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will be useless and will eventually be scrapped. Global defense budgets will be cut as swords are forged into plowshares and wars, plagues, pollution and poverty are all brought to an end. Only by adhering to the establishment of a constitution, saving oneself, saving the nation, and saving the world, ( 7 )

Catholic Church: The Old Testament of Holy Bible

The "Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards" are a tool for continuation and development of the "Myriad Volumes of Teachings", and they are also an essential element for implementing the concept of eradicating "poverty". Forging swords into plowshares will eliminate wars, diseases, pollution and poverty. Relevant comparisons include the following:
No. Name Content
1Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Exodus
2Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
3Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
4Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Deuteronomy
5Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Deuteronomy
6Old Testament/The Historical Books/1 Samuel
7Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Job
8Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Psalms
9Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Psalms
10Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Psalms
11Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Proverbs
12Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Proverbs
13Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Ecclesiastes
14Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Sirach
15Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Sirach
16Old Testament/The Prophetic Books/Isaiah
17Old Testament/The Prophetic Books/Lamentations
18Old Testament/The Prophetic Books/Lamentations
19Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
20Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
21Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Psalms
22Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Psalms
23Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Proverbs
24Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Proverbs
25Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Proverbs
26Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Proverbs
27Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Ecclesiastes
28Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Sirach
29Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Sirach
30Old Testament/The Prophetic Books/Isaiah
31Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Exodus
32Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Exodus
33Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Exodus
34Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Exodus
35Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Exodus
36Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Exodus
37Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
38Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
39Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
40Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
41Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Deuteronomy
42Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Deuteronomy
43Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Ruth
44Old Testament/The Historical Books/1 Samuel
45Old Testament/The Historical Books/2 Samuel
46Old Testament/The Historical Books/2 Samuel
47Old Testament/The Historical Books/1 Kings
48Old Testament/The Historical Books/Tobit
49Old Testament/The Historical Books/Tobit
50Old Testament/The Historical Books/1 Maccabees
51Old Testament/The Historical Books/2 Maccabees
52Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Job
53Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Job
54Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Job
55Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Job
56Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Job
57Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Job
58Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Psalms
59Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Psalms
60Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Psalms
61Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Psalms
62Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Psalms
63Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Psalms
64Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Psalms
65Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Psalms
66Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Psalms
67Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Psalms
68Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Psalms
69Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Psalms
70Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Psalms
71Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Psalms
72Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Psalms
73Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Psalms
74Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Psalms
75Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Psalms
76Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Psalms
77Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Proverbs
78Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Proverbs
79Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Proverbs
80Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Proverbs
81Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Proverbs
82Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Proverbs
83Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Proverbs
84Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Proverbs
85Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Proverbs
86Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Proverbs
87Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Proverbs
88Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Proverbs
89Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Proverbs
90Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Proverbs
91Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Proverbs
92Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Proverbs
93Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Proverbs
94Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Proverbs
95Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Proverbs
96Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Ecclesiastes
97Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Ecclesiastes
98Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Ecclesiastes
99Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/The Book of Wisdom
100Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Sirach
101Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Sirach
102Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Sirach
103Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Sirach
104Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Sirach
105Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Sirach
106Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Sirach
107Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Sirach
108Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Sirach
109Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Sirach
110Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Sirach
111Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Sirach
112Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Sirach
113Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Sirach
114Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Sirach
115Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Sirach
116Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Sirach
117Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Sirach
118Old Testament/The Prophetic Books/Isaiah
119Old Testament/The Prophetic Books/Isaiah
120Old Testament/The Prophetic Books/Isaiah
121Old Testament/The Prophetic Books/Isaiah
122Old Testament/The Prophetic Books/Isaiah
123Old Testament/The Prophetic Books/Isaiah
124Old Testament/The Prophetic Books/Jeremiah
125Old Testament/The Prophetic Books/Jeremiah
126Old Testament/The Prophetic Books/Jeremiah
127Old Testament/The Prophetic Books/Baruch
128Old Testament/The Prophetic Books/Ezekiel
129Old Testament/The Prophetic Books/Ezekiel
130Old Testament/The Prophetic Books/Ezekiel
131Old Testament/The Prophetic Books/Amos
132Old Testament/The Prophetic Books/Amos
133Old Testament/The Prophetic Books/Amos

Catholic Church: The New Testament of Holy Bible

No. Name Content
1New Testament/The Gospels/Matthew
2New Testament/The Gospels/Matthew
3New Testament/New Testament Letters/Romans
4New Testament/New Testament Letters/2 Corinthians
5New Testament/New Testament Letters/2 Corinthians
6New Testament/New Testament Letters/2 Corinthians
7New Testament/The Catholic Letters/James
8New Testament/The Gospels/Mark
9New Testament/New Testament Letters/2 Timothy
10New Testament/The Gospels/Matthew
11New Testament/The Gospels/Mark
12New Testament/The Gospels/Mark
13New Testament/The Gospels/Mark
14New Testament/The Gospels/Luke
15New Testament/The Gospels/Luke
16New Testament/The Gospels/Luke
17New Testament/The Gospels/Luke
18New Testament/The Gospels/Luke
19New Testament/The Gospels/Luke
20New Testament/The Gospels/John
21New Testament/The Gospels/John
22New Testament/The Gospels/Acts
23New Testament/The Gospels/Acts
24New Testament/New Testament Letters/2 Corinthians
25New Testament/New Testament Letters/2 Corinthians
26New Testament/New Testament Letters/2 Corinthians
27New Testament/New Testament Letters/2 Timothy
28New Testament/New Testament Letters/2 Timothy
29New Testament/The Catholic Letters/James
30New Testament/The Catholic Letters/James
31New Testament/The Catholic Letters/James
32New Testament/The Catholic Letters/James

Catholic Church: 31,628 important Christian documents on peace since 1245

No. Content

Catholic Church: Past Popes for Nearly a Hundred Years ‘Messages on World Day of Peace’

