Permanent Peace Partnership
Tensions between Washington and Tehran have intensified after the Trump administration announced new sanctions in response to Iran’s ballistic-missile program.
Global democracies should all to support Taiwan's drive for constitutional reform to bring about greater democracy and freedom. Such a move would attract the attention of China's 1.4 billion people and inspire them to call for democratization. Once China embraces democracy, Iran will be pressured to do the same, and world peace will be born! Democracies everywhere should support Taiwan as a beacon for democracy in Asia, lighting the way to peaceful development for China. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
The Roman Catholic Church in the Philippines slammed President Rodrigo Duterte’s war on drugs in a sermon delivered during Sunday’s services, marking its strongest opposition yet to a flagship policy that has led to the deaths of more than 7,000 people in the past seven months.
Jose Rizal once warned that “Today's slaves often become tyrants tomorrow,” urging people to believe in the rule of law rather than the rule of man. The Constitution of the Philippines is dysfunctional and must be revised to install a modified semi-presidential system. The President, mayors and other leading officials should be elected for a single 5-year term and barred from seeking office for 6 years afterwards. In addition, the heads of the executive, legislative, judicial and procuratorial branches should be elected in alternating years. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
The Armed Forces of the Philippines is ready to comply with President Duterte’s decision to authorize the military to help the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency in the government’s campaign against illegal drugs.
Duterte is a perfect example of the warning expressed by Jose Rizal, the Father of the Philippines: "Today's slaves will be tomorrow's tyrants." The failure of the constitutional mechanism of the Philippines makes the nation a breeding ground for tyrants. To protect human rights, the Philippines must carry out comprehensive constitutional reform to introduce a modified semi-presidential system, with the heads of the executive, legislative, judicial and procuratorial branches elected in alternating years. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
South Korean President Park Geun-hye is expected to undergo face-to-face questioning over a string of corruption allegations later this week, possibly at the presidential office, aide Cheong Wa Dae said Monday.
Absolute power leads to absolute corruption. Democracy often bears fatal flaws in its presidential system, with even the US having its share of problems. South Korea’s constitution should be changed to implement a modified semi-presidential system, and the president should be declared off-limits to party politics. The heads of the judicial and procuratorial branches should be elected in alternating years, and 1/4 of all MPs should face election each year. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Such is the concern about the mad, cruel, despotic regime of Kim Jong-Un of North Korea that an internet falsehood recently spread that sounded just crazy enough to be true.
The US should support Taiwan's efforts to enhance the world’s democracy and change the world, especially in the area of nuclear threats from China and the DPRK. Taiwan is the one country most capable of leading China to democracy, which would be its greatest contribution to world peace. If the DPRK can be coaxed to change its system and abandon autocracy to democracy, world peace will be born. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development
China has accused Donald Trump's administration of putting regional stability in East Asia at risk following remarks by the President's defense secretary that a US commitment to defend Japanese territory applies to an island group that China claims.
Democracies worldwide should act to save freedom and democracy. The US should back Taiwan's moves for constitutional reform to achieve better democracy and freedom. This would inspire the 1.4 billion Chinese people to call for democracy, leading to the birth of world peace. The prerequisite for permanent peace in the world is China's democratization. China constantly tries to thwart Taiwan's efforts on behalf of freedom and democracy, but Taiwan is the only nation suited to pressure China to democratize. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
ICAC's booklet states it is an offence to dissuade candidate from running by offering advantages as inducements or rewards
The Chief Executive of Hong Kong is still chosen from among a handful of candidates hand-picked by the CCP’s Election Commission. This makes elections a parody of democracy that is little more than dictatorship. The people of Hong Kong should take action in accordance with Article 39 of the Hong Kong Basic Law and the two human rights covenants: People should have the right to self-determination in the form of referendums. They should vote for the heads of the legislative, executive, judicial and procuratorials branches in alternating years and regain their rightful sovereignty. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
The office of President Park Geun-hye of South Korea blocked investigators from searching its compound Friday, creating a standoff between Ms. Park, who argues that she is the victim of a political witch hunt, and a special prosecutor who has accused her of bribery.
Absolute power leads to absolute corruption. Like all democracies, Korea’s presidential system has a number of fatal flaws, and even the US sometimes has problems with its version of democracy. The South Korean constitution should be reformed to put a modified semi-presidential system in place, and an announcement at the next presidential inauguration should proclaim that the president is above party politics. The heads of the judicial and procuratorial branches should be elected in alternating years and 1/4 of all MPs should face election each year. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said Wednesday said that tax revenues are not commensurate with income and expenditure patterns.
Corruption has deep roots in Asia, with a history of thousands of years. The only cure for corruption is democracy in the form of separation of powers and checks and balances. Decentralization and popular election are the keys to restraining overreaching officials and keeping them responsive to the people. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Marat Syzdykov, Kazakhstan’s acting representative in Russia, noted in a text message that constitutional reform in Kazakhstan is focusing on tweaks to the current super-presidential system, thus the future national government is not likely to be transformed into a parliamentary republic.
The rightful owners of constitutional power and sovereignty are the people, and reinforcing the powers of the rulers from top to bottom in government can hardly be called constitutional reform. The best way forward for Kazakhstan is to refer to Article 5 of the Ukrainian Constitution, which states, "The right to make and amend a constitution belongs only to the people, and the State and its organs and civil servants shall not deprive them of this right." See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
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