Jefferson County, the legislature may, by local law, provide for the imposition and collection of such taxes as follows: a. Any city or town within Jefferson County may fix and collect licenses pursuant to Sections 11-51-90 and 11-51-91 of the Code of Alabama 1975, as amended, for any business, trade or profession relating to the buying, selling or renting of real estate on commission in Jefferson County if such licensee maintains its principal place of business in the corporate limits or police jurisdiction of that municipality. b. Effective January 1, following the ratification of this amendment and each year thereafter, in addition to the taxes, if any, imposed under a. above, every corporation, firm, broker, agent or other person or entity engaged in the business of buying, selling, managing, leasing or renting of real estate on commission in Jefferson County shall pay an annual business license tax at a rate to be set by the legislature for the privilege of engaging in such business in every other city or town in Jefferson County. Such tax shall be collected by the Revenue Director of Jefferson County and shall be distributed by the Revenue Director of Jefferson County to each city or town within Jefferson County on a pro rata basis based on population. The Revenue Director of Jefferson County shall be entitled to an administrative fee for administering this tax at a rate to be set by the legislature; such fee to be added to the license tax collected hereunder. c. Effective January 1, following the ratification of this amendment and each year thereafter, except for the licenses permitted or mandated under a. and b. above, no other privilege license tax shall be imposed under Sections 11-51-90 and 11-51-91 of the Code of Alabama 1975, by any city or town within Jefferson County on corporations, firms, brokers, agents or other persons or entities engaged in the business of buying, selling, managing, leasing or renting of real estate on commission in Jefferson County.
AMENDMENT 540 RATIFIED Fees, Commissions, Allowances and Salaries of Macon County Officers. The legislature may hereafter, from time to time, by general, special or local laws, fix, regulate and alter the fees, commissions, allowances or salaries to be charged or received by the judge of probate and other county officers of Macon County, and may put such officers on a salary basis and provide for the operation of their offices on such basis.
AMENDMENT 541 RATIFIED Investments of Assets of Class 2 Municipality Police and Fire Fighters Pension Plans. The capital and income from any Policemen's and Fire Fighters' Pension Fund for a Class 2 municipality, may be invested in such kinds of investments and in accordance with such conditions as shall, from time to time, be authorized by law for the investment of the Alabama Heritage Trust Fund and the Alabama Trust Fund or any of the trust funds of either the Teachers' Retirement System of Alabama or the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama.
AMENDMENT 542 RATIFIED Bingo Games in St. Clair County. The operation of bingo games for prizes or money by certain nonprofit organizations for charitable, educational, or other lawful purposes shall be legal in St. Clair County, subject to the provisions of any resolution or ordinance by the county governing body or the governing bodies of the respective cities and towns within their respective jurisdictions as provided by law regulating such operation. The said governing bodies shall have the authority to promulgate rules and regulations for the issuance of permits or licenses and for operation of bingo games within their respective jurisdictions; provided, however, that said governing bodies must insure compliance pursuant to said law and the following provisions: (1) No person under the age of 19 shall be permitted to play any game or games of bingo unless accompanied by a parent or guardian; nor shall any person under the age of 19 be permitted to conduct or assist in the conduct of any game of bingo; (2) No bingo permit or license shall be issued to any nonprofit organization unless such organization shall have been in existence for at least 24 months immediately prior to the issuance of the permit or license; (3) Bingo games shall be operated only on the premises owned or leased by the nonprofit organization operating the bingo game. If the premises is leased, the rate or rental shall not be based on a percentage of receipts or profits resulting from the operation of bingo games; (4) No nonprofit organization shall enter into any contract with any individual, firm, association or corporation to have said individual or entity operate bingo games or concessions on behalf of the nonprofit organization, nor shall said nonprofit organization pay consulting fees to any individual or entity for any services performed in relation to the operation or conduct of a bingo game; (5) A nonprofit organization shall not lend its name or allow its identity to be used by any other person or entity in the operating or advertising of a bingo game in which said nonprofit organization is not directly and solely operating said bingo game; (6) Prizes given by any qualified nonprofit organization for the playing of bingo games shall not exceed the cash amount or gifts of equivalent value, set by the legislature, during any bingo session. The legislature shall set a maximum amount for any calendar week; (7) By whatever name or composition thereof, no person or organization shall take any expenses for the operation of a bingo game except as permitted by law. (8) A fee of $.10 (ten cents) shall be levied upon each bingo card sold pursuant to the provisions of this amendment or pursuant to any local law. Said fee shall be collected by the nonprofit organization who sold the bingo card and paid to the tax collector or revenue commissioner of St. Clair County on a weekly basis. The tax collector or revenue commissioner shall place the proceeds collected into the treasury of St. Clair County in a special fund. All funds collected shall be expended by the county commission in the following manner: 40% (forty percent) of said funds shall be allocated to volunteer fire departments located in St. Clair County; 30% (thirty percent) of said funds shall be allocated to senior citizens' programs and facilities; 20% (twenty percent) of said funds shall be allocated to youth recreation programs and facilities; 10% (ten percent) of said funds shall be allocated to the St. Clair County sheriff's department. The tax collector or revenue commissioner of St. Clair County shall have authority to promulgate necessary rules and regulations to implement the procedure for the collection of the fee prescribed herein. The legislature, from time to time, may by local law alter the fee levied herein and alter the method of allocating the proceeds of said fee.
AMENDMENT 543 RATIFIED Acquisition, Maintenance and Protection of Unique Lands and Water Areas. Section 1. Declaration of Purpose. The Legislature of Alabama finds that Alabama is endowed with a rich diversity of natural areas having unique ecological systems, plant and animal life, geological formations, wildlife habitats, recreational values and scenic beauty. As a part of the continuing growth of the population and the economic development of the state, it is necessary and desirable that certain lands and waters be set aside, managed and preserved for use as state parks, nature preserves, recreation areas, and wildlife management areas. In order to meet the State's outdoor recreation needs and to protect the natural heritage of Alabama for the benefit of present and future generations, it is the policy of the state to: (a) Protect, manage, and enhance certain lands and waters of Alabama with full recognition that this generation is a trustee of the environment for succeeding generations; (b) Protect, to the fullest extent practicable, recreational lands and areas of unique ecological, biological and geological importance; and (c) Promote a proper balance among population growth, economic development, environmental protection, and ecological diversity. Accordingly, there is hereby established the Alabama Forever Wild Land Trust for the purpose of identifying, acquiring, managing, protecting and preserving natural lands and waters that are of environmental or recreational importance. Section 2. Definitions. (1) "Alabama Trust Fund" means the irrevocable, permanent trust fund created by Amendment 450 to this Alabama Constitution of 1901. (2) "Alabama Trust Fund Board" means the board of trustees of the Alabama Trust Fund as established by Amendment 450 to this Alabama Constitution of 1901. (3) "Appraised Value" means that price estimated in terms of money at which the property would change hands between a willing and financially able buyer and a willing seller, neither being under any compulsion to buy or sell. (4) "Board" means the Board of Trustees of the Alabama Forever Wild Land Trust, as established by Section 4 of this Amendment. (5) "Commissioner" means the Commissioner of the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources or any other officer of the state who, by law, shall succeed to his responsibilities. (6) "Conservation Easement" means a right, whether or not stated in the form of restriction, easement, covenant or condition, in any deed, will, or other instrument executed by or on behalf of the owner of land providing for the retention of properties predominantly in their natural, scenic, open or wooded condition, or as suitable habitat for fish and wildlife, or as recreational lands. (7) "Dedication" means the transfer to the state of an estate, interest, or right in a natural area to fulfill the purposes of this Amendment. (8) "Department" means the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources or any other department or agency of the state that, by law, shall succeed to its functions and responsibilities. (9) "Final Approval Committee" means a Committee, as established by Section 6 of this Amendment, to be composed of the Governor, the Lieutenant Governor and the Speaker of the House of Representatives. (10) "Forever Wild Land Trust" means the Alabama Forever Wild Land Trust created by this Amendment. (11) "Instrument of Dedication" means any written document by which an estate, interest, or right in a natural area is formally dedicated as a natural area preserve. (12) "Land" or "lands" means real property and any interests therein, including, but not limited to, fee simple titles, ownership interests less than fee simple, leases, easements, licenses, restrictions and use agreements. Such property and interests therein shall also include wetlands, estuarine areas and submerged lands and the waters thereon. (13) "Natural Area" means any property, whether publicly or privately owned, (a) that
AMENDMENT 544 RATIFIED Election of Board of Education for City of Pell City. This legislature may by local act provide for the election of the members of the board of education of the City of Pell City in St. Clair County.
AMENDMENT 545 RATIFIED Industrial Development Board of Lawrence County. The Legislature may provide by local law, from time to time, for the consolidation of the power and authority granted to Lawrence County pursuant to Amendment No. 190 of the Constitution of 1901, or to any public authority or corporation created by Lawrence County pursuant to Amendment No. 190 into the Industrial Development Board of Lawrence County George C. Wallace Airpark Authority, which shall have all of the power and authority and assume all of the obligations of Lawrence County pursuant to Amendment No. 190, or any public authority or corporation created by Lawrence County pursuant to Amendment No. 190. The Legislature may in addition provide by local law for the organization and membership of the board of directors of the public authority or corporation. Any taxes currently levied pursuant to Amendment No. 190 shall remain in full force and effect. Any action currently required to be approved by a vote of electors shall be approved by a vote of the electors of the county.
AMENDMENT 546 RATIFIED Sales and Use Tax in Limestone County. Section 1. There is hereby levied, in addition to all other taxes of every kind now imposed by law, and shall be collected as herein provided, a privilege or license tax against the person on account of the business activities and in the amount to be determined by the application of rates against gross sales, or gross receipts, as the case may be, as follows: (a) Upon every person, firm, or corporation, (including the State of Alabama, the University of Alabama, Auburn University and all other institutions of higher learning in the state, whether such institutions be denominational, state, county or municipal institution, and any association or other agency or instrumentality of such institutions) engaged, or continuing within Limestone County in the business of selling at retail any tangible personal property whatsoever, including merchandise and commodities of every kind and character, (not including, however, bonds or other evidences of debts or stocks, nor sale or sales of material and supplies to any person for use in fulfilling a contract for the painting, repair or reconditioning of vessels, barges, ships and other watercraft and commercial fishing vessels of over five (5) tons load displacement as registered with the U.S. Coast Guard and licensed by the State of Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources), an amount equal to one percent (1%) of the gross proceeds of sales of the business except where a different amount is expressly provided herein. Provided, however, that any person engaging or continuing in business as a retailer and wholesaler or jobber shall pay the tax required on the gross proceeds of retail sales of such business at the rates specified, when his books are kept so as to show separately the gross proceeds of sales of each business, and when his books are not so kept he shall pay the tax as retailer on the gross sales of the business. (b) Upon every person, firm or corporation engaged, or continuing within Limestone County, the business of conducting, or operating, places of amusement or entertainment, billiard and pool rooms, bowling alleys, amusement devices, musical devices, theaters, opera houses, moving picture shows, vaudevilles, amusement parks, athletic contests, including wrestling matches, prize fights, boxing and wrestling exhibitions, football and baseball games, (including athletic contests conducted by or under the auspices of any educational institution within Limestone County, or any athletic association thereof or other association whether such institution or association be a denominational, a state, or county, or a municipal institution or association or a state, county, or city school, or other institution, association or school), skating rinks, race tracks, golf courses, or any other place at which any exhibition, display, amusement or entertainment is offered to the public or place or places where an admission fee is charged, including public bathing places, public dance halls of every kind and description with Limestone County, an amount equal to one percent (1%) of the gross receipts of any such business. Provided, however, not withstanding any language to the contrary in the prior portion of this subsection, the tax provisions so specified shall not apply to any athletic event conducted by a public primary or secondary school. The tax amount which would have been collected pursuant to this subsection shall continue to be collected by said public primary or secondary school but shall be retained by the school which collected it and shall be used by said school for school purposes. (c) Upon every person, firm or corporation engaged or continuing within Limestone County in the business of selling at retail machines used in mining, quarrying, compounding, processing and manufacturing of tangible personal property, an amount equal to one-half percent (1/2 %) of the gross proceeds of the sale of such machin
AMENDMENT 547 RATIFIED Compensation of Probate Judge of Pickens County. Effective the beginning of the next term of office after ratification of this amendment, the Judge of Probate of Pickens County shall be compensated on a salary basis. The judge shall receive in equal monthly installments from the General Fund of Pickens County such salary as provided by general law, unless provided otherwise by local law. The salary shall be the entire compensation received by the judge for services in any official or ex officio capacity. The salary shall be in lieu of all fees, commissions, allowances, percentages, and other charges previously paid to the Judge of Probate of Pickens County. All fees, commissions, allowances, percentages, and other charges heretofore collected for the use of the Judge of Probate of Pickens County shall continue to be collected but shall be paid into the General Fund of Pickens County. The County Commission of Pickens County shall provide the Judge of Probate with such office personnel, equipment, and supplies as the County Commission may consider necessary for the proper and efficient conduct of the office. Compensation of any personnel so provided shall be fixed by the County Commission and shall be paid in equal monthly installments out of the General Fund of Pickens County.
AMENDMENT 548 RATIFIED Election of Talladega City Board of Education. The Legislature may by local act provide for the election of the members of the Talladega City Board of Education.
AMENDMENT 549 RATIFIED Bingo Games in Walker County. The operation of bingo games for prizes or money by certain nonprofit organizations for charitable, educational, or other lawful purposes shall be legal outside of the corporate limits of the City of Jasper in Walker County, subject to any resolution by the county governing body as provided by law regulating the operation of bingo. The governing body may promulgate rules and regulations for issuing permits or licenses, and for operating bingo games, within its respective jurisdiction. The county governing body shall insure compliance pursuant to any ordinance and the following: (1) No person under the age of 19 shall be permitted to play any game or games of bingo, unless accompanied by a parent or guardian. No person under the age of 19 shall be permitted to conduct or assist in the conduct of any game of bingo. (2) No bingo permit or license shall be issued to any nonprofit organization, unless the organization shall have been in existence for at least 60 months and owned real property at least five years immediately prior to issuing the permit or license. (3) Bingo games shall be operated only on the premises owned or leased by the nonprofit organization operating the bingo game. If the premises are leased, the rate or rental shall not be based on a percentage of receipts or profits resulting from operating the bingo games. (4) No nonprofit organization shall enter into any contract with any individual, firm, association, or corporation to have the individual or entity operate bingo games or concessions on behalf of the nonprofit organization. No nonprofit organization may pay consulting fees to any individual or entity for any services performed relating to operating or conducting any bingo game. (5) A nonprofit organization shall not lend its name or allow any other person or entity to use its identity in operating or advertising a bingo game in which the nonprofit organization is not directly and solely operating the bingo game. (6) Prizes given by any qualified nonprofit organization for playing bingo games shall not exceed the cash amount or gifts of equivalent value, set by the Legislature, during any bingo session. The Legislature shall set a maximum amount for any calendar week. (7) No person or organization, by whatever name or composition, shall take any expenses for operating a bingo game except as permitted by law.
AMENDMENT 550 RATIFIED Bingo Games in City of Jasper. The operation of bingo games for prizes or money by certain nonprofit organizations for charitable, educational, or other lawful purposes shall be legal in the corporate limits of the City of Jasper in Walker County, subject to any resolution or ordinance by the city governing body as provided by law regulating the operation of bingo. The governing body may promulgate rules and regulations for issuing permits or licenses, and for operating bingo games, within its respective jurisdiction. The governing body of the City of Jasper shall insure compliance pursuant to any ordinance and the following: (1) No person under the age of 19 shall be permitted to play any game or games of bingo, unless accompanied by a parent or guardian. No person under the age of 19 shall be permitted to conduct or assist in the conduct of any game of bingo. (2) No bingo permit or license shall be issued to any nonprofit organization, unless the organization shall have been in existence for at least 60 months and owned real property in the City of Jasper five years immediately prior to issuing the permit or license. (3) Bingo games shall be operated only on the premises owned or leased by the nonprofit organization operating the bingo game. If the premises are leased, the rate or rental shall not be based on a percentage of receipts or profits resulting from operating the bingo games. (4) No nonprofit organization shall enter into any contract with any individual, firm, association, or corporation to have the individual or entity operate bingo games or concessions on behalf of the nonprofit organization. No nonprofit organization may pay consulting fees to any individual or entity for any services performed relating to operating or conducting any bingo game. (5) A nonprofit organization shall not lend its name or allow any other person or entity to use its identity in operating or advertising a bingo game in which the nonprofit organization is not directly and solely operating the bingo game. (6) Prizes given by any qualified nonprofit organization for playing bingo games shall not exceed the cash amount or gifts of equivalent value, set by the Legislature, during any bingo session. The Legislature shall set a maximum amount for any calendar week. (7) No person or organization, by whatever name or composition, shall take any expenses for operating a bingo game except as permitted by law.
AMENDMENT 551 RATIFIED Special Ad Valorem Taxes for Fire Protection and Emergency Services in Montgomery County. The Legislature declares that all volunteer fire departments, including volunteer fire departments that have emergency medical technicians that are members, are organizations that are public in nature and serve to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Montgomery County. In addition to all ad valorem taxes levied for fire protection, the Montgomery County Commission may levy and collect a special ad valorem tax, not to exceed two and one-half mills in any year on each dollar of assessed value of the property taxed, on property in the unincorporated area of Montgomery County for the purpose of providing fire protection in the unincorporated area of Montgomery County. The tax provided in this act shall be levied, collected, administered, and enforced at the same time, in the same manner, and under the same requirements and laws as state ad valorem taxes. The officials collecting or assessing the tax shall be entitled to the same fees and compensation as are provided for collecting and assessing ad valorem taxes. The proceeds of the tax shall be paid into the county general fund. Within thirty days after payment into the county general fund, the Montgomery County Commission shall pay the funds to the Montgomery County Association of Volunteer Firefighters, hereafter referred to as the county association. The county association shall distribute the funds as follows: (1) 60 percent shall be divided equally among all eligible volunteer fire departments. (2) 30 percent shall be divided according to a percentage based upon the monies collected in a fire district compared to the total monies collected. The county association shall notify the Revenue Commissioner within 30 days after this act becomes operative of the designated fire districts. The boundaries of the fire districts may be rearranged at the discretion of the county association as they deem necessary, from time to time, to maximize fire protection services in the county. (3) Ten percent of the money shall be designated as discretionary fund of the county association to be used for any expenditure otherwise allowable under this act. In order to be an eligible volunteer fire department for purposes of this act, a volunteer fire department shall be in good standing with the Montgomery County Association of Volunteer Firefighters. Funds disbursed to eligible volunteer fire departments pursuant to this act shall be expended only for fire protection and emergency medical services, including but not limited to, training, supplies, buildings, capital improvements, equipment, insurance, professional services, and dues. The funds shall not be expended for food, drink, social activities, or fund-raising activities. After receiving the funds, the volunteer fire departments shall keep accurate records to verify that the funds are properly expended. By September 15th of each year, the department shall file a report with the county association detailing the expenditure of all funds during the previous twelve months and setting out a schedule of all proposed projects. The filing shall account for all unspent funds and whether unspent funds have been obligated. Unspent funds that have not been obligated which exceed the amount of total receipts paid to the department for the prior year from this tax shall be returned to the county association for redistribution equally among the other fire departments. The county association shall supply the accounting forms to each eligible volunteer fire department. The copy of the year-end report shall be filed with the county commission and shall be audited by the Examiners of Public Accounts of the state on the same basis as county funds are audited. Upon dissolution or abandonment of an eligible volunteer fire department, all remaining funds derived from this act or assets purchased with the funds derived from this act s
AMENDMENT 552 RATIFIED Election of Dothan City Board of Education. The Legislature may, by local act, provide for the election of the Dothan City Board of Education. This amendment shall not become operative unless it is approved by a majority of the qualified electors of the City of Dothan who vote thereon upon its submission.
AMENDMENT 553 RATIFIED Election of Decatur City Board of Education. The Legislature may, by local act, provide for the election of the Decatur City Board of Education.
AMENDMENT 554 RATIFIED Levy and Collection of Special Ad Valorem Property Tax for Public Library Purposes in Chambers County. The governing body of Chambers County shall, subject to succeeding provisions of this amendment (including those relating to approval by the Chambers County electorate), and notwithstanding anything in the Constitution or laws of Alabama to the contrary, levy and collect a special county ad valorem or property tax at the rate of twenty cents ($.20) on each one hundred dollars ($100) of taxable property in said County, for a period of ten fiscal (or ad valorem tax) years of said County. Such tax shall be in addition to any taxes now authorized, or that may hereafter be authorized, by the Constitution and laws of Alabama to be levied and collected in Chambers County or by said governing body. The proceeds of the aforesaid tax shall be used exclusively for public library purposes in Chambers County, including particularly (but without limitation) (a) the acquisition, construction, reconstruction, improvement, enlargement, equipment, operation, maintenance and support (or any one or more thereof) of (1) any public library or libraries operated or supported (whether in whole or in part) by said County, by the Chambers County Library Board, or by any other similar public or governmental body empowered, under the Constitution and laws of Alabama, to operate or support public libraries, including particularly, but without limiting the generality of the foregoing, (i) that certain public library located in the City of Lafayette now owned by the City of Lafayette, and (ii) that certain public library located in the City of Valley now owned by a not-for-profit foundation or a not-for-profit corporation, and (2) any other public libraries, branch libraries or related public library facilities (including, without limitation, one or more buildings and any equipment and lands necessary therefor) located or to be located in Chambers County and forming or to form a part of the public library system of said County; and (b) the payment of principal of or interest (or premium, if any) on any bonds, warrants, notes or other securities (including, without limitation, refunding securities) issued by said County for public library purposes in Chambers County; provided, that any public library, branch library or related public library facilities described in the preceding provisions of this amendment shall be owned either by said County, said Chambers County Library Board or other public or governmental body, or by a not-for-profit corporation or other similar nonprofit organization (regardless of how denominated or organized); and provided further, (A) that the proceeds of such tax may be expended to pay any costs of constructing, reconstructing, improving or enlarging any additions or improvements to any building or buildings used or to be used (at least in part) by, or in connection with the operation of, the aforesaid public library located in the City of Valley, notwithstanding that such building or buildings may also then be used (or may thereafter be used) in part by, or in connection with the operation of, archives or other facilities that are not, and are not expected to be, operated for public library purposes, and (B) that none of the proceeds of such tax may be expended to pay any costs of operating, equipping, maintaining or supporting any such facilities that are not, and are not expected to be, operated for public library purposes. In expending (or causing to be expended) the proceeds of such tax for the purposes herein authorized, and in otherwise carrying out the purposes of this amendment, the governing body of Chambers County shall not be subject to the provisions of Sections 93 and 94 of the Constitution, as amended. If this amendment is approved, and if a majority of the qualified electors of Chambers County who vote at the election thereon vote in favor of this amendment, then the tax hereinabove authorize
AMENDMENT 555 REPEALED Amendment of Amendment No. 425. THIS AMENDMENT HAS BEEN REPEALED BY AMENDMENT 897 (a) Any proposed constitutional amendment which affects or applies to only one county shall be adopted as a valid part of the constitution by a favorable vote of a majority of the qualified electors of the affected county who vote on the amendment. Any proposed constitutional amendment which affects or applies to only one political subdivision within a county or counties shall be adopted as a valid part of the constitution by a favorable vote of a majority of the qualified electors of both the county and the political subdivision affected by the amendment who vote on the amendment. The proposed amendment may provide for a separate referendum in a political subdivision of less than a county if a simultaneous referendum is not possible because of conflicting voting precincts. (b) The proposed amendment shall first be approved by at least a three-fifths vote of the elected members of each house of the Legislature with no dissenting vote cast and approved by a majority vote of the Local Constitutional Amendment Commission. The commission shall be composed of the Governor, Presiding Officer of the Senate, Attorney General, Secretary of State, and Speaker of the House of Representatives. The Legislature may by general act specify procedures for the Local Constitution Amendment Commission, but may not expand its role beyond deciding whether the amendment affects more than one county or more than one political subdivision in one or more counties. (c) Notice of the election, together with the proposed amendment, shall be given by proclamation of the Governor, which proclamation shall be published once a week for four successive weeks next preceding the day appointed for the election in each newspaper qualified to run legal notices in the county or counties affected. (d) In the event any constitutional amendment proposed for adoption pursuant to this amendment is approved by at least a three-fifths vote of the elected members of each house of the Legislature but with one or more dissenting votes cast, the amendment shall be treated as a statewide amendment as described in subsection (e). (e) If after having been approved by at least a three-fifths vote of the elected members of each house of the Legislature without a dissenting vote cast the proposed amendment is not approved by a majority vote the Local Constitutional Amendment Commission, it shall automatically be submitted in a statewide referendum in accordance with the procedures for proposed statewide constitutional amendments under Sections 284 and 285 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901. If the proposed amendment is submitted in a statewide referendum, it shall not become effective unless approved at a referendum by a majority of the qualified voters of the affected county voting on the proposition and the affected political subdivision voting on the proposition, if it affects less than the whole county. The referendum in a political subdivision may be held at the same time as the election for the ratification of the proposed amendment, or at another time if provided by the proposed amendment. (f) Notwithstanding any provision of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, to the contrary, all constitutional amendments which have been adopted by a majority vote of the appropriate electorate pursuant to Amendment No. 425 to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, are hereby ratified and confirmed.
AMENDMENT 556 RATIFIED Conveyance to Huntsville-Madison County Marina and Port Authority Title to Alabama State Docks's Property. The State of Alabama, through the Alabama State Docks Department, may convey, without consideration, title to its real property, equipment, and facilities located in Madison County, Alabama, and known as the Alabama State Docks, to the Huntsville-Madison County Marina and Port Authority, a public corporation. The conveyance shall be subject to existing leases and other contractual agreements now in effect. Any laws or parts of laws, or any provisions of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, are revised, superseded, and repealed to the extent they are in conflict with this amendment.
AMENDMENT 557 RATIFIED Basic Rights for Crime Victims. (a) Crime victims, as defined by law or their lawful representatives, including the next of kin of homicide victims, are entitled to the right to be informed, to be present, and to be heard when authorized, at all crucial stages of criminal proceedings, to the extent that these rights do not interfere with the constitutional rights of the person accused of committing the crime. (b) Nothing in this amendment or in any enabling statute adopted pursuant to this amendment shall be construed as creating a cause of action against the state or any of its agencies, officials, employees, or political subdivisions. The Legislature may from time to time enact enabling legislation to carry out and implement this amendment.
AMENDMENT 558 RATIFIED Amendment of Section 94. SECTION 94 Political subdivisions not to grant public money or lend credit to individuals or corporations; alienation of recreational facilities and housing projects by political subdivisions and public bodies; expenditures by local school boards of education for recognition of contributions to public education. (a) The Legislature shall not have power to authorize any county, city, town, or other subdivision of this state to lend its credit, or to grant public money or thing of value in aid of, or to any individual, association, or corporation whatsoever, or to become a stockholder in any corporation, association, or company, by issuing bonds or otherwise. The Legislature may enact general, special, or local laws authorizing political subdivisions and public bodies to alienate, with or without a valuable consideration, public parks and playgrounds, or other public recreational facilities and public housing projects, conditional upon the approval of a majority of the duly qualified electors of the county, city, town, or other subdivision affected thereby, voting at an election held for that purposes. (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a), local school boards of education may expend public funds for the recognition of significant contributions to education in Alabama and to promote educational excellence by students, faculty, staff, and the public. Recognitions shall be in the form of trophies, plaques, academic banquets, and other honors that promote academic excellence in the public schools of Alabama and recognize special deeds that strengthen public education in Alabama.
AMENDMENT 559 RATIFIED Ratification and Validation of Ad Valorem Tax Levies and Payments in Baldwin County. (a) All ad valorem tax levies and payments collected in Baldwin County prior to the approval of this amendment, are hereby ratified, validated, and confirmed. (b) This amendment shall not become effective unless approved at a referendum by a majority of the qualified electors of Baldwin County voting on the proposition. The referendum shall be held at the same time as the election for the ratification of this amendment, as provided for in Section 2 of this act, and no further election shall be required.
AMENDMENT 560 RATIFIED Additional Fees Assessed on Cases in Barbour County. (a) In addition to any court costs and fees now or hereafter authorized, and notwithstanding any other provisions of the Constitution, including without limitation Sections 96, 104, and 105 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, there shall be an additional twenty-five dollar ($25) fee assessed and taxed as costs on each civil case and an additional fifty dollar ($50) fee assessed on each criminal case, including traffic cases, filed in the Circuit Court, District Court, or any Municipal Court in Barbour County, as well as a fee not to exceed five dollars ($5) for the service of all pleadings and other documents in connection with any such action or case. The aforementioned fees shall not be waived by any court unless all other fees, assessments, costs, fines, and charges associated with the cases are waived. The additional fees, when collected by the clerks or other collection officers of the courts, shall be paid into the General Fund of Barbour County to be used by the county commission for the planning, designing, construction, financing, and operation of a new county jail. This amendment shall be self-executing and shall require no enabling legislation. (b) This amendment shall not become effective unless approved at a referendum by a majority of the qualified electors of Barbour County voting on the proposition. The referendum shall be held at the same time as the election for the ratification of this amendment, as provided for in Section 2 of this amendment, and no further election shall be required.
AMENDMENT 561 RATIFIED Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services Districts in Blount County. (a) The Legislature may, by local law from time to time, provide for the establishment of districts in Blount County for fire protection and emergency medical services and provide for mandatory annual dues in the districts upon approval of the qualified electors residing within the districts. The Legislature shall provide for the operation of the districts and for the collection of mandatory annual dues. The Legislature may limit the liability of the county for the operation of a district and provide that a district shall be exempt from all taxation. The districts may include the area currently served by the Remlap Volunteer Fire and Rescue, Inc., or may be formed in other areas of the county. (b) Act No. 93-342, H. 970, 1993 Regular Session, is repealed. (c) This amendment shall not become effective unless approved at a referendum by a majority of the qualified electors of Blount County voting on the proposition. The referendum shall be held at the same time as the election for the ratification of this amendment, as provided for in Section 2 of this act, and no further election shall be required.
AMENDMENT 562 RATIFIED Local Legislation to Change Procedure for Sale of Lands for Delinquent Taxes in Calhoun County. (a) Notwithstanding Sections 104 and 105 to the contrary, the Legislature of the state of Alabama may enact local legislation applicable to Calhoun County to change the method prescribed by law for giving notice to delinquent Calhoun County taxpayers of their failure to pay taxes assessed against any property which is assessed to them and to change the notice required to be given them prior to the sale for taxes of the property and to change the method for issuing decrees for the sale of land and the trials held to determine whether the sales should be ordered and to change the method of giving notice to delinquent property owners to show cause why a decree of sale should not be rendered against them and to change the method regarding the sale of the property and the report of the amount of taxes collected from the sale. (b) This amendment shall not become effective unless approved at a referendum by a majority of the qualified electors of Calhoun County voting on the proposition. The referendum shall be held at the same time as the election for the ratification of this amendment, as provided for in Section 2 of this act, and no further election shall be required.
AMENDMENT 563 RATIFIED Promotion of Industry, Trade, and Economic Development in Calhoun County. (a) The Legislature may, by general, local, or special law, provide for the creation, incorporation, organization, operation, administration, authority, and financing of a public corporation empowered or intended to assist or aid in any way Calhoun County or any municipality there in promoting industry, trade, and economic development of Calhoun County and each municipality situated in the county, and the Legislature may grant the corporation all powers, rights, privileges, exemptions, and authority as the Legislature considers necessary or desirable for the furtherance and accomplishment of the purposes of the public corporation. The passage and enactment of Act No. 82-222 of the 1982 Regular Session of the Alabama Legislature, and all terms and provisions of Act No. 82-222, are approved, ratified, and confirmed in all respects, any provision of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended, to the contrary notwithstanding, and Act No. 82-222 shall be effective from and as of the date of its passage and approval by the Governor during the 1982 Regular Session of the Alabama Legislature. Any act enacted during the 1993 Regular Session of the Alabama Legislature, or during any subsequent regular or special session of the Alabama Legislature, in amendment of or supplementary to Act No. 82-222 shall be effective as of the date of its passage by the Legislature and approval by the Governor, or upon its otherwise becoming a law. The creation, incorporation, organization, operation, administration, authority, and financing of the Calhoun County Economic Development Council is approved, ratified, and confirmed from and as of the date of passage and approval by the Governor of Act No. 82-222 during the 1982 Regular Session of the Alabama Legislature. All actions taken, and all obligations, whether secured or unsecured and whether general or limited as to the source of payment, incurred or assumed, in the name and on behalf of the Calhoun County Economic Development Council by any directors, officers, employees, representatives, or agents thereof in furtherance of the powers and purposes of the council as set forth in Act No. 82-222, as the same may be at any time amended or supplemented, prior to the date this amendment is proclaimed ratified, are approved, ratified, and confirmed as fully effective for all purposes from and as of the respective dates of which the actions were taken and the obligations were incurred or assumed. (b) This amendment shall not become effective unless approved at a referendum by a majority of the qualified electors of Calhoun County voting on the proposition. The referendum shall be held at the same time as the election for the ratification of this act, as provided for in Section 2 of this act, and no further election shall be required.
AMENDMENT 564 RATIFIED Fire Protection and Special Fire Protection Property Tax in Covington County. (a) The Legislature hereby declares that the fire departments and rescue squads that receive funds pursuant to this amendment are organizations which are public in nature, as they promote and protect the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of the county. (b) The County Commission of Covington County shall levy and collect a special property tax, in addition to all other taxes now or hereafter provided by law, of three mills on each one dollar's worth of taxable property as assessed for the state ad valorem taxation during the preceding year. The proceeds of the additional taxes levied by this amendment shall be used exclusively for fire, emergency medical, and rescue services. (c) The Revenue Commissioner of Covington County shall assess the tax herein provided for, and shall collect the fire tax in the same manner and method that other ad valorem taxes are collected. The proceeds of the tax shall be paid into a special county fund. Within thirty days of payment into the special fund, the county commission shall allocate the funds among the eligible fire departments and rescue squads. The funds shall be divided equally among the eligible fire departments and rescue squads. (d) An eligible fire department, for purposes of this amendment, means a fire department in Covington County that maintains an ISO-approved rating of at least Class 9, is certified under the Alabama Forestry Commission guidelines, and is a member in good standing of the Covington County Firefighters Association. An eligible rescue squad, for purposes of this amendment, means a rescue squad that is certified by the Alabama Association of Rescue Squads or Emergency Medical Services. (e) Funds paid to eligible fire departments and rescue squads shall only be expended for fire protection and emergency medical and rescue services including training, supplies, and equipment. The funds may also be expended to purchase liability insurance to insure coverage of acts or omissions which are directly related to the functions of a fire department or rescue squad which are committed by a fire department or rescue squad or the personnel of a fire department or rescue squad. The funds may not be expended for food, drink, social activities or fund-raising activities. After receiving funds, the fire departments and rescue squads shall keep accurate records to verify that the funds were properly expended. By September 15 of each year, the fire departments and rescue squads shall file a financial statement with the Covington County Commission detailing the expenditure of all funds received from this amendment during the previous twelve months. The filing shall also account for all unspent funds and whether the unspent funds have been obligated. The Covington County Firefighters Association shall supply the accounting forms to each eligible fire department and rescue squad. No new fire departments shall be funded within Covington County without prior approval of the Covington County Firefighters Association and the Covington County Commission and without first being certified according to Alabama Forestry Commission guidelines. New departments shall attain an ISO Class 9 rating within two years of receiving fire tax funds to remain eligible. No new rescue squads shall be funded within Covington County without prior approval of the Covington County Commission. (f) Upon dissolution or abandonment of any eligible fire department or rescue squad, any remaining funds derived from this amendment or any assets purchased with funds derived from this amendment shall, after all indebtedness has been satisfied, be transferred to the county commission. The funds and assets shall be reallocated by the county commission equally to the other fire departments and rescue squads. In the event there are no fire departments or rescue squads, the funds or assets shall be placed in the county
AMENDMENT 565 RATIFIED Bingo Games in Covington County. (a) The operation of bingo games for prizes or money by certain nonprofit organizations and certain private clubs for charitable, educational, or other lawful purposes shall be legal in Covington County, subject to any resolution or ordinance by the county commission as provided by law regulating the operation of bingo. The county commission may promulgate rules and regulations for issuing permits or licenses and for operating bingo games within the county. The county commission shall insure compliance pursuant to any ordinance and the following: (1) No person under the age of 19 shall be permitted to play any game or games of bingo, unless accompanied by a parent or guardian. No person under the age of 19 shall be permitted to conduct or assist in the conduct of any game of bingo. (2) Except for special permit holders, no bingo permit or license shall be issued to any nonprofit organization, unless the organization has been in existence for at least five years and has owned real property in the county for five years immediately prior to the issuance of the permit or license. (3) Bingo games shall be operated only on the premises owned or leased by the nonprofit organization or club operating the bingo game. If the premises are leased, the rate of rental shall not be based on a percentage of receipts or profits resulting from operating the bingo games. (4) No nonprofit organization or club shall enter into any contract with any individual, firm, association, or corporation to have the individual or entity operate bingo games or concessions on behalf of the nonprofit organization. A nonprofit organization may not pay consulting fees or any compensation or salary to any individual or entity for any services performed relating to operating or conducting any bingo game. (5) A nonprofit organization may not lend its name or allow any other person or entity to use its identity in operating or advertising a bingo game in which the nonprofit organization is not directly and solely operating the bingo game or concessions. (6) One hundred percent of the net revenues derived from operating bingo games shall be designated and expended for charitable or educational purposes. (7) No person or organization, by whatever name or composition, shall take any expenses for operating a bingo game except as permitted by law. (b) The Legislature may, by local legislation, provide for the implementation of this amendment, including, but not limited to, the imposition of criminal penalties for violations of this amendment or the local legislation.
AMENDMENT 566 RATIFIED Election of Members of Cullman City Board of Education. (a) The Legislature may by local act provide for the election of the members of the Cullman City Board of Education. (b) This amendment shall not become effective unless approved at a referendum by a majority of the qualified electors of Cullman County voting on the proposition. The referendum shall be held at the same time as the election for the ratification of this amendment, as provided for in Section 4 of this act, and no further election shall be required. (c) Act No. 93-536 which provides for an elected Board of Education in the City of Cullman is hereby ratified.
AMENDMENT 567 RATIFIED Collection and Levying of Fees for Fire Protection Services and Emergency Medical Care in Elmore County. (a) The Legislature may from time to time by local law authorize the county governing body of Elmore County to levy and collect fees, annually not to exceed $25.00 on each residence and $50.00 on each business located within the county, for fire protection services and emergency medical care, such local law may provide for the distribution of the fees to volunteer fire departments and to emergency medical technicians who are members of volunteer fire departments, or provide for the distribution of the fees to an association of volunteer fire departments to be distributed by the association for the same purposes. (b) Act No. 92-660, H. 63, 1992 Second Special Session, a proposed, but not ratified local constitutional amendment, relating to the same subject matter, is repealed. (c) This amendment shall not become effective unless approved at a referendum by a majority of the qualified electors of Elmore County voting on the proposition. The referendum shall be held at the same time as the election for the ratification of this amendment, as provided for in Section 2 of this act, and no further election shall be required.
AMENDMENT 568 RATIFIED Incorporation of Regional Airport Authority by City of Red Bay and Franklin County with Political Subdivisions in Mississippi. (a) The City of Red Bay and Franklin County may join with political subdivisions of the State of Mississippi to organize a regional airport authority to be located in the State of Alabama or in the State of Mississippi. The regional airport authority shall be incorporated according to the laws of the State of Alabama relative to the incorporation of airport authorities and shall have the same powers and authority of airport authorities organized under the general laws of the State of Alabama. The incorporation procedure shall be commenced by at least three natural persons, two of whom shall be residents of the City of Red Bay, and the other or others may be residents of the political subdivisions of the State of Mississippi. The incorporators shall be qualified electors of the political subdivision which they represent. The regional airport authority shall be governed by a board of directors as provided in the certificate of incorporation or the bylaws. The governing body of each participating political subdivision shall appoint one member to the board of directors. The regional airport authority may issue and sell its interest-bearing revenue bonds for its corporate purposes. The principal of and the interest on all bonds shall be payable solely from, and may be secured by a pledge of the revenues derived by the regional authority from the operation of any or all of its airports, facilities, and other property. The bonds issued or contracts entered into by the authority shall not constitute or create an obligation or debt of this state or of any county, city, or town within this state, or a charge against the credit or taxing powers of this state or of any county, city, or town within this state. (b) This amendment shall not become effective unless approved at a referendum by a majority of the qualified electors of Franklin County voting on the proposition. The referendum shall be held at the same time as the election for the ratification of this amendment, as provided for in Section 2 of this act, and no further election shall be required.
AMENDMENT 569 RATIFIED Bingo Games in Houston County. (a) The operation of bingo games for prizes or money by certain nonprofit organizations and certain private clubs for charitable, educational, or other lawful purposes shall be legal in Houston County, subject to any resolution or ordinance by the county commission as provided by law regulating the operation of bingo. The county commission may promulgate rules and regulations for issuing permits or licenses and for operating bingo games within the county jurisdiction. The county commission shall insure compliance pursuant to any ordinance and the following: (1) No person under the age of 19 shall be permitted to play any game or games of bingo, unless accompanied by a parent or guardian. No person under the age of 19 shall be permitted to conduct or assist in the conduct of any game of bingo. (2) Except for special permit holders, no bingo permit or license shall be issued to any nonprofit organization or qualified private club, unless the organization or club shall have been in existence for at least five years and owned real property in the county for five years immediately prior to issuing the permit or license, except the following: a. A fraternal, or benevolent, or charitable organization which qualifies as an exempt organization under Section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code. b. A private club with annual membership dues of three hundred dollars ($300) or more. (3) Bingo games shall be operated only on the premises owned or leased by the nonprofit organization or club operating the bingo game. If the premises are leased, the rate or rental shall not be based on a percentage of receipts or profits resulting from operating the bingo games. (4) No nonprofit organization or club shall enter into any contract with any individual, firm, association, or corporation to have the individual or entity operate bingo games or concessions on behalf of the nonprofit organization of club. No nonprofit organization or club may pay consulting fees, any compensation or salary to any individual or entity for any services performed relating to operating or conducting any bingo game. (5) A nonprofit organization or club shall not lend its name or allow any other person or entity to use its identity in operating or advertising a bingo game in which the nonprofit organization or club is not directly and solely operating the bingo game or concessions. (6) Prizes given by any qualified nonprofit organization or qualified private club for playing bingo games shall not exceed the cash amount or gifts of equivalent value, set by the Legislature, during any bingo session. The Legislature shall set a maximum amount for any calendar week. (7) One hundred percent of the net revenues derived from operating bingo games shall be designated and expended for charitable or educational purposes. (8) No person, or organization, or club, by whatever name or composition, shall take any expenses for operating a bingo game except as permitted by law. (b) The Legislature may, by local legislation, provide for the implementation of this amendment, including, but not limited to, the imposition of criminal penalties for violations of this amendment or the local legislation. (c) This amendment shall not become effective unless approved at a referendum by a majority of the qualified electors of Houston County voting on the proposition. The referendum shall be held at the same time as the election for the ratification of this amendment, as provided for in Section 2 of this act, and no further election shall be required. (d) Act No. 93-333, H. 717 of the 1993 Regular Session is repealed.
AMENDMENT 570 RATIFIED Police Jurisdiction and Planning and Zoning Authority of Municipalities in Lee County. (a) In Lee County, the police jurisdiction and planning and zoning authority of any municipality located partially within Lee County with the exception of the municipality of Notasulga shall not extend beyond the corporate limits of the municipality. This amendment shall affect the authority of a municipality located partially within Lee County only in Lee County. (b) This amendment shall not become effective unless approved at a referendum by a majority of the qualified electors of Lee County voting on the proposition. The referendum shall be held at the same time as the election for the ratification of this amendment, as provided for in Section 2 of this act, and no further election shall be required. (c) The provisions of this amendment restricting the planning and zoning authority of any municipality affected by the amendment shall expire on June 30, 1997.
AMENDMENT 571 RATIFIED Validation of Laws Regulating Court Costs in Sumter County. (a) All general laws, local laws, and population based laws previously enacted by the Legislature and which are in effect on January 1, 1994, pertaining to or applicable to Sumter County which in whole or in part regulate costs and charges of courts are hereby ratified, approved, validated, and confirmed as of the date of their enactment. Any actions taken or payments made in accordance with those laws are hereby ratified, approved, validated, and confirmed. This amendment shall not be construed as prohibiting the Legislature from properly enacting a law to amend or repeal those laws. (b) This amendment shall not become effective unless approved at a referendum by a majority of the qualified electors of Sumter County voting on the proposition. The referendum shall be held at the same time as the election for the ratification of this amendment, as provided for in Section 2 of this act, and no further election shall be required.
AMENDMENT 572 RATIFIED Establishment of Fire Districts and Levy of Charges for Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Tallapoosa County. (a) Upon approval of the E911 Board of Commissioners of Tallapoosa County, districts may be established for fire protection and emergency medical services within the geographical boundaries of Tallapoosa County. Each district for fire fighting and emergency medical services of Tallapoosa County is authorized, in its discretion, to levy a service charge for fire protection and emergency medical services in an amount it deems reasonable on each dwelling and commercial building in Tallapoosa County. A service charge if approved by the majority of the voters residing in the proposed fire district shall be collected by the board of directors of the proposed district that has response coverage for the district unless otherwise provided by law. The proceeds from the service charge less any costs of collection shall be used by the district for fire protection and emergency medical service. (b) This amendment shall not become effective unless approved at a referendum by a majority of the qualified electors of Tallapoosa County voting on the proposition. The referendum shall be held at the same time as the election for the ratification of this amendment, as provided for in Section 2 of this act, and no further election shall be required.
AMENDMENT 573 RATIFIED Ad Valorem Tax in Morgan County. (a) In lieu of the ad valorem taxes otherwise authorized by Section 269 and Amendment 3 to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, and enabling statutory provisions thereto, the Morgan County Commission may levy annually, commencing with the tax year beginning October 1, 1995, an ad valorem tax on all taxable property located in Morgan County, Alabama at a rate of 5.8 mill per dollar assessed value of the property, the proceeds of which shall be distributed to the Board of Education of Morgan County in proportions as the proceeds would be distributable if the taxes were levied under the authority of Section 269 and Amendment 3 and enabling statutory provisions relating thereto. (b) The authority conferred by this constitutional amendment shall be self-executing in the event this amendment is duly adopted and ratified at the election required by the act which this amendment is proposed.
AMENDMENT 574 RATIFIED Ad Valorem Tax in City of Hartselle. (a) In lieu of the special district school tax of forty cents per one hundred dollars of assessed value which the Morgan County Commission is authorized to levy for the benefit of the public schools in the City of Hartselle, Alabama, the Morgan County Commission shall be authorized to levy on an annual basis, commencing with the tax year beginning October 1, 1995, an ad valorem tax on all taxable property located within the City of Hartselle, at a rate of four mills per dollar of assessed value of the taxable property, the proceeds of which shall be distributed to the Hartselle City Board of Education. (b) The authority conferred by this constitutional amendment shall be self-executing in the event this amendment is duly adopted and ratified at the election required by the act by which this amendment is proposed.
AMENDMENT 575 RATIFIED Additional Ad Valorem Tax within Portion of City of Decatur in Morgan County. (a) In addition to all other ad valorem taxes which the Morgan County Commission is authorized by law to levy for the benefit of the public schools in the City of Decatur, Alabama, the Morgan County Commission shall be authorized to levy on an annual basis, commencing with the tax year beginning October 1, 1995, an ad valorem tax on all taxable property located within that portion of the City of Decatur which lies in Morgan County at a rate of 3.6 mills per dollar of assessed value of the taxable property, the proceeds of which shall be distributed to the Decatur City Board of Education. (b) The authority conferred by this constitutional amendment shall be self-executing in the event this amendment is duly adopted and ratified at the election required by the act by which this amendment is proposed.
AMENDMENT 576 RATIFIED Additional Ad Valorem Tax on Property in Morgan County Outside Cities of Decatur and Hartselle. (a) In addition to all other ad valorem taxes which the Morgan County Commission is authorized by law to levy for the benefit of the public schools within the jurisdiction of the Morgan County Board of Education, the Morgan County Commission may levy on an annual basis, commencing with the tax year beginning October 1, 1995, an ad valorem tax on all taxable property in Morgan County located outside the corporate limits of the City of Decatur and the City of Hartselle, as those corporate limits exist on the first day of each ad valorem tax year, at a rate of four mills per dollar of assessed value of the taxable property, the proceeds of which shall be distributed to the Morgan County Board of Education. (b) The authority conferred by this constitutional amendment shall be self-executing in the event this amendment is duly adopted and ratified at the election required by the act by which this amendment is proposed.
AMENDMENT 577 RATIFIED Manner of Filling Vacancies on Morgan County Board of Education. The Legislature may, by local act, provide for the manner of filling vacancies on the Morgan County Board of Education.
AMENDMENT 578 RATIFIED Election of Franklin County Superintendent of Education by Qualified Electors. (a) The Franklin County Superintendent of Education shall be elected by the qualified electors residing in the jurisdiction of the Franklin County School System. The initial county superintendent of education elected pursuant to this amendment shall be elected at the general election in 1996. The election shall be conducted in the same manner as the election of other county officers. The initial county superintendent of education elected pursuant to this amendment shall serve upon election until June 30, 2001. A successor shall be elected at the general election in 2000 and take office on July 1, 2001. Successors shall serve a term of four years from July 1 of the year following election and shall be elected at the general election immediately preceding the expiration of the term of the incumbent. The Franklin County Superintendent of Education shall be a resident of the area served by the Franklin County School System at the time of his or her election and shall possess all the qualifications of a county superintendent of education provided by general law. The Legislature may, from time to time, enact laws to implement and facilitate the purposes of this amendment. (b) This amendment shall not become effective unless approved by a majority of the qualified electors residing in the jurisdiction of the Franklin County School System and a majority of the qualified electors of Franklin County.
AMENDMENT 579 RATIFIED Amendment of Article VIII. Article VIII of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901 is hereby repealed and in lieu thereof the following article shall be adopted. Article VIII Suffrage and Elections (a) Every citizen of the United States who has attained the age of eighteen years and has resided in this state and in a county thereof for the time provided by law, if registered as provided by law, shall have the right to vote in the county of his or her residence. The Legislature may prescribe reasonable and nondiscriminatory requirements as prerequisites to registration for voting. The Legislature shall, by statute, prescribe a procedure by which eligible citizens can register to vote. (b) No person convicted of a felony involving moral turpitude, or who is mentally incompetent, shall be qualified to vote until restoration of civil and political rights or removal of disability. (c) The Legislature shall by law provide for the registration of voters, absentee voting, secrecy in voting, the administration of elections, and the nomination of candidates.
AMENDMENT 580 RATIFIED Amendment of Article VI. Amendment of Article VI. Section 6.18A. Impeachment provisions in Article VII, Section 173 to apply to Supreme Court Justices and appellate judges. In addition to the authority conferred on the Court of the Judiciary in Section 6.18, the provisions for impeachment in Article VII, Section 173, shall also apply to Justices of the Supreme Court and Judges of the Courts of Appeals. No proceeding for impeachment under Article VII, Section 173, may proceed or be initiated against a judge while the same charge or subject matter is under consideration by the Judicial Inquiry Commission or the Court of the Judiciary. A finding of lack of probable cause or a termination of proceeding without a finding of wrongdoing by either the Judicial Inquiry Commission or the Court of the Judiciary shall constitute a complete defense to proceedings of impeachment under Article VII, Section 173, and shall bar all further proceedings of impeachment as to the same charge or subject matter. No justice or judge who has been tried before the Court of the Judiciary shall be subject to impeachment on the same charge or subject matter. No conduct that occurred prior to the effective date of this amendment may be the basis of a proceeding of impeachment under this section. No proceeding in impeachment under this section may be initiated without the verification, under oath, of at least 12 members of the House of Representatives as to the factual basis of the charge under which the article of impeachment is preferred. No article of impeachment shall be passed upon less than two-thirds majority of the House of Representatives and no conviction of impeachment shall be had upon less than two-thirds majority of the Senate under this section. Dissatisfaction with the ruling of a judge or justice shall not be a ground upon which impeachment under this section may proceed.
AMENDMENT 581 RATIFIED Amendment of Article VI. 6.17. Judicial Inquiry Commission. (a) A Judicial Inquiry Commission is created consisting of nine members. The Supreme Court shall appoint one appellate judge who shall not be a Justice on the Supreme Court; the Circuit Judges' Association shall appoint two judges of the circuit court; the Governor shall appoint three persons who are not lawyers, who shall be subject to Senate confirmation before serving; the Lieutenant Governor shall appoint one district judge who shall be subject to Senate confirmation; and the governing body of the Alabama State Bar shall appoint two members of the state bar to serve as members of the commission. Provided, however, that on January 1, 2005, the appointment authority granted to the Lieutenant Governor shall revert to the Governor and the Governor shall thereafter be entitled to appoint three persons who are not lawyers and one district judge, all subject to Senate confirmation. The commission shall select its own chair. The terms of the members of the commission shall be four years. A vacancy on the commission shall be filled for a full term in the manner the original appointment was made. (b) The commission shall be convened permanently with authority to conduct investigations and receive or initiate complaints concerning any judge of a court of the judicial system of this state. The commission shall file a complaint with the Court of the Judiciary in the event that a majority of the members of the commission decide that a reasonable basis exists, (1) to charge a judge with violation of any Canon of Judicial Ethics, misconduct in office, failure to perform his or her duties, or (2) to charge that the judge is physically or mentally unable to perform his or her duties. All proceedings of the commission shall be confidential except the filing of a complaint with the Court of the Judiciary. The commission shall prosecute the complaints. (c) The Supreme Court shall adopt rules governing the procedures of the commission. (d) The commission shall have subpoena power and authority to appoint and direct its staff. Members of the commission who are not judges shall receive per diem compensation and necessary expenses; members who are judges shall receive necessary expenses only. The Legislature shall appropriate funds for the operation of the commission Sec. 6.18. Court of the Judiciary. (a) The Court of the Judiciary is created consisting of one judge of an appellate court, other than the Supreme Court, who shall be selected by the Supreme Court and shall serve as Chief Judge of the Court of the Judiciary; two judges of the circuit court, who shall be selected by the Circuit Judges' Association; and one district judge who shall be selected by the District Judges' Association. Other members of the Court of the Judiciary shall consist of two members of the state bar, who shall be selected by the governing body of the Alabama State Bar; two persons who are not lawyers who shall be appointed by the Governor; and one person appointed by the Lieutenant Governor. Members appointed by the Governor and Lieutenant Governor shall be subject to Senate confirmation before serving. Provided, however, that on January 1, 2005, the appointment authority granted to the Lieutenant Governor shall revert to the Governor and the Governor shall thereafter be entitled to appoint three persons who are not lawyers, subject to Senate confirmation. The court shall be convened to hear complaints filed by the Judicial Inquiry Commission. The court shall have authority, after notice and public hearing (1) to remove from office, suspend without pay, or censure a judge, or apply such other sanction as may prescribed by law, for violation of a Canon of Judicial Ethics, misconduct in office, failure to perform his or her duties, or (2) to suspend with or without pay, or to retire a judge who is physically or mentally unable to perform his or her duties. (b) A judge aggrieved by a decis
AMENDMENT 582 RATIFIED Approval of Legislature for Court Orders Requiring Disbursement of State Funds. No order of a state court, which requires disbursement of state funds, shall be binding on the state or any state official until the order has been approved by a simple majority of both houses of the Legislature. This amendment shall not apply to orders, judgments, or decrees requiring payment of compensation for the taking of property by eminent domain or arising out of challenges to taxation or to such other orders, judgments, or decrees as may be otherwise required by statute, or settled principles of Alabama common law as decided by the Alabama appellate courts, not inconsistent with other provisions of this Constitution. Nothing herein shall be construed to preclude a court from making findings of fact or conclusions of law and orders relating thereto, that standards required by the United States Constitution, the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, laws of this state or of the United States, or rules or regulations promulgated pursuant thereto, are not being met, and from ordering the responsible entity or entities to comply with such standards.