No. Name Content
12016 Overcome Indifference and Win Peace
102019 Good politics is at the service of peace
112018 Migrants and refugees: men and women in search of peace
122017 Nonviolence: a Style of Politics for Peace

Catholic Church: Pope Franciscus, nearly 4,000 important ideas, opinions, or propositions on

No. Name Content
1In heaven’s stock exchange (19 June 2015)
2A definitive gesture (18 November 2016)
3Address of the Holy Father during the visit to the "Astalli Centre", the Jesuit Refugee Service in Rome (10 September 2013)
4To the Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Mexico on their ad Limina visit (19 May 2014)
5Ecumenical Celebration on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the meeting in Jerusalem between Pope Paul VI and Patriarch Athenagoras (Jerusalem, Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre, 25 May 2014)
6To the Bishops taking part in the Seminar organized by the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples (20 September 2014)
7To participants in the World Meeting of Popular Movements (28 October 2014)
8To the personnel of the Holy See and of the Vatican City State for the exchange of Christmas wishes (22 December 2014)
9To the personnel of the Holy See and of the Vatican City State for the exchange of Christmas wishes (22 December 2014)
10Sri Lanka - Philippines: Meeting with families at the Mall of Asia Arena (Manila, 16 January 2015) (Video)
11Pastoral Visit: Meeting with the Clergy, Men and Women Religious and Permanent Deacons gathered in the Cathedral (Naples, 21 March 2015)
12Pastoral Visit to Turin: Waldensian Temple (22 June 2015) (Video)
13Apostolic Journey - Ecuador: Meeting with Clergy, Religious and Seminarians (National Marian Shrine of “El Quinche”, 8 July 2015) (Video)
14Apostolic Journey - Paraguay: Meeting with representatives of the civil society at León Condou stadium of San José School (Asunción, 11 July 2015) (Video)
15Apostolic Journey - Paraguay: Meeting with young people at the “Costanera” riverside area (Asunción, 12 July 2015) (Video)
16To participants in the Meeting sponsored by the “Foundation for sustainable development” on “Environmental justice and climate change” (11 September 2015) (Video)
17To participants in the Meeting sponsored by the “Foundation for sustainable development” on “Environmental justice and climate change” (11 September 2015) (Video)
18To the Environment Ministers of the European Union (16 September 2015)
19Visit to the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Rome (15 November 2015) (Video)
20Visit to the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Rome (15 November 2015) (Video)
21Apostolic Journey to Georgia and Azerbaijan: Interreligious meeting with the Sheikh and with the Representatives of the different Religious Communities of the country at “Heydar Aliyev” Mosque (Baku, 2 October 2016)
22To the community of the Pontifical Seminary of the Campania region (6 May 2017)
23To the Poor Clare Nuns of the Monastery of Saint Clare, in Paganica (L'Aquila) (26 April 2021)
24XXIII World Day of the Sick, 2015
25Second World Day of the Poor, 2018: This poor man cried and the Lord heard him
26Message of His Holiness Pope Francis to the Participants in the 40th General Conference of FAO (3 July 2017)
27Message of the Holy Father to the participants in the 32nd International Conference on the theme: “Addressing Global Health Inequalities” [New Synod Hall, 16-18 November 2017] (18 November 2017)
28Letter sent by Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin on behalf of the Holy Father to the President of the United Mexican States, President of the 2017 Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction [Cancún, 22-26 May 2017] (25 May 2017)
29Letter of the Holy Father to the faithful for the month of May (25 April 2020)
30Pastoral Visit: Eucharistic Concelebration in Piazza Plebiscito (Naples, 21 March 2015)
31Pastoral Visit: Holy Mass in Piazza Martiri (Carpi, 2 April 2017)
32Apostolic Journey to the Republic of Iraq: Holy Mass at the Chaldean Cathedral of “Saint Joseph” in Baghdad (6 March 2021)
33General Audience of 5 February 2020
34General Audience of 5 February 2020
35General Audience of 29 April 2020
36Apostolic Letter in the form of a “Motu Proprio” "Ab initio", of the Supreme Pontiff Francis on the amendment of cannons 435 §1 and 506 §1 of the Code of Canons of the Oriental Churches (21 November 2020)
37Apostolic Letter Candor lucis aeternae of the Holy Father on the Seventh Centenary of the Death of Dante Alighieri (25 March 2021)
38Evangelii Gaudium : Apostolic Exhortation on the Proclamation of the Gospel in Today's World (24 November 2013)
39Evangelii Gaudium : Apostolic Exhortation on the Proclamation of the Gospel in Today's World (24 November 2013)
40Evangelii Gaudium : Apostolic Exhortation on the Proclamation of the Gospel in Today's World (24 November 2013)
41Evangelii Gaudium : Apostolic Exhortation on the Proclamation of the Gospel in Today's World (24 November 2013)
42Evangelii Gaudium : Apostolic Exhortation on the Proclamation of the Gospel in Today's World (24 November 2013)
43Evangelii Gaudium : Apostolic Exhortation on the Proclamation of the Gospel in Today's World (24 November 2013)
44"Christus vivit": Post-Synodal Exhortation to Young People and to the entire People of God (25 March 2019)
45Angelus, 1 November 2014
46Angelus, 22 March 2015
47Angelus, 26 July 2015
48Angelus, 8 November 2015
49Angelus, 2 October 2016, Azerbaijan
50Angelus, 1° November 2018, Solemnity of All Saints
51Angelus, 16 December 2018
52Angelus, 22 December 2019
53Angelus, 5 July 2020
54Angelus, 2 August 2020
55Angelus, 1st November 2020, Solemnity of All Saints
56Angelus, 13 December 2020
57A life fed by hope (3 April 2013)
58Far from the world (30 April 2013)
59Two ways out (11 May 2013)
60The unknown Holy Spirit (13 May 2013)
