Swiss Confederation Constitutional Interpretations

DATE No. Content
1.)20 juillet 1988BGE 114 II 220 BGE 114 II 220 221 S. A.- a) Marie R., born B., domiciliée à ..., est à décédée Genève le 24 juillet 1979. Par testament du olographe 29 août 1945 elle avait institué héritier pour la totalité de sa fortune son mari Jean R. Dans le même acte, elle avait le désir Exprime qu'au décès de son époux les biens qui lui étaient "propres à reviennent (s) it neveux et nieces B. (objets et épargne)". Un certificat d'héritier mentionnant la substitution prévue dans le testament a été le Juge de Paix delivré par du canton de Genève le 30 octobre 1979. Le testament a été communiqué aux héritiers légaux de la défunte. b) Jean R. est décédé, intestate, le 11 mai 1987. Le 16 décembre 1987, René B. et Madeleine G.-B., respectivement neveu et nièce de Marie R. et aux termes du héritiers appelés you testament 29 août 1945 , ont introduit devant le Tribunal de première instance du canton de Genève, contre les héritiers de Jean R., une action en pétition d'hérédité tendant au paiement de 123'992 francs en capital et d'une somme correspondant à la valeur des 3 / 8 de l'immeuble de ... qui avait en appartenu copropriété aux époux R., était devenu, au décès de Marie R., you propriété mari et avait été vendu par ce dernier, le 28 juin 1980, moyennant constitution d ' une pension viagère. La masse success oral de Jean R. une valeur de 109'491 francs a 60 et consiste en essential element carnet d'épargne. L'Acquéreur de la maison de ... ayant exigé qu'elle fût libérée of meubles qui 'y trouvaient, les ont procédé héritiers entre eux au partage du Mobilier, faisant partie de la succession et estimé à 1,000 francs par l 'autorité fiscale. B.- Par du requête 24 février 1988, les Hoirs de Jean R. ont demandé une prolongation du délai de repudiation selon l'art. 576 CC. Ils ont juste comme invoqué motif l'ouverture de l'action en pétition d'hérédité par les héritiers appelés selon le testament de Marie R. Par décision du 22 avril 1988, le Juge de paix du canton de Genève a rejeté cette requête. C.- Les requérants ont exerce un recours de droit public pour violation de l'art. 4 Cst. Ils concluaient, pour l'essentiel à l'annulation de la décision attaquée. Le Tribunal a rejeté le recours. BGE 114 II 222 220 S.
2.)28 mars 1988BGE 114 II 213 BGE 114 II 213 215 S. A.- a) A., né en 1953 est atteint d'une oligophrenia au niveau de l'imbécillité souffre et d'importants troubles moteurs. Il a vécu avec ses parents jusqu'au décès de son père en 1972, puis avec sa mère jusqu'à la mort de celle-ci le 1er juin 1985 en étant pris en charge par les ateliers protégés du Center de ... où il se rendait quatre jours par semaine. La mère de A. avait CONFIE son fils peu avant sa mort à lady X., éducatrice spécialisée qui s'occupe de personnes handicapées. b) Le 21 juin 1973, la Justice de paix du cercle de Lausanne a prononcé l'interdiction civile de A. et l'a placé sous l'Autorité de sa mère parent. Le 25 juillet 1985, elle a designe comme tuteur Y., nommé curateur le 20 juin 1985. b) En mars 1986, le Dr Z., psychiatre, a fait part de ses au tuteur Preoccupations au sujet de A., qui avait beaucoup maigri depuis le décès de sa mere et qui présentait régulièrement toutes sortes de Lésions traumatiques (hématomes, petites plaies, dents cassées, épaule luxée, etc.). Le tuteur a écrit, le 13 mai 1986, à la Justice de paix que lui-même et le Dr Z. étaient parvenus à la conclusion qu'il était de Preferable retirer le pupil à lady X., pour le placer dans une maison pour handicapés. Renseignements pris une expertise médicale a été ordonnée par la Justice de Paix. Dans leur rapport, les experts ont proposé s conclusion of the contacts et des discussions, sous le contrôle d'un psychiatre, entre lady X. et l'équipe du Center de ... (dont les méthodes divergeaient) afin d'à aboutir un accord au sujet de la thérapie envisagée concernant A. ainsi qu'à of mesures médicales suivies. Toutefois, un changement de cadre de vie s'imposerait si, après six mois, cet aménagement n'avait pas de manière abouti satisfaisante. Les relations entre lady X. et le Center de ... s'étant détériorées au point que les entretiens proposés par les experts paraissaient d'emblée voués à l'échec, le juge de paix a, par ordonnance du 26 février 1987 décidé le placement provisoire de A. au Center de ..., avec effet immédiat. La Justice de paix a maintenu cette ordonnance. L'instruction s'est poursuivie: notamment, le 1er juin 1987, le juge de paix s'est rendu au Center de ..., où il a vu A. avec son tuteur, puis avec dame X. BGE 114 II 213 S . 216 par décision du 18 juin 1987, la Justice de paix, a ordonné le placement de définitif A. au Center de ... B.- lady X. a recouru auprès de la Chambre des tutelles du Tribunal cantonal vaudois, demandant que A. fût de nouveau placé chez elle. La Chambre des tutelles a rejeté le recours et confirmé la décision du attaquée par arrêt 17 décembre 1987. C.- Lady X. a recouru en réforme au Tribunal fédéral, reprenant implicitement les conclusions qu'elle avait formulées devant le Tribunal Cantonal. Le Tribunal fédéral a rejeté le recours.
3.)2. Juni 1988BGE 114 II 210 BGE 114 II 210 S. 210 by a prison sentence of 3 1/2 years because of asset and drug offenses remained after the conditional release of X. end of 1984 a residual sentence of one year in prison. Since X was sentenced again because of drug offenses to 3 1/2 years in prison in February 1987 parole had to be revoked and the execution of the remaining sentence to be arranged. The completion of the new and revoked remaining sentence, however, was postponed in accordance with Art. 44 of the Criminal Code in favor of an inpatient drug measure. Since March 1987, X. therefore is in a drug rehabilitation center, from which it can be initially released on parole on good behavior presumed 1989th The competent guardianship authority X. presented by order of May 12, 1987 pursuant to art. 371 of the Civil Code under guardianship. Against this decision arose X. complaint, which was dismissed by the district office on September 22 1987th BGE 114 II 210 S. 211 The decision of the district office took X. to the Superior Court of the Canton of Aargau on. Which rejected the appeal on 8 January 1988th X. appealed to the Federal Court of Appeal set aside one with the application, whether the decision of the superior court and is to refrain from patronizing. The Federal Court upheld the appeal well. The judgment under appeal is canceled and a paternalism of X. Based on Art. 371 of the Civil Code is the exception. From the considerations
4.)7 juillet 1988BGE 114 II 205 BGE 114 II 205 S. 205 A.- Daniel G., né le 24 octobre 1964, a obtenu une maturité fédérale de type D en septembre 1982, puis a suivi quelques cours, notamment d'arabe, et s'est adonné à la reflection. Il s'est inscrit ensuite à la faculté des sciences économiques et sociales de l'Université de Genève, du semestre d'hiver 1983 au semestre d'été 1984; au terme duquel il fut Elimine de cette faculté. Il s'inscrivit alors, dès le semestre d'hiver 1984, à la faculté de droit de la même University; il y resta inscrit jusqu'au semestre d'hiver 1986, sans aucun y réussir exam. Dès l'automne 1986, il s'est inscrit en première année de droit à l'Université de Paris XII dont il suit les cours par correspondance et par radio. Il consacre plusieurs heures par jour à son travail personnel, à la préparation de travaux et a BGE 114 II 205 206 S. écoute l'the cours diffuse sur les ondes; la diffusion du lundi au vendredi a lieu de 19 à 20 heures, de novembre à mai inclus. Daniel G. se rend tous les jours 15 à Paris pour suivre une journée de cours qui se déroule le samedi. Ces cours ont commencé le 15 Novembre, 1986; jusqu'à fin mars 1987 ils ont comporte divers travaux de droit civil et de droit constitutionnel. On ignore si Daniel G. a présenté ces travaux et avec quel succès. Les parents de Daniel G. sont séparés de corps. Le père, François G., professeur, réalise un salaire mensuel net de 7,100 francs. Il verse à son fils Pierre qui vient de s'installer comme horloger, une pension de 500 francs par mois. Il ne contribue en revanche pas à l'entretien de sa femme ni de son fils Daniel, qui vit avec sa mère. Les relations entre le jeune homme et son père sont tendues. Ils ne se voient plus depuis un incident violent survenu en mars 1985, ensuite duquel Daniel G. a porté plainte pénale contre son père pour Lésions corp Martorelles, plainte qu'il a toutefois retiree. B.- Le 30 mars 1987, Daniel G. a ouvert action contre son père aux fins de condamner le defendeur à lui verser une pension mensuelle indexée de 1,200 francs par mois dès l'ouverture une année avant d'action et jusqu ' à la fin de sa formation, avec de fournitures sûretés. François G. a conclu à sa libération. Par jugement du 27 mai 1987, le président du Tribunal du district de Nyon a rejeté la demande. Daniel G. a recouru contre ce jugement au Tribunal du canton de Vaud cantonal qui, par arrêt du 17 décembre 1987, a partial element admis le recours. Le defendeur a été condamné à contribuer aux frais d'entretien de son fils par le versement d'une pension mensuelle de 800 francs dès le 1er octobre 1986 et jusqu'à la fin de ses études de droit. C.- François G. exerce en temps utile un recours en réforme au Tribunal fédéral. II conclut principalement au rejet de l'action, subsidiairement à ce que le montant de la pension soit réduit à 300 francs par mois du 1er octobre 1986 au 30 septembre 1989, plus subsidiairement au renvoi de la cause à la cour cantonale, le tout avec suite de frais et dépens. L'intimate conclut avec suite de frais et dépens au rejet du recours. La cour cantonale s'est Referee aux Considérant de son arrêt. BGE 114 II 205 207 S.
5.)28. April 1988BGE 114 II 200
6.)18 avril 1988BGE 114 II 193 BGE 114 II 193 S. 194 A.- a) La Société of the director of Geneva (ci-après: SRG) est une association regroupant les director et courtiers immobiliers du canton. Elle a notamment pour but de réglementer les relations entre les membres qui la composent, en vue de créer une confiance et de réciproque défendre les intérêts communs. A cette fin, elle établit en particulier un code de déontologie, opposable à tous les membres et que ceux-ci s'engagent à respecter. Lors de son assemblée générale du 14 janvier 1985, la SRG a décidé de ce code compléter en matière de ventes d'apartments. Il a été décidé notamment que les membres s'astreindraient, en cas de vente d'apartments déjà loués, à en offrir l'acquisition de priorité aux locataires en place, à renseigner ceux-ci de manière précise et à proposer un bail de cinq ans aux locataires ne pas acheter souhaitant leur logement. L'art. 39 of the Regulations de la SRG a la teneur suivante: "Les membres qui agiraient à l'encontre the Regulations, Tariff, règlements et code de la société déontologie de qui ne se pas aux conformeraient Decisions, instructions ou de ses prescriptions organes, qui porteraient atteinte d'une façon quelconque aux intérêts de la société ou commettraient the actes contraires à l'esprit de solidarité et de loyauté qui doit régner dans la société, seront déférés au comité de constitué commission de surveillance, sur du plainte membre qui aura connaissance d'une infraction ou du secrétariat de la société Le bureau instruit l'affaire de impartissant au membre un délai raisonnable pour s'expliquer, puis le dossier transfers au comité qui peut sans recours prononcer les suivantes peines. BGE 114 II 193 S . 195 a) le blâme ou / et l'amende; b) un Préavis d'exclusion temporaire ou de l'définitive assemblée générale ... ".. L'art. 12 of the Regulations prévoit notamment ce qui suit: "La qualité de membre se perd: a) (...) b) par l'exclusion prononcée par l'assemblée générale à la majorité des deux tiers des membres présents ou representes c). (...) d) (...) e) (...) Avant d'être à l'soumise assemblée générale, toute demande d'exclusion doit être examinee par le faire l'objet Comité et d'un Préavis de ce dernier. La demande d'exclusion est portée nommément à l'ordre du jour de l'assemblée générale. L'interest dont l'exclusion est proposée ne peut ni aux participer deliberations ni au vote qui le concernent, mais il doit avoir la possibilité de se faire entender par le comité et par l'assemblée générale (...) Sont notamment des motifs d'exclusion. une conduite nuisible aux intérêts de la société, l'inexécution des obligations incombant aux membres, le défaut de paiement of cotisations et des amendes, etc. (...). b) Le 19 mars 1985, l'Association genevoise the Defense of locataires (ASLOCA) signala à la que l'SRG agenc e immobilière X. S.A. procédait à des ventes d'appartements dans un immeuble sans respecter les engagements résultant de la décision du 14 janvier 1985. Convoqués devant le bureau du comité de la SRG afin de s'expliquer sur la dénonciation dont ils étaient l'objet, les deux administrateurs de XSA ne pas les faits qui leur contestèrent étaient reproches et tout en invoquant diverse excuses, ne prirent aucun engagement précis en vue de se conformer au code de déontologie ou de l'opération renoncer à en cours. Le bureau décida à l'unanimité de proposer au comité qu'il soumît à l'assemblée générale d'un Préavis exclusion de X. S.A. pour la durée d'un an, cette peine pouvant être en commuée blâme et en amende au cas où la société précitée, dans les deux semaines dès la communication de la sanction, ferait en sorte que chaque locataire dont l'avait été vendu à apartment un tiers se vit proposer un bail d'une durée de cinq ans. BGE 114 II 193 S. 196 Le comité fit siennes ces propositions et l'convoqua assemblée générale en séance extraordinaire pour le 8 mai 1985. L'ordre du jour indiquait notamment: "Décision sur le Préavis de sanctions du comité de à l'égard l'agence immobilière XSA pour non-respect de l'engagement sur la transformation d'immeubles locatifs en PPE / PPA. " c) Après avoir entendu les deux administrateurs de X. S.A., l'assemblée générale prit connaissance du Préavis de sanction du comité, puis elle Delibera, en l'absence of administrateurs précités, sur le principe de la sanction et sur ses modalités. At the time of the vote, l'assemblée décida, par 59 voix contre une, qu'il y avait lieu de prononcer une sanction; par 47 voix contre 12, elle l'exclusion de prononça X. S.A .; par 38 voix contre 13, elle écarta la formule de commutation de peine proposée par le comité et adopta la proposition, présentée par un membre d'exclusion immédiate avec examen d'une demande de cas où au reintegration X. S.A. établirait que les locataires Concernés s'étaient vu offrir la conclusion d'un bail de cinq ans. d) X. S.A. a ouvert action contre la SRG, demandant, pour l'essentiel, au Tribunal de première instance du canton de Genève d'annuler la décision prononçant son exclusion. Par jugement du 31 mars 1987, le Tribunal a rejeté la demande. B.- X. S.A. a forme appel auprès de la Cour de justice, qui, par arrêt du 20 novembre 1987, a confirmé le jugement attaque. C.- X. S.A. a recouru en réforme au Tribunal fédéral, persistant à demander l'annulation de la décision du 8 mai 1985. Le Tribunal fédéral a rejeté le recours dans la mesure où il était recevable.
7.)1. Juni 1988BGE 114 II 189
8.)7. Juni 1988BGE 114 II 183 BGE 114 II 183 S. 184 In Prosequierung a erwirkten in Zurich arrest the Central Bank of Chile on 20 July 1981 accused the Commercial Court of the Canton of Zurich against the National Bank of Cuba on payment of a blocked by the Cuban government for political reasons sum of CHF 30 '752'000 .-- plus interest. Since the applicant had complained already on 3 July 1979 with London High Court of Justice, Queen's Bench Division for restitution of money, the defendant raised in its statement of defense in the Zurich process the objection of lis pendens and demanded the suspension of the proceedings. The Commercial Court limited the process to these two questions and looked for the time being on a further exchange. By order of 2 December 1985, rejected the plea of ​​lis pendens and set the action to proceed in view. The defendant lodged an appeal against this decision, which rejects the Federal Court. From the considerations
9.)15 avril 1988BGE 114 II 181 BGE 114 II 181 181 S. A.- La Cour de justice du Canton de Genève a débouté par arrêt du 13 Novembre 1987 les époux S. de leurs conclusions en paiement de-dommages intérêts dirigées contre les sociétés A. B. et L ' acknowledgment of receipt of attestant la distribution de cet arrêt au mandataire of demandeurs porte la date du 1er décembre 1987. Les demandeurs ont recouru en réforme au Tribunal fédéral par acte daté du 15 janvier 1988, en concluant à l'annulation de cet arrêt et au paiement par la société A. de divers montants atteignant au total 79'576 francs. La Cour de justice a précisé, en réponse à une demande du Président de la Ire Cour civile, que cet acte avait été registered design au greffe le 18 janvier 1988, selon le sceau appose au bas de la première page dudit acte, et non pas le 15 Janvier, comme indiqué par erreur dans sa lettre communiquant le au recours Tribunal Federal. BGE 114 II 181 S. 182 S. B.- est le décédé 12 février 1988. Le 17 février 1988, le mandataire of demandeurs a présenté au nom de dame S. une demande de restitution pour inobservation du du délai recours en réforme, selon l'art. 35 al. 1 OJ. Le même jour, il a registered design au nom de dame S. et de la succession de S. un recours en réforme reprenant les conclusions de son acte du 15 janvier 1988 et remplaçant celui-ci. Le Tribunal fédéral rejette la demande de restitution pour inobservation du délai et les recours Declare irrecevables.
10.)9 febbraio 1988BGE 114 II 175 BGE 114 II 175 S. 176 A.- Il 24 settembre 1981 alle ore 11:40 Ponziano Crevatin circolava con il suo tassi sulla riva Vela, verso il centro di Lugano, intenzionato a raggiungere piazza Luini. Presso l'imbocco della piazza, posta sul lato della strada inverso, egli si è fermato in preselezione, al centro della carreggiata, aspettando di un passaggio trovare attraverso la Colonna di che veicoli proveniva in senso contrario. Mentre attendeva, il conducente di un'automobile in Colonna gli ha ceduto la precedenza, lasciandogli lo spazio per passare. Ponziano Crevatin ha svoltato allora a sinistra, ma la nell'eseguire manovra è entrato in collisione con la vettura di Fernando D'Avenia, il quale stava superando a destra la colonna ferma. L'incidente si è risolto con solo danni materiali. Il 24 maggio 1982 "La Friborghese" Generale di Assicurazioni SA, con cui Ponziano Crevatin aveva una polizza per la responsabilità civile, ha risarcito a Fernando D'Avenia l'intero danno (Fr. 2'475 .--), precisando che ciò avveniva senza il riconoscimento di alcuna responsabilità e senza pregiudizio per i diritti del proprio assicurato. B.- Ponziano Crevatin ha promosso causa il 21 settembre 1983 contro Fernando D'Avenia e la "Continentale" Compagnia Generale di Assicurazioni SA, presso cui D'Avenia era assicurato, chiedendo che questi fossero tenuti a versargli solidalmente Fr. 8'572.40 più interessi in rifusione del danno subito. Con sentenza del 20 maggio 1987 il Pretore del Distretto di Lugano, Sezione 1, ha parzialmente accolto la richiesta e condannato Fernando D'Avenia e la "Continentale" al pagamento in solido di BGE 114 II 175 S. 177 Fr. 8'072.40 oltre interessi. Adita il 1o giugno 1987 la II Camera Civile del Tribunale di Appello del Cantone Ticino, i convenuti si sono visti respingere ogni censura il 17 agosto 1987. C.- Fernando D'Avenia e la "Continentale" hanno introdotto il 10 settembre 1987 al tribunals federale un ricorso per riforma in cui propongono che la petizione di Ponziano Crevatin sia respinta. L'il attore Postula rigetto del gravame.
11.)27 mars 1958BGE 84 II 281 BGE 84 II 281 S. 281 A.- La société immobilière Rue de Lausanne 51 SA à Friborg, a été inscrite au registre du commerce le 29 juin 1932. Selon l'art. 17 de ses Regulations, elle était engagée par la signature de ses individual administrateurs, qui étaient alors Albert Calame, Joseph Pizzera et Paul Baillod, avocat et notaire à Neuchâtel. Le 4 août 1932, elle a fait l'acquisition du bâtiment Rue de Lausanne 51, à Friborg, art. 3856 du Registre Foncier de la commune de Friborg. Lors de l'assemblée générale du 8 novembre 1946, la totalité du capital-actions, comprenant 50 actions nominatives de 1000 Fri, était en main du "placement immobilier de Neuchâtel
12.)29. Juni 1988BGE 114 II 171
13.)23. Februar 1988BGE 114 II 167 BGE 114 II 167 S. 168 The heirs of Walter Landolt Wyss own the Kleinandelfingen located in the agricultural zone of the municipality land cat. No. 162 (177.28 Aren meadows and arable). By a publicly certified on April 3, 1987 contract they sold the property at a price of CHF 398'880 .-- (ie for Fr. 22.50 per m2) to Hansjörg Frei-Saller, owner of a gravel pit with Kiesaufbereitungs- and concrete production plant on the municipalities of Kleinandelfingen and Marthalen. On April 24, 1987, the Department of Agriculture of the Canton of Zurich rose pursuant to art. 19 para. 1 lit. A EGG objection to this transaction. Hansjörg Frei-Saller opposed the appeal. In approval of the claim of the Agriculture Department of Agriculture Court of the Canton 162. confirmed Zurich on September 3, 1987, challenging the sale of the land cat. No. This judgment has Hansjörg Frei-Saller administrative appeal to the Federal Court charged with the application, that should be set aside and the opposition of the State Zurich against the sale of the property cat. no. 162 to him was to eliminate. While the agricultural court has waived a consultation, the cantonal agricultural office closes to dismiss the complaint. The Federal Justice and Police Department also considers the complaint was dismissed. From the considerations
14.)30 mai 1988BGE 114 II 165 BGE 114 II 165 S. 165 A.- G. était au bénéfice d'un bail à loyer reconductible tacitement d'année en année après l'expiration d'une durée minimum. Par lettre du 26 septembre 1984 recommandée, lady X., la bailleresse, a résilié le contrat pour son échéance, soit le 30 juin 1986. B.- Le 15 avril 1986, G. sollicité a la prolongation judiciaire du bail pour une durée de deux ans. Excipant de la tardiveté du dépôt de cette requête, lady X. a introduit, de son côté, une procédure tendant à l'expulsion du locataire. Après avoir joint les deux causes, le tribunal of baux et loyers du canton de Genève, par jugement du 12 février 1987, a déclaré la requête en prolongation de bail irrecevable, pour cause de tardiveté, et prononcé en conséquence l'évacuation de G. of locaux qu'il occupait sans droit. Statuant sur appel du preneur, la Chambre d'appel en matière de baux et loyers du canton de Genève a confirmé le jugement de première instance par arrêt du 30 septembre 1987. C.- Rejetant, dans la mesure où il est recevable, le recours en you réforme locataire, le Tribunal fédéral confirme l'arrêt attaque. BGE 114 II 165 166 S.
15.)21. Juni 1988BGE 114 II 159 BGE 114 II 159 S. 160 A.- Under an agreement of 28 October 1967, the F. AG undertook in all current and future restaurants on the airfield area Y. and possibly hinzugepachteten land "for all time" only X-Beers to bring refreshment and to purchase beer and Coca-Cola and S. mineral water exclusively at the brewery X. AG; the brewery for its part undertook to provide the necessary facilities buffet free of charge. On 20 September 1973, the parties entered into a new agreement. After that, the F. AG is obligated to turn exclusive beer purchasing at the brewery and also the almost exclusive purchase of mineral water on M. AG. The brewery took over a cost share of CHF 8'000 .-- for the establishment of the buffet of the airport restaurants and granted to the remaining costs of CHF 6'558 .-- an interest-bearing, repayable in ten annual installments loans. In the event that the F. AG "no longer be possible for some reason," compliance with the purchase obligation, should the Treaty provided for the immediate repayment of the outstanding loan amount and the unamortized portion of the 5% depreciable annually Fri 8 '000 .-- before. By letter dated 9 May 1984, the F. AG terminated the contract on August 15, 1984, recognition of previously incurred financial obligations. As a result, the brewery next to the unamortized share since its the permanent contract at least during twenty years a claim to delivery BGE 114 made the buffet costs of undisputed Fr. 3'600 .-- (the loan debt was repaid) damages for loss of profit, II 159 S. had granted 161 of beer and mineral water. The F. AG declined, citing Art. 27 of the Civil Code and Art. 20 OR any contractual obligation on the set of her deadline also from. B.- On November 15, 1985 sued the brewery at the District Court against the S. F. AG for payment of CHF 19,800 .-- plus interest. The district court dismissed the case on 28 August 1986 in so far as it entered it. On appeal by the applicant through the Superior Court of the Canton of Lucerne confirmed the first instance decision by judgment of 14 September 1987. The appeal lodged by the applicant on the other hand is called the Federal Court well and raises the high court judgment on. From the considerations
16.)16. Mai 1988BGE 114 II 152 BGE 114 II 152 S. 153 A.- The company A. negotiated in Lucerne in 1980 with X, a businessman in Tehran, cold rolled on the sale of several thousand tonnes and galvanized steel sheets that promised to deliver them. The political developments in Iran and restrictive regulations of this country on the export of foreign currency and the import of goods difficult the settlement of the contracts. There were also delays on the part of the Seller and its suppliers. By letter of 16 February 1981 X. resigned from the contracts. He subsequently ceded its claims against the company A. of an Iranian factory owner, who abdicated in turn on 29 June 1984, to the company as in Lucerne. B.- On November 22, 1985, the company complained as the district court Luzern City against the company A. payment of DM 4'303'332.45 together with 12% interest since different expiration dates. so they called for services performed by the buyer benefits back and also demanded compensation. The defendant held the claims of the buyer for barred and applied to the district court to dismiss the action because of it. On 20 June 1986, the District Court rejected the statute of limitations objection and ordered the defendant to get involved in the action. On appeal by the defendant, the Supreme Court of the Canton of Lucerne in the same sense decided on 13 October 1987th C.- The defendant has filed an appeal against the judgment of the superior court, to which it adheres to the statute of limitations objection. The Federal Court dismissed the appeal and confirmed the judgment under appeal. From the considerations
17.)31. Mai 1988BGE 114 II 144 BGE 114 II 144 S. 145 On July 31, 1984 drove H. drunken state with his cars around midnight by A. coming towards BH fell into the opposite lane, where it collided with the sisters Doris and Beatrice V., with their correctly drove motorcycles towards A.. Doris V died two and a half hours later suffered in the accident injuries. Her sister, the left foot had to be removed. H. was a judgment of the Criminal Court of the Canton of A. involuntary manslaughter and assault, gross violation of traffic rules, driving in a drunken state, performing a non-reliable vehicle and driving without liability insurance to eight months in prison and a fine of CHF 300 .-- sentenced. In May 1985, the parents and siblings 76 complained of Doris V. and M. Andre, with whom she had lived in a shared apartment, the Cantonal Court of the Canton of A. against the Insurance Company X. as managing underwriter within the meaning of Art. Abs . 5 SVG. The plaintiffs demanded compensation and satisfaction from a total of CHF 205'000 .-- less CHF 70'000 .--, which had already been paid by the defendant. The District Court upheld the action in part, well, saying the plaintiffs a total of CHF 86'350 .-- plus interest minus the already paid CHF 70'000 .-- to. On appeal by André M., the parents of Doris V. and her sister Beatrice, the Supreme Court increased the canton A. to them by the District Court awarded satisfaction totals on each Fr. 25'000 .-- for parents to CHF 25,000 .-- for André M. and Fr. 12'000 .-- for the sister. André M., the parents of Doris V. and her sister Beatrice have challenged the judgment of the Supreme Court of Appeals. They shall in particular the application, the plaintiff André M. additional Fr. 31'881.60 award plus interest for utilities damage. The defendant filed a cross appeal. BGE 114 II 146 144 S. From the considerations
18.)7. Juni 1988BGE 114 II 131 BGE 114 II 131 S. 132 A.- On October 4, 1974 bought A. von X., a renowned art connoisseur, an ink drawing "Modèle et Sculpture" (19 x 12.5 cm) above the date juillet " "wore with" 46 was signed Picasso ". He paid CHF 25'000 .-- for it. By letter BGE 114 II 131 S. 133 the same day told the seller that he take over the guarantee for the authenticity of the drawing and let publish "in the Addendum to Picasso's oeuvre catalog of Zervos this sheet." The buyer was not to verify the authenticity of the drawing. When he wanted to give this a gallery in 1985 auction, but it doubts arose. The gallery turned to the "Comité Picasso
19.)28. Januar 1988BGE 114 II 127 BGE 114 II 127 S. 127 A.- Theo Mader admitted the Ackermann Shops AG on 18 April 1986, his property no. 2218 one of the land register Biel an unlimited right of first refusal on the shop and the remaining area of ​​the ground floor. For the exercise of pre-emption was intended to create any of the retail space, if necessary condominiums. Further, the Vorkaufsberechtigte was authorized to register the reservation of pre-emption for registration in the land register. On 16 May 1986, Ackermann Shops AG registered the right of first refusal for registration. BGE 114 II 127 S. 128 B.- By order of 8 August 1986, the land registry administrator pointed Biel from the application. In support, he cited essentially, the subject of pre-emption is clearly demarcated too little. It was questionable whether ever condominiums would be created; in particular the co-ownership (value ratios) are not known. Against that the Ackermann Shops AG lodged a complaint with the Justice Department of the Canton of Bern. These dismissed the appeal on 10 August 1987th C.- against this decision turns the Ackermann Shops AG administrative appeal to the Federal Court. They requested on the property no. 2218 of the land register was Biel operation reserving a right of first refusal for the ground floor of the house in their favor. request the Justice Department of the Canton of Bern and the Swiss. Justice and Police to dismiss the complaint.
