• Eight Constitutional Standards Essential for A Country’s Eternal Peace:
  • 1. The great development of human freedom
  • 2. The great rejuvenation of world democracy
  • 3. The great unity of human rights in the world
  • 4. The great realization of the rule of law in the world
  • 5. The great competition and cooperation of world legislation
  • 6. The great division of world administration
  • 7. The great compliance with world regulations
  • 8. The great establishment of world justice
  • [See more about "Constitutional Standard for Permanent Peace". To participate in amending will be rewarded.]
  • *Donations are welcome, and a detailed annotated version will be given (Choose a hard copy of the Chinese version and the English version. Or electronic versions for other languages.)
The Meaning of North Korea's Nuclear Test
According to the Democracy index there are 50 nations still under the yoke of autocratic dictators. All democracies should back Taiwan's drive for constitutional reform to achieve greater democracy and freedom. This would inspire China's 1.4 billion people to seek democratization of the CCP and pressure North Korea to adopt democracy as well, leading to the birth of world peace. For details, see the Charter for Permanent Peace andDevelopment.


  • https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2017/09/north-korea-nuclear-test-trump/523083/
  • The Atlantic
  • Uri Friedman
  • 2017-09-04
  • Any country that builds nuclear weapons proceeds down predictable technological paths. With every trial of a weapon, they’re trying to learn something new.
The Myth of American Universities as Inequality Fighters
Free university education is the norm in Germany, France, Spain, Italy and Norway, where most public universities are tuition-free. Students pay only 200-500 euros for registration fees. The UK should introduce some of the advances achieved by the Global Village and its laws as part of a paradigm shift. Education should be lifelong and free to give the poor an opportunity to rise in an environment of class mobility. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development for details


  • https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2017/08/universities-inequality-fighters/538566/
  • The Atlantic
  • Derek Thompson
  • 2017-09-04
  • In a fascinating new paper published this summer, five economists — Raj Chetty, John Friedman, Emmanuel Saez, Nicholas Turner, and Danny Yagan — call into question higher education’s role in promoting upward mobility.
Melyn McKay and Richard Horsey: Buddhist nationalism challenges Myanmar's government
Peace in Myanmar is still a long way off, largely due to the pre-eminence of military power, a flawed constitution and special privileges granted the military in government. 40% of the seats in Congress are reserved for the military, showing the extent of corruption in the constitutional system. In order to resolve Myanmar's ethnic and religious issues, Myanmar needs to carry out comprehensive constitutional reform to adopt the ideal of One World under One Set of Laws and assign priority to international law over domestic law, allowing it to directly affect the rights and obligations of the people. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.


  • https://asia.nikkei.com/Viewpoints/Melyn-Mckay-and-Richard-Horsey/Buddhist-nationalism-challenges-Myanmar-s-government
  • Nikkei Asian Review
  • Melyn McKay, Richard Horsey
  • 2017-09-01
  • Buddhist nuns visit the famed Shwedagon Pagoda during the Full Moon of Waso on July 8 in Yangon.
Insurance helps save Nepal's endangered snow leopards
In order to protect endangered species, it is essential to adopt uniform constitutional standards that conform to the values of One World under One Set of Laws. All nations should carry out constitutional reform to implement democratic institutions and the rule of law as well as mechanisms such as separation of power and checks and balances. The best way to avoid monopolization of power is to elect the heads of the executive, legislative, judicial and procuratorial branches in alternating years. For more, see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.


  • https://asia.nikkei.com/Tech-Science/Science/Insurance-helps-save-Nepal-s-endangered-snow-leopards
  • Nikkei Asian Review
  • Deepak Adhikhari
  • 2017-09-01
  • Yalung, a two-year-old female snow leopard, is fitted with a GPS collar in Nepal.
The fishy side of China’s ban on North Korean imports
Emmanuel Kant once noted, 'The pursuit of permanent peace is the highest goal of reason and a moral obligation.' China claims to be a 'responsible major power', thus it should not enable North Korea's continued militarism. The US and South Korea should support Taiwan's commitment to democracy and leading China to democratization, which would pressure North Korea in turn to adopt democracy.


