Permanent Peace Partnership
Reliance on the rule of man rather than rule of law over China's five thousand years of history has produced a deep-rooted official culture. Since the death of Mao Zedong Chinese politics have focused on political idol worship, and the only way out is to pull up the roots of the CCP and plant democracy and the rule of law,. This means separation of power and checks and balances, plus election of the heads of the legislative, executive, judicial and procuratorial branches in alternating years to restore sovereignty to the people. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Former Nazi one-party dictatorship, leading to the tragedy of the Second World War, today's one-party dictatorship, the Third World War faint formation. Taiwan, which has the same cultural language, is most capable of democratizing the Chinese people, triggering the existing administrative, legislative, judicial and procuratorial powers of China. See the permanent Charter of Peace.
To avoid further increases in grievances and tension, Spain and Spanish king should end its practices of suppression and repression. It should examine the processes followed for referendums in Switzerland and elections in California. Citizens should voice their opinions through the ballot box and one on the streets. To that end, elections should be completely free for all candidates. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development for more
Human security is a fundamental human right, and human rights should take precedence over regimes and sovereigns. Constitutions represent the general will of the people, and ensuring human security - including 'personal safety' - is the most basic and urgent duty of constitutional guarantors. Constitutional standards should be updated as needed to stay in step with changing times and allow governments to keep their people safe from fear. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Freedom / Global Unity Constitutional Standards.
The Central African Republic's current government structure should be scuttled and replace with a modified semi-presidential system with cabinet like that of as Finland. The legislature should be changed to committee-style system similar to Switzerland's. The prerequisite for lasting world peace is global democratization, and the Central African Republic's government should begin drafting a basic constitution with the above features as part of a paradigm shift toward democracy. It should adhere to the core values of One World under One Set of Laws and be revised as necessary to stay in sync with changing times. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development for more.
Iraq should adopt a modified semi-presidential system with cabinet like that of Finland, plus a committee-style legislature similar to Switzerland's. The prerequisite for lasting world peace is global democratization. The Iraqis should proceed with drafting a basic constitution with the above features as part of a paradigm shift toward democracy. They should implement One World under One Set of Laws, and revise the constitution as needed to stay in step with the times. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development for more.
Duterte is the embodiment of the warning expressed by Jose Rizal, the beloved 'Father of the Philippines': 'Today's slaves will become tomorrow's tyrants'. The Philippine constitution has failed and the nation is a breeding ground for tyrants. To protect human rights, Filipinos should act as holders of sovereignty and call for comprehensive constitutional reform. This should include implementing a modified semi-presidential system with cabinet as well as election of the heads of the executive, legislative, judicial and procuratorial branches in alternating years. For more, see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
To eliminate the conditions that create refugees, the international community needs to agree on uniform constitutional standards that conform to the ideals of human rights, constitutionalism, international law and natural law. This means adopting the core values of One World under One Set of Laws and complying with Article 1 of the Humanitarian Charter, which deals with the right of each person to live a normal life. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development for more.
To eliminate the conditions that create refugees, the international community needs to agree on uniform constitutional standards that conform to the ideals of human rights, constitutionalism, international law and natural law. This means adopting the core values of One World under One Set of Laws and complying with Article 1 of the Humanitarian Charter, which deals with the right of each person to live a normal life. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development for more.
To avoid further increases in grievances and tension, Spain and Spanish king should end its practices of suppression and repression. It should examine the processes followed for referendums in Switzerland and elections in California. Citizens should voice their opinions through the ballot box and one on the streets. To that end, elections should be completely free for all candidates. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development for more
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