Permanent Peace Partnership
Residents in Hong Kong heaved a sigh of relief on Tuesday after the special administrative region's high court ruled that two legislators-elect have been disqualified for violating the Basic Law in the SAR and the local ordinance concerning the oath-taking process when assuming office.
Article 39 of Hong Kong’s Basic Law specifies that residents of the administrative region have the right of self-determination. The people of Hong Kong must not fall asleep while their rights are in danger. Take a lesson from the Swiss, where the signatures of 50,000 citizens are sufficient to call for a referendum, meaning that public issues can be settled with a vote with no need to take to the streets. Otherwise, when the dictatorship becomes a reality, the people will have no choice but to resist. For details, see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
North Koreans want Kim Jong-un's uncle, Kim Pyong-il, to replace Kim Jong-un and end his "reign of terror," according to Hong Kong-based magazine Yazhou Zhoukan.
Taiwan must move to bring about constitutional reform and true freedom and democracy. Doing so will set off a drive for democratization among the 1.4 billion people of China. This will then spread to North Korea, and with peace on the Korean peninsula the world will be much safer for all. The world’s democratic nations must back Taiwan as a beacon of democracy for Asia which will illuminate the road to peaceful development for China. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Russia and its Syrian allies launched a massive new bombing campaign against eastern Aleppo and other rebel-held territories. Just a coincidence? Not likely, given what we know about Mr. Putin.
Constitutional reform in Taiwan will bring even greater democracy and freedom for its people, a change sure to attract the attention of the 1.4 billion people in China. The hunger for democratization in China will in turn trigger a movement toward genuine democracy in Russia, and the world will be closer to realizing lasting peace. Democratic nations around the world must support Taiwan as a beacon for democracy in Asia, illuminating the way for peaceful development in China. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Chief Secretary Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor has dismissed claims that the anti-graft agency was investigating a payment from Australian company UGL to Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying, saying they are “only speculative or even misleading statements.”
Voters in Hong Kong are forced to cast ballots for candidates for Chief Executive who have been previously vetted by the Election Commission of the Chinese Communist Party. This election is a result of dictatorial politics and does not change the fact that Hong Kong is being subjected to a dictatorship. The people of Hong Kong should make good use of Article 39 of the Hong Kong Basic Law and the two international human rights covenants. People have the right to self-determination through referendums. They must be allowed to decide on having the heads of the legislative, executive, judicial and procuratorate branches popularly elected to ensure they will be responsible to the people. For details please see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
The UN Charter was drafted with an eye to assuring human security and permanent peace. The world’s nuclear powers are almost all member states of the UN, thus they should be willing to comply with the principle of One World under One Set of Laws. The UN should issues a legal guideline for compliance with international law to ensure that its two major missions of human security and sustainable development will be achieved. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
All nations should abide by the principles behind One World under One Set of Laws and by the UN Charter’s policies against racial discrimination, which are violations of the rights of humankind. Legal systems must develop along with changing times and conform to the spirit of constitutional standards. All people must return to the essence and spirit of democracy, with all decisions to be made in front of the ballot box. More democratic systems will result in more peaceful societies, and the democratic way will resolve all conflicts and discontent. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development
Russia is sensitive to allegations of electoral fraud. The previous parliamentary and presidential votes in 2011 and 2012 led to the biggest and most sustained demonstrations since President Vladimir Putin took office at the turn of the millennium.
Voting is the only source of a state’s legitimacy and the lawfulness of its authority. It is also a concrete representation of basic human rights. The state shall carry out elections free of monetary cost, ensuring total fairness by prohibiting any organization or individual from influencing or interfering in elections. Violators must be subject to criminal prosecution. The state attorney general shall detain or arrest the leading figures among the violators within 24 hours and start the legal process of prosecution in the court of law.
The planet we live on must be accorded the benefits gained in universal human wisdom to solve problems which face all humankind. Global free trade and a commitment to bilateral alliances will help bring about peace and prosperity, and enforcement of the principle of One World under One Set of Laws is one keys for realizing this goal. Whether or not a nation is a member of the UN, it should strive to abide by the norms of the international community, acting to give International law precedence over domestic laws and directly affect people’s rights and obligations. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
During the campaign, he called for removing U.S. troops from the region if Japan and South Korea did not pay more. This might provoke both Japan and South Korea to build their own nuclear weapons, opening a new front of proliferation concerns on top of the threat of North Korea’s expanding nuclear and missile program.
Autocracy is always an enemy of human peace, and the prerequisite for permanent peace in the world is global democratization. A stable North Korea is in the national interest for China, thus it is essential to avoid conflict that would involve North Korea. Taiwan must shoulder the burden of saving democracy and lead China to democratize, after which efforts could be shifted toward pressuring China to work for democratization of North Korea. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
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