
Appendix Figure

Figure 1: Legislative System ~ Modified Committee System

Figure 2: Central Government System ~ Modified Semi-Presidential System

Figure 3: The Prosecution Organization System

Figure 4: National Judiciary Organization System

Appendix A: Permanent Peace Partnership Publications

One, Chien-ming, Huang editor (2019), The International Laws. Taipei: Permanent Peace Partnership

Two. Chien-ming, Huang editor (2019), ISO - International Organization for Standardization. Taipei: Permanent Peace Partnership

Three. Chien-ming, Huang editor (2019), Global Comparison of Constitutions. Taipei: Permanent Peace Partnership

Four. Chien-ming, Huang editor (2019), EUR-Lex. Taipei: Permanent Peace Partnership

Five. Chien-ming, Huang editor (2018), Comparison of Religious Codes. Taipei: Permanent Peace Partnership

Six. Chien-ming, Huang editor (2018), Global Comparison of Criminal Laws. Taipei: Permanent Peace Partnership

Seven. Chien-ming, Huang editor (2018), Global Comparison of Civil Laws. Taipei: Permanent Peace Partnership

Enght. Chien-ming, Huang editor (2018), Global Comparison of Administrative Laws. Taipei: Permanent Peace Partnership

Nine. Chien-ming, Huang editor (2018), Global Comparison of Codex Alimentarius. Taipei: Permanent Peace Partnership

Ten. Chien-ming, Huang editor (2018), Global Comparison of Pharmacopoeia. Taipei: Permanent Peace Partnership

Appendix B: Charts

Chart 1: Global Levels of Laws

Chart 2:The length of term and total number of members-US Federal congressman and State Representatives

Chart 3:The length of term and total number of members-US Federal senator and State senator

Chart 4: 1990-2015 Frequency of Switzerland’s referendum

Chart 5: 1990-2015 statistics of Switzerland’s referendum

Chart 7: Swiss-level local statistics

Chart 8: Registration System for Election

Chart 9: Electronic Voting System of Switzerland

Chart 10: United States Online Voter Registration System

Chart 11: The Federal Constitution of the Swiss Confederation

Chart 12: Referendum Levels and Thresholds

Chart 13: California state-level elected

Chart 14: California Voter Statistics 2009-2018

Chart 15: California’s 15 Consecutive years Local initiative & referendum statistics

Chart 16: Democracy Index 2014

Chart 17: The UN Sustainable Development 17 Goals and 169 Targets

Chart 18: The UN Sustainable Development Goals cf. The Charter for Permanent Peace

Chart 19: The Human Development Index, HDI)

Chart 20: Electoral system: Mixed-member proportional representation( MM P) or Parallel voting(PV)

Chart 21: World Congressional elections

Chart 22: Semi-presidential (dual-leader) nations (partial list)

Chart 23: Modified semi-presidential system

Chart 24: Advantages of the world's major Semi-Presidential Systems

Chart 25: Disadvantages of the world's major Semi-Presidential Systems

Chart 26: Advantages of the World's Major Presidential Systems

Chart 27: Disadvantages of the World's Major Presidential Systems

Chart 28: Advantages of the World's Major Legislative Systems

Chart 29: Disadvantages of the World's Major Legislative Systems

Chart 30: Operational Advantages of Major Committee Systems

Chart 31: Operational Disadvantages of Major Committee Systems

Chart 32: The unique advantages of the Charter for Permanent Peace compared to the current country

Chart 33: Comparison of Global Constitutional Systems

Do you agree with the Permanent Peace Legal Code, ‘Made in Taiwan for the Good of the Whole World’? Will you tell others about it?

 We the people of Taiwan are dedicated to creating more value in life, establishing constitutional standards, improving allocation of resources and promoting lasting peace, as we lead the 250 nations of the world to democracy and work to free the oppressed peoples of 50 autocratic states. We have developed a Legal Code for Permanent Peace with laws that will facilitate the realization of a community committed to one single human destiny – with eight basic concepts: namely, 1. Freedom; 2. Democracy; 3. Human Rights; 4. Universal values such as the rule of law; and organization including 5. Legislation; 6. Administration; 7. Judicial; and 8. Prosecutorial branches. We hereby offer the following 30 ideals under Unity:

  1. People’s Values under Unity: Embracing the highest values of freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law – is the sacred right of the people and the urgent obligation of all officials.
  2. Human Dignity under Unity: Respect freedom and values, reinforced by frequent elections and procedural justice; with the exception of referendums, regular elections shall be held twice a year.
  3. People’s Self-determination under Unity: National sovereignty belongs directly and unconditionally to all taxpayers. Constitutional amendments and entry into and exit from international security organizations shall require the consent of half of the electorate.
  4. Human Rights First under Unity: In accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UN Charter – Human rights are a global matter; sovereignty belongs to the people – and human rights rank higher than sovereignty.
  5. Human Rights Protection under Unity: Assured by the National Human Rights Action and Citizens’ Rights Exercise Committee. Half of the members shall come from recognized international human rights organizations.
  6. Human Rights and International Relations under Unity: Peace is an essential element in the world: no nation may independently establish political relations with an authoritarian regime which suppresses independence and freedom, democracy, human rights or the rule of law.
  7. Human Rights Abuses under Unity: Restrictions on freedom and democracy are contrary to the basic rules of freedom and democracy, and anyone who endorses such a viewpoint shall immediately forfeit the right to use broadcast media and deprived of their basic rights.
  8. National Decentralization under Unity: Ensure human rights by electing the heads of the Legislative, Executive, Judicial and Procuratorial branches for limited terms. Candidates shall meet the same qualifications as candidates for president.
  9. Election Procedures under Unity: Eradicate the role of money in politics. At least one hour a week in all electronic media shall be offered free for use by candidates and the public.
  10. All political parties shall have the same rights and responsibilities: political parties have the right of free access to electronic media in order to effectively reach all taxpayers and meet their obligation to strengthen and disseminate values.
  11. Self-discipline of Political Parties under Unity: Political parties that act in violation of international law, the UN Charter or internationally-recognized constitutional principles may be sued by other parties and ordered to disband.
  12. Open Political Parties under Unity: Members of a fully democratic political party with members serving in the national legislature can set up a local party headquarters in Taiwan to promote its ideas, with all the benefits enjoyed by local citizens.
  13. Open Positions under Unity: Citizens of fully-democratic nations leading global governance shall have the right to run for heads of organizations at all levels as well as the right to vote in local elections.
  14. Elected Leaders under Unity: All elected heads of government shall constantly be on the lookout for new ideas and serve one 5-year term with no eligibility to run again for 6 years afterwards, but with fixed pay and benefits.
  15. Constitutional Standards under Unity: The whole world shall review what is constitutional and what is unconstitutional, with global agreement required for constitutional amendments. Unified world constitutional standards shall ensure world human rights standards.
  16. Constitutional Guarantors under Unity: All public officials are constitutional guarantors of peace and development, working to create a culture of peace and enlightenment.
  17. National Beliefs under Unity: The principles of permanent peace, human rights, constitutionalism, international law, and global (pluralistic) law.
  18. National Law-abiding under Unity: The world constitution shall stipulate that international law takes priority over domestic law, with direct bearing on the rights and duties of the people and acting to promote permanent peace and global unity constitutional standards
  19. National Implementation of Laws under Unity: The laws of any other nation may be incorporated into domestic law, and all people have the right to demand that their freedoms and rights shall never lag behind those of other countries.
  20. Countries Competing in Legislation under Unity: Leading the world to compete in joint reviews of legislative, executive, judicial and prosecutorial procedures shall be the never-ending obligation of all states to ensure democracy and the rule of law in a new global era
  21. Abolition of Nuclear Weapons under Unity: All nations have a never-ending obligation to oppose nuclear weapons; this is an essential step in realizing global unity and long-lasting peace so that all humankind will live forever.
  22. Legislatures under Unity: Modified committee-centric organization. The goal is a legislative body that incorporates the good features of all nations’ legislatures and does not suffer any of their faults.
  23. The Legislature’s Mission under Unity: True global legislative participation, the realization of a Permanent Peace Parliamentary Body, with the goal of adding at least one nation every year to the Union of Permanent Peace Nations.
  24. Local Systems under Unity: Representatives shall serve two-year terms. Refer to the Global Declaration of Local Self-Government and the European Charter for Local Autonomy in implementing globalization and localization.
  25. National Executive Officials under Unity: Modified Semi-presidential System. The premier should act on the basis of public opinion in leading the government and taking charge of national defense, and must be native-born.
  26. National Judicial System under Unity: Respond to calls for justice any place in the world. Half of all judges should be of different nationalities and races and be committed to promoting global law.
  27. National Procuratorial Action under Unity: Protect Global Law. No one shall be above the law, and no one shall be denied full legal protection.
  28. Judges’ Rulings under Unity: Verdicts should be based on international law → Utilize the constitutions and laws of nations that will be most beneficial to the parties involved →Explain any failure to act in accordance with these principles.
  29. Sustainable Development under Unity: Make up for any shortcomings of the UN and work to realize Taiwan’s great cause, based on global law and one nation under Unity.
  30. Resistance to Unconstitutional Acts under Unity: All humankind shall retain the right to resist any actions that violate the principles of universal liberal democracy if no other remedy exists.

This movement in search of global unity is the product of 40 years of effort and more than 100,000 samples of questions and answers (see It is not limited to a certain national territory and does not require the support of a single soldier: all that is needed is for citizens to send e-mails pledging their support to achieve permanent peace. This will confirm Taiwan as a holy place for universal values and dreams of the world’s elite, and the focus of pilgrims seeking the world capital under Unity. In doing so, the people have nothing to lose but their shackles, while others will lose nothing while gaining super-national governance in the most revered system designed to lead all humankind to peace and development, assuring a long, productive and prosperous life for many generations to come.

 Are you willing to sign an agreement as a supporter of permanent peace and a drafter of the constitution? Global Law is Our Dream, the Dream of Taiwan and the Dream of the Whole World.

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