20.)7. März 1988BGE 114 II 123 BGE 114 II 123 S. 123 A.- H. and A. were divorced on October 22, 1981 by the District Court Frutigen. The two children presented the court under the parental authority of the mother. The father was committed to an indexed monthly maintenance contribution to the two children of each Fr. 300 .--. With payment order no. 2648 of the Enforcement Office Frutigen the village of Leissigen operating the Father for bevorschusste maintenance payments of 1 February 1984 up to and including March 1987 in the amount of CHF 21'428 .--. The powered rose legislative proposal. BGE 114 II 123 S. 124 B.- On August 13, 1987, the presiding judge of the District Frutigen District issued the definitive legal opening for Fr. 18'628 .--. For the balance of the right opening request was rejected because the appropriate maintenance claim had been repaid by the payment of an IV child's pension. Against this decision the community appealed to the Court of Appeal Leissigen in the canton of Bern. This dismissed the appeal on 6 October 1987, upheld the judgment of the court president of the local district Frutigen. C.- against this judgment, the community turns Leissigen with constitutional law appeal to the Federal Court. It seeks the Ziff. One of the dispositive, as far as the village of Leissigen in the amount of CHF 2'800 .-- the definitive legal opening was refused, and the repeal of section. 3 of the dispositive concerning costs edition. The Court of Appeal of the Canton of Bern has waived having regard to the files on a consultation. The powered father has not be heard. The Federal Court dismissed the constitutional appeal. From the considerations
21.)29. März 1988BGE 114 II 117 BGE 114 II 117 S. 117 X. The couple were married in 1964th By judgment of the District Court of Zurich on 24 September 1981, the marriage was dissolved court indefinitely. To a reunification of the spouses did not take place since then. On September 11, 1984, the husband made a discrimination complaint with the District Court Zurich pending. then the wife brought a counterclaim for divorce. The district court dismissed by judgment of 11 March 1986, the chief complaint from the divorce BGE marriage of the parties spoke 114 II 117 S. 118 in approval of the counterclaim and regulated the side-effects of divorce. The plaintiff challenged the regulation of livelihood contributions for the defendant with an appeal to the Superior Court of the Canton of Zurich. This was approved on 15 October 1987 in part and the plaintiff obliged the defendant in accordance with Art. 151 para. 1 of the Civil Code a monthly, indexed for life Maintenance replacement pension of CHF 1'500 .-- to 31 August 1988 of CHF 1 ' payable 600 .-- to 31 August 1990 and of CHF 1'700 .-- from 1 September 1990th Provided that the respondent will benefit from a Erbanfalls, Erbvorbezugs, Erbauskaufs or a gift, the pension amount to each applicable Fr. 100,000 .--, wherein the first Fr. are not counted 200,000 .-- to Fr. reduce 100 .-- per month, with effect from the month following the attack. The defendant brought before the Federal Court of Appeal and applied as far as the repeal of the higher court judgment should be reduced as their Maintenance replacement in case of future pension repairer or asset seizure. The plaintiff concludes to dismiss the appeal. The Federal Court dismissed the appeal and confirmed the judgment under appeal. considerations
22.)29. April 1958BGE 84 II 266 BGE 84 II 266 S. born 267 A.- The engineer Edgar Läber, 1932, as buyers closed on 13 May 1955, the company Max WidmerMüller, furniture AG as a shop assistant following "MöbelVorauszahlungs- and Purchase Agreement" No. 1263 from:. "1. The purchaser buys for selection at the saleswoman furniture, carpets, curtains and the like in short everything the BGE 84 II sells 266 S. 268 saleswoman for furnishing an apartment, for a total value of CHF 6000 .--. 2. the buyer purchases the goods with the seller to the usual conditions of supply and the normal, current prices. in addition, he is entitled, in agreement with the seller for all members of the SEM factories (SEM, Swiss Engros furniture manufacturers' Association) to make his selection. 3. the buyer makes monthly payments of Fr. . 50.- the first time in June 1955. He is entitled to make larger payments. the payments up to € from Fr. 500 .-- done to the account of the seller at the Zurich Cantonal Bank, giro account VIII 151. Fr. 500 .-- excess is absolutely safe, that Created a savings book the Zurich Cantonal Bank Zurich, postal check account VIII 3000 in the name of the buyer. These savings are privileged under Swiss banking law. Is 1/5 of the purchase price paid, there is no obligation for the buyer to more regular payments. 4. Until the selection of goods, the advance payments will double savings account interest rates, max. 5% interest. The spread between interest rates and the bank credited the guaranteed maximum rate of interest is brought to the purchaser in respect of goods in credit. This interest rate is valid for a period of no longer than five years; after 5 years of conventional savings book interest is paid. 5. MANO uncovered amount resulting after the selection of goods, may for various ways which submitted the seller to the buyer, to be financed. In particular, subject to special provisions remain about a possible repayment contract in monthly installments for the remaining purchase price. 6. The purchaser is entitled to transfer this purchase contract to a third party. The transfer requires the legal validity of the approval by the seller. 7. Should the buyer after 10 years since the contract have not married, he shall be entitled to withdraw from this contract. In this case, the seller to refund the deposits besides the usual bank interest rates, which are awarded on savings books bound. 8. Upon the death of the purchaser savings deposits plus the usual bank interest on its heirs, namely parents: Thurs. paid out. Also, the refund can be made to the buyer in the event of incurable illness or permanent disability if they prevent him to close a marriage. 9. The buyer is obliged to report any change of address immediately the Seller. 10. Any other provisions:.. Capital contribution CHF 50 "BGE 84 II 266 S. 269 On June 21, 1955, born in 1931, a factory worker Lydia Zehnder, the bride Läbers, an identically worded contract signed He differs from that Läbers only is from that he in paragraph 3 of the monthly advances with Fr. indicates 100 .-- and it runs from July 1955, does not speak in paragraph 10 of a capital contribution, however, contains the words "double contract with 1263". Läber in this contract beside Lydia Zehnder cited as a party, but his signature is missing. Neither Läber yet Lydia Zehnder first came to their obligation to pay for. on August 20, 1955, both closed with H. Schneider has signed a contract furniture from. at the purchase price of CHF 5400th - they paid Schneider then or later Fr. 1455 .-- on November 26, 1955 at Lydia Zehnder asked to make from 21 June 1955 reversed the company Max Widmer-Müller, furniture AG, the contract the seller rejected the having.. However, by letter dated 9 December 1955 from, suggested that the monthly purchase price installments with regard to the "currently somewhat difficult financial situation" minimize 50th-the buyer on Fri, if by the end of December 1955 a first tranche successes and after each month of agreed amount will be paid. On February 7, 1956, she operated Lydia Zehnder for seven from July 1955 to January 1956 ruined rates of CHF 50. Since the Debtor on 9 February 1956 promised payment of future installments, the prosecution was unable to continue. Läber and his bride rendered in the wake of Max Widmer-Müller, furniture AG five installments of CHF 50. The contract with Schneider they may appeal in April 1956 the District Court of Zurich because of intentional deception, error as without obligation. At first, in July 1956 was a comparison about, according to which Schneider explained their agreement with the cancellation of the contract, while BGE pledged 84 II 266 S. 270 Läber and Lydia Zehnder, to rescind the contract with the company Max Widmer-Müller, furniture AG. In the event that this challenge would be successful, the contract should enter into force again with Schneider from 20 August 1955th Schneider promised to buyers in the event of defeat, the deposit of Fr. refund 1455 .--. B.- On 1 September 1956 complained Läber and Lydia Zehnder at Zurich District Court against the company Max Widmer-Müller, furniture AG with the desire, it was noted that the contract concluded between the parties is void, possibly unilaterally binding on the plaintiff and the defendant should be ordered, paid Fr. repay them 250 .--. The District Court dismissed the appeal on 9 July 1957th The applicants, the marriage entered into in the course of the process together appealed with the request, it was held that a binding contract does not come between the parties, may he that void was subeventuell unilaterally binding, and the defendant them have Fri. . 250 .-- refund. The High Court of the Canton of Zurich has concluded the contract had not been validly, and if he were, he would be contrary to public decency. It was therefore a judgment of November 7, 1957 stated that he was void, and ordered the defendant, the plaintiffs reimburse Fr. 250 .-- and to compensate them for the leadership of the process with Fr. 1500 .--. The court costs imposed there by the defendant. C.- The defendant has the vocation agreement to that application, the judgment of the Supreme Court should be set aside and dismiss the action. The plaintiffs request that the appeal be dismissed and the contested judgment upheld, may dismiss the matter to supplement the reasoning of the High Court. BGE 84 II 266 S. 271 Considerations The Federal Court is considering: 1. The defendant believes that it was open to the plaintiffs despite signing of two documents in a single contract; it was justified by Edgar Läber on 13 May 1955, the bride was acceded to on 21 June 1955 with the promised partial payments were increased. The plaintiffs argue that they have never acknowledged that a "related" contract vorliege. Whether a contract is illegal or immoral, its conclusion must be assessed after the time. When the contract was void because of its imbalance between the contract price and the individual rates of 13 May 1955 he could not be legally binding one between the defendant and woman Läber, then Miss Zehnder, completed second contract. This objection is not to be understood as meaning that the defendant .-- would be considered as a saleswoman two dowries worth depending Fri 6000 and the one of Edgar Läber, the other had to be removed from his wife and paid. This because also be contrary to the decision made by the District Court and actual from the High Court to be correct executed undertaken noting it was the opinion of the parties that Ms. Läber "entering into the contract" and commit in the same way as Läber to advise point advance without increasing the total purchase price; Therefore, in the form from June 21, 1955, both applicants are listed as buyers and been doubled without changing the total monthly advances; all the agreements of 21 June 1955 conflicting provisions of the first act had been repealed by the new agreement between the parties; this applied in particular to the amount of monthly payments and, consequently, for the anticipated duration of the contract. From these findings it follows that the defendant can the amount of CHF 6,000 .-- only BGE 84 II 266 S. 272 ​​once forden and also has to provide only a single modulation and that the advance payments on June 21, 1955 with the approval Edgar have been agreed Läbers and amendment of its commitment of 13 May 1955 both applicants together on a monthly basis Fr. 100 .--. After that, not according to the modified by matching expression of will obligation of 13 May 1955 therefore judged also for Edgar Läber the question of the validity of the contract. Certainly Läber had originally bound under the Treaty of 13 May 1955th Suppose that this obligation would have been immoral, as he claims, it did not prevent that, to commit to mark the accession of his bride of 21 June 1955 again, and that now with an altered content. After this, therefore, the merits of his application assessed. On the other hand, the contract change from winter to wear 1955/56 bill itself, the vorauszuzahlenden amounts were reduced to CHF 50 per month by mutual consent. Whether this concession are permanently or temporarily and whether it should reduce only the obligation of the woman Läber or those of her husband, but can remain open, as this treaty change - as did those of 21 June 1955 - for the assessment of the plaintiffs objections raised is irrelevant. 2. After doctrine and case law requires a contract that all taxes due and essential services of the parties determined or be determinable; because if this is not true, it lacks the necessary to conclude the contract matching mutual wills of the essential aspects (1: 1 type, para 2 OR;.. BGE 84 II 18). In particular, need to buy, as it exists here, according to the defendant and is not disputed by the applicants, in terms of its legal assessment rightly be object of purchase and purchase price BGE 84 II 266 S. 273 determined or determinable (see. Art. 184 para. 3 CO). Then, the applicants claim, by claiming that they were not bound, because to buying things and their price are not determined. a) With respect to the purchased items endorses them the High Court on the grounds when they were on the contract at a later date, at the latest within ten years to select, but is completely indeterminate, the possibilities of selection at the defendant or the other companies where they could be taken after the contract, would be given dannzumal. In order for the Supreme Court is based on the mistaken view that the purchased items would have to the concept of determination to meet, also can be determined today, if the applicants wished to refer to later. No need. It is sufficient if, the goods can be determined at the time of delivery to the facts which the parties consistently presented and on which they have therefore agreed. Whether the seller will be dannzumal also be able to provide the promised selection itself or by third parties and its obligation, is another question. Should he not be able to, he would have to pay in case of fault compensation (Art. 97 OR) or would his obligation if he had not responsible for the impossibility of void (Art. 119 OR). As long as this condition is not detected, it remains bound. provided possibility of fulfilling the due date, but are the objects of purchase by the agreement, as the parties have made it, be readily determinable. They are first of all characterized in that they have the applicant with the defendant, and if they do not find the desired there, in a member of the Swiss-Stamps in furniture manufacturers association select BGE 84 II 266 S. 274th In question, then only things come from the way in which the defendant offering or are members of the associations mentioned companies they produce. Further rewrites paragraph 1 of the contract, the purchased items as "furniture, carpets, curtains and the like, in short everything that sells the saleswoman for furnishing an apartment." Thus, there is agreement that the contract refers to things you such as wont to purchase furniture, carpets and curtains to equip a home. Within this genus the plaintiffs because of their duty suffrage (Art. 72 OR) are free to decide what things have to provide them with the defendant. b) The purchase price of each thing holding (having regard to the opinion of the District Court) with right and the Supreme Court of amount for sufficiently determinable. The determining factor is paragraph 2 of the Treaty, which requires the applicants to obtain the goods "to the normal, current prices". This can only be understood as good faith that the plaintiffs to pay the prices have to be, is to what the defendant offer to be selected with items at the time of selection for cash to third parties. These prices are in case of dispute on the basis of addresses, price lists, business documents determined to be. Contrary to what the plaintiff is neither necessary that the purchased goods market prices (BGE 84 II 19), nor that the defendant does not sell at higher prices than their competitors. It is sufficient that the prices will also apply to other clients, be determined and consequently can be determined how much goods the plaintiff for the promised Fr. 6000 .-- be able to choose. Whether they are here to get away favorable or unfavorable, is a question that has nothing to do with the determinability. 3. The Supreme Court and the applicants submit, a contract was also not come about, BGE 84 II 266 S. 275 because the plaintiff promised prepay only one fifth of the purchase price and the parties have not agreed on the conditions for the rest of payment , At this point, the parties have expressed then in paragraph 5 of the Treaty that the rest of the purchase price "for various ways which the seller to the buyer will be submitted funded" could and in particular that "special provisions on a possible repayment contract in monthly payments for were reserved for the remaining purchase price. " So you do not leave it in the legal rule that sellers and buyers, if not preclude agreement or practice, their services have to meet train to train (Art. 184 para. 2 CO), but they have the agreement on the terms of payment postponed. However, does not obstruct the formation of a contract. What paragraph 5 leaves are subsections. would that such can be reserved, without thereby necessarily prevented the binding of the contract, 2, para. 1 CO is derived from nature.. This provision establishes the presumption that the contract should be binding despite the reservation of side points. That the parties have consistently expressed a contrary intention in the present case, has not been claimed. Their agreement shall be interpreted in this sense. The double-sided printed signature of the contract form and the subsequent conduct of the parties is to be understood on the contrary as meaning that they considered come about the contract and the purchase price remainder saw no obstacle to the liability in the subject to later agreement with the payment terms. Therefore, it is Art. 2 para. 2 CO, according to which, if an agreement does not come on the reserved side points reached, the judge has to decide on it by the nature of the business. Here, BGE will be taken into account 84 II 266 S. 276, that the parties wanted to know the contract is concluded according to the number 2 "to the usual conditions of supply". It is so if the question will arise again at all (not that would be true if the actual advance payments would be plus interest reach the amount of the purchase price) and the parties can not should dannzumal some, also in terms of payment (cash or installment, amount and timing of installments, supplement for crediting, ensuring the outstanding amount by retention of title, etc.) on the exercise in the furniture trade and the practice be shut in the business of the defendant. There can be no question of that a contract within the meaning of Art. 1 of the Swiss had not come about as these matters remain provisionally open. 27 para 2 of the Civil Code 4. Pursuant to art.. No one can be divest his freedom or restricting its Gebrauche in the law or morality infringing degrees. Contracts that violate this principle are void (Art. 20 OR). The Supreme Court considers that the conditions of these provisions for fulfilled because the contract engaging largely in the way of life and economic freedom of the plaintiffs who had not for years to their needs and financial circumstances in contracting can overlook, and because the interest of the plaintiff in the preservation of these freedom is disproportionate to higher rated than the interests of the defendant, the plaintiffs for years to bind and "for the competitors to block." Whether the interest of the applicants to renounce the contract, the interest of the defendant prevails on its debt, however, has to be disregarded, as well as can not depend on whether the competitor from taking offense that the defendant, the plaintiff already at a time BGE advertised as customers 84 II 266 S. 277, has since it is not required to purchase items. From such a balancing of interests that will even still wear the interests of third parties (competitors) bill, morality or immorality does not depend on the contract. It is determined only by its content (s. Ff margin heading "E. contents of the contract" to Art. 19. OR), in this case, therefore, essentially meeting the commitments that it brings for the plaintiffs with them (BGE 84 II 22 ). From this point of consideration is made that the agreement largely engaged in the lifestyle and economic freedom of the plaintiffs. But she is not enough. Who received financial commitments, contrary only common decency, if thereby he jeopardized his economic existence (BGE 51 II 167f, -. BGE 84 II 23), not even if it required him to live his life differently, especially retrench and to forego other needs. There can now be no question but that the plaintiffs .-- monthly prepay by the obligation up to the amount of CHF 1,200 CHF 50 or CHF 100 .-- a to be delivered home furnishings and the the time Delivery still unrealized remainder of the purchase price to be paid by Fr. 6000 .-- to the usual in the furniture trade conditions could be economically ruined. Although the High Court about the current and future financial capacity of the applicant is silent, in contrast to the District Court, which states that the merit Läbers monthly Fr. 550 .-- and that monthly about Fr. reach 400 .-- the Mitklägerin and that Läber no one and his current wife had to support only living with her mother in a common household in part. Needless however, dismissed the matter to complement the findings of fact and to the reassessment of the High Court. Because of the fact that the plaintiffs few weeks after the completion of the allegedly immoral BGE 84 II 266 S. 278 contract also bought Schneider furniture and the price of CHF 5400 .-- Advance payments 1,455 .-- then or subsequently Fr. have up clearly show that it was possible to them from the beginning to meet its obligations under the contract with the defendant. From the destruction of their economic existence by this contract is no trace. Otherwise decide a legal opinion would mean represented that any mandatory purchase of a dwelling facilities would make it impossible by people in financially modest circumstances, no matter whether the prepaid purchase price or will be deferred. 5. The Supreme Court holds the contract and therefore for immoral because the plaintiffs who may never ever needed to buy things, their relationships with the contract had not for years can overlook and as provided for in paragraphs 6-8 opportunities to their duties to divest, did not meet the requirements that are to be made on a continuing obligation; it lacked the regularly provided with other continuing obligations solvability by termination. It is, however, each free to buy what he wants. The Swiss Code of Obligations does not depend on proof that the buyer of the thing needed or judge its future needs at the time the contract is entered correctly, the validity of the contract. The purchase of furnishings by two people who intend to get married in the near or distant future, is also quite reasonable in itself, at least not so far-fetched that he did not vertrüge with good morals, even if the option takes into account the failure of the marriage plans becomes. Therefore, remains to be seen to what extent the - since then actually took place - entering into the marriage the plaintiff already in the time of the agreement was likely. The lower court
23.)21 avril 1988BGE 114 II 113 BGE 114 II 113 S. 114 A.- a) Par jugement du 3 août 1979, le tribunal du district de Vevey civil prononcé a pour une durée indéterminée la séparation de corps of époux J., qui s'étaient mariés en 1960. Cette décision a été prize en application of art. 137 et 142 CC, aux torts Exclusifs du mari, qui avait le quitté domicile conjugal en septembre 1978 pour all vivre avec dame X. et qui avait commis à tout le moins deux autres adultères, alors prescrits. Le Tribunal a en outre ratifié une convention sur intérêts civils aux termes de laquelle, notamment, le mari contribuerait à l'entretien de la femme par le versement d'une pension mensuelle de 200 francs. Depuis lors, les époux vivent totalement séparés. J., qui n'a jamais interrompu sa liaison avec dame X., fait ménage commun avec sa maîtresse. Dame J. reorganize a sa vie; elle a entretenu, à une date indéterminée, corn postérieurement à la séparation, une liaison d'une très brève durée. b) J. action a ouvert en divorce. Lady J. 'y est opposée, concluant reconventionnellement, à titre subsidiaire, au cas où le divorce serait prononcé, au maintien de la pension fixée par le jugement de séparation de corps. Par jugement du 16 février 1987, le tribunal du district de Lausanne civil rejeté a l'action du demandeur. B.- Statuant sur ce dernier recours de, la Chambre des recours du Tribunal Cantonal du canton de Vaud a, par arrêt du 9 octobre 1987 réformé le jugement de première instance de ce sens qu'elle a admis l'action du mari, prononcé le divorce of époux J., dit que le demandeur est débiteur de la défenderesse, en vertu de l'art. 151 al. 1 CC, d'une pension de 200 francs par mois et que le régime matrimonial constate des parties est et dissous Liquide. La juridiction cantonale de seconde instance a considéré, en substance, que la très brève liaison entretenue par lady J. après la séparation avait la rompu culpabilité exclusive de J., de sorte que le divorce devait être prononcé en application de l'art. 148 al. 1 CC; au surplus, selon la Cour, lady J. commettait un abus de droit manifest, au sens de l'art. 2 al. 2 CC, en prétendant maintenir artificiellement une union qui n'avait plus de substance et à laquelle elle avait elle-même porté atteinte. BGE 114 II 113 115 S. C.- J. Dame a recouru en réforme au Tribunal Federal. Elle demandait que l'action en divorce de J. fût rejetée. Le Tribunal fédéral a confirmé l'arrêt attaque.
24.)10. Mai 1988BGE 114 II 106 BGE 114 II 106 S. 106 A.- The German trade fair and exhibition AG, Hannover (Germany), held annually in particular the so-called Hanover Fair, during which they each under the name "CeBIT", a special fair for office and can hold information technology. The term "CeBIT" is an acronym for "Centrum office and information technology"; it is being promoted by the special exhibition, for even in Switzerland, used as a trade name for the 1969th The Cebit AG, Cham, is among other "products of office organization and information technology." It conducts its BGE 114 II 106 S. 107 company since December 1980. In its advertising and in the course of trade uses beside the company also marked "Center for Office and Information Technology". B.- The German trade fair and exhibition AG saw unfair competition and a violation of the right to a name in the use of these terms. In October 1983, she complained to the Cebit AG with the desires: 1. To establish that the defendant unlawfully handle by using the "Cebit" company on their own or with the aforementioned additive and the applicant against unfair competition commit; 2. for an injunction restraining such use under penalty; 3. condemn them, their company within to change 30 days after the judgment becomes final; 4. to authorize the applicant to publish the judgment. The defendant objected to this desire. The District Court and on appeal out on 17 March 1987, the High Court of the Canton train dismissed the suit because to accept no competitive relationship between the services offered by the applicant and the product range of the defendant and an impairment of the right to a name should be negative. C.- The applicant has appealed against the judgment of the superior court, to which it adheres to their submissions. The defendant seeks the dismissal of the appeal and uphold the judgment under appeal. The appointment is approved then by the Federal Court that the judgment annulled the Supreme Court and the matter is dismissed for a new decision in accordance with the considerations to the lower court. Considerations from the considerations: 2. The Supreme Court goes along with the parties rightly assume that the applicant can appeal to the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property (Paris Convention) in the Stockholm Act, 1967 (SR 0.232.04) which has been ratified by the Federal Republic of Germany and from Switzerland 1970th As members of a country of the Union, the applicant in Switzerland (1 Articles 2 of the Paris Convention..) Is to be treated as a domestic corporation; This applies in particular to their trade names, unconcerned that he is not registered in Switzerland or deposited as trademarks (Art. 8 of the Paris Convention). BGE 114 II 106 108 S. It is also entitled to an effective protection against unfair competition (Art. 10 to the Paris Convention). The name "CeBIT" is the applicant as an abbreviation of a trade show that in the spring the Hanover Fair is organized by their respective part, affecting a particular industry. The nature of the special exhibition is evident from the full name "CeBIT World Center of Office and Information Technology
25.)24. März 1988BGE 114 II 91 BGE 114 II 91 S. 92 A.- The Parfums Christian Dior SA, Paris, markets since 1947 perfumes and cosmetic products, which it produces itself. Your selection includes approximately 550 branded products today. It makes use of a so-called selective distribution system for the French market, consisting of a network of selected dealers who are you committed against particularly Dior products to sell to end users. Her eponymous branch in Zurich is responsible for distribution in Switzerland. It has built up here through contracts with ausersehenen specialty shops, a similar distribution network. These transactions BGE 114 II 91 S. 93 are required as depositors to sell Dior products only in retail trade volumes and in the original packaging; Sales to resellers who recognizable occur to them as such, they must be prohibited. The Impo Import perfumeries AG, Zurich, was founded in 1978. It trades in perfumery and cosmetic goods and leads in Zurich, Basel, Bern and Lucerne sales transactions. She also sells Dior products, but does not belong to the distribution system of the manufacturer; it raises these products on the so-called gray market. B.- In January 1986, Parfums Christian Dior SA and its Swiss subsidiary obtained an precautionary measure against the Impo Import perfumeries AG, which was banned in order to sell in her shop in Lucerne Dior products; at the same time, inventories of this business were confiscated. In September 1986, then sued the two Dior Company against the Impo with the desire to prohibit the defendant under penalty of offering Dior products in their store in Lucerne, sell or advertise it to destroy the seized goods, the defendant to have them published for damages of at least Fr. 10'000 .-- plus interest to sentence and the verdict. They accused their personal rights of the defendant's acts of unfair competition and violation. The defendant objected to this request and demanded in particular that the seized products are released. By judgment of 20 October 1987, the High Court of the Canton of Lucerne dismissed the case and lifted the seizure on. C.- The applicants have appealed against that judgment with which they cling to their submissions; eventually the matter was dismissed on the new assessment to the lower court. The defendant seeks the dismissal of the appeal and uphold the judgment under appeal.
26.)27. Januar 1988BGE 114 II 82 BGE 114 II 82 S. 83 A.- X. owner of the Swiss Pat. No. 574,026, which was filed on February 5, 1974, issued on 15 February 1976. The patent relates to a metal-made snow holder for sloping roofs which are so fitted uniformly from the eaves to the ridge. According to claim I, the holder is "characterized by a profile piece with a steep towering central piece and on both sides adjoining tabs, one of which is at least approximately a 90o has upwardly directed end part". According to claim II of this end portion engages on pan-tiled roofs under the edge of a higher-lying tile which overlaps the untern on which the holder rests. The three sub-claims deal in particular with fixing possibilities for the holder on other types of pitched roofs. X can sell the products developed by him Snow shields since 1974th The company brings since 1982 A. "snow guards" on the market that serve the same purpose as the snow holder X., but are made of plastic. One of them has a vertical center piece and on both sides because tabs on; the first side plate is provided with an upwardly directed end portion, which is inserted in the foot rabbet of the overlapping tile. B.- In November 1982 complained X. against the company A. for patent infringement. He applied the Supreme Court of Canton Solothurn in particular to prohibit the defendant under penalty BGE produce 114 II 82 84 S. his patent claim I corresponding Snowguard and distribute (submissions 1) and they .-- Fr. 330,000 compensation plus interest to judge (legal request 2). The defendant objected to this desire and brought a counterclaim seeking a declaration that the patent is invalid No. 574026. The Supreme Court took on an appraiser, who affirmed the Patentwürdigkeit the developed by the applicant snow holder. By judgment of 12./21. In May 1987 it joined the opinion of the experts at, was called the submissions of the plaintiff 1 well and ordered the defendant to pay the plaintiff Fr. 83'000 .-- damages plus interest; the counterclaim dismissed it off. C.- The defendant lodged against this ruling with the applications, pick it up, dismiss the application and approve the counterclaim. The plaintiff seeks the dismissal of the appeal.
27.)16 mars 1988BGE 114 II 79 BGE 114 II 79 S. 80 A.- Par du contrat 29 septembre 1981, la Société immobilière T. draw a bail à à dame H. un appartement dans un immeuble dont elle est propriétaire à Genève. En 1982, la locataire s'est opposée à une première augmentation de loyer qu'elle a cependant admise par la suite, moyennant report de sa date d'entrée en vigueur, selon accord passé avec la bailleresse, le 2 novembre 1982, devant la commission de conciliation. Le procès-verbal établi à cette occasion se refere expressément aux réserves de l'avis de haussement figurant sur majoration du loyer. Une seconde augmentation de loyer a été notifiée à la locataire, le 19 août 1983. Tout en acceptant cette nouvelle hausse de loyer, lady H. contests a l'admissibilité de la mention of réserves de l'avis de haussement sur majoration, bien que ces réserves fussent identiques à celles qui avaient été formulées dans le précédent avis. Par jugement du 23 juillet 1984, le tribunal of baux et loyers du canton de Genève a reconnu la validité de la hausse de loyer avec les réserves dont elle était assortie. B.- Après avoir le congé retiré qu'elle avait donné à sa locataire, le 17 septembre 1984, la bailleresse a particular chef résilié le bail pour le 31 décembre 1986 par lettre du jugement recommandée 11 octobre 1985. Par du 20 novembre 1986, le Tribunal des baux et loyers du canton de Genève a rejeté la demande de la locataire Visant à la constater nullité de la résiliation, tout en accueillant la conclusion subsidiaire tendant à prolonger le bail d'une année, soit jusqu'au 31 décembre 1987, en application de l'art. 267 a CO. Statuant le 2 novembre 1987 sur appel de la demanderesse, la Chambre d'appel en matière de baux et loyers du canton de Genève a confirmé ce jugement. C.- Lady H. inter jette un recours en réforme contre l'arrêt cantonal. Elle requiert le Tribunal fédéral de la constater nullité du congé litigieux. La défenderesse propose le rejet du recours et la confirmation de l'arrêt attaque. Le Tribunal fédéral rejette le recours et confirme l'arrêt de la Chambre d'Appel.
28.)23 février 1988BGE 114 II 74 BGE 114 II 74 S. 75 Selon contrat de bail du 29 mars 1985, la société immobilière T. draw a bail à à un apartment G. de trois pièces, soit deux pièces et cuisine, pour un loyer annuel de 9,600 francs, sans les charges. Au début d'avril 1985, G. a demandé que des travaux de rafraîchissement et des modifications soient entrepris dans les locaux. Le 29 avril 1985, il a saisi la Commission de conciliation en matière de baux et d'une loyers requête tendant à ce que la bailleresse fût condamnée à procéder à une refection complète de l'appartement et à un nouvel agencement de la cuisine et, que son loyer annuel fût réduit à 6,000 francs. Statuant par jugement du 24 avril 1986 partiel, le tribunal of baux et loyers du canton de Genève a débouté le demandeur de sa requête en diminution de loyer. Par arrêt du 1er juin 1987, la Chambre d'appel en matière de baux et loyers du canton de Genève a confirmé ce jugement en tant qu'il avait le débouté demandeur de sa demande de réduction de loyer fondée sur l'art. 17 AMSL. Elle a ordonné pour le surplus le renvoi du dossier aux premiers juges, afin qu'ils statuent sur la demande d'exécution de travaux et de réduction de loyer Formee par le demandeur. Le Tribunal fédéral ADMET le recours en réforme interjeté par le demandeur, ANNULE l'arrêt attaque et la renvoie cause à la cour cantonale pour nouveau jugement dans le sens of Considérant.
