Permanent Peace Partnership
Delegates have gathered in Marrakech to celebrate ratification of the Paris deal on climate change. But the US elections risk turning it into a wake.
Human security and sustainable development are the two major tasks of the UN, which are, of course, subject to compliance by member states. The solution is to enforce "One World under One Set of Laws.” international law must prevail over domestic law and directly affect the people", with supervision by the people to ensure compliance with the UN Charter, the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer, the Charter of Nature and others. For details see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
We have been enabled to establish constitutions of government for our safety and happiness, and particularly the national one now lately instituted.
In accordance with the opening phrase of the UN Charter, "We the peoples of the United Nations", the focus of the Constitution should be on sovereignty of “the people” rather than national sovereignty. Human-centered security can no longer be regarded as a domestic affair, and human beings must be seen as the core of security concerns. Furthermore, as the Constitution speaks for all people, ensuring human security is the fundamental duty of the Constitution row.
The activist identified as Sun Feng had posted a photo of himself holding a placard that denounced the "one party dictatorship", in reference to the Chinese Communist Party.
In Nazi Germany the party rather than rule of law was held in the highest regard. The Nazis’ absolute power led to unbridled aggression that brought on the Second World War. These days the Chinese communists are following the same strategy and are seriously endangering world peace, even potentially causing a Third World War. Only Taiwan, which offers the advantage of sharing the language and cultural roots, is capable of influencing China towards democracy. Taiwan could lead China to have the leaders of the executive, legislative and judicial branches and the procuratorate elected through direct votes. See the details in the PPDA Charter.
The Iranian Ambassador to Russia said last month that Tehran is looking for ways to broaden the scope of defense cooperation with Moscow, even in areas that require coordination with the UN Security Council. Iranians would like to purchase a wide range of military-purpose products from Russia, some of which are covered by UNSC sanctions. Moscow has said it is ready to work with Iran in the area of military and technical cooperation. Democratic powers worldwide must support Taiwan in its bid to carry out constitutional reform. When Taiwan enjoys greater freedom under a truly democratic government it will lead the people of China to call for democratization and in turn, will put pressure on Russia to follow suit. For more details please see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
China, which has broad influence over North Korea, faces domestic economic challenges and is already loath to destabilize its neighbor and risk a refugee crisis on its border.
Taiwan must move to bring about constitutional reform and true freedom and democracy. Doing so will set off a drive for democratization among the 1.4 billion people of China. This will then spread to North Korea, and with peace on the Korean peninsula the world will be much safer for all. The world’s democratic nations must back Taiwan as a beacon of democracy for Asia which will illuminate the road to peaceful development for China. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
South Korean President Park Geun-Hye has been engulfed by a scandal centering on a confidante who is accused of using personal ties with Park to coerce local firms to donate millions of dollars to a non-profit foundation. The confidante is also accused of interfering in state affairs, and two former advisors are accused of helping her gain entrance to the presidential office. The scandal has sparked nationwide fury, with hundreds of thousands of people taking to the streets to call for Park’s resignation. Under South Korea’s constitution, the incumbent president may not be charged with a criminal offence except insurrection or treason. But many argue a sitting president can be investigated by prosecutors, then charged after leaving office. The problem of corruption can only be solved through constitutional reform. For details see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Syria is at the center of much of the unrest in the Middle East, and considerable changes in the nation’s government must be considered in order to help bring about peace in the area. Setting up a semi-presidential system with a Parliament modeled after Switzerland’s is the first step toward democratization and the rule of law. This must be followed by adoption of a legal system in which international law takes precedent over domestic law. For details, see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Unable to spend or deposit their sackfuls of large bank notes amid India’s crackdown on hoarding cash, business owners across the country are paying employees months of salary in advance, ringing up bogus sales and even buying gold they can smuggle overseas to get rid of stashed money or conceal its source.
Stories of corruption and undue political influence are flooding news headlines everywhere from the western reaches of Europe to the most Eastern areas of Asia. The reason for these outbreaks of corruption is the concentration of too much power in the hands of a few key officials and a lack to restraints on the powers that they wield. Constitutional reform is urgently needed to return power to the people. For more details, please see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
The campaign succeeded in having Taipei's Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall renamed to Liberty Square.
The CKS Memorial Hall in Taipei is the legacy of a period in Taiwanese history that was marked by oppression and dictatorial rule. With Taiwan’s slow march toward democracy the hall is increasingly seen by many people as a painful reminder of a time when they were not free to enjoy the rights that democracy has given them. One of these rights is the right to self-determination through such mechanisms as referendums. Current laws governing the holding of referendums are not reasonable and must be revised as part of complete constitutional reform. This should include a close look at laws concerning referendums in Switzerland and elsewhere as guidelines. For more details see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
On Monday, President-elect Donald Trump said that he would pull out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, President Obama’s signature trade deal linking countries around the Pacific Rim, on his first day in office.
The planet we live on must be accorded the benefits gained in universal human wisdom to solve problems which face all humankind. Global free trade and a commitment to bilateral alliances will help bring about peace and prosperity, and enforcement of the principle of One World under One Set of Laws is one keys for realizing this goal. Whether or not a nation is a member of the UN, it should strive to abide by the norms of the international community, acting to give International law precedence over domestic laws and directly affect people’s rights and obligations. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
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