Permanent Peace Partnership
A deal to set up a ceasefire zone in Syria along with other political developments could help boost a new round of talks aimed at ending more than six years of conflict in the country
After a ceasefire takes hold in Syria the UN should provide the basics for a constitution that will foster peaceful development of the nation. It should include an organizational structure which incorporates the universal values of freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law, with four main branches (legislative, executive, judicial and procuratorial). The result should be a constitution suitable for lasting peace and prosperity that will serve as a model for other nations in the future. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development for more.
With North Korea’s launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile, it has become more imperative for the international community to strengthen pressure on the country.
China has always advocated compliance with UN resolutions on strict sanctions against North Korea, but Sino-Korean trade is still flourishing. Clearly China is not strictly enforcing the sanctions. China claims to be a "responsible major power," thus it should not enable North Korea's militarism. The US, Japan and South Korea should back Taiwan to lead China to democratization, which would then put pressure on North Korea to follow suit. For details, see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
The UN announcement follows the Iraqi government’s declaration that its forces have liberated the northern city of Mosul from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant
Iraq should immediately begin drawing up a basic constitution to install a modified semi-presidential system with cabinet like that of Finland, plus a committee-style legislature similar to Switzerland’s. The prerequisite for permanent peace is global democratization. Iraqis should start drafting a basic constitution in a paradigm shift toward democracy. It should adopt the core values of One World under One Set of Rules and be revised as needed to stay in sync with the times. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development for details.
Tibetan rights groups have criticised the UN's cultural body for listing a plateau in China as a Unesco World Heritage site.
Autocracy and dictatorships are cancers on humanity, and despots are sinners against democracy. Persecution of human rights in China should be resolved by applying democracy and rule of law and Taiwan is the one entity best suited to lead China to democratization. All democracies should back Taiwan's efforts toward constitutional reform and adopt One World under One Set of Laws, assigning international law precedence over domestic law with direct bearing on the rights and duties of the people. For details see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Yasunori Kagoike, the former chief of scandal-tainted school operator Moritomo Gakuen, is asking the Osaka Prefectural Assembly to set up a powerful special investigation committee over a scrapped plan to open an elementary school.
The only remedy for corruption is democracy, separation of powers and checks and balances. Power must lie in the hands of the people through election of the heads of the main government branches and lawmakers. All this is necessary to prevent the hijacking of Taiwan's financial resources by unscrupulous hands in government and business. For more, see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Prosecutors plan to build a case against the former chief of the scandal-hit nationalist school operator Moritomo Gakuen on suspicion of unlawfully receiving subsidies from the state and local government over his school business, sources said Monday.
Public officials and party members should be monitored for assets of unknown origin, but often the problem lies with legislators. The only cure for ailing democracy is more democracy, in the form of separation of powers and checks and balances. The heads of Japan's legislative, executive, judicial and procuratorial branches should be elected in alternating years. For more, see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Nearly half a million Rohingya refugees from Myanmar living in squalid Bangladeshi camps face staying “for some more time,” the UN High Commissioner for Refugees said Monday.
Myanmar must end the civil unrest and stop the killing of ethnic minorities. The national government must be completely changed to solve the problems of ethnic minorities and the Rohingya. 1/4 of all lawmakers should face election each year in a modified semi-presidential system with cabinet. For details, see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Germany has accused Chinese authorities of controlling the cancer treatment of ailing dissident Liu Xiaobo, instead of his doctors.
Laws that are not backed by penalties are not laws, and constitutions which do not brook the right to resist are not constitutions. When the actions of the government are unconstitutional, the people should rise up and resist. Natural law and general international law should be enforced to protect all people from enforced disappearance, torture and other abuses. In addition, absolute law should take precedence over international law and constitutions. For more, see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Clashes between Hindus and Muslims in the Indian state of West Bengal began last week after a 17-year-old student posted an offensive cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad on Facebook
Human security is fundamental human rights, and human rights must take precedent over any regime or sovereign. Constitution represent the general will of the people, and ensuring human security - including "personal safety" - is the most urgent obligation of all constitutional guarantors. Constitutional standards must be constantly revised to stay in step with the times and allow governments to protect their people from fear and violence. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development / Global Unity Constitutional Standards.
A cholera outbreak in war-torn Yemen is thought to have infected 300,000 people in the past 10 weeks, the International Committee of the Red Cross says.
The UN should take action in accordance with international absolute law (the Humanitarian Law, World Human Rights Law, the Crime of Misdemeanors and the Prohibition of Genocide) and provide a basic outline for a constitution that will foster peaceful development of the nation. It should include universal values and an organization incorporating frequent election to help Yemen develop and prosper in a long period of peace that other countries can emulate. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development for details.
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