29.)29. April 1988BGE 114 II 68 BGE 114 II 68 S. 68 A.- On 11 and 25 May 1987 accepted the commercial register of the Canton of Basel-Stadt documents each for a publication that require registration. The first concerned the S. AG and was evidenced by the minutes of a General Meeting on 11 May 1987 that the quorum of the Assembly as a universal meeting, which took place with no votes against dismissal of the current Board H., choosing as the new sole director and an address change at constant company headquarters in Basel noted. The second application concerned the P. AG and was evidenced by the minutes of a General Meeting of 22 May 1987, the terms of quorum as a universal Assembly, the dismissal and the same change of address for P. AG, a further choice of S. Board of Directors and noted the exit of the previous manager. As the protocols and the applications of the new board members were signed. BGE 114 II 68 S. 69 a letter dated 13 June 1987 called for at the Commercial Registry Office H. deletion of the made as a result of the two applications, according to entries invalidity of dismissals and new elections. The Commercial Registry Office treated the input as an objection to accomplished entries in terms of Art. 32 para. 1 and referred HRegV H. on June 19, 1987, to the civil court. In contrast, rose H. complaint with the Justice Department of the Canton of Basel-Stadt, which was dismissed by decision of 10 August 1987th B.- H. leads against this decision to the Federal Court Administrative Court with the request to cancel the decision and instruct the Commercial Registry Office to delete that occurred under the contested registrations entries and restore the existing until 11 or 22 May 1987 entries. The Commercial Register Office and the Department of Justice to dismiss close, the Federal Office of the Commercial Register on partial approval of the complaint. The Federal Court rejects her. From the considerations
30.)19. April 1988BGE 114 II 57 BGE 114 II 57 S. 58 A.- According to Art. 5 of the Articles of Usego Trimerco Holding AG (UTH) requires the transfer of registered shares for ownership or usufruct and the acquisition of new registered shares of the approval by the Board. This may refuse the approval and registration in the share register for important reasons or make subject to the fulfillment of conditions. In no case, a shareholder may own 2.5% of all registered shares more. At first, in July 1986 acquired H. over NordFinanz Bank Zurich 184 registered shares of UTH, for which K. entered as a book shareholder. The Board of Directors of the UTH refused registration of the H. in the share register in August 1986th B.- Based on a Prorogationsvertrag rose H. on 11 September 1986 at the Swiss Federal Court against K., the book shareholder purchased in July 184 registered shares, with the following submissions: to ban "The defendant was under the threat of Article 292 of the Criminal Code. with the acquired by the applicant 184 registered shares (shares numbers from 232,936 to 232,995, from 276,891 to 276,990, from 44,987 to 45,010) to exercise the USEGO-Trimerco Holding AG at general meetings of the company its right to vote in decisions and elections if the law a privilege of voting shares excludes (Art. 693, para. 3 oR), or where a majority or a qualified majority of the capital provides (Art. 636, 648, 650, para. 2 oR). due to cost and compensation due to the detriment of the defendant . " In support of the appellant claimed that he had an equity and contractual right to prohibit the defendant as a book shareholder exercising voting rights in the designated in submissions ways. BGE 114 II 57 S. 59 K. concluded in its response of 5 November 1986 in a cost-overdue dismissal of the action. With the approval of the instruction judge the UTH stepped on the part of the defendant as intervener the procedure. The Federal Court dismissed the action. From the considerations
31.)1. März 1988BGE 114 II 53 BGE 114 II 53 S. 53 Y. wanted to build a house and bought a newspaper ad out on June 3, 1981 by Z. land in O. Z., Y. recommended the construction by X., his "house architect
32.)25 janvier 1988BGE 114 II 45 BGE 114 II contrat 45 P. A.- 46 a) par du 30 Novembre 1980 T. S.A. a acheté à SOS 2,000 tonnes d'arachides. La marchandise était livrable par trois charge ments, au prix de 1,750 US $ la tonne. T. S.A. a pris livraison et al payé le prix du premier chargement au moyen d'un crédit documentaire irrevocable (No 23463) ouvert sur son ordre le 9 janvier 1981 par la Banque Cantonale Vaudoise (BCV) en faveur de SOS. Son montant était de 1'126'125 US $ plus ou moins 5%. Ce crédit documentaire a été le doublé 26 février 1981 pour le deuxième couvrir chargement. La BCV l'a fait à notifier SOS par l'intermédiaire de la Bank of Khartoum Ltd (BOK), qui a le accepté de confirmer en faveur de SOS. Les 650 tonnes d'arachides du deuxième chargement ont été à embarquées Port Soudan à destination de Rotterdam, où elles ont été déchargées. Sous du pli 11 avril 1981, SOS a draw à BOK les documents exigés par le crédit documentaire No 23 463, en particulier treize connaissements à ordre endossés en blanc, relatifs au deuxième BGE 114 II 45 S. 47 chargement, en priant BOK de porter le montant du crédit documentaire au crédit de son compte, ce que BOK fit le 12 avril 1981, sans aucune réserve. Ce même 12 avril 1981, BOK envoya à la BCV les documents qu'elle avait reçus de SOS. Elle les a endossés à l'ordre de la BCV. Par du télégramme 30 avril 1981, la BCV a informé BOK que les documents produits comportaient certaines divergences par rapport aux conditions du crédit, en ajoutant. "Documents impayés à votre disposition Prière d'aviser si vous voulez que nous les présentions à l ' encaissement aux donneurs d'ordre. " Le 6 mai 1981, la BCV a demandé à BOK of instructions, précisant que le paiement de 1'124'503,38 US $ découlant du crédit était en raison refusé of divergences dans les documents qui étaient encore et impayés Tenus à la disposition de BOK. b) Le 11 mai 1981, T. S.A. obtint du Juge de paix du cercle de Lausanne, en une invoquant créance de 2'571'732 francs, une ordonnance de Séquestre contre SOS portant sur les biens ou appartenant revenant à SOS en mains de la BCV, notamment la remise documentaire No 23463 , parmi lesquels les 13 connaissements. Ce Séquestre a été execute par l'Office des poursuites de Lausanne-Est les 12 mai et 12 août 1981. Une poursuite puis une action en reconnaissance de dette ont valid ce Séquestre. c) a BOK revendiqué un droit de propriété sur les titres constituant la remise documentaire No 23463 frappés et du Séquestre. T. S.A. ayant contests cette revendication, l'Office des poursuites fixa à BOK le délai de l'art. 107 LP pour faire valoir son droit en justice, ce qu'elle fit. B.- Par jugement du 1er novembre 1985, la Cour civile du Tribunal Cantonal Vaudois a admis l'action en revendication de BOK. C.- T. S.A. exerce un recours en réforme au Tribunal fédéral. Elle conclut au rejet de l'action de BOK. Le recours a été rejeté.
33.)3 juillet 1958BGE 84 II 265
34.)29. Januar 1988BGE 114 II 40 BGE 114 II 40 S. 41 A.- With public document of 30 September 1986 purchased from the X. Y. AG a condo. With the registration of the purchase contract at the land registry Uri the reason accountant was asked to refrain from publication of the change of ownership in the Official Journal. On 23 October 1986, this request was rejected and has the publication of the change of ownership in the Official Journal. The Land Registry relied on instructions from the government of the Canton of Uri of 23 September 1986, the cantonal regulation was in turn the unapproved by the Federal Council Art. 7 via the Land Registry of 14 November 1984 is based. After that, all changes of ownership in the canton of Uri to be published in the Official Journal. B.- to this notice rose X. complaint with the Justice Department of the Canton of Uri, which was dismissed on 13 January 1987th Also directed against complaint to the government of the canton of Uri was unsuccessful. C.- X. leads against the decision of the Government Council of 6 July 1987 administrative appeal to the Federal Court. It calls for the annulment of the contested decision. The government of the canton Uri closes to dismiss the complaint, while the Swiss Federal Justice and Police Department applied for its approval. The Federal Court upheld the appeal well from the following considerations
35.)20. Januar 1988BGE 114 II 36 BGE 114 II 36 S. 37 A.- With public notarised Dienstbarkeitsvertrag from 27 October 1986 admitted G. C. Political town of St. Moritz on a three parcels a gratuitous and permanent footpath right in favor of the public. The contract was signed by the municipality of St. Moritz from the mayor and the actuary and immediately filed for registration in the Land Registry St. Moritz. Since the town of St. Moritz not nachreichte the information required by the land registry administrator municipality decision on the conclusion of Dienstbarkeitsvertrages, the land registry Upper Engadine refused the application on November 4 1986th B.- The Political Community of St. Moritz brought an action against the rejection of the application a complaint with the government of the canton of Grisons. These rejected the appeal in a decision dated August 24, 1987th C.- against this decision, the political community of St. Moritz turns with administrative appeal to the Federal Court. It seeks annulment of the contested decision. It should be noted that the applicant had to teach for the Dienstbarkeitsvertrag of 27 October 1986 and for later completed or coming to a close contracts for rights in rem in real property not log extract of the decision of the competent authority. Furthermore, the rejection of the land register registration should be annulled on 4 November 1986, the Land Registry Upper Engadine is to be instructed, completed the logged Diensbarkeitsvertrag of 27 October 1986 and all since then St. by the community Moritz and concluded in future contracts in rem over immovable property in the Land Registry St . Moritz entered. BGE 114 II 36 38 S. The land registry Oberengadin applied mutatis mutandis to dismiss the administrative appeal. The government of the canton of Grisons and the Swiss. Justice and Police also close to dismiss the complaint, was the extent to enter it. Considerations extract from the
36.)7 marzo 1988BGE 114 II 32 BGE 114 II 32 33 S. Lucie Bloechliger è proprietaria, nel Comune di Semione, della part. 2238 RT che Confina su tre lati con la part. 2246 RT intestata a proprietario sconosciuto ed amministrata dalla Delegazione tutoria Comunale. Le autorità preposte alla procedura di raggruppamento dei terreni hanno una domanda di respinto Lucie Bloechliger tendente ad ottenere la proprietà anche della part. 2246. Il 9 giugno 1987 Lucie Bloechliger ha chiesto all'ufficiale del registro del fondiario distretto di Blenio di essere iscritta quale proprietaria della part. 2246 RT, asserendo che si trattava di cosa senza padrone e facendo valere il titolo di acquisto dell'occupazione. Il 1o luglio 1987 l'ufficiale del registro ha respinto l'il motivo che l'istanza per acquisto per occupazione è possibile solo per una cosa senza padrone, che una cosa è tale se il proprietario ha formalmente rinunciato alla proprietà facendo procedere alla cancellazione dell 'Membership to registro fondiario, e che tale situazione non si verifica per la part. 2246 RT iscritta quale fondo di proprietario sconosciuto. Un ricorso di Lucie Bloechliger contro la decisione dell'ufficiale del registro fondiario è stato respinto il 17 settembre 1987 dal Dipartimento di giustizia del Cantone Ticino, quale autorità di vigilanza in materia di registro fondiario. BGE 114 II 32 S. 34 Lucie Bloechliger ha proposto al Tribunale federale ricorso di diritto amministrativo con il quale chiede che la decisione dell'autorità cantonale sia che gli atti Annullata e siano rinviati a questa stessa autorità per nuovo giudizio. L'autorità cantonale si è limitata a riferirsi alla propria decisione. Il Dipartimento federale di giustizia e polizia propone la reiezione del ricorso.
37.)23. Juni 1988BGE 114 II 26 BGE 114 II 26 S. 27 recognized the President of the District Court Aarau, the parties are entitled to living apart, the wife had to leave the marital home no later than September 30, 1987 and the husband was the wife of a personal maintenance contribution of CHF 3 ' to pay 000 .-- a month. B.- against the command judgment arose H. X. appeal to the High Court of the Canton of Aargau. He requested that the alimony for his wife should be reduced to a monthly CHF 2'280 .--. The Supreme Court upheld the appeal on 21 March 1988 in part well and put the alimony that the husband of the wife must pay to CHF 2'670 .-- for the period after the departure of his wife from the marital estate to 31 . December 1987 and for those from 1 January 1988 to CHF 2'430 .-- firmly month. C.- with constitutional law appeal to the Federal Court requested V. X. lifting the decision of the superior court. The Respondent concludes for dismissal of the constitutional complaint.
38.)14. April 1988BGE 114 II 18 BGE 114 II 18 S. 19 A.- Maria Z. asked the presiding judge to grant the dissolution of the marital household on May 27, 1987, to oblige her husband to leave the marital home and you should allow for the living apart. The Marriage Protection judge initiated an evidentiary proceedings, the maintenance payments that Franz Z. his wife has to pay to be able to fix. During the marriage protection process, the wife provided the supplementary application in the hearing of 23 November 1987 the husband had to commit II to ask her a motor vehicle available BGE 114 18 P. 20 and including pay fuel for its maintenance. With input on 16 December 1987 this request was modified slightly renewed and amended to the effect that as a precautionary measure is to rule on this part of the request in advance. This request has the president of the court in its decision of 22 January 1988 upheld and sentenced the husband to buy the cars VW Golf by the company Franz Z. & Co. AG and ask his wife for the time being for further use at current levels free of charge or this to pay the amount of CHF 10'000 .-- and to bear all costs for the vehicle in the previous frame. B.- Franz Z. further moved this decision on provisional measures to the Court of Appeal of the Canton of Bern. This sentenced the husband February 23, 1988 to alternatively teach his wife a confirmation of Franz Z. & Co. Ltd., after which they continue to possess the passenger car VW Golf at current levels can use, or a corresponding passenger cars free of charge to use to provide the current extent available, or to pay an amount of CHF 10'000 .-- for the acquisition of an appropriate passenger car. The Court also ruled that the wife for the maintenance of the vehicle have tentatively come up in all three cases themselves. C.- contrast Franz Z. leads in federal court constitutional complaint for violation of Art. 4 of the Constitution. He submits the application, the decision of Appellationshofs from 23 February 1988 should be annulled. The respondent requested the dismissal of the constitutional complaint. By order of 25 March 1988 the President of the II. Civil Division of the Federal Court has the request of the complainant, his complaint was to grant suspensive effect rejected. Considerations, the Federal Court contemplates: 1. For a last instance Cantonal decision regarding marriage protective measures is the constitutional appeal permitted (ff BGE 80 I 305 and BGE 100 Ia 14 E. 1; see also BGE 111 II 103 ff...). was, however, in this case it may seem questionable, BGE 114 II 18 S. 21 last instance whether a final award exists because not done a comprehensive settlement for separation, but only over a limited part of the area in terms of a provisional arrangement in advance decided. Should it, however, only be an intermediate decision pursuant to Art. 87 OG, would be to affirm that this would have irreparable disadvantage in that provision for the complainant result (see. LUDWIG, final award, interim decision and Letztinstanzlichkeit in constitutional complaint procedures, ZBJV 110/1974 S. 173 ff.). thus can be entered on the constitutional complaint. 2. The applicant complained about the time being, the Court of Appeal disregarded arbitrarily Art. 8 SchlT Civil Code, in that he had brought came to 1 January 1988 in force provisions on the general effects of marriage rather than those of 1907 applies. However, this complaint is unfounded. The included in the revision of the law Art. 8 SchlT Civil Code maintains unequivocally that the effects of the marriage, including marriage protection is, after the entry into force of the new law that will apply (Message on the amendment of the Swiss Civil Code of 11 July 1979, Section 241.21 and 241,228, BBl 1979 II S. 1356 and 1359; REUSSER, the transitional law on property rights provisions of the new marriage law, in:. Hausheer (ed.), From the old to the new marriage law, S. 137; Hegnauer, floor plan of the marriage law , 2nd ed., ref. 21:50). Both the first instance and the contested decision adopted after 1 January 1988, which is why the cantonal authorities have brought legal the new law shall apply. This solution is also useful, it's all about one aspect of living apart, which are regulated only for the future needs. 3. In the further the appellant complains that the Court of Appeal did (alternative) requires him to pay for Fr. 10'000 .-- to his wife, to clarify in more detail without his performance. He denies its performance and argues that he had already raised at cantonal procedures that he had extensive debts, which would exclude a payment of CHF 10'000 .-- from the outset. The restriction of his right to decrease proof violated both Art. 8 CC and Art. 4 BV. Moreover, the complainant also claims this before protective court orders BGE 114 II 18 S. 22 would not be provided for by law measures include (Art. 172 para. 3 of the Civil Code). In particular, the Court of Appeal 176 Section 1 could not type.. Para. 2 Civil Code called, which provides that the judge in control for separation must determine also the use of the household. a) In the contested decision of the Court of Appeal is assumed that the respondent had ever has during the long duration of marriage on a passenger car. The Court considers why it is today dependent on such to visit their parents and friends and to run errands. In particular, the car allow the wife also to make once a week with her elderly mother along for these purchases. The cars in question stand owned by Franz Z. & Co. Ltd., whose shares belong to about a third of the complainant and in which this was professionally active. The owner had previously left the car by the respondent without charge for use, obviously because they have worked for the company in accounting. Should not change something, be it reasonable to expect the applicant to pay his wife the amount of CHF 10'000 .-- so that she could buy a corresponding carriage itself. is required at the economic performance of the husband no doubt that he has but 279,000 .-- on 1 January 1987 nor securities in the amount of about CHF, as is clear from the list of securities for tax return in 1987/88. b) The Appeal manifests itself not specifically state how legal basis it supports arranged on the measures. Meanwhile, noted that the marriage protection judge shall be entitled neither to the old nor to the new marriage law, simple precautions must be taken all that appears to him to protect the marital union as meaningful (BGE 91 II 417 ff.). Instead, it can be arranged only those measures that are specifically provided for by law (Art. 169 para. 2 aZGB and Art. 172 para. 3 of the Civil Code). 4. In accordance with the court President of the Court of Appeal would reach obvious to wide control for separation of the spouses continue to take Z. previous tenure at the controversial vehicle. This anticipated measure their legal procedures kantonal bases (see. ZR 79/1980 no. 112) does not appear to 114 II 18 P. 23 are controversial BGE is thus to be understood as a temporary assembly under the scheme for separation. In this context it should be noted that Art. 176, Para. 1. 2 Civil Code expressly provides protection of marriage judge had to rule also on the use of the family residence and the house council. As the Court has already noted under the previous law (BJM 1975 S. 238 and Sem jud.. 71/1949 S. 572), playing in the allocation of the household in the first place
39.)3. Juni 1988BGE 114 II 13 BGE 114 II 13 13 S. A.- A. and B. X. stand in divorce. By decision of 10 September 1987, the District Court Bureau ordered based on Article 145 of the Civil Code precautionary measures to:. Born on June 23, 1972 the son was placed under the care of the mother, and the two became the family house previously inhabited by the whole family to use assigned. AX has been committed to the maintenance of the son a monthly contribution BGE 114 II 13 S. 14 of Fr. 750 .-- (plus child allowances) and those of the spouse (including cost of the house) such of CHF 3'800 .-- afford to. By appeal decision of 2 November 1987, the Appeals Committee of the Supreme Court protected the measures available. B.- AX at the District Court Bureau, the reduction of the wife awarded maintenance contributions to CHF 2'050 .-- a month, with effect from 1 January 1988 (effective date of the new marriage law) requested a letter dated January 4, 1988 , The amendment request was dismissed by order of the District Court Bureau of 22 January 1988 by a decision of the Appeals Committee of the Supreme Court of 29 February 1988th C.- The second instance decision has been challenged in federal court with A. X. state legal complaint for violation of Art. 4 of the Constitution, together with the request, complaint was regarding dispositive-Ziff. 2 of the contested decision (regarding costs and compensation) grant suspensive effect. The respondent and the high court appeal commission close to dismiss the complaint. With Presidential Decree of 11 April 1988, the request has been rejected to grant suspensive effect. Considerations, the Federal Court, the complaint from the following
40.)4 février 1988BGE 114 II 9 BGE 114 II 9 S. 10 Par arrêt du 15 mai 1987, la Première Chambre de la Cour de justice du canton de Genève, statuant dans la cause de divorce opposant les époux G., a notamment condamné le mari à verser pendant six ans à la femme une pension alimentaire au sens de l'art. 152 CC, arrêtée à 4000 francs par mois pendant les deux premières années 2'000 francs par mois pendant les troisième et quatrième années et 1'000 francs par mois pendant les cinquième et sixième années. Saisi d'un recours en réforme de dame G., le Tribunal fédéral a annulé l'arrêt attaque en ce qui concerne la pension alimentaire allouée à la recourante et l'affaire renvoyé à l'autorité cantonale pour nouvelle décision dans le sens of Considérant ,
41.)22 janvier 1988BGE 114 II 1 BGE 114 II 1 S. 2 A.- Le 15 avril 1975, Daniel F., originaire de Belfaux (Friborg), et Marie N., Vietnamienne, ont déclaré s'unir par les liens du mariage devant un prêtre catholique à la Chapelle de l'hôpital Grall, à Saigon. A cette époque, la ville de Saigon était investie par les troupes north-vietnamiennes. L'ancienne capitale du Vietnam du Sud Tomba le 30 avril et prit dès lors le nom d'Hô Chi Minh-Ville. Les parties reconnaissent que le jour du mariage, il n'y avait plus dans la ville d'autorités constituées. Par la suite, the comités révolutionnaires paraissent avoir une certaine exerce autorité. Avant ces événements le, Vietnam du Sud était régi par un code civil promulgué le 20 décembre 1972 qui à son prévoit art. 122 que le mariage est celebre en public devant l'officier d'état civil à la Mairie du lieu de résidence de l'un des époux, après une procédure de publication. Depuis la du réunification Vietnam en 1976, la loi sur le mariage vietnamienne et la famille adoptee par l'Assemblée nationale de la République Démocratique du Vietnam du 29 décembre BGE 114 II 1 S. 3 1959 est en vigueur sur tout le territoire réunifié, et seul le mariage civil a effet juridique. Le 24 juillet 1975, le Comité du révolutionnaire quartier de Tu Duc, premier arrondissement de Hô Chi Minh-Ville, a certifié avoir reçu le dossier de mariage des parties, et que le mariage a été celebre le 15 avril 1975. Le mariage religieux a été celebre à l'Eglise catholique de Saigon le 26 mai 1975. F. a communiqué ce certificat au service cantonal de l'état civil fribourgeois qui ya appose son sceau le 8 septembre 1975. L'officier d'état civil de la commune de belfaux a établi un acte de famille au nom de F., son ressortissant, où sont les portées mentions du mariage et de la naissance de l'enfant C. à Hô Chi Minh-Ville le 19 février 1976. par lettre du 16 juillet 1986 , le Consul de la République Socialiste du Vietnam à Genève a fait savoir qu'il n'a pas à F. pu trouver de pièces d'archives concernant le mariage you dont 15 avril 1975 il ne peut en conséquence délivrer un extrait, ni confirmer ou que ce mariage infirmer a eu lieu. Les parties ont vécu ensemble à Saigon, soit Hô Chi Minh Ville, dès avril 1975. F. a quitté cette ville pour rejoindre la Suisse en septembre 1975. Il a entrepris avec succès of démarches compliquées pour faire venir en Suisse sa femme et sa fille. Corn of difficultés ont bientôt surgi entre les parties, de sorte que l'épouse a ouvert une action en divorce en 1978. Elle y renonça par la suite, mais les époux passèrent, le 19 avril 1978, un contrat de séparation de biens. Ils firent consigner dans l'acte qu'ils avaient passé un contrat de séparation de biens avant de contracter mariage au Vietnam, mais qu'ils n'avaient pu ni l'emporter ni en obtenir copie. Le 2 février 1979, lady F. déposa une nouvelle demande en divorce à laquelle le mari s'opposa. Par du 28 février 1980 jugement, le Tribunal de première instance de Genève prononça la séparation de corps pour une durée indéterminée, en application de l'art. 142 CC. Il y eut of tentatives de reprise de la vie commune qui échouèrent. Les époux se séparèrent définitivement en novembre 1984. Le 6 septembre 1985, lady F. ouvrit une nouvelle action en divorce. Le defendeur conclut au rejet de l'action de l'art par application. 142 al. 2 CC. Finalement, il conclut au rejet de la demande en divorce et à la constatation que les parties ne sont pas liées par un mariage. Par jugement du 20 novembre 1986, le Tribunal de première instance du canton de Genève a prononcé le divorce of époux F., attribué les droits sur l'enfant parentaux à la mère, le condamné BGE 114 II 1 S. 4 père à à contribuer l'entretien de l'enfant selon les modalités fixées par le jugement de séparation de corps, donné acte à la demanderesse de ce qu'elle ne réclame rien pour elle-même, et les compense dépens. B.- F. exerce a un appel contre ce jugement en concluant principalement à la constatation de l'inexistence du mariage. Statuant le 15 mai 1987, la Cour de justice a confirmé le jugement. C.- F. Recourt en réforme au Tribunal fédéral. L'intimée conclut au rejet du recours et à la confirmation de la décision cantonale. Le Tribunal fédéral a rejeté le recours, dans la mesure où il était recevable.
42.)20 décembre 1988BGE 114 Ib 362 BGE 114 Ib 362 S. 362 Le Département des Travaux Publics du canton de Vaud a soumis à l'enquête publique, conformément à l'art. 26 de la loi fédérale sur les routes nationales (LRN), un projet de construction de définitif Parois antibruit en bordure de l'autoroute N 9, sur le territoire de la commune de Chardonne. Le propriétaire est C. intervenu pour demander que l'ouvrage PROJETE soit prolongé d'une quinzaine de mètres au nord d'une parcelle contiguë à la sienne. Le Conseil d'Etat vaudois lui a répondu, lors de l'approbation du projet définitif (art. 27 LRN), que l'ouvrage complémentaire demandé ne se justifiait pas l'immeuble de l'intervenant étant déjà protégé par le talus de l'autoroute et les constructions existantes. BGE 114 Ib 362 S. 363 C. s est en temps utile address au Tribunal fédéral par la voie d'un recours de droit administratif. Il lui a demandé de substance d'ordonner l'exécution de l'ouvrage complémentaire souhaité. Le Tribunal fédéral a déclaré le recours irrecevable et l'a transmis au Conseil fédéral comme recours administratif.
