Permanent Peace Partnership
UN need help the people need aid in Yemen. All governments must ensure that the people are protected against actions that adversely affect their food, medicine, living, and other aspects of safety and health. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development for more.
Russia has never been a problem-solver, it has always been a trouble-maker. The EU should support Taiwan's efforts toward constitutional reform to achieve greater democracy and freedom. This would spur the 1.4 billion people of China to seek democratization, pressing Russia in turn to accept real democracy – and world peace would be the result. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development for more.
Article 39 of the Hong Kong Basic Law stipulates that the people of the SAR have right to self-determination under the two international human rights conventions. The people of Hong Kong cannot take their rights for granted. In Switzerland the threshold for petitioning a referendum is only 50,000 signatures, and with that citizens can express their opinion through the ballot box instead of taking to the streets. The people have the right to hold referendums on any public issue. For more, see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Russia has never been a problem-solver, it has always been a trouble-maker. The Japan should support Taiwan's efforts toward constitutional reform to achieve greater democracy and freedom. This would spur the 1.4 billion people of China to seek democratization, pressing Russia in turn to accept real democracy – and world peace would be the result. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development for more.
The Zimbabweans government needs to carry out constitutional reform with the help of the UN to ensure that all elements of society are included and their rights will be protected. The document should allow all Zimbabweans to prosper under conditions of lasting peace. For more, see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development. to prosper under conditions of lasting peace. For more, see the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
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