AMENDMENT 583 RATIFIED Collection and Levying of Fees for Fire Protection Services in Calhoun County. The Legislature declares that the fire departments which receive funds pursuant to this amendment are organizations which are public in nature as they promote and protect the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of the county. In addition to all other taxes now or hereafter provided by law, there shall be levied and collected in Calhoun County a special county-wide property tax of three mills on each one dollar's worth of taxable property as assessed for the state ad valorem taxation. The proceeds of the additional taxes levied by this amendment shall be used exclusively for fire protection services provided by volunteer and full-time fire departments. The Tax Assessor of Calhoun County shall assess the tax herein provided for and the tax collector shall collect the tax in the same manner and method that other ad valorem taxes are collected. The proceeds of the tax shall be paid by the tax collector directly to the Calhoun County Volunteer Firefighters' Association and to the cities. The proceeds shall be divided so that the proceeds of the tax collected within the corporate limits of any city within the county shall be allocated to the fire department of that city and the proceeds from collections in the unincorporated areas of the county shall be allocated among the volunteer fire departments which serve the unincorporated area of the county, based on the following formula: (a) One-third of the proceeds shall be equally divided among the volunteer fire departments which are in good standing with the Calhoun County Volunteer Firefighters' Association. (b) One-third of the proceeds shall be divided to each volunteer fire department based upon the number of people who live within each respective fire district. (c) One-third of the proceeds shall be divided to each volunteer fire department based upon the number of acres of land contained in each fire district. From the proceeds collected in the police jurisdiction, but outside the corporate limits, of any city, one-third shall be allocated for the city serving the police jurisdiction and two-thirds shall be allocated to the Calhoun County Volunteer Firefighters' Association to be divided as herein prescribed. An eligible fire department, for purposes of this amendment, means a fire department in Calhoun County which is a member in good standing with the Calhoun County Volunteer Firefighters' Association according to guidelines established by the Alabama Volunteer Fire Department Association. Funds paid to eligible fire departments shall be expended for fire protection and rescue services including training, supplies, equipment, and facilities. The funds may also be expended to purchase insurance to insure coverage of acts or omissions which are directly related to the functions of a fire department which are committed by the department or the personnel of a fire department and to insure assets of the fire department. The funds may not be expended for food, drink, social activities, salaries, or fund-raising activities. After receiving funds, the fire departments shall keep accurate records to verify that the funds were properly expended. The records shall reasonably be open to the public for inspection. By September 15 of each year, the association shall file a financial statement with the Calhoun County Commission detailing the expenditure of all funds received from this amendment during the previous 12 months. The filing shall also account for all unspent funds and whether the unspent funds have been obligated. No new fire departments shall be funded within Calhoun County without prior approval of the Calhoun County Volunteer Firefighters' Association. Upon dissolution or abandonment of any eligible fire department, any remaining funds derived from this amendment or any assets purchased with funds derived from this amendment shall, after all indebtedness has been satis
AMENDMENT 584 RATIFIED Commission Authorized to Levy Ad Valorem Tax for Fire Protection and Rescue Services in Cherokee County. (a) In addition to all other ad valorem taxes levied, the Cherokee County Commission may levy on an annual basis, commencing with the tax year beginning October 1, 1995, an ad valorem tax on all taxable property located in Cherokee County at a rate of two mills per dollar of assessed value of the taxable property, the proceeds of which shall be paid into the county general fund and allocated therefrom for fire protection and rescue services. (b) Within 30 days of payment into the county general fund of the proceeds from the additional tax levied pursuant to (a), the county commission shall pay the proceeds generated by one and one-half mills of the additional tax levied to the Cherokee County Association of Volunteer Fire Departments and the proceeds generated from one-half of one mill to the Cherokee County Rescue Service Inc. The association shall divide its funds equally among the member fire departments of the Cherokee County Association of Volunteer Fire Departments and allocate one share thereof to the association at the quarterly meetings of the association. (c) Funds paid to eligible volunteer fire departments shall only be expended for fire protection services, including day to day operations, training, supplies, buildings, capital improvements, and equipment. An eligible volunteer fire department shall mean a volunteer fire department located in Cherokee County which is certified under the guidelines of the Alabama Forestry Commission and is a member in good standing of the Cherokee County Association of Volunteer Fire Departments. Any tax proceeds allocated for fire protection and rescue services under this amendment shall not be expended for salaries, food, drink, social activities, or fundraising activities. After receiving funds, the volunteer fire departments shall keep accurate records to verify that the funds were properly expended. By September 15th of each year, each fire department and the county association shall file a form with the county association detailing the expenditures of all funds during the previous 12 months and setting out a schedule of all proposed projects. The filing shall also account for all unspent funds and whether the unspent funds have been obligated. The county association shall supply the accounting forms to each eligible volunteer fire department and the county association. (d) Funds paid to the Cherokee County Rescue Service Inc. shall only be expended for rescue services, including day to day operations, training, supplies, buildings, capital improvements, and equipment. In order for the Cherokee County Rescue Service to maintain eligibility for tax proceeds it shall maintain current active membership in the Alabama Association of Rescue Squads. After receiving funds, the Cherokee County Rescue Service Inc. shall keep accurate records to verify that funds were properly expended. (e) All funds collected and disbursed under this amendment shall be subject to audit by the State Department of Examiners of Public Accounts. (f) Upon dissolution or abandonment of any eligible volunteer fire department, any remaining funds shall, after all indebtedness has been satisfied, be transferred to the county association. (g) Upon dissolution or abandonment of the Cherokee County Rescue Service Inc. any remaining funds shall, after all indebtedness has been satisfied, be held in the county general fund, until a decision can be reached by all applicable parties regarding the restoration of rescue service and the transfer of the funds for rescue services. (h) The personnel of volunteer fire departments and the Cherokee County Rescue Service shall not be considered as employees, servants, or agents of the county and the members of the county commission and the employees of the county shall not be liable in either their official capacity or in a private capacity for the act
AMENDMENT 585 RATIFIED Collection and Levying of Fees for Fire Protection and Safety Services in Clay County The Legislature declares that the fire departments and rescue squads which receive funds pursuant to this amendment are organizations which are public in nature as they promote and protect the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of the county. In addition to all other taxes now or hereafter provided by law, there shall be levied and collected in Clay County a special property tax of two mills on each one dollar's worth of taxable property as assessed for the state ad valorem taxation during the preceding year. The proceeds of the additional taxes levied by this amendment shall be used exclusively for fire protection and safety services. The Revenue Commissioner of Clay County shall assess the tax herein provided for and shall collect the tax in the same manner and method that other ad valorem taxes are collected. The proceeds of the tax shall be paid by the commissioner directly to the Clay County Volunteer Fire Department Association. The proceeds shall be divided by the association among the eligible volunteer fire departments and rescue squads so that the proceeds of the tax collected within the corporate limits of the Cities of Ashland and Lineville shall be allocated proportionately to the volunteer fire departments of those cities and any rescue squads serving those cities, and the proceeds from collections in the unincorporated areas of the county shall be allocated equally among the volunteer fire departments and the rescue squads which serve the unincorporated areas of the county. The rescue squads shall also receive the same percentage of the proceeds distributed proportionately to Ashland and Lineville which the rescue squads receive from the county portion of the proceeds. An eligible fire department, for purposes of this amendment, means a fire department in Clay County which is a member in good standing with the Clay County Volunteer Fire Department Association according to guidelines established by the Alabama Volunteer Fire Department Association. An eligible rescue squad for purposes of this amendment, means a rescue squad in Clay County which is in good standing according to guidelines established by the Alabama Association of Rescue Squads. Funds paid to eligible fire departments and rescue squads shall only be expended for fire protection and safety services including training, supplies, and equipment. The funds may also be expended to purchase liability insurance to insure coverage of acts or omissions which are directly related to the functions of a fire department or rescue squad which are committed by the department or squad or the personnel of a fire department or rescue squad. The funds may not be expended for food, drink, social activities, salaries, or fund-raising activities. After receiving funds, the fire departments and rescue squads shall keep accurate records to verify that the funds were properly expended. By September 15 of each year, the association shall file a financial statement with the Clay County Commission detailing the expenditure of all funds received from this amendment during the previous 12 months. The filing shall also account for all unspent funds and whether the unspent funds have been obligated. No new fire departments or rescue squads shall be funded within Clay County without prior approval of the Clay County Volunteer Fire Department Association. Upon dissolution or abandonment of any eligible fire department or rescue squad, any remaining funds derived from this amendment or any assets purchased with funds derived from this amendment shall, after all indebtedness has been satisfied, be transferred to the Clay County Volunteer Fire Department Association. The funds and assets shall be reallocated by the association equally to the other fire departments and rescue squads. In the event the association is dissolved, the additional property tax levied under thi
AMENDMENT 586 RATIFIED Collection and Levying of Fees for Fire Protection Services in Cleburne County. The Legislature declares that the fire departments which receive funds pursuant to this amendment are organizations which are public in nature as they promote and protect the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of the county. In addition to all other taxes now or hereafter provided by law, there shall be levied and collected in Cleburne County a special property tax of two mills on each one dollar's worth of taxable property as assessed for the state ad valorem taxation during the preceding year. The proceeds of the additional taxes levied by this amendment shall be used exclusively for fire protection services. The Revenue Commissioner of Cleburne County shall assess the tax herein provided for and shall collect the tax in the same manner and method that other ad valorem taxes are collected. The proceeds of the tax shall be paid by the commissioner directly to the Cleburne County Volunteer Fire Department Association. The proceeds shall be divided by the association among the eligible volunteer fire departments in the county. An eligible fire department, for purposes of this amendment, means a fire department in Cleburne County which is a member in good standing with the Cleburne County Volunteer Fire Department Association according to guidelines established by the Alabama Volunteer Fire Department Association. Funds paid to eligible fire departments shall only be expended for fire protection services including training, supplies, and equipment. The funds may also be expended to purchase liability insurance to insure coverage of acts or omissions which are directly related to the functions of a fire department which are committed by the department or the personnel of a fire department. The funds may not be expended for food, drink, social activities, salaries, or fund-raising activities. After receiving funds, the fire departments shall keep accurate records to verify that the funds were properly expended. By September 15 of each year, the association shall file a financial statement with the Cleburne County Commission detailing the expenditure of all funds received from this amendment during the previous 12 months. The filing shall also account for all unspent funds and whether the unspent funds have been obligated. No new fire departments shall be funded within Cleburne County without prior approval of the Cleburne County Volunteer Fire Department Association. Upon dissolution or abandonment of any eligible fire department, any remaining funds derived from this amendment or any assets purchased with funds derived from this amendment shall, after all indebtedness has been satisfied, be transferred to the Cleburne County Volunteer Fire Department Association. The funds and assets shall be reallocated by the association equally to the other fire departments. In the event the association is dissolved, the additional property tax levied under this amendment shall self-destruct and no longer be levied and collected. The personnel of fire departments provided for in this amendment shall not be considered employees, servants, or agents of the county and the members of the county commission and the employees of the county shall not be liable in either their official capacity or in a private capacity for the actions of the personnel of fire departments. This amendment shall apply to collections of ad valorem taxes for the 1995-96 tax year and thereafter. The initial provisions of this amendment may hereafter be amended by local legislation which may become effective without referendum approval.
AMENDMENT 587 RATIFIED Business License Taxes on Real Estate Operations and Transactions in Etowah County. Act 95-316, which proposed this amendment, was incorrectly certified as passing. The Secretary of State has determined that Amendment No. 587 should be deleted and subsequent amendments should retain their prior numbering.
AMENDMENT 588 RATIFIED Election of Franklin County Superintendent of Education by Qualified Electors. (a) The Franklin County Superintendent of Education shall be elected by the qualified electors residing in the jurisdiction of the Franklin County School System. The initial county superintendent of education elected pursuant to this amendment shall be elected at the general election in 1996. The election shall be conducted in the same manner as the election of other county officers. The initial county superintendent of education elected pursuant to this amendment shall serve from the date elected and certified until June 30, 2001. A successor shall be elected at the general election in 2000 and take office on July 1, 2001. Successors shall serve a term of four years from July 1 of the year following election and shall be elected at the general election immediately preceding the expiration of the term of the incumbent. The Franklin County Superintendent of Education shall be a resident of the area served by the Franklin County School System at the time of his or her election and shall possess all the qualifications of a county superintendent of education provided by general law. The Legislature may, from time to time, enact laws to implement and facilitate the purposes of this amendment. (b) Any contract of any appointed county superintendent of education shall terminate on the date the elected county superintendent of education takes office. (c) Any actions taken pursuant to the constitutional amendment proposed by Act 95-224, H. 80, 1995 Regular Session are ratified, validated, and confirmed.
AMENDMENT 589 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Program for Certain Elected Public Officials in Houston County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. No person elected or appointed sheriff, or any elected or appointed Houston County official, may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every sheriff and elected or appointed Houston County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Houston County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office; provided, however, the official shall forego the assumption of a supernumerary office. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed county official" shall include any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed county official, but shall not include a judge, district attorney, legislator, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit.
AMENDMENT 590 RATIFIED Regulation and Alteration of Costs and Charges of Courts in Lauderdale County. The Legislature may, from time to time, by general or local law applicable to Lauderdale County, fix, regulate, and alter the costs and charges of court in the county. This amendment shall be construed together with Amendment 241.
AMENDMENT 591 RATIFIED Election of Two Persons to Electrical Utility Owned by City of Tuskegee. Two persons shall be elected to the electrical utility owned by the City of Tuskegee at the same time that the mayor and city council elections are held and the elected candidates for members of the electrical utility shall qualify for office in the same manner. The election shall be conducted in the same manner as that for the election for city council. In the interim of the time between the adoption of this amendment and the mayor-city council election, the State Senator and the Alabama House Representative representing the City of Tuskegee shall each appoint a member on the electrical utility board owned by the City of Tuskegee to serve, only during the interim period until the election. The members of the board of directors of the electrical utility who are not members of the city council shall each receive fifty dollars ($50) per meeting, not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100) per month.
AMENDMENT 592 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Program for Certain Elected Public Officials in Morgan County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. No elected or appointed Morgan County official may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every elected or appointed Morgan County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Morgan County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office; provided, however, the official shall forego the assumption of a supernumerary office. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed county official" shall include any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed county official, but shall not include a judge, district attorney, legislator, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit.
AMENDMENT 593 RATIFIED Commission Authorized to Levy Ad Valorem Tax for Fire Protection in Perry County. (a) In addition to all other ad valorem taxes levied, the Perry County Commission may levy on an annual basis, commencing with the tax year beginning October 1, 1995, an ad valorem tax on all taxable property located in Perry County at a rate of three mills per dollar of assessed value of the taxable property, the proceeds of which shall be paid into the county general fund and distributed for the benefit of fire protection. (b) Within 30 days of payment into the county general fund, the county commission shall pay the funds to the Perry County Association of Volunteer Fire Departments. The county association shall divide the funds equally among all eligible volunteer fire departments and the Alabama Forestry Commission at the quarterly meetings of the county association. The county commission and the county association may jointly establish rules regarding the transfer, investing, accounting, and handling of the funds. (c) Funds paid to eligible volunteer fire departments shall only be expended for fire protection services, including training, supplies, buildings, capital improvements, and equipment. An eligible volunteer fire department shall mean a volunteer fire department located in Perry County that is certified under the guidelines of the Alabama Forestry Commission and is a member in good standing of the Perry County Association of Volunteer Fire Departments. The funds may not be expended for salaries, food, drink, social activities, or fund-raising activities. After receiving funds, the volunteer fire departments shall keep accurate records to verify that the funds were properly expended. By September 15th of each year, each department and the Alabama Forestry Commission shall file a form with the county association detailing the expenditures of all funds during the previous 12 months and setting out a schedule of all proposed projects. The filing shall also account for all unspent funds and whether the unspent funds have been obligated. The county association shall supply the accounting forms to each eligible volunteer fire department and the Alabama Forestry Commission. (d) The Alabama Forestry Commission's share of these funds collected shall be used in Perry County only. The funds shall be used for buildings and purchase of equipment. The funds shall not be expended for salaries. (e) Upon dissolution or abandonment of any eligible volunteer fire department, any remaining funds shall, after all indebtedness has been satisfied, be transferred to the county association. (f) The personnel of volunteer fire departments and the Alabama Forestry Commission shall not be considered as employees, servants, or agents of the county and the members of the county commission and the employees of the county shall not be liable in either their official capacity or in a private capacity for the actions of the personnel of volunteer fire departments and the Alabama Forestry Commission.
AMENDMENT 594 RATIFIED Collection and Levying of Fees for Fire Protection and Safety Services in Randolph County. The Legislature declares that the fire departments and rescue squads which receive funds pursuant to this amendment are organizations which are public in nature as they promote and protect the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of the county. In addition to all other taxes now or hereafter provided by law, there shall be levied and collected in Randolph County a special property tax of two mills on each one dollar's worth of taxable property as assessed for the state ad valorem taxation during the preceding year. The proceeds of the additional taxes levied by this amendment shall be used exclusively for fire protection and safety services. The Revenue Commissioner of Randolph County shall assess the tax herein provided for and shall collect the tax in the same manner and method that other ad valorem taxes are collected. The proceeds of the tax shall be paid by the commissioner directly to the Randolph County Volunteer Fire Department Association. The proceeds shall be divided by the association so that the proceeds of the tax collected within the corporate limits of the City of Roanoke shall be allocated to the volunteer fire department of the city and the proceeds from collections in the unincorporated areas of the county shall be allocated equally among the volunteer fire departments and the rescue squad which serve the unincorporated area of the county. An eligible fire department, for purposes of this amendment, means a fire department in Randolph County which is a member in good standing with the Randolph County Volunteer Fire Department Association according to guidelines established by the Alabama Volunteer Fire Department Association. An eligible rescue squad for purposes of this amendment, means a rescue squad in Randolph County which is in good standing according to guidelines established by the Alabama Association of Rescue Squads. Funds paid to eligible fire departments and rescue squads shall only be expended for fire protection and safety services including training, supplies, and equipment. The funds may also be expended to purchase liability insurance to insure coverage of acts or omissions which are directly related to the functions of a fire department or rescue squad which are committed by the department or squad or the personnel of a fire department or rescue squad. The funds may not be expended for food, drink, social activities, salaries, or fund-raising activities. After receiving funds, the fire departments and rescue squads shall keep accurate records to verify that the funds were properly expended. By September 15 of each year, the association shall file a financial statement with the Randolph County Commission detailing the expenditure of all funds received from this amendment during the previous 12 months. The filing shall also account for all unspent funds and whether the unspent funds have been obligated. No new fire departments or rescue squads shall be funded within Randolph County without prior approval of the Randolph County Volunteer Fire Department Association. Upon dissolution or abandonment of any eligible fire department or rescue squad, any remaining funds derived from this amendment or any assets purchased with funds derived from this amendment shall, after all indebtedness has been satisfied, be transferred to the Randolph County Volunteer Fire Department Association. The funds and assets shall be reallocated by the association equally to the other fire departments and rescue squads. In the event the association is dissolved, the additional property tax levied under this amendment shall self-destruct and no longer be levied and collected. The personnel of fire departments and rescue squads provided for in this amendment shall not be considered employees, servants, or agents of the county and the members of the county commission and the employees of the county shall
AMENDMENT 595 RATIFIED Business License Taxes on Real Estate Operations and Transactions in Shelby County. (a) In order to allow for the orderly and efficient collection of municipal business license taxes in Shelby County with respect to corporations, firms, brokers, agents, and others in the business of buying, selling, leasing, or representing others in the purchase, sale, or lease of real property in Shelby County, the Legislature may, by local law, provide for the imposition and collection of taxes as follows: 1. Any city or municipality within Shelby County may fix and collect licenses pursuant to Sections 11-51-90 and 11-51-91, Code of Alabama 1975, for any business, trade, or profession relating to the buying, selling, or renting of real estate on commission in Shelby County if the licensee maintains its principal place of business in the corporate limits or police jurisdiction of that city or municipality. 2. Effective January 1, following the ratification of this amendment and each year thereafter, in addition to the taxes, if any, imposed under 1. above, every corporation, firm, broker, agent, or other person or entity engaged in the business of buying, selling, managing, leasing, or renting of real estate on commission in Shelby County shall pay an annual business license tax at a rate to be set by the Legislature for the privilege of engaging in that business in every other city or municipality in Shelby County. The tax shall be collected by the License Commissioner of Shelby County and shall be distributed by the License Commissioner of Shelby County to each city or municipality within Shelby County on a pro rata basis based on population. The License Commissioner of Shelby County shall be entitled to an administrative fee for administering this tax at a rate to be set by the Legislature. The fee shall to be added to the license tax. 3. Effective January 1, following the ratification of this amendment and each year thereafter, except for the licenses permitted or mandated under 1. and 2. above, no other privilege license tax or any other fee or tax shall be imposed under Sections 11-51-90 and 11-51-91, Code of Alabama 1975, or any other law by any city or municipality within Shelby County on corporations, firms, brokers, agents, or other persons or entities engaged in the business of buying, selling, managing, leasing, or renting of real estate on commission in Shelby County. (b) This amendment shall not become effective unless approved at a referendum by a majority of the qualified electors of Shelby County voting on the proposition. The referendum shall be held at the same time as the election for the ratification of this amendment, as provided for in Section 2 of this act, and no further election shall be required.
AMENDMENT 596 RATIFIED Promotion of Economic and Industrial Development in Walker County. For the promotion of local economic and industrial development of Walker County, Walker County and each municipality the corporate limits of which are located wholly in the county shall, other provisions of law or this constitution notwithstanding, have, independently or in cooperation with one or more of such governmental entities, full and continuing power to do all of the following: (1) To purchase, lease, or otherwise acquire land, or to utilize land heretofore purchased or otherwise acquired, and to improve and develop such land for use as industrial sites or industrial park projects, including, but not limited to, grading and the construction of roads, drainage, sewers, sewage and waste disposal systems, parking areas, and utilities to serve those sites or projects. (2) To lease, sell, grant, exchange, or otherwise convey, on terms approved by the governing body of the county or any such municipality, as applicable, all or any part of any site or project to any person, firm, or corporation, public or private, including any industrial development board, other public corporation or authority heretofore or hereafter created by the county or any municipality therein, for the purpose of constructing or developing, by a purchaser or lessee, and equipping and operating, industrial, transportation, distribution, warehouse or research facilities, and offices and other facilities auxiliary to the foregoing. (3) To grant public funds to the industrial development boards, public corporations, or authorities. Any action referred to in subdivision (1), (2), and (3) which has been taken subsequent to January 1, 1996, is ratified, approved, and confirmed. Nothing herein shall authorize the county, or any municipality therein, to construct buildings for the purpose of lease or sale. In carrying out the purposes of this amendment, neither Walker County nor any municipality located wholly within Walker County shall be subject to the provisions of Sections 93 or 94 of this constitution, as amended. The Legislature shall have the power, by special or local law, to create, or provide for the creation of, any public corporation, authority, board, agency, or other entity empowered or intended to assist or aid in any way the county or the municipality in carrying out the purposes of this amendment and the special or local law shall not be subject to the provisions of Sections 104 and 106 of this constitution, as amended. This amendment shall be self-executing and the powers granted hereby may be exercised as an alternative to, or cumulative with, and in no way restrictive of, powers otherwise granted by law to the county, or to any municipality, or to any agency, board, or authority created pursuant to the laws of this state and acting pursuant to this amendment. No action may be taken under this amendment by the county or any of the municipalities until after the question of whether the county and the municipalities shall have the authority to take the action shall be submitted to the qualified electors of the county, at an election called for that purpose by the governing body of the county and a majority of the qualified electors voting at the election vote in favor of the county and the municipalities having the authority to take action.
AMENDMENT 597 RATIFIED Sportsperson's Bill of Rights. (a) All persons shall have the right to hunt and fish in this state in accordance with law and regulations. (b) This amendment shall be known as the "Sportsperson's Bill of Rights."
AMENDMENT 598 RATIFIED Amendment of Article XIV, Section 8. Article XIV, Section 8, as amended by Amendment 37 of the Constitution of Alabama 1901, is amended to read as follows: "Sec. 8. No person shall for any indictable offense be proceeded against criminally by information, except in cases arising in the militia and volunteer forces when in actual service, or when assembled under arms as a military organization, or, by leave of the court, for misfeasance, misdemeanor, extortion, and oppression in office, otherwise than is provided in the Constitution. In cases of misdemeanor, the Legislature may by law dispense with a grand jury and authorize prosecutions and proceedings before any inferior courts as may be by law established. In all felony cases, except those punishable by capital punishment, the Legislature may by law dispense with a grand jury and authorize prosecutions and proceedings in any manner as may be provided by law if the defendant, after having had the advice of counsel of his or her choice or in the event he or she is unable to employ counsel, the advice of counsel which shall be appointed by the court, makes known in open court to a judge of a court having jurisdiction of the offense that he or she desires to plead guilty."
AMENDMENT 599 RATIFIED Bingo Games in Morgan County. (a) The operation of bingo games for prizes or money by nonprofit organizations for charitable, educational, or other lawful purposes shall be legal only within the boundaries of the Cities of Hartselle and Falkville and that area of the City of Decatur located within the boundaries of Morgan County, subject to any resolution or ordinance by the governing bodies of the respective cities and towns, within their respective jurisdictions. The governing bodies may promulgate rules and regulations for the licensing and operation of bingo games, within their respective jurisdictions. The governing bodies shall insure compliance pursuant to any ordinance and the following: (1) No person under the age of 19 years shall be permitted to play any game or games of bingo, nor shall any person under the age of 19 years be permitted to conduct or assist in the operation of any game of bingo. (2) No bingo license shall be issued to any nonprofit organization, unless the organization shall have been in existence for at least three years in the county immediately prior to the issuance of the permit or license. (3) Bingo games shall be operated only on the premises owned or leased by the nonprofit organization operating the bingo game. If the premises are leased, the rate of rental shall not be based on a percentage of receipts or profits resulting from the operation of bingo games. (4) No nonprofit organization shall enter into any contract with any individual, firm, association, or corporation to have the individual or entity operate bingo games or concessions on behalf of the nonprofit organization. No nonprofit organization shall pay consulting fees to any individual or entity for any services performed in relation to the operation or conduct of a bingo game. (5) A nonprofit organization shall not lend its name or allow its identity to be used by any other person or entity in the operating or advertising of a bingo game in which the nonprofit organization is not directly and solely operating the bingo game. (6) Prizes given by any nonprofit organization for the playing of bingo games shall not exceed the cash amount or gifts of equivalent value set by the Legislature during any bingo session during any calendar week. (7) No person or organization, by whatever name or composition thereof, shall take any expense for the operation of a bingo game except as permitted by law. (b) The Legislature may, by local legislation, provide for the implementation of this amendment, including, but not limited to, the imposition of criminal penalties for violations of this amendment or the local legislation. (c) The Legislature, may by local law, provide for the operation of bingo games for prizes or money by nonprofit organizations for charitable, educational, or other lawful purposes within any other city located within the boundaries of Morgan County pursuant to subsection (a) of Section 1 of this constitutional amendment.
AMENDMENT 600 RATIFIED Amendment of Amendment No. 386. Amendment To Subsection (f) of Amendment No. 386 "(f) Prizes given by any nonprofit organization for the playing of bingo games in Jefferson County shall not exceed the amounts set by local law;"
AMENDMENT 601 RATIFIED Compensation of Judge of Probate of Barbour County. (a) Effective October 1, 1997, the Judge of Probate of Barbour County shall receive compensation in the form of an annual salary in the amount provided by general or local law, which salary may be set from time to time by the Legislature. The salary paid in lieu of all other fees, allowances, and percentages heretofore provided by law, shall be paid in equal monthly installments out of the general fund in the county treasury. (b) All fees, commissions, allowances, percentages, and other charges collected for the use of the Judge of Probate of Barbour County shall continue to be collected, but shall be paid into the county general fund.
AMENDMENT 602 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Program for Certain Elected Public Officials in Coosa County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. A mayor, sheriff, or elected or appointed Coosa County official shall not assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every mayor, sheriff, and elected or appointed Coosa County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Coosa County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office; provided, however, the official shall forego the assumption of a supernumerary office. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed county official" shall include any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed county official, but shall not include a judge, district attorney, legislator, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit.
AMENDMENT 603 RATIFIED Commission Authorized to Levy Ad Valorem Tax for Fire Protection in Hale County. (a) In addition to all other ad valorem taxes levied, the Hale County Commission may levy on an annual basis, commencing with the tax year beginning October 1, 1996, an ad valorem tax on all taxable property located in Hale County at a rate of two mills per dollar of assessed value of the taxable property, the proceeds of which shall be paid into the county general fund and distributed for the benefit of fire protection. (b) Within 30 days of payment into the county general fund, the county commission shall pay the funds to the Hale County Fire Fighters Association. The county association shall divide the funds equally among all eligible volunteer fire departments and the Alabama Forestry Commission at each monthly meeting of the county association. The county commission and the county association may jointly establish rules regarding the transfer, investing, accounting, and handling of the funds. (c) Funds paid to eligible volunteer fire departments shall only be expended for fire protection services, including training, supplies, buildings, capital improvements, and equipment. All eligible volunteer fire department shall mean a volunteer fire department located in Hale County that is certified under the guidelines of the Alabama Forestry Commission and is a member in good standing of the Hale County Association of Volunteer Fire Departments. The funds may not be expended for salaries, food, drink, social activities, or fund-raising activities. After receiving funds, the volunteer fire departments shall keep accurate records to verify that the funds were properly expended. By September 15th of each year, each department and the Alabama Forestry Commission shall file a form with the county association detailing the expenditures of all funds during the previous 12 months and setting out a schedule of all proposed projects. The filing shall also account for all unspent funds and whether the unspent funds have been obligated. The county association shall supply the accounting forms to each eligible volunteer fire department and the Alabama Forestry Commission. (d) The Alabama Forestry Commission's share of these funds collected shall be used in Hale County only. The funds shall be used for buildings and purchase of equipment. The funds shall not be expended for salaries. (e) Upon dissolution or abandonment of any eligible volunteer fire department, any remaining funds shall, after all indebtedness has been satisfied, be transferred to the county association. (f) The personnel of volunteer fire departments and the Alabama Forestry Commission shall not be considered as employees, servants, or agents of the county and the members of the county commission and the employees of the county shall not be liable in either their official capacity or in a private capacity for the actions of the personnel of volunteer fire departments and the Alabama Forestry Commission.
AMENDMENT 604 RATIFIED Special Fire Protection Property Tax in Henry County. The Legislature declares that the fire departments which receive funds pursuant to this amendment are organizations which are public in nature, as they promote and protect the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of the county. In addition to all other taxes now or hereafter provided by law, there shall be levied and collected in Henry County a special property tax of two mills on each one dollar's worth of taxable property as assessed for the state ad valorem taxation during the preceding year. The proceeds of the additional taxes levied by this amendment shall be used exclusively for fire protection services. The Revenue Commissioner of Henry County shall assess the tax herein provided for, and shall collect the tax in the same manner and method that other ad valorem taxes are collected. The proceeds shall be divided by the revenue commissioner on an equal basis among the six eligible volunteer fire departments in the county. An eligible fire department, for purposes of this amendment, means a fire department in Henry County which is a member in good standing with the Alabama Volunteer Fire Department Association. Funds paid to eligible volunteer fire departments shall only be expended for fire protection services including training, supplies, and equipment. The funds may also be expended to purchase liability insurance to insure coverage of acts or omissions which are directly related to the functions of a fire department which are committed by the department or the personnel of a fire department. The funds may not be expended for food, drink, social activities, salaries, or fund-raising activities. After receiving funds, the fire departments shall keep accurate records to verify that the funds were properly expended. By September 15 of each year, each volunteer fire department shall file a financial statement with the Henry County Commission detailing the expenditure of all funds received from this amendment during the previous 12 months. The filing shall also account for all unspent funds and whether the unspent funds have been obligated. Upon dissolution or abandonment of any eligible fire department, any remaining funds derived from this amendment or any assets purchased with funds derived from this amendment shall, after all indebtedness has been satisfied, be divided equally among the remaining volunteer fire departments in the county. In the event all of the volunteer fire departments are dissolved, the additional property tax levied under this amendment shall self-destruct and no longer be levied and collected. The personnel of volunteer fire departments provided for in this amendment shall not be considered employees, servants, or agents of the county and the members of the county commission and the employees of the county shall not be liable in either their official capacity or in a private capacity for the actions of the personnel of fire departments. This amendment shall apply to collections of ad valorem taxes for the 1996-97 tax year and thereafter. The initial provisions of this amendment may hereafter be amended by local legislation which may become effective without referendum approval.
AMENDMENT 605 RATIFIED Costs and Charges of Courts in Houston County. The Legislature may, from time to time, by general or local laws, fix, regulate, and alter the costs and charges of courts in Houston County.
AMENDMENT 606 RATIFIED Election of Board of Education of City of Bessemer. The Legislature, by local act, may provide for the election of the members of the board of education of the City of Bessemer in Jefferson County and may provide further for the operation of the board.
AMENDMENT 607 RATIFIED Amendment of Amendment No. 334. Amendment No. 334 All vacancies in the office of judge of the circuit court and the office of judge of the district court holding in Madison County shall be filled in the manner and for the time as herein provided. The Madison County Judicial Commission is created for the purpose of nominating to the Governor persons for appointment to such a vacancy. The commission shall be composed of nine members. The members of the commission shall be two persons who are members of the Alabama State Bar, one judge of the circuit court holding in Madison County, two members appointed by Members of the Alabama House of Representatives who represent Madison County, irrespective of whether such Members of the House of Representatives reside in Madison County, two members appointed by Members of the Alabama Senate who represent Madison County, irrespective of whether such Members of the Senate reside in Madison County, and two members appointed jointly by these Members of the House of Representatives and Members of the Senate. All members of the commission shall reside in the territorial jurisdiction of the circuit court holding in Madison County. The two members of the commission who are required to be members of the Alabama State Bar shall be elected by the members of such bar who are regularly licensed and qualified to practice law in this state and who reside in the territorial jurisdiction of the circuit court holding in Madison County. The Executive Committee of the Madison County Bar Association or its successor body in such capacity, is authorized and directed to make rules, not inconsistent with this amendment, for the election of such members of the commission as are required to be members of the Alabama State Bar. The executive committee shall certify in writing to the Judge of Probate of Madison County the names of the persons elected as members of the commission by these members of the bar. The Members of the Alabama House of Representatives who represent Madison County, irrespective of whether these members reside in Madison County, shall make one initial appointment of a member of the commission immediately upon the adoption of the amendment adding this amendatory language and shall make the other initial appointment upon the first expiration of the term of office of a member previously appointed pursuant to this amendment by the Senators and Representatives in the Alabama Legislature residing in Madison County. These Members of the Alabama House of Representatives representing Madison County shall make all succeeding appointments to these two positions. These appointees shall not be members of the Alabama State Bar. The Members of the Alabama Senate representing Madison County, irrespective of whether these members reside in Madison County, shall make one initial appointment of a member of the commission immediately upon the adoption of the amendment adding this amendatory language and shall make the other initial appointment upon the expiration of the term of office of the last member previously appointed pursuant to this amendment by the Senators and Representatives of the Alabama Legislature residing in Madison County. These Members of the Alabama Senate representing Madison County shall make all succeeding appointments to these two positions. These appointees shall not be members of the Alabama State Bar. The Members of the House of Representatives and Senate representing Madison County, irrespective of whether these members reside in Madison County, shall jointly make two initial appointments upon the adoption of the amendment adding this amendatory language. These Members of the House of Representatives and the Senate shall jointly make all succeeding appointments to these two positions. These appointees shall not be members of the Alabama State Bar. These Members of the House of Representatives and Senate, respectively, shall certify in writing to the Judge of Probate
AMENDMENT 608 RATIFIED Ratification of Levy and Collection of Certain Sales and Use Taxes in School District No. 1 in Madison County. Any provision of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended, to the contrary notwithstanding, all sales and use taxes for public school or education purposes imposed pursuant to Act No. 82-525 in School District One in Madison County which have been approved by a majority vote of the qualified electors of School District One in Madison County prior to January 1, 1996, and the levy and collection thereof from the date of the initial levy thereof, are hereby authorized, ratified, and confirmed regardless of any statutory or constitutional defects, mistakes, errors, or ambiguities, including without limitation, with respect to the authorization, adoption, or levy thereof or the election thereon, any failure to publish any required notice, or any act of or failure to act by the Legislature with respect thereto; provided, however, that the authorization, ratification, and confirmation effected by this amendment shall not be applicable to any sales and use tax which is being challenged in appropriate judicial proceedings in any proper court on the date the act proposing this amendment is adopted.
AMENDMENT 609 RATIFIED Judge of Probate of Marengo County; Compensation, Fees, Etc. (a) The Judge of Probate of Marengo County shall receive compensation in the form of an annual salary which shall be equal to ninety percent of the annual salary compensation paid by the state to the district court judge of the county. The salary shall be paid in lieu of all other fees, allowances, and percentages heretofore provided by law and shall be paid in equal monthly installments out of the general fund of the county treasury. (b) All fees, commissions, allowances, percentages, and other charges heretofore collected for the use of the Judge of Probate of Marengo County shall continue to be collected by the judge of probate, but shall be paid into the county general fund. (c) The County Commission of Marengo County shall provide the judge of probate with office personnel, clerks and deputies, and with quarters, books, stationery, furniture, equipment, and other supplies necessary for the proper and efficient conduct of the office of the judge of probate. Compensation of the personnel shall be fixed by the county commission and shall be paid in equal monthly installments out of the General Fund of Marengo County. (d) This amendment shall be effective January 1 after its approval.
AMENDMENT 610 RATIFIED Commission Authorized to Levy Ad Valorem Tax for Fire Protection in Marengo County. (a) In addition to all other ad valorem taxes levied, the Marengo County Commission may levy on an annual basis, commencing with the tax year beginning October 1, 1997, an ad valorem tax on all taxable property located in Marengo County, excluding the city limits of Demopolis, at a rate of two mills per dollar of assessed value of the taxable property, the proceeds of which shall be paid into the county general fund and distributed for the benefit of fire protection. (b) Within 90 days of payment into the county general fund, the county commission shall pay the funds to the Marengo County Association of Fire and Rescue Departments, Incorporated. The county association shall divide the funds equally among all the eligible volunteer fire departments and the Alabama Forestry Commission at each quarter meeting of the county association. The county commission and the county association may jointly establish rules regarding the transfer, investing, accounting, and handling of the funds. (c) Funds paid to eligible volunteer fire departments shall only be expended for fire protection services, including training, supplies, buildings, capital improvements, and equipment. An eligible volunteer fire department shall mean a volunteer fire department located in Marengo County that is certified under the guidelines of the Alabama Forestry Commission and is a member in good standing of the Marengo County Association of Fire and Rescue Departments, Incorporated. The funds may not be expended for salaries, food, drink, social activities, or fund-raising activities. After receiving funds, the volunteer fire departments shall keep accurate records to verify that the funds were properly expended. By September 15th of each year, each department and the Alabama Forestry Commission shall file a form with the county association detailing the expenditures of all funds during the previous 12 months and setting out a schedule of all proposed projects. The filing shall also account for all unspent funds and whether the unspent funds have been obligated. The county association shall supply the accounting forms to each eligible volunteer fire department and the Alabama Forestry Commission. (d) The Alabama Forestry Commission's share of these funds collected shall be used in Marengo County only. The funds shall be used for buildings and purchase of equipment. The funds shall not be expended for salaries. (e) Upon dissolution or abandonment of any eligible volunteer fire department, any remaining funds shall, after all indebtedness has been satisfied, be transferred to the county association. (f) The personnel of volunteer fire departments and the Alabama Forestry Commission shall not be considered as employees, servants, or agents of the county and the members of the county commission and the employees of the county shall not be liable in either their official capacity or in a private capacity for the actions of the personnel of volunteer fire departments and the Alabama Forestry Commission.
AMENDMENT 611 RATIFIED Validation of Laws Regulating Court Costs in Randolph County. All general laws, local laws, and population based laws previously enacted by the Legislature and which are in effect on January 1, 1996, pertaining to or applicable to Randolph County which in whole or in part regulate costs and charges of courts are hereby ratified, approved, validated, and confirmed as of the date of their enactment. Any actions taken or payments made in accordance with those laws are hereby ratified, approved, validated, and confirmed. This amendment shall not be construed as prohibiting the Legislature from properly enacting a law to amend or repeal those laws. The Legislature may, by local law, increase or decrease costs and charges of courts.
AMENDMENT 612 RATIFIED Bingo Games in Russell County. (a) The operation of bingo games for prizes or money by certain nonprofit organizations and certain private clubs for charitable, educational, or other lawful purposes shall be legal in Russell County, subject to any resolution or ordinance by the county commission as provided by law regulating the operation of bingo. The county commission may promulgate rules and regulations for issuing permits or licenses and for operating bingo games within the jurisdiction of the county. The county commission shall insure compliance pursuant to any ordinance and the following: (1) No person under the age of 19 shall be permitted to play any game or games of bingo, unless accompanied by a parent or guardian. No person under the age of 19 shall be permitted to conduct or assist in the conduct of any game of bingo. (2) Except for special permit holders, no bingo permit or license shall be issued to any nonprofit organization or qualified private club, unless the organization or club shall have been in existence for at least five years and owned real property in the county for five years immediately prior to issuing the permit or license, except the following: a. A fraternal, or benevolent, or charitable organization which qualifies as an exempt organization under Section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code. b. A private club with annual membership dues of three hundred dollars ($300) or more. (3) Bingo games shall be operated only on the premises owned or leased by the nonprofit organization or club operating the bingo game. If the premises are leased, the rate or rental shall not be based on a percentage of receipts or profits resulting from operating the bingo games. (4) No nonprofit organization or club shall enter into any contract with any individual, firm, association, or corporation to have the individual or entity operate bingo games or concessions on behalf of the nonprofit organization or club. No nonprofit organization or club may pay consulting fees, any compensation or salary to any individual or entity for any services performed relating to operating or conducting any bingo game. (5) A nonprofit organization or club shall not lend its name or allow any other person or entity to use its identity in operating or advertising a bingo game in which the nonprofit organization or club is not directly and solely operating the bingo game or concessions. (6) Prizes given by any qualified nonprofit organization or qualified private club for playing bingo games shall not exceed the cash amount or gifts of equivalent value, set by the Legislature, during any bingo session. The Legislature shall set a maximum amount for any calendar week. (7) One hundred percent of the net revenues derived from operating bingo games shall be designated and expended for charitable or educational purposes. (8) No person, or organization or club, by whatever name or composition, shall take any expenses for operating a bingo game except as permitted by law. (b) The Legislature may, by local legislation, provide for the implementation of this amendment, including, but not limited to, the imposition of criminal penalties for violations of this amendment or the local legislation.
AMENDMENT 613 RATIFIED Costs and Charges of Courts in St. Clair County; Distribution of Additional Revenue. The Legislature may, from time to time, by general, special, or local law, regulate and alter the costs and charges of court in St. Clair County and provide for the distribution of any additional revenue for the purpose of establishing, operating, and maintaining the juvenile court system and juvenile programs in the county.
AMENDMENT 614 RATIFIED Fire Protection Districts in Talladega County. The Legislature may, by local law, from time to time, provide for the establishment of districts in Talladega County for fire protection and provide for mandatory annual dues in the districts. The Legislature shall provide for the operation of the districts and for the collection and disposition of the mandatory annual dues. The Legislature may limit the liability of the county for the operation of a district and provide that a district shall be exempt from all taxation. The districts may include incorporated and unincorporated areas of the county which need and are willing to subscribe to the fire protection services.
AMENDMENT 615 RATIFIED Procedure for Filling Vacancies in Office of Judge of Circuit Court, Judge of District Court, and District Attorney in Talladega County. In Talladega County, all vacancies in the offices of judge of the circuit court, judge of the district court, and district attorney shall be filled in the manner and for the time as provided in this amendment. The Talladega County Judicial Commission is created for the purpose of nominating to the Governor persons for appointment to any vacancy in the offices of judge of the circuit court, judge of the district court, and district attorney. The five members of the commission shall consist of the following: The presiding judge of the Circuit Court of Talladega County, as a nonvoting ex officio member who may only vote in the event of a tie vote among the other four members of the commission, and who shall preside over all meetings of the commission; the commissioner of the Alabama State Board of Bar Commissioners representing Talladega County, as an ex officio voting member; and three residents of Talladega County who are not members of the Alabama State Bar. Appointed members shall serve for terms of four years. A vacancy in the office of a member of the commission shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as the member was originally chosen. The term of office for the initial appointed members of the commission shall begin immediately upon appointment. The nonlawyer members of the commission shall be appointed by mutual consent of the members of the state Legislature who represent Talladega County. The nonlawyer members of the commission shall not be eligible to serve two successive terms. The presiding judge of the Circuit Court of Talladega County shall certify in writing to the Judge of Probate of Talladega County his or her own name and the name of the Alabama State Bar Commissioner representing Talladega County, as ex officio members. The appropriate members of the state Legislature representing Talladega County shall certify in writing to the Judge of Probate of Talladega County the names of the three resident members appointed to the commission. The Judge of Probate of Talladega County shall record all certificates of election and shall safely and permanently keep the original and all subsequent certificates of election. Immediately upon receipt and recordation of a certificate of election, the judge of probate shall send a certified copy to the Governor. No member of the commission shall seek appointment as a judge of the circuit court, judge of the district court, or district attorney during the term of office for which the member has been selected. The members of the commission shall not receive any salary or other compensation for their service as members. No appointed member of the commission shall hold any public office. No member of the commission shall hold any official position in any political party. If, after the ratification of this amendment, a vacancy occurs in Talladega County in the offices of judge of the circuit court, judge of the district court, or district attorney, the presiding judge of the Circuit Court of Talladega County shall call a meeting of the commission to fill the vacancy. The commission shall nominate three persons having the qualifications for the vacant office. The nominations shall be made only by the concurrence of a majority of the members of the commission. The presiding judge of the circuit court shall certify the three nominees to the Governor, who shall appoint one to the office in which the vacancy exists. If the Governor fails to make an appointment from the submitted list within 30 days from the date of submission, the appointment shall be made from the list by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Alabama. If the appointment is for a judicial vacancy, the appointee shall hold office for an initial term lasting until the first Monday after the second Tuesday in January following the next general e
AMENDMENT 616 RATIFIED Appropriations of Cellular Radio Telecommunication Service Tax Funds for Payment on Outstanding Bonds of Alabama Revolving Loan Fund Authority. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Legislature may appropriate the revenue and other funds received or collected pursuant to any cellular radio telecommunication service tax to pay the principal at maturity and any interest due on the outstanding bonds issued by the Alabama Revolving Loan Fund Authority or its successor authority.
AMENDMENT 617 RATIFIED Indebtedness by State for State Parks System and Historical Sites. The State of Alabama is authorized to become indebted for the purpose of the acquisition, provision, construction, improvement, renovation, equipping, and maintenance of the state parks system, public historical sites, and public historical parks, and in evidence of the indebtedness so incurred to sell and issue bonds, in addition to all other bonds of the state, not exceeding one hundred ten million dollars ($110,000,000) in aggregate principal amount. The bonds shall be direct general obligations of the state and the full faith and credit and taxing power of the state are hereby pledged to the prompt and faithful payment of the principal thereof and the interest thereon. One hundred four million dollars ($104,000,000) of the bonds shall be issued for the state by the Alabama State Parks System Improvement Corporation pursuant to the appropriate resolutions adopted by the board of directors of the corporation and the proceeds thereof shall be appropriated and used exclusively for the purpose of paying the expenses incurred in the sale and issuance of the bonds and for payment of the costs of the acquisition, provision, construction, improvement, renovation, equipping, and maintenance of the state parks system; provided, any lake acquired and/or built with the proceeds thereof by the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources as a part of a state park must have a minimum buffer of six hundred (600) lateral feet between the shoreline and any private property. In the event that the water from any said lake is sold, the cost thereof shall be equal to the periodic costs for that portion of the bond issue incurred by the Alabama State Parks System Improvement Corporation for said lake, and shall be repaid to the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources at the same rate as the debt service on said bond issue. Such acquisition, provision, construction, improvement, renovation, equipping and maintenance of the state parks system, shall be completed at the direction of the Alabama State Parks System Improvement Corporation with the advice and concurrence of the Joint Legislative Committee on State Parks, and all state park system land and facilities, except for existing concession operations or other existing permitted operations, shall thereafter be exclusively and solely operated and maintained by the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. Six million dollars ($6,000,000) of the bonds shall be issued for the state by the Alabama Public Historical Sites and Parks Improvement Corporation pursuant to the appropriate resolutions adopted by the board of directors of the corporation and the proceeds thereof shall be appropriated and used exclusively for the purpose of paying the expenses incurred in the sale and issuance of the bonds and for the payment of the costs of the acquisition, provision, construction, improvement, renovations, equipping, and maintenance of public historical sites and public historical parks not under the jurisdiction of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. Such acquisition, provision, construction, improvement, renovation, equipping, and maintenance of public historical sites and public historical parks shall be completed at the direction of the Alabama Public Historical Sites and Parks Improvement Corporation and shall thereafter be operated by the Alabama Historical Commission, or other entity as authorized by the commission, with the advice and concurrence of the Joint Legislative Committee on State Parks. The State of Alabama is further authorized to become indebted and in evidence thereof to sell and issue one or more series of bonds to refund all or any of the bonds hereinabove authorized by this amendment in such principal amount or amounts, which may exceed the principal amount of the bonds being refunded, and in such manner as may be provided by law duly enacted by the Legisl
AMENDMENT 618 RATIFIED Indebtedness by State for Animal and Livestock Diagnostic Services and Education Facilities. The State of Alabama is authorized to become indebted for the purpose of providing, equipping and improving facilities for the provision of animal and livestock diagnostic services and for use as educational, research and promotional facilities in the fields of agriculture, forestry and veterinary medicine, and in evidence of the indebtedness so incurred to sell and issue bonds, in addition to all other bonds of the State, not exceeding $52,000,000 in aggregate principal amount. Said bonds shall be direct general obligations of the State and the full faith and credit and taxing power of the State are hereby pledged to the prompt and faithful payment of the principal thereof and the interest thereon. The proceeds from the sale of said bonds are hereby appropriated and shall be used exclusively for the purpose of paying the expenses incurred in the sale and issuance thereof and for payment of the costs of the construction, alteration, improvement, remodeling, renovation, modernization, enlargement and equipment of buildings and related facilities, including parking areas and ramps, roadways, sewers, curbs, and gutters, but not including the purchase of sites therefor, for use (1) as animal diagnostic laboratories in order to provide improved animal health testing for livestock and poultry producers, veterinarians, animal owners and animal-related businesses generally, (2) in carrying out agricultural and forestry research and for agriculture and forestry, plant science and nursery crop education at post-secondary levels, (3) in the provision of instruction and research in the field of veterinary medicine and (4) in providing agricultural extension services at regional research extension centers. Said bonds shall be issued by the State pursuant to appropriate resolutions adopted by the board of directors of Alabama Agricultural Development Authority, and the proceeds thereof shall be allocated by said Authority for payment of the aforesaid costs in such amounts and manner as shall be authorized by act of the legislature. Such buildings and facilities and improvements thereto shall be constructed at the direction of said Authority and shall thereafter be operated by or in cooperation with the State's Morill Act land grant universities and those institutions eligible to receive federal appropriations in support of agriculture and forestry extension and research and for the acquisition and improvement or agricultural and food sciences facilities and equipment and such other agencies and institutions as the said Authority shall determine to be appropriate and convenient therefor. The State of Alabama is further authorized to become indebted and in evidence thereof to sell and issue one or more series of bonds to refund all or any of the bonds hereinabove authorized by this amendment in such principal amount or amounts (which may exceed the principal amount of the bonds being refunded) and in such manner as may be provided by law duly enacted by the legislature. The aforesaid Authority is hereby vested with the power and authority to provide for the sale and terms of the bonds hereby authorized and the issuance thereof, subject to the approval of the Governor. The bonds may be sold, executed and delivered at any time and from time to time, may be in such forms, denominations, series and numbers, may be of such tenor and maturities, may bear such date or dates, may be payable in such installments and at such place or places, may bear interest at such rate or rates payable and evidenced in such manner, and may contain provisions for redemption at the option of the State to be exercised by said Authority at such date or dates prior to their maturity and upon payment of such redemption price or prices, all as shall be provided by the said Authority in the resolution or resolutions whereunder the bonds hereby authorized are i
AMENDMENT 619 RATIFIED Indebtedness by State for Textile Technology and Education Facilities. The State of Alabama is authorized to become indebted for the purpose of providing, equipping, and improving facilities for the purpose of providing and equipping a center for cotton, cotton products technology, and for its use as an educational, applied research, and promotional facility in the field of textile and apparel technology, and in evidence of the indebtedness so incurred to sell and issue bonds, in addition to all other bonds of the state, not exceeding five million seven hundred thousand dollars ($5,700,000) in aggregate principal amount. Said bonds shall be direct general obligations of the state and the full faith and credit and taxing power of the state are hereby pledged to the prompt and faithful payment of the principal thereof and the interest thereon. The proceeds from the sale of said bonds are hereby appropriated and shall be used exclusively for the purpose of paying the expenses incurred in the sale and issuance thereof and for payment of the costs of the construction, alteration, improvement, remodeling, renovation, modernization, enlargement, and equipment of buildings and related facilities, including parking areas and ramps, roadways, sewers, curbs, and gutters, but not for the purchase of sites for providing and equipping a center for cotton, cotton products technology, and for its use as an educational, applied research, and promotional facility in the field of textile and apparel technology. Said bonds shall be issued by the state pursuant to appropriate resolutions adopted by the Board of Directors of the Alabama Agricultural Development Authority, and the proceeds thereof shall be allocated by said authority for payment of the aforesaid costs in such amounts and manner as shall be authorized by an act of the Legislature. Such buildings and facilities and improvements thereto shall be constructed at the direction of said authority and shall thereafter be operated by an agency to be determined by the Alabama Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries in consultation and cooperation with textile and apparel-related businesses and trade associations to include, but not be limited to, the Alabama Textile Manufacturers Association, Inc., under such arrangements as may be authorized by law. The State of Alabama is further authorized to become indebted and in evidence thereof to sell and issue one or more series of bonds to refund all or any of the bonds hereinabove authorized by this amendment in such principal amount or amounts (which may exceed the principal amount of the bonds being refunded) and in such manner as may be provided by law duly enacted by the Legislature. The aforesaid authority is hereby vested with the power and authority to provide for the sale and terms of the bonds hereby authorized and the issuance thereof, subject to the approval of the Governor. The bonds may be sold, executed, and delivered at any time and from time to time, may be in such forms, denominations, series, and numbers, may be of such tenor and maturities, may bear such date or dates, may be payable in such installments and at such place or places, may bear interest at such rate or rates payable and evidenced in such manner, and may contain provisions for redemption at the option of the state to be exercised by said authority at such date or dates prior to their maturity and upon payment of such redemption price or prices, all as shall be provided by the said authority in the resolution or resolutions whereunder the bonds hereby authorized are issued. The principal of each series of bonds shall mature on such date in such amounts as shall be specified in the resolution or resolutions of the board of directors of the said authority under which they are issued, the last of which installments shall mature not later than twenty-one years after the date of the bonds of the same series. All of the bonds (including refunding bo
AMENDMENT 620 RATIFIED Indebtedness by State for Forensic Sciences Laboratories and Education Facilities. The State of Alabama is authorized to become indebted for the purpose of providing, equipping and improving facilities in the State for use as forensic laboratories and education facilities for the provision of instruction and research in the field of forensic sciences and in evidence of the indebtedness so incurred to sell and issue bonds, in addition to all other bonds of the State, not exceeding $17,500,000 in aggregate principal amount. Said bonds shall be direct general obligations of the State and the full faith and credit and taxing power of the State are hereby pledged to the prompt and faithful payment of the principal thereof and the interest thereon. The proceeds from the sale of said bonds are hereby appropriated and shall be used exclusively for the purpose of paying the expenses incurred in the sale and issuance thereof and for payment of the costs of the construction, alteration, improvement, remodeling, renovation, modernization, enlargement and equipment of buildings and related facilities, including parking areas and ramps, roadways, sewers, curbs, and gutters, including the purchase of sites therefor, for use as forensic sciences laboratories and educational facilities for the provision of instruction and research in the field of forensic sciences. None of the proceeds derived from the sale of the bonds may be used to pay rents for the use of real or personal property or to make payments under any lease with option to purchase or similar contractual arrangement. Said bonds shall be issued by the State pursuant to appropriate resolutions adopted by the board of directors of Alabama Forensic Sciences Bond Authority, and the proceeds thereof shall be allocated by said authority for payment of the aforesaid costs in such amounts and manner as shall be authorized by act of the legislature. The State of Alabama is further authorized to become indebted and in evidence thereof to sell and issue one or more series of bonds to refund all or any of the bonds hereinabove authorized by this amendment in such principal amount or amounts (which may exceed the principal amount of the bonds being refunded) and in such manner as may be provided by law duly enacted by the legislature. The aforesaid Authority is hereby vested with the power and authority to provide for the sale and terms of the bonds hereby authorized and the issuance thereof, subject to the approval Governor. The bonds may be sold, executed and delivered at any time and from time to time, may be in such forms, denominations, series and numbers, may be of such tenor and maturities, may bear such date or dates, may be payable in such installments and at such place or places, may bear interest at such rate or rates payable and evidenced in such manner, and may contain provisions for redemption at the option of the State to be exercised by said Authority at such date or dates prior to their maturity and upon payment of such redemption price or prices, all as shall be provided by the said Authority in the resolution or resolutions whereunder the bonds hereby authorized are issued. The principal of each series of bonds shall mature on such date in such amounts as shall be specified in the resolution or resolutions of the board of directors of the said Authority under which they are issued, the last of which installments shall mature not later than twenty-one years after the date of the bonds of the same series. All of the bonds (including refunding bonds) shall be sold only at public sale or sales, either on sealed bids or at public auction, after such advertisement as may be prescribed by the said Authority, to the bidder whose bid reflects the lowest true interest cost to the State computed to the respective maturities of the bonds sold; provided, that if no bid deemed acceptable by the said Authority is received all bids may be rejected. The bonds shall be si
AMENDMENT 621 RATIFIED Effectiveness of Unfunded Mandates for Municipalities, Etc. (a) No general law, or state executive order whose purpose or effect is to require a new or increased expenditure of funds held or disbursed by the governing body of a municipality or county, or an instrumentality thereof, shall become effective as to any municipality or county, or an instrumentality thereof, until approved by an ordinance enacted, or a resolution adopted, by the governing authority of the affected municipality, county, or instrumentality or until, and only as long as, the Legislature appropriates funds for the purpose to the affected municipality, county, or instrumentality and only to the extent and amount that the funds are provided, or until a law provides for a local source of revenue within the municipality, county, or instrumentality for the stated purpose and the affected municipality, county, or instrumentality is authorized by ordinance or resolution to levy and collect the revenue and only to the extent and amount of the revenue. (b) This amendment shall not apply to: (1) A local law as defined in Article IV, Section 110, Constitution of Alabama 1901. (2) An act, state executive order requiring expenditures by a school board. (3) An act defining a new crime or amending the definition of an existing crime. (4) An act, statute, executive order enacted, promulgated, or adopted and effective prior to the ratification of this amendment which by its provisions requires expenditures by the county or municipality at any time after the effective date of this amendment. (5) An act enacted, or state executive order promulgated or adopted to comply with a federal mandate, only to the extent of the federal mandate. (6) An act adopted or enacted by two-thirds of those voting in each house of the Legislature and any rule or regulation adopted to implement that act or adopted pursuant thereto. (7) An act determined by the Legislative Fiscal Office to have an aggregate insignificant fiscal impact on affected municipalities, counties, or instrumentalities. For purposes of this subsection, the phrase "aggregate insignificant fiscal impact" shall mean any impact less than $50,000 annually. (8) An act of general application prescribing the minimum compensation for public officials.