43.)6. Dezember 1988BGE 114 Ib 357 BGE 114 Ib 357 S. 358 The Public Prosecutor at the Regional Court of Hamburg leads against German nationals B. and P. and others criminal proceedings for tax evasion qualified under § 370 of the German Tax Code. are involved to the companies controlled by the accused company C. GmbH and - as its legal successor - C. AG. With rogatory of 2 November 1984, seven additions to 10 November 1986, the Hamburg prosecuting authorities demanded information concerning transactions which were handled by the companies mentioned, and in addition they made the request to issue the appropriate relevant documentation. The German criminal authorities base their request on the merits it, as have recorded fictitious loans in cooperation with P. about various companies who charged his works in Germany, but had been used for private use. It is assumed that the loan amounts were flown back to Germany, where first the company C. GmbH and the company C. afterwards AG was interposed. In this way, the accused in Germany had more than 10 million DM evaded a tax amount of total, this committed continued for several years committed to 1984. This tax was of the accused by forging documents, template wrong book work, false budgets and false by submitting tax returns Service. It was thus before a qualified tax evasion and tax fraud within the meaning of § 370 of the German Tax Code, so that was the request to meet. After the Zurich District Court had initially refused legal assistance, the prosecutor of the Canton put Zurich in its decision of 29 September 1986 approval of an appeal brought by the Federal Office for Police Matters (BAP) determined that there was suspicion of tax fraud within the meaning of Art. 3, para. 3 of the Federal law of 20 March 1981 in front on international Mutual assistance in criminal matters (IMAC, SR 351.1), which is why the request for legal assistance was to meet. On 12 January 1987, the District Attorney walked Zurich seizure of evidence deemed significant acts of C. GmbH and C. AG in the premises of the latter company. Subsequently. also still on 12 and on 13 and 14 January 1988 and the institutions C. AG - The Board of Directors X. and BGE 357 p questioned 114 Ib 359 Authorized Representative Z. as part of the mutual assistance proceedings as witnesses. Against the order of the Zurich District Court of 12 January 1987, C. AG led recourse with which they (essentially as far as here) requested that the confiscated files had within the meaning of § 101 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Canton of Zurich on May 4, 1919 (Code of Criminal Procedure) to seal. In its appeal decision of 24 August 1987, the prosecutor of the Canton explained Zurich, provided by the C. AG only with the appeal against the seizure order request, which seized files had to undergo a sealing and Entsiegelungsverfahren within the meaning of § 101 Code of Criminal Procedure, had been submitted too late. The corporate bodies would have had ample opportunity to the search warrant and the subsequent removal to oppose the acts spontaneously after the Evidence seizure in the presence of the Managing Director Z. done been and the two directors X. same day you and one day later, on the occasion of their witnesses aware had received. But they had refrained from requiring sealing. On it posed only with the appeal sealing desire therefore can not be entered. The C. AG performs administrative appeal to the Federal Court with the request (so far as is essential), the decision of 24 August 1987 should be annulled; the seized files had to seal and sealed to store up to a final, legal decision as to may be delivered whether and to what extent these files. The Federal Court dismissed the complaint as far as can be entered on it. From the considerations
44.)9. Mai 1958BGE 84 II 253 BGE 84 II 253 S. 254 A.- X, formerly employed by the Geneva Stock Exchange company Y & Cie and that his office maintained in the wake of his performance at this company, but was no longer in the service, but the purchase and selling securities for its own account business professionally, left by Y & Cie to the Geneva exchange during the period from March to June 1953 a total of 1,350 shares Svenska Tändsticks series B buy without explanation that came to him. In July 1953, he gave this title to his account in the application the Lyon stock exchange agents S. for sale in France (on the stock exchange of Lyon or Paris), where their price at that time was higher than in Switzerland. About this business that ran counter to the French exchange regulations, no written agreement has been made. Soon after, let p (who was arrested a short time later for smuggling gold bars) inform the X, the car in which he had transported the title, it had been stolen, including those in France. At the request of the Geneva lawyer of X the Swiss Bankers Association made the disappearance of titles (which were reported among foreign bodies missing) with a circular to member banks from August 4, 1953 known. B.- In the fall of 1954 came the block of shares in the hands of B. in Zurich, which it claims to have received from his French friends D. with the right of investiture. D. told the French police, after the former ownership of these shares initially denied that he had received in connection with a transaction involving a bar in Tangier from p. B., who thus sought to procure money, which came BGE 84 II 253 S. 255 majority of these shares through a series of middlemen to finally E. Kilchberg, of December 7, 1954 at his own name in 1078 for a piece pledged credit of CHF 35'000 .-- at a major bank in Zurich and on the same day with his foreman Sp., who posed as a right of disposal, dribbled the purchase agreement, according to which of these the 1,078 shares sold him to Fr. 35,000 and a temporary 14-day repurchase right to Fr. 35,400 .-- reserved. (Will have destroyed he subsequently) a title over 25 shares and Fr. 3000 .-- assisted by the Sp. Agreed purchase price retained E. itself. In the rest of CHF 32'000 .-- is as divided and the various middlemen. C.- A few days later, the bank noted that the mortgaged title were reported missing. She shared this with E. and urged replacement of the loan. E., the necessary funds to not possess (- he's ausgepfändet for years -)., Then asked Sp vain to take back the title. On 20 December 1954, the Bankers Association informed the Geneva Bar of X with a bank have submitted their list over most of the missing titles, and on March 9, 1955, she gave him the consent of E. known that this in question Title held have. The representatives of X and E. sat thereon with each other. The Geneva lawyer of the X retained opposite the contention that E. had acquired the title of Sp. In good faith, all objections before, but hesitated before taking legal action against E. although the Bankers Association pointed out to him the need for action and announced to him that she had to withdraw the missing person report with respect to the Come to the fore title. This withdrawal took place on April 28, 1955. The following day, 1,078 shares in the bank which it had invested were commissioned by the E. from another bank with a payment of CHF 35'624 .-- (related BGE 84 II 253 S. triggered 256 loan, including interest, commission and expenses). In the period from April 30 to May 7, 1955, they were sold by the other bank for the account of the E.. The excess of the proceeds of sale purely Fr.62'548.25 over the detached credit of CHF 35'624 .--, that the amount of approximately CHF 26'900 .-- E. notably used for the payment of debts and to purchase a car. D.- On May 10, 1955 let X (had the reimbursed in March 1955 in Paris a complaint against unknown and paved the way for a comparison with the French Fmanzministerium on the impact of foreign exchange offense) represent the desire at the District Court of Horgen, E. was one in mind prohibit any provisional measures available on 1,078 shares. He had this desire but in view of the already completed sale as devoid become retire. E.- With the present, at 1./15. June 1955 initiated action requires X E. damages in the amount of CHF 67'914 .-- to which the value of the 1,078 shares have amounted to the time of their acquisition by the defendant. He claimed that the shares would have heard him and (the p) found "in trust for him in possession of a third party" and had been stolen or been unlawfully and lost him against his will; the defendant had acquired it in bad faith and sold; they abzufordern the (bona fide) purchasers would not be possible; the defendant was therefore in accordance with Art. 940 of the Civil Code and Art. 41 OR obliged to pay him for replacement. The defendant denied the locus standi and injury to the plaintiff, citing the rest of his good faith. The District Court protected the lawsuit. The High Court of the Canton of Zurich (II. Civil Division), however, has dismissed it by judgment of 22 November 1957 for lack of locus standi of the applicant. Whether these shares S. due to pass a sales order or (BGE 84 II 253 S. 257 run at his personal interview before the Superior Court first explained how) have sold on credit to him or whether the deal (according to a further version of the briefing of plaintiff) had gone as meaning that S. stocks have either to pay or return the lower court left undecided. The defendant's conduct described it in the evaluation of the process of compensation bad faith or at least "frivolous and sometimes reprehensible". F.- (The criminal investigation against B. and his Nachmänner concerning. Receiving stolen property of the accused is under load was adjusted with the cost.) With his appointment to the Federal Court, the applicant seeks, the defendant had to pay Fr. 67'914.- - to commit; eventually the matter was dismissed in the lower court. The defendant concludes the judgment on confirmation. Considerations The Federal Court is considering: 1. Even if the share issue (bearer bonds) at the time the plaintiff should have heard would have him the right to require a later purchaser edition, or the replacement of the value of these titles, denied from the outset if he would have given to the S. pursuant to a contract concluded with him the purchase contract. He would have only one purchase price claim against S. A similar situation would be when S. obtain the title than on commission for sale on behalf of the plaintiff and sold as agreed and the proceeds would keep to himself. Also in this case the plaintiff could only stop at S., who had surrendered to him the proceeds. Had S. received the title as Verkaufskommissonär and they would be embezzled by him or been stolen from him, the action would also be doomed to failure without further ado if the defendant (or one of the intermediate owners, whose rights passed to him BGE 84 II 253 S. 258 would be transferred would have received) the back came to Switzerland title in good faith to property. , The defendant could then pursuant to Art. 933 of the Civil Code, which entrusted the acquisition in good faith by the transferor and protects these embezzled things, and in accordance with Art. 935 of the Civil Code which bearer securities can not be demanded from the bona fide recipient, even if they the former owner against otherwise lost his will not be prosecuted for the surrender of the title if he still possessed, but would become the owner and could, after having sold it, are not obliged to compensate its value. (As long as the title were in France, which was a maximum period of 15 months since her disappearance the case, was a bona fide acquisition of property if they had been stolen, after essentially with Art. 934 para. 1 Civil Code matching provision of Art. 2279 para . 2 CC, the CC corresponding provision in principle, applies the absence of the Art. 935 for bearer not possible, but offered the good faith of a purchaser only has the advantage that it according to the with Art. 934 para. 2 of the Civil Code matching Art. 2280 CC could make for purchase on the market and so the publication of the compensation of the paid by him price dependent, had been occupied by observing the mandatory formalities opposition the title in France, they would have there to the relevant special law any third party who the opposition would have after the publication purchased may be demanded without compensation, even in the case of misappropriation, it would be because, that they had acquired in good faith before posting a foreman of the respondent; see. For this purpose instead of many PLANIOL / RIPERT / PICARD, Traité pratique, 2nd ed. 1952, Vol. III N. 389 ff., 399 ff.). the share has passed the S. On what agreement the plaintiff and what happened immediately afterwards with this item, however, it is known to this day BGE 84 II 253 S. 259 not accurate, and in the case of embezzlement or theft of the question raised whether the defendant or one of his foremen had acquired the title in Switzerland in good faith, based on the available files in any case could not be decided in the sense of affirmation. A further clarification of these issues is unnecessary, however, if the action, as made by the defendant, be dismissed for lack of locus standi of the applicant must, even assuming his favor, he did not sell the shares to the S., but passed by on commission, they were then stolen from S. and the defendant and his foremen could not be granted the good faith of the acquisition. 2. Who has not acquired the ownership of movable property in good faith, 936 para. 1 of the Civil Code of the former owner can under Art. Any time sued for restitution. It is debatable whether the bad faith acquirer could raise only a plea against a measure based on that provision action of the former owner that he had in the matter in accordance with Art. 932 of the Civil Code a better right than the plaintiff, or even this did not make things in acquired good faith and that she could him, therefore pursuant to Art. 936 para. 2 of the Civil Code not abfordern, or whether he was in general also authorized, countered the plaintiff, this was in spite of his former possessions at all never had a right to the thing (so Homberger , N. 2 to Art. 936 in connection with N. 4-6 to Art. 932, in contrast to Wieland, Bem. 4 to Art. 936 in conjunction with Rem. 1 and 10 to Art. 933/4, and para. 2 of the type to Bem.. 932, Ostertag N. 7 and 11 to Art. 936, N. 22 of the preliminary remarks. for 24 titles, N. 6-8 to Art. 932. see also N. 14 to Art ff. 934, and Tuor, The Switzerland. Civil Code, 6th ed., p 436th and 443). Which of these two views in preference earn can be left open in the present case, although the defendant does not claim that he would have if BGE 84 II 253 S. 260 he still possessed them to the disputed shares today, a better right than the applicant, even if he and his foremen would have been in bad faith, and does not maintain that the applicant had at that time acquired the title itself in bad faith, but the locus standi of the applicant (apart from the objection that had this not just as a result of the transfer of title to S. owner was and did not lose possession against his will) contest only on the grounds that the applicant had not, so I purchased it demonstrated that he bought the title for its own account and property. After the defendant has sold the shares, is no longer just now a claim for the plaintiff against him for discussion, but can only ask whether the plaintiff could sue this title (and any farther damage) him to compensation for the value. . This question to be determined according to the provisions of Art 940 of the Civil Code on the responsibility of acting in bad faith owner (the only in terms of liability independent significance, while it also mentioned obligation to surrender it follows from other regulations; cf. Homberger N. 1 to Art.. 940). According to the case to Art. 940 of the Civil Code of bad faith owner (eg the one who has purchased a thing in bad faith by an unauthorized person) liable to compensate the value of the deal if he has sold to a third party to whom they can not or only against reimbursement of the price paid by him (Art. 934 para. 2 of the Civil Code) can be requested (BGE 79 II 61, judgments of November 12, 1953 iS Rothschild against Carpentier and from October 20, 1954 iS Pfister against Buri). The legitimacy to such a claim for damages can now but not from the mere fact infer that the plaintiff is the thing whose value he wants replaced previously possessed, even if you assume WIELAND, OSTERTAG and Tuor (see. The quoted citations) wants that even the former property as such (ie not only based on the fact that presumable BGE 84 II 253 S. 261 law of the former owner) founded the legitimacy for action against the bad faith purchaser for the surrender of the matter. As a result of the resale of the goods by the purchaser in bad faith, the former owner is damaged only if the value of the thing that they belonged to him or that he was a one against another responsible. To bring an action such as loss ratio of this so the former owner is only legitimate if it can demonstrate the existence of this condition. Only then is the "beneficiaries" within the meaning of Art. 940 of the Civil Code. In cases where the Federal Court has protected the claim of a former owner to compensation for the value of not more vindizierbaren things, because was also no question that the plaintiff had been (or the one who had assigned him the compensation claim) owners of the things , 3. The applicant bases his claim for compensation for the loss of his ownership of the disputed shares. That he was responsible for that title to a third party, he did not state. So his claim legitimacy depends on whether he was really the owner of this title. Art. 8 ZGB he has to prove it. According to Art. 930 of the Civil Code is suspected by the owner of movable property that he was their owner (para. 1), and consists for each former owner of the presumption that it in the time of his property owner of the thing was (para. 2) , However, this assumption is justified by the practice only if the ownership is such that it really provisionally on the right of the matter leads to the conclusion; They account especially when the property merely to a "ambiguous" force ratio on the subject based (possession équivoque;. BGE 41 II 31/32, BGE 50 II 241/42, BGE 68 II 28, BGE 71 II 255, BGE 76 II 345, BGE 81 II 205). In the present case, the former property of the plaintiff can not therefore be called as ambiguous, BGE 84 II 253 S. 262 because doubt exists as to whether it was received on the acquisition of property by him with the right things. The tracks have been rather supplied to him on the basis of a completely non-suspect per se purchase, which is usually sufficient to provide the receiver to the property (see. E.g. BGE 72 II 282 Ext. 2). By contrast, as the lower court has correctly assumed awakened by the professional activity of the applicant doubts about whether he really did not merely possessed the title as owner and as agent. The plaintiff was and is undisputedly stockbroker or (to the expression of the Banking Law, Art. 1 lit. c to follow) Exchange Agent. According to the factual findings of the lower court buys and it sells not only for himself but also on behalf of and for the account of customers of such securities. The latter is likely, according to the nature of the industry, even the rule. If a stock exchange agent Title buys on behalf of and for the account of customers, so it follows, however, not necessary that the title does not belong to him but to the customer. The exchange agent acts in such cases as a buying agent. That the things that such purchases on behalf of a customer, pass directly in its property, contrary to its the
45.)14. Dezember 1988BGE 114 Ib 344 BGE 114 Ib 344 S. 345 The park Herrenacker AG wants to create on the Herrenacker, a square in the old town of Schaffhausen, an underground car park. After a positive preliminary decision of the government of the Canton of Schaffhausen first project documents cleared the municipality Schaffhausen as the owner of Herrenacker and the adjacent streets and squares of the park Herrenacker AG on August 8, 1985, the real right one, on these properties and a total area of ​​ca 5215 m2 to create. an underground parking garage with about 500 parking places and operate. then the car park Herrenacker AG submitted a planning application, which provided for a four-storey car park with an entrance tunnel from Abbey Road, an exit into the grave road and an emergency exit in the Frauengasse; a total of 505 parking spaces should be created and also a civil defense room for 2,000 people and a first aid post be established. The planning application was approved by the Governing Council, which has to decide by cantonal law on construction of cantonal significance November 12, 1985 under various conditions. On the construction tender towards numerous private and two associations submitted in accordance with the right to appeal administrative court complaint to the cantonal high court. Following an exchange of BGE 114 Ib 344 S. 346 entries were initially received in January 1986 from the Government as objections from the authorities. On 22 March 1986, the park Herrenacker AG submitted a "concretised planning application" that only minor project changes, the reduction of parking spaces to 496 foresaw. After re-publication of this request, the Foundation World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Section A. Schaffhausen raised and more private and the traffic club in Switzerland, and the residents association Altstadt Schaffhausen to the project and appeal. By order of 3 February 1987, the Governing Council confirmed the Schaffhauser "in re Contemplated" building permit of 12 November 1985, various additional conditions and obligations and dismissed the objections raised against the project or treated as objections Administrative Court complaints from essentially. The decision of the Governing Council raised A. and 70 co-signatories as well as the traffic club in Switzerland and WWF Switzerland both administrative appeal to the Federal Court and a complaint to the cantonal high court as an administrative court. In the Administrative Court of 9 March 1987 is requested, the Federal Court - if it is consider to be responsible - annul issued building permits the parking garage Herrenacker AG and the filing of an environmental impact and possibly to revise the project to the lower court or to the Building owner rejected. By letter of 29 July 1987, the President of the First Public Law Division informed the President of the Schaffhausen with Supreme Court that the federal judicial verdict will until a decision is suspended above the cantonal legal Administrative Court. The High Court of the Canton of Schaffhausen dismissed the administrative appeal on 12 November 1987 in the principal points from as far as it occurred to them. It confirmed the contested decision of the Governing Council to the extent that this was out of the zone of conformity of the construction project, and stated Art. 24 RPG inapplicable. However, the Court is not entered on the complaints of violation of federal environmental law for lack of jurisdiction. As far as the complainant cantonal environmental protection and opening up law had called the injured, the objections were dismissed. was BGE 114 Ib 344 S. 347 also rejected the allegation that the concerns of homeland security had been ignored, with the High Court braced exclusively on cantonal law and stressed that the lower court entitled considerable discretion in assessing the need to protect individual objects. A. and the private or associated, the traffic club in Switzerland, WWF Switzerland and WWF section Schaffhausen have raised and on 17 December 1987, against the decision of the Supreme Court Administrative Court demanded its repeal. The Federal Court has approved the Administrative Court complaints, was ready to enter on them in terms of considerations. From the considerations
46.)25 novembre 1988BGE 114 Ib 334 BGE 114 Ib 334 S. 335 La société L'Energie de l'Ouest-Suisse S.A. (Ci-après: EOS) est engagée dans la construction d'une ligne électrique aérienne à haute tension de 380 kV reliant Galmiz à Verbois. Prévu dans la campagne en arrière du vignoble de La Cote jusqu'à la hauteur de Vinzel, le tracé de cette ligne traverse ensuite le haut du coteau pour rejoindre la région de Begnins. En octobre 1986, Franz Weber a lancé une initiative cantonale intitulée "Sauvez la Côte" exigeant que le canton de Vaud intervienne pour que toute nouvelle ligne à haute tension (ou agrandissement de ligne) soit enterrée à partir du 1er janvier 1987. Cette initiative a été très nettement rejetée par le peuple vaudois lors du 28 juin 1987. votations of A l'occasion du lancement de l'initiative, la télévision suisse Romande a présenté, au cours de l'émission "Téléjournal" du octobre 1986 à 23 h 19 30, un bref de reportage 4 minutes et demie consacré à l'any mise sous terre de la ligne électrique. Parlant au nom d'EOS, son directeur, Jean Rémondeulaz, a mis l'accent sur les difficultés techniques et le coût d'un tel jugé prohibitif projet; Franz Weber et ont eu l'occasion Chaïm Nissim d'exposer leur avis en faveur d'une ligne souterraine. L'élément central du reportage était constitué par un dossier émanant de la société qui Pirelli démontrerait la faisabilité d'une mise sous terre des câbles à haute tension. A l'issue de l'émission, il fut annoncé aux téléspectateurs que la télévision consacrerait un "dossier" au même sujet le samedi suivant. Le 25 octobre 1986, le "Téléjournal" a présenté le reportage comme indiqué. D'une durée inférieure à 6 minutes et academy, il aborde principalement la question of repercussions négatives de la ligne aérienne sur le paysage, en exposant les sentiments ressentis par quelques personnes choisies. Parmi les opposants, outre Franz Weber, un Géographe et un vigneron ont leur Exprime émotion. Paul de Weck, sous-directeur d'EOS, a été, quant à lui, appelé à très décrire brièvement l'importance et la nécessité de la ligne litigieuse. Le 21 novembre 1986, EOS a saisi l'Autorité indépendante d'examen of plaintes en matière de radio-télévision (ci-après: BGE 114 Ib 334 S. 336 l'Autorité de plainte) en soutenant que les émissions of 23 et 25 octobre 1986 ont les règles de l'art vial. 13 de la concession du 27 octobre 1964/22 décembre 1980 dont bénéficie la Société suisse de radio et télévision diffusion, notamment celles relatives à l'objectivité. Le 23 décembre 1986, EOS a registered design une plainte complémentaire Visant l'émission "Journal Romand" du 25 novembre 1986; alors qu'il commentait l'approbation d'un rapport favorable à la ligne aérienne par le Grand Conseil Vaudois, un journaliste avait lié la construction de la ligne à l'énergie nucléaire en affirmant que l'abandon de ligne risquait de mettre en échec tout le program nucléaire. Selon EOS, cette affirmation constituerait une tromperie inadmissible du public. Par décision du 16 avril 1987, l'Autorité de plainte a estimé que, bien été qu'elles aient parfois maladroites, les émissions litigieuses n'avaient pas transgressé l'art. 13 de la concession. Agissant en temps utile par la voie du recours de droit administratif, EOS demande au Tribunal fédéral de réformer la décision du 16 avril 1986 "s constatant que les émissions Téléjournal de la TSR of 23 et 25 octobre 1986 et Journal du romand 25 novembre 1986 ont VIOLE la règle d'objectivité posée par l'art. 13 de la concession ". Considérant que l'Autorité de plainte a restreint son pouvoir de cognition d'une manière au contraire droit fédéral, la recourante reprend pour l'essentiel les arguments Formules devant l'instance inférieure. Elle se plaint tout d'abord du du non-respect principe d'équilibre, les opposants à la ligne aérienne ayant disposé à ses yeux d'un temps de parole trop important par rapport à son propre temps d'antenna. Elle soutient par ailleurs que les interviews de ses représentants ont été recueillies et une façon présentées d'contraire aux règles de la déontologie et que des images ont été manipulées au profit d'une des thèses en présence. Enfin, s'agissant you particulièrement "Journal Romand
47.)14 décembre 1988BGE 114 Ib 321 BGE 114 Ib 321 S. 322 Le 17 septembre 1980, se fondant sur l'art. 15 de la loi fédérale sur la protection de la nature et du paysage (LPN; RS 451) et l'art sur. 3 de la loi fédérale sur l'expropriation (LEx; RS 711), le Conseil fédéral a décidé d'engager une procédure d'expropriation contre les propriétaires de 12 parcelles sises sur le territoire de la commune de vaudoise Buchillon. Le but de cette mesure était de la campagne de protéger Chanivaz, vaste domaine compris entre le rivage du Léman et le cours de l'Aubonne, à l'ouest du village de Buchillon, séparé de lui par une forêt. Les fonds Concernés devaient être Greves d'une servitude d'interdiction de bâtir - constructions nécessaires à l'exploitation agricole et d'installations utilité publique exceptées - et d'interdiction d'utiliser le sol à des fins contraires à la protection du site. Le secteur exproprié s'étend sur environ 79 hectares dont 27 hectares de forêt. En font partie les parcelles No 312, d'une superficie totale de 549 493 m2, dont 166 136 m2 de forêt et de No 314 22 658 m2 (21,696 m2 en nature de forêt). Sur la base de la décision du Conseil fédéral, l'Office fédéral des forêts a requis, le 3 novembre 1980, du Président de la Commission fédérale d'estimation du 1er arrondissement l'ouverture de la procédure d'expropriation. Par décision du 2 décembre 1980, celui-ci la admit requête et la Confédération autorisa à la procédure sommaire recourir à (art. 33 LEx). Les avis personnels furent notifies aux expropriés le 6 février 1981. Le 6 mars suivant les propriétaires of parcelles 312 et 314 ont conclu à l'allocation d'une indemnité de 48'867'420 francs, sous déduction de 5,000,000 francs à titre de frais d'équipement de leurs terrains, ainsi qu'à l'allocation de 1,000,000 francs de compensation des frais entraînés par la mise en valeur de ceux-ci. L'audience de BGE 114 Ib 321 S. 323 conciliation eut lieu le 24 août 1981, mais ne déboucha sur aucun accord. Les expropriés ont donc confirmé leurs conclusions. Quant à l'expropriante, elle nia tout droit à indemnité pour expropriation, sous réserve d'un montant éventuellement réduit pour les frais d'études Engages de bonne foi. Par jugement du 31 octobre 1986, la Commission d'estimation a condamné la Confédération suisse à verser aux propriétaires précités une indemnité de 656'753 francs pour autres Prejudices au sens de l'art. 19 lettre c LEx et une somme de 5000 francs à titre de dépens; elle a rejeté toutes autres ou plus amples conclusions. S'écartant de l'opinion des experts qu'elle avait designes, elle a retenu s substance que l'imposition de l'interdiction de bâtir et des autres restrictions demandée par voie d'expropriation n'avait entraine aucune moins-value of the Estate cause pension funds en, de nature agricole; elle a par contre estimé qu'il se justifiait de les rembourser dépenses engagées par les propriétaires en vue de mettre leurs terrains en valeur. Agissant par la voie d'un recours de droit administratif, les ont demandé au expropriés Tribunal fédéral de réformer le jugement de la Commission d'estimation et de la Confédération suisse condamner à leur verser un montant supplémentaire de 8'781'750 francs à titre d'indemnité de moins-value de leurs terrains, montant correspondant à celui retenu par les deux experts designes par la Commission d'estimation. Les recourants ont conclu en outre à ce que la somme allouée à titre de dépens soit à augmentée 30,000 francs. La Confédération suisse a présenté of observations et forme un recours joint. Elle a conclu au rejet du recours principal et à l'admission de son recours joint, l'indemnité due aux deux expropriés devant être à 74'285 réduite Fri. 85. La Commission fédérale d'estimation a renoncé à se determiner sur les recours et s'est Referee aux Considérant de son jugement. Les expropriés ont conclu au rejet du recours joint. Le Tribunal fédéral a rejeté le recours principal et admis le recours joint.
48.)1. Dezember 1988BGE 114 Ib 317 BGE 114 Ib 317 318 A. S. owns this community is a plot in the community X., which according zone plan of 16 December 1982 partially inside and partially outside the construction zone. It intends to combine their house, which is located outside the building zone through an underground passage to the double garage and swimming pool in the building zone. The project is to the plot will be built mostly in located outside the building zone area. On 26 January 1987, the council refused in accordance with a directive from the Baudepartementes of 21 January 1987, the building permit. An application filed against it complaint dismissed the Governing Council. Likewise, the Administrative Court on 25 May 1988 both instances decided, after conducting an inspection. The Federal Court dismissed the administrative appeal. BGE 114 Ib 317 319 S. From the considerations
49.)21. September 1988BGE 114 Ib 312 BGE 114 Ib 312 S. 313 According to zoning plan of the municipality Morschach of 23 October 1983 south-west, left the village Zone in the Axenfels, a spa and sports zone that is intended for the construction of public health and sports facilities. On April 12, 1986 handed Meinrad Camenzind the council Morschach a planning an m for the installation of a 9-hole golf course with a total length of the 2976th They claimed 74,050 m2. Of which is the northern part of 17 150 m2 in the spa and sports zone. The larger, southern part of 56 900 m2 is planned in the rest of the municipality. The council Morschach published the planning application on 18 April 1986 and rejected it on 15 May 1986 the canton. On 18 February 1987, the Justice Department of the Canton Schwyz granted an exemption pursuant to Art. 24 RPG. The government of the canton of Schwyz dismissed complaints from the Swiss Heritage and the community Morschach against the decision of the Justice Department. With administrative appeal of 3 November 1987, the Swiss Heritage Society requested that the exemption be annulled, possibly the proposed terrain changes were to profile in the field and to undergo a proper building permit process. Meinrad Camenzind requested in its consultation on the appeal was not to enter, may they be dismissed. apply Landammann and government of the canton of Schwyz, the appeal was dismissed and the council Morschach closes on approval of the complaint and repeal of the exemption. The Federal Court upheld the appeal well. From the considerations
50.)14. September 1988BGE 114 Ib 305 BGE 114 Ib 305 S. 306 A.- X. owner of located in the municipality Ingenbohl so-called "Schiller area". At that includes the west of the bathhouse of the municipality Ingenbohl location called "Schiller mat" (GB Lot Nos. 460 and 546), the south-west adjacent to the lake and is bordered to the north by the road Brunnen Gersau. The first planning measures in the municipality Ingenbohl go back to the year 1965th The first planning the community at that time created a general sewerage project (GKP), which is essentially true today. After the entry into force of the WPL initially planned inclusion of Schiller mat in a provisional reserve for the BMR did not materialize. On appeal of the then owner towards the Government dismissed on 29 July 1974, the Schiller mat from the provisional protection zone. However, the Government continued with regard to the entry into force of the RPG on 17 December 1979 in a regulation on Provisional Arrangements spatial planning (VzRPG; in the original version of 17 December 1979) for the municipality Ingenbohl a temporary construction zone established. At this included the field of Schiller mat. Parallel to the planning measures of the Governing Council is working in the municipality Ingenbohl on first-time adoption of a zone plan. A similar bill was rejected on 27 April 1975, however, after all, served the Government as a basis for the above-mentioned definition of the preliminary construction zone. A new design for zoning and building regulations of the municipality Ingenbohl was publicly launched 1981st This provided the road south fountain Gersau maximum five-storey BGE 114 Ib hotel buildings 307 305 S. allow accordance with a district development plan. B.- In the late sixties, had the Government submitted to the then owner of the Schiller area a project for its entire superstructure for approval. The Government had then basically expressed no concerns about the proposed project on the mat Schiller part hotel building, but decided on the granting of authorization can only be decided by the execution plans for the hotel development. During the work on the new zoning plan sought X. further to the issuance of a building permit. After the council had in a statement of 6 September 1979 for pre-project "Hotel Schiller am See", pointed out the foreseen in the building regulations draft regulations that particular demanded a district development plan submitted X. in October 1979 a draft for such. The council gave its generally positive position, but demanded a statement from the Center for Nature and Cultural Heritage of the canton. This came to the conclusion that the project should be rejected on the applicant. The revised district development plan project of 11 September 1980 approved the Executive Council on 23 December 1980 subject to the approval of the other (detail) project and the regular building permit process. Based on the decision of the Governing Council of 23 December 1980, the council wrote on January 15, 1982, the planning application of X. a "Hotel Schiller on the lake with boat harbor" public. About the planning application has not yet been decided. C.- The 1981 publicly issued zoning plan design came at the municipal meeting of 18 June 1984 for consultation. At the request of a citizen of the part of the road was Brunnen Gersau assigned to the rest of the community area south "zone Schiller". The new zoning plan arose with the decision of the Administrative Court of 23 April 1985 on a directed by X. against the allocation of Schiller mat to the rest of the municipality complaint in legal force. D.- On 18 January 1986 complained X. at the Administrative Court of the Canton of Schwyz against the Commune Ingenbohl substantially in the principal claim, it was noted that the Auszonung BGE 114 Ib 305 S. 308 representing the Schiller mat a material expropriation. With partial judgment of 30 June 1987, the Administrative Court dismissed the principal claim. Against this partial judgment came X. with administrative appeal to the Federal Court. The Federal Court affirmed the existence of a material expropriation and called the Administrative Court in accordance with the considerations well. From the considerations
51.)14. September 1988BGE 114 Ib 301 BGE 114 Ib 301 301 S. The Bernisches power plants AG (BKW) is the owner of plots Nos. 3133, 3478 and 3501 in the municipality Wohlen. The plots located in the district Unterdettigen, not in a narrow building area of ​​Wohlen form a continuous plot complex BGE 114 Ib 301 S. 302 located between the Unterdettigenstrasse and Wohlensee. The adjoining the Wohlensee Land Nos 3478 and 3501 have been 1950 and charged with easements in favor of the State Bern 1953:.. Plot No. 3478 may not overbuilt for the protection of the landscape and on plot No. 3501, up to a depth of 30. m only boat houses are built from the lakeshore. According to the building code for the municipality Wohlen Unterdettigen of 29 September 1962, a strip of 30 m depth from the drawn along the building line to Unterdettigenstrasse, residential zone W2 was assigned. On 1 January 1971 the Bernese Building Act of 7 June 1970 (Building Act) came into force, which obliged the communities within three years to issue a building regulations with the zone plan which the construction area from the rest of the municipality delimits. Because the BMR of the Government of the Canton of Bern rejected the entire strip of land south of the Unterdettigenstrasse to Wohlensee a makeshift sanctuary I to. In the motion adopted by the Municipal Assembly on 3 December 1975 zoning plan within the meaning of the Building Act Land BKW came into the conservation area, where only agricultural use is permitted. This zoning was the canton of Bern and protected in an appeal both from the Government by the Federal Court. According to the instruction of their plots in the conservation area BKW filed a claim for material expropriation. The expropriation Assessment Commission of the circle II dismissed all. The Administrative Court of the Canton of Bern, however, came with the contested decision of 15 September 1986 for the partial approval of the Compensation desire. The court denied a confiscatory similar effect for two with easements in favor of the State Bern contaminated plots Nos. 3478 and 3501 as well as the eastern part of the adjoining to the Unterdettigenstrasse plot no. 3133. For the western part of the plot no. 3133, the court came to the conclusion that he possessed expropriation legally relevant land quality because he is fully developed. Against the decision of the Administrative Court of the State of Berne and the municipality Wohlen with separate notices of appeal Administrative Court have raised. They argue for the western portion of the property BGE 114 Ib 301 S. 303 no. 3133 lay no material before expropriation because the intervention did not hit a confiscatory legally relevant land. The Federal Court upheld the two administrative court complaints well and dismisses BKW from material expropriation. From the considerations
52.)13. Juli 1988BGE 114 Ib 286 BGE 114 Ib 286 288 S. P. A. owner of the property is no. 1460 at the bank way in Bern. The elongated plot of 19,341 m2 lies on the right north Aareufer Lorraine the bridge and is separated by two wood strips from the higher-lying adjacent plots. On the southern part of the property are partly under the railway bridge of the SBB line Olten-Bern - the building of the former brewery Gasser, which are now rented to traders. The northern part is largely unüberbaut. In October 1973, Mrs P. presents an application for the construction of fifteen apartment buildings and an underground Autoeinstellhalle on plot no. 1460th At that time the land belonged to the provisional reserve II according to the federal decree on urgent measures in the field of spatial planning (BMR) and was under the Berne Bauklassenplan 1955 in both the "protection zone of Aaretalhänge" as well as in building classes IIA and III which buildings with two and a half or three storeys permitted. The city of Bern objected to the planning application based on Art. 56 of the Building Act of 7 June 1970 (aBauG) planning appeal. As a result, a new use zoning plan as well as a "superstructure plan riverside path" were developed, which in 1460 the "open space a" or reserved for sports and school facilities open space zuwiesen the plot no.. The voters were called such plans on June 8, 1975 well, but could the city of Bern in the appeal process scheduled date will not be followed to obtain the permit. Therefore, the Government announced at the request of the city, the plot no. 1460 on 17 September 1975 which occupied by a building ban provisional reserve I according to BMR. The "overbuilding plan riverside path" was finally approved on 24 December 1975 by the cantonal Construction Authority and the planning application by A. P. dismissed because of the new design on 10 October 1976th The complaints of the landowner against the rezoning and against the Bauabschlag were unsuccessful. In particular, the Government had on January 11 in 1978. The complaint lodged against the "superstructure plan riverside path" which causes the new use planning became final. BGE 114 Ib 286 S. 289 After completion of the various appeals made A.P. on 20 September 1979 with the expropriation Assessment Commission District II a compensation request for the allocation of plot no. 1460 to an open space. The municipality Bern demanded the land then the formal expropriation, bringing the owner explained agree. In its decision of 8 December 1982, the Appraisal Committee of the dispossessed spoke a market value compensation of CHF 3'820'870 .-- and a Inkonvenienzentschädigung of CHF 140'955.90, a total of Fr. 3'961'825.90 plus interest from the opening of the judgment , This decision attracted both parties to the cantonal administrative court on. The Administrative Court of the Canton of Bern said on 1 September 1986, awarded by the Assessment Commission Inkonvenienzentschädigung for not owed and put the market value compensation based on a second opinion on Fr. 3'246'000 .-- down, which is the judgment date of the lower court as authoritative valuation date elected. A. P. and the municipality of Bern have collected against the decision of the Administrative Court from 1 September 1986. Administrative Court. The city of Bern requires that the expropriation compensation would substantially reduced in accordance with judicial discretion. The Dispossessed submitting the application, whether it is a the official value of the land appropriate compensation for expropriation of CHF 4'191'200. - award plus interest at 5% since 20 September 1979 and a Inkonvenienzentschädigung of CHF 140'955.90. The Federal Court upheld the appeal of the dispossessed good. Considerations from the considerations: 3. In the contested decision recognizes that the allocation of plot No. 1460 was a material expropriation to open space for sports and school equipment.. Therefor, the Administrative Court has examined in accordance with the court decision on whether the parcel in accordance with the legal and factual circumstances at the time of entry into force of the planning procedure, on 11 January 1978 approached land quality. This question has been answered in the affirmative having regard to the conditions laid down by the Federal Court criteria and rejecting the objections raised by the community of Berne. In BGE 114 Ib 286 S. 290 of its administrative appeal makes the city Bern reiterated the plot No. 1460 have not been able, or at best only partially apply as building because it was excessively road just opened insufficient and not deducible. in this regard, the Administrative Court had clearly established the facts is inaccurate or incomplete and exceeded the discretion which he is entitled. a) The Administrative Court finds in the contested decision established the street moderate opening up of the controversial plot that the bank way have not met as access road in all parts of the force in the time of engagement provisions of cantonal building regulations of 26 November 1970th To consider but be that the bank way served the heavy traffic to the former brewery than sufficient driveway. It must be assumed, therefore, that he could be removed with a relatively small outlay to access road, which is also a residential area would meet the claims. In this context, the lower court could be made to the relevant passages. This
53.)17 juin 1988BGE 114 Ib 283 BGE 114 Ib 283 S. 283 La loi sur la viticulture neuchâteloise du 30 juin 1976 et le plan qui lui est placé Annexe ont en zone viticole the parcelles que C. possède à Auvernier et à Corcelles-Cormondrèche. Le 18 juillet 1977, ce propriétaire a demandé au Conseil d'Etat du canton de Neuchâtel de reconsidérer le classement de ses biens-fonds en zone viticole, mais en vain. S'estimant victime d'une expropriation matérielle, il, le 8 juillet 1982, la Commission requis Cantonale d'estimation en matière d'expropriation pour cause d'utilité publique de l'Etat de Neuchâtel condamner à lui verser une indemnité, avec intérêts à 5% dès le 1er juillet 1976, date d'entrée en vigueur de la propriété de restriction. Par décision du 8 juillet 1985, la Commission cantonale d'estimation alloua au requérant un montant sensiblement inférieur à celui demandé, avec intérêts BGE 114 Ib 283 S. 284 dés le 9 juillet 1982, you lendemain dépôt de la requête. Le propriétaire et l'Etat ont recouru contre cette décision auprès du tribunal administratif cantonal. En cours d'instance, ils transigèrent toutefois sur le montant de l'indemnité. Seuls sont DEMEURES litigieux le point de départ of intérêts et le montant des frais et dépens. Le Tribunal Administratif a tranché ces questions le 13 mai 1987, la première de la façon suivante: l'indemnité porterait intérêts à 5% dès le 24 décembre 1980. Il a estimé que le propriétaire avait manifestos, de façon non équivoque, sa volonté de demander une indemnité le 23 décembre 1980 seulement, date d'une lettre adressee par son avocat au chef du département de l'agriculture; une date antérieure ne pouvait être retenue: ni celle de l'entrée en vigueur de la loi, ni celle du 19 juillet 1977, par le propriétaire subsidiairement avancée en s'appuyant sur des écrits antérieurs rédigés par son mandataire précédent. Par la voie d'un recours de droit administratif, C. a demandé au tribunal fédéral d'annuler l'arrêt du Tribunal Cantonal dans la mesure où il fixait au 24 décembre 1980 le départ of intérêts et de dire que ceux-ci étaient dus dès le 20 juillet 1977. Le Tribunal fédéral a rejeté le recours.
