Permanent Peace Partnership
It’s up to the next administration and Congress to chart a better path.
Bringing down authoritarian dictatorships, achieving global democratization and promoting permanent peace are the most important goals in the world today. In order to ensure democracy, the rule of law, human rights and peace, the true holders of sovereignty in Cuba – the people - urgently need to come forward and call for constitutional reform. They must work to adopt a modified parliamentary semi-presidential system, with the heads of the executive, legislative, judicial and procuratorial branches directly elected. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Filipino President Duterte oversaw a brutal anti-drug campaign but is now seeking peace with leftist revolutionaries and rejecting U.S. pressure for more counterinsurgency warfare, writes Marjorie Cohn.
The Philippines’ macho President will undoubtedly tone down his rhetoric during his four-day visit to China in a move that could shift Manila closer to Beijing and bring greater economic cooperation between the two sides. Duterte won the top office on the strength of his efforts to suppress drug trafficking, often at the expense of human rights, but Beijing is unlikely to bring up the question of rights in any talks with the Philippine leader. For the people of the Philippines, better relations with China may bring economic benefits, but other problems can only be resolved by carrying out reform of the constitution to limit the powers of government officials and put restrictions on their terms in office. For more details please see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
“The EU occupies 5.5 million square kilometers, Russia takes up 17.5 million. Russia must be treated as one big entity, as a proud nation,” Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, the EU executive body, told Euronews on Saturday.
The Iranian Ambassador to Russia said last month that Tehran is looking for ways to broaden the scope of defense cooperation with Moscow, even in areas that require coordination with the UN Security Council. Iranians would like to purchase a wide range of military-purpose products from Russia, some of which are covered by UNSC sanctions. Moscow has said it is ready to work with Iran in the area of military and technical cooperation. Democratic powers worldwide must support Taiwan in its bid to carry out constitutional reform. When Taiwan enjoys greater freedom under a truly democratic government it will lead the people of China to call for democratization and in turn, will put pressure on Russia to follow suit. For more details please see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Mainland writer Kou Yanding still does not know where she was ­detained on the mainland for four months after visiting Hong Kong in the early days of the Occupy Central movement.
Freedom of expression is a universal value. China's practice of "guarding against the people's mouth rather than preventing the floods" is like trying to create a "one world, one voice" society. The Chinese people have only come forward to re-constitution or a comprehensive constitutional reform, so that universal media, prohibition of government oligopoly, monopoly of the media, the Internet and all other communication channels. Details of the "Permanent Peace and Development Charter".
Election Committee support for CY Leung looks bleak. But it is too early to talk about supporting Leung, or other possible candidates.
Voters in Hong Kong are forced to cast ballots for candidates for Chief Executive who have been previously vetted by the Election Commission of the Chinese Communist Party. This election is a result of dictatorial politics and does not change the fact that Hong Kong is being subjected to a dictatorship. The people of Hong Kong should make good use of Article 39 of the Hong Kong Basic Law and the two international human rights covenants. People have the right to self-determination through referendums. They must be allowed to decide on having the heads of the legislative, executive, judicial and procuratorate branches popularly elected to ensure they will be responsible to the people. For details please see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Similarly, Trump apparently no longer thinks that climate change is a Chinese hoax and is “open-minded” toward future discussions.
Human security and sustainable development are the two major tasks of the UN, which are, of course, subject to compliance by member states. The solution is to enforce "One World under One Set of Laws.” international law must prevail over domestic law and directly affect the people", with supervision by the people to ensure compliance with the UN Charter, the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer, the Charter of Nature and others. For details see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
President Park Geun-hye of South Korea will face several corruption-related scandals as soon as her term of office is finished. Radical corruption can be solved through comprehensive constitutional reform to implement decentralization and checks and balances in government and choose the heads of government branches through direct elections. The President must stand as the ultimate guarantor of the constitution, a duty which will not end when he or she steps down from office.
Dozens of Turkish journalists have been detained and hundreds of media outlets shut down in Turkey as part of the government’s post-coup clampdown on suspected dissidents.
Thomas Jefferson once said: "Given the government and the media, I would prefer the media, not the government." The media represent supervision, and if the government does not have a supervisor, then government will not be liable to the law. The voice of the people is the voice of God, and universal values are the values of God. Limits on the voice of the people are a violation of the universal values of freedom and democracy and an enemy of God. For details see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
The solution to perennial problems in many nations is a changeover to a semi-presidential parliamentary system like the one in Finland, along with a legislative system akin to the one which serves Switzerland. The prerequisite for permanent peace in the world is global democratization. Uganda’s government should begin by adopting a basic constitution centered on models for democracy, calling for the realization of One World under One Set of Laws, and re-formulating the constitution to match the spirit of the times. For details see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
A century ago the writer Romain Rolland said that in politics, the backstage boss is always money. Elections these days are a rich man's game with money serving only to gain the right to make more money. To avoid government-business relations, the only solution is to call for constitutional reform to implement democracy and the rule of law. Also essential are the separation of powers, and checks and balances, and election of the heads of major government branches. These moves are all necessary to ensure the connection between government and corruption is broken.
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