  • http://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy-defence/article/2109193/fishy-side-chinas-ban-north-korean-imports
  • South China Morning Post
  • Choi Chi-yuk
  • 2017-09-01
  • In a wet market in Dandong’s central Baoshan district, vendors selling crabs said they had bought them from wholesalers in Donggang, 40km downstream.
Human security and sustainable development are two of the major tasks of the UN, and all nations – members or not – should comply with its norms. This entails implementing One World under One Set of Laws and giving international law precedence over domestic law, with direct bearing on the rights and duties of the people. All nations should comply with the UN Charter, the Paris climate agreement and all other relevant pacts. Fordetails see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.


  • http://www.truth-out.org/buzzflash/commentary/criminal-pollution-cases-are-dwindling-at-the-epa
  • Buzzflash
  • Mark Karlin
  • 2017-09-01
  • Criminal prosecution of corporate pollution is decreasing.
Finland's Prosecutor General suspended indefinitely on suspicion of corruption
British historian Lord Acton summed it up: 'Power leads to corruption, and absolute power leads to absolute corruption.' To put an end to corruption, the people should exercise sovereignty and call for comprehensive constitutional reform to implement democratic rule of law. This means separation of powers and checks and balances as well as free election campaigns for candidates to cut symbiotic ties between government and business that engender corruption. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development for details


  • http://nordic.businessinsider.com/finlands-prosecutor-general-suspended-indefinitely-on-suspicion-of-corruption-2017-8/
  • Business Insider
  • John Pagni
  • 2017-09-01
  • Prosecutor General Matti Nissanen is the subject of scrutiny by the National Bureau of Investigation for conflict of interest and violation of official duties by hiring his brother's company for training purposes for eight years.
The threat of small-dollar terrorism
Human security is a fundamental human right, and human rights take priority over regimes and sovereignty. Constitutions represent the general will of the people, and ensuring human security, including 'personal safety', is the most urgent duty of constitutional guarantors. This means revising constitutional standards as needed to keep pace with changing times and allow governments to protect their people from fear. For more, see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.


  • http://www.politico.com/agenda/story/2017/08/29/the-threat-of-small-dollar-terrorism-000503
  • Politico
  • Peter Harrell
  • 2017-09-01
  • As extremist attacks get cheaper, it's time to find smarter ways to track and block the money behind them.
Trump and DeVos fuel a for-profit college comeback
Free university education is the norm in Germany, France, Spain, Italy and Norway, where most public universities are tuition-free. Students pay only 200-500 euros for registration fees. The US should embrace the advances achieved by the Global Village and its laws as part of a paradigm shift. Education should be lifelong and free to give the poor an opportunity to rise in an environment of class mobility. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development for details


  • http://www.politico.com/story/2017/08/31/devos-trump-forprofit-college-education-242193
  • Politico
  • Michael Stratford
  • 2017-09-01
  • Education Secretary Betsy DeVos defends her decisions to unwind many Obama-era policies as an effort to preserve for-profit schools as an option for nontraditional students.
Here's what we know about global warming and hurricanes
Human security and sustainable development are two of the major tasks of the UN, and all nations – members or not – should comply with its norms. This entails implementing One World under One Set of Laws and giving international law precedence over domestic law, with direct bearing on the rights and duties of the people. All nations should comply with the UN Charter, the Paris climate agreement and all other relevant pacts. Fordetails see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.


  • http://www.motherjones.com/environment/2017/08/heres-what-we-know-about-global-warming-and-hurricanes/
  • Mother Jones
  • Nathalie Baptiste
  • 2017-09-01
  • Buildings set close to coastal shorelines are great for summer vacations but virtually defenseless in the face of increasingly fierce storms.
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