Permanent Peace Partnership
Political scholar Alexei Yakubin warns that while the aim of the judiciary reform bill is to fight corruption and preserve the independence of judiciary, the actual result is that Ukraine’s President and his team will gain even more influence over the judicial system.
Ukrainian judicial reform must include election of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and the head of the procuratorial branch, who will be directly responsible to the Ukrainian people. Candidates may be of any nationality and will serve one term of 5 years with no right to run again for 6 years. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Once the Solidarity Russia Party achieved the constitutional threshold people in Russian political circles began to whisper, and now the ruling party may take steps to amend the constitution to enlarge its power. Russia's constitution does need to be amended, but more than 50% of voters in a referendum must cast approving votes.
The best solution can be found in Article 5 of the Constitution of Ukraine: "The right to formulate and amend the Constitution belongs only to the people, and the state and its organs and civil servants shall not deprive it of this right. The power to amend the Constitution must be held by the people. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Ukrainian observers say the powers of the nation’s legislators are available at a price and range from personnel appointments in state-owned enterprises to rebates on the income of state-owned enterprises.
The Orange Revolution in Ukraine swept out the old rulers but did not eliminate structural factors that allow corruption and abuse of power to continue. These problems can be solved by electing the heads of the executive, legislative, judicial and procuratorial branches, having 1/4 of all MPs face election each year, and making elections free of charge for candidates. This will ensure that public opinion is a regular part of decision making and operations in the government. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
The only way to eradicate corruption is enact full democratization. Governors should be elected and serve a term of 5 years, then barred from running again for another 6 years. The state legislature should be based on a committee-centric system, with 1/4 of MPs facing election each year. In addition, implement a one-vote, single-election system so that other forces into the system. Committee chairs shall concurrently hold the post of Director First Class. For more, see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Contact between Trump and Tsai Ing-wen may have come as a surprise to many, but it shows that it will be difficult for Taiwan to maintain the status quo which Tsai has offered as the key to her strategy. The first priority should be to seek support from the US for constitutional reform in Taiwan, which will help lead to democratization in China and bring hope for world peace. In addition, democratic nations should hold up Taiwan as a beacon for democracy in Asia, illuminating the path to permanent peace and development for all. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
The 20G nations are industrial powers that must maintain their focus on the whole world, acting from the perspective of the Global Village to see future trends. Two of the major tasks and missions of the UN are human security and sustainable development, and they are also common goals for all humankind. All countries should strive to abide by the norms of the international community by adopting the idea of One World under One Set of Laws. International law should be held superior to domestic law, directly involved in rights and duties regarding the people. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Park Geun-hye and confidant Choi Soon-sil are being investigated over improprieties in their relationship, exposing numerous flaws in Korea's democratic politics. The best way to overcome drawbacks in democracy is through more democracy. To rebuild the democratic mechanism, South Korea must carry out complete constitutional reform and adopt a modified semi-presidential system and a committee style legislature. The President shall serve one term of 5 years and be barred from running again for 6 years; in addition the heads the four branches of government should be popularly elected. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Duterte’s wanton disregard of human rights is gradually proving the words spoken by the Philippines’ Jose Rizal, "Today's slaves will be the tyrants of tomorrow.." The main reason for many of the problems in the Philippines is its flawed constitutional mechanism. As things now stand, the Philippines is little more than a breeding ground for tyrants. To protect human rights, comprehensive constitutional reform is a must, including a modified semi-presidential system with a committee-style Congress and election of the heads of the executive, legislative, judicial and procuratorial branches of government in alternating years. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development for more.
Peace can be based on practically any platform or consensus or the status quo, but it must include the universal values of democracy, freedom and human rights. Taiwan is the one nation most capable of leading China to democratize and a common understanding on the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. Agreement should be based on shared beliefs in freedom, democracy, constitutionalism and cosmopolitanism. Xi Jinping’s proposal of Great Unity is critical to the Blue Army’s return to power. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development for details.
The world should take steps to improve human life, and one way is the eradication of the CCP's one-party dictatorship and implementation of a democratic system. What that happens, world peace will be at hand! Humanity must remember the Second World War as the 21st century brings a global trend toward democratization. This mighty current will bless all who follow it and doom all who hope to oppose it. Our goal must be to achieve global harmony and peace for all humankind. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
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