AMENDMENT 622 RATIFIED Alabama Religious Freedom Amendment. SECTION I. The amendment shall be known as and may be cited as the Alabama Religious Freedom Amendment. SECTION II. The Legislature makes the following findings concerning religious freedom: (1) The framers of the United States Constitution, recognizing free exercise of religion as an unalienable right, secured its protection in the First Amendment to the Constitution, and the framers of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, also recognizing this right, secured the protection of religious freedom in Article I, Section 3. (2) Federal and state laws "neutral" toward religion may burden religious exercise as surely as laws intended to interfere with religious exercise. (3) Governments should not burden religious exercise without compelling justification. (4) In Employment Division v. Smith, 494 U.S. 872 (1990), the United States Supreme Court virtually eliminated the requirement that the government justify burdens on religious exercise imposed by laws neutral toward religion. (5) The compelling interest test as set forth in prior court rulings is a workable test for striking sensible balances between religious liberty and competing governmental interests in areas ranging from public education (pedagogical interests and religious rights, including recognizing regulations necessary to alleviate interference with the educational process versus rights of religious freedom) to national defense (conscription and conscientious objection, including the need to raise an army versus rights to object to individual participation), and other areas of important mutual concern. (6) Congress passed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, 42 U.S.C., § 2000bb, to establish the compelling interest test set forth in prior federal court rulings, but in City of Boerne v. Flores, 117 S.Ct. 2157 (1997), the United States Supreme Court held the act unconstitutional stating that the right to regulate was retained by the states. SECTION III. The purpose of the Alabama Religious Freedom Amendment is to guarantee that the freedom of religion is not burdened by state and local law; and to provide a claim or defense to persons whose religious freedom is burdened by government. SECTION IV. As used in this amendment, the following words shall have the following meanings: (1) DEMONSTRATES. Meets the burdens of going forward with the evidence and of persuasion. (2) FREEDOM OF RELIGION. The free exercise of religion under Article I, Section 3, of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901. (3) GOVERNMENT. Any branch, department, agency, instrumentality, and official (or other person acting under the color of law) of the State of Alabama, any political subdivision of a state, municipality, or other local government. (4) RULE. Any government statute, regulation, ordinance, administrative provision, ruling guideline, requirement, or any statement of law whatever. SECTION V. (a) Government shall not burden a person's freedom of religion even if the burden results from a rule of general applicability, except as provided in subsection (b). (b) Government may burden a person's freedom of religion only if it demonstrates that application of the burden to the person: (1) Is in furtherance of a compelling governmental interest; and (2) Is the least restrictive means of furthering that compelling governmental interest. (c) A person whose religious freedom has been burdened in violation of this section may assert that violation as a claim or defense in a judicial, administrative, or other proceeding and obtain appropriate relief against a government. SECTION VI. (a) This amendment applies to all government rules and implementations thereof, whether statutory or otherwise, and whether adopted before or after the effective date of this amendment. (b) Nothing in this amendment shall be construed to authorize any government to burden any religious belief. (c) Nothing in this amendment shall be construed to affect, interpret, or in
AMENDMENT 623 RATIFIED Trust Funds for Continuing Benefit of Certain Cities. Part I. As used in this amendment, the following terms shall have the following meanings: (a) AUTHORIZED CITY. Any city in which the voters have authorized the establishment of one or more trust funds in the manner provided in this amendment, notwithstanding Section 94 of this Constitution. (b) AUTHORIZED INVESTMENT. Any investment authorized by law for the investment of any of the trust funds of either the Teachers' Retirement System of Alabama or the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama. (c) AUTHORIZING ORDINANCE. An ordinance of an authorized city adopted in accordance with this amendment. (d) CITY. Any city with a population of 150,000 or more according to the latest federal decennial census. (e) GOVERNING BODY. The city council, city commission, or other legislative body authorized under general law to adopt ordinances for the operation and governance of a city. (f) INVESTMENT POLICY. A written statement setting forth the mode and manner for investing the assets of a trust fund in authorized investments, establishing benchmarks and criteria for measuring investment performance and compliance with the investment policy, and specifying a requirement for the preparation and publication of periodic reports on investment performance and investment policy compliance. (g) TRUST FUND. A fund established pursuant to this amendment. Part II. The governing body of any authorized city may establish by ordinance one or more trust funds for the continuing benefit of the authorized city and its citizens which shall be funded and administered in accordance with the ordinance and this amendment. Part III. The authorizing ordinance shall include the following provisions: (a) The amount and source of funds to be initially set aside in the trust fund. (b) The conditions of expenditure of the principal of or earnings on the assets of the trust fund, or any other conditions, which conditions may include a request by the mayor, approval by any specified number of members of the governing body of the authorized city greater than a simple majority of the members, or any other conditions. (c) An investment policy for the trust fund. (d) Provision for the custody of the assets of the trust fund by the finance director of the authorized city, or a bank, savings association or trust company with a place of business in Alabama, which is organized and existing under the laws of this state, any other state of the United States, or the United States and which is authorized pursuant to the laws of this state or the United States, to conduct, and is conducting in this state, the business of a trust company, or with respect to a bank or savings association, the business of making loans and taking deposits, selected in a manner specified in the authorizing ordinance. (e) Any other provisions, not inconsistent with this amendment, as may be deemed appropriate by the governing body. Part IV. An authorizing ordinance once adopted may be subsequently amended only as proposed in an ordinance adopted by the governing body, approved by the mayor, and approved by a majority of the qualified electors of an authorized city voting at an election called for such purpose. Approval by a majority of the qualified electors shall not be required for an amendment to an authorizing ordinance for the sole purpose of providing for the deposit of additional funds or authorized investments into a previously established trust fund. An authorized city may call and pay the expenses of elections for the purpose of considering amendments to an authorizing ordinance. Part V. In the event this amendment is approved and a majority of the qualified electors of a city who vote thereon vote in favor of the adoption of this amendment when it is submitted to them for approval, the governing body may establish one or more trust funds as provided in this amendment. In the event this amendment is approved and a majori
AMENDMENT 624 RATIFIED Promotion of Economic Development in Marengo County. For the promotion of local economic and industrial development of Marengo County, Marengo County and each municipality having its corporate limits located wholly in the county, other provisions of law or this constitution notwithstanding, shall have, independently or in cooperation with one or more of such governmental entities, without an election, full and continuing power to do all of the following: (1) To purchase, construct, lease, or otherwise acquire real property, plants, buildings, factories, works, facilities, machinery, and equipment of any kind. (2) To lease, sell for cash or on credit, exchange, give and convey any such property described in subdivision (1) above, to any person, firm, association, or corporation. (3) To promote local industrial, commercial, or agricultural development and the location of new industries or businesses therein. (4) To lend its credit or to grant public moneys and things of value in aid of, or to any individual, firm, association, or corporation whatsoever. (5) To become indebted and to issue and sell interest-bearing bonds, warrants (which may be payable from funds to be realized in future years), notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness, to a principal amount not exceeding 50 percent of the assessed value of taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in order to secure funds for the purchase, construction, lease, or acquisition of any of the property described in subdivision (1) or to be used in furtherance of any of the other powers or authorities granted in this amendment. Such obligations or evidences of indebtedness may be issued upon the full faith and credit of the county or any such municipality or may be limited as to the source of their payment. (6) To create a public authority or corporation having such powers, managed and governed by such board or governing body and subject to such limitations as the governing body of the county or any such municipality may impose, by approving and filing a certificate to that effect in the office of the Judge of Probate or the Secretary of State, or their respective successors in function, and to delegate to such public authority or corporation and its board or governing body all powers and authority conferred in this amendment upon the county or any such municipality. The recital in any bonds, warrants, notes, or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness that they were issued pursuant to this amendment or that they were issued to provide funds to be used in furtherance of any power or authority herein authorized shall be conclusive, and no purchaser or holder thereof need inquire further. The bonds, warrants, notes, or other obligations or evidences or indebtedness issued hereunder shall not be considered an indebtedness of the county or any such municipality for the purpose of determining the borrowing capacity of the county or any such municipality under Section 224 or 225 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901. In carrying out the purposes of this amendment, neither the county nor any such municipality shall be subject to the provisions of Section 94 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901. This amendment shall be self-executing, but notwithstanding any contrary provisions of Section 104 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, the Legislature shall have the right and power by general, special, or local act to adopt laws supplemental to this amendment or in furtherance of the purposes and objectives hereinabove set forth. No such special or local act shall be subject to the provisions of Section 106 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901. Any actions authorized in this Amendment to be taken by the county or any such municipality which have been taken subsequent to January 1, 1998, are hereby ratified, approved, and confirmed.
AMENDMENT 625 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Programs in Bibb County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. No person elected or appointed Sheriff of Bibb County, or any elected or appointed Bibb County official, may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every sheriff and other elected or appointed Bibb County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Bibb County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office; provided, however, the official shall forego the assumption of a supernumerary office. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed county official" shall include any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed county official, but shall not include a judge, district attorney, legislator, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit. All costs associated with the purchase of prior service credit as prescribed in Section 36-27-6.1, Code of Alabama 1975, shall be the responsibility of the official making the purchase.
AMENDMENT 626 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Programs in Autauga County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. (a) For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed Autauga County official" shall mean any person holding an office that entitles the person to participate in a supernumerary program or any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed county official. (b) An elected or appointed Autauga County official may not assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in that supernumerary program, may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every elected or appointed Autauga County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Elected or appointed Autauga County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office; provided, however, the official shall forego the assumption of a supernumerary office and must make the election within one year of the effective date of this amendment.
AMENDMENT 627 RATIFIED Annexation in Baldwin County. In Baldwin County, the Legislature may not enact a local law annexing to a municipality any territory that is separated from the annexing municipality by a body of water or separated from the annexing municipality by an interstate highway and not contiguous and connected to the municipality by a publicly owned and maintained underpass, overpass, or exchange allowing toll-free two-way access to and from the annexing municipality unless the annexation is subject to approval at a referendum election in the territory to be annexed.
AMENDMENT 628 RATIFIED Costs and Charges of Courts in Bibb County. In addition to any court costs and fees now or hereafter authorized in Bibb County, the Bibb County Commission may impose by resolution of the commission an additional fee in an amount not to exceed thirty-five dollars ($35) to be assessed and taxed as costs on each civil case and on each criminal case, including traffic cases, but excluding small claims cases, filed in the circuit court, district court, or any municipal court in Bibb County, as well as an additional fee not to exceed five dollars ($5) for the service of a pleading or other document in connection with any action or case. These fees shall not be waived by any court unless all other fees, assessments, costs, fines, and charges associated with the case are waived. The additional fees when collected by the clerks or their collection officers of the courts shall be paid into the General Fund of Bibb County to be used by the Bibb County Commission for the planning, designing, construction, financing, furnishing, equipping, and operation of a new county jail. The Bibb County Commission may set and adjust by resolution the fees within the limits authorized by this amendment based on the needs associated with the county new jail.
AMENDMENT 629 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Programs in Calhoun County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. (a) For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed county official" shall mean any person holding an office that entitles the person to participate in a supernumerary program or any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed county official. (b) A mayor, sheriff, or elected or appointed Calhoun County official may not assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every mayor, sheriff, or elected or appointed Calhoun County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Calhoun County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office; provided, however, the official shall forego the assumption of a supernumerary office and must make the election within one year of the effective date of this amendment. (c) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (b), the county commission may negotiate terms of any contract with a sheriff, mayor, or elected or appointed official who under this amendment will be eligible to participate in the Employees' Retirement System.
AMENDMENT 630 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Programs in Cherokee County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. No elected or appointed Cherokee County official may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every elected or appointed Cherokee County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Cherokee County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office. No person may participate in both a supernumerary program and the Employees' Retirement System based on the same service. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed Cherokee County official" include, subject only to express limitation, any person elected to represent Cherokee County in any representative body of the state and includes any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed Cherokee County official. The words do not include a judge, district attorney, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit.
AMENDMENT 631 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Programs in Clarke County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. No elected Clarke County official may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established the particular supernumerary program. Any elected Clarke County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. An elected Clarke County official holding office at the effective date of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the elected county official has served in the current office; provided, however, the elected county official shall forego the assumption of a supernumerary office. For purposes of this amendment, the term "elected Clarke County official" shall mean any person elected to a full-time Clarke County office, and shall include any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected county official, but shall not include a judge, district attorney, legislator, constable, board of education member, any official elected from a judicial circuit, or any official who is allowed by law to participate in any other retirement system.
AMENDMENT 632 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Programs in Cleburne County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. No elected or appointed Cleburne County official may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every elected or appointed Cleburne County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Cleburne County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office. No person may participate in both a supernumerary program and the Employees' Retirement System based on the same service. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed Cleburne County official" include, subject only to express limitation, any person elected to represent Cleburne County in any representative body of the state and includes any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed Cleburne County official. The words do not include a judge, district attorney, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit.
AMENDMENT 633 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Programs in Coffee County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. (a) For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed county official" shall mean any person holding an office that entitles the person to participate in a supernumerary program or any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed county official. (b) An or elected or appointed Coffee County official may not assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every elected or appointed Coffee County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Coffee County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office; provided, however, the official shall forego the assumption of a supernumerary office and must make the election within one year of the effective date of this amendment.
AMENDMENT 634 RATIFIED Costs and Charges of Courts in Conecuh County. In addition to any court costs or fees now or hereafter authorized, and notwithstanding any other provisions of the Constitution, including without limitation Sections 96, 104, and 105, there shall be an additional forty dollars ($40) fee assessed and taxed as costs on each civil and criminal case, excluding small claims, filed in circuit court, district court, or any municipal court in Conecuh County, as well as a fee not to exceed five dollars ($5) for the service of all pleadings and other documents in connection with any such action or case. The fees may not be waived by any court unless all other fees, assessments, costs, fines, and charges associated with the cases are waived. The additional fees, when collected by the clerks or other collection officers of the courts, shall be paid into the General Fund of Conecuh County to be used by the county commission for the planning, designing, construction, financing, and operation of a new county jail and the planning, design, repair, renovation, financing, and operation of the existing county courthouse. When the costs of the new county jail and the renovated county courthouse have been fully paid or when the debt service on any indebtedness incurred by the county commission to finance or refinance the costs have been retired, whichever occurs later, the additional fees authorized by this amendment shall continue to be collected in all cases and shall be used to pay costs of the operation, upkeep, and maintenance of a new county jail and the renovated county courthouse. This amendment shall be self-executing and shall require no enabling legislation.
AMENDMENT 635 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Programs in Conecuh County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. No person elected or appointed Sheriff of Conecuh County, or any elected or appointed Conecuh County official, may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every sheriff and other elected or appointed Conecuh County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Conecuh County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office; provided, however, the official shall forego the assumption of a supernumerary office. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed county official" shall include any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed county official, but shall not include a judge, district attorney, legislator, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit. All costs associated with the purchase of prior service credit as prescribed in Section 36-27-6.1, Code of Alabama 1975, shall be the responsibility of the official making the purchase.
AMENDMENT 636 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Programs in Covington County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. No person elected or appointed Sheriff of Covington County, or any elected or appointed Covington County official, may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every sheriff and other elected or appointed Covington County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Covington County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office; provided, however, the official shall forego the assumption of a supernumerary office. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed county official" shall include any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed county official, but shall not include a judge, district attorney, legislator, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit. All costs associated with the purchase of prior service credit as prescribed in Section 36-27-6.1, Code of Alabama 1975, shall be the responsibility of the official making the purchase.
AMENDMENT 637 RATIFIED Commission Authorized to Levy Ad Valorem Tax for Fire Protection in DeKalb County. (a) In addition to all other ad valorem taxes levied, the DeKalb County Commission may levy on an annual basis, commencing with the tax year beginning October 1, 1998, an ad valorem tax on all taxable property located in DeKalb County, excluding taxable property located within the city limits of Fort Payne, at a rate of three mills per dollar of assessed value of the taxable property. The proceeds of the tax levied pursuant to this amendment shall be paid into the county general fund and distributed for the benefit of fire protection only. (b) Within 30 days of payment into the county general fund, the county commission shall pay the funds to the DeKalb County Association of Fire Departments, Incorporated. The county association shall divide quarterly the funds into equal shares. One share shall be distributed among all eligible volunteer fire departments, collectively, one share shall be distributed to the Alabama Forestry Commission, and two shares shall be distributed to the DeKalb County Association of Fire Departments. Of the two shares distributed to the county association, one share may be used for administrative duties, the other share may be used for fire protection in those areas not covered by a fire department, excluding the City of Fort Payne. The county commission and the county association may jointly establish rules regarding the transfer, investing, accounting, and handling of the funds. (c) Funds paid to eligible volunteer fire departments shall only be expended for fire protection services, including training, supplies, buildings, capital improvements, and equipment. An eligible volunteer fire department shall mean a volunteer fire department located in DeKalb County that is certified under the guidelines of the Alabama Forestry Commission, has at least an ISO class 9 rating, and is a member in good standing of the DeKalb County Association, Incorporated. The funds may not be expended for salaries, food, drink, social activities, or fund-raising activities. After receiving funds, the eligible volunteer fire departments shall keep accurate records to verify that the funds were properly expended. By September 15th of each year, each eligible volunteer fire department and the Alabama Forestry Commission shall file a form with the county association detailing the expenditures of all funds during the previous 12 months and setting out a schedule of all proposed projects. The filing shall also account for all unspent funds and whether the unspent funds have been obligated. The county association shall supply the accounting forms to each eligible volunteer fire department and the Alabama Forestry Commission. (d) The Alabama Forestry Commission's share of these funds collected shall be used in DeKalb County only. The funds shall be used for buildings and purchase of equipment. The funds shall not be expended for salaries. (e) Upon dissolution or abandonment of any eligible volunteer fire department, any remaining funds shall, after all indebtedness has been satisfied, be transferred to the county association. (f) The personnel of volunteer fire departments and the Alabama Forestry Commission shall not be considered as employees, servants, or agents of the county and the members of the county commission and the employees of the county shall not be liable in either their official capacity or in a private capacity for the actions of the personnel of volunteer fire departments and the Alabama Forestry Commission.
AMENDMENT 638 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Programs in Elmore County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. No elected or appointed Elmore County official may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every elected or appointed Elmore County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Elmore County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office; provided, however, the official shall forego the assumption of a supernumerary office. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed county official" shall include any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed county official, but shall not include a judge, district attorney, legislator, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit.
AMENDMENT 639 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Programs in Franklin County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. No elected or appointed Franklin County official may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every elected or appointed Franklin County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Franklin County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office; provided, however, the official shall forego the assumption of a supernumerary office. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed county official" shall include any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed county official, but shall not include a judge, district attorney, legislator, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit.
AMENDMENT 640 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Programs in Geneva County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. No elected or appointed Geneva County official may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every elected or appointed Geneva County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Geneva County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office; provided, however, the official shall forego the assumption of a supernumerary office. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed county official" shall include any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed county official, but shall not include a judge, district attorney, legislator, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit.
AMENDMENT 641 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Programs in Lee County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. In Lee County, no person first taking public office after the effective date of this amendment may assume a supernumerary office. Persons holding a public office in the county may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama in a separately funded unit or separately funded units if the provisions governing the participation for those persons are the same as for other regular employees participating in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama. A person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is serving as a supernumerary official in Lee County, or has made an election to become a supernumerary official, or is making contributions to a supernumerary program, or is otherwise entitled to participate in the supernumerary program established by statute may continue to serve or participate in the supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment, according to the terms and conditions of the law which established the supernumerary program, notwithstanding the fact that the person may be reelected after the effective date of this amendment to the public office he or she is holding on the effective date of this amendment or to another office covered by the supernumerary program in which he or she is participating. No person may participate in both a supernumerary program and the Employees' Retirement System based on the same service.
AMENDMENT 642 RATIFIED Promotion of Economic and Industrial Development in Lee County. For the promotion of local economic and industrial development, the Lee County Commission and the City Council of the City of Opelika, any other provision of law or of this Constitution notwithstanding, shall have, independently or in cooperation with one another, full and continuing power to do any of the following: (1) Use public funds to purchase, lease, or otherwise acquire land, or to utilize land heretofore purchased or otherwise acquired, and improve and develop such land for use as sites for industry of any kind or as industrial park projects, including, but not limited to, grading and the construction of roads, drainage, sewers, sewage and waste disposal systems, parking areas, and utilities to serve such sites or projects. (2) Lease, sell, grant, exchange, or otherwise convey, on terms approved by the governing body of the county or the City of Opelika, as applicable, all or any part of any site or industrial park project to any individual, firm, corporation, or other business entity, public or private, including any industrial development board or other public corporation or authority heretofore or hereafter created by the county or any municipality therein, for the purpose of constructing, developing, equipping, and operating industrial, commercial, research, or service facilities of any kind. (3) Lend its credit to or grant public funds and things of value in aid of or to any individual, firm, corporation, or other business entity, public or private, for the purpose of promoting the economic and industrial development of Lee County or the City of Opelika. In carrying out the purposes of this amendment, neither Lee County nor the City of Opelika shall be subject to Sections 93 or 94 of this Constitution. Each public corporation heretofore created by Lee County or by the City of Opelika, including specifically any industrial development board incorporated under Chapter 54, Article 4, Title 11 of the Code of Alabama 1975, and any industrial development authority incorporated or reincorporated under Chapter 92A, Title 11 of the Code of Alabama 1975, is validated and the powers granted to such board or authority under its respective enabling legislation are validated notwithstanding any other provision of law or of this Constitution. The powers granted in this amendment may be exercised as an alternative to, or cumulative with, and in no way restrictive of, powers otherwise granted by law to the county, or to any municipality, or to any agency, board, or authority created pursuant to the laws of this state. Neither Lee County nor the City of Opelika shall lend its credit to or grant any public funds or thing of value to or in aid of any private entity under the authority of this amendment unless prior thereto: (i) the action proposed to be taken by Lee County or the City of Opelika is approved at a public meeting of the governing body of the county or city, as the case may be, by a resolution containing a determination by such governing body that the expenditure of public funds for such purpose will serve a valid and sufficient public purpose, notwithstanding any incidental benefit accruing to any private entity or entities; and (ii) at least seven days prior to the public meeting, a notice is published in the newspaper having the largest circulation in the county or in the city, as the case may be, describing in reasonable detail the action proposed to be taken, a description of the public benefits sought to be achieved by such action, and identifying each individual, firm, corporation, or other business entity to whom or for whose benefit the county or the city proposes to lend its credit or grant public funds or thing of value. For purposes of the foregoing, any sale, lease, or other disposition of property for a price equal to the fair market value thereof shall not constitute the lending of credit or a grant of public funds or t
AMENDMENT 643 RATIFIED Planning and Zoning Regulations of Municipalities Located in Limestone County. In Limestone County, no planning or zoning regulation of a municipality located wholly or partially within Limestone County shall extend beyond the corporate limits of the municipality.
AMENDMENT 644 RATIFIED Costs and Charges of Courts in Limestone County. The Limestone County Commission may, by resolution duly adopted and spread upon its minutes, fix, regulate, and alter the costs and charges of the courts in Limestone County to secure the funds necessary to finance the construction, renovation, and operation of a county jail.
AMENDMENT 645 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Programs in Limestone County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. No elected or appointed Limestone County official may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every elected or appointed Limestone County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Limestone County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office; provided, however, the official shall forego the assumption of a supernumerary office. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed county official" shall include any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed county official, but shall not include a judge, district attorney, legislator, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit.
AMENDMENT 646 RATIFIED Promotion of Economic and Industrial Development in Marengo County. For the promotion of local economic and industrial development of Marengo County, Marengo County Commission and each municipality having its corporate limits located wholly in the county, other provisions of law or this constitution notwithstanding, shall have, independently or in cooperation with one or more of such governmental entities, without an election, full and continuing power to do all of the following: (1) To purchase, construct, lease, or otherwise acquire real property, plants, buildings, factories, works, facilities, machinery, and equipment of any kind. (2) To lease, sell for cash or on credit, exchange, give and convey any such property described in subdivision (1) above, to any person, firm, association, or corporation. (3) To promote local industrial, commercial, or agricultural development and the location of new industries or businesses therein. (4) To lend its credit or to grant public moneys and things of value in aid of, or to any individual, firm, association, or corporation whatsoever. (5) To become indebted and to issue and sell interest-bearing bonds, warrants (which may be payable from funds to be realized in future years), notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness, to a principal amount not exceeding 50 percent of the assessed value of taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in order to secure funds for the purchase, construction, lease, or acquisition of any of the property described in subdivision (1) or to be used in furtherance of any of the other powers or authorities granted in this amendment. Such obligations or evidences of indebtedness may be issued upon the full faith and credit of the municipality or may be limited as to the source of their payment. (6) To create a public authority or corporation having such powers, managed and governed by such board or governing body and subject to such limitations as the governing body of the municipality may impose, by approving and filing a certificate to that effect in the office of the Judge of Probate or the Secretary of State, or their respective successors in function, and to delegate to such public authority or corporation and its board or governing body all powers and authority conferred in this amendment upon any such municipality. The recital in any bonds, warrants, notes, or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness that they were issued pursuant to this amendment or that they were issued to provide funds to be used in furtherance of any power or authority herein authorized shall be conclusive, and no purchaser or holder thereof need inquire further. The bonds, warrants, notes, or other obligations or evidences or indebtedness issued hereunder shall not be considered an indebtedness of the county or any such municipality for the purpose of determining the borrowing capacity of the county or any such municipality under Section 224 or 225 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901. In carrying out the purposes of this amendment, neither the county nor any such municipality shall be subject to the provisions of Section 94 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901. This amendment shall be self-executing, but notwithstanding any contrary provisions of Section 104 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, the Legislature shall have the right and power by general, special, or local act to adopt laws supplemental to this amendment or in furtherance of the purposes and objectives hereinabove set forth. No such special or local act shall be subject to the provisions of Section 106 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901. Any actions authorized in this Amendment to be taken by the municipality which have been taken subsequent to January 1, 1998, are hereby ratified, approved, and confirmed.
AMENDMENT 647 RATIFIED Employees Subject to Authority of Personnel Board of Marshall County. Effective the first day of the sixth month after the date of the election on the ratification of this amendment, employees of the Office of the Sheriff of Marshall County, except for the chief deputy, are subject to the authority of the Personnel Board of Marshall County, or its successor.
AMENDMENT 648 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Programs in Mobile County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. No elected Mobile County official may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Any elected Mobile County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. An elected Mobile County official holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office; provided, however, the official shall forego the assumption of a supernumerary office. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected Mobile County official" shall mean any person elected to a full-time Mobile County office, and shall include any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected county official, but shall not include a judge, district attorney, legislator, constable, school board member, any official elected from a judicial circuit, or any official who is allowed by law to participate in any other retirement system.
AMENDMENT 649 RATIFIED Commission Authorized to Levy Ad Valorem Tax for Fire Protection in Pickens County. (a) In addition to all other ad valorem taxes levied, the Pickens County Commission may levy on an annual basis, commencing with the tax year beginning October 1, 1998, an ad valorem tax on all taxable property, located in Pickens County at a rate of three mills per dollar of assessed value of the taxable property. The proceeds of the tax levied pursuant to this amendment shall be paid into the county general fund and distributed for the benefit of fire protection only. (b) Within 30 days of payment into the county general fund, the county commission shall pay the funds to the Pickens County Volunteer Firefighters' Association. The county association shall divide the funds equally among all eligible volunteer fire departments, collectively, and the Pickens County Volunteer Firefighters' Association at each bimonthly meeting of the county association. The county association may establish rules regarding the transfer, investing, accounting, and handling of the funds. (c) Funds paid to eligible volunteer fire departments shall only be expended for fire protection services, including training, supplies, buildings, capital improvements, and equipment. An eligible volunteer fire department shall mean a volunteer fire department located in Pickens County that is certified under the guidelines of the Alabama Forestry Commission, shall have at least an ISO class 9 rating, and is a member in good standing of the Pickens County Association of Volunteer Fire Departments. The funds may not be expended for salaries, food, drink, social activities, or fund-raising activities. After receiving funds, the eligible volunteer fire departments shall keep accurate records to verify that the funds were properly expended. By September 15th of each year, each department shall file a form with the county association detailing the expenditures of all funds during the previous 12 months and setting out a schedule of all proposed projects. The filing shall also account for all unspent funds and whether the unspent funds have been obligated. The county association shall supply the accounting forms to each eligible volunteer fire department. (d) Upon dissolution or abandonment of any eligible volunteer fire department, any remaining funds shall, after all indebtedness has been satisfied, be transferred to the county association. (e) The personnel of eligible volunteer fire departments shall not be considered as employees, servants, or agents of the county and the members of the county commission and the employees of the county shall not be liable in either their official capacity or in a private capacity for the actions of the personnel of eligible volunteer fire departments.
AMENDMENT 650 RATIFIED Costs and Charges of Courts in Pickens County. In addition to any court costs or fees now or hereafter authorized, and notwithstanding any other provisions of the Constitution, including without limitation Sections 96, 104, and 105, there shall be an additional twenty-five dollars ($25) fee assessed and taxed as costs on each civil and criminal case, excluding small claims, filed in circuit court, district court, or any municipal court in Pickens County, as well as a fee not to exceed five dollars ($5) for the service of all pleadings and other documents in connection with any such action or case. The fees may not be waived by any court unless all other fees, assessments, costs, fines, and charges associated with the cases are waived. The additional fees, when collected by the clerks or other collection officers of the courts, shall be paid into the General Fund of Pickens County to be used by the county commission for the planning, designing, construction, financing, and operation of a new county jail. This amendment shall be self-executing and shall require no enabling legislation. On the first day of the month after the retirement of the debt to finance the construction of a new county jail, the court cost fee authorized pursuant to this amendment shall expire and this amendment shall be repealed.
AMENDMENT 651 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Programs in Randolph County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. No elected or appointed Randolph County official may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every elected or appointed Randolph County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Randolph County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office. No person may participate in both a supernumerary program and the Employees' Retirement System based on the same service. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed Randolph County official" include, subject only to express limitation, any person elected to represent Randolph County in any representative body of the state and includes any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed Randolph County official. The words do not include a judge, district attorney, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit.
AMENDMENT 652 RATIFIED Commission Authorized to Levy Ad Valorem Tax for Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in St. Clair County. (a) In addition to all other ad valorem taxes levied, the St. Clair County Commission may levy on an annual basis, commencing with the tax year beginning October 1, 1997, an ad valorem tax on all taxable property located in St. Clair County at a rate of two mills per dollar of assessed value of the taxable property, the proceeds of which shall be paid into an expendable fire protection trust fund in the county treasury and allocated therefrom for fire protection and emergency medical services. (b) Within 30 days of payment into the fire protection trust fund of the proceeds from the additional tax levied pursuant to (a), each eligible fire department in the county shall make a requisition to the county commission for a share of the tax proceeds in the fund. The county commission shall divide the funds equally among the eligible fire departments of St. Clair County. (c) Funds allocated to eligible fire departments shall only be expended for fire protection and emergency medical services including day to day operations, training, supplies, buildings, capital improvements, and equipment. All expenditures shall be documented with the county commission. An eligible fire department means a fire department located in St. Clair County which is certified under the guidelines of the Alabama Forestry Commission. Any tax proceeds allocated for fire protection and emergency medical services under this amendment may not be expended for salaries, food, drink, social activities, or fundraising activities. After receiving funds, the fire departments shall keep accurate records to verify that the funds were properly expended. By September 15th of each year, each fire department shall file a form with the county commission detailing the expenditures of all funds during the previous 12 months and setting out a schedule of all proposed projects. The filing shall also account for all unspent funds and whether the unspent funds have been obligated. The St. Clair County Fire and Emergency Medical Service Association shall supply the accounting forms to each eligible volunteer fire department. (d) The fire protection trust fund provided for in subsection (a) shall be audited by the State Department of Examiners of Public Accounts when the county is audited. (e) Upon dissolution or abandonment of any eligible fire department, any remaining funds shall, after all indebtedness has been satisfied, be transferred back to the fire protection trust fund to be allocated to the remaining eligible fire departments. (f) Personnel of eligible fire departments shall not be considered as employees, servants, or agents of the county and the members of the county commission and the employees of the county shall not be liable in either their official capacity or in a private capacity for the actions of the personnel of volunteer fire and emergency medical services departments.
AMENDMENT 653 RATIFIED Commission Authorized to Levy Ad Valorem Tax for Fire Protection in Sumter County. (a) In addition to all other ad valorem taxes levied, the Sumter County Commission may levy on an annual basis, commencing with the tax year beginning October 1 after the effective date of this amendment, an ad valorem tax on all taxable property, located in Sumter County at a rate of three mills per dollar of assessed value of the taxable property. The proceeds of the tax levied pursuant to this amendment shall be paid into the county general fund and distributed for the benefit of fire protection only. (b) Within 30 days of payment into the county general fund, the county commission shall pay the funds to the Sumter County Volunteer Firefighters' Association. The county association shall divide the funds equally among all eligible volunteer fire departments collectively, and the Alabama Forestry Commission at each bimonthly meeting of the county association. The county commission and the county association may jointly establish rules regarding the transfer, investing, accounting, and handling of the funds. (c) Funds paid to eligible volunteer fire departments shall only be expended for fire protection services, including training, supplies, buildings, capital improvements, and equipment. An eligible volunteer fire department shall mean a volunteer fire department located in Sumter County that is certified under the guidelines of the Alabama Forestry Commission, shall have at least an ISO class 9 rating, and is a member in good standing of the Sumter County Association of Volunteer Fire Departments. The funds may not be expended for salaries, food, drink, social activities, or fund-raising activities. After receiving funds, the eligible volunteer fire departments shall keep accurate records to verify that the funds were properly expended. By September 15th of each year, each department and the Alabama Forestry Commission shall file a form with the county association detailing the expenditures of all funds during the previous 12 months and setting out a schedule of all proposed projects. The filing shall also account for all unspent funds and whether the unspent funds have been obligated. The county association shall supply the accounting forms to each eligible volunteer fire department and the Alabama Forestry Commission. (d) The Alabama Forestry Commission's share of the funds collected shall be used in Sumter County only. The funds shall be used for buildings and purchase of equipment. The funds shall not be expended for salaries. (e) Upon dissolution or abandonment of any eligible volunteer fire department, any remaining funds shall, after all indebtedness has been satisfied, be transferred to the county association. (f) The personnel of eligible volunteer fire departments and the Alabama Forestry Commission shall not be considered as employees, servants, or agents of the county and the members of the county commission and the employees of the county shall not be liable in either their official capacity or in a private capacity for the actions of the personnel of eligible volunteer fire departments and the Alabama Forestry Commission.
AMENDMENT 654 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Programs in Talladega County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. (a) For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed county official" shall mean any person holding an office that entitles the person to participate in a supernumerary program or any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed county official. (b) A mayor, sheriff, or elected or appointed Talladega County official may not assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every mayor, sheriff, or elected or appointed Talladega County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Talladega County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office; provided, however, the official shall forego the assumption of a supernumerary office and must make the election within one year of the effective date of this amendment. (c) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (b), the county commission may negotiate terms of any contract with a sheriff, mayor, or elected or appointed official who under this amendment will be eligible to participate in the Employees' Retirement System.
AMENDMENT 655 RATIFIED Employees Subject to Authority of Walker County Civil Service Board. Effective the first day of the sixth month after the ratification of this amendment, all employees of the Office of the Sheriff of Walker County are subject to the authority of the Walker County Civil Service Board, or its successor.
AMENDMENT 656 RATIFIED Procedure for Removal of Board, Commission, Authority, or Utility Member in Walker County. In Walker County, the appointing authority of any municipal or county board, commission, or authority may remove for cause any member of the board, commission, public authority, or utility appointed by the appointing authority after a hearing before the appointing authority by a two-thirds (2/3) vote.
AMENDMENT 657 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Programs in Washington County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. No elected or appointed official of Washington County may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Any elected or appointed Washington County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Any elected or appointed official of Washington County holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office; provided, however, the official shall forego the assumption of a supernumerary office. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed official" shall include any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed official, including the sheriff, but shall not include a judge, district attorney, legislator, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit.
AMENDMENT 658 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Programs in Winston County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. No elected or appointed official of Winston County may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Any elected or appointed Winston County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Any elected or appointed official of Winston County holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office; provided, however, the official shall forego the assumption of a supernumerary office. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed official" shall include any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed official, including the sheriff, but shall not include a judge, district attorney, legislator, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit.
AMENDMENT 659 RATIFIED Election of City Boards of Education. The Legislature by local law may provide in any municipality with a city board of education for the conducting of an authorizing referendum election regarding changing the city board of education to an elected city board of education. The Legislature by local law may authorize the governing body of any municipality with a city board of education, upon a recorded majority vote of the governing body, to call and conduct an authorizing referendum election regarding changing the city board of education of that municipality to an elected city board of education. If a majority of the qualified electors voting in an authorizing referendum election called in either of the preceding manners vote in favor of an elected city board of education, the Legislature, from time to time, by local law may provide for the election of a city board of education in that municipality. Such local law or laws may include, but are not limited to, providing for termination of the terms of office of members of the existing city board of education; the composition of the city board of education; initial and succeeding terms of office, including staggered terms; election districts and at-large membership; qualifications; powers, duties, and responsibilities; vacancies; and compensation. Any general law, municipal classification law, or local law providing for or authorizing an elected city board of education in any municipality enacted within the last 1,095 days prior to the ratification date of this amendment is validated and confirmed. Any local referendum conducted pursuant to such general law, municipal classification law, or local law, or any combination of such laws, in which a majority of the qualified electors of the municipality voting voted in favor of an elected city board of education, is also validated and confirmed and that local referendum is considered as an authorizing referendum election for purposes of this amendment. Notwithstanding Acts 97-679 and 97-616 of the 1997 Regular Session, initial elections for the members of the Tuscaloosa City Board of Education shall occur at the regularly scheduled municipal elections in the year 2001. Public hearings shall be held by the legislative delegation and amendments may be prepared and enacted by the Legislature which are deemed necessary and appropriate by the local delegation for any local legislation, including Acts 97-679 and 97-616 of the 1997 Regular Session, which are validated and confirmed by this amendment. The results of any authorizing referendum election called pursuant to this amendment shall be reported to the State Board of Education which shall maintain a continuing record of those results for public inspection. It is the intent of the Legislature that this amendment supersede any other provision of this constitution which may be construed as being in conflict with this amendment. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this proposed amendment shall not apply to any municipality with a population exceeding 125,000 according to the most recent federal census.
AMENDMENT 660 RATIFIED Baldwin County Judicial Commission. All vacancies in the office of judge of the circuit court and the office of judge of the district court holding in Baldwin County shall be filled in the manner and for the time as herein provided. The Baldwin County Judicial Commission is created for the purpose of nominating to the Governor persons for appointment to a vacancy. The commission shall be composed of five members. The members of the commission shall be one person who is a member of the Alabama State Bar nominated by the Baldwin County Bar Association, the presiding circuit judge holding in Baldwin County, one member selected by the Baldwin County Commission, one member selected by the Baldwin County Mayors' Association where at least two thirds of the members are in attendance at the meeting where the selection is made, and one member who is not a member of the Legislature selected by the Baldwin County Legislative Delegation selected by random selection as designed by the members of the Alabama House of Representatives and the Alabama Senate who represent Baldwin County. All members of the commission shall reside in the territorial jurisdiction of the circuit court holding in Baldwin County. Only the member selected by the Baldwin County Bar Association and the presiding circuit judge holding in Baldwin County may be a member of the Alabama State Bar. The member of the commission who is required to be a member of the Alabama State Bar shall be elected by the members of the bar who are regularly licensed and qualified to practice law in this state and who reside in the territorial jurisdiction of the circuit court holding in Baldwin County. The Executive Committee of the Baldwin County Bar Association, or its successor body in that capacity, shall make rules, not inconsistent with this amendment, for the election of the member of the commission required to be a member of the Alabama State Bar. The executive committee shall certify in writing to the Judge of Probate of Baldwin County the name of the person elected as member of the commission by these members of the bar. The presiding circuit judge holding in Baldwin County shall certify in writing to the Judge of Probate of Baldwin County the remaining names of the persons selected as members of the commission. The terms of office of all members of the commission shall be six years. In event that an initial appointment or vacancy is not filled in 30 days, the vacancy shall be filled by the members of the Baldwin County Legislative Delegation residing in Baldwin County within 10 days. A vacancy in the office of a member of the commission shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as the member was originally chosen. The Judge of Probate of Baldwin County shall record all certificates of election and shall safely and permanently keep the original certificates. Forthwith upon his or her receipt and recordation of every certificate, the judge of probate shall send to the Governor a certified copy of every certificate. No member of the commission shall be eligible for nomination to the Governor for appointment as judge of the circuit court or the district court during the term of office of the commission member. The members of the commission shall not receive any salary or other compensation for their services as members. No member of the commission other than the member required to be a judge of the circuit court shall hold any public office, and no member of the commission shall hold any official position in any political party. If a vacancy occurs in the office of judge of the circuit court or the office of judge of the district court holding in Baldwin County, the commission shall nominate within 30 days to the Governor three persons having the qualifications for the office. If the commission fails to nominate three names during the 30-day period, the names shall be selected by the members of the Baldwin County Legislative Delegation residing
AMENDMENT 661 RATIFIED Costs and Charges of Courts in Autauga County. In addition to any court costs or fees now or hereafter authorized, and notwithstanding any other provisions of the Constitution, including without limitation Sections 96, 104, and 105, there shall be an additional forty dollars ($40) fee assessed and taxed as costs on each civil and criminal case, excluding small claims, filed in circuit court, district court, or any municipal court in Autauga County, as well as a fee not to exceed five dollars ($5) for the service of all pleadings and other documents in connection with any such action or case. The fees may not be waived by any court unless all other fees, assessments, costs, fines, and charges associated with the cases are waived. The additional fees, when collected by the clerks or other collection officers of the courts, shall be paid into the General Fund of Autauga County to be used by the county commission for the planning, designing, construction, financing, and operation of a new county jail and the planning, design, repair, renovation, financing, and operation of the existing county courthouse. When the costs of the new county jail and the renovated county courthouse have been fully paid or when the debt service on any indebtedness incurred by the county commission to finance or refinance the costs have been retired, whichever occurs later, the additional fees authorized by this amendment shall continue to be collected in all cases and shall be used to pay costs of the operation, upkeep, and maintenance of a new county jail and the renovated county courthouse. This amendment shall be self-executing and shall require no enabling legislation.
AMENDMENT 662 RATIFIED Amendment of Amendment No. 212 Amendment No. 212 The legislature shall have power to levy and provide for the collection of taxes for state purposes on taxable income of corporations, from whatever source derived, for the calendar year 1963, or for any fiscal year beginning in the calendar year 1963, and each year thereafter, at a rate not exceeding five percent. However, the rate shall be six and one-half percent on taxable income of corporations for the calendar year 2001, or for any fiscal year beginning in the calendar year 2001, and each year thereafter. All federal income taxes paid or accrued within the taxable year by corporations shall always be deductible in computing income taxable under the income tax laws of this state, provided that in the case of foreign corporations the amount of federal income tax deductible shall be in proportion to income derived from sources within Alabama, to be determined in accordance with such laws as the legislature may enact. The increase in the corporate income tax rate to six and one-half percent provided by this amendment shall be self-executing and shall require no enabling legislation.
AMENDMENT 663 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Programs in Chambers County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. No elected or appointed Chambers County official may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every elected or appointed Chambers County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Chambers County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office. No person may participate in both a supernumerary program and the Employees' Retirement System based on the same service. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed Chambers County official" include, subject only to express limitation, any person elected to represent Chambers County in any representative body of the state and includes any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed Chambers County official. The words do not include a judge, district attorney, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit.
AMENDMENT 664 RATIFIED Election of Board of Education of City of Anniston. The Legislature, by local act, may provide for the manner of selection of the members of the Board of Education of the City of Anniston in Calhoun County and may provide further for the operation of the board.
AMENDMENT 665 RATIFIED Election of City Boards of Education - Population Exceeding 125,000 I. The members of the city board of education of any municipality in the state with a population exceeding 125,000 shall be elected by the qualified electors of the municipality in which the city board of education is located. II. This amendment shall apply to a municipality with a population exceeding 125,000 if, at the time this amendment is submitted to a statewide vote, a majority of the qualified electors voting on the amendment in the respective municipality vote in favor of the amendment. III. Upon the application of this amendment to a respective municipality, either at the time of the ratification of this amendment or at a later time, the Legislature shall, by local law, provide for the dissolution of any existing nonelected city board of education in an applicable municipality and for the date the elected city board of education shall be constituted. The existing city board of education shall continue to function until the date of dissolution. Additionally, the Legislature, by local law, may provide for the termination of the terms of office of members of an existing city board of education; the composition of the elected city board of education; initial and succeeding terms of office, including staggered terms; election districts and at-large membership; qualifications; powers, duties, and responsibilities; vacancies; and compensation. IV. If a municipality comes within the application of this constitutional amendment after the date of ratification of this constitutional amendment, the provisions of this constitutional amendment shall only apply to that municipality if such provisions are approved by a majority vote of the qualified electors of the municipality voting at a special referendum called and conducted pursuant to local law, adopted from time to time by the Legislature.
AMENDMENT 666 RATIFIED County and Municipal Government Capital Improvement Trust Fund; Alabama Captial Improvement Trust Fund. Section I. The Legislature finds that the capital improvements and technology required by many governmental programs could be more efficiently funded through the establishment of a special trust fund dedicated to funding such improvements. Additionally, municipal and county governments require assistance in the funding of capital improvements. In order to meet these requirements, it is necessary and prudent to redistribute a portion of the Oil and Gas Capital Payments now being paid into the Alabama Trust Fund under Amendment No. 450 to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901. Accordingly, this amendment establishes the County and Municipal Government Capital Improvement Fund and the Alabama Capital Improvement Trust Fund to be administered in accordance with the provisions of this amendment. Finally, the Legislature finds that it is necessary and desirable to issue general obligations bonds for the purposes of (i) making substantial capital improvements to the state dock facilities at the Port of Mobile, (ii) promoting economic development and industrial recruitment in the state, (iii) providing local government match monies required to issue federal grant revenue bonds for road and bridge improvements and (iv) providing funds to municipal governments for infrastructure improvements. Section II. As used in this amendment, the following words and phrases shall have the following respective meanings: "Alabama Trust Fund" means the irrevocable, permanent trust fund created by Amendment No. 450 to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901. "Alabama Capital Improvement Trust Fund" means one of the special trust funds created by this amendment. "Capital Improvements" means capital outlay projects that include the planning, designing, inspection, purchasing, construction, reconstruction, improvement, repair or renovation of permanent buildings, docks, structures and sites therefor for the executive, legislative or judicial branches of state government. The term "Capital Improvement" shall also mean the construction or improvement of roads and bridges in the highway system; payment of debt service on the bonded indebtedness issued by the State of Alabama or any public corporation or authority of the State of Alabama; funding economic development and industrial recruitment activities; and the procurement of technical equipment, including computer and telecommunications equipment, required for the operation of any governmental entity. "County and Municipal Capital Improvement Trust Fund" means one of the special trust funds created by this amendment. "Docks Improvements" means the acquisition, development, construction, improvement, expansion and modernization of the state docks facilities (including, without limitation, cargo handling facilities) at the Port of Mobile. "Docks Improvement Costs" means all costs and expenses incurred in connection with the Capital Improvements, including, without limitation, the following: (a) The costs of acquiring, constructing, installing and equipping Docks Improvements, including all obligations incurred for labor and to contractors, subcontractors, builders and materialmen. (b) The costs of acquiring land or rights in land and any costs incidental thereto, including recording fees. (c) The costs of contract bonds and of insurance of all kinds that may be required or necessary during the acquisition, construction or installation of Docks Improvements. (d) The costs of architectural and engineering services, including test borings, surveys, environmental mitigation, supervision of construction and the like with respect to Docks Improvements. (e) The costs of acquiring and installing fixtures and equipment, excavation, removal and demolition of structures, and provisions for drainage, stormwater retention, installation of utilities, and similar facilities, and paving. (f) Interest accr
AMENDMENT 667 RATIFIED Section 102 Annulled. Article IV, Section 102 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, is hereby annulled and set aside.
AMENDMENT 668 RATIFIED Distribution of Alabama Trust Fund Income. (a) For the purposes of this amendment, the following terms shall have the following meanings: 1. FISCAL YEAR. The fiscal year of the state as may from time to time be provided by law. 2. COUNTY GOVERNMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND. The fund created in Section 11-29-4, Code of Alabama 1975. 3. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND. The fund created in Section 11-66-4, Code of Alabama 1975. 4. THE ALABAMA TRUST FUND OR TRUST FUND. The fund created by Amendment 450 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901. 5. TRUST INCOME. The net income received by the state, subsequent to the transfer of the initial trust capital by the State Treasurer to the board of trustees of the trust fund, from the investment and reinvestment of all assets of the trust fund, determined in accordance with the provisions of Amendment 450 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901. Trust income does not include income which become part of the trust capital of the trust fund, but for the purpose of this amendment shall include the amounts allocated to the Forever Wild Land Trust Fund as provided in Section 7(d) of Amendment 543 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901. (b) Beginning October 1 of the fiscal year immediately following ratification of this amendment, in addition to all other appropriations heretofore or hereafter made, there is hereby annually appropriated from the State General Fund to the county government capital improvement fund and to the municipal government capital improvement fund each an amount equal to at least 10 percent of the trust income from the Alabama Trust Fund at the time as the trust income received by the state in the preceding fiscal year equals or exceeds sixty million dollars ($60,000,000) as calculated pursuant to Amendment 450 and Section 7(d) of Amendment 543 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901. No funds shall be appropriated in any fiscal year for which in the previous fiscal year trust income received by the state was less than sixty million dollars ($60,000,000). (c) The county government capital improvement fund appropriation shall be distributed to the several counties of the state and shall be paid on April 15 of the fiscal year for which each annual appropriation is made as follows: Part of the funds to be paid to counties that is equal to 45.45 percent of the total of that portion shall be allocated equally among the 67 counties of the state; and the entire residue of the portion to be paid to counties, being an amount equal to 54.55 percent of that portion, shall be allocated among the 67 counties of the state on the basis of the ratio of the population of each county to the total population of the state according to the then next preceding federal decennial census. (d) The municipal government capital improvement fund appropriation shall be distributed to the incorporated municipalities of the state and shall be paid on April 15 of the fiscal year for which each annual appropriation is made as follows: (1) Each incorporated municipality in the state with a population of less than 1,000 shall receive one thousand dollars ($1,000); each incorporated municipality in the state with a population of 1,000 or more shall receive two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500). (2) The residue of the portion to be paid to the incorporated municipalities in the state shall be distributed among the incorporated municipalities in the state on the basis of the ratio of the population of each municipality incorporated to the total population of all the incorporated municipalities in the state according to the then next preceding federal decennial census. (e) The county government capital improvement fund and the municipal county government capital improvement fund shall continue in existence until and unless extinguished by an amendment to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901. (f) The State Comptroller shall make all allocations of funds and shall make the dist
AMENDMENT 669 RATIFIED Levy and Collection of District School Tax. The provision contained in Section 2 of Amendment No. 3 to this constitution relating to district school taxes and providing that no district school tax shall be voted upon or collected except in those counties that are levying and collecting not less than a three-mill special county school tax is hereby repealed. Notwithstanding any other provision of this constitution or any law to the contrary, the levy of a countywide tax shall not be required as a condition precedent for the levy and collection of any district school tax in any school district in the state.
AMENDMENT 670 RATIFIED Amendment to Amendment No. 161. Board of Trustees of Auburn University. Section 1. Auburn University shall be under the management and control of a board of trustees. The board of trustees shall consist of one member from each of the congressional districts in the state as the same were constituted on the first day of January, 1961, one member from Lee County, two at-large members both of whom shall be a resident of the continental United States, the state superintendent of education serving on the date this amendatory language is ratified, who shall serve until leaving the office of superintendent, one additional at-large member who shall be a resident of the continental United States, and who shall succeed the current State Superintendent of Education on the board of trustees immediately upon the superintendent leaving office, and the governor, who shall be ex officio president of the board. Appointment of the initial two at-large members shall be made by the Governor by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. Otherwise, the trustees from each congressional district, from Lee County, and all subsequent at-large trustees, including the at-large position created upon the vacating of office of the current State Superintendent of Education, shall be appointed by the appointing committee created herein, by and with the advice and consent of the senate. The appointment of members to fill a vacated position with a partially expired term of office shall also be made by the appointing committee as provided herein. A board of trustees appointing committee is established composed of the following members: The President Pro Tem of the Board of Trustees of Auburn University or the designee of the President Pro Tem. The designee shall be a member of the Board of Trustees of Auburn University. A member of the Board of Trustees of Auburn University selected by the board of trustees. Two members of the Auburn Alumni Association Board of Directors, who are not current employees of Auburn University, selected by the Auburn Alumni Association Board of Directors. The Governor or a designee of the Governor who is an alumnus of Auburn University but who is not a current member of the Auburn Board of Trustees nor a current member of the Auburn Alumni Association Board of Directors nor a current employee of Auburn University. The Governor, or the designee of the Governor, shall serve as chairperson of the appointing committee. If the chairperson fails to call a meeting within 90 days prior to the expiration of the term of a sitting board member or within 30 days following the creation of a vacancy by death, resignation, or other cause, a majority of the committee, in writing, may call a meeting giving at least 10 days notice. In the absence of the chairperson or another member designated by the chairperson to preside, the majority of the committee shall choose its own chairperson. When appropriate, the appointing committee shall meet to address the appointment of any of the following: A person to fill the at-large position on the Board of Trustees of Auburn University created upon the vacating of office by the current State Superintendent of Education. Persons to fill an expired or soon-to-be expired term of office of any member of the Board of Trustees of Auburn University, including the two at-large positions initially appointed by the Governor. Persons to fill the remainder of a partially expired term of office of any position on the Board of Trustees of Auburn University which has been vacated by reason of death, resignation, or other cause, including the two at-large positions initially appointed by the Governor. The appointing committee, by majority vote, shall appoint an individual to fill the respective position on the board of trustees. The committee shall ensure that appointments are solicited from all constituencies, are inclusive, and reflect the racial, gender, and economic diversity of the state. A person
AMENDMENT 671 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Programs in Clay County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. No elected or appointed Clay County official may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every elected or appointed Clay County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system, and shall be treated as an employee of the county. Clay County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office. No person may participate in both a supernumerary program and the Employees' Retirement System based on the same service. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed Clay County official" shall include, subject only to express limitation, any person elected to represent Clay County in any representative body of the state and includes any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed Clay County official. The words do not include a judge, district attorney, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit. Act No. 99-320 of the 1999 Regular Session is hereby repealed.
AMENDMENT 672 RATIFIED Costs and Charges of Courts in Greene County. The Legislature, by general or local law, may fix, alter, and regulate the costs and charges of courts in Greene County and provide for their distribution.
AMENDMENT 673 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Programs in Lowndes County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. No person elected or appointed sheriff, or any elected or appointed Lowndes County official, may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every sheriff and elected or appointed Lowndes County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Lowndes County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office; provided, however, the official shall forego the assumption of a supernumerary office. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed county official" shall include any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed county official, but shall not include a judge, district attorney, legislator, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit.
AMENDMENT 674 RATIFIED Bingo Games in Lowndes County. (a) The operation of bingo games for prizes or money by nonprofit organizations for charitable, educational, or other lawful purposes shall be legal in The Town of White Hall that is located in Lowndes County, subject to any resolution or ordinance by the town council. The town council shall have the authority to promulgate rules and regulations for the licensing and operation of bingo games, within its respective jurisdictions provided, however, the town council shall insure compliance pursuant to any ordinance and the following provisions: (1) No person under the age of 18 years shall be permitted to play any game or games of bingo, nor shall any person under the age of 19 years be permitted to conduct or assist in the operation of any game of bingo. (2) No bingo license shall be issued to any nonprofit organization, unless the organization shall have been in existence for at least two years immediately prior to the issuance of the permit or license. (3) Bingo games shall be operated only on the premises owned or leased by the nonprofit organization operating the bingo game. If the premises are leased, the rate of rental shall not be based on a percentage of receipts or profits resulting from the operation of bingo games. (4) No nonprofit organization shall enter into any contract with any individual, firm, association, or corporation to have the individual or entity operate bingo games or concessions on behalf of the nonprofit organization. No nonprofit organization shall pay consulting fees to any individual or entity for any services performed in relation to the operation or conduct of a bingo game. (5) A nonprofit organization shall not lend its name or allow its identity to be used by another person or entity in the operating or advertising of a bingo game in which the nonprofit organization is not directly and solely operating the bingo game. (6) Prizes given by any nonprofit organization for the playing of bingo games shall not exceed the cash amount or gifts of equivalent value set by regulations. (7) No person or organization, by whatever name or composition thereof, shall take any expense for the operation of a bingo game except as permitted by law. (b) The town council may provide for the implementation of this amendment by the adoption of any resolution or ordinance as provided heretofore. (8) Any person who violates the regulations provided under the provisions of this amendment shall be guilty of a Class C misdemeanor upon the first conviction under this amendment and any subsequent violation shall be a Class A misdemeanor.
AMENDMENT 675 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Programs in Sumter County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. No person elected or appointed sheriff, or any elected or appointed Sumter County official, may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every sheriff and elected or appointed Sumter County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Sumter County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office; provided, however, the official shall forego the assumption of a supernumerary office. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed county official" shall include any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed official, but shall not include a judge, district attorney, legislator, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit.
AMENDMENT 676 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Programs in Bullock County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. An elected or appointed Bullock County official not currently serving as such an official who is elected or appointed after the effective date of this amendment may not assume a supernumerary office. Any person who, on the ratification of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every elected or appointed Bullock County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Bullock County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served as a county official. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed county official" shall include any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed county official, but shall not include a judge, district attorney, legislator, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit.
AMENDMENT 677 RATIFIED Water Works and Sewer Board of the City of Anniston. The Water Works and Sewer Board of the City of Anniston, Alabama, shall be governed by a board of directors consisting of seven members to be appointed as follows: Four members shall be appointed by the governing body to the City of Anniston and three members shall be appointed by the Calhoun County Legislative Delegation. Those persons serving on such board of directors on the effective date of this amendment shall continue to hold office until the expiration of their current terms. Act 95-497, 1995 Regular Session, is hereby ratified, approved, validated, and confirmed as of the date of its enactment any provision or provisions of this constitution of the contrary notwithstanding, and all actions heretofore taken by the City of Anniston, the Calhoun County Legislative Delegation and the Water Works and Sewer Board of the City of Anniston, Alabama, pursuant to the provisions of Act 95-497, are hereby ratified, approved, validated, and confirmed. This amendment shall be self executing, and no amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation of said Water Works and Sewer Board shall be necessary to implement the provisions of this amendment.
AMENDMENT 678 RATIFIED Promotion of Industry, Trade, and Economic Development in Chambers County. The Legislature, by general, local, or special law, may provide for the creation, incorporation, organization, operation, administration, authority, and financing of a public corporation empowered or intended to assist or aid in any way Chambers County or any municipality therein in promoting industry, trade, and economic development of Chambers County and each municipality situated in the county, and the Legislature may grant the corporation all powers, rights, privileges, exemptions, and authority as the Legislature considers necessary or desirable for the furtherance and accomplishment of the purposes of the public corporation.
AMENDMENT 679 RATIFIED Promotion of Economic and Industrial Development in Chilton County. For the promotion of local economic and industrial development of Chilton County, the Chilton County Commission and the city council of each municipality located in the county, shall have, independently or in cooperation with one or more of such governmental entities, full and continuing power to do any of the following: (1) Purchase, construct, lease, or otherwise acquire real property, plants, buildings, factories, works, facilities, machinery, and equipment of any kind. (2) Lease, sell for cash or on credit, exchange, give and convey any such property described in subdivision (1) above, to any person, firm, association, or corporation. (3) Promote local industrial, commercial, or agricultural development and the location of new industries or businesses therein. (4) Become a stockholder in any corporation, association, or company. (5) Lend its credit or to grant public moneys and things of value in aid of, or to any individual, firm, association, or corporation whatsoever. (6) Become indebted and to issue and sell bonds, warrants (which may be payable from funds to be realized in future years), notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness, to a principal amount not exceeding 50 percent of the assessed value of taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in order to secure funds for the purchase, construction, lease, or acquisition of any of the property described in subdivision (1) or to be used in furtherance of any of the other powers or authorities granted in this amendment. Such obligations or evidences of indebtedness may be issued upon the full faith and credit of the county or any such municipality or may be limited as to the source of their payment. (7) Create a public authority or corporation having such powers, managed and governed by such board or governing body and subject to such limitations as the governing body of the county or any such municipality may impose, by approving and filing a certificate to that effect in the office of the Judge of Probate or the Secretary of State, or their respective successors in function, and to delegate to such public authority or corporation and its board or governing body all powers and authority conferred in this amendment upon the county or any such municipality. The recital in any bonds, warrants, notes, or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness that they were issued pursuant to this amendment or that they were issued to provide funds to be used in furtherance of any power or authority herein authorized shall be conclusive, and no purchaser or holder thereof need inquire further. The bonds, warrants, notes, or other obligations or evidences or indebtedness issued hereunder shall not be considered an indebtedness of the county or any such municipality for the purpose of determining the borrowing capacity of the county or any such municipality under Section 224 or Section 225 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901. In carrying out the purposes of this amendment, neither the county nor any such municipality shall be subject to the provisions of Section 94 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901. This amendment shall be self-executing, but notwithstanding any contrary provisions of Section 104 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, the Legislature may by general, special, or local act to adopt laws supplemental to this amendment or in furtherance of the purposes and objectives hereinabove set forth. No such special or local act shall be subject to the provisions of Section 106 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to confer upon the Chilton County Commission or the City Council of any municipality located in the county, or any public authority created pursuant to this amendment, the authority to purchase, construct, lease, control or otherwise acquire or operate telecommunications facilities, cable facilities or
AMENDMENT 680 RATIFIED Special Property Tax in Chilton County; Repeal of Amendment No. 402. The Chilton County Commission may levy and collect a special property tax, in addition to all other taxes heretofore provided by law, not exceeding four mills on each dollar's worth of taxable property outside the corporate limits of any incorporated municipality in the county, as assessed for state taxation during the preceding year; except that the special property tax shall not exceed two and one-half mills on property used for the generation of electric energy, including hydroelectric projects licensed by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, or any predecessor or successor agency. The proceeds of the special property tax shall be used exclusively for fire, medical, and emergency services in areas outside the incorporated municipalities of Chilton County. The tax assessor of Chilton County shall assess the tax herein provided, and the tax collector of Chilton County shall collect the tax, in the same manner and method that other ad valorem taxes are collected. The proceeds of the tax shall be distributed to the Chilton County Commission to be distributed by the commission, in equal shares, to all of the rural fire departments in the county that have and maintain an Insurance Services Office (ISO) Public Protection Classification of 9 or lower and that protect areas outside the incorporated municipalities of Chilton County. Each department receiving proceeds from the tax shall maintain a separate account for the tax proceeds and shall furnish, at its own expense, an audit of the account to the Chilton County Commission yearly. The tax shall be collected, starting the first month after approval by the qualified electors of Chilton County, and shall be levied in perpetuity. Qualified electors include only those who reside outside the incorporated municipalities of Chilton County. The passage of this amendment shall render null and void Amendment No. 402 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, beginning on the first day of the first month after this amendment is approved by the qualified electors and proclaimed ratified.