61The isolated conscience (14 May 2013)
62Signs of giving freely (11 June 2013)
63The art of loving our enemies (18 June 2013)
64The power of money (20 September 2013)
65The Jonah Syndrome (14 October 2013)
66Money helps, Covetousness kills (21 October 2013)
67Money helps, Covetousness kills (21 October 2013)
68Contemplation, closeness, abundance (22 October 2013)
69Dirty bread of corruption (8 November 2013)
70The courage of definitive choices (25 November 2013)
71Homily on the occasion of the manifestation of ecclesiastic communion between the Patriarch of the Catholic Copts and the Successor of Peter (9 December 2013)
72God’s surname  (17 December 2013)
73When man tries to save himself (19 December 2013)
74What a priest should be (11 January 2014)
75What a priest should be (11 January 2014)
76Four models (14 January 2014)
77Four models (14 January 2014)
78Four models (14 January 2014)
79Four models (14 January 2014)
80An examination of conscience (16 January 2014)
81No dichotomy between Christ and the Church (30 January 2014)
82The king and the woman (13 February 2014)
83Faith is not casuistry (21 February 2014)
84Faith is not casuistry (21 February 2014)
85The spirit of hypocrisy (7 March 2014)
86The nameless man (20 March 2014)
87The nameless man (20 March 2014)
88Not existential tourists (31 March 2014)
89Forgiveness in a caress (7 April 2014)
90Forgiveness in a caress (7 April 2014)
91Misery and glory (8 April 2014)
92Christian community in three brushstrokes (29 April 2014)
93Christian community in three brushstrokes (29 April 2014)
94Christian community in three brushstrokes (29 April 2014)
95Christian community in three brushstrokes (29 April 2014)
96The good lawyer (3 June 2014)
97The Christian identity card (9 June 2014)
98The Christian identity card (9 June 2014)
99The Christian identity card (9 June 2014)
100When the poor end up paying (16 June 2014)
101When the poor end up paying (16 June 2014)
102When the poor end up paying (16 June 2014)
103When the poor end up paying (16 June 2014)
104When the poor end up paying (16 June 2014)
105When the poor end up paying (16 June 2014)
106Sinners with white gloves (17 June 2014)
107Treasure hunt (20 June 2014)
108The Gospel in your pocket (1 September 2014)
109Like peeling an onion (25 September 2014)
110Like peeling an onion (25 September 2014)
111Salvation our way (3 October 2014)
112Appearance and truth (14 October 2014)
113God always goes the distance (6 November 2014)
114Where the light comes from (24 November 2014)
115Only the humble understand (2 December 2014)
116Only the humble understand (2 December 2014)
117Only the humble understand (2 December 2014)
118Only the humble understand (2 December 2014)
119Founded on rock (4 December 2014)
120Darkness of the heart (15 December 2014)
121They shall be first (16 December 2014)
122They shall be first (16 December 2014)
123They shall be first (16 December 2014)
124We are history (18 December 2014)
125Hardened hearts (9 January 2015)
126That first love (30 January 2015)
127I will cure you (5 February 2015)
128Abstaining from injustice (20 February 2015)
129Nameless (5 March 2015)
130Nameless (5 March 2015)
131Nameless (5 March 2015)
132Nameless (5 March 2015)
133Nameless (5 March 2015)
134Three women and three judges (23 March 2015)
135Harmony, poverty and patience (14 April 2015)
136Harmony, poverty and patience (14 April 2015)
137The counsel of Paul (5 May 2015)
138The counsel of Paul (5 May 2015)
139The counsel of Paul (5 May 2015)
140The counsel of Paul (5 May 2015)
141Beguiled by the serpent (25 May 2015)
142Our wage from Jesus (26 May 2015)
143How to safeguard the heart (15 June 2015)
144Wealth and poverty (16 June 2015)
145Wealth and poverty (16 June 2015)
146Wealth and poverty (16 June 2015)
147Wealth and poverty (16 June 2015)
148Wealth and poverty (16 June 2015)
149Wealth and poverty (16 June 2015)
150Wealth and poverty (16 June 2015)
151Wealth and poverty (16 June 2015)
152Wealth and poverty (16 June 2015)
153Wealth and poverty (16 June 2015)
154Wealth and poverty (16 June 2015)
155Wealth and poverty (16 June 2015)
156Wealth and poverty (16 June 2015)
157Wealth and poverty (16 June 2015)
158Wealth and poverty (16 June 2015)
159Wealth and poverty (16 June 2015)
160Wealth and poverty (16 June 2015)
161Wealth and poverty (16 June 2015)
162Wealth and poverty (16 June 2015)
163Wealth and poverty (16 June 2015)
164Wealth and poverty (16 June 2015)
165In heaven’s stock exchange (19 June 2015)
166In heaven’s stock exchange (19 June 2015)
167In heaven’s stock exchange (19 June 2015)
168How and how much (19 October 2015)
169The way of peace (19 November 2015)
170A daily struggle (20 November 2015)
171The one treasure (23 November 2015)
172Three traits (15 December 2015)
173Three traits (15 December 2015)
174Three traits (15 December 2015)
175A struggle with God (12 January 2016)
176Without measure (28 January 2016)
177A name or an adjective (25 February 2016)
178Salvation in the little things (29 February 2016)
179Modern-day leeches (19 May 2016)
180Modern-day leeches (19 May 2016)
181Ode to joy (23 May 2016)
182Day after day (24 May 2016)
183Courageous women (31 May 2016)
184Look in the mirror (20 June 2016)
185Look in the mirror (20 June 2016)
186We are all Corinthians (12 September 2016)
187For a culture of encounter (13 September 2016)
188For a culture of encounter (13 September 2016)
189For a culture of encounter (13 September 2016)
190The disgrace of war (20 September 2016)
191With the tears of father and mother (27 October 2016)
192With the tears of father and mother (27 October 2016)
193Letter of Love (11 November 2016)
194Three voices (24 November 2016)
195Spiritual leopards (1 December 2016)
196Spiritual leopards (1 December 2016)
197The intuition of Magdalene (5 December 2016)
198The intuition of Magdalene (5 December 2016)
199People discarded (13 December 2016)
200People discarded (13 December 2016)