54.)28. Oktober 1988BGE 114 Ib 277 BGE 114 Ib 277 S. 278 The housing association Z. related based architect duo A. erected on 14 March 1984, X. Foundation and devoted her a capital of CHF 250,000 .--. In para. 2 of the Deed is circumscribed the purpose as follows: "The Foundation aims to promote living in the broadest sense, the foundation aims to promote: -. The non-profit and affordable housing - the acquisition of bases for procedures design, shapes, financing and infrastructure of housing - residential experiments - informing the public about issues of living - efforts to prevent speculation on land of all kinds, the Foundation may award special achievements in the field of residential promotion executed by the premieres buildings, the alignment of additional prizes at competitions, etc. the foundation can any action. take and conduct business, which are appropriate for achieving the purpose of the Foundation. the Foundation shall commence its operations immediately. " The investment authority for the federal tax of the Canton of Bern rejected the request of the Foundation X. to tax exemption for exclusive charitable and assessed them for the tax period 1983-84 with a taxable investment of CHF 230'000 .--. The investment authority and then the Tax Appeals Commission of the Canton of Bern showed off her appeal. With administrative appeal the X. Foundation requested that the decision of the Tax Appeals Commission should be annulled and that it was held that it was exempt from tax. The Federal Court, the complaint from consideration of the following
55.)22. Mai 1958BGE 84 II 247 BGE 84 II 247 S. 247 From the facts: A.- On November 26, 1946 concluded wife Bertha Graf Heinrich Graf, a nephew of her predeceased husband, a "Vorkaufsvertrag" on their property in Heiden, which the municipal secretary and land managers Rudolf Messmer publicly authenticated and which reads as follows:. "Ms. Wwe Bertha Graf ... admits her nephew Heinrich Graf ... a right of first refusal on their real property parcel No. 345, house # 692 Assek Schützengasse the prices of BGE 84 II 247 S... . 248 Fr. 10'000 .-- one. if this right of first refusal within the statutory maximum period of 10 years will not be effective, this right is to go down only with the demise of the present owner. at this time, the Vorkaufsberechtigte if he should decide wants to compete then the object or leave the legal heir. This Vorkaufsvertrag should be rem effect, so he meets the legal effects of an application for registration of the same i n the land register. " In the land right of first refusal was based on this contract marked in favor of Graf. B.- On August 28, 1952 selling Ms. Graf from the plot no. 345, a 19 m2 measuring section with the standing to Schopfzu Fr. 1000 .-- to her neighbor Emil Rohner. Heinrich Graf did not use on this occasion of its right of first refusal. C.- On February 27, 1956 died Mrs. Graf. As the only heir, leaving her niece woman Kettel. Since this, did not respond to the request of Heinrich Graf, the plot no. 345 was to transfer 10,000 .-- on him pursuant to the Treaty of November 26, 1946 for a fee of CHF, headed Graf against her lawsuit with desire she was to commit to the right granted to him by the deceased's right of first refusal, possibly Kaufrecht recognize and provide for the transfer of the land registry plot no. 345 hand. The defendant objected to this request, inter alia, on the grounds that the plaintiff be pre-emption had forfeited by failure to exercise the sale of 28 August 1952 in any case he could not exercise the right of first refusal only authenticated and earmarked in the present, based on inheritance property transfer; a right of purchase, and even for such a price of CHF 10'000 .-- was publicly neither agreed nor authenticated yet bookmarked; possibly the contract would therefore be invalid because an only nascent at the death of the owner Sales Law would take effect only by testamentary disposition can be ordered; This form 2 OR on all the case so BGE 84 II 247 S. 249 would under Art. 245 para. have been necessary because the appointment of a sale of goods at a price of CHF 10'000 .-- at the time of death of the owner towards considering the fact that the property at the time the contract was concluded almost had twice the market value, an executable on the death of the donor donation conclude in itself. The District Court dismissed the action front country. The Supreme Court of Appenzell A.Rh. it has, however approved on 27 January 1958th D.- against this judgment, the defendant has the appeal to the Federal Court declared the application, the application should be dismissed; eventually the matter was dismissed for filing supplements and new decision of the lower court. The Federal Court confirmed the judgment under appeal. From the considerations
56.)6. Dezember 1988BGE 114 Ib 268 BGE 114 Ib 268 S. 269 The corporation Walchwil intends to build a forest access road in the area of ​​long-Mösli Hagegg-Alpli in the town of Walchwil. The forests in Heumoos-Hagegg area include corporations Walchwil and train. They have been developed since time immemorial on the Reist routes from Long Mösli-Chnoden-Heumoosegg-Hagegg and Heumoos-Chnoden-Moosegg Hagegg. The Government of the Canton train relied on cantonal legislation on the conservation and maintenance of nature reserves of 2 September 1982 (NSchG) a protection plan for the areas Chnoden and Heumoos adopted (§ 3 NSchG). The areas which are presently of importance belong to the zone A of this nature reserves, i.e. for actual living space of the plants to be protected and animals or to the landscape part of outstanding beauty and character (§ 4. 1 and 2 NSchG). In this zone, everything is forbidden, which could affect the specific character of the area or endanger plants and animals. It is prohibited, inter alia, in particular the destruction of plants, the erection of buildings and plants, excavations or drainage (§ 5. 1 and 2 NSchG), although the management and exploitation and the maintenance of existing systems can be regulated in more detail by contract (§ 5. 4 NSchG). The contract between the Authority of the Canton train and the corporation Walchwil from 10./18. Although September 1984 provides an appropriate protection, but ensures the "previous track Reist rights." Traveling paths run through zone A of the reserve Chnoden and in the zone A of the reserve Heumoos, where wood stored and handled. The Canton Forestry Commission train developed four variants (A, B, C, D) for the lines of the forest access road. The variants B, C and D differ from the variant A in particular in that they do not cross the protected area Chnoden. On 4 November 1986, the Government gave its approval for the construction of variant A. BGE 114 Ib 268 S. 270 The Administrative Court dismissed an application filed by the WWF, however complaint after performing an inspection by judgment of 19 November 1987 on. The Administrative Court of the WWF is approved by the Federal Court, after an inspection has been carried out.
57.)16 décembre 1988BGE 114 Ib 261 BGE 114 Ib 261 S. 262 par acte authentique du 8 avril 1986, Me Me H. et G., tous deux avocats à Genève, ainsi que Mme F., Allemande d'origine, domiciliée à Genève, ont constitué la société UF. .. SA Les fondateurs ont les mêmes pris eux-50 actions au porteur de chacune 1000 francs formant le capital social, soit Me H .: 12 actions, Me G .: 13 actions et Mme F .: 25 actions. L'art. 3 of the Regulations definite le but de la société de la façon suivante: "La société a pour but, tant pour son propre compte que pour le compte de tiers, seule ou en participations, de réaliser directement ou indirectement, tant en Suisse qu'à l'étranger, toutes opérations financières, immobilières, commerciales ou industrial. Elle pourra notamment acheter, détenir, vendre, gérer et tous administrer immeubles, comptes, brevets, marques, actions, parts en participations dans d'autres sociétés quels qu'en soient le but et la nature. Elle pourra également apporter son assistance et ses conseils à des tiers pour la réalisation de telles opérations. Dans le cadre de son but social tel que ci-dessus défini, elle pourra tant utiliser ses propres ressources financières que recourir à tous Emprunts, Emprunts participatifs ou comptes de tiers et plus générale management, toutes opérations se rattachant directement ou à son indirectement but social tel que ci-dessus défini. " Les fondateurs, nommés administrateurs de la société, ont également signé deux Déclarations: l'une concernant l'absence de reprise de biens et d'apports en nature et l'autre relative à l'absence de reprise de biens immobiliers en Suisse, précisant qu'il "n'y a pas lieu d'admettre, au vu de l'ensemble des circonstances, que la société acquerra of immeubles en Suisse dans un avenir prévisible". Le 23 juin 1986, le prepose au registre du commerce du canton de Genève a informé le notaire qu'il en suspens tenait la requisition d'inscription de la société UF ... SA, jusqu'à une décision du Département production d'en l'économie publique sur l'assujettissement ou non de l'acte du 8 avril 1986 au régime de l'autorisation. Partant, il a imparti au notaire un délai de 30 jours pour cette démarche entreprendre, à défaut de quoi la requisition serait écartée. Le 25 juillet 1986, le notaire a certifié au prepose avoir attire l'attention of administrateurs, actionnaires et la société sur les fondateurs de dispositions de la "Lex Friedrich". Ceux-ci avaient alors que spontanément déclaré "tant le respect de l'ordre BGE 114 Ib 261 S. 263 juridique des pays Concernés que leur éthique professionnelle les amèneraient en toute circonstance à agir en conformité des lois applicables dans les pays Concernés". Par décision du 8 août 1986, le prepose au registre du commerce a écarté la requisition d'inscription de la société, au motif qu'aucune demande d'autorisation n'avait été présentée au Département de l'économie publique dans le délai imparti. En application de l'art. 18 al. 3 de la loi fédérale sur l'acquisition d'immeubles par des personnes à l'étranger (LFAIE; RS 211.412.41), les ont fondateurs recouru contre cette décision auprès du tribunal administratif du canton de Genève. Ils faisaient notamment que tous les motifs valoir d'autorisation de refus ou de non-assujettissement ne se référer pouvaient qu'à of immeubles déterminés. Il était ainsi évident qu'au moment où la société voudrait acquérir un immeuble en Suisse, elle soit ferait constater son non-assujettissement au régime de l'autorisation, soit une requerrait adjusting Authorization. Par arrêt du 4 février 1987, le Tribunal administratif a rejeté le recours et confirmé la décision attaquée. Il a retenu en bref que l'un des buts et réels principaux de la société UF ... S.A. portait bien sur des opérations immobilières; par ailleurs, Mme F. devait être considérée comme une personne à l'étranger qui s'est portée Acquéreur d'un droit de propriété sur une part d'une personne morale dont le but est réel l'acquisition d'immeubles (art. 4 al. 1 lettre LFAIE e). Dans ces conditions, le suivi à juste titre prepose a la procédure prévue par l'art. 18 al. 1 LFAIE. Les administrateurs de la société ont forme un recours de droit administratif contre cette décision, tendant à ce que le Tribunal fédéral ordonne l'inscription au registre du commerce de la société UF ... S.A. Le Tribunal fédéral a rejeté le recours.
58.)14. Dezember 1988BGE 114 Ib 257 BGE 114 Ib S. 257 257 C.S. was born on January 4, 1963 as the son of Swiss parents in Chile and acquired the Chilean nationality. Since he BGE never reported a Swiss authority abroad or domestic 114 Ib 257 S. had been 258 and also not reported himself, went out his Swiss citizenship on January 4, 1985. He subsequently submitted to the Swiss Embassy in Santiago de Chile on December 29, 1986 based on Article 21 of the Federal Act on the acquisition and loss of Swiss citizenship on September 29, 1952. (BüG; SR 141.0) a request for repatriation. The Federal Department of Justice and Police has not occurred on this request in its decision of 28 March 1988th Against this decision raises C.S. in federal court Administrative Court, in which he mutatis mutandis applied for the affirmation of its reintroduction petition. The Federal Justice and Police Department closes for dismissal of the administrative appeal. The Federal Court dismissed the administrative appeal. From the considerations
59.)25. November 1988BGE 114 Ib 254 BGE 114 Ib 254 S. 255 By memorandum of 27 July 1988 supplementary note dated 15 August 1988 asked the Belgian Embassy, ​​the competent Swiss authorities to extradite Belgian nationals X. On August 29, 1988 approved the Federal Office for Police Matters (BAP) extradition to Belgium to pursue the X in the arrest warrant by the investigating judge of Bruges on April 19, 1988 statement of the facts of 11 July 1988 and completion of 29 July 1988 the alleged offense (receiving stolen property). After that, the husband of X in 1984 to 1986, by investing in fictitious companies cheated Belgian francs a large number of people in the amount of several million. In connection with X. should be taken as a receiver into law. X. performs administrative appeal to the Federal Court with the request, the decision of the BAP of 29 August 1988 should be annulled and to refuse demanded by the Belgian authorities delivery. The Federal Court dismissed the complaint as far as can be entered on it. From the considerations
60.)18. November 1988BGE 114 Ib 244 BGE 114 Ib 244 S. 253 insurers have been distributed, the Federal Court considered the requirements of Art. 3, para. 1 Definition regulation "under these special circumstances" to be met. c) The said Federal Court decision does not deal explicitly with the relationship between Art. 3, para. 1 demarcation Regulation and Art. 4 VAG. In this regard, it can be assumed that the demarcation Regulation delimiting the geographical scope of the Swiss regulatory legislation, while type 4 VAG contrast, provides the exceptions of the scope. By the supervisory for certain insurance facilities under the determination. To the extent that such provisions are inconsistent with each other, is due to the higher standard level and time later decree Art. 4 VAG priority. It follows that an exemption from supervision under Art. 3, para. 1 Definition Regulation are not using
61.)23. September 1988BGE 114 Ib 241 BGE 114 Ib 241 S. 241 vestibules cooperative Flue intends the construction of a goods road from Giswil to the property Flue. The inaugural meeting was held on November 4 1,982th On 28 May 1985 the Government of the Canton of Obwalden approved the statutes, BGE 114 Ib 241 S. 242 the plan for the alignment of the road and the cost estimate. A. is as owner of parcels no. 495 and 1019 member of the corridor cooperative. The council Giswil issued building permits the hallway cooperative on 4 November 1985th This is followed by an appeals process to closed before the Federal Court. This dismissed the appeal by judgment of 29 June 1987 at the sense of reasoning from, was ready to enter it. In support of the then ruling, the Federal Court stated that the area of ​​a forest road was deemed forest; serve the road, however - as that taken by the complainant - not forestry purposes, so conditional whose construction a clearing permit. On inspection it emerged that recognized by the canton chief forester forestry purpose of the road in question is only of secondary importance; forstlich a mere machine path would possibly something enough to the forest or in the forest. Similarly, the evidence was one - by the Canton officials claimed - relevant cantonal practice whereby no clearance authorization was required for such, forestry purposes serving street, did not succeed. The issue of forest admissibility of the project obviously still needs closer investigation. The building permit is therefore to provide indication of these investigations and of a potentially necessary clearance permit. On January 6 In 1988, pp called the corridor cooperative Flüe the application for a grubbing-up for 1450 m2 of forest in the plots no. 493 and no. 497 as well as on the A. land belonging # 495. Two for the construction of a goods road to opening up homestead and small woodlots. In its decision of 8 March 1988, the Government issued the clearing permit. With administrative appeal of 11 April 1988 requested A., the decision of the Government Council of 8 March 1988 should be set aside and dismissed the case for redecision, and running the local process to the Governing Council; may be dismissed the application and therefore not to approve the clearing. The Federal Court dismissed the complaint as far as can be entered on it. BGE 114 Ib 241 243 S. From the considerations
62.)15 settembre 1988BGE 114 Ib 238 BGE 114 Ib 238 S. 239 Su richiesta del ricorrente il Consiglio di Stato ha accertato la natura di alcuni terreni di sua proprietà, definiti parzialmente boschivi. Con la stessa risoluzione l'esecutivo cantonale ha ordinato la Demolizione di una cinta eretta abusivamente a confine tra questi mappali e altri, pure boscati (in parte del ricorrente e in parte di terzi). Davanti al Tribunale federale il ricorrente si limita a chiedere l'annullamento dell'Ordine di Demolizione.
63.)20. Januar 1988BGE 114 Ib 224 BGE 114 Ib 224 S. 225 in the area "Poja-Tschanderünu-Undri cell" (PTUZ) in the municipality Salgesch, about 500 meters south of the village, on the eastern, southern and western foot of the hill of Maria-seven-pain Chapel, should be performed Rebbergmelioration. It aims on the one hand, to facilitate the current inefficient management of stocked today vineyards; on the other hand, the inclusion is still not provided with vines bestockter plots and thus an increase in the vineyards. The technical measures intended to principally include BGE 114 Ib 224 S. 226, the rounding of the fragmented basic property, the opening up by Wegebauten and larger terrain changes. In addition, the amelioration of the community a playground and fairground is to be created in the frame. The relevant procedure extends already for a long time. The initiative comes from the year 1979; the preliminary project was the Meliorationsamt Upper Valais submitted on February 17, 1981st The question of whether the newly provided for the wine-growing areas would be included in the Rebbaukataster, led to the first confrontation with complaints procedures. On 8 September 1982, the Section Viticulture presented by the Federal Office of Agriculture inclusion in the register in prospect, but she made this conditional on the Meliorationsprojekt will change. The project modification in question originates in October 1983. A preliminary decision is still pending today. On 25 August 1982, the Federal Meliorationsamt issued the preliminary 1981 a positive preliminary decision to sub-question of subsidy entitlement. The project in 1983 such a decision lacking today. The public disclosure of the preliminary project took place from 11 October to 1 November 1,982th The detail project was on from November 26 to December 16 1983rd This is followed by an appeals process to closed before the Federal Court. The realization of the planned terrain changes require clearing of approximately 5810 m2. On 20 March 1984, the Federal Office of Forestry and Landscape Protection (BFL) approved the clearing to the extent of 4000 m2. In its decision of 23 October 1986, the Federal Department of Home Affairs (DHA) confirmed this grant. Furthermore, it found essentially additional 2,110 m2 were forest. Thereof, it approved a clearing of 1,810 m2. With Administrative Court of 13 November 1986, the Swiss Foundation for Landscape Conservation and Landscape Management (SL) requires essentially the decision of EDI should be annulled in so far as it grants a clearing permit and charged the complainant with a share expertise costs. the present method may be to suspend, and let invite the competent federal authorities to find the time being on the granting of federal subsidies to the Rebbergmelioration and for carrying out the prescribed appeal. BGE 114 Ib 224 S. 227 With Administrative Court asked the World Wildlife Fund (Switzerland) (WWF), the vorinstanzliche decision should be annulled on 24 November 1986, and it was to establish the invalidity of the clearing permit. Considerations from the considerations: 5. a) the operation of the vineyard cooperative touched not only forestry legal issues, but especially also those of the agricultural, construction, spatial planning, nature and landscape protection and environmental law. The very limited to the forestry police legal side inspection of the Federal Court delegation indicated that these laws depending regulate only one aspect. A reasonable handling requires that one realizes overall meaningful solutions in the application of individual rules. The complainants it is not primarily about the different trees on their own, but - as mentioned - the transformation of the site as a whole. b) If a federal law its ratio to another scheme does not itself determined (eg Art. 18, para. 3 RPG), must in accordance with the constitutional order (see. for example BGE ff 103 Ia 334th, BGE f 102 Ia 359th) the different legislations are applied coordinated with each other (see THOMAS PFISTERER, on the influence of the spatial planning law to the federal administrative activities, in. 1/81 RP information booklet, in particular sections 7, 12 ff, 38 ff, 57 ff....). It is important to make solutions in which all possible simultaneously and fully into play come (PFISTERER, supra, especially para. 30 ff.). In this sense, the present forestry police procedure in the context below to discuss first the outstanding issues of spatial planning law authorization requirement for the intended terrain changes and the relationship between spatial planning and agricultural-subsidy law on the one hand and spatial planning law and forestry police authorization requirement on the other hand, before then the actual forestry police matters, while also questions of nature and landscape protection must be assessed. 6. (spatial planning Legal authorization requirement for the intended terrain changes in the affirmative.) BGE 114 Ib 224 S. 228 7. It raises the further question whether the application of the Spatial Planning Act, therefore, is unnecessary because even the agricultural legal duty proceeding is conducted. So to investigate the relationship between the spatial planning and a spatial impact special law of the Federation. a) The Agriculture Act does not preclude the application of the spatial planning law explicitly. Whether it implicitly contains such exclusion is (102 361 Ia BGE f.) A matter of design in each case. required for a tacit exclusion that the special law assigns the relevant problem of content and method terms exhaustive. a regulation is content required, which not only has the theme of the special law in the eye, but a comprehensive consideration of all spatially significant concern (see. in particular Art. 1 and 3 RPG) allows (BGE 103 Ia 334 et seq., BGE 102 Ia 358 ff .;.. see also BGE 112 Ib 120 and 256 ff, f BGE 107 Ia 244 Ia BGE 104 181 ff .; further ALDO ZAUGG, commentary to the Building Act of canton Bern on June 9, 1985, N. 39 to Art.. 1, and PFISTERER, supra, p 14 et seq.). The method, is to require that can participate in a materially meaningful (planning) stage, all that are legally raumplanung affected, and that the result is generally binding (BGE 102 Ia 362, BGE 97 I 529). The special law must offer a basis for the necessary governing ownership restrictions. b) The agricultural subsidy law does not meet these requirements. It is content not set out in the subsidy decision all aspects up to the Animal and Plant Health (dry locations, etc), to aesthetics, to be considered equal weight to the landscape and environmental protection. Nor be methods available to all such parties concerned open or allows binding rules; the subsidy law does not allow ownership restrictions. Not even the so-called Rebbaukataster changes nothing. He is not a development plan. It borders the Rebbauzone from (Art. 5 para. 1, sentence 1 and 2 of the Ordinance on viticulture and marketing of Rebbauerzeugnisse (Wine Statute) of 23 December 1971 SR 916,140). The Rebbauzone only has the effect that the new planting of vines is generally permitted only there (Article 1, Section 1 of the Federal Decree on measures for the winegrowing of 22 June 1979, SR 916.140.1..); it means merely that the federally BGE 114 Ib 224 S. 229 taken or subsidized technical measures are limited to promote wine production to the designated by Rebbaukataster areas (Art. 42 para. 2 and Art. 43 of the Federal Law on Agriculture of 3 October 1951, SR 910.1). Just as the electricity bill from the application of forest police Act (BGE 103 Ib 251) or a Gesamtmelioration dispense (130 f. BGE 98 Ib) of the obligation to grubbing permit the raumplanung legally relevant terrain change comes as part of a land improvement without application of the spatial planning law. The situation is no different than in buildings that are built as part of a land improvement. There, of course applies to the reservation of the building and planning law; EDI has left him because even explicitly included in its decision. c) One of the application can not be challenged on the Spatial Planning Act, melioration started before its entry into force. The Spatial Planning Act is also applicable to (private) construction projects that were created before its entry into force, but only later be carried out. So, d) Accordingly arises that a raumplanung legal authorization process is required, as has been executed. The agricultural subsidy law does not make it unnecessary. e) The requirement now perform another raumplanung legal approval process, understandably leads to the objection that incur delays. The founding meeting took place five years ago. After all, this counter-argument must not be overestimated. Conducted has been the cooperative internal, purely corporative procedures alone. Neither inclusion in the Rebbaukataster nor the subsidy is decided conclusively; about the project in 1983 is not even before a preliminary decision to post authorization. is one way or another, if not been in a planning procedure for deciding expected to debate about it in the subsidy process. In addition, the EDI expressly permits more has reserved. Thus, the parties had already expect further proceedings. Even if the terrain changes would be restricted, melioration would not be called into question. The BGE 114 Ib 224 S. 230 Federal Meliorationsamt already led on 27 September 1985., a Rebbergmelioration is also in a much smaller scale, with virtually no clearance and with much smaller earth movements, practicable (s. E. 10d / dd). will once again emphasizes the rest must be that in companies that several laws concerning, just from the beginning has to be coordinated. From the beginning, what, approvals, etc. required for permits can be considered. The corresponding processes can then, if need be initiated immediately and as early as possible even at the same time. Spatial planning and building regulations, it is possible at an early date, even without definite project, solicit a preliminary decision. The demand for a factually comprehensive, holistic approach must not fail due to the historically evolved division into different processes. With such a coordinated approach to the concerns of the BLW account, not to burden the duty proceeding with questions it can not answer. 8. For the purposes of the foregoing, and spatial planning law and forestry police authorization procedures must be coordinated. Hang two methods are not so close together that the result of the one and the other prejudice (as according BGE 113 Ib 152 ff. E. 3b was the case), it follows from the coordination obligation the command, the connection by providing a content and executable moderate . to determine meaningful order and to attach most appropriate reservations (see also BGE 112 Ib 45, pp 195, 256 ff and 424 ff with references;... RUDOLF MATTER, forestry and planning, Zbl 88/1987 S. 101 et seq .; cf. . ALFRED further KUTTLER, environmental protection and space planning, Zbl 89/1988 S. 242 ff.). are accordingly, in this instance, first decide on the clearance permit (refillable. E. 9.10), assuming that Meliorationsunternehmen will granted with all the terrain changes that are provided. However, in dismissing the complaints would be to attach a reservation for for the affirmation of the clearance petition: A return Come would the case be allowed where the terrain changes would not prove to be fully admissible. This meant that the clearing requirement fell away afterwards. It must also, in the present forestry police procedures concerning BGE 114 Ib 224 S. 231 to decide the play and fairground on the raumplanung legal authorization vorfrageweise (refillable. E. 10d / db) because no raumplanung legal authorization process has been performed. But after what has been said not even the anticipation of the clearing process means that the spatial planning legal authorization procedure for the intended terrain changes but should not be done yet. 9. The complainants claim that the EDI has interpreted the forest concept too restrictive. Here, one of the Federal Council Ordinance in implementation of the Federal Superintendence striking that the vorinstanzliche decision at all does not deal with the forest concept ... a) The forest concept can be found in Art. Federal Law concerning about the forest police (FPolV) of 1 October 1965 (see . BGE 107 Ib 356 f.). But the new Forest Act of the Canton of Valais of 1 February 1985 regulates it. So the authoritative law must first be clarified. 600 m2 2 m woods edge, 12 m width 2 m a forest and the age of 25 for new tillers (Article 2, Section 1) including VAT.:. Aa) Under the new law Valais following minimum requirements apply... In addition explains for Protection and security strips and riparian woodlands these quantitative criteria are not relevant (Art. 2, para. 3). In its decision of 4 July 1985, the Federal these measurements has the approval refused on the grounds that the 600 m2 and 25-year blew the scope of federal law. Therefore, the practice goes from remains of 400 m2. Some of the disputed areas comprise less than 400 m2 and less than 12 m width. But they can not be as protective even as security strips or bank woods called. From a protection or security strips will be spoken when it comes to protected forest, protection against wind, noise, etc. comes (cf.. HERMANN TROMP, the legal concept of the forest, Supplement to the magazine of the Swiss Forest Association 39/1966, p 55). the new Forest Law of the Canton of Valais not be protected within the meaning of Art. 2 para. 3 are therefore tillers about reasons of nature and landscape protection. The at issue in these proceedings thus provide tillers of Valais right well no forest is. Ab) The standards for forest concept is compelling Swiss federal law. So the cantons must create 232 different own definitions no BGE 114 Ib 224 S., unless the federal law establishing opens up to them appropriate leeway. Such recognizes the Federal Court case law for the concretization of the concept of sufficiently large "surface" (Article 1, Section 1 FPolV;.. BGE 107 Ib 51 et seq.). However, should such values ​​of the Cantonal law will not be noted when they contradict the federal regulatory requirements, is especially if too judged schematically only on quantitative criteria to be assessed accordingly, without the quality of tillering (see FIG. BGE f 110 Ib 383rd, 107 Ib 52). The federal law does not treat certain particular manifestations of tillering only despite falling below the quantitative limits as the forest when they are protective and safety strips or riparian woodlands. There are also shrubs and bushes forests, etc. to it; the related federal legislation list is in contrast to the cantonal law not exhaustive ( "in particular
64.)15. September 1988BGE 114 Ib 214 BGE 114 Ib 214 215 S. The company Toggenburger AG is the owner of a parcel in Bassersdorf, which is after building code and zone map of the municipality in the industrial area G; in this zone are "moderately disturbing plants and equipment as well as trade and service sectors" are allowed. The local council of Bassersdorf issued Toggenburger AG under conditions and conditions the authorization for the preparation of a concrete processing plant with wardrobe building. On appeal of a neighbor down the Appeals Commission and the Administrative Court of the Canton of Zurich abolished the building permit. The Administrative Court justified the refusal of planning permission substantially so, so the concrete plant causing severe secondary emissions and does not pose any moderately disturbing operation within the meaning of the Planning and Building Act of the Canton of Zurich (PBG) and the Building Code. Against this decision of the Administrative Court handed the Toggenburg AG in federal court both administrative appeal and constitutional complaint. The Federal Court the administrative appeal well and has the matter under annulment of the judgment to the BGE 114 Ib 214 S. 216 Administrative Court back; the constitutional complaint writes it as irrelevant from become.
