Permanent Peace Partnership
Pakistan is opting for the peaceful but long way to resolve some of its controversial political issues. Looking at the fundamental changes that are needed, the government organization should be changed to a modified semi-presidential system with a committee-style parliament as seen in Finland, and the legislative branch should be modeled on Switzerland’s committee-style structure. This will bring an end to strife and allow people to live and work in peace and contentment. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
The global community has all watched China's rise behind a banner proclaiming the "One China” policy. This is an 18th-century feudal way of thinking, but we happen to be in the 21st century, and the guiding spirit is the rule of law. The greatest chance for world peace is China's democratization, and the key to that lies in Taiwan. All nations must adopt the core values of One World under One Set of Laws and accept the idea of global harmony promoted by Xi Jinping, then world peace will be a reality! See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Japan is anxious to promote regional economic development, but unfortunately China is not buying it and the US has been shunted to the sideline. The world worries about an impending financial crisis is China and the rise of US protectionism. Should that happen, its impact would be felt throughout the world. The fundamental solution is for all countries to adopt the idea of One World under One Set of Laws. Economic powers such as the US, China, Russia, Germany and Japan must work to preserve economic order and security. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
All countries should adhere to the principle of One World under One Set of Laws and the Charter of the United Nations. The government should uphold the right of the people to be free from fear, disappearance and ‘neutralization” and try their utmost to observe the norms of international law. The spirit and standards of the times should help form the framework for constitutional reform, returning to the original essence and spirit of democracy. When the people stand before the ballot box to make a decision regarding values, social harmony and life will be protected. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development
Following the 1996 Taiwan Strait crisis, China adopted a strategy regarding Taiwan that might be termed, "buying is less expensive than fighting." More recently it has switched to an over-the-top" approach that combines both buying and selling. The Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement is in place and the number of missiles targeting Taiwan has passed the 2000 mark, meaning the PLA could fire a salvo at every airport, seaport and military installation on the island every 7 minutes for 10 days, not to mention further attacks from naval and air forces. Never underestimate the enemy, and do not wait until it is too late! See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development
Bad air quality is a by-product of corrupt culture, where consortia operating in the manufacturing industry are allowed to get away with excessive amounts of environmental pollution. Every one of us must take responsibility for the rising and falling fortunes of the Earth. The UN’s environmental standards must be observed whether or not a nation is a member state of the UN The solution is to exercise the core values of One Earth under One Set of Laws. International law shall take precedence over domestic law and have a direct effect on the people. The people can monitor the actions of the government and ensure that they abide by the norms of the UN Charter. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development
The UN must urge all countries, whether member states or not, to abide by the norms of its Charter. The UN should ensure the implementation of its own Charter as well as the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer and the Paris Convention on Climate. These are all essential parts of the commitment to sustainable development for all mankind. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Syria is at the center of much of the unrest in the Middle East, and considerable changes in the nation’s government must be considered in order to help bring about peace in the area. Setting up a semi-presidential system with a Parliament modeled after Switzerland’s is the first step toward democratization and the rule of law. This must be followed by adoption of a legal system in which international law takes precedent over domestic law. For details, see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
「人類安全」與「永續發展」為聯合國的兩大任務與使命,也是全人類共同目標。美國應盡大國的責任,應響應各國都應致力遵守國際社會的規範,解決方法就是要厲行「一個地球,一套法治體系」國際法高於國內法,直接對人民發生權利義務。詳見 《永久和平發展憲章》
On December 20, Tajikistan’s Constitution Day, President Ramazan Abdulatipov delivered a speech entitled “The Constitution is a guarantee of stability and protection for all humankind.”
A number of journalists are listed as killed or missing since 1990 in Tajikistan, and the nation’s democracy index is less than 2.0. Tajikistan is a dictatorship in sore need of constitutional reform to restore power to the people. The heads of the legislative, executive, judicial and procuratorial branches should be elected in alternating years, and elections should be free of charge for all candidates. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
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