Islam: “Qurʾān”

No. Name Content
1The Heifer 2:236
2Women 4:6
3Thunder 13:21
4The Heifer 2:177
5The Heifer 2:184
6The Heifer 2:185
7The Heifer 2:220
8The Table 5:6
9Livestock 6:42
10The Elevations 7:94
11The Elevations 7:95
12The Spoils 8:41
13Repentance 9:120
14Joseph 12:48
15Abraham 14:12
16The Bee 16:7
17The Cave 18:79
18The Pilgrimage 22:78
19The Light 24:22
20History 28:27
21The Dunes 46:15
22The Mobilization 59:8
23Divorce 65:7
24The Enrobed 74:17
25The Land 90:16
26Morning Brighness 93:8
27The Soothing 94:5
28The Soothing 94:6

Islam: “Hadith”

No. Name Content
1Sahih Al Bukhari the book of revelation(7)
2Sahih Al Bukhari the book of zakat(1413)
3Sahih Al Bukhari the book of zakat(1419)
4Sahih Al Bukhari the book of wasaya (wills and testaments)(2742)
5Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-jizya and the stoppage of war(3158)
6Sahih Al Bukhari the book of the beginning of creation(3241)
7Sahih Al Bukhari the book of the stories of the prophets(3451)
8Sahih Al Bukhari the book of the stories of the prophets(3464)
9Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al- maghazi(4330)
10Sahih Al Bukhari the book of commentary(4539)
11Sahih Al Bukhari the book of commentary(4918)
12Sahih Al Bukhari the book of invocations(6375)
13Sahih Al Bukhari the book of ar-riqaq (softening of the hearts)(6449)
14Sahih Al Bukhari the book of ar-riqaq (softening of the hearts)(6547)
15Sahih Al Muslim the book of zakat(2305)
16Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(3180)
17Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(3180)
18Sahih Al Muslim the book pertaining to the remembrance of Allah, supplication, repentance and seeking forgiveness(6871)
19Sahih Al Muslim the book pertaining to the remembrance of Allah, supplication, repentance and seeking forgiveness(6938)
20Sahih Al Muslim the book of paradise, its description, its bounties and its inhabitants(7128)
21Sahih Al Muslim the book of zuhd and softening of hearts(7423)
22Sahih Al Muslim the book of zuhd and softening of hearts(7425)
23Sahih Al Muslim the book of comentary on the quran(7532)
24Sunan Abu Dawood prayer (kitab al-salat)(1145)
25Sunan Abu Dawood prayer (kitab al-salat): detailed injunctions about witr(1544)
26Sunan Abu Dawood zakat (kitab al-zakat)(1637)
27Sunan Abu Dawood divorce (kitab al-talaq)(2213)
28Sunan Abu Dawood fasting (kitab al-siyam)(2316)
29Sunan Abu Dawood wills (kitab al-wasaya)(2864)
30Sunan Abu Dawood knowledge (kitab al-ilm)(3666)
31Sunan Ibn E Majah the book of the sunnah(5)
32Sunan Ibn E Majah the book of the sunnah(5)
33Sunan Ibn E Majah establishing the prayer and the sunnah regarding them(1325)
34Sunan Ibn E Majah establishing the prayer and the sunnah regarding them(1332)
35Sunan Ibn E Majah the chapters regarding zakat(1822)
36Sunan Ibn E Majah the chapters on jihad(2866)
37Sunan Ibn E Majah chapters on food(3318)
38Sunan Ibn E Majah tribulations(3997)
39Sunan Ibn E Majah tribulations(4024)
40Sunan Ibn E Majah zuhd(4105)
41Sunan Ibn E Majah zuhd(4122)
42Sunan Ibn E Majah zuhd(4123)
43Sunan Ibn E Majah zuhd(4124)
44Sunan Ibn E Majah zuhd(4126)
45Jami Al Tirmizi the book on hajj(810)
46Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on zuhd(2325)
47Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on zuhd(2350)
48Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on zuhd(2351)
49Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on zuhd(2353)
50Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on zuhd(2354)
51Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on zuhd(2355)
52Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on the description of the day of judgement, ar-riqaq, and al-wara'(2462)
53Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on the description of the day of judgement, ar-riqaq, and al-wara'(2495)
54Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on the description of paradise(2559)
55Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on tafsir(3036)
56Sahih Al Bukhari the book of revelation(3)
57Sahih Al Bukhari the book of revelation(7)
58Sahih Al Bukhari the book of revelation(7)
59Sahih Al Bukhari the book of knowledge(63)
60Sahih Al Bukhari the book of the times of as-salat (the prayers) and its superiority(602)
61Sahih Al Bukhari the book of adhan (sufa-tus-salat)(755)
62Sahih Al Bukhari the book of adhan (sufa-tus-salat)(843)
63Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-janaiz (funerals)(1295)
64Sahih Al Bukhari the book of zakat(1458)
65Sahih Al Bukhari the book of zakat(1468)
66Sahih Al Bukhari the book of zakat(1476)
67Sahih Al Bukhari the book of zakat(1479)
68Sahih Al Bukhari the book of zakat(1496)
69Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-umra(1787)
70Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-muhsar(1814)
71Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-muhsar(1815)
72Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-muhsar(1816)
73Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-muhsar(1817)
74Sahih Al Bukhari the book of as-saum (the fasting)(1936)
75Sahih Al Bukhari the book of as-saum (the fasting)(1937)
76Sahih Al Bukhari the book of as-saum (the fasting)(1949)
