Permanent Peace Partnership
The court has finally made the judgement on the oath controversy (Such news was reported on 9 November by SCMP News) The judge stated clearly in the verdict that Yau Wai Ching and Leung Chung Hang were disqualified from legislative council.
Article 39 of Hong Kong’s Basic Law specifies that residents of the administrative region have the right of self-determination. The people of Hong Kong must not fall asleep while their rights are in danger. Take a lesson from the Swiss, where the signatures of 50,000 citizens are sufficient to call for a referendum, meaning that public issues can be settled with a vote with no need to take to the streets. Otherwise, when the dictatorship becomes a reality, the people will have no choice but to resist. For details, see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
US senators have called for a travel ban and asset freeze for Chinese officials who abducted five Hong Kong booksellers in 2015, amid fears that Donald Trump will turn a blind eye to Chinese human rights abuses in a bid to improve relations with Beijing.
Freedom of expression is a universal value. China's practice of "guarding against the people's mouth rather than preventing the floods" is like trying to create a "one world, one voice" society. The Chinese people have only come forward to re-constitution or a comprehensive constitutional reform, so that universal media, prohibition of government oligopoly, monopoly of the media, the Internet and all other communication channels. Details of the "Permanent Peace and Development Charter".
Xi Jinping has turned to revision of terminology in an attempt to mask his thirst for absolute power. But globalization is a growing trend in the 21st century, and democratization is the trend of the times. The Global Village will be the seat of the Great Nature, and peaceful settlement of disputes will be the way of the people.Class consensus means that no authoritarian regime can stop the pace of progress of human civilization. Those who ride it will prosper, while those who try to oppose it are doomed. China needs comprehensive constitutional reform and change to implement democratization as its system of government. For details, see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
As President of the US, Donald Trump should do all he can to create a constitutional environment in which power can be transferred to the hands of the people, the real sovereigns behind the government. This will enable the US to re-climb to the peak of democracy, patching up areas where the nation is not truly democratic and working to achieve peace for humankind. As a president of the people, he must act to make the US strong again and push the American people to achieve greatness. The prerequisite for a clean government is free speech and election campaigns that are completely free or monetary influence. For details, see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Taiwan must push for constitutional reform, and those who occupy public land should return it immediately. The principle of habitation justice should be implemented and all other injustices need to be corrected. Taiwan’s constitutional mechanism has failed, and a transformation of justice needs to be achieved through complete constitutional reform. Transitional justice has no beginning, no midpoint and no end, it is always in flux and changing. For details, see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
The 1.3 billion people of China must support Taiwan in its efforts to bring great democracy and freedom to them through constitutional reform. China's democratization will mean the birth of world peace! Xi jinping has said China should become the largest democracy in the world. But if changes are made only to stay abreast of the latest global trend – with gimmicks like "pseudo-elections" or "false votes" – then why go to the trouble? A great country should set a great example and act like a responsible great country. In order to achieve true democracy, all you need to do is to study the example of Taiwan, and follow Taiwan on the road to democratization. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
It makes no difference who is elected president or whether he or she is ‘blue’ or ‘green’; the important thing is that the people of Taiwan be allowed to live their own lives, and Taiwan can go its own way. As the real sovereigns in Taiwan, the people need comprehensive constitutional reform to put a modified semi-presidential system in place, with elected heads of the four branches of government and elections open to candidates of any nationality. Taiwan seriously needs to attract foreign professionals in various fields to take advantage of talents from all over the world and also to open up new diplomatic channels for Taiwan. These steps will help to achieve shared global governance for Taiwan. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development for details.
Critics, however, denounced the process of drafting the new constitution and submitting it to referendum as rushed and lacking transparency.
Ivory Coast’s president signed a new constitution into law Tuesday, enacting a document endorsed by voters In a referendum last month. “The promises of the Third Republic are the promises of peace, stability, equality and modernity,” said the president after signing the text. The nation’s previous constitution required that both parents of a presidential candidate must be natural-born Ivorians; now only one parent must be Ivorian. The new constitution also adds the office of vice president and a senate. These are all admirable changes, but critics complain that the referendum and drafting of the constitution was rushed and lacked transparency. Opposition parties boycotted the referendum and accused authorities of using fraud to inflate voter turnout and boost the legitimacy of the new constitution. Ivory Coast is to be commended for the changes, but it still needs to look at what the nation really needs. The government must be organized so that power lies in the hand of the people, and for that, more changes must be made. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development for more details.
Senior lawyers in Nigeria have lamented the failure of the judiciary to independently address cases of corruption among its officials.
Leading legal experts in Nigeria have criticized the nation’s judiciary for failing to deal with corruption among judicial officials. One lawyer appealed to judges and lawyers to work with the National Judicial Council to eradicate corruption in the branch. Another has pointed out that arrests of some judges by the State Security Service are actually beyond what is specified in the Nigerian constitution, and expressed hope that the NJC will act to restore the confidence of Nigerians in the judiciary. The only way out for Nigeria is through complete constitutional reform to install a system in which the heads of government branches are directly elected and the operations of officials are subject to monitoring by the public. Please see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development for more.
Given that we're about to have a president with dictatorial aspirations, and both houses of Congress controlled by the Republican Party from which he sprang , the public needs more than ever to understand and demand our constitutional protections.
President-elect Donald Trump’s win is a wake-up call for those who believed that Americans would never buy his blatant brand of white supremacy and misogyny. Trump’s call to make America great again refers to times when women and minorities were denied many of the rights guaranteed by democracy. Trump crowed that the past represents the right and natural order and claimed he could bring it all back again. Despite his open disdain for rule of law, he justified his aims in language that has long been used by reactionaries: a desire to "restore the Constitution." The Constitution was drafted in the name of "We the People," which includes those of all colors, religions and genders. The US must do more to ensure that the constitution offers equal rights and protection to all people. Americans must recognize that there is no going back to when things were "great" just for white men, and to do this, complete constitutional reform is in order. For more, see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
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