65.)25 novembre 1988BGE 114 Ib 204 BGE 114 Ib 204 S. 204 Lors de l'émission "Téléjournal" du 23 mai 1984 à 19 h 30, la Télévision Suisse Romande a consacré une séquence de quelques minutes à une rumeur persistante selon laquelle Nessim Gaon était sur le point de vendre l 'hôtel Noga Hilton qu'il possède à Genève. Selon les bruits répercutés par la télévision - et catégoriquement denials par le principal interest - l'homme d'affaires aurait voulu se séparer de son hôtel pour faire face à un besoin urgent de LIQUIDITES prétendument provoque par le refus of dirigeants du Nigéria de s 'acquitter envers lui de 560 millions de francs de factures. Le 14 septembre 1984, l'autorité indépendante d'examen of plaintes en matière de radio-télévision (ci-après l'Autorité de plainte) a écarté la réclamation déposée par Nessim Gaon contre l'émission du 23 mai 1984. Cette décision a été annulée le 13 décembre 1985 pour du droit d'être entendu violation par le Tribunal fédéral qui a l'affaire renvoyé à l'autorité inférieure. Se prononçant à nouveau le 1er décembre 1986, l'Autorité de plainte a estimé que l'émission litigieuse n'avait pas le viol principe de l'objectivité garanti à l'art. 13 de la concession accordée par la Confédération à la Société suisse de radio et télévision diffusion. Par recours de droit administratif, Nessim Gaon a requis le Tribunal fédéral d'annuler cette décision. Invoquant une violation BGE 114 Ib 204 S. 205 of the art. 11 et 13 de la concession, le recourant soutient en que le substance non-respect des règles de diligence par le journaliste a conduit ce dernier à diffuse à l'antenna of faux renseignements et qui ont porté incomplets atteinte au crédit dont jouissent tant le financier lui-même que l'Etat du Nigéria. Le Tribunal fédéral a rejeté le recours.
66.)8 mai 1958BGE 84 II 241 BGE 84 II 241 S. 242 A.- Le 1er mai 1923, Gaudenzio Briacca et son épouse born von Gunten ont Prete la somme de 30 000 Fri. aux époux Guido et Mathilde Meuwly. Selon la reconnaissance de dette qu'ils ont souscrite à cette date, les débiteurs se sont à Engages rembourser le montant du prêt "par amortissements, chaque année, avec intérêt de fr. 5%, jusqu'à restitution complète". Lady Briacca-von Gunten est le 28 août 1926 décédée; elle avait par tous ses testament attribué Estate à son Mari. Celui-ci avec s'est remarie Romilda Costamagna, dont il a eu deux enfants, Santina born le 1er Novembre 1928 Roberto et né le 9 octobre 1930. Gaudenzio Briacca est le décédé 17 Janvier 1945 laissant pour sa seconde seuls héritiers femme et ses deux enfants. Les 23 et 27 Janvier, 1er, 5 et 12 février 1937 Guido Meuwly a address A Gaudenzio Briacca of Letters concernant le paiement d'acomptes et valant reconnaissance de la dette qu'il avait contractee avec son épouse. Lady Briacca-Costamagna, "agissant en sa qualité d'héritière de M. Gaudenzio Briacca
67.)25 novembre 1988BGE 114 Ib 200 BGE 114 Ib 200 S. 201 par décision du 2 mars 1988, l'Autorité indépendante d'examen of plaintes en matière de radio-télévision (ci-après l'Autorité de plainte) a constate que les séquences the éditions de midi du et soir de l'émission Téléjournal du 2 décembre 1987 au consacrées du Conseil national vote refusant la ratification de la Charte sociale européenne, n'avaient pas la viol concession accordée à la Société suisse de radio et télévision diffusion; elle écartait ainsi la plainte formulée le 8 décembre 1987 par Eric Bertinat - du président parti politique "Vigilance" - et 21 cosignataires. Une plainte identique déposée par le mouvement "Vigilance" était en outre déclarée irrecevable, en raison du défaut de qualité pour agir you recourant. Eric Bertinat et "Vigilance" ont forme un recours de droit administratif contre la décision de l'Autorité de plainte. Le Tribunal fédéral n'est pas entré en matière sur le recours d'Eric Bertinat et al rejeté celui du parti politique.
68.)31. Oktober 1988BGE 114 Ib 196 BGE 114 Ib 196 S. 196 The X. AG presented on 3 October 1986 at Rheinschiffahrt Directorate Basel the application for a certificate in accordance with Art. 4 para. 2 and 3 of the Federal Act on the ship register. In substance, it was to make the register of the applicant belongs motor vessel even under the conditions that (, BBl 1984 II 1453 AS 1986 1130 1134) were newly created by which came into force on 15 July 1986 revision of the law, in the ship register , Rhine Navigation Directorate rejected the application for issuance of the required certificate from, and the appeals made against her were available by the Economic un Sozialdepartement BGE 114 Ib 196 S. 197 of the Canton of Basel-Stadt and rejected by the government of the canton Basel-Stadt. The Federal Court dismissed the administrative appeal, the time came to enter it. From the considerations
69.)11 novembre 1988BGE 114 Ib 190 BGE 114 Ib 190 S. 190 La société F. Ballmer S.A. assure la distribution exclusive pour la Suisse des unités de construction et autonomous mobile Portakabin. Parmi son assortiment, la société vend notamment les BGE 114 Ib 190 S. 191 grandes unités de la série Pullman fabriquées d'une pièce en Grande-Bretagne et importées par la route. Pour les routiers convoy dépassant les dimensions prescrites par l'art. 9 LCR, elle doit bénéficier d'une autorisation spéciale délivrée par l'Office fédéral de la police. Par décision du 9 septembre 1986, cette autorité a informé la société importatrice que, dès le 1er janvier 1987, elle ne lui délivrerait plus d'autorisations spéciales pour the convoy routiers dont le poids et les dimensions excéderont certaines limites à fixées 28 t de poids total, 4 m de largeur, 4 m de hauteur et de 16 m longueur pour les véhicules articulés (18 m pour les trains routiers). Le recours de la société qui se plaignait de ne plus pouvoir importer les unités de la série Portakabin Pullman rejeté a été le 15 janvier 1988 par le Département fédéral de justice et police. Le Tribunal fédéral a rejeté le recours de droit administratif Forme contre cette dernière décision.
70.)23 marzo 1988BGE 114 Ib 180 BGE 114 Ib 180 S. 181 Il Dipartimento dell'ambiente del Cantone Ticino - agendo in virtù dell'art. 36 cpv. 2 e LPT dell'art. 8 del relativo decreto esecutivo emanato dal Consiglio di Stato il 29 marzo 1980 (DEPT) - pubblico nel 1981 il piano della zona edificabile provvisoria del Comune di Chiasso. Senza subire modifiche in seguito a ricorsi, tale piano Entro in vigore. Esso escludeva dalla zona edificabile vaste porzioni di territorio a Seseglio. In questa zona inedificabile - salvo che per costruzioni agricole - era inclusa anche la part. n. 156 RFD di proprietà del Comune. Il terreno, della superficie complessiva di 34968 m2 e di forma irregolare, è compreso fra il torrente Faloppia e la strada al limite della Collina boschiva del Penz. In data 4 febbraio 1982 il Comune di Chiasso presento una domanda di costruzione per la creazione su detto fondo di impianti sportivi (Campi da tennis coperti e all'aperto, palazzina di servizio, due terreni per il calcio, Posteggi); questo progetto fu poi riveduto ed il 7 settembre 1983 venne inoltrata una nuova costruzione di domanda. In precedenza, con lettera del 16 Agosto 1983 il municipality di Chiasso aveva richiesto al Dipartimento dell'ambiente una modifica del piano provvisorio delle zone BGE 114 Ib edificabili 180 S. 182, a tendente inserire il terreno in questione nel quale zona di comprensorio edilizio attrezzature e edifici pubblici (AEP). Con decisione del 18 ottobre 1983 il Dipartimento dell'ambiente accolse tale richiesta. Per questa modifica non fu allestito alcun nuovo piano: ci si Limito a disegnare sull'esemplare esistente la nuova zona e non inter venne alcuna pubblicazione. Il 28 novembre 1983 il Municipio di Chiasso accordo al Comune la licenza edilizia e respinse le opposizioni; dal canto suo, il Dipartimento delle pubbliche costruzioni già aveva concesso il 28 ottobre l'autorizzazione cantonale a costruire. I signori X., proprietari di un fondo attiguo, ricorsero al Consiglio di Stato contro queste due decisioni. . Il Governo respinse il gravame con risoluzione n 1553 del 25 marzo 1986: esso ritenne LEGITTIMA la modifica del piano delle zone provvisoriamente edificabili accordata dal Dipartimento dell'ambiente, e ineccepibili i permessi edilizi ordinari rilasciati dal Municipio e dal Dipartimento delle pubbliche costruzioni. I vicini soccombenti hanno la impugnato decisione del Consiglio di Stato con ricorso al Tribunale amministrativo, che lo ha respinto con sentenza del 13 giugno 1986. Esso ha ritenuto che - quand'anche la modifica della zona edificabile concessa dal Dipartimento dell'ambiente non fosse valida - il centro sportivo progettato dovrebbe eater autorizzato in applicazione dell'art. 24 pv. 1 LPT, perché di ubicazione vincolata e perché nessun interest contrario e preponderante osta alla sua realizzazione. I signori X. sono Insorti contro la predetta sentenza con tempestivo ricorso di diritto amministrativo, chiedendo al Tribunale federale di annullarla unita alla mente risoluzione del Consiglio di Stato, alla licenza edilizia Comunale e all'autorizzazione dipartimentale. Il Tribunale amministrativo si è limitato in risposta a far riferimento alla propria decisione; il Consiglio di Stato e il Comune di Chiasso hanno concluso per la reiezione del ricorso; l'Ufficio federale della pianificazione del territorio (UPT) ne ha invece l'postulato accoglimento.
71.)10. April 1988BGE 114 Ib 174 BGE 114 Ib 174 S. 174 The lying in the "Sandacker" in Schaffhausen property of heirs J. was reallocated at the zone plan revision in 1982 of the residential zone of high utilization in the zone for public buildings, facilities and green spaces. The BGE 114 Ib 174 S. 175 new zoning plan of 26 September In 1982, with the authorization given by the Government Council on September 12, 1983 approving legal force. Even before that, namely on 12 January 1983, the heirs of the two cantonal Building Code (Building Act), the plot number had J. Schaffhausen City Council based on Art. 6 para. Invited. To take over in 1238 to the property. Since no agreement could be reached on the takeover price, the landowner came to the Cantonal Assessment Commission for expropriations and submitted an application, the purchase price was fixed at CHF 185 .-- / m2 and bear interest from 12 September 1983. The Cantonal Assessment Commission decided on 6 October 1986, the municipality had Schaffhausen .-- / m2 to accept and pay interest on the property at a price of CHF 125 this after the expiration of 30 days after the final determination about 5%. This decision challenged the heirs of J. in the Superior Court of the Canton of Schaffhausen. In the proceedings before the Superior Court, the parties concluded to take a comparison, according to which the city Schaffhausen committed the land at a price of CHF 145 .-- / m2 on 30 April 1987th Payment and transfer of ownership took place on 10 June 1987. With regard to the question of the obligation to pay interest no agreement was reached and continued the procedure. In its decision of 16 October 1987 the High Court rejected the request of the landowner to return on the acquisition price. Against this decision heirs raised J. Administrative Court.
72.)11. November 1988BGE 114 Ib 168 BGE 114 Ib 168 S. 169 On February 16, April 27, 12 and 14 July and the Medicare Gros AG conducted various laboratory products (tubes, pipettes, etc.) in the Swiss customs territory on 30 September 1982. In addition to the broadcast of July 14, 1982 all goods were based on the submitted proofs of origin dispatched definitely duty free. The delivery of 14 July 1982, customs cleared temporarily and the corresponding amount of CHF 180.55 deposited. By letter of 14 April and 27 July 1983, the Swiss customs authorities requested the German customs authorities to verify the authenticity and accuracy of the proof of origin submitted with the shipment of 14 July 1,982th The Hauptzollamt Mainz announced the Swiss Federal Customs Administration on February 10, 1984, the investigation revealed that the consignment in question did not contain any origin within the meaning of the Free Trade Agreement between Switzerland and the European Economic Community. By letter dated 9 April 1985, the German customs authorities also announced that it had not traded for the other programs in order to originate. This conclusion follows because the first appeal. A recent inspection was possible not because the exporter, the Imeda-Gross Handels-GmbH, was declared bankrupt on 11 November 1,982th The District Directorate III gave the Medi Gros AG by letter dated May 20, 1985 note of the replies from the German authorities and presented simultaneously in view that the payment of customs duties demanded retroactively'll Fr. 469.55; Furthermore, the customs office will book instructed definitely be recorded provisionally released for normal approach BGE 114 Ib 168 S. 170 consignment of 14 July 1,982th Although the Medicare Gros AG had opposes this intention of the administration or on 30 May 1985 ordered the District Directorate III June 3, 1985 in accordance with the judgment given notice. The order was confirmed by the Directorate General of Customs, and the Federal Customs Appeals Commission dismissed on 30 October 1987, the complaint of Medicare Gros AG against the decision of the Directorate General of Customs from full. The Medicare Gros AG performs administrative court complaint seeking that the judgment of the Customs Appeal Commission as well as the disposal of the District Directorate III should be annulled and the matter should be dismissed for a new decision. In Eventualstandpunkt is required, the Federal Court should after acceptance of the evidence offered determine the duty-free treatment of the goods and the Customs Inspectorate book instruct refund the deposited amount of duty. The complainant alleges that incorrect and incomplete findings of fact of the lower court. had a hand may not be parked on the inspection reports of the Main Customs Office Mainz, because they had been drawn up without any clarifications. On the other hand, it rejected the Customs Appeal Commission with completely insufficient grounds to remove the evidence offered, which would be evidenced that the imported goods came from member countries of the European Communities. The Federal Court, the Administrative Court on the following considerations considerations: 1. a) The agreement concluded between the Swiss Confederation and the European Economic Community (EEC) Free Trade Agreement of 22 July 1972 (AS 1972, 3115; 1975, 1437) was the progressive abolition of import tariffs agreed by the year 1977th The benefit to be granted by Switzerland duty-free access exclusively goods that originate in the states of the EEC. The concept of origin, as well as the shape of the proof of origin are (regulated in Protocol 3 to the mentioned agreement AS 1972 3184;. 1978, 601, valid from 1 January 1985 revision of the entire protocol AS 1985, 79; further changes AS 1987, 1112 ; 1988 570; SR 0.632.401.3). BGE 114 Ib 168 S. 171 b) The movement certificate EUR. 1 is, by the customs authorities of the exporting country issued for the export of the products to which it relates (Art. 9 para. 1 of the protocol). For shipments whose value 1,500 units of account (Art. 8 para. 1 lit. b of the Protocol as amended in 1978) and 3,400 ECU (amended in 1985) does not exceed, the form EUR. 2 are used, which fill out under the responsibility of the exporter or his authorized representative and sign (Art. 14 of the protocol). The form EUR. 2 was repeated with the change of the protocol in 1987. replaced by a declaration to the exporter on the invoice (AS 1987, 1112; Type 8, paragraph 1. B.). c) Upon presentation of evidence EUR. 1 EUR. 2 or the output on the bills observations recognize the customs authorities of the importing country imported goods as originating (Art. 8 of the protocol, para. 1). Do they have reason to doubt the authenticity of the document or the accuracy of the information regarding the true origin of the goods concerned, they may use the subsequent verification require customs authorities of the exporting State (Art. 17 of the Protocol). The process of this subsequent verification is not regulated in the protocol. It is determined rather by the domestic laws of the exporting country (BGE 111 Ib 326/7). At the result, the authorities of the importing country are attached (BGE 110 Ib 309). These decisions of the Federal Court is in line with that of the Court of Justice of the European Communities. In its judgment I.S. Les Rapides Savoyards of 12 July 1984 (ECJ, Coll. 1984, p 3105), the Court held, the origin of the goods is to be determined of the exporting country by the authorities because they are best able to the facts of where the origin depended directly to ascertain. The functioning of the system based on this distribution of tasks between the customs administrations of the Parties to the Free Trade Agreement and on the confidence that fees to the measures adopted by the participating governments. The customs authorities of the importing country have to recognize the decision of the authorities of the exporting country (ECJ, supra, p 3123/24). d) as couched in Swiss in Art. 16 and 17 of the Protocol assistance duties include in case of doubt on the investigation result of inquiries and supplements do not explicitly. Although the official cooperation can not be unlimited, but it is BGE 114 Ib must include 168 S. 172, which is necessary to determine the origin of goods and reasonable. If the verification message is misleading or may be incomplete, it is the authorities of the importing country therefore free to ask a repeated request for review. To international law, this would not anyway. Question of the country's internal legislation of the importing country, it is therefore whether the importer has the right to have is sought to the customs authorities of the exporting country to reconsider the unfavorable for him inspection result. the Federal Court had the opportunity this question because of new evidence to affirm in a case in which the authorities of the exporting State explicitly confirmed the readiness to repeated verification, the Swiss customs authorities sought but to prevent this re-examination by the authorities of the exporting country for Swiss law (BGE 111 Ib 323). If the Federal Court in the
73.)16. Dezember 1988BGE 114 Ib 163 BGE 114 Ib 163 S. 164 X. stands since June 1986 in the service of the Secretariat of the Federal Banking Commission. At first he stayed with his family at the old home in Basel and drove daily to work by train to Bern. On July 20, 1987, he relocated the residents of the near Bern. Since the condition of the rented house there did not prove to be satisfactory, the children did not feel well in school and lacked neighborly relations, X. wanted to return with his family back in the old city of Basel, where he has close family and friendly relations. He has therefore asked on 20 March 1988, the Swiss Federal Banking Commission for authorization to transfer the residence to Basel. By order of 25 April 1988, the Banking Commission rejected the request. The grounds given were that authorization to take up residence outside the residential district of the place of employment (25 conurbations in a radius of 15 km around Bern) is to issue only with reluctance. Residing Basel the applicant after he intends to car use from home would be day 12 1/2 hours. Absent. This would have a negative impact on his work. not to satisfy also vermöchten performance and behavior of the applicant; the quality of work was good, but the Speditivität and thus the quantity leave much to be desired. According right of appeal X. led on 27 June 1988 complaint to the Federal Council with the desire, the disposition of 25 April should be annulled and that it was to grant him living in Basel, without simultaneous Room rent in the residential district of Bern. At the same time, the complainant took the view that the Administrative Court would be the right remedy. This view subsequently joined the Banking Commission on what the Federal Justice and Police referred the complaint to the Federal Court. BGE 114 Ib 163 165 S. The SFBC includes in its consultation to dismiss the complaint. By order of 18 August 1988, the President of the II. Public Law Division dismissed the petition of the complainant for precautionary measures. The Federal Court upheld the appeal well. From the considerations
74.)23 décembre 1988BGE 114 Ib 161 BGE 114 Ib 161 S. 161 Sur la base de Déclarations partiellement fausses, les époux X., ressortissants zaïrois, ont l'asile obtenu le 28 mars 1985, la qualité de réfugiés a également été reconnue à leurs enfants six. Plusieurs faits importants ayant été Découverts, le Délégué aux réfugiés a, le 28 Novembre 1986 révoqué l'asile accordé aux époux X. et à leurs enfants. Le recours Forme auprès du Département fédéral de justice et police a été par rejeté Decisions du 31 mars 1988 par la voie du Agissant recours de droit administratif, les enfants ont leurs époux X. et conclu à l'annulation of Decisions attaquées. Le recours a été rejeté. BGE 114 Ib 161 S. 162
75.)25 avril 1988BGE 114 Ib 156 BGE 114 Ib 156 S. 156 Le Ministère de la justice des Pays-Bas a présenté une demande d'entraide judiciaire d'où il departmental qu'une enquête pénale est conduite dans ce pays contre les sociétés Hollandaises S. Il est à celles reproche -ci d'avoir imports of raisins secs de Turquie aux Pays-Bas en éludant une taxe prévue par la réglementation communautaire européenne. La collectivité intéressée aurait subi un préjudice compris entre dix et douze millions de florins. Les sociétés S. auraient agi en présentant faux documents, notamment of fausses factures, aux autorités Hollandaises. Elles auraient you beneficie concours de trois sociétés suisses établies à Lausanne, qui se trouveraient sous leur domination. La demande tend à l'audition, à titre de témoins, the organes de ces sociétés suisses, ainsi qu'à la saisie de tous documents détenus par elles permettant de faire la lumière sur leurs liens avec BGE 114 Ib 156 S. 157 les sociétés S. et sur leur rôle exact dans les opérations de celles-ci. Elle a été transmise au Juge d'instruction du canton de Vaud qui a décidé d'entrer en matière et l'exécution a ordonné the actes d'entraide requis. Le 1er Septembre 1987 une visite domiciliaire a été effectuée dans les locaux et des Societes suisses impliquées of documents y ont été séquestrés. En outre, l'administrateur de ces sociétés a été entendu à titre de témoin. Les sociétés ont demandé S. sans succès l'autorisation de consulter le dossier. Elles ont déféré la décision négative du Juge d'instruction au tribunal d'accusation du canton de Vaud, qui a le recours rejeté par arrêt du 18 novembre 1987. Agissant par la voie du recours de droit administratif, les sociétés S. demandent au Tribunal fédéral d'annuler cet arrêt et de leur accorder l'autorisation de consulter le dossier. Les sociétés ont S. en outre recouru contre les décisions du Juge d'instruction Executees le 1er septembre 1987. Le Tribunal d'accusation a rejeté préjudiciellement le recours, également par arrêt du 18 novembre 1987. Il a retenu que les sociétés p n 'avaient pas qualité pour recourir. Par la voie d'un autre recours de droit administratif, celles-ci requièrent le Tribunal fédéral d'arrêt et annuler son, principalement d'annuler les opérations Executees par le Juge d'instruction; subsidiairement, elles demandent la levée du Séquestre grevant les documents.
76.)10. Juni 1988BGE 114 Ib 152 BGE 114 Ib 152 S. 152 The X. AG received by the Federal Council for permission to distribute its own local radio program. The Y. Association filed against a repeat broadcast of the Tenth AG mission at the Swiss Federal Transport and Energy Department a complaint because the intercepted consignment has violated the rules governing local radio attempts advertising regulations. By order of 13 August 1987, the department noted BGE 114 Ib 152 S. 153, the X. AG infringed the rules on advertising; in addition, the X AG was formally admonished to comply with the advertising rules and the experimental permit. The X. AG collects administrative appeal against that order. It justifies this, among other things, to assess the applicant's Y. Association would be the local appeal body with Weiterzugsmöglichkeit to the Independent Complaints Authority for Radio and Television instead of the Federal Transport and Energy Department had jurisdiction. Considerations extract from the
77.)22. Mai 1958BGE 84 II 232 BGE 84 II 232 S. 233 A.- The divorce the husband was dismissed at first instance because he was mainly to blame for the affirmed by the District Court profound breakdown of the marriage and therefore not entitled to claim (Art. 142 para. 2 of the Civil Code). The wife had opposed the divorce. Before High Court to which the plaintiff appealed, the parties concluded but then agree that: "1. The parties a joint petition for divorce based on Article 142 of the Civil Code 2. The applicant agrees to transfer the property ... the defendant... 3. the defendant accepts the payment of still outstanding bills for the creation of water-borne maximum amount of CHF 1,200 .--. 4. ... to 9 ... "(household, apartment eviction, compensation pension, litigation costs). BGE 84 II 232 S. 234 B.- The Supreme Court, which submitted the parties this agreement, precipitated on 24 March 1958 following Judgment: "1. The marriage of the parties is divorced according to Art 142 of the Civil Code 2. The applicant.. is obliged to transfer the property ... the defendant to property. 3. In addition, the agreement of the parties is ... approved. 4. ... 6th ... '(legal costs and communication). C.- The judgment was served on the parties on 14 April 1958th On May 3, the applicant lodged at the High Court for the attention of the Federal Court a "calling" a, "cancel the challenged decision whether in allowing the appeal dispositive paragraph 1 and to take from the withdrawal of the suit Vormerk." With the application, The reasoning goes thus: "The defendant, I have reconciled myself, and we have agreed to continue the marital union Accordingly, I withdraw the divorce petition.." At the foot of the notice of appeal, the following takes place before the signature of the defendants provided explanation: "As a sign of the agreement signed with the lawsuit withdrawal, the defendant also that input.", "The Supreme Court is considering: 1. As a vocation, the input of the applicant do not apply. for it is not aimed as it corresponds to the purpose of this appeal, to amend the higher court judgment in his favor from. it lacks a request within the meaning of Art. 55 lit. b OG, and it comes as a wide-education through plaintiff did not, as the high court judgment corresponds according to Art. 43 ff. OR questioned his claims in all parts, he that this judgment in no way complains and is therefore not legitimate to distance education. 2. What is the input to advantage wants to bring is a retreat of awarded by the Superior court divorce petition. BGE 84 II 232 S. 235 In this connection, the wife makes a statement, the bes agt that it withdraws the petition for divorce before High Court Asked together with the husband on their part. It is necessary to consider whether a protected in the upper cantonal instance divorce action can be effectively withdrawn at the expiry of the appeal period, namely the Federal Court or the hands at the lower court. 3. It is recognized that the withdrawal of a divorce as long as the divorce question is pending, and in each instance is permitted. Even a spouse who has obgesiegt in upper cantonal instance with such a desire can explain the lawsuit withdrawal in the federal judicial authority. It is questionable, however, whether he himself is the absence of a hardship to be able to make the matter pending in federal court, but just for the purpose of the lawsuit retreat. This was in BGE 43 II 454ff. denied, and it was carried out, the retreat consent plaintiffs remain no choice but to cause as the only complained by the high court judgment counterparty turn to file a timely appeal in the divorce points to then still withdraw his divorce petition. This condition was the retreat in a later case satisfied (BGE 51 II 81/82). ff in BGE 82 II 81st the consideration of the subsequent withdrawal left a Cantonal in the upper instance endorsed divorce justified because an allowable calling in different point on the part of the other, with their own Divorce (Widerklage-) covet inferior before Supreme Court party Template. Introduction, the question was however raised as to whether the action would not retreat anyway permitted, ie "Whether a divorce plaintiff, the cantonal his desire before the upper court in point of difference or even completely (the side-effects of divorce also respect) has obgesiegt while the deadline for appeal to the Federal Court's BGE 84 II 232 S. 236 action still effective may withdraw, even if the other party is not moving on the judgment of the upper cantonal court or it must at least in point of difference unchallenged leaves ". This decisive for the fate of this plea retreat question is in the affirmative. The final passage contained in the preliminary draft revised floor of Art. 55 lit. b ( "... New desires are excluded, other than for the purpose of maintaining the marriage") was not input into the law. But the admissibility of this, serving lawsuit retreat until the occurrence of res judicata in the points of difference was not about denying the legislature or even questioned. Rather, it was considered, according to the consultation of the Federal Court on the preliminary draft, such an extension of the range of appeal unnecessary because the lawsuit withdrawal by simple explanation distance (in the first instance) without an appeal, could take place. Now, however, the upper cantonal court is certainly not required by federal law to, nor to be considered one by precipitation and promulgation of his final judgment depth with him distance Declaration and to consider the ruling as invalid or revoked. In the doctrine of procedural law, the view is on the one hand, of course championed purpose task of pronounced divorce there was no need wide education of the judgment but the court which pronounced the divorce, have a distance declared before entering the legal force than the judgment following due to the process execution to be observed (LEUCH, N. 1 to Art. 333 of the Bernese ZPO, p 313, line 14 of the 3rd edition, and N. 6 to Art. 397). On the other hand, the opinion is represented, after the announcement of the final decision of the applicant may withdraw his request only in the way that he inlay an ordinary appeal before the onset of force and then in the upper instance declare the withdrawal of the suit (Guldener, The Swiss Civil Procedure Law I 247, N. 1 to § 36). According to this view BGE 84 II 232 S. 237 only different procedural rules remain subject such as Art. 443 para. 3 of the Geneva Code of Civil Procedure, which (as amended by the amendment of 12 February 1944) the withdrawal of a divorce or separation desire in the following as relieved: "Tout le jugement ou arrêt prononçant divorce ou la séparation de corps sera réputé nul et non avenu si les deux parties ont dans le délai fixé pour l'opposition, l'appel ou le recours au Tribunal fédéral ... , déclaré renoncer au divorce ou à la séparation de corps. Cette déclaration, qui est en ce qui concerne le irrevocable jugement ou l'arrêt rendu, doit être faite par écrit et déposée auprès du greffier de la juridiction chargée de communiquer le jugement ou l 'arrêt en vue de transcription. " That a similar sense, the present bilateral withdrawal of divorce suits by zürcherischem procedural law (law or court use) should have been received, has not been established. The Supreme Court has filed with it "appeal
78.)23. März 1988BGE 114 Ib 142 BGE 114 Ib 142 S. 142, the Federal Council issued on January 4, 1966 the general project for the National 4a, leg Blegi-cymbal (Blickensdorf), his approval. For this leg of the Canton 14 put train from May 16, 1966 a project zone plan in accordance with Art. Of the Federal Law on the National Roads Authority (NSG) in affected communities publicly. On July 29, 1966, the Inter Chemie AG acquired (now Leutwyler Services AG), which was already the owner of abutting to the SBB line train-Steinhausen plot No. 470 in Steinhausen, which lies to the issued plan between the project area and their property. area of ​​4950 m2 (Lot no. 490) for the construction of a second warehouse and a BGE 114 Ib 142 143 S. office building. In the building permit process, the cantonal building department made the landowner, however, point out that according to figures prepared on the basis of electronic calculations detailed plans, the zone boundary is proceeding on their plots and anschneide the planned warehouse. The Building Authority dismissed the Inter Chemie AG in the further point out that in the course of construction is expected to groundwater table lowering the underpass of the N 4a under the SBB railway tracks, and advised her DELAYING with the construction of buildings along the project area if possible to avoid constructional difficulties. The worked out, due to the overall project design project for the N 4a, the provisional the definitive and "
79.)2. März 1988BGE 114 Ib 135 BGE 114 Ib 135 p 135 In the context of the discussion on the design of the Swiss National road network decided to Federal Convention, the national road N6 Bern-Thun (Gwatt) and the N2 Basel-Chiasso additionally with a national road second or third class (N8) to connect the Thun over Interlaken and over the Brünig according Acheregg / Hergiswil leads (Federal decision on the national highway network of 21 June 1960 and list of Swiss national roads; cf. Sten.Bull NR 1960 p.215 f...). The general project for the leg second-class Alpnachstad-Delli (Kantonsgrenze OW / NW) has been approved by the Federal Council on 16 December 1968th In this section, three sub-ports were provided on the Cantonal road network: the exit and the entrance Bachmattli Z'Matt for traffic in the direction from or towards Gotthard and the exit Alpnachstad that the vehicles from Lucerne / Lopper Road Tunnel inter alia, the direct access allows for the Pilatus cable car station. BGE 114 Ib 135 S. 136 The supported on the general project worked out and publicly traded construction design other members of the government of the canton Obwalden on 4 August 1971, the then responsible Federal Department of the Interior on 19 March 1971, the approval. The construction work was carried out to this and pass the road piece of the traffic. Because of the close topographical and the difficult geological conditions in Alpnachstad only one exit was created for traffic from Lucerne as described, the reaching of Brünig forth in the room Alpnachstad vehicles used the exit Alpnach South and from this space in both directions wegfahrenden vehicles either the entrance or the entrance Alpnach North Sarnen. Leading by Alpnachstad and Alpnachdorf main road was therefore only partly relieved and had in particular continue to accommodate the truck traffic of Sand & Gravel AG and from Niederstad. At the urging of the community Alpnach the government of the canton Obwalden finally decided to modify the final design Alpnachstad-Delli and reissue. Under the amended plans on the one hand - which is not of interest here, since the project is so far not challenged - in Alpnachstad another entrance toward Brünig be created. On the other hand, provided m in Niederstad about 600 before the exit Bachmattli a "provisional" Factory exit for the coming from the direction of Brünig heavy traffic, create especially for the trucks of Sand & Gravel AG. a goal is erected at the end, which normally remains closed and can only be opened from the trucks leaders are therefor to the emergency lane m over a length of about 50 widened to a deceleration lane. The exit track is as a one-way street at a length of about 30 m lead to widening access road Niederstad, which in turn opens into the main road to the existing meters to 6.5. Against the amended version Project John Kuchler and other owners of apartment buildings ranged along the access road Niederstad an objection. The government of the canton Obwalden showed it off with Decide on 4 March 1985 at the main and was called only a few desire of secondary importance, so the principle of the requests for speed limit on the access road, BGE 114 Ib 135 S. 137 fine. Against this decision objector Administrative Court have raised. From the considerations
80.)26 septembre 1988BGE 114 Ib 131 BGE 114 Ib 131 131 S. G. agriculteur est à Villars-sous-Yens et propriétaire classe de terrain en zone agricole selon le plan d'extension communal. Le BGE 114 Ib 131 S. 132 22 juillet 1986, il a été autorisados ​​à construire un hangar destiné à modernizer l'exploitation du domaine. La Municipalité a levé une par opposition Formee lady B .; celle-ci est propriétaire d'une parcelle contiguë qui est occupée par une maison d'habitation et un rural. L'opposante a déféré sans succès cette décision à la Commission de recours en matière Cantonale de police of constructions du canton de Vaud. Agissant par la voie du recours de droit public, lady B. requiert le Tribunal fédéral d'annuler le prononcé de cette dernière autorité pour violation of art. 4, 22ter Cst. et 2 disp. trans. Cst. Elle dénonce notamment of constatations de faits manifestement insuffisantes et une application arbitraire of dispositions applicables. En particulier, l'Autorité intimée aurait admis de manière que le hangar arbitraire PROJETE est conforme à l'affectation de la zone agricole. En outre, la voie par d'un recours de droit administratif dirigé contre le même prononcé, l'opposante se plaint d'une violation de l'art. 24 LAT; elle soutient que la demande d'autorisation de construire aurait dû être examinee - et rejetée - sur la base de cette disposition. Le Tribunal fédéral a déclaré le recours de droit public irrecevable; il a admis le recours de droit administratif et la renvoyé cause à l'autorité intimée pour que celle-ci complète l'instruction.