77Sahih Al Bukhari the book of sales (bargains)(2047)
78Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-kafala(2297)
79Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-kafala(2297)
80Sahih Al Bukhari the book of cultivation and agriculture(2350)
81Sahih Al Bukhari the book of watering(2371)
82Sahih Al Bukhari the book of manumission (of slaves)(2527)
83Sahih Al Bukhari the book of gifts and the superiority of giving gifts and the exhortation for giving gifts(2600)
84Sahih Al Bukhari the book of conditions(2737)
85Sahih Al Bukhari the book of wasaya (wills and testaments)(2765)
86Sahih Al Bukhari the book of jihad (fighting for allah’s cause)(2842)
87Sahih Al Bukhari the book of jihad (fighting for allah’s cause)(2896)
88Sahih Al Bukhari the book of jihad (fighting for allah’s cause)(2941)
89Sahih Al Bukhari the book of jihad (fighting for allah’s cause)(2941)
90Sahih Al Bukhari the book of jihad (fighting for allah’s cause)(2941)
91Sahih Al Bukhari the book of the stories of the prophets(3364)
92Sahih Al Bukhari the book of the stories of the prophets(3364)
93Sahih Al Bukhari the book of the stories of the prophets(3464)
94Sahih Al Bukhari the book of the stories of the prophets(3464)
95Sahih Al Bukhari the book of the stories of the prophets(3464)
96Sahih Al Bukhari the book of the stories of the prophets(3475)
97Sahih Al Bukhari the book of virtues(3581)
98Sahih Al Bukhari the virtues and merits of the companions of the prophet(3700)
99Sahih Al Bukhari the virtues and merits of the companions of the prophet(3708)
100Sahih Al Bukhari the virtues and merits of the companions of the prophet(3733)
101Sahih Al Bukhari the merits of al-ansar(3923)
102Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al- maghazi(4099)
103Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al- maghazi(4159)
104Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al- maghazi(4190)
105Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al- maghazi(4304)
106Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al- maghazi(4347)
107Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al- maghazi(4409)
108Sahih Al Bukhari the book of commentary(4505)
109Sahih Al Bukhari the book of commentary(4506)
110Sahih Al Bukhari the book of commentary(4507)
111Sahih Al Bukhari the book of commentary(4517)
112Sahih Al Bukhari the book of commentary(4553)
113Sahih Al Bukhari the book of commentary(4553)
114Sahih Al Bukhari the book of commentary(4553)
115Sahih Al Bukhari the book of commentary(4576)
116Sahih Al Bukhari the book of commentary(4781)
117Sahih Al Bukhari the book of commentary(4953)
118Sahih Al Bukhari the book of (the wedlock)(5091)
119Sahih Al Bukhari the book of (the wedlock)(5091)
120Sahih Al Bukhari the book of (the wedlock)(5177)
121Sahih Al Bukhari the book of provision (outlay)(5353)
122Sahih Al Bukhari the book of provision (outlay)(5368)
123Sahih Al Bukhari the book of foods (meals)(5393)
124Sahih Al Bukhari the book of foods (meals)(5393)
125Sahih Al Bukhari the book of medicine(5703)
126Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-adab (good manners)(6006)
127Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-adab (good manners)(6007)
128Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-adab (good manners)(6087)
129Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-adab (good manners)(6164)
130Sahih Al Bukhari the book of invocations(6373)
131Sahih Al Bukhari the book of ar-riqaq (softening of the hearts)(6443)
132Sahih Al Bukhari the book of ar-riqaq (softening of the hearts)(6444)
133Sahih Al Bukhari the book of ar-riqaq (softening of the hearts)(6447)
134Sahih Al Bukhari the book of ar-riqaq (softening of the hearts)(6512)
135Sahih Al Bukhari the book of oaths and vows(6657)
136Sahih Al Bukhari the book of the expiation of unfulfilled oaths(6708)
137Sahih Al Bukhari the book of the expiation of unfulfilled oaths(6709)
138Sahih Al Bukhari the book of the expiation of unfulfilled oaths(6710)
139Sahih Al Bukhari the book of the expiation of unfulfilled oaths(6711)
140Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-hudud(6787)
141Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-maharbeen(6821)
142Sahih Al Bukhari the book of the interpretation of dreams(6982)
143Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-ahkam (judgements)(7192)
144Sahih Al Bukhari the book of holding fast to the qur’an and the sunna(7354)
145Sahih Al Bukhari the book of tauhid (islamic monotheism)(7449)
146Sahih Al Muslim the book of menstruation(717)
147Sahih Al Muslim the book of mosques and places of prayer(1348)
148Sahih Al Muslim the book of mosques and places of prayer(1348)
149Sahih Al Muslim the book of mosques and places of prayer(1349)
150Sahih Al Muslim the book of prayer - travellers(1630)
151Sahih Al Muslim the book of prayer - travellers(1631)
152Sahih Al Muslim the book of prayer - travellers(1633)
153Sahih Al Muslim the book of prayer - travellers(1634)
154Sahih Al Muslim the book of prayer - travellers(1634)
155Sahih Al Muslim the book of prayer - funerals(2204)
156Sahih Al Muslim the book of zakat(2370)
157Sahih Al Muslim the book of zakat(2375)
