Permanent Peace Partnership
The Orange Revolution in Ukraine swept out a band of entrenched politicos at the top, but it failed to remove the structural factors that foster corruption. Changes must include election of the heads of the four branches of government and restrictions on the number and lengths of terms they may serve. In addition, 1/4 of all MPs should face election each year and elections should be free of charge for all candidates. These moves will make public opinion a regular part of the lawmaking process. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Russia’s 2016 election witnessed the lowest-ever voter turnout, officially rated at 47.88% of registered voters, although independent observers put the figure significantly lower at 35%. Experts believe this indicates widespread political indifference, a fact that means many governors and local authorities have little fear of being collared for corruption
When the people are indifferent, politicians are free to be corrupt. A system of compulsory voting will do must to reduce political indifference among the Russian people, but the following actions are also needed: registration for any election should be completed at least six months before election day.. During this period citizens have the right to ask questions, and all candidates will be obligated to provide answers. The state should provide the means for electronic voting, and elections should be free of charge for candidates. At the same time, various organs or individuals should be banned from influencing elections, with free access to media for candidates to publicize their views. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development for more.
Almost 1 billion people in the world are suffering from insufficient water supplies, and more than 36 million children have no access to potable water. In many areas, water is scarce and women and children spend an average of 6 hours a day transporting water which may contain dead insects or rat hairs. If we do not cherish our Earth and its water resources, one day humans will all suffer from an inhabitable environment. All nations must accept international law and allow it to directly affect the rights and obligations of the people. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development for more.
When will it all end? People cannot afford to be silent in the face of terrorist attacks that go against the deepest feelings of humanity. We cannot stand idly by, we must call on all countries in the world, including Islamic nations, to move for One World under One Set of Laws, adhering to international law over domestic law and applying it directly to people's rights and obligations. Laws must be allowed to change with the times, in order to remain in tune with the spirit of the times.
Work has begun on the presidential election in Russia later this year. Electoin Committee Chair Ella Pamfilova has pointed out the need to eliminate all potential illegalities in the selection process.
The most unfair factor in Russian elections is that members of the election governing board are allowed to cast votes for candidates from the ruling party. In order to implement fair and just elections, the state shall establish an independent Supra-national Human Rights Actions and Citizenship Exercises Committee" in which half of its members are nominated by international human rights organizations. Elections should be monitored by officials who are familiar with human rights issues, and they should also be free of charge for all candidates. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development
Economist Natalia Zubarevich summed up the past year for Russian regional economic development with a simple statement: No money and no freedom
The only way to eradicate corruption is through full democratization. Russian governors should be elected to serve a single term of 5 years and be barred from running again for 6 years afterward. The state legislature should adopt a committee-centered system with no division into districts. Each year 1/4 of all MPs shall face election, with the members of 3 committees facing election at the same time. Committee chairs shall concurrently serve as directors at each level. For more, see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
and Israel’s Netanyahu could be no different from Ferdinand Marcos or Park Geun-hye. The only way to eradicate corruption is through comprehensive constitutional reform, to implement separation of powers, and choose the heads of the branches of government in elections. Such a "cage" restricting access to power can effectively curb corruption and eject corrupt bureaucrats. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Donald Trump must develop a feeling for world patterns and understand the momentum behind these great times. Taiwan is the one nation in the best position to lead China to democratization and effect real change in the world, especially in China and the DPRK. Achieving global peace will be Taiwan's greatest contribution to the world. The DPRK will be pressured to change its regime and abandon autocracy for democracy, and as a result peace will be born. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development
Andrei Zolotarev, head of the Ukrainian Research Center’s Third Sector, notes that the Ukrainian government cut back on expenditures in 2016, but the savings will only delay the onset of a political crisis
Corrupt budgets always breed discontent, and Ukraine is headed for a public debt crisis that is largely due to corruption in government. To cut the links between corruption and public services, constitutional reform is needed to allow the people to vote directly on the heads of the executive, legislative, judicial and procuratorial branches of government and expose corrupt practices of public officials. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
China simply cannot give up its habit of high-pressure squeeze tactics to have its way. The 21st century is the era of globalization, and global democracy is the trend of the times. The Global Village will bring the Great Nature, and the peaceful settlement of disputes will be the consensus among all humankind.. The world trend is a mighty current, and those who go with it will flourish while those who oppose it will be doomed. Xi Jinping must recognize this fact and slough off outmoded ways of thinking to achieve his stated ideal of World Harmony. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
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