
  • ISO 10055:1996 -機械振動--船舶設備和機械部件的振動測試要求
    Mechanical vibration -- Vibration testing requirements for shipboard equipment and machinery components

  • ISO 10112:1991 -阻尼材料--複模量圖示法
    Damping materials -- Graphical presentation of the complex modulus

  • ISO 10813-1:2004 -振動產生機械--選擇指南--第1部分:環境測試設備
    Vibration generating machines -- Guidance for selection -- Part 1: Equipment for environmental testing

  • ISO 10813-1:2004/Cor 1:2006 -

  • ISO 10816-1:1995 -機械振動--在非旋轉組件上測量和評定機械振動--第1部分:一般指南
    Mechanical vibration -- Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on non-rotating parts -- Part 1: General guidelines

  • ISO 10816-1:1995/Amd 1:2009 -

  • ISO 10816-7:2009 -機械振動--在非旋轉組件上測量和評定機械振動--第7部分:包括在旋轉軸上測量的工業設施用旋轉動力泵
    Mechanical vibration -- Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on non-rotating parts -- Part 7: Rotodynamic pumps for industrial applications, including measurements on rotating shafts

  • ISO 10817-1:1998 -旋轉軸振動測量系統--第1部分:徑向振動的相對和絕對訊號檢測
    Rotating shaft vibration measuring systems -- Part 1: Relative and absolute sensing of radial vibration

  • ISO 13372:2012 -狀態監測設備和診斷 - 詞彙
    Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines -- Vocabulary

  • ISO 13373-1:2002 -機器的工況監測和診斷--振動條件監測--第1部分:一般程序
    Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines -- Vibration condition monitoring -- Part 1: General procedures

  • ISO 13373-2:2005 -機器的工況監測和診斷--振動條件監測--第2部分:振動資料的處理、分析和表示
    Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines -- Vibration condition monitoring -- Part 2: Processing, analysis and presentation of vibration data

  • ISO 13374-1:2003 -機械狀態的監測和診斷--資料處理、通訊和表示--第1部分:一般指南
    Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines -- Data processing, communication and presentation -- Part 1: General guidelines

  • ISO 13374-2:2007 -機械狀態的監測和診斷--資料處理、通訊和表示--第2部分:資料處理
    Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines -- Data processing, communication and presentation -- Part 2: Data processing

  • ISO 13374-3:2012 -機器狀態監測與診斷 - 數據處理,通信和簡報 - 第3部分:通信
    Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines -- Data processing, communication and presentation -- Part 3: Communication

  • ISO 13379-1:2012 -機器狀態監測與診斷 - 數據判讀和診斷技術 - 第1部分:總則
    Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines -- Data interpretation and diagnostics techniques -- Part 1: General guidelines

  • ISO 13381-1:2004 -狀態監測與診斷機 - 故障預測 - 第1部分:總則
    Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines -- Prognostics -- Part 1: General guidelines

  • ISO 14839-1:2002 -機械振動--有主動磁性軸承的旋轉機械裝置--第1部分:詞彙
    Mechanical vibration -- Vibration of rotating machinery equipped with active magnetic bearings -- Part 1: Vocabulary

  • ISO 14839-1:2002/Amd 1:2010 -

  • ISO 14839-2:2004 -機械振動--裝配有主動磁性軸承的旋轉機械設備的振動--第2部分:振動評價
    Mechanical vibration -- Vibration of rotating machinery equipped with active magnetic bearings -- Part 2: Evaluation of vibration

  • ISO 14839-3:2006 -機械振動--裝配有主動磁性軸承的旋轉機械設備的振動--第3部分:穩定邊際評估
    Mechanical vibration -- Vibration of rotating machinery equipped with active magnetic bearings -- Part 3: Evaluation of stability margin

  • ISO 14839-4:2012 -機械振動 - 旋轉配備了主動磁軸承的機械振動 - 第4部分:技術指南
    Mechanical vibration -- Vibration of rotating machinery equipped with active magnetic bearings -- Part 4: Technical guidelines

