The Charter of the United Nations
The Constitution of the Independent State of Papua New Guinea
The Constitution of the Republic of Kiribati
The Constitution of Tuvalu
The Constitution of the Republic of Palau
The Constitution of the Kingdom of Tonga
The Constitution of New Zealand
The Constitution of Solomon Islands
The Constitution of the Republic of the Marshall Islands
The Constitution of the Federated States of Micronesia
The Constitution of the Republic of Fiji
The Constitution of the Republic of Vanuatu
The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia
The Constitution of the Republic of Nauru
The Constitution of the Independent State of Samoa
The Constitution of the Republic of China
The Constitution of the Republic of Turkey
The Constitution of Turkmenistan
The Constitution of the Republic of Korea
The Constitution of the Kingdom of Bhutan
The Constitution of the People's Republic of China
The Constitution of the Kingdom of Bahrain
The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
The Constitution of Japan
The Basic Laws of the State of Israel
The Constitution of the State of Qatar
The Interim Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal
The Constitution of the Republic of Iraq
The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran
The Constitution of the Republic of India
The Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia
The Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic
The Constitution of the Nation of Brunei, the Abode of Peace
The Basic Law of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
The Constitution of the Republic of Armenia
The Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan
The Constitution of the People's Republic of Bangladesh
The Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste
The Constitution of the United Arab Emirates
The Basic law of the Sultanate of Oman
The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan
The Constitution of the Kingdom of Cambodia
The Constitution of the State of Kuwait
The Constitution of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
The Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand
The Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan
The Constitution of Malaysia
The Constitution of the Republic of Maldives
The Constitution of the Syrian Arab Republic
The Constitution of Georgia
The Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
The Socialist Constitution of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea
The Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines
The Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
The Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan
The Constitution of the Republic of Singapore
The Constitution of the Yemeni Republic
The Constitution of Mongolia
The Constitution of the Lao People's Democratic Republic
The Constitution of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar
The Constitution of the Lebanese Republic
The Constitution of the Central African Republic
The Constitution of the State of Eritrea
The Constitution of the Republic of Gabon
The Constitution of the Kingdom of Swaziland
The Constitution of the Republic of Niger
The Constitution of Burkina Faso
The Constitution of the Republic of the Gambia
The Constitution of the Republic of Djibouti
The Constitution of the Togolese Republic
The Constitution of the Republic of Angola
The Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
The Constitution of the State of Libya
The Constitution of the Republic of Benin
The Constitution of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea
The Constitution of the Republic of Zimbabwe
The Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania
The Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria
The Constitution of the Republic of Zambia
The Constitution of the Republic of Botswana
The Constitution of the Republic of Kenya
The Constitution of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa
The Transitional Constitution of the Republic of South Sudan
The Constitution of the Republic of Chad
The Constitution of the Republic of Tunisia
The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania
The Constitution of the Republic of Ghana
The Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Congo
The Constitution of the Republic of Congo
The Constitution of the Arab Republic of Egypt
The Constitution of the Republic of Uganda
The Constitution of the Republic of Namibia
The Constitution of the Federal Republic of Somalia
The Constitution of the Republic of Mali
The Constitution of the Republic of Malawi
The Constitution of the Republic of Madagascar
The Constitution of the Republic of Mozambique
The Constitution of the Republic of Cameroon
The Constitution of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau
The Constitution of the Republic of Guinea
The Constitution of the Republic of Cote d'Ivoire
The Constitution of the Republic of Senegal
The Constitution of the Republic of Seychelles
The Constitution of the Republic of Sierra Leone
The Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe
The Constitution of the Union of the Comoros
The Constitution of the Republic of Cape Verde
The Constitution of the Republic of Burundi
The Constitution of the Kingdom of Morocco
The Constitution of the Republic of Mauritius
The Constitution of the Republic of Rwanda
The Constitution of the Republic of Liberia
The Constitution of the Kingdom of Lesotho
The Interim National Constitution of the Republic of the Sudan
The Constitution of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
The Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador
The Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil
The Constitution of Barbados
The Constitution of the Republic of Paraguay
The Constitution of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas
The Constitution of the Republic of Panama
The Constitution of Jamaica
The Constitution of Canada
The Constitution of the Republic of Cuba
The Constitution of the Republic of Nicaragua
The Constitution of the Republic of Guatemala
The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Dominica
The Constitution of the Dominican Republic
The Constitution of Antigua and Barbuda
The Constitution of the Republic of Honduras
The Constitution of Belize
The Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
The Constitution of the Argentine Republic
The Constitution of the Plurinational State of Bolivia
The Constitution of the United States of America
The Constitution of the Republic of Colombia
The Constitution of the Republic of Costa Rica
