• Eight Constitutional Standards Essential for A Country’s Eternal Peace:
  • 1. The great development of human freedom
  • 2. The great rejuvenation of world democracy
  • 3. The great unity of human rights in the world
  • 4. The great realization of the rule of law in the world
  • 5. The great competition and cooperation of world legislation
  • 6. The great division of world administration
  • 7. The great compliance with world regulations
  • 8. The great establishment of world justice
  • [See more about "Constitutional Standard for Permanent Peace". To participate in amending will be rewarded.]
  • *Donations are welcome, and a detailed annotated version will be given (Choose a hard copy of the Chinese version and the English version. Or electronic versions for other languages.)
“Trade wars are good and easy to win.” Photo: Saul Loeb /Getty Images


  • https://slate.com/business/2019/03/trumps-trade-policy-is-an-utter-failure.html
  • Slate
  • 2019-03-07
  • “Trade wars are good and easy to win.” Photo: Saul Loeb /Getty Images


  • https://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Foreign-Policy/2019/0306/Can-US-help-resolve-Venezuela-crisis-The-first-hurdle-is-history
  • Christian Science Monitor
  • 2019-03-07
  • Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido, who many nations have recognized as the country’s rightful leader, greets supporters at a rally against Nicolas Maduro’s government in Caracas, March 4. Photo: Carlos Garcia Rawlins / Reuters
Demonstrators rally outside the FCC building to protest the end of net neutrality rules in Washington, DC, Dec. 14, 2017. Photo: Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images file


  • https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/trump-killed-net-neutrality-congressional-democrats-are-trying-make-internet-ncna979786
  • NBC News
  • 2019-03-07
  • Demonstrators rally outside the FCC building to protest the end of net neutrality rules in Washington, DC, Dec. 14, 2017. Photo: Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images file
Senate Majority Leader Republican Mitch McConnell (C) walks to his office after leaving the Senate floor following votes on a package of nominations on Capitol Hill, 03 August 2017. Photo: Michael Reynolds


  • http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/mcconnell-suggests-voting-rights-proposal-socialist?cid=sm_npd_ms_fb_ma&fbclid=IwAR28F6rAhf3XT_ld2n0N2uO4LUji1xagvMy8HXsoLmAQEd8z87yLE26zHww
  • 2019-03-07
  • Senate Majority Leader Republican Mitch McConnell (C) walks to his office after leaving the Senate floor following votes on a package of nominations on Capitol Hill, 03 August 2017. Photo: Michael Reynolds
Algerian lawyers gather outside the Constitutional Council in a protest against President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, March 7, 2019 in Algiers. Photo: AP


  • https://www.voanews.com/a/doctors-lawyers-rally-against-algerian-president-bouteflika/4817913.html
  • Voice of America
  • 2019-03-08
  • Algerian lawyers gather outside the Constitutional Council in a protest against President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, March 7, 2019 in Algiers. Photo: AP


  • https://www.thedailybeast.com/maduros-men-arrest-us-journalist-cody-weddle-in-venezuela-almost-daring-trump-to-intervene?ref=home
  • The Daily Beast
  • 2019-03-07
  • US Journalist Cody Weddle. Photo: via Twitter
Photo: Amelia Bates/Grist


  • https://www.motherjones.com/environment/2019/03/people-need-scared-climate-change-recognize-not-too-late/
  • Mother Jones
  • 2019-03-07
  • Photo: Amelia Bates/Grist
A pack of gray wolves on Isle Royale National Park in northern Michigan. Photo: John Vucethich / AP file


  • https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/u-s-plans-end-wolf-protections-upsetting-wildlife-advocates-n980231
  • NBC News
  • 2019-03-07
  • A pack of gray wolves on Isle Royale National Park in northern Michigan. Photo: John Vucethich / AP file
We don’t actually know how big a contributor social media is to the anti-vaccine problem, or whether it’s changing people’s behaviors and causing them to turn away from immunizations. Photo: Joe Raedle/Getty Images


  • https://www.vox.com/2019/3/1/18244384/measles-outbreak-vaccine-washington
  • Vox
  • 2019-03-06
  • We don’t actually know how big a contributor social media is to the anti-vaccine problem, or whether it’s changing people’s behaviors and causing them to turn away from immunizations. Photo: Joe Raedle/Getty Images
Corn cobs and yellow corn are on display at a market in Mexico City, Mexico May 19, 2017. Photo: Henry Romero / Reuters


  • https://www.rawstory.com/2019/03/mexican-farmers-urge-mirror-tariffs-trumps-rural-base/
  • Raw Story
  • 2019-03-06
  • Corn cobs and yellow corn are on display at a market in Mexico City, Mexico May 19, 2017. Photo: Henry Romero / Reuters
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