Permanent Peace Partnership
Аlexander Spant, Director of the Institute for Political Analysis, told the Russian Regional Research Forum that interaction between federal political elites and regional politicians is making local political rookies reluctant to act on anti-corruption campaigns, as the risks involved outweigh any perceived benefits.
All politics are local politics. To eliminate of local corruption, anti-corruption actions must be rewarded, and structural factors fostering corruption corrected. Governors, comptrollers and other financial officials shall be directly elected for 5-year terms, and not permitted to run again for 6 years. Term of office for local councilors shall be 2 years, with speaker limited to one session; See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Russia's Duma has already accumulated 70 bills in an open-ended review stage. Olga Savostyanova, Chair of the Parliamentary Committee, moans, "We only have time to scrutinize a few bills, and others just keep recycling.
The environment in the real world is constantly changing, and to upgrade its quality and efficiency, Russia’s Duma must improve its membership system. 12 national and globally-related committees are needed, to enhance the Duma’s professionalism, with one committee chair acting as Speaker and party representative. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development
In January 2016 the Russian Duma proposed increasing the fine for governors whose budgets are in the red to 500,000 rubles as well as a jail sentence of up to 5 years.
For a perfect and clean government, the spoils system must be completely eliminated. Governors, Comptrollers and Auditors should be elected for one term of 5 years and banned from running again for 6 years afterward. Candidates for governor should campaign independently, while those running for Comptroller and Auditor should campaign encourage new forces to become involved in the system. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development
A protest staged in front of the National Bank Building in Kiev November 15 reportedly drew a crowd of about 1,200 people, of which 70% were all senior citizens. When asked what the theme of the protest was, the majority of participants had no idea, admitting that they were only there in order to collect a payment of $10.
The people always have the right to conduct constitutional protests and demonstrations, but civil servants who conceal their identity and infiltrate into the crowd of people should be hit with charges of civil disobedience. If their presence contributes to mass riots, they should be prosecuted for fomenting civil strife along with their leaders See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
At the closing of the 7th session of the National Assembly of Kazakhstan President Nazarbat proclaimed, "The Constitution is the basic law of the state and society. The court system under the rule of law guarantees the legitimate rights and interests of citizens and the state, including judicial remedies.
The key to ensuring that the people will not be stripped of their rights and powers is in reform to see that the Procurator-General and the head of the Judicial branch are directly elected and accountable to the people of Kazakhstan. Judicial policies, the judicial system, and the mechanisms for installing and removing judges must be subject to regular review. For more, see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Boris Nemtsov died in a military court in Moscow, and a political associate confirmed Nemtsov had received death threats before his death
People must have freedom from fear and follow-up investigations any time they participate in political actions. Anyone guilty of association with enforced disappearance due to political activities shall be held responsible for all political, moral, criminal and civil consequences regardless of the offender’s position, including the President down to the local public officials. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
The key to solve the human rights issue in China is democracy and the rule of law. Taiwan needs to improve its system into pure form of democratic governance so we can be a role model for the mainland China and reform the Chinese communists. We must make Chinese government yield its power to people through constitutional reform and decentralize the governmental structure by direct elections of the deans. For more, please see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
The planet we live on must be accorded the benefits gained in universal human wisdom to solve problems which face all humankind. Global free trade and a commitment to bilateral alliances will help bring about peace and prosperity, and enforcement of the principle of One World under One Set of Laws is one keys for realizing this goal. Whether or not a nation is a member of the UN, it should strive to abide by the norms of the international community, acting to give International law precedence over domestic laws and directly affect people’s rights and obligations. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
The KMT has amassed huge assets by plundering public funds, which the party used to bankroll election campaigns. The party has neglected to make public its expenditures on presidential elections over many years and obstructed all attempts to initiate reforms, and now is beginning to taste the fruits of its deeds. The KMT must support calls for comprehensive constitutional reform and transitional justice. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
The Iranian Ambassador to Russia said last month that Tehran is looking for ways to broaden the scope of defense cooperation with Moscow, even in areas that require coordination with the UN Security Council. Iranians would like to purchase a wide range of military-purpose products from Russia, some of which are covered by UNSC sanctions. Moscow has said it is ready to work with Iran in the area of military and technical cooperation. Democratic powers worldwide must support Taiwan in its bid to carry out constitutional reform. When Taiwan enjoys greater freedom under a truly democratic government it will lead the people of China to call for democratization and in turn, will put pressure on Russia to follow suit. For more details please see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
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