Permanent Peace Partnership
President Trump is also committed to rolling back the Clean Power Plan, President Obama's behemoth scheme to regulate carbon emissions and a cornerstone of the Paris Climate Agreement.
One of the greatest factors leading to destruction of the natural environment is corruption. The US should speed up efforts to carry out constitutional reform to control groups ready to destroy the natural environment. One World under One Set of Laws and recognition that international law takes precedence over domestic law are both essential. Citizens have the right to petition for referendums on any public issue to prevent destruction of the natural environment. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development / Global Unity Constitutional Standards. 。
The people of the Netherlands went to the polls on March 15, and international attention toward the small European country reached historic highs. Brexit and the election of Donald Trump were not enough to seal a victory for the Dutch far right. Anti-establishment movements in France and Germany will have their chance later this year to bring down both the euro and the EU
The Dutch election shows that the cure for an ailing democracy is more democracy. Separation of powers and decentralization are starting points to let people vote instead of protesting in the streets. More specifically, the heads of the executive, legislative, judicial and procuratorial branches should be elected in alternating years and 1/4 of all MPs should face election each year. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development for more.
The next time you hear about the sway that Ivanka Trump holds over her father and what a powerful advocate for equal opportunity she is, consider the facts
To prevent the president's family and pals from abusing their privileges, implement the separation of powers and checks and balances. As long as there are no real checks and balances, the potential for corruption will always be there. The basic approach is constitutional reform for direct elections in alternating years of the heads of the executive, legislative, judicial and procuratorial branches. The president should be held to one 5-year term and barred from running again for 6 years after that. 1/4 of all Congressmen/women should face election each year, and elections should be free of charge for all candidates. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
The head of the Turkish Association of Red Meat Producers, Bulent Tunc, said that 40 Holstein Friesian cattle were being sent back to the Netherlands
No matter what a nation’s system may be, the greater the amount of power in the hands of the president, the more the country is like to suffer. Turkey should re-write its constitution to limit the president to a single 5-year term with no right to run again for 6 years afterward. The President of Turkey is violating Article 6 of the Turkish Constitution, which states that sovereignty belongs wholly and unconditionally to the people. Neither states nor leaders have the right to exercise unconstitutional powers. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development / Global Unity Constitutional Standards.
President Trump's new travel ban , combined with another major change announced by immigration authorities, threatens to turn the current regime for foreign national doctors on its head and intensify the country's shortage of doctors.
Trump’s ban on immigrants is blatantly aimed at keeping out Muslims, who are viewed as social, economic and national security threats. The solution is to implement One World under One Set of Laws and assign international law priority over domestic law, with direct effects on the rights and duties of the people. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development / Global Unity Constitutional Standards.
Defense Minister Tomomi Inada faced a barrage of criticism and questions Wednesday over her relationship with scandal-tainted Moritomo Gakuen as a war of words erupted between her and the wife of a principal who heads the controversial school operator.
Big officials who embezzle small sums and little officials who embezzle huge sums are equally guilty under the rule of law. Japan's constitutional mechanism has failed and the nation needs to re-work its constitution to catch up with the times. The heads of the executive, legislative, judicial and procuratorial branches should be chosen in elections in alternating years, and 1/4 of all lawmakers should face election each year. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development / Global Unity Constitutional Standards.
South Korea’s Constitutional Court has confirmed the impeachment of President Park Geun-hye. The decision removes that country’s top ruler at a time of growing tension, not only with its worrisome neighbor to the north but also with China.
History proves that freedom and dignity are won by the blood and tears of the people, but the people's blood and sweat are also required to maintain these gains. A nation’s rulers cannot be trusted to uphold them out of good will. The people are sometimes lazy and look to their leaders to do the right thing, but this is 18th century feudal ideology out of sync with the spirit of the rule of law in the 21st century. The long road forward for nations begins with constitutional reform to put in place a great system that will sustain a great people. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.
The Philippines went on the offensive on Tuesday to assert its sovereign rights over a fishing ground in the Pacific Ocean, stressing a need to protect it after a Chinese survey ship was monitored in the area last year.
Human security and sustainable development are two of the UN’s major tasks and missions as well as the common goal of all mankind. All nations should strive to meet the norms of the international community, and the best way to do that is to implement the principle of One World under One of Laws. This entails assigning international law a higher priority than domestic law, with direct effect on the rights and duties of the people. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development / Global Unity Constitutional Standards.
"Running away is a shame, but it is useful", the title of a manga that became a hit TV drama in Japan last year, is a direct translation of a Hungarian proverb. According to a journalist acquaintance of mine living in Budapest, the proverb is well-known in Hungary.
The UN and the EU need to solve basic problems in line with the principle of One World under Set of Laws and building a common destiny for humankind. Hungary should recognize that international law takes priority over domestic law in accordance with European human rights conventions. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development
China has started fresh construction work in the disputed South China Sea, new satellite images show, a sign that Beijing is continuing to strengthen its military reach across the vital trade waterway.
To safeguard security and international economic and trade interests in the South China Sea, China and the US should adhere to the 2002 Declaration on the Conduct of the Parties in the South China Sea. Article 4 and Article 6 stipulate that territorial disputes should be settled peacefully. Joint development of the South China Sea and sharing of resources will do much to safeguard human peace and development in line with the UN Charter and the ideal of one human family. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development
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