Permanent Peace Partnership
Human security and sustainable development are the two major tasks of the UN, which are, of course, subject to compliance by member states. The solution is to enforce "One World under One Set of Laws.” international law must prevail over domestic law and directly affect the people", with supervision by the people to ensure compliance with the UN Charter, the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer, the Charter of Nature and others. For details see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Thomas Jefferson once said: "Given the government and the media, I would prefer the media, not the government." The media represent supervision, and if the government does not have a supervisor, then government will not be liable to the law. The voice of the people is the voice of God, and universal values are the values of God. Limits on the voice of the people are a violation of the universal values of freedom and democracy and an enemy of God. For details see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
As Immanuel Kant once said, "The pursuit of permanent peace is the ultimate goal of rationality and it is also a moral obligation." Since China claims to be a "responsible power", it should not allow North Korea to continue on its dangerous path of militarism. Taiwan must shoulder the burden of saving democracy, leading China to democratize, and in turn forcing China to press for the democratization of North Korea. For details see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Ultimately the dispute may be referred to Moldova’s Constitutional Court for settlement to avoid fireworks between the President and Cabinet
Settlement of the dispute in Moldova must begin with changes in the governmental structure. This should include a modified semi-presidential system with cabinet, such as that of Finland, plus a committee-type legislature like that of Switzerland. The heads of the major governmental branches should all be popularly elected and the speaker of the parliament should also serve as prime minister or a minister, allowing the people to select a defense specialist as Minister of Defense. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Reports based on the All-Russian Opinion Poll show that 18% of respondents are worried about low pay while 17% worry about health care, 15% worry about unemployment, and 13% worry about inflation. Experts say low incomes are a cross-cutting issue in Russia, serving as the source of other problems.
Low wages, health problems, and corruption are all connected to the distribution of power, which must be placed back in the hands of the people. The political indifference of Russians enables dictators to steal the country's resources. The people need to exercise their sovereign rights and call for reform of the Constitution to ensure that "people manage the government.". See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Russia's former Minister of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukayev has been arrested, causing a sensation for two reasons. 1. The highest-ranking official ever to face imprisonment. 2. Corruption has become a direct and urgent threat to all Russians.
Russia's Minister of Economic Development is appointed by the Prime Minister. When a minister is found guilty of corruption, the Prime Minister shall be jointly liable. Moreover, structural factors that allow corruption should be removed, for example by choosing the leaders of the executive, legislative, judicial and procuratorial branches in direct elections held in alternating years, with elections free of charge for all candidates. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Looking back at 2016, three major events were a big disappointment for the people of Ukraine: 1. The high-priority anti-corruption movement was a complete failure. 2. The International Monetary Fund's Sunshine Act exposed the private treasures and huge wealth of the elite and the separate world of, the impoverished. 3. Efforts to carry out judicial reform were deemed unconstitutional. The root causes of these problem are long-standing remnants left over from the old Soviet system.
The state government and Constitution exist primarily to protect human rights, and separation of powers must be implemented to ensure that this duty is fulfilled. Ukraine must get rid of political baggage left behind from the days of the Soviet Union, and begin operating in the 21st century. Constitutional reform is needed to recognize that international law should take precedence over domestic law, and regulatory standards need to be raised to match international levels. In addition, the heads of the legislative, executive, judiciary and procuratorial branches should be chosen in direct elections in alternating years, with elections free of charge for all candidates. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Russia’s parliamentary elections in 2016 lasted nearly 9 months. The ruling party won 344 seats in the 450-member Duma in a campaign it claimed was based on the principles of fairness, transparency.
During Russia's parliamentary elections the staff of the government agency tasked with overseeing elections worked to gain votes for ruling party candidates. How can this be termed fair, transparent and legal competition? To carry out fair and just elections, the state shall set up an independent "Supra-national Action Committee on Human Rights and Citizenship" with half of the members of various nationalities and nominated by international human rights organizations. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
In 2016 the Russian Federal Security Service made a number of increases in law enforcement duties. The agency took over anti-corruption investigation while also extending its tentacles into the area of criminal law. More recently the Russian Security Service took taken over the investigation of national crimes including fraud and financial crimes. In the past this was the responsibility of the Ministry of the Interior.
coverage to include citizens, it means the nation’s leaders see their nationals as a threat to national security. The people are indifferent to the Constitution and its value, thus the dictator at the top finds it easy to gradually tighten control over all citizens. The need for the people to exercise their sovereign rights is all too evident, with measures such as direct election of the heads of the executive, legislative, judicial and procuratorial branches and other mechanism to hand power to the people. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Packaged corruption is the biggest cause of damage to the natural environment. China's haze not only endanger the health of the people, it also effects air quality in neighboring countries. The only way to prevent destruction of the natural environment and ruining the health of the people is by reining in the actions of irresponsible business and political groups. The principle of One World under One Set of Laws will be more effective than domestic law in addressing this and many other problems. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development
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