  • ISO 15230:2007 -機械振動和衝擊--人機介面處手感振動耦合力
    Mechanical vibration and shock -- Coupling forces at the man--machine interface for hand-transmitted vibration

  • ISO 15261:2004 -振動和衝擊發生系統--詞彙
    Vibration and shock generating systems -- Vocabulary

  • ISO 16063-11:1999 -振動與衝擊感測器的校準方法--第11部分:鐳射干涉法作主要的振動校準
    Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock transducers -- Part 11: Primary vibration calibration by laser interferometry

  • ISO 16063-12:2002 -振動和衝擊感測器的校準方法--第12部分:用互易法作初級線圈振動校正
    Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock transducers -- Part 12: Primary vibration calibration by the reciprocity method

  • ISO 16063-12:2002/Cor 1:2008 -

  • ISO 16063-13:2001 -振動和衝擊感測器的校準方法--第13部分:主要衝擊校準用激光干涉儀
    Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock transducers -- Part 13: Primary shock calibration using laser interferometry

  • ISO 16063-15:2006 -振動和衝擊感測器的校準方法--第15部分:用鐳射干涉法的初級角振動校準
    Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock transducers -- Part 15: Primary angular vibration calibration by laser interferometry

  • ISO 16063-1:1998 -振動與衝擊感測器的校準方法--第1部分:基本概念
    Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock transducers -- Part 1: Basic concepts

  • ISO 16063-21:2003 -振動和衝擊感測器的校準方法--第21部分:與基準感測器進行比對的振動校準
    Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock transducers -- Part 21: Vibration calibration by comparison to a reference transducer

  • ISO 16063-21:2003/Cor 1:2009 -

  • ISO 16063-22:2005 -振動和衝擊感測器的校準方法--第22部分:與基準感測器進行比對的衝擊校準
    Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock transducers -- Part 22: Shock calibration by comparison to a reference transducer

  • ISO 16063-22:2005/DAmd 1 -

  • ISO 16063-31:2009 -振動和衝擊感測器的校準方法--第31部分:橫向振動靈敏度測試
    Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock transducers -- Part 31: Testing of transverse vibration sensitivity

  • ISO 16063-41:2011 -方法振動與衝擊傳感器校準 - 第41部分:激光振動計的校準
    Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock transducers -- Part 41: Calibration of laser vibrometers

  • ISO 16587:2004 -機械振動與衝擊--構築物的工況監控用性能參數
    Mechanical vibration and shock -- Performance parameters for condition monitoring of structures

  • ISO 17359:2011 -狀態監測設備和診斷 - 通用指南
    Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines -- General guidelines

  • ISO 18312-1:2012 -機械振動與衝擊 - 從機械振動功率流進連接的支撐結構的測量 - 第1部分:直接法
    Mechanical vibration and shock -- Measurement of vibration power flow from machines into connected support structures -- Part 1: Direct method

  • ISO 18312-2:2012 -機械振動與衝擊 - 從機械振動功率流進連接的支撐結構的測量 - 第2部分:間接法
    Mechanical vibration and shock -- Measurement of vibration power flow from machines into connected support structures -- Part 2: Indirect method

  • ISO 18431-1:2005 -機械振動和衝擊--訊號處理--第1部分:一般介紹
    Mechanical vibration and shock -- Signal processing -- Part 1: General introduction

  • ISO 18431-1:2005/Cor 1:2009 -

  • ISO 18431-2:2004 -機械振動和衝擊--訊號處理--第2部分:傅裡葉變換分析用時域窗
    Mechanical vibration and shock -- Signal processing -- Part 2: Time domain windows for Fourier Transform analysis

  • ISO 18431-2:2004/Cor 1:2008 -

  • ISO 18431-4:2007 -機械振動和衝擊--訊號處理--第4部分:衝擊響頻譜分析
    Mechanical vibration and shock -- Signal processing -- Part 4: Shock-response spectrum analysis

