• Eight Constitutional Standards Essential for A Country’s Eternal Peace:
  • 1. The great development of human freedom
  • 2. The great rejuvenation of world democracy
  • 3. The great unity of human rights in the world
  • 4. The great realization of the rule of law in the world
  • 5. The great competition and cooperation of world legislation
  • 6. The great division of world administration
  • 7. The great compliance with world regulations
  • 8. The great establishment of world justice
  • [See more about "Constitutional Standard for Permanent Peace". To participate in amending will be rewarded.]
  • *Donations are welcome, and a detailed annotated version will be given (Choose a hard copy of the Chinese version and the English version. Or electronic versions for other languages.)
9/11 Memorial (Lee Snider Photo Images / Shutterstock.com)


  • https://www.rawstory.com/2018/09/al-qaida-still-strong-17-years-9-11/
  • Raw Story
  • 2018-09-12
  • 9/11 Memorial (Lee Snider Photo Images / Shutterstock.com)
Firms are removing


  • https://tribune.com.pk/story/1800693/2-chinese-companies-flee-overseas-avoid-us-tariffs-2/
  • Express Tribune
  • 2018-09-12
  • Firms are removing "Made in China" labels by shifting production to countries such as Vietnam, Serbia and Mexico. Photo: AFP
Photo: Morgana Wingard / Getty


  • https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2018/09/cape-south-south-africa-water-crisis/569317/
  • The Atlantic
  • 2018-09-12
  • Photo: Morgana Wingard / Getty
Ford said it will not be moving production of its Focus Active from China to the US, despite what President Trump said in a Tweet. Photo: AP


  • https://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy/article/2163635/donald-trump-doesnt-fully-understand-how-global-trade-works
  • South China Morning Post
  • 2018-09-11
  • Ford said it will not be moving production of its Focus Active from China to the US, despite what President Trump said in a Tweet. Photo: AP
UN humanitarian coordinator Mark Lowcock warned of the crisis that will come with an assault on Idlib. ( Denis Balibouse/Reuters )


  • https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/syria-civil-war-idlib-province-battle-un-russia-air-strikes-assad-a8531976.html
  • The Independent
  • 2018-09-11
  • UN humanitarian coordinator Mark Lowcock warned of the crisis that will come with an assault on Idlib. ( Denis Balibouse/Reuters )
Photo: Michal Klimczak


  • https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2018/10/william-vollmann-carbon-ideologies/568309/
  • The Atlantic
  • 2018-09-11
  • Photo: Michal Klimczak
North Korean soldiers look toward leader Kim Jong Un as they carry packs marked with the nuclear symbol during a ceremony marking the 60th anniversary of the Korean War armistice in Pyongyang, North Korea on July 27, 2013. Photo: Wong Maye-E / AP


  • https://www.nbcnews.com/news/north-korea/north-korea-still-making-nukes-trump-admin-now-taking-much-n907651
  • NBC News
  • 2018-09-11
  • North Korean soldiers look toward leader Kim Jong Un as they carry packs marked with the nuclear symbol during a ceremony marking the 60th anniversary of the Korean War armistice in Pyongyang, North Korea on July 27, 2013. Photo: Wong Maye-E / AP
Alexander Petrov (left) and Ruslan Boshirov (right) have been accused by British police of being two Russian spies who launched a novichok attack in Salisbury earlier this year. Photo: Metropolitan Police / Getty Images


  • https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6150271/Russian-novichok-hitmen-killed-cover-crime.html
  • The Daily Mail
  • 2018-09-11
  • Alexander Petrov (left) and Ruslan Boshirov (right) have been accused by British police of being two Russian spies who launched a novichok attack in Salisbury earlier this year. Photo: Metropolitan Police / Getty Images


  • https://www.thedailybeast.com/putin-is-pushing-for-total-victory-in-syria-no-matter-how-many-civilians-die?ref=wrap
  • The Daily Beast
  • 2018-09-11
  • Photo Illustration by The Daily Beast
Photo: The Straits Times/ZUMA


  • https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2018/09/trump-almost-sent-a-tweet-that-could-have-signaled-war-with-north-korea/
  • Mother Jones
  • 2018-09-11
  • Photo: The Straits Times/ZUMA
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