81.)17. Juni 1988BGE 114 Ib 125 BGE 114 Ib 125 S. 126 The municipality intends Bitche, to create a new community shooting range for target practice at 300 m distance. According to the decision of the State Council of the Canton of Valais of 16 February 1977 on the shooting clubs and the supervision of the shooting being published the community in the Official Journal. 7 of 15 February 1985, the federal by the responsible officer shooting suitable designated firing line. Against the planned shooting operation, several objections were received as a result. The council on this had dismissed the cantonal judicial, police and military department with the request, the line of fire to approve and objections. By order of 7 October 1987 the deputy pointed the Head of the Justice, Police and Military Department of the Canton of Valais, the objections from, as far as he entered her, and approved the line of fire of Munizipalgemeinde Bitsch. The order includes having regard to Art. 26 of the Federal Ordinance on the shooting being out of service from 29 November 1935 (SR 512.31), the right of appeal to within 30 days can be appealed to the Federal Military Department. Thereof made Erika Oggier-grief and accomplices use. The Federal Military Department came to this by letter dated 8 January 1988, the Federal Office of Justice, as it declined jurisdiction to assess the complaints. If it were - so the view of the department - not to complaints within the meaning of Article 26 of the Regulation on the shooting being out of service.. This provision BGE 114 Ib 125 S. 127 refers to "proprieties concerning instruction and use of firing ranges"; such a dispute does not stand, however, here for discussion. The Federal Department of Justice and Police opened then with the Federal Court an exchange of views on the question of who was responsible for assessing the complaints. It pointed out that the creation of the shooting range, which should be built in an agricultural zone, an exemption under Art. 24 of the Federal Law on Spatial Planning of 22 June 1979 (RPG) need. The reference to BGE 112 Ib 39 et seq., It took the view that the Federal Court had jurisdiction. With answer of 10 March 1988, the President of the First Public Law Division concluded that view. The Federal Court applies the inputs as an administrative court in complaints and the name of this good as far as it enters it. Considerations from the considerations. The planned community Schiessanlage needs of the community in accordance with Art of the federal law are placed on the military organization of 12 April 1907 for the obligatory target practice free of charge 2. 32nd If necessary, the federal expropriation law can be authorized for their creation. As set forth in the applicable contested available, is subject to the system of Cantonal Bauhoheit, i.e. it requires a building permit of the municipality and the canton according to the cantonal building regulations dated January 5, 1983. In the corresponding procedure is to verify whether the installation complies with the relevant provisions of federal and cantonal law. a) As noted in the survey conducted between the Swiss Federal Justice and Police and the Federal Court of exchange, provide dispute over the admissibility of new shooting ranges no "proprieties concerning instruction and use of firing ranges" within the meaning of Art. 26 of the Regulation on the shooting being out of service . the Federal Military Department has no jurisdiction to assess the complaints. b) The jurisdiction of the Federal Board for evaluation would be given if the administrative appeal of BGE 114 Ib 125 S. 128 to one of the referred to in Art. 99 to 101 of OG reasons would be illegal. This is not true. c Contrary to the Federal Council in an unpublished decision of 26 August 1987 in terms of E. and accomplices. Judicial, police and military Department of Valais assumption made is not lit. from a planned available within the meaning of Art. 99 c OG are spoken, but contact the objector by directed against the approval of the line of fire against them imminent for the About Shooting law or for the impairment of neighbor law defense claim expropriation. Also, it's not about the issue of a construction or operating license for technical equipment or vehicles within the meaning of Art. 99 lit. e floor, as with the approval of the line of fire no building permit is connected. It follows from this - as stated in the exchange of views between the Federal Department of Justice and Police and the Federal Court - that the Federal Court has jurisdiction to assess the complaints. The timely filed complaints accordingly in principle to enter. 3. The complainants raise the first accusations of formal denial of justice because the had not been properly carried out in the decision of the State Council of 16 February 1977 on the shooting clubs and the supervision of the shooting system for the recognition of a line of fire agreed mechanism. They did not receive full access to the file for that reason, particularly if they had not be able to comment in sufficient quantities on the issue of noise pollution. The judicial, police and Military Department acknowledges that the process is not exactly according to the ff in art. 10. Of the State Council decision procedures provided for had been carried out, however, believes the objector would therefore not suffered any legal disadvantage. That view can hardly be followed, it nevertheless contained in the files, not only on 12 September 1984 - were carried out noise measurements, but also during the dependence of the appeal proceedings before the - so before occurred on February 15, 1985 edition of the firing line plan Justice, police and Military Department on August 29, 1986. It related to a noise analysis in terms of evidence. This ought to have been delivered to the Einsprechern for comment (BGE 104 Ia 71 E. 3b with references). But the question can be left open whether the complaints are already endorse this reason, it nevertheless from the BGE 114 Ib 125 S. 129 following
82.)2. März 1988BGE 114 Ib 112 BGE 114 Ib is S. X. 112 113 owns the plot No. 377, Plan 3 and 4 (according to the new measurement. Plot No. 614). Which southwest of the Protestant Church of Trimmis located. This plot is located by the local planning of 19 December 1972, which was approved on 18 June 1973 by Government, partly in the zone for public buildings and facilities, and partly in the village area. Previously existed in Trimmis no zoning, but only a interimistisches Building Act. In 1983 the town council negotiated with X. to acquire the located in the zone for public buildings and facilities Lot part, the needs the community for a cemetery extension. On 15 February 1983, he arrived with a takeover request to them. Because no agreement came about BGE 114 Ib was 112 S. 114, the Municipal Assembly decided on 19 October 1984 to acquire the land on which dispossession way. Therefore, the community came on 28 June 1985 to the expropriation Commission I and presented the request, whether to perform the estimation procedure. In its decision of 5 May / 9th October 1986 continued the expropriation Commission determined the compensation to CHF 80 .-- / m2. The municipality Trimmis took this decision to the Administrative Court of the Canton of Grisons further and requested .-- / reduce the compensation awarded compensation on Fri 20 m2. X. also came with an appeal to the Administrative Court and presented the following proposals:.. "1 The decision of expropriation Commission I of the canton of Grisons on May 5/9 October 1986 should be annulled 2. The compensation for material expropriation of in the zone country situated for public buildings and facilities (ZöBA) of X. was fixed at Fr. 200 .-- per m2 of land. 3. The compensation for material expropriation was subject to interest at 6% interest from 06.18.1973, eventualiter from 1.1.1977 . 4. the compensation for formal expropriation of the land of X. located in the zone for public buildings and facilities (ZöBA) was fixed at Fr. 600 .-- per m2 of land minus compensation for material expropriation. 5. the reduced value for the part plot No plot.. 614 (new survey), which has been divided into the village area was to oblige the commune Trimmis, 300 .-- / pay X. Fr. m2. 6. Everything under costs and damages at the expense of commune Trimmis . " She claimed that the land had been divided in the years 1972/1973 in the zone for public buildings and installations would be otherwise, as the rest of the plot, was beaten to the village zone. It also lies in the areas of the old village core and is fully tapped. If the whole plot no. 377 located in the village area, a complex superstructure would have been possible, which is why a price of CHF 600 .-- / m2 could achieve. Located in the village zone residual plot should however only be built over limited. In its decision of 18 February 1987, the Administrative Court dismissed both appeals. Against this decision X. administrative appeal leads to the Federal Court, 112 S. 115 remaining fixed value is approved for agricultural cultivated land in respect to the administration of the court BGE 114 Ib. From the considerations
83.)16 février 1988BGE 114 Ib 108 BGE 114 Ib 108 S. 108 R. est propriétaire de la parcelle No 712 du cadastre de la commune de Commugny. Située d'abord en zone de villas, cette parcelle a été classée en zone agricole et viticole protégée par le nouveau plan de zones de la commune de Commugny, entré en vigueur le 1er avril 1981. Le 3 août 1981, retired a ouvert action à la commune de paiement d'une indemnité pour expropriation matérielle. L'Etat de Vaud est intervenu au procès pour cette demande à résister. Celle-ci a été rejetée par le Tribunal d'you expropriation de Nyon district, puis par la Chambre des recours du Tribunal Cantonal Vaudois qui a, par arrêt du 6 mars 1985 exclu la réalisation d'une expropriation matérielle. Saisi d'un recours de droit administratif forme par R., le Tribunal fédéral, statuant le 23 avril 1986, a considéré que la restriction qui touche la parcelle concernée est constitutive d'une expropriation matérielle et l'justifie allocation d'une indemnité sur la base de l'art. 5 al. 2 LAT. Il a BGE 114 Ib 108 S. 109 admis le recours et l'arrêt annulé attaque dans la mesure où il principe du s'agissait de l'expropriation et de l'indemnité due au recourant; il a la renvoyé cause à l'autorité cantonale pour nouvelle décision. Par la suite, les parties ont conclu à l'extension de l'expropriation et au transfert de l'immeuble à la commune de Commugny. Par arrêt du 24 juin 1987, la Chambre des recours du Tribunal Cantonal a renvoyé la cause au Tribunal d'expropriation du district de Nyon pour nouvelle décision dans le sens of Considérant, en application de la législation cantonale sur l'expropriation. La Chambre des recours a retenu qu'il appartient au Tribunal d'expropriation de statuer sur le droit au transfert de la propriété et sur la valeur de l'immeuble à Transferer. Elle a précisé que l'indemnité due pour l'expropriation ne doit pas être calculée au jour où la restriction du droit de propriété a pris effet, mais à celui du jugement à intervenir. Agissant par la voie du recours de droit administratif, la commune de Commugny et le canton de Vaud ont requis le Tribunal fédéral, principalement d'annuler l'arrêt du 24 juin 1987 de la Chambre des recours du Tribunal Cantonal et de la renvoyer cause au Tribunal d'you expropriation district de Nyon pour que cette juridiction statue sur l'indemnité à verser à R., en fixant le this aestimandi au jour de l'entrée en vigueur de la restriction, soit au 1er avril 1981. Cette date aurait été aussi bien determinant pour estimer la moins-value consecutive à la restriction que la valeur residual disease du bien-fonds comme parcelle viticole. Subsidiairement, les ont demandé que le recourants this aestimandi soit fixé au 1er avril 1981 pour la moins-value, et au jugement du jour à la valeur intervenir pour residual disease du bien-fonds comme parcelle viticole. Le Tribunal fédéral a rejeté les principales conclusions du recours et admis les conclusions subsidiaires; il a la renvoyé cause à la Chambre des recours du Tribunal Cantonal du canton de Vaud.
84.)4 février 1988BGE 114 Ib 100 BGE 114 Ib 100 101 S. F. B. et sont propriétaires, sur le territoire de la commune de Cully, de deux parcelles contiguës, en nature de Vigne, qui ont respectivement une superficie de 1303 m2 et de 1151 m2. Ces biens-fonds sont situés en amont de Cully, à 600 m du center de cette environ localité et à quelque 100 m du village de Riex, entre le chemin du Vigny et le ruisseau du Champaflon. Le secteur, cultivé en vignes depuis 1710 au moins, ne comporte, au sud-ouest et en contrebas, que deux villas édifiées en 1962 et 1963, ainsi que, plus loin dans la même direction, une maison vigneronne bâtie vers 1940. L ' accès aux parcelles assuré est par le chemin du Vigny qui BGE 114 Ib 100 S. 102 les longe au Nord-Ouest. Ce chemin abrité une canalisation d'eau potable depuis 1961, un collecteur d'égouts de système unitaire depuis 1972 et une conduite en acier de 100 mm de diamètre posée en 1982. Les parcelles ne pas dans le figurent you périmètre plan directeur of égouts de la commune de Cully, établi en votation 1969. en du populaire 12 juin 1977, un art. 6 to a été introduit dans la Constitution vaudoise, declarant site protégé la région de Lavaux. Dès l'été 1977, les parcelles de B., et F. alors en zone de villas, devaient être en territoire classées viticole, en principe inconstructible, d'après diverse normes de droit public cantonal finalement remplacées par la loi du 12 février 1979 sur le plan de protection de Lavaux (LPPL), entrée en vigueur le 9 mai 1979. Malgré l'opposition des deux intéressés, leurs parcelles ont été attribuées à la zone viticole dans le règlement sur les communal constructions et l'aménagement du territoire et le plan de zones, approuvé par le Conseil d'Etat le 21 décembre 1983. en vertu the art. 67 ss de ce règlement, la construction de bâtiments n'est possible dans ce secteur que si elle est imposée par leur destination et ne heurte aucun intérêt preponderant. Le 16 mars 1984, B. et F. ont ouvert action en paiement d'une indemnité pour expropriation matérielle contre l'Etat de Vaud et la commune de Cully devant le Tribunal d'expropriation du district de Lavaux. Leur demande a été admise par jugement du 11 novembre 1985. Saisie d'un appel de l'Etat de Vaud, la Chambre des recours du Tribunal Cantonal Vaudois a nie l'existence d'une expropriation matérielle, par arrêt du 27 avril 1987th Elle a notamment que l'attribution considéré of parcelles en cause au domaine viticole participait de la réduction d'une zone à bâtir trop étendue et à des répondait impératifs rationnels d'aménagement du territoire; de plus, l'usage prévisible à des fins de construction dans un proche avenir n'avait pas été rendu vraisemblable. Agissant par la voie du recours de droit administratif, B. et F. demandent au Tribunal fédéral d'admettre l'existence d'une expropriation matérielle et le principe d'une indemnisation. Ils se Prevalent d'une violation de l'art. 5 al. 2 LAT ainsi que des art. 5 LPPL et 76 de la loi cantonale du 4 décembre 1985 sur l'aménagement du territoire et les constructions (LATC); ils allèguent en outre que l'interprétation de la LPPL par le Tribunal Cantonal lèse les droits qui leur sont garantis par les art. 4 et 22ter Cst. BGE 114 Ib 100 S. 103 Le Tribunal fédéral a rejeté le recours dans la mesure où il était recevable.
85.)3. Juni 1988BGE 114 Ib 94 BGE 114 Ib 94 S. 94 A in 1980 when D. AG conducted audit and subsequently initiated criminal proceedings revealed that the company in the years 1976 to 1979 (and others) foreign spirits - whiskey, gin, rum, vodka - certain amounts had taken for selling domestically and replaced with fuel, so-called rectified spirit, the Swiss alcohol Board. The blended brandy was then - re-exported, the paid upon importation monopoly charges were reclaimed - with the same declaration as for imports. Because of the opposite fuel higher fiscal burden of brandy were therefore returned to high monopoly charges. BGE 114 Ib 94 S. 95 The export wrapped in large part on the X. AG from which also questioned the refund requests for those of you exported quantities. By order of 14 August 1985 1 imposed on the Swiss Alcohol administration of X. AG, having regard to Article 12, paragraph 1 and 2 and Article 63 of the Law on Administrative Criminal Law.... (SR 313.0; VStrR). In conjunction with Article 10 . abs. 2, Article 20 and 62 of the German law on the fired water (alcohol Act; SR 680; AlkG), a dispensing Fr. 422'372.30 for illegally refunded monopoly charges. On the same day, the Swiss Alcohol Board also issued against Y., chairman of X. AG, as jointly and a delivery available, where it found the liability for the amount of CHF 422'372.30 exists only if it from the criminal court for premeditated fraudulent acquisition of royalties be condemned. The X and Y. AG challenged the levy orders in to the Swiss Alcohol Appeals Commission. This recognized by judgment of May 1, 1987 as follows: "1. In partially allowing the appeal of X. AG pursuant to section 4 is fixed to the disposal of the Swiss Alcohol Board of 14 August 1985 to CHF 422'372.30 obligation on Fri. . 304'360 .-- reduced Moreover, the complaint is dismissed 2. the Board of Y. against the order of the Swiss alcohol Board of 14 August 1985 is partially upheld;... the amount unlawfully retroactive reimbursed monopoly charges is to Fr. 304 ' 360 .-- decreased, and the matter is rejected for further clarification within the meaning of Recital 10 and new available to the administration. " The Swiss Alcohol Appeals Commission was considering the exported goods have only 28 000 liters included.% Fuel volume 100, bringing the illegally reimbursed monopoly charges reduced to CHF 304'360 .--. 2 ACLA is obligatory reverse power under Art. 12 para. The X. AG, which had come to enjoy the unlawful benefit. Y. was under Art. 12 para. 3 VStrR only jointly and severally liable, if he had acted intentionally. The question of intent was clarified by the administration, but the administration has not examined this question. In that regard, the facts were incompletely established. With administrative appeal the Federal Department of Finance and the Federal alcohol administration, BGE apply Ib 114 94 96 S. point. 2 of the judgment of the Swiss Alcohol Appeals Commission is as far as repeal, will be rejected as the cause for further clarifications to the administration. Against the judgment of the Swiss Alcohol Appeals Commission also maintain the X. AG and Y. administrative appeal with the proposals: "1. The judgment of 1 May 1987 and the delivery of fixing orders against the applicants be annulled insofar as they require the complainant monopoly charges in accordance with paragraph 4 of orders in the last determined amount of CHF refund of 14 August 1987 304'360 .--. 2 may be a) dismiss the case to the lower court for further evidence and clarification. b) Paragraph 2 of the judgment set aside, which the administration is your responsibility to check the intentional actions of the complainant Y. within the meaning of Recital 10 ". The Swiss Alcohol Board requested in their consultation to approve the Eventualbegehren 2b dismissed but otherwise the complaint. The Federal Department of Finance joins this request. Y. waived - having regard to the statements in his complaint - an additional opinion on the common complaint of the Federal Department of Finance and the Swiss Alcohol Board. The Swiss Alcohol Appeals Commission was not to hear it. The Federal Court reverses para. 2 of the judgment to the extent that is rejected as the cause for further clarification and new available to the administration. From the considerations
86.)9. September 1988BGE 114 Ib 89 BGE 114 Ib 89 89 S. Under the company X. is a registered in the commercial register union within the meaning of Art. 828 ff. OR. Its purpose is the purchase and manufacture of building materials and sale to members at favorable conditions as possible. In addition, it also supplies non-members. In fiscal years 1983 and 1984, sales amounted to this to around 10-20% of total sales. In its tax return for the special tax on reimbursements and discounts pursuant to Art. 63 of the decision on the imposition of a direct federal tax BGE 114 Ib 89 S. 90 (BdBSt) tax period 1985/86, the cooperative declared a 5.5% price of the goods exceeds amount of reimbursements to members of CHF 245'300 .-- average of the tax year 1983/84. This self-declaration was recognized by the investment authority and the disposition of taxable Cooperative on 12 January 1987 definitely opened. The non-members on the prices of commodities granted discounts were not subject to the special tax. The taxpayer raised objection on the grounds that it had only subsequently determined that we are dealing with the declared "rebates" to members in reality rebates, rising by Engrosrabatte which are not subject to the special tax under Art. 63 BdBSt. The appeal was unsuccessful. In its decision of 16 September 1987, the Federal Tax Appeals Commission of the Canton of Zurich dismissed the appeal of the cooperative against this assessment. Against the decision of the Federal Tax Appeals Commission, the taxpayer administrative appeal leads to the claims for annulment of the contested decision and to determine the special tax on Fri 0th In support it points out that the Appeals Commission have argued correctly that 63 BdBSt would be due at enterprises of Engroshandels, including the complainant belonged only to actual reimbursements, not on discounts that special tax on the type.. Therefore, the contested decision violates federal law but because the reductions were not qualified to members as rebates and discounts as. That we are dealing with discounts, light up the fact that they had been granted even in years in which no net gain was achieved as in 1984, also from the fact that the same benefits were granted to non-members (customers). The cantonal tax office Zurich, the Federal Tax Appeals Commission of the Canton of Zurich and the Swiss Federal Tax Administration to apply for dismissal of the complaint. The federal court rejects the complaint. From the considerations
87.)2. März 1988BGE 114 Ib 81 BGE 114 Ib 81 P. 82 By order of 3 June 1985 granted the Government of the Canton train the Water Ski Club Cham based on the cantonal law on water of 22 December 1969 the concession for the establishment of a water ski slalom facility and for the Setting up a ski jump in the Cham bay. The slalom system 26 includes buoys m over a length of about 260 and a width of 23 m in eight rows in the lake bottom to be anchored. The water ski-jump of 4 x 8 m and a maximum height of 1.8 m is to be attached with the three chains in the lake bottom. The distance of the system to the shore is between 350 and 700 m. The license award was made after three months of trial operation for a period of ten years under various conditions and requirements. The concession includes the particular subject to revocation if the operation of the plant should a damaging effect, contrary to the expectation of the nature reserve Choller. In addition, the system may only be used from 1 June to 30 September and is to be removed afterwards. For the training operation simultaneously than two tow boats must be used, and for the running of competitions, an additional authorization from the Department of Justice and Police Department is required. The planned plant is in accordance with art outside the 300 m wide riparian zone. 53 of the Regulation of 8 November 1978 on the navigation on Swiss waters as well as outside of the immediately adjacent shallow water zone of the cantonal nature reserve Choller. By contrast, it touches the However, on the lake side is not exactly limited reserve in accordance with the Federal Inventory of Landscapes and Natural Monuments (reserve no. 1309 Zug). The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Switzerland Foundation and the Swiss Association for Nature Conservation challenged the decision of the Governing Council to on granting a license to the Administrative Court of the Canton train because the question investment in conflict with various provisions of the Nature and Cultural Heritage Protection Act and the Fisheries Act stand. Following the dismissal BGE 114 Ib 81 S. 83 of their complaint have collected and constitutional appeal, the two associations in federal court both Verwaltungsgerichts-. Considerations The Federal Court is considering: 1. a) According to Article 2, Section 2 of the Federal Act on inland waterways (BSG; SR 747,201) require special use and increased public use of the authorization of Canton, located in the territory of which made use of waters... Accordingly, the supplied generic law provides lit. in § 67 over the waters of 22 December 1969 b before that requires (in addition to the use of hydropower and water related) "any other use of public waters, in particular the creation of buildings and facilities of any kind 'a cantonal concession. According to these provisions require, as well as the cantonal authorities have found the stress of the lake for the establishment of a slalom facility and a jump of approval or a cantonal concession. The authorization procedure (2 Article 25 BSG..; Article 53, 54, 72 and 160 of the Regulation on the navigation on Swiss waters.) Is not only to ensure that the conditions applicable to the water skiing waterway legislation are also observed to check but, is met if the requirements of other applicable federal law. been partially disregarded - now, according to the complainants, this federal law - in particular the nature and Heimatschutzgegetz and the Fisheries Act. In addition, the Federal Law wonders if a water law permit procedure is sufficient or even a building permit procedure pursuant to Art. 24 on Spatial Planning (RPG) should be performed. Whether in an approval process Public Law of the Federation had been injured or have found wrong not to use is to check the administrative court proceedings (BGE 112 Ib 165 f., 237 E. 2a). In this case, with administrative appeal also the violation will be reported by the Federal Constitutional Law, if this charge relates to a matter that in the property competence of the federal administrative law care instance falls (BGE 112 Ib 237 E. 2a). therefore make far as the applicant submits that the Administrative Court had violated in form and substance Art. 4 of the Constitution, and call their appeal as constitutional complaint, BGE are S. 84 also investigate 114 Ib 81 their arguments in the context of the Administrative Court. b) The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Switzerland Foundation and the Swiss Federation for nature conservation throughout Switzerland associations related to the statutes in accordance with the nature and heritage conservation or devote purely ideal targets. They are therefore under Art. 12 para. 1 of the Federal Law on the Protection of Nature and Cultural Heritage (NHG) to contest the concession Entscheides legitimized Administrative Court, but the issue is considered by the cantonal water law concessions for works and installations in public waters as a federal task within the meaning of Art . 24sexies para. 2 BV and Art. 2 lit. b NHG, especially when the building project might affect how a Swiss Federal inventory object to be protected here (see FIG. BGE 112 Ib 72 ff.). c) The complainant organizations submit to the Administrative Court in addition to violation of federal law, including excess and abuse of discretion also incorrect or incomplete determination of the legally relevant facts before. For this purpose they are in accordance with Art. 104 lit. a and b OG authorized. Meanwhile, it should be noted that the Federal Court under Art. 105 para. 2 OG is bound by the findings of fact by the cantonal administrative court, to the extent that the facts do not manifestly incorrect, incomplete or substantial breach of procedure concerning stated. 2. Make the complainant submits that the cantonal authorities had violated the Nature and Cultural Heritage Protection Act in material and formal terms, because they had disregarded that the bank area in question as a protected object in the Federal Inventory of Landscapes and Natural Monuments (BLN Inventory) was recorded and thus obtain undiminished; also had been omitted to obtain the necessary pursuant to Art. 7 NHG opinion of the Federal Nature and Cultural Heritage Commission. a) The Government and the administrative court of Canton train have found, the operation that in all probability will not adversely affect the reed stock and the birds on the lying outside the marine legal shore zone and outside the kantonal proprietary shallow water zone system. However, they have looked no closer to the question of whether the system as a whole, not BGE 114 Ib could affect 81 p.85 the protected object. While true that not exactly clear from the plan of the BLN inventory, as far as the reserve reaches into the lake. This does not mean that only the shoreline was under protection. Rather, it follows from the description of the protected object no. 1309 that this "with like a backdrop projecting into the lake wooded Molassekuppen and the powerful conglomerate rock largely untouched Zealand shaft of Rigi in the background" includes. According to the federal inventory are thus not only the broad reed belt also expressly mentioned and remarkable silting stocks that numerous, easily accessible exploring the lakeside settlements, the remains of the medieval town on the peninsula of St. Andrew and reaching back to the Middle Ages well-preserved castle Buonas and St. Andrew, but protected the lakeside landscape as a whole. Certainly this landscape, as the evidence has confirmed the territory of the Cham bay no longer completely untouched. The beach with sports facilities and boat berths as well as the close approach gerückte to the shoreline superstructure with larger blocks of flats close from there to speak of a pure natural setting. However, despite the adjoining dense population with their traffic facilities untouched landscape as the Cham Bay limiting nature reserve Choller are available, and as a whole it is true that the image of the lakeshore landscape with the protruding into the lake wooded hilltops and the Rigi in the background great and is sublime. but is the federal law protection so comprehensive, so can no longer be denied is that the proposed plant to the object impact, whether seen from the landscape here, it is that the reed stock and the shallow water zone increased influences are exposed. Although these effects can be described as relatively minor, as confirmed but that with the approval of the installation of the Art. 6 para. 1 NHG required undiminished preservation of the protected object is deviated. Such a deviation from the undiminished preservation may in accordance with Art. 6 para. 2 NHG be considered only if their particular conflict with equal or higher interests also of national importance. b) From this it follows that an authorization for the controversial plant issued BGE 114 Ib 81 p 86 could only be due to a comprehensive balance of interests, the corresponding part of a federal law procedure is carried out. But such a procedure did not take place. As is clear from the file that the water rights concession procedure was performed according to the cantonal law on water of 22 December 1969 here only. After a first negative decision of the Governing Council of 30 June 1981, the Construction Authority for a new request, the cantonal Official Journal announced that the water skiing slalom facility and the ski jump would anchored on a trial basis for five days, and invited to this the Cantonal Office for Spatial Planning involved cantonal and local authorities and interested parties to visit one of a demonstration training. As a result of the support process negative comments were the City Council train, the Cantonal Sport Fishing Association of Cantonal Nature and Cultural Heritage Commission, the cantonal fish and game management and the conservation covenant of the Canton train; positive, the sailing club and the Cham Cham Einwohnerrat expressed. On 27 April 1982 the Governing Council rejected the license application of water-ski clubs from Cham, but the cantonal administrative court overturned this decision on 27 April 1983 on procedural grounds and referred the matter back to the new assessment. As a result, the Governing Council of the Water Ski Club Cham granted the permit for a three-month trial run, which was finally carried out from June 1 to August 31 1984th After having received the comments of interested parties and obtaining a report from the maritime police and the advice from the consultants Reinhardt + + Black Hesse on the impact of the plant the concession was issued June 3, 1985th On the procedure followed is to be noted that, although here - although in the Cantonal Water Act is not provided (§ 67 lit. d in connection with § 69) - was a publication in the Official Journal, but it was not, this is a support of the license request, but the announcement of the tentative anchor the buoys and the hill for five days in order to better assess the impact to allow the plant. With this demonstration, as well as the carried out in 1984, three-month trial operation a significant publicize the project was achieved without doubt, but such action plans to the residents firms and indication of the appeal possibility can not do a dimensionally correct edition procedure with publication BGE 114 Ib 81 S. 87 to replace. Moreover, the required by Art. 7 NHG mandatory assessment has also not taken place by the Swiss Nature and Cultural Heritage Commission. Reportedly let himself only the cantonal Nature and Cultural Heritage Commission, which did not seem concerned (see. Art. 9 NHG) on federal commission. The complainants therefore complain rightly that the formal rules of Nature and Cultural Heritage Protection Act is not complied with and no comprehensive balancing of interests was made. As demonstrated below, the procedure followed is not sufficient and the federal legal requirements of the Planning Act. 22 Paragraph 1 3. Article.. May RPG buildings and facilities will be built only with official approval. Such is only granted if the buildings and plants for the purpose of use zone correspond (Art. 22, para. 2 lit. a RPG) or when the purpose of the plant outside a location of the construction zone and does not require overriding interests preclude (Art. 24 para. 1 RPG). These provisions generally apply to plants that are to be created in or on waters. In the decision of 8 May 1985 in terms Pantrust AG is indeed the Federal Court on the question whether an exemption under Art. 24 RPG was necessary for a buoy array of 50 buoys in the sea area of ​​the Aegerisee not occurred, because it's against the authorization court order had been approve for violation of Art. 21 and 22 NHG. In its judgment of 18 December 1985 on the Boat Dock Vitznau (partly published in 87/1986 Zbl S. 397) held it, however, that the controversial project from the cantonal Baudepartement basically fully entitled, with a view to the requirements of Art. 24 RPG been be. Now, these are a project of smaller scope and a system that uses each year only for four months and is removed for the rest of the year. But the importance of the facility and its operations for the spatial planning agreement and the requirements of nature and cultural heritage must not be underestimated. As already stated, it will affect the environment to some extent. The slalom system is in its extension - m 23 x 260 - considerable, and the jump of 4 x 8 m and a height of up to 1.8 m is BGE 114 Ib 81 88 S. be clearly visible. Although the devices do not persist throughout the year, the controversial plant 22 and 24 RPG (cf.. FDJP / BRP, Notes to the RPG, N. 5-7 to Art. 22) is subject to the licensing requirement within the meaning of Art.. The lower courts because even rightly space planning law
88.)31. Mai 1958BGE 84 II 229 BGE 84 II 229 S. 229 A.- Hedwig Schermann operated the real estate company Schwarztorstrasse 71 in Bern for Fr. 25'273.45 and obtained on right suggestion on 19 January 1957, the provisional dismissal of objection. Dr. Zurich submitted on behalf of the Operated in the Court of Appeal of the Canton of Bern withdrawing action. The Court of Appeal dismissed it on 23 December 1957 without examining the substantive merits back because Dr. Zurich was not duly authorized and imposed this cost. B.- The applicant's appeal has declared. It claims that it is to note that Dr. Zurich was authorized legally, and the judgment was therefore be repealed and instruct the Court of Appeal to assess the matter materially.