AMENDMENT 681 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Programs in Clay County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. No elected or appointed Clay County official may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every elected or appointed Clay County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Clay County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office. No person may participate in both a supernumerary program and the Employees' Retirement System based on the same service. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed Clay County official" include, subject only to express limitation, any person elected to represent Clay County in any representative body of the state and includes any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed Clay County official. The words do not include a judge, legislator, district attorney, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit.
AMENDMENT 682 RATIFIED Promotion of Industry, Trade, and Economic Development in Clay County. The Legislature, by general, local, or special law, may provide for the creation, incorporation, organization, operation, administration, authority, and financing of a public corporation empowered or intended to assist or aid in any way Clay County or any municipality therein in promoting industry, trade, and economic development of Clay County and each municipality situated in the county, and the Legislature may grant the corporation all powers, rights, privileges, exemptions, and authority as the Legislature considers necessary or desirable for the furtherance and accomplishment of the purposes of the public corporation.
AMENDMENT 683 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Programs in Dale County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. No person elected or appointed Sheriff of Dale County, or any other elected or appointed Dale County official, may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program for Dale County may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every sheriff and other elected or appointed Dale County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Dale County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office; provided, however, the official shall forego the assumption of a supernumerary office. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed county official" shall include any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed county official, but shall not include a judge, district attorney, legislator, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit.
AMENDMENT 684 RATIFIED Real Estate License Taxes in Etowah County. (a) In order to allow for the orderly and efficient collection of municipal business license taxes in Etowah County with respect to corporations, firms, brokers, agents, and others in the business of buying, selling, leasing, or representing others in the purchase, sale, or lease of real property in Etowah County, the Legislature may, by local law, provide for the imposition and collection of taxes as follows: (1) Any city or municipality within Etowah County may fix and collect license taxes pursuant to Sections 11-51-90 and 11-51-91, Code of Alabama 1975, for any business, trade, or profession relating to the buying, selling, or renting of real estate on commission in Etowah County if the licensee maintains its principal place of business in the corporate limits or police jurisdiction of that city or municipality. (2) Effective January 1 following the ratification of this amendment and each year thereafter, in addition to the taxes, if any, imposed under subdivision (1) above, every corporation, firm, broker, agent, or other person or entity engaged in the business of buying, selling, managing, leasing, or renting of real estate on commission in Etowah County shall pay an annual business license tax at a rate to be set by the Legislature for the privilege of engaging in that business in every other city or municipality in Etowah County. The tax shall be collected by the License Commissioner of Etowah County and shall be distributed by the License Commissioner of Etowah County to each city or municipality within Etowah County on a pro rata basis based on population. The License Commissioner of Etowah County shall be entitled to an administrative fee for administering this tax at a rate to be set by the Legislature. The fee shall to be subtracted from the license tax. (3) Effective January 1 following the ratification of this amendment and each year thereafter, except for the license taxes permitted or mandated under subdivisions (1) and (2) above, no other privilege license tax or any other fee or tax shall be imposed under Sections 11-51-90 and 11-51-91, Code of Alabama 1975, or any other law by any city or municipality within Etowah County on corporations, firms, brokers, agents, or other persons or entities engaged in the business of buying, selling, managing, leasing, or renting of real estate on commission in Etowah County. (b) This amendment shall not become effective unless approved at a referendum by a majority of the qualified electors of Etowah County voting on the proposition. The referendum shall be held at the same time as the election for the ratification of this amendment, as provided for in Section 2 of this act, and no further election shall be required.
AMENDMENT 685 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Programs in Greene County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. No person elected or appointed sheriff, or any elected or appointed Greene County official, may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every sheriff and elected or appointed Greene County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Greene County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office; provided, however, the official shall forego the assumption of a supernumerary office. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed county official" shall include any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed official, but shall not include a judge, district attorney, legislator, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit.
AMENDMENT 686 RATIFIED Costs and Charges of Courts in Hale County. In addition to any court costs and fees now or hereafter authorized in Hale County, the Hale County Commission may impose by resolution of the commission an additional fee in an amount not to exceed fifty dollars ($50) to be assessed and taxed as costs on each civil case and on each criminal case, including domestic relations and traffic cases, but excluding small claims cases, filed in the circuit court, district court, or any municipal court in Hale County. These fees shall not be waived by any court unless all other fees, assessments, costs, fines, and charges associated with the case are waived. The additional fees when collected by the clerks or their collection officers of the courts shall be paid into the General Fund of Hale County to be used by the commission for the planning, designing, construction, financing, furnishing, equipping, and operation of a new county jail and for general county purposes.
AMENDMENT 687 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Programs in Henry County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. No person elected or appointed sheriff, or any elected or appointed Henry County official, may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in as supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every sheriff and elected or appointed Henry County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Henry County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current offices; provided, however, the official shall forego the assumption of a supernumerary office. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed county official" shall include any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed official, but shall not include a judge, district attorney, legislator, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit.
AMENDMENT 688 RATIFIED Crime of prostitution in Jefferson County. (a) This amendment shall apply only to the portions of Jefferson County outside the corporate limits of a municipality. (b) For the purpose of this constitutional amendment, the term "prostitution" shall mean the commission by a person of any natural or unnatural sexual act, deviate sexual intercourse, or sexual contact for monetary consideration or other thing of value. (c) No person in the portion of the county outside the corporate limits of a city shall commit an act of prostitution as defined in subsection (b). (d) No person shall solicit, compel, or coerce any person to have sexual intercourse or participate in any natural or unnatural sexual act, deviate sexual intercourse, or sexual contact for monetary consideration or other thing of value. (e) No person shall agree to engage in sexual intercourse, deviate sexual intercourse, or sexual contact with another or participate in the act for monetary consideration or other thing of value and give or accept monetary consideration or other thing of value in furtherance of the agreement. (f) No person shall knowingly do any of the following: (1) Cause or aid a person to commit or engage in prostitution. (2) Procure or solicit patrons for prostitution. (3) Provide persons or premises for prostitution purposes. (4) Receive or accept money or other thing of value pursuant to a prior agreement with any person whereby he or she participates or is to participate in the proceeds of any prostitution activity. (5) Operate or assist in the operation of a house of prostitution or a prostitution enterprise. (g) It shall be unlawful for any bellhop, elevator operator, desk clerk, servant, or employee of a hotel, motel, inn, boardinghouse, apartment house, or any lodging place of like kind for the purpose of or in furtherance of unlawful sexual misconduct or prostitution to: (1) Conduct any person to the room of any guest or occupant of the place. (2) Carry any note or message to or from a person, a guest, or occupant of the place. (h) It shall be unlawful for the owner or manager of any hotel, motel, inn, boardinghouse, apartment house, or any lodging place or like kind to employ a person who has been convicted of aiding or abetting prostitution. (i) Each violation is a Class A misdemeanor.
AMENDMENT 689 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Programs in Lamar County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. An elected or appointed Lamar County official not currently serving as such an official who is elected or appointed after the effective date of this amendment may not assume a supernumerary office. Any person who, on the ratification of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every elected or appointed Lamar County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Lamar County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served as a county official. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed county official" shall include any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed county official, including the county coroner, but shall not include a judge, district attorney, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit.
AMENDMENT 690 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Programs in Lauderdale County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. No elected or appointed Lauderdale County official may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every elected or appointed Lauderdale County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Lauderdale County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office; provided, however, the official shall forego the assumption of a supernumerary office. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed county official" shall include the sheriff and any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed county official, but shall not include a judge, district attorney, legislator, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit.
AMENDMENT 691 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Programs in Lawrence County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. No elected or appointed Lawrence County official may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every elected or appointed Lawrence County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Lawrence County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office. No person may participate in both a supernumerary program and the Employees' Retirement System based on the same service. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed Lawrence County official" include, subject only to express limitation, any person elected to represent Lawrence County in any representative body of the state and includes any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed Lawrence County official. The words do not include a judge, legislator, district attorney, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit.
AMENDMENT 692 RATIFIED Bingo Games in Limestone County. (a) The operation of bingo games for prizes or money by nonprofit organizations for charitable, educational, or other lawful purposes shall be legal in Limestone County, subject to any resolution or ordinance by the county commission. The county commission may promulgate rules and regulations for the licensing and operation of bingo games, within its respective jurisdictions. The governing body shall insure compliance pursuant to any ordinance and the following: (1) No person under the age of 19 years shall be permitted to play any game or games of bingo, nor shall any person under the age of 19 years be permitted to conduct or assist in the operation of any game of bingo. (2) No bingo license shall be issued to any nonprofit organization, unless the organization shall have been in existence for at least three years in the county immediately prior to the issuance of the permit or license. (3) Bingo games shall be operated only on the premises owned or leased by the nonprofit organization operating the bingo game. If the premises are leased, the rate of rental shall not be based on a percentage of receipts or profits resulting from the operation of bingo games. (4) No nonprofit organization shall enter into any contract with any individual, firm, association, or corporation to have the individual or entity operate bingo games or concessions on behalf of the nonprofit organization. No nonprofit organization shall pay consulting fees to any individual or entity for any services performed in relation to the operation or conduct of a bingo game. (5) A nonprofit organization shall not lend its name or allow its identity to be used by another person or entity in the operating or advertising of a bingo game in which the nonprofit organization is not directly and solely operating the bingo game. (6) Prizes given by any nonprofit organization for the playing of bingo games shall not exceed the cash amount or gifts of equivalent value set by the Legislature by local law during any bingo session during any calendar week. (7) No person or organization, by whatever name or composition thereof, shall take any expense for the operation of a bingo game except as permitted by law. (b) The Legislature may, by local law, provide for the implementation of this amendment, including, but not limited to, the imposition of criminal penalties for violations of this amendment or the local legislation.
AMENDMENT 694 RATIFIED Employees Subject to Authority of Personnel Board of Madison County. Effective the first day of the sixth month after ratification of this amendment, employees of the Office of the Sheriff of Madison County, except for the chief deputy, shall be under the authority of the Personnel Board of Madison County. The provisions of this amendment shall not affect the liability of the employees of the office of the Sheriff of Madison County.
AMENDMENT 695 RATIFIED Marion County Agriculture and Exhibit Center Authority. (a) There is hereby created and established the Marion County Agriculture and Exhibit Center Authority which shall consist of seven members to be appointed as follows: (1) One member appointed by the member of the Marion County Commission representing District One. (2) One member appointed by the member of the Marion County Commission representing District Two. (3) One member appointed by the member of the Marion County Commission representing District Three. (4) One member appointed by the member of the Marion County Commission representing District Four. (5) One member appointed by the member of the Marion County Commission representing District Five. (6) One member appointed by the state Senator representing Marion County. (7) One member appointed by the members of the House of Representatives representing Marion County. (b) The authority shall oversee the construction, management, maintenance, and control of any structure or facility constructed as a center for promoting cattle, horses, and livestock and for agricultural, educational, and civic exhibits. Vacancies on the authority shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointments are made. Members of the authority shall serve without compensation. The authority shall hold at least one annual meeting. (c) The authority is authorized to do the following: (1) To locate the exhibition center upon the site selected by the Marion County Commission. (2) To acquire by purchase, rent, lease agreement, or otherwise the necessary facilities and to provide it with necessary equipment, furnishings, landscaping, and related facilities, including parking areas and ramps, roadways, sewers, curbs, and gutters. (3) To enter into contracts and cooperative agreements with the local, state, and federal governments, agencies of the governments, private individuals, corporations, associations, and other organizations as the authority may deem necessary or convenient to carry out the purposes of this amendment, the contracts and agreements to include leases to provide for industries. (4) To accept public or private gifts, grants, and donations. (5) To acquire property by purchase, lease, or gift. (6) To sell, convey, transfer, lease, or donate any property, franchise, grant, easement, license, or lease or interest therein which it may own and to transfer, assign, sell, convey, or donate any right, title, or interest which it may have in any lease, contract, agreement, license, or property. (7) To invest any funds that the authority may determine are not presently needed in the operation of its properties in bonds of the United States of America, bonds of the state, bonds of any county or municipality, and interest-bearing bank deposits. (8) To employ personnel as may be necessary to accomplish the purposes of this amendment. The personnel employed by the authority shall serve at the pleasure of the authority. The authority shall fix the compensation of the personnel and the compensation shall be paid from any funds of the authority. The authority shall designate the duties of the personnel. (9) To make rules and regulations as the authority may deem necessary and desirable to provide for the operation, management, and control of the facility. (10) To perform other acts necessary or incidental to the accomplishment of the purposes of this act, and other acts, including, but not limited to, the employment of legal and accounting assistance, whether or not specifically authorized in the act, and not otherwise prohibited by law. (d) The county commission may transfer property to the authority for planning for present and future purposes of the authority.
AMENDMENT 696 RATIFIED Polling Places in Marshall County. Every polling place in Marshall County shall be open for voting on election day for any local, state, or national election at 7:00 A.M. and shall not close until 7:00 P.M. and shall remain open for voting for not less than 12 consecutive hours. The Marshall County Commission shall provide funds from the county general fund for any additional compensation needed for poll workers required to work the extended hours required by this amendment.
AMENDMENT 697 RATIFIED Costs and Charges of Courts in Monroe County. The Legislature, from time to time, may fix, regulate, and alter the costs and charges of court in Monroe County and provide for the distribution of any additional revenue.
AMENDMENT 698 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Programs in Perry County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. No person elected or appointed sheriff, or any elected or appointed Perry County official, may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every sheriff and elected or appointed Perry County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Perry County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office; provided, however, the official shall forego the assumption of a supernumerary office. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed county official" shall include any person elected to represent the county in any representative body of the state and any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed official, but shall not include a judge, district attorney, legislator, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit.
AMENDMENT 699 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Programs in Pike County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. No elected or appointed Pike County official may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every elected or appointed Pike County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Pike County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office. No person may participate in both a supernumerary program and the Employees' Retirement System based on the same service. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed Pike County official" include, subject only to express limitation, any person elected to represent Pike County in any representative body of the state and includes any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed Pike County official. The words do not include a judge, legislator, district attorney, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit.
AMENDMENT 700 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Programs in Pike County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. (a) In Pike County, no mayor or elected or appointed public official may assume a supernumerary office after the ratification date of this amendment. Any person who, on the ratification date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every mayor or elected or appointed public official in Pike County may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. A mayor or elected or appointed public official holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office. No person may participate in both a supernumerary program and the Employees' Retirement System based on the same service. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed public official" include, subject only to express limitation, any person elected to represent Pike County in any representative body of the state and includes any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed public official. The words do not include a judge, a member of a city governing body, district attorney, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit. (b) Act 99-407 of the 1999 Regular Session is repealed.
AMENDMENT 701 RATIFIED Promotion of Industry, Trade, and Economic Development in Randolph County. The Legislature, by general, local, or special law, may provide for the creation, incorporation, organization, operation, administration, authority, and financing of a public corporation empowered or intended to assist or aid in any way Randolph County or any municipality therein in promoting industry, trade, and economic development of Randolph County and each municipality situated in the county, and the Legislature may grant the corporation all powers, rights, privileges, exemptions, and authority as the Legislature considers necessary or desirable for the furtherance and accomplishment of the purposes of the public corporation.
AMENDMENT 702 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Programs in Russell County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. No person elected or appointed sheriff, or any elected or appointed Russell County official, may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every sheriff and elected or appointed Russell County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Russell County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office; provided, however, the official shall forego the assumption of a supernumerary office. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed county official" shall include any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed official, but shall not include a judge, district attorney, legislator, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit.
AMENDMENT 703 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Programs in Tallapoosa County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. No person elected or appointed sheriff, or any elected or appointed Tallapoosa County official, may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every sheriff and elected or appointed Tallapoosa County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Tallapoosa County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office; provided, however, the official shall forego the assumption of a supernumerary office. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed county official" shall include any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed official, but shall not include a judge, district attorney, legislator, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit.
AMENDMENT 704 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Programs in Chilton County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. No person elected or appointed Sheriff of Chilton County, or any elected or appointed Chilton County official, may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every sheriff and other elected or appointed Chilton County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Chilton County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office; provided, however, the official shall forego the assumption of a supernumerary office. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed county official" shall include any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed county official, but shall not include a judge, district attorney, legislator, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit. All costs associated with the purchase of prior service credit as prescribed in Section 36-27-6.1, Code of Alabama 1975, shall be the responsibility of the official making the purchase.
AMENDMENT 705 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Programs in Marion County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. No person elected or appointed Sheriff of Marion County, or any elected or appointed Marion County official, may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every sheriff and other elected or appointed Marion County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Marion County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office; provided, however, the official shall forego the assumption of a supernumerary office. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed county official" shall include any person elected to represent Marion County in any representative body of the state and includes any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed Marion County official. The words do not include a judge, district attorney, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit. All costs associated with the purchase of prior service credit as prescribed in Section 36-27-6.1, Code of Alabama 1975, shall be the responsibility of the official making the purchase.
AMENDMENT 706 RATIFIED Education First Amendment Section I. This amendment shall be entitled the "Education First Amendment." Section II. As used in this amendment, the following terms shall be given the following respective meanings: (1) "Motor Fuel Tax" means a privilege or license tax levied upon every person, firm, or corporation selling, delivering, or withdrawing from storage or keeping in storage for sale or delivery in the county, any gasoline, naphtha, or other liquid motor fuels, or any device or substitutes therefor, commonly used in internal combustion engines, including diesel oil, tractor fuel, gas oil, distillate or liquefied gas, kerosene, jet fuel, or any substitutes or devices therefor, when sold, distributed, stored, or withdrawn from storage in the corporate limits of the City of Mobile and the City of Prichard for use in the operation of any motor vehicle upon the highways, but not including "kerosene oil," "fuel oil," or "crude oil" commonly used for lighting, heating, or industrial purposes, in an amount equal to two cents ($.02) per gallon sold, delivered, withdrawn from storage, or kept in storage for sale or delivery. Provided, however, that the fuel tax herein provided for shall not be levied or paid on the sale of such motor fuels in interstate commerce, or to the federal government or any agency of the federal government, or to the State of Alabama, or to any incorporated municipality for municipal purposes, or to the county commission for county purposes, or to the board of school commissioners for the use or purposes of such board, or for use in operating or propelling tractors used exclusively for agricultural purposes, or for use in operating or propelling commercial fishing boats, or to such motor fuels which are withdrawn from storage for delivery only to a point or points outside the county, when the distributor or seller of such motor fuels prepares and files with the revenue commissioner of the county written statements sworn and subscribed to showing the name and address of the person and to whom such motor fuels are or have been delivered by the distributor or seller, the volume and kind of such motor fuels and the dates of such withdrawals, and the point or points outside the county to which the motor fuels are delivered, or are to be delivered. Where any excise tax which may be levied hereby upon the sale, use, distribution, storage, or withdrawal from storage of such motor fuels shall have been paid to the revenue commissioner of the county by any person, firm, or corporation, such payment shall be sufficient, the intent being that the tax shall be paid but once. (2) "Property Tax" means an ad valorem tax on the value of taxable property, as assessed for state taxation during the preceding tax year; provided, however, that such tax shall not be levied and assessed against any private passenger automobiles or motor trucks of the type commonly known as "pickups" or "pickup trucks" owned and operated by an individual for personal or private use and not for hire, rent, or compensation. (3) "Sales and Use Tax" means a privilege or license tax levied on account of business activities, in an amount determined by application of applicable rates against gross sales or gross receipts, or an excise tax on storage, use, or other consumption of tangible personal property, as the case may be, which shall parallel, except for the rate of the tax, the state sales and use taxes levied pursuant to Chapter 23, Title 40, of the Code of Alabama 1975, as the same may be amended from time to time; provided, that in the event of the repeal of the statutes imposing the state sales and use taxes, the sales and use tax levied hereunder shall apply to and be imposed upon every person upon whom, had it not been for such repeal, the state sales and use taxes would have been levied. Section III. In addition to all other taxes now or hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, there is hereby levie
AMENDMENT 707 RATIFIED Home Rule in Shelby County. Section 1. Home rule. (a) Except as herein provided, the Shelby County Commission may adopt ordinances, resolutions, or regulations relating to its property, affairs, and county government for which no provision has been made by general law and which is not inconsistent with this Constitution or any local law enacted by the Alabama Legislature. Notwithstanding the general grant of power in the preceding sentence, the Shelby County Commission may not establish or levy any new tax or raise revenue except as authorized by this constitution or by general or local law enacted by the Legislature of the State of Alabama. (b) The Shelby County Commission may fix the salary, compensation, expenses, and other benefits and terms of employment of those employed by the Shelby County Commission except for those subject to the jurisdiction of the Shelby County Law Enforcement Personnel Board, and establish and maintain retirement or pension systems, insurance, workers' compensation, hospitalization, and medical benefits for those employees. The Shelby County Commission shall employ a county manager and other professional staff as it deems appropriate to be authorized and directed to perform any applicable management and administrative function associated with the management of county property and services. Section 2. Supplementary powers. (a) The Shelby County Commission, in addition to, and supplementary of, all powers possessed by or conferred upon Shelby County or otherwise provided by general law, may by ordinance or resolution exercise the following powers, provide and regulate the following services, activities, programs, and facilities related thereto, and establish and provide for civil penalties for violation of its ordinances, rules, and regulations applicable thereto: (1) Police and fire protection. (2) Garbage and solid waste collection and disposal. (3) Public health facilities and services, including hospitals, ambulance and emergency rescue services, and control of dangerous animals and animal nuisances. (4) Public street and road construction and maintenance, including curbs, sidewalks, street lights, and devices to control the flow of traffic. (5) Parks, recreational areas, programs, and facilities. (6) Storm water and sanitary sewage collection and disposal systems. (7) Development, storage, treatment, purification, and distribution of water. (8) Public housing, public buildings, and parking facilities. (9) Public transportation. (10) Libraries, archives, and arts and sciences programs and facilities. (11) Economic development and tourism initiatives, developments, and projects. (12) Adoption of codes, including building, housing, plumbing, and electrical codes for the protection of the public. (13) Litter, trash, and rubbish regulation and control on or adjacent to public roads, streets, or highways, or on or in public buildings, public parks, and public properties. (b) Unless otherwise provided by an act of the Legislature in effect upon ratification of this amendment or unless otherwise provided by general law, Shelby County may not exercise any of the powers listed in subsection (a) or provide any service listed therein inside the corporate limits of any municipality or within any other territory in which a municipality or an instrumentality of a municipality is authorized by an act of the Legislature to exercise the power or provide those services, or within any other county, except by contract with the municipality, municipal instrumentality, or county affected. Section 3. Eminent domain. The Shelby County Commission may exercise the power of eminent domain as is authorized by general law. Section 4. Liability. The Legislature may waive or limit the liability of Shelby County by law. Section 5. Debt limitation. The debt incurred by Shelby County, including debt incurred on behalf of any special district, may never exceed 10 percent of the assessed value of all taxable
AMENDMENT 708 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Programs in Shelby County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. No elected or appointed Shelby County official or sheriff may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every elected or appointed Shelby County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system, and shall be treated as an employee of the county. Shelby County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office. No person may participate in both a supernumerary program and the Employees' Retirement System based on the same service. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed Shelby County official" shall include any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed Shelby County official. The words do not include a judge, county commissioner, district attorney, legislator, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit.
AMENDMENT 709 RATIFIED Education Trust Fund Rainy Day Account. Section I. As used in this amendment, the following words and phrases shall have the following respective meanings: "Alabama Trust Fund" means the irrevocable, permanent trust fund created by Amendment No. 450 to the Constitution of Alabama 1901. "Education Trust Fund Rainy Day Account" means the special account created by this amendment. "Oil and Gas Capital Payment" means any payment (including any royalty payment) received by the state or any agency or instrumentality thereof as all or part of the consideration for the sale, leasing or other disposition by the state or any agency or instrumentality thereof of any right to explore and drill for or to produce oil, gas or other hydrocarbon minerals in any area on the water side of the high water mark of Mobile Bay or in any other offshore area and shall include any revenue by the state from federal oil and gas leases off the coast of Alabama. Any royalty or other payment, with the exception of any taxes heretofore or hereafter levied, that is based upon or determined with respect to the production of oil, gas or other hydrocarbon minerals and that is paid to the state or any agency or instrumentality thereof, regardless of the time of such payment, shall be considered an oil and gas capital payment. Section II. (a) Within thirty days following ratification of this constitutional amendment there shall be created within the Alabama Trust Fund the Education Trust Fund Rainy Day Account. Upon creation, the Education Trust Fund Rainy Day Account shall be credited with Oil and Gas Capital Payments previously transferred into the Alabama Trust Fund up to an amount equal to six percent of the Education Trust Fund appropriations for fiscal year 2002. Once established, no further amounts from the Alabama Trust Fund may be credited to the Education Trust Fund Rainy Day Account except repayments as provided in subsection (b) below. Funds from the Education Trust Fund Rainy Day Account may be withdrawn only to prevent proration of the appropriations for the public schools, public colleges and universities, public schools for the deaf and blind, including all appropriations to the Alabama Institute for the Deaf and Blind, public schools for the mentally ill and retarded, and other entities established by general statute for public school students from the Education Trust Fund subject to the following limitations. For the fiscal year ending September 30, 2002 funds may not be withdrawn from the Education Trust Fund Rainy Day Account unless legislation is enacted during the 2001 4th Special Session of the Legislature which increases Education Trust Fund revenues and reduces Education Trust Fund expenditures by a combined amount of $160 million as certified by the Legislative Fiscal Officer to the Legislature at the same time as the certifications pursuant to Section 16-13-281(c) are made. Beginning in the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2002 withdrawals from the Education Trust Fund Rainy Day Account shall be limited to an amount necessary to reach the average of the estimated available revenue which is to be certified by the Finance Director and the Legislative Fiscal Officer at the same time as the certifications pursuant to Section 16-13-281(c) Code of Alabama 1975 are made. The Governor shall certify to the state comptroller and notify the Legislature that proration would occur in appropriations for the public schools, public colleges and universities, public schools for the deaf and blind, including all appropriations to the Alabama Institute for the Deaf and Blind, public schools for the mentally ill and retarded, and other entities established by general statute for public school students from the Education Trust Fund in accordance with this constitution. Upon the certification by the Governor, and after all other sources available to be used to offset proration have been utilized, withdrawals from the Education Trust Fund
AMENDMENT 710 RATIFIED Costs and Charges of Courts in Lamar County. In addition to any court costs or fees now or hereafter authorized, and notwithstanding any other provisions of the Constitution, including, without limitation, Sections 96, 104, and 105, there shall be an additional fee of one hundred dollars ($100) in misdemeanor drug cases and an additional fee of five hundred dollars ($500) in felony drug convictions assessed and taxed as costs on criminal cases filed in circuit court, district court, or any municipal court in Lamar County. The fees may not be waived by any court unless all other fees, assessments, costs, fines, and charges associated with the cases are waived. The additional fees, when collected by the clerks or other collection officers of the courts, shall be paid into the General Fund of Lamar County to be used by the county commission for the operation and maintenance of the canine unit in the office of the sheriff. This amendment shall be self-executing and shall require no enabling legislation.
AMENDMENT 711 RATIFIED Amendment of Amendment No. 551 Amendment No. 551 to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, is amended to read as follows: The Legislature declares that all volunteer fire departments, including volunteer fire departments that have emergency medical technicians that are members, are organizations that are public in nature and serve to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Montgomery County. In addition to all ad valorem taxes levied for fire protection, the Montgomery County Commission may levy and collect a special ad valorem tax, not to exceed five mills in any year on each dollar of assessed value of the property taxed, on property in the unincorporated area of Montgomery County for the purpose of providing fire protection in the unincorporated area of Montgomery County. The tax provided in this act shall be levied, collected, administered, and enforced at the same time, in the same manner, and under the same requirements and laws as state ad valorem taxes. The officials collecting or assessing the tax shall be entitled to the same fees and compensation as are provided for collecting and assessing ad valorem taxes. The proceeds of the tax shall be paid into the county general fund. Within thirty days after payment into the county general fund, the Montgomery County Commission shall pay the funds to the Montgomery County Association of Volunteer Firefighters, hereafter referred to as the county association. The county association shall distribute the funds as follows: (1) 60 percent shall be divided equally among all eligible volunteer fire departments. (2) 30 percent shall be divided according to a percentage based upon the monies collected in a fire district compared to the total monies collected. The county association shall notify the Revenue Commissioner within 30 days after this act becomes operative of the designated fire districts. The boundaries of the fire districts may be rearranged at the discretion of the county association as they deem necessary, from time to time, to maximize fire protection services in the county. (3) Ten percent of the money shall be designated as discretionary fund of the county association to be used for any expenditure otherwise allowable under this act. In order to be an eligible volunteer fire department for purposes of this act, a volunteer fire department shall be in good standing with the Montgomery County Association of Volunteer Firefighters. Funds disbursed to eligible volunteer fire departments pursuant to this act shall be expended only for fire protection and emergency medical services, including but not limited to, training, supplies, buildings, capital improvements, equipment, insurance, professional services, and dues. The funds shall not be expended for food, drink, social activities, or fund-raising activities. After receiving the funds, the volunteer fire departments shall keep accurate records to verify that the funds are properly expended. By September 15th of each year, the department shall file a report with the county association detailing the expenditure of all funds during the previous twelve months and setting out a schedule of all proposed projects. The filing shall account for all unspent funds and whether unspent funds have been obligated. Unspent funds that have not been obligated which exceed the amount of total receipts paid to the department for the prior year from this tax shall be returned to the county association for redistribution equally among the other fire departments. The county association shall supply the accounting forms to each eligible volunteer fire department. The copy of the year-end report shall be filed with the county commission and shall be audited by the Examiners of Public Accounts of the state on the same basis as county funds are audited. Upon dissolution or abandonment of an eligible volunteer fire department, all remaining funds derived from this act or assets purchased with the funds deriv
AMENDMENT 712 RATIFIED Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Montgomery County. (a) This amendment shall not apply to the City of Montgomery in Montgomery County. (b) The governing body of any incorporated municipality in Montgomery County to which this amendment applies may levy and impose a special ad valorem tax, not to exceed five mills in any year, on each dollar of assessed value of the property taxed, on property in the incorporated area of municipality for the purpose of financing fire protection and emergency medical services within the boundaries of the municipality. Financing such services may include, but not be limited to, entering contracts for the services with existing fire departments, volunteer fire departments, and emergency medical service providers. (c) The Legislature by local law may provide for the administration, collection, and allocation of any revenues from the ad valorem taxes levied and imposed under this amendment so long as the allocations are made solely for fire protection and emergency medical services.
AMENDMENT 713 RATIFIED Promotion of Economic and Industrial Development in Montgomery County. For the promotion of local economic and industrial development, the Montgomery County Commission and the City Council of the City of Montgomery, any other provision of law or of this Constitution notwithstanding, shall have, independently or in cooperation with one another, full and continuing power to do any of the following: (1) Use public funds to purchase, lease, or otherwise acquire land, or to utilize land heretofore purchased or otherwise acquired, and improve and develop such land for use as sites for industry of any kind or as industrial park projects, including, but not limited to, grading and the construction of roads, drainage, sewers, sewage and waste disposal systems, parking areas, and utilities to serve such sites or projects. (2) Lease, sell, grant, exchange, or otherwise convey, on terms approved by the governing body of the county or the City of Montgomery, as applicable, all or any part of any site or industrial park project to any individual, firm, corporation, or other business entity, public or private, including any industrial development board or other public corporation or authority heretofore or hereafter created by the county or any municipality therein, for the purpose of constructing, developing, equipping, and operating industrial, commercial, research, or service facilities of any kind. (3) Lend its credit to or grant public funds and things of value in aid of or to any individual, firm, corporation, or other business entity, public or private, for the purpose of promoting the economic and industrial development of Montgomery County or the City of Montgomery. In carrying out the purposes of this amendment, neither Montgomery County nor the City of Montgomery shall be subject to Section 93 or 94 of this Constitution. Each public corporation heretofore created by Montgomery County or by the City of Montgomery, including specifically any industrial development board incorporated under Chapter 54, Article 4, Title ll of the Code of Alabama 1975, and any industrial development authority incorporated or reincorporated under Chapter 92A, Title ll of the Code of Alabama 1975, is validated and the powers granted to such board or authority under its respective enabling legislation are validated notwithstanding any other provision of law or of this Constitution. The powers granted in this amendment may be exercised as an alternative to, or cumulative with, and in no way restrictive of, powers otherwise granted by law to the county, or to any municipality, or to any agency, board, or authority created pursuant to the laws of this state. Neither Montgomery County nor the City of Montgomery shall lend its credit to or grant any public funds or thing of value to or in aid of any private entity under the authority of this amendment unless prior thereto: (i) the action proposed to be taken by Montgomery County or the City of Montgomery is at a public meeting of the governing body of the county or city, as the case may be, by a resolution containing a determination by such governing body that the expenditure of public funds for such purpose will serve a valid and sufficient public purpose, notwithstanding any incidental benefit accruing to any private entity or entities; and (ii) at least seven days prior to the public meeting, a notice is published in the newspaper having the largest circulation in the county or in the city, as the case may be, describing in reasonable detail the action proposed to be taken, a description of the public benefits sought to be achieved by such action, and identifying each individual, firm, corporation, or other business entity to whom or for whose benefit the county or the city proposes to lend its credit or grant public funds or thing of value. For purposes of the foregoing, any sale, lease, or other disposition of property for a price equal to the fair market value thereof shall not cons
AMENDMENT 714 RATIFIED Procedure for Ratification and Adoption of Proposed Constitution of Alabama. Any proposed Constitution of Alabama adopted to replace the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, whether adopted by a constitutional convention pursuant to Section 286 or by any other constitutionally authorized method now in existence or subsequently adopted, shall become effective only if the proposed constitution is ratified by a majority of the qualified electors of the state voting on the question of such ratification. Prior to the ratification election, the text of the proposed constitution shall be published in the same manner as the proclamation of the election. The proposed constitution shall be published on a separate sheet or sheets and circulated with the newspapers in which the proclamation is published. The Legislature may also provide for other methods of publishing the text of the proposed constitution. The result of the election shall be made known by proclamation of the Governor. If the proposed constitution is ratified as provided in this amendment, it shall become effective on the first day of January following ratification, unless otherwise provided in the ratified constitution. If the ratified constitution provides otherwise, the effective date shall be as provided in the ratified constitution. The Legislature shall provide for the notice, and procedures related to the election, canvassing, proclamation, and costs which are in conformity with this amendment. If proposed by convention, the election shall be held at the next general election not less than 90 days following adjournment of the convention at which it was proposed.
AMENDMENT 715 RATIFIED Organization and Promotion of Sheep and Goat Industry. The Legislature, by general law, may provide for the promotion of the production, distribution, improvement, marketing, use, and sale of sheep or goats. The Legislature may provide for the promotion of sheep and goats and their products by research, education, advertising, and other methods. The Legislature may provide means and methods for the financing of any promotional activity by prescribing a procedure whereby producers of sheep and goats may levy upon themselves and collect assessments, fees, or charges upon the sale of sheep and goats for the financing of any promotional program or activity in cooperation with buyers, processors, dealers, distributors, and handlers of sheep and goats. The Legislature may make provisions for the nonpayment of assessments by sheep and goat producers and shall make provisions for the refund of assessments to any producer of sheep or goats who does not desire to participate in an assessment program. The Legislature shall provide for the collection, disbursement, distribution, or expenditure of assessments or charges authorized by this amendment and provide penalties for failure to make the collection and distribution of assessments. The Legislature shall provide for the designation of a nonprofit association or organization for the promotion and betterment of sheep and goats and their products to administer and carry out any promotional program which shall include the conducting of elections or referendums among producers of sheep and goats. The Legislature may provide the manner by which a referendum is held, including the procedure for application for approval to conduct the referendum, the appropriate action to be taken by the State Board of Agriculture and Industries on an application, the requirements and eligibility of the association or organization which will conduct the referendum, the procedures for voting and eligibility to vote in the referendum, and the details of the conduct of the referendum. The Legislature shall further provide for the deposit, withdrawal, disbursement, and expenditure by the designated association of any funds received subject to the supervision and control of the activities as authorized by the Department of Agriculture and Industries and the State Board of Agriculture and Industries. The Legislature shall further provide a procedure for the association or organization to be bonded, for the examination and auditing of the association or organization, and for reasonably necessary rules and regulations to be adopted by the State Board of Agriculture and Industries to effectively carry out the intent and purposes of this amendment. Assessments, fees, or other charges collected as authorized by any legislative act adopted under authority of this amendment are not to be considered a tax within the meaning of this constitution or any other provisions. Any uniformity requirements of this constitution shall be satisfied by the application of the program upon the sheep and goat industry.
AMENDMENT 716 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Programs in Baldwin County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. No person elected or appointed sheriff, or any elected or appointed Baldwin County official, may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every sheriff and elected or appointed Baldwin County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Baldwin County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office; provided, however, the official shall forego the assumption of a supernumerary office. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed county official" shall include any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed county official, but shall not include a judge, district attorney, legislator, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit.
AMENDMENT 717 RATIFIED Employees Subject to Authority of Sheriff's Personnel Board in Baldwin County. No later than the first day of the sixth month after ratification of this amendment, employees of the Office of the Sheriff of Baldwin County, except for the chief deputy, chief corrections officer, chief civil deputy, financial officer, and personnel officer, shall be under the authority of the Baldwin County Sheriff's Personnel Board. The provisions of this amendment shall not affect the liability of the employees of the Office of the Sheriff of Baldwin County.
AMENDMENT 718 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Programs in Blount County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. No elected or appointed Blount County official may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every elected or appointed Blount County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system; provided, the official shall forego the assumption of a supernumerary office. Blount County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office; provided, however, that costs associated with the purchase of prior service credit as prescribed in Section 36-27-6.1, shall be the responsibility of the official making the purchase. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed county official" shall include any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed county official, but shall not include a judge, district attorney, legislator, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit.
AMENDMENT 719 RATIFIED Promotion of Economic and Industrial Development in Butler County. For the promotion of local economic and industrial development, Butler County and any municipality therein, any other provision of law or of this Constitution notwithstanding, shall have, independently or in cooperation with one another, full and continuing power to do any of the following: (1) Use public funds to purchase, lease, or otherwise acquire land, or to utilize land heretofore purchased or otherwise acquired, and improve and develop such land for use as sites for industry of any kind or as industrial park projects, including, but not limited to, grading and the construction of roads, drainage, sewers, sewage and waste disposal systems, parking areas, and utilities to serve such sites or projects. (2) Lease, sell, grant, exchange, or otherwise convey, on terms approved by the governing body of the county or the municipality, as applicable, all or any part of any site or industrial park project to any individual, firm, corporation, or other business entity, public or private, including any industrial development board or other public corporation or authority heretofore or hereafter created by the county or any municipality therein, for the purpose of constructing, developing, equipping, and operating industrial, commercial, research, or service facilities of any kind. (3) Lend its credit to or grant public funds and things of value in aid of or to any individual, firm, corporation, or other business entity, public or private, for the purpose of promoting the economic and industrial development of Butler County or any municipality therein. In carrying out the purposes of this amendment, neither Butler County nor any municipality therein shall be subject to Section 93 or 94 of this Constitution. Each public corporation heretofore created by Butler County or by any municipality therein, including specifically any industrial development board incorporated under Chapter 54, Article 4, Title ll of the Code of Alabama 1975, and any industrial development authority incorporated or reincorporated under Chapter 92A, Title ll of the Code of Alabama 1975, is validated and the powers granted to such board or authority under its respective enabling legislation are validated notwithstanding any other provision of law or of this Constitution. The powers granted in this amendment may be exercised as an alternative to, or cumulative with, and in no way restrictive of, powers otherwise granted by law to the county, or to any municipality, or to any agency, board, or authority created pursuant to the laws of this state. Neither Butler County nor any municipality therein shall lend its credit to or grant any public funds or thing of value to or in aid of any private entity under the authority of this amendment unless prior thereto: (i) the action proposed to be taken by Butler County or any municipality therein is at a public meeting of the governing body of the county or city, as the case may be, by a resolution containing a determination by such governing body that the expenditure of public funds for such purpose will serve a valid and sufficient public purpose, notwithstanding any incidental benefit accruing to any private entity or entities; and (ii) at least seven days prior to the public meeting, a notice is published in the newspaper having the largest circulation in the county or in the city, as the case may be, describing in reasonable detail the action proposed to be taken, a description of the public benefits sought to be achieved by such action, and identifying each individual, firm, corporation, or other business entity to whom or for whose benefit the county or the city proposes to lend its credit or grant public funds or thing of value. For purposes of the foregoing, any sale, lease, or other disposition of property for a price equal to the fair market value thereof shall not constitute the lending of credit or a grant of public funds o
AMENDMENT 720 RATIFIED Amendment of Amendment No. 291. Amendment No. 291 to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, is amended to read as follows: In addition to any taxes now authorized or that may be hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, each school district in Calhoun county, except the school district comprising the city of Anniston, shall have the power to levy and collect for public school purposes in such district an annual special ad valorem tax on the taxable properties in such district at a rate not exceeding in any one year five mills on each dollar of the value of the said properties as the same shall be assessed for state taxation; provided that prior to the levy of any special tax authorized in this paragraph, there shall be submitted to the electors of the district in which the tax is proposed to be levied, at a special election called for that purpose in the said district, the question of whether the said tax or any part thereof shall be levied, the rate thereof, and the purpose thereof, and the said tax shall be authorized at such election by a majority of the qualified electors of the district voting at such election; provided further, that if a majority of the qualified electors of any of the said districts participating in the election on the ratification of this amendment shall vote for the ratification of this amendment, then the approval of this amendment as expressed by the vote in said district in favor of its ratification shall, of itself, authorize the levy and collection of the said special tax for public school purposes in that district and will become due and payable to the said district on the October 1 next following the date of the said election on the ratification of this amendment. Any tax previously levied and approved pursuant to this amendment and any and all taxes levied and approved pursuant to this Constitution and any other amendments thereto shall remain effective for an indefinite period of time until specifically repealed by law. Elections on the question of the levy of a district tax under the provisions of this amendment may be held at any time and from time to time, provided, that if at any such election held after the ratification of this amendment the proposal to levy the tax so submitted should be defeated then the proposal may not be submitted at another election held in the same district within one year from the last election held under this amendment. Each such election held after the ratification of this amendment shall be called and held, the results declared, and the tax levied and collected in the same manner as now or hereafter provided by law in the case of school district taxes authorized by amendment III [3] to the Constitution of Alabama, except that no countywide tax shall be required as a condition precedent for a district tax under this amendment. The funds arising from the district tax herein authorized to be levied in each school district shall be expended for the exclusive benefit of the school district in which such district tax is levied. Nothing in this amendment shall be deemed to prevent the consolidation of any two or more school districts in Calhoun county in accordance with the applicable provisions of general law.
AMENDMENT 721 RATIFIED Extension of Special Ad Valorem Tax for Public Library Purposes in Chambers County. (a) Subject to the succeeding provisions of this amendment, the governing body of Chambers County shall continue to levy and provide for the collection of the special county ad valorem tax authorized by Amendment 554 of this constitution at the existing rate of 20 cents ($.20) on each one hundred dollars ($100) of taxable property in the county for an additional 10 years commencing on October 1, 2003, and expiring on September 30, 2013. (b) The proceeds from the ad valorem tax which shall continue to be levied under subsection (a) of this amendment shall continue to be used for public library purposes in Chambers County in the same manner prescribed in subsections (a) and (b) of Amendment 554 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, for the use of the ad valorem tax proceeds collected pursuant to Amendment 554. (c) The provisions of this amendment shall be self-executing and no further referendum or action by the Legislature shall be a prerequisite to continuing the levy and collection of the tax herein authorized. The county governing body shall provide for the administration and collection of the tax.
AMENDMENT 722 RATIFIED Civil Service Merit System for Certain Employees in Chilton County. The Legislature, by local law applicable only in Chilton County, may provide for the establishment of a civil service merit system for employees of the Office of Sheriff of Chilton County, including deputy sheriffs, county law enforcement officers, radio operators, jailers, and any other support personnel who work for the sheriff, except for the chief deputy.
AMENDMENT 723 RATIFIED Promotion of Economic and Industrial Development in Coffee County. For the promotion of local economic and industrial development, the Coffee County Commission and the governing body of any city or municipality located within Coffee County, any other provision of law or of this Constitution notwithstanding, shall have, independently or in cooperation with one another, full and continuing power to do any of the following: (1) Use public funds to purchase, lease, or otherwise acquire land, or to utilize land heretofore purchased or otherwise acquired, and improve and develop such land for use as sites for industry of any kind or as industrial park projects, including, but not limited to, grading and the construction of roads, drainage, sewers, sewage and waste disposal systems, parking areas, and utilities to serve such sites or projects. (2) Lease, sell, grant, exchange, or otherwise convey, on terms approved by the governing body of the county or any city or municipality located therein, as applicable, all or any part of any site or industrial park project to any individual, firm, corporation, or other business entity, public or private, including any industrial development board or other public corporation or authority heretofore or hereafter created by the county or any municipality therein, for the purpose of constructing, developing, equipping, and operating industrial, commercial, research, or service facilities of any kind. (3) Lend its credit to or grant public funds and things of value in aid of or to any individual, firm, corporation, or other business entity, public or private, for the purpose of promoting the economic and industrial development of Coffee County or any city or municipality located therein. In carrying out the purposes of this amendment, neither Coffee County nor any city or municipality located therein shall be subject to Section 93 or 94 of this Constitution. Each public corporation heretofore created by Coffee County or by any city or municipality located therein, including specifically any industrial development board incorporated under Chapter 54, Article 4, Title ll of the Code of Alabama 1975, and any industrial development authority incorporated or reincorporated under Chapter 92A, Title ll of the Code of Alabama 1975, is validated and the powers granted to such board or authority under its respective enabling legislation are validated notwithstanding any other provision of law or of this Constitution. The powers granted in this amendment may be exercised as an alternative to, or cumulative with, and in no way restrictive of, powers otherwise granted by law to the county, or to any municipality, or to any agency, board, or authority created pursuant to the laws of this state. Neither Coffee County nor any city or municipality located therein shall lend its credit to or grant any public funds or thing of value to or in aid of any private entity under the authority of this amendment unless prior thereto: (i) the action proposed to be taken by Coffee County or any city or municipality located therein is at a public meeting of the governing body of the county or city, as the case may be, by a resolution containing a determination by such governing body that the expenditure of public funds for such purpose will serve a valid and sufficient public purpose, notwithstanding any incidental benefit accruing to any private entity or entities; and (ii) at least seven days prior to the public meeting, a notice is published in the newspaper having the largest circulation in the county or in the city, as the case may be, describing in reasonable detail the action proposed to be taken, a description of the public benefits sought to be achieved by such action, and identifying each individual, firm, corporation, or other business entity to whom or for whose benefit the county or the city proposes to lend its credit or grant public funds or thing of value. For purposes of the foregoing, an
AMENDMENT 724 RATIFIED Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Coosa County. The Legislature, from time to time, by local law may authorize the county governing body of Coosa County to levy and collect fees, annually not to exceed thirty dollars ($30) on each residence and fifty dollars ($50) on each business located within the county, for fire protection services and emergency medical care. The local law may provide for the distribution of the fees to volunteer fire departments and to emergency medical technicians who are members of volunteer fire departments, or provide for the distribution of the fees to an association of volunteer fire departments to be distributed by the association for the same purposes.
AMENDMENT 725 RATIFIED Promotion of Economic and Industrial Development in Covington County. For the promotion of local economic and industrial development of Covington County, the Covington County Commission, and the city councils of each municipality located in the county having a population of over 1,500 based on the 2000 decennial census, shall have, independently or in cooperation with one or more of such governmental entities, full and continuing power to do any of the following: (1) Purchase, construct, develop, equip, operate, lease, or otherwise acquire real property, plants, buildings, factories, works, facilities, machinery, and equipment of any kind. (2) Lease, sell for cash, or on credit, exchange, give, and convey any such property described in subdivision (1), to any person, firm, association, corporation or entity, public, or private, including, but not limited to, a duly authorized industrial development board or economic development commission or airport authority serving the county or any such municipalities. (3) Promote local industrial, commercial, or agricultural development and the location of new industries or business therein. (4) Become a stockholder or equity owner in any corporation, association, company, or entity. (5) Lend its credit or grant public moneys and things of value in aid of any individual, firm, association, corporation, or entity whatsoever. (6) Become indebted and issue and sell bonds, warrants, which may be payable from funds to be realized in future years, notes or other obligations, or evidences of indebtedness, to a principal amount not exceeding 50 percent of the assessed value of taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in order to secure funds for the purchase, construction, lease, or acquisition of any of the property described in subdivision (1) or to be used in furtherance of any of the other powers or authorities granted in this amendment. Such obligations or evidences of indebtedness may be issued upon the full faith and credit of the county or any such municipality or may be limited as to the source of their payment. (7) Create a public board, agency, authority, commission, corporation, or other entity having such powers, managed and governed by such board or governing body and subject to such limitations as the governing body of the county or any such municipality may impose, by approving and filing a certificate to that effect in the office of the judge of probate or the Secretary of State, or their respective successors in function, and delegate to such public board, agency, authority, commission, corporation, or other entity and its board or governing body all powers and authority conferred in this amendment upon the county or any such municipality. In carrying out the purposes of this amendment, neither Covington County nor the municipalities shall be subject to Sections 93 or 94 of this Constitution. Each public corporation heretofore created by Covington County or by the municipalities, including specifically any industrial development board or authority, any economic development commission or authority, or any airport authority is validated and the powers granted to such board, commission, or authority under its respective enabling legislation are validated notwithstanding any other provision of law or of this Constitution. The powers granted in this amendment may be exercised as an alternative to, or cumulative with, and in no way restrictive of, powers otherwise granted by law to the county, or to any such municipality, or to any agency, board, corporation, commission, or authority created pursuant to the laws of this state. Neither Covington County nor the municipalities shall lend its credit to or grant any public funds or thing of value to or in aid of any private entity under the authority of this amendment unless prior thereto: (i) the action proposed to be taken by Covington County or any such municipality is approved at a public meeting
AMENDMENT 726 RATIFIED Costs and Charges of Courts in Crenshaw County. (a) In addition to any court costs and fees now or hereafter authorized in Crenshaw County, and notwithstanding any other provisions of the Constitution, including, without limitation, Sections 96, 104, and 105, the Crenshaw County Commission may impose an additional fee in an amount not to exceed thirty-five dollars ($35) on each civil and criminal case, including traffic cases, filed in the circuit court, district court, or any municipal court in Crenshaw County. These fees shall not be waived by any court unless all other fees, assessments, costs, fines, and charges associated with the case are waived. (b) The additional fees, when collected by the clerks or other collection officers of the courts, shall be paid into the General Fund of Crenshaw County to be used by the county commission for the planning, designing, constructing, operating, furnishing, equipping, and financing of a county jail. The Crenshaw County Commission may set and adjust by resolution the fees within the limits authorized by this amendment based on the needs associated with the planning, designing, constructing, operating, furnishing, equipping, and financing of a county jail.
AMENDMENT 727 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Programs in Crenshaw County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. No person elected or appointed sheriff, or any elected or appointed Crenshaw County official may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every elected or appointed Crenshaw County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Crenshaw County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed county official" shall include any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed county official, but shall not include a judge, district attorney, legislator, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit.
AMENDMENT 728 RATIFIED Amendment of Amendment No. 637. Amendment 637 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901 is amended to read as follows: (a) In addition to all other ad valorem taxes levied, the DeKalb County Commission may levy on an annual basis, commencing with the tax year beginning October 1, 1998, an ad valorem tax on all taxable property located in DeKalb County, excluding taxable property located within the city limits of Fort Payne, at a rate of three mills per dollar of assessed value of the taxable property. The proceeds of the tax levied pursuant to this amendment shall be paid into the county general fund and distributed for the benefit of fire protection only. (b) Within 30 days of payment into the county general fund, the county commission shall pay the funds to the DeKalb County Association of Fire Departments, Incorporated. At each quarterly meeting of the association, the funds shall be divided between all eligible volunteer fire departments and the DeKalb County Association of Fire Departments so that each volunteer fire department receives an equal share of the funds and the county association receives an amount equal to the total of three of the equal shares received by the volunteer fire departments. Of the three share total distributed to the county association, one-third or one share may be used for administrative duties, the other two-thirds or two shares may be used for fire protection services in those areas not adequately covered by a fire department or for additional fire service equipment purchases on a countywide basis, or both. The county commission and the county association may jointly establish rules regarding the transfer, investing, accounting, and handling of the funds, including but not limited to, any funds which have accrued since October 1, 1998, and have not been distributed as of the ratification date of this amendment. (c) Funds paid to eligible volunteer fire departments shall only be expended for fire protection services, including training, supplies, buildings, capital improvements, and equipment. An eligible volunteer fire department shall mean a volunteer fire department located in DeKalb County that is certified under the guidelines of the Alabama Forestry Commission, has at least an ISO class 9 rating, and is a member in good standing of the DeKalb County Association, Incorporated. The funds may not be expended for salaries, food, drink, social activities, or fund-raising activities. After receiving funds, the eligible volunteer fire departments shall keep accurate records to verify that the funds were properly expended. By September 15th of each year, each eligible volunteer fire department shall file a form with the county association detailing the expenditures of all funds during the previous 12 months and setting out a schedule of all proposed projects. The filing shall also account for all unspent funds and whether the unspent funds have been obligated. The county association shall supply the accounting forms to each eligible volunteer fire department. (d) Upon dissolution or abandonment of any eligible volunteer fire department, any remaining funds shall, after all indebtedness has been satisfied, be transferred to the county association. (e) The personnel of volunteer fire departments shall not be considered as employees, servants, or agents of the county and the members of the county commission and the employees of the county shall not be liable in either their official capacity or in a private capacity for the actions of the personnel of volunteer fire departments.
AMENDMENT 729 RATIFIED Promotion of Economic and Industrial Development in Henry County. For the promotion of local economic and industrial development of Henry County, the Henry County Economic Development Authority, Incorporated, an Alabama nonprofit corporation, the Henry County Commission, and the city council of each municipality located in the county, shall have, independently or in cooperation with one or more of such governmental entities, full and continuing power to do any of the following: (1) Purchase, construct, lease, or otherwise acquire real property, plants, buildings, factories, works, facilities, machinery, and equipment of any kind. (2) Lease, sell for cash or on credit, exchange, give, and convey any such property described in subdivision (1), to any person, firm, association, or corporation. (3) Promote local industrial, commercial, or agricultural development and the location of new industries or business therein. (4) Become a stockholder in any corporation, association, or company. (5) Lend its credit or to grant public moneys and things of value in aid of, to any individual, firm, association, or corporation whatsoever. (6) Become indebted and issue and sell bonds, warrants, which may be payable from funds to be realized in future years, notes or other obligations, or evidences of indebtedness to a principal amount not exceeding 50 percent of the assessed value of taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in order to secure funds for the purchase, construction, lease, or acquisition of any of the property described in subdivision (1) or to be used in furtherance of any of the other powers or authorities granted in this amendment. Such obligations or evidences of indebtedness may be issued upon the full faith and credit of the county or any such municipality or may be limited as to the source of their payment. (7) Create a public authority or corporation having such powers, managed and governed by such board or governing body and subject to such limitations as the governing body of the county or any such municipality may impose, by approving and filing a certificate to that effect in the office of the judge of probate or the Secretary of State, or their respective successors in function, and delegate to such public authority or corporation and its board or governing body all powers and authority conferred in this amendment upon the county or any such municipality. The recital in any bonds, warrants, notes, or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness that they were issued pursuant to this amendment or that they were issued to provide funds to be used in furtherance of any power or authority herein authorized shall be conclusive, and no purchaser or holder thereof need inquire further. The bonds, warrants, notes, or other obligations or evidences or indebtedness issued hereunder shall not be considered an indebtedness of the county or any such municipality for the purpose of determining the borrowing capacity of the county or any such municipality under Section 234 or Section 225 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901. In carrying out the purposes of this amendment, neither the county nor any municipality shall be subject to the provisions of Section 94 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901. This amendment shall be self-executing, but notwithstanding any contrary provisions of Section 104 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, the Legislature may by general, special, or local act adopt laws supplemental to this amendment or in furtherance of the purposes and objectives hereinabove set forth. No such special or local act shall be subject to the provisions of Section 106 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to confer upon the Henry County Commission or the City Council of any municipality located in this county, or any public authority created pursuant to this amendment, the authority to purchase, construct, lease, control or otherwise acq
AMENDMENT 730 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Programs in Jackson County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. No person elected or appointed sheriff, or any elected or appointed Jackson County official may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every elected or appointed Jackson County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Jackson County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed county official" shall include, subject only to express limitation, any person elected to represent Jackson County in any representation body of the state and includes any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed county official, but shall not include a judge, district attorney, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit.
AMENDMENT 731 RATIFIED Amendment to Amendment No. 691. Amendment 691 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, is amended to read as follows: Amendment No. 691 No elected or appointed Lawrence County official, including the sheriff, may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every elected or appointed Lawrence County official, including the sheriff, may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Lawrence County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment, or any amendment thereto, shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office. No person may participate in both a supernumerary program and the Employees' Retirement System based on the same service. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed Lawrence County official" include, subject only to express limitation, any person elected to represent Lawrence County in any representative body of the state, including the sheriff, and includes any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed Lawrence County official. The words do not include a judge, legislator, district attorney, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit.
AMENDMENT 732 RATIFIED Bingo Games in Town of White Hall. (a) The operation of bingo games, including media bingo, for prizes or money by nonprofit organizations, which shall include the Town of White Hall or any agency thereof, for charitable, educational, or other lawful purposes shall be legal in the Town of White Hall that is located in Lowndes County, subject to any resolution or ordinance by the town council. The town council shall have the authority to promulgate rules and regulations for the licensing and operation of bingo games within its jurisdiction provided, however, the town council shall insure compliance pursuant to any ordinance and the following provisions: (1) No person under the age of 18 years shall be permitted to play any game or games of bingo, nor shall any person under the age of 19 years be permitted to conduct or assist in the operation of any game of bingo. (2) No bingo license shall be issued to any nonprofit organization, unless the organization shall have been in existence for at least two years immediately prior to the issuance of the permit or license. (3) Bingo games shall be operated only on the premises owned or leased by the nonprofit organization operating the bingo game. If the premises are leased, the rate of rental shall not be based on a percentage of receipts or profits resulting from the operation of bingo games unless such percentage is established by promulgated rules and regulations authorized by the town council. (4) A nonprofit organization may enter into any contract with any individual, firm, association, or corporation to have the individual or entity operate bingo games or concessions on behalf of the nonprofit organization. No nonprofit organization shall pay consulting fees to any individual or entity for any services performed in relation to the operation or conduct of a bingo game. (5) A nonprofit organization shall not lend its name or allow its identity to be used by another person or entity in the operating or advertising of a bingo game in which the nonprofit organization is not directly and solely operating the bingo game. (6) Prizes given by any nonprofit organization for the playing of bingo games shall not exceed the cash amount or gifts of equivalent value set by regulations. (7) No tax shall be levied on any game permitted by this amendment, nor shall any person or organization, by whatever name or composition thereof, take any expense for the operation of a bingo game except as permitted by law. (b) The town council may provide for the implementation of this amendment by the adoption of any resolution or ordinance as provided heretofore. (c) The provisions of this amendment are complimentary and supplemental to any amendment heretofore ratified authorizing the operation of bingo games in the Town of White Hall located in Lowndes County. (d) Any person who violates the regulations provided under the provisions of this amendment shall be guilty of a Class C misdemeanor upon the first conviction under this amendment and any subsequent violation shall be a Class A misdemeanor.