158Sahih Al Muslim the book of zakat(2394)
159Sahih Al Muslim the book of fasting(2596)
160Sahih Al Muslim the book of fasting(2598)
161Sahih Al Muslim the book of fasting(2600)
162Sahih Al Muslim the book of fasting(2731)
163Sahih Al Muslim the book of fasting(2731)
164Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(2928)
165Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(3065)
166Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(3276)
167Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(3277)
168Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(3278)
169Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(3319)
170Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(3337)
171Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(3340)
172Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(3340)
173Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(3345)
174Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(3346)
175Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(3347)
176Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(3348)
177Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(3350)
178Sahih Al Muslim the book of marriage(3522)
179Sahih Al Muslim the book of divorce(3698)
180Sahih Al Muslim the book of divorce(3713)
181Sahih Al Muslim the book of divorce(3714)
182Sahih Al Muslim the book of divorce(3719)
183Sahih Al Muslim the book of oaths(4318)
184Sahih Al Muslim the book of oaths(4323)
185Sahih Al Muslim the book of lost property(4519)
186Sahih Al Muslim the book of jihad and expeditions(4573)
187Sahih Al Muslim the book of jihad and expeditions(4665)
188Sahih Al Muslim the book of government(4876)
189Sahih Al Muslim the book of sacrifices(5103)
190Sahih Al Muslim the book of drink(5374)
191Sahih Al Muslim the book of clothes and adornment(5449)
192Sahih Al Muslim the book of greetings(5692)
193Sahih Al Muslim the book of virtues(6165)
194Sahih Al Muslim the book of the merits of the companions(6397)
195Sahih Al Muslim the book of the merits of the companions(6492)
196Sahih Al Muslim the book of virtue, enjoining good manners, and joining of the ties of kinshio(6568)
197Sahih Al Muslim the book of virtue, enjoining good manners, and joining of the ties of kinshio(6578)
198Sahih Al Muslim the book of virtue, enjoining good manners, and joining of the ties of kinshio(6579)
199Sahih Al Muslim the book of virtue, enjoining good manners, and joining of the ties of kinshio(6579)
200Sahih Al Muslim the book of virtue, enjoining good manners, and joining of the ties of kinshio(6694)
201Sahih Al Muslim the book pertaining to the remembrance of Allah, supplication, repentance and seeking forgiveness(6822)
202Sahih Al Muslim the book pertaining to the remembrance of Allah, supplication, repentance and seeking forgiveness(6882)
203Sahih Al Muslim the book pertaining to the remembrance of Allah, supplication, repentance and seeking forgiveness(6884)
204Sahih Al Muslim the book pertaining to the remembrance of Allah, supplication, repentance and seeking forgiveness(6915)
205Sahih Al Muslim the book pertaining to the remembrance of Allah, supplication, repentance and seeking forgiveness(6918)
206Sahih Al Muslim the book pertaining to the remembrance of Allah, supplication, repentance and seeking forgiveness(6937)
207Sahih Al Muslim characteristics of the hypocrites and rulings convering them(7022)
208Sahih Al Muslim characteristics of the hypocrites and rulings convering them(7086)
209Sahih Al Muslim characteristics of the hypocrites and rulings convering them(7086)
210Sahih Al Muslim characteristics of the hypocrites and rulings convering them(7122)
211Sahih Al Muslim the book of zuhd and softening of hearts(7429)
212Sahih Al Muslim the book of comentary on the quran(7531)
213Sunan Abu Dawood purification (kitab al-taharah)(353)
214Sunan Abu Dawood prayer (kitab al-salat)(766)
215Sunan Abu Dawood prayer (kitab al-salat)(902)
216Sunan Abu Dawood prayer (kitab al-salat)(1066)
217Sunan Abu Dawood prayer (kitab al-salat): detailed rules of law about the prayer during journey(1211)
218Sunan Abu Dawood prayer (kitab al-salat): detailed rules of law about the prayer during journey(1228)
219Sunan Abu Dawood prayer (kitab al-salat): detailed injunctions about witr(1541)
220Sunan Abu Dawood zakat (kitab al-zakat)(1619)
221Sunan Abu Dawood zakat (kitab al-zakat)(1623)
222Sunan Abu Dawood zakat (kitab al-zakat)(1631)
223Sunan Abu Dawood zakat (kitab al-zakat)(1632)
224Sunan Abu Dawood zakat (kitab al-zakat)(1635)
225Sunan Abu Dawood zakat (kitab al-zakat)(1645)
226Sunan Abu Dawood zakat (kitab al-zakat)(1667)
227Sunan Abu Dawood zakat (kitab al-zakat)(1670)
228Sunan Abu Dawood the rites of hajj (kitab al-manasik wa'l-hajj)(1856)
229Sunan Abu Dawood the rites of hajj (kitab al-manasik wa'l-hajj)(1857)
230Sunan Abu Dawood the rites of hajj (kitab al-manasik wa'l-hajj)(1858)
231Sunan Abu Dawood the rites of hajj (kitab al-manasik wa'l-hajj)(1860)
232Sunan Abu Dawood the rites of hajj (kitab al-manasik wa'l-hajj)(2029)
233Sunan Abu Dawood divorce (kitab al-talaq)(2213)
234Sunan Abu Dawood divorce (kitab al-talaq)(2213)
235Sunan Abu Dawood divorce (kitab al-talaq)(2214)
