Permanent Peace Partnership
Human security is a fundamental human right, and human rights take priority over regimes and sovereignty. Constitutions represent the general will of the people, and ensuring human security, including 'personal safety', is the most urgent duty of constitutional guarantors. This means revising constitutional standards as needed to keep pace with changing times and allow governments to protect their people from fear. For more, see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Human security and sustainable development are two of the major tasks of the UN, and all nations – members or not – should comply with its norms. This entails implementing One World under One Set of Laws and giving international  law precedence over domestic law, with direct bearing on the rights and duties of the people. All nations should comply with the UN Charter, the Paris climate agreement and all other relevant pacts. For details see theCharter for Permanent Peace and Development.
According to the Democracy index there are 50 nations still under the yoke of autocratic dictators. All democracies should back Taiwan's drive for constitutional reform to achieve greater democracy and freedom. This would inspire China's 1.4 billion people to seek democratization of the CCP and pressure North Korea to adopt democracy as well, leading to the birth of world peace. For details, see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Free speech is a universal value, but many in the current US administration seem anxious to create a monolithic society that speaks in one voice. The American people should step forward and call for comprehensive constitutional reform to preserve media independence and prevent the government from monopolizing the media, the internet and all other channels of speech. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development / Global Unity Constitutional Standards.
Human security and sustainable development are two of the major tasks of the UN, and every nation – member or not – should comply with its norms. This means implementing One World under One Set of Laws and giving international law precedence over domestic law, with direct bearing on the rights and duties of the people. All nations should comply with the UN Charter, the Paris climate agreement and all other relevant pacts. For details see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Free speech is a universal value, but China seems anxious to create a monolithic society that speaks in one voice. The Hong Kong people should step forward and call for comprehensive constitutional reform to preserve media independence and prevent the government oligopoly from monopolizing the media, the internet and all other channels of speech. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development / Global Unity Constitutional Standards.
Constitutions represent the general will of the people, and ensuring human security, including 'personal safety', is the most urgent duty of constitutional guarantors. This means revising constitutional standards as needed to keep pace with changing times and allow governments to protect their people from fear. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development
The Italy Government must to observe 'the DIRECTIVE 2014/36/EU: on the conditions of entry and stay of third-country nationals for the purpose of employment as seasonal workers'. For the gradual establishment of an area of freedom, security and justice, this entails implementing One World under One Set of Laws and giving international law precedence over domestic law, with direct bearing on the rights and duties of the people. For details see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
The state has a duty to support and improve voting procedures to ensure that national sovereignty belongs to the people. Exercise of the rights of sovereignty shall extend to voting in elections, removals, reviews, referendums, self-determination issues and other relevant matters and shall be complete and absolutely free of charge. For details see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
To eliminate the root causes of migration and refugees, the international community needs to agree on uniform constitutional standards that meet the norms for human rights, constitutionalism, international law and natural law. These should adhere to the core values of One World under One Set of Laws and encourage lasting peace while complying with Article 1 of the Humanitarian Charter, which deals with the right of all people to lead normal lives. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
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