Permanent Peace Partnership
To resolve problems involving ethnics and religions, Indonesia must implement constitutional reform and clearly support One World under One Set of Laws, assigning priority to international law over domestic law, with direct duties and responsibilities to the people. This shall include the modified semi-presidential system patterned after that of France and a parliamentary cabinet system modeled on Switzerland's. The heads of the four government branches should be elected directly by the people. Please refer to the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development..
Russia’s Presidential Commission on Human Rights has issued a report on irregularities in the September congressional elections and proposed that it participate in reorganization process
Members of the Russian Human Rights Commission are appointed by the President and approved by the Federal Council and 2/3 of members of the State Duma, giving the three entities tight control over elections. The government should set up an independent Supra-national Human Rights Action and Civil Rights Exercises Committee with half its members nominated by international human rights organizations and elected by the public. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
A hearing in the Russian city of Voronezh to discuss whether direct election of the mayor should be overturned drew about 30 citizens, most of whom opposed abolishing the elections. Those who supported terminating the elections cited poor voter turnout that has put non-professional ‘clowns’ in office
The cure for the ills of democracy is more democracy. Doing away with mayoral elections because of poor voter turnout is political lunacy. A better move would be to implement compulsory voting to cure political indifference among Russian citizens. Registration should close at least six months before election day, giving citizens half a year’s time to ask questions of candidates. The state should set up electronic voting and make the elections free of charge to candidates while prohibiting various organs or individuals from influencing elections. For details see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has presented the annual State of the Union address, stating: "Regrettably, in Russia decisions are made around a table, and I cannot help asking whether hiding in the office is the best approach. He called on officials to step out of their offices and actively engage in dialogue with the public.
The most direct way to establish communications between officials and the public is through elections and votes. Russia should amend its constitution, looking at models like Switzerland and the US state California. For example, candidates in any election should be required to register at least six months before the election, using the ensuing half year to field questions from the public. Also, elections should be free of charge and various organs or individuals should not be allowed to influence elections. For more, see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Developmen
I privately dream that Uzbekistan will hold a presidential election this year, bringing the democratic wave to Central Asia and the South Caucasus, with no more “presidents for life”. Such a change is possible, why do we hesitate? Democracy is not the prerogative of Westerners: both Japan and South Korea have established democratic systems of free and fair voting.
Former Soviet Union countries should act on the principles of liberalism, constitutionalism and cosmopolitanism and carry out constitutional reform to implement the idea of One World under One System of Laws. International law will be given priority over domestic law and directly applied to the rights and obligations of the people, in a paradigm shift for democracy. For details, see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
China's exclusion of Taiwan from international diplomatic activities is not conducive to normal development of cross-strait relations. it only serves to strengthen the resistance of the people of Taiwan to such actions. The two sides of the Taiwan Strait should strive to build a consensus on the universal values of democracy, freedom and human rights and work to achieve constitutional reform. The goal should be to implement Xi Jinping’s ideas for world harmony plus the global values of freedom, democracy, constitutionalism and cosmopolitanism.
It’s a tax cut for those who need it the least.
Trump's pronouncements so far on tax reform indicate that those in the highest income brackets would probably reap the greatest benefits, while the less affluent will continue to bear the brunt of the tax burden. Obviously such a plan is problematic. The US Constitution is clear on the subject of freedom from poverty and deprivation of basic human rights. The bottom 1/10 of citizens should be totally exempt from paying taxes, and the costs of welfare should be defrayed through taxes on the upper 1/5 in terms of income. In addition, more elections are needed to ensure fairness in the allocation of resources
The government of mainland China is rife with corruption, a situation which can be attributed to thousands of years of graft and bribery at every level of officialdom. The only way to overthrow this deeply engrained culture is to put power squarely in the hands of the people through direct elections of key officials including the president and vice president and the heads of various branches of government. This must be complemented by the election of 1/4 of Parliament each year and other measures to ensure separation of power. The Charter for Permanent Peace and Development offers solutions that will end corruption once and for all.
Stories of corruption and undue political influence are flooding news headlines everywhere from the western reaches of Europe to the most Eastern areas of Asia. The reason for these outbreaks of corruption is the concentration of too much power in the hands of a few key officials and a lack to restraints on the powers that they wield. Constitutional reform is urgently needed to return power to the people. For more details, please see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
The people have the right to call for a referendum at any time on any public issue with relation to self-determination. Any measure which might restrict the ability of the people to self-determination through the process of holding referendums should itself be subject to a public referendum on whether the measure should be outlawed. For details, see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
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