AMENDMENT 733 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Programs in Marengo County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. No person elected or appointed sheriff, or any elected or appointed Marengo County official, may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every sheriff and elected or appointed Marengo County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Marengo County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office; provided, however, the official shall forego the assumption of a supernumerary office. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed county official" shall include any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed official, but shall not include a judge, district attorney, legislator, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit.
AMENDMENT 734 RATIFIED Amendment of Amendment No. 592. Amendment 592 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, is amended to read as follows: Amendment No. 592 No elected or appointed Morgan County official, including the sheriff, may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every elected or appointed Morgan County official, including the sheriff, may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Morgan County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment, or any amendment thereto, shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office; provided, however, the official shall forego the assumption of a supernumerary office. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed county official" shall include any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed county official, but shall not include a judge, district attorney, legislator, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit.
AMENDMENT 735 RATIFIED Costs and Charges of Courts in Perry County. The Legislature, by general or local law, may fix, alter, and regulate the costs and charges of courts in Perry County and provide for their distribution.
AMENDMENT 736 RATIFIED Amendment of Amendment No. 507. Amendment No. 507. In addition to any court costs and fees now or hereafter authorized to be collected in Russell County, the County Commission of Russell County may assess a fee not to exceed thirty dollars ($30.00) upon the privilege of filing an initial complaint in all civil and criminal cases filed in any court in the county, as well as a fee not to exceed five dollars ($5.00) for the service of all pleadings and other documents in connection with any action or case. All fees shall be paid into the county general fund and shall be applied exclusively for payment of the cost of the planning, construction, equipping, maintaining, and operating of the county jail, or for the payment of the principal of and interest on any bonds, warrants, or other obligations issued by or on behalf of the county to finance the costs of the jail, as well as the expenses of issuance of any bonds, warrants, or other obligations.
AMENDMENT 737 RATIFIED Promotion of Economic and Industrial Development in Russell County. For the promotion of local economic and industrial development, Russell County and any municipality therein, any other provision of law or of this Constitution notwithstanding, shall have, independently or in cooperation with one another, full and continuing power to do any of the following: (1) Use public funds to purchase, lease, or otherwise acquire land, or to utilize land heretofore purchased or otherwise acquired, and improve and develop such land for use as sites for industry of any kind or as industrial park projects, including, but not limited to, grading and the construction of roads, drainage, sewers, sewage and waste disposal systems, parking areas, and utilities to serve such sites or projects. (2) Lease, sell, grant, exchange, or otherwise convey, on terms approved by the governing body of the county or the municipality, as applicable, all or any part of any site or industrial park project to any individual, firm, corporation, or other business entity, public or private, including any industrial development board or other public corporation or authority heretofore or hereafter created by the county or any municipality therein, for the purpose of constructing, developing, equipping, and operating industrial, commercial, research, or service facilities of any kind. (3) Lend its credit to or grant public funds and things of value in aid of or to any individual, firm, corporation, or other business entity, public or private, for the purpose of promoting the economic and industrial development of Russell County or any municipality therein. In carrying out the purposes of this amendment, neither Russell County nor any municipality therein shall be subject to Section 93 or 94 of this Constitution. Each public corporation heretofore created by Russell County or by any municipality therein, including specifically any industrial development board incorporated under Chapter 54, Article 4, Title ll of the Code of Alabama 1975, and any industrial development authority incorporated or reincorporated under Chapter 92A, Title ll of the Code of Alabama 1975, is validated and the powers granted to such board or authority under its respective enabling legislation are validated notwithstanding any other provision of law or of this Constitution. The powers granted in this amendment may be exercised as an alternative to, or cumulative with, and in no way restrictive of, powers otherwise granted by law to the county, or to any municipality, or to any agency, board, or authority created pursuant to the laws of this state. Neither Russell County nor any municipality therein shall lend its credit to or grant any public funds or thing of value to or in aid of any private entity under the authority of this amendment unless prior thereto: (i) the action proposed to be taken by Russell County or any municipality therein is at a public meeting of the governing body of the county or city, as the case may be, by a resolution containing a determination by such governing body that the expenditure of public funds for such purpose will serve a valid and sufficient public purpose, notwithstanding any incidental benefit accruing to any private entity or entities; and (ii) at least seven days prior to the public meeting, a notice is published in the newspaper having the largest circulation in the county or in the city, as the case may be, describing in reasonable detail the action proposed to be taken, a description of the public benefits sought to be achieved by such action, and identifying each individual, firm, corporation, or other business entity to whom or for whose benefit the county or the city proposes to lend its credit or grant public funds or thing of value. For purposes of the foregoing, any sale, lease, or other disposition of property for a price equal to the fair market value thereof shall not constitute the lending of credit or a grant of public
AMENDMENT 738 RATIFIED Council-Manager Form of Government in City of Talladega. (a) This amendment applies only to the City of Talladega in Talladega County. (b) The council-manager form of government shall become operative in the city on the first Monday in October following the next municipal election of the city council and mayor. (c) At the next municipal election and at municipal elections thereafter, a city council composed of five members elected from single-member districts and a mayor elected from the city at-large shall be elected. The five members of the council shall initially be elected from the same districts as the current city council. The mayor shall not serve on the council or participate in the adoption of ordinances or in other matters coming before the council. (d) The city council shall employ a city manager under the terms and conditions it shall provide. The current city clerk shall continue to serve until the position becomes vacant, but shall serve under the direction of the city manager. (e) The mayor shall serve on a part-time basis and shall be recognized as the head of the municipal government for all ceremonial purposes, but shall have no other administrative duties. The salary of the mayor shall be set by the council to reflect a part-time position. (f) Except as otherwise provided in this amendment, the city shall operate under the council-manager form of government as provided in Chapter 43A of Title 11, Code of Alabama 1975, or as otherwise provided by general law. (g) The city may exercise any powers granted to municipalities pursuant to general law. (h) The City of Talladega shall remain under the council-manager form of government unless this amendment is repealed.
AMENDMENT 739 RATIFIED Promotion of Economic and Industrial Development in Tallapoosa County. For the promotion of local economic and industrial development, Tallapoosa County and any municipality therein, any other provision of law or of this Constitution notwithstanding, shall have, independently or in cooperation with one another, full and continuing power to do any of the following: (1) Use public funds to purchase, lease, or otherwise acquire land, or to utilize land heretofore purchased or otherwise acquired, and improve and develop such land for use as sites for industry of any kind or as industrial park projects, including, but not limited to, grading and the construction of roads, drainage, sewers, sewage and waste disposal systems, parking areas, and utilities to serve such sites or projects. (2) Lease, sell, grant, exchange, or otherwise convey, on terms approved by the governing body of the county or the municipality, as applicable, all or any part of any site or industrial park project to any individual, firm, corporation, or other business entity, public or private, including any industrial development board or other public corporation or authority heretofore or hereafter created by the county or any municipality therein, for the purpose of constructing, developing, equipping, and operating industrial, commercial, research, or service facilities of any kind. (3) Lend its credit to or grant public funds and things of value in aid of or to any individual, firm, corporation, or other business entity, public or private, for the purpose of promoting the economic and industrial development of Tallapoosa County or any municipality therein. In carrying out the purposes of this amendment, neither Tallapoosa County nor any municipality therein shall be subject to Section 93 or 94 of this Constitution. Each public corporation heretofore created by Tallapoosa County or by any municipality therein, including specifically any industrial development board incorporated under Chapter 54, Article 4, Title ll of the Code of Alabama 1975, and any industrial development authority incorporated or reincorporated under Chapter 92A, Title ll of the Code of Alabama 1975, is validated and the powers granted to such board or authority under its respective enabling legislation are validated notwithstanding any other provision of law or of this Constitution. The powers granted in this amendment may be exercised as an alternative to, or cumulative with, and in no way restrictive of, powers otherwise granted by law to the county, or to any municipality, or to any agency, board, or authority created pursuant to the laws of this state. Neither Tallapoosa County nor any municipality therein shall lend its credit to or grant any public funds or thing of value to or in aid of any private entity under the authority of this amendment unless prior thereto: (i) the action proposed to be taken by Tallapoosa County or any municipality therein is approved at a public meeting of the governing body of the county or city, as the case may be, by a resolution containing a determination by such governing body that the expenditure of public funds for such purpose will serve a valid and sufficient public purpose, notwithstanding any incidental benefit accruing to any private entity or entities; and (ii) at least seven days prior to the public meeting, a notice is published in the newspaper having the largest circulation in the county or in the city, as the case may be, describing in reasonable detail the action proposed to be taken, a description of the public benefits sought to be achieved by such action, and identifying each individual, firm, corporation, or other business entity to whom or for whose benefit the county or the city proposes to lend its credit or grant public funds or thing of value. For purposes of the foregoing, any sale, lease, or other disposition of property for a price equal to the fair market value thereof shall not constitute the lending o
AMENDMENT 740 RATIFIED Polling Places in Tuscaloosa County. Every polling place in Tuscaloosa County shall be open for voting on election day for any local, state, or national election at 7:00 A.M. and shall close at 7:00 P.M. The Tuscaloosa County Commission shall provide funds from the county general fund for any additional compensation needed for poll workers required to work the extended hours required by this amendment.
AMENDMENT 741 RATIFIED Tuscaloosa County Judicial Commission. (a) In Tuscaloosa County, all vacancies in the offices of judge of the circuit court and judge of the district court shall be filled in the manner and for the time as provided in this amendment. The Tuscaloosa County Judicial Commission is created for the purpose of nominating to the Governor persons for appointment to any vacancy in the office of judge of the circuit court and judge of the district court. The nine members of the commission shall consist of the following: One attorney primarily or substantially engaged in a plaintiff civil practice; one attorney primarily or substantially engaged in a defense civil practice; one attorney primarily or substantially engaged in a domestic relations practice; one attorney primarily or substantially engaged in a criminal defense practice; the District Attorney for Tuscaloosa County; the Presiding Judge of the Circuit Court of Tuscaloosa County; and three people who are not members of the Alabama State Bar. Each member shall reside in the territorial jurisdiction of the Circuit Court of Tuscaloosa County. (b) Members of the commission shall be elected in the following manner: (1) At least 30 days prior to the Tuscaloosa County Bar Association meeting at which any Alabama State Bar member of the Tuscaloosa County Judicial Commission shall be elected, the Executive Committee of the Tuscaloosa County Bar Association shall provide notice of such election and a list of at least two nominees for each vacancy on the Tuscaloosa County Judicial Commission, except for the positions held by the District Attorney for Tuscaloosa County and the Presiding Judge of the Circuit Court of Tuscaloosa County, to all members of the Tuscaloosa County Bar Association. Any member may submit additional nominations in writing to the President or Secretary of the Tuscaloosa County Bar Association no later than 14 days after the date upon which the list of nominees was provided, specifying the position on the commission for which the nomination is made. All nominees shall be members in good standing of the Alabama and Tuscaloosa County Bar Associations and shall have been engaged in the active practice of law for at least five years. (2) After the 14-day period for nominations has passed, the Tuscaloosa County Bar Executive Committee shall certify each nominee who meets the criteria for election to the commission. (3) The names of all nominees certified by the executive committee for each vacant position shall be provided to all members of the Tuscaloosa County Bar Association at least seven days prior to the announced date of the election. The standing rules and regulations of the Tuscaloosa County Bar Association shall govern the election process during the bar association meeting. (4) The members of the commission who are not members of the state bar shall be selected by a majority of the Tuscaloosa County Legislative Delegation. At least 14 days prior to any meeting for the selection of the members to the commission who are not members of the state bar, the Presiding Judge of the Circuit Court of Tuscaloosa County shall notify the Chair of the Tuscaloosa County Legislative Delegation and all members of the Tuscaloosa Legislative Delegation of the need for a meeting to select candidates for the commission. The Chair of the Tuscaloosa County Legislative Delegation shall also notify the members of the legislative delegation and the presiding circuit court judge of the circuit of the time and location of the meeting. At the meeting, the senators and representatives shall select the members to be appointed to the commission. The Chair of the Tuscaloosa Legislative Delegation shall certify in writing to the Secretary of the Tuscaloosa County Bar Association the name of the individuals selected. (c) The Secretary of the Tuscaloosa County Bar Association shall certify in writing to the Tuscaloosa County Judge of Probate the names of the members of the co
AMENDMENT 742 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Programs in Wilcox County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. No person elected or appointed sheriff, or any elected or appointed Wilcox County official may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every elected or appointed sheriff and every elected or appointed Wilcox County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Wilcox County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed county official" shall include any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed county official, but shall not include a judge, district attorney, legislator, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit.
AMENDMENT 743 RATIFIED Bingo Games in Greene County. For purposes of this amendment, the following words have the following meanings: 1. BINGO. That specific kind of game commonly known as bingo in which prizes are awarded on the basis of designated numbers or symbols on a card or electronic marking machine conforming to numbers or symbols selected at random. 2. EQUIPMENT. The receptacle and numbered objects drawn from it, the master board upon which such objects are placed as drawn, the cards or sheets bearing numbers or other designations to be covered and the objects used to cover them or electronic card marking machines, and the board or signs, however operated, used to announce or display the numbers or designations as they are drawn. 3. NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION. A bona fide religious, educational, service, senior citizens', fraternal, or veterans' organization which operates without profit to its members and which either has been in existence continuously as such an organization for a period of three years or is exempt from taxation by virtue of having been classified as a tax exempt nonprofit organization by the Internal Revenue Service, United States Government. This term includes a volunteer fire department and a volunteer rescue squad. Bingo games for prizes or money may be operated by a nonprofit organization in Greene County. The sheriff shall promulgate rules and regulations for the licensing, permitting, and operation of bingo games within the county. The sheriff shall insure compliance with such rules or regulations and all of the following: (1) No person under the age of 19 years shall be permitted to play any game or games of bingo, nor shall any person under the age of 19 years be permitted to conduct or assist in the operation of any game of bingo. (2) Bingo games shall be operated exclusively on the premises owned or leased by the nonprofit organization operating the bingo game. Such location shall be specified in the application of the nonprofit organization. (3) A nonprofit organization may not enter into any contract with any individual, firm, association, or corporation to have the individual or entity operate bingo games or concessions on behalf of the nonprofit organization. A nonprofit organization may not pay consulting fees to any individual or entity for any services performed in relation to the operation or conduct of a bingo game. (4) A nonprofit organization may not lend its name or allow its identity to be used by another person or entity in the operating, promoting, or advertising of a bingo game in which the nonprofit organization is not directly and solely operating the bingo game. (5) All equipment shall be stamped or clearly marked in letters no less than one-half inch in height and one-fourth inch in width (except for the letter "I") with the name of the nonprofit organization using the equipment. A nonprofit organization or other person or entity may not use equipment marked with the name of another nonprofit organization. (6) Prizes given by any nonprofit organization for the playing of bingo games shall not exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000) in cash or gifts of equivalent value during any bingo session . (7) A nonprofit organization may not advertise bingo except to the extent and in the manner authorized by rule of the sheriff. If the sheriff allows a nonprofit organization to advertise bingo, the nonprofit organization shall indicate in the advertisement the purposes for which the net proceeds will be used by the nonprofit organization. (8) A nonprofit organization shall display its bingo license conspicuously at the location where the bingo game is conducted. (9) The sheriff shall determine by regulation the days of operation during any calendar week and the hours of operation. A violation of this amendment is a Class A misdemeanor as specified by general law.
AMENDMENT 744 RATIFIED Bingo Games in Macon County. The operation of bingo games for prizes or money by nonprofit organizations for charitable, educational, or other lawful purposes shall be legal in Macon County. The sheriff shall promulgate rules and regulations for the licensing and operation of bingo games within the county. The sheriff shall insure compliance pursuant to any rule or regulation and the following requirements: (1) No person under the age of 19 years shall be permitted to play any game or games of bingo, nor shall any person under the age of 19 years be permitted to conduct or assist in the operation of any game of bingo. (2) No bingo license shall be issued to any nonprofit organization, unless the organization shall have been in existence for at least three years in the county immediately prior to the issuance of the permit or license. (3) Bingo games may be operated on the premises owned or leased by the nonprofit organization operating the bingo game. (4) A nonprofit organization may enter into a contract with any individual, firm, association, or corporation to have the individual or entity operate bingo games or concessions on behalf of the nonprofit organization. A nonprofit organization may pay consulting fees to any individual or entity for any services performed in relation to the operation or conduct of a bingo game. (5) A nonprofit organization may lend its name or allow its identity to be used by another person or entity in the operating or advertising of a bingo game in which the nonprofit organization is not directly and solely operating the bingo game. (6) Prizes given by any nonprofit organization for the playing of bingo games shall not exceed the cash amount or gifts of equivalent value set by rule or regulation during any bingo session during any calendar week.
AMENDMENT 745 RATIFIED Costs and Charges of Court in 24th Judicial Circuit. Section I. In the 24th Judicial Circuit, consisting of Fayette County, Lamar County, and Pickens County, in addition to any court costs and fees now or hereafter authorized in cases in the circuit and district courts, an additional fee of five dollars ($5) shall be charged and collected by the clerk of the court on each case filed in the circuit. Section II. The clerk of the respective court shall collect the fee in the same manner as other costs in the court and shall remit the fee to the West Alabama Children's Advocacy Center on a monthly basis to be used by the center for abuse victims in the circuit. Section III. If the boundaries of the 24th Judicial Circuit change, the filing fee imposed by this amendment shall remain in effect for the Counties of Fayette, Lamar, and Pickens, unless altered by a subsequent amendment to this constitution.
AMENDMENT 746 RATIFIED Costs and Charges of Courts in Calhoun County. The Legislature, from time to time, may fix, regulate, and alter the costs and charges of court in Calhoun County and may authorize the Calhoun County Commission to fix, regulate, and alter the costs and charges of court, including booking fees, in Calhoun County. The Legislature may provide or may allow the Calhoun County Commission to provide for the distribution of any additional revenue. Any local act authorized in this amendment which has been previously enacted prior to the ratification of this amendment shall be ratified, approved, and confirmed.
AMENDMENT 747 RATIFIED Validation of ad valorem tax for school purposes in Calhoun County. Any provision of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended, or the laws of the State of Alabama to the contrary notwithstanding, the levy and collection in each year of each ad valorem tax for public school purposes or educational purposes in Calhoun County, Alabama, and in any municipality located, in whole or in part, in Calhoun County, Alabama, and in any school tax district located in Calhoun County, Alabama, which tax was approved by a majority vote of the appropriate electorate prior to October 1, 2002, and which was being levied and collected for the tax year that began on October 1, 2002, is hereby: (a) Authorized, ratified, validated, and confirmed from and after the date of the initial levy of such tax regardless of any statutory or constitutional defects, mistakes, errors, or ambiguities in the authorization or levy thereof or the election thereon, or in any act of the Legislature with respect thereto; and (b) Continued and extended beginning with the levy and collection of such tax for the tax year next succeeding the tax year initially established for the final levy and collection of such tax and continuing for each tax year thereafter without limit as to time.
AMENDMENT 748 RATIFIED Economic Development in Crenshaw County. For the promotion of local economic and industrial development, the Crenshaw County Commission and the governing body of any municipality located therein, any other provision of law or of this Constitution notwithstanding, shall have, independently or in cooperation with one another, full and continuing power to do any of the following: (1) Use public funds to purchase, lease, or otherwise acquire land, or to utilize land heretofore purchased or otherwise acquired, and improve and develop such land for use as sites for industry of any kind or as industrial park projects, including, but not limited to, grading and the construction of roads, drainage, sewers, sewage and waste disposal systems, parking areas, and utilities to serve such sites or projects. (2) Lease, sell, grant, exchange, or otherwise convey, on terms approved by the governing body of the county or the municipality, as applicable, all or any part of any site or industrial park project to any individual, firm, corporation, or other business entity, public or private, including any industrial development board or other public corporation or authority heretofore or hereafter created by the county or the municipality, for the purpose of constructing, developing, equipping, and operating industrial, commercial, research, or service facilities of any kind. (3) Lend its credit to or grant public funds and things of value in aid of or to any individual, firm, corporation, or other business entity, public or private, for the purpose of promoting the economic and industrial development of Crenshaw County or the municipality. In carrying out the purposes of this amendment, neither Crenshaw County nor the municipality shall be subject to Section 93 or 94 of this Constitution. Each public corporation heretofore created by Crenshaw County or by the municipality, including, specifically, any industrial development board incorporated under Chapter 54, Article 4, Title ll of the Code of Alabama 1975, and any industrial development authority incorporated or reincorporated under Chapter 92A, Title ll of the Code of Alabama 1975, is validated and the powers granted to such board or authority under its respective enabling legislation are validated notwithstanding any other provision of law or of this Constitution. The powers granted in this amendment may be exercised as an alternative to, or cumulative with, and in no way restrictive of, powers otherwise granted by law to the county, or to any municipality, or to any agency, board, or authority created pursuant to the laws of this state. Crenshaw County or any municipality located therein shall neither lend its credit to or grant any public funds or thing of value to or in aid of any private entity under the authority of this amendment unless prior thereto: (i) The action proposed to be taken by Crenshaw County or the municipality is at a public meeting of the governing body of the county or municipality, as the case may be, by a resolution containing a determination by such governing body that the expenditure of public funds for such purpose will serve a valid and sufficient public purpose, notwithstanding any incidental benefit accruing to any private entity or entities; and (ii) at least seven days prior to the public meeting, a notice is published in the newspaper having the largest circulation in the county or in the municipality, as the case may be, describing in reasonable detail the action proposed to be taken, a description of the public benefits sought to be achieved by such action, and identifying each individual, firm, corporation, or other business entity to whom or for whose benefit the county or the municipality proposes to lend its credit or grant public funds or thing of value. For purposes of the foregoing, any sale, lease, or other disposition of property for a price equal to the fair market value thereof shall not constitute the lending of credit or a
AMENDMENT 749 RATIFIED Board of Education in Russell County. Section I. The Russell County Board of Education shall be composed of seven members. Six of the members shall be elected by a majority of the respective qualified electors of six separate single-member districts, designated Place #1 to Place #6, inclusive, which shall be the same as the districts established by the Legislative Reapportionment Office in the document titled RUSSELL BOE 7 DISTRICTS PLAN 3, dated February 25, 2002. Only the qualified electors residing in a particular district may vote for the member representing that district. The seventh member shall be elected by a majority of the qualified electors of the county at-large, designated Place #7. Elections shall be conducted and the members shall take office in the same manner as currently provided by law. Section II. (a)(1) A candidate for election as a district member of the board shall be a resident of the single-member district which he or she seeks to represent on the board for at least one year immediately preceding the deadline date for qualifying as a candidate, and shall reside in that district during the entire term of office. (2) A candidate for election as an at-large member of the board shall be a resident of the county for at least one year immediately preceding the deadline date for qualifying as a candidate, and shall reside in the county during the entire term of office. (3) A member appointed to fill a vacancy on the board pursuant to general law shall be a resident of the county, and a resident of the district of the vacating member, where applicable. (b)(1) The member elected in Place #3 and the member elected in Place #6 shall be elected at the general election in November 2006, and every six years thereafter. (2) The member elected in Place #1 and the member elected in Place #7 shall be elected at the general election in November 2008, and every six years thereafter. (3) The member elected in Place #2, the member elected in Place #4, and the member elected in Place #5 shall be elected at the general election in November 2010, and every six years thereafter. (4) Members serving on the board upon the ratification of this amendment, including those members elected at the general election in November 2004 pursuant to Act 82-322, 1982 Regular Session (Acts 1982, p. 434), shall continue to serve on the board until the term for which they were originally elected expires. Such persons shall assume office at the same time as currently provided by law. (c) If the boundaries of a district change, or if redistricting places an incumbent district board member outside of his or her district, the member shall nevertheless continue to serve the remainder of the term to which he or she was elected. (d) The board, by majority vote, may change the boundaries of the single member districts and shall reapportion the districts as required by law utilizing the principle of equal representation. Pursuant to this subsection, the board may provide for single member election districts or at-large membership districts, or both. Section III. The Legislature, by local law, from time to time may provide for the election of the members of the Russell County Board of Education and may provide further for the operation of the board. Such local act or acts may include, but are not limited to, providing for termination of the terms of members of the existing county board of education; the composition of the county board of education; initial and succeeding terms of office, including staggered terms; qualifications; powers, duties, and responsibilities; vacancies; and compensation. Section IV. The Russell County Board of Education shall take necessary steps to ensure this amendment complies with the Federal Voting Rights Act of 1965, as amended, before any election is conducted pursuant to this amendment.
AMENDMENT 750 RATIFIED Economic Development in Baldwin County. For the promotion of local economic and industrial development, the Baldwin County Commission and the governing body of any municipality located therein, any other provision of law or of this Constitution notwithstanding, shall have, independently or in cooperation with one another, full and continuing power to do any of the following:(1) Use public funds to purchase, lease, or otherwise acquire land, or to utilize land heretofore purchased or otherwise acquired, and improve and develop such land for use as sites for industry of any kind or as industrial park projects, including, but not limited to, grading and the construction of roads, drainage, sewers, sewage and waste disposal systems, parking areas, and utilities to serve such sites or projects. (2) Lease, sell, grant, exchange, or otherwise convey, on terms approved by the governing body of the county or the municipality, as applicable, all or any part of any site or industrial park project to any individual, firm, corporation, or other business entity, public or private, including any industrial development board or other public corporation or authority heretofore or hereafter created by the county or the municipality, for the purpose of constructing, developing, equipping, and operating industrial, commercial, research, or service facilities of any kind. (3) Lend its credit to or grant public funds and things of value in aid of or to any individual, firm, corporation, or other business entity, public or private, for the purpose of promoting the economic and industrial development of Baldwin County or the municipality. In carrying out the purposes of this amendment, neither Baldwin County nor the municipality shall be subject to Section 93 or 94 of this Constitution. Each public corporation heretofore created by Baldwin County or by the municipality, including, specifically, any industrial development board incorporated under Chapter 54, Article 4, Title ll of the Code of Alabama 1975, and any industrial development authority incorporated or reincorporated under Chapter 92A, Title ll of the Code of Alabama 1975, is validated and the powers granted to such board or authority under its respective enabling legislation are validated notwithstanding any other provision of law or of this Constitution. The powers granted in this amendment may be exercised as an alternative to, or cumulative with, and in no way restrictive of, powers otherwise granted by law to the county, or to any municipality, or to any agency, board, or authority created pursuant to the laws of this state. Baldwin County or any municipality located therein shall neither lend its credit to or grant any public funds or thing of value to or in aid of any private entity under the authority of this amendment unless prior thereto: (i) The action proposed to be taken by Baldwin County or the municipality is at a public meeting of the governing body of the county or municipality, as the case may be, by a resolution containing a determination by such governing body that the expenditure of public funds for such purpose will serve a valid and sufficient public purpose, notwithstanding any incidental benefit accruing to any private entity or entities; and (ii) at least seven days prior to the public meeting, a notice is published in the newspaper having the largest circulation in the county or in the municipality, as the case may be, describing in reasonable detail the action proposed to be taken, a description of the public benefits sought to be achieved by such action, and identifying each individual, firm, corporation, or other business entity to whom or for whose benefit the county or the municipality proposes to lend its credit or grant public funds or thing of value. For purposes of the foregoing, any sale, lease, or other disposition of property for a price equal to the fair market value thereof shall not constitute the lending of credit or a grant o
AMENDMENT 751 RATIFIED Amendment of Amendment No.538 "Amendment No. 538 "Any provision of the Constitution of Alabama or amendments thereto to the contrary notwithstanding, the legislature by general or local law may provide for and authorize in Fayette County the incorporation of a public corporation as a political subdivision of the state to be named The Tom Bevill Reservoir Management Area Authority, for the development of that portion of North River in Fayette County and within the boundaries of The Tom Bevill Reservoir Management Area, its tributaries and watershed area, for the purposes of water conservation and supply, dam construction and reservoir development, for industrial development, flood control, navigation, irrigation, public recreation and related purposes. Any such law may provide for the composition of the board of directors of the authority and specify the powers and duties of the authority and its board of directors, may authorize the authority to investigate the resources of The Tom Bevill Reservoir Management Area, and to determine and implement the requirements for its full development and control, and to carry out a unified comprehensive program of resource development, together with other powers to effectuate the foregoing objective, may authorize the authority to acquire land and interests in land by purchase, construction, lease, condemnation or otherwise, and to hold, manage and sell such land and interests therein, may make provisions respecting the establishment and revision of rates, fees and charges for services rendered by the authority, may provide for the issuance by the authority for any of its corporate purposes of interest-bearing revenue bonds and notes payable solely out of the revenues of the authority or out of the revenues of any particular facilities and other property of the authority, without regard to the specific facilities and other property with respect to which such bonds and notes may have been issued, may provide further for certain taxes, may provide that such bonds and notes shall constitute negotiable instruments, may provide that such bonds and notes may be secured by a pledge of the revenues from which they are payable, by contracts binding the authority for the proper application of its revenues and the proceeds of such bonds and notes and by a nonforeclosable mortgage or deed of trust or statutory mortgage lien on the facilities and other property out of the revenues from which such bonds and notes are payable, and may provide that bonds and notes of the authority may be issued under a trust indenture, may provide for constructive notice of any such statutory mortgage lien, may authorize and make provisions respecting the assumption by the authority of obligations respecting facilities and other property acquired by the authority, may provide for the use of the proceeds of bonds and notes issued by the authority and provide for the refunding by the issuance of bonds and notes of the authority of bonds and notes theretofore issued or obligations theretofore assumed by it, may provide that bonds and notes issued and contracts entered into by the authority pursuant to the act shall not constitute or create a debt of the state or of any county, municipality or other political subdivision of the state, may authorize the Fayette County commission and the municipalities located within Fayette County to contribute money to the authority, without the necessity of an election and with or without consideration therefor, may exempt from all taxation in this state, the authority, its property, corporate activities, income, revenues, bonds and notes, the income from its bonds and notes, and conveyances, leases and mortgages and deeds of trust to which the authority is a party, and exempt the authority from payment of certain charges to judges of probate, it grants to the authority the power to levy and collect within the boundaries of the management area certain excise taxes, sale
AMENDMENT 752 RATIFIED Promotion of Commercial Development in City of Hartselle, Morgan County. (a) For the promotion of local commercial development, the City of Hartselle (City) shall have, in addition to all other powers from time to time vested in or granted to it by law, full and continuing power to perform the following: (1) Purchase, construct, lease, and otherwise acquire, and to own and develop, commercial projects, including real and personal property, buildings, facilities, machinery, and equipment of any kind whatsoever. (2) Subject to succeeding provisions of this amendment, operate all or any part of any such project. (3) Convey, whether by sale, lease, exchange, or otherwise, all or any part of any such project to any person, firm or corporation. (4) Subject to succeeding provisions of this amendment, sell and issue, without any election, special or limited obligation bonds, warrants, notes, certificates of participation, or other securities of the City, for the purpose of financing the acquisition or construction of any such project, including particularly, but without limitation, the extension and installation of streets and roadways, utility services, and storm water sewers or other drainage facilities. In carrying out the purposes of this amendment, the City shall not be subject to the provisions of Section 94 of this Constitution, and neither the City nor the State of Alabama shall be subject to the provisions of Section 93 of this Constitution, in connection with the acquisition, ownership, development, operation, conveyance, or financing of any such commercial project. (b) Nothing in this amendment shall, however, be construed to authorize the City to do any of the following: (1) Acquire any property through the exercise of the power of eminent domain, whether for public use or for private use, otherwise than subject to, and in accordance with, all other applicable provisions of this Constitution and the general laws of the State. (2) Operate any commercial or retail establishment, including, without limitation, any shopping center or similar facility suitable for use by two or more commercial enterprises engaged in any business, trade, profession, occupation, or activity, except that the City may operate restaurants, food and other concessions, and other incidental commercial or retail facilities, in connection with, and ancillary to, the operation by it of any of the facilities described in subsection (d). (3) Provide electric utility service to any commercial project authorized hereunder, or within the boundaries of any "commercial development district," as defined in this amendment, except as may then be authorized by the general laws of the State. (4) Construct or locate, or to authorize the construction or location of, any commercial project in violation of either the general laws of the state pertaining to municipal zoning and planning or any master plan or zoning regulation or plan then in effect in or for the City. (c) Nothing in this amendment shall be construed either to exempt from state or local property taxation any real or personal property that is owned, or is treated for federal income tax purposes as being owned, by one or more individuals, partnerships, or for-profit corporations, and that is otherwise subject to such taxation under the general laws of the state, or to subject to state or local property taxation any real or personal property of the City that is otherwise exempt from taxation pursuant to either Section 91 or Section 217 of this Constitution. (d) Any commercial project authorized hereunder shall be located entirely within the corporate limits of the City. Any such project may include any land or interest therein, any building or other improvement thereon, and all real and personal properties deemed necessary in connection therewith, whether or not now in existence, including, without limitation, any of the following: (1) Any hotel, motel, conference center, meeting center
AMENDMENT 753 RATIFIED Costs and Charges of Courts in Conecuh County. (a) In addition to any court costs or fees now or hereafter authorized, and notwithstanding any other provisions of the Constitution including, without limitation, Sections 96, 104, and 105, there shall be an additional forty dollars ($40) fee assessed and taxed as costs on each civil and criminal case, excluding small claims, filed in circuit court, district court, or any municipal court in Conecuh County, as well as a fee not to exceed five dollars ($5) for the service of all pleadings and other documents in connection with any such action or case. The fees may not be waived by any court unless all other fees, assessments, costs, fines, and charges associated with the cases are waived. The additional fees, when collected by the clerks or other collection officers of the courts, shall be paid into the General Fund of Conecuh County to be used by the county commission for the planning, designing, construction, financing, and operation of a new county jail . When the costs of the new county jail have been fully paid or when the debt service on any indebtedness incurred by the county commission to finance or refinance the costs have been retired, whichever occurs later, the additional fees authorized by this amendment shall continue to be collected in all cases and shall be used to pay costs of the operation, upkeep, and maintenance of a new county jail . This amendment shall be self-executing and shall require no enabling legislation. (b) All special court fees that the county has been authorized to collect and has in fact collected since April 1998, for any purpose, may be allocated retroactively to the purpose established in subsection (b).
AMENDMENT 754 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Programs in Pickens County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. No person elected or appointed sheriff, or any elected or appointed Pickens County official may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every elected or appointed Pickens County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Pickens County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed county official" shall include, subject only to express limitation, any person holding an office that entitles the person to participate in a supernumerary program and includes any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed county official, but shall not include a judge, district attorney, constable, legislator, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit.
AMENDMENT 755 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Programs in Tuscaloosa County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. No person elected or appointed sheriff, or any elected or appointed Tuscaloosa County official may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every elected or appointed Tuscaloosa County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Tuscaloosa County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed county official" shall include any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed county official, but shall not include a judge, district attorney, legislator, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit.
AMENDMENT 756 RATIFIED Enforcement of Traffic Laws in Shelby County. In Shelby County, the Legislature, by local law, may provide for the enforcement of traffic laws on private roads in private gated communities in the county.
AMENDMENT 757 RATIFIED Promotion of Economic and Industrial Development in Barbour County. For the promotion of local economic and industrial development, the Barbour County Commission and the governing body of any municipality located therein, any other provision of law or of this Constitution notwithstanding, shall have, independently or in cooperation with one another, full and continuing power to do any of the following: (1) Use public funds to purchase, lease, or otherwise acquire land, or to utilize land heretofore purchased or otherwise acquired, and improve and develop such land for use as sites for industry of any kind or as industrial park projects, including, but not limited to, grading and the construction of roads, drainage, sewers, sewage and waste disposal systems, parking areas, and utilities to serve such sites or projects. (2) Lease, sell, grant, exchange, or otherwise convey, on terms approved by the governing body of the county or the municipality, as applicable, all or any part of any site or industrial park project to any individual, firm, corporation, or other business entity, public or private, including any industrial development board or other public corporation or authority heretofore or hereafter created by the county or the municipality, for the purpose of constructing, developing, equipping, and operating industrial, commercial, research, or service facilities of any kind. (3) Lend its credit to or grant public funds and things of value in aid of or to any individual, firm, corporation, or other business entity, public or private, for the purpose of promoting the economic and industrial development of Barbour County or the municipality. In carrying out the purposes of this amendment, neither Barbour County nor the municipality shall be subject to Section 93 or 94 of this Constitution. Each public corporation heretofore created by Barbour County or by the municipality, including, specifically, any industrial development board incorporated under Chapter 54, Article 4, Title ll of the Code of Alabama 1975, and any industrial development authority incorporated or reincorporated under Chapter 92A, Title ll of the Code of Alabama 1975, is validated and the powers granted to such board or authority under its respective enabling legislation are validated notwithstanding any other provision of law or of this Constitution. The powers granted in this amendment may be exercised as an alternative to, or cumulative with, and in no way restrictive of, powers otherwise granted by law to the county, or to any municipality, or to any agency, board, or authority created pursuant to the laws of this state. Barbour County or any municipality located therein shall not lend its credit to or grant any public funds or thing of value to or in aid of any private entity under the authority of this amendment unless prior thereto: (i) The action proposed to be taken by Barbour County or the municipality is at a public meeting of the governing body of the county or municipality, as the case may be, by a resolution containing a determination by such governing body that the expenditure of public funds for such purpose will serve a valid and sufficient public purpose, notwithstanding any incidental benefit accruing to any private entity or entities; and (ii) at least seven days prior to the public meeting, a notice is published in a newspaper or newspapers having a general circulation in the county or in the municipality, as the case may be, describing in reasonable detail the action proposed to be taken, a description of the public benefits sought to be achieved by such action, and identifying each individual, firm, corporation, or other business entity to whom or for whose benefit the county or the municipality proposes to lend its credit or grant public funds or thing of value. For purposes of the foregoing, any sale, lease, or other disposition of property for a price equal to the fair market value thereof shall not constitute
AMENDMENT 758 RATIFIED Jurisdiction of Judge of Probate in Shelby County. The Judge of Probate of Shelby County may exercise equity jurisdiction concurrent with that of the circuit court in cases originally filed in the Probate Court of Shelby County if the judge of probate is licensed to practice law in the State of Alabama. In any case subject to this amendment, the judge of probate shall possess the power and authority of a circuit court judge trying the case and the case shall be treated in all respects in the same manner as a case filed in circuit court. The Alabama Rules of Civil Procedure shall apply in the cases except as otherwise specifically provided by law. This amendment is self-executing, but the Legislature may enact additional laws to implement this amendment if needed.
AMENDMENT 759 RATIFIED Promotion of Economic and Industrial Development in Certain Counties. For the promotion of local economic and industrial development, the governing body of Baldwin, Bullock, Coffee, Coosa, Dallas, Etowah, Geneva, Houston, Jefferson, Lawrence, Macon, Marengo, Mobile, Morgan, Talladega, Madison, Shelby, and Tuscaloosa counties and of each municipality situated in said counties, other provisions of law or this Constitution notwithstanding, shall each have, independently or in cooperation with one or more of such governmental entities in such counties, full and continuing power (a) to purchase, lease or otherwise acquire, land, or to utilize land heretofore purchased or otherwise acquired, and to improve and develop such land for use as industrial site, or industrial park, projects, including, but not limited to, grading and the construction of roads, drainage, sewers, sewage and waste disposal systems, parking areas and utilities to serve said projects, and (b) to lease, sell, grant, exchange, or otherwise convey, on terms approved by the governing body of the county, or of municipality exercising such power, all, or any part of, any such project to any person, firm or corporation, public or private, including to any industrial development board or authority heretofore or hereafter created by any such county or municipality therein, for the purpose of the constructing, or developing thereon, by such purchaser or lessees, and the equipping and operating of, industrial, transportation, distribution, warehouse or research facilities, and of office and other facilities auxiliary to the foregoing. Nothing herein shall authorize the counties named, or any municipality there, to construct residential or any other buildings for the purpose of lease or sale. In carrying out the purposes of this amendment, neither the governing bodies of the counties named hereinabove, nor of any municipality situated in said counties to which this amendment is or becomes applicable, shall be subject to the provisions of sections 93 or 94 of the Constitution of Alabama, as amended. The provisions of this amendment shall be self-executing and the powers granted hereby may be exercised as alternative to, or cumulative with, and in no way restrictive of, powers otherwise granted by law to the governing body of such counties, or of any municipality therein, or to any agency, board, or authority created or approved thereby pursuant to this Constitution or the laws of this state. The names and addresses of all parties involved in conveyances of land herein provided, and the amount of any monies paid or received, shall be published in the newspaper in the county with the largest circulation. This amendment shall not be construed to grant any power of eminent domain in addition to that which may be provided otherwise by statute heretofore or hereafter enacted by the legislature of Alabama; nor shall this amendment be construed to affect the annexation statutes heretofore or hereafter enacted by said legislature. Furthermore, no county or municipality shall sell any real property acquired under the authority hereof for a price less than its actual purchase and development cost of such property, unless: (a) The price be approved at a public meeting of the governing body of such county or municipality; and (b) At least fourteen (14) days prior to such public meeting at which such price is approved by such governing body, it has published notice in the newspaper with the largest circulation in the county in which the property is located stating (1) the acreage proposed to be sold, (2) the section or sections or subdivisions of record in which the property is located, (3) the price per acre at which sale is proposed to be made, and (4) the place where a map of the property can be examined by the public; and (c) The price thus approved is no less than the price advertised as aforesaid; provided, however, that should any real property be acquired f
AMENDMENT 760 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Programs in Hale County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. No person elected or appointed sheriff, or any elected or appointed Hale County official may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every elected or appointed Hale County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Hale County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed county official" shall include any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed county official, but shall not include a judge, district attorney, legislator, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit.
AMENDMENT 761 RATIFIED Promotion of Economic and Industrial Development in Etowah County. Promotion of Economic and Industrial Development in Etowah County and any Municipality Located Therein. (a) For the promotion of local economic and industrial development within Etowah County and any municipality located therein, any other provisions of law or the Constitution of Alabama of 1901 notwithstanding, the county and any municipality located therein shall have, without an election, full and continuing power to do any or all of the following: (1) To purchase, construct, lease or otherwise acquire real property, plants, buildings, factories, works, facilities, machinery, and equipment of any kind. (2) To lease, sell for cash or on credit, exchange, give, transfer, or convey any such property described in subdivision (1) above to any person, firm, association, or corporation. (3) To promote local industrial, commercial, or agricultural development and the location of new industries or businesses therein. (4) To lend its credit or to grant public moneys and things of value in aid of, or to any individual, firm, association, or corporation whatsoever. (5) To become indebted and to issue and sell interest-bearing bonds, warrants (which may be payable from funds to be realized in future years), notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness, to a principal amount not exceeding 50 percent of the assessed value of taxable property therein, as determined for state taxation, in order to secure funds for the purchase, construction, lease, or acquisition of any of the property described in subdivision (1) or to be used in furtherance of any of the other powers or authorities granted in this amendment. Such obligations or evidences of indebtedness may be issued upon the full faith and credit of Etowah County or such municipality or may be limited as to the source of their payment. (6) To create a public authority, corporation, agency, or board having such powers, managed and governed by such board or governing body and subject to such limitations as the governing body of Etowah County or such municipality may impose, by approving and filing a certificate to that effect in the office of the Judge of Probate of Etowah County or the Secretary of State, or their respective successors in function, and to delegate to such public authority, corporation, agency, or board and its board or governing body all powers and authority conferred in this amendment upon the governing body of Etowah County or such municipality. (7) To delegate all powers and authority conferred in this amendment upon the governing body of Etowah County or such municipality to an existing public authority, corporation, agency, or board having similar powers to those provided herein, which public authority, corporation, agency, or board is managed and governed by a board or governing body and is subject to such limitations as the governing body of Etowah County or such municipality may have imposed or, subsequent to the ratification of this amendment, may impose. (b) The powers granted in this amendment may be exercised as an alternative to, or cumulative with, and are not in derogation of, the powers otherwise granted by law or the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, to the governing body of Etowah County or such municipality, or to any public authority, corporation, agency, or board created or approved thereby pursuant to the laws of this state and the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, and nothing in this amendment shall be deemed to have repealed any powers of the governing body of Etowah County or such municipality or any such public authority, corporation, agency, or board that have previously been granted to the governing body of Etowah County or such municipality or any such public authority, corporation, agency, or board including, without limitation, those contained within Amendment No. 429 to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901. (c) The recital in any bonds, warrant
AMENDMENT 762 RATIFIED Amendment to Amendment No. 648. Amendment No. 648 to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, is amended to read as follows: "Amendment No. 648. "No elected Mobile County official, including the sheriff, may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Any elected Mobile County official, including the sheriff, may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. An elected Mobile County official holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office; provided, however, the official shall forego the assumption of a supernumerary office. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected Mobile County official" shall mean any person elected to a full-time Mobile County office, including the sheriff, and shall include any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected county official, but shall not include a judge, district attorney, legislator, constable, school board member, any official elected from a judicial circuit, or any official who is allowed by law to participate in any other retirement system."
AMENDMENT 763 RATIFIED Amendment to Amendment No. 718. Phase-out of Supernumerary Programs in Blount County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. Amendment No. 718. No elected or appointed Blount County official, including the sheriff, may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every elected or appointed Blount County official, including the sheriff, may participate in the Employees' Retirement System upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system; provided, the official shall forego the assumption of a supernumerary office. Blount County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office; provided, however, that costs associated with the purchase of prior service credit as prescribed in Section 36-27-6.1, shall be the responsibility of the official making the purchase. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed county official" shall include any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed county official, but shall not include a judge, district attorney, legislator, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit.
AMENDMENT 764 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Programs in Monroe County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. No person elected or appointed sheriff, or any elected or appointed Monroe County official may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every sheriff and elected or appointed Monroe County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Monroe County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office; provided, however, the official shall forego the assumption of a supernumerary office. The sheriff at the time of ratification of this amendment shall not be prohibited from receiving the benefits of vested contributions made prior to his or her election if he or she chooses the supernumerary program. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed county official" shall include any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed county official, but shall not include a judge, district attorney, legislator, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit.
AMENDMENT 765 RATIFIED Amendment to Amendment No. 649. Amendment 649 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, is amended to read as follows: "(a) In addition to all other ad valorem taxes levied, the Pickens County Commission may levy on an annual basis, commencing with the tax year beginning October 1, 1998, an ad valorem tax on all taxable property, located in Pickens County at a rate of three mills per dollar of assessed value of the taxable property. The proceeds of the tax levied pursuant to this amendment shall be paid into the county general fund and distributed for the benefit of fire protection only. "(b) Within 30 days of payment into the county general fund, the county commission shall pay the funds to the Pickens County Volunteer Firefighters' Association. The county association shall divide the funds equally among all eligible volunteer fire departments, collectively, and the Pickens County Volunteer Firefighters' Association at each bimonthly meeting of the county association. The county association may establish rules regarding the transfer, investing, accounting, and handling of the funds. "(c) Funds paid to eligible volunteer fire departments shall only be expended for fire protection services, including training, supplies, buildings, capital improvements, and equipment. An eligible volunteer fire department shall mean a volunteer fire department located in Pickens County that is certified under the guidelines of the Alabama Forestry Commission, shall have at least an ISO class 9 rating, and is a member in good standing of the Pickens County Association of Volunteer Fire Departments. The funds may not be expended for salaries, food, drink, social activities, or fund-raising activities. After receiving funds, the eligible volunteer fire departments shall keep accurate records to verify that the funds were properly expended. By September 15th of each year, each department shall file a form with the county association detailing the expenditures of all funds during the previous 12 months and setting out a schedule of all proposed projects. The filing shall also account for all unspent funds and whether the unspent funds have been obligated. The county association shall supply the accounting forms to each eligible volunteer fire department. "(d) Upon dissolution or abandonment of any eligible volunteer fire department, any remaining funds shall, after all indebtedness has been satisfied, be transferred to the county association. "(e) The personnel of eligible volunteer fire departments shall not be considered as employees, servants, or agents of the county and the members of the county commission and the employees of the county shall not be liable in either their official capacity or in a private capacity for the actions of the personnel of eligible volunteer fire departments."
AMENDMENT 766 RATIFIED Organization and Promotion of Shrimp and Seafood Industry. The Legislature, by general law, may provide for the promotion of the production, distribution, improvement, marketing, use, and sale of shrimp and seafood. The Legislature may provide for the promotion of shrimp and seafood and shrimp and seafood products by research, education, advertising, and other methods, and the Legislature is further authorized to provide the means and methods for the financing of any promotional activity by prescribing a procedure whereby producers of shrimp and seafood by referendum among such producers levy upon themselves and collect assessments, fees, or charges upon the sale of shrimp and seafood for the financing of any promotional program or activity in cooperation with buyers, processors, dealers, distributors, and handlers of shrimp and seafood. The Legislature may make provisions for the nonpayment of assessments by shrimp and seafood producers and shall make provisions for the refund of assessments to any handler of shrimp or seafood who does not desire to participate in an assessment program. The Legislature shall provide for the collection, disbursement, distribution, or expenditure of assessments or charges authorized hereunder and provide penalties for failure to make collection and distribution of assessments. The Legislature shall provide for the designation of a nonprofit association or organization for the promotion and betterment of shrimp and seafood products to administer and carry out such promotional program which shall include the conducting of elections or referendums among producers of shrimp and seafood. The Legislature may provide the manner by which the referendum is held, including the procedure for application for approval to conduct the referendum, the appropriate action to be taken by the State Board of Agriculture and Industries on an application, and the requirements and eligibility of the association or organization which will conduct the referendum. The Legislature shall further provide for the deposit, withdrawal, disbursement, and expenditure by the designated association of any funds received subject to the supervision and control of the activities as authorized herein by the Department of Agriculture and Industries and the State Board of Agriculture and Industries. The Legislature shall further provide a procedure whereby the association or organization is bonded, for the examination and auditing of the association or organization, and for reasonably necessary rules and regulations to be adopted by the State Board of Agriculture and Industries to effectively carry out the intent and purposes herein enumerated. Assessments, fees, or other charges collected as authorized by any legislative act adopted under authority hereof shall not be considered as a tax within the meaning of this constitution and shall be satisfied by the application of the program upon shrimp or seafood.
AMENDMENT 768 RATIFIED Amendment to Amendment No. 631. Phase-out of Supernumerary Programs in Clarke County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. Amendment No. 631. "No elected Clarke County official may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established the particular supernumerary program. Any elected Clarke County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. An elected Clarke County official holding office at the effective date of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the elected county official has served in the current office; provided, however, the elected county official shall forego the assumption of a supernumerary office. For purposes of this amendment, the term "elected Clarke County official" shall mean any person elected to a Clarke County office, and shall include any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected county official, but shall not include a judge, district attorney, legislator, constable, board of education member, any official elected from a judicial circuit, or any official who is allowed by law to participate in any other retirement system."
AMENDMENT 769 RATIFIED Alabama Foreign Trade Investment Zone in City of Tuskegee, Macon County. (a) The governing body of the City of Tuskegee in Macon County, Alabama, by a majority vote thereof at a regularly scheduled meeting of the governing body, may establish an Alabama Foreign Trade Investment Zone within the city as a special tax district for the purpose of importing duty free and quota free articles eligible under the United States General System of Preferences and the Africa Growth and Opportunities Act to enhance economic development and job opportunities within the City of Tuskegee and Macon County. The governing body of the City of Tuskegee shall specify that the value of land and improvements within the tax district shall be assessed for ad valorem tax purposes by the appropriate county tax officials according to a single site valuation system where land and improvements on the land are valued together rather than separately and taxed at a uniform rate. The proceeds of any revenue collected pursuant to this amendment shall be used by the special tax district for infrastructure creation, improvements, or redesign. (b) The Legislature may provide by local law for the implementation and administration of the special tax district authorized by this amendment and may further provide for the abolition of the tax district upon the adoption of a resolution by a majority vote of the city governing body calling for the tax district to be abolished.
AMENDMENT 770 RATIFIED Bonds for Land and Capital Improvements in Mobile County. In addition to all other bonds authorized under the amendment to the Constitution known as Amendment 18, as previously amended, and as it may hereafter be amended, Mobile County may at any time and from time to time issue its bonds for the acquisition and improvement of land and for acquisition, construction, installation, and equipping, or any of them, of capital improvements in said county. Such capital improvements may include any type of capital projects the acquisition, improvement, construction, installation, and equipping of which is within the powers of the county. Provided, that any bonds may be issued hereunder only after a majority of the qualified electors of said county voting at an election called for that purpose by the governing body of said county shall have voted in favor of the issuance of such bonds. Each such election shall be called, held, conducted, and canvassed, and notice thereof shall be given, in the manner provided by the general laws of Alabama respecting elections on the issue of bonds by counties, as such laws may exist at the time such election is called; provided, that prior to the holding of any election hereunder, the governing body of Mobile County shall cause to be prepared engineering maps, plans and reports respecting the proposed work on any capital improvements and shall adopt a resolution containing a brief description, including the name if any, of each proposed item of construction or improvement, a statement of the location and, as to any road project, the length, of each such item and of the estimated cost thereof, and a statement of the total amount of the bonds proposed to be issued for all work of construction or improvement described in said resolution, and shall cause said resolution to be published in a newspaper published in the county one time not less than thirty days before such election. Any number of items of construction or improvement may be described in one resolution; and the question of the issuance of bonds and the levy and collection of said tax with respect to all of the work described in each resolution shall be submitted to the voters in one single proposition at any election held hereunder. Any number of such resolutions may be adopted on the same day, and any number of propositions may be submitted to the voters on the same day. The adoption of any such resolution prior to the ratification of this amendment, and the submission of any one or more propositions for approval by the voters of the county on the same day on which this amendment is presented for ratification, is hereby ratified and approved. The bonds issued hereunder shall be general obligations of Mobile County secured by a pledge of its full faith and credit, and in addition thereto, the governing body of said county shall in the proceedings providing for the issuance of such bonds specially pledge for payment of the principal thereof and the interest thereon, so much of the special tax authorized by Amendment 18, as such amendment has been amended from time to time, as may be necessary to pay said principal and interest at their respective maturities. Each such pledge of the special tax made for the benefit of the bonds issued hereunder shall be on a parity with all valid pledges of said special tax theretofore or thereafter made for the benefit of bonds issued hereunder or under any other constitutional amendment, to such extent as shall not impair the obligations of any then existing valid pledges. Except as herein otherwise provided, all bonds issued hereunder shall be issued in accordance with, and shall be subject to, the provisions of the general laws of Alabama respecting the sale, execution, issuance, and redemption of bonds by counties, as such laws may exist at the time of the delivery of such bonds. Bonds may be issued under this amendment in one or more series and may be sold at either public or private
AMENDMENT 771 RATIFIED Phase-out of Supernumerary Programs in Madison County; Participation in Employees' Retirement System. No elected or appointed Madison County official may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every elected or appointed Madison County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Madison County officials holding office at the time of ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office. No person may participate in both a supernumerary program and the Employees' Retirement System based on the same service. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed Madison County official" include, subject only to express limitation, any person elected to represent Madison County in any representative body of the state and includes any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed Madison County official. The words do not include a judge, district attorney, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit.
AMENDMENT 772 RATIFIED Promotion of Economic and Industrial Development by County Commission. (a) The governing body of any county, and the governing body of any municipality located therein, for which a local constitutional amendment has not been adopted authorizing any of the following, shall have full and continuing power to do any of the following: (1) Use public funds to purchase, lease, or otherwise acquire real property, buildings, plants, factories, facilities, machinery, and equipment of any kind, or to utilize the properties heretofore purchased or otherwise acquired, and improve and develop the properties for use as sites for industry of any kind or as industrial park projects, including, but not limited to, grading and the construction of roads, drainage, sewers, sewage and waste disposal systems, parking areas, and utilities to serve the sites or projects. (2) Lease, sell, grant, exchange, or otherwise convey, on terms approved by the governing body of the county or the municipality, as applicable, all or any part of any real property, buildings, plants, factories, facilities, machinery, and equipment of any kind or industrial park project to any individual, firm, corporation, or other business entity, public or private, including any industrial development board or other public corporation or authority heretofore or hereafter created by the county or the municipality, for the purpose of constructing, developing, equipping, and operating industrial, commercial, research, or service facilities of any kind. (3) Lend its credit to or grant public funds and things of value in aid of or to any individual, firm, corporation, or other business entity, public or private, for the purpose of promoting the economic and industrial development of the county or the municipality. (4) Become indebted and issue bonds, warrants which may be payable from funds to be realized in future years, notes, or other obligations, or evidences of indebtedness to a principal amount not exceeding 50 percent of the assessed value of taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in order to secure funds for the purchase, construction, lease, or acquisition of any of the property described in subdivision (1) or to be used in furtherance of any of the other powers or authorities granted in this amendment. The obligations or evidences of indebtedness may be issued upon the full faith and credit of the county or any municipality or may be limited as to the source of their payment. The recital in any bonds, warrants, notes, or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness that they were issued pursuant to this amendment or that they were issued to provide funds to be used in furtherance of any power or authority herein authorized shall be conclusive, and no purchaser or holder thereof need inquire further. The bonds, warrants, notes, or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness issued hereunder shall not be considered an indebtedness of the county or any municipality for the purpose of determining the borrowing capacity of the county or municipality under this Constitution. (b) In carrying out the purpose of this amendment, neither the county nor any municipality located therein shall be subject to Section 93 or 94 of this Constitution. Each public corporation heretofore created by the county or by any municipality located therein, including specifically any industrial development board incorporated under Article 4 of Chapter 54 of Title 11 of the Code of Alabama 1975, and any industrial development authority incorporated or reincorporated under Chapter 92A of Title 11 of the Code of Alabama 1975, and the Shoals Economic Development Authority enacted under Act No. 95-512, 1995 Regular Session, are validated and the powers granted to the board or authority under its respective enabling legislation are validated notwithstanding any other provision of law or of this Constitution. The powers granted by this amendment may be exercis
AMENDMENT 773 RATIFIED Form of Government. Amendment 144 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, relating to Colbert County, is repealed.
AMENDMENT 774 RATIFIED Sanctity of Marriage Amendment. (a) This amendment shall be known and may be cited as the Sanctity of Marriage Amendment. (b) Marriage is inherently a unique relationship between a man and a woman. As a matter of public policy, this state has a special interest in encouraging, supporting, and protecting this unique relationship in order to promote, among other goals, the stability and welfare of society and its children. A marriage contracted between individuals of the same sex is invalid in this state. (c) Marriage is a sacred covenant, solemnized between a man and a woman, which, when the legal capacity and consent of both parties is present, establishes their relationship as husband and wife, and which is recognized by the state as a civil contract. (d) No marriage license shall be issued in the State of Alabama to parties of the same sex. (e) The State of Alabama shall not recognize as valid any marriage of parties of the same sex that occurred or was alleged to have occurred as a result of the law of any jurisdiction regardless of whether a marriage license was issued. (f) The State of Alabama shall not recognize as valid any common law marriage of parties of the same sex. (g) A union replicating marriage of or between persons of the same sex in the State of Alabama or in any other jurisdiction shall be considered and treated in all respects as having no legal force or effect in this state and shall not be recognized by this state as a marriage or other union replicating marriage.
