Permanent Peace Partnership Introduction

Our Mission

    In order to save Taiwan and the other 2/3 of the world’s population suffering under dictatorial regimes, build a great cause for the country, develop great love for mankind, establish a law for the world and achieve great harmony for all nations, we offer minimum constitutional standards with 2 concepts and 28 principles for a nation built under permanent peace.

Our Profile

  • Originally founded as the "Law and Peace Development Association" more than 40 years ago, this association is now known as the "Permanent Peace and Development Partnership"
  • More than ten chapters of Permanent Peace Partnerships have been established in Asia, Europe, the Americas, and Oceania, and this year there has been a significant increase in membership.
  • The chief executive officer of the Americas region is the CEO of the Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA), Coen Blaauw.
  • The Oceania consultant is Dan Zeng Pengcuo T. Phuntsok (former chairman of the Tibet Religious Foundation of His Holiness the Dalai Lama).
  • iNGO Permanent Peace Partners World Federation, General Mentor,: His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama (1989 Nobel Peace Prize winner)

A Strategy Focused on Love

The Taiwan Model of the Charter for Permanent Peace is a blueprint to peacefully democratize China




He drew a circle that shut me out-

Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.

But love and I had the wit to win:

We drew a circle and took him In!"