Constitutional Standards texts in all regional languages | Comparisons with Global Criminal Laws | Comparisons with Global Civil Laws | Comparisons with Global Administrative Laws |
Figure 1: Legislative System ~ Modified Committee System
Figure 2: Central Government System ~ Modified Semi-Presidential System
Figure 3: The Prosecution Organization System
Figure 4: National Judiciary Organization System
One, Chien-ming, Huang editor (2019), The International Laws. Taipei: Permanent Peace Partnership
Two. Chien-ming, Huang editor (2019), ISO - International Organization for Standardization. Taipei: Permanent Peace Partnership
Three. Chien-ming, Huang editor (2019), Global Comparison of Constitutions. Taipei: Permanent Peace Partnership
Four. Chien-ming, Huang editor (2019), EUR-Lex. Taipei: Permanent Peace Partnership
Five. Chien-ming, Huang editor (2018), Comparison of Religious Codes. Taipei: Permanent Peace Partnership
Six. Chien-ming, Huang editor (2018), Global Comparison of Criminal Laws. Taipei: Permanent Peace Partnership
Seven. Chien-ming, Huang editor (2018), Global Comparison of Civil Laws. Taipei: Permanent Peace Partnership
Enght. Chien-ming, Huang editor (2018), Global Comparison of Administrative Laws. Taipei: Permanent Peace Partnership
Nine. Chien-ming, Huang editor (2018), Global Comparison of Codex Alimentarius. Taipei: Permanent Peace Partnership
Ten. Chien-ming, Huang editor (2018), Global Comparison of Pharmacopoeia. Taipei: Permanent Peace Partnership
Chart 1: Global Levels of Laws
Chart 2:The length of term and total number of members-US Federal congressman and State Representatives
Chart 3:The length of term and total number of members-US Federal senator and State senator
Chart 4: 1990-2015 Frequency of Switzerland’s referendum
Chart 5: 1990-2015 statistics of Switzerland’s referendum
Chart 7: Swiss-level local statistics
Chart 8: Registration System for Election
Chart 9: Electronic Voting System of Switzerland
Chart 10: United States Online Voter Registration System
Chart 11: The Federal Constitution of the Swiss Confederation
Chart 12: Referendum Levels and Thresholds
Chart 13: California state-level elected
Chart 14: California Voter Statistics 2009-2018
Chart 15: California’s 15 Consecutive years Local initiative & referendum statistics
Chart 16: Democracy Index 2014
Chart 17: The UN Sustainable Development 17 Goals and 169 Targets
Chart 18: The UN Sustainable Development Goals cf. The Charter for Permanent Peace
Chart 19: The Human Development Index, HDI)
Chart 20: Electoral system: Mixed-member proportional representation( MM P) or Parallel voting(PV)
Chart 21: World Congressional elections
Chart 22: Semi-presidential (dual-leader) nations (partial list)
Chart 23: Modified semi-presidential system
Chart 24: Advantages of the world's major Semi-Presidential Systems
Chart 25: Disadvantages of the world's major Semi-Presidential Systems
Chart 26: Advantages of the World's Major Presidential Systems
Chart 27: Disadvantages of the World's Major Presidential Systems
Chart 28: Advantages of the World's Major Legislative Systems
Chart 29: Disadvantages of the World's Major Legislative Systems
Chart 30: Operational Advantages of Major Committee Systems
Chart 31: Operational Disadvantages of Major Committee Systems
Chart 32: The unique advantages of the Charter for Permanent Peace compared to the current country
Chart 33: Comparison of Global Constitutional Systems
We the people of Taiwan are dedicated to creating more value in life, establishing constitutional standards, improving allocation of resources and promoting lasting peace, as we lead the 250 nations of the world to democracy and work to free the oppressed peoples of 50 autocratic states. We have developed a Legal Code for Permanent Peace with laws that will facilitate the realization of a community committed to one single human destiny – with eight basic concepts: namely, 1. Freedom; 2. Democracy; 3. Human Rights; 4. Universal values such as the rule of law; and organization including 5. Legislation; 6. Administration; 7. Judicial; and 8. Prosecutorial branches. We hereby offer the following 30 ideals under Unity:
This movement in search of global unity is the product of 40 years of effort and more than 100,000 samples of questions and answers (see It is not limited to a certain national territory and does not require the support of a single soldier: all that is needed is for citizens to send e-mails pledging their support to achieve permanent peace. This will confirm Taiwan as a holy place for universal values and dreams of the world’s elite, and the focus of pilgrims seeking the world capital under Unity. In doing so, the people have nothing to lose but their shackles, while others will lose nothing while gaining super-national governance in the most revered system designed to lead all humankind to peace and development, assuring a long, productive and prosperous life for many generations to come.
Are you willing to sign an agreement as a supporter of permanent peace and a drafter of the constitution? Global Law is Our Dream, the Dream of Taiwan and the Dream of the Whole World.