AMENDMENT 775 RATIFIED Sheriff - Employees Effective the first day of the sixth month after the date of the election on the ratification of this amendment, employees of the Office of the Sheriff of Blount County, except for the chief deputy and chief clerks, are subject to the authority of the Merit System Board of Blount County, or its successor.
AMENDMENT 776 RATIFIED Retirement. Amendment No. 632 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, now appearing as Section 3, Local Amendments, Cleburne County, Official Recompilation of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended, is amended to read as follows: "Amendment No. 632. " No elected or appointed Cleburne County official may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every elected or appointed Cleburne County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Cleburne County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office. No person may participate in both a supernumerary program and the Employees' Retirement System based on the same service. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed Cleburne County official" include, subject only to express limitation, any person elected to represent Cleburne County in any representative body of the state and includes any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed Cleburne County official. The words do not include a judge, district attorney, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit. "
AMENDMENT 777 RATIFIED Retirement. Amendment No. 630 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, now appearing as Section 3, Local Amendments, Cherokee County, Official Recompilation of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended, is amended to read as follows: "Amendment No. 630. " No elected or appointed Cherokee County official may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every elected or appointed Cherokee County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Cherokee County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office. No person may participate in both a supernumerary program and the Employees' Retirement System based on the same service. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed Cherokee County official" include, subject only to express limitation, any person elected to represent Cherokee County in any representative body of the state and includes any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed Cherokee County official. The words do not include a judge, district attorney, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit. " " " ""
AMENDMENT 778 RATIFIED Minimum ad valorem tax rate for general school purposes. (a) There is hereby authorized and there shall be levied and collected for general public school purposes, for the ad valorem tax year commencing October 1, 2006, and for each ad valorem tax year thereafter, in each school district of the state, in addition to all other taxes, a special ad valorem school property tax at a rate equal to the difference between ten dollars on each one thousand dollars of taxable property in such district and the sum of the rates per thousand of all the ad valorem property taxes described in Section (b) hereof otherwise levied and collected for general public school purposes in such school district and required or permitted by the terms of this amendment to be taken into account for purposes of determining the rate of said tax. The County Commission or other like governing body of each county in the State is hereby directed to compute and determine annually the rate or rates of, and to levy and collect in and for the benefit of each school district within such county, the additional ad valorem property tax authorized hereby, in compliance with the provisions of this amendment. The proceeds from said tax shall not, any provisions of any law or of this constitution to the contrary notwithstanding, be subject to any fees, charges or commissions for assessment or collection by any person whatever, it being the intent hereof that the full amounts of the proceeds of said tax collected shall be used for general public school purposes. (b) The following described ad valorem property taxes, to the extent the use of the proceeds thereof is not lawfully restricted, earmarked or otherwise designated for a purpose or purposes more particular than general public school purposes, now or hereafter levied and collected in each school district of the State, shall be taken into account annually in determining the rate of the tax required to be levied each year pursuant to the provisions of Section (a) of this amendment: (1) countywide ad valorem property taxes levied and collected for public school or educational purposes under the provisions of Section 269 of, or Amendments 3 or 202 [§§269.01 through 269.04] to, the Constitution of Alabama of 1901 or any amendment thereto adopted subsequent to the adoption of this amendment similarly authorizing the levy of such taxes, (2) countywide ad valorem property taxes levied and collected for public school or educational purposes, (3) that portion, expressed as an ad valorem tax millage rate, of any local countywide ad valorem property tax or taxes levied and collected in any county of the state for general purposes that is paid or required to be distributed to or used for the benefit of the respective public school system or systems of the county to which the school district has reference, and that is designated by official action of the taxing authority levying the same as creditable for purposes of Section (a) of this amendment, provided that any such portion of such tax once so designated may not thereafter be designated for other than general school purposes and shall be recorded as a school tax that may be levied and collected without limit as to time, (4) school district ad valorem property taxes levied and collected under the provisions of Amendments 3 or 382 to the Constitution of 1901 [§§269.01 through 269.04], or the provisions of any constitutional amendment applicable only to the county (or part thereof) in which the school district is located authorizing the levy of an ad valorem property tax in the school district, and (5) any ad valorem property taxes otherwise levied by and collected in any municipality of the state for public school purposes the proceeds of which are paid or required to be used for the benefit of the school system of such municipality, and that are designated by the taxing authority levying the tax as creditable for purposes of Section (a) of this amendment, pr
AMENDMENT 779 RATIFIED Court Costs. The Legislature, by general or local law, may fix, regulate, and alter the costs and charges of courts in Autauga County and provide for their distribution.
AMENDMENT 780 RATIFIED Judicial Commission. All vacancies in the office of judge of the circuit court and the office of judge of the district court holding in Baldwin County shall be filled in the manner and for the time as herein provided. The Baldwin County Judicial Commission is created for the purpose of nominating to the Governor persons for appointment to a vacancy. The commission shall be composed of five members. The members of the commission shall be one person who is a member of the Alabama State Bar nominated by the Baldwin County Bar Association, the presiding circuit judge holding in Baldwin County, one member selected by the Baldwin County Commission, one member selected by the Baldwin County Mayors' Association where at least two thirds of the members are in attendance at the meeting where the selection is made, and one member who is not a member of the Legislature selected by the Baldwin County Legislative Delegation selected by random selection as designed by the members of the Alabama House of Representatives and the Alabama Senate who represent Baldwin County. All members of the commission shall reside in the territorial jurisdiction of the circuit court holding in Baldwin County. Only the member selected by the Baldwin County Bar Association and the presiding circuit judge holding in Baldwin County may be a member of the Alabama State Bar. The member of the commission who is required to be a member of the Alabama State Bar shall be elected by the members of the Baldwin County Bar Association who are regularly licensed and qualified to practice law in this state and who reside in the territorial jurisdiction of the circuit court holding in Baldwin County. The Executive Committee of the Baldwin County Bar Association, or its successor body in that capacity, shall make rules, not inconsistent with this amendment, for the election of the member of the commission required to be a member of the Alabama State Bar. The executive committee shall certify in writing to the Judge of Probate of Baldwin County the name of the person elected as member of the commission by these members of the bar. The presiding circuit judge holding in Baldwin County shall certify in writing to the Judge of Probate of Baldwin County the remaining names of the persons selected as members of the commission. The terms of office of all members of the commission shall be six years. In event that an initial appointment or vacancy is not filled in 30 days, the vacancy shall be filled by the members of the Baldwin County Legislative Delegation residing in Baldwin County within 10 days. A vacancy in the office of a member of the commission shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as the member was originally chosen. The Judge of Probate of Baldwin County shall record all certificates of election and shall safely and permanently keep the original certificates. Forthwith upon his or her receipt and recordation of every certificate, the judge of probate shall send to the Governor a certified copy of every certificate. No member of the commission shall be eligible for nomination to the Governor for appointment as judge of the circuit court or the district court during the term of office of the commission member. The members of the commission shall not receive any salary or other compensation for their services as members. No member of the commission other than the member required to be a judge of the circuit court shall hold any public office, and no member of the commission shall hold any official position in any political party. If a vacancy occurs in the office of judge of the circuit court or the office of judge of the district court holding in Baldwin County, the commission shall nominate within 30 days to the Governor three persons having the qualifications for the office. If the commission fails to nominate three names during the 30-day period, the names shall be selected by the members of the Baldwin County Legislative Delegat
AMENDMENT 781 RATIFIED Wastewater Utilities. (a) This amendment shall apply only in Baldwin County. (b) For the purpose of this amendment, the following terms have the following meanings: (1) WASTEWATER SYSTEM. A system of pipes, lines, meters, pumps, equipment and facilities, all or part of which are located in the unincorporated areas of Baldwin County and which are owned or operated by a wastewater utility, as defined herein, for the collection, treatment, and disposal of wastewater from homes, schools, businesses, and other entities in which solids, sewerage, nonhydrocarbon greases, and oils are collected for treatment or where wastewater is collected for disposal. Individual septic tank systems, decentralized or cluster facilities as defined by general law, and all portable toilets are expressly excluded from the definition of the term "wastewater system." (2) WASTEWATER UTILITY. The owner or operating entity of a wastewater system, whether privately owned or publicly owned, including privately owned wastewater systems, municipally owned wastewater systems, and wastewater systems owned by or through boards or other entities established by municipal corporations or as otherwise provided by state law. (3) WASTEWATER. Solids, sewerage, nonhydrocarbon greases, and oils. (c) The Legislature may by general or local law provide for the regulation of wastewater utilities, whether privately owned or publicly owned, in the unincorporated area of the county. The regulation may include uniform minimum standards for the design, placement, construction, operation, and maintenance of wastewater systems and the regulation of the establishment of reasonable and just rates for consumers and the wastewater utilities. In the case of uniform minimum standards established within any extraterritorial jurisdiction of a municipality, the standards established pursuant to the authority granted in this amendment shall apply. Any minimum standard adopted pursuant to this amendment shall not apply to any part of a wastewater system installed or permitted prior to the effective date of the standard unless it is determined necessary for the protection of the public health and welfare and the environment of Baldwin County. All laws, rules, regulations, construction standards, and specifications regulating wastewater systems and wastewater utilities shall be non-discriminatory and apply equally to all wastewater systems and wastewater utilities operating or located within the unincorporated areas of the county. (d) The Legislature may authorize the levy of taxes or fees in an amount not to exceed five percent of the gross receipts from the connection, collection, and treatment revenues collected from customers of wastewater utilities in the unincorporated area of the county to be used for the purposes of the administration of regulation adopted pursuant to this amendment. (e) The Legislature may provide for the mandatory connection to wastewater systems where service is reasonably available and where it is in the best interest for the protection of the public health and welfare and the environment of Baldwin County. (f) The Legislature by general or local law may authorize the exercise of the power of eminent domain for the construction of wastewater utilities in the county.
AMENDMENT 782 RATIFIED Baldwin County: Tax - Senior Discount. (a) In Baldwin County, a qualified taxpayer may claim a senior discount on his or her ad valorem taxes. A qualified taxpayer shall meet all the following requirements to be eligible for the senior discount: (1) Be age 65 or older for the tax year for which he or she claims the discount. (2) Shall have maintained the property on which the senior discount is claimed as his or her principal place of residence for at least 10 years prior to claiming the senior discount. (b) The senior discount provided for herein shall be the difference between the ad valorem taxes otherwise due and the ad valorem tax imposed on October 1, 2006. The senior discount shall be claimed in the manner that a homestead exemption is claimed. (c) The Alabama Department of Revenue shall promulgate such rules as are necessary for the implementation and administration of the provisions of this amendment.
AMENDMENT 783 RATIFIED Home Rule. Section 1. Limited Home Rule. (a) Except as herein provided, the Baldwin County Commission may adopt ordinances, resolutions, or regulations relating to its property, affairs, and county government for which no provision has been made by general law and which is not inconsistent with this constitution or any local law enacted by the Alabama Legislature. Notwithstanding the general grant of power in the preceding sentence, the Baldwin County Commission may not establish or levy any new tax or raise revenue except as authorized by this constitution or by general or local law enacted by the Legislature of the State of Alabama. (b) The Baldwin County Commission, in the adoption of ordinances, resolutions, regulations, or amendments to such ordinances, resolutions, or regulations implementing the provisions of this amendment, shall provide for public notice and hearings as follows: (1) The county commission shall hold two advertised public hearings on the proposed ordinance, resolution, or regulation or any amendment to ordinances, resolutions, or regulations at regularly scheduled meetings of the commission. (2) The required advertisement shall be no less than one-eighth page in a standard size or a tabloid size newspaper, and the headline in the advertisement shall be in a type no smaller than 14 point. This advertisement shall be placed in both that portion of the newspaper where legal notices and classified advertisements appear and in the other portion of the newspaper. The advertisement shall be published in newspapers of general paid circulation in the county and of general interest and readership in the community. In addition, the advertisement may be placed on a website. (3) An ordinance may not be considered for adoption until the next regularly scheduled meeting of the county commission after the public hearings provided for above. (c) Every ordinance of the Baldwin County Commission shall embrace only one subject and matter properly connected therewith, and the subject shall be briefly expressed in the title. No ordinance shall be revised or amended by reference to its title only. Ordinances to revise or amend shall set out in full the revised or amended section, subsection, or paragraph of a subsection. The enacting clause of every ordinance shall read: "Be It Ordained by the County Commissioners of Baldwin County." (d) The Baldwin County Commission shall maintain a current codification of all ordinances. The codification shall be updated at least annually. All ordinances shall be available to the public at the main courthouse and at all satellite courthouses. A reasonable charge may be made for the copies but the charges shall not exceed the actual costs incidental to providing the copies. In addition, the county commission may post the ordinances on the Internet. (e) The Baldwin County Commission may fix the salaries, compensation, expenses, and other benefits and terms of employment of those employed by the Baldwin County Commission, not to include any employee of the sheriff subject to Amendment 717 of this constitution, now appearing as Section 9, Local Amendments, Baldwin County, Official Recompilation of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended, and establish and maintain retirement or pension systems, insurance, workers' compensation, hospitalization, and medical benefits for those employees as well as the employees of the Baldwin County Legislative Office. The Baldwin County Commission may employ a county administrator and other professional staff as it deems appropriate to be authorized and directed to perform any applicable management and administrative function associated with the management of county property and services. Section 2. Supplementary powers. (a) The Baldwin County Commission, in addition to, and supplementary of, all powers possessed by or conferred upon Baldwin County or otherwise provided by general law, may by ordinance or resolution exercise the fo
AMENDMENT 784 RATIFIED Retirement. No sheriff or elected or appointed Butler County official may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every sheriff or elected or appointed Butler County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. The sheriff and other Butler County officials holding office at the time of ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office. No person may participate in both a supernumerary program and the Employees' Retirement System based on the same service. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed Butler County official" include, subject only to express limitation, (1) any person elected to a public county office by the electors of Butler County at a general or special election; (2) any person holding an office that entitles the person to participate in a supernumerary program; or (3) any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected Butler County official. The words do not include a judge, district attorney, legislator, constable, coroner, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit.
AMENDMENT 785 RATIFIED Salaries - Judge of Probate. Repealed by Amendment 785.
AMENDMENT 786 RATIFIED Retirement. No person elected or appointed sheriff or any elected or appointed DeKalb County official may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every elected or appointed DeKalb County official including the sheriff may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. DeKalb County officials holding office at the time of ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office; provided, however, the official shall forego the assumption of a supernumerary office. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed DeKalb County official" include, subject only to express limitation, any person elected to represent DeKalb County in any representative body of the state and includes any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed DeKalb County official, but shall not include a judge, district attorney, legislator, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit.
AMENDMENT 787 RATIFIED Fire Protection - Levy of Fees. (a) The Legislature may from time to time by local law authorize the county governing body of Elmore County to levy and collect fees, annually not to exceed fifty dollars ($50) on each residence and one hundred dollars ($100) on each business located within the county, for fire protection services and emergency medical care, such local law may provide for the distribution of the fees to volunteer fire departments and to emergency medical technicians who are members of volunteer fire departments, or provide for the distribution of the fees to an association of volunteer fire departments to be distributed by the association for the same purposes. (b) Act No. 92-660, H. 63, 1992 Second Special Session, a proposed, but not ratified local constitutional amendment, relating to the same subject matter, is repealed. (c) This amendment shall not become effective unless approved at a referendum by a majority of the qualified electors of Elmore County voting on the proposition. The referendum shall be held at the same time as the election for the ratification of this amendment, as provided for in Section 2 of this act, and no further election shall be required.
AMENDMENT 788 RATIFIED Retirement. No mayor or elected or appointed Escambia County official, including the sheriff, may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every mayor or elected or appointed Escambia County official, including the sheriff, may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Mayors and Escambia County officials holding office at the time of ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office. No person may participate in both a supernumerary program and the Employees' Retirement System based on the same service. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed Escambia County official" include, subject only to express limitation, any person holding an office that entitles the person to participate in a supernumerary program or any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed Escambia County official. The words do not include a judge, district attorney, legislator, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit.
AMENDMENT 789 RATIFIED Retirement. No elected or appointed Geneva County official, including the sheriff, may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every elected or appointed Geneva County official, including the sheriff, may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Geneva County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office; provided, however, the official shall forego the assumption of a supernumerary office. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed county official" shall include any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed county official, but shall not include a judge, district attorney, legislator, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit.
AMENDMENT 790 RATIFIED Criminal Penalties. The Lee County Commission, by ordinance or resolution, may provide criminal penalties for violations that occur within the county in addition to those provided for by state law.
AMENDMENT 791 RATIFIED Sheriff - Employees. Effective the first day of the sixth month after ratification of this amendment, employees of the Office of the Sheriff of Mobile County, except for all appointed or contract employees, shall be under the authority of the Personnel Board of Mobile County. The provisions of this amendment shall not affect the legal status of the sheriff's deputies as state constitutional officers and shall not abrogate or limit in any way any immunity from liability they enjoy pursuant to that status.
AMENDMENT 792 RATIFIED Fire Protection - Garbage and Trash Disposal. The Legislature may provide for the formation of districts in Tuscaloosa County, for establishing and maintaining a system for fighting or preventing fires or for the collection and disposal of garbage and trash or for either or both of said purposes; provided, however, that no territory lying within the limits of a municipal corporation at the time of the establishment of any such district shall be included within such district except that all or part of any territory lying within a municipality having a population of 10,000 inhabitants or less may be included within a district upon approval by resolution of the governing body of the municipality; and, provided further, that no such district shall be established unless the establishment thereof has been first approved by the qualified electors residing within the proposed district at an election held as provided for by a law or laws adopted by the Legislature. The Legislature may provide for submitting to the qualified electors residing within the proposed district the question of whether the district shall be created for either or both of the aforesaid purposes. The expenses of establishing and maintaining any such fire fighting and fire prevention system or any such garbage collection and disposal system in a district, as the case may be, shall be paid for exclusively by the proceeds of a service charge, which shall be levied and collected in an amount sufficient to pay the said expenses. Said service charges shall be levied upon and collected from the persons and property to whom and to which such services are available; and the service charge shall be a lien upon any such property. The Legislature may provide for the enlargement of a district by the addition of territory thereto, subject to the following conditions: (1) No territory lying within a municipal corporation at the time of such enlargement shall be added to a district except that all or part of any territory lying within a municipality having a population of 10,000 inhabitants or less may be included within a district upon approval by resolution of the governing body of the municipality; (2) subject to (3), next below, no territory shall be added unless the qualified electors thereof have approved the addition of such territory to the district at an election held for that purpose within the territory proposed to be added; (3) the Legislature may provide a procedure whereby territory will be included in a district upon the written petition for its inclusion signed by at least seventy percent (70%) of the qualified electors residing within said territory. The Legislature shall adopt laws providing for the administration of the affairs of the district by the governing body of the county or by an agency of the county, and empowering the body administering the affairs of the district to levy and collect the service charge, subject to such restrictions and conditions as the Legislature imposes. The Legislature may provide that any such service charge shall not become effective unless approved by the electors of the territory, and may provide the conditions on which an election on such service charge shall be held. The Legislature shall be authorized to enact laws providing for the collection and enforcement of the service charges and of the lien for such charges. The Legislature may provide for the issuance of bonds for such districts with or without an election; provided, however, that all bonds issued hereunder shall be payable only out of the proceeds of the service charge authorized hereby, and no such bond shall be a general obligation of the county.
AMENDMENT 793 RATIFIED Tuscaloosa County: Court Costs - Legislative Authority. The Legislature, by general or local law, may fix, regulate, and alter the costs and charges of courts in Tuscaloosa County and provide for their distribution. Any local law authorizing the levy of additional court costs in Tuscaloosa County enacted prior to the effective date of this amendment is ratified and confirmed.
AMENDMENT 794 RATIFIED Court Costs - Authority. The Legislature, by general or local law, may fix, regulate, and alter the costs and charges of courts in Tuscaloosa County and provide for their distribution. Any local law authorizing the levy of additional court costs in Tuscaloosa County enacted prior to the effective date of this amendment is ratified and confirmed.
AMENDMENT 795 RATIFIED Hospitals, Continued. The special district tax now levied and collected for public hospital purposes in election precincts numbered one through seven of Baldwin County, Alabama, and authorized by law shall be continued upon approval of this constitutional amendment and by simultaneous approval of a majority of the qualified electors in election precincts one through seven of Baldwin County voting thereon in the constitutional election submitting this proposed amendment to the county electorate. "Upon such approval, the governing body of Baldwin County shall levy and cause to be collected annually, beginning October 1, 2007, for a period of 20 years, in addition to any taxes now authorized or that may be hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, a special district tax of two mills on each one dollar ($1.00) assessed valuation of taxable property in election precincts numbered one through seven of Baldwin County, Alabama, to be used exclusively for public hospital purposes (as the term "public hospital purposes" is defined in amendment LXXVI [76] to the Alabama Constitution of 1901 [§215.037] proposed by Acts of 1949, page 897, submitted December 13, 1949, and proclaimed ratified December 21, 1949) within said election precincts numbered one through seven. Whenever such tax shall have been authorized by vote of such qualified electors, and levied by the governing body of Baldwin County, such governing body may anticipate the proceeds therefrom for any one or more of the purposes for which the tax shall have been voted, by issuing, without further election, interest bearing tax anticipation bonds, warrants, or certificates of indebtedness of said county payable solely from and secured by a pledge of a sufficient amount of the annual proceeds from said tax received by the county. The governing body of Baldwin County shall have power to designate as the agency of the county, to construct, acquire, equip, operate and maintain public hospital facilities for said election precincts numbered one through seven any public corporation heretofore or hereafter organized for hospital purposes in the county. When a public corporation shall have been so designated, the proceeds of said tax thereafter collected shall be paid to it and shall be used by it for any one or more of the purposes for which the tax shall have been voted; provided, that payments of the proceeds of said tax to said public corporation shall be made only to such extent as will not result in the impairment of the obligation of any contract theretofore made with respect to said tax. Said public corporation may anticipate the proceeds from said tax so required to be paid to it by issuing, for any one or more of the purposes for which the tax shall have been voted, the bonds, warrants, or certificates of indebtedness of said corporation, and may pledge for the payment of the principal thereof and interest thereon a sufficient amount of the annual proceeds from said tax so paid to it. No securities issued or contracts made by Baldwin County under the authority of this amendment, which are payable solely out of the proceeds of said tax, and no securities issued or contracts made by any such public corporation, whether or not issued or made under the authority of this amendment, shall be construed to be bonds of Baldwin County or of a political subdivision thereof within the meaning of Section 222 of the Constitution, or construed to create or constitute an indebtedness of the county within the meaning of Section 224 of the Constitution. Said securities shall be construed to be negotiable instruments notwithstanding the fact that they may be payable solely from a limited source. All pledges of said tax and all contracts made with respect thereto pursuant to the provisions of this amendment shall take precedence in the order in which they are made and shall create a charge on the proceeds of said tax prior to the expenses of operating and
AMENDMENT 796 RATIFIED Increase in bonding authority; competitive bidding. (a) The authority granted to the State of Alabama to become indebted and to sell and issue its interest-bearing General Obligation bonds, in addition to all other bonds of the state, under Amendment 666 to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended, [§219.04] is hereby increased to an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $750 million. (b) All of the bonds shall be sold only at public sale or sales, either on sealed bids or at public auction, after such advertisement as may be prescribed by the Bond Commission, to the bidder whose bid reflects the lowest true interest cost to the State computed to the respective maturities of the bonds sold; provided, that if no bid deemed acceptable by the commission is received all bids may be rejected. (c) Relative to issuance expenses, contracts and appointments incurred in connection with the issuance of bonds, the Bond Commission created in Section IX of Amendment 666 to the Constitution of 1901, [§219.04] shall contract with businesses or individuals which reflect the racial and ethnic diversity of the state. (d) In all other respects, the terms and provisions of Amendment 666 to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, [§219.04] as amended, will be unchanged and remain in full force and effect.
AMENDMENT 797 RATIFIED Foreign Trade Investment Zone. (a) The governing body of the City of Prichard in Mobile County, Alabama, by a majority vote thereof at a regularly scheduled meeting of the governing body, may establish an Alabama Foreign Trade Investment Zone within the city as a special tax district for the purpose of importing duty free and quota free articles eligible under the United States General System of Preferences and the Africa Growth and Opportunities Act or otherwise for purposes of enhancing economic development opportunities and job opportunities within the City of Prichard and Mobile County. The governing body of the City of Prichard shall specify that the value of land and improvements within the tax district, except for property within the tax district that is centrally assessed by the Alabama Department of Revenue, shall be assessed for ad valorem tax purposes by the appropriate county tax officials according to a single site valuation system where land and improvements on the land are valued together rather than separately and taxed at a uniform rate. The proceeds of any revenue collected pursuant to this amendment shall be used by the special tax district for infrastructure creation, improvements, or redesign. (b) The Legislature may provide by local law for the implementation and administration of the special tax district authorized by this amendment and may further provide for the abolition of the tax district upon the adoption of a resolution by a majority vote of the city governing body calling for the tax district to be abolished. (c) In addition to the foregoing, any nonprofit organization located within Mobile County may enter into contracts with any individual or corporation for operational purposes.
AMENDMENT 798 RATIFIED Health care benefits for retired state and education employees. All of the assets, proceeds, and income of the Alabama Retired State Employees' Health Care Trust and the Alabama Retired Education Employees' Health Care Trust, or any successor or assignee of the trust, and all contributions and payments made to the trustees of the trusts, shall be held, invested as authorized by law, and disbursed for the exclusive purposes of providing for administrative expenses of the respective trust and health care benefits under the management of the trustees of the respective trust in accordance with the terms of its trust agreement. None of the assets, proceeds, income, contributions, or payments shall be used, loaned, encumbered, or diverted to or for any other purpose whatsoever, except, that (a) a trust may be terminated, if the State has no obligation to provide post-employment health care benefits for which the trust was established to such persons, and, in that event, the remaining assets of the trust shall revert to the State Treasury to and for the credit of the State Employees' Insurance Board, the Public Education Employees' Health Insurance Board, or its successor or assign, as the case may be, related to the terminated trust or (b) if in response to a petition of the trustees of a trust requesting that the respective trust agreement be amended, a court of competent jurisdiction determines that the amendment proposed by the trustees is necessary or otherwise advisable to accomplish one or more purposes of the act authorizing and directing the creation of the trusts.
AMENDMENT 799 RATIFIED Traffic Laws - Enforcement. In Shelby County, the Legislature, by local law, may provide for the enforcement of traffic laws on private roads in private gated communities and platted subdivisions with 35 or more existing houses whose roads are not public in the county.
AMENDMENT 800 RATIFIED Pike County Court Costs. The Legislature, by general or local law, may fix, regulate, and alter the costs and charges of courts in Pike County and provide for their distribution. Any local law authorizing the levy of additional court costs in Pike County enacted prior to the effective date of this amendment is ratified and confirmed.
AMENDMENT 801 RATIFIED Board of Education. Section I. The Macon County Board of Education shall be composed of five members. Four of the members shall be elected by the respective qualified electors of four separate single-member districts, which shall be the same as the districts established for the election of the members of the Macon County Commission. One of the members shall be elected at large by the qualified electors of the county. Section II. Members of the board shall be elected to serve six-year terms of office. Members holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall continue in office and exercise the duties thereof until their respective terms expire. Upon the expiration of those terms, members shall be elected for six-year terms by election district and place number as follows: (1) One of the two memberships expiring in 2012 shall be designated as Place 1. The member elected to serve in Place 1 shall be elected from the same election district as is provided for Place 1 on the Macon County Commission. (2) One of the two memberships expiring in 2012 shall be designated as Place 5. The member elected to serve in Place 5 shall be elected from the county at large. (3) The membership expiring in 2008 shall be designated as Place 2. The member elected to serve in Place 2 shall be elected from the same election district as is provided for Place 2 on the Macon County Commission. (4) One of the two memberships expiring in 2010 shall be designated as Place 3. The member elected to serve in Place 3 shall be elected from the same election district as is provided for Place 3 on the Macon County Commission. (5) One of the two memberships expiring in 2010 shall be designated as Place 4. The member elected to serve in Place 4 shall be elected from the same election district as is provided for Place 4 on the Macon County Commission. Section III. The Macon County Commission shall take necessary steps to ensure this amendment complies with the Federal Voting Rights Act of 1965, as amended, before any election is conducted pursuant to this amendment.
AMENDMENT 802 RATIFIED Tax - Senior Property Tax Appraisal. Amendment 782. (a) In Baldwin County, a qualified taxpayer may claim a senior property tax appraisal on his or her ad valorem taxes. A qualified taxpayer shall meet all of the following requirements to be eligible for the senior property tax appraisal: (1) Be age 65 or older for the tax year for which he or she claims the senior property tax appraisal. (2) Have been assessed ad valorem taxes on any property within the county used as a principal place of residence for at least 10 years prior to the year for which he or she is claiming the senior property tax appraisal. (b) The senior property tax appraisal provided for herein shall freeze the assessed value of the property for the year prior to claiming the senior property tax appraisal. The recipient of the senior property tax appraisal shall be subject to any applicable homestead exemption and millage rate changes. Any addition to the property after claiming the senior property tax appraisal shall not be eligible for the senior property tax appraisal. (c) The Alabama Department of Revenue shall promulgate the rules as are necessary for the implementation and administration of the provisions of this amendment.
AMENDMENT 803 RATIFIED Repeal of Amendment 709. Section I. Amendment 709 to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, now appearing as Section 260.01 of the Official Recompilation of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended, is hereby repealed. Section II. As used in this amendment, the following words and phrases shall have the following respective meanings: "Alabama Trust Fund" means the irrevocable, permanent trust fund created by Amendment No. 450 to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, now appearing as Section 219.02 of the Official Recompilation of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended. "Education Trust Fund Rainy Day Account" or "General Fund Rainy Day Account" means the special accounts created by this amendment. "Oil and Gas Capital Payment" means any payment (including any royalty payment) received by the state or any agency or instrumentality thereof as all or part of the consideration for the sale, leasing, or other disposition by the state or any agency or instrumentality thereof of any right to explore and drill for or to produce oil, gas, or other hydrocarbon minerals in any area on the water side of the high water mark of Mobile Bay or in any other offshore area and shall include any revenue by the state from federal oil and gas leases off the coast of Alabama. Any royalty or other payment, with the exception of any taxes heretofore or hereafter levied, that is based upon or determined with respect to the production of oil, gas or other hydrocarbon minerals and that is paid to the state or any agency or instrumentality thereof, regardless of the time of such payment, shall be considered an oil and gas capital payment. Section III. (a) Within thirty days following ratification of this constitutional amendment there shall be created within the Alabama Trust Fund the Education Trust Fund Rainy Day Account and the General Fund Rainy Day Account. In any year in which the Governor certifies to the state comptroller and notifies the Legislature that proration would occur in appropriations from the Education Trust Fund or the State General Fund, the Education Trust Fund Rainy Day Account or the General Fund Rainy Day Account shall be credited with Oil and Gas Capital Payments previously transferred into the Alabama Trust Fund in the amount required to fund withdrawals from the Account of the amounts authorized by this section. However, the amount withdrawn from the Education Trust Fund Rainy Day Account in a fiscal year may not exceed six and one-half percent of the previous fiscal year's Education Trust Fund appropriations less the total amount of any prior years' withdrawals from the Account which have not been repaid to the Account, as provided for in subsections (b), (c), and (e). The amount withdrawn from the General Fund Rainy Day Account in a fiscal year may not exceed ten percent of the previous fiscal year's General Fund appropriations less the total amount of any prior years' withdrawals from the Account which have not been repaid to the Account, as provided for in subsections (b), (c), and (e). Funds from the Education Trust Fund or the General Fund Rainy Day Account may be withdrawn only to prevent proration of the appropriations from the Education Trust Fund or the General Fund. For the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2008, withdrawals shall be limited to an amount necessary to reach the highest estimated available revenue for each Fund as certified by the Finance Director and the Legislative Fiscal Officer prior to the end of the 2008 Regular Legislative Session. Beginning in the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2009, withdrawals from the Education Trust Fund Rainy Day Account and the General Fund Rainy Day Account shall be limited to an amount necessary to reach the average of the estimated available revenue for each Fund which is to be certified by the Finance Director and the Legislative Fiscal Officer prior to the third legislative day of each Regular Session. The Governor shall certify t
AMENDMENT 804 RATIFIED Shelby County: Judicial Commission. The Shelby County Judicial Commission is hereby created for the purpose of nominating to the Governor persons for appointment to a vacancy. The commission shall be composed of five members. The members of the commission shall be as follows: Two persons who are members of the Alabama State Bar; two persons who are not members of the Alabama State Bar; and the presiding judge of the 18th Judicial Circuit. All members of the commission shall reside in the territorial jurisdiction of the 18th Judicial Circuit. The two members of the commission who are required to be members of the Alabama State Bar shall be elected by the members of the bar who are regularly licensed and qualified to practice law in this state. The Executive Committee of the Shelby County Bar Association, or its successor body in such capacity, is authorized and directed to make rules, not inconsistent with this amendment, for the election of the two members of the commission who are required to be members of the Alabama State Bar. The executive committee shall certify in writing to the Judge of Probate of Shelby County the names of the persons elected as members of the commission by the members of the bar and the name of the presiding judge of the circuit court who shall serve on the commission by virtue of his or her position as presiding judge. The members of the Legislature representing Shelby County shall elect the two members of the commission who are required not to be members of the Alabama State Bar. The members of the Legislature representing Shelby County shall certify in writing to the judge of probate the names of the persons elected by them as members. The terms of office of all members of the commission shall be six years, except that the terms of office of the two members of the State Bar first elected shall be for one and two years respectively, and of the two members first elected by the members of the Legislature representing Shelby County shall be for three and four years respectively; the length of the terms of office of the members of the commission being indicated by the respective electing bodies. The terms of the initial members of the commission shall begin on January 1, 2009. A vacancy in the office of a member of the commission shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as that member was originally chosen. The Judge of Probate of Shelby County shall record all certificates of election and shall safely and permanently keep the original certificates. Upon receipt and recordation of each certificate, the judge of probate shall send to the Governor a certified copy of each certificate. No member of the commission shall be eligible to succeed himself or herself as a member or for nomination to the Governor for appointment as judge of the circuit or district court during the term of office for which the member shall have been selected. The members of the commission shall not receive any salary or other compensation for their services as members. No member of the commission other than the member who is the presiding judge of the 18th Judicial Circuit shall hold any public office and no member of the commission shall hold any official position in any political party. If, subsequent to January 1, 2009, a vacancy occurs in the office of judge of the circuit or district court in the 18th Judicial Circuit, the commission shall nominate to the Governor three persons having the qualifications for the office. The nomination shall be made only by the concurrence of a majority of the members of the commission. The Governor shall appoint to the office in which the vacancy exists one of the three persons so nominated for the office. The appointee shall hold office until the next general election for any state officer held at least six months after the vacancy occurs and until his or her successor is elected and qualified; the successor shall hold office for the unexpired term and u
AMENDMENT 805 RATIFIED Limestone County: Tax - Schools. In consideration of the fact that the City of Madison includes property located in both Madison County and Limestone County and that immediately prior to the adoption of this amendment, the number of mills of county-levied ad valorem tax for school or educational purposes in the portion of the city lying in Limestone County was 10.5 mills less than the number of mills of county-levied ad valorem tax for school or educational purposes levied in the portion of the city situated in Madison County, the City of Madison, in addition to the power to levy and collect ad valorem tax each year at the rate authorized immediately prior to the adoption of this amendment, shall have the further power to levy and collect each year, on property located in the part of the city that is situated in Limestone County, such additional ad valorem tax for public school purposes as is necessary to equalize the total rate of all ad valorem tax for public school purposes levied each year on property located in the part of the city that is in Limestone County with the total rate of all ad valorem tax for public school purposes levied on property located in the part of the city that is in Madison County. All additional ad valorem taxation levied under this amendment shall be based on the value of the property as fixed for state taxation. No additional tax shall be levied under this amendment unless a majority of the qualified electors of the City of Madison voting in the election on the adoption on this amendment shall vote for such adoption; provided that if the majority of the qualified electors of the City of Madison voting in said election should not vote in favor of such adoption, or if the majority of the qualified electors of the City of Madison at any election subsequently called under this amendment should not vote in favor of the levy of the additional tax, the governing body of the City of Madison may call other elections on the question of the levy of said tax without further act of the Legislature, but not more than one such election shall be held during any period of twelve consecutive months. Each election held under the provisions hereof shall be ordered, held, canvassed and may be contested in the same manner as may be provided by law applicable to municipal corporations for elections to authorize the issuance of municipal bonds.
AMENDMENT 806 RATIFIED Blount County: Municipalities - Taxation. Any municipality that is not located wholly or in part within the boundaries of Blount County on the effective date of this amendment may not annex any territory within Blount County without the approval of a majority vote of the qualified electors of Blount County voting at a referendum election on the issue of the annexation. The provisions of this amendment shall not apply to any municipality incorporated after the ratification of the amendment that lies entirely within the boundaries of Blount County. This amendment does not apply to any territory annexed within Blount County by a municipality prior to the effective date of this amendment. The Legislature may pass local or general acts to supplement this amendment provided the acts do not contravene this amendment.
AMENDMENT 807 RATIFIED Macon County: Amendment to Amendment 591. Two persons shall be elected to the utilities board of the City of Tuskegee. Commencing with the next term of office, the elections shall be held and conducted by the utilities board. The elected members of the utilities board shall be elected to a term of four years, at the same time as regular municipal elections for Macon County, Alabama. A person eligible to vote in the election shall be a registered voter in Macon County who receives services from the utilities board. "Receives services" means that the person is a resident of a building that receives electricity, sewage, or water services, or any combination thereof, from the utilities board. When a vacancy occurs in either of the two elected positions, the board shall fill the vacancy for the unexpired term of office. The members of the utilities board of the City of Tuskegee shall set the compensation of the directors.
AMENDMENT 808 RATIFIED Baldwin County: Tax - Equalization, Board Modified. (a) The State Revenue Commissioner, shall appoint not more than six additional persons to membership on the Baldwin County Board of Equalization. The State Revenue Commissioner shall make the appointments from a group of nominees submitted by the Baldwin County Commission, the Baldwin County Board of Education, and the governing body of the largest municipality located in Baldwin County. Each appointing authority shall submit a list of three names and the appointments shall be made within 30 days after receipt of the appropriate list. The initial appointments shall consist of three persons unless additional appointments are requested by the existing county board of equalization. The additional members shall closely reflect the racial, ethnic, gender, geographic, and age diversity of the county. (b) The provisions of the general law and local law relating to the selection, qualifications, term of service, schedule of compensation, and oath of the initial members of the board, including the prohibition relating to members holding other governmental positions, shall be applicable to the additional members appointed pursuant to this amendment. (c) The additional members shall be appointed and serve for the limited purpose of hearing objections to any assessments or valuations fixed by the county revenue commissioner or other authorized taxing official. (d)(1) During the term of office of the additional members, the board shall sit in two or more panels consisting of up to three members for the purpose of conducting hearings and making determinations concerning objections to any assessments or valuations fixed by the county revenue commissioner or other authorized taxing official. (2) Each panel shall consist of at least one member who has served on the board for a period in which appeal hearings were held. (e) When the board sits in panels of three members, each panel shall act in the same manner and under the same authority as the full board. All authority, duties, powers, and responsibilities of the board on any matter brought before the panel for hearing shall be exercised by the panel as though heard and decided by the full board. Decisions of each panel shall constitute a decision of the board. All procedures of the board relating to the conduct of hearings shall apply to hearings before either panel of the board. (f) This amendment does not affect in any way the authority of the original board members to carry out all administrative, supervisory, and personnel duties existing on October 1, 2008.
AMENDMENT 809 RATIFIED Baldwin County: Implementation of Ordinances Governing County Owned Property. In Baldwin County, the county commission may by resolution adopt ordinances related to the use and control of county owned public buildings, public parks, boat launches, and historic sites. The ordinances shall be adopted in the same manner and under the same conditions as municipalities in this state may adopt ordinances pursuant to general law except the penalties may not exceed the penalties authorized for a Class C misdemeanor pursuant to general law.
AMENDMENT 810 RATIFIED Baldwin County: Amendment to Amendment 781. (a) This amendment shall apply only in Baldwin County. (b) For the purpose of this amendment, the following terms have the following meanings: (1) WASTEWATER SYSTEM. A system of pipes, lines, meters, pumps, equipment and facilities, all or part of which are located in the unincorporated areas of Baldwin County and which are owned or operated by a wastewater utility, as defined herein, for the collection, treatment, and disposal of wastewater from homes, schools, businesses, and other entities in which solids, sewerage, nonhydrocarbon greases, and oils are collected for treatment or where wastewater is collected for disposal. Individual septic tank systems and all portable toilets are expressly excluded from the definition of the term wastewater system. (2) WASTEWATER UTILITY. The owner or operating entity of a wastewater system, whether privately owned or publicly owned, including privately owned wastewater systems, municipally owned wastewater systems, and wastewater systems owned by or through boards or other entities established by municipal corporations or as otherwise provided by state law. (3) WASTEWATER. Solids, sewerage, nonhydrocarbon greases, and oils. (c) The Legislature may by general or local law provide for the regulation of wastewater utilities, whether privately owned or publicly owned, in the unincorporated area of the county. The regulation may include uniform minimum standards for the design, placement, construction, operation, and maintenance of wastewater systems and the regulation of the establishment of reasonable and just rates for consumers and the wastewater utilities. In the case of uniform minimum standards established within any extraterritorial jurisdiction of a municipality, the standards established pursuant to the authority granted in this amendment shall apply. Any minimum standard adopted pursuant to this amendment shall not apply to any part of a wastewater system installed or permitted prior to the effective date of the standard unless it is determined necessary for the protection of the public health and welfare and the environment of Baldwin County. All laws, rules, regulations, construction standards, and specifications regulating wastewater systems and wastewater utilities shall be non-discriminatory and apply equally to all wastewater systems and wastewater utilities operating or located within the unincorporated areas of the county. (d) The Legislature may authorize the levy of taxes or fees in an amount not to exceed five percent of the gross receipts from the connection, collection, and treatment revenues collected from customers of wastewater utilities in the unincorporated area of the county to be used for the purposes of the administration of regulation adopted pursuant to this amendment. (e) The Legislature may provide for the mandatory connection to wastewater systems where service is reasonably available and where it is in the best interest for the protection of the public health and welfare and the environment of Baldwin County. (f) The Legislature by general or local law may authorize the exercise of the power of eminent domain for the construction of wastewater utilities in the county. (g) The Legislature may, by general or local law, provide for the implementation and administration of the provisions of this amendment.
AMENDMENT 811 RATIFIED Coffee County: Amendment to Amendment 633. An elected or appointed Coffee County official, including the sheriff, may not assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every elected or appointed Coffee County official, including the sheriff, may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Coffee County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office; provided, however, the official shall forego the assumption of a supernumerary office and must make the election within one year of the effective date of this amendment. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed county official" shall include any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed county official, but shall not include a legislator.
AMENDMENT 812 RATIFIED Conecuh County: Tax - Ad Valorem. (a) In addition to the one-half mill of ad valorem tax levied by Amendment 778 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, the Conecuh County Commission shall continue to levy on an annual basis, commencing with the tax year for which taxes will become due and payable on October 1, 2009, an ad valorem tax on all taxable property located in Conecuh County at a rate of nine and one-half mills per dollar of assessed value of the taxable property. This tax is part of the 10 mills of ad valorem tax that Amendment 778 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901 requires every local school system to collect and is not a levy of additional tax. The proceeds of the tax levied in this amendment shall be used for public school purposes in the county. (b) The tax provided in this amendment shall be levied and collected for a period of twenty years. (c) Commencing with the tax year for which taxes will become due and payable on October 1, 2009, all ad valorem taxes previously levied for public school purposes in Conecuh County shall be repealed except the one-half mill levied by Amendment 778 of the Constitution.
AMENDMENT 813 RATIFIED DeKalb County: Tax - Occupational, Vocation; Prohibited. No privilege or license tax on the gross receipts of any natural person derived from the conduct of a vocation, occupation, calling, or profession may be levied in DeKalb County.
AMENDMENT 814 RATIFIED DeKalb County: Health - Methadone Clinic. Notwithstanding any approval by the state Certificate of Need Board, no methadone clinic may be located in DeKalb County without prior approval of the electors in a referendum on the matter. The ballot for the referendum shall state the physical address where the proposed clinic will be located. Notwithstanding any prior approval by the state Certificate of Need Board, any methadone clinic in existence in DeKalb County on the effective date of this amendment may not continue to operate without approval by the electors in a referendum to be held within 12 months of the effective date of this amendment. The ballot for the referendum shall state the physical address where the methadone clinic is operating.
AMENDMENT 815 RATIFIED Geneva County: Court Costs. In addition to any court costs or fees now or hereafter authorized, and notwithstanding any other provisions of the Constitution, including without limitation Sections 96, 104, and 105, there shall be an additional thirty-five dollars ($35) fee assessed and taxed as costs on each civil and criminal case, excluding small claims, filed in circuit court or district court in Geneva County, as well as a document service fee of twenty dollars ($20) for the service of all pleadings and other documents in connection with any such action or case. The fees may not be waived by any court unless all other fees, assessments, costs, fines, and charges associated with the cases are waived. The additional fees, when collected by the clerks or other collection officers of the courts, shall be paid into the General Fund of Geneva County. The additional thirty-five dollar ($35) fee taxed as costs on each case shall be used for the planning, design, construction, financing, furnishing, and equipping of the new county jail and for the operation of the existing county jail. When the costs of the new county jail have been fully paid and when the debt service on any indebtedness incurred by the county commission to finance or refinance the costs have been retired, the additional court costs authorized by this amendment shall continue to be collected in all cases and shall be used to pay costs of the operation, upkeep, and maintenance of a new county jail. The document service fee shall be used for the operation of the Geneva County Sheriff's Office. This amendment shall be self-executing and shall require no enabling legislation.
AMENDMENT 816 RATIFIED Henry County: Court Costs - Legislative Authority. The Legislature, by general or local law, may fix, alter, and regulate the costs and charges of courts in Henry County and provide for their distribution.
AMENDMENT 817 RATIFIED Jackson County: Tax - Occupational, Vocation; Prohibited. No privilege or license tax on the gross receipts of any natural person derived from the conduct of a vocation, occupation, calling, or profession may be levied in Jackson County.
AMENDMENT 818 RATIFIED Jefferson County: Sewer Service. In Jefferson County, notwithstanding any other provision of this constitution, any bill for sewer service received in the name of the tenant or tenants shall be the sole responsibility of the tenant or tenants and shall not constitute a lien on the property where the sewer service was received. This amendment shall not be interpreted to impair the obligation of any contract entered into before the effective date of the amendment.
AMENDMENT 819 RATIFIED Lauderdale County: Judicial Commission All vacancies in the office of judge of the circuit court and the office of judge of the district court holding in Lauderdale County shall be filled in the manner and for the time as herein provided. The Lauderdale County Judicial Commission is created for the purpose of nominating to the Governor persons for appointment to a vacancy. The commission shall be composed of five members, two of whom shall be appointed by the members of the bar residing in the county, two shall be appointed by the members of the county commission, and one, who shall be the chair, shall be appointed by the Chief Justice or the Acting Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court. All members of the commission shall reside in the territorial jurisdiction of the circuit court holding in Lauderdale County. The Lauderdale County Bar Association, the Lauderdale County Commission, and the Chief Justice or Acting Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court shall each certify in writing to the Judge of Probate of Lauderdale County the names of the persons selected as members of the commission. The terms of office of all members of the commission shall be six years. In the event that an initial appointment or vacancy of a member of the commission is not filled in 30 days, the appointment or vacancy shall be filled by the Chief Justice or Acting Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court within 10 days. A vacancy in the office of a member of the commission shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as the member was originally chosen. The Judge of Probate of Lauderdale County shall record all certificates of election and shall safely and permanently keep the original certificates. Forthwith upon his or her receipt and recordation of every certificate, the judge of probate shall send to the Governor a certified copy of every certificate. No member of the commission shall be eligible for nomination to the Governor for appointment as judge of the circuit court or the district court during the term of office of the commission member. The members of the commission shall not receive any salary or other compensation for their services as members. No member of the commission shall hold any public office, and no member of the commission shall hold any official position in any political party. If a vacancy occurs in the office of judge of the circuit court or the office of judge of the district court holding in Lauderdale County, the commission shall nominate within 30 days to the Governor three persons having the qualifications for the office. If the commission fails to nominate three names during the 30-day period, the names shall be selected by the Chief Justice or Acting Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court within 10 days. The names of all persons considered for nomination shall be available for review by the public and shall be deemed a public record. The Governor shall appoint to the office in which the vacancy exists one of the three persons so nominated for the office. If the Governor fails to make an appointment from the list within 30 days from the date it is presented to the Governor, the appointment shall be made by the Chief Justice or the Acting Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court from the same list. The appointee shall hold the office until the next general election for any state officer held at least six months after the vacancy occurs and until a successor is elected and qualified. At the general election, the judicial office shall be filled for a full term of office to commence on the first Monday after the second Tuesday in January following the general election.
AMENDMENT 820 RATIFIED Lee County: Court Costs - Legislative Authority. The Legislature, by general or local law, may fix, regulate, and alter the costs and charges of courts in Lee County and provide for their distribution. Any local law authorizing the levy of additional court costs in Lee County enacted prior to the effective date of this amendment is ratified and confirmed.
AMENDMENT 821 RATIFIED Marshall County: Retirement. No elected or appointed Marshall County official, including the sheriff, may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment, except elected officials who are currently holding office on such date. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every elected or appointed Marshall County official, including the sheriff, may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Marshall County officials, including the sheriff, holding office at the time of ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office. No person may participate in both a supernumerary program and the Employees' Retirement System based on the same service. For purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed Marshall County official" do not include a judge, district attorney, legislator, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit. The effective date or ratification date of this amendment is the date this amendment is officially proclaimed ratified in the proclamation register.
AMENDMENT 822 RATIFIED Mobile County: Animals - Control of Dangerous Dogs. The Legislature, by local law applicable to those areas of Mobile County outside the corporate limits of any municipality, may establish a procedure by which a dog can be declared dangerous and be humanely destroyed and impose criminal penalties on the owners of a dog declared to be dangerous.
AMENDMENT 823 RATIFIED Pickens County: Court Costs - Legislative Authority. The Legislature, by general or local law, may fix, regulate, and alter the costs and charges of courts in Pickens County and provide for their distribution.
AMENDMENT 824 RATIFIED Russell County: Phenix City - Utilities. In Russell County, the City of Phenix City may not sell or transfer any water and sewer system or any part of a water and sewer system owned or operated by or on behalf of the city unless the sale or transfer is approved by a majority of the qualified electors of the City of Phenix City in Russell County voting at a referendum election on the approval of the sale or transfer. The referendum election shall be held at the next regularly scheduled citywide election held in Phenix City at least 60 days after the city council or other governing body has adopted any ordinance or resolution providing for any sale or transfer covered by this amendment and the terms and conditions thereof.
AMENDMENT 825 RATIFIED Shelby County: Tax - Equalization, Board Reorganized. In Shelby County, notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Legislature by local law may provide for the reorganization of the county board of equalization and provide for the name of the board; provide for the appointment, term, and compensation of board members; and provide for the powers, duties, operation, and funding of the board.
AMENDMENT 826 RATIFIED St. Clair County: Retirement. No elected or appointed St. Clair County official, including the sheriff, may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every elected or appointed St. Clair County official, including the sheriff, may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. St. Clair County officials, including the sheriff, holding office at the time of ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office. No person may participate in both a supernumerary program and the Employees' Retirement System based on the same service. For purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed St. Clair County official" do not include a judge, district attorney, legislator, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit.
AMENDMENT 827 RATIFIED Tallapoosa County: Traffic Laws - Enforcement. In Tallapoosa County, the Legislature, by local law, may provide for the enforcement of motor vehicle and traffic laws on private roads in private gated communities in the county.
AMENDMENT 828 RATIFIED Baldwin County Revnue Commissioner term of office. Beginning with the second election cycle for the election of the Baldwin County Revenue Commissioner following the adoption of this amendment, and including the person serving as revenue commissioner on the date of the adoption of this amendment, the person elected revenue commissioner, and all successors thereafter, shall serve a term of office of six years, beginning on the first Tuesday in February following the election date. The person elected at the first election cycle for the election of the Baldwin County Revenue Commissioner following the adoption of this amendment shall serve a term of office that is adjusted to approximately five years to allow the person holding office on the date of the adoption of this amendment to serve a full six-year term.
AMENDMENT 829 RATIFIED Franklin County: Solid Waste - Biosolids. In Franklin County, biosolids derived from treated human sewage sludge may not be applied on land as a fertilizer or soil amendment.
AMENDMENT 830 RATIFIED Lawrence County: Solid Waste - Biosolids. In Lawrence County, biosolids derived from treated human sewage sludge may not be applied on land as a fertilizer or soil amendment.
AMENDMENT 831 RATIFIED Colbert County: Solid Waste - Biosolids. In Colbert County, biosolids derived from treated human sewage sludge may not be applied on land as a fertilizer or soil amendment, except for sewage biosolids produced by a publicly owned utility in Colbert County.
AMENDMENT 832 RATIFIED Lawrence County: Solid Waste - Use of Funds. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the Lawrence County Commission may use a portion of any funds or revenues from the operation and use of any landfill in the county, including, but not limited to, funds in or credited to its reserve account on the effective date of this amendment, for general county purposes, provided the county commission makes a determination that the funds are not needed for the operation and implementation of its solid waste disposal program.
AMENDMENT 833 RATIFIED Lamar County Court Costs - Drug Enforcement Fee. Section 1. In all juvenile, traffic, criminal, and quasi-criminal cases in the juvenile, district, circuit, and municipal courts in Lamar County, a docket fee, hereinafter referred to as a drug enforcement fee, shall be assessed in each case. The drug enforcement fee shall be in an amount equal to ten dollars ($10) in each non-drug case; sixty dollars ($60) in each misdemeanor drug case; and eighty-five dollars ($85) in each felony drug case. The drug enforcement fee, when collected, shall be distributed monthly as follows: Three dollars ($3) of the fees assessed in each case shall be retained by the clerk of the court as an administrative fee and the remainder to the Drug Enforcement Fund established by the district attorney in the county or to the fund that may hereafter be prescribed by law for the drug enforcement fee. Section 2. The drug enforcement fee shall be collected as prescribed hereinabove in all cases where the defendant is adjudged guilty, a bond forfeited, a penalty imposed, or where there is issued any alias or capias warrant of arrest, or in any other case where court costs are assessed, whether a defendant is adjudged guilty or not. The drug enforcement fee shall be in addition to and not in lieu of any other fees or costs, and shall not be waived or remitted unless all other costs and charges of court are waived. Section 3. The district attorney for the Twenty-fourth Judicial Circuit shall establish a separate fund to be called the Lamar County Drug Enforcement Fund. All sums deposited into the fund pursuant to this amendment may be expended by the district attorney for the support of the drug task force that serves the Twenty-Fourth Judicial Circuit, including, but not limited to, the payment of any and all expenses incurred by the drug task force, and the payment of any matching monies required under the terms of any grant that may be awarded by any governmental or other entity for the support of the drug task force, the payment or supplementing of salaries for personnel of the drug task force, or for any other law enforcement purpose. Section 4. The Legislature, by general or local law, may fix, regulate, and alter the costs and charges of courts in Lamar County and provide for their distribution. Any local law authorizing the levy of additional court costs in Lamar County enacted prior to the effective date of this amendment is ratified and confirmed.
AMENDMENT 834 RATIFIED Marengo County: Court Costs The Legislature, by general or local law, may fix, regulate, and alter the costs and charges of courts in Marengo County and provide for their distribution. Any local law authorizing the levy of additional court costs in Marengo county enacted prior to the effective date of this amendment is ratified and confirmed.
AMENDMENT 835 RATIFIED Fayette County Court Costs - Drug Enforcement Fee. Section 1. In all juvenile, traffic, criminal, and quasi-criminal cases in the juvenile, district, circuit, and municipal courts in Fayette County, a docket fee, hereinafter referred to as a drug enforcement fee, shall be assessed in each case. The drug enforcement fee shall be in an amount equal to ten dollars ($10) in each non-drug case; sixty dollars ($60) in each misdemeanor drug case; and eighty-five dollars ($85) in each felony drug case. The drug enforcement fee, when collected, shall be distributed monthly as follows: Three dollars ($3) of the fees assessed in each case shall be retained by the clerk of the court as an administrative fee and the remainder to the Drug Enforcement Fund established by the district attorney in the county or to the fund that may hereafter be prescribed by law for the drug enforcement fee. Section 2. The drug enforcement fee shall be collected as prescribed hereinabove in all cases where the defendant is adjudged guilty, a bond forfeited, a penalty imposed, or where there is issued any alias or capias warrant of arrest, or in any other case where court costs are assessed, whether a defendant is adjudged guilty or not. The drug enforcement fee shall be in addition to and not in lieu of any other fees or costs, and shall not be waived or remitted unless all other costs and charges of court are waived. Section 3. The district attorney for the Twenty-fourth Judicial Circuit shall establish a separate fund to be called the Fayette County Drug Enforcement Fund. All sums deposited into the fund pursuant to this amendment may be expended by the district attorney for the support of the drug task force that serves the Twenty-Fourth Judicial Circuit, including, but not limited to, the payment of any and all expenses incurred by the drug task force, and the payment of any matching monies required under the terms of any grant that may be awarded by any governmental or other entity for the support of the drug task force, the payment or supplementing of salaries for personnel of the drug task force, or for any other law enforcement purpose. Section 4. The Legislature, by general or local law, may fix, regulate, and alter the costs and charges of courts in Fayette County and provide for their distribution. Any local law authorizing the levy of additional court costs in Fayette County enacted prior to the effective date of this amendment is ratified and confirmed.
AMENDMENT 836 RATIFIED Pickens County: Judge of Probate The Judge of Probate of Pickens County may exercise equity jurisdiction concurrent with that of the circuit court in cases originally filed in the Probate Court of Pickens County if the judge of probate is licensed to practice law in the State of Alabama. In any case subject to this amendment, the judge of probate shall possess the power and authority of a circuit court judge trying the case and the case shall be treated in all respects in the same manner as a case filed in circuit court. The Alabama Rules of Civil Procedure shall apply in the cases except as otherwise specifically provided by law. This amendment is self-executing, but the Legislature may enact additional laws to implement this amendment.
AMENDMENT 837 RATIFIED Shelby County: Solid Waste - Use of Funds. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the Shelby County Commission may use a portion of any funds or revenues from the operation and use of any sanitary landfill operated by the county, including, but not limited to, funds in or credited to its reserve account on the effective date of this amendment, for the provision of potable water and water service in the county and for capital improvement projects deemed advisable by the county commission, provided the county commission makes a determination that the funds are not needed for the operation and implementation of its solid waste disposal program.
AMENDMENT 838 RATIFIED DeKalb County, City of Fort Payne - Work Release for City Prisoners. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the City of Ft. Payne in DeKalb County may use prisoners confined in the city jail to perform work on public and private property and the city shall be subject to liability for any actions related to the use of the prisoners in the same manner and to the same extent as when county prisoners confined in the county jail are used to work on public or private property.
AMENDMENT 839 RATIFIED Macon County: Court Costs - Legislative Authority. The Legislature, by general or local law, may fix, regulate, and alter the costs and charges of courts in Macon County and provide for their distribution. Any local law authorizing the levy of additional court costs in Macon County enacted prior to the effective date of this amendment is ratified and confirmed.
