Permanent Peace Partnership
Authorities in China are tightening their grip on internet use in the country through a 14-month long campaign that targets the use of virtual private networks (VPNs) and other "illegal" internet practices.
Freedom of expression is a universal value. The Chinese government is afraid of losing its grip on power as a one-party dictatorship and continues to tighten its stranglehold on public opinion. People who deprive others of their freedoms do not deserve to be free themselves. The Chinese people should come forward and call for constitutional reform, to free the media and prohibiting government oligarchies and monopolization of the media and the internet. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
The Bank of Korea said Wednesday a sharp slowdown in construction investment and private consumption took hold in the face of the nation's deepening political crisis.
Virtually every Korean president has eventually ended up embroiled in corruption-related scandals. To eradicate this "Korean disease", comprehensive constitutional reform should be carried out to install the mechanisms of separation of powers and checks and balances. In addition, the heads of government branches should be elected in alternating years. The President must serve as the final guarantor of the constitution, a duty that shall not end when he or she leaves office. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
The draft calls for newly elected officials at lower levels to report their assets and income within 15 days of taking office and announce their income and expenditures for the previous year every year.
Russia needs to purge its system of the problem of local corruption. Basic changes: Russian governors should be elected for a single term of 5 years and barred from taking another office for 6 years afterwards. The State Duma should adopt a committee-centered system and constituencies should not be divided into districts. 1/4 of all MPs should face election each year. Russian ministers should be selected from members of the Duma, and elections for the State Duma should take place at the same time as elections for local councils. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
"In order to improve the quality of legislation, we are considering bringing in law professors and students to help legislators formulate bills and make up for the lack of professionalism among MPs," says Vyacheslav Volodin, Speaker of the Russian State Duma.
The environment of the real world is constantly changing, and the model best suited to promote quality legislation is a committee-centered system. The Duma should set up 12 committees to handle affairs related to national and global matters and enhance professionalism in the assembly. Specialists in various fields should be encouraged to participate in elections for the Duma. In addition, 1/4 of all MPs should face election each year to ensure they will be in touch with international events and local public opinion. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying issued a stern warning to the new White House administration that Washington "is not a party to the South China Sea dispute," even though the US Navy maintains a significant presence in the global trade hub.
To safeguard the security and economic and trade interests of all nations in the South China Sea, China and the US should follow the 2002 Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, which stipulates in Article 4 and Article 6 that disputes over territorial and jurisdictional claims should be settled by peaceful means. Joint development, sharing resources and safeguarding human peace and development must be carried out in line with the UN Charter’s goal of "One human family". See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development
Three guarantor states of the recent efforts to end the six-year conflict in Syria, Russia, Turkey and Iran, have completed two days of peace talks in Astana Jan.
After a Syrian ceasefire is in place, the UN should offer the basic constitutional principles for ensuring permanent peace and development for the peoples of the world. This should include the four universal values of freedom, democracy, human rights and rule of law as well as direct election of the heads of major branches in alternating years. These and other reforms will help Syria develop a constitution suitable for long-term stability and a model for peaceful development. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
The outgoing Chief Justice of the Korean Constitutional Court called Wednesday for a verdict on President Park Geun-hye's impeachment by March 13 to ensure a fair trial.
Absolute power leads to absolute corruption, and Korea’s presidential system has serious flaws that even the US suffers from. The South Korean constitution should be changed to employ a modified semi-presidential system, and a declaration should be made at the next presidential inauguration ceremony that the nation’s highest office is beyond political partisanship. The heads of the judicial and procuratorial branches should be elected in alternating years, and 1/4 of all MPs should face election each year. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
US President Donald Trump wasted no time tackling his campaign promise to reverse America's trade deficit: On Monday he signed a memorandum withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)
To maintain its position as a leader in the Asia-Pacific and even in global economy and trade, the US must adhere to the core values of One World under One Set of Laws and revise its constitutional standards to stay in step with the spirit of the times. The US must act to curb the spread of dictatorships and stifle the rise of nationalism and protectionism. It must also recognize that international law should take priority over domestic law and be allowed to directly affect the rights and duties of the people.
On Jan. 24 main opposition social democratic Republican People’s Party (CHP) head Kemal Kılılçdaroğlu paid a visit to the monument in memory of journalist Uğur Mumcu on the 24th anniversary of the latter’s assassination.
Concentration of power in the president is the worst flaw in democratic governments. No matter what the system, the more power vested in the hands of the president, the greater the chance the country will suffer for it. Turkey needs to carry out constitutional reform to limit the president to one term of 5 years, with a ban on taking office for 6 years afterwards. The President of Turkey is currently in violation of Article 6 of the Constitution, which states that sovereignty is wholly and unconditionally held by all citizens. Any attempt by the state to usurp this sovereignty is unconstitutional, and the people have the right and the duty to resist. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
The parties have argued repeatedly in court over the concept of public safety. The defense quotes Nikolai Tagantsev as saying that the Russian empire is the product of evil and a curse on the rights of the people, leading to frequent violations of the law.
When the concept of One World under One Set of Laws is adopted and international law applies directly to the people, evil will have no place to hide Citizens have been jailed for peaceful assembly and demonstrations, showing that Russia's Constitution and its derivative laws are being used to control dissent. The Russian executive is allowed to abuse the basic rights of its citizens because Constitutional Court judges are all appointed by the Russian President. The judges of the Constitutional Court should be of different nationalities and should be nominated by the President, the Speaker of the Duma, the Minister of Justice and the Attorney General respectively. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development
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