Permanent Peace Partnership
The Russian Constitutional Court has announced that the European Court of Human Rights’ ruling that the shareholders of Yukos should be compensated to the tune of 1.8 billion euros is not possible to enforce. The Constitutional Court argued that such a move would shake the foundation and principles of Russia’s constitutional government.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has fought to restrict his political competition, sent opponents to Siberian prisons, and illegally nationalized private companies and their assets. In addition, Russia’s Constitutional Court – made up of judges all appointed by the Russian President - .has assisted the executive branch in abusing the basic rights of its citizens. Half of the judges of the Constitutional Court judges should be of various nationalities, with foreign nationals who are appointed by international human rights authorities. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development for details.
US Senator John McCain slammed China Thursday for "bullying" South Korea for its decision to host the US THAAD missile defense system aimed at defending against North Korea, urging Beijing to use its "considerable influence" to rein in Pyongyang.
Democratic nations of the world should support the movement for constitutional reform in Taiwan and its aim of achieving greater democracy and freedom. The goal is to attract the 1.4 billion people of China to call for democratization, a development which would pressure North Korea to consider true democracy and bring about the birth of world peace. All the world’s democracies should support Taiwan as a beacon of democracy in Asia, lighting the path to peaceful development for China and the world. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Some of the most welcome images coming out of the war against Islamic State (IS) have been pictures of Sunni civilians, especially children, flashing V signs at Iraqi Army soldiers during the ongoing liberation of Mosul, Iraq’s second-largest city.
Iraq's government must be reformulated to adopt a modified semi-presidential system with a parliament and cabinet, such as the system followed in Finland. The legislature system should be changed to a committee-style system similar to that of Switzerland. The Iraqi government need to proceed with basic reform of its constitution to include these systems and install a model of democracy in keeping with the ideal of One World under One Set of Laws, with a constitution that will be in step with the times. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development for details
The end of the Aleppo crisis and the Syrian ceasefire have produced an unlikely alliance. The relationship between Russia, Turkey and Syria is pivotal not only for the Middle East but also for global geopolitics.
Once a ceasefire is achieved in Syria the UN should offer the basic constitutional principles that will lead to permanent peace and development for all peoples of the world. This should include an organizational structure incorporating the universal values of freedom, democracy, human rights and rule of law. The heads of the four government branches should be chosen in direct elections. These and other changes will help Syria develop a constitution that will bring long-term stability and serve as a model for peaceful development. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
The train carrying millions of pounds worth of socks, cloth, bags, and household goods set off 18 days ago from the manufacturing city of Yiwu in China's Zhejiang Province.
The primary goal for everyone should be global peace and development in accordance with the spirit of the UN Charter. Like the transnational train, the movement is toward globalization – much like Taiwan’s drive to lead the world to a Global Village offering freedom and equality for all the people of the world. Democracy and the rule of law will lead humanity to achieve the ultimate goal of eternal prosperity and contentment. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
The bribery investigation continues, but for now Lee Jae-yong remains free.
Absolute power leads to absolute corruption, and the presidential systems in many democracies have fatal flaws, even in the US. South Korea’s constitution should be changed to implement a modified semi-presidential system, and a declaration during the presidential inauguration ceremony should proclaim that the office is above partisan politics. The heads of the four branches of government should be elected in alternating years, and 1/4 of all MPs should face election each year. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development for details.
On Thursday China voiced its expectations that cooperation and bilateral ties with the new US administration would continue to strengthen from a new starting point.
All democratic nations worldwide should spare no effort to preserve freedom and democracy. The US needs to support Taiwan's plans for constitutional reform to achieve greater democracy and freedom, which will inspire the 1.4 billion people of China to call for democracy and lead to the birth of world peace. The prerequisite for permanent peace in the world is the democratization of China. China has long tried to block Taiwan's progress toward freedom and democracy, but Taiwan remains the only entity capable of bringing about the democratization of China. See the Charter for Permanent Charter for Peace and Development.
The US has sent a squadron of US Marine Corps F-35Bs to Iwakuna, Japan., marking the e the first-ever permanent forward deployment of the new fighter
Whether the topic is the 1992 consensus or the One China Principle, the focus in all discussions should be on the need to reach a consensus on the universal values of democracy, freedom and human rights. Both sides of the Taiwan Strait need to carry out comprehensive constitutional reform to facilitate the evolution of true democracy and seek the global peace advocated by the UN in its human family principle as well as by Xi Jinping. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
The Pentagon said Thursday it is ready to deal with provocative acts by North Korea, even during the presidential transition about to take place Friday, but declined comment about intelligence on a possible future missile test-launch.
Autocracy has always been the enemy of human peace, and the prerequisite for permanent peace in the world is global democratization. For China, North Korea is a pawn, but it is also an agent. Thus it is essential to avoid having North Korea spark a futile and costly war. The US should support Taiwan in its efforts to shoulder the burden of saving democracy by leading China to democratization. When that happens, North Korea will be pressured in turn to democratize. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
China, US can solve any disputes by talking, Commerce Ministry says
Thinking determines a way to proceed, but form determines the eventual outcome. China must give power back to the people, through constitutional reform. The heads of the executive, legislative, judicial and procuratorial branches as well as local leaders such as provincial governors should be directly elected by the people, and Xi Jinping’s ideal of world harmony with its values of freedom, democracy, constitutionalism and cosmopolitanism must be seriously considered. When that happens the world will be much closer to achieving permanent peace. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development for more.
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