AMENDMENT 840 RATIFIED Jefferson County: Tax - Homestead Exemption. A person residing in Jefferson County and claiming a homestead exemption in the county under the laws of this state may continue to claim the exemption for three years after he or she is admitted to a nursing home or assisted living facility if the person continues to own the property while he or she resides in the home or the facility. The three-year-extension in the homestead exemption shall be allowed only if the property continues to be used for residential purposes and the property is not converted to commercial or any other purpose. The person shall only be required to verify by signature, on a form provided by the county tax assessor, that the qualifying conditions continue to exist, and to return the form by mail.
AMENDMENT 841 RATIFIED Madison County: Tax - Occupational, Vocation; Prohibited. (a) No privilege or license tax on the gross receipts of any natural person derived from the conduct of a vocation, occupation, calling, or profession may be levied in Madison County. (b) Nothing in this amendment is intended to repeal or affect the current authority granted by local act to Madison County to impose business licenses or the current authority granted to municipalities to impose municipal business licenses, including those imposed pursuant to Sections 11-51-90, 11-51-91, 11-51-92, and 11-51-93, Code of Alabama 1975.
AMENDMENT 842 RATIFIED Morgan County: Tax - Occupational, Vocation; Prohibited. (a) No privilege or license tax on the gross receipts of any natural person derived from the conduct of a vocation, occupation, calling, or profession may be levied in Morgan County. (b) Nothing in this amendment is intended to repeal or affect the current authority granted by local act to Morgan County to impose business licenses or the current authority granted to municipalities to impose municipal business licenses, including those imposed pursuant to Sections 11-51-90, 11-51-91, 11-51-92, and 11-51-93, Code of Alabama 1975.
AMENDMENT 843 RATIFIED Limestone County: Tax - Occupational, Vocation; Prohibited. No privilege or license tax on the gross receipts of any natural person derived from the conduct of a vocation, occupation, calling, or profession may be levied in Limestone County. Nothing in this amendment is intended to repeal or affect the current authority granted by local act to Limestone County to impose business licenses or the current authority granted to municipalities to impose municipal business licenses, including those imposed pursuant to Sections 11-51-90, 11-51-91, 11-51-92, and 11-51-93, Code of Alabama 1975.
AMENDMENT 844 RATIFIED Lawrence County: Tax - Occupational, Vocation; Prohibited. No privilege or license tax on the gross receipts of any natural person derived from the conduct of a vocation, occupation, calling, or profession may be levied in Lawrence County. Nothing in this amendment is intended to repeal or affect the current authority granted by local act to Lawrence County to impose business licenses or the current authority granted to municipalities to impose municipal business licenses, including those imposed pursuant to Sections 11-51-90, 11-51-91, 11-51-92, and 11-51-93, Code of Alabama 1975.
AMENDMENT 845 RATIFIED DeKalb County: Elections. The county commission shall call a special election within two weeks of a vacancy occurring in a county office in DeKalb County when 12 months or more remain in the unexpired term. The election shall be held within three months after the vacancy occurs.
AMENDMENT 846 RATIFIED Jackson County: Elections. The county commission shall call a special election within two weeks of a vacancy occurring in a county office in Jackson County when 12 months or more remain in the unexpired term. The election shall be held within three months after the vacancy occurs.
AMENDMENT 847 RATIFIED Macon County: Amendmment to Amendment 530. (a) In addition to any court costs and fees now or hereafter authorized to be collected, the county commission of Macon County is authorized to assess a fee not to exceed $30.00 upon the privilege of filing any initial complaint in all civil and criminal cases filed in any court, in the county, as well as a fee not to exceed $5.00 for the service of all pleadings and other documents in connection with any such action. All such fees shall be paid into the general fund and shall be applied exclusively for payment of the cost of the planning, construction, and equipping of a new county jail, or for the payment of the principal of and interest on any bonds, warrants, or other obligations issued by or on behalf of the county to finance the costs of a new jail, as well as the expenses of issuance of any such bonds, warrants, or other obligations. When the costs of planning, constructing, and equipping a new county jail shall be fully paid or when all such bonds, warrants, or other obligations have been retired, whichever last occurs, the additional fee authorized by this amendment to be collected shall no longer be collected. Provided, however, no additional fee provided herein shall be collected until 30 days after the county commission has signed a contract or contracts for the construction of a new jail and construction has actually begun. (b) Any court costs and fees collected pursuant to this amendment that were deposited into the Macon County Road and Bridge Fund prior to the financing of the new county jail and were not pledged for the county jail, may be used by the Macon County Commission for roads and bridges.
AMENDMENT 848 RATIFIED Cullman County: Tax - Occupational, Vocation; Prohibited. No privilege or license tax on the gross receipts of any natural person derived from the conduct of a vocation, occupation, calling, or profession may be levied in Cullman County. Nothing in this amendment is intended to repeal or affect the current authority granted by local act to Cullman County to impose business licenses or the current authority granted to municipalities to impose municipal business licenses, including those pursuant to sections 11-51-90, 11-51-91, 11-51-92, and 11-51-93, Code of Alabama 1975.
AMENDMENT 849 RATIFIED Madison County: Animals - Control of Dangerous Dogs. The Madison County Commission, by resolution applicable to those areas of Madison County outside the corporate limits of any municipality, may establish a procedure by which a dog can be declared dangerous, may impose civil penalties on the owner of a dog that inflicts severe personal harm on another person, and may require that dangerous dogs, as defined by the commission, be kept in a fenced enclosure, as defined by the commission, with input from the local humane society.
AMENDMENT 850 RATIFIED Randolph County: Economic Development - Capital Improvement Fund. Moneys paid into the Randolph County Capital Improvement Fund pursuant to Amendment 668 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, now appearing as Section 219.05 of the Official Recompilation of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended, may be expended for economic development projects.
AMENDMENT 851 RATIFIED Blount County: Municipalities - Jurisdiction. A municipality located entirely outside of Blount County is prohibited from imposing any municipal ordinance or regulation, including, but not limited to, any tax, zoning, planning, or sanitation regulations, and any inspection service in its police jurisdiction located in Blount County. A municipality prohibited from imposing any tax or regulation under this amendment shall not provide any regulatory function or police or fire protection services in its police jurisdiction located in Blount County, other than public safety mutual aid.
AMENDMENT 852 RATIFIED Montgomery County: Retirement. No elected or appointed Revenue Commissioner in Montgomery County may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. The Revenue Commissioner of Montgomery County may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. The Montgomery County Revenue Commissioner holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office; provided, however, the official shall forego the assumption of a supernumerary office. This amendment does not include a county commissioner, a judge, district attorney, legislator, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit.
AMENDMENT 853 RATIFIED Chambers County: Tax - Libraries - Levy and Collection. (a) As used in this amendment, the following defined terms apply: (1) CONSTITUTION. The Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended, now appearing as the Official Recompilation of the Constitution Alabama of 1901, as amended. (2) SPECIAL LIBRARY TAX. That certain additional special county ad valorem or property tax which is authorized by the Special Tax Amendments to be levied at the rate of twenty cents ($.20) on each one hundred dollars ($100) of taxable property in Chambers County. (3) SPECIAL TAX AMENDMENTS. Amendment No. 554 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, now appearing as Section 6 of Chambers County Local Amendments, Official Recompilation of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, which may be referred to as Chambers County Section 6; and Amendment No. 721 to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, now appearing as Section 7 of Chambers County Local Amendments, Official Recompilation of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, which may be referred to as Chambers County Section 7. (b) Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in either of the Special Tax Amendments, the governing body of Chambers County shall continue to levy and collect the Special Library Tax in and for each fiscal or tax year of the county until and including the fiscal or tax year beginning on October 1, 2032, and ending on September 30, 2033, and for which county taxes shall become due and payable on October 1, 2033. (c) Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in either of the Special Tax Amendments, none of the proceeds of the Special Library Tax may be used or expended, whether directly or indirectly, to pay any costs or expenses incurred, whether by the governing body of Chambers County or by any other person, in connection with the levy and collection of the Special Library Tax or to reimburse the governing body or any other person for any payment, by the governing body or any other person, of any such costs or expenses; and the governing body shall have no power to provide for the payment of any such costs or expenses out of the proceeds of the Special Library Tax. (d) Except to the extent provided in this amendment, the levy and collection of the Special Library Tax, and the use and expenditure of the proceeds thereof, shall continue to be subject to all applicable provisions of each of the Special Tax Amendments. Nothing in this amendment shall be construed to permit any increase in the rate at which the Special Library Tax is levied. (e) The provisions of this amendment are self-executing, and authorization from or any other action by the Legislature shall not be a prerequisite to the continued levy and collection of the Special Library Tax, or to the use or expenditure of the proceeds thereof. Notwithstanding any contrary provision of either Section 104 or Section 105 of the Constitution, the Legislature shall have the power to enact general, special, or local laws supplemental hereto or in futherance of the purposes hereof; provided, that no such special or local law shall be subject to the provision of Section 106 of the Constitution.
AMENDMENT 854 RATIFIED Calhoun County: Tax - Residential Real Estate, Business Tax Exemption. In Calhoun County, no municipal business license tax shall be levied on the rental of residential real estate based on a per unit tax rate.
AMENDMENT 855 RATIFIED Hale County Ad Valorem Tax. (a) The amount of funds in excess of the amount of funds utilized for the jail pursuant to Act 92-565 of the 1992 Regular Session (Acts 1992, p. 1177), authorizing the Hale County Commission to levy an additional ad valorem tax in the amount of three mills pursuant to subsection (f) of Amendment 373 to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, shall be deposited in the Hale County General Fund and distributed for law enforcement purposes only. (b) After the costs of planning, constructing, and equipping a new county jail are fully paid or when all bonds, warrants, or other obligations have been retired pursuant to Act 92-565, the additional ad valorem tax in the amount of three mills shall continue to be collected and distributed pursuant to subsection (a). (c) This constitutional amendment shall have retroactive effect to May 21, 1992. (d) Act 2011-256 of the 2011 Regular Session is hereby specifically repealed.
AMENDMENT 856 RATIFIED Distribtuions from Alabama Trust Fund; distributions from County and Municipal Government Capital Improvement Trust Fund.. Section 1. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this constitution, beginning with the state's 2012-2013 fiscal year, the following distributions shall be made annually from the Alabama Trust Fund in lieu of any other distributions of trust income, realized capital gains, or unrealized capital gains provided by law: (1) An amount equal to thirty-three percent (33%) of the oil and gas capital payments paid into the Alabama Trust Fund for the fiscal year ending one year prior to the beginning of the fiscal year for which the distribution is being made plus five percent (5%) of the average market value of invested assets of the Alabama Trust Fund as of the end of the three fiscal years ending one, two, and three years prior to the beginning of the fiscal year for which the distribution is being made shall be distributed as follows: a. Ten percent (10%) of the amount distributed shall be paid to the County Government Capital Improvement Fund and shall be distributed pursuant to Section 11-29-6, Code of Alabama 1975, as amended. b. Ten percent (10%) of the amount distributed shall be paid to the Municipal Government Capital Improvement Fund and shall be distributed pursuant to Section 11-66-6, Code of Alabama 1975, as amended. c. If the constitutional amendment proposed by Act 2011-315 is ratified, then ten percent (10%) of the amount distributed, but not more than fifteen million dollars ($15,000,000) in any one fiscal year, shall be paid to the Forever Wild Land Trust. This distribution shall continue through the fiscal year ending September 30, 2032, and shall not be made after the end of that fiscal year. If the constitutional amendment proposed by Act 2011-315 is not ratified, then one percent (1%) of the amount distributed, but not more than one million dollars ($1,000,000) in any one fiscal year, shall be paid to the Forever Wild Land Trust Stewardship Account. d. One percent (1%) of the amount distributed, but not more than five million dollars ($5,000,000) in any one fiscal year, shall be paid to the Alabama Senior Services Trust Fund. e. The remainder of the amount distributed shall be paid to the State General Fund. (b) Beginning with the state's 2012-2013 fiscal year, an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the average market value of invested assets of the County and Municipal Government Capital Improvement Trust Fund as of the end of the three fiscal years ending one, two, and three years prior to the beginning of the fiscal year for which the distribution is being made shall be distributed as follows: (1) Fifty percent (50%) of the amount distributed shall be paid to the County Government Capital Improvement Fund and shall be distributed pursuant to Section 11-29-6, Code of Alabama 1975, as amended. (2) Fifty percent (50%) of the amount distributed shall be paid to the Municipal Government Capital Improvement Fund and shall be distributed pursuant to Section 11-66-6, Code of Alabama 1975, as amended. (c) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections (a) and (b) of this Section, if market or financial conditions dictate that distributing the entire amounts authorized by this amendment would be detrimental to the preservation of the invested assets of the Alabama Trust Fund, the preservation of the invested assets of the County and Municipal Government Capital Improvement Trust Fund, or both, the Board of Trustees of the Alabama Trust Fund in its sole discretion may, by a two-thirds recorded vote of the entire membership of the Board, elect to distribute a smaller percentage of the oil and gas capital payments, a smaller percentage of the average amount of invested assets, or both. The Board shall make this election at least six months prior to the beginning of the fiscal year for which the distributions will be made. (d) For purposes of this amendment, "invested assets"
AMENDMENT 857 RATIFIED Montgomery County: Board of Education. As terms of office on the Montgomery County Board of Education expire, new members shall be elected to the board for terms of four years.
AMENDMENT 858 RATIFIED Baldwin County: Tax - Vocational, Occupational, and Professional; Prohibited. (a) No privilege or license tax on the gross receipts of any natural person derived from the conduct of a vocation, occupation, calling, or profession may be levied in Baldwin County. (b) Nothing in this amendment is intended to repeal or affect the current authority granted by local act to Baldwin County to impose business licenses or the current authority granted to municipalities to impose municipal business licenses, including those imposed pursuant to Sections 11-51-90, 11-51-91, 11-51-92, and 11-51-93, Code of Alabama 1975.
AMENDMENT 859 RATIFIED Tuscaloosa County: Tax - Occupational, Vocation; Prohibited. No privilege or license tax on the gross receipts of any natural person derived from the conduct of a vocation, occupation, calling, or profession may be levied in Tuscaloosa County.
AMENDMENT 860 RATIFIED Forever Wild Land Trust. All moneys paid to the Forever Wild Land Trust pursuant to Section 7 of Amendment 543 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, now appearing as Section 7 of Section 219.07 of the Official Recompilation of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended, shall continue to be paid for a 20-year period beginning with the 2012-2013 fiscal year retroactive to October 1, 2012, and ending in the fiscal year 2031-2032.
AMENDMENT 861 RATIFIED Baldwin County: Annexation - Stockton Landmark District. (a) For the purposes of this amendment, the "Stockton Landmark District" is defined as follows: Beginning at the point where I-65 intersects the line which divides R2E and R3E; thence, north to Little Halls Creek; thence, follow Little Halls Creek in a westwardly direction to Halls Creek; thence, follow Halls Creek to Tensaw Lake; thence, follow meanders of Tensaw Lake in a southerly direction until it meets the Tensaw River; thence, follow meanders of Tensaw River until it meets I-65; thence, follow I-65 in E/NE direction to point of beginning. (b) No property within the Stockton Landmark District may be annexed into any municipality by local law. (c) Subsection (b) shall not apply to any municipality incorporated after the ratification of this amendment which includes any part of the Stockton Landmark District.
AMENDMENT 862 RATIFIED Madison County: Animals - Procedures. Section 1. The people of the State of Alabama find and declare that: Certain dogs are an increasingly serious and widespread threat to the safety and welfare of citizens of this state by virtue of their unprovoked attacks on, and associated injury to, individuals; these attacks are in part attributable to the failure of owners to confine and properly train and control these dogs; existing laws inadequately address this problem; and it is therefore appropriate and necessary to impose requirements on the owners of dangerous dogs. Section 2. The provisions of this constitutional amendment are applicable to those areas of Madison County outside the corporate limits of any municipality. Section 3. The following words shall have the following meanings: (1) ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER. Any person employed by Madison County who performs animal control functions. (2) ATTACK. Aggressive physical contact initiated by a dog. (3) BITTEN. Seized with the teeth so that the skin of the person seized has been gripped or has been wounded or pierced. (4) DANGEROUS DOG. A dog, regardless of its breed, that has bitten, attacked, or caused physical injury to a human being, without provocation, or has repeatedly bitten or caused physical injury to humans, except a dog used by law enforcement officials for legitimate law enforcement purposes, a certified guide dog for the blind, a hearing dog for the deaf, or a service dog for the disabled. (5) DOG. All members of the canine family including dog hybrids. (6) IMPOUNDED. Taken into the custody of law enforcement, the county pound, or an animal control authority or provider of animal control services to Madison County. (7) OWNER. A person, firm, corporation, or organization having a right of property in a dog, or who keeps or harbors a dog, or who has a dog in his or her care or acts as the custodian of a dog, or who permits a dog to remain on or about any premises occupied by him or her. (8) PHYSICAL INJURY. An injury as defined in Section 13A-1-2(12), Code of Alabama 1975. (9) PROPER ENCLOSURE OF A DANGEROUS DOG. An enclosure for the confinement of a dog that has been declared dangerous which is suitable to prevent the entry of the general public and: a. Is capable of being locked with a key or combination lock when the dog is within the structure. b. Has secure sides and a secure top attached at all sides. All four sides of the fence or pen must be sunk at least two feet into the ground or the fence or pen must be built over a concrete pad to prevent the animal from digging out. c. Provides adequate ventilation and protection from the elements. d. Exhibits a sign conspicuously posted upon the pen or the structure containing the following: "Dangerous Dog - No Trespassing." e. The enclosure shall be constructed to allow the dog to stand normally and without restriction and shall be not less than four times the length of the dog and two times the width of the dog. (10) SERIOUS PHYSICAL INJURY. An injury as defined in Section 13A-1-2(14), Code of Alabama 1975. Section 4. (a) An animal control officer or law enforcement officer shall investigate any incident involving any dog reported to be dangerous. (b) If a dog that is unowned and has been reported to be dangerous bites a person, the dog may be quarantined and destroyed pursuant to Section 3-7A-9(b), Code of Alabama 1975. For the purposes of this subsection, "bites" means the same as "has been exposed" as defined in Section 3-7A-1(5), Code of Alabama 1975. (c) If there is probable cause to believe that an owned dog is dangerous and has caused serious physical injury to a human being, a law enforcement officer or animal control officer shall impound the dog pending disposition of a petition to declare a dog to be dangerous. Madison County may impound the dog at the county pound as described in Section 3-7A-7, Code of Alabama 1975, or may enter into an agreement with an animal shelter or licensed ve
AMENDMENT 863 RATIFIED Mobile County: Water and Sewer. (a) Within 90 days after the ratification of this amendment, the assets and liabilities of the Water Works and Sewer Board of the City of Prichard shall be transferred to the Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners of the City of Mobile, presently known as the Mobile Area Water and Sewer System. The transfer shall include all assets of the Water Works and Sewer Board of the City of Prichard and shall be conditioned upon the assumption or discharge by the Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners of the City of Mobile, presently known as the Mobile Area Water and Sewer System, of all liabilities of the Water Works and Sewer Board of the City of Prichard, including, without limitation, all indebtedness, contracts, and retirement obligations. Any assumption of obligations by the Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners of the City of Mobile, presently known as the Mobile Area Water and Sewer System, shall be evidenced by resolution of that board. (b) Upon transfer of its assets and liabilities pursuant to subsection (a), the Water Works and Sewer Board of the City of Prichard shall be dissolved. (c) The rates for water and sewer service to existing customers of Mobile Area Water and Sewer System shall not be increased at any time for reasons related to the acquisition or maintenance of the assets, liabilities, or infrastructure of the Water Works and Sewer Board of the City of Prichard. (d) Notwithstanding ratification of this amendment in accordance with applicable state law, this amendment shall not be effective and the actions, including, but not limited to, the transfer of assets and liabilities in subsections (a) and (b), shall not take place unless both of the following have occurred: (1) A favorable vote by the majority of those persons who reside and voted in precincts any part of which are serviced by the Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners of the City of Mobile (Mobile Area Water and Sewer System). (2) A favorable vote by the majority of those persons who reside and voted in precincts any part of which are serviced by the Water and Sewer Board of the City of Prichard. The votes cast on this amendment in precincts any part of which are serviced by the Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners of the City of Mobile (Mobile Area Water and Sewer System) and the votes cast on this amendment in precincts any part of which are serviced by the Water and Sewer Board of the City of Prichard shall be tabulated separately to determine whether a majority of those who voted in each area approved the amendment.
AMENDMENT 864 RATIFIED Mandatory participation in health care system prohibited. (a) In order to preserve the freedom of all residents of Alabama to provide for their own health care, a law or rule shall not compel, directly or indirectly, any person, employer, or health care provider to participate in any health care system. (b) A person or employer may pay directly for health care services and shall not be required to pay penalties or fines for paying directly for lawful health care services. A health care provider may accept direct payment for lawful health care services and shall not be required to pay penalties or fines for accepting direct payment from a person or employer for lawful health care services. (c) The purchase or sale of health insurance in private health care systems shall not be prohibited by law or rule.
AMENDMENT 865 RATIFIED Amendment to Section 177. Sec. 177. Suffrage and Elections (a) Every citizen of the United States who has attained the age of eighteen years and has resided in this state and in a county thereof for the time provided by law, if registered as provided by law, shall have the right to vote in the county of his or her residence. The Legislature may prescribe reasonable and nondiscriminatory requirements as prerequisites to registration for voting. The Legislature shall, by statute, prescribe a procedure by which eligible citizens can register to vote. (b) No person convicted of a felony involving moral turpitude, or who is mentally incompetent, shall be qualified to vote until restoration of civil and political rights or removal of disability. (c) The Legislature shall by law provide for the registration of voters, absentee voting, secrecy in voting, the administration of elections, and the nomination of candidates. (d) The right of individuals to vote by secret ballot is fundamental. Where state or federal law requires elections for public office or public votes on referenda, or designations or authorizations of employee representation, the right of individuals to vote by secret ballot shall be guaranteed.
AMENDMENT 866 RATIFIED Cullman County: Education - Control of Land and Resources. (a) All sixteenth section school and school land located in Cullman County is vested in the Cullman County Board of Education. The board may manage, sell, lease, and control the land and any timber, minerals, or other natural resources of the land. (b) Any proceeds from the sale of sixteenth section or school land shall be distributed as follows: (1) Ninety percent shall be deposited into a trust account in Cullman County. (2) Ten percent shall be deposited into the Cullman County Board of Education General Fund. (c) Any interest earned on the funds deposited pursuant to subdivision (1) of subsection (b) and the funds deposited under subdivision (2) of subsection (b) shall be annually distributed to the Cullman County school system and the Cullman City school system based on the number of students residing within the then existing boundaries of each system. The number of students residing in a school system shall be based on the then existing enrollment of students in each system, adjusted by the number of students enrolled in the system who reside outside of the system, as identified by the Cullman City Board of Education. The annual distribution of interest for each of the five years immediately following ratification of this amendment shall be calculated using 2010-2011 school year student enrollment data. Thereafter, the distribution formulation shall be recalculated and updated for each five-year period based upon student enrollment data at the beginning of the five-year period. (d) Any proceeds generated from the sale of timber, minerals, or other natural resources of the land, or from the lease of sixteenth section or school land shall be paid directly to the Cullman County Board of Education and deposited into the Cullman County Board of Education General Fund. (e) It is the intent of the Legislature that this amendment supersede any other provision of this constitution which may be construed as being in conflict with this amendment as it relates to sixteenth section or school lands in Cullman County and the rights, power, and control of the property relating to the sale, lease, or other disposition of the land or the sale of timber, minerals, or other natural resources generated by the land, or any proceeds or interest earned therefrom. (f) Upon ratification of this amendment, all proceeds realized from the sale, lease, or other disposition of sixteenth section or school land or the sale of timber, minerals, or other natural resources generated by Cullman County sixteenth section or school lands occurring before ratification of this amendment, and held in trust by the State of Alabama, shall continue to be held in trust and any revenue and interest derived from those transactions shall be paid to the custodian of funds of the Cullman County Board of Education.
AMENDMENT 867 RATIFIED Perry County: Salaries - Sheriff. The Legislature, from time to time, by general or local laws applicable to or operative in Perry County, may fix, regulate, and alter the fees, commissions, allowances, and salaries, including the method and basis of compensation, to be charged or received by the sheriff of the county; and may place the sheriff on a salary and provide for the fees, commissions, allowances, and percentages collectible by the sheriff, to be paid into the county treasury.
AMENDMENT 868 RATIFIED Etowah County: Retirement. No elected or appointed Etowah County official, including the sheriff, may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every elected or appointed Etowah County official, including the sheriff, may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Etowah County officials, including the sheriff, holding office at the time of ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office. No person may participate in both a supernumerary program and the Employees' Retirement System based on the same service. For purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed Etowah County official" do not include a judge, district attorney, legislator, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit.
AMENDMENT 869 RATIFIED Jackson County: Repeal of Amendment 846. Amendment No. 846 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, now appearing as Section 1.50, Jackson County, Local Constitutional Amendments of the Official Recompilation of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, relating to special elections to fill vacancies in county offices, is repealed.
AMENDMENT 870 RATIFIED Marshall County: Board of Education - Election of Members; Operation. The Legislature, by local law, from time to time may provide for the election of the members of the Marshall County Board of Education and may provide further for the operation of the board. Such local act or acts may include, but are not limited to, providing for termination of the terms of members of the existing county board of education; vacancies; the composition of the county board of education; initial and succeeding terms of office, including staggered terms; and qualifications, powers, duties, responsibilities, and compensation of the board and board members.
AMENDMENT 871 RATIFIED Compensation and expenses of members of Legislature. Section 1. (a) The Legislature recognizes that the public trust in the legislative body is of paramount importance. The Legislature further recognizes that government transparency and accountability are vital to the preservation of the public trust. To that end, it is the purpose of this amendment to remove the power of determining legislative compensation or expenses from the hands of the Legislature itself, to validate the basis upon which legislative compensation and expenses are established in an objective manner based on measurable standards, and to allow the citizens of Alabama to vote on this issue. It is the will of the Legislature to resolve the issue of legislative compensation and expenses once and for all by providing for compensation and expenses for members of the Legislature and the President of the Senate and by providing for compensation to be paid at the same rate as the median household income in Alabama and expenses in the same amounts and manner as expenses are allowed under law for state employees generally. (b) All laws or parts of laws in conflict with this amendment are repealed, including, but not limited to: Those portions of Amendments 39, 57, and 339 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, relating to the compensation and expenses of members of the Legislature; Act 87-209, Act 90-490, Act 91-95, Act 91-108, and Act 2007-75; and Section 29-1-8, Code of Alabama 1975. Section 2. The annual basic compensation for each member of the Legislature and the President of the Senate shall be the median annual household income in Alabama, as ascertained and adjusted each year by the State Personnel Board to take effect on the first day of January of each year. Section 3. (a) No member of the Legislature or the President of the Senate may receive reimbursement for any expenses except as provided in this section. (b) Subject to approval by the President of the Senate or by the Speaker of the House for the respective members of their Houses, and except as otherwise provided in subsection (d), a member of the Legislature may be reimbursed for any of the following: (1) Expenses incurred for travel on official business in the same amounts or at the same rates as for state employees traveling in the service of the state under state law, rules, and policies, provided that, for a member of the Legislature, the travel is to a place outside his or her district. (2) Actual expenses other than travel expenses incurred in the performance of official duties. (3) Expenses authorized pursuant to Act 1196 of the 1971 Regular Session for the presiding officer of each House. (c) Reimbursement for expenses may only be made under subdivision (1) and (2) of subsection (b) after a determination of the presiding officer of the member's House that the travel or expense is in the service of the state and on submission of a signed voucher submitted in the same manner as a request for reimbursement of expenses by a state employee. (d) Except for the expenses of transportation, no member of the Legislature who resides less than 50 miles from the seat of government may be reimbursed for any travel expenses for travel between his or her place of residence and the seat of government. (e) In making the determination required by subsection (c), the presiding officer of either House may not determine a particular expense incurred by any member of the Legislature was not in the service of the state on any basis that discriminates between members of the Legislature. (f) Reimbursement for expenses authorized pursuant to this section shall be paid in a timely manner that is consistent with expense reimbursement regulations jointly promulgated by the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House pursuant to the Alabama Administrative Procedure Act. Such regulations shall, to the extent possible, mirror similar regulations applicable to state employees. The President of
AMENDMENT 872 RATIFIED Authority of Legislature to pass general laws pertaining to corporations and other entities. Amendment of Section 229. Section 229. The Legislature shall pass general laws under which corporations and other entities may be organized, authorized to do business or conduct their affairs, operated, dissolved, and regulated; such laws, now existing or hereafter passed, shall be subject to amendment or repeal by general law. The Legislature, by general law, shall provide for the payment to the State of Alabama of a tax on the privilege of doing business in Alabama or being organized, incorporated, qualified, or registered under the laws of Alabama. Strictly benevolent, educational, or religious corporations shall not be required to pay such a tax on their withdrawable or repurchasable shares to the extent they have such shares. Amendment of Section 239. Any association or corporation organized for the purpose, or any individual, shall have the right to construct and maintain lines of telegraph and telephone within this state, and connect the same with other lines; and the legislature shall, by general law of uniform operation, provide reasonable regulations to give full effect to this section. No telegraph or telephone company shall consolidate with or hold a controlling interest in the stock or bonds of any other telegraph or telephone company owning a complete [competing] line, or acquire, by purchase or otherwise, any other competing line of telegraph or telephone. Amendment of Section 240. All corporations shall have the right to sue, and shall be subject to be sued, in all courts in like cases as natural persons. Dues from private corporations shall be secured by such means as may be prescribed by law; but in no case shall any stockholder be individually liable otherwise than for the unpaid stock owned by him or her.
AMENDMENT 873 RATIFIED Authority of Legislature. (a) The Legislature shall not have the power to establish or incorporate any bank or banking company or moneyed institution for the purpose of issuing bills of credit or bills payable to order or bearer, except under the conditions prescribed in this Constitution. No bank shall be established otherwise than under a general banking law. (b) There shall be no limit of time for the duration of a corporation organized as a bank or banking company, and it shall not be necessary to renew or extend the life or charter of any such corporation now existing. All extensions of the life or charter of any such corporations are ratified and confirmed. (c) Neither the state, nor any political subdivision thereof, shall be a stockholder in any bank, nor shall the credit of the state or any political subdivision thereof be given or lent to any banking company, banking association, or banking corporation. (d) The Legislature, by appropriate laws, shall provide for the examination, by some public officer, of all banks and banking institutions and trust companies engaged in banking business in this state; and each of such banks and banking companies or institutions, through its president, or such other officer as the Legislature may designate, shall make a report under oath of its resources and liabilities at least twice a year.
AMENDMENT 874 RATIFIED Bullock County: Retirement. (a) No elected or appointed Bullock County official, including the sheriff, may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every elected or appointed Bullock County official, including the sheriff, may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system, and shall be treated as an employee of the county. Bullock County officials, including the sheriff, holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office. No person may participate in both a supernumerary program and the Employees' Retirement System based on the same service. For the purpose of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed Bullock County official, including the sheriff," shall include, subject only to express limitation, any person elected to represent Bullock County in any representative body of the state and includes any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed Bullock County official, including the sheriff. The words do not include a judge, district attorney, constable, school board member, legislator, or any official elected from a judicial circuit. (b) Amendment No. 676 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, now appearing as Section 4, Local Amendments, Bullock County, Official Recompilation of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended, is repealed.
AMENDMENT 875 RATIFIED Lawrence County: Municipalities - Jurisdiction. A municipality located entirely outside of Lawrence County is prohibited from imposing any municipal ordinance or regulation, including, but not limited to, any tax, zoning, planning, or sanitation regulations, and any inspection service in its police jurisdiction located in Lawrence County. A municipality prohibited from imposing any tax or regulation under this amendment shall not provide any regulatory function or police or fire protection services in its police jurisdiction located in Lawrence County, other than public safety mutual aid.
AMENDMENT 876 RATIFIED Calhoun County: Elections - Absentee Ballots. Upon the expiration of the current term of office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Calhoun County, the Calhoun County Commission shall manage the processing of absentee election ballots. The county commission may process the ballots with staff of the county commission at no cost or may process the ballots by the hiring of temporary employees or by contracting with a nonprofit agency. Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in this amendment shall change the manner, rate, or amount Calhoun County or the Calhoun County Commission is reimbursed for an election.
AMENDMENT 877 RATIFIED Winston County: Salaries and Duties - Judge of Probate. Effective with the term of office beginning in January 2013, the Judge of Probate of Winston County shall be compensated on a salary basis paid in equal monthly installments from the general fund of the county. The initial annual salary of the judge of probate shall be equal to 80 percent of the annual compensation paid by the state to the district court judge of the county on the date of the ratification of this amendment. Thereafter, any increases in compensation shall be applied pursuant to Chapter 2A of Title 11, Code of Alabama 1975. The Winston County Commission shall provide for operating expenses of the office of judge of probate pursuant to general law. All fees, commissions, allowances, percentages, and other charges allocable to the Judge of Probate of Winston County shall be collected, but shall be paid into the general fund of Winston County. The judge of probate shall perform all duties relating to the issuance of motor vehicle license plates in the county and shall perform all duties relating to the assessment and collection of ad valorem taxes on motor vehicles, which have heretofore been performed by the revenue commissioner. The revenue commissioner is relieved of all duties and responsibilities relating to the assessment and collection of taxes on motor vehicles. The judge of probate shall receive the commissions and fees currently allocated to the revenue commissioner for performing these functions, and these fees and commissions shall be remitted to the county general fund. Reporting and remitting of the collections of these fees shall be made by the judge of probate or as otherwise required by law. This constitutional amendment, after its ratification, shall become effective the beginning of the next term of office of the judge of probate.
AMENDMENT 878 RATIFIED Marengo County: Amendment to Amendment 609. (a) The Judge of Probate of Marengo County shall receive compensation in the form of an annual salary which shall be calculated as provided by Chapter 2A of Title 11, Code of Alabama 1975. (b) All fees, commissions, allowances, percentages, and other charges heretofore collected for the use of the Judge of Probate of Marengo County shall continue to be collected by the judge of probate, but shall be paid into the county general fund. (c) The County Commission of Marengo County shall provide the judge of probate with office personnel, clerks and deputies, and with quarters, books, stationery, furniture, equipment, and other supplies necessary for the proper and efficient conduct of the office of the judge of probate. Compensation of the personnel shall be fixed by the county commission and shall be paid in equal monthly installments out of the General Fund of Marengo County. (d) The amendment to this amendment shall become effective beginning with the next term of office following ratification of the amendment.
AMENDMENT 879 RATIFIED Baldwin County: Tax - Schools; Sales and Use. (a) As used in this amendment, the term "state sales tax" means the tax or taxes imposed by Division 1 of Article 1 of Chapter 23 and by Article 3 of Chapter 23 of Title 40 of the Code of Alabama 1975, as amended (herein called "the Code"), including all other statutes of the State of Alabama (herein called "the state") which expressly set forth any exemptions from the computation of the taxes levied in Division 1 or Article 3 and all other statutes which expressly apply to, or purport to affect, the administration of Division 1 or Article 3 and the incidence and collection of the taxes imposed therein; and the term "state use tax" means the tax or taxes imposed by either Article 2 or Article 3 of Chapter 23 of Title 40 of the Code, including all other statutes of the state which expressly set forth any exemptions from the computation of the tax levied in Article 2 or Article 3 and all other statutes of the state which expressly apply to, or purport to affect, the administration of Article 2 or Article 3 and the incidence and collection of the taxes imposed therein. (b) Subject to the provisions of this amendment, there are hereby levied in Baldwin County (herein called "the county"), in addition to all other taxes now authorized, or that may hereafter be authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, to be levied in the county, sales and use taxes (herein together called "the county sales and use taxes") that parallel, except for the rate or rates of such taxes (as hereinafter specified), the state sales tax and the state use tax. The duration of the levy of the county sales and use taxes hereunder shall be a period of five (5) years, commencing on June 1, 2013, subject to extension or renewal as authorized by the Legislature in accordance with a local legislative act. (c) The rate of the county sales and use taxes shall be one percent on any transaction that is subject to taxation by the state pursuant to the provisions of (i) either subdivision (1), subdivision (2), or subdivision (5) of Section 40-23-2 of the Code, or (ii) subsection (a) of Section 40-23-61 of the Code. (d) The rate of the county sales and use taxes shall be one-half of one percent (.5%) on any transaction that is subject to taxation by the state pursuant to the provisions of (i) either subdivision (3) or subdivision (4) of Section 40-23-2 of the Code; or (ii) either subsection (b) or subsection (c) of Section 40-23-61 of the Code; (iii) either Section 40-23-37 or Section 40-23-63, Code of Alabama 1975; or (iv) Article 3 of Chapter 23 of Title 40 of the Code, as the case may be. (e) The county sales and use taxes shall, as the Baldwin County Commission (hereafter "the commission") may from time to time determine, be collected either by the commission or by any person, firm, or corporation (whether public or private) with which the commission may contract to collect the county sales and use taxes or any other tax or taxes levied by, or in, the county, all in accordance with, and subject to, applicable provisions of law as are from time to time in effect. (f) All provisions of law from time to time in effect with respect to the payment, assessment, and collection of the state sales tax and the state use tax, and any and all reports, records, and penalties for failure to pay such taxes, the promulgation of rules and regulations with respect to such taxes, and the administration and enforcement of such taxes or such provisions of law (as the case may be), shall, to the extent not inconsistent with this amendment, apply to the county sales and use taxes. (g) The commission shall remit to any local boards of education in the county in accordance with state law all amounts collected by the commission from the sales and use tax levied pursuant to the terms of this amendment, less collection fees charged by the commission in accordance with this amendment, applicable state law and any agreeme
AMENDMENT 880 RATIFIED Maximum aggregate principal limitations on general obligation bonds. (a) Anything in Amendment No. 666 to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended [Section 219.04], or Amendment No. 796 to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended [Section 219.041], to the contrary notwithstanding, the authority granted to the State of Alabama to become indebteded and to sell and issue its interest-bearing general obligation bonds, in addition to all other bonds of the state, under Amendment No. 666 to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901 [Section 219.04], as amended by Amendment No. 796 to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901 [Section 219.041], shall not be subject to the limitations on aggregate principal amount imposed by Section VIII of said Amendment No. 666 to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended [Section 219.04], as modified by paragraph (a) of Amendment No. 796 to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended [Section 219.041]; provided, that at no time shall the aggregate principal amount of such general obligation bonds (including, without limitation, general obligation refunding bonds) then outstanding be in excess of $750 million. (b) General obligation refunding bonds may be issued by the State from time to time pursuant to the authority contained in Amendment No. 666 to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended [Section 219.04], in aggregate principal amounts (which may exceed the principal amount of general obligation bonds being refunded) determined by the Bond Commission established pursuant to Section IX of Amendment No. 666 to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended [Section 219.04]; provided, however, that no such general obligation refunding bonds shall be issued unless (i) the present value of all debt service on such general obligation refunding bonds (computed with a discount rate equal to the true interest rate of such general obligation refunding bonds and taking into account all underwriting discount and other issuance expenses) shall not be greater than 97 percent of the present value of all debt service on the general obligation bonds to be refunded (computed using the same discount rate and taking into account the underwriting discount and other issuance expenses originally applicable to such general obligation bonds to be refunded) determined as if such general obligation bonds to be refunded were paid and retired in accordance with the schedule of maturities (considering mandatory redemption as a scheduled maturity) provided at the time of their issuance; and (ii) the average maturity of such general obligation refunding bonds, as measured from the date of issuance of such general obligation refunding bonds, shall not exceed by more than three years the average maturity of the general obligation bonds to be refunded, as also measured from such date of issuance, with the average maturity of any principal amount of general obligation bonds to be determined by multiplying the principal of each maturity by the number of years (including any fractional part of a year) intervening between such date of issuance and each such maturity, taking the sum of all such products, and then dividing such sum by the aggregate principal amount of general obligation bonds for which the average maturity is to be determined. (c) The principal amount of general obligation bonds for which provision for payment has been made with proceeds of general obligation refunding bonds (including anticipated investment earnings thereon), shall not be deemed outstanding for purposes hereof. (d) Except to the extent modified hereunder, the terms and provisions of Amendment No. 666 to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended [Section 219.04], and Amendment No. 796 to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended [Section 219.041], shall remain in full force and effect.
AMENDMENT 881 RATIFIED Franklin County: Taxation -Transportation. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 40-12-4, Code of Alabama 1975, commencing October 1, 2014, the governing body of Franklin County, by ordinance, may allocate one-fourth of the proceeds of the one cent tax levied in Franklin County pursuant to Section 40-12-4, Code of Alabama 1975, for the purpose of matching funds for any grant in Franklin County from the Alabama Transportation Rehabilitation and Improvement Program. The authority granted by this amendment is effective for two years. The authority may be extended from time to time for subsequent two-year periods if approved by a majority vote of the voters of Franklin County voting on the issue at an election called for that purpose.
AMENDMENT 882 RATIFIED Mobile County: Water and Sewer System Transferred. (a) Within 90 days after the ratification of this amendment, the assets and liabilities of the Water Works and Sewer Board of the City of Prichard shall be transferred to the Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners of the City of Mobile, presently known as the Mobile Area Water and Sewer System. The transfer shall include all assets of the Water Works and Sewer Board of the City of Prichard and shall be conditioned upon the assumption or discharge by the Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners of the City of Mobile, presently known as the Mobile Area Water and Sewer System, of all liabilities of the Water Works and Sewer Board of the City of Prichard, including, without limitation, all indebtedness, contracts, and retirement obligations. Any assumption of obligations by the Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners of the City of Mobile, presently known as the Mobile Area Water and Sewer System, shall be evidenced by resolution of that board. (b) Upon transfer of its assets and liabilities pursuant to subsection (a), the Water Works and Sewer Board of the City of Prichard shall be dissolved. (c) The rates for water and sewer service to existing customers of the Mobile Area Water and Sewer System shall not be increased at any time for reasons related to the acquisition or maintenance of the assets, liabilities, or infrastructure of the Water Works and Sewer Board of the City of Prichard.
AMENDMENT 883 RATIFIED Amendment to Section 93.06. The legislature may hereafter, by general law, provide for the promotion of the production, distribution, improvement, marketing, use, and sale of peanuts, milk, and cotton. The legislature may provide for the promotion of peanuts, milk, and cotton and peanut, milk, and cotton products by research, education, advertising, and other methods, and the legislature is further authorized to provide means and methods for the financing of any such promotional activity by prescribing a procedure whereby growers of peanuts, and producers of milk and cotton may by referendum among such growers and producers levy upon themselves and collect assessments, fees, or charges upon the sale of peanuts, milk, and cotton for the financing of any such promotional program or activity in cooperation with buyers, processors, dealers, and handlers of peanuts, milk, and cotton. The legislature may make provisions for the nonpayment of assessments by peanut growers and milk and cotton producers, and shall make provisions for the refund of assessments to any peanut growers and milk producers who do not desire to participate in an assessment program. The legislature shall provide for the collection, disbursement, distribution, or expenditure of assessments or charges authorized hereunder and to provide penalties for failure to make collection and distribution of assessments. The legislature shall provide for the designation of a nonprofit association or organization for the promotion and betterment of peanuts, milk, and cotton and peanut, milk, and cotton products to administer and carry out such promotional program which shall include the conducting of elections or referendums among growers of peanuts and producers of milk and cotton. The legislature may provide the manner by which such referendum is held, including the procedure for application for approval to conduct the referendum, the appropriate action to be taken by the State Board of Agriculture and Industries on such application, the requirements and eligibility of the association or organization which will conduct such referendum, the procedures for voting and eligibility to vote in such referendum, the details of the conduct of such referendum. The legislature shall further provide for the deposit, withdrawal, disbursement, and expenditure by the designated association of any funds received subject to the supervision and control of the activities as authorized herein by the Department of Agriculture and Industries and the State Board of Agriculture and Industries. The legislature shall further provide a procedure whereby the association or organization is bonded, for the examination and auditing of the association or organization, and for reasonably necessary rules and regulations to be adopted by the State Board of Agriculture and Industries to effectively carry out the intent and purposes herein enumerated. The legislature shall provide, by enabling legislation, the definition of peanut growers and producers. Assessments, fees or other charges collected as authorized by any legislative act adopted under authority hereof shall not be considered as a tax within the meaning of this Constitution or any provision thereof. Any uniformity requirements of this Constitution shall be satisfied by the application of the program upon peanuts, milk, and cotton.
AMENDMENT 884 RATIFIED Application of foreign law. (a) This amendment shall be known and may be cited as the American and Alabama Laws for Alabama Courts Amendment. (b) The law of Alabama provides: (1) The State of Alabama has developed its unique public policy of laws based on the United States Constitution, as protected by Amendment 10 to the United States Constitution. (2) Upon becoming a state in 1819, Alabama adopted its first constitutional and statutory enactments, upon which it has built the rights, privileges, obligations, and requirements of its government and citizens. (3) Both the provisions of the Alabama Constitution and the statutes and regulations of the State of Alabama, with interpreting opinions by its courts of competent jurisdiction, have developed the state's public policy. (4) The public policy of the State of Alabama protects the unique rights of its citizens beginning with Article I, Section 1 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, guaranteeing the equality and rights of men. Except as permitted by due process of law and the right of the people to vote for self-determination, the rights, privileges, and immunities of the citizens of the State of Alabama are inviolate. (5) Different from the law of the State of Alabama is foreign law, which is any law, rule, or legal code, or system established, used, or applied in a jurisdiction outside of the states or territories of the United States, or which exist as a separate body of law, legal code, or system adopted or used anywhere by any people, group, or culture different from the Constitution and laws of the United States or the State of Alabama. (6) Alabama has a favorable business climate and has attracted many international businesses. While Alabama business persons and companies may decide to use foreign law in foreign courts, the public policy of Alabama is to prohibit anyone from requiring Alabama courts to apply and enforce foreign laws. (7) The public policy of this state is to protect its citizens from the application of foreign laws when the application of a foreign law will result in the violation of a right guaranteed by the Alabama Constitution or of the United States Constitution, including, but not limited to, due process, freedom of religion, speech, assembly, or press, or any right of privacy or marriage. (8) Article IV, Section 1, of the United States Constitution provides that full faith and credit shall be given by each state to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of other states. Provided, however, when any such public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of another state violate the public policy of the State of Alabama, the State of Alabama is not and shall not be required to give full faith and credit thereto. (c) A court, arbitrator, administrative agency, or other adjudicative, arbitrative, or enforcement authority shall not apply or enforce a foreign law if doing so would violate any state law or a right guaranteed by the Constitution of this state or of the United States. (d) If any contractual provision or agreement provides for the choice of a foreign law to govern its interpretation or the resolution of any dispute between the parties, and if the enforcement or interpretation of the contractual provision or agreement would result in a violation of a right guaranteed by the Constitution of this state or of the United States, the agreement or contractual provision shall be modified or amended to the extent necessary to preserve the constitutional rights of the parties. (e) If any contractual provision or agreement provides for the choice of venue or forum outside of the states or territories of the United States, and if the enforcement or interpretation of the contract or agreement applying that choice of venue or forum provision would result in a violation of any right guaranteed by the Constitution of this state or of the United States, that contractual provision or agreement shall be interpreted or construe
AMENDMENT 885 RATIFIED Escambia County: Oil and Gas Funds. In addition to any other authority granted pursuant to the Constitution or otherwise authorized by law, the trustees of the Escambia County Oil and Gas Severance Trust may loan all or any part of the funds on deposit in the trust fund to Escambia County, and the Escambia County Commission may borrow the funds from the trust fund and shall be required to expend all funds borrowed solely for the purpose of economic and industrial development in Escambia County or for the construction, maintenance, or repair of roads and bridges or other capital projects within Escambia County. Any loan by the trust fund shall be a general obligation of Escambia County, the repayment of which shall be made in equal semi-annual installments of principal and interest over a term not to exceed 15 years from the date of the loan, at a rate of interest equal to one percent more than the published market rate payable on 10-year term U.S. Treasury Notes prevailing on the date of the loan. In addition, the trustees may invest the trust funds in other investments as otherwise provided by local law and any prior local law authorizing the investment of trust funds is ratified and confirmed.
AMENDMENT 886 RATIFIED Shelby County: Judge of Probate - Qualifications. The Judge of Probate of Shelby County shall be an attorney licensed in this state effective upon the election or appointment of any judge of probate after the ratification of the amendment.
AMENDMENT 887 RATIFIED Distributions from Alabama Trust Fund for additional payments to fund bonds. (a) The authority granted to the State of Alabama to become indebted and to sell and issue its interest-bearing General Obligation bonds, in addition to all other bonds of the state, under Amendment 666 to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended, is hereby increased by an additional amount of fifty million dollars ($50,000,000). (b) All of the bonds shall be sold only at public sale or sales, either on sealed bids or at public auction, after such advertisement as may be prescribed by the Bond Commission, to the bidder whose bid reflects the lowest true interest cost to the state computed to the respective maturities of the bonds sold; provided, that if no bid deemed acceptable by the commission is received all bids may be rejected. (c) Relative to issuance expenses, contracts, and appointments incurred in connection with the issuance of bonds, the Bond Commission created in Section IX of Amendment 666 to the Constitution of 1901, shall contract with businesses or individuals which reflect the racial and ethnic diversity of the state. (d) Bonds issued pursuant to this amendment shall be issued for a maturity of 20 years or less. (e) All of the proceeds from the bonds shall be distributed to the Armory Commission of Alabama for plans, construction, and maintenance of Alabama National Guard armories. (f) In addition to any Oil and Gas Capital Payments received by the Alabama Trust Fund paid into the Alabama Capital Improvement Trust Fund pursuant to Amendment 666, so much as shall be necessary of all Oil and Gas Capital Payments received by the Alabama Trust Fund during any fiscal year shall be paid into the Alabama Capital Improvement Trust Fund to pay the principal and interest on the bonds authorized by this amendment. (g) In all other respects regarding the Alabama Trust Fund, the terms and provisions of Amendment 666 and Amendment 856 to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended, are unchanged and remain in full force and effect.
AMENDMENT 888 RATIFIED Amendment to Section 26. (a) Every citizen has a fundamental right to bear arms in defense of himself or herself and the state. Any restriction on this right shall be subject to strict scrutiny. (b) No citizen shall be compelled by any international treaty or international law to take an action that prohibits, limits, or otherwise interferes with his or her fundamental right to keep and bear arms in defense of himself or herself and the state, if such treaty or law, or its adoption, violates the United States Constitution.
AMENDMENT 889 RATIFIED Cullman County: Retirement. No elected or appointed Cullman County official including the sheriff may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every elected or appointed Cullman County official including the sheriff may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system, and shall be treated as an employee of the county. Cullman County officials including the sheriff holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office. No person may participate in both a supernumerary program and the Employees' Retirement System based on the same service. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed Cullman County official" shall include any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed Cullman County official. The words do not include a judge, county commissioner, district attorney, legislator, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit.
AMENDMENT 890 RATIFIED Amendment to Section 111.05. (a) No general law, or state executive order whose purpose or effect is to require a new or increased expenditure of funds held or disbursed by the governing body of a municipality or county, or an instrumentality thereof, or a city or county board of education shall become effective as to any municipality or county, or an instrumentality thereof, or a city or county board of education until approved by an ordinance enacted, or a resolution adopted, by the governing authority of the affected municipality, county, instrumentality, or board of education or until, and only as long as, the Legislature appropriates funds for the purpose to the affected municipality, county, instrumentality, or board and only to the extent and amount that the funds are provided, or until a law provides for a local source of revenue within the municipality, county, instrumentality, or board for the stated purpose and the affected municipality, county, instrumentality, or board is authorized by ordinance or resolution to levy and collect the revenue and only to the extent and amount of the revenue. (b) This amendment shall not apply to: (1) A local law as defined in Article IV, Section 110, Constitution of Alabama 1901. (2) An act defining a new crime or amending the definition of an existing crime. (3) An act, statute, executive order enacted, promulgated, or adopted and effective prior to January 6, 1999, which by its provisions requires expenditures by the county or municipality at any time after that date. (4) An act enacted, or state executive order promulgated or adopted to comply with a federal mandate, only to the extent of the federal mandate. (5) An act adopted or enacted by two-thirds of those voting in each house of the Legislature and any rule or regulation adopted to implement that act or adopted pursuant thereto. (6) An act determined by the Legislative Fiscal Office to have an aggregate insignificant fiscal impact on affected municipalities, counties, instrumentalities, or boards. For purposes of this subsection, the phrase "aggregate insignificant fiscal impact" shall mean any impact less than $50,000 annually. (7) An act of general application prescribing the minimum compensation for public officials. (8) An act, statute, administrative rule, or other provision or portion thereof addressing compensation, benefits, or due process of any employee of a board education. (c) For the purposes of this amendment, the phrase board of education shall include the Alabama Institute for Deaf and Blind, the Alabama School of Fine Arts, and the Alabama High School of Mathematics and Science.
AMENDMENT 891 RATIFIED Franklin County: Amendment of Amendment 518. The Legislature may, by general or local law, provide for the creation, incorporation, organization, operation, administration, authority and financing of a Franklin County water coordinating, and fire prevention authority in all or in portions of Franklin County as a public corporation to provide any one or more of the following local public services: Obtain, treat, and furnish water, provide sewer services, and broadband Internet service for residential, commercial, or industrial purposes and for any other local service permitted by such general or local law; authorize such authority to fix and collect rates, fees, and charges for such services, and to provide penalties for nonpayment and liens upon the property within the public authority; grant or vest the privilege of eminent domain to the public authority for the purpose of taking property for public use in accordance with Article XII, Section 235, of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901; authorize the borrowing of money and the issuance of bonds and other obligations by or on behalf of the public authority, provided that Franklin County shall not be responsible for any such bond or obligation and no such bond or obligation shall be chargeable against the limit on the debt of Franklin County; extend the service area into one or more other counties; and provide for fire protection facilities or services. Any law enacted at the 1988 Special Session of the Legislature to authorize the creation of such authority in Franklin County and to implement this amendment to the Constitution (whether with or without published notice of intention) shall become effective upon the ratification of this amendment.
AMENDMENT 892 RATIFIED Amendment to Section 39.02. (a) The people have a right to hunt, fish, and harvest wildlife, including by the use of traditional methods, subject to reasonable regulations, to promote wildlife conservation and management, and to preserve the future of hunting and fishing. Hunting by the public and fishing by the public shall be the preferred means of managing and controlling wildlife. This amendment shall not be construed to modify any provision of law relating to eminent domain, trespass, or property rights. (b) This amendment shall be known as the "Sportsperson's Bill of Rights."
AMENDMENT 893 RATIFIED Shelby County: Alcoholic Beverages - Sunday Sales. In Shelby County, the sale and distribution of alcoholic beverages shall be legal after 12:00 p.m. on Sunday by properly licensed retail licensees of the Alabama Alcoholic Beverage Control Board.
AMENDMENT 894 RATIFIED St. Clair County: Court Costs - Legislative Authority. The Legislature, by general or local law, may fix, alter, and regulate the costs and charges of courts in St. Clair County and provide for their distribution.
AMENDMENT 895 RATIFIED Retirement - District attorneys and circuit clerks. The legislature is authorized to provide a retirement program for district attorneys and circuit clerks of the state who are first elected or appointed on or after November 8, 2016.
AMENDMENT 896 RATIFIED Lamar County: Retirement - Supernumerary Offices. No elected or appointed Lamar County official, including the sheriff, may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every elected or appointed Lamar County official, including the sheriff, may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Lamar County officials, including the sheriff, holding office at the time of ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office. No person may participate in both a supernumerary program and the Employees' Retirement System based on the same service. For purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed Lamar County official," do not include a judge, district attorney, legislator, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit. The effective date or ratification date of this amendment is the date this amendment is officially proclaimed ratified in the proclamation register.
AMENDMENT 897 RATIFIED Repeal of Amendments 425 and 555; Section 284.01 Added. I. Amendments 425 and 555 to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, are repealed. II. Section 284.01 is added to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, to read as follows: Section 284.01. (a) The Legislature shall determine whether a proposed constitutional amendment affects or applies to only one county or a political subdivision within one or more counties under the procedures set out herein. If the Legislature determines that a proposed constitutional amendment affects or applies to only one county or a political subdivision within one or more counties, the amendment may be adopted as a valid part of the constitution only by a favorable vote of a majority of the qualified electors of the affected county or, if applicable, the political subdivision and the county or counties in which the political subdivision is located, who vote on the amendment as provided in subsections (b) and (c). If the Legislature fails to determine that a proposed constitutional amendment affects or applies to only one county or a political subdivision within one or more counties pursuant to the procedures set out in subsection (b), the amendment may be adopted as a valid part of the constitution only by a favorable vote of a majority of the qualified electors who vote on the amendment in a statewide referendum, as provided in subsection (d), and a majority of the qualified voters of the affected county or counties voting on the amendments, as provided in subsection (d). (b) To determine whether a proposed amendment shall be placed on the ballot in only one county or a political subdivision within one or more counties and the affected county or counties, as provided in subsection (a), the proposed amendment shall be approved by each house of the Legislature under the following process: (1) The proposed amendment must first be approved, if at all, by at least three-fifths of all the members elected to the house in which it originates. (2) Immediately following approval under subdivision (1), the house shall consider a resolution of local application declaring that the proposed amendment affects or applies to only one county or a political subdivision within one or more counties specifying by proper name the county or the political subdivision and the county or counties within which the political subdivision is located. (3) The proposed amendment shall then be sent to the other house for consideration and, if at least three-fifths of all the members elected to that house vote in favor of the proposed amendment, that house shall likewise immediately proceed to consider a resolution of local application as provided in subdivision (2). In the event that both houses of the Legislature approve the amendment by at least a three-fifths vote of their elected members and also determine by vote without dissent that the proposed amendment affects or applies to only one county or a political subdivision within one or more counties, the proposed amendment shall be placed on the ballot only in the county or political subdivision and county or counties affected. (c) If after having been approved by at least a three-fifths vote of the elected members of either house of the Legislature, there is at least one dissenting vote cast on the resolution in either house on the question of whether the proposed amendment affects or applies to only one county or only to a political subdivision within one or more counties, the proposed amendment shall automatically be submitted in a statewide referendum in accordance with the procedures for proposed statewide constitutional amendments under Sections 284 and 285 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901. If the proposed amendment is submitted in a statewide referendum, it shall not become effective unless approved by a majority of the qualified voters voting on the amendment statewide and a majority of the voters of any county or political subdivision named in
AMENDMENT 898 RATIFIED Houston County: Judge of Probate. The Judge of Probate of Houston County may exercise equity jurisdiction concurrent with that of the circuit court in cases originally filed in the Probate Court of Houston County if the judge of probate is licensed to practice law in the State of Alabama. In any case subject to this amendment, the judge of probate shall possess the power and authority of a circuit court judge trying the case and the case shall be treated in all respects in the same manner as a case filed in circuit court. The Alabama Rules of Civil Procedure shall apply in the cases except as otherwise specifically provided by law. This amendment is self-executing, but the Legislature may enact additional laws to implement this amendment if needed.
AMENDMENT 899 RATIFIED Etowah County: Sheriff - Employees. No later than the first day of the sixth month after ratification of this amendment, employees of the Office of the Sheriff of Etowah County, except for the chief deputy, chief of detention, chief of administration, chief of investigation, director of communications, and food service manager, shall be under the authority of the personnel board of the office of the sheriff. The provisions of this amendment shall not affect the liability of the employees of the Office of the Sheriff of Etowah County.
