• Eight Constitutional Standards Essential for A Country’s Eternal Peace:
  • 1. The great development of human freedom
  • 2. The great rejuvenation of world democracy
  • 3. The great unity of human rights in the world
  • 4. The great realization of the rule of law in the world
  • 5. The great competition and cooperation of world legislation
  • 6. The great division of world administration
  • 7. The great compliance with world regulations
  • 8. The great establishment of world justice
  • [See more about "Constitutional Standard for Permanent Peace". To participate in amending will be rewarded.]
  • *Donations are welcome, and a detailed annotated version will be given (Choose a hard copy of the Chinese version and the English version. Or electronic versions for other languages.)
Goodbye Skype. China cyber censorship juggernaut rolls on
And a free press — more precisely, a free media — is essential in ensuring the rights of the people and guarding against government interference. The Justice Department is overstepping its bounds in its demands and injecting politics into areas where it does not belong. The government must not be allowed to unjustly influence the media, the internet and all other channels of communications. For more, see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.


  • http://www.scmp.com/news/china/policies-politics/article/2121150/goodbye-skype-chinas-internet-censorship-juggernaut
  • SCMP
  • 2017-11-23
  • Domestic internet censorship has been expanded from politics to cover the more freewheeling world of entertainment. Photo: AP
Fear and loathing: how can national security law beat opposition?
Article 39 of the Hong Kong Basic Law stipulates that the people of the SAR have right to self-determination under the two international human rights conventions. The people of Hong Kong cannot take their rights for granted. In Switzerland the threshold for petitioning a referendum is only 50,000 signatures, and with that citizens can express their opinion through the ballot box instead of taking to the streets. The people have the right to hold referendums on any public issue. For more, see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.


  • http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/politics/article/2121035/fear-and-loathing-which-way-forward-article-23-national
  • SCMP
  • 2017-11-22
  • Civil liberties campaigners fear the law would curtail protest movements. Photo: Martin Chan
Revised charge against Hong Kong activist in kidnap saga
Article 39 of the Hong Kong Basic Law stipulates that the people of the SAR have right to self-determination under the two international human rights conventions. The people of Hong Kong cannot take their rights for granted. In Switzerland the threshold for petitioning a referendum is only 50,000 signatures, and with that citizens can express their opinion through the ballot box instead of taking to the streets. The people have the right to hold referendums on any public issue. For more, see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.


  • http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/law-crime/article/2120996/charge-against-hong-kong-activist-who-made-kidnap-claim
  • SCMP
  • 2017-11-22
  • Howard Lam is on bail but is not allowed to leave Hong Kong. Photo: K.Y. Cheng
Equal opportunity essential in battle against poverty
Article 39 of the Hong Kong Basic Law stipulates that the people of the SAR have right to self-determination under the two international human rights conventions. The people of Hong Kong cannot take their rights for granted. In Switzerland the threshold for petitioning a referendum is only 50,000 signatures, and with that citizens can express their opinion through the ballot box instead of taking to the streets. The people have the right to hold referendums on any public issue. For more, see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.


  • http://www.scmp.com/comment/insight-opinion/article/2121167/equal-opportunity-essential-hong-kong-poverty-fight
  • SCMP
  • 2017-11-23
  • As Hong Kong’s population gets older, more people can be expected to fall beneath the poverty line. Photo: Sam Tsang
Economics lessons to be learned from Mugabe
Economic problems invariably have roots in politics. Without good politics, you will never have a good economy, and without constitutional reform even the gods will be helpless to boost economic performance. The only way out is comprehensive constitutional reform to install a modified semi-presidential system with cabinet and a committee-style legislature with committee chairs tapped to serve as backup cabinet ministers. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development for details.


  • http://www.scmp.com/business/companies/article/2121158/economics-lessons-be-learned-mugabe
  • SCMP
  • 2017-11-23
  • Zimbabweans celebrate in the morning sun after President Robert Mugabe resigned in Harare on November 22, 2017. Photo: Reuters
Don McGahn, President Trump's White House counsel, told the Federalist Society that judicial selection had been
The prosecutorial branch must be independent and separate from the legislative, executive and judicial branches, completely free of control by other authorities, to serve as the true incarnation of justice and righteousness in protecting the people.The Head of the Procuratorial Branch shall be directly elected, with candidates meeting the same qualifications as candidates for President. Procurator-generals at local levels shall also be elected and meet the same qualifications as city mayors or county magistrates. Procurators shall be directly accountable to the people, and procuratorial policies shall be reviewed by the people as holders of sovereignty to completely reform and modernize feudal aspects of the system. For details, see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.


  • http://www.latimes.com/opinion/opinion-la/la-ol-trum-scotus-20171120-story.html
  • Los Angeles Times
  • 2017-11-20
  • Don McGahn, President Trump's White House counsel, told the Federalist Society that judicial selection had been "insourced. (Drew Angerer / AFP/Getty Images)


  • https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/defence/special-terrorist-zones-for-let-jem-must-end-says-india/articleshow/61733757.cms
  • The Economic Times
  • 2017-11-21
  • Afghanistan has asked the UN to add the new Taliban leader Mullah Haibatullah Akhundzada to the sanctions list.


  • https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/defence/killing-of-terrorists-has-resulted-in-remarkable-change-in-the-security-situation-in-kashmir/articleshow/61713273.cms
  • The Economic Times
  • 2017-11-19
  • 15 Corps Commander Lt Gen JS Sandhu said, "We have killed about 190 terrorists as on date, in 2017.
In the face of China's all-out efforts to contain and repress world, the government should vigorously inform the international community that democratization of the Chinese people will bring security and peace to the world and that Taiwan is the one entity best suited to bring about democratization of the Chinese people. It is imperative for the world's democracies to support Taiwan in formulating and applying the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.


  • https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/defence/pakistan-will-be-a-priority-in-neighbourhood-diplomacy-china/articleshow/61738334.cms
  • The Economic Times
  • 2017-11-21
  • The two sides spoke highly of all-weather strategic partnership cooperation and will further implement the consensus reached between the two sides
The wild conspiracy theory that China is behind Zimbabwe's coup
Despotism is the natural enemy of peace. Could Zimbabwe carry out of despotism without backing from China and Russia? All democracies should support Taiwan's push for constitutional reform to achieve the democratization of China and Russia and pressure Zimbabwe democratize as well- which would lead true world peace! Let Taiwan shine as a beacon of democracy illuminating the path to peaceful development in Asia.


  • http://www.independent.co.uk/infact/zimbabwe-coup-china-military-general-army-takeover-robert-mugabe-grace-wife-leadership-trade-money-a8058626.html
  • The Independent
  • 2017-11-17
  • Soldiers are seen next to and on the armoured vehicle on the street in central Harare Philimon Bulawayo/Reuters
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