  • ISO 18434-1:2008 -機器狀態監控和診斷學--溫度記錄--第1部分:一般程序
    Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines -- Thermography -- Part 1: General procedures

  • ISO 18436-1:2012 -狀態監測設備和診斷 - 資質的人員和評估要求 - 第1部分:評估機構和評估過程的要求
    Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines -- Requirements for qualification and assessment of personnel -- Part 1: Requirements for assessment bodies and the assessment process

  • ISO 18436-2:2003 -機器的工況監測與診斷--人員的培訓與認證要求--第2部分:振動情況的監測和診斷
    Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines -- Requirements for training and certification of personnel -- Part 2: Vibration condition monitoring and diagnostics

  • ISO 18436-3:2012 -機器狀態監測與診斷 - 資質的人員和評估要求 - 第3部分:對培訓機構和培訓過程的要求
    Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines -- Requirements for qualification and assessment of personnel -- Part 3: Requirements for training bodies and the training process

  • ISO 18436-4 -狀態監測設備和診斷 - 資質的人員和評估要求 - 第4部分:現場潤滑劑分析
    Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines -- Requirements for qualification and assessment of personnel -- Part 4: Field lubricant analysis

  • ISO 18436-4:2008 -機器的工況監測與診斷--人員的培訓與認證要求--第4部分:振動場潤滑劑分析
    Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines -- Requirements for qualification and assessment of personnel -- Part 4: Field lubricant analysis

  • ISO 18436-5:2012 -機器狀態監測與診斷 - 資質的人員和評估要求 - 第5部分:潤滑油實驗室技術人員/分析師
    Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines -- Requirements for qualification and assessment of personnel -- Part 5: Lubricant laboratory technician/analyst

  • ISO 18436-6:2008 -機器的工況監測與診斷--人員的培訓與認證要求--第6部分:聲音發射
    Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines -- Requirements for qualification and assessment of personnel -- Part 6: Acoustic emission

  • ISO 18436-7:2008 -機器的工況監測與診斷--人員的培訓與認證要求--第7部分:溫度記錄
    Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines -- Requirements for qualification and assessment of personnel -- Part 7: Thermography

  • ISO 18436-8:2013 -狀態監測設備和診斷 - 資質的人員和評估要求 - 第8部分:超聲
    Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines -- Requirements for qualification and assessment of personnel -- Part 8: Ultrasound

  • ISO 18437-1:2012 -原則和準則:第1部分 - 機械振動與衝擊 - 的粘彈性材料動態力學性能表徵
    Mechanical vibration and shock -- Characterization of the dynamic mechanical properties of visco-elastic materials -- Part 1: Principles and guidelines

  • ISO 18437-2:2005 -機械振動和衝擊--粘彈性材料的動態機械特性的表徵--第2部分:共振法
    Mechanical vibration and shock -- Characterization of the dynamic mechanical properties of visco-elastic materials -- Part 2: Resonance method

  • ISO 18437-2:2005/Amd 1:2010 -

  • ISO 18437-3:2005 -機械振動和衝擊--粘彈性材料的動態機械特性的表徵--第3部分:懸臂剪切束法
    Mechanical vibration and shock -- Characterization of the dynamic mechanical properties of visco-elastic materials -- Part 3: Cantilever shear beam method

  • ISO 18437-3:2005/Amd 1:2010 -

  • ISO 18437-4:2008 -機械振動和衝擊--粘彈性材料的動態機械特性的表徵--第4部分:動態穩定度方法
    Mechanical vibration and shock -- Characterization of the dynamic mechanical properties of visco-elastic materials -- Part 4: Dynamic stiffness method

  • ISO 18437-5:2011 -基於測量和有限元分析的比較泊松比:第5部分 - 機械振動與衝擊 - 的粘彈性材料動態力學性能表徵
    Mechanical vibration and shock -- Characterization of the dynamic mechanical properties of visco-elastic materials -- Part 5: Poisson ratio based on comparison between measurements and finite element analysis

