Permanent Peace Partnership
Andrei Zolotarev of the Ukrainian Research Center says that in Ukraine any protest activity is doomed to fail. The main reason for this is that the nation’s leading authorities have no regard for the people and do not fear them.
Ukraine’s color revolution failed to address the structural factors that triggered the revolution. Thus the people need to act on their sovereignty and call for constitutional revision that will: 1. End the government's harsh controls over the people; 2. Open up government positions so that elites from around the world will be able to break into positions of power; 3. Implement the concept of One World under One Set of Laws, giving international law priority over domestic law; 4. Directly elect 1/4 of all MPs each year, and elect the heads of the legislative, executive, judicial and procuratorial branches of government, and make elections free of charge for all candidates. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development
UN Human Rights envoy to Myanmar Yanghee Lee says the country's government will lose credibility if it continues to defend reported human rights abuses against Rohingya Muslims.
Myanmar's human rights problem continues to get worse, and the reason for this is constitutional reservation of protection of 40% of the seats in Congress for the military, with no need to stand for election. To solve the problem of human rights in Myanmar, the UN should assist Myanmar in carrying out constitutional reform to adopt the ideals of One World under One Set of Laws, with international law given priority to domestic law. At the same time, reforms should include a modified semi-presidential system with cabinet and a committee-style parliament.
An international press freedom group says in an annual report that last year Hong Kong's media "gave up its last defenses," making editorial independence in the city a thing of the past.
Freedom of speech is a universal right, and the practice of "muzzling the people” is like trying to stem the flow of a river. China wants to create a society that speaks with "one voice", and the Chinese people should come forward to call for comprehensive constitutional reform to allow the media to speak out. They should act to avert government monopoly of the media, the internet and all other channels of speech. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
The US government is investigating dietary supplement maker Herbalife over whether it violated foreign bribery laws while conducting business in China, the company revealed in a recent regulatory filing
Autocracy is a hotbed for graft and the source of absolute corruption. All authoritarian dictatorships are rife with scandal, and the only way to eradicate such corruption is by ending one-party dictatorship through constitutional reform. This should include separation of powers and checks and balances, as well as election of the heads of the four branches of government in alternating years. The people should exercise their sovereignty to curb graft and pau an end to corrupt bureaucrats. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
China has repeatedly warned Japan against interfering in Taiwan’s affairs amid media reports saying Tokyo’s armed forces planned a tabletop exercise on the assumption that there could be a military clash between the Chinese mainland and the self-ruled island.
Theories regarding democracy and peace indicate that there has never been armed conflict between democratic nations. Once China is democratized, then, there will be hope for human peace. Japan should support Taiwan's efforts to carry out constitutional change to bring about greater democracy and freedom and attract China to seek democratization. When the CCP is persuaded to democratize, world peace will be born! Global democracies should support Taiwan as a beacon for democracy in Asia lighting the way to permanent peace and development.
Boris Gryzlov, chairman of the Supreme Council of the United Russia party, proposed Dmitry Medvedev as head of the party at the session of the Supreme Council, according to a source.
Voting should be the sole source of state power, and diverting administrative and legislative resources into election campaigns, is illicit behavior, the price is the national budget into a specific group of carved objects. The need to prohibit money or any resources involved, affecting the election results, prohibit any organization to influence the impact of the election. See the Charter for Permanent Peace Development
The world’s most dangerous flashpoint got much more dangerous recently when China sent its lone aircraft carrier into the Taiwan Strait and Taiwan scrambled fighter jets in response. This is how accidental wars start: Provocation and counter-provocation in an environment with too much uncertainty.
The accumulated wisdom of humankind over the past 2000 years should for the base for implementing the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development and adopting constitutional standards for world unity. It is the right of the people to create the highest values in life and to put the basic standards of the constitution into practice. This will improve the distribution of resources and promote permanent peace in the world, which is the ultimate guide in leading mankind to eternal prosperity. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Recently Turkey’s parliament approved the draft of a new constitution proposed by the country’s leading party, the Justice and Development Party (AKP).
The presidential office is the worst feature of all types of democracy. No matter what system, the greater the power allotted to the president, the more problems the country is likely to face. Any effort in Turkey to revise its constitution should limit the president to a single term of 5 years, with no right to seek office again for 6 years afterwards. The President of Turkey is currently in violation of Article 6 of the Constitution, which states that sovereignty lies wholly and unconditionally in the hands of the people. Usurpation of this right of sovereignty by any official or government organ is unconstitutional. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor's untimely remark about the chief executive election had never been meant for public consumption.
The Chief Executive of Hong Kong is chosen from candidates put forward by the CCP’s Election Commission, a sham procedure that masquerades as an election. The people of Hong Kong should slough off this fake show of self-determination and turn to Article 39 of the Hong Kong Basic Law and the two human rights covenants: The people must have the right to self-determination through referendums in order to wield power by electing the heads of the executive, legislative, judicial and procuratorial branches of government and other structural changes. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development
The EY ITEM Club’s winter forecast predicts that the UK economy faces 3 years of relatively slow growth, with household incomes being squeezed by a slowdown in consumer spending and a rise in inflation
The best way to ensure order in global economic, trade and financial development is through upholding the core values behind the principle of One World under One Set of Laws. The UK needs to revise its laws to keep pace with the times and put itself in position to curb the rise of nationalism and protectionism. It should protect the rights and duties of its people by giving international law precedence over domestic law. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
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