The Constitution of Grenada
The Constitution of the Republic of Haiti
The Constitution of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay
The Constitution of the Republic of Peru
The Constitution of the Republic of Chile
The Constitution of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
The Constitution of the Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis
The Constitution of Saint Lucia
The Constitution of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana
The Constitution of the United States of Mexico
The Constitution of the Republic of El Salvador
The Constitution of the Republic of Suriname
The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union
The Constitution of the Kingdom of Denmark
The Constitution of the Kingdom of Belgium
The Constitution of the Republic of Belarus
The Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania
The Constitution of the Republic of Iceland
The Constitution of the Principality of Liechtenstein
The Constitution of Hungary
The Constitution of the Principality of Andorra
The Constitution of the Kingdom of Spain
The Constitution of the Republic of Croatia
The Constitution of the Hellenic Republic
The Constitution of the Republic of Latvia
The Constitution of the French Republic
The Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina
The Constitution of the Republic of Poland
The Constitution of the Republic of Finland
The Constitution of the Republic of Albania
The Constitution of the Russian Federation
The Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria
The Constitution of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
The Constitution of the Kingdom of Norway
The Constitution of Ukraine
The Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia
The Constitution of Malta
The Constitution of the Czech Republic
The Fundamental Law of Vatican City State
The Constitution of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
The Constitution of the Slovak Republic
The Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia
The Constitution of the Republic of Serbia
The Federal Constitutional Law of the Republic of Austria
The Constitution of the Republic of Estonia
The Constitution of Ireland
The Constitution of the Swiss Confederation
The Constitution of the Kingdom of Sweden
The Constitution of the Republic of Italy
The Constitution of the Republic of San Marino
The Constitution of the Portuguese Republic
The Constitution of Montenegro
The Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany
The Constitution of the Principality of Monaco
The Constitution of the Republic of Moldova
The Constitution of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
The Constitution of the Republic of Cyprus
The Constitution of Romania
The Constitution of the State of Nebraska
The Constitution of the State of North Carolina
The Constitution of the State of Illinois
The Constitution of the State of Vermont
The Constitution of the State of Minnesota
The Constitution of the State of Alabama
The Constitution of the State of Oregon
The Constitution of the State of Wisconsin
The Constitution of the State of New York
The Constitution of the State of Michigan
The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
The Constitution of the State of Utah
The Constitution of the State of Iowa
The Constitution of the State of New Mexico
The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Virginia
The Constitution of the State of Texas
The Constitution of the State of Wyoming
The Constitution of the State of Nevada
The Constitution of the State of North Dakota
The Constitution of the State of Indiana
The Constitution of the State of Florida
The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Kentucky
The Constitution of the State of Arkansas
The Constitution of the State of South Carolina
The Constitution of the State of Colorado
The Constitution of the State of Maryland
The Constitution of the State of Missouri
The Constitution of the State of Georgia
The Constitution of the State of Washington
The Constitution of the State of Idaho
The Constitution of the State of New Jersey
The Constitution of the State of Montana
The Constitution of the State of Delaware
The Constitution of the State of Rhode Island
The Constitution of the State of California
The Constitution of the State of Tennessee
The Constitution of the State of West Virginia
The Constitution of the State of Arizona
The Constitution of the State of Alaska
The Constitution of the State of Ohio
The Constitution of the State of South Dakota
The Constitution of the State of Hawaii
The Constitution of the State of Mississippi
The Constitution of the State of Connecticut
The Constitution of the State of Kansas
The Constitution of the State of Oklahoma
The Constitution of the State of New Hampshire
The Constitution of the State of Louisiana
The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
The Constitution of the State of Maine
The District of Columbia Home Rule Act
Verfassung des Landes Baden-Württemberg
Verfassung des Saarlandes
Verfassung des Landes Schleswig-Holstein
Verfassung von Berlin
Verfassung der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg
Niedersächsische Verfassung
Verfassung für das Land Nordrhein-Westfalen
Verfassung des Freistaates Sachsen
Verfassung des Freistaats Thüringen
Verfassung des Landes Brandenburg
Verfassung des Landes Hessen
Verfassung für Rheinland-Pfalz
Verfassung des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt
Verfassung des Freistaates Bayern
Verfassung der Freien Hansestadt Bremen
Verfassung des Landes Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Verfassung des Kantons Zürich
Verfassung des Kantons Uri
Verfassung des Kantons Nidwalden
Verfassung des Kantons Freiburg
Verfassung des Kanton Basel-Landschaft
Verfassung des Kanton Appenzell Innerrhoden
Verfassung des Kantons Aargau
Verfassung des Kantons Waadt
Verfassung der Republik und des Kantons Genf
Verfassung des Kantons Bern
Verfassung des Kantons Schwyz
Verfassung des Kantons Glarus
Verfassung des Kantons Solothurn
Verfassung des Kantons Schaffhausen
Verfassung des Kantons St. Gallen
Verfassung des Kantons Thurgau
Verfassung des Kantons Wallis
Verfassung der Republik und des Kantons Jura
Verfassung des Kantons Luzern
Verfassung des Kantons Obwalden
Verfassung des Kantons Zug
Verfassung des Kantons Basel-Stadt
Verfassung des Kantons Appenzell Ausserrhoden
Verfassung des Kantons Graubünden
Verfassung von Republik und Kanton Tessin
Constitution de la République et Canton de Neuchâtel
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