Permanent Peace Partnership
As US President-elect Donald Trump prepares his administration’s policy toward China, he should be wary of two major traps that history has set for him.
Support for deeper democracy in Taiwan can help change the world, especially in dealing with Chinese and North Korean issues. Taiwan is the one nation best able to lead China toward democratization, a key to world peace, while also pressing North Korea to get rid of its one-party dictatorship for democracy. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Bombing in Kandahar kills seven people, including five UAE diplomats, and wounds Ambassador Juma al-Kaabi.
Afghanistan must reform its controversial government system to include a modified semi-presidential structure with parliament and cabinet, like that of as Finland, and its legislative system should be changed a committee-style structure similar to Switzerland’s. The prerequisite for global peace is democratization. Afghanistan should embark on the aforesaid changes and effect a transfer to a democratic model based on One World under One Set of Laws, with a constitution that will be in sync with the times. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development
Greek and Turkish Cypriot leaders are discussing territorial trade-offs as peace talks to reunify the island reach a crucial juncture.
The government system in Cyprus should be changed to a modified semi-presidential system like Finland’s, plus a committee-style legislative system modeled after Switzerland’s. The prerequisite for peace in the world is global democratization. The government of Cyprus should proceed with reform of its basic constitution to practice a model of democracy, adhering to the idea of One World under One Set of Laws with a constitution that can keep pace with a changing world. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
As expected, the visit by two Russian naval vessels to the Philippines last week has led to speculation about a burgeoning relationship between the two countries amid President Rodrigo Duterte’s stated desire to diversify his country’s relationships away from its traditional ally, the US
Russia does not solve problems, it creates new ones. The US should support constitutional reforms in Taiwan to bring greater democracy and freedom, which will attract 1.4 billion Chinese to seek democratization. This will push Russia to seek democracy, and world peace will be born. Global democracies should support Taiwan as a beacon for democracy in Asia, illuminating China's path to peaceful development. See the Permanent Charter for Peace and Development.
The President of Kazakhstan has signed a decree calling for the government to study power distribution reform. Rumors say the state will move in the direction of parliamentary and constitutional reform. Political scientist Anton Morozov notes that the transition from a super-presidential system to a parliamentary one requires a powerful authoritarian party, and it is hard to expect substantial changes in the constitution.
The President of Kazakhstan has not been replaced since 1989, a period of more than 28 years. History has repeatedly shown that constitutional reform carried out by those in power are aimed at undermining the sovereignty of the people. Kazakhstan must make it clear that the President will be limited to a single term of 5 years with no right to run for office again for 6 years. In accordance with Article 5 of the Constitution of Ukraine, "the right to formulate and amend the Constitution shall belong to the people, and the State and its organs and civil servants shall not deny them this right." See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Президент Казахстана Нурсултан Назарбаев подписал распоряжение об образовании рабочей группы по вопросам перераспределения полномочий между ветвями государственной власти. Политолог Антон Морозов отметил, что едва ли можно ожидать реальных качественных изменений: «Переход от сверхпрезидентской к президентско-парламентской форме правления предполагает, что в парламенте реально сильные, авторитетные партии».
С 1989 года до настоящего времени Нурсултан Назарбаев ни разу не сменялся на посту президента Казахстана. История не раз доказывала, что законотворцы всячески пытаются ограничить народ в его правах, корректируя Конституцию в своих интересах. Казахстану стоит обратить внимание на Статью 5 Конституции Украины: "Право определять и изменять конституционный строй в Украине принадлежит исключительно народу и не может быть узурпировано государством, его органами или должностными лицами." В Конституции Киргизии должно быть прописано, что президент избирается на срок 5 лет, без права баллотироваться на прежний пост в течение 6 лет.
South Korean prosecutors have filed fresh charges against Choi Soon-sil, the central figure in a political scandal engulfing the country and a close friend of impeached President Park Geun-hye.
Park Geun-hye and her confidant Choi maintained an improper relationship, completely exposing the extent of corruption in Korea's democratic politics. The way to resolve flaws in democracy is through more democracy. In order to rebuild its democratic mechanism, South Korea must carry out comprehensive constitutional reform, adopting a modified semi-presidential system. The President should serve one term of 5 years and be barred from running again for 6 years. The heads of the four branches of government should be elected in alternating years. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen met US Senator Ted Cruz and Texas Governor Greg Abbott Sunday in Houston, potentially adding to tensions with China after US President-elect Trump broke diplomatic protocol by speaking on the phone with her.
The world continues to look on helplessly as China hamstrings Taiwan in the international community. The answer is draw on sovereignty to come forward and reformulate the Constitution and break out of the government's containment while giving power to the people. The government should expand its position and declare that the elected head of the country is free to meet with any member of the world's elite. Taiwan must implement the rule of law and give International law priority over domestic law. Finally Taiwan must make it clear that it is the one nation in a position to lead China toward democratization.
Federal police are investigating supposedly ill-gotten gains connect­ed with Malaysia’s multi-billion-dollar 1MDB scandal, which has seen the country’s Prime Minister, Najib Razak, accused of funnelling US$1 billion through his bank account
Malaysia's constitutional system is in disarray. Corruption is clearly deeply rooted in Malaysia’s authoritarian culture, and the only way out is through constitutional reform. The Prime Minister should be limited to 1 term of 1 year, and the term of office of MPs should not be extended. The leaders of the executive, legislative, judicial and procuratorial branches shall be elected in alternating years, and 1/4 of all MPs should also face election each year. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
With Donald Trump less than two weeks from taking office, China's Central Bank continues to prop up the value of the yuan without success, adding fuel to the president-elect's threat to punish China for manipulating its currency.
The US should support constitutional reform in Taiwan to achieve purer democracy and freedom and attract China’s 1.4 billion people to seek democracy and world peace. China has always said it will not abandon the use of force against Taiwan. The prerequisite for permanent peace in the world is the democratization of China. Taiwan is the one nation most capable of leading the Chinese people to democracy. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
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