89.)25 avril 1988BGE 114 Ib 74 BGE 114 Ib 74 S. décision par 75 du 17 juin 1986, la Commission fédérale d'estimation du 3e arrondissement a prononcé l'expropriation, en faveur du Département fédéral militaire, d'une parcelle appartenant à M. sur le territoire de la commune de Sion, et a l'indemnité fixé total, payable à ce propriétaire en conformité de l'art. 88 LEx, à 370'390 francs (244'320 francs pour le terrain, 123'070 francs pour les bâtiments et pour le 3,000 francs déménagement). Le 18 août 1986, la Confédération suisse a forme un recours de droit administratif contre cette décision, en concluant à ce que le montant de l'indemnité soit à arrêté 261'785 francs. M. a conclu de son côté au rejet du recours, Estimant que l'indemnité d'expropriation fixée par la Commission fédérale n'avait rien d'exagéré et ne pas l'art violait. 16 LEx. BGE 114 Ib 74 76 S. Une délégation du Tribunal Federal, accompagnée de deux experts de la Commission fédérale supérieure d'estimation, a procédé, le 31 août 1987 à une inspection locale et, le 1er Septembre 1987 à une séance d ' instruction avec les parties. Au cours de celles-ci, la délégation et les experts ont Exprime l'avis que l'indemnité allouée par la Commission fédérale d'estimation pour le terrain, soit 120 francs / m2, s'avérait en l'espèce admissible, compte tenu de prix payés dans des contrats de gré à gré avant le this aestimandi (23 octobre 1983) ou par référence à éventuellement of indemnites d'expropriation concluantes en raison de leur nombre et du fait pas été qu'elles n'avaient attaquées. La du confirmation prix de 120 francs ne se que si l'on justifiait toutefois considérait la parcelle en cause comme un terrain à bâtir libre, c'est-à-dire qu'un acheteur éventuel disposé à verser le prix d'un terrain à bâtir ne pas payerait, en plus, les constructions vétustes et qui times situées s'y trouvaient et qui empêchaient au surplus par leur emplacement toute utilization ratio nelle d'une partie de la parcelle. Une évaluation du dépôt de l'été faite exproprié a néanmoins par la délégation et les experts. Toutefois, vu le montant qui aurait pu être ALLOUE pour les constructions et le terrain, l'hypothèse la plus favorable pour l'exproprié restait encore l'indemnité basée sur la pleine valeur du seul terrain considéré comme terrain à bâtir libre, soit 244 ' 320 francs (2036 m2 * 120 francs). Sur la base de ces éléments, et après avoir rappelé aux parties que le Tribunal fédéral est lié par leurs conclusions prises dans leur ensemble -. Soit en l'occurrence par la somme de 261'785 francs offerte par la recourante (art 114 al. 1 OJ) -, la délégation du Tribunal fédéral a proposé aux parties une solution transaction nelle. Le chef de la division of immeubles du Département fédéral militaire, présent à l'audience, s'étant déclaré d'accord pour que l'exproprié soit indemnisé de la perte de loyer du fait de la subie résiliation de bail de son locataire, un montant de 265,000 francs a été avancé à titre d'indemnité forfaitaire, payable aux conditions de l'art. 88 LEx. Cette proposition a été acceptée séance tenante par la Confédération. L'audience a été suspendue quelques instants pour permettre à l'exproprié de réfléchir. Lors de la reprise de séance, l'avocat de celui-ci exprima la déception de son client quant à la possibilité de trouver un autre terrain, mais il confirma l'acceptation de la proposition transaction nelle. Les parties sont dès lors que la convenues délégation du Tribunal BGE 114 Ib 74 P. 77 fédéral statuerait sur les frais et dépens dans l'ordonnance de rendre à radiation selon les termes de l'accord intervenu. Par décision du 22 septembre 1987, la délégation du Tribunal fédéral a, en application of art. OJ 40 et 73 al. 1 PCF, pris acte de la transaction par laquelle les parties à la procédure d'mettaient fin expropriation et rayé la cause du rôle. M. a forme une demande de cette décision en contre revision, concluant au rejet du recours registered design le 18 août 1986 par la Confédération. Il en affirmait substance que l'estimation qui avait servi de base à la transaction lui portait un préjudice important. Selon lui, cette estimation accusait une différence importante et inexplicable par rapport à celle, détaillée de la Commission fédérale d'estimation, lui reprochant notamment de ne pas prévoir d'indemnité pour les constructions, de ne pas respecter l'art. 16 LEx et de violer le principe de l'égalité de traitement (surtout par rapport au cas de l'hoirie X., objet d'une décision de la Commission fédérale d'estimation du 20 octobre 1987). Le Tribunal fédéral a déclaré la requête irrecevable dans la mesure où elle tendait à la revision de la décision du 22 septembre 1987; il l'a dans la mesure où elle rejetée tendait à l'annulation de la transaction du 1er septembre 1987 et à la procédure d'réouverture de la expropriation.
90.)8. März 1988BGE 114 Ib 67 BGE 114 Ib 67 S. 67 On July 9, 1987 J. brought an action against a decision of the Federal Tax Appeals Commission of the Canton of Zurich of 29 April 1987 administrative appeal to the Federal Court. This prompted the representative of the appellant to pay no later than August 17, 1987 Ensuring the alleged court costs an advance of CHF 8'000 .--; have recourse would not have occurred to the legal act. The complainant's representative issued the payment order on August 12, 1987 a bank in Zurich marked "value date 16.08.1987 urgent". The bank weighed on the amount of CHF 8'000 .-- the client on Friday, 14 August 1987. For the remuneration they used the collective order service of PTT and BGE 114 Ib 67 P. 68 headed the media the same day to the giro service of PTT General in Bern on. There the media on Monday, August 17, 1987 has arrived at 08.00. As had been indicated as the due date by the Bank of August 18, 1987, the amount of the postal check account of the Federal Court was credited on 18 August 1987th The complainant - the Federal Court to place only August 18, 1987 credit alerted - September 16, 1987, a period restoration request. The Federal Court has this, and does not occur to the Administrative Court of the following considerations
91.)11. Januar 1988BGE 114 Ib 56 BGE 114 Ib 56 57 S. In relation to issue and process history is initially ff on BGE 111 Ib 242nd to refer. With the former decision was a question in the present case the first request for legal assistance for dispensing or tax fraud, which made the senior public prosecutor of the German state of Rhineland-Palatinate in Koblenz on 21 November 1983 and was completed in December 1983, refused. With input of 16 June 1986 and supplementary Hiezu of 27 August 1986, the senior public prosecutor filed a new request for legal assistance in Koblenz at the Federal Office for Police Matters. The Federal Office on rejected this request after preliminary examination pursuant to Art. 78 para. 1 IMAC to the appropriate interrogation office for a decision on whether or legal aid was not granted. By order of 13 November 1986 the interrogation office corresponded to the request for legal assistance. The company X, V and W. levied against that appeal to the competent cantonal court presidents and requested the interrogation office is to be instructed to grant them access to the file and be given the opportunity to supplement the appeal grounds afterwards. In addition, they demanded, whether dismiss the requests for legal assistance, and it should be annulled on the appropriate legal assistance available to the interrogation office of 13 November 1986; Furthermore, all files are complete and carefree X. returned to the company. The presiding judge granted the recurrent limited access to the file. He asked them Hiezu photocopies of the legal aid request of 16 June 1986 and the supplement from BGE 114 Ib 56 P. 58 on Aug. 27, 1986 to and let it further in the comments of the Federal Tax Administration of 23 July and 14 October 1986 inspection company. In its decision of 29 June 1987, the President of the Court dismissed the appeal. He described the decision of the interrogation Office of 13 November 1986, at which the request for legal assistance was met as lawful. He also allowed the interrogation office, confiscated in accordance with legal assistance provided of 13 November 1986 and search sealed files and publish the top prosecutor in Koblenz the required files. Against this decision of 29 June 1987. run the company X, V and W. administrative appeal to the Federal Court with the request that requests for legal assistance were dismissed; legal assistance available to the interrogation office of 13 November 1986 should be annulled and all confiscated files were returned to the company X.. Considerations from the considerations: 3. a) In the matter itself make the complainant in the first place that the German tax authorities it is a matter to subject the yield of the Swiss corporation X. German taxation. To this end'll alleged the company X is a company based in Switzerland and central administration in the Federal Republic of Germany. This was considered as a design abuse within the meaning of § 6 of the German Tax Adjustment Act. Deck the alleged abuse prior design, the Swiss company as a result of which came into force on September 13, 1972 foreign tax law than in the Federal Republic applies resident with full tax liability, that is to set off on the German tax factors. It therefore did not go to the German tax authorities to tax fraud. This will only advanced'm anxious to find out if the management of the company X. from Germany. In reality, if it were unauthorized pieces of evidence on the pretext of an alleged tax fraud. The Federal Court made it clear in its judgment of 27 November 1985 that legal aid could be granted only if tax fraud vorliege. Tax fraud could only be discussed when the alleged difference between 56 S. had flowed back 59 in one form or another to C. GmbH to the company X. stated invoice amount and the commercial value BGE 114 Ib. This question was neither the legal assistance of 16 June 1986 nor that of 27 August 1986 set apart. It will indeed assumed that the difference was flowed back between the invoice amount and the true commercial value in the financial area of ​​the accused. This assumption is however supported by any evidence. Apparently, the purpose of mutual legal assistance request exists precisely to provide information for this return of capital. Except claims there is no evidence for such a return of capital, which is why a reasonable suspicion it was not satisfied. tie
92.)2. März 1988BGE 114 Ib 44 BGE 114 Ib 44 p 45 At an conducted in autumn 1985 drinking water investigation it Cantonal laboratory finds that which had the pumping station N. taken drinking water a well above the tolerance limit of 25 ug / l lying for all chlorinated hydrocarbons concentration, namely 12 g / l perchlorethylene and 248 g / l of trichlorethylene. After ground measurements had shown in the operating area of ​​the company X. significant increases in concentrations, came used the latter by letter of 8 November 1985 to the district office Wil and pointed out that she had years ago in their operation trichlorethylene for cleaning. Therefore had to be assumed that by careless handling of these detergent subsets were spilled. However, the cause of the arrears on their farm area should, as far as she was not even due to work before the took place on December 1, 1962 takeover of operations, already date back many years because the last few years, only small amounts of such detergents would be consumed in enclosed spaces. On 18 December 1985, the municipal council of O. decreed that the company X. for the rehabilitation and the possible elimination of the BGE 114 Ib 44 p.46 pollution contaminated soil material and the costs of in connection therewith, by the Cantonal Office arranged water protection or investigations, expert agreed with the approval of the insurance will and so liable. In support of the local council stated that the detected water pollution and soil contamination but had been caused with probability bordering on certainty either by a concealed industrial accident or by a disregard of the water protection regulations by the company X. why she had to stand as Alleinverursacherin it. The company X. took this decision to the Government of the Canton St. Gallen further and demanded its repeal. The dispute was subsequently sent jurisdictional half to the Management Appeals Commission of the Canton of St. Gallen. These dismissed the appeal on 4 February 1987th The company X. appealed against that decision on March 2, 1987 complaint to the Administrative Court of the Canton of St. Gallen. The reason this was filed within the prescribed period on 14 April 1987th However, the Administrative Court issued on 24 September 1987 a decision to dismiss took filed by the company X. appeal as a federal administrative court appeal against and ran it in accordance with Art. 107 para. 2 floor along with the adopted documents to the Federal Court on. Considerations The Federal Court is considering: 1. a) The present complaint was supported by the Administrative Court of the Canton of St. Gallen on Article 107 2 OG remitted to the Federal Court for judgment... The complainant had stated in the Canton within 30 days of the opening of the challenged decision the cantonal administrative court, they raise Administrative Court. However, the justification was made only after the expiry of the appeal period pursuant to Art. 106 para. 1 OG, but before the deadline set by cantonal court date. It would thus be necessary to consider whether to apply the requirements of Art. 108 para. 2 OG are met. Since the administration recourse Commission however in the contested decision on legal action to the Cantonal administration Court referred and because these legal remedies turned out to be incorrect, the applicant is likely, even if their BGE 114 Ib 44 P. 47 grounds, as measured by Federal law, as inadequate or proves to be delayed not suffered any damage (Art. 107 para. 3 floor). b) The contested decision of the Administrative Appeals Commission of the Canton of St. Gallen is based on Art. 8 of the Federal Act of 8 October 1971 on the protection of waters against pollution (WPL). He is a last instance cantonal decision within the meaning of Art. 98 lit. g OG. One reason for exclusion under Art. 99 ff. OG is not available. The administrative appeal is permitted (Art. 10 WPL). The Federal Court to verify the application of federal law (Art. 104 lit. a floor), including the appropriateness of the available (Art. 10 WPL). Since the contested decision was given by a Appeals Commission within the meaning of Art. 105 para. 2 OG, the Federal Court is bound by the finding of the facts, so far as he has not manifestly incorrect, found incomplete or in breach of essential procedural requirements (see. BGE 106 Ib 202 E. Note 1a and Art. 16 and Art. cantonal court 50 of the law of 2 April 1987). 2. a) In accordance with Article 8 GSchG., The cost of measures taken by the competent authorities to avert an imminent water pollution as well as to identify and to address contamination, the polluters are prohibited. As the "polluter pays" the disturbers of the police legal sense apply to the Federal Court, is distinguishing between behavior and state disturbers. Although the term of the jammer is designed to designate who is police legally obliged to prevent a hazard or disturbance or eliminate, will it also be linked, if it must be determined who is to bear the costs of restoring the proper state ( judgment of the Federal Court of 12 February 1986 E. 1 with references, published in the ZBL 88/1987, p 302). These necessary measures include not only those which have the disturbers itself can be pre-versa, or causes, and have been arranged only because of time urgency directly from the cantonal authorities, but also those which technically from the outset and legally only by the police organs and the can be made to them adjunctive special services or arranged (judgment of the Federal Court of 7 October 1981, E. 2b with references, published Zbl BGE 114 Ib 44 48 S. 83/1982, p 543; see also BGE 102 Ib 206 e. . 2). So that the law has taken into account that Art. 8 GSchG is no longer purely justified the police, but normalized one but more extensive liability. On the other hand, the cost requirement was set up with the requirement of immediacy of the cause of danger or the disturbance of limitation of the circle. After that, only those actions come as police legally relevant causes into consideration who have already crossed the border themselves to danger; distant, only indirect causation eliminated. Behavior interfering in this sense is only someone whose behavior has immediately set the risk so. When state disturbers accordingly the matter the hazard itself must immediately have formed (judgment of the Federal Court of 12 February 1986 E. 1, and the judgment of 7 October 1981, E. 2a, each with references, published in Zbl 88/1987, S . 302 and 83/1982, p 542). The Federal Court has this law, despite the occasionally put forward in teaching criticism in its judgment of February 12, 1986 I. S. T. reconfirmed (ZBL 88/1987, pp 301 et seq.). Also the comments of the complainant are not such as to call this practice into question. b) The facts of the case are as follows: Various boreholes have shown that the outer layers and the groundwater in the area of ​​the southern "Zahnersmülermoos" between the pumping station N., village stream and the plot No. 848 of the company X. chlorinated. hydrocarbons (CHCs) included. The line of equal concentration (about 100 ug / l groundwater) is within this range, an egg-shaped structure with a focus on the core bores in the parcel of the company X. The thickness of the lens detected with decreasing concentration down the whole aquifer from an average of 14 m water column. When pumping the enriched CHC groundwater flows from the area of ​​the plot no. 848 N. against the pumping station Is this off, so moves the contaminated groundwater direction NE against the village stream. In addition, it was found that the observed in the samples from the groundwater ratio trichlorethylene / perchlorethylene largely corresponds under consideration of the different vapor pressure with a sample from the solvent bearing the company X.. Due to these findings, the St. Gallen canton from the Building Department of the and the community comes O. had moved an expert in BGE 114 Ib 44 page 49 its report of 5 May 1986 concluded that the pollution stove clearly lay 848 in the plot no. And that let infer an existing for years, fairly uniform supply of CHC, the structure of the soil. In a June 16, 1986, the municipality O. opposite votes "interpretation of the accident" is the name of the same expert, two possible processes of "accidents
93.)18 février 1988BGE 114 Ib 41
94.)23. März 1988BGE 114 Ib 34 BGE 114 Ib 34 P. 34 On August 22, 1984, the Federal Military Department (EMD) had an appeal by Dr. Martin Reiser from, (f see the immediate situation. BGE 110 Ib 99th) with which he had the expropriation opposes its defense rights in relation to noise exposure from the extended Albisriederplatz shooting range "Hasenrain" and possibly calling on Lärmschutzvorkehren. Against this decision Reiser administrative appeal filed.
95.)26. Februar 1988BGE 114 Ib 27 BGE 114 Ib 27 S. X. 27 performs a building Reinigungsinstitut. He was residing in the years 1981 and 1982 in W. During a survey conducted by the Department of sales tax the Federal Tax Administration in July and August 1982 revision of the accounting operation, it was found that in the years 1979 and 1980 business revenue BGE 114 Ib 27 S. had not been accounted 28th These were estimated due to lack of documentary evidence, namely for 1979 on Fri ... and for the year 1980 to Fri .... According to various sources, the Cantonal Administration for Direct Federal Tax Schwyz opened against the taxpayer for the 21 period of military control a criminal case for attempted tax evasion. With assessment notice of 29 July 1983 she set then the taxable income on Fri ... fixed (self-declaration Fri .... This assessment arose in legal force. By order of 25 July 1986, she finally imposed on him for attempted tax evasion to a fine Fr. 20'000 .--. the complaint lodged against these buses available instructed the administrative court of the canton of Schwyz by judgment of 27 March 1987 on. Hiegegen is directed the administrative court, requests to which the taxpayer, it should be annulled the contested decision and reject the process for new assessment to the cantonal authorities may be precipitate 2'000 .-- Fr. a fine in support is put forward essentially: fiscal penalties were real penalties and how, after the fault, taking into account the motives of. to measure past life and personal circumstances. with the listing of the sentencing reasons in under appeal nen decision had not done enough of that obligation; Rather, the relevant facts should have been clarified. The survey of 24 October 1985 was limited to the absolute minimum, and the individual circumstances had not been discussed. The lower court put the bus design, the circular from the Federal Tax Administration as of March 28, 1958 is based. With Art. 6 para. 1 of the Convention (right to an independent court) but whether it is incompatible that'll just parked in the bus design to an administrative transfer, as it represented the Circular. The maximum buses for attempted tax evasion amounts to CHF 20'000 .--. When the buses which is equated to evade attempted tax amount at least to the practices of the tax authorities, would apply in the evaded amounts from $ 20,000 .-- from the outset only the maximum buses used. BGE 114 Ib 27 S. 29 The lower court had not taken into account in mitigation that he had behaved well since the discovery of fraud in 1982 (violation of Article 64 of the Criminal Code.); the tax authorities had also Art. 22 of the Criminal Code (reduced penalties in test) is not applied, and against the order of the presumption of innocence (Art. 6 para. 2 ECHR) violated because they had not done with the required impartiality investigations, and in Art. 6 para. 1 ECHR anchored for speed hurt. In its consultation, the Cantonal Administration for Direct Federal Tax Schwyz the motion to dismiss the complaint. The Administrative Court of the Canton of Schwyz closes to dismiss the complaint, was the extent to enter on it. The Federal Tax Administration requested that the appeal in the sense partially approve that the control buses will be set at CHF 18'000 .--. The federal court rejects the complaint. From the considerations
96.)4. März 1988BGE 114 Ib 17 BGE 114 Ib 17 P. 18 Pursuant to Art. 5 of the Customs Tariff Law of 19 June 1959 (TTT, SR 632.10) increased the Federal Council Ordinance of 26 February 1986 on the precautionary increase in the customs duty on oil to Feuerungszwecken as well as natural gas and other gaseous hydrocarbons (AS 1986, p 351; hereinafter Regulation), etc. the rate of customs duty under heading No. 2710.70 the utility tariff of CHF -.30 to CHF 4 .-- per 100 kg gross (.. Article 1, Section 1 of the Regulation), which together with the statistical duty, the reverse control fee and the Tarazuschlag the tax burden from the previous Friday -. 38 Fr. 4.76 lifted per 100 kg. The Regulation entered February 27, 1986 in force and should apply until the entry into force of them detaching federal law or until the day on which the bill would be rejected by the Federal Assembly or the Federal law in question in the referendum (Art. 4 para. 1 and 2 Regulation). On the same day, the Federal Council requested with a message about increasing the fuel oil and gas tariffs to Parliament the enactment of a federal law on the corresponding amendment of the General Customs Tariff (Annex to TTT; BBl 1986 I 737). In the summer session in 1986 decided, however, both chambers, the National Council on 2 June and the Senate on 10 June 1986 not to enter the template. . This eliminated 11 June 1986 on the increased customs duty again (Amtl.Bull 1986 N 514 ff, S 289 et seq .; see this and the collapse of oil prices, which the Federal Council led to the tariff increase in February 1986.. Swiss policy 1986, published by the Research Center for Swiss Politics at the University of Bern, Bern 1987, 88/9, 116). BGE 114 Ib declare 17 S. 19 The company X. left on the 12th, 17th and March 20th, 1986 at Zollinspektorat Rhine ports Birsfelden-au fuel oils of heading no. 2710.70 for final clearance for imports. The Zollinspektorat calculated delivery for increased approach (Fr. 4.76 per 100 kg). Complaints to the District Directorate of Customs Basel and at the Swiss Federal Customs Appeals Commission were unsuccessful. Against the decision of the Federal Customs Appeal Commission of 10 July 1987, the company raises X. Administrative Court. The Federal Court dismisses this. From the considerations
97.)25. März 1988BGE 114 Ib 11 BGE 114 Ib 11 S. 12 The brothers K. and G. F. - both then living in Germany German nationals - issued the district office Oberrheintal based on Article 6 § 2 lit... b (so-called Lex Furgler, BewB. RO 1974 83) of the Federal decision on the purchase of land by foreigners. granting R. on September 17, 1975 purchase of the partially covered with industrial plants plot No. 1451 in the municipality The authorization was, inter alia, connected to the requirements that the property must be used exclusively for the announced industrial use that production should resume immediately and the construction of the planned work and adjacent hall begin immediately and should be completed soon. In the event of non-compliance with the support of the cancellation of the grant has been threatened. On 14 February 1983, the District Office revoked the license because the purchaser had not complied with the obligations imposed on them. In particular, they had never started production and instead acquired building as storage rooms rented to third parties. The government of the canton of St. Gallen stepped on the hiegegen on behalf of G. F. raised complaint for lack of associated power of attorney of the legal representative is not, and the appeal of K. F. He dismissed. The Federal Court dismissed on 7 June 1985, BGE 114 Ib 11 p 13 Administrative Court of K. F., who had since died on May 31, 1984 from. On 30 May 1986, the St. Galler Justice and Police brought an action against G. F. and the heirs of K. F. with the request to the District Court Oberrheintal it was to arrange in 1451 and to determine the amount of costs the public auction of the property no.. Furthermore, it is to order that the defendant from the auction only the costs are aligned and a possible additional proceeds fall to the Canton of St. Gallen. The District Court upheld the complaint March 31, 1987 well. Defendants have hiegegen appealed to the Cantonal Court. On 26 September 1986, F. Maschinenfabrik AG was founded with headquarters in R.. Of the total 250 bearer shares at CHF 1'000 .-- keeps G. F. 248. The new company whose freehand has been pushing it, the plot No. 1451 or -. Necessary if - to acquire as part of any possible foreclosure. She put on 31 October 1986 at the District Office the application for granting of the necessary permits. was established with the intention of desire domiciled in the Federal Republic of Germany F. GmbH & Co., initially in the existing production hall and take later in yet constructed buildings, the production of commodities. The district office declined the offer on 15 January 1987 essentially on the ground that GF with which the applicant is economically identical, bypassed by the non-fulfillment of conditions, the provisions of the legislation against the bottom alienation and thus the reason for refusal of Art. 12 lit , c for the acquisition of real estate by persons abroad of the Federal Act;'ve realized (so-called Lex Friedrich, BewG SR 211.412.41.). The called by the applicant as a result government of the canton of St. Gallen dismissed the complaint. The F. Maschinenfabrik AG leads Administrative Court with the request, it should be set aside the decision of the Governing Council and that it was to approve its acquisition of 5081 m2 comprehensive land no. 1451st According to the complainant, the cantonal authorities except eight have left that not G. K. F. but led the affairs of the family business and it has the disputed parcel. Failure to comply with the requirements and therefore the withdrawal of BGE 114 Ib 11 14 S. authorization could therefore not G. F. be charged. It is inadmissible, therefore, to accuse him of circumventing the law and deny the complainant the approval on these grounds. It'll add that the wording of Art. 12 lit. c BewG only workarounds in the strict sense, but does not cover other violations since 1985 related force federal law. This provision will also - as the cantonal authorities had done - applied to situations that would have been realized under the validity of the earlier legislation, this was contrary to laid down in Article 4 of the Constitution prohibition of arbitrariness and the prohibition of retroactive effect.. The federal court rejects the complaint. From the considerations
98.)22 janvier 1988BGE 114 Ib 6 BGE 114 Ib 6 6 S. Le 14 mars 1986 la Commission foncière section II a ADMIS requête la de la société à faire L. tendant constater qu'elle n'est pas au soumise régime de l'Authorization pour l'acquisition d' un appartement de 7 pièces, sis à Lausanne, dont le prix de vente a été à fixé 750,000 Fri. La Commission cantonale de recours en matière du canton de Vaud foncière a été saisie d'un recours du Département de l'agriculture, de l'industrie et du commerce. Par décision du 16 juillet 1986, elle a admis ce recours et al prononcé que la société était L. soumise au régime de l'autorisation, celle-ci devant lui être refusée pour l'achat de l'appartement en cause. La société a forme L. un recours de droit administratif contre cette décision et a demandé au tribunal fédéral de prononcer BGE 114 Ib 6 page 7 qu'elle n'est pas soumise au régime de l'autorisation. Elle fait essential element valoir que, même si l'on considere que la société est dominee par LJ, père de son actionnaire principal, domicilié à l'étranger, LJ bénéficie, en tant que conjoint d'une ressortissante suisse de l'exception prévue par l'art. 2 al. 2 de l'ordonnance sur l'acquisition d'immeubles par des personnes à l'étranger du 1er octobre 1984 (OAIE; RS 211 412 411). Dans sa determination du 14 novembre 1986, la Commission cantonale de recours a reconnu que sa décision avait été motivée par l'aspect inhabituel de l'opération effectuée par une société dont l'actionnaire principal, ayant ses acquis par actions donation de son père, est âgé de six ans, et dont les comptes bouclent par des pertes, mais qu'elle n'a pas la question examine sous l'angle de l'art. 2 al. 2 OAIE. Le Tribunal fédéral a rejeté le recours.
99.)3 mars 1958BGE 84 II 221 BGE 84 II 221 S. 221 A.- Provins, fédération de producteurs de vins du Valais, est une société coopérative qui a notamment pour la vente but en commun des vins produits par ses membres. Le 10 juin 1946, elle a registered design au Bureau fédéral de BGE 84 II 221 S. 222 Intellectual Property, sous numéro 115811, une marque mixte, à la fois et verbal figurative, destinée à des vins d'un mélange de valaisans issus trois cépages. Parmi d'autres mdications, cette marque comprend la mention "trois plants" écrite en grands caractères. Sous forme d'étiquette, elle habille les bouteilles du vin blanc que Provins vend sous la dénomination "trois plants". Le 6 août 1955, la Société vinicole de Perroy SA a registered design, sous numéro 158126, une marque mixte destinée à un mélange comprenant un vin rouge et un vin blanc. Dans cette marque figure notamment l'indication "Vin de deux plants coupage rouge et blanc
100.)11. März 1988BGE 114 Ib 1 BGE 114 Ib 1 1 S. The Tunisian nationals J. born, In 1955, is married to an Italian citizen since 15 October, 1983, which has a permanent residence permit in Switzerland. The couple has a son, who was born on July 18, 1984th The foreign police authorities granted J. August 29, 1984 a residence permit. The High Court of the Canton of Aargau sentenced J. on June 26, 1986, upholding the judgment of the District Court Lenzburg of 14 November 1985, for qualified offense against the narcotics law, false imprisonment and kidnapping and attempted extortion to three years in prison, Fr. 500.- - buses and ten years exile. A nullity appeal dismissed by the Federal Court. In its decision of July 6, 1987, the Administrative Court Canton Aargau has the conditional release from prison, and the tentative delay disposed of operation of the expulsion in approval of a complaint. BGE 114 Ib 1 sentence 2 On 2 September 1987, the Government of the Canton Zurich, J. decided'll expelled for a period of ten years from Switzerland. The administrative appeal brought against that decision, the Federal Court on the following considerations
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