• Eight Constitutional Standards Essential for A Country’s Eternal Peace:
  • 1. The great development of human freedom
  • 2. The great rejuvenation of world democracy
  • 3. The great unity of human rights in the world
  • 4. The great realization of the rule of law in the world
  • 5. The great competition and cooperation of world legislation
  • 6. The great division of world administration
  • 7. The great compliance with world regulations
  • 8. The great establishment of world justice
  • [See more about "Constitutional Standard for Permanent Peace". To participate in amending will be rewarded.]
  • *Donations are welcome, and a detailed annotated version will be given (Choose a hard copy of the Chinese version and the English version. Or electronic versions for other languages.)


  • https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2018/jul/16/nigeria-poverty-stricken-families-struggle-survive
  • The Guardian
  • 2018-07-17
  • Families living on £1.50 a day
The Iris senior home should have been closed down long ago


  • https://spectator.sme.sk/c/20869061/the-iris-senior-home-should-have-been-closed-down-long-ago.html
  • The Slovak Spectator
  • 2018-07-17
  • Senior home in Slovak
Haiti's prime minister quits after fuel price hike causes deadly riots


  • https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/haiti-prime-minister-resigns-jack-guy-lafront-fuel-prices-subsidy-imf-a8447976.html
  • The Independnent
  • 2018-07-16
  • Haiti's prime minister Jack Guy Lafontant
Eight out of 11 endangered black rhinos die after move to Kenyan national park


  • https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/africa/kenya-black-rhino-death-endangered-move-national-park-wwf-disaster-a8446986.html
  • The Independent
  • 2018-07-16
  • Eight out of 11 endangered black rhinos die
No trade talks unless US 'takes gun off' China's head: Beijing


  • https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/china/no-trade-talks-unless-us-takes-gun-off-chinas-head-beijing/articleshow/64966328.cms
  • Times of India
  • 2018-07-16
  • No trade talks unless US 'takes gun off' China's head: Beijing
From Singapore to US, overseas Chinese are fearful of criticising Beijing


  • https://www.scmp.com/comment/insight-opinion/china/article/2153771/singapore-us-overseas-chinese-are-increasingly-fearful
  • SCMP
  • 2018-07-12
  • Overseas Chinese are fearful of criticising Beijing
At least 21 dead in huge bombing targeting politicians who dared to stand up to Taliban


  • https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/pakistan-taliban-suicide-bombing-peshawar-political-election-rally-death-toll-a8441556.html
  • The Independnet
  • 2018-07-12
  • Huge bombing targeting politicians who dared to stand up to Taliban
China charges former regulator for taking US$10.5m in bribes and insider trading


  • https://www.scmp.com/business/banking-finance/article/2154849/china-charges-former-no-2-securities-regulator-taking-us105
  • SCMP
  • 2018-07-12
  • Former CSRC vice-chairman Yao Gang


  • https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/middle-east/more-than-800-child-soldiers-recruited-in-yemen-un/articleshow/64935219.cms
  • TOI
  • 2018-07-11
  • Yemen Child/UN
Iranian woman 'sentenced to 20 years in prison' for removing her headscarf in protest


  • https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/iran-woman-hijab-protest-arrest-jailed-prison-shapark-shajarizadeh-headscarf-white-wednesdays-a8439816.html
  • The Independnet
  • 2018-07-11
  • Shaparak Shajarizadeh
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