• Eight Constitutional Standards Essential for A Country’s Eternal Peace:
  • 1. The great development of human freedom
  • 2. The great rejuvenation of world democracy
  • 3. The great unity of human rights in the world
  • 4. The great realization of the rule of law in the world
  • 5. The great competition and cooperation of world legislation
  • 6. The great division of world administration
  • 7. The great compliance with world regulations
  • 8. The great establishment of world justice
  • [See more about "Constitutional Standard for Permanent Peace". To participate in amending will be rewarded.]
  • *Donations are welcome, and a detailed annotated version will be given (Choose a hard copy of the Chinese version and the English version. Or electronic versions for other languages.)
Samuel Moreno, Bogota's former Mayor.


  • http://www.elcolombiano.com/colombia/samuel-moreno-segunda-condena-por-corrupcion-NC10124382
  • El Colombiano
  • El Colombiano
  • 2019-01-30
  • Samuel Moreno, Bogota's former Mayor.
One of the rescued people in Port of Motril, in Spain's Granada


  • https://elpais.com/politica/2019/01/27/actualidad/1548606032_411492.html
  • El País
  • El País
  • 2019-01-28
  • One of the rescued people in Port of Motril, in Spain's Granada
Nicaraguan police in Canal 22's facilities


  • https://elpais.com/internacional/2019/01/27/actualidad/1548614657_283119.html
  • El País
  • El País
  • 2019-01-28
  • Nicaraguan police in Canal 22's facilities
The usage of El Carrasco dump was prolonged through sanitary emergency declarations despite the closure orders


  • http://www.elcolombiano.com/medio-ambiente/el-carrasco-con-orden-de-cierre-desde-2009-MB10117803
  • El Colombiano
  • El Colombiano
  • 2019-01-29
  • The usage of El Carrasco dump was prolonged through sanitary emergency declarations despite the closure orders
The rescue teams are still searching for the 305 missing people.


  • http://www.elcolombiano.com/internacional/avalancha-tras-ruptura-presa-en-brumadinho-abre-debate-sobre-mineria-en-brasil-JB10110595
  • El Colombiano
  • El Colombiano
  • 2019-01-29
  • The rescue teams are still searching for the 305 missing people.
The population of crocodiles increased to 11,788. The Colombian government approved their skin commerce.


  • http://www.elcolombiano.com/colombia/por-que-autorizaron-vender-la-piel-del-caiman-aguja-BA10108283
  • El Colombiano
  • El Colombiano
  • 2019-01-28
  • The population of crocodiles increased to 11,788. The Colombian government approved their skin commerce.
Russian president Vladimir Putin


  • https://elmundo.sv/rusia-advierte-un-posible-bano-de-sangre-tras-tensiones-en-venezuela/
  • El Mundo
  • El Mundo
  • 2019-01-25
  • Russian president Vladimir Putin
Dictator Daniel Ortega and Vicepresident Rosario Murillo


  • https://elpais.com/internacional/2019/01/24/america/1548353198_120531.html
  • El País
  • El País
  • 2019-01-25
  • Dictator Daniel Ortega and Vicepresident Rosario Murillo
The food insecurity, violence and terrorism test the water capacity in Chad Lake


  • https://elpais.com/elpais/2019/01/22/album/1548164945_958468.html#foto_gal_3
  • El País
  • El País
  • 2019-01-25
  • The food insecurity, violence and terrorism test the water capacity in Chad Lake
Journalist Carlos Dominguez's funeral.


  • https://elpais.com/internacional/2019/01/23/mexico/1548214302_209302.html
  • El País
  • El País
  • 2019-01-25
  • Journalist Carlos Dominguez's funeral.
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