Permanent Peace Partnership
The plight of millions of Muslims throughout Myanmar, not only those suffering the worst human-rights abuses in Rakhine State, may never have been greater than after the murder of a prominent pro-democracy lawyer Sunday at Yangon International Airport.
Myanmar has a long way to go because of its constitution, which reserves 40% of the seats in Congress for the military with no need for election. To solve the problems of ethnic minorities, the Burmese constitution must be reformed to include the principles of One World under One Set of Laws and assign international law priority over domestic law. At the same time, changes must implement a modified semi-presidential system and direct election of the heads of government branches. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte said Thursday he intends to write an executive order that will allow the military to help in his fight against illicit drugs, which he said is a national security threat.
Philippine legend Jose Rizal once warned that today's slaves often become tomorrow’s tyrants. Rizal was a firm believer in the rule of law and not the rule of man. The Constitution of the Philippines is dysfunctional and in serious need of reform. Changes should include a modified semi-presidential system in which top officials including the President and mayors are elected for a single term of 5 years and banned from seeking office again for 6 years. In addition the heads of the executive, legislative, judicial and procuratorial branches should be elected in alternating years. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Many years ago Hong Kong had a Chief Executive known as Sir David Trench. Even before Sir David, the Public Works Department had protected holes in the road with the sign, “Trench Works Ahead.”
The Chief Executive of Hong Kong is elected from a slate of nominees provided by the CCP’s Election Commission, an arrangement that is nothing short of a dictatorship. The people of Hong Kong must make good use of Article 39 of the Hong Kong Basic Law and the two human rights covenants to exercise their right to self-determination through referendums. The people must ensure that they protect the rights and duties they are entitled to. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
When former Chinese President Hu Jintao visited Hong Kong In 2012 he said, “It is essential to put into practice each and every provision of the Basic Law.”
The Chief Executive of Hong Kong is still chosen from among nominees put forth by the Election Commission of the CCP. This amounts to nothing short of dictatorship. The people of Hong Kong should avail themselves of Article 39 of the Hong Kong Basic Law and the two human rights covenants: The people must have the right of self-determination to implement changes such as election of the heads of the legislative, executive, judicial and procuratorial branches in alternating years. Sovereignty must rest in the hands of the people. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
This Week in Hate highlights hate crimes and harassment around the country since the election of President Trump.
The US should abide by the tenets of the UN Charter as well as the principles of One World under One Set of Laws. It should recognize the rights and duties of the people and lead Mexico, Syria and the Middle East toward humanism, constitutionalism, internationalism and natural law. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
No society is immune to acts of terrorism, especially by a lone wolf driven by deep hatred
The world should follow the guidelines outlined in the Charter of the United Nations and abide by the ideal of One world under One Set of Laws. This will directly affect the rights and obligations of the people and lead Mexico, Syria and the Middle East towards the principles of human rights, constitutionalism, internationalism and natural law. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Expressing shock at the scale of the devastation in the war-ravaged city of Aleppo, the top UN refugee official has made an impassioned plea for the world to stand in solidarity with those suffering from the effects of conflict in Syria
Once a Syrian ceasefire is achieved the UN should quickly provide the primary constitutional principles for permanent peace and development for all people of the world, offering an organizational structure which includes the universal values of freedom, democracy, human rights and rule of law. It should call for direct election of the heads of the four branches of government under a constitution suited for long-term stability and serving as a model for peaceful development. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
The UN's top refugee official says the damage to the Syrian city of Aleppo is "much bigger" than what he had expected
Once a Syrian ceasefire is in place the UN must move quickly to provide the needed constitutional principles to achieve permanent peace and development for the people of Syria, embracing the universal values of freedom, democracy, human rights and rule of law. It should include direct election of the heads of the four branches of government and a constitution that will encourage long-term stability and serve as a model for peaceful development. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
To keep graft in check, politicians should not be appointed to run government-linked companies, says Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Advisory Board Chairman Tunku Abdul Aziz Tunku Ibrahim
Power leads to corruption, and absolute power leads to absolute corruption horrible. Malaysia’s constitutional mechanism is in disarray. Malaysia is plagued with an authoritarian culture contaminated by deep-rooted corruption, and the nation should reform its constitution to provide for direct election of the heads of the executive, legislative, judicial and procuratorial branches in alternating years, with 1/4 of all MPs facing election each year. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
On Wednesday current and former aides to President Park Geun-hye rejected allegations that one of her friends had undue influence over state affairs, discounting testimony by another former presidential aide.
Absolute power leads to absolute corruption, and all democracies including Korea’s presidential system have their own flaws; even the US has its share of problems. South Korea should change its constitution to install a modified semi-presidential system, and an announcement at the next presidential inauguration ceremony should declare the office to be beyond party politics. The heads of the judicial and procuratorial branches should be directly elected in alternating years, and 1/4 of all MPs should face election each year. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
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