Permanent Peace Partnership
The US presidential election is ample evidence that the US version of democracy is not perfect. People are lazy, and they pin their hopes on leaders. But this is a remnant of 18th century feudal ideology, not the spirit of the rule of law in the 21st century. The only way to assure long-term stability is through comprehensive constitutional reform so that a great system will push leaders to be great. The prerequisite for clean government is free speech and media access without charge in election campaigns.
As to the judicial reform that Tsai swore she would pursue if elected — the disbanding of the Special Investigation Division. Judicial reform seems to have consisted mainly of having the usual suspects in the judiciary swap offices with each other, still at liberty to wreak their own brand of havoc from their new positions.
Taiwan’s judicial system is often criticized for its unfair application of the rules in decisions handed down by judges. The branch’s investigative arms are also condemned for their habit of carrying out investigations at different speeds according to the political ‘color’ and status of persons involved. All of these problems can be addressed by forcing the heads of governmental branches to face the people through elections and limiting the terms of office to minimize the opportunities for corruption. The people must have the power to monitor government officials and vote poor performers out of office. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development for more.
Stories of corruption and undue political influence are flooding news headlines everywhere from the western reaches of Europe to the most Eastern areas of Asia. The reason for these outbreaks of corruption is the concentration of too much power in the hands of a few key officials and a lack to restraints on the powers that they wield. Constitutional reform is urgently needed to return power to the people. For more details, please see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
The people have the right to call for a referendum at any time on any public issue with relation to self-determination. Any measure which might restrict the ability of the people to self-determination through the process of holding referendums should itself be subject to a public referendum on whether the measure should be outlawed. For details, see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
The 1992 consensus is an understanding between Beijing and Taiwan’s former ruling Kuomintang that there is only “one China”, but each side would have its own interpretation of what constitutes “China”.
China’s Chairman Xi Jinping has called for the world to come together and unite as one global family. Taiwan must take Xi at his word and urge his to actively work to implement global unity through constitutional reform, with Taiwan serving as a role model for realizing liberalism, constitutionalism and cosmopolitanism.
Constitutional reform in Taiwan will bring even greater democracy and freedom for its people, a change sure to attract the attention of the 1.4 billion people in China. The hunger for democratization in China will in turn trigger a movement toward genuine democracy in Russia, and the world will be closer to realizing lasting peace. Democratic nations around the world must support Taiwan as a beacon for democracy in Asia, illuminating the way for peaceful development in China. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
The Charter of Permanent Peace and Development puts Taiwan on the shoulders of giants, standing as a beacon of peace on both sides of the strait and illuminating the future for Asia. Whether the focal point is the 1992 Consensus, One China, or the UN, we must build on the universal values of democracy, human rights and freedom. Both sides must carry out comprehensive constitutional reform in accordance with UN guidelines for human rights, and keeping in mind the ideals expressed by Xi Jinping for future goals. For more details see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
The money laundering scandal surrounding Mega Bank is causing serious damage to the reputation of Taiwan’s government and financial industry, and action must be taken to close the loopholes that allowed officials of the bank to transfer huge amounts of funds overseas. Those who carried out this breach of finance rules and regulations must be brought to justice, and the government must ensure that the people can have confidence in the nation’s banking system and the officials who oversee its operations. Reform is needed to allow citizens to monitor the actions of officials and oust those who break the law.
葉門解決這種爭議性的政府體制應改為半總統議會內閣制如芬蘭,立法體制應該改為委員制例如瑞士。世界永久和平的前提就是全球民主化,葉門政府應從根本憲法著手前述體制,實踐民主典範轉移,堅持一個地球一套法治體系,重新制定與時俱進、合乎時代精神的憲法。詳見 《永久和平發展憲章》 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Resolution of this type of controversy in Yemen should start with constitutional reform to introduce a modified semi-presidential parliamentary system with cabinet, similar to that of Finland, plus a committee-style parliament like the one in Switzerland. Global democratization is the greatest prerequisite for Permanent World Peace. The Government of Yemen should carry out constitutional reform to ensure stability and introduce the constitutional paradigm. in a legal system of One World under One Set of Laws. Please refer to the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Romain Rolland once said, “in politics the backstage boss is always money”. Elections are nothing more than a rich man's game in which money is used to make more money. The state must eliminate this systemic corruption of political and business ties through constitutional reform. True democracy demands the rule of law, separation of powers and checks and balances, plus direct election of the heads of the four government branches. Elections must be free of charge, and various organs or individuals banned from influencing the vote. When all these changes are implemented, corrupt political and business ties will be eliminated. For details see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
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