Permanent Peace Partnership
Terrorist organizations are a serious threat to humanity and natural law. The atrocities committed by authoritarian dictators are due to ignorance and indifference that nourish such evil. All nations including Islamic countries should adhere to the principle of One World under One Set of Laws. with constitutional systems in accordance with the spirit of modernization. Please refer to the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Please refer to the “Charter for Permanent Peace and Development”. The 21st century is an era of globalization. Globalized democracy is the trend of the times, and the Global Village will see the realization of the Ultimate Nature and peace Those who join in will prosper, but those who resist will be doomed. No tyrant can ever turn it back. To restore world peace and order, the key will be Taiwan. The US must support Taiwan to lead China to democratization. Please refer to the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development..
Disregarding for a moment the 1992 consensus and the status quo, it is essential to reach a consensus based on the universal values of democracy, freedom and human rights. Matters relating to national sovereignty should be decided through referendums. The 23.5 million people of Taiwan must follow the examples of Scotland, Quebec and Catalonia to decide their future via the ballot box. Please refer to the “Charter for Permanent Peace and Development”.
Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed a national conference of Russian judges, reminding them that their work directly determines the fate of millions of people. As a result, the public's expectations from the judicial system and judges are naturally quite high
The key to ensuring the credibility of the judiciary is direct election of the Chief Justice of the Supreme People's Court as well as the Procurator General. This will give the Russian people a greater say in judicial policy, the trial system and the entry and exit mechanism for judges. For details, see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin says experts should sit in on legislation sessions to help avoid policy errors, as is done in many other nations
In response to changing circumstances, the Duma Congress should be upgraded to incorporate specialized committees in various fields, with experts observing election events. 1/4 of Duma membership will be up for election each year to ensure a steady inflow of public opinion. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Mirziyoev, prime minister of Uzbekistan since 2003, was elected president following the death of his predecessor September 2. Democracy and human rights organizations have warned that the presidential election well-staged and there was a minimum of competition between candidates
The state needs an independent Supranational human rights action and citizenship exercise committee of which half of its members are of different nationalities, nominated global human rights organizations and elected by the people. The President should serve for 5 years and be banned from running for office again for 6 years. Elections must be free of charge, organs or individuals are banned from influencing elections, and media time and space should be offered free to candidates in election. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Developmen
Valentina Matvienko, speaker of the Russian Duma told the Commission on Human Rights in discussions with the Federal Presidential Commission on Civil Society and Human Rights Development that the Constitution guarantees the people's livelihood, adding that officials are subject to sanctions if they violate human rights. The relevant laws are there, she said, but they are rarely used.
Russian human rights laws and regulations have little effect in a structure based on the rule of man. The solution will be an independent Supranational human rights action and citizenship exercise committee with members of different nationalities and the duty to monitor the actions of officials. The heads of the four government branches shall be directly elected and 1/4 of Duma members and local public authorities should face elections each year. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development
The resolution of issues in Iran starts with constitutional reform. This will install a modified semi-presidential system similar to that of Finland and a committee-style legislature like the one in Switzerland. Global democratization is the primary prerequisite for Permanent World Peace. Iran should begin constitutional reform to ensure stability and introduce a paradigm shift in its political makeup with a legal system based on One World under One Set of Laws and a constitution in accordance with the spirit of today. Please refer to the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
The economic crisis and weakness of Russia’s states mean money must be handled by the federal government, lighting a fuse between governors and mayors in several areas
The prerequisite for equitable resource allocation is a balance of power. Dissatisfaction among regions over distribution must be resolved through constitutional reform to allow more people to vote in direct elections for the heads of the executive, legislative, judicial and prosecutorial branches as well as local mayors and magistrates, comptrollers and Auditor Generals. Elections must be open and free of charge so that candidates can seek votes. For more details see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development
In the face of China's suppression of Taiwan’s diplomatic space, Taiwan cannot seek a “diplomatic armistice". The government must strive to publicize its position internationally. The democratization of China will contribute to world peace and security. At the same time, the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development calls for One World under One Set of Laws to bring about the "Great Harmony of the World” espolused by Xi Jinping. Please refer to the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development..
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