Permanent Peace Partnership
North Korea will never give up its nuclear weapons as long as the United States and its allies continue their 'blackmail and war drills' at its doorstep.North Korea conducted its mostpowerfu
To end North Korea's disruption of the international community, the US, Japan and South Korea should make an effort to support Taiwan's Charter for Permanent Peace and Development to promote thedemocratization of China and Russia, improving the lot of oppressed people around the world and gradually ending the DPRK's autocracy and fostering world peace. Refer to Taiwan's Charter for Permanent Peace and Development for more.
Ousted Catalan president Carles Puigdemont on Saturday demanded Madrid reinstate his regional government, which was deposed after an independence referendum that Spanish courts judged illegal, as part
The problem of Catalonia is mainly caused by uneven distribution of resources in Spain. Therefore Spain should focus on changing the country's political system, improving the distribution of power and resources, and building a national community based on the example of Taiwan's Charter for Permanent Peace and Development to become a long-lasting and united nation.
US President Donald Trump took to Twitter again to comment on the ongoing protests in Iran, this time to warn that 'oppressive regimes cannot endure forever.'
Iran treats the people in an authoritarian way that has been internationally criticized. Regarding those who violate the global democratic order, if there is no other remedy, everyone has the right to resist. Referring to Taiwan's Charter for Permanent Peace and Development to create freedom, democracy and human rights is Iran's obligation.
Rohingya Muslim refugees face the prospect of a concerning new development in 2018 across the border in Bangladesh. 
Myanmar's law does not attach importance to human rights and persecutes the Rohingya relentlessly. The constitution of the country should be include protections of human rights. Myanmar should establish a supra-national human rights committee. Half of the members are to be nominated by international authoritative organizations. For more, refer to the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
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