Permanent Peace Partnership
Article 39 of Hong Kong’s Basic Law specifies that residents of the administrative region have the right of self-determination. The people of Hong Kong must not fall asleep while their rights are in danger. Take a lesson from the Swiss, where the signatures of 50,000 citizens are sufficient to call for a referendum, meaning that public issues can be settled with a vote with no need to take to the streets. Otherwise, when the dictatorship becomes a reality, the people will have no choice but to resist. For details, see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
The people have the right to call for a referendum at any time on any public issue with relation to self-determination. Any measure which might restrict the ability of the people to self-determination through the process of holding referendums should itself be subject to a public referendum on whether the measure should be outlawed. For details, see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
South Korean President Park Geun-Hye has been engulfed by a scandal centering on a confidante who is accused of using personal ties with Park to coerce local firms to donate millions of dollars to a non-profit foundation. The confidante is also accused of interfering in state affairs, and two former advisors are accused of helping her gain entrance to the presidential office. The scandal has sparked nationwide fury, with hundreds of thousands of people taking to the streets to call for Park’s resignation. Under South Korea’s constitution, the incumbent president may not be charged with a criminal offence except insurrection or treason. But many argue a sitting president can be investigated by prosecutors, then charged after leaving office. The problem of corruption can only be solved through constitutional reform. For details see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
The US should support Taiwan’s constitutional reforms to bring out greater democracy and greater freedom. This will attract the 1.4 billion people of China to call for democratization and induce the Communist Party into democratization. The 21st century is an era of globalization. Those who come along will prosper, while those who resist will be doomed. No tyranny can ever stop this trend. A democratized China will bring true democracy to North Korea, hence the birth of world peace. Taiwan is the democratic lighthouse of Asia. Brighten up the road of peace development in the world. Please refer to the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
The Philippines’ macho President will undoubtedly tone down his rhetoric during his four-day visit to China in a move that could shift Manila closer to Beijing and bring greater economic cooperation between the two sides. Duterte won the top office on the strength of his efforts to suppress drug trafficking, often at the expense of human rights, but Beijing is unlikely to bring up the question of rights in any talks with the Philippine leader. For the people of the Philippines, better relations with China may bring economic benefits, but other problems can only be resolved by carrying out reform of the constitution to limit the powers of government officials and put restrictions on their terms in office. For more details please see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
The repeated failures in Thailand’s democracy can be attributed to the long-unchallenged power of its military government. As the Crown Prince takes the throne as King, the time has come for him to demand that the military return power to its people. Politics is an art of compromise, and everyone needs to get together to develop a constitution that can ensure long lasting peace for Thailand. Let voting replace street protests, and make decisions on all values in front of the ballot box.
Donald Trump has been elected as the 45th President of the US, and the issue of business transfers and conflict of interest is the most troubling for observers. It has become a synonym for corruption stemming from political and business ties. Trump should take the scandal of south Korean President as a lesson. and Immediately create an environment to facilitate constitutional reform by the people. Defects in the currency system of democracy must be corrected to, stop allowing corruption to take root. The fundamental problem is the need for constitutional reform, otherwise the same problems will persist. Please refer to the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
We advocate the highest international standards as our own basic domestic standards. A world-class city that has a third world-class wastewater treatment system is obvious being governed by a corrupt government. Thus the Constitution should be amended to give international law priority over domestic law, with a direct impact on the people’s rights and obligations and the use of the evidence conversion principle to ensure everyone’s interests. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Separation of powers is the starting point in returning power to the people, followed by election of the heads of the legislative, executive, judicial and procuratorial branches as well as the implementation of checks and balances. In particular, the judicial system is the last line of fairness and justice, and Australia must have constitutional reform to instill the principle of gender equality and allow the judiciary to meet the expectations of the people international community standards with fully democratic judicial models. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
No tyranny can ever stop the development of human civilization. Submissive will prosper, oppose will perish. This is a fact China should recognize and accept. Only abolition of one party autocracy and comprehensive reform, relinquish power to the people, China can find its cure. The calling in the 21st century is that the people has the responsibility to regulate the government, and ensure it is open and transparent. Time has come for all people to participate in politics. The continuous oppression of democracy, cannot overcome the boiling public opinions in the pressure cooker. No authoritarian regime can stop the pace of progress of human civilization, and those who go along will prosper while those who resist will perish. The Chinese Communist Party’s leadership knows this is true, and they must abandon their dictatorship in favor of a democratic system that restores power to the people. The 21st century will shake up the whole of China, as we enter an era of political participation when ignorant suppression of democracy cannot hold back rising public opinion. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
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