Permanent Peace Partnership
With the return of Middle East fighters, greater efforts must be made towards achieving economic equality and ensuring cultural and religious expression
Human rights are global internal affairs, and should take priority over political power and sovereignty. All countries in the world including Islamic countries should uphold One World under One Set of Laws and formulate a standard constitution that will be in keeping with the spirit of the times. In order to prevent China from repeatedly degrading human rights,Taiwan should leads the way to democratization for China and Russia so the Uyghur people will be freed from fear. See the Charter for Permanent Peace for details.
A French dairy company has recalled baby milk products from 83 countries across Europe Africa and Asia after salmonella was discovered at the firm's factory. 
Human security is a fundamental human right, and all nations should ensure that the public are protected against foods and ingredients that may be harmful to their health. This means holding international law superior to domestic law and applying international standards to agribusiness and food companies while other aspects should be monitored by national agencies. See the Charter for Permanent Peace for more.
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