236Sunan Abu Dawood divorce (kitab al-talaq)(2214)
237Sunan Abu Dawood divorce (kitab al-talaq)(2218)
238Sunan Abu Dawood divorce (kitab al-talaq)(2284)
239Sunan Abu Dawood fasting (kitab al-siyam)(2315)
240Sunan Abu Dawood fasting (kitab al-siyam)(2375)
241Sunan Abu Dawood fasting (kitab al-siyam)(2390)
242Sunan Abu Dawood fasting (kitab al-siyam)(2392)
243Sunan Abu Dawood fasting (kitab al-siyam)(2392)
244Sunan Abu Dawood fasting (kitab al-siyam)(2401)
245Sunan Abu Dawood tribute, spoils, and rulership (kitab al-kharaj, wal-fai' wal-imarah)(2950)
246Sunan Abu Dawood tribute, spoils, and rulership (kitab al-kharaj, wal-fai' wal-imarah)(2967)
247Sunan Abu Dawood tribute, spoils, and rulership (kitab al-kharaj, wal-fai' wal-imarah)(2972)
248Sunan Abu Dawood tribute, spoils, and rulership (kitab al-kharaj, wal-fai' wal-imarah)(3070)
249Sunan Abu Dawood commercial transactions (kitab al-buyu)(3344)
250Sunan Abu Dawood knowledge (kitab al-ilm)(3666)
251Sunan Abu Dawood foods (kitab al-at'imah)(3742)
252Sunan Abu Dawood foods (kitab al-at'imah)(3753)
253Sunan Abu Dawood clothing (kitab al-libas)(4063)
254Sunan Abu Dawood types of blood-wit (kitab al-diyat)(4590)
255Sunan Abu Dawood types of blood-wit (kitab al-diyat)(4590)
256Sunan Abu Dawood model behavior of the prophet (kitab al-sunnah)(4695)
257Sunan Abu Dawood model behavior of the prophet (kitab al-sunnah)(4770)
258Sunan Ibn E Majah fasting(1671)
259Sunan Ibn E Majah fasting(1757)
260Sunan Ibn E Majah the chapters regarding zakat(1841)
261Sunan Ibn E Majah the chapters regarding zakat(1844)
262Sunan Ibn E Majah the chapters on marriage(1869)
263Sunan Ibn E Majah the chapters on marriage(1887)
264Sunan Ibn E Majah the chapters on marriage(1913)
265Sunan Ibn E Majah the chapters on divorce(2062)
266Sunan Ibn E Majah the chapters on divorce(2062)
267Sunan Ibn E Majah the chapters on business transactions(2140)
268Sunan Ibn E Majah the chapters on business transactions(2198)
269Sunan Ibn E Majah the chapters on business transactions(2307)
270Sunan Ibn E Majah the chapters on rulings(2342)
271Sunan Ibn E Majah the chapters on pawning(2445)
272Sunan Ibn E Majah the chapters on manumission (of slaves)(2527)
273Sunan Ibn E Majah chapters on shares of inheritance(2738)
274Sunan Ibn E Majah chapters on hajj rituals(2887)
275Sunan Ibn E Majah chapters on hajj rituals(3079)
276Sunan Ibn E Majah chapters on hajj rituals(3079)
277Sunan Ibn E Majah chapters on hajj rituals(3080)
278Sunan Ibn E Majah chapters on hajj rituals(3116)
279Sunan Ibn E Majah chapters on sacrifices(3159)
280Sunan Ibn E Majah etiquette(3819)
281Sunan Ibn E Majah supplication(3888)
282Sunan Ibn E Majah tribulations(3996)
283Sunan Ibn E Majah zuhd(4120)
284Sunan Ibn E Majah zuhd(4124)
285Sunan Ibn E Majah zuhd(4140)
286Sunan Ibn E Majah zuhd(4257)
287Sunan Ibn E Majah zuhd(4303)
288Sunan Ibn E Majah zuhd(4303)
289Sunan Ibn E Majah zuhd(4321)
290Jami Al Tirmizi the book on salat (prayer)(167)
291Jami Al Tirmizi the book on salat (prayer)(286)
292Jami Al Tirmizi the book on salat (prayer)(410)
293Jami Al Tirmizi the book on zakat(625)
294Jami Al Tirmizi the book on zakat(653)
295Jami Al Tirmizi the book on fasting(798)
296Jami Al Tirmizi the book on hajj(953)
297Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on righteousness and maintaining good relations with relatives(1969)
298Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on inheritance(2090)
299Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on wasaya (wills and testament)(2116)
300Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on wala' and gifts(2130)
301Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on zuhd(2368)
302Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on the description of the day of judgement, ar-riqaq, and al-wara'(2444)
303Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on the description of the day of judgement, ar-riqaq, and al-wara'(2465)
304Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on the description of paradise(2560)
305Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on the description of paradise(2560)
306Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on the description of paradise(2561)
307Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on the description of paradise(2568)
308Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on tafsir(2988)
309Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on tafsir(3038)
310Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on tafsir(3299)
311Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on tafsir(3299)
312Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on tafsir(3318)
313Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on supplication(3382)
314Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on supplication(3400)
315Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on supplication(3481)
316Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on virtues(3616)
317Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on virtues(3766)
318Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on virtues(3918)
319Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on virtues(3924)

