Permanent Peace Partnership
Every new occupant of the White House has his -- still, unfortunately, “his” -- way of looking at the world. America’s allies, friends and rivals have always adjusted to these shifts in worldview. But so far they’ve been relatively straightforward.
All democratic nations should spare no effort to save freedom and democracy. The US must support Taiwan's moves for constitutional reform to bring greater democracy and freedom, which are aimed at attracting the 1.4 billion people of China to seek democratization. That will be the first step toward world peace. The prerequisite for permanent peace in the world is China's democratization. China will consistently fought Taiwan's efforts toward freedom and democracy, but Taiwan is the only entity capable of saving China through democratization. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Syria’s government and rebel fighters will sit down at the negotiating table Monday for the first time in nearly six years of civil war, the latest diplomatic push to end hostilities.
After a Syrian ceasefire is in place the UN should immediately provide an outline of basic constitutional principles for permanent peace and development for the peoples of the world. This should include the universal values of freedom, democracy, human rights and rule of law, as well as direct election of the heads of the four main government branches. Syria must be aided in developing a constitution that will support long-term stability and serve as a model for peaceful development. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
The Mosul Hotel, shaped likes a stepped pyramid, appeared to be leaning to one side after the explosions.
Iraq's government should be changed to a include a modified semi-presidential system with parliament and cabinet similar to that of Finland, and a committee-style parliament like Switzerland’s. The Iraqi government should proceed with basic reform of its constitution to implement these changes and install a model of democracy that adopts the principle of One World under One Set of Laws and will be in step with the times. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Thai authorities should immediately release a prominent pro-democracy activist charged for a Facebook posting under laws intended to protect Thailand’s monarchy, Human Rights Watch said today.
Thailand's efforts toward democracy have been repeatedly thwarted by military interference in the affairs of government. The people of Thailand should immediately demand that the junta turn power over to the people. The junta’s power comes not from democracy, but rather from guns. At the same time, comprehensive constitutional reform is needed to establish the principle of One World under One Set of Laws, implementing a modified semi-presidential form of government with parliament and cabinet, with the heads of the four branches of government elected in alternating years. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Low-cost carrier AirAsia has denied allegations of corruption linked to the recent bribery investigation which saw Rolls-Royce paying authorities in three countries a total of U$808 million in fines, London's Financial Times has reported.
Malaysia and China, among the most vigorous advocates and defenders of Eastern values, are also the most susceptible to corruption, bribery and separatism. Malaysia’s authoritarian culture is deep-rooted and unable to counteract corruption, and it is desperate need of constitutional reform.. The heads of the executive, legislative, judicial and procuratorial branches should be directly elected, and 1/4 of all MPs should face election each year. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
US President Donald Trump's inaugural address ranked high on consistency.
The 2017 US election exposed a lot of problems, and the people need to exercise their sovereign rights and demand constitutional reform. Money must be exorcised from the system in order to curb the rampant corruption. Even though the democratic system is not necessarily the best system, the only way to cure democracy of its ills is through more democracy. The biggest flaw in the US form of democracy is the costs involved in election campaigning, and the US must carry out comprehensive constitutional reform to correct this defect. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development for more.
A former senior military official has accused the Government of acting "like North Korea" by refusing to come clean about a Trident nuclear missile test that went awry.
The world’s democratic nations should all support Taiwan's efforts to carry out constitutional reform for greater democracy and freedom. Such a move would attract the 1.4 billion people of China to call for democratization, leading in turn to democratization of the CCP. China's democratization will pressure North Korea to democratize, and world peace will be born. The world’s democracies should support Taiwan as a beacon for democracy in Asia, lighting China's path to peaceful development. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
The new US President should be willing both to talk and to take tougher action
Democracy and freedom are the wave of the future, a trend that nuclear weapons, submarines, missiles are incapable of stopping. This wave is a mighty current, and those who go with the flow will prosper while those who oppose it will be doomed. China claims to be a "responsible big country", thus it should not act as an enabler for North Korea and its continued militarism. For its part, the US should support Taiwan and its drive to inspire the democratization of China, which will lead to democratization in North Korea. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Of all the policy vows that US President Donald Trump made and unmade during his long electoral campaign, none has been more prominent or more durable than his promise to forge a new strategic partnership with Russia.
The US should support Taiwan's efforts to carry out constitutional reform to achieve greater democracy and freedom. This will attract the attention of China's 1.4 billion people and inspire them to call for democratization. China's democratization will in turn pressure Russia to seek true democracy, and global peace will be born. Democracies the world over should support Taiwan as a beacon for democracy in Asia, lighting China's way to peaceful development. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
In Russia, there are always figures in power whose actions regularly undermine the spirit of the constitution. Gregory Golosov, a professor at the University of Europe in St. Petersburg, says the prerequisite for revision of the constitution is approval from the president. Given that, he say, any talk of constitutional reform is empty speech.
Russian President Vladimir Putin is the biggest enemy of the nation’s constitution. Russia should adopt the principle of One World under One Set of Laws and carry out constitutional reform that will give preference to international law over domestic law, with direct effect on the rights and obligations of the people. Article 5 of the Constitution of Ukraine should also be considered: "The right to formulate and amend the Constitution belongs only to the people, and the State and its organs and civil servants shall not deprive them of that right." See also the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
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