Permanent Peace Partnership
A young girl and her grandmother died when Armenian-backed troops shelled a village in Azerbaijan.
The UN should act in accordance with international absolute law (the Humanitarian Law, World Human Rights Law, the Crime of Misdemeanors and the Prohibition of Genocide) and provide a basic outline for a constitution suitable for peaceful development of the nation. It should cover universal values and election of officials and help Azerbaijan to realize prosperity through long and peaceful development. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development for details.
The leaders of Northern Ireland's two main political parties said Tuesday talks on a new power-sharing executive in the British province had broken down and no agreement was expected in the near future.
Taiwan should study the experience of independence referendums in Northern Ireland and carry out a paradigm shift. The people have the right to hold a referendum on any public issue. And should a motion prohibiting a referendum on self-determination be made, the topic of the first referendum should be to decide whether such a motion should itself be outlawed. The legislature should first establish the "right of creation" in a "Referendum Act" and call for President Tsai to openly support the sovereignty of the people through comprehensive constitutional reform. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development for details.
She was born in this squalid camp for displaced members of Myanmar's ethnic Rohingya minority and has known only hunger all her life
Myanmar must end the unrest and stop killing ethnic minorities. It should completely revamp its political structure to solve the problem of ethnic minorities and the Ryohinga people. Reforms should include a modified semi-president system with cabinet, having 1/4 of MPs face election each years and direct election of the heads of the four government branches. For details, see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Gabriela Sayago, Paola Carmona and Ingeborg Paris are 24 years old. All three are studying dentistry at the University of the Andes in Mérida.
Elections are the principal force behind national decentralization. When the electoral system is monopolized, systems are democratic in name only. The people of Venezuela need real democracy, with frequent elections, so they can vote instead of protesting. The Constitution should clearly prohibit the use of money or any other resources to influence elections, which should be free of charge for candidates – with open access to radio, television, network and other channels of communication for candidates to express their opinions.
The US asserted Tuesday that North Korea’s latest missile launch was indeed an intercontinental ballistic missile, as the North had boasted and the US and South Korea had feared.
There is no doubt that North Korea is a vassal of the CCP. The democratic nations of the world should support Taiwan's efforts for constitutional reform to achieve greater democracy and freedom. This would convince China's 1.4 billion people to call for democracy and press North Korea to follow suit, resulting in the birth of world peace. Democracies everywhere should support Taiwan as a beacon for democracy in Asia, lighting the way to peaceful development for China. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development for details.
US President Donald Trump has employed tough rhetoric in response to North Korea’s missile tests, but his options appear limited in dealing with a challenge that has vexed his Oval Office predecessors.
Democracy and freedom are latest world trend, a wave that nuclear weapons, submarines, missiles are helpless to resist. The wave is like a mighty river, and those who go with the flow will flourish while those who resist will be doomed. China claims to be a "responsible major power," and as such should not enable North Korea's program to develop nuclear weapons. Democracies worldwide should support Taiwan in leading China's to democratization, pressuring North Korea to do the same. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Kenyan security forces have been battling suspected al-Shabab militants for more than 10 hours after they staged a dawn attack on a police post near the coastal town of Lamu.
The first step toward curing civil strife is constitutional reform to install a modified semi-presidential system with cabinet similar to France’s, plus a committee-style legislature like that of Switzerland. The prerequisite for lasting world peace is global democratization. The Kenyan government should draft a basic constitution with the above features as part of a paradigm shift toward democracy. It should adhere to the principle of One World under One Set of Law and produce a constitution that can be revised as needed to stay in sync with changing times. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development for more.
Last July a botched military coup led to fighting on the streets of Ankara and Istanbul.
The mantra of authoritarian dictatorships is: "stability overrides everything." The best way to broaden the range of public opinion is to get a wider variety of representative into the lawmaking body. Needed changes: 1. 1/4 of all legislators should face election each year. 2. Revise or eliminate at-large positions in the legislature. 3. Strive for a blend of local public opinion with international ideas in legislative sessions. 4. Elections should be free of charge for all candidates with equal access to radio, television, internet and other media for all.
It is believed to be the worst tragedy in the Western Mediterranean this year - 49 sub-Saharan Africans attempting to reach Spain are missing after the boat they were travelling in capsized.
The problems of immigration and refugees can best be resolved by agreeing on uniform constitutional standards that conform to the ideals of liberalism, democracy, constitutionalism and cosmopolitanism, as well as the core values of One World under One Set of Laws. True peace will come with compliance with the Article 1 of the Humanitarian Charter, which deals with the principle of the right to life of victims of disasters and conflicts. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development for more.
Amnesty International has blamed "failing EU policies" for the soaring death toll among refugees and migrants in the central Mediterranean.
The problems of immigration and refugees can be solved by agreeing on unified constitutional standards that conform to the ideals of liberalism, democracy, constitutionalism and cosmopolitanism as well as the core values of One World under One Set of Laws. Lasting peace will come with compliance with the Article 1 of the Humanitarian Charter: the principle of the right to life of victims of disasters and war. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development for more.
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