  • ISO 2017-1:2005 -機械振動與衝擊--彈性安裝系統--第1部分:用於交換的隔振系統的技術資訊
    Mechanical vibration and shock -- Resilient mounting systems -- Part 1: Technical information to be exchanged for the application of isolation systems

  • ISO 2041:2009 -機械振動、衝擊和狀態監測--詞彙
    Mechanical vibration, shock and condition monitoring -- Vocabulary

  • ISO 20958:2013 -狀態監測和機械系統的診斷 - 三相異步電動機的電氣特徵分析
    Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machine systems -- Electrical signature analysis of three-phase induction motors

  • ISO 21289:2008 -機械振動和衝擊--振動資料的採集用指定參數
    Mechanical vibration and shock -- Parameters to be specified for the acquisition of vibration data

  • ISO 22096:2007 -機械狀態的監測和診斷--聲音發射
    Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines -- Acoustic emission

  • ISO 22266-1:2009 -機械振動--旋轉機械的扭轉振動--第1部分:超過50兆瓦的陸上蒸汽和燃氣渦輪發電機組
    Mechanical vibration -- Torsional vibration of rotating machinery -- Part 1: Land-based steam and gas turbine generator sets in excess of 50 MW

  • ISO 2954:2012 -對儀器的要求,用於測量振動烈度 - 旋轉和往復機械的機械振動
    Mechanical vibration of rotating and reciprocating machinery -- Requirements for instruments for measuring vibration severity

  • ISO 29821-1:2011 -狀態監測與診斷機 - 超聲波 - 第1部分:總則
    Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines -- Ultrasound -- Part 1: General guidelines

  • ISO 4866:2010 -機械振動與衝擊--固定結構振動--對結構影響之振動測量和評估指南
    Mechanical vibration and shock -- Vibration of fixed structures -- Guidelines for the measurement of vibrations and evaluation of their effects on structures

  • ISO 5344:2004 -電動振動發電系統 - 性能特點
    Electrodynamic vibration generating systems -- Performance characteristics

  • ISO 5347-12:1993 -振動與衝擊感測器的校準方法--第12部分:橫向衝擊靈敏性的測試
    Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock pick-ups -- Part 12: Testing of transverse shock sensitivity

  • ISO 5347-13:1993 -振動與衝擊感測器的校準方法--第13部分:基座應變靈敏度測試
    Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock pick-ups -- Part 13: Testing of base strain sensitivity

  • ISO 5347-14:1993 -振動與衝擊感測器的校準方法--第14部分:安裝在鋼塊上的無阻尼加速度計共振頻率的測試
    Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock pick-ups -- Part 14: Resonance frequency testing of undamped accelerometers on a steel block

  • ISO 5347-15:1993 -振動與衝擊感測器的校準方法--第15部分:聲靈敏度測試
    Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock pick-ups -- Part 15: Testing of acoustic sensitivity

  • ISO 5347-16:1993 -振動與衝擊感測器的校準方法--第16部分:安裝力矩靈敏度測試
    Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock pick-ups -- Part 16: Testing of mounting torque sensitivity

  • ISO 5347-17:1993 -振動與衝擊感測器的校準方法--第17部分:溫度靈敏度比較測試法
    Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock pick-ups -- Part 17: Testing of fixed temperature sensitivity

  • ISO 5347-18:1993 -振動與衝擊感測器的校準方法--第18部分:瞬變溫度靈敏度測試法
    Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock pick-ups -- Part 18: Testing of transient temperature sensitivity

  • ISO 5347-19:1993 -振動與衝擊感測器的校準方法--第19部分:磁靈敏度測試
    Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock pick-ups -- Part 19: Testing of magnetic field sensitivity

  • ISO 5347-22:1997 -振動與衝擊感測器的校準方法--第22部分:加速計共振測試--普通方法
    Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock pick-ups -- Part 22: Accelerometer resonance testing -- General methods