AMENDMENT 900 RATIFIED Baldwin County: City of Bay Minette - Municipal Planning Commission. (a) The Mayor of Bay Minette may appoint up to two additional members to the Bay Minette Municipal Planning Commission created pursuant to Section 11-52-3, Code of Alabama 1975. (b) The two additional members authorized under subsection (a) shall be individuals residing outside the corporate limits of the municipality, but within the territorial jurisdiction of the planning commission at the time of the appointment. (c) Upon appointment, the two additional members shall serve the same terms and shall have the same powers and duties as other members of the planning commission.
AMENDMENT 901 RATIFIED Monroe County: Tax - Tobacco Products. (a) There is levied in Monroe County on every person, firm, or corporation that sells, stores, delivers, uses, or otherwise consumes tobacco or tobacco products in Monroe County a county privilege, license, or excise tax in the following amounts: (1) An amount equal to twenty-five cents ($0.25) for each package of 20 or less cigarettes sold within the county. (2) An amount equal to thirty cents ($0.30) for each package of 21 to 25 cigarettes sold within the county. (3) An amount equal to one cent ($0.01) for each cigar of any description made of tobacco or any substitute for a cigar sold in the county. (4) An amount equal to twenty-five cents ($0.25) for the first two ounces and twenty-five cents ($0.25) for each additional ounce or fraction of an ounce contained in each individual package or can of smoking tobacco which is sold within the county. (5) An amount equal to twenty-five cents ($0.25) for the first two ounces and twenty-five cents ($0.25) for each additional ounce or fraction of an ounce contained in each individual package or can of smokeless tobacco or snuff which is sold within the county. (b) The privilege, license, or excise tax imposed in this amendment shall be in addition to all other taxes imposed by law and shall be collected in the same manner as other taxes on tobacco, except that when the license tax has been paid by a wholesaler or seller of the products, that payment shall be sufficient. The legislative intent of this amendment is that the tax shall be paid only once on each package of cigarettes, chewing tobacco, snuff, cigars of every description, and smoking tobacco of every description. (c) Every person, firm, corporation, club, or association that sells, stores, or receives for the purpose of selling or storing in Monroe County, any cigarettes, cigars, snuff, and smoking tobacco products shall add the amount of the license or privilege tax to the price of each product. It is the purpose and intent of this amendment that the tax required is, in fact, a levy on the consumer with the person, firm, corporation, club, or association that sells or stores or receives for the purpose of distributing the cigarettes, cigars, snuff, and smoking tobacco products acting merely as an agent for the collection of the tax. The dealer, storer, or distributor shall state the amount of the tax separately from the price of the cigarettes, cigars, snuff, and smoking tobacco products on all price display signs, sales or delivery slips, bills, and statements which advertise or indicate the price of the cigarettes, cigars, snuff, and smoking tobacco products. (d) It shall be unlawful for any dealer, storer, or distributor engaged in or continuing in the business in Monroe County for which the tax is required to fail or refuse to add to the sales price and collect from the purchaser the amount due on account of the tax, to refund or offer to refund all or any part of the amount collected, or absorb, or advertise directly or indirectly the absorption of, the tax or any portion thereof. Any person, firm, corporation, club, or association violating this subsection shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than twenty-five dollars ($25) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500). Each act in violation of this subsection shall constitute a separate offense. (e)(1) The State Department of Revenue or, as otherwise provided by resolution of the county commission, the Monroe County Tax Collector, shall collect all taxes required pursuant to this amendment at the same time and in the same manner as state sales and use taxes are collected. (2) The tax imposed by this amendment shall be paid by affixing stamps that are required for the payment of the tax imposed by Sections 40-25-1 to 40-25-29, inclusive, Code of Alabama 1975. (3) The department shall have the same duties relative to the preparation and sale of stamps to evidence the payment of the tax that it has rel
AMENDMENT 902 RATIFIED Henry County: Judge of Probate. Notwithstanding the provision of Section 6.16, as added by Amendment 328 to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, now appearing as Section 155 of the Official Recompilation of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended, a person who is not over the age of 72 at the beginning time of qualifying for election, or at the time of his or her appointment, may be elected or appointed to the office of Judge of Probate of Henry County.
AMENDMENT 903 RATIFIED Shelby County: Judge of Probate - Vacancies. In the event of a vacancy in the office of the Judge of Probate of Shelby County, the vacancy shall be filled from nominations to the Governor by the Shelby County Judicial Commission established by Amendment 804 to this Constitution pursuant to the same procedures provided in Amendment 804 for filling a vacancy in the office of a judge of the circuit or district court in the county.
AMENDMENT 904 RATIFIED Repeal of Article VII; New Article VII Added. I. Article VII of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, is repealed. II. Article VII is added to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, to read as follows: Article VII. Impeachments. Section 173. (a) The Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, State Auditor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer, members of the State Board of Education, Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries, and justices of the supreme court may be removed from office for willful neglect of duty, corruption in office, incompetency, or intemperance in the use of intoxicating liquors or narcotics to such an extent, in view of the dignity of the office and importance of its duties, as unfits the officer for the discharge of such duties for any offense involving moral turpitude while in office, or committed under color thereof, or connected therewith. (b) The House of Representatives shall present articles or charges of impeachment against those persons identified in subsection (a), specifying the cause to the Senate. (c) The Senate, sitting as a court of impeachment, shall take testimony under oath on articles or charges preferred by the House of Representatives. (d) The Lieutenant Governor shall preside over the Senate when sitting as a court of impeachment, provided, however, that if the Governor or Lieutenant Governor is impeached, the Chief Justice, or if the Chief Justice be absent or disqualified, then one of the associate justices of the supreme court, to be selected by the court, shall preside over the Senate when sitting as a court of impeachment. No person may be convicted by the Senate sitting as a court of impeachment without the concurrence of two-thirds of the members present. (e) If at any time when the Legislature is not in session, a majority of all the members elected to the House of Representatives shall certify in writing to the Secretary of State their desire to meet to consider the impeachment of the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or other officer administering the office of Governor, it shall be the duty of the Secretary of State immediately to notify the Speaker of the House who, within 10 days after receipt of the notice, shall summon the members of the House to assemble at the capitol on a day to be fixed by the Speaker, but not later than 15 days after receipt of the notice by the Speaker from the Secretary of State, to consider the impeachment of the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or other officer administering the office of Governor. (f) If the House of Representatives prefers articles of impeachment, the Speaker of the House shall forthwith notify the Lieutenant Governor, unless he or she is the officer impeached, in which event the President Pro Tempore of the Senate shall be notified, who shall summon the members of the Senate to assemble at the capitol on a specified day not later than 10 days after receipt of the notice from the Speaker of the House, for the purpose of hearing and trying the articles of impeachment against the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or other officer administering the office of Governor, as may be preferred by the House of Representatives. Section 174. The judges of the district and circuit courts, judges of the probate courts, and judges of other courts from which an appeal may be taken directly to the supreme court, district attorneys, and sheriffs, may be removed from office for any of the causes specified in Section 173 or elsewhere in this constitution, by the supreme court, or under such regulations as may be prescribed by rule of the Supreme Court of Alabama or law. The Legislature may provide for the impeachment or removal of other officers than those named in this article. Section 175. A county officer and officer of an incorporated city or town may be tried for impeachment for any of the causes specified in Section 173 and upon conviction be removed from office by a court having jurisdiction to try felony cases in the c
AMENDMENT 905 RATIFIED Repeal of Article III; New Article III Added. I. Article III of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, and Amendment 582 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, are repealed. II. Article III is added to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, to read as follows: Article III. SEPARATION OF POWERS. Section 42. (a) The powers of the government of the State of Alabama are legislative, executive, and judicial. (b) The government of the State of Alabama shall be divided into three distinct branches: legislative, executive, and judicial. (c) To the end that the government of the State of Alabama may be a government of laws and not of individuals, and except as expressly directed or permitted in this constitution, the legislative branch may not exercise the executive or judicial power, the executive branch may not exercise the legislative or judicial power, and the judicial branch may not exercise the legislative or executive power. Section 43. No order of a state court which requires disbursement of state funds shall be binding on the state or any state official until the order has been approved by a simple majority of both houses of the Legislature. This section shall not apply to orders, judgments, or decrees requiring payment of compensation for the taking of property by eminent domain or arising out of challenges to taxation or to such other orders, judgments, or decrees as may be otherwise required by statute, or settled principles of Alabama common law as decided by the Alabama appellate courts, not inconsistent with other provisions of this Constitution. Nothing herein shall be construed to preclude a court from making findings of fact or conclusions of law and orders relating thereto, that standards required by the United States Constitution, the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, laws of this state or of the United States, or rules or regulations promulgated pursuant thereto, are not being met, and from ordering the responsible entity or entities to comply with such standards.
AMENDMENT 906 RATIFIED Amendment to Section 266. Section 266. Section 1. (a) Auburn University shall be under the management and control of a board of trustees. The board of trustees shall consist of one member from each of the congressional districts in the state as the same were constituted on the first day of January, 1961, one member from Lee County, three at-large members who shall be residents of the continental United States, two additional at-large members who shall be residents of the continental United States and who shall enhance the diversity of the board of trustees by reflecting the racial, gender, and economic diversity of the state, and the Governor, who shall be ex officio president of the board. (b) The trustees from each congressional district, from Lee County, and all at-large trustees, including the two additional at-large members who shall enhance the diversity of the board, shall be appointed by the appointing committee created herein, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. The appointment of members to fill a vacated position with a partially expired term of office shall also be made by the appointing committee as provided herein. (c) A board of trustees appointing committee is established composed of the following members: (1) The President Pro Tem of the Board of Trustees of Auburn University or the designee of the President Pro Tem. The designee shall be a member of the Board of Trustees of Auburn University. (2) A member of the Board of Trustees of Auburn University selected by the board of trustees. (3) Two members of the Auburn Alumni Association Board of Directors, who are not current employees of Auburn University, selected by the Auburn Alumni Association Board of Directors. (4) The Governor or a designee of the Governor who is an alumnus of Auburn University but who is not a current member of the Auburn Board of Trustees nor a current member of the Auburn Alumni Association Board of Directors nor a current employee of Auburn University. (d) The Governor, or the designee of the Governor, shall serve as chairperson of the appointing committee. If the chairperson fails to call a meeting within 90 days prior to the expiration of the term of a sitting board member or within 30 days following the creation of a vacancy by death, resignation, or other cause, a majority of the committee, in writing, may call a meeting giving at least 10 days notice. In the absence of the chairperson or another member designated by the chairperson to preside, the majority of the committee shall choose its own chairperson. (e) When appropriate, the appointing committee shall meet to address the appointment of any of the following: (1) Persons to fill an expired or soon-to-be expired term of office of any member of the Board of Trustees of Auburn University, including the five at-large positions . (2) Persons to fill the remainder of a partially expired term of office of any position on the Board of Trustees of Auburn University which has been vacated by reason of death, resignation, or other cause, including the five at-large positions. (f) The appointing committee, by majority vote, shall appoint an individual to fill the respective position on the board of trustees. The committee shall ensure that appointments are solicited from all constituencies, are inclusive, and reflect the racial, gender, and economic diversity of the state. A person may not be appointed to the Board of Trustees of Auburn University while serving on the appointing committee. (g) A trustee shall hold office for a term of seven years, and may serve no more than two full seven-year terms of office. Appointment and service for a portion of an unexpired term shall not be considered in applying the two-term limit. (h) For purposes of ensuring that transitions in board membership occur in a stable manner, if the secretary of the board determines that, as of January 1 of any calendar year, four or more members of the board hold seats the terms
AMENDMENT 907 RATIFIED Autauga County: Amendment of Amendment 626. (a) For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed Autauga County official" shall mean any person holding an office that entitles the person to participate in a supernumerary program or any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed county official. (b) An elected or appointed Autauga County official may not assume a supernumerary office after January 6, 1999. Any person who, on January 6, 1999, is entitled to participate in that supernumerary program, may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every elected or appointed Autauga County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Elected or appointed Autauga County officials holding office on January 6, 1999, shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office; provided, however, the official shall forego the assumption of a supernumerary office and must make the election within one year of January 6, 1999. (c) A Sheriff of Autauga County first elected after the effective date of this amendment may not participate in a supernumerary program and may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. The Sheriff of Autauga County holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time he or she has served as sheriff. The sheriff shall forego the assumption of a supernumerary office and shall make the election within one year after the ratification date of this amendment.
AMENDMENT 908 RATIFIED Winston County: Education - School Lands. (a) All sixteenth section school and school land located in Winston County is vested in the Winston County Board of Education. The board may manage, sell, lease, and control the land and any timber, minerals, or other natural resources of the land. (b) Any proceeds from the sale of sixteenth section or school land shall be deposited into a trust account in Winston County. (c) Any interest earned on the funds deposited pursuant to subsection (b) shall be annually distributed to the Winston County school system. (d) Any proceeds generated from the sale of timber, minerals, or other natural resources of the land, or from the lease of sixteenth section or school land shall be paid directly to the Winston County Board of Education and deposited into the Winston County Board of Education General Fund. (e) It is the intent of the Legislature that this amendment supersede any other provision of this constitution which may be construed as being in conflict with this amendment as it relates to sixteenth section or school lands in Winston County and the rights, power, and control of the property relating to the sale, lease, or other disposition of the land or the sale of timber, minerals, or other natural resources generated by the land, or any proceeds or interest earned therefrom. (f) Upon ratification of this amendment, all proceeds realized from the sale, lease, or other disposition of sixteenth section or school land or the sale of timber, minerals, or other natural resources generated by Winston County sixteenth section or school lands occurring before ratification of this amendment, and held in trust by the State of Alabama, shall continue to be held in trust and any revenue and interest derived from those transactions shall be paid to the custodian of funds of the Winston County Board of Education.
AMENDMENT 909 RATIFIED Administration of county affairs. (a) Except where otherwise provided for or specifically prohibited by the constitution or by general or local law and subject to the limitations set forth herein, the county commission of each county in this state may exercise those powers necessary to provide for the administration of the affairs of the county through the programs, policies, and procedures described in subsection (b), subject to the limitations set forth in subsection (c). (b) Subject to the limitations of subsections (a) and (c), each county commission in the state may establish: (1) Programs, policies, and procedures relating to county personnel, including: Establishment of a county personnel system; the provision of employee benefits; allowing a deputy to be given his or her badge and pistol upon retirement; creating employee incentive programs related to matters such as attendance, performance, and safety; creating incentive programs related to the retirement of county employees; and creating employee recognition and appreciation programs. (2) Community programs to provide for litter-free roadways and public facilities and public property and subject to any limitations in general law, programs related to control of animals and animal nuisances, provided no programs shall: a. result in the destruction of an animal unless required by the public health laws of the state; or b. relate to or restrict the use of animals for hunting purposes or the use of animals being raised for sale or kept for breeding, food or fiber production purposes, or otherwise used in connection with farming, poultry and egg, dairy, livestock, and other agricultural or farming operations. (3) Programs related to public transportation and programs to promote and encourage safety when using public roads and rights-of-way, provided the programs do not in any way conflict with general law. (4) Programs related to county offices, including one-stop tag programs; commissaries for inmates at the county jail; disposal of unclaimed personal property in the custody of the county; management of the county highway department; automation of county activities; and establishment of unit or district systems for the maintenance of county roads and bridges. Programs involving the operation of the office of an elected county official may only be established pursuant to this subdivision with the written consent and cooperation of the elected official charged by law with the responsibility for the administration of the office. (5) Emergency assistance programs, including programs related to ambulance service and programs to improve county emergency management services. (c) Nothing in this amendment may be construed to provide a county commission any authority to levy or assess a tax or fee or to increase the rate of any tax or fee previously established, or to establish any program that would infringe on a citizen's rights with respect to the use of his or her private property or infringe on a right of a business entity with respect to its private property. Except as authorized in subdivision (4) of subsection (b), nothing in this amendment shall authorize the county commission to limit, alter, or otherwise impact the constitutional, statutory, or administrative duties, powers, or responsibilities of any other elected officials or to establish, increase, or decrease any compensation, term of office, or expense allowance for any elected officials of the county. (d) Any programs, policies, or procedures proposed for adoption by the county commission pursuant to the authority granted under subsection (a) shall only be voted on at a regular meeting of the county commission. Prior to the adoption of the programs, policies, and procedures, the county commission shall provide notice of its intention to consider the matter by announcing at a regular county commission meeting that the matter will be on the agenda at the next regular meeting of the county comm
AMENDMENT 910 RATIFIED Baldwin County: Retirement - Mayor. In Baldwin County, mayors of municipalities that participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. A mayor holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office. No person may participate in both a supernumerary program and the Employees' Retirement System based on the same service.
AMENDMENT 911 RATIFIED Jefferson County: Services, Garbage - Lien for Failure to Pay Fee. In Jefferson County, notwithstanding any other provision of this Constitution, any bill for residential garbage service from the county, a municipality in the county, or a local governmental entity received in the name of the tenant or tenants shall be the sole responsibility of the tenant or tenants and shall not constitute a lien on the property where the garbage service was received. This amendment shall not be interpreted to impair the obligation of any contract entered into before the effective date of the amendment.
AMENDMENT 912 RATIFIED DeKalb County: Repeal of Amendment 845. Amendment No. 845 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, relating to DeKalb County, requiring the county commission of the county to call a special election to fill a vacancy in a county office under certain conditions, is repealed.
AMENDMENT 913 RATIFIED Right to Work. (a) It is hereby declared to be the public policy of Alabama that the right of persons to work may not be denied or abridged on account of membership or nonmembership in a labor union or labor organization. (b) An agreement or combination between an employer and labor union or labor organization which provides that a person who is not a member of the union or organization shall be denied the right to work for the employer, or where membership in the union or organization is made a condition of employment or continuation of employment by the employer, or where the union or organization acquires an employment monopoly in any enterprise, is hereby declared to be against public policy and an illegal combination or conspiracy. (c) No person shall be required by an employer to become or remain a member of any labor union or labor organization as a condition of employment or continuation of employment. (d) A person may not be required by an employer to abstain or refrain from membership in any labor union or labor organization as a condition of employment or continuation of his or her employment. (e) An employer may not require a person, as a condition of employment or continuation of employment, to pay dues, fees, or other charges of any kind to any labor union or labor organization. (f) This amendment shall not apply to any lawful contract in force on or prior to the date of the ratification of this amendment but it shall apply in all respects to contracts entered into after the date of the ratification of this amendment, and to any renewal or extension of an existing contract.
AMENDMENT 914 RATIFIED Calhoun County: Police Jurisdiciton. (a) This amendment shall apply only in Calhoun County. (b) Any territory located in Calhoun County shall be subject only to the police jurisdiction and planning jurisdiction of a municipality located wholly or partially in Calhoun County.
AMENDMENT 915 RATIFIED Use of parks funding; amendment to Section 213.32. PART I. The Legislature shall not pass any law authorizing nor shall any officer, agency, or employee transfer, use, or pledge any monies from the State Parks Fund, the Parks Revolving Fund, or any fund receiving revenues currently deposited in the State Parks Fund or the Parks Revolving Fund, and any monies currently designated by law and deposited into a public account for the use by the state parks system from being transferred to any other public account, fund or entity or used for any purpose other than the support, upkeep, and maintenance of the state parks system. Notwithstanding, in the event that guest revenues to the State Parks Revolving Fund exceed the threshold of $50 million (as annually adjusted based on increases in the consumer price index) in a fiscal year, the sales and use and cigarette tax revenue distributed to benefit the State Parks System shall be reduced in the following fiscal year. The amount of the reduction shall correspond to the amount of guest revenue to the State Parks Revolving Fund exceeding the threshold. The amount of tax revenue not distributed to benefit the State Parks System shall be distributed to the General Fund. PART II. Amendment of Amendment 617. The State of Alabama is authorized to become indebted for the purpose of the acquisition, provision, construction, improvement, renovation, equipping, and maintenance of the state parks system, public historical sites, and public historical parks, and in evidence of the indebtedness so incurred to sell and issue bonds, in addition to all other bonds of the state, not exceeding one hundred ten million dollars ($110,000,000) in aggregate principal amount. The bonds shall be direct general obligations of the state and the full faith and credit and taxing power of the state are hereby pledged to the prompt and faithful payment of the principal thereof and the interest thereon. One hundred four million dollars ($104,000,000) of the bonds shall be issued for the state by the Alabama State Parks System Improvement Corporation pursuant to the appropriate resolutions adopted by the board of directors of the corporation and the proceeds thereof shall be appropriated and used exclusively for the purpose of paying the expenses incurred in the sale and issuance of the bonds and for payment of the costs of the acquisition, provision, construction, improvement, renovation, equipping, and maintenance of the state parks system; provided, any lake acquired and/or built with the proceeds thereof by the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources as a part of a state park must have a minimum buffer of six hundred (600) lateral feet between the shoreline and any private property. In the event that the water from any said lake is sold, the cost thereof shall be equal to the periodic costs for that portion of the bond issue incurred by the Alabama State Parks System Improvement Corporation for said lake, and shall be repaid to the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources at the same rate as the debt service on said bond issue. Such acquisition, provision, construction, improvement, renovation, equipping and maintenance of the state parks system, shall be completed at the direction of the Alabama State Parks System Improvement Corporation with the advice and concurrence of the Joint Legislative Committee on State Parks, and all state park system land and facilities, except for state park system land and facilities at those state parks with either (1) an establishment where sleeping or sleeping and eating accommodations are advertised or held out to be available to transients, including hotel rooms, cottages, and cabins, or (2) a golf course, or both, shall thereafter be exclusively and solely operated and maintained by the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. This provision shall not mandate operations by entities other than the Department of Conservation and Nat
AMENDMENT 916 RATIFIED Montgomery County: Retirement - Sheriff. No elected or appointed sheriff in Montgomery County may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment except as provided herein. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. The Sheriff of Montgomery County may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. The sheriff holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office; provided, however, the official shall forego the assumption of a supernumerary office.
AMENDMENT 917 RATIFIED Fayette County: Retirement. No person elected or appointed sheriff, or any elected or appointed Fayette County official may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Any person who, on the effective date of this amendment, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every elected or appointed Fayette County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. Fayette County officials holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed county official" shall include, subject only to express limitation, any person holding an office that entitles the person to participate in a supernumerary program and includes any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed county official, but shall not include a judge, district attorney, constable, legislator, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit.
AMENDMENT 918 RATIFIED Lauderdale County: Amendment of Amendment 819. All vacancies in the office of judge of the circuit court and the office of judge of the district court holding in Lauderdale County shall be filled in the manner and for the time as herein provided. The Lauderdale County Judicial Commission is created for the purpose of nominating to the Governor persons for appointment to a vacancy. The commission shall be composed of five members, two of whom shall be appointed by the members of the bar residing in the county, two shall be appointed by the members of the county commission, and one, who shall be the chair, shall be appointed by the Chief Justice or the Acting Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court. All members of the commission shall reside in the territorial jurisdiction of the circuit court holding in Lauderdale County. The Lauderdale County Bar Association, the Lauderdale County Commission, and the Chief Justice or Acting Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court shall each certify in writing to the Judge of Probate of Lauderdale County the names of the persons selected as members of the commission. The terms of office of all members of the commission shall be six years. In the event that an initial appointment or vacancy of a member of the commission is not filled in 30 days, the appointment or vacancy shall be filled by the Chief Justice or Acting Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court within 10 days. A vacancy in the office of a member of the commission shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as the member was originally chosen. The Judge of Probate of Lauderdale County shall record all certificates of election and shall safely and permanently keep the original certificates. Forthwith upon his or her receipt and recordation of every certificate, the judge of probate shall send to the Governor a certified copy of every certificate. No member of the commission shall be eligible for nomination to the Governor for appointment as judge of the circuit court or the district court during the term of office of the commission member. The members of the commission shall not receive any salary or other compensation for their services as members. No member of the commission shall hold any public office, and no member of the commission shall hold any official position in any political party. If a vacancy occurs in the office of judge of the circuit court or the office of judge of the district court holding in Lauderdale County, the commission shall nominate within 30 days to the Governor three persons having the qualifications for the office. If the commission fails to nominate three names during the 30-day period, the names shall be selected by the Chief Justice or Acting Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court within 10 days. The names of all persons considered for nomination shall be available for review by the public and shall be deemed a public record. The Governor shall appoint to the office in which the vacancy exists one of the three persons so nominated for the office. If the Governor fails to make an appointment from the list within 30 days from the date it is presented to the Governor, the appointment shall be made by the Chief Justice or the Acting Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court from the same list. The term of office of a judge appointed to fill a vacancy shall be as otherwise provided in Section 153 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901.
AMENDMENT 919 RATIFIED Use of tax revenues collected within Major 21st Century Manufacturing Zones. Notwithstanding any other provision of the Constitution, public moneys, including ad valorem tax revenues, collected within a tax increment district located within a Major 21st Century Manufacturing Zone as defined by law, and proceeds of obligations issued by the municipality or county establishing the district for the purposes of redevelopment or revitalization of property located therein, may be expended for the acquisition of the property and the redevelopment, rehabilitation, or conservation thereof, and the moneys, property, and proceeds may be disposed of, whether to or for the benefit of private interests or otherwise, for such consideration as shall be determined in the discretion of the governing body of the county or municipality, as the case may be, that established the district and without regard to Sections 93 and 94 of this Constitution. Any obligations of a municipality or county issued for the purposes set forth above shall not be chargeable against the constitutional debt limit of the municipality or county. The exercise of any powers granted in the Major 21st Century Manufacturing Zone Act, Act 2013-51, by any municipality or county, or the governing body thereof, shall not be subject to those limitations or restrictions that would otherwise have been applicable under Section 93 or Section 94 of this Constitution. The Major 21st Century Manufacturing Zone Act, Act 2013-51, is hereby validated and confirmed.
AMENDMENT 920 RATIFIED Shelby County: Amendment of Amendment 804. All vacancies in the office of the judge of the circuit court and the office of the judge of the district court of the 18th Judicial Circuit shall be filled in the manner and for the time as herein provided. The Shelby County Judicial Commission is hereby created for the purpose of nominating to the Governor persons for appointment to a vacancy. The commission shall be composed of five members. The members of the commission shall be as follows: Two persons who are members of the Alabama State Bar; two persons who are not members of the Alabama State Bar; and the presiding judge of the 18th Judicial Circuit. All members of the commission shall reside in the territorial jurisdiction of the 18th Judicial Circuit. The two members of the commission who are required to be members of the Alabama State Bar shall be elected by the members of the bar who are regularly licensed and qualified to practice law in this state. The Executive Committee of the Shelby County Bar Association, or its successor body in such capacity, is authorized and directed to make rules, not inconsistent with this amendment, for the election of the two members of the commission who are required to be members of the Alabama State Bar. The executive committee shall certify in writing to the Judge of Probate of Shelby County the names of the persons elected as members of the commission by the members of the bar and the name of the presiding judge of the circuit court who shall serve on the commission by virtue of his or her position as presiding judge. The members of the Legislature representing Shelby County shall elect the two members of the commission who are required not to be members of the Alabama State Bar. The members of the Legislature representing Shelby County shall certify in writing to the judge of probate the names of the persons elected by them as members. The terms of office of all members of the commission shall be six years, except that the terms of office of the two members of the State Bar first elected shall be for one and two years respectively, and of the two members first elected by the members of the Legislature representing Shelby County shall be for three and four years respectively; the length of the terms of office of the members of the commission being indicated by the respective electing bodies. The terms of the initial members of the commission shall begin on January 1, 2009. A vacancy in the office of a member of the commission shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as that member was originally chosen. The Judge of Probate of Shelby County shall record all certificates of election and shall safely and permanently keep the original certificates. Upon receipt and recordation of each certificate, the judge of probate shall send to the Governor a certified copy of each certificate. No member of the commission shall be eligible to succeed himself or herself as a member or for nomination to the Governor for appointment as judge of the circuit or district court during the term of office for which the member shall have been selected. The members of the commission shall not receive any salary or other compensation for their services as members. No member of the commission other than the member who is the presiding judge of the 18th Judicial Circuit shall hold any public office and no member of the commission shall hold any official position in any political party. If, subsequent to January 1, 2009, a vacancy occurs in the office of judge of the circuit or district court in the 18th Judicial Circuit, the commission shall nominate to the Governor three persons having the qualifications for the office. The nomination shall be made only by the concurrence of a majority of the members of the commission. The Governor shall appoint to the office in which the vacancy exists one of the three persons so nominated for the office. The term of office of a judge appointe
AMENDMENT 921 RATIFIED Baldwin County: Traffic Laws - Golf Carts. (a) A municipality in Baldwin County may designate municipal streets or public roads within the municipality for use by golf carts. Before making that designation, the municipality shall first determine that golf carts may safely travel on or across the street or road. The municipality making the safety determination shall consider factors including, but not limited to, the speed, volume, and character of motor vehicle traffic using the road or street. Upon a determination that golf carts may be safely operated on the designated street or road, the municipality shall post appropriate signs to indicate that the operation of golf carts is authorized. (b) A municipality that authorizes the use of golf carts pursuant to subsection (a) shall inspect any golf cart that an owner wishes to use pursuant to subsection (a) to determine if the safety equipment required by subsection (e) is present on the golf cart and shall verify that the operator of the golf cart on a municipal street or public road is covered by a policy of liability insurance held by the owner of the golf cart. The liability limits for operation of the golf cart shall be the same as for operation of a motor vehicle. If the proper safety equipment is present and the golf cart is covered by liability insurance, the municipality shall issue a permit to the owner upon payment of a permit fee. The municipality may designate the appropriate department of the municipality to inspect and permit golf carts and may adopt rules for permitting golf carts, including providing for a permit fee. (c) A municipality may not allow a golf cart to operate on a municipal street or public road where the posted speed limit exceeds 25 miles per hour. (d) A municipality may limit the operation of a golf cart pursuant to this section to only between the hours of sunrise and sunset. (e) The golf cart shall be equipped with headlights, brake lights, turn signals, and a windshield. (f) No person may operate a golf cart on a public street or road without a driver's license. (g) A municipality may enact an ordinance regarding golf cart operation and equipment that is more restrictive than the restrictions enumerated in this section. Upon enactment, the municipality shall post appropriate signs or otherwise inform residents that the ordinance exists and will be enforced within the jurisdictional limits of the municipality. (h) All golf carts shall be entitled to full use of a lane, and no motor vehicle shall be driven in such a manner as to deprive any golf cart of the full use of a lane. (i) The operator of a golf cart may not overtake and pass in the same lane occupied by the vehicle being overtaken. (j) A golf cart may not be operated between lanes of traffic or between adjacent lines or rows of vehicles. (k) Golf carts may not be operated two or more abreast in a single lane. (l) The unauthorized operation of a golf cart on a municipal street or public road is a violation for which the municipality may collect a civil penalty of up to fifty dollars ($50). (m) Notwithstanding any other provision of this amendment, a municipality may enact an ordinance regarding golf cart operation and equipment that is less restrictive than the restrictions enumerated in this amendment authorizing the use of golf carts for periods not to exceed 80 hours by the municipality or a civic organization in conjunction with civic events or events to raise funds, promote economic development, or similar purposes as authorized in the ordinance.
AMENDMENT 922 RATIFIED Madison County: Amendment of Amendment 334. All vacancies in the office of judge of the circuit court and the office of judge of the district court holding in Madison County shall be filled in the manner and for the time as herein provided. The Madison County Judicial Commission is created for the purpose of nominating to the Governor persons for appointment to such a vacancy. The commission shall be composed of nine members. The members of the commission shall be two persons who are members of the Alabama State Bar, one judge of the circuit court holding in Madison County, two members appointed by Members of the Alabama House of Representatives who represent Madison County, irrespective of whether such Members of the House of Representatives reside in Madison County, two members appointed by Members of the Alabama Senate who represent Madison County, irrespective of whether such Members of the Senate reside in Madison County, and two members appointed jointly by these Members of the House of Representatives and Members of the Senate. All members of the commission shall reside in the territorial jurisdiction of the circuit court holding in Madison County. The two members of the commission who are required to be members of the Alabama State Bar shall be elected by the members of such bar who are regularly licensed and qualified to practice law in this state and who reside in the territorial jurisdiction of the circuit court holding in Madison County. The Executive Committee of the Madison County Bar Association or its successor body in such capacity, is authorized and directed to make rules, not inconsistent with this amendment, for the election of such members of the commission as are required to be members of the Alabama State Bar. The executive committee shall certify in writing to the Judge of Probate of Madison County the names of the persons elected as members of the commission by these members of the bar. The Members of the Alabama House of Representatives who represent Madison County, irrespective of whether these members reside in Madison County, shall make one initial appointment of a member of the commission immediately upon the adoption of the amendment adding this amendatory language and shall make the other initial appointment upon the first expiration of the term of office of a member previously appointed pursuant to this amendment by the Senators and Representatives in the Alabama Legislature residing in Madison County. These Members of the Alabama House of Representatives representing Madison County shall make all succeeding appointments to these two positions. These appointees shall not be members of the Alabama State Bar. The Members of the Alabama Senate representing Madison County, irrespective of whether these members reside in Madison County, shall make one initial appointment of a member of the commission immediately upon the adoption of the amendment adding this amendatory language and shall make the other initial appointment upon the expiration of the term of office of the last member previously appointed pursuant to this amendment by the Senators and Representatives of the Alabama Legislature residing in Madison County. These Members of the Alabama Senate representing Madison County shall make all succeeding appointments to these two positions. These appointees shall not be members of the Alabama State Bar. The Members of the House of Representatives and Senate representing Madison County, irrespective of whether these members reside in Madison County, shall jointly make two initial appointments upon the adoption of the amendment adding this amendatory language. These Members of the House of Representatives and the Senate shall jointly make all succeeding appointments to these two positions. These appointees shall not be members of the Alabama State Bar. These Members of the House of Representatives and Senate, respectively, shall certify in writing to the Judge of Probate of Ma
AMENDMENT 923 RATIFIED Baldwin County: Amendment of Amendment 660. All vacancies in the office of judge of the circuit court and the office of judge of the district court holding in Baldwin County shall be filled in the manner and for the time as herein provided. The Baldwin County Judicial Commission is created for the purpose of nominating to the Governor persons for appointment to a vacancy. The commission shall be composed of five members. The members of the commission shall be one person who is a member of the Alabama State Bar nominated by the Baldwin County Bar Association, the presiding circuit judge holding in Baldwin County, one member selected by the Baldwin County Commission, one member selected by the Baldwin County Mayors' Association where at least two thirds of the members are in attendance at the meeting where the selection is made, and one member who is not a member of the Legislature selected by the Baldwin County Legislative Delegation selected by random selection as designed by the members of the Alabama House of Representatives and the Alabama Senate who represent Baldwin County. All members of the commission shall reside in the territorial jurisdiction of the circuit court holding in Baldwin County. Only the member selected by the Baldwin County Bar Association and the presiding circuit judge holding in Baldwin County may be a member of the Alabama State Bar. The member of the commission who is required to be a member of the Alabama State Bar shall be elected by the members of the bar who are regularly licensed and qualified to practice law in this state and who reside in the territorial jurisdiction of the circuit court holding in Baldwin County. The Executive Committee of the Baldwin County Bar Association, or its successor body in that capacity, shall make rules, not inconsistent with this amendment, for the election of the member of the commission required to be a member of the Alabama State Bar. The executive committee shall certify in writing to the Judge of Probate of Baldwin County the name of the person elected as member of the commission by these members of the bar. The presiding circuit judge holding in Baldwin County shall certify in writing to the Judge of Probate of Baldwin County the remaining names of the persons selected as members of the commission. The terms of office of all members of the commission shall be six years. In event that an initial appointment or vacancy is not filled in 30 days, the vacancy shall be filled by the members of the Baldwin County Legislative Delegation residing in Baldwin County within 10 days. A vacancy in the office of a member of the commission shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as the member was originally chosen. The Judge of Probate of Baldwin County shall record all certificates of election and shall safely and permanently keep the original certificates. Forthwith upon his or her receipt and recordation of every certificate, the judge of probate shall send to the Governor a certified copy of every certificate. No member of the commission shall be eligible for nomination to the Governor for appointment as judge of the circuit court or the district court during the term of office of the commission member. The members of the commission shall not receive any salary or other compensation for their services as members. No member of the commission other than the member required to be a judge of the circuit court shall hold any public office, and no member of the commission shall hold any official position in any political party. If a vacancy occurs in the office of judge of the circuit court or the office of judge of the district court holding in Baldwin County, the commission shall nominate within 30 days to the Governor three persons having the qualifications for the office. If the commission fails to nominate three names during the 30-day period, the names shall be selected by the members of the Baldwin County Legislative Delegation
AMENDMENT 924 RATIFIED Marion County: Fire Protection. Commencing with the levy for the tax year for which taxes will become due and payable on October 1, 2017, there is hereby levied a fire protection tax of three mills. The fire protection tax levied herein shall be based upon the value of real and personal property assessed by affected property owners, as shown on the records of the Revenue Commissioner of Marion County, and shall be assessed and collected as are all ad valorem taxes in the county. The amount collected each year from assessment of the fire protection tax shall be paid to the Marion County Firefighters Association, to be distributed equally among the paid and volunteer fire departments in the county.
AMENDMENT 925 RATIFIED Removal of age restrictions for appointed or elected officials. 1. Any provision of the constitution or other law that imposes a maximum age restriction for the appointment, election, or service of an appointed or elected official, with the exception of persons elected or appointed to a judicial office pursuant to Section 155, is repealed. 2. The Legislature may not enact any law imposing a maximum age restriction for the appointment, election, or service of any appointed or elected official.
AMENDMENT 926 RATIFIED Amendment of Amendment 448. (A) The following words and phrases, whenever used in this amendment, shall have the following respective meanings: "Basic Appropriations" means, with respect to any regular session of the legislature, such appropriations as the legislature may deem appropriate for the expenditures by the state during the ensuing budget period for the ordinary expenses of the executive, legislative and judicial departments of the state, for payment of the public debt, and for education (excluding, however, any item within the scope of the foregoing that is at the time provided for by a continuing appropriation or otherwise). "Budget Period" means a fiscal year of the state or such period other than [a] fiscal year as may hereafter be fixed by law as the period with respect to which state budgets are prepared and state appropriations are made. (B) On or before the second legislative day of each regular session of the legislature, beginning with the first regular session after January 1, 1983, the governor shall transmit to the legislature for its consideration a proposed budget for the then next ensuing budget period. (C) The duty of the legislature at any regular session to make the basic appropriations for any budget period that will commence before the first day of any succeeding regular session shall be paramount; and, accordingly, beginning with the first regular session held after January 1, 1983, no bill (other than a bill making any of the basic appropriations) shall be signed by either the presiding officer of the house or senate and transmitted to the other house until bills making the basic appropriations for the then ensuing budget period shall have been signed by the presiding officer of each house of the legislature in accordance with Section 66 of this Constitution and presented to the governor in accordance with Section 125 of this Constitution; provided, that this paragraph (C) shall not affect the adoption of resolutions or the conduct of any other legislative functions that do not require a third reading; and provided further, that following adoption, by vote of either house of not less than three-fifths of a quorum present, of a resolution declaring that the provisions of this paragraph (C) shall not be applicable in that house to a particular bill, which shall be specified in said resolution by number and title, the bill so specified may proceed to final passage therein. (D) Upon the signing and presentation to the governor in accordance with the said Sections 66 and 125 of bills making the basic appropriations, the provisions of the foregoing paragraph (C) prohibiting the final passage of bills in the house and senate (other than bills making any part of the basic appropriations) shall cease to be effective and shall not be revived or become again effective as a result of (i) the subsequent legislative history of any bill so signed and presented, including any veto, return with executive amendment, or any other action, or failure to act, by either the governor or the legislature under the provisions of the said Section 125; or (ii) a determination, by either judicial decree or opinion of the justices of the Alabama Supreme Court, that any bill so signed and presented is wholly or in part invalid. (E) The legislature may, by statute or rule, make such further provisions for the timely passage of bills making the basic appropriations as are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Constitution. (F) Nothing contained herein shall be construed as requiring the legislature to make any appropriation not otherwise required by this Constitution to be made. (G) Notwithstanding any provision of this amendment, any resolution authorizing the consideration of a bill proposing a local law adopted before November 8, 2016, that conformed to the rules of either body of the Legislature at the time it was adopted, is ratified, approved, validated, and confirmed and the application of an
AMENDMENT 927 RATIFIED Geneva County: Courts - Judge of Probate, Age Registriction. Notwithstanding the provision of Section 6.16, as added by Amendment 328 to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, now appearing as Section 155 of the Official Recompilation of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended, a person who is not over the age of 75 at the beginning time of qualifying for election, or at the time of his or her appointment, may be elected or appointed to the office of Judge of Probate of Geneva County.
AMENDMENT 928 RATIFIED Lamar County: Repeal of Amendment 710. Amendment 710 to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, now appearing as Section 1, Local Amendments, Lamar County, Official Recompilation of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901 is repealed, and any actions taken or payments made in accordance with Amendment 710 are hereby ratified, approved, validated, and confirmed.
AMENDMENT 929 RATIFIED Shelby County: Education - Election of Board and Superintendent. (a) The members of the Shelby County Board of Education and the Shelby County Superintendent of Education shall be elected by the qualified electors of Shelby County residing outside of the corporate limits of any city in the county which has a separate city board of education. (b) The appropriate election officials shall conduct elections of members of the Shelby County Board of Education in conformity with this amendment.
AMENDMENT 930 RATIFIED Sanctity of Unborn life. (a) This state acknowledges, declares, and affirms that it is the public policy of this state to recognize and support the sanctity of unborn life and the rights of unborn children, including the right to life. (b) This state further acknowledges, declares, and affirms that it is the public policy of this state to ensure the protection of the rights of the unborn child in all manners and measures lawful and appropriate. (c) Nothing in this constitution secures or protects a right to abortion or requires the funding of an abortion.
AMENDMENT 931 RATIFIED Calhoun County: Amendment of Amendment 508. The operation of bingo games for prizes or money by certain nonprofit organizations for charitable, educational, or other lawful purposes shall be legal in Calhoun county, subject to the provisions of any resolution or ordinance by the county governing body or the governing bodies of the respective cities and towns, within their respective jurisdictions as provided by law regulating such operation. The said governing bodies shall have the authority to promulgate rules and regulations for the issuance of permits or licenses and for operation of bingo games, within their respective jurisdictions; provided, however, that said governing bodies must ensure compliance pursuant to said law and the following provisions: (a) No person under the age of 19 shall be permitted to play any game or games of bingo, unless accompanied by a parent or guardian; nor shall any person under the age of 19 be permitted to conduct or assist in the conduct of any game of bingo; (b) No bingo permit or license shall be issued to any nonprofit organization, unless such organization shall have been in existence for at least 12 months immediately prior to the issuance of the permit or license; (c) Bingo games shall be operated only on the premises owned or leased by the nonprofit organization operating the bingo game. If the premises is leased, the rate or rental shall not be based on a percentage of receipts or profits resulting from the operation of bingo games; (d) No nonprofit organization shall enter into any contract with any individual, firm, association or corporation to have said individual or entity operate bingo games or concessions on behalf of the nonprofit organization, nor shall said nonprofit organization pay consulting fees to any individual or entity for any services performed in relation to the operation or conduct of a bingo game; (e) A nonprofit organization shall not lend its name or allow its identity to be used by any other person or entity in the operating or advertising of a bingo game in which said nonprofit organization is not directly and solely operating said bingo game; (f) Prizes given by any qualified nonprofit organization for the playing of bingo games shall not exceed the cash amount or gifts of equivalent value, set by the legislature, during any bingo session. The legislature shall set a maximum amount for any calendar week; (g) No person or organization, by whatever name or composition thereof, shall take any expenses for the operation of a bingo game except as permitted by law. (h) No bingo permittee or licensee may operate any bingo game within 1,000 yards of a residence or in a residential area. The provisions of this constitutional amendment shall be self-executing, but the legislature shall have the right and power by general, special or local act to adopt laws supplemental to this amendment or in furtherance of the general purposes and objectives herein set forth.
AMENDMENT 932 RATIFIED Franklin County: Amendment of Amendment 881. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 40-12-4, Code of Alabama 1975, the governing body of Franklin County, by ordinance, may allocate one-fourth of the proceeds of the one cent tax levied in Franklin County pursuant to Section 40-12-4, Code of Alabama 1975, for the purpose of costs associated with construction, maintenance, and repair of roads and bridges in Franklin County, not to include use for salaries, personnel costs, or the purchase or lease of new equipment. The authority granted by this amendment is effective for 30 years from the effective date of this amendatory amendment.
AMENDMENT 933 RATIFIED Amendment to Section 264. The state university shall be under the management and control of a board of trustees, which shall consist of two members from each congressional district in the state as constituted on January 1, 2018, an additional member from the congressional district which includes the site of the first campus of the university, and the governor, who shall be ex officio president of the board. The members of the board of trustees as now constituted shall hold office until their respective terms expire under existing law, and until their successors shall be elected and confirmed as hereinafter required. The additional trustees provided for by this amendment shall be elected by the existing members of the board, and confirmed by the senate in the manner provided below, for initial terms of not more than six years established by the board so that one term shall expire each three years in each congressional district. Successors to the terms of the existing and additional trustees shall hold office for a term of six years, and shall not serve more than three consecutive full six-year terms on the board. Election of additional and successor trustees or of trustees to fill any vacancy created by the expiration of a term or by the death or resignation of any member or from any other cause shall be by the remaining members of the board by secret ballot; provided, that any trustee so elected shall hold office from the date of election until confirmation or rejection by the senate, and, if confirmed, until the expiration of the term for which elected, and until a successor is elected. At every meeting of the legislature the superintendent of education shall certify to the senate the names of all who shall have been so elected since the last session of the legislature, and the senate shall confirm or reject them, as it shall determine is for the best interest of the university. If it rejects the names of any members, it shall thereupon elect trustees in the stead of those rejected. No trustee shall receive any pay or emolument other than his actual expenses incurred in the discharge of his duties as such. Upon the vacation of office by a trustee, the board, if it desires, may bestow upon a trustee the honorary title of trustee emeritus, but such status shall confer no responsibilities, duties, rights, or privileges as such.
AMENDMENT 934 RATIFIED Madison County: County Commission - Noise Level Restrictions. (a) This amendment shall apply only to portions of Madison County outside the corporate limits of any municipality. (b) The purpose of this amendment is to protect and to provide for the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Madison County, and to promote commerce, property enjoyment, quality of life, and quality of the environment by authorizing the Madison County Commission to adopt, amend, and enforce ordinances or resolutions to limit noise levels and to regulate public nuisances caused by noise levels in order to minimize the exposure of its citizens to the physiological and psychological dangers of excess noise. (c) The Madison County Commission may adopt and amend ordinances or resolutions applicable in the unincorporated areas of Madison County to prohibit excessive noise; to regulate, limit, and control noise levels; to control public nuisances caused by excessive noise levels; and to provide criminal penalties for violations. These ordinances and resolutions shall be enforceable in any court of competent jurisdiction within the county. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no ordinance or resolution may be adopted to restrict noise produced in the ordinary course of business by industrial manufacturing, or farming facilities or activities. (d) The Madison County Commission may provide criminal penalties for violation of the ordinance or resolution adopted pursuant to this amendment not to exceed the penalties for a Class C misdemeanor.
AMENDMENT 935 RATIFIED Calhoun County: Police Jurisdiction - Territories Outside Municipal Corporate Limits. (a) This amendment shall apply only to territory located in Calhoun County. (b) Except as provided in subsection (c), any territory located in Calhoun County outside of the corporate limits of a municipality shall not be subject to the police jurisdiction or planning jurisdiction of the municipality if the municipality is not located entirely in Calhoun County. (c) This amendment shall not affect the police jurisdiction or planning jurisdiction of the City of Oxford in Calhoun County.
AMENDMENT 936 RATIFIED Chilton County: Dogs- Control of Dangerous. The Legislature, by local law applicable to those areas of Chilton County outside the corporate limits of any municipality, may establish a procedure by which a dog can be declared dangerous and be humanely destroyed and impose criminal penalties on the owners of a dog declared to be dangerous.
AMENDMENT 937 RATIFIED Monroe County: Judge of Probate - Compensation: Duties: Office. (a) Effective with the term of office beginning in January 2019, the Judge of Probate of Monroe County shall be compensated on a salary basis paid in equal monthly installments from the general fund of the county. The initial annual salary of the judge of probate shall be one hundred eight thousand dollars ($108,000) per year. Thereafter, the judge of probate shall be entitled to receive any cost-of-living increases in compensation granted to other county officers. (b) The Monroe County Commission shall provide for operating expenses of the office of the judge of probate. All employees of the judge of probate on the effective date of this amendment shall be transferred to the employment of the county at the rate of pay and level of seniority of each employee on that date. (c) All fees, commissions, allowances, percentages, and other charges allocated to the Judge of Probate of Monroe County shall be collected, but shall be paid into the general fund of Monroe County. (d) The judge of probate shall perform all duties relating to the issuance of motor vehicle license plates in the county and shall perform all duties relating to the assessment and collection of ad valorem taxes on motor vehicles, which have been performed by the revenue commissioner prior to the effective date of this amendment. The revenue commissioner is relieved of all duties and responsibilities relating to the assessment and collection of taxes on motor vehicles. The judge of probate shall receive the commissions and fees currently allocated to the revenue commissioner for performing these functions, and these fees and commissions shall be deposited in the county general fund. Reporting and remitting of the collections of these fees shall be made by the judge of probate or as otherwise required by law. (e) This amendment, upon its ratification, shall become effective the beginning of the next term of office of the judge of probate in January 2019.
AMENDMENT 938 RATIFIED Marengo County: Traffic Laws - Golf Carts. (a) A municipality in Marengo County may designate municipal streets or public roads within the municipality for use by golf carts. Before making that designation, the municipality shall first determine that golf carts may safely travel on or across the street or road. The municipality making the safety determination shall consider factors including, but not limited to, the speed, volume, and character of motor vehicle traffic using the road or street. Upon a determination that golf carts may be safely operated on the designated street or road, the municipality shall post appropriate signs to indicate that the operation of golf carts is authorized. (b) A municipality that authorizes the use of golf carts pursuant to subsection (a) shall inspect any golf cart that an owner wishes to use pursuant to subsection (a) to determine if the safety equipment required by subsection (e) is present on the golf cart and shall verify that the operator of the golf cart on a municipal street or public road is covered by a policy of liability insurance held by the owner of the golf cart. If the liability limits for operation of the golf cart shall be the same as for the operation of a motor vehicle. The proper safety equipment is present and the golf cart is covered by liability insurance, the municipality shall issue a permit to the owner upon payment of a permit fee. The municipality may designate the appropriate department of the municipality to inspect and permit golf carts and may adopt rules for permitting golf carts, including providing for a permit fee. (c) A municipality may not allow a golf cart to operate on a municipal street or public road where the posted speed limit exceeds 25 miles per hour. (d) A municipality may limit the operation of a golf cart pursuant to this amendment to only between the hours of sunrise and sunset. (e) The golf cart shall be equipped with headlights, brake lights, turn signals, and a windshield. (f) No person may operate a golf cart on a public street or road without a driver's license. (g) A municipality may enact an ordinance regarding golf cart operation and equipment that is more restrictive than the restrictions enumerated in this amendment. Upon enactment, the municipality shall post appropriate signs or otherwise inform residents that the ordinance exists and will be enforced within the jurisdictional limits of the municipality. (h) All golf carts shall be entitled to full use of a lane, and no motor vehicle shall be driven in such a manner as to deprive any golf cart of the full use of a lane. (i) The operator of a golf cart may not overtake and pass in the same lane occupied by the vehicle being overtaken. (j) A golf cart may be operated between lanes of traffic or between adjacent lines or rows of vehicles. (k) Golf carts may not be operated two or more abreast in a single lane. (l) The unauthorized operation of a golf cart on a municipal street or public road is a violation for which the municipality may collect a civil penalty of up to fifty dollars ($50). (m) Notwithstanding any other provision of this amendment, a municipality may enact an ordinance regarding golf cart operation and equipment that is less restrictive than the restrictions enumerated in this amendment authorizing the use of golf carts for periods not to exceed 80 hours by the municipality or a civic organization in conjunction with civic events or events to raise funds, promote economic development, or similar purposes as authorized in the ordinance.
AMENDMENT 939 RATIFIED Repeal and replacement of Section 46. Part 1. Section 46 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, and Amendment 97 to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, both now appearing as Section 46 of the Official Recompilation of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, are repealed. Part 2. Section 46 is added to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, to read as follows: Section 46. (a) Senators and representatives shall be elected by the qualified electors on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November unless the Legislature shall change the time of holding elections and in every fourth year thereafter. The terms of office of the senators and representatives shall commence on the day after the general election at which they are elected, and expire on the day after the general election held in the fourth year after their election, except as otherwise provided in this Constitution. At the general election in the year nineteen hundred and two all the representatives, together with the senators for the even numbered districts and for the thirty-fifth district, shall be elected. The terms of those senators who represent the odd numbered districts under the law in force prior to the ratification of this Constitution, are hereby extended until the day after the general election in the year nineteen hundred and six; and until the expiration of his or her term as hereinbefore extended, each such senator shall represent the district established by this Constitution, bearing the number corresponding with that for which he or she was elected. In the year nineteen hundred and six, and in every fourth year thereafter, all the senators and representatives shall be elected. (b) Except as provided in subsection (c), when a vacancy occurs in either house of the Legislature, the Governor shall issue a writ of election to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the term. However, if the Secretary of State determines that a legally qualified candidate for election to the vacancy is unopposed when the last date for filing certificates of nomination has passed, the election shall not be held. The Secretary of State shall issue a certificate of election to the candidate, the same as if an election had been held, and the certificate shall be accepted by the house in which the vacancy occurred as evidence of the unopposed candidate's right to fill the position created by the vacancy. In the event an election is held, all the costs and expenses incurred thereby shall be paid out of any funds in the State Treasury not otherwise appropriated. (c) When a vacancy occurs in either house of the Legislature on or after October 1 of the third year of a quadrennium, the seat shall remain vacant until a successor is elected at the next succeeding general election.
AMENDMENT 940 RATIFIED Clay County: Amendment of Amendment 671. (a) No elected or appointed Clay County official may assume a supernumerary office after December 13, 2000. Any person who, on December 13, 2000, is entitled to participate in a supernumerary program may continue to participate in that supernumerary program, which shall include the assumption of a supernumerary office according to the terms and conditions of the law which established that supernumerary program. Every elected or appointed Clay County official may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system, and shall be treated as an employee of the county. Clay County officials holding office on December 13, 2000, shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office. No person may participate in both a supernumerary program and the Employees' Retirement System based on the same service. For the purposes of this amendment, the words "elected or appointed Clay County official" shall include, subject only to express limitation, any person elected to represent Clay County in any representative body of the state and includes any person appointed to serve the remaining term of an elected or appointed Clay County official. The words do not include a judge, district attorney, constable, school board member, or any official elected from a judicial circuit. (b) A Sheriff of Clay County first elected after the ratification date of the amendment adding this subsection may not participate in a supernumerary program and may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employees in the same retirement system. The Sheriff of Clay County holding office at the time of the ratification date of the amendment adding this subsection shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time he or she has served as sheriff. The sheriff shall forego the assumption of a supernumerary office and shall make the election within one year after the ratification date of the amendment adding this subsection.
AMENDMENT 941 RATIFIED Montgomery County: Retirement - County Commission. No elected or appointed Montgomery County Commissioner may assume a supernumerary office after the effective date of this amendment. Each member of the Montgomery County Commission may participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama upon the same terms and conditions as may be specified by law for any other employee in the same retirement system. A Montgomery County Commissioner holding office at the time of the ratification of this amendment shall be eligible to purchase service credit in the Employees' Retirement System for the time the official has served in the current office; provided, however, the official may not assume a supernumerary office.
AMENDMENT 942 RATIFIED Religious Rights and Liberties. Every person shall be at liberty to worship God according to the dictates of his or her own conscience. No person shall be compelled to attend, or, against his or her consent, to contribute to the erection or support of any place of religious worship, or to pay tithes, taxes, or other rates for the support of any minister of the gospel. Property belonging to the state may be used to display the Ten Commandments, and the right of a public school and public body to display the Ten Commandments on property owned or administrated by a public school or public body in this state is not restrained or abridged. The civil and political rights, privileges, and capacities of no person shall be diminished or enlarged on account of his or her religious belief. No public funds may be expended in defense of the constitutionality of this amendment. The Ten Commandments shall be displayed in a manner that complies with constitutional requirements, including, but not limited to, being intermingled with historical or educational items, or both, in a larger display within or on property owned or administrated by a public school or public body.
AMENDMENT 943 RATIFIED Cullman County: Sheriff - Discretionary Fund. Effective beginning the next term of office of the Sheriff of Cullman County after the ratification of this amendment, any allowances or other amounts received by the sheriff for feeding prisoners shall be deposited in a separate account in the county treasury to be known as the "Sheriff's Discretionary Fund" and shall be used by the sheriff for the feeding of prisoners in the county jail. Any funds in the Sheriff's Discretionary Fund over the amounts needed for feeding prisoners may be used by the sheriff for law enforcement purposes and for the operation of the office of the sheriff. Any funds in the Sheriff's Discretionary Fund shall be carried over from year to year. In the event additional amounts are needed by the sheriff for the feeding of prisoners, the amounts shall be paid by the sheriff from any other discretionary funds available for the operation of the office of the sheriff. The sheriff shall not be subject to the competitive bid law for the purchase of food or supplies used for feeding prisoners in the county jail. Also, effective at that time, the sheriff shall receive an annual salary equal to the annual salary of the Judge of Probate of Cullman County not to include any compensation received by the judge of probate for election purposes.
AMENDMENT 944 RATIFIED Jackson County: Water and Fire Protection Authority - Natural Gas Service. The Cumberland Mountain Water and Fire Protection Authority, in addition to other services provided in Jackson County, may provide natural gas services and operate a natural gas system in Jackson County within the service area of the authority. The authority and the board of directors of the authority shall have all powers and authority necessary to accomplish the purposes of this amendment, including the authority to amend the articles of incorporation of the authority to the extent necessary to accomplish the purposes of the amendment.
AMENDMENT 945 RATIFIED Clay County: Courthouse - Location of State Courts. (a) The Legislature hereby finds and declares: (1) The Clay County Courthouse is a neoclassical revival structure that was designed by C.W. Carlton and completed and dedicated in 1906. The building is surmounted by an impressive two-story high rotunda with a domed roof and cupola that is topped with a sculpture holding the scales of justice. (2) The courthouse was placed on the National Register of Historic Places on November 21, 1976, and was restored in 2006 with donations and grants from federal, state, and local governments. (3) The courthouse houses the Justice Hugo L. Black Courtroom, designated by the Clay County Commission on April 12, 1993. (b) Upon the ratification of this amendment, the state courts located in Clay County may not be moved from the present location at the historical Clay County Courthouse, provided the structure is standing and habitable.
AMENDMENT 946 RATIFIED Morgan County: Sheriff - Salary. Effective beginning the next term of office of the Sheriff of Morgan County after the ratification of this amendment, the sheriff shall receive an annual salary equal to five thousand dollars ($5,000) less than the annual salary of the chair of the Morgan County Commission. After that date, any allowances or other amounts received by the sheriff for feeding prisoners shall be deposited in a separate account in the county treasury and used by the sheriff only for the feeding of prisoners in the county jail. The sheriff shall account for any shortfall of funds in the food account using any discretionary or appropriated funds of the office. The sheriff shall not be subject to the competitive bid law for the purchase of food or supplies used for feeding prisoners in the county jail.

Official WebSite Link : Constitution of Alabama 1901