Hinduism: “Vedas”

No. Name Content
1Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN LVI. Maruts.
2Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN XXXI. Agni.
3Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN LIII. Indra.
4Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 2 HYMN XII. Indra.
5Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN VIII Sacrificial Post.
6Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 6 HYMN XXXVII Indra.
7Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN C. Viṣṇu.
8Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN LXIX. Indra
9Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN XLI. Aśvins.
10Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN CXVII. Liberality.
11Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK VIII IV Vishnu
12Hymns of Atharva Veda III. Imprecations Against Demons, Sorcerers, and Enemies (Âbhikârikâni and Krityâpratiharanâni) IV, 17. Charm with the apâmârga-plant, against sorcery, demons, and enemies
13Hymns of Atharva Veda IX. Prayers and Imprecations in the Interest of the Brahmans XII, 4. The necessity of giving away sterile cows to the Brahmans

Tibetan Buddhism: The call of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the sages for world peace not match "poverty | poor | indigence | indigent | hardship"

Orthodox Catholic Church: The Old Testament of Holy Scripture

No. Name Content
1Old Testament Job 31:19
2Old Testament Psalm 68:29
3Old Testament Psalm 73:21
4Old Testament Psalm 81:4
5Old Testament Psalm 106:41
6Old Testament Psalm 108:22
7Old Testament Psalm 112:7
8Old Testament Proverbs 6:11
9Old Testament Proverbs 10:4
10Old Testament Proverbs 13:18
11Old Testament Proverbs 19:17
12Old Testament Proverbs 24:34
13Old Testament Proverbs 28:22
14Old Testament Proverbs 29:13
15Old Testament Proverbs 30:8
16Old Testament Proverbs 31:9
17Old Testament Ecclesiastes 4:13
18Old Testament Sirach 4:1
19Old Testament Sirach 13:24
20Old Testament Sirach 18:25
21Old Testament Sirach 29:8
22Old Testament Jeremiah 22:16
23Old Testament Zephaniah 3:12
24Old Testament Exodus 23:3
25Old Testament Exodus 23:6
26Old Testament IV Kingdoms 25:12
27Old Testament Job 5:15
28Old Testament Job 5:16
29Old Testament Job 24:4
30Old Testament Job 24:14
31Old Testament Job 29:12
32Old Testament Job 31:16
33Old Testament Job 34:28
34Old Testament Job 36:15
35Old Testament Psalm 9:18
36Old Testament Psalm 9:29
37Old Testament Psalm 33:6
38Old Testament Psalm 69:5
39Old Testament Psalm 71:2
40Old Testament Psalm 71:12
41Old Testament Psalm 71:13
42Old Testament Psalm 81:3
43Old Testament Psalm 85:1
44Old Testament Psalm 131:15
45Old Testament Proverbs 13:8
46Old Testament Proverbs 14:20
47Old Testament Proverbs 14:31
48Old Testament Proverbs 17:5
49Old Testament Proverbs 18:23
50Old Testament Proverbs 19:1
51Old Testament Proverbs 19:4
52Old Testament Proverbs 19:22
53Old Testament Proverbs 21:17
54Old Testament Proverbs 22:2
55Old Testament Proverbs 22:16
56Old Testament Proverbs 28:6
57Old Testament Proverbs 28:11
58Old Testament Proverbs 28:15
59Old Testament Proverbs 28:27
60Old Testament Sirach 4:4
61Old Testament Sirach 10:23
62Old Testament Sirach 10:30
63Old Testament Sirach 11:14
64Old Testament Sirach 13:3
65Old Testament Sirach 13:21
66Old Testament Sirach 21:5
67Old Testament Sirach 29:22
68Old Testament Sirach 34:20
69Old Testament Sirach 35:13
70Old Testament Sirach 38:19
71Old Testament Isaiah 10:30
72Old Testament Jeremiah 20:13
73Old Testament Jeremiah 52:16
74Old Testament Amos 8:4
75Old Testament Amos 8:6

Orthodox Catholic Church: The New Testament of Holy Scripture

No. Name Content
1New Testament Matthew 5:3
2New Testament Matthew 26:11
3New Testament Mark 12:42
4New Testament Mark 14:7
5New Testament Luke 21:2
6New Testament Luke 21:3
7New Testament John 12:8

Judaism: “Torah”

No. Name Content
1Leviticus 25:39
2Deuteronomy 15:11
3Isaiah 66:2
4Jeremiah 22:16
5Ezekiel 18:12
6Zephaniah 3:12
7Psalms 113:7
8Job 24:14
9Proverbs 31:9
10Isaiah 10:2
11Ecclesiastes 4:13
12Genesis 41:19
13Exodus 22:24
14Exodus 23:3
15Exodus 23:6
16Exodus 23:11
17Exodus 30:15
18Leviticus 19:10
19Leviticus 25:47
20Leviticus 27:8
21Deuteronomy 24:12
22Deuteronomy 24:14
23Samuel 2:8
24Samuel 18:23
25Samuel 12:3
26Samuel 12:4
27Isaiah 3:14
28Isaiah 10:30
29Isaiah 14:30
30Isaiah 32:7
31Isaiah 41:17
32Isaiah 58:7
33Jeremiah 39:10
34Ezekiel 16:49
35Ezekiel 22:29
36Amos 8:4
37Amos 8:6
38Habakkuk 3:14
39Zechariah 11:7
40Zechariah 11:11
41Psalms 9:19
42Psalms 10:2
43Psalms 34:7
44Psalms 35:10
45Psalms 37:14
46Psalms 40:18
47Psalms 49:3
48Psalms 70:5
49Psalms 72:2
50Psalms 72:4
51Psalms 72:12
52Psalms 72:13
53Psalms 74:19
54Psalms 74:21
55Psalms 82:3
56Psalms 82:4
57Psalms 86:1
58Psalms 109:16
59Psalms 109:22
60Job 5:16
61Job 24:4
62Job 29:12
63Job 31:16
64Job 34:28
65Job 36:6
66Proverbs 6:11
67Proverbs 10:4
68Proverbs 10:15
69Proverbs 13:8
70Proverbs 13:18
71Proverbs 14:20
72Proverbs 14:31
73Proverbs 15:15
74Proverbs 17:5
75Proverbs 18:23
76Proverbs 19:1
77Proverbs 19:7
78Proverbs 19:17
79Proverbs 19:22
80Proverbs 21:17
81Proverbs 22:2
82Proverbs 22:22
83Proverbs 24:34
84Proverbs 28:3
85Proverbs 28:6
86Proverbs 28:11
87Proverbs 28:15
88Proverbs 28:19
89Proverbs 28:27
90Proverbs 29:13
91Proverbs 30:8
92Proverbs 30:14
93Ruth 3:10
94Ecclesiastes 6:8
95Ecclesiastes 9:15
96Ecclesiastes 9:16
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