  • ISO 5347-5:1993 -振動與衝擊感測器的校準方法--第5部分:地球引力校準
    Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock pick-ups -- Part 5: Calibration by Earth's gravitation

  • ISO 5347-7:1993 -振動與衝擊感測器的校準方法--第7部分:離心機法一次校準
    Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock pick-ups -- Part 7: Primary calibration by centrifuge

  • ISO 5347-8:1993 -振動與衝擊感測器的校準方法--第8部分:雙離心機法一次校準
    Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock pick-ups -- Part 8: Primary calibration by dual centrifuge

  • ISO 5348:1998 -機械振動與衝擊--加速計的機械安裝
    Mechanical vibration and shock -- Mechanical mounting of accelerometers

  • ISO 6070:1981 -輔助表的振動發生器--描述設備特性的方法
    Auxiliary tables for vibration generators -- Methods of describing equipment characteristics

  • ISO 6070:1981/Cor 1:2006 -

  • ISO 6954:2000 -機械振動--可居住旅客商船的振動測量、報告和評估指南
    Mechanical vibration -- Guidelines for the measurement, reporting and evaluation of vibration with regard to habitability on passenger and merchant ships

  • ISO 7626-1:2011 -機械振動與衝擊 - 機械導納的試驗確定 - 第1部分:基本術語和定義,以及換能器規格
    Mechanical vibration and shock -- Experimental determination of mechanical mobility -- Part 1: Basic terms and definitions, and transducer specifications

  • ISO 7626-2:1990 -振動與衝擊--機械導納的測試確定--第2部分:用激振器作單點激勵測量
    Vibration and shock -- Experimental determination of mechanical mobility -- Part 2: Measurements using single-point translation excitation with an attached vibration exciter

  • ISO 7626-5:1994 -振動與衝擊--機械導納的測試確定--第5部分:衝擊激勵法測量
    Vibration and shock -- Experimental determination of mechanical mobility -- Part 5: Measurements using impact excitation with an exciter which is not attached to the structure

  • ISO 7919-1:1996 -非往復式機器的機械振動--旋轉軸的測量和評定準則--第1部分:一般指南
    Mechanical vibration of non-reciprocating machines -- Measurements on rotating shafts and evaluation criteria -- Part 1: General guidelines

  • ISO 7919-3:2009 -機械振動--在旋轉軸上測量和評定機械振動--第3部分:耦合工業機器
    Mechanical vibration -- Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on rotating shafts -- Part 3: Coupled industrial machines

  • ISO 7919-5:2005 -機械振動--通過旋轉軸的測量評價機械振動--第5部分:水力發電廠和泵站機組
    Mechanical vibration -- Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on rotating shafts -- Part 5: Machine sets in hydraulic power generating and pumping plants

  • ISO 8042:1988 -衝擊與振動測量--慣性感測器的特性規定
    Shock and vibration measurements -- Characteristics to be specified for seismic pick-ups

  • ISO 8568:2007 -機械衝擊--測試機--特徵和性能
    Mechanical shock -- Testing machines -- Characteristics and performance

  • ISO 8608:1995 -機械振動--路面輪廓--測量資料的報告
    Mechanical vibration -- Road surface profiles -- Reporting of measured data

  • ISO 8626:1989 -液壓伺服振動測試設備--特性描述方法
    Servo-hydraulic test equipment for generating vibration -- Method of describing characteristics

  • ISO 9688:1990 -機械振動與衝擊--機械系統衝擊阻抗的評定分析方法--提供者和分析使用者之間的資訊交換
    Mechanical vibration and shock -- Analytical methods of assessing shock resistance of mechanical systems -- Information exchange between suppliers and users of analyses

  • ISO/CD 13381-1 -狀態監測與診斷機 - 故障預測 - 第1部分:總則
    Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines -- Prognostics -- Part 1: General guidelines

  • ISO/CD 16063-32 -方法振動與衝擊傳感器校準 - 第32部分:共振測試 - 測試頻率和加速度計休克激勵手段的相位響應
    Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock transducers -- Part 32: Resonance testing -- Testing the frequency and the phase response of accelerometers by means of shock excitation

  • ISO/CD 16063-33 -方法振動與衝擊傳感器校準 - 第33部分:試驗的磁場靈敏度
    Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock transducers -- Part 33: Testing of magnetic field sensitivity

  • ISO/CD 18129 -機器狀態監測與診斷 - 途徑進行性能診斷
    Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines -- Approaches for performance diagnosis

  • ISO/CD 18436-1 -狀態監測設備和診斷 - 資質的人員和評估要求 - 第1部分:評估機構和評估過程的要求
    Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines -- Requirements for qualification and assessment of personnel -- Part 1: Requirements for assessment bodies and the assessment process

  • ISO/DIS 10816-21 -機械振動 - 評估機器振動通過在非旋轉部件的測量 - 第21部分:水平軸風力渦輪機齒輪箱
    Mechanical vibration -- Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on non-rotating parts -- Part 21: Horizontal axis wind turbines with gearbox

  • ISO/DIS 10816-8 -機械振動 - 評估機器振動通過在非旋轉部件的測量 - 第8部分:往復式壓縮機系統
    Mechanical vibration -- Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on non-rotating parts -- Part 8: Reciprocating compressor systems

  • ISO/DIS 13379-2 -機器狀態監測與診斷 - 數據判讀和診斷技術 - 第2部分:數據驅動的應用程序
    Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines -- Data interpretation and diagnostics techniques -- Part 2: Data-driven applications

  • ISO/DIS 16063-16 -方法振動與衝擊傳感器校準 - 第16部分:校準地球的引力
    Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock transducers -- Part 16: Calibration by Earth's gravitation

  • ISO/DIS 16063-42 -方法振動與衝擊傳感器校準 - 第42部分:利用重力加速度高精度地震檢波器的校準
    Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock transducers -- Part 42: Calibration of seismometers with high accuracy using acceleration of gravity

  • ISO/DIS 7626-2 -機械振動與衝擊 - 機械導納的試驗確定 - 第2部分:採用單點激勵附加激振器測量
    Mechanical vibration and shock -- Experimental determination of mechanical mobility -- Part 2: Measurements using single-point translation excitation with an attached vibration exciter

  • ISO/FDIS 18431-3 -機械振動與衝擊 - 信號處理 - 第3部分:時頻分析方法
    Mechanical vibration and shock -- Signal processing -- Part 3: Methods of time-frequency analysis

  • ISO/FDIS 18436-2 -機器狀態監測與診斷 - 資質的人員和評估要求 - 第2部分:振動狀態監測和診斷
    Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines -- Requirements for qualification and assessment of personnel -- Part 2: Vibration condition monitoring and diagnostics

  • ISO/FDIS 18436-6 -機器狀態監測與診斷 - 資質的人員和評估要求 - 第6部分:聲發射
    Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines -- Requirements for qualification and assessment of personnel -- Part 6: Acoustic emission

  • ISO/FDIS 18436-7 -機器狀態監測與診斷 - 資質的人員和評估要求 - 第7部分:熱成像
    Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines -- Requirements for qualification and assessment of personnel -- Part 7: Thermography

  • ISO/TR 19201:2013 -機械振動 - 方法選擇適當的機械振動標準
    Mechanical vibration -- Methodology for selecting appropriate machinery vibration standards

  • ISO/TS 10811-1:2000 -機械振動與衝擊--具有敏感設備的建築物的振動和衝擊--第1部分:測量和評估
    Mechanical vibration and shock -- Vibration and shock in buildings with sensitive equipment -- Part 1: Measurement and evaluation

  • ISO/TS 10811-2:2000 -機械振動與衝擊--具有敏感設備的建築物的振動和衝擊--第2部分:分類
    Mechanical vibration and shock -- Vibration and shock in buildings with sensitive equipment -- Part 2: Classification

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